#isle of the lost by Melissa de la Cruz
hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Beyond the Isle of the Lost/Rise of Red Meme;
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(that could also apply to the ouat comics and books that I also pick and choose from in my fanfiction world building, lol).
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casinotrio1965 · 9 months
Disney Descendants : Scene From Escape from the Isle of The Lost
Just as Ben had predicted, every kingdom represented at the trade council argued that their goods were the most valuable.
“They’re diamonds,” said Grumpy. “We need to be able to charge top Auradon dollar!”
“Diamonds they might be, but our magic potions from Camelot are far more valuable,” argued Merlin.
“Everyone will look withered without our age-defying lotions,” Eugene Fitzherbert reminded them. “The sun-drop golden flowers only grow in Corona.”
“We might not have magic flowers or magic potions or diamonds in the bayou,” said Princess Tiana. “But we have the best food, and we should be compensated fairly.”
Ben listened to every kingdom’s representative make their case, and then he spoke his piece: “Just as Auradon Prep has become open to taking more students from the Isle of the Lost, Auradon must remain open to trade between all our united kingdoms. Diamonds, potions, lotions, and beignets are equally important. Surely we can find a solution that would satisfy everyone here.”
The meeting continued, and eventually, all parties were satisfied by the trade agreement. Grumpy didn’t even look that grumpy in the end.
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Carlos's mention in the wedding special and how they handled it was disappointing and vague and, in my opinion, leaves the door open to either fate
So I took a peak at the Barnes & Noble bonus chapter of Melissa de la Cruz's Beyond the Isle of the Lost and Mal and Evie and Jay and Ben and even Doug are there but there's no mention of Carlos, and I don't know, that really upsets me. The Core Four aren't going to be in the movies anymore, (Disney, though intent on making more movie, at least hasn't sunken as low to recast Cameron, and Dove, Sofia, and Booboo won't return without him) they still exist in the universe (Mal's portrait, this bonus chapter, etc). And it just seems to me, as long as it's not on screen and they're continuing the franchise, Disney should include Carlos in any future books they might appear in
(Which I also believe they should do to continue Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay's story. They're intent on continuing the franchise, they've made that clear, and so tossing aside the characters that created it seems callous. Obviously there can be no more movies with them, thus, books. Also, these theoretical books could be for the YA fans of the original trilogy and thus get into the grittier details of the Isle, not the watered down happy ending that made no sense canonically in D3. As many are pointing out, Rise of Red will be for a new generation of fans)
I, personally, think that if they're set on continuing the franchise they should honor they characters should still be used (again, offscreen in books) to continue their stories and the legacies of the characters and the actors who created them, especially Cameron, as this is really his only legacy character. It also gives another way of keeping his memory alive, if they dedicate the books to him, and raise awareness for his foundation by including an page promoting it in the books.
It also seems callous to me to just toss all the work of those characters to the side, like they don't mean anything now that they can't be used in movies.
But, I am also worried want wanting this (or even asking Disney this, though I doubt they'd pay attention) that I am also just using Cameron? I just, I miss him so much, and this would keep him alive (similar to Chadwick Boseman through T'Challa. Like, they had him die in the movies as to not recast him, but there's still all the Black Panther comics and merchandise that he lives through. Yes, it's not necessarily his iteration of the character, since it did exist before him, but he's still connected with it). But should this stay in the fandom through fanfics and fanart, and not touched by Disney? But they're continuing the universe, so feels like this is just forcing him to disappear? Idk, I did another post about this after the Wedding Special, because I don't know if I'm being insensitive by wanting this. I don't think I am, I don't mean to be, but that doesn't mean I'm not.
So I set up this poll, (and set it before my rambling since who wants to read all this, lol) to get some wider perspective. Should I keep asking Disney to try and get the Core four's stories continued in books (if you're on Instagram, yup this is me) or am I being insensitive towards as them by asking for this
(The utter hopelessness of asking Disney and if I should give up because of it isn't in question, I have nothing better to do with my life than scream into the void. But if it's morally wrong.... I trust the fandom for an honest opinion on this and tumblr is the best place. And now we have polls, so......)
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dragoneyes618 · 18 days
I got the new Descendants book!
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The Never-Ending Wedding
The Royal Wedding Rewrite where the Isle kids are feral.
