#istanbul eats
mothmiso · 8 months
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Istanbul, Turkey (2) (3) by Dzmitry (Dima) Parul
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talipbayram · 26 days
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
went outside today! was quite fun ^^
#we went to the place we've been going to for... about six(?) years now#its either five or six.#they recognize me by now!#my dad had gone there while going back from work and was waiting for us#while me and my mom were going she went into her little yarn store (shes in love with crocheting/knitting) so i went ahead of her.#when i went in they were like ''is your mother not coming?'' which was very flattering account of hehe im recognizable#i had chicken wings! which means i ate like a feral cat that hadn't eaten in two days#the only times i shimmy with joy when eating food is when i eat chicken wings. by god they're so good#only if its made like my favorite little places do it. i've gone to burger king once (1) and i absolutely refuse to try anything chicken#theres many of the mainstream english-speaking-country places in super markets but i will never go there. never#they could never do it like this tiny little place we've been going to for years that have an average of zero customers at any given time.#by god i love that place. hope i get to go there for my entire time in high school#we want to move to yenibosna after im done with high school...#we were actually living there when i was an infant! we had to move due to Landlord apparently.#which happened for most of my life.#honest to god i moved every year when in elementary#which means i got to experience four (4) different elementary schools! quite an experience.#the first one i went to elementary in was all the way over in acıbadem (near other side of istanbul on a metrobus)#ahh reminds me of my best friend in first grade. her name was sümeyye i miss her but at the same time i could not care less#it was fun! it was fun. we sneaked out of the elementary during break time to go to the adjacent primary school we used to go to#reminds me fourth grade! there was a primary school next to that one too#is it called a primary school? its not a kindergarden...#oh! sorry. preschool#what was i saying?#well only god knows i cant read my tags. goodbye forever#♚ — rambling !#oh i should talk about my day!#today in english class the teacher did a .. shoobadoowhatsit. can i stop forgetting words#is it called a verbal quiz? verbal exam? verbal something. you understand#hi i ran out of tags. i'll continue in a reblog
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Eating in Istanbul
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bellasdonna · 8 months
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Congratulations to Istanbul Eats
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gazanarchive · 4 months
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Throughout the last 32 years: My relatives used to call my brother "Bujja" which means the fat child due to my mother's continuous efforts to feed him all the time.. It doesn't matter if you are full or starving.. There is always something you have to eat.. In this photo you can see my mother cutting the meat into smaller pieces to make it more easy to eat and of course to encourage my brother to do so.. Feeding us was always her concern and clearest way to show love and care. With any kind of food you may think of.. From her delicious meals to her famous sweets.. You would always find her working on preparing something for you. Even after the time my brother got married, nothing changed.. She kept her habit and the first usual question when she sees him: Are you hungry? Should I prepare you food?..
Since the last 3 months: With me being in Istanbul and with my mother and brother separation after the bombing of our house.. no one of us knows anything about the other. Yeah, maybe I know until this moment according to the news updates my mother still alive.
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1mhndshnm · 2 years
Çekirdekten Gelen Eşsiz Lezzet: Kahve
Günlük hayatta dünyaca sıkça tükettiğimiz kahvenin ortaya çıkışından yayılmasına kadarki tüm süreçleri sizler için derledik.
Kahve Ağacı
Latince adı Coffea arabica olan kahve; rubiacceae familyasına bağlı olan ve 7-8 m. boyunda bir bitkinin ve bunun tanelerinin adıdır. Tanelerin çekirdek kısmı kavrulup toz haline getirilerek ve sıcak su ile karıştırılarak elde edilen içecek de aynı adla anılır.
Kahve ağacının normal boyu 8-10 metreyi bulsa da üretim teknikleri nedeniyle genellikle 2-3 metreye kadar büyümesine izin verilir. Dikildikten 3-4 yıl sonra meyve vermeye başlar. Meyvelerin olgunlaşması 8-10 ay sürmektedir. Bir kahve ağacının ortalama ömrü 30-40 yıl ile sınırlıdır. Yaprakları sürekli yeşildir. Yetişmesi için tropikal bölge, volkanik zemin, orta derece nem gibi özellikler gerekir. Dona karşı duyarlı bir ağaçtır.
