#in which xara is gay
eilooxara · 1 year
The deep art of saying the stupidest shit you can think of because it makes a pretty woman laugh
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honnojis · 7 months
hii is there any up-to-date list of the current canon lgbt characters in rejuv? i've seen a couple floating around but i didnt know how old they were
This list was posted on Jan's tumblr way back and is still accurate so I'm including it before elaborating on new additions;
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The previously unnamed trans character is Particia! To add to the list, Martin & Kreiss are also both gay (tho this should speak for itself considering they're married). V is also nonbinary. For the Xenogene characters, Lucile is a lesbian, as well as Wynn being pan and Saber being bi. There's also two new female Team Xen and Team Anti-Assist grunts that elope during the Rowlet sidequest at Tyluric Temple LOL but they're not exactly major characters
Also, all characters are intended to be considered pan by default unless specifically stated to be otherwise.... i.e. Texen being straight (which wasn't included in this screenshot but is one that Jan confirmed on his tumblr jehrjsdhgsjdg)
I don't know any other official confirmations from the top of my head, but if I had to give a couple of personal headcanons— I definitely think that Ren, Talon and Florin are all at the very least bi. I think Xara also might be lesbian, though she might lean more towards being demiromantic. In turn, I think Risa's either pan or bi as well. There's also whatever the fuck Geara & Zetta have going on, but I'm not really sure how to classify those two??????????????????
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let's just call it "it's complicated"
hope that helped a bit tho anon!! again keep in mind the last bit is headcanon so idk what jan's thoughts on the matter are but yea
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nulliustram-webfiction · 10 months
Over the last two weeks, I've put up four pilots. Now, you get to vote on which idea continues to be refined into a free web series. Below the poll, you will be given the title card/cover for every one of these five options, along with a link to the free public pilot, a brief 'elevator pitch', and what I enjoy the most about each series. Donate to my ko-fi or my patreon, and you will have access to all sixteen extra chapters.
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Creature Watching
Its pilot (Rest Stop) is on tumblr.
Churyl is the perfect city. If you don't look to deep into it. People from all around the world come to see what lies under the surface. And they never come back alive... Lots of uncanny valley stuff. Not outright scary all of the time, but just plain. Weird. Deals more with supernatural and folklore elements.
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EndWalkers already has one volume out on RoyalRoad, with more than 100k words, which you can read here.
An action-packed story of a group of people jumping from apocalyptic dimension to apocalyptic dimension, playing out a video game in real life. With the first volume drawing to a close, the daily update schedule will be slowed down to a weekly one if it does not win this poll. There is a shapeshifting gay AND trans Muslim catboy (mecore) and Book 2 is in a world torn apart by a war between ravens and octopi, its great.
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Key Mates
Chapter One is on tumblr.
Anne and Flynn are discovered to be psychics. Except instead of any actual fun superpowers, they have the power to pick out a key that the other is thinking about or in contact in. People romanticize it constantly, but its useless in every way. Except for a heist. NOT a dig at romantic soulmate tropes, though they are referenced. I'm simply having fun with the implications of having a force that ties you together. How you would navigate relationships with other people and yourself too.
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Tumble Dried Pirates
Pilot is now live on tumblr
Xara is from the modern era, and a passionate advocate for freedom of information and archiving of content. You know... Piracy. When a dryer machine at her local laundromat spits out Elizabeth Carnegie, a pirate from the Golden Age of cut-throat violence and smuggling, she isn't prepared for her. Or the team of time-travel police who have now put a target on her back. Yes. They are lesbians. With a time traveling dryer machine. Also, classism!!
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Surviving Nulls
Pilot is live on tumblr!!
Nulls are monsters that feed off the magic of humans, sucking away until nothing is left. And Priscilla Farooq, widely regarded to have no talent for art, magic, or sport, finds herself in the unique situation to be the only one to stop it. Even if she thinks she's a little bit of nothing herself... This was written specifically to be an aspec fantasy. Priscilla is aplaroace. She simply doesn't feel any kind of love. And that's okay, even if it takes her time to come to terms with it. There are more aspec characters, too, showcasing the entire spectrum, and just queer people in general. Main character's atheist, but lots of Muslim relatives, and some Jewish side characters, some pagan, it's a mixed bag. This is also the only other series that will be posted on RoyalRoad, with more than daily chapter updates.
