#in other words i will try and do replies now that i've got some muse but no promises; otl
candledburns · 5 months
brain PLEASE function i am begging you-
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celestiababie · 1 year
Heyyy! If you’re open for requests, there’s this TikTok that I saw where a pregnant lady had her husband lift her heavy belly for a few minutes and it gave her some relief. I somehow could see Mingyu do that. His wife having a hard time getting used to her growth and him trying his best to help her 🫠🫠🫠
Heavy On Your Love- KMG
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Pairings: Stay at home husband! Mingyu x fem! reader
Genre: fluff, hint of suggestiveness but very innocent overall, domestic au!, established relationship!
Warnings: Pregnant reader, emotional reader, cursing, mentions of pain and body insecurities, mentions of sex but nothing too bad I promise (still my account is 18+) let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 811
Summary: Being pregnant was stressful at times...a lot of the time and all Mingyu wanted was to take the weight off of your shoulders.
A/N: I have seen this!!!! Thank you so much for this request. As soon as I read this I wanted to write for it....ig househusband Mingyu really is my biggest muse... Again this can serve as a mini prequel but you don't have to read any of the other parts. Feedback is appreciated!
Series Masterlist
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With a heavy sigh, you leaned up against the doorframe of the master bathroom, a grimace on your face as tears started to form in the corner of your eyes.
You tried to control your tears as best as you could. You did not want to get emotional over such a trivial thing, but between the body aches, the hormones, and the fact you felt so heavy and round...yeah, it was understandably hard to keep emotions balanced.
For the past twenty minutes or so, you had been trying to bend down and look for the small hair scrunchy you had somehow managed to drop and couldn't find. The last thing you wanted was to call out for your husband to bother him with such a pathetic task, but lately, even putting on underwear tested your abilities.
You silently gnaw on your bottom lip, weighing out your options before setting your ego aside, calling out for your husband who was currently in the midst of cooking the two (technically three at this point) of you dinner.
Without hesitation, Mingyu rushes up the stairs to check on you but quickly goes back down to turn off the stove before finally making it to your shared bedroom, where he examines your distressed state.
He was expecting you to ask for water or something, but you looked far too tired and sweaty for a woman who he told should get some rest.
"Baby, are you okay?! Did your water break early? Should I get the bag?" Your husband rushes out, stumbling over his words as he uses his long legs to make large strides toward you.
You shake your head, looking at him with a slightly apologetic expression painted across your face.
"No, this baby is not coming out yet, unfortunately. I just—um, I needed, uh—," you stammer out, more embarrassed with your request with the way Mingyu was eagerly waiting for your response with the most caring eyes in the world.
"Okay, so, I was resting like you told me, but then I wanted to read, but my hair kept bothering me, and I got up to get a scrunchy to get my hair out of my face, but I dropped it, and I have no idea where it is, and I know I could have just used a different one, but I tried to look for it myself, and I've just been bent down on the floor for twenty minutes looking for this stupid thing, and now I'm tired and feel disgusting and heavy, and everything hurts like crazy."
You finish off your rant with a heavy sigh, not fully aware of the tears that escaped your eyes until your husband's warm hands cup your face and brush the tears away with the pads of his thumbs.
"Okay, baby, I'll help you. It's okay. But please call me earlier if you need help. I don't want my beautiful, gorgeous wife to be in any extra pain," he softly replies, kissing your forehead before moving past you to look for this treacherous scrunchy that dared to make you upset.
He lets out a low hum as his eyes dart around everywhere in the bathroom, his eyes catching something in his peripheral after a few seconds. There sat the scrunchy in your bathtub. How it landed there? Mingyu didn't care.
He turns back to look at you, frowning at the pained look on your face, his mind scrambling for any way he could help. You feel his arms pull you away from the doorframe so he can stand behind you, gathering your hair into his hands before tying it back with the scrunchy for you.
You try to turn around to thank him face to face, but Mingyu uses his strong hands to steady you by your shoulders, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
"Can I try something I saw online?"
"Oh no, that question always leads to your most questionable moments or something sex-related and I know I've been hormonal and all but—oh. Oh...Mingyu," you let out a satisfied sigh as you feel light, Mingyu's hands underneath your stomach and lifting all that pressure right off your back.
The two of you stay like that for a few minutes in silence, with Mingyu occasionally pressing kisses to your cheek. After a while, he slowly drops your stomach, not wanting to put all the weight back onto you too quickly and accidentally cause more pain.
He finally lets you turn around, giggling at the look of bliss on your face.
With a kiss on your nose, then your lips, he's the first one to speak.
"I'll do that for you as much as you want, okay? Now, go lay back down, and I'll bring dinner to you, and we can watch whatever you want in bed."
Caring and loves to cook, yeah, you sure were lucky.
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ao3cassandraic · 9 months
Firstly, can I say thank you for all your GO meta. I've spent much of my insomnia soaked night reading through your musings and the replies, and almost all of what I've read makes so much sense to me.
There is a question, honestly, but first..
I read GO when it first came out, and have probably been an avid Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman fan for longer than many fans have been alive. Loved the book, adored the first series, found myself completely floored by S2. The last 15 is probably. - no that's wrong, Definitely - the most beautiful, tragic, heart wrenching scene I've ever encountered. Realising what just broke you was played out by two middle aged, straight actors but all you've seen are two beings whose universe is each other and who are being ripped apart by what they are feeling. I don't have the words, I really don't. Sublime acting & writing.
My response surprised me, I couldn't let it go and I worried at it like a (small, red eyed) dog with a bone. Then I found Tumblr and realised I was far from alone. I've read all the theories and a fair bit of fan fiction (re Michael Sheen, "I love that the fans write their own stories, even if most of them involve David & I having sex"). Some of the POV resonate some don't. Yours do much more than most.
After all that, mine isn't a huge question, it's just a niggle I have. Maggie. Something doesn't feel right there and I wondered if she had set anything off on your radar? Given that NOTHING is accidental in a Gaiman story..
Maggie can't spell and it was highlighted. UGRENCY. (T.O.S.T.E, and Angle anyone) Maggie doesn't eat, though she loves a skinny latte, and doesn't drink alcohol. Claims the record shop is failing, but sends a pub in Edinburgh music for their jukebox? She was never a teenager, and whilst claiming to be tired of being scared is completely fearless. Won't leave Az on his own, is unfazed by demons and doesn't question what Cr & Az are, unlike Nina.
I'm not sure where I'm going with it, but something is off and I wondered if you had any thoughts?
Ok, enough, I'll stop rambling and step out of your questions now. Thank you for bearing with me if you made it this far.
First I just want to acknowledge and validate your adoration for Good Omens! This fandom exists For Reasons! Cheers, and thank you for your ask.
I've seen other folks wondering what you're wondering about Maggie; you're definitely not alone. For the little it's worth, I don't actually think she's ethereal or occult. I think she's a human being with some quirks. (I also can't agree with "doesn't eat" -- we don't see her eat, and she doesn't accept Aziraphale's offer of an Eccles cake, but the former is likely happenstance and the latter, well, I wouldn't accept an Eccles cake either if I had just taken such a giant monetary gift from someone. It's just too much; I'd feel that I was taking advantage and not being properly grateful.)
I actually don't drink alcohol, and I assure you I'm fully 100% no-question-about-it human. (Though there are those who would say I'm more than slightly demonic.) I had an alcoholic parent, which shaped my young life in some not-amazing ways, and I never understood how they got to be that way, so I decided to stay safe and just... not try drinking.
When I got older and more confident in my ability to steer clear of alcoholism, I tried a bit of wine and a bit of brandy and a bit of other thises and thats and discovered that I plain old didn't like them! So I drink non-alcoholic cocktails (I love this fashion! N/A cocktails can be creative and tasty!) and locally-made sodas and if that makes me weird, okay, I'm weird. It doesn't make me an angel. Doesn't even make me a "better" (whatever that is) person -- it's morally neutral. It just is.
(I'm not a skinny-latte person, though, in case you were wondering whether I'm Maggie. Chai is my coffeeshop preference.)
