#im super excited and redoing my room a little
sunshinexlollipops · 1 year
so we got into our garage this weekend and during our deep clean declutter mission I rediscovered all of my old PC and DS games
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nostalgia is but a familiar dopamine farm and I'm about to harvest
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xxfangz · 9 months
(i am using i/me for us collectively since this is my personal blog, i am the host but im very new as a host. so alot of this is collective!) * not intentionally a vent but can be seen as one
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okay so sooooooo much has happened, im not gonna go into too much detail because its hella personal honestly! butttttt my mental health is kinda all over the place and still declining a bit so posts may be all over the place but im okay!!
im hopefully moving in with my dad super soon and if im at his house this weekend we're redoing my room there since im growing up and all that stuff! im going to do the alphabet wall thing inspired by stranger things but ill probably piss myself because of source trauma LMAO. but either way im so excited to work on my room because ill have a space to calll mine :)! i mean i have my moms house but i dont think ill be there much at least for a little bit.
today after i get out of school (which is in about 38 minutes) im going to go to my house and pack up all my stranger things merchandise, some other beloved items, and grab some more clothes. im excited to get stuff over to my dads but theres always that underlying fear somethings going to happen if that makes sense? and that plans are going to fail !
i was supposed to just stay with my dad for two nights (yesterday night and today) but my grandparents (who are in charge of me) said we'll just go with the flow so hopefullyyyy ill just live there forever../hj SORRY IM SO RAMBLY I HAVE THINGS TO SAY BC IF NOT MY BRAIN WILL BE FULL LOL.
i have so many tests coming up 💔 thats not what i was going to say though uhhhhhhhhhhh. im freaking out because i have a bunch of records i brought to my dad's and we're gonna set up some sort of stereo there, i have my boombox there (it barely works), im getting a shirt of the clash sooon, im talking to someone who im hopefully going to comission, im redoing my room, im just so excited for certain things even if my life has sucked recently!!
i have so much to ramble about but im going to leave it at that since this post is so long!!!!!!!!!!
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mysteryofren · 4 years
You will never forget
part 10 of So Happy Together
part 9
  The  rest of the week went by slow. There was a lot of crying. A lot of late nights with the group. A lot of Elaine coming home to you crying. It felt like a stab to the guy every time you saw him. Your friends knew this, so they decided to start eating lunch out on the lawn to reduce the risk of you all having to see him. You felt bad. Ben was Matt's brother, and even though he assured you he didn’t wanna see him either. You couldn't help, but feel guilty. You wish you could switch classes to avoid having to see him every morning, but you didn't want to go that far. It was finally Friday, and on your way out of calculus Professor Windu had stopped you. 
“I'm concerned. Your grades have never been this low.” he said handing you all your work from the week. 
“Im sorry sir, but a B is still passing.” you immediately regretted saying that.
He sighed before going to close the door. “Yes. a B is still passing, but not for you. For as long as I can remember I've always striven for nothing less than an A. Now you're scoring low B’s, and I even heard from other teachers that you skipped the other day. What's going on?”
“It's personal.” you flipped through the papers. Looking at all the grades. Sure enough you had gotten an 80-85 on all of them. 
“Listen. Your grandfather and I are friends. I know he wouldn't be happy with me if i saw something was going on with you and didn't reach out to see if you were alright.”
You stayed staring at the papers. He walked over and grabbed them. He tossed them in the trash and opened his draw digging out new sheets.
“I remember being a teenager.  I remember how hard it was, but i've gotten to know you well these past few years, and i know you are strong.“ he handed the new worksheets over to you. 
“I know everyone goes through things. I understand if you don't exactly feel like talking to some old guy about it, but i know you're smart. I know you can do better. Redo do them over the weekend. Ill ignore the first ones and put the new ones in the grade book.”  
You put the sheets in your binder. “Thank you sir. I appreciate your concern. I'll get these done.”
“You're a good kid. You'll get through whatever you're going through, and you'll come out of it stronger.” 
 You walked out of his class, smiling. The perk of having your grandfather, was that he was well loved. That meant no matter where you went in town someone was always looking out for you. Lunch came quick and the day was already better than previous ones. You greeted your friends on the lawn and sat. you all talked about things you loved doing, and even started planning a day to go out together. You had felt so much better than you had been lately. You took out the instax camera and started taking pictures of your friends. You and Matt were talking when Phasma had picked up the camera and taken a picture of you both. You asked her to take another where you both were posing. He wrapped one arm around you and gave a weird thumbs up with an open smile while you laughed. just then you heard someone clear their throat behind you guys. 
“I'm gonna need the car this weekend.” Ben said looking at Matt. He slid his arm off of you and looked at him. 
“No way! We were planning on hanging out this weekend and I was gonna drive us!” he said motioning to the group. You noticed the death glares that Hux and Phas were giving Ben. 
“Well i'm taking Rey out.” he looked over at you. You tried to hide the hurt you felt but failed miserably. “I'm sure you can find another way to get to where you're going.” 
  He walked off. The little bit of progress you had made was tossed out the window when he said that. He had ignored you to date Rey. She had everything she wanted. Why did she need him too? You felt tears starting to build up again. When you felt a mass of weight hit you. Everyone had gotten up to hug you. 
“Trust me, had I known he was dating Rey I would've said something!!”
“It’s okay,” you said, trying to even your breathing, ”it's not your fault.”
“Don't worry we're gonna have an awesome day tomorrow. You'll have so much fun you'll forget all about him.” Phasma said, pulling away.
“Just imagine me trying to skate. The image itself is hilarious, imagine watching me do it.” Hux had said. You laughed as everyone went back to their spots. You all continued planning, as you tried pushing thoughts of Ben to the back of your head. You tried not to imagine him and Rey together. You tried not to see him kissing her the way he kissed you. You were failing miserably. 
Later that day you and Matt presented your projects. You had received an A, and Matt wanted to celebrate. You agreed to go out to get ice cream with him. Before you left you needed to go get changed. While changing Elaine walked in. 
“Hey whatcha getting dressed for?” she asked as she put her soccer bag down. 
“Matt wants to get ice cream to celebrate us getting an A on our project.” you informed her while getting your shoes on. 
“Cool, can i come?”
“Yeah I don't see why not.”
“Cool ill meet you guys there! I gotta shower and change.”
  You walked out of your dorm and met up with Matt outside. You guys walked over to the small town like area by the campus. You guys talked about your day, and talked about tomorrow.
“By the way did you see phasmas text in the chat about it being 80’s night?”
“Yeah dude im so excited i already have my outfit picked out! It's gonna be so much fun” 
“Me too luckily my glasses already fit the era well.” he said while pointing at his glasses. 
“Have you ever been skating before?”
“Once when we were kids Kylo taught me and Ben how to do it, oddly he was like a skating pro.”
“What's Kylo like? I mean i know you, and ya know ben sort of, but I don't hear much about him.” 
He pulled out his phone, and showed you a bunch of pictures of kylo and him. He looked more like Ben than Matt did. In fact. You could even say he's hotter than Ben. he had long dark hair, with a wide nose just like Ben, and Matt. in every photo he showed you he had a serious look on his face. Like he was upset about something constantly. He also had a large scar that went from his cheek, over his eye, and into his forehead. 
“He looks mean, but deep down Kylos really is a great guy. He's studying to be a lawyer at harvard. It's his last year.” 
“You sound really close to him.” 
“Im close to both of them, but kylo has always talked to me no matter what. Ben has always seen me as the dorky little brother he doesnt wanna be seen with. We're still close though.”
  You both arrived at the plaza where the ice cream shop was. It was a long walk, but it had been worth it. You guys made your way inside and sat down waiting for Elaine. You both talked and joked around when she finally got there. You saw the way he looked at her. He had it bad for her. He looked at her like she was what made the world spin around. He loved her. Too bad she really was super focused on school. They would make a cute couple. They Are totally opposite, but the same at the same time. He was tall and always trying to make himself smaller. Meanwhile she was short, but she walked and talked like she was 6’6 with two guns. She had such dark and elegant features. Dark skin, with long curly pitch black hair that made her green eyes appear as if they were glowing. Her face was perfectly chiseled. She looked angelic. It was completely opposite of the blonde headed, pale man sat by her. 
“Matt, it's good to see you again, i can't wait to go out with you guys tomorrow.”
“I didn't know you were coming.” he said, hugging her. 
“Phasma invited me today, it's gonna be awesome, I love 80’s night.”
“We should add her to the group chat so she's updated on all our bullshit.”  you said as you pulled out your phone to add her. You unlocked it and saw you had a message. It was from ben. Elaine and Matt walked to the counter to order when you read the message. 
‘So you're hanging out with my brother now? Don't use him to get to me. It's not fair to him.’
What the hell was wrong with him. You knew Matt before you knew Ben, you just never hung out with him before. Even then it was him who reached out first. He had a lot of fucking nerve. 
‘That's pretty bold of you to assume that I care that much. Your brother and I have been friend’s a while now, not that it's any of your business. Besides you have Rey. You don't need to worry about what i'm doing.’
