#averyjameson headcannons
gergthecat · 30 days
Can you make some averyjameson headcanons?
I've already done one of these but I'll always do more <3
Avery and Jameson have a Minecraft world they have spent WEEKS on
Jameson blushes every time she puts their little Minecraft beds together as if he doesn't LIVE in her bed
Jameson gets kicked out once a month so Avery, Libby, Max, and Xander can have a girls' night/sleepover
he pouts every time
at this point he doesn't even knock before going into the bathroom while she's in there
Avery is a mochi girl and Jameson honestly doesn't get the hype
they love reading Nancy Drew books
they dress up as Ned and Nancy for Halloween and nobody gets it
Avery always has something sprained and Jameson teases her relentlessly for it
his phone wallpaper is a photo Xander took of him burying Avery in sand during one of their vacations
hers is a picture she made Grayson take with his nice camera of Jameson and Nash as they were walking on the lawn
Nash asked Jameson to be his best man and he was so sure it'd be Grayson that he cried
they both have CRIPPLING self-esteem issues but they are so adamant that it's wrong when it comes to the other person
Avery is Libby's maid of honor as well (obvs)
when she goes to try on her dress for the wedding (they had taken the measurements a month in advance) it's too small and she starts crying
Libby has to call Jameson to come calm her down
the comments online just get to her sometimes yk?
she feels guilty and buys Libby a second wedding gift as an apology for ruining the moment
Libby OBVS tells her it's fine (we stan good big sister Libby)
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s-rosie · 7 days
hiiii!!! i hope everyone is doing wonderful and taking care if themselves, with that said, i hope you like these!
jameson can rub avery’s stomach in just the right way, it gets rid of her period cramps
they make each other those aesthetic, cute, and meaningful gifts when the other is feeling shitty
they tried that “you need a hug” trend when the boyfriend jumps on the girlfriend’s back, and avery fell over and hit her nose (jameson then felt so bad, he gave her so many cuddles and kisses)
they have onesies that are stitch for jameson and angel for ave
they sing musicals together and assign each other characters to play
i hc that ave has hormone problems, so jamie will help her by holding her hair when she throws up, holding her when she gets dizzy, and giving her cuddles (not me projecting again 💀)
in their room, they have a whole corner filled with cute stuffier
they take long drives sometimes and just talk about life and scream sing their fav songs
jameson once pulled ave into a closet (😏) and oren was going crazy trying to find her because he thought she was kidnapped again (they then had to sit through a 20 minute lecture)
everyone online calls them “america’s favorite couple”
jamie loves going shopping with her and he has good fashion taste, so he will help her find outfits
one time nash told them to get a room, so jameson was like “fine maybe i will” and avery was like “fine by me” as a joke (not really) and nash was mortified
xander once dared them to play 7 minutes in heaven, and it got a bit heated
they went on a trip to nyc, and jameson taught avery how to ice skate at rockefeller rink because i hc he plays hockey
i hc ave is allergic to metal, so jamie covers all of his rings and jewelry with a clear coat so she can hold his hand, and he always makes sure to gets her hypoallergenic jewelry
they are both obsessed with combat boots, especially doc martens
they have spa dates before big events to make sure they look ✨fabulous✨
jamie and avery are the best at just dance, like if they team up against you you know its over for you
after “activities” (😏) jamie will carry her wherever she needs to go until she can walk
ave always takes the blankets and makes herself a burrito in the blankets (jamie acts annoyed but he obviously finds it adorable)
jameson loves olives, but ave hates them (the olive theory)
one time at the beginning of their relationship, she got overwhelmed by jameson touching her so she pulled away, and he felt like he did something wrong. she assured him it was ok and she just got overwhelmed so they made a secret tap that ave can do on jamie’s arm so he knoes to let go and give her space (though, she uses the tap less and less now)
at their wedding, jamie cried seeing avery walk down the isle, causing her to start crying and they met at the alter a bawling mess
they always hype each other up and stand up for each other no matter what
since i think it is pretty much cannon that jameson does nascar at this point, before his races, ave gets really scared that he will get hurt, so she will tell him things like “don’t die” and “if you die, ill kill you” and he just laughs and tells her he will be ok
at any event that either of them do, the other always brings them a gift pertaining to that event
ave is SUPER tickle ish, and jamie will tickle her sometimes until she cant breath (she pretends she hates it, but jamie kbows she loves it)
thank you so muchhhh! i hope you like these as much as i enjoyed making them. please give me some recommendations as to what yo make next. i will be busy for a while, so if i post few and far between, just know that i will be back (tho i will post more then that) so if i dont get to your request right away, just know i will eventually. thank you 😊
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xo-zozo · 26 days
angsty averyjameson hcs?