Made together with @hannahhook7744 ♥♥♥
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***Audrey Rose***
It’s only a week to the Royal Wedding, and things are getting a bit over Audrey’s head: Not only was she volunteered to plan the entire occasion, instead of, you know, the future queen herself, or even Jane, but the pirates simply will not listen to her. Or, and that might be the worse option, they will listen and then disregard her well meant crash course in etiquette anyway.
Audrey thinks she might get an aneurysm in that case.
Well, she would be surprised to survive the wedding intact anyway, what with Queen Mal and her grandmother and the assembled Isle kids, but hey. She doesn’t even care anymore.
„Shut up, you low-lifes!“ Uma disciplines her crew with what passes as affection if Audrey closes both of her eyes, „And let the princess speak!“
And even if their Captain’s words wouldn’t shut the crew up, Harry’s dark glare certainly would. It‘s kind of impressive, really.
Audrey stops staring at the pair and nods a quick thank you towards them.
„As I was saying,“ she picks up her abandoned train of thoughts, „This is The Royal Wedding. The event of the decade, if not century. A certain behavior is expected from you.“
Ivy de Vil politely raises her hand like a true elegant lady and asks: „Is it arson?“
…Audrey doesn’t know what she expected.
„Ivy!“ Uma scolds her crewmate, „It’s not arson, it never is!“
The pirates facepalm, CJ outright pouts, and Ivy scoffs: „Well, yeah. But they should know better than that by now, really.“
Audrey can’t say she disagrees, and judging by Uma’s expression, she doesn‘t completely disagree either. 
But that doesn’t matter, because Audrey spent far too much time on the decorations to let Ivy or CJ even touch it.
„No arson,“ she says as firmly as she can, which is very firmly, apparently, because the pirates calm down, and when Audrey glances up, she sees Harry nodding approvingly. Nice.
„No arson,“ she repeats, „No explosions. No assassinations, no poisonings at the reception. If you want to fight, take it outside.“
Why must they all pout at her? Including Harry and Uma? It’s making this whole deal a bit distracting, thank you for checking in.
The brief silence is cracked by Bonny, leaning forward with slightly manic expression in her face:
„And if we want to fight the Beast?“
Beside her, Desiree, CJ and Gonzo nod eagerly and neither the Captain nor the first mate look too put out by the prospect either, and, you know what, Audrey doesn’t have the energy for this.
„Take it outside,“ she states blankly, unfazed when Bonny pumps her fist in the air and CJ practically screeches. That’s normal.
„Now, to get to the more formal side of things–“ Audrey gracefully ignores Uma staring daggers at her crew and quickly breezes through a few very basic etiquette requirements, to which no one is paying attention anyway. Harry pipes up once to remind his little sister that contrary to what she might believe, the dining napkins are not to be used as garottes.
At this point, Audrey would like to point out that she doesn’t think that CJ has received an invitation. As well as a few other pirates, maybe? But Audrey feels safer not pointing that out. Ever.
A sudden thought crosses her mind:
„Now, and I cannot stress it enough, it's a ring bearER, not a ring bear. Please, do NOT bring any wild animals to the royal wedding. The queen is quite enough to manage, thank you.“
Uma snickers, which causes Harry to cackle and that causes Audrey to lose her thoughts again. Fuck.
Where was she?
She clears her throat and finally manages to pull her thoughts together.
„Right, next up, the bride. She will be wearing a traditional white dress, and she will be the only one in white, got it? We do not show up in white. We do not try to one-up the bride, however tempting that might be.“
(Audrey would so love to show up in a way better dress than Mal, but unfortunately, she was brought up better than that. Yes, she regrets it on a daily basis.)
Either way, the pirates laugh, and Ivy de Vil pouts. Audrey doesn’t want to even  think about that.
She continues:
„We do not try to one-up the groom either. And I’m looking at you, Harry.“
He has the freaking audacity to take a slight bow and wink at her as he says „Can’t promise anything, princess,“ and Audrey forgets to breathe for a second.
She chokes on air immediately after, when Gil confusedly asks why not. It wouldn’t be that difficult promise to give, would it now?
Audrey lets Chad deal with that one.