Just then they had come back, Elaine holding your regular order. She handed it to you, and you must've looked mad.
“Uh oh. We were gone for like 3 minutes. What happened?” her and Matt sat in front of you. You held up your phone showing them the text. 
“Oh what an asshole. No offense Matt.” Elaine said.
“None taken, that's an asshole move. The response is perfect though.”
“Yeah you killed it with that. Put the bitch in his place.”
Matt held his ice cream in the middle of you all and smiled. “To putting bitches in their place.” 
“TO PUTTING BITCHES IN THEIR PLACE!!” you all yelled as you bumped your hands into each other careful not to have your ice cream cones touch.
  You all laughed and looked around at all the people who stared at you for what you had just said. For some reason you didn't care, you laughed and ate your ice cream. You stopped for a moment. Taking in what you were seeing. You took out the instax camera that you now carry all the time. As your friends laughed you took a photo. You wanted to remember this moment. This was one of the good times. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You ignored it as you ate your ice cream and talked. Soon you guys decided to leave luckily Elaine had driven herself here so you didn't have to walk back. You let Matt sit up front so he could be closer to her. You watched them closely. It was clear she was interested in him too.. You knew her though. She genuinely was focused on school work.
“Hey I got a switch in my room, you guys wanna come play mario kart or something?”
Elaine had pulled into the school parking lot. “Hell yeah dude, Y/N you coming?” 
“Nah, I gotta redo my calculus work since Windu was nice enough to give me a second chance at it.” you all got out of the car and she locked her car, and took Matts arm.
“Guess it's just you and me Solo.” she said as she led him off. You watched as Matt fumbled over his words as they walked off. 
You got to your dorm, and unlocked the door. You automatically put some upbeat music, and got started on the calculus work. You danced around as you figured out the problems, still high off the fact that you told Ben off. You may be heartbroken, but you'd be damned if he accused you of pretending to be Matt's friend. That reminded you he had messaged you back earlier. You decided to check what he had said. 
‘Just. stay away.’
  You scoffed. Who the fuck did he think he was? Did he really expect you to just stop being friends with Matt because of him? You threw the phone on your bed and continued to do your work. Soon enough you were done with it. You would be able to give it to him Monday morning. You put the worksheets back in your binder and packed a bag. You planned on going to your grandfathers after your night out with the group. While folding your clothes up you thought you heard a knock. You paused your music and heard it again. It couldn't have been Elaine. She had a key. You walked slowly towards the door to look outside the peephole when you heard someone yell from the other side.
“I know you're in there. You can't pretend like you're not.” it was Ben's voice. What the hell was he doing? 
“So what you're gonna ignore me now? Huh?”
“If I remember correctly you were the one ignoring me.” you yelled through the door. “I'm just returning the favor asshole.”
“Stay the hell away from my brother. I've got enough going on. I don't need you around making things harder.”
“Fuck off Solo. he's my friend. You were too.” you said trying not to cry. 
“You're delusional if you thought what we had was a friendship.” you heard him slam his fist against your door then storm off. Without thinking you walked out and yelled down the hall. 
“You can deny the fact that we were friends, but you can't deny the fact that you kissed me. Twice Solo! Twice! That's something you will never forget! Not as long as i'm around!” tears streamed down your face as he walked off ignoring you. People were walking out of their dorms to see what was happening. They stared at you as you walked back into your dorm. That man was going to be the death of you.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
Twice Haunted House AU Pt4
Genre: Angst? Fluff? Murder Mystery Warnings: Mentions of murder. Trigger Warning: Mentions of a Suicide  Admin: Mirae A/n, Please Read: I have returned to the series! This was supposed to be posted on Halloween :P, fail. There is a few things I want to say first, there will be roughly 10 parts to this series. After the next chapter things will start to take off a little more, these first chapters introduced the suspects. There might be possible inconsistencies within the story for 2 reasons a)Literally the last time I wrote for this series was in January b)when I first wrote this I wasn't planning on making more parts and I certainly wasn't planning on making it a murder mystery. The first 3 parts suck so I don't know why yall wanted more but since you guys seemed to like it I decided to bring it back and im super excited. You need to read the first 3 parts to understand this so Id like to apologize in advance for how crappy they are, I might go back and redo them XD. Side Note: I made a photo edit for this but every time I tried to add it my computer and or phone crashed :\
Part 3
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Your hands typed away on your laptop as you went over everything that you and Tzuyu had been able to find out. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous and scared in this town, it felt like everyone knew everyone and they were all hiding something. Even though you have just started your investigation it felt like maybe your own parents were working against you. 
Rubbing your temples you thought back the Sheriff Kim and what Tzuyu said about feeling afraid when near him. There was a possibility that he had more to do with it than you both were aware of. How was it possible for a decorative Sheriff to not have any suspects in such a small town. Obviously there is some things you'd have to rule out when investigating. 
It was clear the the suspect was well acquainted with knives, and had combat experience as he was able to easily take out 9 teenage girls like they were toddlers just learning to walk. Then there was the part about the suspect being able to sneak into a house with 9 girls and have none of them notice them. He had to have some type of knowledge of their schedules and patterns. You thought about all the different possibilities an things that came into an investigation. You were surely no expert but with your vast knowledge of crime, tv shows you felt like you had some type of understanding of what went on. A tap on your shoulder made you yelp in surprise. 
Turning around you sighed when you saw Tzuyu stand behind you with a blank look on her face. “I overheard your parents say something about a contractor coming to look at the house and get a full report on what needs to be done,” Tzuyu said while playing with her hair. You furrowed your brows and thought about what she said 
“Yeah, well they want to fix up the place,” you simply pushed her words aside which made her slightly angry. She tapped your shoulder once you turned away from her. 
“Y/n is the same guy who originally built the house, that's why your parent hired him, to make the house look like how it used to,” Tzuyu whined. 
Your eyes widened and you swiveled in your chair once more “Really?” you questioned, even though the girls probably never met the contractor there was no doubt in your mind that he knew every inch of this house. 
“They said he would be here today, I think we should look into it. Even if he didn't do anything to us, he might know something,” Tzuyu said while tugging at your hand so you would stand up. You complied and followed her down the stairs, waving at Sana along the way. 
“Hey mom, dad,” you said with a fake smile once you entered the foyer. They greeted you back with a smile “Perfect you are here, the contractor will be visiting soon and we figured he would want in your room,” your mom smiled and rubbed your dad's upper back. You nodded your head and ats Tzuyu a glance before entering the kitchen to not look suspicious. 
“What are we even supposed to do to get the contractor to share information?” you asked, reaching up and grabbing a cub from the cupboard. 
“Just talk to him, get him to talk about his life and his work, ”Tzuyu stated like it was the most obvious thing ever. You nodded your head and lightly sipped on your water, in all honesty you didn't have much of an appetite. The thought of meeting even more people that potentially murdered the girls made you feel sick to your stomach. Even if the town and its people were innocent, you knew that they didn't do everything they could to get the murder solved. 
The front door opened and you heard a gruff voice greet your parents. Hesitantly you walked out of the kitchen and stared at the man, he was much shorter and older than you are expecting. “This is Y/n,” your father introduced with a bright smile. 
“Hi,” you simply said while approaching the man, He quickly shook your hand and ignored you. His eyes wandered the halls while he stared in awe the place, you could see a sparkle that looked like it had been hidden for years erupt within him. 
“Wow,” he simply said while looking it up and down. 
“Is it just how you remember?’ you asked curiously. He side eyed you and nodded “A little, JYP tried to change it but I'm glad to see he hasn't done much damage,” you noticed the intense hatred he seemed to give at the mention of JYP. 
“Ah did you not want him to mess with what you created,” you asked surprised by how easy to talk to he seemed to be. 
He shook his head and sighed, finally turning to face you “Honestly, I didn't appreciate the changes they were going o have done to my creation all because of those girls but I understand why he was doing them. It's nice to see it in persona gain, this is my proudest work, ya know kid?” he asked with a cheeky smile You felt yourself loosen up at his smile, he really didn't seem like the type of person that would harm others. It just seemed like he didn't appreciate JYP for trying to change his proudest work but it didn't seem like he hated the girls.
 “I wonder what happened to them, the girls I mean,” he added with a soft sigh. 
“Do you mind if I follow you around while you look at the house? I've been thinking about getting into contracting,” you lied in order to stick close to him. 
He shot you and surprised glance and nodded “Go ahead kid,” he said while walking up the stairs to check out the upper level. 
“The girls were murdered, ya know,” you asked while following close behind him. 
“I know, sad isn't it? I used to hate myself and this house because of the horrific murders that happened, I wish the Sheriff got over his high horse and actually did something about it,” he confessed and gave you clues. 
“The sheriff? I don't think he wanted to solve the murder” you said in order to see how the contractor would react. 
“Personally if you ask me I say he did it. His daughter used to be a training here, ya know. After she didn't make the cut for the silly singing group she decide to make the cut on something else, if you catch my drift,” he grumpily mumbled. 
