#if you harass someone by mail your going to jail
siryouarebeingmocked · 3 months
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Canadian Newspaper Globe And Mail: Conservative Leader wants harsher jail sentences for repeat offender auto thieves.
Nora Loreto, self-described Socialist: Stealing cars is a victimless crime!
Loreto: Also, most people in our jails are innocent!
Loreto: As long as you use the extremely technical definition of “jail” that means “a place where people are usually held before trial and are therefore legally innocent”, which is not how it is generally used.
Loreto: I say this while ignoring how car theft means there is a victim, by definition.
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Some idiot also claimed the real issue was car manufacturers making a ‘defective product’, and the “logical step” should be the government going after them for obvious collusion with insurance companies.
The intellectual titan agreed.
Even though about five seconds thought would go “wait, wouldn’t having an insecure car reduce sales? And don’t insurance companies try to avoid paying out money? And isn’t car insurance mandatory anyway?”
She has a substack post about it, and it’s, uh, special. As in Ed. (archive)
>For me, I understand a victim to be someone whose life is irrevocably impacted, negatively, by forces they cannot control.
>You’re not a victim if things can be made well through consumption.
If someone spills my drink in a bar, I'm still a victim even if they or I buy me a new drink. It doesn't un-spill the drink.
Even if I get a new car, that’s a lot of trouble to go through.
>You’re a victim if you’ve experienced something that means that you’ll never again be the person you were before.
Because no one's ever been permanently traumatized by someone using force to take their stuff. Even leaving aside the times where the thief assaulted and seriously injured the car owner.
>My immediate, half-serious reaction, that jailing people for a victimless crime is ridiculous, caught a lot of heat.
Ah, yes, the classic "I wasn't serious (except when I was)" dodge.
>Thousands of men told me how much they love their cars, how their cars hold them at night and make love to them. My emails and direct messages filled up with lots of “if you steal my car I will kill you”s and “where do you live so I can steal your cars”es. The people were mad that I could assert such a thing.
Along with the classic "let's make this a gender issue, for some reason" and "talking about the harassment so I look more like a victim while ignoring the actual criticism".
>It’s the formulation that this object is so premordial that anything that may befall a car, whether a jacking or an overpacked highway, is a personal attack on the car’s owner. It’s silly.
And naturally, a red just starts making up entirely new arguments for and assumptions about the critics from thin air instead of addressing the actual criticism.
A carjacking is a violent theft of an occupied car.
Which means the operator must a) be removed, by force and/or threat of force, or b) become a hostage of the 'jacker. Sometimes both.
It's amazing that this intellectual titan can even type while she's staring so hard at her navel. Or...another body part. From the inside.
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An Open Letter
This is an open letter to all the bigoted, arrogant, anti-charismatic national embarrassments known as trolls, anons, biscuits, mothertruckers etc. You are absolutely irrational!!! Take the anons that harassed @ell0ra-br3kk3r: claiming she’s a “pick me bitch”. First off: bitch please! She’s authentic. Thats what and thats all she is. And you would know that if you ever took time to get to know her. Your screaming and going crazy and throwing a fit cause she’s an amzing person which you know! And i know you know! And your jealous and we all know that!!! She’s real, unlike you who was so cowardly that to say something mean you had to go anon. Ellie meanwhile would never do that already proving she’s ten times better than you. She’s real, she’s nice her aesthetic deserves nothing but love. Your a coward and your entire vibe is bitchy. You are in serious need of Jesus.
You tell me wonderful girl that you “sure hope you don't think any of your "friends" actually care about you. like how could they?” and yet look how many of us have come to her defense. RUSHED to her defense. And how could we not care about her. She’s honest and kind and funny and loyal and friendly and loving and positive and brave and smart and chill and patient and just all around amazing. And yeah anon i believe she is just that positive because people like that exist. And there is nothing wrong with putting positivity into the world rather than negativity. Like lets just assume for a split second that she’s feeling negative. Well, unlike you, she doesn’t have to post it!!! When you feel negative you don’t have to say something. I mean look how she responded to your cruel comments. She posted them and said nothing. She just turned off anons. Like… who the heck does that!!! Who gets hate and then just says, “so yeah ima just turn off anonymous fan mail for a while.” Like thats part of why we love her. She radiates positivity in everything she does. Always. And i can only hope you’d learn from that. Not everyone is hiding something. And if a person chooses not to release negative energy into the world thats not hiding thats protecting. It’s protecting themselves and other people from being forced to endure the same pain. She’s true and authentic. And anyone who’s says otherwise is a liar.
“everyone has this deep desire to off themselves sometimes, and only a few really should. you should be lucky you're one of those people.” Now you’ve crossed the literal line buddy! It is one thing to lie and say she’s bitchy. It’s another to say her friends don’t like her or that she’s not really positive. It is ANOTHER ENTIRELY to suggest she should kill herself!! The actual #3// is wrong with you??!! Give my regards to Satan when you go back to hell where you came from! You can go on and on about her apparent lack of moral compass — at leads she maintains hope in all this rumpus! I repeat you have crossed the line!! If you don’t like someone’s content don’t look! And if it’s repeatedly on your suggestions dash just block 🙄.