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Meyve ve Çekirdek
Oval yapraklı, küçük beyaz yasemin kokulu çiçekleri meydana gelir. Bu çiçeklerin ömrü sadece birkaç gündür. Fertilize olan (gübrelenen) çiçekten kahve meyvesi gelişir. Bu meyve; 1,5 santimetre çapında, yuvarlak ve başlangıçta yeşil renklidir. Olgunlaştıkça rengi kırmızıya dönüşür. Kalın bir kabuğa sahip bu meyvenin içinde çekirdek vardır. Kahve içeceğinin elde edildiği kısım bu çekirdektir. Çekirdeğin üzerini parşömen adı verilen beyazımsı bir zar kaplar ve bunun altında da gümüş zar adı verilen ikinci bir tabaka bulunur. Hemen her zaman bir meyve iki çekirdek taşır. Çekirdekler yeşil renklidir. Çekirdeklerin rengi kırmızı olunca olgunlaşmış demektir ve bozulmadan toplanması gerekir.
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Yetiştirildiği İklim KuşağıKahvenin yetiştiği iklim koşullarına bakıldığında ise; Kahve, bol yağış alan ve ortalama sıcaklığın 18-24 °C arasında olduğu, don olayının görülmediği iklim kuşağında yetişen bir bitkidir. Soğuğu ve kurak ortamı sevmeyen, bu nedenle ekvatora yakın bölgelerde yetişen bu bitkinin çiçekleri beyaz ve yasemin gibi hoş kokuludur. Ancak toprak cinsi, su oranı, güneşlenme zamanı ve nem gibi etkenler, kahvenin tadında ve kokusunda değişikliklere neden olmaktadır.
Kahvenin Tarihi
8. yy da Habeşistan’da kahvenin kızartılıp ezilerek yağ ve tuz ile yenildiği bilinmektedir. Ancak ilk kez kahveyi kimin içtiğine dair net bir tarihsel kanıt yoktur. 570’li yıllarda ortaya çıktığı sanılan, önce 1470-1500 tarihleri arasında Mekke ve Medine’ye, ardında tüm islam dünyasında hızla yayılan kahvenin geçmişi efsaneler ve hikayeler ile doludur.
En yaygın efsane ise Khaldi adındaki çobana aittir: “Yemen’de Khaldi adında bir çoban Ay ışığında keçi sürülerini güderken, hayvanların bazı yeşil ve sarı meyveleri yediğini görür. O ana kadar uyuklayarak gezen hayvanlarda, bu meyveyi yedikten sonra bir canlılık görünür, oradan oraya zıplayıp durur, hatta mehtapla dans etmeye başlarlar ve herhangi bir yorgunluk belirtisi göstermezler. Bunun üzerine Khaldi de bu yemişleri yer ve kendini dinç hisseder. Bu esrarlı meyvelerden keşişlere söz eder. Çobanla iki keşiş sürünün otladığı yerlere gönderilir ve bilmedikleri çalı türünden birkaç dal koparıp içecek olarak hazırlayarak içerler. Ve onlar da geceyi canlı, neşeli bir ruh hali içinde geçirirler. Belirli saatlerde nöbet tutmayı ve dua etmeyi gerektiren manastır kurallarına uymayı kolaylaştıran bu içecek tüccarların da ilgisini çekmeyi başarmış ve Kahve yayılmaya başlamıştır.”
İkinci efsane ise Şazeliye tarikatının kurucusu Ebu’l-Hasan Şazeli’nin, 1258’de Hacca giderken yolda müridi Şeyh Ahmed ile yaptığı derin bir sohbet esnasında kahve çekirdeklerini kaynatarak içtiğine dairdir.
Kahvenin yayıldığı ilk İslam coğrafyası Mekke ve Medine’dir. Her yıl Hac ibadetlerini yerine getiren Müslümanların memleketlerine dönerken yanlarında kahve de götürdükleri tahmin edilmektedir. Bu şekilde kahve, Mekke ve Medine’nin ardından Kahire, Şam, Halep ve İstanbul’a kadar ulaşarak diğer Müslüman coğrafyalara yayılmıştır. Fakat kahvenin 16. yüzyılda tüm dünyaya Mısır ve Hicaz’dan yayıldığı kabul edilir.