Your eyes widened at his words “His daughter killed herself?” you asked, finally noticing Tzuyus presence. The other girls were coming out for the hiding posts and listening to the contractors words. “It was so sad if I'm being honest when the girls were first murder everyone in town blamed the sheriff. We were all sure he did it, he hated them because of his daughter,” the contract signed and wrote some stuff down in his notebook. 
“Thank you sir! I just realized I have something important to do so I'll take my leave,” you said while running away. 
“Aye wait, kid!” he hollered meaning you stop in your tracks. 
“I don't think you should get to involved in the murder, kay? I'm promisin you that you’ll get hurt,” he voice was low and firm sounding. You felt chills run up your spine,, Nayeon scoffed and flicked the guy's forehead causing him to randomly yelp in pain. 
“Asshole,,we will make sure that nothing happens to Y/n,” Nayeon was actually be nice for you, for once. Tzuyu tugged on your arms and you hurriedly followed her into the basement without your parents noticing. 
“Yeah I know I'm not the best at noticing things but that guy is a little creepy,” Chaeyoung said causing you to nod. 
“He really tried to blame the sheriff, have you met him yet?” Nayeon asked you. Both you and Tzuyu shook your head no, still lying about your visit to the station.
”I didn't know that about his daughter and now I feel bad,” Momo whined while rubbing the back of her neck. Sana gave her comforting parts to the back, giving her an adorable smile to calm her down. Tzuyu gave you a knowing look, you pulled out your phone and quickly wrote down in your suspect section. 
“Contractor Lee, fell in love with the house, his greatest life creation. He didn't like what JYP was doing to the place, he wanted to restore its olden beauty. Could that have possibly led him to kill the girls? His rage to to restore the beauty
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xuseokgyu · 3 years
This might be the longest one yet.......... rip. i had some stories to tell.... :((
My job is to mostly to tell people when they make mistakes lmao. i work in document quality control ? for a manufacturing company, mostly check the inspection paperwork and certificates for the medical/surgical devices. and then have to be like this... is not right. fix this. currently have a lot of prototype parts going through which have some added requirements but also they keep changing the prints so then obviously the paperwork then changes and its just been annoying cuz its redo-ing a lot of paperwork.
yeah, that makes sense and that is part of it sometimes... i also think im just not in the mood for certain genres of music at times lol.
lol yeah it was so funny in the beginning she was watching some mv's and kept sending me screenshots of jeonghan with different hair styles with this message "who is this????" and every single time it was still jeonghan. i was just like lmao you should just assume that its jeonghan at this point. her defense was that he looks really different every time he changes his hair. she can recognize him now at least. the only other ones she can recognize currently are s.coups (her current favorite member overall) and vernon (her favorite rapper in their songs - she really like how vernon raps). shes more rap biased lol.
thank you.. you are only a little late lol my bday was the 11th. the last time i played bingo i spent $40 total over two days (80 games @ $0.50/game) and won zero. its a skill... i only got close to bingo (1 space away) like 3 times total. it was really tragic... at one point the lady sitting at the same table as us was just like wow... i haven't seen you even get three in a row since i've been here (which was like an hour).
We went to the same kindergarten, then i moved away and then i moved back in the 8th grade (i also have known the friend that is getting into svt for the same amount of time since she went to that same school, though her family are basically neighbors with my cousins family, and they are really close, so i saw her a lot more overall but wasn't super close to her until more recently actually, when we went to the same wedding (my cousin's) and starting talking again)
also to help this make more sense (as in why would they remember me lol) my graduating class size at that school was only 22 people, and my cousins also went to that same school. my dad went to that school, the english teacher there had taught my dad when he was in high school, its extreme small town vibes. people would literally just recognize what family i came from and just start talking to me. and i'd just be frantically trying to figure out who they were. like oh god oh god am i supposed to know who this is?? have i met this person before???
actually the wackiest thing is one of my friends from when i moved (big school), her grandma, i found out after we moved back to the small town, used to babysit my dad and her grandmas house was literally a mile down the street from us... you could see her grandmas house from our living room windows. i was just like what?? her cousins also then went to the same school as me. and then we fell out of touch but then ended up going to the same college. where she would be like "i saw you on campus today" and i was just like??? i did not see you, where are you? i haven't talked to you in like 3 years wtf?? i'm not in touch with her anymore but my younger sister is currently roommates with her younger sister in college lmao. oh other bizarre thing... one of my classmate's (from the big school) relatives bought the house we sold when i moved in kindergarten, and idk for some reason a few years after we moved we went back to the old house for something idk, and my classmate was visiting her family at my old house at the same time. we saw each other and we just stared at each other like what are you doing here?? we had moved like hour away (highway travel times) lol so it was just so random. (wow i hope these made sense lol)
the heat was worse in the beginning of summer i think... or i've just gotten used to it lol. there was all that smoke though that blew in from canada a bit ago though. but thats almost become a yearly thing now unfortunately. lol your weather sounds like how the weather is here sometimes - i live in minnesota, we are known for our wildly fluctuating weather. extreme highs and lows.
I love piano in music! I had to learn how to play piano as a kid... my grandma taught (most) of the grandchildren. i'm not very good at it tbh i never liked to practice and i havent played in years lol. we also learned how to play the piano/read sheet music when i went to the big school for music class for a year. I feel like if you are able to buy a little cheap or used keyboard it shouldn't be too hard to teach yourself if you wanted to start?? at least simple songs. I guess learning to read music would be the hardest place to start if you've never read sheet music before?? but thats what cheat sheets are for tbh. write the notes in, write them on the keys whatever works. we had a foldable note cheat sheet thing that went behind the keys and said the name of the note and where it was on the staff behind all the keys. when I was learning i'd be like b b b where is the b im looking for... ah here it is *ding* ok and now c ... c . c. ah ha *ding* and then repeat until you can play at a normal speed lol.
oh hands down its Oh My! best summer song lol i love Oh My! .... You Made My Day is also my fav album... what about you?
also what's ur favorite cold drink (#2)? picked this one cuz I have been buying myself bubble tea like once a week almost uhhh all summer lol the tapioca pearls at this place are so much better than other places i've been to and this place has cheese foam that i have also become obsessed with (tho thats very expensive its an extreme treat myself drink add-on lol) the blended mango with cheese foam... so good.... its like $7 though. today i got the normal mango milk tea which i hadn't had in a while cuz i'd been going through the various types of regular? milk tea (made with different types of black tea - i love black tea i have um a lot of tea i think i have like 15 different types rn). Otherwise I almost always have ginger ale in my fridge lol its great for a lot of things and also just to drink. love ginger ale... i just love ginger honestly.....
Is 1am and I should be sleeping but I wanna answer this before reveal day!!!
Best job description 😂😂 I feel like your job is one that can become automatic very easily so I can see how the changes can be annoying
SCoups and Vernon are definitely the ones with more distinctive faces, they were the ones I recognized better first, same for my father... he knows the names of all the members now but he still messes up the three Js hahah Jeonghan Joshua and Jun always take a while for him to recognize, sometimes Wonwoo too, which drives my sister crazy cause two of her three bias are there 😂😂
These small town vibes are so cool! I love that you have this community and managed to form long lasting friendships!! I basically had the same classmates for ten years and as soon as we graduated I lost touch... I made great friends at college tho The pandemic has been hard, we are respecting our health and haven’t seen each other personally since it all started, but I hope once we can meet again everything will go back to how it was between us
I had a situation sort of similar to yours at school too ahha My mom was and had already been a teacher (P.E.) at my school for years so all the staff and a looot of the older students knew who I was, but I had no idea who those people were hahah To this day almost everywhere we go together we will encounter some old student of hers...
Is so cool that your grandma did that! But I can see how it was more a task than something you truly wanted to do so you probably wouldn’t be very excited heheh I was part of a choir growing up and we had sheet music but our teacher never truly showed us how to read it, I know the basics but is literally like a toddler that just learned the alphabet hahah
Oh my! really is THE summer song I completely agree with you there!! I also absolutely loove the mv and whole comeback seemed really cool
Oohh I only had bubble tea once and I want to drink it again!! I only know of one place that sells it here, it is still a pretty new “concept” so there’s not a lot of shops around... And I never had ginger ale! I’m super curious about it cause I’ve heard it being mentioned in, like, tv series, but I don’t drink sodas so I don’t know if I would break my “diet” for a taste heheh My favorite cold drink is lemon iced tea, the ones we have here are really sweet and kinda “sparkling”? (I don’t know how to say it... is almost like a soda but not really 😅) Even during the winter, we drink it during weekends cause is a “special drink” hahahah not a Brazilian thing, just in my house
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Youth With You” with Me!
