#inlove with this rn
piwonify · 2 years
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love foolish.
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ranchjustranch · 9 months
if bad/evil witches are ugly then why is klarion so so so so um umm uhh 😳😳
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most normal din post ever
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nexischillin · 1 year
I would let this man do things to me that are not humanly possible. The things I would let this man do to my body are so unthinkable that the people in ancient Greece would listen and be horrified.
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mye-chi · 1 year
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So for completely unrelated reasons I've jotted down every character I could think of who's had a romantic moment with Aphmau including each individual scene. Each were chosen because they've either:
canonically have crushed on her at any point in time
regardless of other whether it can be defined as solely romantic, has flirted with her or expressed interest in dating
is given a "ship tease" moment where, even if there's no pay-off, clearly was meant to be romantically charged
overall, their relationship or actions cannot be written off as platonic
Predatory interest shall be excluded (as in its considered creepy within the narrative, for example balto's flirting in pdh or mys garroth/laurance stalking her, as opposed to say gene or travis which is treated as romantic) along most of the non-consensual kissing scenes.
If anyone wants to add onto this then please be my guest! Anyway, in no particular order...
1. Garroth
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Her soulmate who finds her in every universe yet is destined for an unrequited love (its not cute every time but what is an aphverse fan if not delusional?)
Revealed to be the reincarnation of Esmund who was previously inlove with Irene
Gifted her a wedding ring and a wreath of flowers [Water Cats]
Stood on an alter with her and implied he was going to offer he'd like to one day marry her [Wedding On The Docks / Sacrifice Made]
The Catching Scene™ [Fallen Angel]
Immediately took off his helm for Aphmau after previously struggling with it [Guard Upgrades]
Not technically romantic but man Aphmau was going through it trying to get Garroth back from the sleep dimension. Kept trying to sleep to see him and mentioned how much she missed him :(
They hugged. The circumstances were romantic and she was dressed as his dead brother but I needed to archive it [Zane LIVES]
You ever think about how in Rebirth, Garroth swore he'd protect Aphmau and afterward she tells him he "looks familiar" because she's reminded of Esmund doing the same. You ever— [New World]
Blushed while holding her hand [The Village of Pheonix Drop]
Went on a haunted house date with her which ended on Aphmau falling ontop him, implication he would've tried to kiss her if not interrupted [Haunted House and Fall-ing For You]
Fainted after she wore Lucinda's witch dress [Happy Halloween!]
"A-absolutely, I mean like in the way I'm thinking of which is not to say I couldn't protect you and a family NOT THAT I'm thinking about that kind of thing but like in the future when things get better with Zane and all that crazy stuff is over..." [Dinner After Movie]
Tried to marry her [Find Your True Love]
Kissed her multiple times but those were all non-consensual so we're just going to squeeze past that
2. Laurance
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Less of a horrendously down bad loser compared to Garroth but only because he's better at hiding it
His introduction began with confessing his love [The Admirer]
Convinced Zane that he was instead engaged to Aphmau and called her "the love of his life" [The Baby Shower Pt. 2]
The Table Scene™ [Guard Upgrades]
Jokingly asks if Garroth is coming between their marriage [Another Statue?]
Laurance tells Aphmau she looks beautiful in a moonlight and she mistakes him for trying to kiss her [A Magical Showdown]
"I am a Knight of Shadows... I remember that you were my light in the darkness, for that I want to thank you. Even if you don't end up with me... if I lose you to someone else... ..Please don't leave me? I just want you in my life, even if you are a star I'll never be able to help shine." [The Smile of Alexis]
Aphmau waltzed down an aisle in order to kiss Laurance [The Vows We Take] — this was non-consensual and is problematic under scrutiny... but also incredibly iconic for every nine year old who watched it so I'm slotting it in anyway.
This was apparently our casonova's first kiss [My Golden Friend]
Aphmau rushes into him and he falls ontop her, blushing madly [They Travel From Far]
"You can lean on my shoulder :3" [The Wind At Sea]
Pinned her to a tree. Yeah. [Sons of Pheonix Drop]
Waited for her after detention and offered to walk her home which she accepted [Alone With Him]
Went on a park date together [Weekend Friends]
Carved out a heart inside a pumpkin for her and then winks [Happy Halloween!]