Let me ask you a question: who do you think you are? Did you think about the potential consequences of your actions? Did you now calculate how this could potentially end in catastrophe? Your a bitch. You really are and I don’t swear so listen closely when i say you are a stupid motherfurcking bitch in need of prayer (you’ll certainly be in mine) and therapy (i hear better-help is amazing). @ell0ra-br3kk3r is amazing. And if you don’t like her so what! You don’t deserve her. She deserves the world and nothing less. You deserve to be in jail because cyber bullying (especially against a minor!) is illegal. Your not even clever or original. Everything you said was simply embarrassing. Don’t be evil but if your gonna be hateful at the very least be clever about it! But alas… you were just irritating. Your a nuisance with no apparent sense and all your claims are irrelevant. You can call me the devil or say i lack moral compass and you can spread lies about ellie or anyone else on tumblr but we know the truth: you aspire to be like us. You aspire to be like Ellora. And that’s not a bad thing. Agian: she’s wonderful. But if your aspiration and your admiration are corrupted into jealousy and envy well now you’ve just become spiteful and malevolence.
— Sincerely,
Kaleb 😘
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samyelbanette · 1 year
Hi, I’m Kelley. I’ve been a debt collector for about three and a half years now.
Disclaimer that my experience is limited to credit card debt, and my advice may or may not be relevant to debts of other kinds (medical, etc). My knowledge is also limited to United States based debt collection practices.
But if you’re American and you owe a credit card company money….let’s talk:
- First off. When we talk to you, we have to verify your identity before we can give you any details. We normally ask for the last 4 of your SSN, your date of birth, and your address. Why? Because according to the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act), we cannot reveal the fact that you are in debt to anyone but you (or your spouse, if you have one).
If your mom or dad or boyfriend or girlfriend calls us, we cannot give them any information. If you want us to disclose information about your debt to them, you need to call (or email) us and tell us that.
-We are required to state, verbatim, on every call: “this is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose”. Yes, TECHNICALLY, if we don’t say that, you can sue us for up to $1,000. But good luck finding a collector who is that stupid lmao?! In most cases, we’re looking right at a script while we’re on the phone with you…. 🤦‍♀️
-We used to be able to call you 3 times a day. Per new legislation, we can only call one time every 7 days….unless you give us permission to call more often. We will ask for that permission. Do not grant it.
-If you’re being harassed by calls, try saying “I would like to be placed on your do not call list” or “I am asking you to cease and desist.” Note: this will block future calls, but it won’t stop the credit card company from suing you.
-We will ask you where you work. It is in your best interest to (politely) avoid answering this question.
-If someone stole your identity and opened a credit card in your name, file a police report. In many cases, we can’t file a fraud claim without one.
-If you don’t recognize the debt we’re talking about (i.e. “I might have opened that card but it was so long ago I don’t remember”, “I had that card but the balance you said doesn’t sound right”, etc), ask for validation of debt. Basically we would then have to send you all the credit card statements we have on file and prove that the balance is correct. Any reputable collection agency will have these statements available, so this isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card. But, we can’t make any more attempts to collect on the debt, until we confirm that you got those documents in the mail. So this is a good way to stall/buy time.
-If you’re ready to start making payment arrangements, don’t take the first offer we give you!! For example: someone owes us $1,000. I’m gonna offer them a plan of $83.33 per month for 12 months. Only after they say no, will I tell them that they also have the option to do $41.66 per month for 24 months. Why? Because I’m making commission on this shit lmao
-Ask if you qualify for a settlement. A settlement is, like, a deal, where we offer to let you pay less than you actually owe There’s normally a percentage we can’t go under. At my current job, that’s 60%. So, for example, if you owe us $100, I could offer you a settlement deal of $60, and you wouldn’t have to pay the remaining $40!
Settlements usually have to be paid as a lump sum, but sometimes you can get away with a monthly payment plan. Ask your collector.
-If you receive notification that you have been sued, call us before your hearing date and set up a payment plan voluntarily. If you let this go to court, 99.9% of the time, the judge will side with us, not you.
-Once we have judgment against you in a court of law, we can try and collect the funds involuntarily. In most cases, that means a wage garnishment. (This is why we ask where you work). We go directly to your employer and take 20-25% of your paycheck, depending on what state you live in.
Please note that yelling at your collector will not make the garnishment stop. 😭 We normally don’t file a garnishment unless you’ve been dodging our calls for years.
-Lastly, remember that collectors are people! We’re trying to make a living, just like you.
Debt collection is one of the best jobs an “unskilled” college dropout can get tbh! It pays way better than retail or food service. I get to sit at a desk, instead of standing in front of a cash register all day. And I get dental! Lol.
