#illegal civilization icons
rosyredlipstick · 8 months
forbidden nanny au where upper west side producer mitchell has 9 siblings to take care of and hires new nanny connor stoll to watch the children yes there's 8 seasons yes the burn is so slow it roasts connor and Mitchell both alive yes they're pining the ENTIRE time
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A Florida textbook publisher removed all references of race from a lesson about civil rights icon Rosa Parks in order to get a Florida committee’s approval, according to The New York Times. Parks helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in 1955.
In the current lesson by Studies Weekly, which is used in 45,000 elementary schools, the event is described: “The law said African Americans had to give up their seats on the bus if a white person wanted to sit down.”
But in an early version created for Florida’s review by Studies Weekly, the lesson changed to: “She was told to move to a different seat because of the color of her skin.” In the group’s second updated version, race is removed completely from the lesson: “She was told to move to a different seat.”
Studies Weekly also made changes to their fourth-grade lesson about segregation la.ws.In the initial version, the text explained how Black Americans were affected by Jim Crow laws that arose after the Civil War, but like its updates to the Parks lesson, the second version eliminated almost every direct mention of race. Instead, the lessons were changed to say it was illegal for “men of certain groups” to be unemployed and that “certain groups of people” were not allowed to serve on a jury.
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
Hi! I just saw your post about how Bucky’s rule number two should have included him, and I totally agree with everything you said about that. But something that stuck out to me as odd about the whole rules system thing is, it seems more like something a psychiatrist would use to treat someone who didn’t have a good moral compass or some other issue like that? I could be wrong but “don’t do anything illegal” and “don’t hurt anyone” kind of sound more like things they’d say to someone with anger issues/sociopathic tendencies/other conditions with which harm to others and/or deviant behavior is a possibility. The show seems to imply that he was suffering from PTSD though, which doesn’t match up with that? I don’t know, I thought it was weird.
Thanks for the ask nonnie!
I won't pretend to be an expert on therapy methods but your point is solid and I've seen it mentioned a couple of times by people who do have a background in psychology. (As an aside, difficult anger control can be a part of PTSD - unfortunately it's the way a lot of men have been socialised to deal with fear and anxiety - but that's really not the way Bucky's been portrayed.)
Contract setting within psychotherapy is usually a good thing, because it sets clear professional boundaries and also means both the therapist and client have a common list of goals to work towards.
There was this chain of posts before (in case the gif doesn't work) but I agree. Look at the gesture she makes as she says "With your history, the government needs to know that you're not gonna..."
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This is such a fundamental misunderstanding (or misconstruction) of his role in Hydra and of the actual nature of his mental health problem. Bucky's history is one of being tortured, mind-wiped and made to obey orders. Neither the Winter Soldier nor Bucky was ever aggressive until he received the commands to be.
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This iconic scene of The Soldier sitting placidly in Pierce's kitchen when someone entered the scene unexpectedly, and Pierce had to execute the maid himself. The Soldier did not inflict violence until ordered to. The only time he was aggressive against command was when he had flashbacks to his capture. And in Civil War, Bucky was only ever shown to be "aggressive" when forced to defend his own life (Don't tell me self-defence is now a mental health diagnosis).
From a therapy perspective, you're right - those rules are about curtailing someone's actions, whereas Bucky's problem was more about learning the confidence to make choices. This isn't someone who's going to act out, he's had 70 years of being tortured and conditioned into obeying orders. This is someone who's going to hesitate about committing to a choice, he's going to defer to others as much as he can, and maybe as he grows more confident, he starts making some questionable choices that tends to position his own well-being last because he's been trained to think he's the least important in the equation (and with a unhealthy dose of guilt).
From a narrative perspective, this was intended to reinvent Bucky as a "bad" super soldier, cos "there's never been another Steve Rogers", and paint Bucky as someone who would regularly do illegal and violent things, and is so sarcastic about the rules (because -- that's the least of his problems!)
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lupunsus · 1 year
I obviously have to write about fox hybrids in inazuma bc I have a yae miko icon. It'd be a crime not to.
I basically write about Yae having a cult of fox hybrid followers, and she does nothing to stop them from seeing her as a god.
hybrid au based on the writings of @cinnamonest
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In Inazuma, I believe it is illegal to own a fox hybrid.
Why, you may ask? Need I remind you that Yae Miko is a kitsune, and foxes are considered to be sacred creatures? Inazumans find the idea of owning one to bring bad luck, as stories of those that had a hybrid never end on a good note.
Also, do you really think that Yae wouldn't take them in and teach them at the shrine? Well, if they wanted to, that is. Shrine maidens that happen to see a fox hybrid in the wild are tasked with giving them an identification collar of sorts to show that they are protected by the shrine. At first, they were hesitant. Foxes are wild animals, so who's to say they wouldn't run off or attack people? But the relaxed nature of foxes rubbed off on the hybrids. Seeing them at ease around humans and receiving pets made the hybrids think that if they were the same, they'd get the same treatment.
It's why people usually see a hybrid or two around normal foxes. They're smart enough to figure out that humans won't treat them badly and instead offer food and other tasty treats. Only the shrine maidens have the privilege of grooming their fur. After demonstrating on a general of Watatsumi Island that carried the scent of a bunny, the shrine maidens are considered masters at grooming. Especially tails.
Because foxes generally don't have an issue being around humans or having the maidens take care of them, I like to think that hybrids living closer to civilization are proficient at talking. Those around Konda Village aren't as good, only knowing some of the basics as the villagers opt to silently bestow offerings to them. Plus, they're the ones being worshipped, so why bother learning how to talk with humans? They don't even need to do anything but stay close to their fox brethren.
Fox hybrids closer to the shrine, however, can feel a powerful presence. To them, it's like sensing a god. Of course, there's the Electro Archon, but I'm talking about a god for foxes. Sure, hybrids have a human appearance, but they still think of themselves as animals as they're treated like one. Those who are curious end up becoming a part of the shrine and call themselves "Lady Yae's Dutiful Followers" for some reason. Yae denies any involvement, but with how every hybrid at the shrine looks up to her as though she hung the moon herself, it makes it seem like she's a bit at fault.
Some even offer to work at the Publishing House, but they're only allowed after passing a test that Yae specially designed herself. While she loves how her faithful followers work for free, she doesn't want sales going down. How else is she supposed to afford the house she stuffed you all in? It sounds like a bad thing, but the hybrids treat it as a divine blessing. Plus, they're used to cuddling up with the foxes in the wild, so cuddling up with fellow devotees of Her Divinity, Miss Yae Miko is no problem! They argue on what the name of the home should be called, but after hearing the wise words of their god, they just decided to call it Home.
They're all practically one big family and celebrate arrivals of new followers by reading stories of Yae's greatest achievements (which may have been written by the lady herself), inspiring everyone to try to be as dignified as her.
Ah, Her Divinity, Miss Yae Miko is truly the best! It's so great that fox hybrids of higher intelligence try to convince the hybrids living in rural parts of Narukami to join them. "Miss Yae Miko is our lord and savior! Don't you want to repay her for the protection she's given us for all these years?"
The country hybrids in question: Not knowing half the things being said.
Basically, they can ramble all they want, but the fox hybrids that have received an education revolving around serving Her Divinity, Miss Yae Miko, have to also teach the foxes living a country life about her. But Yae told them to always respect the wishes of others.
"Let them live how they want to. Forcing someone to do what they don't want to do isn't how we do things here at the shrine." Ah, such wise words from God!!
Honestly, Yae thinks it's so adorable how fox hybrids see her as a higher being. While it's true she's a kitsune that's lived for at least 500 years, something as interesting as being worshipped by a species that could easily learn that they were being manipulated was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Is it wrong to lie and use your kind to your advantage? Well, as long as she uses her cards carefully, fox hybrids will inevitably walk into her trap for a hundred years more.
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star-wars-writing · 3 months
Galactic Tides of Fortune
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A/N: Embark on an adventure through the stars with two of the most iconic characters from the Star Wars universe, reimagined as daring space pirates. This story blends action, intrigue, and unexpected alliances, set against the backdrop of a galaxy far, far away. Please note that while this is a work of fanfiction, all original characters and settings belong to the Star Wars franchise. I hope you enjoy this interstellar journey for @codywanbingo. I combined the prompts: Date night and double date, since it's a lot similar I suppose.
In the uncharted expanse of space, where stars whispered secrets across light-years and black holes hummed with the symphony of the cosmos, lawlessness reigned supreme. Here, in this interstellar wilderness, the rules of civilized worlds bent and broke under the weight of freedom and anarchy.
The galaxy, a canvas of endless night punctuated by the diamond-like sparkle of distant suns, stretched infinitely in every direction. Nebulae swirled in vibrant hues, painting the void with strokes of cosmic artistry. Asteroids drifted lazily, their jagged surfaces telling tales of ancient collisions. Comets streaked past, their icy tails shimmering like celestial veils.
In this boundless arena, space pirates roamed like phantoms. Their ships, cobbled together from scavenged parts and stolen technology, were as diverse as the crews they housed. Some were sleek, predatory vessels that sliced through the darkness; others were hulking behemoths, patchworked with armor and bristling with illegal weaponry. They slipped through asteroid fields and lurked near unstable wormholes, waiting to pounce on unwary travelers or intercept precious cargo.
The void was alive with the silent echoes of their conquests – the crackle of blaster fire, the roar of engines in hot pursuit, the final sigh of a ship succumbing to the vacuum. These pirates were the ghosts of space, elusive and feared, bound by no law but their own.
On distant planets and remote space stations, tales of their exploits were traded like currency. In shadowy taverns and bustling marketplaces, people spoke in hushed tones about the latest daring heist or the most wanted outlaw. There was an air of grudging respect, a recognition of the harsh freedom these space-faring renegades represented.
Yet, amidst the anarchy, there was a code – unspoken, yet understood by all who navigated this starlit underworld. It was a code of survival, of honor among thieves, and the unyielding pursuit of fortune. In the vastness of space, where empires rose and fell like the tides of the oceans on distant, forgotten worlds, these pirates were the only constant, their stories woven into the fabric of the galaxy itself.
As distant suns set on alien horizons and the cold embrace of space wrapped around the countless worlds, the pirates continued their endless dance. It was a dance of shadows and light, of danger and desire, played out against the backdrop of a universe both beautiful and unforgiving.
