#im just rambling at this point
aquariusshadow · 11 months
ngl seeing r*na do the "lets keep our relationship a secret" trope thing in the trailer is already making me go "ugh...seriously?" like it's the final season; portwell got scuffed last season unfairly and yet i'm supposed to believe r*na will be endgame and that's the trope they wanna do? (also it says a lot that gina doesnt feel comfortable enough in their relationship to just be normal about it and not hide it, especially since nini is gone and ej was...not in the trailer at all???? like h u h?)
what made portwell so appealing over r*na was how healthy the relationship seemed in s2 and the mutual respect for each other. there were no secrets, no 'hiding their relationship' (or in s2's case, a budding friendship), just two people who just cared about each other and it was healthy
granted this is just a trailer for the final season and everything is out of context, but that quote really just rubbed me the wrong way 🤷‍♀️
it's also kinda frustrating cuz i liked r*na in s1 and i still think they have really good chemistry so there is a part of me that's kinda rooting for them? in the sense of "if theyre gonna be endgame at least let it be decently written"
sigh, frankly i just miss portwell, we could've had it all
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booksbringmagic · 7 months
Ya know Neuvillette's voicelines about judging the archons are wild I mean they've all absolutely done shit (except Nahida whose done no wrong). But at least from what I understood (which could be totally wrong tbf) is that it's the heavenly principles that forced the archon war and claiming of the gnosis and even Zhongli really only ended up claiming a seat to protect his people which I feel like Neuvillette should understand.
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foxgloveciara · 2 years
Do you think the only reason saiki would get a phone (or use one, can't remember if he already had one) would be for whatever job he gets.
I don't see him getting a phone for any other reason really, even if its for his friends, they tend to just. Go to his house, the other psychics (plus akechi) also do that or??? Think really hard about him so saiki can hear them idk????
I'd imagine that be annoying for him, it's likely he gets one for work then all his friends find out and suddenly they have his number.
Anyway the top people in his call/text history would be work, his mum, then akechi (akechi would send him paragraphs on paragraphs of texts), he's probably blocked his brother (multiple times) and his dad (but then unblock him hours later).
Anyway a cute thought but if his ma hadn't seen him that day, she would text him cute little messages like "have good day ku!!!!! <3<3<3" or "I love you ku!!! <3<3<3<3<3" because let's be real she's the type of mum to do that, maybe even send pictures of like. Things she sees that she thinks he'd like (coffee jelly, sweets) or straight up those like. Good morning images with a bunch of roses and hearts, they are usually gift, but saiki would like then either way because he is a mamas boy.
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authorofthemoon · 1 year
I wonder if it's obvious that I'm a newer DC fan due to the fact I vastly prefer Timbern over Timkon. I don't dislike Timkon I just didnt experience their friendship in real time like a lot of people. The first I ever heard of Tim Drake was when he was announced as bi and with Bernard. Though the aspect of Tim having feelings for Conner and not knowing at the time is very interesting as well.
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8lood8ath-8irthday · 1 year
It’d be really funny if wammys house had like big big intricate murals of L all around and stuff and it’s literally just the letter OR if they wake up and on some intercom it goes “please stand for the pledge of allegiance I pledge allegiance to L one mind bound to logic or some crap like that
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stheta · 2 years
in my personal opinion (the only opinion that matters) i believe jack and the doctor should’ve been canon because who the fuck else would understand the doctor better than an ex-soldier who hates his existence but tries to find beauty in it and is constantly fighting that soldier within himself and is constantly apologizing for mistakes he’s both made and will make in the future, apologizing for things that aren’t his fault, knowing time and space and history and being the odd one out in every room he stands in and not knowing what it’s like to truly belong even in a room full of people just like himself (except for the fact that there’s nobody like him and even if there was, that person could be an exact copy of him and that copy still wouldn’t understand him)
edit: ADDING FURTHER TO THIS. who else would understand the doctor more than Jack Harkness. a man whose shrouded in grief and lies and can never be 100% honest about who he is and where he’s from because he’s scared of the consequences and he knows the things people will say and ask and possibly even do to him. who else would understand the doctor better than Jack Harkness who has watched people he’s loved more than anything die and grow old with time and knew he could do nothing about it but wishes he could and blames himself for something he can’t control and isn’t his fault. who else would understand the doctor more than Jack who thinks his existence is a mistake and something he’ll never feel worthy enough of deserving. like y’all. i’ve got the clown makeup on.
