#in the pines in the pines
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[As I climb the multiple levels of stairs to the ranger tower, I take a moment to stop and reflect. I’m exhausted - after the hike to get here, the relief that I felt upon seeing the tower was tempered by the realization I had several flights of stairs ahead of me. I was in Washington State, flown here by my handlers to talk to seemingly the only Esoteric Ranger that would be available for the next month. Not for the first time, I wondered what it meant that they heavily suggested my interview subjects. The best person for the job, or the best PR face in the department?
I reach the top and stop again, and take a drink of water. A figure sitting inside the room at the top turns and sees me, and gets up to open the door. He is young, in his mid to late twenties, long brown hair done up in a bun, a large scraggly beard over the top of his ranger uniform. He has a look of amusement on his face, a sort of polite smile doing its best to cover up a smirk. His accent is thick, Appalachian, and his demeanor still manages to convey a sort of genial calm.]
S] Meghan, right?
M] Yeah. Hold on, let me…catch my breath.
S] Aint no worry. Take the time you need. I’ll just leave the door propped open. And if it helps, there’s iced tea in here waiting for you.
M] That does help. I’ll just….be a second.
[After a moment, I joined the man in the observation room. A cot, a shelf of supplies, a desk with a radio setup, a laptop on a table. A simple room for an apparently complex job. The tree-eye logo of the Rangers is plastered on many surfaces, well worn.]
M] Sheamus Doyle, right?
S] Yes ma’am.
M] I’m Meghan.
S] Pleasure to meet you. Lemme just….
[He takes a jug of iced tea from a minifridge and pours some into two mismatched cups, sitting at the small table and glancing at his laptop for a moment as I sit across from him.]
S] Pardon me, just watchin’ the ‘squatches.
M] Watching?
[He turns the screen around - a topographic map of the area is displayed, black with white lines, with about a dozen white dots congregating in two places.]
S] We’ve been watching the cryptid migrations. They been odd since….well, since. Ain’t been following their normal routes.
M] Is that what the Rangers do? I’m sure you know I’m here to ask questions, so….I guess that’ll be my first one.
S] A large part of it, yes ma’am. Cryptid watch.
M] I guess that’s the “catch and release” part of the poster I saw.
S] Mhmm. It’s hard work, y’know. Better here’n in the Everglades taggin’ skunk apes though.
M] Let me look at my notes…kind of scrambled after the hike here.
S] Yeah, sorry ‘bout that. Everyone’s gotta do a stint in the firewatch, and we pull double duty takin’ notes on the ‘squatches while we’re here.
M] Tell me a little about the Esoteric Rangers.
S] We’re older than the Office is. Bet they ain’t told you that.
M] How so?
S] Office was founded in ‘27, right? E-Rangers were a secret division of the National Park Service, founded –
M] 1916, eleven years earlier.
S] That’s right. Even then they knew weird stuff happens in the forests, so they had a little bit earmarked for people to investigate or protect people from the weird stuff, and the weird stuff from people. When the Office came around later, we got folded into them instead. But by that time, y’know. Eleven years. That’s enough time for a place to develop a sort of….culture.
M] How do you mean?
S] We’re under the jurisdiction of the Office for the Preservation of Normalcy, ma’am, but between you an’ me, the Rangers have our own ways of doing things, our own rules. Was a requirement of the merger.
M] I see. So forested areas are your jurisdiction?
S] Anything that takes place on ‘r around a national park or a nature preserve usually has at least one of us onsite. We have our checklists, our methods for findin’ out what’s going on. Weird shit happens far from civilization.
M] Like what?
S] Reality sorta…gets weak, out here. I heard y’talked to Wren.
M] I did.
S] They’re always on about that noosphere stuff. Out here, with no people, noosphere kinda gets a little…wobbly. It’s like…if enough human minds are the bungee cords holdin’ down a tarp. It’s fine most of the time, but sometimes there’s a wind, you know? The noosphere don’t have the guidance to tell it what to do, so you get…
[He trailed off.]
M] What?
S] I seen weird shit, ma’am. Woodpeckers that move backwards, sealing up holes in trees. Hikers from twenty years ago, missing their faces. Places where the sun never shines, like that old song. Areas that looked like Lucifer’s vacation home, all burned and sulphur-smoke. Deer speakin’ in the voices of dead relatives, antlers shining blue. Gunshots where there shouldn’t be people. Realspace is weak out here. Veil gets thin when there ain’t no one to see it.
M] Is all that true?
S] As true as Mama’s promises.
M] Mmh. Tell me about the….cryptids. What is a cryptid? I know it’s like…unknown creatures, but for you they’re clearly….known, right?
[He sat back after a drink of his tea, giving a wince and a so-so gesture of his hand.]
S] That’s the mundane definition, yeah. The Office’s definition of a cryptid is….a creature whose existence ain’t really evolutionarily plausible, that would raise a lot a’ questions were it known. Jackalopes, you know, no other bunny has antlers, sort of thing. They probably didn’t evolve, per se, so…
M] What about the sasquatch? Wouldn’t it just be seen as a missing link?