A thematic reason I think Maggie is human has to do with an extension of the Good Omens axiom that Heaven and Hell are just names for sides. Demons, angels, a vulnerability or a trick more or less and other than that they're basically the same. I want to believe that in the GOverse, that's true of humans too -- we have more in common with angels and demons than anyone cares to admit, despite the difference in lifespan and our superior inventiveness. Possibly including quirkiness!
I want this to be true because it means Crowley and Aziraphale needn't be lonely together on Earth even if Heaven and Hell do finally chuck them out for good. I want this to be true because it adds some intriguing resonance to a Second Coming of Jesus story. I want it to be true because I want Good Omens to keep saying go-be-properly-good to humanity.
I could be wrong, of course. I've had several of my headcanons contradicted by Word of Gaiman already, barely a month after s2 came out. I'm sure more will go the way of the dodo, and there are a few things I've said that I don't actually believe any more myself.
But I want Maggie to be human because I like her. I like her shy awkward approach to Nina. I like her willingness to explain How To Human When You're Crying to Aziraphale without shaming him for not knowing. I like her loyalty to her benefactor, which she doesn't trumpet but which is brave as all get-out when the demons show up. I like her flipping the bird at the demons, creatively defending the bookshop, standing up to Shax, giving Nina space to work things out.
Sometimes we humans are okay, you know?
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
alright besties~*~ i feel i owe you an update so let's strap in, shall we?
TLDR: the final chapter of LDOMLT is not gonna be ready by 1/31. i don't know when it will be done, but i do know that i want to take my time with it and not force it. this means you're going to see me post other writing before i post chapter 11. if that makes you sad, i'm sorry (and also: me too lol). LDOMLT is not dead, it's not cancelled, it's not even on hiatus. i just can't say when the last chapter will be posted right now. once i feel like i can commit to a date, i will shout it from the damn rooftops lmao. but right now, i need to switch gears.
i hope you can understand or at the very least respect this choice, and please know that i love you all so so much. i just wanna give you the best ending possible, and as it turns out, that shit takes time!
longer version under the cut 💜
siiiiiiigh. i didn't want to have to make this post 😭 but y'all, i am really, really blocked. i kept telling myself that i would figure it out, magically get unblocked (it's happened before!) and be able to meet my 1/31 date (or if not 1/31, then at least 2/5...... hello grammys 👀). but right now neither date seems like a possibility, if i'm honest with myself. in part because i've got a whole stew of personal life shit going on as well! (some of it not so good, and some of it ..... very good lol 😏)
and the way i've been spinning my wheels over this is starting to feel unproductive and honestly, not great for my mental health (i **cried** last night because i was so frustrated that i couldn't make words happen. we'll blame that one on my period but 😩 omg! tears!!!)
so... what do i do? well, i actually feel like playing that ask game the other day made me realize: i need to write other things right now. amazing how the moment i put down this chapter 11 draft, ideas and words just flew out of my brain so easily!! and i have all these other wips i'm dying to get to, but i kept telling myself "not until we finish chapter 11", and i think that's gotten me into a bit of a mental bind 😞
so, as previously hinted at in past posts - i am gonna move forward with ~*~jihope month~*~ in february and allow myself to work on other things 💜 i'll make a separate announcement for that soon, but i'm very excited to dedicate a whole month to writing and reading about my two best boys 😩 and i'll be taking drabble requests too, which i think is gonna help me find my footing again creatively ✨
i know it might be disappointing to see me post writing that isn't LDOMLT chapter 11, so let me preemptively say: i get it 😞 and i'm sorry 😞 and i really really REALLY 👹 also wanted this chapter to be out before february. but the muse has other plans! and i just have to make peace with that even if i hate it lmao. i hope you all can understand where i'm coming from, and if you can't understand it, i hope you can at the very least respect it 💜
to be clear: i'm not gonna stop work on this chapter, but i'm also not gonna force it. if i manage to unblock and get it finished in february, i'll post it in february! (sorry to jimin and hobi lmao) but i don't want to try and hold myself to yet another date only to watch it zoom by with my chapter still unfinished, because that shit is depressing lmao. so right now, i cannot give you any kind of timeline on when ch11 will come. only that it will, and that i'm never ever gonna give up!! 💪
i also hope you can understand that i won't be answering asks about when chapter 11 is coming, and imma be swift with the block button if anyone tries to guilt me about this decision 💜 because i love y'all endlessly, but let us not forget that i do this shit for free, on top of a full-time job and the rest of my life (and now also on top of getting laid irl 🎉)
however, i have no doubt that 99.9% of y'all are going to be nothing but kind and supportive about this 🥺🥺🥺 i've already gotten so many lovely asks and comments and messages (not all of which i've replied to 💀) and i will never find the proper words to tell you how much i appreciate them. when you tell me to take my time and not stress, that you'll wait as long as it takes, that you want me to rest and take care of myself. it means so much and idk what i did to deserve such wonderful people and friends reading my work - all i can say is thank you thank you thank you 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
so yeah 😩 not the announcement i wanted to make, but it's the one i have to make right now. writing is so hard sometimes 😭 but i am determined to give this series an ending that i'm proud of and satisfied with! it just needs a little more time to get there. 💜
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actofgrxce · 8 months
So, OFMD is my all time favorite show and I am in love with every single character and have been wanting to try and join the fandom as Stede Bonnet, but I am SO nervous. Only because you, and several others, are just so incredible and I am intimidated but ahhh, I want to do badly write as my pirate princess. Any advice? Or just go for it? I’ve been writing for years, but graphics/theme making are not my forte.
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Hey, friend!! Thanks for the kind words!!
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I would just GO for it, with the understanding that there's a learning curve to the "rp etiquette" of Tumblr (and some users, as is the way with social media, will be more forgiving and flexible with "mistakes" than others). I would introduce yourself, as you have done here, to people who seem fun and chill, and express your interest in interacting with them IC. 1) Tell them you would be writing Stede. 2) Read their rules page (usually there is a pinned post at the top of a writer's blog offering a mobile-friendly link to their rules, which is basically how they prefer to interact with other writers, how often, in what format, what the writer's or "mun's" triggers are, etc) and tell them that you have: this seems to be a real sign of good faith around here. 3) Collect a small list of people (maybe 4 or 5) to start with, and follow them. If your rp blog is a "sideblog" to a main account, also let them know that, so that when a non-rp blog (you) follows them, they know who the heck it is! I cannot underscore enough how important it is to find people with whom you jive ooc, as yourselves. It simply will not be fun if you don't. So take your time with this part! 4) Make your blog. Customize your theme as much or little as you like, but a good rule of thumb is to at least make an "About the Muse" page (muse's story), a "Rules" (do's and don't's of interacting with you) page, and a "Verses" (discrete story timelines, usually grouped by how much you adhere to canon or by romantic "ships") page. Your muse is a "canon" muse: that is, a muse that already exists in the official fandom universe. 5) If you don't have it already, GET XKIT REWRITTEN (a browser extension that lets you alter Tumblr's increasingly perplexing and user-unfriendly interface, lol. There are versions for both Chrome and Firefox. 6) Start writing. You rp on Tumblr by reblogging a person's IC (in-character) post to your blog, and adding a text reply. They then reblog you. And so on and so forth. Here is where you consult their rules page to know things like: are they okay if I trim posts? Are they okay with me dm'ing them to ask for replies? What's the most courteous way to use tags in order to easily find past writing or filter my blog? How explicit can writing with this partner get re violence or s*xual themes? Etc. Everyone is different.
Re making your blog fancy: You do NOT need to be well-versed in Photoshop, themes and coding in order to run a blog. A lot of people now rp on Tumblr Mobile, where theme graphics don't show up anyway. Those who still use graphics vary, but most of us really don't care if our writing partners use them as long as we can continue to do so.
However, if you're still anxious, I've got a couple graphics and rpg sources right off the bat that can help you tremendously:
@poohsources (your one stop shop for EVERYTHING theme, icon, rp etiquette, formatting, etc related. A very kind soul) @octomoosey (best free blog theme coder on Tumblr!)
and if you're willing to pay for codes and graphics, I can also recommend a few good friends.
Also, if you have further questions, come to me. My anonynous ask option is usually on. <3
(Anyone reading this, feel free to add on your suggestions!)
