#castlevania has me in a chokehold
smallestapplin · 10 months
If you ever want a good size difference in castlevania, but go “Mm they are just normal height.”
Mesh the anime and video games.
Dracula is at least 8-9ft tall, with his pure monster form being even taller.
Alucard (at least in sotn) is around 7ft, as his sprite is taller than Richter, and Richter is a pretty big guy.
Most Belmonts are between 5’10-6ft.
These are the mental notes I keep with me when I’m writing for castlevania.
And I live by this.
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daisynik7 · 6 months
the nasty, filthy things I would let this vampire do to me holy shit
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once-was · 8 months
Orlox and Drolta are perfect am I supposed to root for the protagonists/“good guys” when they exist???
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quietscrappy · 8 months
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Castlevania Nocturne has me in a chokehold
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
I just came across your page and I’m obsessed!!! Your writing has me in a chokehold 😩 I was thinking, could you do headcanons for castlevania boys (hector and alucard specifically) with an Arab S/O, west Asia specifically (So countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Syria)? It’s ROUGH out here in pretty much every fandom as an Arab girl.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: okok I had an anon (not sure if it was you or someone else) give me some advice so I've looked into what they showed me about facial tattooing and I looked into some old Arabian martial arts (specifically equestrian-involved styles of fighting bc it was easier to find sources and it's so cool omg) but finding fashion was trickier?? For some reason I can only find ottoman stuff but some of the places you've asked for like Syria weren't under ottoman rule until AFTER the Castlevania timeline sobs, I hope I did alright despite the research being difficult for the late 15th century. I'm very open to any constructive criticism, you deserve rep and you deserve good rep!!
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: alucard, hector
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。・:*˚:✧。adrian 'alucard' tepes
♡ The first thing that catches Alucard's attention about you is your clothes and the tattoos at your chin and brow. He can tell you're not from Wallachia and it reminds him of his mother's talk of travels. He can only imagine how far away you've come from and he watches as a merchant at the stall you're standing at tries to take advantage of you clearly not being local.
♡ Being the gentleman he is, he steps in and sets the merchant straight with his silver tongue before joining you in wherever you're heading next. As you're only passing through the city, in search of something which you have yet to share with him, he helps you to find an inn the stay in for the night and even pays for your meal that evening.
♡ By the time you've told him that you're chasing rumours of the last Belmont being alive to learn how to fight from him, your city having been plagued by night creatures at the command of a local, powerful vampire, Alucard's invested in helping you on your quest and offers to bring you to the Belmont hold. You're exactly the sort of person that his village is looking to find! Someone who is in need of all the secrets that the combined Hold and Castle have!
♡ After seeing your weapons on you, Alucard had been curious about your fighting skills and they were certainly put to the test when you happened across two night creatures on the road. Never dismounting from your horse, Alucard had hardly reached for his sword by the time you had charged forwards, shooting one with a bow before running through the second with the spear you had been carrying around. Yeah, he definitely just fell in love with you a bit.
♡ By the time you're a guest in the castle and Alucard's helping you to learn about how to defeat the night creatures, you're teaching him about your equestrian martial arts that are very common where you're from, down to the breeding of your beloved horse companion and the importance it holds.
♡ He's tried offering you some wine at one point, wanting to be polite, but he's very respectful should he find out that your religion does not allow you to have alcohol - the same goes for any other dietary aspects (he's actually comes to love the tea you make so you can share a drink together, he's even learned how to make it from watching you so many times).
♡ Alucard Is immortal and he knows the long life and many opportunities he has ahead of him but he's still young and has yet to leave Wallachia: he's enamoured with all the stories you can share of your homeland. His mother believed in travelling to discover the world and explore humanity and he has every intention of leaving Wallachia once he can assure the Castle, Hold and village will all remain safe.
♡ Your first meeting with Hector was quite a mess. When someone who was so clearly from far away knocked on his door, armed with weapons, he had thought you were there to kill him for having helped Dracula in his attempted genocide. So, he was very pleasantly surprised to find that you were not there to kill him but to learn from him. He was no stranger to having people will ill intentions knocking on his door so he was relieved to find that you weren't there as an enemy.
♡ He invited you in and listened to your story of how a local vampire had taken advantage of Dracula's death by raising their own army to try and conquer the land and all the people who were being slain by vampires and night creatures in the process. You had come here to learn how to fight fire with fire: you wanted to become a forge master and raise your own army to protect your fellow people. He warns you that forge mastery is not an easy art and will take time to practice but you came here to give your people and fighting chance and that's exactly what you'll do.
♡ In the time that you stay with Hector, he's watched you train o horseback, shooting at targets in the field beside his garden and it has him in awe every time how you can aim with such accuracy without slowing down or dismounting.
