#ilya texts fics
giddyfatherchris · 1 day
📱skz texts — someone is making you feel uncomfortable/unsafe
| including. bang chan, lee know, changbin, hyunjin
type. requested (thank youu)
warnings. mention of creepy ppl making reader feel uncomfortable, but nothing very detailed
a/n. loved imagining protective stray kids while also keeping a light and funny aspect to it! hope you guys enjoy xx
maknae line
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smilebackwards · 1 year
🤡 and 🛒 for the fic ask meme?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Self-esteem issues, communication failure, hugs, emotional catharsis
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
The whole premise of sight unseen where no one will let Cody see Obi-Wan's face 😂
And every week Kenobi appears on screen, cut off from the neck up.
Cody knows that his brothers can do better videography. Bly has proved it with hours of footage dedicated to zooming in on General Secura’s face and biceps. And no one gets off Kamino without passing a basic reconnaissance course. This kind of shit documentary video of a battlefield would get them all killed.
It isn’t that Kenobi’s features really matter. Cody chose Kenobi for his mind, his battle skills and stratagems. But—
I would like to see his fucking face so I can recognize him when we meet, Cody sends to Captain Ilya with irritation.
Sir, he’s the one on the right, Ilya replies back, as straight-faced as a comm text can read. He’s even helpfully circled Kenobi’s headless body in red.
Cody is going to send him to the ass end of Separatist space.
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17, 22 for the writing asks? 🌠
of course!! <3 sorry this took a literal day to answer, i got busy and #17... 🤧 let's just say i like talking about my WIP. also sorry this is like novel length, rivalfic is my baby
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists.
usually, cough. not very. but with my current WIP (the f1 AU) that couldn't be more different, mostly due to the nature of this fic. i unfortunately had the marvelous idea to write it just before classes started last year, which meant that while i have pretty much the whole of the first part (there will be two, each covering one season of f1) planned, i had little to no time to actually write it down. so i needed meticulous planning, not only to give me a good road map when i did get time to write, but also to motivate me to keep going.
i do a lot of writing on paper before typing it up (thank god im good at touch typing. i learned when i was 8 and have blasted many a coworker out of the water on the occasion that a typing competition is used as an icebreaker.) most of the time, if dialogue or a fake tumblr post or headline comes to mind, i can just add it to a document i have for that purpose. different pages are set up for different races. if you've read every point a pressure point, i don't go into detail for every race. i have just chosen the ones that i think are most important to the story, and will let the fake posts, headlines, and/or classifications speak for the rest.
speaking of the classifications, uh. this is probably the silliest part by far so bear with me and don't laugh.
this past term i finally learned to use a programming language other than html, and obviously with great power comes great responsibility, so i decided to visualize the standings using python. i've already decided the racing characters' classifications and point totals from the beginning and they've been sitting in a google sheet for a while, so this past weekend when finals were finally over, i just downloaded it as a CSV file and read it with the DictReader class in the CSV module and then visualized the data into plots using matplotlib (i'm sorry if my terminology isn't correct i just do things that i learned in class and look up the stuff that was out of the scope of that course lol)
so this is the result (warning for mild spoilers ahead i guess):
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now that i've actually visualized the data i now realize that i may have to tweak some of the classifications (it is entirely possible that i have made ilya and linda score too many points for how high i want caledonian to finish in the constructor's championship) and also ignore the 0.5s on the x-axes i need to figure out if i can even get rid of those. i somewhat tried to model the teams' performances on historical precedent but i feel like i got a little too subjective on the points scoring. linda should probably have scored a bit less than how she is now, and ilya a little bit more. anywhey,,, i dont really know what im doing lol these are kind of just vibes
so yeah! i spend way too much time thinking about this WIP as you can see, it's a wonder ppl have indulged me this far tbh. i promise i think about other things
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
bestie not to make an already long reply longer but.
i plan to write two (longfic) parts in this universe, i think i've said this already: one covers therlinda rookie season (every point a pressure point) and the other their sophomore season (every point a surer step).
a lot of the parts of this universe are based on historical precedent, though it takes place in the quasi-present. any timings stated in the fic are directly pulled from real timing sheets specific to a track/race. in my head, the cars look like how they did in 2021: example below. so in essence the rear wing still looks like That, front still looks like that, no covers for the wheels like 2022 spec.
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the calendar is based off the 2018/2019 f1 race calendar, with 21 rounds, and everything takes place in chronological order. mcn's performance difference from part 1 to part 2 is sort of based on a team that's currently on the grid (though doesn't follow its history very closely). but mcn in part 1 is definitely a backmarker team for reasons that i kind of still have to fully set and iron out. (bc i don't have the aerodynamic knowledge for that yet.) i imply that caledonian's performance equivalent/championship rival is alpha tauri, but i consider caledonian to be a true midfield team. the ultimate goal is for both theresa and linda to make it to bigger teams; ferrari and alpine (renault) specifically. this is in a universe where the title battle is between ferrari and alpine.
that being said, the two central conflicts in the every point a pressure point universe are not based on anyone in particular in the present, or any historic rivalry between competitors; it was literally borne out of me lying awake on vacation last year going from 'wow why do i approach theresa & douglas / linda & herc so similarly' to 'maybe they have parallels somewhere' to 'what if they were racers' to 'what if they hated each other and then banged' to 'what if this was intergenerational' to 'what if i wrote a fic about this' to 'god i know nothing about any of this, time to research'
i'm a relatively new fan to f1, so i don't think any of my opinions would be very welcome; i'm not looking to make any big statements about the sport either or moralize. i'm a firm believer of shutting the fuck up if you don't know enough about a specific thing/topic/issue and don't have the capacity at the moment to learn more about it. there are others whom i really respect who do have the time to go through and learn about the minutiae of the (MANY) issues of this sport but i do not have the time to do it, ergo, i leave the big statement-making to those good folks. yea, i mean, some of the characters' opinions are a little bit my own, but i don't really think they're that seismic: i think generally people would agree with it.
that being said, i think there's a really big takeaway (other than pleasure/enjoyment) that i want for anyone who reads through either of the two parts of this story; what i want to say, if you want to put it that way, is that life's too short to be petty, really. more than anything, we need each other, even those diametrically opposed. not everything is worth vitriol. as i said: i don't vocalize my opinions about the sport so often. i'm not vaguing anyone, really. i just believe very firmly that we need one another to survive. there's not enough room in our very full lives for hostility. also, like, heal your wounds before it's too late. it affects more people than you think.
yea not to get really too deep about any of this haha but as i said above rivalfic is kind of my baby and i really enjoy writing it; i know people find it weird and the universe comes totally out of left field and i feel like i'm diverging really far from the source material but then again theresa and linda never interacted in canon anyway so sorry tito juan 😩
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apprenticeofcups · 5 years
how to handle old-timey disaster plague doctors in your fic
terms: “doctor” is anyone you go to for medical help. most plague doctors were freelancers (hired by the government later on) with an eclectic background in the below disciplines and beyond, including but not limited to, faith-healing, shamanism, alchemy (the crackpot medieval stuff, not the school of magic), general superstition, guessing, and lying.
barber-surgeon (later just surgeon*) = the quicker-fixer-upper. if it’s not supposed to be there or it’s infected and gonna kill you, the barber-surgeon cuts it off. you’ll find a lot of them on battlefields and war-torn regions, because they put the champ in amputation
*doctor on a boat is always called a surgeon, even if they’re not one. if pirates took your ship, they probably wouldn’t kill you
apothecary = the person and the place for pills, herbs, ingredients, materials like mortars and pestles, burners, etc. apothecaries can make medicines, prescribe, and administer them. they don’t need to confirm you’ve got a headache. here’s some cocaine
chemist = and apothecary that’s not just for medicine - a chemist will generally sell things that are already made, and ingredients that need to be synthesized (you buy potash from an apothecary, gunpowder from a chemist)
address: doctor, the good doctor
"Doctor” mostly implies expertise and study, so you can call almost any of the above “doctor” (barber-surgeons are sometimes an exception, since they’re also barbers)
“Good” in Renaissance and later vernacular implies camaraderie; “my lord” is any random noble, “my good lord” is a noble in your brunch crew. similarly, “the good doctor” is “my friend the doctor” (NOT “this doctor who is good at their job”)
training: like most professions, medicine has been a master/apprentice affair for centuries. during the Renaissance, formal medical schooling did become a thing, but most people (read: not nobility) would only trust provincially-trained doctors with real-world experience (there’s a whole commedia trope about the uselessness of doctor-academics)
reputation: is everything. skill is nothing. especially in wartime and epidemics, when medicine was just guessing and cutting or throwing herbs at a disease and hoping it’s not demons, people wanted doctors that made them feel safe, and with no mainstream form of formal training, the best doctor is the one with a) the most patients surviving long enough to talk about them or b) the best reviews from family of dead patients
Disclaimer: pseudo-euro plague doctor culture spans about four hundred years, and it’s hard to say what is and is not in terms of medical advancements in worlds that also have magic, so these are Big Sweeping Generalizations to help fill in the cracks. 
