#im putting that 'if' there cause i'm coping
cloudster-clown · 1 year
Naah I was on the verge of tears watching the whole thing go down with Bobby, roier, and jaiden. I don't even wanna think about what happens if or when Chayanne or Tallulah dies
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evermorethecrow · 10 months
This is for the eyes of @emtearzz specifically, I'm politely asking every and anyone else to ignore this for the sake of my reputation and heart pls pls pls I know I'm shameless but not THIS shameless
I'll post the second half in a bit
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lupismaris · 1 month
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vexxandra · 3 months
what is coming? (timeless pick-a-card)
for those who need comfort, or dream of the future, this might be the pac for you ☆ 3-17-23 .
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PILE ONE ; " i'm so tired " ...
how long have you been keeping yourself awake? it's up to you to decide whether that statement was metaphorical or literal, but the point still stands. can't catch sleep? it's not your fault. you don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you deserve to rest. sleep is a blessing that you will catch up on soon. the mistakes of your past shouldn't stop you from rejuvenating yourself. i'm sorry this relief from life has been taken from you.
i can see that what's coming toward you is more closure. conflicts being resolved, and action being taken to prevent future problems from happening. peace is coming, and more spiritual peace- however you may find it. you are finding what is lost or missing; a confidant, a part of yourself you lost, or a sense of responsibility. this will make you feel a little less confused in this dark time. whatever you find, make sure it benefits you, not hinders you.
extra: the number 7 or 16, cheerleading, studying, driving/cars, violent - carolesdaughter, the need to please, disappointment, "you are more than your thoughts, more than your past" green, spring months, gaming to cope, betrayal, "you deserve love because you exist"
PILE TWO ; " i am fighting " ...
you are so strong. your strength is commendable, and so is your resolve. you are making me smile. things seem to be good for you right now, but have they always? no one is born to be so resilient, it's our experiences that shape us to be who we are, and yours have molded you into a warrior, pile two. you are so strong, have you heard that before? i feel like you don't get recognized enough. but you suffered, and i see that. i see that, and i see you. thank you, for never giving up.
stability is reaching you. i feel like you have a 'fake it till you make it mindset' in order to reach what you truly want. but i see that you will soon have whatever you desire. it will be unmistakably yours, and you'll know in your heart when you find it. you will be emotionally fulfilled, and reach a state of kind of 'enlightenment' where you're like, i know what im doing now, it all makes sense. it will be a moment where everything clicks, and everything settles down.
extra: pink, red, gold, orange, chains of pearls, instruments, stuffy, nostalgia, memories like the color yellow, may, june, 2018, "this feels right", back to the future/past, vintage, aesthetic, dream girl vibes, photos, "everything is okay"
PILE THREE ; " where is the sun ? " ...
you have lost your sun, pile three. you remind me of a sunflower, looking for the sun to turn to, but what happens if the sun isn't there? you are aimless and lost, trying to find what has been stolen from you. but it hasn't, has it? it's time to take off your lenses, and realize that this isn't healthy. you have been stuck in a cycle for a while, and i feel like you kind of actually trap yourself in it. i get it, it's better to be trapped than face the reality. but is the pain you're causing yourself really worth it? please find strength in yourself to break free. trust me, it's better than staying. im rooting for you, pile three.
what's coming toward you is the strength to pull yourself out of this negative situation. i see you putting yourself first, and sparing yourself of further heartbreak, disappointment, and sadness. i can see that this will sort of be a tower moment for you; the tower has always been shaky, but it's only now that you are fleeing from it, and i'm proud of you. it's hard, but you can do it. after, you might find yourself stuck in your own thoughts secondguessing, but you did the right thing. never forget that. i also see someone of importance entering your life, a little after this.
extra: dont worrry darling, omori, pink beats, neurodivergence, black, alternative culture, crosses, pinky promises, mother figure, chocolate, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, balloons, lamps, llamas, "why would you leave me?", "because i couldn't stay", polish
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angiethewitch · 8 months
So, I'm also mentally ill, and I really don't understand why you think it violates your personal rights for you to be held accountable for taking the medication that keeps you stable, safe, and functional.
Do you think you should be allowed to act inappropriately because of your illness? Do you think you should be allowed to possibly hurt yourself and others? Do you have delusions about the healthcare system or medication? Do you dislike being stable or lucid? Like, why do you think that it's okay to neglect your mental health conditions and make people around you feel concerned or scared for your safety? Do you think that people shouldn't take meds in general, or just you?
