#im also typing with ok ne
pandapupremade · 2 years
Thunderstorm? No problem (hides under blankets and a pillow)
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snekdood · 1 year
Idrc if you wanna find the politics in every piece of media you consume but personally i dont really care to all the time like idk. Like idk sometimes i just wanna enjoy shit w/o constantly thinking about the underlying politics or whatever? Sometimes its hard to ignore if its super rw based but still, a lot of other shit i just feel like im investing more energy into this shit than was intended for most ppl like idk. The underlying political implications of spirited away. Idk i just dont really care lol
#its a movie about an emotional journey so uh thats kinda my focus there bud#also ngl it does feel like ppl bring up this argument so they can keep coming to conclusions abt what the creator meant by whatever#when sometimes its not for that reason or not that deep. idk. i do feel like some of yall are married to being paranoid that whatever ur#consuming will somehow make you take on entirely different politics?? idk. but ill be real consuming things w not perfect politics only#really solidifies in my head that im right when i *do* actually think its worth psychoanalyzing. or maybe i end up neing wrong#in my assumptions. either way. im ok w critical thinking and then also not feel this weird need to shit on the media constantly#like i loathe family guy. some of the jokes are funny. most of the show is horrible. i dont talk about it bc i dont care.#im sorry lol like. what do you want from me#ive already thought about what about the show i dont like. its politics etc. and i dont watch it. but thats bc its kinda hard to ignore#the constantly shitting on everyone energy of the show. w other shit like idk. dora or something like?? im not spending my time#looking for the political flaws really?? probably there to learn spanish lol#ig i personally find tearing apart media all the time and finding its flaws to be like. a hobby people engage in. but they seem to see it#like as... political action..? ig i can see that being good for something like harry potter or whatever. but sometimes its like idk what u#guys fuckin want from me. you want me to analyze every fucking thing i watch always and forever? because for me the problematic and#off putting politics come off bery obviously when they come up. but as far as a lot of childrens shows go? idk. ig id be more focused#on the plot than the politics..?#ig its bc i kinda feel like... this isnt political action to analyze media all the time.......#i think a better use of your time is learning what you can actually do to change peoples minds to be more progressive personally?#ig if you do that w a piece of media often co opted by rwingers or something like that then its cool but idk#ig i worry about shit like. 'spongebob is a fascist' type takes lol. ig i dont feel like this is like... a great way to move ppl to the#left. esp since the only ppl who are gonna read your media analysis on tumblr is other leftists who already agree with you :|
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randomcanbian · 2 years
#i was looking for a sapphic movie tier list and found one but it default had a tier ranking that was voted by the community and i am#offended lmfao#'saving face' was bad but not the worst??? lmfao???#and then putting b**ksmart' in god tier and imag*ne me and you in nearly perfect ...#and handmaiden being lower than those two 😭#i liked those movies but god they weren't anything special#well i mean imay was special for its time--queers deserve that romcom drama shit#but like comparing to other queer movies nowadays it's uninspired#imay was also pretty dragging#and ok i really liked b**ksmart but putting it in god tier above other movies is like a shot in the foot#anw probably a bunch of whites who voted there :/#i wouldn't be so mad tbh i'd look the other way for bs and imay if it weren't saving face being so criminally low#no fucking taste#also the gall of them putting debs higher up than it#and debs on the same tier as handmaiden fuck you#i was going through whatever sapphic media i could get my grubby little hands on as a baby gay and most were so underwhelming#saving face and but im a cheerleader were the only ones that actually struck a chord with me#oh wait pariah was 'literally homophobic'??? the only depiction of a black butch lesbian??? fuck y'all???#i confess i didn't finish the movie as it's not my type but like...pwede naman bad but not the worst??? idk probably not my place to speak#on it since i didn't watch it but like it's just bringing up my rage on how butch-phobic internet sapphics are#i do say it's funny that 'the children's hour' being in that same tier is probably deserved but i was obsessed with it HAHHAHAHA#im a sucker for pining what can i say#and for audrey hepburn's character to be unable to requite that kind of love....but still to love shirley temple's character as a friend#so deeply... amazing
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astars-things · 1 year
ok so hear me out// ur dating thom and he takes u home to meet his family but say like his dad doesnt like you and hes like talking to thom abt it in french but u know french and thom knows u know so hes trying to get his dad to stop but his dad doesnt know u know french//
that was not explained well and my fingers are too cold to type with sorry
Omg yes I love this sorry about your fingers 
Mentions of swearing, body shames also used google translate 
“Babe stop being nervous” thom spoke to you as you put your suitcase in the back of the car 
You are meeting his whole family, you had met his sister and mom but not his dad or other family members 
As you both got in the car them had his hand on your thigh gently rubbing small circles 
“Y/n” you hear Jade yell as she ran up to give you a hug “umm im here” thom spoke offended his sister ran to you first 
Soon you all made it inside, you got introduced to most people 
As you were walking from outside where everyone else was, you made your way to the kitchen to get a drink 
But you were stopped in your tracks when you heard “elle est un peu sur le côté positif” she is a bit on the plus side  a strong male voice which didn’t sound like thom
You had a small look to see who it was, turns out it was Thoms dad 
“connaît-elle même le hockey ou est-elle un lapin de rondelle” does she even know hockey or is she a puck bunny 
"Fils, tu pourrais faire tellement mieux qu'elle, ne te contente pas d'elle" son you could do so much better then her, dont settle for her it was like a knife getting stabbed into you
“Dad shut up” thom seethed, but the damage was done you had tears falling freely down your face 
You went back outside pretending you never were inside “hey hun you okay” Chantal whispered rubbing your back 
“Yeah just a little overwhelmed” you hiccupped wiping your tears “jade go get thom” soon thom appeared in front of you 
He scooped you up in his arms and took you to his childhood room to talk and settle what ever it is upsetting you 
“You heard didn’t you” thom sadly looked at you as more tears poured out your eyes you nodded your head not having the voice to speak 
Thom pulled you closer holding you tightly, there was a knock on the door that pulled you and thom out of the bauble you created 
“We are having dinner but if you both what to stay In here that is okay” Chantal spoke as you hide your face in the crook of Thoms neck 
After a couple of minutes you spoke “I want to go home” you pulled away from the comfort of thom and looked at him 
“If you want to go home you can, I’ll book you a plane ticket for you and me” you looked at him shocked “babe stay with your family” 
“No y/n I really don’t want to be around my dad seeing as he hurt you” you couldn’t argue with him and soon started packing the small amount you took out 
“Its going to be okay” you made your way downstairs with you back pack and suitcase 
“Chantal thank you for inviting me, Mr Bordeleau if you’re going to talk shit about me do it in a language I don’t know” you smirk as his face dropped Chantal and jade both got up from the table to hug you and apologise 
Soon you are bords were on a flight home 
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blueopinions49 · 5 months
Hi Issac! Sorry for bothering but I wanted to hear your thoughts about something
I watched the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes a few weeks ago and after I left the cinema I decided to look for the character typings in PDB (an horrible decision most of the time, I know 😅)
Well, the thing is that they were more or less as I expected, but one typing specially was a little bit odd for me. Movies' Tigris is typed as an INFJ and I don't really see it, do you?
