#islamic punk
emma-dennehy-presents · 11 months
Getting disgustingly obsessed with the band Voice of Baceprot. Its an Indonesian trio from West Java. Their song School Revolution has been on my radar for a good bit, but only recently started getting to know the bands broader discography after bumping into more songs on a Taqwacore playlist (though i'd personally put them more on the punk influenced metal end of things than straight islamic punk). The work they have put out the last couple years absolutely deserves to be lauded.
Here's two of their older videos, too that I think are def worth the watch
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thecosmicpunk · 3 months
Ramadan Mubarak!
Palestinians are being starved.
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tampire · 2 years
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Dominic Rains as Jehangir Tabari in The Taqwacores film (2010) dir. Eyad Zahra
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lunityviruz · 8 months
I can't trust white people (white queers, white feminists, white atheists, white punks) to criticize Islam because they get real racist real fast
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lifeistoconfusing · 7 months
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pri-ide · 2 years
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Persepolis - Marjane Satrapi (2000)
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libraryidealist · 2 months
I understand people that believe in a religion. Isn't every sunset that's partially hidden by an average day's clouds proof of the devine?
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Hello to all of my non Muslim followers :) happy to see you here!
im thinking about making a support post for other religions, because i feel like you guys should also have the support that my brothers, sisters, and others get!
but i want to hear some other opinions. should i, or should i not? would my audience like me to stick with just muslim support, or have a few posts here and there for other religions?
please let me know!
(also a reminder that my asks and dms are free for anything, including telling me about your day, venting, or telling me random facts! id love to hear from everyone :) )
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arabdoll · 2 years
Team no alcohol
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anelegaicmind · 8 months
Define sacrifice when we live in a society that removes our humanity at birth.
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dhikrbum · 2 years
I’m a poser: A thesis statement
Im an absolute fucking wannabe, I want to make that clear. Like I listen to punk music, but I listen to every music and if I hung around the DIY scene and shit it was as the mostly normy friend who hung out in a corner couldn’t understand the band and drank jack and cokes while the real punks slammed and shook and rattled in the pit. I was there when shit got thrown at cops, or gas stations got trashed, but I was the dude driving the car and telling everyone to chill and that we have to get out of here or we’ll get in trouble. I didn’t even get addicted in a cool way, more of a strung out alchy no one wanted to be around them a cool fun party dude.
I tried to get married and settle down and the most punk thing about me is that when it blew up in my face I got some tattoos and put together a battle vest to wear my heart on my sleeve because the last time I had my own personality those are the things I wanted to do. I go around in safety pinned patches and ripped up band tees and faded jeans now but I’m going grey dude, I’m not fooling anyone but who the fuck cares? I like the look, it feels like me. Fuck you I don’t gotta justify myself, but I don’t want anyone to think I’m deluded either. I’m a poser, whatever I’m still happy to be here
I’m a wannabe Muslim too, like the total cliche where I read The Taqwacores and some Rumi and House of Birds, watched a few YouTube videos, and took my Shahada. Now I’m a white boy walking around in a Kufi, and when I manage to pray it’s alongside the same two rakat YouTube video I found after googling “how to pray salat”. I ended up cooking myself spam and eggs this morning because “Eh I gotta get it out of the kitchen” and I’m a fag who lives with his boyfriend and has no intention of going celibate.
But I guess here’s the thing, I love *being* Muslim. When I took the Shahada and a whole room of complete strangers rushed in to hug me like I didn’t look like a bum who wandered in off the street, when I read the Quran and say my prayers I feel right. And I’m an addict, I know when I’m just chasing dopamine. This feels like love, and the real kinda love I didn’t know till I met my boyfriend. And so what if I’m lousy, maybe I’ll get better? Maybe I don’t have to? I haven’t figured it out yet. But I keep reading the same bit of the second Surah 2:62:
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَٱلَّذِينَ هَادُوا۟ وَٱلنَّصَـٰرَىٰ وَٱلصَّـٰبِـِٔينَ مَنْ ءَامَنَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلْيَوْمِ ٱلْـَٔاخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَـٰلِحًا فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians1—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.2
I dunno it just seems like maybe Allah in his own way loves posers too. So yeah I’m posting this and pinning this because I want to make clear to anyone who finds this blog that I’m not claiming to be anything cool, or pious. I’m some dude aping Michael Muhammad Knight who’s never gonna be a badass punk or manage strict religious living. I’m a bum who does Dhikr and reads beat poetry and sufi poetry with the same reverence. Who’s trying to pray five times a day and doing okay at it. Who’s trying to figure out what punk means when you’re 31 and the whole world seems like it’s coming apart and I’ve decided to write about it sometimes.
I think thesis statements are important and I think the Quran has the best one. Maybe we begin by praising Allah in their mercy because in the end even the Wahabis and the Twelvers are posers. Maybe the strict Imam at your Masjid telling you to get rid of your dog is a wannabe. Maybe Allah knows we’re all kinda cringe and gave us the Fatiha to remember that they love us anyway.
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liskutin312 · 3 months
Wow! Shocked! This is one crazy fact!
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avaguenotion · 6 months
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11/22/2023 - 3:45am
*sips hibiscus tea* I’m working on “Wave 1.” What is that you ask? Well… It’s whatever. ( I don’t feel like writing it all out ) Basically 5 black and white 8.5 x 11 designs with links and QR codes to “themarsrevolver.com” that I intend to distribute like flyers around college campuses and various other locations that I suspect might have people who would be interested in such a thing. I’m also considering taking my tripod and filming the process with my phone whilst wearing the mask. But I’m not so sure about that. I actually feel uncomfortable working on certain things around my dad. More so than my mom. Dad is the one that makes me cut my hair after all.
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forgottenbones · 1 year
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eurevision · 17 days
Eurevision category: Taqwacore
Broadly, Taqwacore is punk music with an Islamic bent. After an extra day for submissions (and a broadened category-- now you don't have to just submit taqwacore, rather, any Arab punk), you all came through and posted some great stuff. Thank you. The result is this bloody, messy, fun mix. Vote for which song fights its way out of the mosh pit and onto the stage with the other winners. You have until Saturday night.
The songs:
Jihadi, Jihadi, by Haram
Layla, by The Kominas
Sma3, by Taqbir
There Their They're, by The Muslims
School Revolution, by Voice of Baceprot
Burn the Witch, by Pinkshift
Forced Down Your Throat, by Fearless Iranians from Hell
Anti-Israel, by Troublesome
Twist That Knife, by The Kominas
American Police, by Haram
Aisha Qandisha, by Taqbir
Truth's Eternal Sun, by Al-Thawra
The poll says 'one week,' only because 'three days' is not an option.
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