their first fight was BAD, especially because avery was so new to the relationship thing so she had no idea what to do and just ended up screaming at him
after the plane bombing when avery was still in the hospital, he would always fall asleep in her room until someone (one of his family members) took him home
he didn’t tell avery this until they were dating
speaking of the bombing, when he was there, he would always try talking to her and saying things like, “please be okay, i don’t know what i’ll do without you”
at night jameson tells her that she deserves so much better than him which leads to her hugging and comforting him
before they started dating and stuff, whenever jameson saw her with grayson he was genuinely debating letting him have her because he thought that he didn’t deserve her
whenever someone finds avery having a panic attack, they go and get jameson and he sits there with her and hugs her until she stops hyperventilating
avery has a bunch of nervous habits so whenever she’s biting her nails or something he’ll hold her hand to stop her
other than that, she’d play with her hair, dig her nails into her palms (cannon) etc
he kisses her hands (and face, etc.) when she’s nervous or upset
if he makes her cry he immediately starts apologizing and hugging her
he defends her even when she’s mad at him just because he’s like that 🤷🏻‍♀️
if she’s still mad at him when they go to bed, he hugs her from behind and starts saying stuff to her
a lot of this was actually fluff but whatever 😛
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blaaaaa3451 · 16 days
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne...
And what his Skills are :)
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Aside from Rockclimbing, Racing, Puzzles and games... What else could they be?
Cross Country Running?
SFX work? Idk I get that vibe-
I get the feeling he's *really* flexible so some acrobatics?
Now, don't get me wrong but Pole work? Now in a sexual way but like.. He can dance real good.
On the topic of dancing, Tango. That's it.
For the Jameson Girls <3
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charsoamerican · 10 months
Do you have any averyjameson headcanons?
I actually am working on some right now so I will try to get those posted in a timely manner though I’m lazy so time will tell
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ariscats · 3 months
everyone is doing so here are some of my own averyjameson headcannons:
- they have matching tattoos. When ppl see it they usually think it was a drunk mistake but they actually spent months creating the right design.
- they have pottery classes every week. They started doing it at the end of collage and just never stoped, 90% of their plated and other home things are homemade and every Thursday night is pottery + wine night
- love watching series together. They started seeing together after the bomb, even bf they started dating, when avery needed to rest and they were trying to see where a possible relationship would lead them.
- when they moved to collage they ranted a penthouse in btw the two campus. Their house is where their group of friends usually mets up and was where most of the Hawthorne family meetings happened for the years they were there
- sometimes in collage each one had a completely different schedule and things to do and parties to go, sometimes they barely saw each other in the week and in particular busy weekends, they didnt ser each other at all, even tho they lived at the same house. When those things happened, at the end of all, they would find a sunday when both of them were free and just spend the whole day in bad
- they have a black cat that jameson gave avery as a present at the start of uni. Thats bc avery feel in love w the ideia of having a cat while traveling the world and seeing those cat-friendly places. Jameson is a dog person to his bone but he makes an effort for averys sake (the cat love him w its life and jameson secretly loves that hes the favorite)
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
no pressure, I love your headcannons, will you do Avery and jameson
averyjameson head canons
my favorite ship in the whole wide world. hope you enjoy these. i'll probably do multiple posts for them bc i love them sm. again, not proof read bc i'm lazy as fuck.
sometimes, when avery is working, she'll start humming songs, and jameson just sits there listening to her.
avery loves sitting in between his legs bc jamie always starts stroking her hair and stuff.
avery and jameson will sometimes just sit in bed and read together.
during one of their adventures, avery fell and injured herself, and jamie flung her over his shoulder and carried her home. the paparazzi posted pictures of it online, and they went viral.
when they do interviews together and the person interviewing them start asking questions about their relationship, jamie starts gushing about how incredible avery is and how she's changed his life. he looks at her with so much love in his eyes that people post pics of them everywhere wishing they had a bf like jamie.
jamie absolutely lovesss physical touch. he's always holding her hand, hugging her, cuddling her, stroking her hair, kissing her, etc.
they absolutely loveee back hugs. jamie will sometimes creep up on her from behind and wrap her in his arms (he'll refuse to let her go).
