#im in a pain mood today ✨
grimalkinmessor · 9 months
Touch Starved L vs. Touch Averse Light: FIGHT!!!
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bliss-in-the-void · 9 months
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Today’s mood 🤩✨💕🤩✨(im in excruciating amounts of emotional pain)
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Hi hiii! Im back! I got a wee bit ambitious and thought I could knock out 3 stories before it got to today, but I didn't prove so lucky. But, I did finish one, and on my birthday no less! So there's that! 😊 I at least managed that!
Anyways, as usual, I hope you enjoy. I took inspiration from the prompt you gave lol. As usual, lmk if your in the mood for something! Blindbox, continuations, I can even try some more Halloween stuff, even though itd be laaaaaate.
"I told you my top shelf movies were going to be a bit much for you."
Leonardo shuddered and looked away, his discomfort levels through the roof as he strained to pull a relaxed smirk. "It's nothing! Nothing, please, this is like…It's like watching VeggieTales! Pssh!"
You sighed and shook your head, turning the film off. "I warned you that Pontypool gets pretty rough. I thought that you learned to listen when I warned you about all the others. You flipped while watching Get Out. And Ginger Snaps made you squeamish."
"The transformations looked really painful…" your boyfriend grimaced sympathetically, before huffing and cleaning up the popcorn he knocked over, tossing the occasional piece in his mouth when he claimed the Five Second Rule.
"Yeah, that's why I like it, the whole process being something- nevermind, sorry. Leo, hun, it's fine if you can't handle the Top Shelf. They aren't for everyone."
Your boy in blue crossed his arms, peering at you like he was trying to crack a code. "How come you aren't scared by any of those movies? Not even the cheap jumpscares get you!"
You shrugged, cleaning up the pop cans and spilled soda on your table before getting to your movie shelf and taking the disc out of the dvd player. "I dunno. I mean, some of it scares me. Like the atmosphere puts me on edge and the concepts make my mind run wild, but…Eh, I guess I'm just not bothered by horror. It's why I have so many scary movies. Probably just used to it all. I can predict story beats too well now."
Cocking a brow, your lover lifted his head from where he was looking through the lower, tamer movie shelf. "Used to it, huh…? Oh, wait, can we actually watch Kubo and the Two Strings?"
"Yeah, no problem."
Neon💙Leon changed your name to Dreamboat 💞
Neon💙Leon: Hey! I have d8 nite nxt wk! 
Neon💙Leon: Meet up @ manhole n I'll walk u there. Want 2 surprise u✨
Dreamboat💞: Halloween night? okay u got it. What time?
Neon💙Leon: 7pm. make sure u bring ID.
Dreamboat💞: Hey champ, baby, love of mine, if it needs ID how are u getting in.
Neon💙Leon: Donnie made us fakes like 2 months ago. I'm sure it'll work.
Chuffed, you pocketed your phone while you finished doing the dishes. Once the last plate was scrubbed, dried and put away, you bid your roommate goodbye and off you went, grabbing your keys as you left. You made sure to grab your longboard and head off, kicking off on the ground and sailing your way through the streets. Your sneaker dashed against icky puddles as you moved, the dark wheels allowing you to cut your travel time down as you coasted along. It wasn't long before you swerved down an alley, a relaxed grin on your face as you waved to your boyfriend.
"Heyoo. How's my hunk doin?"
Leonardo snorted, looking amused but embarrassed at your words. "Pretty good, my- wait, why aren't you in costume?!"
You shrugged. "I'm dressed as a guy from Staten Island. Besides, you never told me to."
"Eugh. That IS scary. It's okay, it should be fine. Come on! ¡Vámonos!"
Chuckling to yourself, you picked your board up and carried it while holding a hand out, excitedly squeezing the scaled hand that gripped your own. You let Leonardo lead you on a walk, swinging your joined hands once in a while as the two of you teased or joked with one another. You were happy anytime you got a rise out of the Hamato, the blush you were rewarded with when you managed to fluster him being sweeter than any king sized candy handed out.
The two of you walked for a while, Leonardo dressed in his Jupiter Jim Alien look for the day and getting plenty of positive feedback for it. Before long, the blue-clad mutant pointed to a building with a small simple banner hung up outside. Your eyes widened as you locked onto the wording, reading out loud in excitement before turning back to Leo in wonder.
"The Hex House? Manhattan's most terrifying haunted house?! Oh my god, you didn't."
"Oh," crooned the slider, pulling two tickets from his fanny pack and fanning them out, "But I did, my charming partner. Two tickets to the biggest fright night of our lives. I had yours ordered special."