That's all, hope you have a good day 🫶🏼
Hello @herebedragonsbooks, I also went to PDB to check their typings and it's a whole mess.
Tigris: ESFJ FeSi 9w1 so/sx 937 Cancer (could see ENFJ tho)
Idk Where people get Ni from her. Specially her being an Ni dom. To me Tigris striked me as an Fe dom most of her time in the movie she spent giving back to Snow because she was potential in him doing good for Panem. She always kept others feelings and thoughts on her forefront most of the time.
" I wouldn't sing a note for you" Its very clear she understands the emotional distress Lucy must be on and she prioritizes it rather than some ideal essence of whats at hand.
"She's Just a girl Grandma, not a rebel" Another Example of Fe, Perceiving reality through others emotions and social understanding
"You look just like your father Coriolanus" Her pointing out his complete and total change.
Im pretty sure there are some quotes I missed but come on INFJ? Ni dom? I dont thinks so. Personally ENFJ would be ok but I think Si makes more sense for her.
The Other typings from the movie.
Lucy Gray Baird: EXFP XeFi 7w6 sx/so 794 (possibly so/sx) Aquarius
Idk between Se or Ne, the arguments I've read for her Ne go something along the lines of she can make things up and connect her thoughts...which yikes, anyone can think. As for her enneagram im 99% sure she is an E7 however her subtype is a bit odd personally I think SX7 suits her greatly but I could see other subtypes fit her as well. Idk why people in PDB want her to be an E4 so bad.
Coriolanus Snow: ENTJ TeNi 3w4 so/sp 358 Capricorn
pretty straight forward tbh
Sejanus Plynth: ESFP SeFi 8w7 so/sx 827 Saggitarius
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maxwellander · 10 months
Making a Roguelike adventure (for Himbos!)
A few months ago a young man put up 38 transparent neon NES and super NES game cases on marketplace. I bought them, completely unsure of what I would do with them, but sure i had to have them. Obviously, my first thought was “limited print rpg something something”. I’ve also wanted to release something to support Himbos recently since it’s, like, a really good game and it deserves my love and attention. So maybe something video game inspired? Like a classic RPG style project? No, that’s been done a lot by people more attached to those old game than me. I knew I also didn’t want to just make a dungeon because I have a back burner project that is a big dungeon for Himbos that I’m hoping to get out by the end of the year. SO THEN WHAT.
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I often have intrusive design thoughts while falling asleep. Things like “pvp face-off game” (vis-a-visage) or “time travel discord message editing game” (someday). A few weeks ago, the intrusive thought of the night was “Roguelike adventure generator”. Roguelike adventure generator? What do those words even mean. How does adding Roguelike to the classic idea of adventure generators change what it does? Well, it turns out im gonna try and figure it out. Or rather, I have been trying to figure it out.
For me, the thing about Roguelike video games, is the balance between the overarching narrative, buffs/powerups that make you feel like your progressing and random obstacles/environments/problems that occasionally repeat elements. The generation part is the easiest for me, breaking down the elements that an adventure needs to go brrrrr. For me this came down to Landmarks (fun environmentmental elements), Problems (adventure hooks), NPCs, Events/Complications, and then some Critters. What I didn’t want to do was just make a bunch of tables to roll on. I love a good table, but one of the things I love about randomly generated video games is the potential for a level to be strangely easy or just really overwhelming, so I wanted a way to change the amounts and rations of the elements being generated. I suppose i could have done something where you roll a d4 for each element to determine how many of them to include in a run, but that feels so uninspired and why not over complicate something when you can!
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Enter custom tokens. Any tokens could do, really, but the idea of tossing a bunch of tokens onto a table to generate an adventure brings me joy! Originally, I thought this would just mean gleaning information from face up or down, each type of token representing one of the elements involved, giving a randomized number of NPCs or Problems and such. I then realized that there was another axis that could be accessed, that of rotation. The tokens could be read like tarot, as upright or inverted. Face up or down could also indicate a different state beyond simply present or not.