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castshed · 7 months
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I dunno if it's just the mental state talking or if maybe there's some truth behind what i've been thinking about since I got off work this morning....
But it truly feels like my time on this site might be more limited than I'd like it to be. Sure, there are some people that still seem like at least somewhat interested to entertain the thought or action of writing with me, but... the majority seeningly don't. Maybe it's my rules? Am I not lenient enough? Am I too weird 'cause of a simple lousy (kind of) fetish I have for taller women? I honestly don't get it.
I've been on this site consecutively for.... I have no idea how many years now. And sure, I've taken my breaks, some rather abruptly and unannounced, but they count... This feels different.
I usually have cycles where I want to do nothing but watch YouTube videos or tons of movies or start series' i've never gotten a chance to get to, or do nothing but play video games. But in the end I would always come back to writing.
Recently, I haven't wanted to do the latter. It just seems so... grueling, like a 9-5 job you don't wanna do but need to because it appeases some sort of agenda or just 'cause you have to pay bills on time and eat.
And trust me, I'm one of those people that doesn't see this site as a job, nor do I feel like writing is a chore. USUALLY.
But the lack of people's interest in things (idk if it's my muses-- me as a person) or the lack of reciprocation to things that take all but a few seconds to lift someone's spirits... has just really turned me off. (Not to mention broken notifications, the new dashboard - y'know all of Staff's TERRIBLE choices)
People also have jobs, I get it. Or school... kids, a life. This is truly something you do in your down time because you enjoy it and may have found the time to actually sit down and relax for once without the overbearing weight of other responsibilities holding you down - I just.. I honestly don't know anymore.
Now normally I wouldn't try and sound so much like a beggar or some kind of attention-seeking child, but is it so hard to send positivity in return sometimes? - Like I get that I may not be active 90% of the time lately, but at least I make the time and put in the effort to show that I care and still enjoy seeing actual people on my dash. - I always send it in and hardly get it back. And sure, maybe within the answer to my initial interaction there's something said. But that's more of a response than an actual attempted effort. At least, to me it is.
I also understand that I haven't been the best at replying to sent in memes, or asks in general, but that's because my muse has been at an all-time-low for ALL of my muses, save for like... ONE of my OCs (Sophie; though even now, I'll admit, she's kinda gone too.), and I get sick of staring at them, irritated that I can't muster up a SINGLE word to reply to any of them with... so eventually I delete them and hope to TRY from an empty slate.
I guess I just miss having that person or small group of people that I could count on all the time for things, regardless of our moods, what time of day it was, what we were doing -- etc. I've only ever been affiliated once, and... it probably wasn't the best choice. But the intentions at the time were nothing but good, and it wasn't heavily enforced, save for MAYBE a single ship, or two. Not having that security anymore just shakes things up too much and I guess it's one change that I could never get used to.
Regardless, the thoughts of this morning have me leaning toward either some kind of indefinite hiatus, or a massive reboot to start anew and maybe find a new place to settle. Those of you that want me around can keep me on discord and continue to chat with me there. But if not, and IF I do decide to go that route, I bid thee farewell and I hope for nothing but good luck in your future endeavors.
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forbelobog · 21 days
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog plz
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name: ayla age: i'm a vampire (30s) pronouns: she/they years of writing: collectively, i've been writing since i was in elementary school, but rp? like...like 15, 16 years.
why did you pick up writing? when i was in elementary school, there was this program thru the library where, if you wrote a certain amount of pages on this little packet they gave you, you could get your book "published." which basically meant getting the pages you wrote and drew on glued between a small hardcover, no bigger than a regular hallmark card. but they let you do this as many times as you wanted and you would even get extra credit for writing 5+ in a grading period. i started writing about anything and everything. a leaf who didn't know how to fly with the wind. a pig who wanted to find a hat. even a turkey who found a family on thanksgiving who loved him and didn't eat him. fastforward to the internet, i would write stories about horses (i am a reformed horse girl, sorry) in blank notepads. i remember my best friend telling me saddle wasn't spelled with t's, but d's. then, i found message boards in sites like neopets and gogaia, and i really kind of let my imagination go. i picked up writing even before i knew why, i kind of always just wanted to. my mom used to read me and my brother the hobbit as a bedtime story and it was very imaginative, i think that's where the whole fantasy/world building curiosity started. i like making and telling stories. when i found out you could do that with other people, it was game over for me.  do you have any writing routines? i used to, back when i rped a lot more frequently and consistently, but not so much anymore. writing has always been something i enjoy doing and rp is just a hobby; as i got older/more "adult" with "adult responsibilities", i realized i never wanted to stress about rp. i write when i feel like it and never before. tho, when i do sit down to write, i tend to do so in silence/with ambient white noise. i can't focus if i have any outside factors. what's your favorite part about writing? invoking emotion. whether it's happy or sad or angry or confused. i like to be able to reach other people with words. i find writing to be theraputic, in a way. for instance i've been writing a nonfiction about my grandmother for awhile, which i started before she passed based around her dementia and sundowners. it was hard to deal with for me but writing became a way to cope in a healthy way.
i. uuuuhhh i guess my scene setting is pretty good? i tend to spend a lot of time with openers making sure there is a reason for why the character is there, what the purpose will be moving forward, and where they are going to currently. i hate it sometimes because i feel like i go on and on about like, a room, but i like to think it helps my partners in the long run. ii. alliteration is my favorite literary tool and i like to think i'm pretty good at it by now. stringing together a good collection of sounds is very fun. iii. idk man this is hard. uuhhhhh i...usually always try to give my partners something to respond to? it's something i had to work on when i first started rping, but not only is your response to whatever the other muse is doing important, but giving THEM something to respond to in a reply is equally important, or else everything kind of falls flat. idk partner feel free to tell me i still suck at it but i have worked on it a lot in the past.
when you find it difficult to write what are some things you might do to help get back into it? if i'm looking to get back in to writing a specific character, i tend to reread old threads regarding that character i've done before, or visit things that make me think of the muse. like a playlist, or watch some cutscenes, or fanart. if i'm just looking to writ something in general but can't find the muse, i put on music that inspires me. john darnielle/the mountain goats is a go-to for me, darnielle is one of, if not my favorite writier, and his songs are so descriptive it makes me jealous. QUESTION: what was the first character you ever picked up to start rping? why did you gravitate to them?
tagged by: @dupliciti tagging: @cloudhymn @wingspiked @spadilled @eteing @ofinflorescence @resolutepath and YOU!!! if you steal this from me please tag me i'd love to read.
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ageless-aislynn · 2 months
Tagged by the ever lovely and awesome @swiftzeldas Thanks, hon! 🤗💖
How many works do you have on AO3? 148
What’s your total AO3 word count? 290,660 😵‍💫
What fandoms do you write for? Actively writing for Halo now, but still have some for the Flash to finish up. I've previously also written for Doctor Who.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? "Five Times Oliver Held Felicity (And The One Time She Held Him)" (Olicity, Arrow) "15 Minutes" (John-117/Reader, Halo the series) "Balancing Act" (NSFW) (Tenth Doctor/Donna Noble, Doctor Who) "Side Effect" (NSFW) (John-117/Kai-125, Halo the series) "No Time" (John-117/gender neutral Reader, Halo the series)
Do you respond to comments? I always do and if for some reason I didn't, you can be sure I either didn't see it or something interfered with me in replying and now I've thought I did. That, er, happens more than I wish it would these days. *swiss cheese brain is swiss cheese* 😔🫥🙄
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I very rarely write angsty endings, so they're kinda notable when they happen: "Cold" (Eobard Thawne/Killer Frost, The Flash) (Very short but I've been told it packs a punch. 🥰😉) "Dark/Light" (chapter 1) (Harry Wells/Caitlin Snow, The Flash) (An experimental fic where the dialogue is exactly the same in ch1 and 2 but they tell vastly different stories. 😉) Honorable mention to "Gray Sunflowers" (Caitlin Snow/Hunter Zolomon, The Flash) as a rare one where the entire fic is a metaphor for depression and even though the ending isn't super angsty by any means, it also isn't particularly hopeful either. It's still one of my favorites, though, because I felt like it has a distinctive voice.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm resisting the urge to put "Side Effect" and the, er, multiple "happy endings" that occur in it here, lol! 🤣🤣🤣 Honestly, basically all of my other fics have a happy ending. I might go with "The Thousand and the First" (NSFW)(Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow, The Flash) because I wanted it to carry through a complete redemption arc for Eobard and I think it succeeded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯😉
Do you get hate on fics? So far, no. On vids... oh yeah. 😑
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Um, yep. Lots. I tend to write smut with a funny tone. I've very rarely done a conventional "romance novel" type scene. "Balancing Act" (Ten/Donna, linked above) was one of the first I'd did with that quasi-realistic/funny tone to it.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've only written one so far: "Cold Hands" (Caitlin Snow/Jordan Mahkent, The Flash/Stargirl), which also has a vid, "Gasoline."