 Kahvenin İşlenme Süreci
Olgunlaşan kahve meyvelerinin çürümeden hemen toplanması gerekir. Kahvenin toplanmasında iki çeşit metot kullanılmaktadır:
 Elle Toplama; Arabica türü kahvenin yetiştirildiği birçok yörede, toplayıcılar olgunlaşan meyveleri dikkatlice seçerek teker teker elle toplar ve yanında taşıdığı sepete koyar.
Dalı Sıyırma; Bu yöntem genellikle Brezilya’daki düz arazili ve düzenli ekilmiş kahve tarlalarında uygulanır. Dalın üst kısmından tutarak tüm daldaki meyveleri parmaklarıyla aşağıya doğru sıyırırlar. Dalı sıyırma yönteminde her ne kadar özen gösterilse de olgunlaşmamış meyveler olgunlaşmış olanlarla toplanır. Bu nedenle daha sonra özel bir ayırma makinesinden geçirilmeleri gerekir.
Toplanan çekirdekler kabuklarından ayrılır. Çekirdeğin meyveden ayrılması süreci; çekirdeklerin dış kabuk ve meyvesinden incinmeden ayrılmasını gerektirdiği için çok önemlidir. Bu ayırma işleminde iki yöntem uygulanır:
Yaş Yöntem; genellikle yüksek kalitedeki kahveler için kullanılır. Yeni toplanmış meyveler, herhangi bir fermantasyon başlamadan önce su dolu tanklarda yıkanır.
Kuru Yöntem; kuru yöntem, yeni toplanmış meyvelerin basınçlı hava veya elekler kullanılarak veya yıkanarak yabancı maddelerden temizlenmesiyle başlar. Bu aşamadan sonrasında kahvenin işlenme süreci başlar.
Kavurma, yeşil renkli çiğ kahve çekirdeklerinin ateş ile kahveye dönüşümünü sağlayan işlemdir. Ham halde olan kahve, ateşin etkisiyle yeşil renginden kahverengiye dönerken kimyasal bir süreç de geçirir. Kahveye karakterini kazandıran esas unsur çekirdeklerinin çatlamasının ardından ortaya çıkan uçucu maddelerdir. Kahveye tadını katan bu uçucu maddelere rağmen kavurma işlemi; "kahvenin içerisindeki asit, protein ve kafein miktarını değiştirmektedir."
Soğutma, Kahve kavrulduktan sonra ahşap kaşık kullanılarak yuvarlak ve üstü kapaksız olup ucu açık kaplara alınarak ve alt üst edilerek soğutulur.
Öğütme, Kavurma işlemi esnasında çekirdeklerden açığa çıkan aromalar kaybolmadan toz haline getirilen kahveyi de kaplar. Bu aşamada yapılan harmanlama işlemi çok hassas ve gizli formülleriyle kahveye tadını veren önemli bir olaydır.
Pişirme, dövülerek ince toz haline getirilen dibek kahvesiyle hazırlanmış Türk Kahvesi, kalın çekilen kahvenin suda kaynatılarak hazırlanmış süzme kahve, çok kavrulmuş ve kalın çekilmiş kahvenin içinden su buharı geçirilmesiyle hazırlanan kahve gibi çeşitlere sahiptir.
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Buraya kadar geldiyseniz sözlerimi cemal süreya ile bitirmek isterim “Gözlerinin kahvesinden koy ömrüme, kırk yılın hatırına sen kalayım.” (Cemal Süreya)”
Sağlıkla Kalın!                                                                                               Mühendis hanım
Kaynak; Makale yazısı; Kılınç F, kahve, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi Bilim Tarihi, İstanbul 2019
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cupffeeturkiye · 2 years
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Dondurma severler, Cupffee ile dondurma yemeyi denediniz mi? Dondurma keyfini yaşadıktan sonra Cupffee bardaklarınızı afiyetle yiyebilirsiniz 😍
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cupffee #yenilebilirbardak #cupffeetürkiye #nicetoeatyou #dondurma #yenilebilirbardak #veganbardak #atıştırmalık #recycle #istanbul
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mothmiso · 4 months
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Turkey (2) by ._hannah_.