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Ok, great, so level (adventure) generation sorted. But what about the overarching quest. How do you finish the whole thing?
I’ve recently started playing a game of Apocalypse Keys by Rae Nedjadi. It’s a great game, that takes the mystery mechanic from Brindlewood Bay, which I have priory been associated with through playing The Between. I love it. Everytime I encounter it I am reminded that, as a player, it is the single most fun I’ve had interacting with a mechanic in any game in recent memory. Each game does it a little differently, but the idea is simple - the players collect clues or hints, and when they feel like they have a good idea of what’s going on, they present their theory and then roll to determine how right they are. In Apocalypse Keys, the clues are extremely evocative vignettes that are all themed to the mystery at hand. But I’ve always wondered what happens if they were completely random. The wonderful thing about the mechanic is that the players will absolutely figure out a way to work each clue into their theory, they will justify that most seemingly random bit of information is ways previously unimaginable. So, it might actually work if random, or, for the application in this design, as more broad and less specific to the scene at hand. The clues have now become the reward for finishing the level at hand, and because giving your players a unique and special piece of equipment is always fun, i’ve linked them to Objects Of Power the entity causing the glitch has left behind. It’s important to remember that all this is for Himbos of Myth & Mettle so OoPs are things like a small box that emits exciting foley sounds when your character is in combat and the visions (clues) that you see when you grasp it for the first time range from images of rat kings to slightly more lewd moments between hidden figures.
The loop as it stands now - Generate level through tossing tokens and rolling on appropriate tables, characters hunt for Objects of Power, and the clues they hold to the larger mystery of the regenerating, repeat until characters feel confident they understand (again, Himbos, the theories will be wild), roll to see if right, and if so move on to a final confrontation with the entities they’ve designed, or they fail and must return to collect more clues till they come up with another idea.
I finally got around to printing some test tokens and attempting to generate a level. Behold, the first session of Bugbears of Unusual Size and Other Tales:
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little-fan-stories · 1 year
im so glad someone else is also hyperfixating on jack horner, i would LOVE to see any headcanons/fic/art/memes/etc you have!!
OMG!! It's the first time someone send me something in my ask box!! Thank you for that! Also well i think you won’t mind me using your message to post some headcanons ^^
And it's my first headcanons post so hope it'll be ok
(Same headcanons but in french below)
He get bored really easily
As a child, he was the type of cute kid with an adorable face but temperamentable and who can be insufferable
In general his parents gave him everything he wanted
He always been interested in his parents pie factory but he dreamt to head off on an adventure
He often helped his parents to bake the pies and liked to eat some of the fruits meant for it
To this day he hardly ever bake
If he had to take over the family business, he wanted to keep growing it as much as possible
In a way he thought it would make people respect and admire him
Now he don't care that people usually don't like him
Not because it doesn't matter for him but because he got used to it
His parents offered him his first magic artefact because since the "Pinnochio accident" he wouldn't stop to throw a fit about it
They thought he would be happy with it and move on (but we all know he didn't)
He've put it in a small chest like a treasure
When he took over family business that's when he also started hiring thiefs to go find him others magic artefacts 
NSFW (I guess?) 
Either he is virgin or he do one-night stands one after the others (but he doesn't have time for a relationship nor he's not even willing to try)
Also get bored easily in bed
[French version]
Il s'ennuie très facilement
Quand il était petit, c'était le genre de gamin mignon avec une bouille adorable mais capricieux et qui peut se montrer insupportable
Ses parents lui donnaient tout ce qu'il voulait en général
Il s'est toujours intéressé à l'entreprise de tartes de ses parents mais il rêvait de partir à l'aventure
Il lui arrivait souvent d'aider à faire les tartes et il aimait grignoter les fruits qui y était destiné
À aujourd'hui il ne pâtisse que rarement
Quitte à devoir reprendre l'entreprise de ses parents, il voulait continuer de la développer autant que possible
Dans un sens il pensait que les gens le respecterait et l'admirerait pour ça 
Maintenant il se fiche que les gens ne l'apprécie habituellement pas
Pas que ça n'importe pas pour lui mais parce qu'il s'y est habitué
Ses parents lui ont offert son premier artefact magique car depuis "l'incident avec Pinnochio" il n'arrêtait pas de piquer des crises sur ce sujet
Ils pensaient qu'il en serait heureux et passerait à autre chose (mais on sait tous que ce n'est pas le cas) 
Il l'a placé dans un petit coffre comme un trésor
Quand il a repris l'entreprise familiale c'est là qu'il a commencé à engager des voleurs pour lui récupérer d'autres artefacts magiques
NSFW (Je suppose ?) 
Soit il est vierge soit il enchaîne les coups d'un soir les unes après les autres (mais il n'a pas le temps pour une relation ou même l'envie d'essayer)
Il s'ennuie aussi facilement au lit
Thank you again and stay tuned for more content about him ^^
And a little bonus sketch of my favorite big boy cause why not :
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I also have relationship headcanons for him so i will post it in a few days!
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herzlak · 1 year
Tatort Dresden: Totes Herz
I needed three attempts to type "totes", it always changed into "torte"
Wow. Schnabel lebt noch und ist größtenteils unversehrt. Welch Freude.
Award winning fürs schlechtest gespielte Niesen ever, Glückwunsch Martin
"Kreim häs no tschenda."
EIL: Gorniak will ihren Chef ermorden
Ne also ich versteh sie, alles gut
Leo sieht sehr hübsch aus heut, das musste einfach mal sagen
Ohje das Hundi-
Berner Sennen namens Kira haben halt einfach Pech
Hat Gorniak ihn schon immer Peter genannt?