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of. Again, a vid? Yes.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not as far as I know.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I don't work well with a co-writer, simply because my muse is so resistant to writing to an outline.
What’s your all time favorite ship? To write? Any variation of Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow and the Wells dopplegangers/Caitlin or Killer Frost, The Flash, John-117/Kai-125 and John-117/Reader.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? "Try" (both versions of Eobard Thawne/Caitlin Snow, The Flash). I have 3 chapters completed and it's definitely the fic with the most world-building in it and it would also be the first full-fledged poly fic I've done. But my inspiration for the Flash just got smushed by the show so repeatedly I doubt I'll ever get enough oomph to finish it.
What are your writing strengths? Funny smut? Taking fandoms that are very not domestic and writing domestic fics in them? (I'm looking at you, Halo. Apologies to all of the Halo fans out there who absolutely hate people like me. 🫣I know you're out there but I appreciate you only vague-posting about me/people like me and not calling me out by name.)
What are your writing weaknesses? I don't write plotty fic very well, nor do I stick to canon very often. Worst thing is how easily I can sabotage myself and get convinced that everybody hates what I write. I've had SO many wonderful comments telling me otherwise but mannnnnn, my Evil Inner Editor can make me feel like the worst imposter ever. 😔
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've written for Sherloque Wells a handful of times, most notably "Unrequited" (Sherloque/Caitlin, The Flash) but I had help from a genuine French speaker to make sure it was saying what I thought it was saying, lol! It's not something I would want to do a lot, though, because I don't have a good enough grasp on any other language to feel comfortable with it. I greatly admire those who can, though!
First fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings, though it's no longer online anywhere. Doctor Who was my official entrance in the awesome world of fanfic after that!
Favorite fic you’ve written? Well, ask me my favorite child, why don't you? 😮🤣 How about I pick one two that haven't been mentioned so far that I'd love to see get more attention? "Phase Two" (Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Doctor Who) is a sentimental fav and "Offer" (Eobard Thawne/Killer Frost, The Flash) is honestly a world I would've loved to have written more in because I found it so interesting.
Tagging any of my writer friends who see this and would like to do it! *boops your nose politely*
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(Boop paw GIF kindly made by @theredtours) 😉
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onetrickjeffrey · 2 years
Jaythony commission + "Struggle" short story
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Absolutely in love with this commission from @cherryrollarts of Jaythony and Wiggle. Working with artists in the Bugsnax community has been such an amazing and inspirational experience for me. I love seeing my little grumpus interpreted in so many different styles, and I'll definitely be getting to more artists in the fandom soon! Please check out her page and consider a commission from her!
I intended this piece to accompany a short story I wrote out, showing a moment between Wiggle and Jaythony after her own experience with the Megamaki, but right before the Point of No Return. It's a short read and intended to be understandable with only canon game context, but a look at Jaythony's Bio wouldn't hurt. Find it below the cutoff!
"Slower with the chord shifts, darling. It's okay to let the rhythm lag a little. Focus on getting those strings to sing with each other, even if it takes time."
Jaythony clenched his fingers as they stretched across the neck, then slid the pick down the banjo's crescent body. After a few stuttered swipes of his hand, he slowly shifted down to the next chord. The instrument sang in mild dissonance to the sound that preceded it, after which Wiggle smiled humorously.
"Don't sweat it too hard. You can at least tell your friends that you've played on the very banjo 'Do the Wiggle' was born from."
Jaythony managed a chuckle. "The very one?"
Wiggle nodded, and Jaythony conceded, "That's something I guess," but fatigue slowly overpowered his smile.
Wiggle relaxed down on the bench, giving an interested smile. "You've been catching my curiosity, darling. Whenever I need to stretch my legs in the middle of the night, you're still here, long after the rest of the town is out cold. And you're lost in the music. I think I even heard one of my little numbers flowing from those tin cans around your neck…but you look so despondent through it all. Maybe try singing your woes to me?"
Jaythony turned away in passive refusal. However, a moment passed, and his desperation overpowered him. He looked down at the banjo and replied:
"I took a direction in life, Wiggle, and I don't like where it's taking me. I thought I was okay on the sidelines, appreciating the creations of others while I stayed a…footnote. But now I'm in the spot I was preparing for all my life…and I hate it. I abandoned every passion I had because I thought it was the 'smart' thing to do for my future…I want to create again."
Wiggle tilted her head in confusion. "Then create again, darling. Who says you can't?"
"There's no room for me in that world anymore," Jaythony insisted. "I could've tried to be something when I was younger - an artist or musician or anything - and stuck with it like you did. How could I go back to that? That world…it would chew me up and spit me back out if I tried to catch up."
Wiggle stared solemnly, searching for the words to bring the dejected grumpus back to reality. Despite how distant Jaythony believed their outlooks were, she couldn't help but find familiarity in his woes. The words came to her, and she asked:
"Jaythony…what do you think I've been doing on this island?"
"Finding your muse. You said something like that, right?"
"I mean what I've really been doing, darling."
He shrugged. "What do you mean?"
"I've been going on a nonsense chase over these ridiculous snax. I almost got our little journalist friend devoured by an ancient seafood colossus…" Wiggle paused; her stare melded to the campfire as it crackled in the silence. "I took advantage of the few people who actually cared for my work, all because I was desperate for some magic inspiration to strike me again and put me back on top."
She turned her gaze back to him and continued with a comforting smile, "The ones at the top, the ones you think got it all figured out…they're still struggling as hard as the day they started. That's all it is: just struggle. Nobody forgets how to struggle. You just gotta give yourself the chance to express it again."
Jaythony stared at his paw as it wrapped around the banjo's neck. He almost rejected her words on impulse, but the toxicity that plagued his head began to subside. He looked to Wiggle and asked, "You really think, after all this time, I still have a chance to make something out of this?"
Wiggle chuckled, "Don't ask me, darling. Search for that answer yourself." She rose from the log. "Maybe get some sleep first though. You could use some."
"I will, but I just need a bit more time out here…" He held the banjo out to her and smiled. "Better not leave without this."
Wiggle reached her hand out, but stopped midway. "Why don't you watch over it for me tonight?" She requested, and began her saunter back to her bed. "Leave it in my hut in the morning."
Jaythony gave a confused glance, but before he could muster a question, it was back to solitude. He stared at the oversized banjo as he anchored it back on his lap, then planted his fingers as Wiggle showed him before. He gave a few muted strums, wary not to awaken a sleepwalking Gramble or an impatient Wambus. The strings were scratchy and dissonant as he shifted from chord to chord, which disappointed him, but he managed to find solace in the fact that it made any noise at all.
thank you so much if you actually read this far, I've been out of the OC game for so long I forgot how fun it was to think about these things
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joining in on the mice writing fun
I've had two pals of mine write some extra disney fun, so I got enough juice to whip something out. Just a bit of exploration of a world i call the Knights Of Dreams. If you'd like to learn more about that, I've got a tag set up for that, but feel free to ask more! Hope you enjoy!
Would it really be exaggerating to say the sun was shining brighter today? Donald took a moment to muse about this, adjusting the collar of his robes and hoping he hadn’t already outgrown this one. The magics of the kingdom affected the weather when enough emotions were in unison, but that tended to result in thunderstorms and rain, not bright sunny days. Then again, it wasn’t as if that was impossible – he’d been learning more and more that “impossible” was a word that didn’t exist. If the sun was brighter due to the all the harmony the kingdom was experiencing, wasn’t that a good thing? He wanted to believe things would be all right today, and that even the enemies that sprawled in the darkness would take a break.