She continues to describe the ceremony and then the first dance:
„The first dance is for the enamored couple only,“ she says, „Savvy?“
…Hey, she picked that up from Harry and it’s shorter than any alternative! Besides, Uma and Harry have the crew so drilled that they straighten their backs and nod as soon as they hear that word, which is honestly good enough for Audrey.
She looks over at Uma and Harry to see if she has forgotten anything, because even as she feels pretty confident that she covered everything, the two know their crew way better, anyway.
And really, they add their own comments, either too outlandish or too simple for Audrey to think of them:
„Do not steal anything.“
„Especially not the wedding rings.“
„You do get a pass at queen Leah’s jewelry, though.“
…Has Audrey mentioned that the two have picked up a bit of vendetta against her grandmother yet?
„And if you do steal anything, remember to share.“
„What? Am I wrong, love?“
„You heard the Captain, noble swindlers, the royal jewels besides the wedding rings are free real estate as long as you go by the pirate code!“
Audrey still doesn’t know what the pirate code exactly is, and at this point, she is too afraid to ask.
Uma tepidly argues back.
She has a feeling that the royal wedding will be more of an occasion that she anticipated, though.
„Oh, speaking of which. If you want to ask too personal questions-“
„Like deadly allergies or treasury security-“
„-Yes, like that, get them sufficiently drunk before. Yes, that goes for freakishly detailed questions about familiar anamnesis too, Marya.“
Marya pouts.
„And Claudine?“ 
„If you see something your father wouldn't agree with, figuratively bite your tongue and remind yourself that your father is a fucking cultist that fully deserves the keelhaul treatment. Yeah?“
„Got it,“ Frollo’s daughter with too bright eyes nods, and yes.
It will certainly be way more interesting.
"Okay, so does everyone remember what they're supposed to do?" Evie asked, both excited and exasperated after an hour of lecturing Mal, Jay, and Carlos on what to do and what not to do at a wedding. While also silently hoping that not giving the same talk to their AK friends wouldn't come back to bite her. 
"Jane and I are to keep Diego from running late and doing anything stupid while he helps Hadie get ready for the wedding" Carlos chimed in from the laptop, looking bored. Tired of the conversation. 
"And?" Evie prodded, hands on her hips.
"I am to not give Diego and Doug any ideas about what songs to play at the reception, wedding, and after party" the younger boy sighed, pouting slightly. 
"I am to welcome the guests in an appropriate manner."
"Which means?"
"No swearing or back handed compliments, and no stealing shit in plain sight."
Mal looked very, very annoyed– almost like a feral cat– as she replied "I am not to insult or pick fights with anyone. Especially not Ben's parents. Or spit out food even if it tastes gross."
She was far too tired from the lecture to be freaking out about the whole thing. 
Evie smiled, pleased before turning to Dizzy– Who was the flower girl. "And what is the rule for everyone, Diz?"
Dizzy sat up, beaming bright. Nearly knocking over Anthony who was writing something down that Evie dearly hoped wasn't another drinking game. The isle kids almost got alcohol poisoning last time they played one of those.
"No insulting the gods and goddesses– especially not Eris–, no climbing on anything, no biting or scratching anyone, no stabbing or shooting or hitting anyone, and under no circumstances should we start a food fight–"
Evie put a hand up, smiling. "Good. Celia?"
Celia looked like she'd rather be anywhere else. "No conning people or eating the wedding cake before Mal cuts into it. And no telling scary stories to the Smee twins or convincing them the opposite way to do things as a joke."
Evie clapped "perfect! Now does everyone remember what time they need to show up?"
Everyone answered all at once. 
"8:00 am"
"6:00 am"e
"8:00 pm"
"4:30 pm"
Evie sighed. 
It was gonna be a long couple of days. 
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olithetalker · 10 months
Ben did not bring the VKs to Auradon "just to meet Mal"
I have finished reading the first Isle of the Lost book and I had heard stuff about how it apparently reveals Ben only bought the VKs to Auradon because he met Mal in a dream and wanted to meet her in person.
So alas, I was expecting maybe a bit more of a morally dubious side to Ben being revealed in the novel, but I finished it yesterday and was surprised no such thing happened. He did meet Mal in a dream, but the final chapter was an entire monologue of Ben's mind leading up to him going to tell his parents about his plan to bring the core four over, and he goes on about the injustice of the VKs being trapped on the Isle and only mentions that "purple haired girl" once toward the end of it.
