#inquire answered!
happyrainbowhotel · 2 years
Charlie takes in a deep breath, preparing to imitate her father's voice, "Give a demon a match, he'll be warm for a few hours. Set him on fire, and he'll be warm for eternity!"
Charlie laughs awkwardly at the memory of hearing this joke for the first time.
"Yeah... as a child, I thought he was serious. When I learned I had fire powers, I lit a demon on fire, thinking I was doing him a favor. I cried the rest of the day realizing I was actually causing extreme pain and distress... my father thought it was funny still, though."
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Laughingstock Lives in My Head Rent Free because Of You (/pos)
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opbackgrounds · 7 months
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I'm not so sure, Sanji. This is an important question.
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igucci · 6 months
Any TSSM Otto/Adrian headcanons?
okay! i can give you some 'cause i think about them... a lot.
-otto feels completely comfortable about being himself around adrian. even if otto despises his old self for being 'weak', i cant help but think he still retains a few of the meeker qualities he displayed back then.
-their friendship must have started while they were both employed at tricorp. assuming otto was as timid as he was working under osborn, i think adrian managing to get someone like pre-accident octavius to warm up to him is impressive.
-just looking at adrian, you can assume he might get cold easily. otto wears a large trenchcoat, so its also safe to assume that adrian might borrow it when he wants to. not only that...but otto seems a bit warm and cuddly-looking even without the trenchcoat, so... ^^''
-when theyre not doing supervillain things, they like to play board games and watch nature documentaries together, though adrian tends to fall asleep watching them. LOL
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theladyragnell · 14 days
☕ Alex of Tirragen
Alex deserved better!!!!!!
In the Hand of the Goddess sets up this really interesting arc where it is pretty damn clear that Alex is being mind controlled. He almost kills Alanna during their sparring session, and unless I'm misremembering her ember stone shows Roger's magic, which seems pretty cut and dried to me! There wouldn't be much else reason for Roger's magic to be around, and Roger is known for influencing and controlling the minds of others! And yet there is never a single moment of concern for Alex. He's just loyal to Roger, as far as Alanna and the others are concerned, and that's never a cause for concern.
And then come the last two books all hints of that seem to be forgotten? Alex is just obsessively loyal to Roger and wants to prove that he's better than Alanna, and that's all. And it's so much less interesting! He's never even shown to have had any motivation to become an asshole! Just one scene, one, where Alex implies that Roger has promised to deal more fairly with hill country (which later books clearly show us is historically disadvantaged and treated like shit), would have been better than this.
I remember during our book group, we talked about how Alex in Lioness Rampant acted more like Roger in the earlier books than Roger particularly did, and posited how intriguing a version where Roger's contingency plan on his death was leaping into Alex's mind and taking him over to plan getting his body back, only his body came back carrying some immortal being (probably bringing back the Ysandir from the first book) and that being why "Roger"'s goals went from "rule Tortall" to "shake it to pieces because [file not found]."
There are just so many things that could have been done with Alex! Very sad that none of them happened, but delighted that the fandom deals with him in interesting ways.
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dragon-ascent · 1 month
Hello again, sini, my fellow Zhongli enthusiast ❤️. A very happy belated birthday to you!
I got more Zhongli scenarios for you to consider. This one is a modern AU scenario and involves Pokémon.
Zhongli’s lover is a Pokémon fan and her favorite Pokémon are all Dragon types. So she buys games and collects merchandise of her favorites. How do you think Zhongli would feel about seeing more Pokémon merch than Rex Lapis merch 👀
I feel he would be respectful of his lover’s hobbies but probably feel a bit insecure about the devotion to plushies is greater than to him 🥺. But to reader, Zhongli will always be the #1 dragon in her heart and in her life ❤️.
(I feel Zhongli would love Pokémon associated with Geo like Groudon and Rhyperior but also Dragon Pokémon like Rayquaza and elegant ones like Mienshao and maybe Pokémon that resembles other Genshin characters like Bombirdier (Shenhe/Xianyun) and Suicune (Ganyu))
Thank you for the wishes! And ahhh this is such a cute scenario!! Pokémon and Zhongli go together like naan and cottage cheese (I might be a little hungry...)
I think he'd be super supportive of course, and I agree on the slight pang of jealousy he might feel - though he wouldn't express it for fear of coming off as too clingy. And hey, if you can't beat em, join em! Zhongli would totally ask to introduce him to the world of Pokémon, and he'd hold onto every word and commit things to memory like type advantages and different evolution methods and such.
When you're done raving, he might have a new understanding of why you're so attached to your favorite plushies! He'd buy some of his own as well~ side note: he'd be so dang good at competitive play if you're into that as well!
BIG AGREE on the last paragraph! Always saw Rayquaza (mega especially), Mienshao, Primal Groudon and also Gholdengo as very Zhongli. Ooh and imagine him seeing Pokémon similar to his friends and going "Oh that one looks like Ganyu :] and Ogerpon's masks remind me of Xiao :]"
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wall-e-gorl · 3 months
Theres a dnd lego set coming out
And its 360 bucks. But I do kinda really want it, so if anyone's look to commission art of their dnd/ttrpg characters, im your guy!