In the depths of the cosmos, aboard the Midnight Mirage, a vessel as enigmatic as its captain, Obi-Wan Kenobi stood with an air of composed anticipation. The ship, a sleek phantom against the star-speckled blackness, hummed quietly, as if resonating with the heartbeat of the universe itself. Obi-Wan, a figure both revered and feared in the pirate underworld, carried a reputation that seemed to stretch as far and wide as the galaxy itself. He was known not just for his strategic brilliance but also for his unyielding honor – a rarity in the lawless reaches of space.
Around him, his crew – Plo, Quinlan, Mace, and Tholme – moved with a fluidity that spoke of countless hours spent under his command. They were more than just subordinates; they were disciples of his unique brand of leadership, each reflecting a facet of his complex persona.
Plo, at navigation, was the calm to Obi-Wan's storm. His steady hands guided the Midnight Mirage through asteroid fields and nebulae with an ease that belied the dangers of such maneuvers. "Captain, we're nearing the Dalmar Sector. Sensors are picking up faint, anomalous signals," he reported, his voice a steady thrum in the quiet of the bridge.
Quinlan, manning communications, had a spark in his eyes that mirrored the stars outside. His wit was as quick as his skills, a balance of levity and expertise. "Could be our prize, or could be trouble. With our luck, probably a bit of both," he quipped, casting a sidelong glance at Obi-Wan, whose response was a slight, knowing smile.
Mace, overseeing the ship's defenses, exuded a quiet strength. Her vigilance was a silent promise of protection, a shield against the unpredictability of space. "Defenses are primed. Whatever's out there, we're ready for it," she assured, her voice carrying the unspoken bond of trust that she shared with her captain and crewmates.
Tholme, the quiet observer, monitored the ship's vital systems. His hands moved with a precision that spoke of deep familiarity with the Midnight Mirage's heart and soul. His role was less conspicuous but no less crucial, ensuring their survival in the unforgiving vacuum of space.
Together, they were a microcosm of the galaxy's diversity – different worlds, different stories, all converging under the banner of the Midnight Mirage. The crew's synergy was a testament to Obi-Wan's leadership, his ability to unify disparate elements into a cohesive, formidable force.
Obi-Wan's gaze lingered on the star map, his mind weaving through strategies and possibilities. His crew watched him, their expressions a mix of respect and anticipation. In him, they saw not just a captain, but a mentor, a guardian, a beacon in the vastness of space. His decisions were not just commands; they were lessons in survival, in resilience, in the art of navigating the treacherous tides of the galaxy.
As the Midnight Mirage glided closer to the source of the signals, the tension on the bridge was palpable, yet there was an underlying current of excitement. They were on the brink of something monumental, a discovery that could redefine their place in the cosmos. And at the helm stood Obi-Wan Kenobi, the pirate, the strategist, the legend, guiding them into the unknown with the unwavering certainty of a star guiding ships through the night.
Meanwhile, in another quadrant of the same star-strewn expanse, the Crimson Corsair, a ship as formidable and audacious as its captain, sliced through space. Commander Cody, at the helm, was a figure of commanding presence, his gaze fixed on the sea of stars before him. His reputation was the stuff of legend in the pirate circles – a master tactician, known for his daring raids and unshakable resolve. He was a captain who navigated the chaotic waves of space with the precision of a seasoned seafarer.
Cody's crew — Rex, Wolffe, Ponds, Fives, and Echo — operated with a well-oiled efficiency that spoke of their deep respect and unwavering loyalty to their captain. They were not just a crew; they were a band of brothers, each battle-hardened and fiercely dedicated.
Rex, the first mate, approached Cody with a datapad in hand. "We're closing in on the Dalmar Sector, Captain. The readings are consistent with the intel we received," he reported, his tone firm yet laced with an undercurrent of excitement.
Cody's eyes, sharp as a hawk's, scanned the data. His mind, a strategic map, plotted their course with meticulous care. "Prepare for a stealth approach. If our information is correct, we're not the only ones after this prize," he said, his voice carrying the gravel of experience.
Wolffe, handling the ship's armaments, nodded in acknowledgment. "Weapons are at the ready, Captain. We'll give them a run for their money if it comes to it," he declared, his hand instinctively resting on the console.
Ponds, the navigator, adjusted their trajectory, his movements precise and deliberate. "Stealth mode engaged. We'll be a ghost in the stars," he affirmed, a slight smirk playing on his lips.
Fives and Echo, stationed at communications and engineering respectively, shared a glance. There was an unspoken bond between them, a shared history that had seen them through the darkest of times. "All systems are optimal. We're ready for whatever this sector has in store for us," Echo stated, his voice a steady beacon amidst the anticipation that filled the air.
The Crimson Corsair moved silently, a shadow against the cosmic canvas. Cody's crew watched him, their gazes reflecting a mix of admiration and readiness. In him, they saw not just a leader but a symbol of their own resilience, a reminder of the paths they had traversed and the battles they had won.
As they neared their destination, Cody's thoughts were a whirlwind of strategies and contingencies. He knew the risks, the perils that lurked in the uncharted territories of space. Yet, there was a thrill in the challenge, a fire that burned in the heart of every space pirate – the relentless pursuit of fortune, of glory, of the unattainable.
Rex studied his captain, seeing the gears turning in his mind. He knew that beneath Cody's stoic exterior was a maelstrom of determination and cunning. "We're with you, Captain. Through every star and storm," he said, his voice a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.
The Crimson Corsair continued its silent voyage, a spectral vessel on a collision course with destiny. At its helm stood Commander Cody, the pirate, the visionary, the indomitable spirit, leading his crew into the heart of the unknown, where the secrets of the Dalmar Sector awaited, shrouded in the mystery of the cosmos.
As the *Midnight Mirage* glided through the void, an air of expectancy permeated its confines. Obi-Wan Kenobi, his eyes reflecting the distant galaxies, received the transmission that set their new course. The message, encrypted and subtle, spoke of an artifact of immense power and value, hidden within the Dalmar Sector.
Plo, upon hearing the news, couldn't mask the flicker of excitement in his eyes. "This could be the breakthrough we've been searching for," he said, his voice a mix of hope and caution.
Obi-Wan, ever the contemplative leader, pondered the implications. "Yes, but such power will attract others. We must be prepared for that inevitability." His words carried the weight of experience, a reminder of the countless dangers they had faced in their quest for such relics.
Quinlan grinned, the thrill of the chase evident in his demeanor. "A little competition never hurt, eh, Captain?" he quipped, though his eyes betrayed the understanding of the risks involved.
Mace nodded, her thoughts aligned with her captain's strategic mindset. "It's not just the artifact. It's who we might encounter trying to claim it. We need to stay sharp," she cautioned, her hand instinctively resting on her blaster.
Tholme, the quiet one, adjusted the ship's energy output, ensuring they were battle-ready. "All systems optimal. We'll give them a run for their credits," he stated, his tone steady and reassuring.
Meanwhile, aboard the *Crimson Corsair*, the atmosphere was equally charged. Cody received the same news, the details of the artifact igniting a fire in his eyes. "This is it. The prize we've been waiting for," he announced, his voice resonant with determination.
Rex stepped forward, his loyalty to Cody as unshakeable as the stars themselves. "We'll need a solid plan. There's no telling what we're up against," he said, his strategic mind already mapping out potential scenarios.
Wolffe, ever the pragmatist, checked their arsenal. "We're ready for a fight if it comes to that. But let's hope stealth can get us there first," he suggested, his gaze fixed on the weapons panel.
Ponds, navigating the ship through the stars, added, "We have the element of surprise on our side. Let's use it to our advantage."
Fives and Echo exchanged looks, their shared history having taught them the value of being prepared for any eventuality. "We'll keep the ship running smoothly. You focus on getting us in and out with that artifact," Echo said, his voice reflecting the depth of trust and camaraderie that defined Cody's crew.
As both the *Midnight Mirage* and the *Crimson Corsair* made their way towards the Dalmar Sector, a sense of destiny hung in the air. Obi-Wan and Cody, though unaware of each other's involvement, were bound by a common goal – a prize of untold power that beckoned them deeper into the cosmos. Their crews, a testament to their leadership and vision, stood ready, each member playing a crucial role in the unfolding drama of space piracy, where risk and reward danced a perilous waltz among the stars.
As the Midnight Mirage and the Crimson Corsair independently navigated the star-studded labyrinth of the Dalmar Sector, a new piece of intelligence emerged, setting the stage for an unprecedented alliance. A lavish gala, hosted by a notorious crime lord known for his eccentricities and love for extravagant gatherings, was to be the hiding place of the coveted artifact. The only way to gain entry was through an invitation, and the most unobtrusive method was a double date.
Aboard the Midnight Mirage, the revelation caused a stir among the crew. Obi-Wan, his forehead creased in thought, weighed the options. "A gala... it's risky, but it may be our best chance," he mused aloud, his voice calm yet underscored with a trace of unease.
Plo, perceptive as always, noted the hesitation in his captain's voice. "It's not our usual approach, but we've handled worse. We just need the right... partners," he suggested, trying to gauge Obi-Wan's reaction.
Quinlan, leaning against the console, chuckled. "Never thought I'd see the day where we'd crash a party for a job. This'll be interesting," he said, his usual humor masking the underlying tension of the situation.
Mace, ever the realist, added, "We need to be careful. This crime lord isn't known for his hospitality. And who knows who else will be there."
Tholme nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the room. "We'll need a solid exit strategy. Things could get complicated quickly."
Simultaneously, aboard the Crimson Corsair, Cody and his crew were deliberating the same situation. Cody stood with his arms crossed, his gaze distant as he processed the information. "A gala... it's unconventional, but it could work. We'll need to blend in seamlessly," he stated, his tone revealing a hint of reluctance.
Rex stepped forward, his strategic mind already at work. "We can pull it off, Captain. It's all about appearances. We just need the right cover," he said, his confidence unwavering.
Wolffe, ever cautious, interjected, "We should keep our guard up. This crime lord plays for keeps, and there's no telling who else might be after the artifact."
Ponds nodded, his hand subconsciously adjusting his blaster. "We'll need to watch each other's backs. More than usual."
Fives and Echo exchanged a knowing look, their thoughts in sync. "Let's make sure the Corsair is ready for a quick getaway. We don't want to overstay our welcome," Echo commented, a hint of dry humor in his voice.
As fate would have it, both crews, under the leadership of Obi-Wan and Cody, arrived at the same conclusion. A collaboration, though grudging, was necessary. The idea of working with another notorious pirate crew was fraught with tension and distrust, but the prize was too great to ignore.
The decision to collaborate was communicated through encrypted channels, each captain expressing their terms and conditions. There was a mutual understanding, an unspoken acknowledgment of each other's reputation and skill. The plan was set: they would enter the gala as two pairs of dates, blending in with the opulent crowd, all the while seeking the same elusive prize.