If you don’t verbally abuse your collector, they will normally try their best to come up with a payment plan that fits your budget. If all else fails, idk, lawyer up. 🤷‍♀️
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creatingjaemi · 28 days
YT social justice video prompt
Ignorance is...
the lack of knowledge, education, or awareness
An example of ignorance is...
'we've always done things this way so we should continue to always do it that way'
This head space excludes groups with newly given rights like LGBT groups who have only had their rights for 50 years. People could attack them and get away with it back then; but now people can go to jail for attacking LGBT people.
The person making the above statement is ignorant or lacks awareness about the new consequences for doing things in the old way.
The reason why is it important to talk about ignorance is...
because when we as a society begin to talk about ignorance, we encourage people to have an open mind about the differences between others and we develop more patience for outside world as well. That's how we evolve and if we didn't evolve, we wouldn't have the freedoms we have today and don't think being white excludes you from this. If we didn't evolve, white people would still be somewhere in Europe looking for a new world. That means no declaration and no rights for them either.
Stalking is...
a repeated pattern of behavior that includes following, watching or harassing a specific person.
An example of stalking is...
An example of stalking is approaching one's workplace, home, or school or by contacting them by phone, mail, email, text, or social networking sites, after they told you to stop.
The reason why is it important to talk about stalking is...
because most of the time, it's linked to other, life-threatening crimes. When friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues know how to identify stalking, we can help create a safer environment for all.
What hacking is
when someone who tries to get into another person's computer using computer viruses that can hurt other people computers.
An example of hacking is...
'I hacked into my ex-girlfriend's computer but I used her mom's phone number so she won't know it's me'
The reason why is it important to talk about hacking is...
because hacking, like stalking, can be linked to other crimes like hacking into someone's bank account and stealing their money.
Bullying is...
when someone purposely tries to hurt another person by simply making them feel uncomfortable or actually hurting them by kicking, hitting, pushing, or tripping.
An example of bullying is...
'I noticed you were working hard in class, but I bet you still forgot the answers to the quiz'
The reason why is it important to talk about bullying is...
because bullying can make others feel isolated and alone, and these negative feelings can impact the way they eat, sleep, and perform in school
The difference between bullying and discrimination is...
bullying can happen to anyone but discrimination happens when a person is bullied because of some aspect of their identity. Like the LGBT groups mentioned earlier.
Let's look at the earlier example of bullying...
'I noticed you were working hard in class, but I bet you still forgot the answers to the quiz'
Now let's look at an example of discrimination...
'I noticed you were working hard in class, but I bet you still forgot the answers to the quiz because your immigrant dad doesn't know the language'
See the difference?
The reason why is it important to talk about the difference is...
Unfortunately, bullying, does not inherently refer to illegal behaviors. So it's important to talk to someone you trust to help remedy the situation.
On the flip side, discrimination does refer to illegal behaviors. So it's important to talk to a professional like a school guidance counselor or the principal.
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idk-my-aesthetic · 3 years
Ok the whole thing w/ clogging up ao3 tags is stupid for multiple reasons, like how it fucks with screen readers for one, but the MAJOR issue is that having too many tags isn’t actually a problem w/ ao3
Like seriously guys? There is a lot to criticize. And I say this as someone who heavily relied on fandom spaces to get me through some really really hard times and still loves ao3. I can say I love what it does for fandom while also acknowledging there’s some seriously fucked up shit going on both behind the scenes and with ppl who use the site. It’s literally like saying “I love tumblr but I acknowledge there are literal nazis on here and as a Jew/human with a working brain I hate them and that they’ve been here so long”
Like. I get u think ur sticking it to the man or whatever. And idk I partially agree bc. There’s so much nasty shit and some technically illegal shit that I don’t want to even mention! But ur not even wasting the moderators time or anything ur just being obnoxious and then everyone starts discoursing on tumblr and I’m legitimately tired of it. I don’t wanna see ppl defending gross stuff and I’m tired of talking about the ppl who do defend gross stuff bc I don’t wanna remember that they exist bc I have shit to do irl and not enough space in my brain for them
So. Idk ima propose at least a temporary solution before I have to hear one more argument for or against censorship bc y’all seriously don’t understand how to have a nuanced conversation
How about instead of asking AO3 to take down gross fics (which may or may not be morally correct but will 100% reopen a very over done conversation) instead we ask for some specific plausible things
1) when you use ao3 explicit and unrated fics are automatically filtered out. They do this on ff.net. Yes it may be like 2 extra clicks for ppl who wanna read explicit stuff but ppl who don’t are going to do that anyway, and it protects the people who don’t know to do that and don’t want to read graphic tags. Most importantly it requires consent to browse explicit fics. Yeah you need to give consent to read explicit stuff, but you can look through the incredibly graphic tags/summaries without consenting to anything. It’s literally the default. Which is both upsetting to ppl who don’t wanna see that and also maybe a bit of a legal loophole they should close up
2) a “suggest tags” feature. This would be moderated by authors not ao3 staff. Basically ppl can like..... idk entire a series of tags and you can choose if you want to add them or not. The person submitting them has an option to be anonymous or not. Obviously the author doesn’t have to add every random tag and it might be annoying but it would help with making sure triggers got tagged. It would be helpful if it didn’t let you suggest tags that were already suggested/on the fic but I’m not too picky. Like I said the point of this is to make sure ppl can block stuff properly, and it honestly might also help authors with visibility bc like. Obviously you know the tags you use but you don’t know what tags other ppl look for. Again maybe it may be obnoxious with ppl having a lot of tags but people already have a lot of tags
3) a dispute rating button. Now before someone bitches at me that the ao3 moderators don’t have time to go through disputes- I know I already took that into consideration. Basically the idea is when you dispute the rating the site will ask you what rating you think it should be and anonymously log it. So if someone rated something M but you think it should be an E the site will log that and send a message to the author. The author has a choice if they actually want to listen to ppl and change the rating or not. They don’t actually have to listen to the ppl disputing the rating. Unless they get a certain amount of disputes. I was thinking maybe like 50 or so?* So if 50 ppl say “hey this really needs to have a different rating” then and only then would the moderators take a look at the fic. And the moderators would then figure out what the rating should be.