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arcane-gold · 8 months
Do you think you’d ever open bg3 tav comms? Or just comms period I guess, I just need to hold your art in my hands so bad 😭❤️
its funny you ask bc i promise you i NEVER do commissions. like once in a blue moon. i don't like the stress and drawing for other ppl is scary. but im kinda stressed abt money so im probably actually gonna open like 1-2 spots for bigger, $250+ portraits. ill probs post more abt it tomorrow but im gonna open the form up to patrons first so go find me on patreon and all of that
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happyrainbowhotel · 2 years
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@hellsmayflower asked: “ I bet you wanna know how I got this far. ” {{ Just figured for first time meeting LOL }}
More 'SIX' Musical Memes!
Charlie's eyes widen with curiosity and enthusiasm.
"I do!" the princess exclaims with genuine interest and excitability. "Please, tell me everything! You're the first human I've ever met, and I want to know everything! Well, I mean, as much as you're comfortable with that is...!"
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sunnys-aesthetic · 2 months
12, 24 and 7 !! ◟( •⌄• )✧
12: what's some good advice you want to share?
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24: What's one thing your proud of yourself for?
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7: What scares you the most and why?
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one's self explanatory, the second? I just don't like how they sound,,
original ask game post here!
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rivalkieran · 1 month
very recent follower and so so so curious whats going on with solisverse galarians.. why is victor charapilled... also your designs are so Gorgeous!!! i love how even simple headshots show off so much personality
grins really wide. :) oh I will happily explain what the fuck is wrong with them. Ive made a couple general changes to the story (made sordward and shielbert relevant, gave stronger direction to rose, gave marnie a personality) but Alot of the weird solisverse shenanigans stem from one guy. my fucked up son victor scalibur
very basically: victor at some point becomes Aware of The Narrative and the fact that the world is a story. and alongside that revelation he also gains the ability to see peoples roles in the story and their fates. including his own! which at the time were “hero” + “doomed”. which you can imagine is not a very FUN thing to suddenly be aware of. he was already emotionally detached before this but now hes REALLY emotionally Gone. this world is fake, therefore it is meaningless, therefore he doesnt need to care about anything or anyone in it
he devises a plan to subvert his doomed fate: transfer his fate onto someone else by luring them into becoming the hero of the story instead of him. and who else is better to throw under the bus than his little fiction-obsessed sister gloria! (who, at the time, was classified as a background character) so victor asks gloria if she wants to tag along on his journey. even hands the gym challenge invite over to her. what a nice brother! totally not a weird switchup from how he was before! dont worry about it!
he continues on being a Fake Ass Bitch with nobody Really noticing except for bede (who has. psychic hatterene-style vibe sensing capabilities) (just smile and nod) until the final confrontation with eternatus where he drops the act completely and reveals that, yes, he doesnt actually give a shit about anyone and he was just being surface level nice to them for his own purposes. so everyone kinda hates him for that!
oh yeah also an important thing. his plan Does Not Work. he does succeed in making gloria the new hero of the story but the fate doesnt transfer alongside the role. and all he does is end up psuedo-ejecting himself from the story, and his doomed fate still catches up to him anyway in the form of total social rejection! idiot! dumbass!
theres definitely more to it but [does a sick kickflip] those probably warrant their own posts and if I were to attempt to stuff them all here we would be here for another 20 or so paragraphs
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arealtrashact · 1 year
do you think you'll draw Peter Pan again?
You want more ?
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visualtaehyun · 6 months
Hi, so does Mhok mean clouds? I’m probably getting the tone wrong, but that would be cute as heck.
Hmmm almost~ It is a weather-related word! Without outright giving you the translation (because of your learning style):
A cloud and หมอก are both water vapor. A cloud will be found in the sky, หมอก you'll find close to the earth's surface.
Same as you can use cloud as an adjective (clouded, cloudy), you can do with หมอก to describe something being like that weather phenomenon หมอก (in color or quality).
In English, there's different words for it depending on how dense it is and how much it impacts people's sight. This quality of หมอก is arguably the reason why the character Mork is named as such. Because it describes how/what Day sees: Day's sight is หมอก and Day sees Mork.
Can you tell what หมอก means? 😌
Sidenote 1: Highly recommend revisiting the OST ประตูวิเศษ (Better Days) at some point because its lyrics also explore what it means to see with one's eyes vs. to perceive. ...and maybe also because I'm a big fan of its writer Amp Achariya - who you'd know, zimmbs, from several Cutie Pie OSTs! ☺️
Sidenote 2: Come to think of it, the actual word for 'cloud' sounds close to หมอก in that only the vowel and tone differ.
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spiderwarden · 5 days
karlach vc:
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" I know. "
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ripleys-rad-replies · 3 months
“Hello, it appears we are in the same writing class this semester. Mind if I ask your name?”
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jadetheblueartist · 1 month
My mother has some slight concerns that all of you are 70-year-old men who are in prison and deep undercover so for her sake
This goes out especially to @exhaustedwriterartist @plumsodapop @nyaboshi @nyaboshi @bowandbrush @banana-pancake5
I appreciate your contributions
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