Personally I enjoy being stable and healthy and I don't understand why you want to put yourself and others through distress. It seems like internalized ableism mixed with self harm tbh. I hope you get better someday and learn to love yourself when you're stable instead of hiding in your psychosis and hurting yourself and others.
it's actually ableist to come and assume that I'm violent and unsafe simply because im schizophrenic. ive been off my antipsychotics for nearly 2 years now, under the supervision of my doctor and psychologist, I have no such delusions about the healthcare system - once again, it is ableist for you to say a schizophrenic MUST be delusional for not wanting to go on medication. it is ableist for you to assume I MUST be a danger to myself or others because I am schizophrenic. it is ableist of you to come in here and be so fucking condescending, explaining things to the obviously insane schizophrenic. it is ableist of you to say I MUST not be stable or lucid. it is ableist of you to say I MUST be acting inappropriately. bro im just in fucking work. it is ableist of you to say i MUST be neglecting my mental health when I'm not on medication when I thought it was widely understood that medication is not the only answer.
I am not in distress and I do not cause distress. you've completely misunderstood my stance, just because medication works for you does not mean it works for everyone. my stance is that it violates bodily autonomy to force medication down my throat or strap me down and inject me with medication I did not consent to taking. either you did not understand that or you don't care, and you think people with mental illnesses should be stripped of their autonomy.
absolutely nobody is scared for my safety. I was discharged from the psychosis intervention services with my psychologist saying he feels incredibly positive about my recovery. I am a supervisor in charge of a team of people in my work and im on my way to a management position. for the record, I may still have periods of instability, but therapy and learning healthy coping mechanisms has been far more helpful than 5 years of a medication that gave me amnesia. and the medication didn't even stop the symptoms, they just put me in a chemical straitjacket.
how dare you come in to my inbox and spew ableism and assume things about me. get off my blog.
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anzulvr · 6 months
idrk how to request— BUT WHAT ABT READER AS HIS SPARRING PARTNER ?? above average strength but obv he would win though he ended up hurting u, what do u think would he do? LIKE DOES HE DISREGARD THE FACT THAT THEY'RE IN PHYSICAL ED AND JUST CARRY HER AND THEN WHOO—
Summary: Karma × Reader getting hurt while sparring// fluff 🎀// I luv him pls sorry this took so long it deleted 😭😭
❝ sect. 01 pre fight ❞
— There weren’t many reasons you got paired up with Karma in to begin with,
One: you begged Karasuma- (he said no)
Two: Korosensei pulled strings for you, only because you're his favorite couple. (You’re literally the only official couple in class so he doesn’t have many options to choose from but still.)
You were so sick of Karma going easy on you. You're just as capable as anyone else in class, sure you came into eclass with zero fighting experience but you've been progressing over time. Even then, he didn’t budge on his stance on not wanting to throw hits the times you were paired up.
Karma wasn't one to underestimate people, anyone who wanted a good fight could get one- he'll even offer them a head start but you're a different story.
He wouldn’t lay a finger on you even for class, wouldn't that make him a shitty boyfriend?
Anytime you spare he guides your hand, takes your hits and high-fives you if you do it right, he does anything but retaliate.
So much so Karasuma refuses to pair you up together because the most Karma will do is dodge.
Luckily today Korosensei managed to convince him.
You spend half the class time begging Karma to just throw a jab swearing up and down you could take it.
"You nearly broke Nagisas nose but you can't hit me once? I'm asking you it's fine!"
"That's different, that's Nagisa, you're you."
he dodges as you swing your anti-koro knife
"So what?! Are you saying Nagisa can take it but I can't?"
"[Name] you know that's not what I'm saying. I just mean I can cope with giving Nagisa a nose bleed, I don't want to hurt you."
you swing again, this time getting the side of his torso
Karma grabs your fist and yanks you towards himself
“Got you.” He sticks his tongue out
"Im not saying you have to go ballistic— I'm just saying you can put up more of a fight."
"Alright fine, but if you feel like I’m being too rough tell me to stop.”
❝ sect. 02 aftermath❞
— You should've kept your end of the deal but you didn't say anything cause he’d feel bad. The pain all over your leg and thigh was killing you.
He hadn’t even hit you — he kept tripping you over and over again, in his mind it was pretty harmless but enough of a jab to keep you happy except it wasn’t harmless you kept biting your tongue every time you fell on a rock and it burned even harder than the last time.
He didn't notice until you struggled to stand up and he saw blood trickling down your leg, he crouched down to where you were at in an instant.
"[Name]..! Why didn’t you say anything— , are you okay?"
"I didn't want you to regret sparring me! It's fine it's not bad just a little blood, plus I got you a few times too.”
"I’m so stupid. Sorry [Name], can you stand?”
Your leg was fine it was more of a big scrape that worsened each time you fell on something sharp and didn’t tell him, disinfecting it and wrapping it up would fix it.
He pulls you up from your hand, "I'm pretty sure Korosensei has the shed packed with medical supplies let's go there."
Karma’s willing to carry you on his back if you want him to.
❝ sect. 03 at the shed❞
— He has you sit on a stool inside the shed while he looks for bandages, "Towels... paper... Korosensei's weird stash of Magazines... where the hell are the bandage wraps?!"