when avery has nightmares, he'll make her lie down on top of him and stroke her hair, avery loves listening to his heartbeat.
ok many people have talked about this, but their first fight is the reason why they now have the codeword tahiti. in my head, their first fight was about how avery wasn't talking to him and he felt like he didn't know her (my poor baby avery just isn't used to confiding in people).
jamie lovessss kissing her. avery pretends she doesn't but she does
they absolutely love rooftop dates. they'll have picnics, and sometimes play golf like in thl.
jamie is always posting stuff about avery on his insta with cute little captions (sometimes its ts lyrics, sometimes he's just confessing his love), fans eat it up.
avery's fav color is obviously the color of jamie's eyes (green). ever since she started dating him, she started integrating more green in her wardrobe
jamie is always dedicating karaoke songs to her.
jamie asks max for relationship advice.
he loves carrying her to bed after a long day of work.
avery works sm she forgets to eat. jamie learns how to cook thanks to grayson and makes her meals.
during the eras tour, they swayed together to lover.
ok in another post i said xander fake proposed to avery during love story, but jamie would do it too.
when jamie started crying to tolerate it (he related to it bc of tobias, i also might be projecting...), avery held him in her arms.
avery vibes so hard to i knew you were trouble bc that was the song she associated to jamie when she first met him.
when avery has panic attacks, jamie just sits there with her. one of my other hc is that she loves sitting with her back to his chest, and so jamie sits her down in front of him and strokes her hair. when she's calmed down he'll try to distract her with riddles or by making her laugh (usually he does this by making a fool of himself)
jamie lovesss buying her gifts. he and xander will go shopping together to buy gifts for their gfs.
jamie sometimes gets nightmares about avery dying from the bombing, and so he lies down with his head on her chest to listen to her heartbeat.
speaking of that, jamie lovessss resting his head on her chest.
sometimes, jamie can't believe avery is actually his, and he starts crying. avery sometimes finds him, takes him to bed, and cuddles him while whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
jamie will sometimes call her avery hawthorne bc he knows that someday he'll marry her, and he wants to know what her name would sound like with his last name
when avery gets hate comments, he absolutely destroys the haters.
jamie loves taking pictures of her when she isn't expecting it.
like i said, jamie loves buying her gifts, but he especially likes to buy her jewelry.
avery is constantly stealing his shirts. jamie loves seeing her wearing his shirts sm that he'll put some of them in her drawers (he makes sure they smell like him)
avery loves watching jamie rock climbing bc she finds him hot (max teases her about it all the time).
jamie loves burying his nose in the crook of her neck at night when he can't sleep.
max once dared avery to do a tiktok dance with her, jamie is always rewatching the video bc he finds her beautiful
fans find them so cute they make fan accounts about them (there are hundreds of them). jamie likes to follow every one of them and comments on their posts.
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lxvebelle · 27 days
hiii!! i was wondering if you could write averyjameson’s first fight, like i’ve seen headcannons and stuff but i kinda wanna see someone write it. i think @x-liv25-jamieswife did headcannons if you need ideas
hii! im SOSPSO sorry but i dont do canon ships, i only do canon x reader!! i recommend asking @artstatues , @melodramaticatheart, or others!! <33
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gergthecat · 1 month
Could you make averyjameson or averygrayson headcanons? (Headcanons for whichever couple you ship)
Averyjameson bc Grayson makes me feel weird
They both get nightmares a lot and so when they don’t they have a little party
There are so many of those “celebrity couples wearing each others’ clothes” comps of them
Avery’s fav sweatshirt is one of Jameson's from when he was like 14 because it’s actually her size
When Jameson gets sick he gets sad because he doesn't like feeling helpless
They NEVER shower alone
Whenever Avery is sad Jameson gets all the blankets and pillows and makes a nest for them to cuddle
Avery LOVES coconut and it makes Jameson gag (me too, Jameson, me too)
He actually cried during their first time because he thought that he would accidentally hurt her or it would be bad for her and she'd hate him
girlie pop did NOT hate him (quite the opposite)
Jameson draws stars all over her when he's anxious/just feeling bad with sharpie because he likes that they stay for a while so he knows she's there (does that make sense?)