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insanitysilver · 3 years
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Great for commutes/while doing chores/etc. Also great for proofreading your own stuff! I made version 1.0 in 2015, but the program I recommended has since switched over to a monthly subscription-base model (boooo). So, here’s my new, still free, 2020 method:
1. Choose and Download Your Fanfic: 
AO3 comes with download options, and of them HTML tends to play the nicest. Viewing then downloading the fic using AO3’s ‘Entire Work’ option will save you some time. Copy and pasting the entire body of the text will works too. For FFN, you’re going to either have to a.) use a third party site to download fics (sketchy) or b.) install a userscript that reenables copy-paste (more labor intensive).
2. Choose Your Text-to-Speech Software: 
First, you’ll need text-to-speech software. There are many options on the market, some free, some not. For this tutorial, we’ll be using Balabolka. A free program made Ilya Morozov in 2010 that he’s continued to update and work on since. It’s Windows-only for now. (Mac and Linux users might want to look into Natural Reader since that’s web-based, though the free version offers less functionality.)
Balabolka Pros:
Can export audio files
Can create multiple custom pronunciation dictionaries!!!
Change pitch and speed of read-aloud voice
Sleep timer!
Very customizable interface
It’s free
Balabolka Cons:
Doesn’t come with additional voices. Only uses default Windows voices + any extra additional ones you’ve installed.
It’s freeware maintained by one man for free, so patches and bug fixes will come slower.
3. Download and Install Balabolka
As of Nov. 17th, 2020, Balabolka’s official website is cross-plus-a (dot) com. Google it. If the site layout changes in the future just check that the bottom still says ‘Copyright © 2006-2020 Ilya Morozov’ so you know you’re in the right place.
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Upon downloading, if you’re using Windows 10 you might get this pop-up:
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Here Windows is checking the program for an EV Code Signing Certificate. Basically, checking its credentials. Getting and keeping an EV Certificate costs the developer(s) ~$100+ yearly, so bc a program doesn’t have one doesn’t inherently mean its not safe. That’s the trade-off for freeware. No money goes in, so no money can go out to get certified. As always, do your due diligence before downloading any program to your computer, and read up on the benefits and risks of freeware if you’re not familiar with them already.  *gets off soap box*
Pressing More Info will allow you to continue installation.
4. Get to Know the Program
Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle! Upon opening the program you’ll be greeted with this interface. Feel free to open your HTML file or paste some sample text to start playing around with.
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Areas of Note:
These are essentially your voice engine options and will vary computer to computer. Click through the tabs to see where your default voices are stored. If you buy additional voices from a 3rd party they’ll show up here too.
Up under View you can change the font settings and the program’s skins. Nifty.
Meet your new favorite button: The Panel of Dictionaries.
5. Fix the Pronouciations (Optional)
Chances are your fic has internet slang like t/n, or non-english words, or fantasy terms, or maybe just an unusual surname that your voice bank refuses to pronouce correctly. Balabolka makes it quite easy to fix that. I have a more in-depth tutorial for this on my blog.
Balabolka can also switch voices within a single document. This could be useful for differentiating dialogue or forcing correct pronunciation of foreign names if you have voice banks in multiple languages and the original characters at your disposal. Tutorial for that here.
6. Convert Your Fic, And You’re Done!
The hardest part is long since past. Now that you’ve got your settings worked out and the pronunciation as good as it’s gonna get, time to press either ‘Save Audio File’ or ‘Split and Convert to Audio Files’:
Notes about File Types
Mp3 – compressed for smaller file size, pretty universally playable
Mp4 – refined compression, (potentially) even smaller file size, widely accepted, but not universal
WAV – no compression, high quality, large file sizes
For multi-chapter fics:
I highly recommend using ‘Split and Convert to Audio Files’, as trying to export a 100k fic as a sound file takes forever (esp WAVs), and is very unruly to navigate as a listener.
10k words roughly equates to an hour of audio
Pick through the options offered for what suits your needs best. For AO3 HTML files I have good luck picking ‘two empty lines in succession’ if you’re trying to divide by chapter.
Next Balabolka lets you preview the cuts you’re about to make. Truly a kind and forgiving piece of software. I recognize my own chapter titles, so it’s easy for me to uncheck anything that doesn’t belong.
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Fix the settings to your liking on that and BING! Finished! Oh, and whenever you finish a fic remember to go back and leave a review! Sweet reviews make authors write faster!
End Notes:
So the first time takes a bit, but after that you can convert fics in under ten minutes.
A text-to-speech program isn’t going to beat out a real living, breathing narrator. Not this decade anyway. If you find yourself using Balabolka a lot and crave a smoother voice than Microsoft David’s, it might be time to look into buying a 3rd party voice bank. CereProc makes my favorites, and the personal use licenses cost ~$35. Balabolka + a CereProc voice is still much cheaper than most of the other software on the market and honestly outperforms a lot of it. Also throw a donation Ilya Morozov’s way through his website since he’s maintained this program freely for a decade and helped a lot with accessibility through doing so.
Example text is from ‘The Secret Desires of Buddy Valastro’ by perfectcannolis, and thank you to @bearfoottruck​ who informed me about balabolka to begin with.
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salsdemise · 3 years
Hey hey heeyyy :)))
first of all i just wanted to say that i love ur posts smm 🥺❤
Could i please request a bit of a comfort fic for Asra regarding a mc (fem!reader- she/her) who is deeply insecure about her height!?
For context i am Asra's height and i always felt soooo insecure about being tall and not being perceived as feminine enough for a woman :(
sorry for being so long hsvshab love yaaa <3
I’m so glad you liked that fic!! I’m more than glad to write this for you! Tall women are super pretty and just as feminine as short or average height women!!
and its a-ok this was a little long!
Asra x fem!mc who’s insecure about being as tall as them :))
Notes: switching between they/them and he/him for asra, love for tall women <3/p, s/o used for you instead of y/n or mc lol(this fic kinda sucks so theres hcs at the bottom!), asra's text is in pink
Cw: body dysmorphia, generally just kinda self-doubt.
Today was tiring, for both you and Asra. While Asra went out to help Nadia with surveying her people, asking what they thought was an issue to be fixed, you stayed home, at the shop, running it and closing. Being left alone all day, with your thoughts and such, made you exhausted.
When Asra came home, he half expected you to be asleep at the counter, faust on your shoulders. But upon entering and seeing the shop tidy and quiet, he ventured upstairs to your shared room. What they weren’t expecting was to see you laying on the bed, curled in a ball and looking tired and sad.
“S/O? What’s wrong?” they spoke, taking off their scarf, bag and vest as well as their boots before sitting on the bed next to your curled up form.
You sighed, moving so you could sit up, your knees pulled to your chest, “Asra, am I,,I dunno, am I,, not feminine enough?”
Asra was visibly shocked at your words, putting their hands on your shoulders, “My dear, where is this coming from so suddenly? Why would you think you’re not ‘feminine’ enough?”
“My height, Asra. I’m as tall as you are, don’t you think it’s a little weird? A girl like me, as tall as her partner is-is weird!”
“Oh s/o, don’t you think like that. Just because you’re tall doesn’t mean you're any less feminine. It just means we’re the same height, and there’s nothing ‘weird’ or wrong about that,” Asra brings you into a hug, holding you close to his chest, your arms wrap around him too. “Height doesn’t define masculinity or femininity. You could be as tall as Muriel and still be just as feminie as smaller women. You’re perfect the way you are, my love.”