You point behind him "Karma isn't that a first aid kit?"
"Oh yeah- good job [name]! Wait let me take a picture of his stash to blackmail him with first"
(He has his priorities straight)
He quickly takes a picture of Korosensei's pile of Magazines and returns to the issue at hand. He gently cleans your wounds and wraps them, something he's done plenty of times for himself, not much of a difference.
You swing your other leg, "this is kinda weird… I'm usually the one doing this for you."
He smiles for a moment "I thought the same thing!"
Once you’re leg is all wrapped up he asks you to stand up to see how everything felt.
“Thought of how I can make it up to you yet?”
"It’s not a big thing! Plus this is the first time I've gotten injured in a fight so I feel pretty cool.."
"Pffft yeah?, you look cool too— imagine the crazy stories you can make up when people ask how you got that."
"Im gonna tell people I survived a lion attack."
"Sounds good, I'll tell people I saw it go down so it's more credible."
With one hand still on your bandages he kisses you and for a moment you forget where you’re supposed to be, he pulls back and laughs for a second.
“Ditching class to kiss a guy [name]? Wouldn’t expect that from you.”
“We’re not ditching- and you initiated it, let’s go before Korosensei finds us and lectures us again.” You shivered at the thought.
When you come back to class Korosensei was frantically looking for you.
“Karasuma told me he looked away for a second and you too were gone! I looked everywhere- where were you?!"
Funnily enough Korosensei looked everywhere except the shed he was so worried he forgot to check the area yet flew internationally 10 times.
"We went to look in the shed for medical supplies."
"The shed of course! Why didn't I think of that... anyway I'm glad you're alright, what happened to your leg [Name]?"
"A lion... it's alright I took care of it."
"A lion..?"
"Yeah- you should've seen her teach, she won a fist-fight with a huge lion, all by herself."
Korosensei’s face flashes green “full points!”
He didn’t actually believe that but from the look on his face he got the hint Karma was the one who took care of your injury and that’s all that mattered to him.
a/n sorry if this is bad😭, tell me if there’s any spelling mistakes pls !! And sorry for the late post :)
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Hi! Fan of yr comic here. I just wanted to know, Is this comic Sonadow? Cause it kinda feels like it going there. I don't know if it's just me being suspicious or...
depends on what you define as "being sonadow"
does thoam feature sonic and shadow getting closer as people and getting to know eachother better, learning to trust eachother and unlearn wrong assumptions about one another, which raises their deep respect for eachother while simultaneously fueling their rivalry? yeah. but is thoam a boring flat romance drama or is it an action adventure with cool monsters and character development and deep themes that make you lie awake at night
the comic speaks for itself, i hope.
I get asked this a lot and at this point i just want to point this out, bc i forgot if i already had done so (again bc i get this a lot):
I'm not denying the queerness of the characters. my comic is inherently queer, and the characters being queer does influence the way they interact with the world, BUT. that is not what the story is about. this story is about coping with insecurity, about growing from your mistakes, about finding and accepting your true self (just identity as a whole) and accepting help. especially accepting help.
and also about monsters and cool fight scenes and fun character dynamics and the beauty of the world and friendship and about how things aren't as black and white as we'd like them to be sometimes.
i put a lot of work weaving those themes into the story, the character moments and world building and so on and so forth, so it's always a little disappointing when people see sonic and shadow growing closer as characters and reduce ALL OF THAT to "shadow smile for 1 second so gay cute wow"
like yes, they're gay (in an aromantic way), but that's not what this is about im begging you to read the panels that don't have these two in frame as well
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myunghology · 1 year
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XIAO , SCARAMOUCHE , KAZUHA general relationship headcanons.
!! gender neutral reader, completely sfw, fluff. tw ? ; none ( song reco )
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you guys are definitely taking it slow, he still has to adjust y'know. even if he's over 2,000 years old, i doubt he's ever been in a romantic relationship. ( is that an insult ? ; maybe )
overprotective, doesn't care who it is, he just is. the only exception is probably zhongli and ganyu. still unsure about traveler, but i'm leaning to maybe yes.
