#i fucking love hark
sidesteppostinghours · 3 months
The Puppets
(picrew used to make this)
this is a masterpost on my main steps puppets and their relationships with them! all of their info under the cut.
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Hark - Caine Lynzal
hark is caines refuge. hes the one they turn to when they need to take a break from their telepathy for a while, or when they need to feel real again. harks snarky, flirty, and sharp. for all his bravado, he gets the job done well. whether or not that makes him more frustrating or less is up to you. he has an eerie sense of intuition, so its difficult to catch him off guard with anything. he has a cordial working relationship with dr mortum, but jake has his eye on him. as for ranger relationships, ortega flirts with him regularly, though chen is never quite so pleased to see him. he truly doesnt know why– a bruise at the back of the head is a much more agreeable outcome than a bullet in the gut, no? its strange to watch him, really. hark and caine are almost(?) different people; where caine prefers to stick to the shadows, hark revels in attention. caine rarely shows emotions, but hark uses them like a weapon. ortega doesnt have a clue that theyre connected. high puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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Argentine - Cyrus Becker
argentine is a tool. nothing more, nothing less. shes a useful asset to help cyrus gather information anonymously, but hes not going to sit here and pretend he cares for her any more than what she can do for him. she goes to meet with hollow ground instead of cyrus, and was stuck being treated in the hospital before dr mortum went to break her out (cyrus had no idea she was getting kidnapped, he was busy regene revealing to ortega while it was happening). she started out flirting with the good doctor in an attempt to manipulate him, but quickly came to realize she enjoyed his company more as a friend. the guilt of lying to him chewed on cyrus until he finally revealed who was behind the mask. dr mortum requested some time, but hasnt cut the chord completely yet. she flirts with jake, and spies on ortega under the guise of being his close friend. low puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices jogging.
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Ace- Cecilia Rider
ace lives lavishly. shes an excuse for cecilia to flaunt her wealth and have her own fun. it allows her to let loose in ways she cant normally indulge in. cecilia also hates being ace. every second she can avoid it, she does. it isnt her, even though they may think and act the same way. the prospect of hiding under the mask ace provides gives her hives. shes no coward, shes willing to face the consequences of her own actions, and she refuses to live her life in somebody elses body. ace is friends with dr mortum and ortega, though shes revealed to mortum. however, she has a strong tension with jake because of her tendency to get into fights whenever hes around. oops. high puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices boxing.
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Eden - Cynthia Garcia
eden is not cynthia. shes soft spoken and mostly reserved, but professional and polite. Technically speaking, the game registers her as a mirror image puppet, but thats not completely true– eden doesnt look like what cynthia does currently, she looks like how cynthia looked back when she was sidestep. sometimes, looking in the mirror gives her vertigo as she tries to remember who (when?) she is. eden avoids mirrors as a result, but she cant deny that this body feels better than her usual one. like shes turned back time. the fact shes dating ortega only exacerbates this (ortega also called eden 'cynthia' which. Ortega. could you please stop dating both at once and giving both(?????) your gfs an identity crisis). mortum considers her a friend, but theyre not very close, and jake couldnt care less about her. low puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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driedlasagna · 3 days
the doctor: no seriously it’s not me i can prove it
the psychic paper:
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
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dark water (2014) / end of days (2007) / jack's captain's log for torchwood 2.06 reset / dialogue - heaven sent / a day in the death (2008) / heaven sent (2015) / dialogue - dead man walking / dialogue - hell bent / dialogue - dead man walking / a day in the death (2008) / hell bent (2015) / dialogue - the waters of mars / dialogue - hell bent / children of earth: day five (2009) / dialogue - dead man walking / dialogue - heaven sent
webweaving: something about the way jack and 12 love
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jestiric · 5 months
in torchwood everyone keeps calling ianto like. teaboy and eye candy and shit but WHAT ABOUT JACK HARKNESS. like ianto consistently contributes to the team and ngl theyd probably fall apart without him. jack stands there looks pretty and makes Dubious Moral Choices, ocassionally. HE is the eye candy. thank you for oming to my tedtalk
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victoryshowers · 4 months
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the doctor + jack harkness
end of days / amy’s choice / last of the timelords / exit wounds / the age of steel / lost souls / day five / hell bent
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aw-shit-my-ulna · 6 months
the urge to rewatch torchwood is battling with the pain of actually rewatching torchwood
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purplehalnw · 2 days
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wren-was-here · 7 months
jack and ianto are simultaneously the definition and the antithesis of slow burn
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rystiel · 9 months
rewatching season 3 for the first time in forever rn and. the doctor and jack make me so sick dude. i feel sooooo unwell about them. like imagine you meet rose and the doctor, these amazing people that you find yourself traveling with and coming to care for, then one day you end up left behind by this man that you trusted, alone and fundamentally changed forever—back from the dead. you wait for over 100 years, searching for him, and when you finally find him you learn that he abandoned you on purpose. that he views you as something wrong, something that he can’t stand to look at. a fixed point, something not meant to exist. this guy that you loved and trusted, telling you all of this right to your face. like that’s crazy
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twingeof-cosmic-angst · 4 months
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jewishgir · 2 months
Lin Manuel Miranda retire bitch.
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knockoff-conlon · 5 months
the fact that half of the doctor's lines to jack are just him telling jack to stop trying to fuck people. just "jack, stop it" every five seconds. it gives me LIFE
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bloom161 · 3 days
So like, are we on the same page that Rogue is what they wanted to do with Captain Jack Harkness in the Empty Child?
Likeeeee literally its the same type of plot except switch out Rose for the Doctor.
Just take the scene on the ship with the psychic paper malfunctioning to say “ur hot”
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skye707 · 11 months
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He's the kind of person that would go to a party just for the free food
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the-diabolic-acid · 1 year
everyday i think about the lost angst potential of rose finding out what she did to jack and i punch a wall
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mwagneto · 22 days
YES i miss jack like crazy NO i don't want him to be recast YES i'll still go bat shit insane if the rogue is actually him but NO i won't be happy about it i contain multitudes
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