#inheritance games headcannons
gergthecat · 1 month
Can you make some averyjameson headcanons?
I've already done one of these but I'll always do more <3
Avery and Jameson have a Minecraft world they have spent WEEKS on
Jameson blushes every time she puts their little Minecraft beds together as if he doesn't LIVE in her bed
Jameson gets kicked out once a month so Avery, Libby, Max, and Xander can have a girls' night/sleepover
he pouts every time
at this point he doesn't even knock before going into the bathroom while she's in there
Avery is a mochi girl and Jameson honestly doesn't get the hype
they love reading Nancy Drew books
they dress up as Ned and Nancy for Halloween and nobody gets it
Avery always has something sprained and Jameson teases her relentlessly for it
his phone wallpaper is a photo Xander took of him burying Avery in sand during one of their vacations
hers is a picture she made Grayson take with his nice camera of Jameson and Nash as they were walking on the lawn
Nash asked Jameson to be his best man and he was so sure it'd be Grayson that he cried
they both have CRIPPLING self-esteem issues but they are so adamant that it's wrong when it comes to the other person
Avery is Libby's maid of honor as well (obvs)
when she goes to try on her dress for the wedding (they had taken the measurements a month in advance) it's too small and she starts crying
Libby has to call Jameson to come calm her down
the comments online just get to her sometimes yk?
she feels guilty and buys Libby a second wedding gift as an apology for ruining the moment
Libby OBVS tells her it's fine (we stan good big sister Libby)
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inmyheaddd · 26 days
heyy love your work could you please do the Hawthorne siblings headcannons?
hawthorne sibling head cannons
thankyou sm for the reqq, hawthorne brothers you will always be famous!! wc: 848
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when nash saw how skye was with grayson when he was first born, he was finally happy that his mom was more involved, but that was extremely short lived.
grayson would sit and talk to baby xander up until he was around 3 because he felt like he couldn’t really talk to anyone else.
xander and jameson made it their mission everyday to annoy grayson.
deep down they didn’t want to annoy him; they just wanted some sort of reaction out of their brother, like all little siblings do.
“grayson can i borrow your camera really quick?” xander would ask, knowing that he and jameson snuck into his room and hid it.
they would be stifling their laughs while grayson looked around his room for a minute, when he finally realized.
“you guys aren’t funny.”
whenever they’d pull something like this and it would go on for too long, nash would have to get involved.
xander and nash were getting ‘told off’ by nash, grayson standing beside him.
“jamie, would you like it if somebody took your things and you had to search the whole house to find them?" he rhetorically asked with a serious look on his face. jameson on the other hand, was anything but serious and was smiling widely.
“actually yes, i love searching for stuff.”
there was a beat of silence followed by nash muttering under his breath,
“yeah, i shouldn’t have asked you that.” he turned his attention to xander, who was starting to fiddle with his small hands and bite his lip.
“xander, would you like it if if someone too-“
“okay fine i’m sorry!” he blurted out suddenly. “i just wanted to play with you guys but i didn’t know grayson would actually get mad, jamie told me he wouldn’t, he said it would be funny and- and-” he rambled on so quickly nash couldn't even comprehend some of his words.
nash’s attempt at a stern face softened, “aw kid, you can always just ask to play, you know that, right?”
“but you guys are always busy,” 6 year old xander countered.
grayson finally spoke up after staying silent for 10 minutes. “i’ll always play with you, i just don’t like it when you steal my things.” he said quietly.
jameson agreed “yeah same, ill always play with you.” he paused and then continued, “but i actually really like it when we steal grayson’s thi-"
nash, grayson, and jameson came to the realization that they didn't make the best decision that day, because xander was like a never-ending talking machine, constantly asking them to play.
one time, nash and alisa were hanging out, and 8 year old xander burst into the room. “hi guys, can i play robots with you?”
5 minutes later, alisa and nash were sitting in silence, their clothes slightly wrinkled, sending each other looks sometimes, while xander was droning off about the game, the different robots, and what they do.
he went silent for a few seconds, then suddenly spoke up. “nash, were you playing with mommy’s makeup?”
“no?” nash responds confusedly, as this question was extremely out of the blue and caught him way off guard.
“then what’s that red stuff on your neck?”
hangouts were at alisa’s house from then on.
grayson and jameson were honestly inseparable before emily came around, and the old man’s expectations tore them apart.
whenever they would actually get along, for days in a row even, grayson would suddenly snap and go back to being distant. jameson would think he did something wrong, and he was honestly angry at grayson in a way, because all he wanted was to just talk to his brother. but he never ever voiced those thoughts outloud.
grayson on the other hand, felt like he was becoming weak and like he had to put on that strong persona and unbreakable facade in front of everyone, even in front of the people who were practically half of him.
"it's going to be you one day," the old man’s voice echoed in his mind
though sometimes his brotherly love for jameson — for all his brothers —overpowered and silenced that voice in his mind. 
at the end of the day, his brothers always came first. above everything.
xander and jameson (and sometimes nash) lowkey make fun of grayson when he acts all emo — xander's words.