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That's all! Consider donating if you're interested in reading more. ko-fi | patreon
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losergendered · 6 months
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ID: a set of 6 images in 3 pairs. each has one image of the listed minecraft story mode character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Xara from Minecraft Story Mode: Season 2 is autistic, ADHD, bi lesbian, transfeminine, ferepurplegender, and gender apathetic! She uses she/they/it/purple/💜, and has MDD!
Fred is omni gay, paraboy, and transmasculine, and has autism, PTSD, and anxiety! He uses he/it!
Romeo/The Admin is aromantic, toric, fluidflux, and shiverstainnobloodyic! They use they/💔/🌋 pronouns, and have autism, social anxiety, and NPD!
For anon!
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daisy-mooon · 3 years
hiii I don't know anything about Minecraft story mode except what I've seen you post, so it thought I'd try describe it here.
Romeo: redhead, evil? he has a different version that's all grey and evil looking. but I think he had a redemption? also genderfluid? or does the fandom just like doing genderbends
one of the girls is a ginger with a beanie and a stripy top and she's like The Badass Tomboy Girl, I'm guessing in canon she's the love interest? but I think the fandom decided she's a lesbian
there's also a gay ass pig.
Ivan? Ivor? Ivoff? slimy russian bastard. sus, the morally grey character.
is there someone called Xara? something beginning with X.
I remember that more characters exist but I can't remember what they're like so I might send more asks later!
ANON IM CRYING YOU NAILED THE GAME IN LIKE ONE ASK *WHEEZE* Accuracy Rating: Romeo: Mostly accurate but it's a second chance not redemption ark (well there's a speedrun version depending on your choices lol). Also he's technically not genderfluid but he is a shapeshifter and has 0 problems turning into women and does it twice. So.
Petra: Depending on your choices and which Jesse you choose you are either gay or straight but basically yeah Petra is def a badass tomboy lesbian girl sdsadhsadhjuasdadh
Ivor: He is a very slimy Russian bastard. He's very sus and morally grey, although he technically is a good guy later on. He created a monster that ripped half the world apart but he has the chaotic bisexual vibes so I don't care.
Yep! There is absolutely someone called Xara. She tries to kill Romeo at every opportunity she gets and needs a nap and basically, that's it djsjdnakd,masd,l.sa
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detective-core · 4 years
so, minecraft storymode huh...
I’m so invested in this little game (or I guess two?), even tho I have to redeem war criminals every other episode
notes, because I need to get this out of my system to get back to the real world again:
• I hc radar as nonbinary, because come on
• for me it plays so much better (esp season two) as a petra jesse gay romance thing
• but I’m glad there acc isn’t any romance in the story, cause not everyone wants to see that and people should have nice platonic relationships in video games more often :)
• I’m against redemption arcs for acc war criminals, kinda whack yknow
• jesscas (is that the name?) is so valid wth
• okay the recurring themes are so good it’s scary—
• I’m so confused about how death works in the mcsm universe or more precisely how the characters see it. it’s treated like a super big thing (ex. reuben, ellegard/magnus, fred), but characters who have (accidentally or not) near or actually committed war crimes are not sent to jail or something?? and are redeemed MLP villain style (if u know what I mean). so like it’s sups uncool to kill people, but murderers get off real easy (except for cassie I guess?). and do they die of old age or something eventually? or can they only be killed by an outside force? the second option sounds more logical, since characters like xara aren’t show to age at all, but then there’s still old people and stuff lol then people r revived in the games thingy at the end of season one so like that’s a thing? I’m just—..man...I don’t get it, whack stuff
•I’m not over forgiving war criminals tho, like I don’t want this to be my little pony part two in which vile people are forgiven because they had friendship problems and such
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minecraftoworymode · 5 years
mcsm peter and the wolf style
JESSE: trumpet/french horn! theyre just such heroic, main character instruments, but the french horn is capable of this like... thoughtfulness? reflective quality? its softer than trumpets who even when being "thoughtful" sound like they're monologuing, like doing a shakespearean soliloquy, rather than tastefully reading their poetry to a small group of friends in a 7/11 parking lot, you feel me. thats the French Horn vibe.