However, he was a pessimist at heart, and grumbled quietly as he readjusted his outfit six times over. Things would probably go wrong today, if only to him and his bad luck. He could only hope it wouldn’t spread to Daisy – and speaking of which, he’d done more than enough checking in the mirror. She’d be stopping by soon, and he was going to escort her to the festival grounds. She’d been bragging for ages about the outfit she was going to wear, and even Donald’s darkest thoughts couldn’t put a damper on that – his girlfriend was beautiful no matter what, but her keen sense of color and cloth always had a way to make that beauty stand out even more. She was going to be a knock-out, his bad luck be damned.
He descended the rickety wooden stairs, but even their usual squeaks couldn’t hide the whispers below. He paused mid-step, eyes narrowing as he saw the conspirators on the first floor. Della and Mickey were already dressed to the nines, though Della was roughly tugging on a sleeve or two much to Mickey’s annoyance. From what Donald could gather, Mickey was repeatedly asking Della if she was “sure about this idea” and Della, ever confident, was replying over and over that “no one will notice, it’ll just be for a little while, grab her and go.”
Donald inherited many things from his mother, and unfortunately, one of them tended to be mother-henning. He cleared his throat as he resumed walking downward, and the two below jerked, realizing they’d been caught. On the last step, Donald turned toward them, parenting face on, arms crossed. “What are you two planning?”
He didn’t expect them to be honest. Of course not.
“Plannin’?” Mickey went first, eyes darting here and there. “Dunno what’cha mean, Donald. We were just gettin’ ready for the festival, right, Della?”
Della waved a dismissive hand, always bolder when it came to fibs. “Honestly, Donald, what could we possibly be planning? Aside from having a good time?”
Donald clicked his tongue. He never claimed to be a genius, but whenever Mickey and the word “her” was involved, there was one conclusion to make. “So, he’s not planning on doing anything with Princess Minerva today?” Now neither one would look him in the eyes. “Especially not today of all days, when she’s finally out of the castle, so everyone’s eyes will be on her, so trying to do anything with her would be the stupidest thing you could think of?” There was a light rapping on the door, which he ignored. “And if you were actually dumb enough to think you could get away with it, which you wouldn’t, the other knights, plus Scrooge, plus the King himself would make your life miserable forever and always?”
“Your faith is astounding as always, brother mine.” Della replied, her voice not wavering an inch. “Someone’s at the door.” The knocking hadn’t stopped.
“Really, Donald, just relax!” Mickey meekly held his hands up in protest. “Today’s all about the good things the year has brought us, remember? You don’t wanna start off the festival with a sour face.”
“I swear,” Donald said as the knocking increased in volume and speed, “If you two do anything to the princess, heads will roll! And then they’ll blame me for it too! All I ask for is one day without either one of you giving me a headache, is that too much to ask?! One single day?!” He then whipped around, yanking on the door handle so hard it was a miracle the dang thing didn’t crack off. “AW, WHADDYA WANT?!”
Knock-out had been a good word to use earlier, as one look at Daisy in her new dress – especially as it hugged all her curves in ways Donald was eager to do the same, the fluff of her chest sticking out perhaps a smidgen more than usual, and her eyes taking on a certain glow with freshly painted make-up on her always pretty face – snuffed out the candle of Donald’s rage. It also did a good job at snuffing out all coherent thought he had. Daisy waited patiently, raising an eyebrow. “Well? Are you ready to go?”
Donald’s throat made a noise that couldn’t been a “gnugk” but no one was quite sure.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Daisy took his arm, and made a silent salute to her fellow conspirators. They flashed her a grin – Donald glanced back, feeling as if he’d missed something, but a kiss on his cheek shut his brain up again. The happy couple walked off, and Mickey exhaled deeply in relief.
“We’d better get a move-on too,” Mickey said as he wiped a bit of sweat from his brow. “I hope you know what you’re doing with this idea of yours, Della.”
“Have I ever let you down before, Mick?” She probably should have seen his expression of exasperation coming. “… Okay, when it mattered?” His look didn’t change. “Naysayers, I’m surrounded by naysayers and… jerks!” With a huff, she grabbed Mickey by the wrist and dragged him along, and was welcomed by his quiet chuckling.
The Flower Festival was in full bloom, with the pun quite intended. One couldn’t walk a foot without encountering blossoms of all shapes and colors curling around the buildings and pathways. Their sweet smells permeated the air, and there was a gentle breeze that sent lofty petals into many a fair maiden’s hair. Mickey and Della had barely turned the corner before they heard the bands playing, and the sound of delighted children shrieking delightfully in their own games. On a day like this, it was easy to forget all the attacks and invaders mere weeks ago – which, Mickey thought, was probably for the best. Typically, the festival lasted four days, and this was merely the beginning. He wasn’t sure they could make it all four days without a visit from the League of Nightmares.
Destroying this kind of happiness would be right up their alley – hadn’t they announced to anyone and everyone their very existence was to wipe out the dreams of this peaceful kingdom? Mickey rubbed his chest, starting to worry. The Nightmares were always so eager to destroy any light they found, to rip apart families, lovers, friends, and show how weak those bonds could be. On a day meant to bring joy, wasn’t this like offering the Nightmares a full meal on a silver platter? Mickey was sure they couldn’t possibly cancel the festival, and yet…
He felt someone bump into the back of his legs, and Mickey fumbled forward, knocking into Della. She caught him and straightened him up, and the two of them watched a gaggle of kids sprint down the dirt road, waving self-made streamers and throwing freshly grown flowers at one another. The child that hit Mickey had also stumbled, gave a shy smile of apology, then raced to join their friends. Mickey couldn’t even be mad – had the child stayed a second longer, he would have ruffled their hair and shoved them along. Della watched them with a large smile on her face, no doubt thinking of her own little boys and eager to catch up with them.
The town square was almost unrecognizable. Every shop had replaced their displays and signs in accordance to fit the flowery theme, offering new wares and special tastes only for this time of the year. Crafting tables had been set up mostly for the little ones, but there were a few elderly ones about to create the paper lanterns which would be used later in the night. The May Pole was still being set up, and while Mickey was certain he was taller than last year and the year before, he still swore the pole was higher than ever. Everyone was moving, everyone was making merry, and everyone was choosing not to think of the darkness.
“Looks like the guests of honor haven’t arrived yet,” Della said as she scanned the area, a hand over her eyes to see better. “So maybe we have time to rope a few more fellas into the scheme.”
Mickey tried not to roll his eyes. “First off, if you have to call it a scheme, don’t say scheme out loud! And secondly, I dunno if anyone else would be willing to go along with it. Goofy and Launchpad are honest to a fault, Drake’s a born tattletale, and Pete would hold it over my head forever.” But after a moment more, he allowed the festive smells and songs to ease his mood. “Besides… look around! They’re all having fun already. I can’t take ‘em away from that.”
This was one of the few days the Knights of Dreams weren’t expected to stand to duty. Oh, sure, if thieves and bandits were making trouble, they’d step in and save the day. But it was expected on the Flower Festival that they’d spend time with their loved ones – even heroes needed a day off. Goofy was having unexpected trouble with a candied apple, with Clarabelle at his side yammering on about something or other he wasn’t listening to. Millie was fetching drinks for her friends, still falling into “servant mode” without meaning to, while Horace to keep Clarabelle from accidentally leaning against freshly painted decorations as she continued to babble. Clarabelle spotted a friend, and when she enthusiastically waved, she smacked Horace into the very paint he’d been trying to protect her from.
Peg had noticed the wave and returned it before resuming rolling barrels of freshly squeezed wine into place. Her family’s business tended to do triple their usual numbers on these knights, so she was making sure to be prepared ahead of time. Pete had been shanghaied into helping, and while Mickey couldn’t make out exactly what they were snapping to each other, he knew it was all loving barbs. Rumors said the two were going to announce their formal engagement this year – though those rumors had been swimming around the last two years as well, so they didn’t hold too much weight to anyone except Peg herself… who Mickey suspected of starting said rumors. Pete almost ran his barrel over Launchpad’s foot, but there was no grudge between them – Mickey doubted Launchpad could hold grudges against anyone.