“honestly, he’s like if edward cullen had a child with chuck bass. the most broody, seriois, and annoying guy to walk the earth.” 
xander’s attempt at being quiet at the dinner table failed, and grayson heard it. he tried to hide his laugh by taking another sip of his water.
xander and jameson always feel like they’ve accomplished something when they make their older brothers laugh.
when everyone was in different stages of their lives—xander in high school, jameson about to graduate, grayson already being graduated, and nash always off somewhere—moments when they were all having fun together were cherished tenfold.
one time jameson called a 911 because he “missed everyone too much." grayson didn’t come, and then the leather pants punishment came to life. 
the lack of their childhood in the books is literally criminal
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blaaaaa3451 · 5 days
Grayson Davenport Hawthorne...
My Boy’s so pretty :)
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Grayson Davenport Hawthorne would be the type to have his heart quietly melt when he sees you doing something you love, his eyes resting on your focused expression as he observes from the corner of his vision. He's the type to teach you how to waltz, except the stiffness in his hold on your waist becoming more fluid as you go on, his arm relaxing as his fingers trail down your figure; he looks at you with so much love softly oozing from the way his lips quirk up in an ever-so-subtle smile with pure adoration for you. <3
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s-rosie · 8 days
hiiii!!! i hope everyone is doing wonderful and taking care if themselves, with that said, i hope you like these!
jameson can rub avery’s stomach in just the right way, it gets rid of her period cramps
they make each other those aesthetic, cute, and meaningful gifts when the other is feeling shitty
they tried that “you need a hug” trend when the boyfriend jumps on the girlfriend’s back, and avery fell over and hit her nose (jameson then felt so bad, he gave her so many cuddles and kisses)
they have onesies that are stitch for jameson and angel for ave
they sing musicals together and assign each other characters to play
i hc that ave has hormone problems, so jamie will help her by holding her hair when she throws up, holding her when she gets dizzy, and giving her cuddles (not me projecting again 💀)
in their room, they have a whole corner filled with cute stuffier
they take long drives sometimes and just talk about life and scream sing their fav songs
jameson once pulled ave into a closet (😏) and oren was going crazy trying to find her because he thought she was kidnapped again (they then had to sit through a 20 minute lecture)
everyone online calls them “america’s favorite couple”
jamie loves going shopping with her and he has good fashion taste, so he will help her find outfits
one time nash told them to get a room, so jameson was like “fine maybe i will” and avery was like “fine by me” as a joke (not really) and nash was mortified
xander once dared them to play 7 minutes in heaven, and it got a bit heated
they went on a trip to nyc, and jameson taught avery how to ice skate at rockefeller rink because i hc he plays hockey
i hc ave is allergic to metal, so jamie covers all of his rings and jewelry with a clear coat so she can hold his hand, and he always makes sure to gets her hypoallergenic jewelry
they are both obsessed with combat boots, especially doc martens
they have spa dates before big events to make sure they look ✨fabulous✨
jamie and avery are the best at just dance, like if they team up against you you know its over for you
after “activities” (😏) jamie will carry her wherever she needs to go until she can walk
ave always takes the blankets and makes herself a burrito in the blankets (jamie acts annoyed but he obviously finds it adorable)
jameson loves olives, but ave hates them (the olive theory)
one time at the beginning of their relationship, she got overwhelmed by jameson touching her so she pulled away, and he felt like he did something wrong. she assured him it was ok and she just got overwhelmed so they made a secret tap that ave can do on jamie’s arm so he knoes to let go and give her space (though, she uses the tap less and less now)
at their wedding, jamie cried seeing avery walk down the isle, causing her to start crying and they met at the alter a bawling mess
they always hype each other up and stand up for each other no matter what
since i think it is pretty much cannon that jameson does nascar at this point, before his races, ave gets really scared that he will get hurt, so she will tell him things like “don’t die” and “if you die, ill kill you” and he just laughs and tells her he will be ok
at any event that either of them do, the other always brings them a gift pertaining to that event
ave is SUPER tickle ish, and jamie will tickle her sometimes until she cant breath (she pretends she hates it, but jamie kbows she loves it)
thank you so muchhhh! i hope you like these as much as i enjoyed making them. please give me some recommendations as to what yo make next. i will be busy for a while, so if i post few and far between, just know that i will be back (tho i will post more then that) so if i dont get to your request right away, just know i will eventually. thank you 😊
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xo-zozo · 26 days
angsty averyjameson hcs?
