#im just angry
firesidebi · 3 months
We have to do something about the state of feminism because the regression that’s happening is getting out of hand.
This week I was having a discussion in my honors English class about how historically having sons was seen as better than having daughters. We started talking about how even though that viewpoint has shifted quite a bit that it is still an issue and that women achieving rights in general is still going on.
One of my girls with full sincerity said “well I wish they wouldn’t, I would much rather be at home cooking than be at school,” and two of her classmates (also girls) agreed. When I explained to them that it’s a privilege to have an education because not everyone gets the chance to have one they all responded with “well I never asked for that.”
And I just think their response aligns with the wave of individualized feminism that has grown bigger and bigger with the rise of social media. Everything is focused on the individual rather than the collective cause. Due to these girls not wanting to be at school they have now decided that the right to an education is something that is a punishment for them. I had a lot more to say about this but I’m in a rush to get ready for work, but I can’t stop thinking about this conversation and the sour taste it left in my mouth.
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smashlovesscream · 5 months
the one and only stuilly song:
she wants revenge - killing time
i almost passed out reading the lyrics while hearing the song...
(I only say this cause I knew today was gonna be ass and having a new song to listen to is wonderful! Also, I was right. I'm fucking sick.) YES. YES. YES. I MEAN THE STORY REALLY JUSt OMG
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broflovski-brah · 5 months
drama club at my school is so fucking corrupt like i told the drama director i wouldn’t be able to come to a fucking cast party/clean up because i was flying cross country and they yelled at me and told me i had no dedication to the club and that “if i wanted to be in the next show i would have to be more committed”
so here’s. a lift of things i did for the fucking club
i made the pamphlets last year by myself. the director didn’t do shit with that one.
i made thirty fucking individualized posters for every cast and crew member because they wanted it
i did the amount of work four people were supposed to do because nobody else on my team did shit
i came in every day i was told to minus a few sick days
i enlarged my own damn script because they refused to knowing damn well i can’t see
i was head of my section of crew both years i’ve been in the club now
i taught myself the choreography because they wouldn’t help me
I was the only one to clean up after show nights
and the reason that they “couldn’t trust me” was because i had actual conflicts that i fucking emailed them about TWO DAMN MONTHS PRIOR and they literally said okay. like what?! Don’t fucking tell me you didn’t know I was gonna be out when I emailed you two months, then a week, then THE DAY PRIOR. and yet i’m the one who isnt dedicated and doesn’t pay attention.
The other thing was, they literally watched these other girls bully me and harass me for my albinism and didn’t do jack shit. The other kids even made up rumors and told young children (3-5 graders) that i was an evil devil spawn that would kill them and the director didn’t do shit. I was told to kill myself and the director didn’t do shit. i was told that i was useless and the director didn’t do shit.
what the fuck.
oh but for her favowites they get to do whatever they want and not get any qualms for it. thats the reason those kids got away with that shit then got lead roles in the next play.
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tuesdayinthedas · 1 month
Rant ahead just housing
God just thinking about the poverty being pricy post. And some tags about rentals on a reblog. And Australias shitty fucking rental/housing situation.
I moved interstate for a job lucky it was my home state, but I have pets and we have very anti tenant laws and everyone can say no to pets in my state. im a scientist, I work at a university I have a partner who works. We are in a very good situation compared to our past lives. Anyway.
For 5 months I slept on a mattress on the floor of my sisters lounge room. 5 fucking months. Then my Dad made space for us at his place but we had to be basically locked up in 2 rooms cause his dogs would kill our cats. It took over 12 months to be accepted for a rental house. I applied for so fucking many. We tried so hard to buy as well but everything is over priced or we were outbid by old people with cash. I currently hate the state of this country and all i feel so much rage knowing i got it easy because i had family to help. And i think about those on lesser incomes, i think about those that had to give up their pets. Anyway fuck aus government especially after current world events. I hope this shit haunts them for life.
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multimayhem · 2 months
Hearing a teacher describe how you’re feeling, belittling it, then when you defend the feeling of indescribable rage that’s boiling in your skin, she tells you that it’s “not school appropriate”.