Via Flickr:
(1) Strolling around Istanbul. (2) The photo was taken at Princes' Islands (Adalar), Turkey - a very unique and peaceful place.    
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talipbayram · 27 days
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uma1ra · 2 years
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Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When one of you eats, let him eat with his right hand. When he drinks, let him drink with his right hand. Verily, the devil eats and drinks with his left hand.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2020
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
عَنْ ابْنِ عُمَرَ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ إِذَا أَكَلَ أَحَدُكُمْ فَلْيَأْكُلْ بِيَمِينِهِ وَإِذَا شَرِبَ فَلْيَشْرَبْ بِيَمِينِهِ فَإِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَأْكُلُ بِشِمَالِهِ وَيَشْرَبُ بِشِمَالِهِ
2020 صحيح مسلم كتاب الأشربة باب آداب الطعام والشراب وأحكامهما
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canafacan · 2 years
#istanbul #idealtepe #çakılkeyf #canafacan #canlımüzik #carsamba #akşamyemeği #restaurant #fasıl #eğlence #drink #eat #lunch #enjoy (Çakılkeyf) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd-sFETlHtw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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i9messi · 11 months
My champion — Ruben Dias
It’s all jokes and fun about the two of you dating, until Ruben sees you after winning the Champions League. He is desperate to let you know the truth.
Word count — 1k
ruben's masterlist
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"You really look pretty today."
You smiled at Ruben’s sweet words. He was so loving and always made you feel special. That morning you had chosen to do something different with your hair and somehow he had been the first to tell you something and realize it. Your eyes met again and it took all your courage not to look stupid in the middle of all those people. If it were up to you, you’d forget you were working and that you had a certain role to play.
"Thank you, Ruben."
"Lovebirds, when will you openly announce that the two of you are dating?"
Jack Grealish joked, while you gave him a bad look and Ruben told him to shut up. You worked in the kitchen area, so you were in charge of going from here to there filling the players' plates and making everyone eat. It was a new job that thanks to your friend you had achieved, you could not complain, they paid you very well and you could spend your free time talking with Rubén. The thing was, the other players also noticed the way you knew each other and they made jokes about it.
If you weren’t in the kitchen, you were at the matches wearing Ruben’s jersey. You were always there to support him, so much so that almost everyone thought you and Ruben were dating. Jack Grealish always made jokes about how Ruben was nervous in your presence, but this time, the english was causing a great scene in front of his teammates and staff.
Even Pep was looking at you as if there was something entertaining. There was nothing to announce. As much as Jack found it fun to embarrass you and Ruben, neither of you had accepted your feelings.
John Stones looked at you.
"Is it true what Jack says? Are you two dating?"
"Yes, mate. They’re dating." Jack confirmed for you, being a meddler whose job it was to get into your friendship and gossip.
"Stop, dude, they’re gonna believe you. We’re not dating." You complained back and forth and Jack rolled his eyes, not believing in you for a second.
"Yes, stop with your insinuations." Ruben complained and dragged Jack away. However, you felt the heat on your cheeks growing every time someone said something about you and Ruben.
You and him dating... that could never happen, right?
A few weeks later, you traveled to Istanbul to support your friend in the most important European football championship. That Saturday the Champions League final was being played and you were very nervous about the result. You wanted City to win, but you knew the outcome was uncertain. You had had a conversation with Rubén on the phone, where he had expressed his nervousness about what might happen. However, you believed that Rubén Dias was an excellent player and that as always, he would give his maximum to support his team.
There you were, encouraging the blues among the crowd, wearing a shirt that had belonged to your friend, but had given it to you. To think that his body had touched that same cloth made you feel a heat on your cheeks, while your heart was beating like crazy. Once you saw him, you swore that he was looking for you with his eyes, although with so many people in the stadium, it was difficult for him to see you.
The match started and your nervousness increased. Your eyes did not peel away from the men running after the ball, and mainly from Rubén. You smiled every time he made a good pass or protected the goal, you felt proud of the way that no matter what happened, he gave his best.