their first fight was BAD, especially because avery was so new to the relationship thing so she had no idea what to do and just ended up screaming at him
after the plane bombing when avery was still in the hospital, he would always fall asleep in her room until someone (one of his family members) took him home
he didn’t tell avery this until they were dating
speaking of the bombing, when he was there, he would always try talking to her and saying things like, “please be okay, i don’t know what i’ll do without you”
at night jameson tells her that she deserves so much better than him which leads to her hugging and comforting him
before they started dating and stuff, whenever jameson saw her with grayson he was genuinely debating letting him have her because he thought that he didn’t deserve her
whenever someone finds avery having a panic attack, they go and get jameson and he sits there with her and hugs her until she stops hyperventilating
avery has a bunch of nervous habits so whenever she’s biting her nails or something he’ll hold her hand to stop her
other than that, she’d play with her hair, dig her nails into her palms (cannon) etc
he kisses her hands (and face, etc.) when she’s nervous or upset
if he makes her cry he immediately starts apologizing and hugging her
he defends her even when she’s mad at him just because he’s like that 🤷🏻‍♀️
if she’s still mad at him when they go to bed, he hugs her from behind and starts saying stuff to her
a lot of this was actually fluff but whatever 😛
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warnerisbetter · 5 months
Books as taylor swift albums
Shatter me- speak now/lover
The cruel prince- Fearless
Kingdom of the wicked- reputation
The inheritance games-evermore
Red queen-folklore
Fourth wing-reputation
Twisted series- 1989
Six of crows- evermore
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charsoamerican · 10 months
Do you have any averyjameson headcanons?
I actually am working on some right now so I will try to get those posted in a timely manner though I’m lazy so time will tell
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guppyclato · 2 years
The inheritance games headcannon:
Thea taking Avery dress shopping and nearly having a mental breakdown because of Avery's bad fashion tastes.
Then she calls libbys and gives her a speech about not 'fashion educating' her sister.
Thea and Avery constantly saying "shut up, Xander" in synch at school.
Avery arranging for 'Hannah Rooney' being engraved on her mums tombstone instead of Sarah.
The Hawthorne brothers and Avery having a chess tournament. (I have no idea who'd win)
Avery and Jameson playing who-can-insult-more-people-without-them-knowing at a galla.
Alisa killing them for it.
Xander thirdwheeling Jameson and Avery to piss his brother off.
Avery and Grayson intense disscusions about other countries/cultures/traveling.
Xander burning of his second eyebrow and being mercilessly mocked for it.
Avery sends Max tickets to Australia for christmas.
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gojoroui · 10 days
BAMBI. you are the next one on my list to convert to a hsr / genshin papa enthusiast >:)
bambi…. do u have any thoughts abt hsr and genshin papas (twirling my hair as i type)
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ft. jing yuan, blade, dan heng, aventurine x fem! reader (separate)
content. literally so much fluff u can consider ssfw (super sfw), BUT is kinda suggestive, established relationship (marriage), dan heng’s part is slightly il dan heng, lots of mentions of pregnancy, parental au, somewhat a headcannon w little blurbs in between !!!!, lots & lots of kisses, pet names used for reader, not proofread
notes. IM SO SRRY IT TOOK THIS LONG; hopefully i cooked/redeemed myself w this 😞🙏 made a specially for @neuvistar — maryse !! i also made the writing smaller bc i don’t want it to look longer (srry if it’s hard to read :’)) i doubt myself w this idk if it’s even good (i cut off half of the characters i was gonna write bc i honestly idk 😾 & i did some of them dirty IM SORRY) </3 but i actually do have thoughts, but i hate when i have smt in mind & i js can’t seem to write it down SHAKES YOU IN FRUSTRATION
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JING YUAN — is literally father and daddy coded you cannot persuade me that he isn’t (i will throw hands at you) he’s super sweet and gentle with you before and after your pregnancy, he’ll actually probably treat you the same after you get your children — although maybe he’ll be more patient. overall he’s on the chiller dad side. personally, jing yuan would naturally know how to handle his children even when they’re a few hours after birth. he would cradle them with so much care and gentleness like your baby is made of fragile glass. but what’s to expect? he has yanqing to deal with in the first place.
JING YUAN — would be the man to kiss your forehead multiple times during pregnancy, he’ll actually transform into a male wife, he’ll also go as far as canceling all of his meetings and not give a damn about each one, even if you tried telling him to; he’s stick by your side like super glue. he’s SO reassuring. it’s a shame fu xuan had to deal with a man like him, he’ll never focus properly even if he went to work. all he has on his mind is you and his soon-to-be little versions of you and him.
“take it easy, love. i’ll be right by your side if you need me.”
JING YUAN — who would and will have two daughters, he’s such a girl dad i can see it. i feel like he wouldn’t (??) have twins, just like one child at a time, a very supportive dad. he could easily cheer up his daughters anytime, like when they trip, fall, scrap their knee, need help on homework, need assistance on changing, and so much more.
JING YUAN — who takes naps with his daughters anywhere, anytime. his daughters definitely inherited their father’s love for sleep (and his lazy personality), they enjoy sleeping just like their sleep deprived father. you’ll as often walk in on the three sleeping together — the children wrapped in jing yuan’s warm, muscular arms. unfortunately, you go a long way just to wake up your husband, what makes you think waking up your husband and two more lazy children that have the same ego as their father help?
“mommyy… 5 mor’…”
“mhm, what she said… just 5 more minutes, darling… how about you join us..?
JING YUAN — spoils his daughters. he doesn’t spoil them too much, or else they’ll grow up to be greedy, so he’ll spoil them just a right amount that they know how to behave properly when receiving something thoughtful. he cherishes the moments he gets to spend with you and the children together — he occasionally schedules times so he can get home at a specific time to spend with his family. eating dinner, playing games, and just enjoying his family. on rare occasions, his girls will wake up early and even come to your’s and jing yuan’s bedroom to wake you two up in the morning! leading to a huge cuddle session and cute babbling from your mix of you and jing yuan.