PETRA: ooh this ones a toughie. i want to say some kind of string, because romeo parallels and also strings are the second most heroic/main-character instruments... maybe she could have the viola? its a lower sound than violins, which fit romeo as twinks of the string family. and for all the shit that viola players get they’re actually pretty cool ok? they just have super big complexes about being mocked and compared to the violins all the freaking time,
LUKAS: clarinet. trust me i play clarinet and i can tell you its lukas. it’s the assigned bookworm gay instrument, if you dont hate yourself enough to play oboe-- so maybe s1 lukas was oboe but through character development transitioned to clarinet? just trust me on this one.
OLIVIA: piano........? i don’t really have a v good grasp on olivia’s vibes, but she’s a redstoner so i want to give her a percussive instrument... maybe xylophone to fit her youth? but she also seems like the most “mature” of the group so perhaps piano after all... hm. idk. IDK.
AXEL: tuba? timpani? i admit im not really super big on axel so i dont have many thoughts here. something bombastic.
JACK: DEFINITELY some kind of brass. i’m kind of inclined to say saxophone even though thats not an orchestra instrument, just because. though do i dare kinassign jack alto sax? that seems really mean of me. hm.
RADAR: flute. nothing can match the anxiety or typing speed of a flute except for maybe the piccolo which is just a flute who had way too much coffee and is now regretting it. yeah, this is the most productive theyve been all year... but god, at what cost? (note: since the Incident, radar is only allowed two cups of coffee a day and is Not Allowed near the coffee machine.)
STELLA: another toughie... i almost want to say synth?? idk what about her gives me the vibe but i look at her and im like vogue. vogue to the music. you are the 80s businesswoman. you are the danger. you are the one who rocks
NURM: someone with one of those funky little touchpad things and each little square is assigned to a sound but all the sounds are the villager “hrrrmrmm” but in different pitches.
ROMEO: violin (and cello as secondary). man, strings are ALWAAYYYSSS the star of the show, like you cannot escape them they are like the sopranos of the orchestra, and cellos have this feral energy that literally no other instrument can match. also i guess people picture violinists/violin pieces as really cultured or something? n romeos got that whole british thing going on. its the same deal. [ng+ note: im picturing cellos playing tritones as herobrine's like musical motif. its good.]
XARA: percussion. she’s t-posing over all the percussion. drums? not sure what kind yet but theres a lot of reliance on hitting the rim to emulate a ticking sound. but just like how xara’s leitmotif has a harsher part and a softer part that makes me cry every time i hear it, pianos and glockenspiels (TECHNICALLY PERCUSSION???) are also her. pianists are distinguished-passing but you know these guys are actually losing their fkin minds at any given moment.
FRED: bassoon? id say bass if romeo wasnt already t-posing over all the strings tho he miiight let fred have bass... but i actually rly wanted to play bassoon as a kid bc of peter and the wolf and like, it fits fred. ok. its low and soft, kind of a hearthfire feeling instrument, but i would not piss off a bassoonist. 
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voltscribbles · 6 years
you mentioned that you headcanon the new order of the stone in mcsm to be a bunch of "queer millennials". since it's Pride month, could you specify your headcanons for them? unless you imagine them all as ID-ing as just queer, lol
Hope you’re okay with a mostly text post! Didn’t want to draw everyone. Also did more than just the new order lmao
Okay so:
Olivia’s a lesbian, Axel’s ace/aro, Petra’s pan and genderqueer, Lukas is bi, and Jesse... varies, depending on which Jesse we’re talking about, but only one is cishet. Here’s a chart:
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For the old Order: Magnus and Ellie are straight, Soren is gay, Ivor is queer in both gender and sexuality, and Gabriel is a bi/ace trans man.
Em is bi, Nell is agender and pan, Slab is gay, Facemeat is pan, and Clutch is bi.
Aiden is bi, Gill is queer, Maya likes girls and probably guys but doesn’t have a preferred label, Milo is bi, and Isa is pan/aro.
Cassie Rose is bi and genderfluid, TorqueDawg was pan.
