#i support the palestinian fight for liberation unconditionally
dadrockyaoi · 7 months
i’ve talked abt this enough on my side blog but like genuinely it is so frustrating to be a leftist when ur vietam without ur parents saying ur brainwashed and biased
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silicacid · 6 months
The Righteous Fury of the Israeli Left – Ilan Pappé
It is hard to write on anything that is not aimed at informing people of the genocide taking place and adding our voice to those who are doing all they can to stop it.
This notion is reinforced by such tragic estimations as, for example, a recent statement by the World Health Organization, that every ten minutes, a child is killed by the Israeli military in Gaza.
However, one can only draw some hope, in these dark times, from the huge and growing solidarity movement all over the world. This movement doesn’t cave in to scare tactics employed by governments and politicians, and is advocating for an immediate ceasefire.
As horrific as this chapter in the history of modern Palestine is, it is unfortunately not a game changer.
The basic constellation of powers – locally, regionally and globally – will remain the same.
This might be more transformative if the fight spreads to include an uprising in the West Bank and inside Israel, and the opening of fronts in the east and north of Israel. As this piece is being written, this has not yet unfolded.
The political elites of the Global North and some of the Global South will continue to provide international immunity for Israel’s criminal policies on the ground. Yet their civil societies will continue by and large to stand behind the Palestinian liberation movement.
On the ground, the military imbalance between Israel and the Palestinians – despite the surprise attack – will remain the same, and quite a few Arab states will eventually continue the normalization process.
Also, the struggle in Israel between the messianic settlers and the secular Jews fighting over their own versions of apartheid will continue.
And it is in this context, that I would like to focus on the way that liberal Zionists, mainly through the newspaper Haaretz – but also with the support of liberal Zionists around the world – loyally stand behind Israel’s actions. This incomprehensible logic is also reflected in the way western powers justify their immunity to any accountability regarding the genocide in Gaza.
One after the other, main spokespersons for the Zionist Left publish daily op-eds in Haaretz, where they give vent to their righteous fury against what they call the Global Left.
Their anger is worth analyzing, if only just for the purpose of reminding us once more why there is very little hope for change from within Israel.
Zionist Left in a Limbo
The Zionist Left in Israel is in a limbo.
On the one hand, it is ostracized by Jewish society as, at best, being naïve and, at worst, as being accused of betrayal. This is in reaction to their support for the two-state solution and the call to end the occupation. This alienation, of course, is now more acute after the events of October 7.
On the other hand, they are not considered, and rightly so, genuine allies of the Palestinian liberation struggle.
The Israeli Left’s biggest hope was that the Global Left, as they call it, would share the same language and attitude regarding the October 7 operation by Hamas; namely to be unconditionally behind Israel.
The Israeli Left was outraged that, in the eyes of the Global Left, the Hamas operation did not absolve Israel from its past criminal policies nor did it provide Israel with a green light for its genocidal policies in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
To their great surprise, the Global Left in its entirety was galvanized behind the call to “Stop the War” and “Free Palestine”, rather than echoing their government’s repeated response of “We support Israel’s right to defend itself”.
Israel and Colonialism
What is most illuminating – in the dialogue the liberal Zionists have with themselves on the pages of Haaretz – is their vicious attack on any one associating colonialism with Israel.
For some reason, they chose Judith Butler as the main culprit, which would leave many of us disappointed, as we devoted our careers to frame Zionism as settler colonialism, probably going back to the 1960s.
In fact, today, the framing of Zionism and Israel as a settler-colonial project is a consensual issue among all the leading scholars on the Middle East, and it is rejected as an accurate paradigm only among mainstream Israeli academia.
The Global Left is guilty of two ‘sins’, in the eyes of the liberal Zionists: one, it refers to Israel as a settler-colonial state and two, it provides a context for the Hamas attack on October 7.
No Middle Ground
This self-righteousness and fury is not just typical to the Zionist Left. You will hear it from actors in Hollywood, journalists and mainstream academics in the Global North, who suddenly have to take a stand: Are they with the liberation movement or against it?
There is no middle ground anymore. There is no way of supporting the liberal occupier, the progressive ethnic cleanser and the leftist genocider.
The attempt to frame the stance I am calling for as racist or antisemitic will not hold water. It is a matter of where you would see yourself at this critical juncture in history, and how you value your own sense of self respect.
At least, a small ray of hope appeared on my horizon last week. A high school history teacher in Israel was arrested on November 10 for mentioning the context of the Hamas attacks on social media.