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BLADE — is quite the dad, actually. he obviously won’t show it, but he’s in between being extremely nervous and extremely excited on being a dad. he’s not sure if it’ll be worth the shot even being a father, due to all of the trauma and greif he’s had in his life. but after he met you, he’s started to diminish his need to disappear. additionally, you’ll be there to reassure him.
BLADE — is a very good father. like before, he’s nervous, but he has soft spot for you — which means he has an even softer spot for his own children. he’s a girl dad; one daughter and i can see it. he takes REAL good care of her when she’s just minutes out the womb. just the way blade’s eyes softened so much and his mouth slight gaped can tell how blade sees his beautiful daughter. the man to tuck his girl’s stray hairs out of her face and kiss her face afterwards.
“she looks just like me..”
BLADE — who's so gentle with his daughter. despite being a wanted criminal who fights with much skill and discipline, it’s a true surprise to see him so vulnerable while using his rough hands to softly cradle his daughter who’s ten times smaller than him. he’ll let his daughter play with his bangs and long luscious hair, even if he has to brush it all over again. he doesn’t give a single care about his hair, as long as his daughter gets her entertainment. he’ll let her slap his face, squish his cheeks, bump his nose, whatever (he probably wouldn’t let them all slide). on some days, when blade’s not running around and escaping from soldiers, he lets his daughter go ALL out on him. the two will definitely play — dress up, dolls, tea party’s, and much, much more (but it’s not like he can say no).
BLADE — who unfortunately “becomes” a pretty princess once his daughter gets to work. neon clips, silky ribbons, fake makeup, pink hair ties, jewelry, everything. and when you witness it, it’s more than difficult to hold in your laugh.
“blade!… blade?-”
BLADE — is a pretty accurate protective father, but sometimes, it’s not even his protectiveness that’s acting. just a small glance or look from him can scare any boy from staying near or close your daughter. you remind him constantly to give his daughter some freedom, but what’s he gonna do if he’s doing nothing — but staring at the boy? it’ll take time for him to accept a guy that your daughter actually really likes and wants to be with, but don’t worry, blade will be “kind” enough to do it for his daughter. but don’t expect him to accept a man so easily (and the man to accept a dad-in-law so… scary), he’ll definitely have them take a “trial” on something to be able to be his daughter’s lover. heads up, if any guy hurts his daughter in any way, physically, mentally, or emotionally, they better count their days.
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DAN HENG — is literally the sweetest dad to ever have, it’s tooth rottening. he’s like the entire package. he’ll make sure his children get a good education, live in a good environment, provide them with a decent life style, and hope they grow up to be amazing people (i’m crying rn). but before actually receiving you giving birth to your child, dan heng was the biggest nervous thing ever. he never thought to ever have a child of his own, and doubt how he’ll have to work it out. but you reassured him, and true to your words, he was.
DAN HENG — stays by your side almost all the time during your pregnancy. even when he had lots of trailblazing with the crew, he insisted to stay back to care for you and his future children. fortunately, he was allowed to by himeko and welt — unfortunately for march 7th and the trailblazer, they were missing a member to provoke. he can and will do everything and anything for you; the whole princess treatment. need water? right on top of your bed stand. need a pillow? he’s already rushing for a spare one. need something to eat? he’s already provided it (breakfast in bed guys). don’t forget the cuddles on the side, he’ll provide that anytime. his cuddles are literally so warm it warms up your body in the process, he’s like your personal heater. dan heng will definitely rub soothing circles on the belly — he knows it gets difficult to be a mother (not by experience guys get it out of your head), so he hopes all his acts of service helps you.
“shhh… take it easy love.”
DAN HENG — would have 2 children, a son and a daughter. unless it’s il dan heng, then that’s something else. i’d say the son is the oldest, although i don’t exactly 100% see it. there will be tears when he gets to see his very first child, holding them like it’s like his very last chance of living. he’ll immediately kiss your forehead after you’ve given birth to your and his’ child, promising to care for your son (and future daughter) ‘till the day he dies. he’ll also be by your side when your in the process of delivering your child. rubbing circles on your hands, lightly hushing and kissing you, intertwining hands, and saying the most supportive and loving words ever. and you maybe even cried during it because you can’t believe to have such an amazing husband like dan heng by your side (i’m crying again). additionally, the way his heart and eyes melted when you send him a small smile and slowly closed your eyes to rest.
DAN HENG — who like blade, would let his children play with his hair. sometimes, he’d transform into his vidyadhara and let his children play with his long hair; clipping clips, tying his hair, fashioning it, etc. i guess the son wouldn’t be so into that, but he’ll help his sister dress up their father. you melt whenever you happen to see your little toddlers play and try to chase after their father’s dragon tail. careful not to have them trip or fall, dan heng enjoys teaseing them and having them run after his tail — like a puppy, hoping that they manage to catch his tail and play atop it. i also can’t help but think of the thought dan heng would have his tail “turn” into a slide for his little children! they would just slide down and run back to their father for another round until they’re exhausted.
