#in perspective like a dumbass
sylph--scope · 8 months
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Rain World Ostober day 14 - Lovely Arps
Good old sky islands..... The Twenty Million Vultures region 🦅🦅🦅
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fauvester · 5 months
honestly i never finished mdzs because it's a little too Much for me. but i see all these posts about the ending and how each character finishes and like man this just sounds like... a huge bummer. an epic of a bummer, a Succession level twists and turns bummer, and man, like every single character seems to come out worse for it. like I dont even know if Mr. Iceberg and the chaotic necromancer even end up together because everyone is too focused on how everyone else suffers grievously
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leavingautumn13 · 4 months
not to like be squidposting on main again but why the fuck do they dress like that
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thoughts on how Liyue Archon quest went [4]
ZHONGLI TIME, IN WHICH I WROTE MANY EXTENSIVE NOTES (i didn't even realize i was this feral until i reread these notes guys)
Childe said he'd find a guy, and he did! the Traveler Trio go to the bank teller!
Side Note: did you know that the fuckin bank teller is voiced by the same VA as Venti (at least in the ENG VO?). i didn't until i watched my friend do the quest again!! and then we had an argument on whether or not it was actually Venti's Eng VA. i love my friends.
ANYWAY, Traveler Trio hits the Liuli Pavilion, walks in, and LEMME TELL YOU. I fully, truly, genuinely h/c that the Moment(tm) that Lumine saw Zhongli, she Knew(tm).
Like girl ain't dumb. She probably had a moment of uncertainty, ofc, b/c she's not From This World (tm), but at the same time He Gives the Vibes. but, like, when he asks the question about her opinion between Mondstadt and Liyue, she's immediately like "oh yeah, ur the fuckin Geo Archon aren't you".
but also she doesn't say anything, b/c at this point she's more curious as to why this Archon is absolutely positively faking his death and not telling anyone about it.
the more Zhongli speaks tho, the more confident Lumine is. like she's bewildered that he doesn't really seem interested in what Childe's up to, but when he mentions his friend from Mondstadt? she's like "so u mean Venti, then".
Zhongli: oh. i did not bring any Mora. Kaeya: what. Paimon: what. Lumi: Lumi: (how does,,, the God of Contracts,,, and Commerce,,,, not bring any Mora,,,,)
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cvctuslesbian · 5 months
transmisandry cunts have the least interesting views on ~queer masculinity~ ever
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rhaeisthequeen · 2 months
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I'll be honest with ya I don't know where to start with this one...
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creativebrainrot · 11 months
Since RP is becoming less and less scary ive been considering Maelgwyn AUs that dont include major story characters and one that also doesnt include being an Elonian Sylvari.
I'll start with the second one because, I've thought about it less, since the game encourages non-pale tree sylvari through Malyck's existence.
I'll keep the abnormally large part of his design because it contributes to his own expierence with himself. (?) His stature, coloration, and generally creature-like traits contribute to his selfhate and how much he despises being seen as a monster. Which is his primary motivation for why he Does That One Thing that starts his journey. Being seen as a monster is why he becomes a bounty hunter. So if he's not in elona, what if bandit syndicate leader? Except, these ones are grey morals and tend to help out those in need by picking targets who have excess and will for sure be fine after the attack. People who can EASILY replace lost shipments. Thats an easy enough replacement for the desert beast thing.
undercooked tho because im pretty sure no one would be tooo mad about a Single Elonian sylvari. My main answer for Maelgwyn's desert tree not being involved is usually, the tree never recovers. He's the only one that's awakened, and rather than healing slowly and stabilizing, the tree dies a few weeks after he wakes.
The first AU is much more interesting to me because Maelgwyn starts pretty grey morals BUT. If he never meets Trahearne,,,,,,,, he gets worse. Because Trahearne is also a grey morals guy but after being pact marshal for so long his morals have shifted to be a lighter shade, which rubs off on Maelgwyn. But if he never meets and stays with Trahearne then his friends would likely be fellow bounty hunters and contacts in the trade syndicates that get along with The Desert Beast and i think thatd make him much more willing to do shit like say. Raid a syndicate hideout with his buddies for nicer drinks and such. The syndicate doesnt LIKE him ANYWAY, and they ARE too close to his turf SO is it rEEEAAALLY THAAT BAAAD. cmon man. its JUST for some better alcohol and theyre only gonna do it once. or twice. when they feel like it. its not like the bandits need the stuff anyway????????