"who's that? why are you acting so close with them? do i know them? have you mentioned them before?" "....xiao that's one of my family members." "oh."
easily flustered. he can either cover it up easily, or he can't. there's no in between, or that's up to you if you want to decide.
can't express his feeling's properly. this ones a little bit toxic, but if you didn't want accurate headcanons then i think you came to the wrong blog.
but you cant really blame him, he's naturally like that. and it's probably gonna take him a long time to actually open up about his feelings, but if you're an understanding and patient person, then that's better.
he'll probably ignore you if he's jealous, but i guess that's how he copes dawg
he'd want you to come to him first more than him actually confronting you.
but put all that aside- he gives you little things that reminded him of you whenever he goes somewhere. he would sometimes give you a random cute hairpin and said that it'd suit you, which it did.
that's what makes your relationship so cute, he does these little things that make you smile, like taking you out to places where he thinks it's pretty, just like you. he thinks. he does this because he doesn't know how else to express it. ( shakespeare could never amirite )
it's ironic enough that him and xiao are similar in relationships, more so that they absolutely can't express their feelings properly.
but what's different is that he expresses it more aggressive about it. more passive-aggressive probably.
buys you stuff you want without even asking, if he sees you looking at it then he buys it for you the next day, maybe even something better, but still the same design.
you tell him to stop spending his money on you when you don't even need it, but he tells you to just be good and take it. you give in, because it'd be a waste if he bought it and he'd just give it right back after.
but if you like it that way, then he's your personal sugar daddy now congratulations
denies it whenever you call him out when he's being shy, especially when you flirt back, this guy is a hard flirt, only to you of course.
there may be tons of women or men who are into him, but he's only looking at you, if he wanted to cheat, he can. but he doesn't.
"i don't understand why you're so worried about that, you know i'll only always be with you." ( AGOI )
but then again, he also says straight forward about problems into a relationship, because he wants to avoid them in the future.
you guys fight sometimes, and i mean teasing by the way, not an actual fight. but fights aren't really rare when you're with him.
it's usually caused because of a misunderstanding.
they do say you fight with the people you love the most
probably the most normal one out of all of them here i fear. sweetest boyfriend ever
bros the whole package
he says whatever's making him uncomfortable in a relationship and he encourages you to do the same and not be ashamed, probably because you two have already been through everything together once you've even started dating.
also he's a very understanding person, and he's willing to listen to you no matter what situation it is.
his love language is probably words of affirmation, saying he loves you out of the blue is his favorite part of the day.
"i love you so much" "..h..huh..?"
10x more soft spoken to you than he is to other people, i know his voice is naturally like that, but he can't help but treat you like your fragile, especially if you're emotional. but if you don't want him to, then he won't push it. especially if you don't like feeling belittled.
closeted sadist
won't force you to do things you don't want to do, but he definitely encourages you.
never and i mean never comments anything rude or disrespectful at you, especially about your appearance. the only things he comments are compliments.
but if you truly want advice for your looks then he'll recommend a hair, clothing switch or something like that, "maybe that would look better, but you really suit anything and everything" he says.
gives you love letters whenever he's away, probably once a week so you don't go overthinking. you don't have to worry about him cheating either, beidou has promised you that she'd tell you if he cheats ( and crush his testicles ) , and obviously, kazuha isn't that type of person, you'd know for sure.
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hollowslantern · 2 months
not really including "grouping series together" type stuff i mean like a library-esque organizational system. asking cause that other poll reminded me how mystified i am by people who do. i just put my books where they fit and they learn to cope with that. reblog for sample size or don't im not the boss of you
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alwaysf0rev3r · 2 years
avenger men in bed ;)
pairing: bruce banner x reader, bucky barnes x reader, steve rogers x reader, thor x reader, stephen strange x reader
warnings: smut, oral sex (f & m recieving), somnophilia (consensual), hair pulling, semi-public sex, restraints and tying up, choking
a/n: let me know if i missed any warnings :)
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Bruce Banner
you. you you you you it's all about YOU always.
he literally just wants to eat you out like ma'am coochie plssssss
obvi he likes a good blowjob and fucking you, but god there was absolutely no better feeling for him than you sitting on his face.
you barely did it, but when he did, he prayed he could die right then and there with you just grinding on his face
he literally just shoves his fingers in his mouth after fingerblasting you cause he's so obsessed with your taste
im sorry but this man absolutely loves to stick a finger in your mouth... the way you suck on it and hallow your cheeks slightly, LORDDDDDDD thats it for him truly
he's more cautious than the rest, but god when he gets horny, he gets HORNY he doesnt gaf where you are
like you guys can be out but he will put his hand in your pants under the table as subtle as possible and then suck on his finger in front of everyone, pretending he was just cleaning some food off his finger
like horny bruce is an absolute different person....
he just doesn't even think about cumming he just gets absolute and total pleasure from watching you finish, there are so many nights he forgets and doesnt cum, and he doesnt care
after care is his thing, he doesn't even mean to do it, he just loves you
brings you tea and some midnight snack while you guys play a board game or watch a movie after
but then he wants to fuck like 5 mins later cuz this man is so desperate for ur cookie ong
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Bucky Barnes
he's definitely rougher with you, into more bdsm type stuff and is super experimental
i feel like he's so into mutual masturbation
like nothing would get him off like telling you what to do while you touch yourself, making you cum without even touching you
mild choking would fs be a thing, but i think he would just always tie you up somehow
metal hand metal hand metal hand
if he doesn't have a tie to tie you up with, his metal hand pushing you down does the job
vertical sixty nine. i said it.