You blinked at that, curious to what he meant, but as you approached the booth and passed over your ticket and ID, the worker glanced at the different stub and sneered, grabbing a lanyard with a glow stick attached and handing it over.
"Put that on before you head in."
You nodded, confused but willing as you looped it over your head and let it dangle against your chest. Your mutant boyfriend smirked as well and threw an arm around you. "Prepare for the scariest thing you ever experienced, baby~"
Grinning, you waited a little while longer with your partner until a large man with a buffalo skull for a mask lumbered up while you two were laughing and chatting. He grabbed you by the shoulder and yanked you, dragging you over to a large double door before opening it and shoving you in. Baby Blue slipped in behind you, and the door was slammed shut, casting you both in darkness.
This was going to be great for you.
Things were not going great for Leonardo.
The terrapin had plans. Extensive ones. He had planned on the change of pace and scenery to wind you up. He planned on the frightful decor and costumes to make you scream. He planned on actors grabbing and shaking the bravery out of you like it was a loose marble.
He planned on getting you the special Hard Mode ticket, so you would be scared out of your wits, and cling to him for once.
Instead, he found himself jumping and yelping once again as a puff from an air cannon startled him into your arms, your slight flinch at the noise being the only reaction of shock. You chuckled slightly, and squeezed him. This was…well, not at all what he wanted. He was the brave leader of the Mad Dogs! The Face Man! He was better than this.
Grumbling some, the slider felt his bad mood coming off him in waves, which you seemed immune to. 
["-...just not bothered by horror. It's why I have so many scary movies. Probably just used to it all. I can predict story beats too well now."]
Did…story beats happen even here? UGH! Why didn't he think of that?! A rather upset chirp escaped your boyfriend as he crossed his arm, the exit coming upon you both far too soon. The two of you stepped out, and Leo took the polaroids they handed out at the end.
You looked thrilled.
Heaving a big sigh, Leonardo continued on at a brisk pace, you having to hurry to catch up to him.
"Babes! Wait!"
You almost tripped catching up to him, but you managed to pick up the pace and walked side by side. Leo looked away, unhappy.
"Babes? Come on, Hero, talk to me. What did I do?"
"More like what DIDN'T you do!! This whole-!" Leo corrected his tone, taking a breath and making sure not to yell. "Sorry, sorry, just…this whole date was planned so you could be scared! I wanted you to have a little bit of thrill!! Movies don't bug you and scary stories and youtube creepypastas and r/letsnotmeet shit doesn't work, I wanted you to just…!
"Look, I wasn't trying to like, be mean scare you. Okay, maybe a bit, but really! I just wanted you to experience shock! And, and and and surprise and be spooked for the season! You're just too…cool, and brave, and for once, I wanted to comfort you like you do with me all the time…" The mutant sighed, rubbing at his face. A civilian walked past you both, complimenting Leonardo on his Jupiter Jim alien costume and held a hand up. He didn't even look up as he gave the dweeby person a high five as you both kept walking.
You frowned, scratching the back of your head in confusion. "What do you mean? I was scared out of my wits in there."
Your boyfriend slowly turned and gave you a disbelieving look. "You laughed at a jumpscare and asked the actor where they got their chainsaw."
"Yeah, well, I didn't think you wanted to deal with me screaming and crying. I sorta…compartmentalized everything. Treated it like a movie and stuff." Picking the skin on your cheek, you looked away from Leo, who was straightening up the more you talked. "I just…I don't know. The lighting was disorienting and I was scared I would embarrass you or hurt myself. I was scared the whole time about something or other. Didn't exactly want you to think I was a pu-"
"Wait, so. You were SCARED. How come you didn't freak out at all??"
You thought quietly before smiling. "I had you there. I knew, y'know, no matter what, you would have my back if something went down. As long as you leap into my arms, I know it's something you know I can comfort you about. So it's not big and scary or going to hurt me." You gently patted his jaw with a cheeky grin. "After all, who can be scared while having a hero like you keeping them safe?"
Leonardo froze, watching as you kept walking. His eyes looked back down at the polaroid and, while yes, he was screaming at some scare not captured on the camera, he could see you behind him. Your eyes were wide with surprise and shock, but your smile was warm as you only paid attention to him.
The ninja quickly caught back up with you, holding a hand out which you took in your own. The two of you walked back to your place, already talking about ordering something in as  you bickered about either getting pizza again or ordering from the Jamaican patty place. You both kept an eye or an ear out for whatever lay in the shadows, knowing you both would be there to comfort the other no matter what scares may lie ahead in the dark, overcast night.
Happy birth!!