For his birthday one year she gets stars tattooed on her hips and he cries :)
Avery loves choosing Jameson's clothes because she doesn't have a lot of control over what she wears
They match at EVERY event they go to even if it's just a small detail
Jameson gets his ear pierced in some county they visit and Avery goes FERAL
I hope these live up to your hopes and anyone is welcome to send more (this was so fun)
also sorry for taking so long I got this ask right before I had a cello performance lmao
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gergthecat · 29 days
Du you think you could make some more averyjameson headcannons? I honestly can never get enough of them
Hmmm… i GUESS i can make more🙄
jk <3
even more averyjameson headcanons
Jameson is a fan of funky socks and Avery provides them for him
they love Bob Marley
Avery is a MASSIVE lightweight
I mentioned that Avery always has something sprained in a different post and one time it was because Jameson fell out of a tree right in front of her and she fell
neither of them can cook beyond ramen and frozen pizza so they take cooking classes from the cuisines they loved in their travels
Jameson is a relentless meme sender
especially those alpha wolf/kitten memes
at some point during their travels, Jameson gets really into weaving bracelets and Avery returns home with an armful of them
they get matching tattoos of a king and queen chess piece after they get married
I feel like they would elope and tell nobody until they got back
Max and Xander would be heartbroken
at one point Avery goes out for a walk and just returns home with a baby bird that has a broken wing
they end up collecting random stray animals because Avery and Nash always need to take care of them
Jameson only relents because, as he claims, Avery promised him sex
she did no such thing
he just loves her
their song is "There is a Light That Never Goes Out" by The Smiths
when Avery gets panic attacks Jameson is the only person who can calm her down without her flinching or being scared
they have countless videos of each other while they are drunk
one is of Jameson crying and telling Nash that he loves him
Xander throws scone crumbs at them whenever Avery has a hickey (which is a LOT)
A few of my friends who haven't read TIG were with me as I was making this so here are their ideas as well:
Jameson consumes copious amounts of drugs (especially meth)
Jameson is a whore and a bitch?
Grayson is a communist (how did he get here??)
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s-rosie · 5 days
hiii! I read ur hcs and damn they r good
if u have time can i request averyjameson as parents please?
congratulations, you are winning emoji, 💚. also thank you so much for liking my hcs. i hope you like theseeee😊
avery and jameson have 2 girls and 1 boy, with the boy being the middle child and the girls being the oldest/youngest
they aren’t too strict, but they make sure to keep their child safe
they never force their child to do anything they dont want to activity wise (it reminds them of t*bias)
they make sure to show up to every game, performance, etc. to support them, they even cancel plans just to be there
they hide their child from public view until they feel is a good time
avery has a very soothing voice so she will sing her kids to get them to sleep
their son grows up to look almost identical to jamie
they let their kids have friends, but tell them to be careful so they don’t just want them for the money or fame
when they get older, jamie tells the oldest daughter about the secret passages, so ehen her brother is older and has his crush staying over, she tells him about the passages (and protection 😏💀)
the kids have the most intense games of hide and seek you will ever witness
jameson will get their daughters anything and everything they need on their periods and they educate their son about periods and how he can help
i think it goes without saying, but they name one of their daughters hannah
their children can sing musicals and taylor swift before their ABC’s because they always have those on
they always show so much affection to each other, their kids find it gross
jameson takes their daughters to every daddy daughter dance and always makes them feel like princess (he gets them corsages, opens the car door, pulls out their seat, matches outfits, and dances and screams every song with them)
they have family game nights every week where they just play games the whole night and order takeout
avery and jameson love listening in on the gossip and give advice on how to handle it
they are known as “the cool parents” because they are nice and rich as hell
their kids have bodyguards that follow them everywhere, they get annoyed sometimes but they give them space because they aren’t aat much risk
they have the best relationship with their cousins and they are always hanging out at family events and consider themselves close friends
avery makes them do chores even though they have staff because she wants them to be modest and humble
i hope you like these as much as i liked making them. if you have any requests, my inbox is open. thank you so muchhhh
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s-rosie · 8 days
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s-rosie · 6 days
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xo-zozo · 3 months
hawthorne headcannons pt 2
@ariscats this has some averyjameson!