Smiling, you moved to kiss his cheek, “Thank you, Asra.” “Of course, my dear.” Bonus: hcs!(bc the fic kinda sucked) -Asra fucking loves you no matter what, if you wear heels that make you taller than him he swoons
-He’ll re-assure you for anything. No matter what
-if someone caused this insecurity by commenting on it, him, pasha and Ilya will be,,talking to them -You guys can probably wear each others clothes and they’ll be dressing up like you sometimes
- you mentioned you liked the dancing bit last time so,,,
-Asra likes to just take you places and dance with you and will even set it up so that as it goes on he’ll be able to bend down to kiss you -like that one scene of greg and rose from SU where he tries to fuse with her -he likes picking you up even if it is just that little bit and you end up on the floor -he loves that you’re as tall as him though.
-they don’t know why it’s just cool
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seguin-absorbed · 3 years
do you want me to spend the night? | ilya sorokin
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a/n: here goes my first friendship fic! i've really wanted to do one with sorokin so here it is. hope you like it!
pairing: ilya sorokin x reader [platonic]
warnings: none, just friendship fluff (and my bad attempt at russian)
word count: 334
taglist: @intobarzal [join my taglist!♡]
Ilya has been trying to reach you. He has probably called and texted you a number of times but you weren't picking it up or responding.
You groan and shift in your bed. The headache has been killing you. Your temperature is very high and you don't know whether to lower down the thermostat or strip out of all of your clothes. You choose the former and try to relax and ignore the pain. After feeling slightly better, you snooze off.
You wake up to your phone ringing: Ilya Sorokin (Baby Goalie) would like to FaceTime...
You're greeted with your friend's chin. You hear chatter in the background. It seems like he's with the team. "Hey. I was trying to call you. Are you okay? It's so dark." He comments as you picked up. It is indeed dark. All the lights are off.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was asleep. Not really feeling better."
You sneak a quick glance at all the messages he sent you:
"There's team dinner. Would you like to come?"
"Hey, are you busy?"
"I'll call you now."
"3 missed calls from Ilya Sorokin (Baby Goalie)."
At this point, Ilya's just looking at you looking very concerned.
"Hey Ilya, I just read your messages. I'm sorry I can't accompany you to dinner," you murmured. He really wanted you to be there.
"No, it's fine. Have you eaten yet?"
"Well, uh, not since breakfast. Dinner sounds really good right now."
"Okay, I'll bring dinner."
"Are you sure? How about the team's dinner?"
"It's okay," he smiled sweetly. "Wait for me. Do you want me to spend the night? I'll crash on your couch."
"You are my bestest friend, Ilya. Of course, ya budu ochen rada." [I’d like that very much.]
He laughs at your funny attempt at Russian as he ends the call and gets ready to head out to bring you food and take care of you.
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barzzal · 3 years
about and navigation
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hi here’s a mobile about/navi you can look thru in case you’re new to my blog and wanted to gtk me ♡
name: ally
age: 20+
pronouns: she/her
sign: virgo
mbti: entj
main: islanders, penguins, avalanche
i live blog so you might want to filter the ff just in case bc we tend to clog up the dash during game night: #isles lb, #avs lb, #pens lb
important links:
→ find me at: solaange
→ blog inbox
→ writings and gif sets
→ writing guidelines
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this is only a side blog. meaning, i don’t follow and like thru this blog at all. my main is at solaange so if you see that user lurkin’, don’t fret cos that’s me!
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tagging system:
my stuff (writings/creations)
→ edits, op, gif sets, interviews
→ imagines, blurbs, headcanons
→ barzzal: fic recommendations
personal posts
→ text posts
→ ask box
→ queued posts
→ about me posts
→ tag games
→ feedbacks
→ mentions
everything hockey related
→ general
→ videos
→ shitposts
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a few things to know about me:
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— living the barzal and crosby life -ˋˏ religiously  ˊ-
— i write imagines and make gifs! / do not repost and or steal any of my work + gifs (no matter how bad they are) on other platforms ie. twitter, instagram, inc. tumblr
— the realest hockey quote is still the one where joey said “hockey was a big mistake” bc hun, it is. i dove head first and never came back up
— i love mat when he’s speaking french cos he kinda looks like a smol bèbè. however, tito speaking french? don’t ask me about it i have a weakass pussy
— i’m an adult poc so pls pls lmk if you’re a minor before you interact with me. i don’t mind chatting with yalls but i tend to say things that would for sure get me to jail and i don’t think i’ve watched enough prison break for me to escape that shit
— i have a soft spot for captains ang goalies but i’ve never wanted anything else than to be dicked down by a d man. (ryan graves, i’m talking to u)
— forwards are cute too but they do be sloppy sometimes,, mathew i’m looking straight at you don’t you dare look away
— my ass is pretty much owned/legally allowed to be railed by mat barzal, sidney crosby, tyson jost, andre burakovsky, and sebastian aho only.
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players and teams you’ll often see on my blog:
in alphabetical order / (*) main hockeys
carolina hurricanes
andrei svechnikov* | xxxvii
sebastian aho* | xx
colorado avalanche
andre burakovsky* | xcv
cale makar | viii
mikko rantanen* | xcvi
nathan mackinnon | xxix
tyson barrie (i know i know. but for the sake of my sanity, let him stay here)
tyson jost* | xvii (simply can’t deal w this rn)
the whole roster actually
dallas stars
braden holtby
dennis gurianov*
jake oettinger
jason dickinson
roope hintz
tyler seguin | xci
montreal canadiens
carey price | xxxi
new jersey devils
nico hischier
ryan graves* | xxvii
pk subban
new york islanders
anders lee
casey cizikas
anthony beauvillier* | xviii
ilya sorokin*
jean gabriel pageau
mathew barzal* | xiii
matt martin
noah dobson
oliver wahlstrom | xxvi
pittsburgh penguins
evgeni malkin
kris letang
pierre-olivier joseph* | lxxiii
tristan jarry
sidney crosby* | lxxxvii
philadelphia flyers
philippe myers | v
travis konecny* | xi
vancouver canucks
elias pettersson* | xl
zack macewen
seattle kraken
jordan eberle
st. louis blues
colton parayko
tampa bay lightning
mathieu joseph* | vii
toronto maple leafs
mitch marner* | xvi
travis dermott | xxiii
what in the fucking fuck is this fuckery
marc andre fleury
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disclaimer: for obvious reasons, players that have openly or have been exposed of their bigotry, oppressive and privileged tendencies, esp. those that have faced issues concerning assault/abuse, are off this blog. this is a safe space for all, so if you support men that are racists, bigots, abusers, and/or oppressors of any kind, please do not interact with me nor hit the follow button.
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hils79 · 3 years
Fic Tag Game
I saw this on @kholran’s tumblr, liked it to fill in later and then promptly forgot. Don’t check Tumblr as soon as you wake up, fam. You will forget what you did an hour later. Anyway, this looks fun and now that I’m actually writing regularly again I thought I’d give this a go. 
Name: Hils
I am an ancient internet crone who, when I set up a Livejournal back in 2001, decided to just use a version of my actual name. I’m some version of Hils most places.
Fandoms: Since this is specifically about fic, I’m going to limit it to fandoms I’ve written in. Because otherwise we’d be here all night. I’m also not going to include fandoms where I only wrote one fic on a whim. All of the below are fandoms where I’ve written two fics or more. 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: This was my first experience with online fandom and still the longest and most prolific time I’ve spent in any fandom I think. My ship of choice was Buffy/Spike. I’ll be honest, when it became canon on the show I kind of lost interest. Be careful what you wish for :D
Pirates of the Caribbean: Yeah, I have a think for enemies to lovers. Jack/Norrington was my ship of choice here. This was also my first m/m OTP. 
Lord of the Rings RPF: This was my first RPF fandom (I know it's not for everyone don't judge me) and my pairing of choice was Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen. It was a pretty small pairing even in terms of LOTRRPF but I had a lot of fun. 
Smallville: I started shipping Clark and Lex from pretty much the first episode. Which was funny because I’ve been a Superman fan since I was a little kid and never expected to end up here. This was another big fandom for me where I wrote a lot. It’s second after Buffy for number of fics I’ve posted. 
Merlin: This was another one where I started shipping Merlin/Arthur from pretty much the beginning. It’s funny that, as a Brit, this is the only British fandom I’ve ever been in. 