he loves watching you cum, like seriously, the sight of you moaning and twitching relentlessly is enough to make him cream his pants like a teenager
he'd be a huge talker
"you're so good for me" "i'm gonna cum if you keep doing that" "i just wanna fuck the brat out of you" shit like that yk
i think he likes to take control to kind of cope with the fact that he never had any, but its all safe and fun, esp for you cuz yum
this is so random but i can just imagine him coming into the kitchen while you prepared a snack and just putting whipped cream or icing or something like that on your and sucking it off. like its so him
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Steve Rogers
i know a sub when i see one.
this man is a knee begger crier all of it like
i can imagine the first time you guys are in the bedroom, making out more heated than normal and all of a sudden this man WHIMPERS
hes such a boob guy
peace and luv but he is so desperate
like you guys will be out eating dinner with the others and you'll just see his pecker staring at you
he wants you everywhere and any time.
i could imagine you at tony's for some cocktail party, and you go to the restroom to take a piss, but you cant cuz your 6 foot something super human boyfriend is already in the stall waiting for you, hand in pants
he just humps you like a dog and whines so loud, hes definitely a moaner j whispering in your ear in public "im so hard right now, please touch me, i'll do anything" "you're so hot, please just jack me off before i cream my pants just looking at you, god"
HANDJOBS god, you just sitting next to him and jacking him off while you whisper simple "good boy" "you like that, baby?" in his ear... he'd just be thrusting into your hand and moaning so loud he can barely hear you
he loves when you use him to get off, like when you ride his thigh or abs
THAT AMAZONIAN POSITION FUCK WHAT IS IT CALLED cuz god ik steve would just absolutely cumbust when you did it
he basically j loves being your bitch and wants you all the time
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i do not fear much, but lord knows i fear being anywhere within a 100-foot radius of a bed with this man.
he will literally fuck you until you're on the brink of unconsciousness
he's in control but in a more aggressive (consensual) way
FREE USE i j know this man loves to just eat you or fuck you when you're cooking or watching tv, using you when he wants
he loves fucking you in your sleep (you agreed and spoke about it before, its 100% consensual)
like he literally naturally wakes up at 8 everyday just to finger fuck you til you wake up
this man comes home and doesn't even say shit, just bends you over and goes to pound town
no bro face fucking???? absolutely his thing
theres nothing hotter for him than grabbing your hair and just thrusting in and out
the slightly watered eyes, the messy spit, god he sometimes comes close to cumming just THINKING about it
he shows no mercy. oh, you came 10 times and cant move? too bad spread your legs
since he's so rough, i feel like he'd get a little guilty and do the absolute MOST to pamper you afterwards
face masks, full body massages, he'd even give you a little nail trim. like you're in a whole mf spa after you fuck
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Stephen Strange
confidence. this man has it. (ok but if i looked like him i would too tbh)
he's so chill it scares u, like what is this man up to???? even when he takes control, he has this smug chill 'i know it all' tone to him
he absolutely makes you call him doctor when he's in control...
he loves blowjobs like fuck there is nothing hotter than watching you so passionate about taking the most of him you can, the sight of it is even hotter than the feeling
"you're so warm, fuck, just a little longer" "you're being so good, i'll give you a reward, darling, don't worry."
THIS MAN IS AN ABSURDLY GOOD PUSSY EATER LIKE not like ohhh thats a dude who can eat puss its like WTF THAT MAN CAN EAT PUSS...
like it is the most toe curling hair pulling lip biting eye rolling headboard grabbing head like where did this man learn so much
i feel like he is in control more often, but every now and then he presses your buttons (not washing the dishes, being late to dinner, leaving dirty clothes everywhere, etc) just to get you angry. once you're mad enough he just says "show me how angry you are"
when hes sub, he still has a certain chill to him, but its hot
his eyebrows furrow and he just does as told, wanting you to touch him
"yes, i promise, i'll be good." "yes, yes, that feels good, thank you" like this man breathes so deep and just groans so loud
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ganondoodle · 10 months
I'm curious, in your totk rewrite, would the final fight with Ganondorf be the same, or would you do something entirely different?