Episode 14 Part 1
okay!! hello all
it is time for episode 14
the girls get to redo their performances but cannot chose the same song
i am eating m&ms, i have water, my phone is plugged in frhanm still doesn’t have eyebrows
as the honorable mark lee says, lezgeddit
mr fruit!!!
ok i have a mr fruit screenshot i am,,,a fan
i wonder what the final name of the group is gonna be when they debut
aaksdfas ella’s sweater is so cute with the cat !!! mommmm
xukun looks like a baby i love him
awwww he’s so cute with how he entered
al;dskfjas;lkdfjasdlkjf i loved seeing them tease him in their own conversations
this shirt tho in his one on ones is kinda not good
yanjunnie could pull it off but thats bc he can’t stop won’t stop
xukkun is so adorable i cant focus on anything his hair his teasing i love one (1) man
lsdkflaskdjfla;sdjf her hand clapper broke!!!!!!!
xukun drag herrrrr
training room exam
i’m so excited to see who chose what this time around
oooh frhanm chose <<mama>>
lmao she put a chair in front of it
marco!!! omg i am so excited for the Mama stages again
k lu dragging marco in the one on ones is so funny
gia ge also omg
marco is so kyute!!
three too!
omg bubble!!!
this group is going to be so interesting!!!
also i have a super cute pic of bubble i will be posting after haha
“If we lose again...................I’ll do nothing.  That’s how it is.  I can’t do anything even if we lose again.” -- Frhanm being a complete mood
kiki also chose Mama
team b scared the life out of kiki
kalsdjfkdls ddd hopping on kiki is so funny
lingzhi liu is also on this team
goodbye subtitles, i will miss you so
oh shit naho is doing one of the rap parts i am screaming
kdsjfdska ella is so cute
oh this is interesting
niiiiiiice job with that note frhanm!!!!
exo wants what they have
and this goes for all the groups who’ve done one of their songs
i think that the editing team mixed up the name cards for the groups kadjfkdaj;lj
i say this bc they just labeled frhanm as liu akdfa;
bubble is doing great
she really be vocalizing out hwere we stan an eyebrowless queen
they were good i like it
ok team a turn
they have little lightning stikes on their face im so emo
liu really popping offf uhhhhggg
i just noticed that naho and ddd have matching hairstyles but on opposing sides
i like this version better
wait does kiki have
she dooooeeeeessss
she has a gray streak in her hair i love to see it
naho is so good
ddd has such a presence ohn god
i really do like this version better
naho and kiki and ddd all have really good voices
liu and ddd’s vocalising oonaksdja;lskdngrawhgod
god they were really good
oh my god ella really out here complimenting liu it’s what she deserves
all three mentors voted team a (which is an agreement from me)
but now xukun is thinking
awww his hoodie has a lil smiley flower
team a won 4:0
love it for them
R&B All Night teams i amexcited
joey is in one omg
diamond is in the other
group a is gonna go
“the trying to be sexy team” such a mood
alskfdjaldskfj shaking and aria kill me
yan yu has a good voice
and aria is killing me
joey yaaaaassss
i love the vocal line omg
i forgot to add this to my playlist i deffo have to
xukun please shut the mouth you have
anyway gotta add on my asian pop playlist definitely but maybe also cpop thot bops?
i still like the song but i don’t think this is the strongest performance i’ve seen out of any of them
esp yan yu like i’ve seen better from her
she’s arguably the best along with aria in the group tho
yan yu has a bellybutton piercing and i think it’s important to have everyone know that
i want ella to cover this song now what the fuck please mom
group b
xukun cute i am love him
yan xia is the only non snh48 member kf;sdkf
diamond is made for this song
i like this performance a lot more
yeah i really enjoy the performance
maybe it has something to do with the chemistry of the members that seems more in sync than the other group which does make sense 
xia omg with the rap bABE
air su didn’t do as well
omg tako with the arm heart i am *soft*
oooh this pick up in tempo is nice i likeit
this was v cute i like it a lot
team a won but that’s fine
i’m excited to see shaking’s and xtz’s
oooh xtz chose rap O.O
b group has xtz and nineone and meddhi and yz and luna qin!
creepy toothpaste man
where is esther choosing to go???
lasdkfjasldkfj esther deadass walks past xtz i’m so weak
kaaklsdfasdk all nineone wants to do is sing and she has to teach so many ppl how to rap
shaking is with esther but chose a vocal role like nineone im interetested to see!!!
k lu!!!
ahhh roada is in group a too!!!
and sunny jin is rounding out their group!
i’m so interested to see how both of these go even tho i think it’s the song that i hated from the previous round
alsdkfjasd “i can look tall that way” estherrrr
ok so i looked it up and 
she’s only an inch shorter than me what the fuck
xiaotang is only 5′8?????  i need to adjust my entire world view rn hhhh
eanyway performance time
yeah this the song i hated
shaking your voice omg she’s got a great singing voice
roada is going to make me cry she’s so good
shaking, roada, esther are a fantastic vocal line omg
k lu yaaaaassssss i love heerrrrr
okay i think it like this song when lower registers are singing it not when it’s in a higher register
roada omg im in love
the finger hearts are so good
i have to rewind so i can screenshot them omg
also esther’s acting in this is very good like even ella comments on it
ach they’re too quick and since it’s on my phone i don’t have as good of a precision in rewinding and pausing
mabye if iqiyi puts out the video i can download and gif it 
roada’s vocalizing is incredible
aahhhhhh they did so goood!!!!!!
ok group b turn now im excited to seeeeee
xukun looks good
ok the song is staring
oooooh this is noice so far
i love meddhi’s voice so much honestly
yu zhang has a ugh i love
nineone’s voice is actually really good
xtz get’s her own dance break i love to see it
xtz rapping is so good i didn’t know i wanted this as much as i did
get you a girl who can do everything
yz with them vocals on godddd
omg i just noticed the first i in iqiyi has the little recording light over it blinking aaahhh
asdlkfjadslkfj meddhi laughing at the end when yz had her serious face and last line 
wait it was marco who laughed and set everyone else off im so weeeeaaaaaakkkk
both performances were so good omg
meddhi getting those compliments from ella it’s what she deserves
ella chooses b team
jony j chooses a team bc of esther
deadass drags her what the fuck adkfjaskldfj me too tho
i love her but she does sometimes over act
lisa complimenting xiaotang on her rap and dance is what my wife desrves
lisa chooses b team
xukun is the breaking decision
he chooses team b!
im not even madd bc both perforamnces wer sso good
omg xiaotang and meddhi crying  im emotional
who’s the best?
meddhi1!!!!i’m so proud of these girls on god
ambush on all sides 2 now
flora dai chose it i am intreguiesd
i can’t spell
juicy zho, yennis huang, shujun ma, and menglu is here as welll
this is deffo going to be interesting
who is that weird fuckin bunny with the star eye and why doesn’t he show up more
babymonster and xin liu omg
this other team is beastmode alreay
omg snow
beast. mode.
ooh victoria is in the group too
beastmode team vs revenge team
babymonster wanting to speak in her dialect is amazing we love
i love them tryin to decidethe center poisitng kfkdjakd;fas
omg beastmode team essentially called themselves ambush from all sides 2 2.0 i love it
aksdfjaslkdf xukun dragging them as if he hasn’t done worse alkfjdadkls;
balance is all i can think of right now
ooooh babymonster
xukun deadass stopped the performance to talk about babymonster’s dialect
me too tho
they have a v powerful concept thing going on
i do love victoria and jessies more traditional sounding singing ugh
xin liu is incredible danceing
kun is into it like my mans is dancing along with it
god this performance is so cool!!!
and i am biased bc like i really like everyone in this group
ooooh the syncronisation
the do it prove it part of the choreo kills me it is so good
ella clapping along is so cute
team b is like oh fuck how are we supposed to compete??
im shujun ma
ok performance time
i just had the thought of wayv doing this song and now i want this so much
yennis popping off
shujun and juicy really have the voices for the classic chinese style of singing i think
yennis is so cool omg
i literally just had shivers go down my spine omg this gorup
i think that this performance was good too 
xukun laughing at the end when shujun has that long high note bitch i will k word you
al;ksdfj;alksdjf he deadass asked “are you obsessed with high notes” i am ashiopdfhpaowrughslkjfd
“you can’t keep adding high notes to every song” like stfu up xukun yes she can it’s what the people want
o.o’ oof lisa’s comments were not the uhhhhhhhh best things to hear in the world
lisa deadass saying that beastmode team no longer needs a dance mentor i am Shaking
i would die if i were babymonster bc lisa literally jsut said “the best...the best of course is going to be babymonster.  i love you”
a team is probs gonna win
yeah they won
i love xiaotang screaming out babymonster’s name when kun asks “who’s going to be the best trainee in team a?” what an icon
he is really channeling yixing pd in this part like am not gonta k werd ye ?/
babymonster was awarded best trainee of the team
love to see it!!
oh snipes i didn’t even realise i was in part 2!
ack ok i’ll see you in part 2 post alsdfjaslkdfjsd i have no braincells right nowalkdfakdlsjfaklsdf
0 notes
You guys want to hear about my toxic roommate? Oh boy. Where do I even begin?