“hehe... again! again!”
“alright, you can slide some more, but then it’s gonna be your nap time.”
“ok, daddy!”
DAN HENG — who lovingly tucks his kids in their bed or crib when it’s their nap time, or it’s their bedtime. it’s such a heartwarming scene to witness, it could easily melt even the coldest of hearts. i think dan heng would sing them lullabies, but occasionally when he feels like it’s time for them understand the meanings of his songs. dan heng slightly blushes when he sees you in the doorway, flustering that you got to see how vulnerable he is, but that’s not a bother.
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AVENTURINE — is one of the funnest and dedicated dads. he just loves his children so much, even if he has a side job, he always manages to make time for them and you. would definitely cry tears of joy and happiness when he receives them, stroking their small heads and holding them so tenderly. he loves you so much for giving him his children; he'd babble on forever about how you're such an amazing wife for working so hard for him and you, probable crying while saying all those heartwarming things. he's more than grateful to have his little children.
AVENTURINE — is such an AMAZING dad and supporter oh my goodness. he's so caring when you're a few months and/or weeks pregnant. maybe he becomes a male-wife (??), that's very visible in my brain. for awhile, he would take a break on going to the casino — to stay home and care for you. would easily decline any offer from any opponents that want to gamble. you would sometimes just wake up in the morning and hear his conversations to somebody about some business.
"no... im good... listen, for the last time, im not. please and thank you." hangs up.
"oh! mornin' babe. huh? — oh, its nothing, just some brat."
AVENTURINE — is a girl dad, but i feel like he would have one son and two daughters. he would love them all equally and take care of them so much; giving them a childhood he never managed to have. aventurine i guess i pretty known for being quite a guy, but his kids would be the sweetest ever — which he said was inherited by you. but just like their dad, they have another side (😈), they can be SO troublesome and little maniacs if they want to.
AVENTURINE — who gets tackled to the ground whenever he gets home from work by his children. it’s so cute and entertaining to see him get beaten to the ground by kids so much younger than him. they would just tackle his — grabbing his hat and coat and wearing them themselves ITS SO CUTE. additionally, i see aventurine taking the three bundles of joy to his gambling games and have them like sit on his lap and let them experience it. and also watching their dad ‘win’, is what he said. but after a couple weeks of their visits, aventurine eventually had to limit their visits because they kept exposing his cards; throwing them, playing with them, shouting out his cards, etc.
“daddy has only two more blue cards!”
“and one yellow!”
“oh! hehe… don’t shout out, love, it’s rude.”
AVENTURINE — who does the weirdest things with his kids. he would one hundred percent (sorry not sorry) dab up his son and teaches him the weirdest shit ever. like it’s kinda not surprising at all. he would also let his daughter play around with his necessary stuff. many of his other stuff needs to been hidden well, because you know, his kids are pretty curious.
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murmiss · 2 months
Yandere Simulator.
(accordingly, inspired by the game Yandere Simulator)
Pairing: Ghost/You, Price/You, Gaz/You,Soap/You, Graves/You, Konig/You, Alejandro/You, Rudy/You, Horangi/You. Valeria/You. (I assume that this is not all, since the idea is taken from the Yandere Simulator, in the harem version).
Warning: College, city and certain places and people are fictitious, the education system is fictitious, OOC is possible,My personal headcannons and character vision.Different ages, mention yandere,mentioning mental problems, etc.there may be mistakes in words, English is not my first language.
Summary: Inspired by the game Yandere simulator, where you are the main character, a simple girl in in which different guys with different types and characters are interested, and of course, there is Yandere.
you can express your opinion :)
1 part.
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You were born into a simple, extremely ordinary family. Your father was a banker, walking around in his favorite stereotypical outfit: a strict gray suit and a tie, as an indicator of masculinity. Every morning, Mrs. Attwoord, getting up early, cooked breakfast, her children's favorite scrambled eggs and sandwiches, collected breakfast and, like a loving housewife wife, escorted her husband to work, leaving an imperceptible trace of a kiss on his cheek, and carefully tying his tie with her elegant fingers. Next comes the younger brother, the "heir", as his grandmother affectionately calls him, although you sincerely do not understand it: what to inherit? Your father has no company, no business, no fancy house, what can the son of a simple bank employee inherit? But it's not the point that matters. Next, after her brother, the middle daughter Eliza wakes up- an exceptional beauty, with glossy wheat hair, a doll's face- almost a copy of her mother.Eliza was a promising dancer, but she was not a good singer, but she danced perfectly, performing a light bunch of moves to some loud song at every party. Then, at the very end, you woke up.