(*idk if 50 is the right #. I was thinking it should maybe work on like a percentage of your hits in the fic?)
3.5) have a sexual content marker. This is marked as 3.5 bc i feel like this idea if implemented would be misused. But yeah in theory you could just have a sexual content marker that could be clicked by the OP and then automatically filtered. Again you could use the system from #3 but again I feel like ppl would missuse it.
Anyway yeah. I wanted to give some viable solutions ppl on both sides might actually agree with. Like I get not wanting to make concessions with gross ppl, but it’s a lot faster so I’m ok with doing it for now while the rest of y’all continue to debate or w/e
Final note- please for the love of g-d learn how ratings work. Ask someone else’s opinion if you have too. I have seen so many explicit fics marked as mature or teen it’s a legitimate problem. I’ll give a quick rundown of what each rating means but pls guys
General- g- basically go by what you’d see in a Disney cartoon
Teen- pg/pg 13 - there are swears there’s violence, sex may be mentioned, you might call someone sexy or smthn idc, but no one is shown having sex or or discussing/thinking about it in detail
Mature- R - injuries/gore may be described with more detail. Uhh there could be some heavy making out and the characters might talk about sex or feeling sexually attracted to someone. But actual sex is not shown!! If you have to mention or refer to someone’s genetalia in any sexual way you should probably move it up to an E. Even if ur characters are fully clothed the entire time. Also If you’re talking about kinks outside of a quick joke or reference you should probably move it up to an E.
Explicit- NC 17- sexually explicit content. (You can put non-sexual violent stuff under here but most ppl leave it under mature)
TLDR/oversimplification(for the ratings) -
General: nothing sexual
Teen: implied sex
Mature: refrenced sex
Explicit: shown sex
General tldr:
Some criticisms of Ao3 are valid and needed, and some are just stupid and infuriating (specifically talking about the tag thing stop it’s annoying and ableist). There is constant arguments and drama surrounding those criticisms, and I decided to offer some solutions that actually have a chance at getting implemented, even if I would prefer a different option.
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labtrinthine · 2 years
Debt Issues and Scammers - How to Adult
You know, I gotta wonder how dumb scammers think we really are. Like we don’t know how to google your phone #s.  Someone called threatening litigation if I didn’t call them back. A quick google check reveals they are calling from a Wawa in York, PA. 
....lmfao.  So I figure I should give some advise to anyone who has had past issues with delinquent payments and collection agencies based on my own prior experiences and hardships. 1. Depending on your state laws, if the debt is older that 7 years and you have not payed anything against it in that time frame, technically you are no longer responsible for the debt and you can tell them to stick it. (Check your state laws, the time frame is different per state.) 2. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBT BUT YOUR OWN. Do not co-sign for anything unless you feel comfortable that the other person WILL pay their debt. Your parents, sibling, significant other, friend, child croaks? Oh fucking well, sucks to be them because it’s not YOUR problem 3. If you get into a bad situation, call the company you’re in debt to. Trust me when I say that no matter how difficult it is, they will appreciate someone reaching out and letting them know what the situation is and when they can expect resolution. Set up some kind of payment plan if you can, or if you can’t, confirm when they can start receiving payments again. (Most debtors understand that suing someone with zero assets and no job is a waste of time. If you can prove that you are actively working to better your situation and provide updates, they are more willing to put a hold on your account and release it when you can start making payments again.) Yes, it WILL be embarrassing. Yes, it WILL be highly uncomfortable. Yes, you WILL get some debtors who give no fucks and want to hammer it into your head that you are a bad person and a lazy sod and all that bullshit. If you get one of those, ask for a manager. They are not allowed to talk to you like that. 4. Following on to the bolded above:  Debtors and credit collection agencies are NOT allowed to harass you about your debt. The first time they call, tell them clearly what your hours of communication are, that they are not allowed to contact you at work (most work places do not accept personal calls for a reason). Note: You WILL have to actually talk to them. Giving them hours of contact and then ignoring them during their legitimate attempts to contact you will do you no favors. If they harass you after that (calling multiple times per day, at your place of work, at oddball hours, you are well within your rights to report them and/or file a civil suit.) 5a. When you do talk to them, stay calm. Do NOT fly off the handle or break down. Ask them to send you a NOTARIZED copy of debt, and provide them with a good address for them to mail it to. Then, after you have reviewed the debt, googled the company that is trying to collect on it, and verified that everything looks legit, call them back or register online to verify your options. A lot of debt collectors will offer discounts on the debt if you make a payment plan by a certain date. 