I guess a little back story. We let her stay with us two summers ago. Those were our party days. We had a large pool and we’d invite all our friends for a cookout and swim. It was rare to not be partying on the weekends. But since then we have grown. We rarely drink ever and all of our friends kinda became distant with us. I work a lot and they all have school in other cities so it’s understandable. But that’s beside the point. She texts my boyfriend, who I live with, around July and asks if she could live with us short term while she finds somewhere more permanent. I was extremely hesitant because I know how she likes to turn things around and make her seem like a victim when anything that doesn’t go her way happens. But because she’s my boyfriend’s friend I said ONLY if it’s short term. Like, 3 months at most. No more than that. We talked to her on the phone and I made some rules before she even booked the flight:
1) No selling weed out of my house.
2) You HAVE to have a source of income. You can’t live off savings.
3) Only short term. We would talk length when she got here.
She got here in August and was like “I want to see and hang out with all my friends before I get a job.” She was in the house CONSTANTLY before actually going out and getting a job. Like three weeks straight of her just sitting in my house doing nothing but playing league and getting high. I never had a private moment with my boyfriend. It was angering beyond belief. But she finally went out and found work at the local corner store. She worked for a week and then visited California for like a month. She came back and worked for about a month and that’s when the shit hit the fan. They needed help at another part of the store so they put her on that job, despite not being trained. Nobody would help her so she ended up having a panic attack for like an hour. So her manager sent her on lunch and she went home. When her manager realized she didn’t come back she called my roommate and said, “hey I apologize for putting you in that high risk situation. I hoped you’re feeling better but you are scheduled and we are short handed. Please come back and do some dishes.” My roommate replied no. She doesn’t feel like it. Then she didn’t understand why she was fired. She thinks it’s because she had anxiety. Not because she refused to go back to work. That was in early November. She hadn’t even considered to find a job since then.
In mid November we made a contract that said she needs to be out by March. She threw a fucking fit. She didn’t understand why she had to be out by March and that wasn’t fair and to her short term meant a year and it was a mess. Anyways, we were redoing the room that she was renting out and she decided to get back by saying that she wasn’t paying a cent until that room is finished. And we decided that was fair but I said at least electric. She said not a cent. So I told my boyfriend to get the room done so I don’t have to deal with it. Because she’s living in that room she’s in there 24/7 she doesn’t allow him in there so he can finish the room. She says it’s too loud and she can’t hear her friends while she’s playing Minecraft/lol/whatever fucking awful game she spends any amount of time playing. She planned to take advantage of us because she didn’t like that we gave her 4 months notice to be out and that she read a situation wrong.
Now before she moved in with us she lived in California. She worked on a weed farm but things fell through. She brought back tons and tons of weed to last her a while. She is heavily reliant on weed. It’s the most sad and pathetic thing. Like she literally goes down and smokes a bowl every hour because she’ll go crazy without it. For example, the other day she woke up and said I wonder how long I can go without weed! Then an hour in she went absolutely insane and started hitting herself and started talking about suicide, all while my poor boyfriend had to deal with it. But anyways, she addicted to weed. But where I’m going with this story is that the past three days I’ve welcomed three different guys into my home because she thinks she’s allowed to sell weed out of my basement.
A couple of other things before I wrap this up. She told my boyfriend that the only reason she moved in with us is because he was her only friend and she thought every night was going to be like it did two summers ago and that’s she’s just miserable. The thing is my boyfriend now absolutely hates her. He can not stand her. She puts all of her problems on him and expects him to care for her and take care of her. And every day it’s a brand new pity party. It has made him absolutely miserable. New story now.
Yesterday me and him went grocery shopping and then out to lunch. She texted him and asked if we could pick up more protein bars for her because that’s what she lives off of. Protein bars and OUR leftovers. It’s fucking expensive, dude. My boyfriend works a seasonal job and he’s laid off right now so I pay for most of the food. When he couldn’t find the granola bars he called her told her no, we can’t buy them. She should go out and buy her own groceries because living off fiber one protein bars is extremely unhealthy and that I can’t afford to to continue to buy extra food. That set her off. Here’s the texts. R means roommate. B is for boyfriend.
R: hey
R: Did you know about your lunch plans before you made plans with me? :/
R: feeling the most suicidal I ever have.
R: I don’t know who to talk to I’m just going crazy by myself.
R: You are literally my closest friend and I honestly feel like you don’t give two shits about my feelings. I don’t feel like life is worth living anymore like this.
B: okay you need to see a therapist or something because I do not know how to help you
B: if you are legitimately suicidal then I will call the police
R: do not call the police
R: you realize how much trouble I could get in?
R: then I really will kill myself
R: so please don’t
R: I’m fine
R: just super depressed and lonely
R: thought we were gonna have a shroom day.
B: Are you fucking serious?
R: that’s not what this is about, just one of the many triggers
R: just please ignore me now
R: I didn’t mean ignore my physically fuck you’re an awful friend, I don’t know why I ever liked you so much. You’re an intensive dick. I came to you earlier with a cry for help as one of the closest people to me. Now you treat me as if I don’t exist. I can’t put anymore time into trying to be your friend if you don’t care about me at all. Good night.
Now before you make assumptions she asked my boyfriend if he wanted to do shrooms on Saturday. He said maybe. He’s not the kind of person that likes to be fucked up and not able to do anything for 6 hours so there was no definite answer. Secondly, every day she comes to him with “im feeling suicidal. I have no friends. You’re my only friend. Im gonna dump all my feelings and burdens on you because that’s what I think friends are there for and you are obligated to feel bad for me and you’re obligated to drop everything you’re doing and come to my aide because you’re my only friend.” Every. Single. Day. Lastly, she is out of the house within the weeks and I have never been more excited for anything ever.
Just a reminder that your friends are not your therapist. It’s okay to seek help from them but don’t expect them to drop everything and be okay with it. And definitely don’t make it a daily thing. Friends are supposed to be there for you but if it’s become a hassle and if it’s making them miserable then you need to check yourself and ask yourself if what you’re doing is wrong.
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 10 (Quick Livestream Recap)
This post contains spoilers. 
We go straight up to the Regal Chair of Doom for the elimination opening.
There are a few hair changes! Minki is dark haired again, while Sanggyun had an ashy blond dye job and a trim.
They’re not sure what the cut off is because of the rumours and the doubt BoA’s script had provided last episode.
Hyunbin ambitiously wants to be first, and the trainees laugh their heads off at this proclamation.
Entrance pose time!
Pledis trainees come in by imitating Nu’est maknae Minki’s disjointed shoulder trick.
Little Lee Woojin does the thigh touching move from sexy concept song Open.
MMO trainees, Daniel and Jisung, dance to Sistar’s Touch My Body. It makes me feel low key bitter because my girls :(
RBW Lee Gunhee did some hip swinging.
Extra as hell, Fantagio Ong Sungwoo brought a bag with him to recreate his now iconic moment from the work out episode.
WH Creative Seo Sungyhuk did some of IKYK choreo. Cutie
YGK+ Kwon Hyunbin did the robot.
Popular WinkDeep boys Maroo Park Jihoon and C9 Bae Jinyoung did twin moves
Ardor and Able hilariously recreate a reference to Noh Taehyun’s viral stomach scratching picture.
Starship Jung Sewoon did the world’s tiniest Nayana gesture.
CUBE chicks do a Twice Knock Knock reference.
OUI Donghan did a weird dance move on the floor. 
Only top 20 gets through. So this rumour was right. It’s like Mnet’s playing two lies one truth lol
BoA gets ajumeoni claps as she enters. That dress looks like something from Red Velvet’s closet though.
Fanservice to soothe the pain begins with cute dorm footage.
Snack time is abound in the dorms once again. One trainee carries what looks like a fuckin mountain of cup ramen across the room at some point.
They reveal a bit of first week footage with the HOTSHOT boys depositing their luggage in the waiting room. Sungwoon’s massive show insole falls out and he gets embarrassed, all ‘When did this come out??’
Sunghyuk has a bit where he comes into to visit his hyungs and gets scolded for his informality. He gets visibly scared by Jihoon’s sternness, leaving with his tail between his legs until Ong-ssi calls him back.
Ong-ssi: Why’d you come in here?
Sunghyuk (looking like he may cry): For...no reason.
All the hyungs: Oh, that’s good! :D I’m glad you came to see us!!! :))
Sunghyuk almost passes out in relief when he realises they were teasing him lol
There’s a cut of how the boys all pull out make up to touch up when production staff calls for a break, yanking out their compacts and pat-patting away at their faces.
Jisung eomma is the funniest of all of course, whipping out the compact with a flourish and patting his too red lips to blend them out.
Ong-ssi puts on a few dozen coats of tinted lip balm and gets ticked off by staff for the red lips visible across the hall 
Jaehwan touches up Baekho’s nose for him 
Another cut is product placement for face packs, its a sponsored bit (you can always tell when Samuel’s acting, bless him) but they play around well with the differently coloured mask creams.
Sungwoon gets 101 written on his face by his dongsaengs, Jihoon makes himself up like a panda while Baekho gets a beard. He’s very pleased with it. A universal cutie.