Usually, it was the last ring of the alarm clock, which you heard through the veil of sleep, not wanting to miss the outcome of the battle between Harry Potter and some fairies. But your mother's shriek, tired of trying to wake you up, let out a loud shriek, forcing you to jump up from your seat and rush to the bathroom, showering and washing up at speed.Standing at the mirror and looking at your exhausted eyes, your hands reached for a small cosmetic bag and your favorite concealer, which, as you hoped, would hide not only the sins, but also the dark bags under your eyes. Next was eyebrow gel and lip gloss - you didn't have much time to put on makeup, and you didn't see much point in it, because you weren't going on a date. In terms of clothing, your choice fell on a skirt-shorts in a large pleated dark blue color, beige T-shirt, which for convenience you tucked into the skirt, a light cardigan for warmth, and complemented the image of black capron tights, which at least somehow but added to the image of completeness. And on your feet you left comfortable sneakers.
After stuffing notebooks and stationery, house keys, lipstick, hairbrush, and perhaps a sketchbook into her backpack, the girl quickly went down to the first floor, grabbed a sandwich from the table, and hurried out of the house, to the excited cry of her mother: "Honey! You forgot your breakfast!"
But the bus, you know, won't wait for you to finish, so you sped up and headed for the bus stop, but when you saw the damn bus in the distance, you immediately broke into a sprint, running like a marathon runner and mentally cursing.
"If you leave now, asshole, I'll put a curse on you!"
And thank God, as if hearing your pleas (curses), the driver waited for the girl in distress. Almost jumping into the bus, skipping the steps, you plopped down on the only free seat and relaxed exhaled, leaning back on the back of the uncomfortable seat. A couple of stops later, leaving the packed bus, or rather, the mechanical inferno, the gates of the college appeared before your eyes. The college was a historic building that people had equipped as a "place of knowledge". Antique patterns, massive doors made of pure wood, high ceilings - all this looked really intimidating and mesmerizing. Passing the gate, you looked at the students with interest: here were girls in brightly colored dresses excitedly babbling about something, here was a group of guys, six people laughing, and here were just loners walking towards the building with headphones in their ears. There were huge trees growing on the college grounds: pine trees, mighty oaks, and even flowers. The place was indeed beautiful. But soon after you took your eyes off the beauty of the place, you noticed that there was already five minutes of class going on! As you rushed into the building, you slammed into someone's strong chest. When you looked up, trying to catch your breath from a short jog, you saw a guy, tall, sturdy, and wearing a half-face mask, which was a little weird, because it wasn't quarantine period or anything. Well, maybe it's an image of him, you thought. Realizing you've been staring at each other for a few moments, you mumble.
-Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.
You didn't? That's the stupidest excuse ever, to be honest, because it's hard not to notice a big guy like that. The guy nodded, but didn't answer, and, feeling rather awkward, you threw another "sorry" and rushed further into the classroom. And good thing the teacher was late. Entering the classroom, you noticed a guy who sat with an improvised slingshot in his hands, made of two pencils and a rubber band. Oh, yes, you know this jerk - John MacTavish, a Scottish guy, explosive in character, but at the same time the soul of the company and incredibly cute and dorky guy. Noticing you he waved his hand, removing his backpack from its place and beckoning you over. Shaking your head, you quickly climb up to the top and plop down on the seat next to him, pulling out a space-print notebook and a couple of pens.
-What have you got there? When did you start liking Cosmos?- John asked with interest.
-I borrowed a couple of notebooks from Eliza,-you said, sighing, and put your elbow on the table, propping your head on your hand and staring at John, who was fastening erasers and pens with little rubber bands.
-What are you doing?
-Sword-with a serious face John answered, causing you to raise an eyebrow and ask: "A sword?"
-Yeah, the guy pulled out a little man made of erasers from his pencil case and happily demonstrated it to you.
-God, John...-a slight laugh escaped your lips.
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gergthecat · 1 month
Could you make averyjameson or averygrayson headcanons? (Headcanons for whichever couple you ship)
Averyjameson bc Grayson makes me feel weird
They both get nightmares a lot and so when they don’t they have a little party
There are so many of those “celebrity couples wearing each others’ clothes” comps of them
Avery’s fav sweatshirt is one of Jameson's from when he was like 14 because it’s actually her size
When Jameson gets sick he gets sad because he doesn't like feeling helpless
They NEVER shower alone
Whenever Avery is sad Jameson gets all the blankets and pillows and makes a nest for them to cuddle
Avery LOVES coconut and it makes Jameson gag (me too, Jameson, me too)
He actually cried during their first time because he thought that he would accidentally hurt her or it would be bad for her and she'd hate him
girlie pop did NOT hate him (quite the opposite)
Jameson draws stars all over her when he's anxious/just feeling bad with sharpie because he likes that they stay for a while so he knows she's there (does that make sense?)