5b. DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION OVER THE PHONE UNTIL YOU HAVE THE NOTARIZED COPY OF THE DEBT AND HAVE VERIFIED THAT THE COMPANY IS LEGIT. I cannot stress this enough. Scammers are sometimes clever, and will milk you for everything you have if you let them. They will use scare tactics. They will threaten litigation. They will mention jail time. They will demand immediate payment or down payment before they will send you anything. All of these are bluffs. A legitimate debt collector will be more than happy to send you the information for you to verify before you commit to anything.  6. Keep records of EVERYTHING. Receipts of successful payments. Notification that the debt collector considers the debt paid. Etc. Keep it all. Because I guarantee you you’re going to get a call from another collector about the debt, but having proof that you’ve already paid it in full goes a long way in getting them off your back about it.
7. And most important, depending on your state laws, if someone threatens litigation, call their bluff. Tell them to go ahead and serve you. 99.99999% of the time, they will immediately hang up or they will give you some bull-shit excuse about having already tried. In almost every state,  after the plaintiff files a claim with the small claims clerk, he or she must deliver a copy of the claim to each defendant. This is called service of process, and no lawsuit is complete without it. Usually you are required to sign that you have received. If you have not signed, they cannot prove that they served you, thus they cannot legally sue you. They also cannot sue you without having first attempted to resolve the debt, and if they cannot prove that they have attempted to do so, they are bluffing about suing you. + added side note: If you can afford to pay down extra on your debt before it gets sold to a collector or before it becomes past due, do it. Car loans, student loans, credit cards... fuck that noise about ‘revolving credit’. It is better to clear a debt as quickly as possible. Any additional payment is put against your principal, which lowers your interest payment. 
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 years
EP: Siren Queen
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Premise: Y/N L/N is a part of the world's biggest girl group. A stalker starts harassing her and her band mates so their label calls in the BAU. 
The case was weird for the BAU. It was a stalker case for a famous girl, Y/N L/N, she was part of the worlds most successful girl group. Garcia was all too excited to be involved in the case. Of course, she hated that you were being stalked but she was a huge fan. 
“You better tell me everything!” She squealed, “If she’s nice, if she’s as hot as she is on camera, if the other girls are nice, if they are ‘just like us’ please!” 
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were the stalker, Garcia.” JJ joked.
“If someone hurts that ray of sunshine I will stalk them!” She shouted through the video call and then hung up. 
JJ flipped through the file, “we have five days to catch this guy before they go on tour. And the girls are refusing to cancel.” “Even if their lives are at stake?” 
“They said that they will not cancel because it’s the opening to their world tour and they won’t risk disappointing fans because they know people are flying in from all over the country.” Prentiss explained. 
“Shouldn’t the label put the girls first?” Morgan asked. 
“Usually labels tend not to care about artists.” Reid said, “the amount of label abuse that’s been coming to light is horrific you guys should read up on it.” 
He looked up as everyone looked at him confused, he explained, “Simon Cowell for example, there are claims against him because of abuse towards clients. Overworking them, homophobic comments, racist comments, sexist comments you name it.”
“What groups?” JJ asked. 
“Little Mix and One Direction are the two most prominent ones.” Reid said flicking through the file. 
“How do you know all this?” “Garcia.” He answered. “Then I did my own research because I was fascinated by the music industry. It never hurts to learn even if I don’t know anything about it.” 
The team left it at that, and continued digging through the evidence of your stalker. 
The team was currently sitting in one of the rehearsal rooms. There were couches, a snack bar, a coffee stand, everything except the girls they were meeting. 
Their publicist Ramona looked at them all apologetically, “I’m so sorry, the girls seem to be in traffic. They’re with trusted drivers and security guards.” 
“Have they been background checked?” Hotch asked. 
Ramona nodded, “we all were when we were taken on, we were when this stalker showed up as well. The dancers, the crew, everybody those girls come into contact with are background checked.” 
“Even interviewers?” Reid asked. Ramona nodded, “without their knowledge, just like you advised. If this got leaked…” Ramona shook her head, “we all know what happens to victims of stalkers, it isn’t foreign in this business.” 
At that moment the girls all came in, Emily recognized them from the files. Apparently, even your bandmates got checked. Zoey came in first, snuggled in her hoodie, her jeans were rumpled and her heels were clacking. Her smile falling off her face the second she walked into the room. Her blonde hair was tousled as if she was running her hands through it a lot. Her green eyes were tired.