And this is so cute!! Reader not wanting to freak Leo out by panicking, Leo wanting them to be scared so he can comfort them.. idiots to lovers except they're already lovers 💕
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sojustmetalking · 10 months
Watched a bunch of Queen Charlotte and Bridgerton edits so i guess i must too venture into regency england
You got me algorithm, im jumping onto the pale blue and yellow feather trains.
This is my documented impression (Warning! Spoilers?)
such pretty intro
vicountess ✨brrrrrrrridgerton ✨
Note: I come in with knowledge but this narration is still scathing
eloise portrait face mood
the world stills
they across the street from one another how cute, like corpse bride
now that i think about it, didn't they move on to special bra-like undergarments during the regency period? wasn't really the shape they were going for? meh
such pretty dresses
oh my, a butt
and in public too
panicked jostling
everyone is so pretty
from foreknowledge I believe this doesn't go well for daphne but we'll see
the queens a mood
how did they make those portraits? were they traditionally pained or rendered digitally?
the intro looks like the intro to who do you think you are but its also cool 3d modelling
is this pamplet ye old twitter?
now i read somewhere that daphne is supposed to be 20? in season 1? and that eloise is like 16? does that mean daphne debut like really late?
nothing quite as shady as a judgy mama
i don't think this angled torso is very good for horseback riding but i shall allow it
tiktok intimacy coordinator share with me your wisdom
that will be all for today
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aphrorite · 2 years
☆ ‧ sweetheart's entry #1 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ‧ ☆
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☁️ ✨🐥🌾🍼✉️ 💫
⤷ tw vent
frick i rweally rweally miss my daddy and i jus want to make some popcorn wit him and we can hav some cold sodapop becos itll make us sleepy and then we can cuddle up under the sheets in a pretty pink tent and i can have the safety and comfort of being in his arms with my head resting on his chest while cartoons or pixar movies or the anticipated anime series plays and i can jus shut my eyes, knowing dat hes home. ):
and he can fall asleep wit me being a litol cuddlebug for him — get as much rest as he needs becos my daddy is a hardworker!
i so sad, diary.
༺ ˗ˋ୨୧ˊ˗ ༻
tw pain, medical
like twoday jus wasnt it. 'm woke up around 5, went to go hangout wit my daddy <3 and we gots some new avi's 'n all of dat and dat was really funs, and da day before dat he bought us a subscription den he had to go sleep, but im stayed in the game server doing sum karaoke, socializing, and met questionable person :// but nice person too, n then went abouts my day. it was fun den. but the day progressively got worse
am got ready, forgo brush my teef, had banana wit cereal for breakfas, went to craf store for beads for bracelet, gots back home... mom bleach my hair n it completely went south. i wanted the cool strands (i call dem skunk strands) wit the blond and all of dat for da new school year but the bleach was too strong and was kept on for too long. after desperately trying to wash it out and pulling out parts of my hair which were now thinner towards the bottom, it was a hair disaster for me cos ive never seen dat much hair come out by simply pulling.
my scalp felt tender.. it hurt a lot, seriously thought im would lose all my hair ))): i was really scared so i messaged my daddy and he said that ill always b his favourite, adorable daughter no matter wat happens to my hair, and dat was really reassuring, tho it din help wit my mood cos im was felt like my confidence is tarnished.
tw trauma and swearing
after dat to make myself feel better im went on game again, met some not so nice people )): two others made fun of my voice too and it made me upsets because is like, why r u making fun of meeee?? wha did i do to uu??? people were jus super meanie and... is like, im a sensitive wittle baby. im care about environment and especiolly when the environment is tense, i cans feel it and im didn like that.
plus da two people im met reminded me of deese other people who i used to know and dat forced me into a call to reveal my voice and they talked in their own language and stuff except i could understand what they were saying. estrella, my username is star in spanish, mira - for look in spanish, madre... senorita.. a la verga.. chinge tu, a lot of swears when someone changed the song cos it was in a karaoke. the aggressive nature put me off from those people and i din like dat.
to make myself feel better, im grounded maself. m turned off computer, changed into some comfy pajama and stocking, im missed my daddy so i put on a champion sweater dat was kinda like his, and brought bear and some pillow downstairs. im had blankies already in da wash so im was waiting for them to warm up, turned on sum cartoons, ate really late dinner (like 11pm) and sulked while my scalp still hurt ): watched dora da explora.
eventually when max and ruby turned on and im was done sippying my agua and eating dindin, im shut my eyes and slept on the couch while waiting for daddy to come home. he came home around 2, but im woke up at 3, and den we hungout till i got dizzy / light-headed vertigo. i wuved having him around 'n getting headpats and hugs but my mood was still low and im felt bad too becos sometime i feel like i keep my daddy up when he needs sleep T_T my mam also said that tomorrow-today she would buy some hair treatments for my scalp.