somewhat, this is a bit of a different take on ganondorf though, it makes more sense in context of his changed ... or added rather, backstory;
you fight him once before, not a phantom like in canon but him physically, were hes still trying to cope with the horros he had lived through being half awake for such a long time so he isnt much for talking, at the end of it he has like a breakdown that essentially causes cataclysm 2.0 (that might even open up new caves that were previously just cracks in walls too) and which spawns the miasma/memory trees that contain his memories, all of which you need to collect to unlock the ending-
structurally the final fight is similar:
theres a horde of enemies you fight all together and the sages get taken away once you reach ganondorf; when you find him hes all calm and collected but does not allow zelda to talk to him despite her understanding how it had come to all of this and her wishing for a different solution; the fight begins but over time as he loses HP he start to act differently, less calculating and like he is in control and more and more aggresively, and more jumpy like he is afraid of something
phase two he gets too cornered and activates his enigma stone + the sages rejoin you, he is visibly just trying to put an end to you using everything he has to offer, phase two of phase two, he loses it and changes into a beast form (a miasma version of the best forms we know basically, i made a sketch of it once but it was only a rly early concept; i need to put more boar features on that
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(unsure whether i want this to be his engima stone active version or the actual beast one) after he changes into beast form he charges at link and zelda and essentially burrows through the earth with them, breaking through the surface in the hyrule plains where the dark beast ganon fight happened in botw, here you fight him in the open, any weathher and time of day can happen here so its a much more diverese vibe each time; he is very fast in this form, if you are familiar with bloodborne im thinking of something akin to the first phase of ludwigs fight but a little more coordinated
this fight ends with zelda telling you to shoot at her so she uses her shielding powers (sth she can also do in the game itself) to reflect your arrow in a certain angle (reference to how ww zelda shoots an arrow you need to deflect in order to defeat gan but in reverse), it hits the ornament keeping the enigma stone in place from the side and it flings off
the battle seemingly ends with beast ganon falling to the ground, zelda tries to run and take it away but gan is still awake and sees in her how sonia sealed him way back, so in a last ditch effort to avoid the fate he had just escaped (despite zelda not wanting to do any of that) lunges for the stone and swallows it
he transforms into a dragon snatching up the both of you and flying high into the sky, zelda can wriggle free but falls and while she could land safely with her paraglider gan is flying off with link so she makes a last moment decision to take in her enigma stone as well, she transforms, rams into gan to free link and a somwhat similar fight as in canon happens, though i would like zelda to be more openly agressive towards dragon-gan
sicne in this version gan doesnt have his stone on the forehead somehow but inside like you would expect you need to fly into his mouth to end the fight, assuming you have found the lab that held the moonbloom (perhaps kogas so tie him nicely into it all) needed for the reverse dragon medicine (bc i wanted to involve links passion for cooking somewhat i thought it would be cool if he takes the chrage on that to make that special dish), you now use it, causing gan to spit out his stone and reversing (still unsure whether he survives this or not, but i thought of the scene from spirited away when chihiro gives haku the lil herb thingy to make him spit out whats killing him when i was coming up with this) zelda catches you again and you use the second charge on her to reverse her as well, boom you got your epic falling scene, the sages also now have made their way up through the tunnel, perhaps they catch gan too
this is a super rough current concept for it, it might all change still so dont take this as the final version, still working on it all after all
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nunalastor · 1 month
I'm the one who made Alastor whump ideas earlier and I saw that not many liked it probably cause I didn't seem to be an actual fan with how I wanted to see him suffer... Haha...
But let me just clarify something, most of these ideas were things I read in other fics and I absolutely want him not to suffer. I just find the whump interesting cause a lot of people think he would react differently with different coping mechanisms. Would he cry? Stop smiling? Hurt himself? Blame himself? Or would he actually become a better person? Would heaven take pity on him?
Yes, I may not me the best fan, but I am still one. So as an apology, I present different ways Alastor can get happier:
-Getting into an actual, healthy relationship where they mutually love eachother and banter while trusting eachother. (Serial Roommates Im looking at you.)
-Seeing his mother and actually connecting with her (She remembered him through motherly love)
-All the hotel accepting him for who he is (a cannibal sadist who enjoys seeing others suffer)
-Him deciding to help the hotel genuinely (Self explanatory)
-Lucifer and him having healthy banter where they connect through dad jokes (giving me diabetes)
-Him trusting the hotel enough to open up and they help him through his problems and allow him to keep opening up
-Everyone respecting his boundaries (I think they already do this but I just had to put it out there)
-Vox putting his obsession aside to genuinely try become friends with Alastor (Unlikely but I really hope this happens)
-Adam apologising for hurting him (genuine apology, not fake)
-A universe where he doesn't have to force himself to smile most of the time
-He accepts the fact that he's becoming a part of the hotel and actually beginning to like them
-He let's Husk go from the leash (both benefitting and not)
-People he's saved or helped when he was alive and/or dead just all get together to thank him (Serial roommates im looking at you)
-Everyone just caring and not pitying him
-He and Angel becoming friends and having conversation without sexual innuendos (No hate to Angel I love him)
-Just a hug from the people he trusts
Let me be frank and clear here, I am an Alastor fan and yes I may have been quite vague in the earlier ask but I am someone who also enjoys to see Alastor succeed. What you just saw was one of the many sides a human being has. I can be someone who wishes for suffering and happiness. Just because I am anonymous does not take away the fact that I am a human and I can also feel emotions. Please do not hate on me for the fact that I was just saying things that I had seen from other fanfics. I love Alastor with all my heart and I also really love Alastor fluff, please do not make me seem so 2D that I hate characters I actually love.