Usually around this time, Launchpad would be swamped with attention from every almost eligible bachelorette (and many bachelors as well, let’s not kid ourselves) in the kingdom. But since his little sister, Loopy, was hanging onto his arm, Mickey guessed the hungry crowd was waiting for her to leave before they could hunt him down. He had to wonder if Loopy already knew this and was trying to save her big brother from being lovingly mobbed, and glanced over at Della – Scrooge had been trying for ages to marry Della off, if only for her “security”, and Launchpad had been one of the offers. The last time that topic had been brought up, Della threatened to shove Scrooge’s magic staff somewhere unpleasant, so Mickey decided not revisit the issue. In the present, Della wasn’t paying anyone any particular attention, until she suddenly made a sudden snort of annoyance.
Plenty of people in the kingdom still couldn’t believe Drake had gotten himself such a lovely girlfriend – Drake included, if he was honest – and he was inclined to show Morgana off at any given opportunity. Even now she was still getting admiring looks from anyone she passed, and every stare she acquired just made Drake’s ego grow bigger. She was holding hands with him, though didn’t appear to be interested in the cakes and drinks offered – her eyes remained on the glittery jewels and trinkets being showcased, things that were likely out of Drake’s budget.
“I still don’t trust her,” Della said under her breath. “There’s something fishy about her and her whole circus.”
Mickey knew it was unwise to poke a hornet’s nest, but he’d grown up alongside Donald and Della since they were toddlers – and it was a sibling’s duty to poke, poke, poke. “Y’know, usually it’s Gladstone who’s a little green around the gills…”
Della slowly turned her head towards Mickey. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked, despite knowing full well what Mickey meant. Mickey knew his pseudo-sister enough that Scrooge’s marriage offers were never going to come to fruition, as Della preferred her partners to be… frankly, female. The only reason Della hadn’t told her uncle this was she was sure he’d just widen the map of potential marriage candidates and nag her about it even more.  While she did enjoy companionship, she wasn’t sure she was ready to settle down, especially not with three little boys to raise.
Still… Mickey had noticed where her eyes wandered, and poke, poke, poke. “I think someone might be a little bit jeal-”
He hadn’t finished the word before Della grabbed his black nose in firm first, glaring hellfire at him. “I’m going to release your schnozz in five seconds. And when I do, you’d better rethink your sentence, because if you’re implying I’m jealous of Drake Mallard of all people, I’ll march right up to Princess Minerva and tell her how long it took you to stop wetting the bed.”
The League of Nightmares had nothing on Della Duck. “Drake who?”
“Atta boy.” She let go of his nose, and he winced as he rubbed it, grateful that the color would hide any bruises. Elsewhere, Drake had broken his hold with Morgana in order to scoop up his daughter, who in turn plopped a freshly made flower crown on top of his head. As they laughed, Morgana’s usual seductive flair seemed to melt into warm comfort, though it seemed even Morgana wasn’t aware of how she looked. Drake then called out to Launchpad, bringing him over, and Launchpad encouraged Pete and Peg to take a break, and Peg wanted to bring over Goofy and his gang, and there was Donald and Daisy taking up a slow dance in the corner…
And everything was right. And everything was good. And Mickey would have given every ounce of magic he had to keep it that way forever.
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skepsiss · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @strangersteddierthings, I've never even thought about half of these questions, so.... we're gunna go on a journey together. I MISSED SEVERAL QUESTIONS LMAO. LEMME UPDATE.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 (I only post like 1/3 of my fics on AO3)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
66,922. I pay such little attention to this kinda stuff xD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A lot... and a lot more than what is listed on my AO3. If we're friends I'll literally just message you a 2k+ fic in a DM for funsies.
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (8)
Overwatch (Video Game) (5)
Teen Wolf (TV) (1)
Castlevania (Cartoon 2017-2021) (1)
Critical Role (Web Series) (1)
Promare (2019) (1)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) (1)
DC Comics / Batman (Tim Drake / Kon-El)
Orphan Black
Marvel (Steve/Tony)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Basket Ball Shorts
Roadrat: The Fire that Covered the World
The Comfort of Warmth (Lio/Galo)
Fifty-fifty (Roadhog / Junkrat)
Perspective (Caleb / Essek)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. As soon as I see them I will reply with a thank you or to engage with someone's question/musings/etc.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a Roadrat one. It's been a while since I've read my work, but The Things They Lost is a Roadrat fic where I explored a bunch of like... when Junkrat lost his arm and stuff like that. Brutal, tbh. Next closest is my Alucard (OT3) Castlevania fic where he is BIG SAD about Trevor and Sypha not being there. Nights Spent Alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
UUuhhhuhuhuh..... I mostly write sad shit LOL. Milkshakes has a happy ending. It's a 2 part modern-day Steddie fic about the boys asking each other out on a date over Instagram.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never seen any hate on my fics before.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhh, yeah. I do. PWP or With Plot. I like full stories that have smut that BELONGS there, but then we've got just straight-up PWP. That is what Basketball short is tbh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, never written a crossover. I've written lots of AUs though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Dunno how I'd figure that out.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Dunno what that would look like tbh.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie; for right now. My other top 3 are Harley/Ivy, Tim/Kon-El, and Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
NO IDEA. Lol, all my unfinished WIPs are either ones I have no interest in finishing (Roadrat), or ones I can complete faith in being able to finish (Steddie)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Speed. I can compose a story very quickly and put it together.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I never promote myself/share. I'm really bad at sharing my works. Additionally, I'm bad at finishing things before I lose interest.... eep.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uuhh maybe. I def have some Ancient Greek and Latin in my up-coming Robin (Stobin platonic) fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm not sure... maybe Batman (Tim/Jason or Tim/Kon). I RP'd A LOT from ages 13-18 and had like 5-8 rps going at once for a whole bunch of fandoms. (Naruto, OCs in the Star Wars universe, Tim/Kon, and more I can't remember atm).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ooohhh, I dunno. I'm bad at picking favourites. Right now I'm pretty proud of my Because I Want You Steddie fic. It's Steve and Eddie as 30-year-olds with kids. They broke up in their 20s and are trying to get back together in their 30s. Eddie has a complete breakdown in it, but Steve is there to tell him that he loves him.
I don't think about this stuff at all xDDD Fic writing is just a pass time for me. This will be the first time EVER in over 18 years of writing fic that I've EVER participated in an exchange/Big Bang. I'll tag @medusapelagia @oh-stars @br0ck-eddie @kallisto-k
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dcviated · 6 months
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name — Bear/Will.
pronouns — he/him.
preferred comms — Checking in and quick chats over tumblr im are fine. But if we're going to get into plotting I'd much much much prefer to talk over discord. Because then I can refer back to the posts. Going through tumblr ims should be classified as a form of torture. Pour one out for all the stuff I've lost in there over the years.
name of muse — Which one?? I've got several. Some are 'mains' others are 'testing'. The big three as I see it are Wylan Rechtur- shitlord assassin. Raguna Glen- Farm sim protag. And Eira Kestrova- Bossy mom friend tsundere.
experience in RP — Coming up on 17 or 18 years I think? From starting out on forums to avatar games to MMOs, and now I'm primarily writing here on tumblr though there's a bit of forum and tiny amounts of discord tossed in. But the latter feels off to me. I always prefer more public venues with opportunities for sharing and prompting random questions and meeting new people.
best experiences — Here on tumblr, I'd say. I've met some great people and have come through with probably the best characterization some of these muses have ever seen. Won't get into anything too specific, but suffice to say I've kept some people around for yeeeeears for a reason!!
pet peeves / dealbreakers — I've got so many I'm worried for myself. But aside from the obvious lack of response or enthusiasm, unanswered memes and starters, it would be this: People that come to you for writing (repeatedly) while contributing nothing to the plotting or selection process. Anytime someone looks at you and waits for you to paint a picture of an interaction through a roster of muses and genres and then set it up while going "I dunno" to any question asked?