eventually my dada and me, we call and im fell asleep wit him watching over me. and it was nice, but it wasnt nice to have a horrible nightmare and then waking up realizing dat i accidentally left the call in the middle of the night ):
i guess.. i wish im could lay beside him, you kno. hold onto his index finger wit my smol hand, he'll tie up the friendship bracelet im made for us, we'll eat lots of yummy foods and hold hands, he'll walk me to the bus stop and wait for me after school, he'll take my calls during nutrition break and ask me all about my day. and itll be beautiful, and peaceful, and what a family is ; loveable.
i kno a lot of people believe that the typical, stereotype american dream is the white picket fence, georgian windows, freshly cut grass, trimmed hedges, golf on some days and the kids have sports classes, mortgage is paid off and both r financially stable, two dogs and some children and a homemaker wit a breadwinner. but for me, my american dream is living wit my daddy.
my american dream is him holding me by the waist when i need to reach up for a box of fruit loops at the grocer.
my american dream is us making popsicles on a hot day or him reaching out wit his big ol' arms in a pool, boasting and encouraging me, saying, ''c'mon cub! come to papa!"
my american dream is being in a little car seat in the back of his car or sitting shotty while rain pitter patters down the window, and my dada, drives smoothly down the road, making sure to not wake da baby, aka me.
my american dream is making pillow forts w my dada, going back to school shopping wit him, giving him hugs whenever he comes home, preparing foods for him cos act of service love language, us hafing both spa day or jus rest day in a castle of clouds cos we so sleepy, watching movies and having him come to track and field meet and all the field trips, for him to pick me up from school or leave cute lunch notes in my baggie.
dats mine.
im sad sad sad, diary.
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xoxostarcrush · 2 years
I wish I was enough for someone
I’m tired of making people sad with my FUCKED up mood it’s not fair for them
I’m kinda tired of MYSELF I wish I was stronger mentally
I wish I wasn’t such a bitch I wish I had everything to make me a better human visually
I want 2 be perfect The perfect imagine/vessel
I wanna be THE man everyone likes
I wish you loved me I figured I’ll write about some of my feelings just so I can get them outta my head my imagination is strong and that’s a blessing and a curse I thought about self-harm again today idk AND I DONT CARE I want her to kiss me I know im not pretty
If my life doesn’t amount to nothing soon im fucking offing myself:(
Mia thinks nothinqqq fucking matters and idk if I can trust her
Im a groopie for them and I hate myself for it the pain and trust issues they brought to my life makes me wish I never met them
It’s gotten to the pain that I’ve pointed out something seriously wrong with my mental
It might be depression or some sort of depression and Im very lucky to have my great friends like LC/Evil Gang
IM A GHOST I feel like I’m not real 4 some people I’m in the room but I’m not real
I’m not charismatic tr
{\__/} 韎◍ꫬ໋݊༣𝔅𝔲𝔫𝔦𖤐🦇⚰️˄·͈༝·͈˄💞終痛🍓༎ຶ௰༎ຶ𓃰
( ੌ❦.⋆͛)𑁍ᬉꦽꦷ᭪𓆉𖦹༺♰༻❦꧂ ♛𓃹☠︎♰❦𖣔 🫧
/ >🔮𖤐̫۫🕸₆⁶₆🎠🏰◍࣪༉⁕ 🐝𝄞🏛☠︎𓅋⑱𓁨✨
{\__/} 韎✷𝔅𝔲𝔫𝔦𖤐🦇⚰️˄·͈༝·͈˄💞🍓༎ຶꈊ༎ຶ🃏
( ੌ❦.) ཐིཋྀ🏰ཐིཋྀ💒໋݊ 𝄞🏛𝖇𝖔𝖔𖤛🌋𖤐̫۫🎠🐑𖣔
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🐉🧟🎠💒໋݊⛈ཐིཋྀ. ♛𓃹☠︎♰❦𖣔ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘* 終
World you rather have a fuzzy slide Miami trip daughter or an alpha/sigma male obsessed incel son
I’m simply not really yet I’m 19 now and I think about U everyday T~T all I have to say that is I got the opportunity to move very far away and idk if I will take it i still thnk its 2 early and I cannot handle that much pain bc im just getting better but trust me im one of a kind nothinqqq you can even fathom im gonna be a famous celebrity still I only wanted to make you proud
Ima fallen Angel zombie Dragon
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kuraiangeliusm · 2 years
heyyyy!! can i request xiao fluff headcannons??