Leaning on her was Brooke, who was also looking exhausted. Ramona told them that they had been up since 4 am doing press, it was now 4pm. They had a two hour rehearsal next, then dinner, then vocal rehearsal, then they could go to their hotel. Apparently it was an easy day for them. Brooke's black hair was in it’s natural curls, she wore heels as well as a dress. 
The two were holding hands. 
Then came in Liz, she was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, shorts and a beanie as well as heeled boots. She didn’t look as tired, she looked fiercely protective as she was holding your hand. 
You looked anxious, you were also in a hoodie, jeans and heeled boots, all black. Your eyes were darting around the room as you took in everyone around you. Your eyes startled when they landed on Emily, Emily wasn’t sure why. 
Ramona introduced all of them to the girls then said “Sit down girls.” 
Three of them did, you had other ideas and went and got coffee. “Y/N, that’s your fourth cup.” 
You held up a finger, “I don’t want to hear it, Ramona. I have a stalker out there and I have to act like everythings normal, if Marcus has a problem with it, he can suck my dick.” 
Morgan looked at Emily with wide eyes. Emily shrugged. Then looked at Reid, “who’s Marcus?”  She asked him. 
“Their choreographer.” “Why does it matter what he says?” 
“Because he cares about us and is a fitness nut.” You answered, “you’re not very good at whispering.” You deadpanned, sipping your coffee. 
“Y/N!” Ramona scolded. 
You rolled your eyes, and Zoey spoke up, “give her a break Ramona. She never gives you issues, let her live.” 
“It’s okay,” Emily spoke up, “I understand what it’s like to be afraid of looking over your shoulder.”
You nodded, avoiding eye contact. You felt guilty for snapping, that much she could tell. 
“Okay, let’s get started.” Hotch said, “do you have any particular fans you’d like to tell us about, people have stood out?” 
“We have a lot of...dedicated fans.” Zoey said, to put it gently. “Some good, some bad, some that are really intense.” 
You scoffed from where you were standing, “that's putting it lightly.” You grabbed a mini chocolate chip cookie.. 
“Do girl groups have groupies?” Morgan asked. 
“Of course we do,” Liz said, her tan cheeks gaining a rosy color. You sat in between her and Zoey, Brooke was next to Zoey. You had three other cookies in your hand and handed them to the others. 
“We recognize the line between fans and stalkers as well as people who don't agree with who we are. But there’s been nothing like this.”  Brooke shuddered.
“Don’t agree with who you are?” JJ asked. 
You held up a hand, “queer.” 
Brooke raised her hand, “black.” 
Liz raised hers, “philipino and black. So mixed race.” 
Then Zoey raised hers as well, “I’m ‘too skinny’ so everyone thinks I have an eating disorder.” 
You piped up, “I’ve also been fat shamed by the worlds biggest media outlets, it’s nothing new to find hate online.” 
Emily grimaced and she knew her team was doing the exact same thing. 
“Do you have any ideas as to who it could be?” Rossi asked.
“There’s one,” Zoey said, “but Y/N insists it can’t be him.” 
“You need to tell us.” Emily said, everyone looked at you. 
You sighed, “he went to jail when we were teens for sexual misconduct. I was the first person he assaulted and harassed consistently. But I didn’t press charges.” “Why not?” Morgan asked. 
“Because I was a fourteen year old girl who didn’t recognize that it was sexual assault.” You snapped, then sighed, “I’m sorry Agent Morgan. It’s touchy.” Zoey took your hand, Liz took your other one, Brooke reached over and put her hand on top of Zoeys. “To be honest, I don’t know where I would be without these three.” You admitted. Emily admired it, the sisterhood between you four. 
“How long have you guys been friends?” JJ asked. 
“We met in high school, then formed the band.” Brooke answered. 
 “Do you know if he’s out?” 
You sighed, “he is. But he lacks the brain cells to pull this stuff off.”
“It’s not that hard to mail letters.” JJ said. 
“Yeah but, he shouldn’t know the exact times we show up at venues, interviews, he isn’t smart enough to think of how to obtain that information. As kids he was not smart, at all.” You said, letting go of your friends’ hands and you started rubbing your hands on your jeans. 
Emily noticed how all of them kept their hands on you, as a way of comfort. 
“Unless he was following the bus,” Zoey said.
“He’s too lazy.” You said, “never had energy for thorough shit.” 
“What’s his name? We’re gonna send it to our technical analyst.” Morgan said. 
You nodded and spoke the name you’ve feared for far too long. “Peter Brady, he was born in my home state
“Okay,” Hotch started, “I want all of you to be shadowing the girls, they are not to be left alone, we don’t know how organized this guy is and what he knows.” He looked at Rossi, “we’ll contact Garcia and run through possible people. Do you have anywhere to set up?” 
Ramona began directing them to rooms, then told all of you to get changed and do rehearsals for the tour. 