As preparations began, the air was thick with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Crew members from both ships, though seasoned in the art of space piracy, found themselves in unfamiliar territory. The prospect of working alongside former rivals added an edge to their preparations, a silent challenge hanging in the air.
In the depths of space, where alliances were as shifting as the stars, this uneasy collaboration between the Midnight Mirage and the Crimson Corsair was a testament to the allure of the artifact. It was a dance of shadows and deception, set against the backdrop of a gala that promised to be as dangerous as it was dazzling.
The atmosphere aboard the Midnight Mirage was charged with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty as they neared the time for the gala. Obi-Wan Kenobi, known for his measured decisions, faced a new kind of challenge in choosing a partner for the façade. His eyes scanned over his crew, each member ready to play their part in this intricate dance of deception.
Plo, Quinlan, Mace, and Tholme awaited his decision, their expressions a mix of eagerness and apprehension. "Captain, if I may," Plo began, his voice steady, "I've studied galactic etiquette and can navigate social intricacies. I believe I could be of use in this environment."
Obi-Wan regarded him, a thoughtful expression etching his features. Plo's skills were indeed valuable, but it was more than that; there was a trust built over countless adventures, a bond forged in the fires of space piracy. "Plo, your knowledge will be invaluable tonight. You'll accompany me," Obi-Wan decided, his voice carrying the finality of a captain's command yet softened by the respect he held for his first mate.
Plo nodded, a sense of pride mixed with the gravity of responsibility settling over him. The rest of the crew exchanged looks of quiet support, their confidence in Plo and their captain unspoken but palpable.
Meanwhile, aboard the Crimson Corsair, a similar scene unfolded. Cody stood amidst his crew, the decision of choosing a partner for the evening weighing on him. Rex, Wolffe, Ponds, Fives, and Echo stood ready, each capable and willing to take on the role.
Rex, his first mate, met Cody's gaze. "Captain, I'm ready to step in. But," he paused, glancing towards their co-pilot, "Wolffe has the finesse for this kind of mission. His experience in undercover operations could give us the edge we need."
Cody considered Rex's words. Wolffe, with his keen eye for detail and ability to blend into any situation, was indeed the ideal choice. "Wolffe, you're with me," Cody announced, his tone resolute. Wolffe nodded, a flicker of determination in his eyes. The rest of the crew rallied around their chosen representative, offering words of encouragement and last-minute advice.
Back on the Midnight Mirage, Obi-Wan and Plo were engaged in a detailed discussion of their approach. "Remember, subtlety is our ally tonight. We blend in, gather information, and stay alert," Obi-Wan instructed, his demeanor calm yet underscored with an undercurrent of intensity.
Plo absorbed every word, his mind racing with scenarios and strategies. "We'll make a good team, Captain. We always have," he responded, his confidence in their partnership evident.
On the Crimson Corsair, Cody and Wolffe were finalizing their plans. "We need to be in sync every step of the way. If things go south, we stick to the plan and adapt as necessary," Cody briefed, his eyes scanning the holographic layout of the gala.
Wolffe, ever the pragmatist, nodded in agreement. "I've got your back, Captain. We'll get in, find the artifact, and get out without drawing any unnecessary attention," he assured, his voice a bastion of steadiness.
As both crews prepared for the impending gala, a sense of camaraderie and resolve enveloped them. They were about to embark on a mission unlike any they had undertaken before, a mission that required not just their skills as pirates but as diplomats in a den of vipers. The Midnight Mirage and the Crimson Corsair, once solitary hunters in the vast ocean of stars, were now allies in a game of shadows and deception, with the galaxy's most elusive prize at stake.
In the dim light of the Midnight Mirage's strategy room, a holographic projection of the space station flickered into life, casting a blue glow over the faces of Obi-Wan and his crew. They gathered around, their eyes tracing the intricate layout of corridors, ballrooms, and hidden passages.
"Here," Obi-Wan pointed to a secluded section of the station, "is where the artifact is likely kept. Heavily guarded, no doubt."
Plo leaned in, his finger hovering over a different part of the hologram. "There's a service entrance here. Less conspicuous. It could serve as an exit route if we need a quick escape."
Obi-Wan nodded, his mind weaving through scenarios. "Quinlan, you and Mace will handle communications and surveillance. We need eyes and ears inside at all times."
Quinlan flashed a wry grin. "So, we're the eyes in the sky? Got it, Captain. Mace and I will make sure you dance through this without stepping on any toes."
Mace, her expression focused, added, "We'll keep the comms open. Any sign of trouble, and we're your lifeline."
Meanwhile, aboard the Crimson Corsair, a similar scene unfolded. Cody, Wolffe, Rex, and the rest of the crew huddled around their own holographic display. Cody's finger traced a path through the station's layout.
"Our main objective is here," he indicated a lavish hall at the center of the station. "But we need to blend in first. The gala will be swarming with the galaxy's most notorious figures."
Wolffe examined the map, his tactical mind assessing each potential hazard. "Rex, Ponds, you two will handle crowd control. Mingle, gather intel, and stay alert for any unusual activity."
Rex nodded, his demeanor serious. "We'll keep our ears to the ground. If anyone's heard rumors about the artifact, we'll know."
Ponds, his voice steady, chimed in. "Fives, Echo, you're on tech and logistics. Make sure our escape routes are clear and our gear is ready at a moment's notice."
Fives grinned, the thrill of the mission igniting a spark in his eyes. "Just another day at the office, huh, Echo?"
Echo's reply was a nod, his focus already on the task at hand. "We'll be ready for anything."
Back on the Midnight Mirage, Tholme was finalizing the technical details. "I've synced our comms to a secure channel. We won't have any unwanted listeners."
Obi-Wan surveyed his crew, a sense of pride mingling with the gravity of the mission. "Remember, we need to be discreet. This is a high-stakes game, and we're playing against some of the galaxy's most cunning minds."
The air was thick with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Plo, sensing the tension, offered a reassuring smile. "We've faced worse odds. We've got this, Captain."
On the Crimson Corsair, the mood was similarly charged. Cody's eyes met each of his crew members', a silent message of trust and resolve passing between them. "We're more than just pirates tonight. We're players in a game that could change our fortunes forever."
The competitive Maceer, a staple of their interactions, took on a new edge as they prepared for the gala. Each jest, each quip, was a way to stave off the underlying tension, to remind themselves of the camaraderie that had carried them through countless dangers.
As the two ships made their final preparations, the vastness of space around them seemed to hold its breath. The Midnight Mirage and the Crimson Corsair, once lone hunters in the cosmic wilderness, were now unlikely allies, their paths converging in a dance of shadows and intrigue, with the enigmatic gala at the heart of their quest.
The night of the gala had arrived, a convergence of fate and strategy under the opulent dome of the space station. The *Midnight Mirage* and the *Crimson Corsair* docked discreetly, their crews ready to step into roles that were far from their usual. Dressed in disguises that masked their notorious identities, they blended into the galaxy's elite with a practiced ease.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, his usual rugged attire replaced by the sleek lines of high-class fashion, moved through the crowd with a graceful poise that belied his true nature. His eyes, sharp and observant beneath the facade, scanned the room, taking in the grandeur around him. The station's ballroom was a marvel of galactic architecture, with soaring ceilings that mirrored the night sky and walls adorned with exotic materials from distant worlds.
Cody, his demeanor equally transformed, stood beside Obi-Wan. His outfit, though elegant, couldn't completely conceal the soldier's bearing that defined him. He surveyed the room with a tactician's eye, noting exits, guards, and potential threats among the sea of guests.
Together, they navigated the gala, a ballet of subtlety and subterfuge. The air was thick with the perfumes of a thousand worlds, and the murmur of a hundred languages filled the space, a symphony of the galaxy's diversity.
Meanwhile, Wolffe and Plo, Obi-Wan's chosen companion for the evening, entered the fray. Wolffe, in his disguise, maintained a stoic calm, his eyes constantly on the move. Plo, in contrast, exuded a serene confidence, his demeanor that of a seasoned diplomat.
The guests were a tapestry of the galaxy's most colorful figures - politicians, merchants, adventurers, and those whose wealth and power transcended planetary boundaries. Alien species of all shapes and sizes mingled, their attire ranging from the elegantly simple to the extravagantly bizarre.
As Obi-Wan and Cody moved through the crowd, their interactions were a delicate dance of words and gestures. "Remember, we're not just looking for the artifact. We're looking for allies, information, anything that can give us an edge," Obi-Wan whispered under the guise of a casual conversation.
Cody nodded subtly, his reply masked by a sip of an exotic beverage. "And we need to keep an eye on each other's backs. We're not the only predators in this room," he murmured, his gaze briefly locking with a figure across the room whose gaze was a little too keen.
Wolffe and Plo, operating on the fringe of the gala, were an exercise in contrasts. Plo's gentle demeanor drew inquisitive glances and amiable chatter, while Wolffe's silent vigilance served as a discreet but effective deterrent to any who might probe too deeply.
The gala was more than a gathering; it was a nexus of power and intrigue, where each conversation was a potential clue, each glance a potential threat. The music, a haunting melody that echoed the mysteries of space, provided a backdrop to their mission.
Obi-Wan's mind was a whirlwind of observations and deductions, every detail noted and analyzed. Cody, equally vigilant, was a portrait of focus, his every sense attuned to the subtle undercurrents of the event.
As the evening progressed, the tension beneath the veneer of celebration grew. The artifact, the prize they all sought, was somewhere within these walls, a secret waiting to be unearthed in a den of opulence and danger. And in the heart of it all were Obi-Wan and Cody, two legendary pirates disguised as nobles, playing a game of shadows in a world that was as alien to them as the farthest reaches of the galaxy.
In the grand ballroom, where the galaxy's elite waltzed under the shimmering artificial stars, a subtle game of cat and mouse unfolded. Cody and Obi-Wan, having split from Wolffe and Plo, moved with a purpose disguised by the elegance of their façade.
Cody, leaning against a pillar, engaged a group of wealthy merchants in conversation. His words were laced with charm, each sentence carefully crafted to draw attention, to create a diversion. "And then, as the moons aligned, we discovered the rarest gem of the Oortas system," he regaled, his voice a melody of feigned bravado and adventure. The group hung on his every word, their laughter a cover for his true intentions.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan, seizing the opportunity, slipped away from the crowd's view. His heart pounded in a rhythm that mirrored the subtle undercurrents of danger and excitement. Each step was measured, each glance calculated. He navigated the maze of corridors, his senses heightened, aware of every shadow, every sound.
