#israel kills innocent civilians
rghda · 6 months
1 MILLION people marching through London for Palestine today, making this the BIGGEST Palestine march in British History🇵🇸 ‼️
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geminipharaoh · 4 months
Israel is committing a genocide
Celebrate in silence 🔕
They killed 25,000 Palestinians, 70% of whom were children and women
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butwhypants · 2 months
I feel like a lot of the discussion online about Israel/Palestine is just Americans trying not to come to terms with the fact that they are significantly more responsible for the death of over 900,000 Afghanistan, Syrian, and Iraqi citizens then I am for the 30,000 Palestinians that Israel has killed
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its-zaina · 4 months
٧٠ شهيداً.. عائلات بأكملها، أطفال ونساء وشيوخ.. أُناس آمنون
70 martyrs.. entire families, children, women and elderly.. all of them were safe people
الاحتلال الإسرائيلي الإِرهابيّ يرتكب مجزرة في مُخيم المَغازي وسط قطاع غزَّةَ..
The terrorist Israeli occupation commits a massacre in Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip..
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news4dzhozhar · 17 days
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mysticwiki · 7 months
probably really obvious with how vocal i have been about this but uh hey, if you support the apartheid of Palestine and the blatant genocide of Palestinians done by the hands of colonizers who not only stole land that wasn't theirs, but have been dehumanizing and destroying a country and its people and culture for literal years, then please unfollow me. i'd rather you not interact with my blog at all. thanks!
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papirouge · 7 months
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junadeo · 3 months
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me when im not fucking evil
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kp777 · 6 months
As Gaza crumbles, those speaking up for innocent Palestinians are being silenced and sacked
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korben600 · 7 months
Hey, remember that post about seeing discourse pass your dash and it’s like a massive shadow in the ice under your feet?
Yeah…I just saw some Israel vs Palestine shit and I am NOT touching that with a 10 foot pole.
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If your response to "free palestine" is "but do you condemn hamas/october 7th" you haven't been listening to palestinians or palestinian liberation supporters
palestinian support for Hamas has only ever grown as a result of the subjugation of Palestinians by the ISRAELI GOVERNMENT. THE IDF IS ACTIVELY COMMITTING ACTS OF TERROR AND LITERAL WAR CRIMES IN GAZA not to mention the fucking west Bank which Hamas has ZERO control over and yet still people are fucking dying, no one fucking WANTS hamas to be this popular but they are because thus far they are the loudest most apt force to combat the atrocious actions of the Israeli government (literal ethnic cleansing)
Anyone who says free palestine/condemn the idf is not also saying GO HAMAS KILL THE JEWS- and anyone with even a modicum of critical thinking skills could EASILY see that
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rghda · 5 months
The occupation rips families apart. Notice the humanity within Gaza as another Palestinian man walks by and gives him his jacket. Notice the devastation within Gaza as two of the mourners including the son, are barefoot. This is devastation and it’s televised to the world.
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eabhva · 7 months
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tinygenderfluid · 7 months
When the mothers and fathers are gone
When they've killed all of Hamas
When no adult is left standing
Israel will be shooting children
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royalberryriku · 7 months
Just hearing now about Israel and, upon such, have some thoughts but I also recognise I'm not the most educated in the history of the matter nor know enough to have a strong opinion.
I will say, however, that it seems that the governments and those in power are to blame on both sides while I'm always seeing innocent people, civilians, suffer for power hungry governments.
Too many innocent Palestinian civilians have died, too many innocent Israeli civilians have died. And it's always the governments doing the killing, the driving people from their homes, the bombing, the kidnappings; the atrocities.
War is poison, nationalism only serves those in power.
So much death in the name of patriotism and nationalism, and for what? Because a one rich man wants more land over another rich man's land, both of which are inhabited by neither just regular folk who die either way because the rich men in question don't care who lives there, just who owns it? Or perhaps they do, perhaps that's the whole problem; because they're so caught up over who's Palestinian or Israeli that they don't realise both are fucking dying because they want to kill so badly.
Just... who's this war even for? Two greedy and bloodthirsty people who aren't the ones dying and having their homes destroyed? Two leaders who are harming their own citizens in the name of nationalism? It's true, I don't understand the cultural significance of these places, who's ancestors are "rightfully" from where and whose ancestors have said what. I don't know and it's not my place to say. But I do know that nationalism, ownership of land and pride isn't worth the price that's being paid in blood. It's the civilians being killed I can't stand, and there's lists and lists of Palestinians who are dying and who've been killed and Israelis are dying and have been killed. And none of them, of either side, should have had to die.
It's just nothing but sad and senseless, and the rest of the world can only watch helpless as those in power squabble with not the slightest guilt of how their own citizens die from their greed and desire for each other's land. And for what? Scorched dirt filled with each other's blood? A land with no one left to occupy it because you're fighting each other by butchering anyone who lives on that land?
I don't know how to solve this conflict, but I can say with confidence that the citizens aren't to be killed for the sake of those in power who can't see past their own ambitions. I do think that both leaders are criminally corrupt to allow such bloodshed and brutality, to let citizens pay the price of their respective leader's desire for land. Land is land. When both countries are nothing but giant bloodstains, land won't matter because there won't be anyone to inhabit them. It's ridiculously idiot of these leaders to place their pride ahead of their people.
Again, perhaps I'm wrong, I don't know what others do and I'm just some young adult who lives far from this reality. I don't have the information to judge off of and all I have is the attempts to understand with what I have. But I do have the common sense to say that this bloodshed is wrong and senseless, and that the leaders must surely be corrupt to not have the slightest care for the people being killed, even in their own nation, while strangers look own and have more compassion for their own people.
It all makes me sad, angry and endlessly grieve for those who suffer for those in power who don't care for the suffering of those outside their pristine windows.
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