Yeah, well, she caused this. All of the teachers trying to pick apart my disability, trying to fix me, trying to take my walker away. That’s why I’m angry.
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emmafallsinlove · 2 months
yesterday my supposedly best friend for the last 5 years sent me a message that she doesn't want any contact with me and that i am toxic and that she's gonna block me without waiting for my response to all of those accusations when not a week earlier it's was my GODDAMN BIRTHDAY and she wrote me a happy birthday message that i let my girlfriend read because of how sweet that was..... and now i found out she literally. blocked me on every other social media and now i am just. so angry
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eggthew · 3 months
taking my meds makes me sooo unreasonably angry. it only takes like a minute but I'm fuming the entire time
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kafkamybeloved · 3 months
what no one ever talks about in college is how you could see all your friends fall in love, experience heartbreak, have hookups, relationships, everything.. and you just, sat there. And you were so damn angry. Cause you saw those young souls you love so much make all those stupid, really stupid mistakes, because what else can they do when they're nineteen and in love, and you just thought to yourself: if only this happened to me. If only this happened to me. You knew, you just knew you could do better. You knew how to love, you knew who to love, when and how to show it, but... you had no chance to, right? maybe you were a bit too different, not that cool, not that outgoing, but if only, right? if only it happened to you. and maybe after a while you start to realize that love is not for you, right? it's something that doesn't occur to people like you, in this day and age. so you decide to give the love you have stored to the world around you. you paint a pretty picture and you pet a few cats, you walk around the block and you give a compliment to your barista. but the feeling never goes away, right? the world never lets you forget, not when you look at your "twenty-five years and still in love" parents, or the two middle schoolers holding hands as they walk outside your window. it's always there, this ghost that reminds of Sylvia Plath, "it's not for you" it whispers. It's not for you. It's the thing you want most in your life, it's all around you, everyone has it, but it's just not for you.
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akayv · 4 months
N e way I'm trying to not have a breakdown so idk what I'm doing.
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keiitopop · 4 months
when will people learn that jokes like "i'm in your walls" are not funny at all and are actually extremely paranoia inducing to some people. what the fuck
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memorybackupstorage · 6 months
I’m not smart I don’t get the best grades I don’t study for hours on end I don’t know the answer to every question I don’t do all the work I don’t pay attention all the time so why do you have to put this sticky label on my back why am I the smart one when everyone else is clearly better than me?????
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trashmaster3001 · 1 year
transformers earthspark was deffinetly worth staying up for to watch.
what wasn't worth it was me now being so emotionally distraught cuz of everything I just witnessed.
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man-made-misery · 8 months
Rant about SA and the music industry under the cut. Pls ignore if triggering ❤️
I love being engaged in music fandoms but sometimes I remember how many predators there are in the music scene, and even the ones that aren't are often friends with the predators. And i know there's good guys out there and there are bands who have handled having one of their members outed as a predator well, and there are people who have spoken out about about the amount of abuse in the industry, but it's just so tiring knowing that there are so many people and their fans who believe that rape and abuse is totally acceptable if you can write a half decent song and I just need a break sometimes and also the need to get every predator in a room together and make them fight
Also reading this back and realising I view people who aren't rapists or rapist apologists as "good guys" and didn't even see anything wrong with that is so FUCKED
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smol-and-passionate · 2 years
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Here, have a terrible person saying a terrible thing about an even more terrible person.
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cuervitodeisla · 1 year
im angry about the “no such thing as an invasive species” post. IM FROM AN ISLAND I SEE THE SPEED-RUN EFECT OF INVASIVE SPECIES. its fucking brutal. we are legit loosing our ENDEMIC  fauna and flora to it. Not Native but ENDEMIC. 
that means when its gone ITS GONE. we have the ONLY tropical berry thats related to the rose family and is going extinct, our on magnolia and also going extinct, endemic boa and our parrot/unofficial national bird also going extinct because of INVASIVE SPECIES.  like its not joke. but ppl dont care. 
and dont get me started on the GENTRIFICATION OF THE ISLAND OMFG
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ner-runi · 1 year
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