[He nods, thinks for a second, looks at his computer, and then jerks his head to the door.]
S] Lemme show you something.
[On the platform outside, bolted onto the railing, is a telescope - or I assume it is. Attached to the long barrel of the device are a lot of wires, a plastic casing that looked like it housed a small electronic assembly, and a revolving series of lenses that look like they can be rotated into the eye ports like an optometrist’s testing machine. He looks into the scope, adjusting the lenses and a few knobs on the side of the device, and locks it into place.]
S] Here, take a look.
[I look into the scope - for a moment, I think there’s something wrong with it. I can see a clearing in the forest, and three….shapes. Smudges on the lenses? No, he’d have seen that. The shapes are blurry blobs from this distance, out of sync from their sharper surroundings. I’m about to take my eyes away from the scope and ask what I’m looking at when I feel him reach over and adjust the lenses again, rotating a new set into place. It’s accompanied by an electric click and a soft whine from the device, and now I can see them clearly. The three blobs were large, humanoid figures, covered head to toe in rusty brown fur. One stands guard in the clearing, while another sits on a stone, grooming the fur of a third, possibly a juvenile. They are...impossible. Majestic creatures, even from this distance.]
S] We call it an Obfuscation Field. They’re sort of always….blurry. In the 30’s we developed techniques to see through it, y’know, but it’s one of those things people can’t find out about.
M] Unbelievable.
S] Somethin’ wrong?
M] It’s just…this whole time, you know?
[He leaned on the railing, taking a vape pen out of his shirt pocket.]
S] Yeah, I heard they kind of threw you into all this. Sink ‘r swim. I wager most people get a slower introduction.
M] Did you?
[He took a hit of his vape pen.]
M] Should you be doing that on the job?
[He gave me an amused look, gesturing around to the forest. I could almost imagine a hypothetical camera comically zooming out to show the remoteness of the tower.]
S] Nah, I grew up in all this. My family’s been practicing “The Work”, so to speak, since they came here four or five generations ago. I never got the hang of witchcraft, myself. You get a dud every other generation, so they say. My sister’s a natural though, she’s interning with the Office in Archival.
M] Some people are sort of…born into knowing this stuff.
S] We call it being “in the community”. At a certain point it all blends together. Your family does folk magic at a certain level, you grow up with your best friend bein’ a lycan, that kinda thing.
M] I feel like I’ve missed out.
S] Ma’am, sometimes it’s more trouble’n it’s worth.
M] Yeah?
S] I love my friends, my family, but….you think I wouldn’t flick a switch, give all this up? Be Sheamus the hipster and not Sheamus the cryptid hunter? Be a hell of a lot more simple. Weird shit attracts more weird shit.
[He took another hit, exhaling a thick cloud. For a moment, shapes in the cloud coalesce - the prominent brow of an ape, a rabbit with antlers. I wonder if he was being modest about his lack of magic.]
M] I’m not really sure.
S] You’re letting it get to you, all of this. So quick, so extreme. I think you need an industrial grade chill pill, ma’am.
M] Maybe I do.
S] I got a guy coming in to bring me supplies tonight. Stay here, watch the sunset, you drive back with him.
M] Are you sure?
S] Hundred percent. Take the evenin’, ma’am. You need it.
(Buy the poster here!)
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procyoren · 3 months
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a moment of peace before the whole world shatters 😇
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look at my horses boy
(image ids in alt)
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Why, yes. Yes, he did.
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hattersarts · 8 months
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im already at the south downs cottage guys, catch up
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demilypyro · 5 months
spoiling this i dont fucking care. the way she starts to reject but reconsiders. the eager breathing. the immaculately animated kiss. the music. the leg lock. the way she immediately switches targets. the song she hums as she walks out. the little wave. i'm insane
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reimidy · 3 months
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ayeforscotland · 23 days
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The one positive that will come from this utterly deranged tweet from stochastic terrorist, LibsofTikTok, will be more people learn about Paleo Pines - an adorable Dino-farming sim.
Solidarity to Paleo Pines team, their socials will be a fucking nightmare right now.
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eefaevie · 3 months
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parce qu'on s'est crié des mots qui ont sali tous nos plus beaux dessins, on a hurlé des chaudières d'encre noire sur le bonheur
j'expose ma tête, mes yeux, mon cœur et mes mains
si tu reviens
something quiet, gentle, and romantic for today. I’ve been assured it’s suggestive enough for @goodomensafterdark ‘s smut war, so enjoy this soft interlude with suggestive tummy ❤️
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finleycannotdraw · 9 months
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I colored the last one first and then lowered my standards. give it up for 10yo ambrosius and his glaringly yellow shirt
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gumy-shark · 6 months
free my girl she did all that shit but if she was a man you'd be all over him AND his crimes
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