also, call me angie
hiii angieee!! (omg sorry im cringe) ofc u can! thanks for askingg
also i added kazuha cuz y not?? and btw this is kinda modern au butttttt i hope its still ok to u <3
✨ Xiao ✨
at first he doesnt like it and thinks its stupid cuz when u try to cuddle he ALWAYS
when u cuddle him he loves it especially when you are in his arms
after a while tho he warms up but still doesnt show he likes it
he will not tell or show u that he wants cuddles
so u have to like ask him or like you have to cuddle him
but eventually tho he asks u from time to time
he likes to cuddle u all day all night and loves to waking up to see u sleeping in his arms
and then when he wakes up and you're gone hes just like "DHUASIDKJHSFDHFGG WHERE IS [NAME] WHERE WHERE WHERE" inside 😭🖐🏻
in a very rare occasion he actually loses control of his mood and goes "grr" then goes "it hurts" the next second cuz karmic debt like dat
so he goes and asks you one day to cuddle
you had some things to do when it was happening. so when you come home, xiao wraps his arm around your waist and puts his head on your shoulder and doesn't let go. you know what's happening and lead him to the bedroom. he looks at you, pain evident in his eyes. you feel bad for him, so even though you have stuff to do you still let him do what he wants because he's ur baby <33
xiao is pained but your cuddles and your presence here with him calms him. he eventually falls asleep, his head on top of yours. you smile under him, glad he's feeling better.
when he wakes up and you're not there, xiao panics and looks for you everywhere. you were making his favorite almond tofu in the kitchen. you were going back to the bedroom when he opened the door. you took a step back in surprise. "xiao, what are you doing?" you asked him. "i- i thought that you left me and-" he still hasn't recovered from it.
you led him back inside the bedroom and asked him to sit down. "it's okay, i was just making you food. here, have this almond tofu" you took the plate and gave it to him. you put your head on his shoulder as he eats, reassuring him that you won't leave.
🍁 Kazuha 🍁
kind of like xiao (k i n d o f)
when you two first started dating he's just a little awkward
but hes so sweet cuz he helps you and YK HES SWEET
he warms up eventually tho
then he starts cuddling you and initiates it from time to time
so he loves being the big spoon but also likes it when he's the smol spoon!!
cuddles with u like you'll fade away if he lets go
when he sees you're not with him when he wakes up hes like "it's ok [name] night just be busy
but when he doesnt see you for a while he starts to get worried but dw he sees u 🥳
one day kazuha's just super sad because he saw someone die and it reminds him of his friend dying :(
so when he finds you he cuddles you right away
kazuha was not feeling happy today. he saw someone's friend die in front of them and it made him really sad because he still misses tomo. so when he sees you again, he cuddles you right away. "w-woah kazuha..what got into you today?" you looked at him and saw the look on his face.
you took him to his favorite cuddling spot. he likes doing that with you near a tree where you two first met. your back was against the tree and his head was on top of your thighs. stop being horny you stroked his hair gently, removing the knots. he fell asleep after a while, finding the movements of your hands relaxing.
kazuha woke up to your figure picking nearby flowers surrounding the island. "[name], what are you doing?" he slowly sat up from his position. "oh kazuha! you're awake. i was just picking these flowers for you" you looked at him and handed him the flowers. "thank you, [name]" he took the flowers from your hand and intertwined your fingers as you two stare at the setting sun, basking in each other's presence.
AHHH!! IM SO SORRY IT SUCKS but i had fun making this <3 hope you enjoyy
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geooooooorge · 2 years
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It’s Monday again! To ensure that Mondays become good days and not annoying ones… here is a new Monday Motivation ✨
When I feel burned out and like adulting is too much pain… I refer back to an old friend of mine, Winnie the Pooh, for some guidance. Today he has a saying for you: "Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved." But… Pooh is also the one that said: "When all else fails, take a nap." So take what you need today, some motivation or just a nap - both are valid. 😘
I’m wishing you a week filled with laughter, positivity, kindness and above all fun! Because you deserve that and much more. With whatever struggles you’ll come across this week, know that no mountain is high enough to stop you from climbing it because you are strong and not alone 🧡
Babettteeee! Thank youuu<333 As always, winnie the pooh is the answer. Im in an oddly happy mood today (its probably the fact that its sunny outside, that always does it for me) and this just made me smile like an idiot, so as a thank you, I'll try to do some cheering up as well: go check out my (wannabe) positive mood booster on spotify🧡
Winnie the Pooh also said 'Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.' So that's all i ask of you today🧡 Have an amazing week full of love and laughter<3
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