and shit like that. If he never meets Trahearne he also doesnt heal. Not as much anyway. Because falling for your fucking client/charge was a FLUKE and NOT THE PLAN. Maelgwyn was still very much not ready to actually love someone again but thats what he THOUGHT he was. He stumbled across the right person, and fell in love with someone safe and understanding enough, who loved him BACK enough, to see through his difficult tendencies. So his self hate, self doubt, fear, and just. ALL of his mental health issues around falling in love and being vulnerable with other people sticks around. Because he never got a chance to organically unlearn any of it. Because he IS NOT gonna be the one who goes looking for love.
Absolutely not, you tell this man you love him four months into a casual romantic relationship, he is having a secret panic attack and ghosting.
If he falls in love with YOU and realizes it. Bye. Ghosting.
He's so not okay xd
He's okay with friends, for the most part, but chances are, you're still not getting through to his honest self. Everyone gets The Desert Beast. If you get to see Maelgwyn you are a LUCKY bastard, this man masks and hides his real self SO MUCH.
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swiftrunnerfelidae · 2 years
Are people seriously still trying to claim that Bridget's parents who raised her and kept her safe and told her at an extremely young age her assigned gender at birth groomed her, and that it only kicked in after she spent like six years traveling the world and being such a good bounty hunter that the US Secretary of Defence knew her by reputation alone? After she had six entire years out away from her village that she spent claiming that she was a man? That's what they claim was grooming?
Just admit you're transphobic and go, god fucking damn. Just admit you can only conceive of children as something you force an identity on, and can't imagine someone reaching that through self-discovery after years of reflection and some gentle encouragement.
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thedeviousdevilxx · 1 year
I really wish Tom Keifer would write a bio, because I think his perspective on being a rock musician, his experiences, and what from I’ve gathered from various interviews and sources, he never fully ascribed to the whole rock n roll lifestyle a lot of his peers did (the whole EXCESS of it all) so it wouldn’t be like most rock bios!
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eternally-anomalous · 5 months
hey pee boy how do you plan to take over thw government with just america
if you ever call me that again I will have your tongue cut out *glory snaps, glaring at you with obvious anger*
*he crosses his arms, determined to not speak again until you leave*
And you mean world. not government *he adds, a few minutes later*
it's actually quite simple *he begins to explain*
all I really need to do is become the leader of some semi important country, in order to gain access to those in power. then Ill be able to work my magic upon them and so gain control of their lands as well
as for why the united states, its status as a supposed superpower helps to spreading my influence faster and its excessively large military will be useful in subduing any nations that resist *he smiles*
of course, now that Ive told you all that, I cant simply let you tell everyone
Youll have to end up as yet another missing persons case.. how sad.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
I’ve noticed a pretty sizable portion of this fandom can’t understand symbolism or basic writing techniques sometimes. Sometimes, it seems to be born from not being used to Japanese media but even then…
Also Demyx is the Master of Master because he’s my mom
i can't even seriously respond to this ask after reading 'demyx is my mom' im crying
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catboygirlboss · 9 months
ive never sent anon hate but i have sent anon passive aggression
this person said that polyamory shouldn’t be legal or something like that and i sent them an anon that was like “actually polyamory should be legal to spite you specifically. hope this helps <3” no death threats, no vitriol, just condescending smugness that lights a fire deep within
idk why i did it tbh it was kind of an impulse but i am right so there’s that
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mochakissedgold · 9 months
A thought that's been bothering me for a while: the more I think on it as I look back on it, the more I'm left confused on why AR Fox turned heel then turned back into a babyface so quickly when we could've saved his first turn for something bigger down the line. Especially in light of him getting involved in the Darby vs Roddy match which led to him (and by extension Nick) accidentally costing Darby a win + advancing through the grand slam tournament which... only further adds onto my confusion of why he went bad guy in the first place if he's going to be used as a major reasoning for why Nick will eventually turn and side with Christian if that was the plan from the beginning but I'm not a booker so..🤷🏾‍♀️
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shootsun · 2 years
aha. heh. so. cowboys. I’ve got the second half of the bar tussle - the aftermath really, and then I’ll start the story story bit later? but anyways... just uh... have this
Six chuckles and grabs Wukong’s wrists. “As much as I would love to,” he twists out of the lawman’s grip and steps away out of reach of the fuming sheriff. “I have a job to do.”