Any other suggestions are accepted.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
u have a no nonsense perspective i appriciate. am i being overly sensitive if i'm kinda triggered by those adhd comics where the protagonist gets diagnosed/accepts themselves and says something along the lines of "i get to forgive myself?!"? because my brain automatically injects "unlike those other people who don't have a reason to fail and cant/shouldnt forgive themselves". im neurotypical so im not the target audience but my friends keep putting that stuff on my dash and idk how to deal
A lot of "my minority is so great" art is kind of implicitly saying so at the expense of others. Dwelling on it is oversensitive, but I think you're right that there's a bit of weird subtext sometimes. (My personal most hated flavor on tumblr is Smug Asexuality Comics, but there are many versions.)
Lots of people can run into Executive Function, What Executive Function? problems, both from other neurodivergence and from things like situational depression, anxiety directly caused by stress, etc. If life throws a lot at you at once, you won't necessarily escape all these symptoms just because you don't happen to have a specific diagnosis of neurodivergence or chronic mental illness.
A lot of shit overlaps and so do a lot of coping mechanisms that can handle it. The named problems are just a specific constellation of symptoms that are particularly long-term, particularly intense, and that don't relate as much to changes in environment. So perhaps some people deserve extra help coping and extra understanding, but the building blocks of all these problems are things that everybody could use a helping hand with.
I doubt most of these comics are trying to say "nobody else deserves nice things", but one does sometimes come away with that impression.
What you should do next depends on whether your problem is that your friends are posting things you find annoying or whether you feel like you are not allowed leeway and forgiveness (by your own brain, by your friends, by your family).
One of these should be ignored. The other...
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1940sbutton · 1 month
im still grieving gummigoo so im gonna cope like i cope with every blorbo of mine that dies
so what if someone (someone = gummigoo) spawned into the circus like everyone else by putting on the headset, but instead of spawning into the actual circus like normal, he spawned into one of Caine's minigames? Maybe during episode one when the abstracted Kaufmo was out terrorizing everyone and Bubble + Caine were chatting in that restaurant before Caine went to go save everyone someone got teleported in. there are two possibilities why he spawned in wrong.
1. Pomni was freshly and newly accepted into the circus. There might have been a bug in the system which caused him to arrive in the wrong place since it wasn't fully able to register two people consecutively joining.
2. Abstracted Kaufmo may have caused a stir in the system so when gummigoo arrived it wasn't able to load properly.
the reason why gummigoo didn't seem to act human (sticking to the script of having a sick/dying mother who needs the syrup to stay alive) and functioned like an NPC was cause Caine might've mistook him for one (Caine gets humans and NPCS mixed up all the time). Caine cannot control the humans brains (episode one) which contradicts the theory that Caine programmed him to use a script with plot, but using the logic and theory that abstracted Kaufmo did infact cause a disturbance in the system, gummigoo may have glitched or arrived at the map in a violent way (example: falling from the sky and landing headfirst) which caused severe brain damage. Gummigoo thinks he's an NPC cause the first thing he remembered after waking up was Caine probably talking to him about the plot that he's supposed to use and the script he needs to stick to. He wouldn't be in the right mental state (or physical state if something actually got mixed up in his brain, I remember there was a case where a man was axed repeatedly to the point where he was on the verge of death but apparently the part of his brain that remembers routines like morning routines or night routines was still functioning so he did his entire morning routine with the remaining body energy he had left and then died) to register this as false and just went with it
it is currently 10:47PM right now and I'm mourning so if this doesn't make sense do not correct me I have no respect for myself
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circular-bircular · 20 days
hello! im currently questioning whether I am disordered or not. I was wondering if you would be willing to share your experiences if you're comfortable or maybe share some good resources about what its like being disordered because im really lost rn. this blog is great btw! take care of yourself <3
Hey there! Glad you enjoy my blog, sorry it took a bit to get to this. This is the first night in like a month that I have any free time whatsoever (and that's cause I'm putting off grades, lol...)
I hope you don't mind a bulletpointer on this one!
Disordered experiences...
Firstly, I cannot overstate how fucking everything about me is impacted by trauma. Physical health? I get sick more often because my body has fought as hard as it has to survive -- it's an actual thing that traumatized people get physically sick more often. Mental health? Shit. Depression's comorbid, anxiety is comorbid, and I've even seen discussions about the connections between autism and DID, and those two do not mix well in me. All of my everything is constantly fucked.
I cannot goddamn sleep. Sleep is a goddamn hellscape. I run from somewhere between 2 to 6 hours of sleep most nights, and have to take plenty of naps just to survive. That makes it next to impossible some days to get the energy I need, or if I did get enough nappies, to get the free-time I need.