Back at the gala, Cody's stories grew more extravagant, more enthralling. His eyes, however, remained vigilant, scanning the crowd for any signs of suspicion or interference. The merchants, intoxicated by his charisma, were oblivious to the orchestration of events.
Obi-Wan, now in the less frequented parts of the station, moved with the grace of a shadow. He encountered a few guards, but his disguise and the convincing air of belonging allowed him to pass without incident. His mind was a whirlpool of strategy and anticipation, every scenario played and replayed in the confines of his thoughts.
In a different part of the ballroom, Wolffe and Plo engaged in their own dance of distraction. Plo's charm was a gentle wave, lapping at the shores of the guests' curiosity, while Wolffe's silent presence was the rock against which any suspicion broke harmlessly.
The music swelled, a crescendo that mirrored the rising stakes. Obi-Wan found himself outside the chamber where the artifact was believed to be held. His hand hovered over the door's control panel, a moment of hesitation that was a rare occurrence for the seasoned pirate.
Meanwhile, Cody, sensing the climax of their plan was near, intensified his efforts. A flirtatious banter with a dignitary's daughter, a laugh shared with a boisterous trader, each interaction a brushstroke in the larger picture they were painting.
Obi-Wan's hand moved, and the door slid open silently. Inside, the chamber was dimly lit, its contents obscured by shadows. His eyes adjusted quickly, scanning for the artifact, aware that time was a luxury they didn't have.
Back at the gala, a sudden shift in the crowd's mood signaled that their ruse might soon be up. Cody, with the instinct of a predator, knew it was time to retreat. He excused himself with a charming smile and a promise to return, then melted into the crowd, moving towards the rendezvous point.
Obi-Wan, inside the chamber, finally laid eyes on the artifact. It was smaller than he had imagined, its surface reflecting the sparse light in mesmerizing patterns. As he reached out, a sense of triumph mixed with an uncharacteristic twinge of apprehension coursed through him.
In a symphony of carefully orchestrated movements and distractions, the teams began their withdrawal from the gala. Cody, Obi-Wan, Wolffe, and Plo converged, each aware that the hardest part of their mission was yet to come. The artifact, now in their possession, was a beacon that would draw all eyes to them.
As they regrouped, their eyes met in silent communication, a shared understanding of the stakes. They had infiltrated the heart of danger, played their parts in a theater of deceit, and emerged victorious. But the night was far from over, and the escape promised to be as treacherous as the acquisition. The dance of shadows continued, with the entire galaxy as their stage.
As the quartet converged in the dimly lit corridor, their triumph was palpable yet muted, overshadowed by the looming challenge of escape. Obi-Wan, holding the artifact securely, exchanged a glance with Cody. Their eyes spoke volumes – a shared acknowledgment of the mission's success and the impending danger.
Just as they began to coordinate their retreat, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the hall. The group tensed, their senses heightened. From the shadows emerged the crime lord and his entourage of heavily armed guards. His presence was as commanding as the legends that preceded him, his eyes sharp and calculating.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" the crime lord's voice was smooth, yet laced with a dangerous edge. He eyed the artifact in Obi-Wan's grasp, a predatory glint in his gaze.
Obi-Wan's mind raced, his years of experience in deception coming to the fore. "We were just admiring your collection," he said, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through him.
Cody stepped forward, his stance protective yet non-threatening. "It's a rare piece. We couldn't resist taking a closer look," he added, his words carefully chosen to avoid escalating the situation.
The crime lord circled them, his guards poised and alert. "A rare piece indeed. And one that's not for uninvited guests," he replied, his tone deceptively calm.
Wolffe and Plo remained silent but vigilant, their hands subtly inching towards their concealed weapons. The tension in the air was a tangible force, a prelude to a confrontation they all sought to avoid.
The crime lord stopped, his eyes locked on Obi-Wan. "You're not just any thieves. I recognize you, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Commander Cody. Your reputations precede you." His words were a mix of admiration and menace.
Obi-Wan met his gaze, an undercurrent of respect in his response. "And you are a collector of rare treasures. This artifact would be safer in our hands."
The crime lord chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "You overestimate your position, Kenobi. This is my domain, and you are at my mercy."
The standoff was a chess match of wills, each player calculating the risks and potential moves. Cody's mind worked furiously, assessing their options, the layout of the room, the positioning of the guards. Every second that passed was a second closer to an inevitable clash.
Wolffe's hand rested discreetly on his blaster, his eyes scanning for an opening, a weakness in the guards' formation. Plo, ever the diplomat, sought a peaceful resolution, his thoughts focused on de-escalating the tension.
"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement," Obi-Wan proposed, his voice a blend of confidence and caution.
The crime lord paused, considering. "I'm listening," he said, his interest piqued despite the undercurrent of suspicion.
Obi-Wan took a subtle step forward, his every word measured. "The galaxy is a dangerous place. An artifact like this could attract unwanted attention. We can ensure its safety, and in return, we ask for safe passage."
The crime lord's eyes narrowed, weighing the offer. The silence that followed was a battlefield of unspoken strategies and hidden agendas.
Cody, seizing the moment of distraction, gave a subtle nod to his crew. In a fluid, coordinated movement, they drew their weapons, the sudden action catching the guards off guard.
The ensuing chaos was a blur of motion and sound. Blaster fire lit the corridor, its echoes reverberating through the station. Obi-Wan and Cody, back-to-back, fought with a synergy born of mutual respect and necessity. Wolffe and Plo provided cover, their shots precise and calculated.
The crime lord, caught in the unexpected uprising, retreated with a snarl of frustration, his guards forming a protective circle around him.
In the midst of the chaos, Obi-Wan's thoughts were clear, focused. This was more than just a fight for survival; it was a testament to their resolve, their unwillingness to bow to the whims of tyranny.
Cody, his blaster a steady extension of his will, moved with a soldier's grace, each shot a statement of defiance against those who sought to claim power through fear and oppression.
As the last of the guards fell, the group made a dash for the exit, the artifact secured in Obi-Wan's grasp. They moved with the urgency of those who knew that every moment spent was a moment closer to capture or worse.
The corridor blurred past them, a tunnel leading to freedom, to survival. Behind them, the sounds of the gala continued, a stark contrast to the battle they had just waged. Ahead, lay their ships, their sanctuary in the vastness of space.
Together, Obi-Wan, Cody, Wolffe, and Plo raced towards escape, their hearts pounding a rhythm of adrenaline and triumph. They had faced the impossible, challenged the powerful, and emerged victorious. But the night was far from over, and the stars awaited their return, silent witnesses to the saga of pirates, artifacts, and the unyielding spirit of those who dared to defy the galaxy.
The corridors of the space station transformed into a labyrinth of danger as Obi-Wan, Cody, Wolffe, and Plo navigated their escape. The sounds of pursuit were a relentless drumbeat at their heels, a cacophony that spurred their adrenaline-fueled strides.
As they turned a corner, a squad of guards blocked their path. Without hesitation, the group sprang into action. Cody and Wolffe opened fire, providing cover while Obi-Wan and Plo engaged in close-quarters combat. Their movements were a fluid dance of offense and defense, honed by years of survival in the unforgiving expanse of space.
Obi-Wan's lightsaber hummed as it sliced through the air, deflecting blaster shots with an elegance that belied the intensity of the moment. Plo, moving with a deceptive calm, dispatched guards with precise, controlled strikes. The bond between them was palpable, a silent communication that spoke of deep trust and understanding.
Cody, his blaster never wavering, kept a protective eye on his companions. "This way!" he shouted, spotting an opening. They moved as one, a unit forged by necessity and hardened by danger.
The pursuit was relentless, more guards converging on their position. Their path to the docking bay was a gauntlet of obstacles, each turn bringing new challenges. Wolffe, ever vigilant, took down a guard attempting to flank them. His actions were instinctive, the result of countless battles fought side by side with his comrades.
As they neared the docking bay, the realization that they were not out of danger yet weighed heavily on them. The vastness of space awaited, but so did the ships of the crime lord, ready to give chase.
Once inside their ships, the Midnight Mirage and the Crimson Corsair, the tension shifted from physical confrontation to a battle of wits and piloting skill. Obi-Wan and Cody took the helms of their respective vessels, their hands steady despite the pounding of their hearts.
"Prepare for evasive maneuvers," Obi-Wan instructed, his voice calm over the ship's comm. The Midnight Mirage responded to his touch, veering into the vastness of space with the grace of a celestial bird in flight.
Cody, his expression one of fierce determination, mirrored the move in the Crimson Corsair. "Wolffe, keep an eye on our tail. We're not in the clear yet," he commanded, his eyes fixed on the starfield ahead.
The space around the station became a theater of pursuit, the ships of the crime lord's fleet hot on their trail. Laser fire streaked through the void, a deadly light show that threatened to end their escape prematurely.
Obi-Wan's mind raced, calculating trajectories and counter-maneuvers. The Midnight Mirage weaved through the onslaught, its engines roaring defiance against the odds. Beside him, Plo worked the controls with a focus born of countless hours of flight.
Cody, in the Crimson Corsair, executed a series of daring maneuvers, the ship twisting and turning through space with the agility of a predator. "Hang on!" he warned, as he pulled a particularly risky move that brought them dangerously close to an asteroid field.
The chase was a maelstrom of tension and skill, a test of their resolve and their ability to outthink and outfly their pursuers. Each evasion, each successful dodge, was a small victory, a step closer to freedom.
As the space station receded into the distance, the relentless pursuit began to wane. The crime lord's ships, unwilling or unable to navigate the treacherous asteroid field, fell back, leaving the Midnight Mirage and the Crimson Corsair to disappear into the starry expanse.
Inside the ships, relief washed over the crews in palpable waves. They had survived, against overwhelming odds. They shared looks of mutual respect and unspoken camaraderie, their bond strengthened by the ordeal they had endured together.
In the quiet aftermath of their daring escape, the crews of the *Midnight Mirage* and the *Crimson Corsair* gathered to behold the prize that had brought them together in an unlikely alliance. The artifact, now resting on a table in the *Midnight Mirage*'s main hold, seemed almost mundane in the dim light, its enigmatic surface betraying none of the perilous adventure it had incited.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody, standing side by side, surveyed the object. The rest of the crew, Wolffe, Plo, and the others, circled around, their expressions a mix of curiosity and contemplation.
"It's smaller than I expected," Cody remarked, his voice tinged with a blend of amusement and disappointment. His fingers hovered over the artifact, hesitant to touch yet drawn by an unspoken allure.
