cock-holliday · 11 months
I think people need to be more comfortable with illegalism and I’m not kidding. Of course the more legal something is, the safer and easier it is to do, but the more people who disregard the law, the harder it is to enforce. There are plenty of laws on the books that people just ignore and are never or rarely policed.
Becoming more comfortable with little illegal activities makes you more comfortable with bigger more important illegal activities. Additionally, it is crucial to build a wall of silence. Nobody talks everybody walks.
People who give out food without a permit, hold a march without a permit, grow a garden without a permit, are more likely to be people you could turn to to work with on preventing an eviction, or keeping people out of cop hands, or helping your friend Jane get crucial healthcare when it’s not legal in your state.
Communities comfortable with these acts won’t call the cops, and then nobody knows that it’s happening.
People have got to shift from both the idea that lawful = good/ illegal = bad, and that the illegality of something means that’s the end of it, and the only fight left is to make it legal again.
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nyancrimew · 9 months
illegalism is swag and epic and cool and also good praxis and i should probably finally do a lil blog post write up on why you, yes you, should break the law (it won't just be about illegalism per se but also just my personal political philosophy and how i view the world and especially the law)
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yourfaveisleftist · 4 months
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The Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who is an illegalist anarchist!
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knifegrrrl1312 · 7 months
have you ever thought how graffitti is punishable w an expensive fine for individuals, the price of which would probably fucking crush someone, the average working class person but the same fine for corporations which is like what, 5 times more expensive but corporations have all the money and power and such a fine would literally be nothing to them therefore not even being a deterrant im so fucking sick of the world, go vandalise and piss off ur city.
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craycraybluejay · 10 months
When media becomes censored and completely removed from the internet
Pirating becomes a right.
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marius-was-unhinged · 5 months
"young people don't want to work anymore"
where? i sent around 100 CV during last moths. a few people answered but they had the shittiest offers, maximum work for minimum wage, far from my city or in hours i couldn't even choose.
my bf doesn't understand why i consider working for a dr00g dealer but man, i need money and there is no other work where they want me
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candycoatedghoul · 8 months
whats a trans girl without her unregistered firearm?
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vanalifzm · 2 years
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Believe it or not, about $400 worth of stuff. Makeup is fuckin expensive. Might boost some idk. Pretty proud of the haul though.
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vampirechatroom · 10 months
i can't even lie, this morning i fucked a locksmith in order to get a free key to a place i'm not supposed to have access to and it worked and now i'm gonna [redacted]. anyway, suck dick, do crimes, be free.
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yourfaveisleftist · 3 months
Blue from blues clues is an illegalist
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autonomoustweekazoid · 8 months
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gett-merkedd · 2 years
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desert-anarchy · 2 years
I recently learned firsthand what not to do while lifting at walmart, so I thought Id make a post about it. Also you shouldnt take my advice religiously, Im definitely flawed and not the best at this. Im still learning and I may be wrong ( or I might just miscommunicate in general, Im kind of terrible at that :/ )
1.) Like anytime, you should definitely know the store. In my case, I had been going to that store for years because it was close to my hometown, and thanks to kindness of friends I had a general idea where blindspots/better spots are for concealing or whatever. I slipped up once and ended up getting followed, because I put something down on the shelf too abruptly in the clearance isle and I ended up being watched by obvious AP.
2.) You should not take off tags or conceal anything at all in the makeup isle. Not only are there typically cameras, but the department is normally set up specifically to be in view of employees/AP.
3.) On the topic of makeup, try not to carry too much at one time. (An AP guy told me once that they specifically watch people who carry arm fulls of makeup for a while. It could also be because Im an obvious trans person but, theres not much I can do about that.) Like I said earlier, its best to take it to a blind spot or the bathrooms if youre going to take off the tags or conceal it.
4.) Be fast and direct. Get what you want and then leave. Even buy something small or cheap so it doesnt seem like you just came in to steal. For example; crackers, deodorant, and a two-liter of sprite have been things that Ive actually payed for in the past in order to cover up the usually $40+ worth of stuff I had in my handbag. But seriously, if youre lifting and spend too long in the store you’ll likely be followed, watched, and/or stopped.
5.) If you’re stopped by asset protection, stand your ground but dont be aggressive. Law enforcement people definitely have an ego to preserve, but if you want to get away with minimal/no punishment, you’re going to have to explain. Make sure that before you try and leave the store, youve gone through several blind spots or the bathroom with no items visible besides what you’re paying for, if any. That way, if youre stopped by AP you can say that you dont have anything on you that you didnt come with, and that you left the items you were going to “buy” in the store. If you’re careful enough, you can show that they dont have enough evidence to take any direct action against you.
* Best case scenario, you never have to deal with AP. Just be mindful of people around you, as well as cameras, but try not to look like youre looking for those things. If you seem too “anxious” or “fidgety” you are more likely to be watched. *
Thats all ive got for now, I deeply apologize if any of this is indirect or difficult to understand, Im doing my best. If I think of more ill add it, and if there’s anything i need to explain more i can :)
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miochimochi · 5 months
I'm working on something having to do with my political beliefs. I don't think Tumblr has a character limit, so I'm thinking of posting it here. It's at 17k+ characters right now and I still have 1 section not completed and 3 more not even started.
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