3. Zane
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Genuinely funny how Zane went from Jess ironically shipping them to being a contendor for Aphmau's biggest simp
Stood together under the mistletoe and Aphmau kissed him on the cheek [How The Zane Stole Christmas]
Upon seeing her in a maid costume, stuttered while calling her cute [Maid For The Job]
The two of them had to pretend to be a couple [Don't Tell Mom! Pt. 1]
During this time he said she looked like an angel in her new dress [Don't Tell Aaron! Pt. 2]
Upon Travis implying he was also inlove with Aphmau, Zane said he only wanted to be her "one and only friend." Sir a few sentences before this you wanted to fight to the death for her. [Aphmau In Love]
Blushed alongside Aaron when Aphmau wore a revealing cosplay (the other boys were unphased) [A-Con 2016]
Zane has a flashback of being a baby and he remembers being held by Aphmau, then blushes. [Laurance's Baby Brother]
The two of them share a hug, which Zane later declines when Kawaii~Chan asks for one [Aphmau In Trouble]
Technically not romantic but Aphmau's "biggest fear" was marrying him, and thus we have an image of these two kissing at their wedding [Haunted House]
Also not technically romantic but Kawaii~Chan outright asks Aphmau if she'd date Zane if he wasn't evil [Slumber Party!]
4. Dante
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Look at my children I love them so much
Malachi created an illusion inwhich the two of them shared a kiss [Our Fears]
Not romantic but he stated the two of them "could've been something" if he didn't currently see as a sister (and didn't have like an entire family but okay) [Puppy Love]
Jessica wrote smut of them. Which is like, good for her, y'know? She's an adult woman and it's her own characters I genuinely don't see the fuss. Atleast this Aphmau was an adult.
5. Travis
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Revealed to be the reincarnation of Enki who was inlove with Irene. Unlike Garroth it doesn't necessarily mean he's inlove with Aphmau but like... everyone is inlove with Aphmau.
His introduction was immediately flirting with her and trying tricking her into kissing him (considering the inspiration for his last name and the other dialogue options were urging Aphmau to kiss him I'm assuming this was meant to be a "playful" hence its slot) [Cursed At Sea]
*He kneels down and kisses Aphmau's hand.* "Aphmau, I humbly ask to become a loyal guard to the Phoenix Alliance." [The Divine Relic]
Upon Abby proposing it, Travis agreed that Aph and him should date [Mr. and Mrs. Travis]
6. Katelyn
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"The only thing I have love for is punching things... that and Aphmau... I'm her protector afterall." [Spa Day]
Lucinda ask Katelyn if she is jealous she's holding Aphmau, which Katelyn becomes flustered and denies [The Girl's Contest]
An episode later she pretends Aphmau is her girlfriend, agrees to kiss her without hesitation, and tells her to "pucker up, gorgeous" [Aphmau In Love]
Their "compliment fight" which was just shamelessly flirting with eachother [Kai's Angel] 7. Zoey
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She was literally her wife
Awaited at the docks with Levin to greet Aphmau when she came back to Pheonix Drop [Coming Home]
She took care of the children with her
Fellas is it gay for a woman to give up her immortality for another woman? [Welcome To Pheonix Drop]
8. Gene
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Was clearly jealous during the music video [You Will Always Be The One]
Sylvanna introduced him as the "perfect man Aphmau could date" [Mommy's Surprise]
Said it was nice Aphmau wanted his company. She was the first one he felt comfortable enough to talk to about his kitten dying [Zane's Rival]
After her dog transformation was undone, Aphmau fell ontop of him [Barking Up The Wrong Tree]
Went on a movie date in the Upside Down universe which ends in a kiss [Evil Aphmau]
look at every single minigames episode he was in
9. Kai
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This guy speedrun the "Viable love interest to Aphmau" -> "Create a reason he sucks so that he doesn't get in the way of Aarmau" pipeline 😔
Literally every episode he was in was ship bait until its randomly revealed he liked Katelyn, and "he can't take Aphmau romantically because finds her annoying but wants a girlfriend anyway."
Justice for guy
10. Reese
I couldn't find an image of him with Aphmau sob...