Obi-Wan, his eyes thoughtful, nodded in agreement. "It's not its size or appearance that matters. It's the power it supposedly holds," he mused, his gaze introspective. "Yet, I can't help but feel that its true value lies elsewhere."
The crew members exchanged glances, their post-mission adrenaline fading into a reflective silence. The artifact, for all its legendary status, was unremarkable to the eye, a stark contrast to the grand tales woven around it.
Wolffe stepped forward, his hand brushing against the artifact's surface. "We risked everything for this. Fought side by side with those we once called rivals," he said, his voice a rumble of deep thought.
Plo, ever the philosopher among them, added, "Perhaps the artifact's real power is not in what it is, but in what it brought out in us. Unity, cooperation, despite our differences."
The room fell into a contemplative hush, each person processing the weight of Plo's words. The artifact had indeed done something remarkable; it had united two disparate crews, two captains who had once navigated the stars as adversaries.
Obi-Wan turned to face Cody, a newfound respect evident in his demeanor. "Commander, this mission... it has shown me that even among the stars, where rivalry and danger are rife, there is room for unexpected alliances, for unity."
Cody met his gaze, a mirror of respect in his own eyes. "Agreed, Kenobi. We may walk different paths, but our journey tonight has proven that together, we can face challenges insurmountable alone."
The crew members, listening to their captains, felt a sense of pride swell within them. They had been part of something greater than a mere heist; they had been part of a testament to the strength found in unity.
The artifact, now almost forgotten in the wake of their realization, sat quietly, its secrets locked away. But the lesson it had inadvertently taught them shone brightly, a beacon of understanding in the vast, often divided galaxy.
As the two crews prepared to part ways, the atmosphere was no longer one of mere professional courtesy but of mutual respect and acknowledgment. They had shared a journey that had changed not just their perception of each other but of the broader universe in which they lived and fought.
Obi-Wan extended his hand to Cody, a gesture of camaraderie. "Until our paths cross again, Commander. May your journey be safe and your battles victorious."
Cody clasped his hand firmly. "And to you, Kenobi. May the stars light your way."
With a final nod to each other, the crews of the *Midnight Mirage* and the *Crimson Corsair* returned to their ships, their engines humming to life as they prepared to chart their courses back into the starry expanse. The artifact, a silent witness to their newfound bond, remained a mystery, its power transcendent in the unity it had inspired.
As the ships drifted apart, each crew member carried with them the memory of the night when rivals became allies, when the pursuit of an enigmatic prize led to a discovery far more valuable – the power of unity in the vast, endless galaxy.
As the *Midnight Mirage* and the *Crimson Corsair* charted their respective courses away from the space station, a sense of quiet introspection fell over both crews. The vastness of space, with its myriad stars and galaxies, seemed to hold them in a contemplative embrace.
Aboard the *Midnight Mirage*, Obi-Wan Kenobi stood at the helm, his eyes fixed on the endless expanse before him. The stars, once mere points of light in the great tapestry of the cosmos, now seemed to hold deeper meaning. The experience with Cody and his crew had shifted something fundamental in his understanding of the universe.
"Captain, course set for our next destination," Plo reported, his voice pulling Obi-Wan from his reverie.
Obi-Wan nodded, his mind still wrapped in the remnants of their recent adventure. "Thank you, Plo. Keep us on this trajectory," he replied, his tone distant yet composed.
As he gazed out into the void, his thoughts lingered on the camaraderie that had unexpectedly blossomed from rivalry. "We've always known the galaxy to be a place of conflict and competition. But this... this has shown us that even the fiercest of rivals can find common ground," he mused aloud.
Plo, standing beside him, nodded in agreement. "It's a rare thing, Captain. To find respect, perhaps even friendship, in the face of adversity."
Obi-Wan's lips curved in a thoughtful smile. "It gives me hope, Plo. That even in the darkest corners of space, there is potential for unity."
Meanwhile, aboard the *Crimson Corsair*, Commander Cody stood with a similar contemplative expression. The galaxy stretched out before him, a canvas of infinite possibilities and challenges.
"Course laid in, Captain. We're on our way," Wolffe announced, breaking the silence of the bridge.
Cody turned slightly, acknowledging his crewmate. "Thank you, Wolffe. Keep us steady," he replied, his voice carrying a newfound depth.
His gaze returned to the stars, and he found himself reflecting on the unexpected bond formed with Obi-Wan and his crew. "Who would have thought, Wolffe, that in chasing an artifact, we'd find something more valuable?" he said, the question rhetorical yet laden with significance.
Wolffe stepped closer, his demeanor one of respect and reflection. "It's a strange universe, Captain. Makes you wonder what other surprises are out there."
Cody's eyes remained fixed on the void. "Indeed, it does. It makes you reconsider what we know about alliances and rivalries. Perhaps the galaxy is more nuanced than we gave it credit for."
As both ships continued their journey through the stars, their paths diverging yet invisibly linked by their shared experience, the crews carried with them a profound sense of change. The rivalry that had once defined their interactions was now colored with respect and a recognition of shared humanity.
Obi-Wan and Cody, leaders and pirates, had glimpsed a truth often obscured in the chaos of galactic strife: that beneath the banners of conflict and competition, there lay the potential for understanding and camaraderie.
The vast galaxy, with its uncharted worlds and unexplored frontiers, seemed less daunting, knowing that even among rivals, there could be moments of unity and mutual respect. And as the *Midnight Mirage* and the *Crimson Corsair* sailed on, their courses charted under different stars, the memory of their alliance lingered, a testament to the unexpected friendships that could be forged in the depths of space.
"Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this interstellar escapade, reblog to share with fellow Star Wars fans. Your support means the galaxy to me! 🌟🚀
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planet-gay-comic · 2 days
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Monument of Unwavering Love Historical Figures and the Persecution of Their Love
From antiquity to the 20th century, significant individuals who were in homoromantic relationships often faced challenges and criticism. Their stories are testimonials to the courage and resilience in the face of societal hostility.
Hadrian and Antinous: Love Against the Empire The relationship between Roman Emperor Hadrian and his beloved Antinous was a mix of deep affection and public scandal. After the mysterious death of Antinous, Hadrian deified him, which caused discontent among the Roman elite. This worship was not only an act of mourning but also a defiance of the norms of Roman society.
Oscar Wilde: The Price of Truth In Victorian England, the famed writer Oscar Wilde paid a high price for his homosexual relationships. His conviction for "indecent acts" led to a harsh prison sentence that ruined his health and destroyed his career. Wilde's case was a clear signal of the intolerance toward homosexuality during this era.
Alan Turing: A War Hero Betrayed by His Own Country Alan Turing, whose work was crucial to the Allied victory in World War II, was persecuted for his homosexuality. At a time when homosexual acts were illegal in Britain, Turing underwent a medical treatment mandated by the court, which was seen as an alternative to imprisonment, and contributed to his premature death.
Frida Kahlo: An Art Icon in the Gender Norms Crossfire Although Frida Kahlo's bisexual relationships were not the cause of public animosity, she lived in a society where such relationships were considered taboo. Kahlo's self-portraits and works reflect her personal struggles and her courage to challenge the conventional gender roles of her time.
Bayard Rustin: In the Shadow of the Civil Rights Movement As an openly gay man and a key advisor to Martin Luther King Jr., Bayard Rustin often had to put his sexuality behind his work for the civil rights movement in the 1960s USA. Despite his significant contributions, he was attacked by opponents both inside and outside the movement because of his homosexuality.
Leonard Matlovich: A Soldier Against Silence Vietnam War veteran Leonard Matlovich, who appeared on the cover of "Time" magazine, was one of the first to challenge the ban on homosexuality in the U.S. military. His fight against discrimination sparked a national discussion about the role of LGBTQ+ individuals in service.
Base image generated with DALL-E, overworked with SD-1.5/SDXL inpainting, manual editing and composing.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 11 months
Brigitte Empire! She's just done a big move to escape TERF Island, and YT (and associated donations) are her only source of income right now. Listen, like, and reply to her video (you don't have to read the YT comments - though most aren't too bad - just say "hi") to help her out with the algorithm, and give money if you can.
And, while I have your attention, how DOES one differentiate between a nice, civil protest and a lawbreaking riot?
Well, is "one" an ordinary human being without a badge - press or police/security?
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Like these BLM folks right here?
...Then your input is not required. Sorry. You don't actually get to define whether you're here to be heard or to break shit and ruin it for everyone. You have no authority over your message, and we do not believe you when you express your intent, especially if there's any (I mean ANY) property damage. Human lives are more important than some light vandalism and broken windows, you say? Well, lalalalala, 'cos we're not listening.
But if "one" does have a badge...
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Aha! Behold, a miscreant!
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Yes. Take that, you... you building-haters!
...one is allowed, nay, expected to put the proper framework around this chaos of, uh, human beings asking for human rights with their (theoretically) protected right to protest.
And this framework is subject to change!
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...like, a lot of change. Within a single human lifetime, MLK goes from commie threat to conservative icon, and the protests he helped organize go from "tut-tut, so uncivil" to a triumph of nonviolent resistance. Gandhi and his tactics have gone through a similar rehabilitation/reclaimation.
And Stonewall? It's gone from a riot to a protest to a riot, with an ever-evolving cast of heroes, villains, and participants. Brigitte up there steered clear of who was involved and what their motivations may have been, and I suppose I will too, because we're all very attached to our own personal mythology. We all want to have been there, and there's some backlash and othering for people with queer identities that aren't part of the mythos.
I will say, though, that the man-o-sphere-centric film Buck Breaking sure did cough up an interesting interpretation for us. (Don't bother to watch it, I didn't, I just read/listened about it. It seems painful.) To the brain trust behind this propaganda piece, Stonewall was a BLACK riot - with no queer folks involved at all, certainly not any Black queer folks - and we STOLE it from them. I'm not gonna take that apart either, F. D. Signifier already did, and his experiences give him a better viewpoint than mine.
A riot is defined, and fueled by the police reaction in the moment, and afterwards, the media and politicians will carve it up however they see fit. Generally speaking, contemporary sources tend to err on the side of the police, and slowly get more revisionist as time passes. If the cops don't want you where you are, they will come up with a reason to remove you, provoking one if necessary. (See, my earlier post today, responding to efforts to make it more difficult to protest in the States.)
Cops are trained to parse any disturbance (even a bunch of kids singing patriotic music at the Capitol to score cheap points for the Republican House Speaker) as a threat, and they will minimize or remove it. A protest that does not cause a disturbance is not an effective protest. Thus, ANYTHING can be a riot. And, once the cops fire a few chemical weapons into the crowd, it sure will look like one. That's nice for any newspaper photographers who happen to be in the area!