Ne tut mir leid, ich kanns nicht ernst nehmen
So winselt und bellt kein Berner Sennenhund, tut mir leid, aber ne
Gebt euch mal mehr Mühe ey, die klingen viel tiefer
Ja vielleicht ist sie so ruhig, weil sie grad am sterben ist junge!!!
Ich kann mir das auch nicht vorstellen, wie man so deppert im Hirn sein kann
"Mir ist kaaaalt!" Du hast ne Winterjacke an Kind, heul nicht rum
Mhmmm die Kaninchen könnten nen 1A Freilauf in dem Zwinger haben
Haha Gorniak & Winkler, gay people can't sit normal
bisschen psycho das ganze
huiui ja sag einmal!
Wir müssen Gorniak und Winkler leider suspendieren, meine Mama hatte den Fall schon ne halbe Stunde früher gelöst
Die scheißt auf alles, der sind nur noch ihre Kaninchen wichtig
Jaha FUCK wir habens verstanden
Oh fuck indeed
Ja Glück gehabt Freundchen
Boah ufff
Die Rückblende ist einfach besser als der ganze Film bisher
Uiii so schönes Licht
Ok aber Leorin shippers, ich hab Mitleid mit euch. Das war ja basically gar nix an content heute.
Nächste Woche dann Dortmund, Kinners. Ich hoffe ihr seid ready :]
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Hey , I hope you are doing ok. I assume asking to type isn't inconvenient.
I'm confused for my type as my mom and sister have a completely different view of my personality than my friends. What the outside world thinks of me is a bit different than what my family thinks of me.
I do love spending time with my friends and colleagues. I'd love to meet them on the weekends. However, I feel sometimes I need to prepare for social interactions.
I do love sports a lot. I love playing and following them. At the same time, I'm quite heads deep into sci fi and interesting concepts.
I know I'm a thinker and not really a feeler
Im not good at planning nor good at following a particular plan. I just do what feels fun at the moment. I hate sticking to one thing for a long time.
I'm not particularly detail orientated. I ignore/neglect details of my work and my personal life. I have a good memory nonetheless.
At work , I'm very task oriented and a bit short term in my thinking. I'm more result oriented than process oriented.
Can you help type me. I'm 25M , working as a game developer
So this is somewhat difficult in that I've turned off the inbox for a bit since I really do not have the time nor do I care to do more than one or two typings a month, if that, at this point, and I got four or five in the past few days but: this is extremely vague and so it's difficult to type. If you have not read the FAQ, please do so, and if you have, please review it. I will open up the inbox again in a few weeks if you want to do a follow-up.
To talk through this in the hopes of guidance:
Pretty much everyone is different around different groups of people, and different groups of people will have different views of you both because your behavior depends on the context (how you act at work is not how you act with friends which is not how you act with family) and because they are themselves different groups of people with their own opinions and preferences.
Hobbies can be helpful to an extent if they are highly specific or unique or if there is a pattern (eg, all very outdoorsy hands-on, though even then hobbies can reflect lower functions that people want to explore in a low-stakes environment) but something as broad as sports and science fiction is not helpful since again, many, many people like these.
It is good to let me know what you think of your type; but ultimately that's only a small piece of what I use, since people can be wrong, and I need examples. What led you to believe you were a thinker?
The part about planning and not being detail-oriented is useful; you are more likely a perceiver (high Ne or Se) based on this. Task and results oriented is also somewhat useful, though examples as always help.
In general a very important part of typing, and indeed the premise of typology, is seeing what traits you have that are not very common. The foundational text was named "Gifts Differing". What makes you different? Focusing on that helps eliminate things like very common hobbies, or nigh-universal behaviors.
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S1 E33
Garnet's Universe
This episode was such a Gamer Moment™.
Also speaking of that. Why did this show turn into Chrono Trigger out of nowhere? That is like the last game I was expecting a reference to.
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I'm not upset it's just, whenever cartoons reference video games, it's always just typically one of 4 things: Mario, Sonic, Pokémon, or any 80s arcade game. You're lucky if they even take a whiff of any game outside of Nintendo or the NES Era type shit. Like games just don't exist beyond anything released in the 80s. Every game is Pac-Man Era shit. That includes this show because I know I didn't point it out but YES I did see the sanic meme figurine & the other various Nintendo easter eggs like the Zelda or mario figures. I saw those. It's just that it's 2023 & I think that I would have found a sanic doodle joke much funnier back in 2013. Y'know, back when I was 13. Nowadays seeing that easter egg just made me feel like an aging fossil & I didn't wanna talk about that lmao.
Also ok so like Usagi Yojimbo from TMNT just decided he's gonna show up in this show & y'know what I'm cool with that. Wasn't expecting to be seeing that of all things. But I ain't complaining about TMNT stuff.
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Also I'm glad this episode finally answered my burning question of what this show would look like while running on a PS2. (Also holy shit this one background specifically is so fucking good IM GONNA EAT THIS SHOWS ART DIRECTION ITS SO FUCKING GOOD AAAAAAAA)
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Also holy shit gamer reference no way!!
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Okay honestly I love how Steven's story is framed in a vaguely video gamey aesthetic. It's certainly in character for him & it's extremely charming as fuck. This episode was just filler. Obviously. I can smell the filler. But this is the GOOD kind of filler. The kind of filler that ends up being just as awesome as the more "important" episodes. Like this episode was so silly I love it. It's adorable.
Also I humbly believe that Garnet was joking about the NO at the end & that this is all totally canonically what happened fr fr.