JJ and Reid sat in during the rehearsals, meanwhile Emily and Morgan helped Hotch and Rossi with going through all the names that Garcia flagged as potentially dangerous. 
Two hours later, Emily was eating dinner, she was planning to eat alone, but then she found you. You were sitting on the floor backstage, by a bunch of wires and such eating your pizza. You were alone. 
“Hey,” Emily said.
“Hi, did Ramona send you because I’m alone?” You asked, smiling slightly. 
“No,” Emily said sitting next to you, “I can recognize when someone needs someone to talk to. Where are your friends?”
“They’re talking to their partners, I insisted they do. They haven’t been the past couple of nights because of all this. Part of being….’famous’ is that you have to leave your loved ones for long periods of time.” “My field is the same way. I don’t see my mom more than twice a year.” 
You shuddered, “I can barely handle not seeing my mom as much as I used to before ‘fame’. I can’t imagine it in your shoes.” You sighed. 
Emily popped open her salad box, “do you mind if I eat with you?” She smiled.
And she smiled wider when you smiled back, “feel free. By the way, I’m sorry about snapping at you. It’s been rough.” 
“I know how you feel.” Emily would tell you about Doyle if it helped you open up more about this guy.
“Have you been stalked?” 
Emily nodded, “by an abusive ex.” Was all she said. 
You grimaced, “so we’ve gone through similar things.” “Was this guy an ex?” You shook your head, “we were thirteen and fourteen, as kids navigating those feelings can be hard. I’d say we were close to dating then he...he pushed too far. I wasn’t raped, but he touched me inappropriately, then harassed me over text. Then continued for three years, he’s been silent ever since and now all of a sudden 12 years later he’s back.” You laughed bitterly, “and I have no doubts he’s done things to other women. Do you think because I didn’t report, it’s my fault that this is happening? And he’s most likely doing this to other women?” You asked her.
Emily shook her head, “It’s not your fault Y/N, it never will be. He’s a sick creep, and we’re gonna get him.” She assured you. “Can we talk about something else?” You asked. 
“Sure.” Emily smiled.
You felt your heart stutter. 
Over the next few days, you and Emily had fallen into a routine. 
You ate all your meals together. Breakfast at 6am in the hotel lobby, lunch in the dance rehearsal room, dinner in the backstage area. 
Of course, your friends teased you relentlessly. And her team teased her relentlessly. 
But you two didn’t care, you found solitude in each other's company, considering both of your worlds were hectic and crazy. 
You two were eating chicken tenders for lunch before vocal and dance rehearsal in the dance room when Marcus walked in, “hey, some fanmail was left for you.” He handed you a blue box. 
“I’m surprised you can bring it to me.” You said grabbing it. 
“It went through security first.”
That was a good sign, you opened it and saw a diamond necklace, “holy shit.” You murmured, it was stunning and sparkly. 
Emily thought it described you personally. 
You took it out of the box and set the box on the ground. Emily saw a tag in the box. She grabbed it. She pulled it and it revealed a bigger note. She picked it up and read it. 
“Y/N….” Emily started. 
“What?” You asked, scared. 
Emily cleared her throat, “for you my love, it matches your smile. Remember that night under the stars at that restaurant our parents took us to as kids? It’s one of my fondest memories.” You dropped the necklace as if it had burned you. 
It had. 
It clattered against the floor, you shot off the ground. “Get it away from me! Get the box away from me! Get it all away!” You started crying. “No, no, no, no.” 
“Go get my team, now!” She ordered Marcus who ran off with his concern and protectiveness in his eyes. 
She approached you, “can I touch you?” She asked. 
You fell into her arms, “he found me. He actually fucking found a way to torment me. After all these years, I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. Please don’t let him get me.” You sobbed into her arms. 
She looked at the diamonds on the ground, the sparkling contrasted against the dull gray floor, she stroked your hair as she said, “I won’t, he will never touch you again.” 
And she would die to ensure that that promise was kept. 
Two hours later, you were in vocal rehearsals. You had to do questioning as well as calm down from your panic attack. 
You would only allow Emily near you. 
You two walked side by side to vocal rehearsals, the girls immediately rushed to hug you. Emily stepped back as the three of them hugged you. It was a huge group hug. 
“Oh sweetheart.” Brooke said and kissed your head. “Baby, we tried to get in there but they wouldn’t let us.” Zoey said, “I almost kicked that damn door down but Ramona pulled me away.” 
“We got you, that bastard isn’t going anywhere near you,” Liz declared. 
Emily heard a sniffle from you, and the girls all “aww’d.” 
“Babyyy.” Liz cooed as they all held you tighter. 
After about three minutes of you trying to calm down, you four separated, all of you were wiping your eyes. “God, we really do feed off each other huh?” You tried to lighten the mood. They all smiled, trying to keep the light mood going. 
They all said hi to Emily, then headed towards a couch. You four then sat down and began singing.
Okay, she had heard your records, after all your band was one of the biggest bands in the world, the biggest girl group. 