Radar is a bi trans guy, Jack is queer and Nurm is gay(and they’re married), Vos was gay, Sammy was totally a fem nb and nobody can convince me otherwise, Xara is trans and wlw-leaning bi, Romeo is queer, Stella is bi, the Warden is gay, and I haven’t played enough of season 2 to say about any other characters yet...
oh and Harper is bi!
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werebatz · 6 years
all of them slut
fuck you. i’ll divide them up between characters because its only fair
(character asks)
1. Do they have siblings? How many? How is their relationship? If not then would they want siblings?
i’ll answer this for voyage, the tiefling warlock. she has one adopted sister (xara) who’s a few years younger than her, although voyage is the one who was adopted into the family. they’re pretty close, both super chaotic but when put together they’re surprisingly chill
2. Are they LGBT+? If so what’s their sexuality/gender?
elias is big gay and big trans. voyage is a feminine nb bisexual. all of my characters are gonna be lgbt+ in some form
3. Do they have any disabilities/mental illnesses/disorders?
i can’t think of a single character i’ve made who doesn’t?? most of them have adhd and/or anxiety. voyage specifically is prone to mania and anxiety.
4. Do they like to read? If so what do they like to read and how do they like to read it?
aarae likes to read but mainly romance novels. she also reads stuff her daughter xara writes and publishes bc she’s v proud!!
5. Do they believe in the paranormal?
the only ones i can think of who don’t would be sigri and lucerne? lucerne only because she doesn’t like.. think that way
6. Do they believe in aliens?
voyage is the most into the idea of aliens (and most conspiracy theories tbh) but meira does Not believe. sigri also is not a believer in aliens.
7. Do they believe in mythical creatures/cryptids?
sigri, again, does not, which elias thinks is fucking wild (“babe you’re LITERALLY a mythological creature!”)
8. What’s their dream job?
xara, being a bard, aspires to be a big-time writer! she’s currently attending Bard School™ and getting featured in small publications throughout Fantasy Portlandia
9. Do they live with their parents? How is their relationship? If not then why?
voyage technically lives with her mom when she’s not out adventuring? but that’s very rare. xara doesn’t live with mom either because she’s In College Now
10. Is your OC in a relationship? Will there be any romance between them and other main characters?
a lot of them are still single but sigri is in a (weird) relationship with elias and i wouldn’t anticipate much other romance outside of that for them
11. Does your OC have a nickname? Who gave it to them?
none of my characters have been given nicknames as far as i can remember actually
12. What is your OC’s full name? Do they like their name? Does it have any meaning?
atlas’s full name is atlas murag fullheart. it has no real meaning beyond reflecting his very mixed origins and he doesn’t feel super strongly about it either way
13. What is your OC’s favorite animal?
voyage likes pseudodragons!!
14. Is your OC human? If they aren’t then how do they feel about humans?
lucerne is Not human. she finds them kind of boring and doesn’t understand their rules and social taboos but she’s cool with elias
15. How many languages does your OC speak?
hm well i’ve literally never talked about her but there’s a character i made literally for the sole purpose of maxing out the amount of possible languages she could speak, and i think at first level she spoke seven languages?
16. For older OCs: are they a virgin? If not then when did they lose their virginity?
aarae is not and her daughter is living proof of it. it was decades ago at this point
17. What is your OC’s favorite pastime?
meira enjoys writing and playing music, but never in front of people
18. Is there anything they’re talented in? Do they enjoy it?
voyage was really fucking good at softball in her tween years but.. Never Again
19. Do they have anything in common with you?
like. all of them have adhd if that counts? also xara is a College Kid™ now which i’m not yet but i just picked where i’m going so it feels like now lmao
20. Share a random fact!
elias cried more at the birth of his niece than his sister did (re: the one who had the baby)
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eilooxara · 1 year
*Sighs in lesbian*
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eilooxara · 8 months
Life can be hard but on the other hand sometimes beautiful women will tell you about video games
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eilooxara · 1 month
Ok never mind it's allowed to get warm because women in low-backed tank tops
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eilooxara · 10 months
Eyewitness accounts indicate that women
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eilooxara · 8 months
Hellllllp her shoulder has slipped out of her shirt and I'm a simple lesbian
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eilooxara · 3 months
I, tumblr user Eilooxara, also known as Xara, do hereby proclaim that I am a lesbian
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eilooxara · 6 months
I think that women
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