He pulls a rumpled poster from an inner pocket of his coat, and Wukong squints at the yellowed paper suspiciously.
“The Monkey King?” Wukong scoffs, digging the toe of his boots into the dust coated floor.
“Everyone knows he got caught years and years ago. That damn thief died serving his sentence.” Wukong looks hard at the bounty hunter, trying to gauge if he needed to bolt or if the other was buying any of the shit he was selling.
There’s an unreadable look on the bounty hunter’s face as Six says, “Maybe. Maybe not. But somebody has been stirring up trouble in a similar way. The crimes and grievances listed recently are too similar to be a coincidence, although most folks think it’s just a copycat. Some dumb kid with grand ideas in his head.”
Wukong has to bite his tongue at that. It had to be MK, hands down. The kid was the only one in the area with enough magic in the area to even attempt to pull half the stunts he had in his youth.
The only question now was, ‘why? What had possessed the kid to act so rashly? To be so stupid and reckless?’ He can guess the answer well enough, but it still leaves him fuming.
He takes a deep breath and focuses on the supernatural in front of him.
“So, what brought you here of all places? Surely, the Monkey King, if he were actually back, would be wreaking havoc on New York or in California. Not here, in Dead End.” Wukong dryly chuckles, hoping he wasn’t coming across as too desperate for any scrap of information.
“I ain’t spilling all my secrets just yet, Lawman.” Six smirks, and tucks the old wanted poster back into his pocket. The bounty hunter knocks his hat against his thigh, knocking off some of the sawdust, and nods his head to Wukong before making his way to the saloon doors.
“Oh, by the by,” The supernatural pauses, one hand on the wooden doors as he looks over his shoulder. “You better keep a closer eye on your deputy. Your kid has a big heart, Wukong. People are just itching to step on it.”
With that, Six steps out into the street, leaving Wukong glaring at his back.    
The lawman rubs his face tiredly and grimaces at the sore spot on his jaw. His face hardens as he thinks over Six’s last words. Wukong grinds his teeth.
‘That kid is in so much trouble when I see him next,’ He thinks to himself as he turns back to the counter.
Minutes later, Pigsy rams his way through the saloon doors, panic written all over his face.
“Wukong!” The ex-con turned bartender all but tackles him. “Did you see? That bounty hunter, the one who took MK, he’s back!” The supernatural hisses as he shakes Wukong by the shoulder.
“I saw.” Wukong carefully pries his oldest living friend’s fingers off his arm.
“Ain’t you gonna do anything? He could try and take the kid again, or-”
The lawman shakes his head, cutting off the bartender mid-panic. “He’s not really here for the kid. He came here looking for Monkey King.”
“You buried that name.” Pigsy’s voice is icy as he steps back from Wukong. “You told me you left that all behind when you took the mantle of Lawman.”
“I did!” Wukong whirls to glare at the shorter supernatural. “He’s just… digging up ghosts, is all. I’ll distract him, and he won’t even notice the kid.” He promises, and Pigsy’s eyes soften a fraction before hardening once more.
“I helped Trip raise that boy. You left, going back on your wild adventures after we got here, and the rest of us made sure he grew up. It’s your turn to keep him safe, Wukong. I ain’t makin’ idle threats when I say if that kid gets hurt on your watch, I’ll be the one to put you in the ground before that bounty hunter even sees hide nor hair of you.” Pigsy pokes a clawed finger into his chest, and he resists the urge to swat the offending appendage away.  
“I’m going to keep him safe,” Wukong promises.
Part 1
Part 3
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ehlnofay · 10 months
can’t believe I work at a fucking school now. this shit is pathetic. eleven year old me would bare hands kill me dead on site and I’d deserve it
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dredshirtroberts · 2 years
no you know what actually I do have shit to say about de-radicalization and how people on the whole (and i do include myself here, i am a people as well) need to be more compassionate towards those deconstructing their worldview and pulling away from radical/harmful ideology.
Cause y'all I don't talk about it much and so you might not know but like...
that was me.