Guhhhh!!! Give me a break!!! RP is a two person activity. Especially when I barely know your characters. Try and sell something to me!
Another thing that's gotten to me in recent years is an over-use of meta commentary and referential humor. I do this sparingly with Wylan, but too much and you feel like you're on an episode of family guy instead of writing a scene or interaction.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I am... an adventure and action and banter kind of guy. Which doesn't really fall under any of these categories. However, the preference would be fluff. Feel good stuff or anything that makes you smile. Angst, I'm not great at, and I've realized I don't care for it when it's sad or angsty for the sake of being sad. Give it purpose, give it a resolution of some kind. I don't much care for bad ends.
As for smut... I'm mixed. I like writing it but after giving it a shot again have accepted I don't much care for things after foreplay if it's in a thread. Headcanons that are lewd? Yes. Answering lewd/nsfw asks? Yes. But the back and forth is kind of eh.
I deleted my sideblog for a reason. </3
plot or memes — I like adlibbing. And I like improv now and then. There's a pitfall depending on the writing partner with plotting- and it's that you just talk about the plot and the end instead of letting it develop and having things happen. There should be some room for surprises and twists that nobody was expecting. Laying out the whole timeline piece by piece can remove the enthusiasm to.... write it!
Memes are a great way to get started with everyone, especially the situation prompts since it's a little more flexible. I find myself less enthused with contextless sentence prompts lately. And I may start reblogging less of those and letting the more fun ones get a spotlight.
long or short replies — Mixed. I can't novella on command anymore, but depending on the interaction my fingers do get away from me on lengths and what have you. Overall I prefer something in the middle. 400ish words feels comfortable, and conveys enough information without conversations stacking on top of each other. The longer a post goes the more often that seems to happen. And you can get into temporal errors where situations change on past conversations that happened in the same post and.!??!?!? Yeah.
I also do enjoy the occasional banter of one liners and shitposting. But it'll never be the focus of this blog. And is almost guaranteed to get longer over time to the point that it becomes a multi-para thread.
best time to write — When I'm not busy at the office. Quiet space with less things to distract me. I can get into a good productive mindset really fast and knock out multiple drafts in an hour. Feels great. Otherwise I think it's early mornings where I do the best on days off. Evenings are times of distraction, so much distraction.
are you like your muse — I put a little bit of myself in all my muses, otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to relate and make a convincing portrayal or conflict. Wylan used to have a lot more of my traits in the past. But he is far and above his own problematic beast now and I'm glad I don't have as much in common anymore jfc.
Tagged by: @more-than-a-princess (thanks B) a chance for me to look scary) Tagging: whoever is inclined to do it :V
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By the way, for the record, you ARE an excellent writer. I see a lot of you out there falling through the cracks and it really sucks. You guys deserve better recognition. I just write and post occasionally on here to amuse myself, but you guys actually go all out. So, I have to commend you for it. As for feeling rejected…I totally get that. Almost every day, I get another stupid rejection letter from a job position I applied to and it’s been over a year. Gods, I’ve been frustrated, but eh…I kinda got used to it. It still ticks me off occasionally, but ended up learning to take it in stride. Stay strong, okay? Do what you need to do and keep doing what you love on the side. I’m still in your corner cheering.
(Sorry for taking so long to reply! You know my situation, but with some breathing room today and tomorrow, I'm finally trying to catch up on my Asks.)
I must thank you for your unfailing positivity and your support of my work (including many reblogs❣️). The struggle for readers remains very demoralizing, and of course, still being in shadowban prison, my fics don't even show up in a tag search (I have to try reblogging them to my sideblogs and see if tagging them there as 'doctor strange fan fiction', etc will work; if it does, other people reblogging with said tags might help too). I've worked hard to maintain my particular style, and those that like it, find it lush in detail and emotionally evocative (and it's not just all about the smut, either!)--but it seems most of the popular DS writers on tumblr are giving their fans a steady, unadulterated diet of porn. I have a Mutual who writes for several MCU characters, and she's done fantastic work with Doctor Strange stories--but like me, her DS fics have been met with minimal interaction (while her others get lots & lots of love), so that she's basically sworn off writing Stephen. So, I know I'm not alone in my frustration. Although I don't hold much hope that many people will ever read my works, when My Muse visits, I shall do my best to be true to my vision, my stories, and my style.
And now it's my turn to cheer you on. I'm so sorry for the difficulties that you're experiencing in your job search. Those employers that passed you along have no idea what they're missing out on! A lifetime of unique experiences have given you a hard won wisdom, the ability to think out of the box in search of practical solutions to difficult challenges, and a tenacity for more than just survival--
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--a tenacity for success, and for doing the most good that you can for others. You may be met with disappointments, but the ability you have to believe in yourself and what you have to offer, will land you the position that you're meant to fill. Hopefully soon!
I value all the advice and tips for coping with my homelessness, which you've sent recently. Please know that I see them--and you--and I deeply appreciate every wise word and your kind reminders that better things lay ahead for me.
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queenharumiura · 10 months
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer? ♦ What's an AU that you've always wanted? ♢ What's an AU that you think just won't work with your muse? ⚜ What is the best time to write for you? Why? ☆ What type of fantasy AU would you like to do one day? ☣ What's one thing that will make you drop a thread? ✆ Other than RPing, what's a hobby of yours? ❥ Has something ever happened for you to hate a ship? Why?
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| @parallelroutes
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
I wouldn't say anyone specifically, as I'm getting practice with writing every time I thread with someone, so any of my thread partners has aided me in becoming a better writer in one way or another.
♦ What's an AU that you've always wanted?
Mmmm I can't remember if there is one that i've always wanted. If I really wanted something, I probably either wrote it out in a fic before, or I'm waiting for someone to hit me up on it. There was the one wishlist thing of were-pomeranian Haru and I did get a taker- even if they did leave the RPC not long afterwards- I did still get to try it out. So I did get it lol
♢ What's an AU that you think just won't work with your muse?
I'll make things work. Watch me. I'll find a way. I did a Demon Haru verse once, don't test my powers.
⚜ What is the best time to write for you? Why?
Probably night as i'm usually most awake then. Afternoon is also good for the weekends, because otherwise i'm at work. I don't do so well in the mornings because i'm sleepy.
☆ What type of fantasy AU would you like to do one day?
Mmm idk, i'm pretty open to most things, and the wording makes it sound like I'd have to choose something I haven't actually done. I've done a Demon Haru, I've done a princess Haru, I've done a Yakuza heiress Haru, Varia Haru, Haru who got blasted into the past Haru, Werewolf Haru, Pirate Haru, did try a Pokemon trainer Haru, an AU of Haru never having met the Vongola but still somehow got affiliated with the underground anyways Haru, Edo era Haru, Black Blood brothers AU (which is basically a vampire Au), Spy Haru, and probably more that i'm forgetting off the top of my head right now.
So idk, I guess some other genre that I haven't really tried is if she was a different entity, like a spirit. Now that I think about it, I think I did conjure up an idea of a Dragon verse before. Yeah- idk. I can't think of a specific fantasy AU i'd like to try that I haven't already dabbled in before.
☣ What's one thing that will make you drop a thread?
Ehhh I'm pretty tolerant of many things, and if I have an issue with something, i'm one to speak up about it and discuss how it can be amended so I can continue.
IF I'll drop a thread for some reason, it is likely that I dropped the mun themselves. They probably did something that royally upset me.
Other than that, the only other thing that would actually make me full stop drop a thread on the spot: give me a 2 word reply. You'd think i'm joking, but I had a partner who only gave me like 2 word responses and it KILLED me.
✆ Other than RPing, what's a hobby of yours?
I like to read manga/manhwa/manhua a lot. I used to like singing a lot, but I don't as much anymore because I feel self-conscious about neighbors hearing me. I suppose occasionally collecting art from artists is also a thing that I do now.
❥ Has something ever happened for you to hate a ship? Why?
LOLOLOL you bet! I'll admit that I loved the novels from a certain writer whose novel was made into a live action not long ago, but there was a massive thing with doxxing, hacking people's accounts, threats, verbal harrassment, etc going on from the EN and CN fans and it made me SO SICK that I've left an entire fandom because of it.