Deffo more natural PPL than the herbal supplement.
There’s a cut of early morning shower singing from vocal kids RIP FNC Yoo Hwiseung, getting screentime once he’s been kicked.
Sad practice shots with Jaehwan’s acoustic guitar backing and singing of Nayana. I ALREADY FEEL BAD FOR THEM FUK U MNET
Cut to more cheerful trainee time.
Noh Taehyun once again has to heatedly defend himself because of his stomach clip after already having to clarify he’s not a crybaby. He claims the clip was from after a rehearsal sesh, and he was hot and sweaty so, “I WAS FANNING MYSELF I WASN’T SCRATCHING MY TUMMY EVERYONE!!”
CUBE kids explain their initial awkwardness. Their company wanted them to be clear hyung-dongsaeng on the show, but they were friends while they were trainees earlier. This means Seonho can’t use banmal with him anymore and has to remember to call Guanlin hyung. It doesn’t affect Lai Guanlin, but Seonho is still adjusting lol 
Minhyun likes sweet boy Seonho, but the younger kid keeps hugging him and is really fond of skinship. 
Minhyun: It’s like he’s my girlfriend...he needs to dial it down a bit.
Seonho: It’s just because I love my hyung???!
Daehwi gets a stool to stand on for his individual bit, and is mildly indignant about it. He doesn’t think he’s that short and pulls out massive insoles from his shoes before also ratting out Sasuke Uchiha cosplayer Bae Jinyoung’s use of insoles.
His friend is not happy, and has to reveal his own massive foam shoe inserts.
Bae Jinyoung: They’re only 2cm!!
Staff: Only because you’re pressing down on them like that.
Auntie Jisung, true to form, mentions Daniel’s night talking. 
“Mom, you’re embarrassing me!!” - Kang Daniel, probably.
Red lip tint fans Daniel and Sanggyun get called out for their always pink lips, and Daniel gets his own back by pointing out that Yoon Jisung also always wears tons of it. 
Kang Daniel called my boy with his ludicrous pink lips an ajumma!!
Sewoon loves his awkward wink edited with post its on his face and the Jaehwan and Sewoon vocal ship continues to sail.
Hosts Auntie Jisung and Ong Sungwoo for basketball manga oppa times
Ong-ssi: Why are you here? Did you trainees only come to have fun here on the show?
Auntie Jisung: Yes. I did. 
They chant ONGSUNG ONGSUNG ONGSUNG for themselves. New comedy MC duo, I loaf
Speed quiz is first up, with sexy waves from OngSung MCs.
Showtime team do okay, Samuel flips onto his back to act out samgyetang. I died. How do you even think of that.
IKYK: Moonbok hard carries. He’s so pretty but that hairstyle...a topknot and scarf wrapped around his head..I wear my own hair like that for house cleans. Taedong quivers for a bit  when he gets his word, before dancing The Boys for SNSD. 
Open: Daniel does a piss poor imitation of Baekho, who laughs like a baby the whole segment. Seonho gets Ahn Junyoung (the P101 main producer) and wavers for a bit before yelling, ”Ah! PASS!” 
Oh Little Girl: Ayn Hyungseob has apple hair! He struggles to convey swag, imitating Baekho and Daniel to no avail. His team finally gets it only because Lee Euiwoong hears Noh Taheyun say, ‘Ah, Hyungseobie definitely has none of this at all!!’ 
Never: Lai Guanlin passes because he doesn’t know the word...twice; he can’t read Hangul well and the words are too difficult. One of them is an old fashioned Korean flute like?? It’s a hard word and how do you act it out? Poor kiddo
IKYK team wins this segment. 
Next game is a game where duos come forth from each team; one trainee does an elephant nose spin, and then runs to apply lipstick on his waiting teammate.
My heart soars at Sanggyun and Jisung representing Showtime
Sewoon falls multiple times and when he gets to Euiwoong,  he keeps shaking. Euiwoong gets more and more impatient and Sewoon finally gets shoved by an annoyed hamster.
Jisung veers off and falls like fifteen times before getting to Sanggyun. After, Sanggyun looks at himself and thinks it’s sort of sexy. “You look pretty!!” says excited Auntie Jisung, gleefully.
BNM Jonghyun has a scary determined look throughout.
Kim Yongguk can’t even spin straight, falling over every two spins like a new born puppy. He crawls to Kenta, who waits patiently to have his whole face attacked viciously with red lipstick 
Kenta, when the trainees go into splits and Yongguk is still stabbing his cheeks with lipstick: WHY? WHY??
Lee Daehwi remains perfectly, characteristically competent, calmly dabbing on Wartortle GodJonghyun’s lips like a seasoned make up artist. 
Yoo Seonho gets to draw again on a caring hyung picked by him, so he picks Daniel
Jaehwan picks Emperor Hwang for redoing the segment. Jaehwan runs lopsided and dementedly fast to draw on his hyung, frightening poor Gunhee on the sidelines.
Seonho applies eight hundred layers of red on Daniel’s mouth lol
The next game is team jump roping and posing for a photo 
This was hilarious - you have to look them up, I died laughing at their faces mid air. These are the pictures I’m getting blown up and signed if I ever see them in person. 
Open team wins overall, and receives the PPL face packs.
After this dose of healing (this is what Jonghyun calls the segment, with another of his ha ha HAs) cuteness, we go back to elims.
The rankings from last episode are finally revealed for the highest ranking from the live audience. To no one’s surprise, Daniel won the 220,000 benefit.
1 and 20 to be revealed last for the suspense
Jung Sewoon ranked 19. 
Woodam and Donghan have a depressingly self aware discussion about how they know they’re lucky to have this far.
Joo Haknyeon is 18. The boys are all shocked but he’s had awful press lately. He’s losing grace swiftly, and this is his first time falling out of top 11.
BNM Im Youngmin has fortunately made it at 17, despite the (totally undeserved) hate he received. He even apologised, for some reason
CUBE Seonho was 16, he almost fell out his seat with shock as his name was called.
Ren, Hyungseob and Jaehwan all make it in succession.
Minhyun’s apparent ‘mistaken’ reveal of his rank was at 12 but it’s Pledis Kang Dongho at 12. The trainees all imitate Baekho’s Boy in Love head bob lol
Pledis Minhyun makes it at 11. He’s handsome on the big screen, and sings at BoA’s request. All the trainees have a shim koong.
Lee Daaehwi at 10. I’m grateful he stays top 11 though a cutie 
MMO Yoon Jisung makes it at 9!! YES HE’S BACK IN TOP 11 I LOVE MY AUNTIE!!
So do the trainees, they’re all more excited than he is at his rank, there’s a veritable swarm as they congratulate their eomma.
Samuel’s having a breakdown from nerves.
Auntie Jisung’s ugly crying is slightly muted this time - his company must have scolded him. Daniel is super relieved his hyung’s back in top 11, and Jisung thanks people for supporting him and his dream.
Ong Sungwoo is safe at number 8. BoA asks him to do his Ong-slate bit, which of course, he does with every bit of over the top acting he can.
Nation’s leader Angel God Jonghyun dropped to 7, but at least Wartortle’s safe.
Good shot of the empty Nu’est seats as Jonghyun thanks the voters for supporting him and his fellow Pledis trainees.
Brand New Music Park Woojin makes it to 6! He still has an eye patch on, I hope he’s recovering well. BoA asks him to do his famous snaggle-toothed smile. A cutie.
Samuel’s proper freaking out but he makes it at 5. He thanks all his Showtime hyungs by name but forgets Jisung, adding him last when he realises. Jisung, my drama queen, pouts in mock offence 
Goodness, you can really see the relief on Samuel’s face when he sinks into his chair, my poor kid.
BoA calls out Ha Sungwoon and Bae Jinyoung for the next two possible ranks
Ha Sungwoon can’t stop yelling in shock for being in the top 5, he just screams endlessly. When the camera points at him for the shot right before BoA announces his name, he thinks it’s someone else in his row because he really wasn’t expecting it.
Bae Jinyoung is 4. The two pick voting helped him climb back up, WinkDeep sails. In celebration, he does the aegyo bit from his intro.
Sungwoon makes it at number 3 (more slightly muted screaming)
I’m that tear waterfall pokemon gif, and so is he, sort of. This caught me off guard but I love being wrong about this sort of stuff.
Popular kids, teen pick Jihoon and noona pick Daniel for top two. 
Daniel and Little Woojin exchange non-forced reassurance as they wait for his rank to be announced.
Sidenote while watching the livestream: That Cha Eunwoo kid is in a lot of ads for a rookie. He’s rather handsome.
MMO Kang Daniel ranks number 1. It’s his first time, he never thought he’ll be Jihoon’s rival, but he’s deeply grateful. 
Which puts Park Jihoon at a safe 2. He thanks his fans for their continued support. His consistency has been incredible, he’s never left the top of the pyramid. 
Last trainee for the cut off at 20. These shots of my eliminated talented boys makes me sad.
They draw out my pain by showing the ranks from 35 upwards, and having the trainees speak as they get booted.