In fact, Ben does not even discover that "purple haired girl" is Malificient's daughter. So when he is requesting that it be her child who comes to Auradon, it clearly has no connection to him wanting to meet Mal. He invited Malificient's kid over simply because she was the most notorious villain and so thought it would be a good place to start, and by a surprise this was the girl he met in his dream.
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Do you think the Descendants novels are canon to the movies? Yes or no?
Yes. For clarification, I am referring to — and I assume you are, as well — The Isle of the Lost books by Melissa de La Cruz.
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fenrishel · 1 year
question for anyone in the decendants fandom, are the books worth reading?
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lsleofthelost · 5 months
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we can meet in the space between
descendants 2 (dir. kenny ortega)
space between - sofia carson and dove cameron // the goldfinch - donna tartt // space between - sofia carson and dove cameron // what was missing - ana carrizo // isle of the lost - melissa de la cruz // the pillowcase - annelyse gelman // you know who i am - leonard cohen // leaves of grass - walt whitman // i'm your girl - sofia carson and dove cameron // your love finds its way back - sierra demulder // poem of the end - marina tsvetaeva (trans. elaine feinstein, with angela livingstone) // space between - sofia carson and dove cameron // this is how you lose a time war - amar el-mohtar and max gladstone // the collected poems - george seferis (trans. edmund keeley and philip sherrard // little women (dir. Greta Gerwig) // much ado about nothing - william shakespeare // a self portrait in letters - anne sexton // space between - sofia carson and dove cameron //
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
Hi, for the VK guide book, did they mention anything about Northern Wei?
Hi nonnie!
In the Villain Kids’ Guide for New VKs, I don’t recall…..anything about Northern Wei. I did a quick flip through just now, and I’m not seeing any information at all about it, which is interesting because I could swear that I read the name in an official source somewhere. For reference, he’s what I could find on Lonnie’s page in the VK guidebook:
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Badass, good at swords, daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang…..great, but not what I’m looking for. Maybe the map will have more info:
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Unfortunately nope! Northern Wei isn’t even LABELED on the map in the VKs guide for new VKs, although it’s probably somewhere along the Great Wall of Auradon, right??
Because I have access to more of the tie-in books, I checked the next most likely source, which was the Secrets of Auradon Prep: An Insider’s Handbook (my copy was bought secondhand so please just ignore the pen marks):
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Nothing on the History of Auradon page, although this map does look a lot like the one I remember from the first movie.
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Fascinatingly, this book DOES have a more detailed map showing what I HOPE are all of the 19 regions. Weirdly, Northern Wei isn’t on them. Although…some of the text is genuinely too small to read even in the printed copy, so I guess the mouse didn’t expect adults with too much time on their hands to try and read into this. A quick journey through the wiki reveals that Lonnie joins the Northern Wei ROAR team, so it’s a place that was confirmed somewhere in canon…or else the wiki is unsourced, which is also entirely possible at this point.
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I went even deeper into the wiki, and on Lonnie’s character page for the main movies, it says that the imperial palace of Northern Wei is mentioned in the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel (the first of the Melissa de la Cruz novels)
so, because I am committed at this point, I grabbed the book. And finally, on page 48:
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The Imperial Palace is confirmed to be book canon, but still no information on Northern Wei.
After some more wiki searching, it looks like the only canon mention of Northern Wei miiiiight be in the Lonnie’s Warrior Sword book, which unfortunately is one of the few that I don’t have access to right now.
So TL;DR, there’s no information on Northern Wei in the Villain Kids’ Guide for New VKs, and also I think there might be a conspiracy against the books giving any actual solid information for the kingdoms outside of Auradon.
hope this….helps?
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best-childhood-book · 2 months
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hannahhook7744 · 11 months
Book Based Descendants Writing Prompts (Part 1);
Write about the time(s) gave Captain Hook gave Harry his three most prized possessions—his handheld hook, his jacket (that belonged to Hook when he was his age), and the lost revenge (which was won in a race).
Write about the hairy goblin who worked at the slop shop and had a crush on Uma (Moe was his name) and slipped her an unreadable note, and the crew teasing her about it.