For his birthday one year she gets stars tattooed on her hips and he cries :)
Avery loves choosing Jameson's clothes because she doesn't have a lot of control over what she wears
They match at EVERY event they go to even if it's just a small detail
Jameson gets his ear pierced in some county they visit and Avery goes FERAL
I hope these live up to your hopes and anyone is welcome to send more (this was so fun)
also sorry for taking so long I got this ask right before I had a cello performance lmao
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inmyheaddd · 20 days
hello ! could you write some headcanons for what xander would be like as a boyfriend ? :0 thank you !!
boyfriend xander hawthorne headcannons
thankyou for the req!! i love writing for xander sm, he’s so 💖 wc: 980
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dating xander felt like living through a 2000s romcom, or like reading those books you’d read in middle school, wishing you could have a love like the books. he was perfect all around.
when you guys are apart for long, he sends flowers along with a letter to you every time without fail. they’ll sometimes be short, saying how much he misses you, or they’ll be pages long.
you guys are that couple at school, the one everyone wants for themselves or either wants to be. you’re relationship isnt secret, it’s private. everyone knows you’re together and literally in love, but it’s not like you parade it around, kissing in the hallways. 
xander doesn’t shy away from PDA.
he's quite tall, so forehead kisses are very frequent. 
quick pecks are also good with him, whatever you’re comfortable with, he is too.
if you’re not one for PDA, he totally respects that, and just loves you 10x extra in private. 
he’s always buzzing with energy, so he often finds himself fiddling with your fingers, tracing patterns on your arm, or playing with your hair. 
his love language is everything!!
your friends and parents say you started to talk like xander.
you didn’t believe it yourself until you caught yourself rambling on about a food you love, not once stopping for breath.
speaking of your parents, xander tries to act more responsible in front of them, and it kills you.
the second they leave, you’re a laughing mess.
“did you call my dad sir?”
the way you’re the only person in the world who could ever make xander speechless, or at a loss for words.
one time, you guys had a fight, as all couples do, about something so stupid you barely even remember. all you know is you regret it.
what happened after it, though, you’ll never forget. he literally threw rocks at your window and stood outside with a boombox playing songs from your joint playlists. your parents and siblings were out of the house, thank god, because you’d never be able to live that one down. 
you went — no, you sprinted down the stairs and to the backyard where he was standing—and shouted atop the music, “what are you doing!?” 
as you neared him, you noticed a big poster on the floor that said, “i’m sorry!!” 
you also noticed the music was literally murdering your eardrums. when you were in front of him, he turned it off and lowered the boom box on the floor. 
“xander, what are you doing here.” you cross your arms over your chest and look up at him.
“i’m sorry, i’m an idiot, i don’t know what’s wrong with me, when it comes to you, all i want to do is the right thing, but sometimes it comes out in weird ways and they do the opposite of what i actually intended,” he continues talking, but if you’re being honest, you tuned it out. you noticed he was nervous, and all you wanted was to make it go away.
in the middle of his rambling, you just hugged him. he immediately stopped talking, and his arms were stuck to his sides for a split second. when he realized what was happening, he hugged you back as tight as ever.
“i love you so much, i never want to fight again,” you mumbled into his shoulder.
“i love you.” he kissed the top of your head, and you fell into a comfortable silence, saying all the words you couldn’t say yourself. you stayed hugging for another minute or so, swaying side to side a little.
that was until your arms started cramping and you both started laughing about it as you walked to your room, the fight long forgotten.
xander is such a cuddler!!
you’ll fall asleep with your head on his chest and wake up in a random position. usually with his arm around your waist bringing you closer, and his head nuzzled in your neck. sometimes, he even manages to sleep horizontally across the large bed. 
he’s gotten so used to sleeping in the same bed as you that when you’re not there, he can’t sleep for hours. 
same goes for you; you pretend your pillows are xander and cuddle with them instead.
dates with xander are always something fun. on your first date, he bought out a theme park for the day, and you spent the day there. the automatic pictures they take on the rollercoasters are displayed in both of your rooms. he once said they were his most prized possessions, after you. 
“not that you’re my possession; of course, you’re your own person, and you’re an independent woman, if anything i’m your possession, you’re the boss - you’re the bomb dot com!”
he crouches down to kiss you if you can’t reach him, that, or he picks you up. 
one time your friends asked you what time it is, and you immediately looked to xander. “don’t say it,” you already knew what he was about to say. “well how can i not say it?”
“guys i’m only asking for the tim-“ your friend begins to speak, only to be cut off by the phrase you were hoping your boyfriend wouldn't say.
“-it’s time to get a watch!” xander started laughing at his own joke while you and your friend just stood there, before joining in on his laughter, mostly because it was so unfunny that it was funny.
later on in the day, you were hanging out in xander's room, sitting on his bed, when you reminded him of his joke earlier.
“you’re so corny,” you say as you playfully hit his shoulder.
“you’re the farmer to my corn,” he points at your shoulder back, with a grin split across his face.
when you don’t respond and just look at him blankly, because you’re about to burst into laughter, he continues: 
“what? no? you’re the peanut butter to my jelly? you’re the apple of my eye? you’re the “she” to my “nanigans?””
“oh my god,” you start giggling like a madwoman and lay your head across his lap. “i can’t with you,”
“oh, but you so can.”
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blaaaaa3451 · 2 months
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne...
My Boy’s so pretty :)
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Jameson Winchester Hawthorne is the type to draw circles on your waist and whisper sweet Nothings in your ear when you're nervous, the type to make sure you walk on the sidewalk away from the road, the type to keep you from the camera view, or help cook dinner when you're tired. Jameson Winchester Hawthorne would whine at you pulling away from his touch, this boy is cuddly, let him love you. Hold you, one finger Lazily dragging against the dip of your hips as you two sleep <3
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generalkenobee · 5 months
Would Max be down using his powers during sex!? (ESPECIALLY HIS ICE BREATH AND TELEKINESIS) Please I need ur opinion🙏
Ur amazing 🫶🫶🫶
I fucking love you so much anon. I love you like- this wow thank you
He definitely does, he's a cocky little bastard.