This is why, when I talk about violent protests, I say the violence happens, like a rainy day or a sneeze. Speaking as a bleeding-heart lefty progressive (I don't show up for shit like January 6th), most people aren't looking to hurt anyone, they just want to be heard. If you do look like you're just there to start some shit, or you bring a weapon, someone will take you aside and ask you to go home, or at least leave that shit in the car. People with obvious weapons make a suitable excuse for the police to start some shit of their own - and we'd all rather not be pepper-sprayed or gassed, thanks. But if the cops want you gone, they are able to turn up the pressure until someone snaps, and then they'll start doing damage and making arrests anyway.
The first Pride was a riot, and a protest, and the participants repaid police violence against them with violence against the police. Police do their violence on behalf of the State, so we tend to overlook it, or spread the responsibility around until everyone is a little bit complicit. (We live in a democracy, right? Right?) But the truth is, a riot can be self-defense. It just doesn't look like it in the papers, because systemic oppression doesn't photograph very well.
Nothing about what's happening is "civil." "Civility" is not what anyone is after, here. What they want is silence. Silence just lets them keep doing whatever the hell they were doing, while pretending we're all OK with it. If you raise your voice, they will do whatever they can to shut you down. They lie, they cheat, they wound, and they kill.
Well, you can't make any noise if you're dead. So first, stay alive. And then, if you can, yell your fucking head off. Don't quiet down no matter what label they hit you with. If you're lucky, one day you'll be a triumph of nonviolent resistance too!
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tinyvariations · 11 months
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"The only way we can get any place is by being together."
Ruth Ellis is an icon, particularly in the city she and her partner called home for most of their lives: Detroit. Born to former slaves, Ruth came into this world in 1899, and in the 101 years she was on this earth, she lived her life fully and openly, often touted as the oldest "out" lesbian when she passed in 2000. She became open about her identity at the age of 16 in 1915, but claims never to have "come out" to her family, as they always knew and accepted her. She spent her days working at a printing press in Illinois, where she met her partner, "Babe" Franklin. The pair moved to Detroit in search of a better life, and after several years, the pair opened their own printing shop on the first floor of their home.
In a time when homosexuality was illegal, Ruth and Babe opened the doors of their home to the LGBTQ community, who were denied access to both white gay clubs and black straight clubs. It was colloquially known as "the gay spot," a place where folks could congregate and enjoy a welcoming atmosphere decades before the Black Civil Rights Movement and the Stonewall Riot would begin to alter their outlook and options. She also opened up the extra rooms in her home to help house LGBTQ community members and helped find resources for those in need, even putting a few through college.
Prior to her passing, the Ruth Ellis Center opened in her adopted city, Detroit, where it continues to honor her legacy by providing shelter and aid to the LGBTQ community and youth.
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mingzisdrgongxuo · 6 months
Mayflower - Wikipedia
Mayflower was an English ship that transported a group of English families, known today as the Pilgrims, from England to the New World in 1620. After a grueling 10 weeks at sea, Mayflower, with 102 passengers and a crew of about 30, reached what is today the United States, dropping anchor near the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, on November 21 [O.S. November 11], 1620.
Differing from their contemporaries, the Puritans (who sought to reform and purify the Church of England), the Pilgrims chose to separate themselves from the Church of England, which forced them to pray in private. They believed it was beyond redemption due to its resistance to reform and Roman Catholic past. Starting in 1608, a group of English families left England for the Netherlands, where they could worship freely. By 1620, the community determined to cross the Atlantic for America, which they considered a "new Promised Land", where they would establish Plymouth Colony.[1]: 44 
The Pilgrims had originally hoped to reach America by early October using two ships, but delays and complications meant they could use only one, Mayflower. Arriving in November, they had to survive unprepared through a harsh winter. As a result, only half of the original Pilgrims survived the first winter at Plymouth. If not for the help of local indigenous peoples to teach them food gathering and other survival skills, all of the colonists might have perished. The following year, those 53 who survived[2] celebrated the colony's first fall harvest along with 90 Wampanoag Native American people,[3] an occasion declared in centuries later the first American Thanksgiving.[4] Before disembarking the Mayflower, the Pilgrims wrote and signed the Mayflower Compact, an agreement that established a rudimentary government, in which each member would contribute to the safety and welfare of the planned settlement. As one of the earliest colonial vessels, the ship has become a cultural icon in the history of the United States.[5]
Motivations for the voyage
See also: Pilgrims (Plymouth Colony) § History
A congregation of approximately 400 English Protestants living in exile in Leiden, Holland, were dissatisfied with the failure of the Church of England to reform what they felt were many excesses and abuses. But rather than work for change in England (as other Puritans did), they chose to live as Separatists in religiously tolerant Holland in 1608. As separatists, they were considered illegal radicals by their home country of England.[6]
The government of Leiden was recognized for offering financial aid to reformed churches, whether English, French or German, which made it a sought-after destination for Protestant intellectuals.[1]: 17  Many of the separatists were illegal members of a church in Nottinghamshire, England, secretly practicing their Puritan form of Protestantism. When they learned that the authorities were aware of their congregation, church members fled in the night with little more than the clothes they were wearing, and clandestinely made it to Holland.[1]: 18 
in Holland became increasingly difficult for the congregation. They were forced into menial and backbreaking jobs, such as cleaning wool, which led to a variety of health afflictions. In addition, a number of the country's leading theologians began engaging in open debates which led to civil unrest, instilling the fear that Spain might again place Holland's population under siege, as it had done years earlier.[6] England's James I subsequently formed an alliance with Holland against Spain, with a condition outlawing independent English church congregations in Holland.[1]: 26  In aggregate, these became the separatists' motivating factors to sail for the New World, which would have the added benefit of being beyond the reach of King James and his bishops.[6]
Their desire to travel to America was considered audacious and risky, as previous attempts to settle in North America had failed. Jamestown, founded in 1607, saw most of its settlers die within the first year. 440 of the 500 new arrivals died of starvation during the first six months of winter.[6] The Puritan separatists also learned of the constant threat of attacks by indigenous peoples.[6] But despite all the arguments against traveling to this new land, their conviction that God wanted them to go held sway: "We verily believe and trust the Lord is with us," they wrote, "and that he will graciously prosper our indeavours, according to the simplicity of our hearts therein."[6][7]
Because they thought the UK sucked that bad. They decided they would take their chances sailing across the northern Atlantic Ocean on a wooden boat, to go be homeless in an unknown and unexplored world and live in the dirt and die in the dirt and build our lives back up to our own country from those who survived the north American fBritish.
Because fuck the british.
And fuck going back to correct YOUR SHITFINGER ON MY WORK in the north American frontier.
It's symbolic huh, fucking black sabbath mr. Crowley- brained fucking loser.
How many of you are still taught about the mayflower in school when you are between 8 and 9 years old?
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Because we beat their fucking ass. That's why.
It didn't ask when our country was founded and won our independence and their banishment of the UK from the United States through war.
It asked "when did they leave the UK"?
November 21, 1620.
Thanksgiving. (United States holiday honoring the survival of the first year's seasons in North America, after leaving the UK forevah! )
See above mayflower article that got second billing and smokescreened in the screenshots of google.
What's the birth of England or the United Kingdom and the territory they occupy look like, ignoramus?
Fact checking bitch. Don't worry about my "political career" that will never happen and worry about your own.
You know, like stop giving me reasons to bring up cocaine addicts or cocaine and meth dealers that I think you care more about protecting them, or your own guilt, than protecting me.
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mightyflamethrower · 5 months
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We know the multifaceted strategy of the monstrous Hamas operation of Oct. 7
In precivilizational fashion it wished to kill and mutilate the most vulnerable of all Israeli civilians and thus to shock the world that it was capable of—and proud about— anything, from decapitation to necrophilia. Such animalistic savagery, in the reckoning of Western therapeutic society, was supposedly to be seen as forced upon Hamas murderers by the “occupation.”
The killers felt they would shock the Israelis into concessions given their eagerness to commit the unspeakable. They took captives for tripartite reasons: to barter children and the elderly for their kindred terrorist murderers in Israeli jails; to use captives to force the Israelis to grant cease-fires and pauses in their retaliation; and to bank them as shields to protect Hamas kingpins from retaliation.
Hamas invaded during a holiday in the early hours, in a time of peace, and on the iconic 50th-annivesary of the Yom Kippur surprise Arab attack. Their aim was to prove that  Israeli soil was for the first time porous and 2,000 killers could enter sacred Israeli ground with impunity and kill in one day more Jews civilians than at any day since the Holocaust.
The terrorists shot thousands of rockets into Israel to overwhelm Iron Dome and terrify the entire civilian population.
All these tactics was aimed at long-term strategic goals: stop the Abraham Accords; obey the directives of Hamas’s Iranian terrorist masters as payment for their arms; discredit the radical Palestine Authority and Arab moderate nations as anemic in their opposition to the supposedly shared hated Zionist entity; and prompt an Israeli response that by necessity would involve collateral damage to human shields, and schools, mosques, and hospitals atop subterranean Hamas headquarters.
Yet if we know their despicable methods, aims, and strategies, why did they think the civilized world would support their barbarity or at least excuse it?
One, Hamas assumed anti-Semitism was prevalent throughout the West and was canonical in the Middle East. Palestinian authorities count on the fact that being an enemy of the Jews of Israel wins them empathy of the world and creating their own unique rules of passive-aggressive victimhood.
So Palestinians demand to be the only “refugees” in the world—not Greek Cypriots, Eastern European Germans, and Prussians, Kurds, Armenians, and certainly not a million Jews cleansed from the Arab Middle East.
Israelis are to be “settlers,” not millions of Middle Easterners who surge and settle into the West, form resistance communities, sneer at integration and assimilation, and use Western liberality to protect and project their own illiberality.
Second, Hamas relies on useful Western idiots. It understands its terrorists repel the majority of Americans. But it figures Western and globalist institutions—academia, the media, popular culture—in their wealth, ignorance, and self-importance, alleviate guilt and find resonance by mouthing the shibboleths of the “underdog.”
In particular, Hamas understands that the Palestinian cause has fused with the leftwing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion industry. Thus Hamas becomes the Middle-East counterpart to BLM, aggrieved minorities, and, more preposterously, the trans/gay/feminist movement. Meanwhile, Israelis are recalibrated as the demonized Western “colonialist” white supremacists.