♡ While explaining all the required alchemical symbols in forge mastery, you catch on quick and explain that even the symbols in your facial tattoos have meaning. Hector had noticed them, of course, but had assumed it was simply a form of fashion where you're from and it led to a long conversation about other little cultural things. Hector had watched you speak with such close attention and you couldn't help but find him quite adorable with the way he was leaning forward in his chair, listening to you as you both took a break that was much longer than intended as you happily spoke about your homeland.
♡ He's come to love the type of coffee that you make, having come back from the market one day nearly bouncing in excitement after finding some from a travelling merchant at the market in the nearby city. It became regular for you two to take coffee breaks between your training where you would make the coffee and Hector would clean everything up afterwards.
♡ When the time comes for you to return home and build your battalion of night creatures, Hector decides to go with you. He's grown so fond of you in the time you've spent together and there are too many people in Wallachia who want his head so he decides to join in your fight to defend your people and hope that he can atone for all the deaths he caused in the meantime.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐈: I hope I did alright and, again, I'm very open to constructive criticism! I quite enjoyed researching ab equestrian martial arts, facial tattoos, Arabic coffee and henna (tho I couldn't find a chance for appropriate use of henna with the story idea that I had for the headcanons).
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🏷️@involuntaryspasms @welcometomordor @writing-noah @signyvenetia
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ifishouldvanish · 3 months
Get To Know You!
Tagged by @red-hot-moon . Thank yooouu 💕
→ Last Song Listened To:
"Real Thing" by Alice In Chains 🤘
→ Currently Reading:
Crimes Against Nature by Karl Jacoby (nonfiction, the national park system as a tool of colonialism)
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones (fiction, horror)
→ Currently Watching:
Nothing, really. Other than watching my wife play a bunch of souls-like games. She is on fire and has completed Demon's Souls, Lies of P, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3 in the span of like, 6 weeks 🎮🔥
→ Currently Obsessed With:
The Castlevania series 🫠 Olrox has me in a chokehold 😔💕
Tagging → @ver-ironica @klairabelle @morgana-lefay @amazzyblaze @raimagnolia, anyone who sees this and thinks it looks fun and wants to do it ☺️
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alucardsdaddyissues · 11 months
so id like to fanboy a little bit more than I already do over Castlevania(the Netflix show I have not played the games, don't @ me)/Alucard
so in the first season of the godforsaken show that had and still has me in a chokehold, we see Alucard in his incredibly iconic black and gold coat which I gotta say made me fall for him even harder than I already did(he is pretty well loved as y'all can tell). Now I want to focus on what he wears inside his badass coat, which seems to be a plain off-white shirt. y'know a little plain a little boring but show the typical season 1 simplicity of his character, now don't get me wrong I'm not in any way calling Alucard plain or boring I'm simply stating that he is a blank slate for more complexity to add to his character in future episodes or season of the show, again I'm not saying his character is doesn't have any complexity whatsoever the mix of grief following the loss of his mother and the denial to acceptance of his fate of killing his father along with the scars that Dracula a man who was meant to cherish and protect him had left on him physically and mentally, now none of these reasons stopped him from trying to make people see that his father's original plan of only exterminating targoviste was an appropriate reaction to having his wife burned at the stake for '' being a witch'' when in actuality she just wanted to help. getting back to Alucard's plain ass shirt that makes sense for his character when you put all the evidence I put together, the point I was trying to make is that from seasons 1-2 and a tad bit of season 3 his character openly accepts his natural vulnerability which is represented with his white shirt, buuuuuuuuuuut when he goes to save greta and the folks of denesti(is that how u spell it? idk I'm too lazy to search it up) we see that he has wholly shed his shirt( no complaints here :p) id like to think this means that because of the ludicrous amount of shit the producers of the show and the universe, in general, put him through he has come to either hiding this vulnerability and/or accepting it.
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abitohoney · 1 year
MEME - Tag Nine People
(I'm dumb and don't understand the meme part of this, also not tagging 9 people, but this was fun anyway!)
Tagged by: the sweet @averagecrastinator (thank you!!! <3)
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Three Ships: (only 3? But I have so many!) Sevika x Reader (as if that wasn't obvious), Ran x Reader, Grayson x Reader (My goodness have I fallen hard for reader insert since discovering them. And Arcane has me in such a chokehold still, but I do have a bunch of ships from other fandoms.)
First Ship: Like first ship ever? Oh boy. We're going far back to my childhood here. Probably Batman x Vicki Vale (though that was quickly replaced with Batman x Catwoman as soon as Batman Returns came out. Loved Michael Keaton's Batman and Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman so much. Although... kinda had a thing for Joker x Vicki Vale in the first movie too. That must have been the start of my lean towards villains and the morally gray.)
Last Song: Blow Your Mind by Dua Lipa
Last Film: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (This was... interesting. Not sure if I liked it or not. It was kinda funny, but sometimes I wasn't sure if that was on purpose.)