Supernatural: Another big one. I’d watched the show from pretty much the beginning but it wasn’t until Castiel arrived in season 4 that I started writing fic. This is my third biggest fandom in terms of number of fics published and it’s also responsible for my two longest fics
Marvel: I’m using this as a broad umbrella to cover a bunch of different MCU movies, the comics, and the Agents of SHIELD TV show. Pairings I have written are: Tony/Pepper, Tony/Steve, Steve/Bucky, Phil/Clint
The Man From UNCLE: I grew up watching repeats of the old 60s show which I adored, and then the movie came out and was also fantastic, so my fics cover both the movie universe and the TV universe. Mostly Napoleon/Ilya with some Napoleon/Gaby/Ilya thrown in
Check Please: My introduction to hockey and I’m ashamed to say I still haven’t read the end of it despite owning a hard copy of it. Jack/Bitty are so sweet but, again, I kind of lost interest once they actually got together in canon
Hockey RPF: Sort of a natural progression from Check Please really. All my hockey fic is locked and comment moderation is on but it’s there if you feel the need to look. Pairings I wrote were Sid/Geno, Gabe/Tyson and Phil Kessel/Carl Hagelin which was a nice little rare pairing to play with.
The Untamed: My introduction to cdramas. I’ve only posted a couple of fics because I find the fandom quite intimidating in terms of volume and quality.  Weirdly this is one of the few fandoms where the pairing being canonically together just inspired me to write instead of putting me off. This fandom got me writing again after a couple of years of barely posting anything at all. 
Guardian: I fell into this one HARD. I posted my first fic about a month after I finished the show and I still have ideas for more. This was kind of a turning point for me in getting me to write regularly again. 
DMBJ/The Lost Tomb: This is where I pretty much live at the moment. I don’t know what it is about these silly shows that inspires me so much but I love them and the characters dearly. This is one of the few fandoms where I’m just as happy writing gen as I am writing shippy stuff. I just love the Iron Triangle friendship so much. 
Tropes: Hurt/Comfort is the big one for me. Pretty much all my fics involve this trope in some sense. Other than that I think it depends on the characters and the fandom. 
Fic I spent most time on: Definitely  Misha Collins Makes A Match (yes it’s an RPF fic). I had to plot out a whole road trip route set in a country where I don’t live. 
Favorite fic(s) you’ve written: Ooh, that’s a tough one. I generally don’t read my fics after I’ve published them and once they’re out there I consider them Done and move on to thinking about the next one. 
And There's That Pesky Thing Called Reality - I had a lot of fun playing with the meta aspects of fandom. It’s dated quite badly now but if you want a taste of what fandom was like in 2010 this is it.
He's My Brother - I enjoyed exploring different characters’ points of view for this one and how they see Wei Wuxian at different points in the show
Fic I spent least time on: I think I wrote and posted  Love On Ice in one evening. 
Longest fic: Discounting things I’ve written with other people it’s  Misha Collins Makes A Match again
Shortest fic: According to AO3  Three Little Words which is a 200 word Buffy/Spike fic
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks:
Hits:  The Truth About Cats, Dogs and Penguins which is a Sid/Geno hockey RPF fic
Kudos and Bookmarks:  Unleashed which is a Steve/Bucky AU where they meet in their local dog park
Comments: He's My Brother. The Untamed fandom might be a bit scary but they are also very kind
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I’m already planning at least one addition to the Zhu Yilong/Chen Minghao series I wrote for this year’s Sundial Exchange
Share a bit of a WIP: I generally only have one WIP on the go at a time and I just write outlines for any other ideas I have. So, this is a bit of what I’m working on at the moment. This is not, despite the below snippet, a Zhu Yilong/Chen Minghao fic. 
“Do you want his number?” Chen Minghao asks with a grin. “You can ask him yourself. I’ll need to check with him first but I think he’ll be fine with it.”
Something drops in Zhu Yilong’s stomach. He’s a mature adult who has met plenty of famous actors during his time in the industry. But there’s something different about being introduced to someone you admire. He’s not going to let his shyness get in the way of this opportunity though, not when it could help with his current role.
“That would be great. If you’re sure it’s no trouble.”
Chen Minghao waves a dismissive hand. “Of course it’s no trouble. All I need to do is send a text.”
I tag: ALL of my writer friends. I want to know all about your projects. TELL ME.
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Carry On Countdown - Day 22
Wow, watch me use the @carryon-countdown to plug my skating fic lmao
I don’t know if this counts, since Angelina is an OC and actually, Baz would totally make friends with/practically adopt a 17yo Russian girl, so I don’t know how unlikely it is, but it’s here. And also, I just really want to share more of On thin ice content, but the fic itself isn’t ready to be published yet so have this instead. 
For context, Baz used to train in Russia aged 16-20, and now both him and Simon train in Montreal (no, idk why I chose Montreal out of all places but that’s how it is.) Also I think Gelya is the Russian diminutive/nickname used for the name Angelina, but I’m not sure. The fic is still in the works, so this scene is bound to change/expand (I did omit it a bit when writing because spoilers) but anyway, I’ll stop rambling now. 
Prompt: Unlikely friends Word count: 1950 Rating: This scene is G, although the whole fic will be T or M 
The ride from the airport to the hotel is awful. Baz must’ve suspected this, because he made me sit in the front.
“Go on,” he said teasingly. “The only skater who has motion sickness.”
I have to say, sitting in the front almost didn’t make a difference. I may not know how to drive, but even I know you’re not supposed to drive like that. When the cab drops us off in front of the hotel, I don’t even bother hiding my relief. Baz laughs.
“I never want to experience this again,” I say, knowing full well that this is my life for the next week. The hotel might be close to the venue, but it’s still far enough for it to be a driving distance. I can only hope buses are less deadly than cabs.
“You know, Moscow traffic is actually tame compared to the rest of Russia,” Baz smirks, handing me my bags.
“Well then I never want to see the rest of Russia,” I mutter, slinging my duffel bag over my shoulder and stepping through the automated hotel doors. Baz scoffs and follows me.
This hotel is fancy – much fancier than the hotels we usually stay at. Baz doesn’t seem phased by it at all, the posh bastard. I bet the hotels he stays at when he’s on vacation are at least twice as posh.
He does, however, seem phased when someone yells “Basil!” across the lobby. Before either of us can register what’s going on, a small figure in a red jacket runs towards us at full speed and crashes into Baz, making him emit a surprised oof sound.
The moment I realize the figure is actually Angelina Nuriyeva is the moment she starts speaking in fast Russian. I don’t understand a thing, but Baz seems to, because he laughs and hugs her back.
I knew Baz and Angelina were friends, but I didn’t think they were this close. I mean, they’re the exact polar opposites; Angelina is an actual sunshine (she’s always hugging and smiling at everyone) and Baz is… Baz. (He’s a big softie, I know that, but he goes through great efforts to appear cold and closed off.)
But here he is, ruffling Angelina’s hair and telling her something in Russian. (I’m suddenly met with the realisation that being in Moscow means I’ll get to hear a lot more of Baz’s Russian. I am very much not complaining at this prospect, even if I don’t understand a thing of what they’re saying.)
Angelina is nodding along and she pulls out her phone to show him something, but that’s when Baz stops her, suddenly speaking in English.
“Wait, I think in the interest of Snow, we should switch to English. He already looks lost enough as it is,” he says.
“No, no, I’m fine, by all means…” I start, but I’m soon cut off by Angelina.
“Yes, of course! I’m sorry, Simon! Come here, it’s so good to see you,” she says and hugs me. (This is what I mean when I say Angelina is a sunshine.)
“Good to see you too,” I nod.
“I was just about to show Basil how his houseplants are doing. Do you want to see too?” she asks.
“Houseplants?” I don’t bother hiding the surprise in my voice. Since when does Baz like houseplants? His flat in Montreal doesn’t have any, spare the tiny cactus on the windowsill.
“I had a lot of houseplants when I still lived here, but I couldn’t take them with me on the plane when I moved, so Gelya took them in her care,” he explains, as if he’s reading my mind.
“Georgy is doing amazing but Ilya went a bit floppy. I changed his earth so now I’m hoping he gets better,” Angelina says, showing Baz a picture of two houseplants, side by side, one of them (Ilya?) looking slightly wilted.