Third, the Islamic expatriate populations of Europe and the U.S. have soared. In the strange logic of the Middle Easterner in the West—on a green card, or a student visa, or either as an illegal alien or a first-generation immigrant—he will envision the magnanimity of Americans and Europeans who offered him refuge from the violence, hatred, tyranny, racism, sexism, terrorism, and violence of his homeland all too often as weakness to be manipulated, not as generosity to be appreciated much less reciprocated.
Middle Eastern expatriates brag of their growing numbers and the political clout that Islam accrues in liberal democracies, without a clue of their hypocrisy of supporting illiberal tyrannies whose violence drove them out to the West in the first place.
So, we watch Middle Easterners in the U.S. trying to ruin iconic events such as crashing “Black Friday” shopping, disrupting the New York Thanksgiving parade, or tearing down American flags on Veterans’ Day.
Only in America would the Iranian terrorist theocracy’s ex-ambassador to the UN, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, be accorded a professorship at Oberlin or a former top diplomat for the Iranian regime Seyed Hossein Mousavian land a coveted billet at Princeton.
From such perches these expatriates are free to promote pro-Hamas, Iranian, anti-Semitic—and Anti-American—agendas. They consider their hosts not so much tolerant as stupid, in the sense that any American expatriate in Iran who whispered criticism of the theocratic regime would either be hanged or used as a barter hostage. Why would those whose careers were devoted to demonizing and harming the United States from their coveted billets in Iran even wish to move to the Great Satan, while keeping warm relations with their theocratic kingpins in Tehran?
Four, behind all these considerations, is the reality of terrorism and the fear it instills in the West, given the 21st century history of Middle Easterners slaughtering thousands of Americans and Europeans. In crude terms, Hamas and its terrorist affiliates signal us, “damn Israel or be prepared for another 9/11.”
Five, Hamas is a death cult, an updated terrorist version of the more organized SS—with the qualifier it broadcasts rather than hides its savagery.
Radical Palestinians brag that they love death more than Israel loves life. So they count on Israel giving up three convicted terrorists to get back one elderly or young Israeli captive, on targeting civilians with rockets while Israelis drops leaflets warning of their bombing attacks, on coercing human shields that they assume Israel will avoid, on sanctioning raping, mutilating, and beheading in a way Israel would never conceive of reciprocating in kind, and on and on.
So will all these tactical and strategic methods work? For all the UN, media, and globalist support for Hamas, still perhaps not.
October 7 was a declaration by Hamas that all barbarity imaginable was now fair game. Yet its sheer evil has unleashed the IDF that perhaps not even Joe Biden, hostages, and “world opinion” can permanently stop.
For all the boasts about loving death, it was Hamas who cowardly murdered the unarmed, scampered back to the safety of their tunnels, and used their own kindred Gazans to shield them from death—delivered to them by supposed nerds who love life too much.
Europeans also have had it with unlimited immigration from the Middle East. Restrictionist politicians throughout Europe are ascending as never before, in Greece, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Holland, Spain, and Sweden.
They all reflect growing public anger that Europeans are hated by the very people who seek them out and wish to destroy their Enlightenment institutions by manipulating and discrediting them.  The thousands who hit the streets to cheer on October 7 and damn their hosts only confirm a growing global consensus—in the West, Latin America, Asia, and even throughout the Middle East—that admitting migrants from Palestine or Gaza, or their supporters, is a veritable death wish.
Pro-Hamas protestors calling Joe Biden “Genocide Joe” and boasting about the Arab or Muslim vote in Michigan is incoherent. Not only do harassing Thanksgiving shoppers and parades, disrupting iconic American holidays and events, swarming highways and bridges, and preying on Jews alienate Americans. But also taking credit for ensuring Biden’s defeat will only distance the Democratic establishment, such as it is, from its embarrassing, loud, but ultimately relatively impotent Islamic constituency.
Shouting for mass death “From the River to the Sea” does not endear the pro-Hamas crowd to half of their fellow Democrats, much less unabashedly strutting their anti-Semitism. The current overt support for Hamas, in other words, has revealed to the nation the bankruptcy of the entire pro-Hamas/DEI base of the Democratic Party and will do much to ensure a conservative president in 2024.
And that president will likely deport anyone on a green card or student visa promoting Hamas terrorism, or violating U.S. law, while ensuring a travel ban from terrorist supporting regimes in the Middle East. Such measures will win overwhelming public support, despite media and academic outrage.
Strategically, Iran, Hamas, and the Palestinians may seem to have flummoxed Israel into endless concessions by metering out hostages for serial pauses. But again, no Israel government can retain power by allowing the mass murdering Hamas to survive and so it will not.
Despite all the blood-curdling rhetoric of Hezbollah and Iran, neither will attack Israel or U.S. assets in force, given no American president could afford not to retaliate disproportionately. And “disproportionately” would mean rendering Iran’s military and Hezbollah to something akin to the current status of Hamas.
So for now, Hamas and its American-residing apologists are full of themselves and feel they are leveraging and manipulating the West. But such haughtiness may be a delusion. Hamas in the Middle East and its enablers in Europe and America have done more to harm the Palestinian cause and the idea of Middle Eastern immigration to the West than at any time since 9/11.
It is hard to anger Westerners, but continue the death chants, the violent demonstrations, the creepy anti-Semitism, and the proud support for the Hamas bloodwork of October 7, and they will be surprised at the growing anger of otherwise postmodern Europeans and distracted Americans.
Just as Israel realizes that there is no living with Hamas killers, so the West is learning that it can no longer sustain universities that despise the culture that nourishes it or Middle Eastern immigrants, visiting students, and residents that use the gift of freedom and tolerance to promote their abhorrent anti-Semitism, violence, intolerance—and, yes, hatred of their generous hosts.
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We said never again. Did we mean it???
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Horse Protection Day
The majestic horse has long been considered a close companion of  humans and a vital contributor to our species’ progress. National Horse  Protection Day is all about returning the love of our four-legged  friends by raising awareness of the various plights that horses face and  by protecting them from abuse, exploitation and neglect.
History of National Horse Protection Day
Throughout the centuries, equines have carried us on their backs,  pulled our carriages, fought in our wars, tilled our fields and traveled  miles and miles across our countries. They have been a key part of  human civilization for over 5,000 years and have cultural significance  all over the world. In the US, for example, the horse has a legendary  status as an icon of the American spirit, a symbol of freedom in the  West.
Although the advent of the automobile and various other technological  advances has meant that these creatures are no longer required as  frequently on the roads or as laborers, today horses still remain a  steadfast companion to animal lovers and equestrian fans alike. As well  as being great pets, they are a beloved therapy animal, often providing  support to people with disabilities, assist with important work such as  policing and cattle ranching and have become a key part of some popular  sports.
Yet despite the wonderful loyalty and dedication of horses, they are frequently mistreated, exploited and abandoned.
National Horse Protection Day was first observed in 2005 when it was  founded by pet lifestyle expert and animal behaviorist Colleen Paige.  Having grown up around horses, Paige created the day to make others  mindful of the plight of unwanted and neglected horses, those that end  up being slaughtered or served as food and those that are abused and  exploited. The day aims to encourage the rescue, rehabilitation and  rehoming of horses.
Although National Horse Protection Day began in the US, it has since  spread and is celebrated elsewhere too – a testament to how universally  valued these animals are.  
Why horses need our protection
There are a whole host of reasons why horses around the world need our protection.
Because of the resources and expense needed to care for them, horses  are especially at risk of a poor quality of life, neglect and  abandonment, even by well-intentioned owners who lack sufficient  knowledge or simply fall upon hard times. However, there are also many  horse breeders and dealers who care not about animal welfare but rather  about generating a profit. This can lead to large numbers of horses  living in poor conditions and even suffering from abuse.
Although horse meat is consumed in various parts of the world and  often considered a delicacy, there are also many who are against horses  being treated as a food source. Horses that are slaughtered for meat  often come from auctions, but sometimes they are abandoned pets, retired  working animals, bought from private sellers or captured from wild  herds.
With the horse considered an American icon, the US is particularly  averse to horse meat – it’s illegal to sell or eat horse meat in some  states such as California and there’s a movement to make this the case  across the country.
While sports can be a great way for people and horses to bond, the  equine’s wellbeing isn’t always given the priority it deserves. Horses  may be overworked, maltreated and injured, sometimes fatally, in the  pursuit of glory in the sports stadium.  
And even wild horses (known as mustangs in the US) require our  protection. Finding a humane solution to the problem of overpopulation  in America is a real challenge – while many consider the rounding up of  wild horses to be cruel, with a small number adopted but most living out  the rest of their lives in holding pens, if numbers aren’t properly  handled this could lead to drought and starvation for thousands. Humane  management is therefore key to their flourishing.
How to celebrate National Horse Protection Day
National Horse Protection Day is a day to be mindful of the trials  and tribulations of horses without a home, without companionship and  without love. Horse lovers will often say that these creatures are just  as much our four-legged friends as cats and dogs are – and if you have  ever been lucky enough to know these shy and gentle animals, you’ll know  this to be true.
There are plenty of ways you could observe National Horse Protection  Day. Of course, not everyone has the space to adopt a horse and keep one  to look after, but if you live close to a stable, offering a helping  hand with the horses or dropping off food and bedding would certainly be  appreciated.
Perhaps you could think about supporting a horse through a charity or  donating to your local horse sanctuary. By supporting organizations  such as these, you’ll be contributing to a whole range of activities  aimed at improving the lives of horses everywhere, from rehoming and  rehabilitation to educating and supporting owners and breeders. And if  you spot a horse that seems neglected or abandoned, don’t be afraid to  call an animal welfare charity or equine sanctuary for help.
If you’re especially passionate, you could even get involved in  lobbying efforts to improve legislation on animal welfare, livestock  protection and responsible breeding.
National Horse Protection Day is also a great opportunity to connect  with these amazing animals. Why not go on a trail ride or take up a  sporting activity involving horses such as polo or showjumping? You can  also venture into the great outdoors to places where wild horses can be  found roaming freely! However, you decide to celebrate, remember to  spread the word on social media, and be sure to find out more about this  important observance by visiting the National Horse Protection Day  website.
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mediamonarchy · 28 days
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davidjamesk · 2 months
Asian Antiques: A Chronicle of Cultural Heritage
Asia is an incredible treasure trove of old civilizations, diverse societies, and rich stories, as seen in its dazzling collection of antiques. From beautiful ceramics to exquisite wood engravings, Asian antiques provide an insight into the region's religious, artistic and societal development throughout millennia. These objects are not just used as decorative objects but also serve as vital sources of information about the past and preserve cultural oral histories and traditions for future generations.