In terms of my actual DID... Amnesia is the biggest one. I constantly have gaps. I have to write every single thing down. I have plenty of accomodations, sure! But even those fail from time to time, and then it's just a spiral. Like, today at work, I had a surprise meeting I did not write down, because I just forgot to. I forgot about the meeting until 10 minutes prior, when I got an alert in my email about it. This meant I skipped lunch, and had to try and focus without having eaten since 9am. This made my day harder, which led to...
Dissociation!!! God fuck. It's so hard to focus sometimes. I am so spaced out. Today was one of those days where I had to cling to my phone for survival and grounding. Not the healthiest coping mechanism, but it's better to be writing posts on tumblr during class than forgetting I'm in class at all. And none of the kids snitch on me -- just get a little pissy if I don't call on them quickly enough.
Trauma flashbacks. Ough. If I get stuck in one, goodbye ability to think for awhile. It's been happening more and more frequently at work lately, so there goes my 30 minute lunch spent in the bathroom forgetting I exist because I feel like I'm going to my parents house after school.
That ties into paranoia. I have to convince myself more often than not that, when I get home, my abusers won't be there. I'm 26 and haven't directly lived with them in 3 years, and I cut them off close to a year ago. I still wake up thinking they're breaking in.
That's about all I can think off quick, off the top of my head. Basically... owie owie my brain is a big ol bruise.
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zykamiliah · 1 year
Shen Qingqiu, who’d always been so good at mental gymnastics, reached a new high in his number of mental roasts, madly smashing through his old records—yet he still couldn’t put himself at ease, and instead he only grew more tired and worn out. He relentlessly told himself to the point of auto-brainwashing: the suffering and torment Luo Binghe endured now was all necessary in order for him to stand above the masses in the future. Without enduring the bone-chilling cold / How could fragrant plum blossoms hope to bloom / Without three years’ training in realms below / How could a demon king over worlds loom? Xin Mo in hand, he would possess everything beneath the heavens / With a harem innumerable, he need not be an incel… But it was useless. It was completely useless. Nothing could lift his spirits. (Chapter 4: Conference)
take a shot every time in vol. 1 sqq talks about brainwashing himself. from the skinner demon incident, and after the demon invasion, when it comes to what he has to do in the Immortal Alliance Conference, over and over, the man keeps trying to convince himself that it's fine, this is how things are supposed to go. the disciples dying. him having to reject and push luo binghe into the abyss. the mental stress this situation most have put in himself, that's something i can't comprehend at all.
He selfishly hoped that Luo Binghe would go of his own volition. In this kind of scenario, characters who chose to jump from cliffs were always caught on something—then Shen Qingqiu could go on believing his own lies that this scene would have a happy end.
pushing lbh into the endless abyss was so fucking traumatizing. like this is one of the reasons he can't talk about it when lbh asks him. he has trauma, and doesn't speak about it, avoids thinking about it, similar to the way yqy can't talk about his own trauma. the guilt, the fact that he, in his owns eyes, killed the person he adores so much.
Only Shen Qingqiu knew that the one he was mourning was in truth within that sword mound, buried underneath and never to return: that youth as warm as the sun.
and not only that, but their relationship. god sqq had come to genuinely love living with luo binghe, just being around him and depending on him.
Clearly Shen Qingqiu was the one who’d raised that little lamb of a protagonist, so why did it seem like the protagonist had been the one looking after him? He was scaring his disciples, putting on the act of a grieving widow whose husband had just died. Hadn’t it been only a couple of days since he’d last seen that child?
^this is what I mean when I said sqq also got psychological damage from their separation.
But, perhaps because Luo Binghe had left, he really was a bit lonely. Especially when he thought about how five years from now, when they reunited, a relationship that had once been that of a compassionate teacher and filial disciple (or something) would become defined by veiled murderous intent and daggers hidden within smiles. (Chapter 4: Conference)
and the nail on the coffin is the notification system. honestly im still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that lbh hold on hope for 15+ days that his shizun would go back for him.
What truly broke him and caused him to weep at the heavens was that, after several days of silence, the System sent him a message truly devoid of all humanity.
【 Congratulations! You have successfully completed the key quest, “The Legend Begins: Luo Binghe’s Fall and Rebirth.” Reward: Protagonist satisfaction points +10,000. 】
now this "weeping to the heaven", is it an hyperbole or is it literal? I'm going with the latter, because sqq loves to make fun about his own feelings. and when distracting himself and humor don't suffice, he has to go take his anger on something or someone
Being so unhappy, naturally Shen Qingqiu had to go take it out on someone else. So, he had Ming Fan deliver a message inviting Shang Qinghua to the Bamboo House.
a coping mechanism similar to bingge's, talk about parallels, toxic masculinity etc
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