Unlike the lost souls on the liberal Israeli Left, this brave teacher reminded his students of the atrocities Israel perpetrated over the years, the right of the Palestinians to defend themselves, and the need for Israel to respect international law.
Such a view is a crime in Israel and, now, the British Home Office wishes to make it a crime in Britain as well.
This is indeed the time for people with moral courage, as the struggle for freedom and liberation will be a long one and needs such allies to support it.
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athingofvikings · 5 years
So I got this “review” the other day on FFnet from a cowardly Guest, and to say that it’s an antisemitic shitshow is an understatement.  The thing is, however, for all of the bigotry on display, it’s literally nothing new. @captainlordauditor and I came up with Bingo Cards last year, and as a result of this person, @dischordant won Antisemitic Bingo.
So here’s the review itself, and my analysis, under the cut:
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Text of the Review:
Alright, that's enough. I'm stopping here. Thanks, it's been a great ride, but I'm drawing the line at having Fishlegs spout psuedo-revanchist Zionist propaganda. The Palestinians have lived in the Zionist-occupied lands for thousands of years, and claims like this one—that the Jews originally lived there—are nothing but propaganda to legitimize the Zionist occupation and genocide. I kept reading, despite my better judgement, after chapter 63 and you admitting that you were Jewish on the hope that you weren't a Zionist, but now I see you spouting the same Zionist talking points that the Israelis do—as if that would excuse your massacres of Palestinians. 
 It's probably not your fault—you were lied to by your "rabbis"—but your ancestors weren't from Palestine. They were Europeans and Khazers who converted to a different religion, and were persecuted for it. I'm sorry for you, but you people of all people should know better than to persecute others. 
 So yeah. Great fic, and I love how you show Christian corruption for what it is, but I can tell that you're not going to do the same for Zionist propaganda, and so I'm going to stop reading here. It's a pity, really, that such a great and apparently liberal author supports genocidal fascists. I guess that's a lesson for the rest of us to learn from.
Now, there are multiple bits to this shitshow, but I’m going to focus on several bits.
First off, the historical revisionism with the Khazer Theory; this is a favorite in the US liberal scene as a way to force Israel to fit with the narrative that Israel is a White Colonialist Occupying Power; by denying the Jewish roots to the Levantine region and redefining us as White, they can delegitimize Israel and the Jewish connection.  
It’s a fancy bit of antisemitism that falls flat for several reasons; we have historical evidence of the Jewish diaspora, plus genetic evidence that the Ashkenazi Jews are more closely related to Levantine groups than they are to European groups.  And, on top of that, a majority of Israelis are from Jewish groups other than the Ashkenazi, who are most definitely not White and not European.  So they have to be ignored and erased to fit this narrative--and on top of that, they’re the victims of ethnic cleansing as well, and had to flee to Israel.
Secondly, I gotta love the scarequotes around “rabbi”, and how I “admitted” to being Jewish--as if that’s something to be ashamed of, or that simply repeating historical facts about the Roman conquest of Judea and the subsequent start of the Jewish diaspora in 132 CE is “psuedo-revanchist Zionist propaganda“!
Thirdly, I fucking hate this victim-blaming bullshit.  “You of all people should know better”?  Yeah, we know better than to unconditionally trust non-Jews at this point.  We’ve learned that no matter how well we assimilate, no matter how well we join in on non-Jewish societies, no matter how much we give up our heritage and identity, no matter how well we fight in non-Jewish wars--we will be cleansed.  That to give up and to try to appeal to humanity and decency just results in our deaths.  We learned that the only way we get to continue to live is if we fight for it, because even the great Savior of the Jewish People, the United States, as that country likes to falsely present itself, couldn’t be bothered to save Jewish lives during the Holocaust, although it made sure to take the credit afterwards!  (More military resources were spent rescuing art and dancing horses than were spent rescuing Holocaust victims). (EDIT: Link to a followup ask on this topic)
Does this excuse the treatment of the Palestinians?  NO.  But painting this as “you of all people should know better” is victim-blaming at its finest--telling the people who are the survivors of genocide and ethnic cleansing that they should not act in their own perceived protection against a hostile world.  
Fourthly, the repeated accusation of Palestinian genocide... this is at this point blood libel.  The Palestinian population is over 5 million and has never dropped below a 2% per annum growth rate in my lifetime.  There have been less than 20,000 deaths in the last 30 years between both sides of the conflict.  Is that good?  NO!  But is it a genocide?  NO!  
So, yeah, there is a lesson to be learned here--and that is that claims of “I’m not antisemitic, just antizionist!” is so often bullshit, where history itself has to be denied and rewritten because it doesn’t fit what these “antizionists” want it to be.
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