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fruitycircus · 2 years
ok quick rundown of my take of that laserblast & venomous are brothers au i drew earlier. ill probably revise this later with images & junk but im just gonna go through it now and update later.
it also might be nice to mention that this was based on my own speculation of the connection between lb & pv back in 2019, all pre-big reveal & lets get shadowy
soo laserblast and later venomous were born between two heroes in neo riot city (im not sure if id get into the parents but id say one was human and the other some type of lizard/snake mutant) laser got his folk's powers and good looks, and venomous didn't, tho he did recieve some mutant traits including always being ourple.
fast forward a couple years to when POINT has been a solid team for a while now with laserblast himself, foxtail, and dr. greyman, and also silverspark, el bow, and rippy roo a bit later. venomous had been offered to enroll in POINT prep so he could join the team by his big brother, but as of right now venomous holds it off and says he's busy with his own personal studies, all of which are based on glorbs (like what theyre made of, if they can be modified wink wink nudge nudge, etc) but he is able to take on the offer. he currently studies in a separate building disguised as a common shop winkity wink wink. tho he admits its a tad bit suspicious, ven claims that he means no harm and just uses the building as a controlled work zone for his projects. only he and laser know about this location, and ven says he doesnt trust POINT with this information but plans to tell them when he can confirm his tests are stable and safe to use. he also recently aquired a test rat from a science program that "re-inhabits" lost critters for the sake of science. although ven just didnt have the heart to use her for his projects, thus she treats her more like a pet / friend / child and names her fink
now would also be a good time to mention laser & ven's own issues; laser's is unchanged from canon (abt him feeling that his powers are mid compared to his team and how he felt like he couldnt be himself even with his girlfriend carol and what he was capable for doing compared to her.) ven, although content with his complete lack of powers, struggles with being seen. his brother is the laserblast for crying out loud, he often feels overshadowed and/or just known as laserblast's sibling. he wants to make a name for himself with his own passion. yeah, being offered to possibly join POINT is an amazing opportunity, but ven isnt sure if huge superhero teams are his calling. all he knows that science is something he likes but is unsure if his current experiments are something he'll do forever. he wants a life that he doesnt have and an opportunity that doesnt exist...yet!
anyways, ven and fink goes out into the city to get more supplies for his experiments, but while he was gone greyman enters the "donut shop" and then its all downhill from here: greyman alerts the team of a possibly villain living there (again, laser was the only one who knew that ven was doing this), foxtails sends laser, silverspark, and el bow to investigate, laser offers to "check the perimeter" and tries to cover up his brother's work, which all leads up to the sandwich incident where laserblast is presummed to be shrunk or teleported or whatever. POINT recieves the news and his heartbroken about the loss of their beloved hero... but we all know he survived by escaping into a sewer pipe and left the scene.
the next morning, laser tries to go back to the surface and explain everything to the team but is confronted by ven. he doesnt know how to feel knowing his life work was destroyed, why laser almost abandoned his team / girlfriend in the moment, or just really what laserblast was thinking. laser and ven squabble for a moment until laser straight up tells ven to confirm that he is dead and isnt coming back, and then leave. ven assumes hes bluffing and waits...and waits...and...uh oh.
a few weeks pass and POINT is nearly in shambles. el bow was fired since he was blamed for laser's disappearance, rippy roo starts looking into atomic physics, greyman starts building chip damage, and carol is confirmed to be pregnant with laser's baby. during all of this, ven tries to contact POINT about the truth about the sandwich incident, but no one is able to give him the time of day to listen. this breaks him to bits, he knew POINT didnt know him that well, but they were just straight up ignoring him now. he felt so powerless knowing that his brother was alive and probably wouldnt bother coming up after what he (and carol) said. what was ven supposed to do without his big brother in the w-
wait a minute!
ven has an epiphany: with his brother no longer a thing, he's no longer in laser's shadow and could do whatever he wanted to now!! sure its grim, but its true. POINT never gave a second thought about him so its not like they'd reach out now! and soon enough venomous started studying bioengineering and making various projects and weapons and even begins working with glorbs again, although rather than just studying them he dives deeper into their effects and how they can be used a power supplies, both as actual energy and powerups for heroes. he also invents what would be the turbo collar, to which he gives to his daughter / now (maybe-self-proclaimed?) minion fink!! however, a problem did arise: no hero was willing to buy his projects feeling as if they were made with ill intent. some villains did reach out to purchase and although ven was skeptical they sure did pay a pretty peny for it, not to mention he did realize that he had some sharing ideals with them, and before everyone knew in ven broke into the villain market and became who we know today as professor venomous. sometimes he missies his brother, but he now considers it a lost cause and not much we can do about it today. from here on out everything about him lines up to the show's events (we're captured, villains night out/in, etc)
on a more somber note, laser stayed under the city weeping about being far weaker than he was before. he begins physically deteriorating into something he could even reconinze. but even at his lowest point, he refused to give up. he needed his powers back and then sum. he wants his old life back to the way everything was. he remebered some of his bro's studies about glorbs, but only the results of each experiment. he had to learn how to reverse engineer it all by himself, and thats what he set himself to do. but how was he supposed to get glorbs? steal them? well, yeah, i guess. and thus changed lase- no, shadowy figure's trajectory and goal. he travels though the city system to steal glorbs from various hideouts, stores, etc. and once the city ran dry, he jumped to the next town over and rinse and repeat until he went to lakewood plaza turbo, home of the elusive glorb tree which would of gave shadowy an almost lifetime supply of glorbs for him. when we wasn't stalking to plaza and being a creep, he was working with the glorbs he stole to make them regain his original powers and more permanently.
the thing is, he actually did have a power that survived. y'know that purple depower bubble TKO can make?? yeah, shadowy is completely immune to that. you cant mess with something that isnt there. it might seem usless considering not many heroes possess that type of power, but it sure can come in handy when your son, specifically his evil alter ego, tries to attack.
aaaand thats it!! ill probably have to look back at this later but for know here it is in all of its angst-fueled glory. moral of the story? you can both be the evil twin. ty and goodnight!!!!
