#imagine being so normal and boring
iamfabiloz · 2 years
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solsquirrel hello?? anyone? they got mcdonalds :)
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inamindfarfaraway · 5 months
I love that we're getting focus on Chris Rodriguez early in the TV show, so that we have time to get invested in him before he a) betrays the camp and b) is driven so insane that only Dionysus can cure him. Knowing him beforehand will also make his relationship with Clarrisse, friendship and romance, feel more interesting.
What other cool, fun, not-heartbreaking characters will the show give more attention and depth? Silena Beauregarde? Charlie Beckendorf? Micheal Yew? Castor and Pollux? I can't wait!
#can you imagine the gut punch of having castor and pollux be recurring minor characters#always together#the classic either very similar or very different twins trope#with jokes about dionysus being their dad and more insight into that awkward relationship#that's their shtick like the stoll brothers except the comedy premise is 'mr d is their dad' which really does write itself#they're well-established as both part of the camp's normal and one of those 'two-in-one' side character duos#then after over three seasons of this castor dies in battle#and we don't see the death but when we next see pollux castor just. isn't there#and we Know#only one thing could have separated those two and it looks like pollux is missing at least an arm (and hurts accordingly)#and when we next see dionysus he's exactly as broken as a father who's lost a son would be#so different from how we've seen any other god emote about their children#and it sinks in that he actually was present in castor's life for years and now that's gone#it isn't 'well the view from olympus is different now and my name is stained with failure. drat' but the weight of#'he won't sit at my table tomorrow' 'he will never play pinocle with me again even though it bores him because he secretly likes me'#and so on and on and on forever#because he's never coming back. we will never see castor AND pollux again#enjoy your fantasy series kids! war is worse than hell because it hurts the undeserving!#pjo tv show#pjo tv series#pjo disney+#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#pjo
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taintedtowers · 4 months
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* (It's a coffin.)
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dayurno · 6 months
if jeremy knox is not the most overthinking, neurotic, caretaking mf what’s even the POINT!!! adopting traumatized boys like strays to distract himself… caring for has team like he’s a single mother of thirty… yes he’s FUN and SMILEY and captain sunshine and soooo normal but he’s also gotta be. a bit of an unmedicated, anxious adhd mess (i will take whatever we get of course but in my heart of hearts that’s who he is and always will be.)
jeremy knox BLATANTLY unmedicated in uscs athletic dorms running up and down a hallway. you've heard it here first
i don't really plan to read tsc unless kevin day forces my hand but my expectations for him are that he gets some level of grit to his personality if only so we can chase away his ao3 characterization of (motions vaguely) happy man on perpetual sugar high. i don't need nor want him to be a traumatized mess like the foxes because i don't assume trauma equals complexity or depth, but i think it'd be nice if he was a person who never thought twice of his small, privileged life until he was put face to face with someone who's been through things jeremy wouldn't even think to know. for me at least that is the most interesting narrative
do you know what i mean? the shock of being a normal, average person and realizing the sport you've dedicated so much of your life to has been used to beat and violate and terrorize your fellow athletes. realizing how small his own problems seem in comparison. i think there is a lot of good that can be done in the event of putting a character who has never experienced anything more serious than a minor car crash with someone whose entire sense of self has been unforgivably and debilitatingly tainted with violence
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fujii-draws · 1 year
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(opens up a new canvas) (draws dusknoir for the 67th time) yeah I like him a normal amount.
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chatdae · 24 days
The Great Gatsby (1974) au where Gatsby doesn't die and instead Nick takes on the no-paying job of trying to get Jay to move on from Daisy.
Bad ending is Gatsby never does & he and the Buchanans become a never-ending shitshow. Good ending is Jay moves on. Super special bonus ending is Jay and Nick fall in love (toxicity optional)
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francy-sketches · 1 year
I hateeee how asoiaf has just become the "incest books lol" to so many people. what a dumb and reductive way to look at a series that has so much more like. of all the things you could say are the central themes of asoiaf incest in not one of them lmao.(yes obviously it's present, but not nearly as much as people make it out to be) And this isn't about people who havent read it and are just judging from the outside bc who gives a shit about them. But I see this mostly from fans and its just??? what the fuck did you read/watch lmao. I mean even hotd which centers around thee incest family isnt about the incest and you'd have to have negative media literacy to think it is.