Write about Uma and her crew pranking the Dragon Hall kids.
Write about the  sea three’s clubs (Croc Wrestling, Competitive lifting, Shark Swim Team,Rat Trapping, sea ponies, and the scammers and pickpockets). Note: Harry founded the scammers and pickpockets club.
Write about Uma and Mal’s big blow out when they were kids.
Write about Diego’s band, the bad apples, and Carlos’s feelings on it.
Write about the time Harry stole Cruella’s red car.
Write about Gil’s demanding stepmother and how it has led to his dad neglecting him.
Write about Jay’s electric eels (Lagan and Derelict), Evie’s Parrot (Othello), and Carlos’ cat, Beezelbub.
Write about the time Mal betrayed Maddy—smashing her dolls and damaging her purple hair (causing it to turn teal). 
Write about the lunches and dinners Audrey used to spend with Ben, Chad Lonnie, Jane, and Doug, and how they slowly halted to a stop.
Write about the jousting class Ben took as a child with Jordan.  
Write about the vks finding out about Ben’s disastrous meeting with the Sidekicks’ Union.
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kikidoesfanfic · 7 months
Possession is nine tenths of the law...Right?
KikiDoesFanfic on ao3
Jay/Carlos de Vil Descendants (Disney Movies)The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz Rating: G No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 1,602 Chapters: 1/1 On Ao3
Summary: Jay's tourney jersey is missing, and he really needs to find it so Coach won't chew him out at practice, but when he does... Maybe he doesn't want it back after all.
Jay is going to be so late to morning practice; he's torn his side of the room apart as quietly as possible while looking, but still can’t find his tourney jersey.
Usually he just asks Carlos where things are, because if he's honest with himself Carlos is the one who keeps everything clean and organised around here. Jay mostly drops everything in a trail from the door to his bed as he enters the room, much to Carlos' frustration, but Carlos is still asleep.
Jay hates waking Carlos when he’s finally sleeping. He often stays up as late as possible working on projects to avoid his nightmares, but Jay really needs to leave, and he can’t leave without his jersey or Coach will chew him out even more for being late -and- out of uniform.
Approaching the Carlos-shaped blanket burrito on the bed, Jay calls out Carlos' name, shaking him awake a bit too roughly if the way Carlos jolts upright is any indication.
"Hey 'Los, do you-" Jay cuts himself off as Carlos' arm comes up from the blanket to rub at his tired eyes. His arm which is covered in Jay's missing tourney jersey, hand hidden in the cuff.
"Do I what?" Carlos asks on a yawn, peeking at Jay through half-lidded eyes.
Jay realises he must have been staring for too long, because Carlos is suddenly more alert, lowering his arm and sitting up fully, forehead creased in concern.
"Uh, nothing," Jay forces out, "I uh, forgot where I left my homework, but I remember now, just... just go back to sleep."
Carlos looks momentarily confused before a smirk turns up the corner of his mouth.
"And of course you'd remember that AFTER you already woke me up,” he snarks, laying back down and curling around his pillow again, arm under his head.
Jay stares a moment longer, taking in the sight of Carlos snuggling into his jersey one last time, before heading out their room.
He doesn’t dwell on his impending internal crisis, shaking the image of a sleep-rumpled Carlos wrapped up in his jersey from his head; he had tourney practice to get to after all. Continue Reading On Ao3
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dani-luminae · 10 months
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I didn't realize that Melissa De La Cruz used actual lipstick names (from Revlon) in The Isle of the Lost novel, so encountering these names in my local Publix was a funny moment
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
Rules: in a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
Tagged by @popularghost! 💖
In no particular order...
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
The Immortals quartet (Tamora Pierce)
The Six of Crows duology (Leigh Bardugo)
A Girl Is A Half-Formed Thing (Eimear McBride)
The Animorphs series (K.A. Applegate)
Bough Down (Karen Green)
Into the Land of Unicorns (Bruce Coville)
The Isle of the Lost (Melissa De La Cruz)
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho (tr. Anne Carson)
Ceremony (Leslie Marmon Silko)
Tagging (no pressure): @finitevoid @everfairestar @cyanoceans @brighteyedjill @tinyarmedtrex @stormkpr @oneofthewednesdays and anyone else who wants to do this! 💕
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