During a family dinner you're sat next to him and he's rubbing your clit through your shorts
You looked up from your plate over at him "Max please stop.." he'd look back at you confused "stop what? I'm just eating my chicken" your boyfriend would take another bite of food while the strokes sped up.
And when you're alone?! Wow he's just absolutely insane so
He had you laying on his bed naked while he played video games or worked on a new invention. Your back arched off the bed with a moan leaving your mouth "yeah? You fucking love dating a super villain don't ya?" Your moans got progressively louder and more squeaky. "I don't even have to touch you to have you a moaning mess on my bed isn't that right?" You were too embarrassed to respond because you knew he was right "I asked you a question."
AND THE ICE BREATH?!?!? so at first you were curious so you asked him if he would use it on you and he's all like "🤨📸???"
"does it feel good?" He would ask genuinely curious, not to dirty talk you.
And it did, it was like an ice cube had been placed on your clit "mhmm.." and now he's confused because like ??? But if you like it he likes it so.
And something else that's my personal headcannon...is his strength that he definitely has inherited from his dad 😮‍💨😮‍💨
He'd hold you in his arms while fucking 🫢🫨
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s-rosie · 6 days
hiii! I read ur hcs and damn they r good
if u have time can i request averyjameson as parents please?
congratulations, you are winning emoji, 💚. also thank you so much for liking my hcs. i hope you like theseeee😊
avery and jameson have 2 girls and 1 boy, with the boy being the middle child and the girls being the oldest/youngest
they aren’t too strict, but they make sure to keep their child safe
they never force their child to do anything they dont want to activity wise (it reminds them of t*bias)
they make sure to show up to every game, performance, etc. to support them, they even cancel plans just to be there
they hide their child from public view until they feel is a good time
avery has a very soothing voice so she will sing her kids to get them to sleep
their son grows up to look almost identical to jamie
they let their kids have friends, but tell them to be careful so they don’t just want them for the money or fame
when they get older, jamie tells the oldest daughter about the secret passages, so ehen her brother is older and has his crush staying over, she tells him about the passages (and protection 😏💀)
the kids have the most intense games of hide and seek you will ever witness
jameson will get their daughters anything and everything they need on their periods and they educate their son about periods and how he can help
i think it goes without saying, but they name one of their daughters hannah
their children can sing musicals and taylor swift before their ABC’s because they always have those on
they always show so much affection to each other, their kids find it gross
jameson takes their daughters to every daddy daughter dance and always makes them feel like princess (he gets them corsages, opens the car door, pulls out their seat, matches outfits, and dances and screams every song with them)
they have family game nights every week where they just play games the whole night and order takeout
avery and jameson love listening in on the gossip and give advice on how to handle it
they are known as “the cool parents” because they are nice and rich as hell
their kids have bodyguards that follow them everywhere, they get annoyed sometimes but they give them space because they aren’t aat much risk
they have the best relationship with their cousins and they are always hanging out at family events and consider themselves close friends
avery makes them do chores even though they have staff because she wants them to be modest and humble
i hope you like these as much as i liked making them. if you have any requests, my inbox is open. thank you so muchhhh
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xo-zozo · 1 month
Do zara skye and toby head cannons
this is such an interesting idea!!
~ first of all, i think that they would all be kinda close in their younger years
~ toby was always kinda protective of zara when they were teenagers. like he would be the kind of brother to kinda have to hunt down every guy she liked and beat up anyone who messed with her, even if he was younger and lowkey not very intimidating
~ one of the only things that toby and skye had in common was their taste in food
~ toby was always being told that he didn't look a lot like his sisters when he was little but he was always determined that he did (we all know why he didn't)
~ when they were like 7-10 they did the most intense candy trading during halloween
~ they made a lot of pinky promises over really stupid stuff and the words, "don't tell dad" were spoken a lot
~ zara always called shotgun in the fancy car on the way to school and her reasoning was because she was the oldest
~ they made up a secret language that only they could understand
~ even though they were closer in their childhood, as soon as toby started to be a moody hawthorne teenager they started drifting apart and zara was kinda sad
~ zara and skye basically shared the same clothes because even though they could afford to get their own, they were too lazy to go out and get other ones so they could each have their own
~ they were forced to wear matching clothes for family photos and parties and other stuff
~ also when they were smaller, when zara and skye had arguments, they always tried to get toby on their different sides and he was always super confused and in reality had no idea what was going on
~ they had a little book club, they liked to read the same books at the same time so that they could discuss them afterwards
~ there were definitely intense floor is lava games at hawthorne house (and i feel like this would also happen with the brothers in the future)
~ not only the floor is lava, but they would curate different games for each other like escape rooms and treasure hunts and stuff like that
~ zara now actually wants to get to know toby again now that they know that he's not dead or whatever
i got a sudden wave of creativity
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