A good time later, with the only goal of the match, Manchester City won the Champions League. You couldn’t believe it. You partied with the other fans and when it was time to give the medal to Rubén, you recorded everything with your cell phone. You were proud of him.
"Congrats, my winner!"
Rubén saw you among all the people, as you approached his side. You focused on him, he was a little sweaty but still, he was still handsome. The man could be full of mud and grass, and he was still the most handsome man you had ever seen. The portuguese rushed to get closer to you, avoiding all the people around and reaching your face in order to put his two hands around your checks. The intimacy of his touch was a new thing for both of you.
"Rubén, you—"
He kissed you. There was no time for you to say anything, the gentle brush of his lips took you by surprise. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined that Rubén would kiss you in the midst of all those people. Maybe it was the adrenaline of the game, the happiness of having won or a combination of all those things, that had made Ruben finally fill himself with courage to do what he had had to do for a long time. In that kiss he wanted to show you everything he felt, the need to be closer to you, to taste your lips passionately.
You heard some laughter around you, you sensed that people were passing by and that some were recording your show of affection. You separated from Rubén so you could look at him, his eyes looked at you with love.
"What was that?"
"I’ve been dying to kiss you, I was so desperate. I promised myself if we won today, I would accept my feelings for you."
You wanted to tell him so many things but you were going to wait for a while to finally be alone. Meanwhile, you gave him a short kiss on the lips, a kiss that comforted the Portuguese’s heart.
"I really like you, my champion."
He smiled at your last words, "I never felt that lucky in my life."
The two of you felt someone hugging you, Jack put one arm up each. He looked at Rubén and you with that itchy smile.
"There you are, lovebirds! Is there anything you have to tell me?"
Grealish loved to make fun of you, but this time, you realized that after all, he wasn’t so wrong.
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lazyislays · 9 months
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chloe and lola in İstanbul!
A few days ago i was eating breakfast, and i thought, “hey maybe i should draw chloe and lola eating Turkish food!” (Since i’m turkish and i think it could be neat) but then i had a thought
Why were they eating turkish food in the first place? And That’s when a new headcanon hit me! What if Glabe (the one that raised the sisters) was turkish?
So i thought it’d be cool if the alien sisters were surrounded with turkish culture!! And maybe they even grew up in the sims equivilant of İstanbul! And only moved to strangetown to find out more about their father!
I grew up in Paris but 4 years ago i moved to Turkey again. I always felt lost and didn’t really know where i belonged. But Turkey always felt like home to me. So i thought the sisters would share these same thoughts as me, seeing as they are literal aliens lol
Now i kinda wanna know something, what are your nationality headcanons for premades? Comment below or say it in the reblogs!
Also! Chloe is eating çekirdek! And drinking çay(tea) while lola is drinking good ol’ Turkish coffee!
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gulnarsultan · 9 months
Yandere platonic father Fatih Sultan Mehmet and daughter reader.
Years ago.
Şehzade Bayezid had just turned seven years old. He was appointed as the Governor of Amasya this year. Emine Gülbahar Hatun went to Amasya with her son. However, it was revealed that she was pregnant before she left. However, she left Istanbul in order not to leave her son alone. Nine months later, Emine Gülbahar Hatun gave birth to a healthy baby girl. As the years passed quickly, the beautiful Sultan was growing up.
One day, Sultan Mehmet calls Şehzade Bayezid to Istanbul. Şehzade Bayezid is going to Istanbul Palace with his mother and sister. Sultan Mehmet does not know how to feel when he sees his daughter, whom he has never seen. They are chatting while they eat together. Sultan Mehmet is trying to learn about his daughter. While they are in the Istanbul Palace, Sultan Mehmet tries to establish a father-daughter relationship with his daughter. However, Sultan Pektr is not eager to form a bond with his father. There is more than one option for what happens next.
Sultan Mehmet does not allow his daughter to wear clothes anymore. So the Sultan will now live in the Istanbul Palace.
Maybe Sultan Mehmet can't stand his daughter's sadness and lets his daughter go.
If there is a second option, he will still visit his daughter. Or he will want his daughter not to visit him. He will not neglect to write letters.
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