Bye little maknae Lee Woojin, star vocal Park Woodam, RBW meme Lee Gunhee and musicial kid Kim Yehyun
All of I Know You Know got booted. My sweet boy WH Creative Seo Sunghyuk cries. The Vibe knight boy Taedong and blond pretty kid OUI Donghan are composed. They must have all expected this.
Oh, Donghyun. His BNM trainees look like they’re going to cry as he asks the voters to support them.
Sanggyun spits some sugar coated bitterness, Noh Taehyun and Takada Kenta are graceful.
Visual dark horse Moonbok, who got played by Mnet the most, leaves the show too. He really speaks very prettily. 3
BoA says this isn’t the end for their careers. I wish I can be that optimistic.
Yuehua Lee Euiwoong doesn’t make the cut. You can see Hyungseob’s face fall.
YGK+ Kwon Hyunbin is eliminated at 22. He says a nice ment too, but lasting this long considering his background and skillset is just miraculous.
It’s between Kim Yongguk and Lai Guanlin for rank 20. 
Honestly, I’d never have guessed this in a million years. Kim Yongguk, maybe, because of his lack of clear broship, but Cube chicks must get a lot of their hype from teenagers. 
Lai Guanlin makes it by the skin of his teeth. 
We have to say goodbye to Arctic Fox Kim Yongguk. This feels so unfair, he had such a nice, melancholy tone. 
Daniel leads the ending salutations to the national producers.
Last voting period opens, and it’s one pick. This season has been super makjang for real. Far out.
We cut to a new day, the top 20 trainees have gathered for final evaluation mission. BoA reminds them this is the final, debut mission for the live broadcast finale.
The trainees will be split into two teams to perform one of two songs, Super Hot or Hands on Me. I’m keen to hear these songs, the composers are really well known. The choreography has to be created by the trainees themselves.
Harvey Mason and his team created Hands On Me, the demo sounds like a laid back jazzy track that will probably go the IKYK way (hashtag bitter).
Ryan Jhun, who composed Nayana and EXO’s Love Me Right, my favourite EXO title song by far, wrote Super Hot, which is more funky, fast paced. 
I take a minute to thank Mother Mary for the lack of EDM. Let’s hope it doesn’t jump out on me when I hear the full songs.
Positions depend on rank, with low ranking trainees picking first and the higher ones possessing the ability to replace them if they want the position.
Im Youngmin’s penalty for leaking spoilers is that he has to take what’s left over, so he picks first and can be replaced.
Seonho ambitiously displaces Haknyeon for sub-vocal 3 on Super Hot, pushing him down to 4.
Hyungseob pushes Joo Haknyeon further down to 5 lol
Then Daehwi pushes him to rapper 1
Jonghyun comes in to shove him to the other team, as vocal 6 for Hands on Me.
Dead. His fellow trainees seemingly have no faith in him at all. 
Jaehwan takes his rightful place as main vocal for Hands on Me.
Sewoon had picked sub vocal 1 on the same song earlier, wanting to sing with Jaehwan. 
Minhyun continues to be a Joseon level strategist by pushing Sewoon to a different team. Samuel moves him back but to a lower vocal position. 
Daniel changes Sungwoon’s team from Hands on Me sub vocal 1 to Super Hot but promotes him to main vocal  on there so it works out well.
Everyone on Super Hot understandably wants to be centre considering the timing of the mission and they all sing the main chorus line to compete. 
Samuel has to create the choreo and formations as the strongest dance trainee. His teammates come up with a bunch of unhelpful suggestions and he’s stressing out again.
Ong-slate opens on Hands on Me discussions.
They’re discussing leader, Ong-ssi surprisingly nominates himself and receives the position.
Again, everyone wants to be centre and audition with the ‘killing part’ but they don’t show centre pick.
We see the eliminated trainees crying at the eliminations again before next week’s trailer and ranks. 
Below is a comprehensive list of this week’s rankings. I’ll post the entire set this time, because we’re down to only 20 :(
Kang Daniel 
Park Jihoon 
Ha Sungwoon 
Bae Jinyoung 
Kim Samuel 
Park Woojin 
Kim Jonghyun 
Ong Sungwoo 
Yoon Jisung 
Lee Daehwi
Hwang Minhyun 
Kang Dongho 
Kim Jaehwan 
Ahn Hyungseop 
Choi Minki
Yoo Seonho
Im Youngmin 
Joo Haknyeon 
Jung Sewoon 
Lai Guanlin 
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Takes place in- Season 11 episode18
Title- The Devils Little Helper: Part 9
Part Title- Heaven’s Most Wanted
Author- @family-business-forever
Word Count- 2795
Characters- Lucifer(in Castiels vessel), Knight of Hell!reader, Dean Winchester, Castiels vessel, Amara, Sam Winchester, Crowley, Rowena.
Pairings- Lucifer and Knight of Hell!reader
Warnings- Smut(which gets interrupted), swearing, death, attempted murder(Lucifer tries to kill Sam and Dean), angst.
Finally today we are going to heaven to take control. Currently we’re in a 5 star hotel in Las Vegas. Im trying to decide what to wear and Lucifer is watching me as i walk around in my bra and underwear. Finally i decide for a little black dress wth lace covering the chest and half my back. I slip on a pair short boot like heels, and snap my finger making my hair long and wavy. Once I’m done i turn to Lucifer, who is still looking at me.
“Is this ok or should it be red?” I ask, looking down at the dress. Lucifer doesn’t answer and instead he walks up to me, putting his hands on my hips and looking down at me.
“You look gorgeous as always and i want nothing more to rip it off of you and devour you.” He says, pulling me into a passionate kiss. We stand there and make out for sometime before pulling away.
“As much as I’d love for you to do that, we have business to attend to first.” I tell him, kissing him once more, before pulling back and straightening out is suit. Once he owes the same to my dress, he takes my hand and we zip up to heaven.
In heaven we appear by a fellow angel of Lucifers, Jofiel, who s doing what seems to be roll call on the heavens. At first he doesn’t realize we are there by once he does he looks completely shocked while saying our names. He looks behind him to see if he’s on his own which he is, before Lucifer begins talking
“How’s it hangin’?” Lucifer asks, leaning against the wall. Jofiel turns around pretty quickly prepared to fight if he has to. “Easy there.” Lucifer says.
“So perfect. Castie, one of heaven’s most wanted,possessed by heaven’s most hated.” Jofiel says, making me angry, but Lucifer puts a hand up stopping me from doing anything.
“I come in peace. I just want to be a part of the action again. I want to lend a hand, we want to lend a hand.” Lucifer says looking at me lovingly. There’s silence for a minute before Jofiel wipes around and begins to yell for his brothers. Before he can get another “Brothers!”, out Lucifer snaps his fingers and Jofiel explodes into nothing but a grey-ish smoke.
Lucifer exhales before turning to me as i walk p to him.
“Hopefully this gets easier.” He says to me.
“Don’t worry my love. How could anyone resist you?” I say smiling and then kissing him.
Soon we’re in one of heaven’s conference rooms with a bunch of angels with us.
“Okay, guys. So, trying to smite the Darkness was a bust, huh?” He says waiting for an answer to which he doesn’t get one. “You had all of the power of heaven behind you.couldn’t even slow the bitch down.” He says looking at the angels who lol down in fear and ashamed. “Well, no need to gel like abject losers. You learns a valuable lesson here. You need me, you need us, actually.” Lucifer says expecting some kind of reaction but not getting one. “Alright. Not giddy with awe.” Lucifer says, walking around again.
“You, exploded Jofiel.” One of the angels says.
“Or did Jofiel explode himself?” Lucifer says shrugging.
“God cast you out of heaven.” Another angel says, starting a little flare in me.
“And who do you think spread that tabloid headline?” Lucifer says, walking over to that angel and sitting on his lap, looking at him. “It was Captain G, the Eternal One. And why? Because I didn’t buy in to his obsessive-compulsive love for mankind.” Lucifer says, bumping his head against th angels with each word.
“Mankind is his creation.” An angel that talked earlier says.
“Oh come on! Is not like he invented the Prius, which actually works.” Lucifer says, standing from the angels lap and walking around again. “I don’t have to tell you people what a mess mankind is. The Salem Witch Trials, Third Reich, Twin Towers. And sure every once in awhile he’ll send down a little plague to straighten them out,but its nothing permanent. Humanity brought us Hiroshima and got a redo. I merely questioned his priorities, and i got the boot.” Lucifer says.
“He said you’re evil, both of you.” One of the angels say shocking the rest, and making my flare grow.
“Incarnate. E-Evil incarnate.” Another angel says trying to save them.
“It’s marketing.He’s creating a need in the consumer’s mind. Can’t be a Super Savor if you don’t have a Super Villain.��� Lucifer says.
“So, what are you offering?” An angel asks.
“Well, a way out of this pickle.” Lucifer says, confusing some of the angels.
“By “pickle” you mean the Darkness.“ Another angel says, not really asking. Lucifer shrugs kinda and uses his body language to say yes, which kinda excites the angels.