“When it goes floppy, we say it wilts, and we don’t say earth, we say soil,” Baz corrects her. If I was Angelina, I’d probably be annoyed right now, but she just smiles at him.
“Thank you. It’s so much harder to learn English now that there’s no one here to practice with me,” she sighs.
“You know you can call me any time and we can practice,” Baz offers.
“Wait, wait, wait,” I stop them both. There is so much new information I have to process. “You had houseplants? And you named them Russian names? And you taught her English?” (That would actually explain why Angelina’s English is so good.)
“Yes, Snow, are you keeping up?”
“And when he gave them up, he wrote me a whole notebook on how to take care of them,” Angelina chimes in. “And another notebook with English grammar.”
Maybe I do have trouble keeping up. Who is this Baz? (And why is he so attractive?)
“I never thought of you as a houseplant kind of bloke,” I shrug. “You don’t have any houseplants in Montreal.”
“I’m still mourning the loss of my old children.” Baz deadpans before turning back to Angelina. “Show me Alyosha. He was always my favourite.”
Unsurprisingly, the jet-lag catches up with me right when it’s time to go to bed. I don’t know why I was naïve enough to believe I won’t need melatonin when dealing with an eight-hour time difference. I better take it now, before it’s too late.
I sigh and throw the covers back before picking up my phone to check the time. However, a text message notification from Snow grabs my attention before I can do that.
Is he nervous again? It would make sense, since this is a big competition for him. Would I be able to sneak into his room and sneak out the next morning unnoticed? I doubt that. There are only athletes staying on our floor, the coaches, press and competition staff are all on different floors, and I doubt the athletes would pay us much attention, but it’s still risky.
I’d much rather risk a few weird looks than have Simon spiral into panic two days before a major competition, though. I decide I’ll go to his room if that’s what he needs.
Maybe I should check why he’s even texting me before I devise any plans.
SS: do u have melatonine? SS: jet lag
I sigh in relief. He’s not having a mental breakdown. He’s just jet-lagged. (Which is a bit strange for Snow, but I suppose even his circadian rhythm can take a blow from time to time.)
BP: It’s spelled melatonin and yes, I have it. You can come get it if you still need it BP: Room 254
SS: yes ik where u r SS: I’ll b right over
I sit on the edge of the bed and wait for Snow to knock on my door. He’s staying a few corridors down, in room 273, so it takes him a few minutes. I jump up when I hear his knock.
He’s standing in front of my door, wearing joggers, a hoodie and those damned glasses of his again. His hair is messed up, like he’s been tossing and turning too.
“I thought you didn’t get jet-lagged,” I say, stepping aside to let him in. He settles on the edge my bed while I rummage my luggage for melatonin supplements.
“I don’t get sleep jet-lagged, but I do get food jet-lagged,” he says.
“What does that even mean, Snow?”
“It means it’s lunchtime in Canada right now and I’m so hungry I can’t sleep.”
I bite back a laugh. He’s an idiot. (An adorable one but an idiot nonetheless.) “You don’t need melatonin, Snow, you need this,” I say, throwing a granola bar at him. He startles, but manages to catch it.
“You’re just giving this to me?” he asks, audibly surprised. (Which is ridiculous. He gives me food all the time and here he is, questioning my generosity over a fucking granola bar.)
“No, Snow, pay up. Fifty rubbles.”
“I don’t have any Russian money,” he laughs, tearing the wrapping open. He’s going to get crumbs all over my bed, but I don’t shoo him away. Instead, I finally find the melatonin supplements and take one with some water. “Do you still want one?” I ask.
“Do you have any more granola bars?”
I laugh and pass him another one before sitting down next to him on the bed.
“Are you nervous?” I ask, just to make sure he’s really okay.
“Right now? I’m just hungry,” he says, tearing open the second granola bar.
“Right,” I nod.
“Baz. Are you doing that thing where you’re worrying about me again?”
“A bit,” I admit.
“Stop,” he says like I can just turn it off like a tap. (I wish I could.) We sit in silence for a while, me thinking about how much easier my life would be if I just stopped worrying about Simon Snow and him chewing through his granola bar. “I didn’t know you and Angelina were such good friends,” he finally says.
“We trained together for four years,” I shrug, but it’s not just that. The training environment in Russia was intense. It’s a bloodbath to even get on the national team there, so of course it’s intense, but I think every other skater the rink was looking at me sideways because I was an outlier. I wasn’t Russian, I didn’t speak Russian and I think they felt like I didn’t belong there. (I know now that I really didn’t.) They eventually accepted me and by the time I left Russia, even the ones who refused to speak during my first year there were sad to see me go.
But Gelya was nice to me from the start. She was only thirteen at the time and didn’t speak any English, but she clapped for me when I did something well and cheered me on when I was having a bad day. (Thanks to her, davai was one of the first Russian words I learned.) She brought me homemade pyraniki on special occasions and when I got injured and had to go back to England to have surgery, she sent me get well soon cards all the way from Russia and she made the entire rink sign them.
That’s just who she is. She’s this nice to everyone and it didn’t matter to her if I was Russian or English, I was just another person at her rink who she could bring biscuits to. Over the four years that I’ve lived there, she became like a little sister to me.
“Baz?” Snow’s voice snaps me from my thoughts. “You seem tired. I’m going to go.”
I have half a mind not to ask him to stay here. (We both know we can’t do that.) “Okay,” I say instead. He stands up and throws the granola wrappers in the bin. I stand up too, to walk him to the door (I have manners), but he waves at me to sit back down.
“It’s fine,” he says.
“Will you be able to sleep?”
“If my hunger doesn’t get to me again, yes,” he laughs. He’s already by the door.
“Wait.” I stand up and grab the last granola bar from my bag, offering it to him. “Just in case,” I explain. I want him to stay here, to make sure he sleeps well and doesn’t spend the night worrying about the competition, but I can’t do that, so this is the least I can do.
“Thanks,” he smiles, tucking it in his pocket. Then he hugs me briefly and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Sleep well.”
“You too.”
And he’s out the door.
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livlepretre · 3 years
So Klaus is referred to as “Nik” by mainly two people—Kol and Rebekah. This makes sense because they are his younger sibilings and they have known him their entire lives. Now, full disclaimer: I am very picky about the fanfiction I read. I absolutely love fanfiction, and I appreciate every person who takes the time to write the stories they come up and is gracious enough to share them with the world; however, it is really easy for me to be taken out of a story (one that is supposed to be canon or canon divergent) when characters are really OOC. Examples of this are: Elena being treated like a whiny homewrecker, the Originals being uncharacteristicly friendly or caring, Tyler being portrayed as being annoying because he has a vendetta against the man who murdered his mother and made him a slave, etc. It’s just not my cup of tea. One thing that has always frustrated me in the occasional fic I’ll try to read revolves around people calling Klaus “Nik.” I encountered this a lot in my younger days (I first watched The Vampire Diaries when I was a tween) and I was a Klaroline shipper. Now, I understand that the ship is narrative trash, and I no longer ship it. I’m getting really off point, but some of these fics had Klaus allow Caroline or whoever else call him “Nik” and it always bugged me. There is only one fic (I believe) that you have written where Elena calls Klaus this nickname and it is chapter 5 of bite-sized. I’m not exactly sure if that was a choice on your part or if it was the prompt (cuz the opening sentence is where it’s used), but I really like your character analysis and wanted to know what your thoughts on this topic are. Would Klaus ever let Elena call him “Nik” ? How does that come up? Whose idea is it and why? Also, I note that only in FE is “Nik” spelled like “Nick”. Is there a particular reason for this? Thank you!
Well, first off, I do agree, what characters call each other is important. I click off of fics for the same reason. 
To answer your question, the “Nik” in chapter 5 of Bite-Sized is from the prompt I was given-- almost all of Bite-Sized is based on the fic prompt game “give me the first line and I’ll write a ficlet for it” so the prompter was the origin for that. Otherwise, you’re right, I never have had Elena use that name, and it’s on purpose. 
So, to me, it’s not really so much about Klaus “letting” Elena call him Nick as it is about the fact that I don’t think she would ever think to. 
Elena has a really different relationship with Klaus than either Rebekah or Kol-- obviously. For Bex and Kol, there’s that “younger sibling intimacy” that gets established through the nickname, and also that thing where they’re going to completely ignore the nickname their brother chooses for himself and use the familiar nickname-- maybe even the one their mother used for him when they were small? 