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Exploring Asian Antiques
The attraction of Asian antiques is in their artistry, symbolic meaning, as well as their historical significance. China is a millennia-old civilization and has a huge selection of antiques, ranging in price from Tang Dynasty pottery to Ming Dynasty furniture. The intricate strokes that are characteristic of Chinese porcelain, decorated with vivid motifs and symbols of auspiciousness, showcase the country's artistic talents and rich cultural heritage.
The Japanese traditions of handicraft are displayed through exquisite tea ceremony utensils, samurai swords, and exquisitely lacquered furniture. Every piece tells a tale of the art of making that has been passed down through generations, expressing the philosophy of wabi-sabi, which is finding beauty in imperfections and the impermanence of things.
Within South Asia, the abundant beauty of Indian antiques is captivating by its intricate carvings, colourful textiles, and spiritual iconography. From the stunning carvings and sculptures of Hindu gods and goddesses all the way to intricate jewellery of maharajas, Indian antiques display the richness of India's mythology as well as religion and majestic splendour.
Southeast Asia, with its rich cultural diversity, is the diversity of influences that range from Hindu-Buddhist monarchies to Islamic Sultanates. Thai antiques, distinguished by their elegant designs and intricate details, exemplify the nation's deep respect for Buddhism and the monarchy. The intricate designs of Indonesian as well as Cambodian antiques testify to the beauty of the region's architecture and enthusiasm for religion.
Preserving Cultural Legacy
While antiques are of immense historical and aesthetic worth, they are also subject to dangers from theft, illegal trade as well as the degradation of the environment. The illegal trade in cultural artefacts does not just deprive people of their cultural heritage but also serves vital ties to their history. In recognition of the importance of protecting the cultural heritage of their countries, governments and other organisations across Asia are progressively implementing strategies to protect their treasures by enforcing stricter regulations as well as international collaborations and campaigning to raise awareness.
Bidsquare: Where Grace and Elegance Meet
In the vast array of auctions on the internet, Bidsquare stands out as an auction platform that does not offer only luxury items but also an exquisite selection of items that ooze elegance and grace. One of the collections that exemplifies this philosophy can be found in the Elsa Peretti Belt Collection.
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Constructed with the highest quality materials and embellished with delicate ornaments, every belt from the collection is an art piece that transcends fashions and seasons. It doesn't matter if it's the elegant lines of the sterling silver belt or the soft look of a crocodile leather belt; every element shows the dedication of Peretti to high-end craftsmanship and finery.
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ramixbolg4 · 2 months
The Empire of the Eagle: the world's most graceful bird – in pictures
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The Empire of the Eagle: the world's most graceful bird – in pictures
In the vast skies and rugged landscapes, one creature reigns supreme with its unparalleled grace and majestic presence – the eagle. With its keen eyesight, powerful talons, and impressive wingspan, the eagle has captivated human imagination for centuries. Let's delve into the world of these magnificent birds and uncover the secrets of their empire.
The Iconic Symbol:
Throughout history and across cultures, the eagle has been revered as a symbol of power, freedom, and courage. From ancient civilizations to modern nations, the image of the eagle adorns flags, emblems, and currency, reflecting its significance as a symbol of strength and leadership.
Master of the Skies:
With their remarkable aerial prowess, eagles dominate the skies with effortless grace. Their keen ability to soar high above the earth's surface and dive with astonishing speed and precision makes them unparalleled hunters. With eyesight several times sharper than that of humans, eagles can spot prey from incredible distances, making them apex predators in their ecosystems.
Diverse Species:
The eagle family encompasses a diverse array of species, each adapted to different habitats and environments. From the majestic Bald Eagle of North America to the powerful Harpy Eagle of the South American rainforests, these birds exhibit unique characteristics and behaviors that have evolved over millennia.
Conservation Challenges:
Despite their iconic status, eagles face numerous threats to their survival. Habitat loss, pollution, poaching, and collisions with human structures pose significant challenges to eagle populations worldwide. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting their habitats, regulating human activities, and combating illegal wildlife trade are crucial for ensuring the survival of these magnificent birds for future generations
Symbol of Resilience:
Despite the challenges they face, eagles symbolize resilience and adaptability. With their ability to thrive in diverse environments and overcome adversity, they serve as a reminder of the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.
In conclusion, the eagle truly deserves its title as the Empire of the Skies. With its grace, power, and resilience, it continues to capture the hearts and minds of people around the world, reminding us of the beauty and majesty of the natural world.
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nrr-blog · 3 months
Addendum - Drugs aren't eternal...
It's not difficult to make a case that medicine evolves related on how society, knowledge, productive changes and how health challenges appears historically. However, the corrupt counterpart found in Drug Traffic (and also Organ Harversting) is understood as an "eternal evil" incapable of evolving.
Most of the social perception of drugs is paralised on classical illegal drugs (crack, cocaine, cannabis) however, fentanyl and K drugs are the ones pushing trends of psychoative and traffic crisis towards spots of society which itself hasn't adapted to answer accordingly. Meaning... Drug Traffic is evolving but society is being taking by a (preventable) "surprise". There's no easy answer to this problem, however it can be stressed some motivations and drives for Drug Traffic evolution and its current trend. Societary changes brings new psychological and behavioral changes which result also in tensions and adaptative problems. So according to psychological tensions Drug Traffic will adjust itself to explore new addictabilities brought by these changes. 60's waves of drugs were afforded to meet demands of "mind expansion" ("relief" for tensions and political pressures of 20th Cold War of Capitalism VS Communism which impacted civil life and its questioned freedoms). Since 2000's there's a Drug Traffic adjusting itself to explore both psychological extremes of Digital Society (Oversocialization and overisolation) and also not only plays the ostensive strategy of "Iconic Mafiosos", but also perfected societary infiltration and customization for less criminal detection - the nowaday "Invisible Growing Hand of Organized Crime". "Classical drugs", although afford a consolidated market also brings a more monitored market, which impacts Drug Traffic in its income, recruiting and networking. So exploring researches on new drugs (which can be also bringing back and developing old and abandoned old drugs projects such as the class of K drugs) is made in order to expand market, avoid countercrime detection and explore levels of neuroaddictions which known drugs can't afford to explore as much as they did in their earlier phases (neuroaddiction also is potentialised by societary trends motivated by "the never experienced before - new high - new sensation"). Organized Crime expansion strategy - Not only drug addiction is profitable only in the financial sense - it also affords "mind control" which is societary control and access to power and influence - So related on how Organized Crime plans its consolidation of criminal power the drug design will follow its direction - Such as highly addictive for fast, short and predatory income - and moderate to low addictive for long time income and camouflaged enterprise. Also in relation to recruiting and exploring (which can be intersectionalised with other branches of Organized Crime, such as Human Trafficking and Drug Harvesting), some drugs can potentialise targetting of traits (such as violence, indifference, ambition, temporarily increased or decreased cognition, behavioral "plasticity", depression and suicidality). https://www.tumblr.com/nrr-blog/738856707991781376/organized-crime-and-mind-control?source=share
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iasaspirationblog · 6 months
From National Film Awards to Global Triumphs: India's Multifaceted Excellence
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The National Film Awards, an annual celebration of cinematic brilliance organized by the Directorate of Film Festivals under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, stand as the pinnacle of recognition for excellence in Indian cinema. The recently concluded 69th National Film Awards, held on October 17, 2023, at Vigyan Bhawan in Delhi, not only showcased the storytelling prowess of Indian cinema but also underscored its increasing impact on the global stage.
In a historic milestone, the Telugu epic action film "RRR" etched its name in the annals of cinema history by winning the Oscar for Best Original Song, specifically for the soul-stirring "Naatu Naatu," at the 95th Academy Awards in 2023. This groundbreaking achievement marks the first time an Indian film has clinched an Oscar in a competitive category, a resounding testament to the global resonance of Indian cinematic artistry and the dedication of the industry's talented professionals.
Beyond the realm of cinema, Indians are carving a niche for themselves in various fields, exhibiting excellence and leadership worldwide:
Rishi Sunak: As the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom, Sunak holds the distinction of being the first person of Indian origin in this influential position.
Kamala Harris: Serving as the Vice President of the United States, Harris is the first person of Indian origin to hold this esteemed office.
Pramila Jayapal: Breaking barriers, Jayapal is the first Indian-American woman elected to the United States Congress.
Sundar Pichai: At the helm of Alphabet and Google, Pichai's leadership places him among the most influential figures globally.
Satya Nadella: As the CEO of Microsoft, Nadella contributes significantly to shaping the global tech industry.
Arvind Krishna: Leading IBM as its CEO, Krishna stands as a prominent Indian-origin business leader in the technology sector.
Sachin Tendulkar: A cricketing legend, Tendulkar's influence transcends borders, making him a global icon.
PV Sindhu: With two Olympic medals in badminton, Sindhu ranks among India's most accomplished athletes.
Virat Kohli: As the captain of the Indian cricket team, Kohli is not only a cricketing sensation but a global sports icon.
Making a Global Impact:
Malala Yousafzai: A Nobel Peace Prize laureate and education activist, Yousafzai's global advocacy centers on the right to education for all girls.
Satish Dhawan: The transformative leader of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Dhawan played a pivotal role in elevating ISRO to international acclaim.
Amartya Sen: A Nobel Prize-winning economist and philosopher, Sen's intellectual contributions make him a revered figure on the global stage.
IAS Officers with Global Recognition:
Hari Chandana Dasari: Acknowledged with the British Council Alumni Award-2021 under the Social Impact category for her impactful work in education.
Durga Shakti Nagpal: Notably suspended for taking a stand against illegal sand mining, Nagpal remains a symbol of integrity in the administrative sphere.
Armstrong Pame: Honored with the Ramon Magsaysay Award for his exemplary work in rural development, Pame exemplifies the transformative power of dedicated civil service.
These luminaries represent a fraction of the vast talent pool that India contributes to the global arena. Their accomplishments serve not only as a source of national pride but also as an inspiration for individuals worldwide, showcasing the transformative potential of talent, hard work, and dedication. From the silver screen to political offices, corporate corridors, sports arenas, and administrative realms, Indians are leaving an indelible mark on the world stage.
Indeed #Resurgent India 🇮🇳 is on its highway to reclaim its rightful place on the world stage. The time is here and now. #TheyInspireUs #Indians
#NRI s #India #Amritkaal #ISRO #NarendraModi #AmritMahotsav #SheInspiresUs
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