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flaming-like-anything · 11 months
Spoilers for S2E6
Okay can we talk about the "I forgive you?" at the very end?
I know Aziraphale like to say that quite a bit, but I didnt realise till the end that he still wanted Crowley to be "good" to be on the right side. And by him forgiving Crowley hopefully God would forgive him too.
(Honestly I thought they were past that after S1)
And it breaks my heart so much. Because Crowley accepts Aziraphale as is. For millennia he knew that Aziraphale was uncomfortable with balancing haven and their friendship.
But Aziraphale has never fully accepted Crowley. It that all or nothing (black and white) mentality.
And while hes starting to come to terms with "their side" the second he could get Crowley on His side he took that chance without even saying "give me a day to mull it over" and have a real conversation with Crowley. Not the kind they actually had, but one where they genuinely sit down and listen to each other.
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Gender is so confusing... why am I supposed to know what I am?? Does anyone truly know what they are?? Like?? Just. How does anyone label themselves confidently??
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smallestapplin · 10 months
If you ever want a good size difference in castlevania, but go “Mm they are just normal height.”
Mesh the anime and video games.
Dracula is at least 8-9ft tall, with his pure monster form being even taller.
Alucard (at least in sotn) is around 7ft, as his sprite is taller than Richter, and Richter is a pretty big guy.
Most Belmonts are between 5’10-6ft.
These are the mental notes I keep with me when I’m writing for castlevania.
And I live by this.
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joshy-tomato · 10 months
I just realized something after watching the trailer for... I dont know how many times.
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There the traveler is about to fight the Gardemeks with Navia.
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But then he starts to strugle with something and can't even stand up.
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When Navia attacks, he's still in the ground.
I could be reading too deep into this but the bodyguards don't follow Navia, they stay behind with the Traveler, almost as if thay are trying to protect him.
And the first part while the Traveler struggles is right after Neuvillette talks about charges being pressed that got me thinking.
What if we are wrong about the Traveler being arrested and put to trial. In every other nation we get in some kind of similar trouble, why should be the nation of Justice a exception? And thats why it would be the perfect exception. Imagine, there is a trial but the traveler is in the place of the victim.
At this point the traveler is an international figure, the start of the trailer is implied we are an official guest, by the words of the Hydro Archon herself. Something happening to the traveler, and the trial over the incident would be the perfect way to draw attention. And im sure the Fatui would like that.
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eccentrickleptomaniac · 10 months
Elaborate on that....
the saarland is a now-german state known for its history of being a long-disputed area between france and germany.
it has both french and german culture, therefore in my headcanon she is the child of france and prussia(? german empire? doesnt matter prussia was like the only person manning that fusion most of the time)
HOWEVER, the debate kinda started post vienna congress, therefore france and the uk were kinda? married? idk if they were actually married or its some weird ch thing like platonic marriage lets just move on
so this child is franco-german which. ? is weird i guess but not super uncommon Marriage is though the countries are pretty much aromantic lol anyway as i was saying because she was franco-german both parents wanted her and because said parents were enemies it led to a few conflicts
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prxckedradiolove · 10 months
GUYS i wanna make a tuck discord that would be so good im doing im doing it omg letz go lets do it
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bluezeri · 2 years
luke skywalker but he makes friends with a grouchy force ghost thats totally not a sith that teaches him about eating other force ghosts
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tasteofyourblood · 2 years
the tragedy of friends going from having an interesting character alluding to homosexuality to 'i have a drag queen for a dad and im wildly homophobic'... i will forever be angry about the lost potential of s1 chandler
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dadrockyaoi · 7 months
i’ve talked abt this enough on my side blog but like genuinely it is so frustrating to be a leftist when ur vietam without ur parents saying ur brainwashed and biased
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keyboard-cowgirl · 1 year
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You're a mean one, Mr. MiB. A Westworld-inspired playlist full of dark alternative country, engine-revving rock, and menacing instrumentals with an electric twist... for the one, the only... the bastard in black. Don't lecture me on my music choices, you fucking can opener.
Made by yours truly
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