For Elena, the name Klaus isn’t just Klaus as in the individual-- I think that name holds so much weight and terror and dread in it, because it’s the name of that formless nightmare that was her inevitable fate hanging over her head for months and months and months before she ever knew him. In my fics, when she names him, especially when they’re having an intimate moment and she uses his name, it’s almost like it’s an acknowledgment that the person she has become to close to is also the same person who is all of her worst fears embodied. It’s a nod to the fact that she’s allowed herself to become sucked in, and a reckoning with who she’s given her heart to. I very much like that idea that by calling him “Klaus” she has to confront her actions and who she is really doing this with again and again. 
I’m also really particular about Elena calling him Klaus because that’s the name Klaus chooses for himself (”Niklaus is the name my father gave me. Please, call me Klaus”). There’s a lot in his character about forging his own identity and I like to reenforce it in text. 
(Elijah therefore choosing to refer to his brother as Niklaus packs a punch-- he’s constantly denying Klaus’s attempts to forge his new identity by going back to the other name-- I’m sure there must be times in the show where Elijah does call him ‘Klaus,’ but all the Niklauses ring much more loudly in my ears, so.) 
As for why I chose “Nick” instead of “Nik” for FE-- well, originally, I didn’t. I realized that I had gone back and forth in different chapters, and that I had to make a writing choice. I decided on the English “Nick” spelling for the simple reason that the first time we hear that nickname, it’s in Chicago in the 1920s. Bex and Klaus are having an American phase, and that name in that setting immediately put me in mind of The Great Gatsby (even though the flashbacks are set a few years prior to the book’s publication). It made me think about how the Originals are constantly changing and adapting the details of their identities to suit time and place-- how they’re cultural chameleons. I’m very fond of the idea that they’ve changed their names over time-- that maybe Elijah used to be Ilya and he’s anglicized it, or in this case that Klaus used to be “Nik” and it’s changed over time to “Nick.” This was my little nod to how slippery those details are with them. It’s significant too that Rebekah in particular is the one calling him that, because at least when the fic started, she was coming directly from that 1920s mindset (whenever I have Rebekah use an idiom, I try to find phrases that were popular from about the late Victorian era-the early 20s for this very reason-- although, obviously she’s adapted in the four years since her awakening). I’m pretty back and forth in my fic in general whether I think it should be Nik or Nick-- either works in my opinion, but I do like the Nick spelling quite a lot as a reference to that time and place where we were introduced to it.
A note on a couple of other things that drive me crazy in terms of who calls whom what: 
There’s a very short list of people who might call Rebekah ‘Bex’ (Elena certainly never does!) (in fact, I would limit that list to Klaus, Stefan, and Kol)
It’s not canon but I do think Elena might get called Lena by some of her oldest friends-- really, Tyler, Matt, Caroline, Bonnie, maybe Jeremy (depends on his annoyance level with her) 
And finally, the big big big thing that makes me stop reading fanfiction with Klaus in it faster than any other: what he calls people. I notice the big trend is to have him call people “love.” I’m definitely guilty of that in my earliest wranglings with the character. But y’all. He doesn’t use “love” all that much, or every time he’s referring to someone. It! Drives! Me! Crazy! OTHER characters do that, but not Klaus! What he says more often are “sweetheart” and “my dear.” (And I like to have him also use “dearheart” because it’s along the same lines, and I love it, so there.) He also does use people’s names. One of the things I most insistently edit myself on is making sure I’m not overusing any of Klaus’s various “endearments,” and that I keep those separate from, say, something Rebekah might say, like “darling.” Also, the thing about those endearments: they’re usually really off-putting and a sign that he’s not taking whoever it is seriously. It’s his weird intimacy thing he does when he’s in actuality being dismissive of the person (always a woman in the show? I can’t think of any instances where he calls a man any of these endearments, but please correct me if I’m wrong!)-- “Are you ready, my dear?” being the one that always pops up in my mind with huge fog horns. 
A little FE detail which I thought was so sneaky (and was maybe too sneaky because no one has commented on it yet) is that Klaus never refers to Elena as anything other than her name from the moment he awakens from the daggering in chapter 41 onward. To me, that’s the most telling thing of all-- the constant, constant reassertion of her name-- her individuality-- her her her-- over and over and over again. 
(ps “Now, I understand that the ship is narrative trash, and I no longer ship it” I choked) 
Thanks for asking!
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giddyfatherchris · 1 day
📱skz texts — someone is making you feel uncomfortable/unsafe
| including. han, felix, seungmin, i.n
type. requested (thank youu)
warnings. mentions of creepy ppl making reader feel uncomfortable but, nothing very detailed
a/n. part 2 baybeee xx
hyung line
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m-madeleine · 3 years
Ilya for the askbox meme! :)
AW YIS my fave, thank youuu :D <3
(For anyone out of the loop, this is about Ilya Tretiak from The Saint (1997), a movie which is mostly about….not Ilya Tretiak, lol.
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi, leaning towards dudes (though that might just be my own writing preference of slash over het, lol)
2: otp
Still will never not be overinvested in Ilya/Girl in the Leopard Print Top. Look, for the three seconds they were on screen together, they seemed happy! I 100% believe that when their parties don’t get rudely interrupted, they have a great time slutting it up and having all the insane wild 90s Russian fun. 
But really, I’ve discovered I could ship Ilya with pretty much anyone. Simon/Ilya is the ship most likely to actually result in finished fic though (just bc....most canon material), even if it’s far from being an OTP in the sense of “d’aw look at these two” 
3: brotp
With canon support, the bald dude he repeatedly does the bro-y neck touch thing with <3 But really scratchface dude is an inseparable part of the trio. Ain’t nobody fresher than my motherfuckin clique and all that. (Yes, I do in fact have names and backstories for them, just like p much every single random background person in the Russia scenes, thank you for asking)
4: notp
In practise, apparently Ilya/Ivan? even though I find it hilarious and compelling and I would love to be into it for real (and on some level, I am into different variations of it more than I am into actually shipping Ilya/Simon). This is the most unfortunate ship to discover my parent-child incest squick on :( That said, if I tried real hard I could probably pull it off anyway.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Jeez, my investment in this fandom is 98% headcanons, where to even start. For something real basic: Ilya doesn’t actually permanently live at the mansion, because just, imagine your home is continuously overrun by your dad’s politics people you obviously hate and your room’s like right next door to the Evil Lab where your dad keeps his scientist hostage? I...don’t think so (though that would be a compelling argument for the alternate ending lol)
6: favorite line from this character
I honestly can’t remember if he says anything at all substantial after his initial introduction, but let’s be honest, after the condom line, does he really need to?
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Your parents making you go boring places with them is excruciating 
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
That ratty faux fur coat is gonna get your Russian card revoked, my dude. Also apparently I subconsciously hate the cane, because I never remember to put it in anything, text or visual, lol. 
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? 
Cinnamon roll, of course
 /stares directly into camera/
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mcousland · 3 years
some witcherverse ships with fic/romance tropes bc i’m just vibing tonight and having fun here (small text for ones that aren’t necessarily??? canon~ but feel fitting or i just think they’d be funny)
maeve/areli: angst, second chance romance, missing scenes ; sharing a bed, high school au
maeve/dietrich: pwp, hurt comfort, banter ; huddle for warmth, sex pollen, fake relationship
maeve/ilya: soulmates, fluff, p*rn with feelings ; royalty au, fairytale au, fix it fic
lysandra/thaddeus: mutual pining, fluff, friends to lovers, second chance love ; fairytale au, sharing a bed
edit for kite 😘😘
maeve/grey: maeve/grey: pwp, fluff, hurt comfort, banter ; time loop, secret relationship, baby fic
#maeve/areli get missing scenes as a joke referencing the retconned scenes bc of timeline stuff#also they'd be funny in a high school au that's a vibe check#fake relationship au shit for maeve/dietrich is still galaxy brain level#i am NOT a coward and WILL say on main that sex pollen for the dummies would be hysterical#(technically it's not Main but you get it)#so for maeve/ilya we already have the royalty au that randomly ambushes my heart during late evenings#and i just think they'd be cute in a fairytale au. as a treat#fix it fic is like a?? meta nod to them getting a happy ending via djinn when the curse is trying to murk her every other week#actually lysandra/thaddeus are sickening bc i could give them cute tropes forever#do NOT look @ me and say they wouldn't be fucking adorable and good in a fairytale au. i'm correct#the honorable knight melting the ice witch's heart. it's already canon it'd be unbearably sweet in fairytale form#and they can.. share a bed.... as a Treat. for fluff reasons#okay that isn't every ship but i had fun and now i'm going back to my ask meme prompts kasklfnash#witcher rambles#maeve & areli#maeve & dietrich#maeve & ilya#lysandra & thaddeus#BET SO THE MAEVE/GREY UPDATE#reigning pwp champs. their banter would be legendary. and i think the hallucination monster is just hurt comfort manifested#secret relationship is just the bodyguard au. BUT i think they'd be funny and prime for a time loop scenario#also baby fic is me dunking on them for fuckin' all the time and getting into Trouble about it bc it sounds funny#oh you clowning?? here's a baby as reward. good luck
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stonerchik420 · 4 years
David Dobrik Fan Fic..