Also it's fucking insane how being uncomfortable with incest shipping gets you ridiculed in this fandom lmao. like I'm not here to be the morality police ship whatever the fuck you want idc. but dont be surprised when it makes people uncomfortable??? "ummm if you dont like incest why are you reading the incest books/watching the incest show??? weirdo" I dont fucking know man maybe all the other 348593 interesting things it's about. just a guess. And these are the same people who go on about "well just bc you write something fucked up doest mean you agree with it" which. yes! true!! then why do you uncritically endorse targ incest blood purity 😭 do you think maybe that's one of the things grrm wrote that he doesnt agree with? of course not, hotd is a cautionary tale about the dangers of not doing incest and what happens when you let your pure valyrian blood be contaminated by gross peasant genes from outside your family ^_^ obviously ^_^ and anyone who's not into your incest ships is a bigot <3 "but it's normal in their world!1!11!!!" no its not lol. and even if it was. marrying children is also normal in their world what's your point
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slutmeowtt · 12 days
Genuinely the most embarassing shit is following someone for a while, thinking "oh we would make great friends!" bc u know nearly everything abt them from their posting history and then when u try to talk to them and now you look like a stalker like HANG ON. I'm just autistic oh my gpd please im trying to have a normal conversation this is all i know 😭😭
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I should honestly post more art that isn't tfa related, but like, that's not what I've been building this blog around so fuck me sideways ig
Hot man robots 🤝 hot ethereal women take up my fucking brain case space 24/7
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Y'all cannot fathom how much I'm attracted to fake ass robot ppl and women in general
(and dudes, and nbs, the whole kitchenware schtick)
drawing women is like, borderline euphoric (gender affirming opposite sex attraction)
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people trying to say that the stranger things and byler fandoms are cringe is so funny bc like. yes. newsflash babe all fandom culture is fundamentally cringe that’s why it’s so much fun. we are not here to be normal, we are here to be extremely unnormal!!!
we are cringe and we are free <333
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southislandwren · 5 months
ohohoho boy update. today at work it was just us doing cheese while everyone else pulled an ice cream order, and i was like hey if youre not busy saturday would you want to roadtrip with me? and i fully expected him to say no, but we are roadtripping to nebraska on saturday <3 <3 anyway what playlist do i put on in the car. do we trust him enough for get loose get looser
#music wise. i think maybe take a walk in the sun or normal music. not sure about glgl yet#i will probably put him on aux for at least half of the trip#(and when i say trip i mean like. 6-7 hours round trip. like we're not going very far for very long)#we're leaving at like 2:45-3pm and i get sleepy around 10 so not like a super good road trip for me#i told him that the way i plan trips was usually a long drive based purely off vibes but i would try to have an actual plan this time#and i asked him what time he would want to be home for work the next day since he works at 6am#and god he was so cute he was like 'i'll call off work on sunday so you can do one of your usual trips'#and yeah. sighh i am down so bad#and i HAVE to promise to be normal on this trip. i always get weird in cars late at night.#but theres Implications of him being in my car like 100 miles from home. so i cant do or say anything weird#like could you imagine being in a car with someone you dont like and they start being weird. like what the fuck do you even do.#but anyway yeah good day. he was very talkative today. and he is so cute sometimes i cant stand it#work is really fun when theres 6 of us and i can stand there while the underclassmen do all the work#boy post#oh and he said he was going to message that he was streaming skyrim but it ended up being boring#so that revealed some info. 1) twitch streamer 2) did think about texting me at least once last week 3) trusts me to know about his twitch#ugh. i would love to just hurry all this up but i have to be patient i have toooo#okay! off to take a disease quiz and then study some ice cream#talk to you later tumblrinas
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princemick · 1 year
to this day im mourning the loss of pr hating besties team that would've been mick and alex
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lunarflare64 · 2 years
I think the amount of jobs should be doubled, in the sense that people have to work half as much, but I also think it should be doubled again, in the sense that the world needs to stop focusing on you diurnal fuckers so that nocturnal folk can actually do things aside from just working night shift during dark hours
#one of the most frustrating things i swear#i might not be able to work because of my other disabilities#but i know other people with my sleep disorder could really use that kind of flexibility#plus nighttime is just boring on its own#cant exactly go for a bar for breakfast or lunch but those would be my only options if i went out while im nocturnal#lunch is midnight people! stop making it the ultimate closing time >:T#oh to have a 24 hour society#unfortunately it cant be happening anytime soon because capitalism is shit#and there would be no protections stopping people from being forced to work 16 to 24 hour shifts#fucking hell#FUCK DIURNAL PEOPLE AND FUCK CAPITALISM LET ME DO THINGS DURING MY 'DAY' FOR FUCKS SAKE#its 11pm and im bored#imagine being able to go to a library rn#would be nice to be able to do food shopping without being sleep deprived too#and doctors visits! i have a lot of appointments and theyre really hard on me because of the way my sleep disorder is#im getting a ton of testing on my heart done in just over a week and by then ill be fully nocturnal and its gonna be so hard to coordinate#im used to waking up in the middle of the 'night' for things but when it comes to medical testing theres so much i have to specify#because otherwise itll be inaccurate#like if they looked at me like a normal person a spike in heartrate at 8am would be moving about to start the day#but if they looked at me like me a spike at 8am is an intense jump while im falling asleep#i know what ive got is rare but still#why dont people think about these things?
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jjunhui · 2 years
[ complains about racism but has a white coloniser as their url ]
wow i didn’t even know vernon was around in the era of colonization…… very cool i will have him apologize to my ancestors immediately
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hanicchy · 7 months
nearly finished with my reread of the second HOO book and i have so many thoughts that i couldn’t articulate when i was young but have now invaded my mind
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shadesofnavy · 10 months
What the hell even happened here lmao
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