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
the mbti dating chart is a whole bunch of bs. im an estj(my functions are te-si-ne-ti-ni-fi-fe and rest assured the fe is NOT used at all) 3w4 361(tritype) and i HATE istps. i mean i dont hate them but… you get me. especially male istps act so damn cocky all the time. females are usually chads i love them hehe. but anyways i was saying i LOVE enfps so much. only the real ones tho, the internet is filled with ppl who take the 16personalities.com test(for those who dont know, that test sucks balls. whether ur room is tidy or not doesnt determine perceiver/judger, go read about cognitive functions pls) and adopt the “enfp fun girlie😙✌🏻” attitude(i hope ur not one of them.)
the main thing that rules out any kind of mbti romantic compatibility is that, all people are different. all people use their functions to different extents, in different ways, different combinations, and their enneagrams are different. also your expectation from romantic partners. i for one, expect my partner to have significant differences from me, so im more into se doms(esxp types). but things dont always work out like that. i love my enfp sister to death but cant get along well much with my entj(se user) sister. dont think too hard about mbti, its just for fun and to analyze the reasonings of peoples behaviours, rooted in the way theyve built their personality since they were kids. have a nice day babeeee
Nah it's ok luv, I get it!! I just thought the article was fun and it low key boosted my ego a little, that's why I wanted to share it! 😂 People who take MBTI so seriously are really annoying, especially when they shove down your throat how much of an (insert mbti type) they are. And almost all of my friends should, in theory, be "incompatible" with me because a good bunch of them are xNTP.
YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT ISTP MEN, THOUGH OH GOD, arrogant assholes, all of them!! I do think it's funny how people are down bad for ISTP women but not for men! 😂
As for me I personally thought that I was an INFP for YEARS but someone who is more knowledgeable in that field very kindly explained to me as to why they think I'm an ENFP and I found myself agreeing on absolutely everything they said and no, they didn't just mention the messy and cheerful stereotype that's often attributed to that type. I sincerely hope you don't see me as a fake-
I personally noticed that I'm really attracted to xNFJ and xNTJ types but honestly, all of the types of hot. You just gotta pick which one you prefer in the end!
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youfloweryourfeast · 2 years
Ok soo this is a bit of a rant about being an inxp type and how we can be so hard on ourselves. I also wanna talk about some self growth stuff because that’s a lot of what I think about. Sleep walking through life is a big one..I have this tendency to ignore my life and become stuck in my head. I’ll ignore chores and my homework, I’ll become lost in another world. I’ll have time where I’m trying to improve myself but it doesn’t last long. I am really hoping that I can become dedicated. I think because of se polr it’s like trying to manage everything in my life feels exhausting, and it’s just easier for me to ignore it. And I know this is very bad.
So something ive discovered and maybe this will help other inxps is how creating a routine can help immensely. It doesn’t have to be super excessive, simply you could write a sheet of what you need to do everyday. I find writing things down helps me and it helps me to remember se things. Since I’ve been there where I’ve tried to manage my life through my head, it just doesn’t work well. I need to have reminders I need to be consistent. Being consistent in something that can also be difficult for inxp. I use to play piano and though I enjoyed it, I never truly practiced enough.
It’s important we try to push ourselves. This is also what our dual is suppose to help us with but if our duals not there, you have to do it yourself. You have to plant the seed your self and each day to try and get better. I have bad habits and it’s extremely difficult for me to stop them but after a few weeks, it will get easier. I know this. We know all these things as I tend to think about what im doing greatly. If someone tells me “your not trying enough” well guess what I already knew that. That is how ne works..and if your truly value ne, you have to accept that you will probably never feel fulfilled. No matter how much you change yourself or do to make yourself feel better, it will always be difficult to keep going. That is just an acceptance that you have to allow yourself to understand and move on, keep going. I know that it’s not gonna be easy for me at first. Don’t expect yourself to get something the first try. The realm of inxp types is that to become better we have to train ourselves. First, through our mind we have to use that to make it happen in reality. Then, to be consistent and not indulge in our bad habits.
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wikipedie · 1 year
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I posted 25,198 times in 2022
That's 18,336 more posts than 2021!
392 posts created (2%)
24,806 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,184 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 960 posts
#art - 931 posts
#the mentalist - 251 posts
#jisbon - 117 posts
#self-care - 116 posts
#ofmd art - 107 posts
#poetry - 94 posts
#important - 93 posts
#photography - 86 posts
#quotes - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#no i shan't.....i already have 10 ideas and im working on 2-3....unless 👀👀👀.... it's gonna be like 200 words top....👀👀👀 ok damn
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tagged by @thrustin-timberlake so long ago that I couldn't find this anymore and I had to look in my email asdfhjk. Thanks love.
Go to pinterest and type in “[your name] core aesthetic” and create a moodboard using the first nine images. No need to reveal what your name actually is!
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99 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
I cannot believe I'm saying this but Tumblr is the only place where I have even just a bit of chance of reaching some people. To my fellow Romanians, if you think you can help with the situation with Ukraine, or you might know anyone that can help, (even just sharing so that it can reach people who can help) please read below. Personally, I also received it and while I cannot help, I can distribute it. Thank you.