Okay bear with me!!! This is my first fan fic. I also am going to break this down into a lot of different parts, maybe like 11 or 12 different parts...I feel like writing a long story :)
Warnings ? Uhmm..mentions of covid-19, fluff...lots and lots of fluff, drinking, swearing, eventually some smut later on..
My idea for this story is that the reader (you) meet David at a college party and impress him. This happens before everything gets shut down due to the virus. You were visiting friends at UCLA while staying in a hotel room. Eventually your friends go home to be with family during the quarantine. For the sake of the story let's say all travel has been banned over the California boarder before you can leave and you get stuck in a hotel room in Studio City. David ends up being home alone as well since Taylor and Natalie both went to stay with their families and he feels alone. You two started hanging out before all the craziness started happening so he invites you to just come stay at his house so you aren't spending money on a hotel room and to keep each other company.
Enjoy !! I'll keep writing different parts and I'll take suggestions of course !
( a week or two before present day...)
You just landed in LA and your friends Nicole and Alex were eagerly awaiting to get you.
You decided to get a hotel room kind of close to the college so you and your friends could stay out of the dorms and can have more fun ! Plus it was nice to have your own space away from everything to relax if you needed to.
You were hanging at a random house party one night because you couldnt get into any frat parties with your friend Alex and Nicole. Music was vibing, you were feeling buzzed and watching a few boys playing Pong. The house was pretty big with a couple of rooms. More and more people started piling into the house and it soon became a super fun, banger of a party!
You were in the kitchen with your friend Nicole mixing up another drink when all of a sudden you heard a roar of screams and excitement in the other room. Some people were rushing to go check and see what just happened.
You grabbed your drink quickly and you made your way through the crowd to go see what just happened. You had to shove yourself between the raging bodies to even see what was happening. To your surprise, "David Dobrik..." you thought to yourself.
Although it shiyslnt a surprise I mean this is his territory... you thought to yourself again
You gave your friends a look like oh my god I cant believe hes here !!!!
David brought along Jason, Heath, Natalie, Ilya, Zane, and Todd. They were close by David but started making their way around the house getting drinks and mingling with everyone.
David had his camera, of course, and was filming.
Heath and Zane made their way to the pong table to play against 2 college boys. You and your friends made your way with everyone to group around the table to watch. After a few games David made everyone get quite to make an announcement.
"Who here thinks they are a good shot!" David announced as jason set up on single cup on a side of the pong table. A few people explained they were and David said, "I need 10 people!"
Everyone started raining their hands and saying they were. David picked a few people in the inside if the circle.
Your friends started yelling, "David! David!!! Y/N is!!" While raising your hands.
You kept trying to pull away from them and shove your hands down and told them to stop. You hated being the center of attention and even though you wanted David to notice you, you didn't at the same time.
David noticed your friends and made eye contact with you and selected you.
Your heart started jumping out of your chest !!
David had you lined up with the 9 other people on one side of the pong table. He turned his camera on and started recording, "if anyone can make that cup," he gestured to the end of the table, "in one shot, I'll give you $10,000." Everyone got excited! Your heart started beating faster. Although you were pretty good with your aim, sometimes it wasnt the best...
You watched 6 people miss, you were up next...
"You're up!", David said. "What's your name?"
"I'm Y/N" you said back nervously as he handed you the ping pong ball.
"Alright Y/N, take the shot whenever you're ready." David said.
The room was quiet, you were nervous but determined to take the shot.
You aimed yourself up, threw the shot.....
You made it...
You stood there for a split second in shock then went crazy with everyone around you as they cheered. Your friends came over and started jumping up and down with you, you couldnt believe it !!
David videoed giving you the 10k and then yelled, "let's partyyyy!" Everyone went crazy!!
You and your friends went off to the corner of the room for a little bit to talk. It was so loud with all the music and cheering.
You were happy that you won the $10,000 but in all reality, you didnt really need it.. you started to count it up and your friends asked what you were doing.
"I'm giving you each $5,000."
"Uhhh no you're not ! You won that fair and square!" Alex said.
"Yeah!!! That's YOUR money !" Exclaimed Nicole.
You refused and shoved the money in their faces, " I dont want to hear a peep! You both are in college and I have steady money right now and barely any debt at all. I DONT need it so take it !"
Nicole looked at you and you could just make out some tears in her eyes and she flung her arms around you, "this is why we love you" she said.
You didnt know but David had been looking at you doing this from across the room while also adjusting something on his camera.
He approached you to see what was going on.
You explained to him that you didnt go to college here and you were from out of town visiting your 2 friends from high school. "I dont need the money," you told David. " I barely have any debt at all and I know my two broke college friends need it more than I do." You shrugged your shoulders.
David looked taken aback by this statement and probably the fact that you just have your friends your money.
The music was pretty loud now and you could barely hear what anyone was saying.
David leaned over to talk in your ear.
"Hey, let me get your number real quick!"
You gave him a look like you were surprised.
He leaned over again, "I wanna meet up again before you go, maybe have you in another vlog!"
You smiled and agreed, he gave you his phone and you typed your number in.
"What's your name again ?" He asked
he typed that in, locked his phone, smiled and said, "cool I'll text you !"
"Sounds good!" You replied. He smiled and then made his way over to see what drunken Zane was doing with Heath to hopefully get more footage.
Your friend came up behind you and you all squealed with excitement. "He asked for my number !", you exclaimed !
"Did you get his in your phone?", Nicole asked.
You frowned a bit, "no, but it's okay I think hes going to reach out to me no doubt!" And the 3 of you went to get more drinks and have more fun.
Alright thats it for part 1, sorry if it kinda sucked, I promise the story will get better ! I'll post part 2 if anyone wants soon.
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Sonata of Whoa
A fic request by @coloursagainstthewall
Modern AU Hector Vasallis x Julian (featuring Azalea and Imalia! OMG I was so happy...)
Hector’s band is performing at the Rowdy Raven.  Julian is not prepared for the performance.
Ko-Fi ☕
Julian sat in the parking lot of the Rowdy Raven for a moment, checking his hair in the rear-view mirror.  His phone lit up.  He picked it up and saw the photo of Azalea giving the raspberry, signalling her text.  He opened up his messages and saw the words "Are you here yet?" followed by "they're doing sound checks, the band is gonna start soon!!!"
She had been really insistent that he be here tonight.  One of her favorite cover bands was playing live, and she had invited her friends to come and enjoy the show with her.  Another text, this one a photo.  In it, he saw four faces.  Azalea, her aqua-coral ombré hair up in pigtails, making a pained face.  Next to her was Imalia, glaring.  In the background, Asra could be seen taking a swig of beer from a bottle, and just beyond him was Lucio making a lewd gesture with his golden fore and middle fingers.  Julian snorted and replied with "On my way in, hold your horses.  Geez."
He climbed out of his car, locked the door, and closed it.  From outside, he could hear random chords on a guitar as it was being tuned and checked.  His boots clicked on the steps as he reached for the door and opened it.  Inside was the sound of many patrons talking and laughing.  He walked inside, and shut the door.  Immediately he was greeted with a loud "JULIAN!!!!"  He barely had time to react before Azalea hurled herself at him, jumping up and landing on him like a koala on a tree.