"You can reason with her?” An angel from earlier asks.
“Well, I doubt that. But i can pick her away. This time for good. Done it before, and Daddy gave that beautiful women over there the power. Lucifer says smiling at me.
All the angels look at each other but don’t say anything.
"Oh, pPops didn’t tell you that, huh?” Lucifer says.
“Once you’ve,gotten rid of her, you’ll want, to, stay around?” On e of the angels ask scared.
“Oh, i think we like the way you think.” Lucifer says, grinning. “Man, am i jazzed!” He says, clapping and making me laugh at the angels who jumped. “Hey, if it makes you comfy,could call me god.” Luci says smiling.
Soon the meeting, thing, is or and the angels begin to leave as Lucifer talks to some. All of a sudden the angels start running back as a cloud of darkness follows them. She knock down Lucifer and a bunch of angels as I stand my ground.
“Come on is that all you got!” I yell at her while laughing.
Pretty soon it ends and all the angels get up as i watch them.
“Well that,as a little payback ladies an gents. I don’t think Auntie Amara appreciated your little half-assed smiling. And, u guess what, this-this is just a teeny aste of what’s to come. So, clearly our expertise is gonna come in handy ‘cause god knows what’s next. Ouch, I almost forgot, God he doesn’t care.” I say, not so nicely. After that Lucifer and i zap out of heaven and back into the hotel room we are staying at.
“Well I’d say that went exceptionally well, don’t you think?” Lucifer asks me as he takes off his trench coat and suit jacket, and nags them on a chair.
“t did. I think you made the point very clear. Sorry for my out burst at the end there.” I say, taking my heels off.
“Darling don’t be sorry, because that was hot as hell, no pun intended.” He says, walking over to me where I’m now standing beside the bed attempting to unzip my dress. Lucifer comes up behind me and begins to pepper kisses on my neck, as his hands replace mine and he slowly unzips my dress. I tilt my head to the side to give him more room, to which he takes advantage of traces his tongue over the mark that shows who i belong to.
Slowly he slides my dress down my body so that it lays in a pile around my feet. Careful i step out of it and turn around to face Lucifer. He smiles at me as he puts his hands on my hips and i rest mine on the back of his neck to run through he hairs there. I pull him own to connect our lips, in a slow but fiery kiss. For awhile he just kisses me, exploring my mouth with his tongue and switching between exploring and nipping.
Soon he moves his kisses down my neck as i begin to unbutton his white shirt. Once I unbutton all the buttons i slide it over his shoulders and off of his arms. Once he has the shirt off and his hands are freed again, he moves them to my lace covered breast and begins to play with them. He tweets my nipples threw the fabric making them hard, as his kisses begin to move down my chest. He moves his hands to the back of my bra to unhook it while he continues teasing them through the fabric.
Finally he has it unhooked and takes it off, before immediately going back to my breast and devouring them. He runs his tongue over the hardened nipple before taking it into his mouth and sucking and nipping it. Once he’s done with the one he moves to the next giving it the same treatment before, pulling away and looking at me. I know immediately what he wants, and i get on my knees, crawling to him and running my hands up his thighs before i finally reach his belt.
Slowly I unhook his belt and button before yelling the zipper down and siding only his pants off. He snaps his fingers making his pants and shoes disappear and reappear over by his trench coat and suit jacket. Right as I’m getting ready to take his boxers, i sense he’s being summoned. Sighing i back away from him and stand up.
“Who is it?” I ask him, as he looks at me.
“Winchesters and Rowena. And they have holy oil.” Lucifer says, annoyed.
“So what’s the plan?” I ask him as he snaps his fingers and is completely dressed.
“I’m gonna go down and see what they want, but i want you invisible. I don’t want them to know you’re there incase a need a quick escape.  No matter what they do or say,do no make yourself known, I don’t want anything to happen to you, ok?” Lucifer says cupping my face in his hands.
“Ok, i understand. But Luci i have a bad feeling about this, and you know what happens when i do. Please just be safe and try not to piss them off to much.” I say, kissing hm one more time before he zaps away. I snap my fingers, dressing myself in jeans and a T-shirt, before zapping myself down.
Once i get down there i see the Winchesters, Crowley and Rowena, who’s hiding behind a wall. Lucifer is in the middle of a ring of holy oil looking at the three men who are visible. They already started talking so i came at just the right time.
“Well, that bad boy plus me and (Y/N). That ought to take her out all right.” Lucifer says before clapping and asking to get to it. “Douse the flames.” Lucifer says pointing to them. None of the men move nor say anything. Lucifer begins to get impatient and starts snapping his fingers before saying “or don’t”.
the three men say nothing, but Dean cuts his hand is knife before pressing it against a symbol. The symbol lights up and one right under Lucifer does the same, before Lucifer starts acting funny.
“Cass!” Dean says. “Castiel, show yourself!” He says, as Lucifer continues to act funny and thrash around. All of a sudden the thrashing stops and i realize that Castiel now has control.
“Dean?” He questions, as Deans walks over to him surprised it actually worked. “What are you doing? What’s-What’s going on?”
“Cass, listen to me. We don’t have a whole lot of time, okay? You have got to-” dean goes to finish but stops once Castiel starts grunting and thrashing around again as Lucifer begins to fight. Dean begins to yell for Cass but to no avail. Lucifer takes back control of the body and begins to laugh.
“Uh, he’s got to what?” Lucifer says, looking at Dean. “You boys. Ooh, you almost had me there for a minute,but these mail-order spells, they’re just not what they’re cracked up to be, are they?”
“Cass, expel him! You got to kick Lucifer out! You hear me?!” Dean yells, attempting to get through to Cass
“Honestly, I think he’s happy with the arrangement.I mean, he did invite me in and al, Dean.” Lucifer says, walking to the edge of the trap, as Dean yells for Cass again. “Cass!” Lucifer mocks making me laugh on the inside so they don’t hear me. “Hand over the weapon. What do you say? Or we can just wait for this warding to fail and I’ll take it.” Lucifer says, also secretly telling me not to go for it.
After Lucifer says this the warding sigils begin to fail, shocking them all including Crowley. Crowley then decides to smoke out into Lucifer, making all go silent. Lucifer instructs me not to come in, as a little time passes and soon the Winchesters exorcise Crowley out.
“Crowley."Sam says.
"Useless. Lucifer’s hold on him is too strong..” Crowley says, as the holy fire round Lucifer begins to fade.
“Lads, the fire!” Rowena decides to come out and yell, before returning to hiding. Lucifer comes back to cracking his neck and looking at the boys.
“Trick me?” He says, fake hurt. “You lied to me. You know, I could have been your warrior.” He says, as the boys look at him with a mix of fear and shock. “Ah. Who needs ya?” Lucifer says, as Sam attempts to run to the god thingy, only for it to fly into Lucifers hands before he can even get close to it.
“Well” Crowley says, wrote leaving.
“It’s just like Crowley to leave right when the party’s getting started. Have a seat.” Lucifer says, before forcing the Winchesters to it down. “As much as i get a giggle out of you two, and i do, there cons a time when every relationship has run its course. Expect for me and my beauties of course.” Lucifer says, making me smile. He then proceeds to begin twisting Sam and Deans insides, slowly beginning to kill them.
That’s when al of a sudden a hole is blasted into the wall behind Lucifer, making him look over towards it. Then, Amara walks in and lucifer stops his torture on the boys and faces her completely.
“Oh, Lucifer. Dear nephew, my how you’ve changed.” She says almost disgusted which makes me extremely mad. Lucifer just smiles at her, as the boys look at her surprised. “I was tracking her when she left my side.” Amara says, talking about Rowena who’s still ‘hiding’.
“You were safely sealed away. You’re gonna wish you’d stayed there.” Lucifer says, biting his bottom lip, and beginning to absorb the power from the god thingy.Once he absorbed all at power, he puts a hand out to Amara trying to put her back in the cage. He told me earlier he wanted to try to put her back on his own, so I wasn’t to help. But once the light fades away, i realize it didn’t work. Amara then puts her hand up toward Lucifer and i begin to show myself but still, at Lucifer’s command.
'No Luci please, baby.’ I plead through telecommunication in our heads. Lucifer once again says no, as Amara uses her power to fit Lucifer and float him to her.
He shows no fear, as he looks her in the eyes, and she touches his faces before speaking.
“I thin you and I need to have a nice, long chat. She says, as Dean yells for Cass again. Amara looks at Dean, before healing both Sam and Dean, before then disappearing. I call out for Lucifer but he tells me to stay, before i lose all communication with him.
I watch as the Winchesters leave , as i sit there invisible and cry. I’ve never been without Lucifer wrote and it cares me. Im a Knight of Hell i know I’m not suppose to be scared, but when God made e he gave me human emotions only for Lucifer. He made us soulmates and now that i don’t have Lucifer I not know what. Todo. I know i have to get him back but how. I don’t know where he is, and i have no help.
I realize then i have only two people that would maybe help me. The Winchesters.
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