Dragii noștri,
Operațiunile militare din Ucraina au căpătat un curs neașteptat! Exploziile și bombardamentele din Kiev, Harkov sau Odesa îi forțează pe civili să caute refugiu în țările europene, inclusiv in România.
Gravitatea situației ne determină să nu fim impasibili și să îi sprijinim pe oamenii și copiii care sunt acum nevoiți să își părăsească locuințele și a căror viața și siguranță sunt afectate!
Astfel, vă îndemnăm să fim solidari și venim către voi cu rugămintea de a distribuirea acestui mesaj către
𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘁 𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗯𝗮 𝘂𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗮̆!
Suntem în căutarea de voluntari Salvați Copiii sau de persoane care nu sunt voluntari în cadrul Organizației, dar și-ar dori să fie și să se implice în această cauză!
Ne puteți sprijini prin 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗮 𝗺𝗲𝘀𝗮𝗷𝘂𝗹𝘂𝗶 𝗶̂𝗻 𝗴𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗹𝗲 facultăților de limbi străine, studii culturale, asociații sau persoane care se pot implica.
Centrele noastre de refugiați sunt în căutare de persoane care pot oferi traducere la distanță sau fizic în limba ucraineană (pot fi de folos și cunoștințe de limba rusă) în centrele din:
• Centrul de Refugiați din 𝗥𝗮̆𝗱𝗮̆𝘂𝘁̦𝗶
• Centrul de Refugiați din 𝗦̦𝗼𝗺𝗰𝘂𝘁̦𝗮 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗲
• Centrul de Refugiați din 𝗚𝗮𝗹𝗮𝘁̦𝗶
• Centrul de Refugiați din 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘀̦𝗼𝗮𝗿𝗮
• Centrul de Refugiați din 𝗕𝘂𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀̦𝘁𝗶
Ne-ar fi de foarte mare ajutor dacă mesajul nostru ar ajunge la oameni care locuiesc în Rădăuți, Șomcuța Mare, Galați, Timișoara, București și care ar putea oferi serviciile de traducere inclusiv fizic.
Pentru orice fel de întrebare cu privire la implicarea în acest proiect, ne puteți contacta pe: [email protected] și vă vom ajuta în scurt timp.
Mai mult, daca aveti prieteni care sunt din Ucraina, puteti sa le distributi acest grup. Sunt romani care locuiesc langa granita cu Ucraina si vor sa ajute cu cazare, alimente, etc. Sunt multe anunturi in grupul asta. https://www.facebook.com/groups/unitipentruucraina/
Thank you for your time.
142 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
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This appeared on my dash 10 minutes ago and I had to make it
198 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
I feel better about my programming skills. However poorly I might do and however little I might know and understand, I can be at peace knowing I will always know more about it than Elon Musk
409 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok so this might be absolutely bonkers and/or I might take the show too seriously but as someone fascinated by therapy/therapeutic methods and trauma i need to talk about OFMD or I'll explode or catch fire or something
For starters, Stede is one of the best therapists I've seen on screen and he's not even a therapist (god the amount of ramblings I do about media portrayals of therapists). He genuinely truly cares about the crew and wants to help them grow. He sees them, sees their trauma and he recognizes the system that made them be pirates, doesn't blame them for it. ("Traditionally piracy is a culture of abuse, floggins, keelhauligns. And my thought is "Why?" and also "what if it weren't like that" "). Also, the quote about how "every captain pirate captains pirates differently" really made me think about how every therapist has their own unique approach of dealing and connecting with the people who come to them.
He builds amenities for the crew. He creates a session of feedback after his raid and gives attention to the positives (even if I laughed at him basically applauding himself on his own speech). When Wee John complains about his way of doing things, he says
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reframing thoughts being a technique in CBT. Not quite the same thing, but reframing criticism is stemming from that. When Wee John brings up the very valid point that they don't have a flag, he agrees with it and creates a session of art therapy, for them to express themselves by creating flags!
See the full post
474 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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juni-ravenhall · 2 years
oh ye mighty one, knowledgeable in the arcane ways of human mind...
can you share your opinion on what is the most annoying trait of INTP/ISTPs (i honest to god have no idea which one fits me better)? perhaps something on how to "overcome" it or make it less annoying, if possible?
thank you! (if you don't feel like answering, that's perfectly okay and understandable)
dude u have no idea how excited i am u ask me mbti shit. aideen bless ur week ;_;
u know ur dominant Ti if u are stuck between those two. do u like motorcycles? do u care about tinkering w mechanical things? do u like physical construction stuff more than reading wikipedia articles? then prob istp. if u prefer to read 200 pages about some biology topic, then prob intp. stereotypes yeah, not 100% certain, but ones based on many irl ppl ive known. intp tend to be more quiet and indoorsy while istp more assertive and outdoorsy. istp use Se-Ni while intp use Ne-Si so also, if ur really into physical stimulation (driving fast, working out, drinking, partying) more likely istp, if youre more into being inside ur brain thinking of nifty concepts and connecting theoretical dots, more likely intp.
as far as most annoying trait goes. both these types can get stuck in the same place unable to progress where they want to go, or just to become a more mature/healthy person even, bc of the Ti (for intp also the Si).