He hugged her strongly.  "Sorry I'm late," he said, "traffic was a bitch." "It's okay, at least you made it before the first set," she said, climbing off of him.  Her blue and gold eyes flashed.  "You can't miss Sonata of Whoa.  You CAN'T!"
Julian chuckled to himself.  That was a clever band name.
"Nice duds!" Azalea said.  "Very hawt."
Julian looked down at himself.  He'd decided on a black button up shirt (with the buttons only halfway closed) and a pair of fitted grey slacks.  He wore his usual thigh-high boots.
"Thanks," he said.  "Looks like you went with Anime Raver Chick?"
She looked cute in a powder blue Sailor Moon babydoll t-shirt and high-riding pink Daisy Duke shorts.  She sported rainbow leg warmers and purple Chuck Taylor shoes.
"No other way to do it!" Azalea said.  "C'mon, we've got good seats, and the Bitters are free flowing tonight."  She leaned in close.  "Lucio's paying." Azalea grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd.  At the table, he saw four chairs.  Imalia and Asra took up two of them, and Lucio sat in the third.  Asra waved them over.
"Ilya!  Sit down, we just got a new pitcher."  Julian did as he was told, and a frosty glass of Salty Bitters was slid to him.  He couldn't help but blush slightly at Asra's outfit.  He was wearing rainbow tye-dyed leggings and a neon pink fishnet shirt that Julian distinctly remembered stripping off of him when they had dated several years ago.  He had on neon blacklight reactive eyeshadow and numerous glow necklaces and bracelets.  He noted that Asra was also wearing a new choker.  Black leather with a ruby-encrusted "I" charm.  A glance to Imalia gave an explanation, since she was wearing an identical choker with an opal "A".  She was sporting a red and black leather corset with tight black pants and leather knee-high boots.  Her brown and burgundy hair was in its typical ponytail.  She fist-bumped Julian as he sat.
Julian noticed that there wasn't enough chairs for everyone.  He was about to offer to swipe another, when Azalea simply sat down in Lucio's lap.  Lucio looked like a mafioso, with an open silk shirt in crimson red and white pants.  And way. Too. Many. Gold. Chains.
Julian took a swig of his drink.  "Lots of people here to see a cover band," he remarked.
Azalea gave him a petulant look.  "Hey, don't knock it," she said.  "Cover bands have some of the absolute best talent that just gets overlooked.  The lead singer tonight...man, he's amazing.  Kicks Mick Jagger's ass, seriously."
"Hey, don't disrespect Mick Jagger," Lucio said.
Azalea smiled mischievously at him.  "Mick Jagger doesn't have a magical voice, if ya get my meaning, babe."
"So...this guy sings with magic?" Julian asked
. "Yes and no," Asra said.  "He's genuinely talented, but he does seem to use a bit of song magic in his shows."
"Voice layering without all the clunky machines, you know," Imalia said.  "Plus, if you can do it, why not?"
The hype man appeared on stage and the crowd erupted with applause. "I hope you all brought towels," he said enthusiastically, "because you're all gonna be jizzing your pants!  I give you the first secret wonder of the music world...SONATA! OF!! WHOA!!!"
Azalea leapt out of Lucio's lap and screamed at the top of her lungs along with everyone else in the bar.  The sounds of synth in a catchy beat seemed to start out of nowhere.  No one was on stage.  Then suddenly there was a blast of smoke as several fog machines spilled their contents at the same time, absolutely covering the stage.  The stage lights came on, covering the mist in several different colors and then with a blast of magical flame, the mist was totally gone and the band were on stage, instruments in hand.  And front and center was the lead singer.  He was around 5'4", clad in a denim hooded vest and leather pants.  His very muscular arms and chest gleamed in the stage light.  Atop his head was a crown of brown curls that fell around his golden eyes in a way that made Julian completely stop mid-sip.
"So hot Out the box Can we pick up the pace? Turn it up, Heat it up I need to be entertained Push the limit Are you with it? Baby, don't be afraid I'm a hurt 'ya real good, baby"
Julian's eyes were glued.  As the singer danced and gyrated on stage, Julian took in everything.  Every movement, every sound.  This guy was entrancing and the song had just started.
"Um...hey, Julian?" Imalia said.
"Let's go It's my show Baby, do what I say Don't trip off the glitz That I'm gonna display I told ya I'm a hold ya down until you're amazed Give it to ya 'til your screaming my name!"
He didn't respond.  It was like he had frozen in place.
"Dude, you're spilling your drink!!"
Julian blinked and realized that while he had forgotten to drink his Bitters, he apparently hadn't forgotten to tilt the glass.  Now the front of his shirt was completely soaked.  Lucio cackled, holding up his phone.  He'd been recording.
Imalia laughed.  "Now you're back with us.  Here."  She waved her hand, and the beer on his shirt lifted away and flitted through the crowd into a garbage can.  Imalia then took the glass from Julian and set it down on the table.
"Take time to ogle and THEN take a sip," she said, refilling the drink.
Asra had gotten up and danced along with Azalea, the two of them appearing to freeze in time each time the strobe lights in the rafters blinked.  Julian's eyes went back up to the singer and he felt his entire body explode in heat.  The singer was looking dead at him.  Those eyes, like golden coins from a treasure long hidden, pierced Julian straight to the core.  It was like the song had changed at was directed only to him.
"Oh! Don't you know what you got into? Can you handle what I'm 'bout to do? 'Cause it's about to get rough for you I'm here for your entertainment!"
The singer winked and continued the song, every so often looking at Julian.  Julian felt like he needed air...but to leave while that specimen performed would be a travesty.
Each song afterwards took on a whole new meaning to Julian.  "Story Ain't Over" by Avanstasia.  "Runnin'" by Adam Lambert.  And then, the cherry..."Angel" by Aerosmith.  Everyone in the bar swayed to the music; Imalia and Asra and Azalea and Lucio all danced together in time to the beat, both couples gazing into each others' eyes.  Julian desperately wished that beautiful creature on stage were doing the same with him.  But his eyes never left Julian's.  It were almost as if he were dancing with him, dedicating each note and word to him.
The spell was broken when the lights came up.
"Thanks for coming everyone, we will be in the back selling our album!  Stop by the table and visit us!"
Oh. My. God.  He has an accent.  Slightly hard to place, but it had a Cajun lilt to it that made Julian want to seep through the floor in bliss.  He stood up as the band all filed offstage and settled in the large booth in the back, the table littered with albums and merch.  He felt a pang of jealousy as Azalea shot over to the table as soon as the singer was seated.  Julian's face turned red as she spoke to him with animated gestures and he jumped up and gave her a huge hug.
"Don't even think about it, Curly," Julian heard next to him.  He glanced over to see Lucio with his arms folded, a scowl on his face.
"C'mon, she's just talking to the guy," Julian grumbled.  "This whole thing was her idea."
Julian felt a lump form in his chest when he saw the singer lean forward and say something conspiritory to Azalea.  She glanced back at Julian and got a devilish smile.  What was she doing??  She said something else, gesturing to their table, and the singer stood up and followed her.  Julian felt himself panicking.
"Hey, guys, this is Hector!" Azalea proclaimed.  "Thank him for his show, it was bomb!"
"Hell yes, you guys rock!" Imalia said.  "Damn fine!"
"Yes, thank you so much, it was amazing," Asra chimed in.
Lucio didn't speak.  He just puffed up his chest and pulled Azalea against him.
Those eyes fell on Julian and he felt his legs go weak.  Hector leaned forward and reached for Julian's hand.
"Hector Vasallis," he said.  "And you are, cher?"
Julian's mouth suddenly went bone dry.  He opened his mouth to speak, but words completely failed him.
Imalia rolled her eyes.  "That's Julian," she said.  "Sorry, your performance has struck him dumb."
"That's sad, cher," Hector said.  "I really like it when fans shout."
Julian felt heat from his chest to his ears.  Holy shit, this man was fine.  And his hands, strong and calloused, felt warm and gentle wrapped around his own.
"It...it was an amazing show," Julian somehow managed.  Hector smiled.
"Why don't I buy you a drink?  I'd love to get to know you better."
Julian evaporated into a cloud of steam before coming back to his senses. "I'd, uh, really love that."
Julian would have to thank Azalea for this later.
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