Its revealed he's inlove with Aphmau and Polly [The Hot Princes]
Quite sure Modzilla was too but I'm not willing to check
11. Brenden
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Best friends 💕💕💕
Anyway you can imagine how much I started to writhe on the floor having Brendan flirts with Aphmau. Like he's done it before but this particular scene made me wince and therefore I needed to archive it [The Big Move]
13. ...Ein
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I'm not listing anything for this guy
Genuinely nothing against you Ein enjoyers you guys deserved so much better than that "red herring" incest subplot
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lovelyheartclover · 5 months
Albums im obsessed with and listening to on repeat at the moment 🔥🔥🔥
@zombytommy feel free to list your favorite albums/songs too if ya want cuz I know you love talking about music bro 🎧😋
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latenightstars3 · 5 months
Inside Man mini review
So I just finished watching inside man (the one by Steven Moffat) and I have been reading all the reviews of it on here and on other sites.
and I honestly loved it (mostly because of the actors but still), the suspense was pretty great, acting was terrific, plot was decent, relatively likeable (and if not, at least semi relatable) characters.
the one thing though is that I found, which lots of people seem to disagree with, is the way that Mary Watling and Harry Watling were portrayed throughout the whole ordeal and how they were shown to deal with their emotions. I found it incredible
the way that Mary reacted; trying to find a sense of normalcy in a situation that was the opposite of normal, keeping what seemed like a calm exterior to try and keep them all from imploding with everything going on. The occasional emotional explosions when she couldn’t take it anymore.
I found it to be a very true show of what extenuating circumstances can do to someone (ie. having your sons math tutor locked in your cellar because she thinks your son is a p3d0) and the lengths people will take to have some kind of control over their lives (doing normal things to alleviate guilt and terror)
The same goes with Harry Watling (aka the vicar), though his is shown more as a delayed reaction.
it’s almost as if he doesn’t truly realize what he’s done and what’s happening, or atleast he’s ignoring it pretty damn well. He doesn’t try to keep it normal (he knows it’s nowhere near normal) or keep peace so to speak; more than anything he just shuts down.
he barely speaks with anyone and when he does he shuts them out just as quickly. Using his title as vicar as moral high ground, saying “I couldn’t have done this, I’m too good for that”, using it as a shield against the reality of the situation. And comforting others (mostly), to again show the moral high ground that he has claimed.
It shows a different approach people can sometimes take when dealing with such things (though similar to the other ways); which can lead to people entirely shutting down and avoiding the world to try and alleviate guilt (and any other emotions they may be feeling), leading to lashing out at anyone who tries to help (no matter how misguided).
No one in this show is truly a good person, but they are still people and people will react in a million different ways to different scenarios.
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deathtulips · 10 months
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cannot help but admire them
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and seraphina is doing just that..
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bordle · 1 year
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3x0t1clibra · 8 months
Now because of the fact that my adhd is suffocating me with having to draw the reason why this exists, im just gonna post it here;
G1 Transformers AU where it was not a 'good' thing to have Human/Mech bc of several severe problems. The Matrix looked at Bumblebee and Spike and said "Nah, I'm breaking my own rules" and kind of. 'redid' Spike in a way no one, not even Spike himself, could figure out until years later.
This had the side affect of both Bumblebee and Spike to be able to fuse, and thats how i got this!!-
(Photo dump)
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This fan fusion is loosely based off of Rhodonite from SU/Steven Universe if you couldnt tell.
Matrix: *Sees Bumblebee and Spike being a couple that knows what will happen eventually*
"Rules can't be broken from a leader that doesn't have exceptions, but you both are." *Proceeds to redo Spike's DNA*
"Happy couple!!"
this au will be called "G1 TF: Fusion Able Au" and ask anything abt them and give me scenerios with them por favor<33
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20doozers · 1 month
Can’t sleep cause I’m thinking about the time I set my alarms to my crush’s favorite song so I’d be in a good mood every morning.
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piwonify · 2 years
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schizoidcel · 8 months
reqs will take awhile. Ill do my 5 drafts answer 3 asks and im GONE
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dearjulien · 1 year
High School Musical has me giggling, twirling my hair, and kicking my feet like one of those girls from a 2000s movie. 😭
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c0wboylik3m3 · 3 months
"you can see HER with the lights out" she said it everytime!
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techromancer1179 · 1 year
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they added Evil Robot Shadow Skull to fortnite btw.
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bipolbur · 8 months
unlikely events is such clingy bait WHERE IS TUBBO
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