My family is *ultra conservative* and maybe i've said that before, maybe i understood on some level how far down the rabbit hole they've become - but i didn't realize until relatively recently how fucking long it's been like this.
And how close I personally was to being just like them.
The EIB network - y'all might not know of them, but the radio network that hosted Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck? (do people even remember who Glenn Beck even is? he was everywhere when I was younger but i'm starting to realize that some of the people I grew up listening to were not big names outside of their fringe belief groups) - was the sound of summertime as a child. It was so prevalent that when my mother began homeschooling my sister and I, I would hear it and immediately think it was summertime - even in the dead of winter with snow on the ground. For years. To this day I can hear it in my head.
We mainly watched Fox News back in the day - we watched CNN and NBC for a while too. But ultimately it was Fox News where we got the majority of our information about the world at large.
I don't know much about Bill Clinton's presidency other than the Sexy Scandal because we didn't like him and no one talked about him except to say he was terrible (with no information as to why other than that he was a Democrat and all Democrats were the devil and going to steal our rights). We thought George W. Bush was going to save america.
I thought Sarah Palin was a feminist icon - though obviously we didn't need feminism because girls and boys were super equal. Racism ended in the 60s. The Civil War wasn't fought because of Slavery it was for property ownership, *obviously*. You know, like land. Because property meant land. Not *people.*
The government was terrible and should be kept out of everyone's business and if you couldn't shake it on your own, you weren't trying hard enough and the government didn't need to bail you out. Black people were lazy for not doing enough to change their station and everyone who thought racism was still a thing just hadn't listened properly when Martin Luther King Jr talked about dreams. but also that speech wasn't necessary even back then because Racism wasn't real - or if it was real it wasn't bad because stereotypes exist for a reason, you know.
My dad and mom proudly talked about their racial profiling of "'Sp*c Cars." But we never said the N-word (even though if the black people say it they shouldn't expect no one else to be able to say it).
The hardcore christian element didn't super settle in until the homeschooling years. My parents didn't own a gun until a few years ago. But we supported gun rights. The right to bear arms was integral to the constitution, the constitution was correct when the Founding Fathers wrote it and didn't need *changes*.
Trans people were just Ultra Gays and the gays didn't need rights because they were sinners and going to hell because God might love them but we didn't. Men in dresses were a joke and obviously no trans person could *really* become the gender they "claimed" to be.
Unions were useless and we definitely didn't need them anymore because they were never necessary in the first place. If you don't like your job, just leave it, you know? And don't get fussy if your boss fires you out of nowhere for an "injustice" because that just means you're looking for excuses for your bad job performance.
Women were meant to bear children and run the household and I guess you could be a business lady if you *wanted* to but like only if you also planned to have children - or had already had and raised your children. And why on earth would a man do any of the child rearing unless there was a boychild involved?
I met Newt Gingrich and got to shake his hand and that was a *bragging right*.
and all of that has been incredibly difficult to un-learn. You spend 18 years surrounded by that rhetoric, thinking that's the way the world is meant to be. You cannot just drop it and immediately switch to the "correct" way of thinking (there is no "unproblematic" political ideology in today's world right now. but that's a different rant).
I have to work extra hard sometimes to fight through those filters of bias and hatred. Because I thought my parents were *reasonable*. I didn't think they were radical my *whole* life until like...a few months ago. I thought they'd *become* radical. But...no.
No they've always been like this and I sounded like a moron trying to convince other family members that they hadn't always been that bad.
Deconstruction, de-radicalization, re-learning is *hard.* And it's *lonely*. Because when you start pulling at the threads, those who shared the blanket no longer want to talk to you, and those under the other blanket are blinded in their own hatred of your previous beliefs to help you learn.
So you have to make your own blanket by listening to how others' blankets are constructed. And you learn. And you challenge and you *fight* and it's hard.
But I'll share my blanket with you. It's cold and lonely on this journey - but it doesn't have to be. We can un-learn together. We can deconstruct our past belief systems together. We can expand our horizons and become allies with other communities as a community ourselves.
We can grow. Because where you're from might be helpful to know in battling prejudices ingrained in your since childhood, but it's not all you are. You are more than your roots and the dirt you grew up in. You're not alone. You're not the only one going through this journey.
And I'll help you if you need a blanket to rest under for the night. We're in this together. I've got your hand. Come on. <3
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