The sad thing was, the fandom that I was in was for one of her earlier works and it didn't have nearly as much attention compared to some of her later works. I got harrassed for a ship and I'm full of a lot of resentment for the series and a lot of things surrounding it.
Don't get me wrong, the series were great and I enjoyed them, but my experience with bad fans and being harassed sucked all the enjoyment from me. I'm happy for people who can love the series and enjoy their time in the fandom. I, unfortunately, did not.
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
"It isn't that much," Ed says. "There's no way."
"The recipe says multiple cups of extract!" Stede argues, handing the vanilla extract bottles to Alma. "Go on, you and your brother pour them into the measuring cups there, and Olu will help stir once you get them in the bowl."
"Ah," Olu interjects, a hand protectively covering the bowl. "I think Ed is right. Wait, why am I saying think? I know there isn't that much in here. The recipe clearly has a typo."
"If Roach were here, he'd confirm it," Jim adds. "Hang on, I'm gonna text him and ask."
"Make that a video call!" Olu says. "He won't believe it otherwise."
"I cannot believe you all have so little faith in me," Stede frowns. "It isn't like I've never baked a cake!"
Silence falls.
"Dad," Alma says gently. "When did you ever bake a cake?"
Stede thinks. "Does it count if I paid a bakery to do it, and I watched them make it because their kitchen was close to the counter?"
Ed wraps an arm around his shoulder. "It's okay. Everyone has something they learn later in life!"
"The important thing is that the extract isn't in the bowl yet," Olu says. "Okay, let's find a way to get some of this back in the bott-"
Roach's voice, slightly tinny from the phone speaker, echoes.
A moment later Jim is back, rushing in, phone screen facing out towards them all. "Here, here they are! Please stop shouting at me."
"Stede," Roach says. "Look at me. It's too much."
"Yeah, I've got that now," Stede sighs.
"However," Roach muses, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I'll pay you to try making it anyway."
"How much?" Ed asks.
"How much did it cost to buy all that?"
"I don't know," Stede scoffs. "Something like fifty dollars? Ish?"
"Sixty is my final offer."
Alma motions for Jim to lower the phone. "Roach? We'll do it."
"What?" Olu chuckles nervously. "Dads, one of you want to say something?"
"Will you add five to that if I eat a slice?" Ed asks.
"Oh my god," Olu mutters, a hand back over the bowl. "I won't let them, other ingredients. I promise."
"Olu," Roach says. "Come on. You know you want to. And you can use the money after to go buy more ingredients and do it again, the right way."
Olu frowns, but nods. "Alright. It'll be an experiment."
"Oh yes it will," Roach laughs. "Jim, call me when it's done. I want to see it fresh out of the oven, and I wanna watch Ed eat a piece."
"Is it even going to bake the correct way?" Jim asks. "No, right?"
Roach shrugs. "Sure. Maybe. You've got to take the journey yourself to find the answer."
"Or you could tell us."
"The journey is what matters," Roach replies. "I gotta go, the bride at this wedding is freaking the fuck out because the cream sauce is-what? She's mad because it's too creamy? Does she know what fucking cream sauce is?!"
Jim ends the call with a tap. "Okay. We're doing this."
"Yay!" Louis shouts, and pushes Olu's hand from the bowl before dumping all four measuring cups full of vanilla extract into it.
"I think this might be some sort of sin," Jim says. "Hang on, I wanna send a video to Nana of this before we keep going. She's gonna flip."
"I think anyone would," Olu says. "If this somehow turns out...I don't know. I'll eat my words."
"And some cake," Stede says proudly.
"Mhm, no," Olu says. "But I will absolutely watch you guys have some. I can be the one to hold the phone and call Roach, so he can watch!"
"Come on," Jim teases. "I'm gonna try a bite."
"You can't do this," Olu says, but a smile breaks out on his face. "That's not fair!"
"Are you gonna let me risk it alone?" Jim asks.
"You know I won't," Olu replies. "But I'm gonna do a quick search online and find out if too much vanilla extract can kill a person. I feel like the answer is yes, but I'd like an exact amount."
"Worrywart," Stede says. "Toss another bottle i-oh, Louis love. I meant uncapped and poured in but...you know what? We're letting the random thoughts win today!"
"No, we can't have glass in the cake," Ed leans over and pulls the bottle from the soup of ingredients. "I'm gonna...just pour this in now before I get extract everywhere on the counter aaaand it's already on it. This is fine. We've got this."
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ak4rin · 20 days
— 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕 !
NAME. nina.
AGE. 26.
PRONOUNS. she / her.
YEARS OF WRITING. oof, i started writing on a harry potter rpg on facebook when i was 12, i had this oc that got developed over the span of two years then i moved on to tumblr. i've been on this platform for a little over 10 years which i now realise sounds like such a long time, but it actually feels like i started just yesterday.
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING? i used to read a lot growing up, my mind would reel with so many "book ideas" that never went anywhere in the end because i lacked the energy to follow through ( blame it on untreated adhd mostly ) so i would just pick random characters from my stories and turn them into ocs to write in various rpcs.
DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES? i used to force myself into replying to threads and asks according to when they were sent, now i mostly go through them according to what i have inspiration for. i do have a playlist for every character i write though, so i tend to listen to that while writing.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING? the creativity! in the span of this decade spent here i have seen it turn into an aesthetic contest unfortunately but at the same time i'm in awe of everybody's skills and minds.
POV. i wrote in 2nd person for a while when it was in vogue on here, but i tend to prefer 3rd to give it a smooth flow ( maybe it's a skill issue lmao ) i like to put a lot of introspective parts regardless of that though, those who know me from writing other muses already know that i tend to go overboard with introspection vs dialogue :'')
PROSE. english is not my first language and even though i have been learning and speaking it since i was 5, i always try to keep that in mind when i write replies. i read a lot of books in english and could write purple prose ( did for a while ) but it's time consuming and i always feel like at least when it comes to me, i tend to make it sound overly pretentious. so i keep a mid-simplyfied style and use more poetic writing to describe feelings or certain situations.
CHARACTERISATION. oh boy, usually i work based on tropes, then pinterest boards, then playlists. in akari's case specifically ( which was quite hard since there's not much about her ) i watched her scenes and wrote down a few significant parts about her canon characterisation, then i basically weaved assumptions based on them lol. working on a mostly blank canva is very helpful in this case since it gives space to build a personality and significant themes without making them the whole center of the character. i'm still working on akari specifically but so far i feel like she could have so much potential for creative decisions!
HAVE YOU MADE ANY STRONG CONNECTIONS / FRIENDS DURING YOUR TIME WRITING? yes! i'm still friends with some of my writing partners from facebook days, we go to conventions together etc. i made a lot of friends on here in the past ten years, some i still talk and write with while others eventually left the rpc due to growing out of their writing phase or whatever reason, and unfortunately have disconnected entirely from everywhere. i cherish everyone tho, and i'm glad we could create worlds together for as long as it lasted!
WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE MOST INSPIRATION FROM WHEN WRITING? songs, quotes from poems or books in general, it really takes even just a word to spark inspiration. in akari's case specifically, when i first saw her my mind went "oh she'd be a folklore / evermore girlie themes wise" but also thinking of her i have two specific quotes in mind which are kaveh akbar's "i'm sorry. this may be me at my best" and richard siken's "the gentleness that comes not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it".
akari doesn't appear much and i'm aware she's not as important in the grand scheme of things, but her introduction episode was just so good. she has such a distinctly different personality than ijichi ( when i expecting the assistants to just kind of blend, i'm glad i was wrong ) and even though she shows up every once in a blue moon she's always a scene stealer. as a fellow older sister with a few bumps in the road and setbacks in life i just very very much relate to the way she treats the first year kids and how much she shows that she knows and cares for them just the same as the teachers despite the limited screentime! i've given up already on wishing we could know more about her past beside the random tidbit of knowledge that she used to be a delinquent at some point, but i still hope she'll come back in some capacity, her detective work for cases is legendary :'')
tagged by: @amplichor thank you! tagging: you!
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