~ jameson shields avery’s eyes from paparazzi flashes
~ xander sings disney songs for karaoke
~ debut is nash’s favorite ts album but he often cries to evermore
~ jameson was on american ninja warrior jr when he was like ten
~ nash is counting down the days for beyoncé’s country album (BRO IM SO EXCITED)
~ xander gets uncharacteristically quiet when he’s sad or mad
~ xander is obsessed with the spider verse movies
~ grayson is a midnight snacker
~ thea listens to reneé rapp
~ jameson helps pick out avery’s outfits (he has surprisingly good taste)
~ jameson has a nickname for libby (idk what it is yall can choose)
~ jameson holds avery’s bag in public (WITH 😍 YOUR 🗣️ LOUIS V 🤭 BAG 🙄 TATS ON 😫YOUR ARMS 👀)
~ xander and avery have a handshake
~ oren has a pinterest account
hope yall liked these, my last one was pretty popular. sorry for that little the weekend sing along 💀
-zoey ☆
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xo-zozo · 10 days
Hi, can I request averyjameson while avery is pregnant or during her babies birth or smth x
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i’ve already done that here but it was in my short headcannons era so i’ll do some more for you! also i’m just gonna call the baby a she because jameson’s a girl dad and it makes sense
| tags: @urbanflorals @reminiscentreader @nqds @annamatix @x-liv25-jamieswife @sophiesonlinediary @lyrakanefanatic @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @fortunatelyjollybeliever @123letsgobestie @off-to-the-r4ces / @zoyaaaabear @clarissawealsey-10
first of all, i think that jameson would be IN love with this baby even before it was born
like he would always try talking to her so that she would know his voice
he’s the most encouraging husband during her birth (even though he secretly wants to throw up)
as soon as they find out that avery is pregnant she immediately wants to tell everyone that they know
they tell everyone in a really cute special way that’s like personal to that person
like to tell all of jameson’s brothers it’s a riddle that they all solve at like the same time before they start sobbing
avery gets really excited about names and is always suggesting stuff to jameson
jameson reads all of the parenting books just so that he’s prepared
my opinion but avery would be the prettiest pregnant woman ever
jameson is secretly worried about having a kid because he didn’t grown up with a father to set an example for him
they have a really big gender reveal party and avery is the one who guesses it right
jameson is always under the impression that if she does anything while pregnant she’s gonna get hurt so he always makes sure to check on her
the probably both cry when the baby is born (and so does anyone else in the room tbh)
he always buys here gift baskets to make her feel better (or baby clothes because like who dosen’t like baby clothes)
he’s also the one who provides for all of her weird craving that i men
they always joke back and forth about who’s the favorite parent before she’s even born
he’s the one who deals with all of her hormonal mood swings (WHICH I KNOW SHE HAS)
music is one of the things that soothe the babies kicking so they’re always trying to guess on who her favorite artist is
its something random like tyler the creator (honestly real)
the nursery they set up is super cute
sometimes they sit in the nursery together and talk about their future and stuff
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xo-zozo · 15 days
hi! i really love ur work so much. if u aren’t too busy with other requests can I request headcannons for averyjameson or averyjamesons daughter pls???
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yes!! this is such a cute idea! i think i might have done something like this before and you can find that on my masterlist.
her name would definitely either be an anagram that they came up together or it would be hannah after avery's mom
while she was growing up her dad would always tell her what her name meant just so she knew (whether her name was hannah or an anagram
i think that we all already assumed this but avery and jameson's daughter is the most gorgeous human on planet earth when she's older
she would definitely be the perfect mix of them with jameson eye and avery's hair color and a mix of their features
avery and jameson raise her and make sure that she's not spoiled because that's not how avery was raised and it's important to her that her daughter isn't rude about it and stuff
even though they make sure she's not spoiled, they make sure to always get her nice stuff for christmas and her birthday (and just occasionally)
they take their daughter back to where avery was raised and she LOVES spending time there
when she finally gets old enough to have social media and stuff she just posts lip sync videos and stuff and the girls go WILD because she's just so pretty
this kid is WELL DRESSED when she's little and when she's older (like she might literally have personal stylists as a baby who knows)
she's really good friends with libby and nash's kids just because they would always go over to each other's houses for barbecues and stuff
listens to all of the same music as her mom
when she was little avery and jameson would take her to true north all the time and that led to her taking her friends there with them in middle school and high school for her birthdays
this would also mean that she's super good at skiing and snowboarding (gray taught her obv)
super nice eyelashes even when she was little (it's because of jameson and his good genes)
always got super good grades in school
REALLY wanted a little brother/sister when she was like 3-4 (whether or not that happened is up to you guys
gigi was her role model growing up
they both tease gray together (me too tho)
at some point she establishes a carrer for herself and wins awards and always dedicates them to her parents and her family
LOVESSS true crime and listens to podcasts to fall alseep
the cutest little flower girl at all of the friends and family's weddings (she always is just because she is)
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