Ti is kinda like a library that u fill out with information (says i as a non-Ti user), u have lots of bookshelves and filing cabinets full of cool shit, but the problem is, sometimes the info you filed might not have been fully correct, or maybe it changed over time. so among all those books and files there might be some stuff thats holding u back or causing u to not see things in a realistic way in the present time, bc an old mindset is stuck. could be things like "you have to do x thing a certain way" (u dont!) or "x thing is difficult and i cant do it" (u can!) or "usually people do x thing x way and being different is not ok" (its ok!) or many other things.
can get stuck in mindsets and habits that aren't helping instead of habits that do help. and habits can be important for Ti and Si ppl, so having repetitive habits might not be bad at all, but make sure they're taking you where u want to be. if not, try new habits even if it might be uncomfortable for a bit - if its too uncomfortable mb its not the right habit for u tho. (esp important for ND ppl who might have even more specific needs regarding habits)
i think the typical toxic trait of ixtp is mansplaining tbh (but like.. genderneutral). that can make others feel like "dont you think i know anything? do you think im stupid?" even tho its often not intended that way. the toxic version of this is mostly bc the Ti library is indeed full of cool shit and ixtp can sometimes, if toxic, forget that other ppl *also* have brains full of cool shit and theirs is not the only cool one or necessarily the one with the most correct info. (but pls dont get anxiety that ur toxic about this bc ur probably not.)
the not-toxic but "annoying to normies" version of this for the intp is more like, infodumping, talking a lot about their interests and new cool things they learnt, and normies might be like "thats so boring i dont care about this" (unfair, get real friends who do care). for istp it might be more like "i know everything about how this machine works and what all the parts are called", which can come across as being cocky or like you think u know more than everyone else who are into the same thing. (being confident is good obvs, so as long as u dont put others down its not bad.)
i think overall the generic advice from me would just be to watch out for getting stuck in repetitive mindsets/habits that don't help you enjoy life, and watch out for thinking your knowledge is wider/better than others (i mean - maybe it *is*, maybe not, but the issue is putting down the knowledge of others more than anything).
if you've been thru a rough time in life, you might on the other hand *lack* confidence in ur Ti library... so then u should fill it up with more cool shit and kick out the bad shit, start fresh to some degree. and just make sure to make friends who appreciate ur library of cool shit and ur skills. don't force urself to put up with ppl who don't support your interests or who dont think ur talents are meaningful.
also summary: marie-kondo out your brain sometimes and check if a mindset / habit / assumption / etc is sparking joy or not.
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buspolaris · 2 years
Yuris revenge cant go into network
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I have to do this now, though I dont know if this is related to the problem. back then I never needed to modify the shortcut to "emulate Win98" for the game to work. I have played Yuri's Revenge on SP3 in the past (though it was on a different motherboard). I lose *all* internet connectivity, I can't surf, IM doesnt work, I can't even ping my DSL modem. This is more than just losing the ability to go back into the chat room and find (or create) a new game to play. Everything is fine *except*, after each online game, as soon as it ends (whether I win or lose), my internet connection completely freezes. I went on a several-month haitus and recently began playing again on my WinXP SP3 machine. Hi there, not sure if it's appropriate to make this a response to the existing thread or start a new one. For each of these, right click on the executable, select Properties, go to the Compatibility Tab, and under Compatibility Mode, check the box that says Run this program in compatibility for:, then Select Windows 98 / Windows Me in the drop down menu and hit OK. If you are using XP and you receive an error when booting up Yuri's Revenge, try going to the directory with the Yuri's Revenge executables in it (they're named Yuri.exe and/or RA2MD.exe). I've heard 802.3 isn't made for a wireless connection. It could also be the case, of course, that switching to a wired connection is all we had to do to fix it. To fix this, we had to switch the wireless computer to a wired network connection served off of the switch, not the router, and once we did that the other two computers were able to see that computer in the Yuri's Revenge Lobby. The other two were connected to the switch, so they were further down the hierarchy than the wireless computer, and neither of the wired computers could see the wireless one in the lobby, but the wireless could see both of the others. One of the computers was connected wirelessly on the network, so it was connected directly to the router. In our case, we had the internet feeding a wireless router which was feeding a switch. We had issues keeping Network Threat Protection in SEP disabled, so we uninstalled Symantec altogether just to test if it was blocking the game, and as soon as we uninstalled in we could see each other in the Yuri's Revenge Lobby.Ĭheck your physical network hierarchy for the computers you want to play with. In our case, any player with Symantec Endpoint Protection was unable to see other players in the Lobby, and vice versa. Some antivirus programs block computers trying to play Yuri's Revenge. The correct network card will be the Physical Address listed for whatever device connects you to the internet (Typically Local Area Connection 3, and typically this is the only device listed). Type in cmd and hit enter, a command prompt will show up. You can tell which number is correct by going to your start menu in Windows and selecting Run. Select the correct network card in Yuri's Revenge by running the game and going to Options: Network. Ours were already installed, but if you have trouble getting that set up just Google "Install IPX Protocol". Get an IPX protocol installed on your network drive, make sure the Frame type is set to 802.3 and the Network Number and Internal Network Number are set to 00000000. Hope this helps anybody struggling with it. By the time all the dialogue is done and a couple minutes of waiting between people talking, the nuke is ready to launch and I'm pretty much buggered for that mission as my power plants are destroyed and therefore cant use the weather control device.K, so, I just spent a day and a half sorting through forums and working on getting YR networked, and I made a checklist of all the things we had to fix to get it working. Mission starts with the nuke timer at around 3 mins and your own weather control device at around 1 min 30 s. After someone is done talking, I'll be stuck hovering over the area they just explained for 30 seconds to a minute before the next dialogue sequence kicks inįor ex, there is an allied mission where Yuri has a nuke silo built and you have to destroy it. I'm not sure if they are considered 'cutscenes' or not, but when I'm playing campaign in Yuri's Revenge the scenes that explain a mission once you can start to see the map (that show the person talking in the map screen in the top right) are veerryy slow to finish/kick in.
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