Currently Reading: A variety of fanfics (mostly wlw) from all manner of fandoms (Arcane, Resident Evil, Legend of Korra, The Legend of Vox Machina, Dragon Age Absolution, Castlevania, The Expanse)
Currently Watching: Re-watching the Adventure Time series
Currently Consuming: Too much caffeine and yet somehow also not enough (I'm so tired! ☹), as well as any and all delicious sapphic content I can find.
Currently Craving: Sevika. Or a hot, strong, cocky woman who can rail me until I'm incoherent, and then cuddle my ass to sleep. And just some good sleep in general.
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No pressure tagging: @master-sass-blast @tastes-like-melonade @sevikasleftpussyflap @thehoundwrites
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imma-lil-teapot · 8 months
Fanmix game! List three songs you associate with either your blorbo or your otp, then pass this on to three other people!
AHHHHH, I'M INSANELY SORRY THIS IS SO LATE, LOVELY NONNIE!!!!! 😭😭But thank you so much for the Ask! Always appreciated! 😊 Oh goodness gracious, Imma expose myself so badly right now but I'm currently drowning in Castlevania hyperfixation once again (thank you, Nocturne 👍) so I'll choose my super self-indulgent OTP, being an Alucard x OC pairing because it has me in a chokehold! 😳😳 Oh gosh, nobody look at me, please! *Intense blushing*
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Vampire's Love - VAMPS I mean... the title alone gives everything away without even having to mention the pairing. 😅 But seriously, I was taken aback upon this song's discovery! It was an instant hit! And the second's no different... 😆
Lovesong for a Vampire (Classical Version) - Emer Barry & Affiniti ... Look, it's not my fault that they just work, okay?! 😆 *Me, casually searching up 'vampire songs' one day* "Huh... well these exist!" 😮
3. It is You (I Have Loved) - Dana Glover
Oh gosh, I am softie! 😳😳 Feel like I'm Disney-fying up *gags* (even though this particular one is from DreamWorks) the CV universe with my song choices, but I'm too squishy-hearted and the lyrics fit. 😅❤️
And there we have it~ *Hides* I have more (though some fall even further outside the realm of befitting the 'verse but still suit my tastes and fuel many fanwork ideas) but the Ask specifies 3, so that's where we shall leave it at. 😊 Many thankies again!
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starsdeath · 8 months
So, I know I'm not already super active, but I probably will be even quieter over the next week or so. Castlevania Nocturne + my homebrew DND world have me in a chokehold & chronic fatigue has been kicking my ass.
I'm gonna still try to be around here often, even if just for chatting / plotting, but I may start up a new sideblog for said dnd world to help me be more present. As always, discord is open and available for mutuals
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pricescigar · 2 years
The Netflix's Castlevania's Dracula has me on a chokehold, it isn't funny anymore–
And since my Oc has an odd attraction to Vampires, what better way.
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wordholic · 4 months
thanks for the tag! @snowyshadow ❤️
last song played: phantom by of monsters and men
favorite color: green and red
last tv show watched: does castlevania count? it’s been a while since i’ve binged a show
last movie watched: the taking of deborah logan
currently reading: internet censorship by opposing viewpoints (for homework lol)
sweet/spicy/savory: i loooooove spicy food but my tolerance is pretty low
relationship status: singlee
last thing googled: sexsomnia
current obsession: bg3 has me in a chokehold
currently working on: my uni assignments … im once again the only person in the group that knows what’s going on😬
im just gonna go random with who im tagging haha: @frogplease @ellenwybie @catsaddict 🫶
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hiltcrow · 11 months
ouyghhh i wanna draw castlevania fanart but ORV constantly has me in a chokehold. I cant even draw anything when my brain is on orv autism mode 24/7 and i MUST think about orv.
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char-lotteral · 3 years
Look I'm not one of those people who believe Kishimoto decided to have Hinata and Naruto end up in the middle part of Shippuden. I believe he decided in the very last arc but he wanted to sound smart so he said he decided earlier on. Otherwise, they obviously would have more scene together. In Shippuden, they have only three scenes together ; when Naruto came back, the pain attack and the neji death scene. That's it. In the original Naruto, they probably have less than ten canon scenes not including fillers.
So I'm sorry I'm one of those who wasn't convinced by The Last. They literally had a basic villain go after Hinata who was cringe btw (the villain). They gave Hinata op powers which she doesn't have in the novel 👀. Despite having op powers, they made her the damsel in distress. Very "The hero saves the princess" cliche. Again, to justify them being together. I mean Naruto can't differentiate his love for ramen and romantic love so how??? He was just being nice to Hinata just like he does to everyone. He stood up for her just like he does for everyone.
Don't get me started on the Sakura Sasuke relationship 🤣. Cringe. They never knew each other. The whole Sakura's love for Sasuke saved him doesn't make sense. They spent barely a year in their genin year before sasuke left. Sasuke tried to kill Naruto and Sakura multiple times. Then at the end of the war, Kishimoto tried to do the "oh they have such a deep understanding between each other" which comes off as cringey. He gets her pregnant then leaves for years. She's literally a single mom who's broke.
Every relationship in Naruto is so cringey and forced except shikatemari. Kishimoto should've focused on the main story and fixed his potholes and leave the ending open.
Naruto would not have been perfect but at least it would've been remembered for staying true to its vision but instead it's remembered for cringey relationships, dumbass villain (except pain and madara) and a story that lost its core which is a shame coz I used to love Naruto. I was inspired by its messages but now....
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BUT FIRST Ive read what you said and I lowkey agree :p
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okay lol now for the juicy part click readmore and beware I shall be brutally honest so yea enjoy
I mean, Naruto in general is a mess, not just the ships if we're being realistic. Alot of plotholes, rushed endings, this and that, the w a r a r c, Kaguya, the way they rushed Boruto ehhh. Honestly, getting into Naruto is literally my biggest regret of 2020 :"DD
Im an NH shipper as you can tell by my hotmess of a blog but i fully respect your opinion and understand your point of view. I also know a bunch of nh stans who have their complaints with their development. I wish Kishi gave more attention to his female cast really, thats all I fucking ask. If he did that one single basic thing, then maybe the endgame relationships wouldnt have been an asspull and theyd be given propper screentime with their love interest, both Sakura and Hinata. The Last tbh i think the writers played it safe and stuck to the whole Naruto shounen vibe thingy, so im not surprised it was plotted that way. Typical cliché shounen movie.
But does that bother me? No! The Last was a mess, their development was shit, they definitely needed more screentime but hey at the end of the day theyre cute as fuck, we have that kiss scene, flirting scenes, a shit ton of official art, three kids, Seiki's gif :33 and a whole ass arc for their wedding all that for just a shounen anime so eh. Compensates for it i guess xD theyre not toxic, unhealthy or whatnot. Theyre wholesome, soft and vanilla as fuck and exactly what i need in my hectic life rn. No drama, just two kind souls who are adorable as heck and theyre dynamic means so much to me and I will love them until i shall leave this earth.
Anon, im not even gonna waste my time and defend their development because i think it sucked too xD but if you wanna know why i love them so so so soooo much, Id be more than willing to tell you :33
Sasuke and Sakura on the other hand eeeehhhh i can see why people like them. Sasuke's hot, he's your typical hot bad boy aad Sakura's hot and pretty too. Basic blue and pink trope. Aside from their canon interactions, fans have all the opportunity to play around with their dynamic but for me, its just sooo basic and so hetero and can easily appeal to any 16 yr old teenage girl, no wonder it has an active fanbase on twt and---- AM I MAKING ANY SENSE? AHDBAJJE LIKE ITS SO-- BASIC, your usual bad boy x pretty girl trope that you get to read in YA and coming of age novels. Not only that, but going back to canon, they have too many negative interactions for me to like them together :p The least Sakura can do is put down her own foot and yell at him for not contacting them for god knows how long. I also dont like how he always gets easily forgiven >=[[. I mean at least He's compensating as a dad good for him but ehhhh i still dont like him and Sakura together :v And im not falling for that "Sakura is the reason why Sasuke isnt lonely anymore" because thats NARUTO AHHH. Sasuke said that Multiple times. HE LIGHTS A FIRE INSIDE OF ME. HES MY SUN. MY ONE AND ONLY FRIEND. LIEK?? THATS NARUTOOO romantic or not, Naruto was the reason for his not so lonely existence anymore smh >=[[
Sasuke almost murdered her and Naruto and made their lives a living hell but hey its all good!! He's my best friend and Sakura loves him!! So set him freeee into the worldddd~~
Sasuke left his family without even simply contacting them but can easily contact Naruto through a hawk but hey thats fine! His and Sakura's feelings are connected afterall! Sasuke gave her a ring and said thank you! Who cares about leaving your family. She loves him and he loves her so yey!!! All is forgiven :D
Sasuke gets too many life points this isnt fair >=[[ But tbh he's nerfed so bad in Boruto manga and anime power wise. Like in that time travel arc and the manga. The rinnegan kunai thing was still so funny to me even if it was Borushiki. I just idk its so funny to me lmaoo
OKAY WHAT ELSE. I dont even know any more. Im tired of complaining about Naruto and just when Ive finally gone a little bit away from Naruto, Hinata fucking pulls me in again 😩 she has me on chokehold pls send help. Watch castlevania!!! and one piece!!!! ten times better than this anime about a loud blonde boi who wants to be president. Trust me
overall, i dont fully agree but i lowkey agree i guess. I do respect your opinion tho :))
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