But God, she did not expect you to not have an auto-tuned voice. None of you do. All four of you have amazing voices but yours…
It was rich like dark chocolate, she wanted to hear you sing all. the. time. It was like a siren, captivating and lustful. You were calm while singing, nobody would know that your stalker had just dropped off a box with diamonds in it two hours ago. 
Then to make you laugh Zoey broke out with an off key note and made you burst out laughing. 
That laugh warmed Emily, she realized how much she loved your company and what she would do to make you laugh like that at her. 
Oh God, she was falling for you. And she was falling hard.
Two hours before the show was supposed to go on, they caught him. 
He was staking out before the show, Garcia had his picture sent to all the guards and they found him. 
Everyone else went to question him, while Emily stayed with you. It was a few minutes before showtime, makeup artists and hair stylists were doing final touches. As well as the stylists. 
“Twitters blowing up.” Ramona said from her chair.
“About?” You asked, jumping to shake the nerves.
“The guy who got arrested in front of the venue.” 
You looked at Emily, “dear god.” 
“JJ will handle it.” She assured you all.
“Good.” Zoey said. 
You nodded to a corner at Emily, she nodded and followed you over. “I just wanna say, thank you for helping me and spending time with me. I know it’s your job but,” you sighed, “if you’d allow me, I’d like to take you out on a date when we have a show in DC. We’re staying for a couple days doing press and I’d like to go out on a date with you, if you’d like?” Emily smiled and blushed hard, “I would be honored, Y/N.” 
The smile you had could light up the night sky, “thank you, Emily. You won’t regret it.” 
“Ramona called, “Y/N! Show time!” 
“One sec!” Then shoved a piece of paper into her hand, “I hope to hear from you.” Then you kissed her cheek and ran off to stage. 
She opened the piece of paper, “to my hero, I hope to hear from you.” Then underneath was your number. 
She sighed happily, then went to find her seat in the stadium so she could watch her siren queen perform.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s R&S - Youthhood (Eng Translation)
🍒This R&S (少年时代) was part of the Dream Heart Lake event which will unlikely come to EN🍒
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Cancelled Kiro’s R&S:
> top experimental subject (by another user)
> stunning young idol
> youthhood ♡
> heaven’s home for children (by another user)
[ Chapter 1]
Kiro sits on the highest flight of steps of TKTS. With the scorching sun directly overhead, he’s queuing to purchase discounted tickets to “Wicked” with Pei En.
TKTS, which sells discounted tickets, is located in the bustling Times Square in New York, USA. Behind it is the NASDAQ screen, and on both sides are shops selling Disney products and all sorts of fast fashion brands. The buildings in front and in the surroundings have gigantic, neat and pretty advertisements.
Among them, a gigantic “The Avengers” poster above the subway is the most attention grabbing.
This is a representation of the era. It’s a symbol of the 20th century, and is also similar to the cyberpunk world of “Blade Runner”.
“I’ve got the tickets!”
Pei En waves the two tickets to “Wicked” in his hand. Pei En is the guitarist in his band. Kiro’s agency formed a band for him, and most of the band members are French locals. Only Pei En is of mixed blood like Kiro - a child from a Jew and an Asian.
“If the performance had gone smoothly, we would have reached earlier!”
They have a final performance in New York as part of their tour, and would have to leave after, rushing to Los Angeles, California.
“This time, I’m going to hide the donuts in an even more secret location so the person who inspects the tickets wouldn’t discover them!”
While Kiro says this, he finishes the donut in his hand.
Donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts are very sticky. Only Kiro can treat such things as delicacies.
His ringtone sounds. With a glance at the number on the screen, he hangs up immediately. Pei En is very curious to know who the caller is. He has expressed curiosity regarding everything involving Kiro, and Kiro knows why.
“Is it that fellow Lawrence again?” Pei En asks. Lawrence is the agent of their band.
“Nope, but it’s definitely a harassment call.”
“It should be.”
Pei En seems to be a carbon copy of Kiro. Aside from his hair not being golden coloured, he is extremely similar to Kiro in terms of bubbliness and openness, and how simple-minded he is. 
[ Chapter 2 ]
After purchasing the tickets, both of them return to the agency. Lawrence is at the side, looking through the program booklet for their performance tonight. Lawrence is overwhelmingly ambitious. He won’t give up until he bags a Grammy Award for the band.
“Did you know? Another group of strange people came to look for you again.”
The moment Lawrence sees Kiro, he pulls the latter to a corner. Pei En curiously watches on.
“What kind of people did you provoke? They look like they shouldn’t be trifled with.”
Kiro shakes his head. “What do you mean by ‘they’? Fans?”
When Lawrence sees the innocent and harmless expression on Kiro’s face again, he knows that his questions wouldn’t get him anywhere. Kiro always manages to find ways to conceal himself.
“How’s the preparation for the concert? You’re the lead singer, and all the girls are flocking here for you!”
“I’ll definitely perform even better than usual!”
Kiro looks to be full of zest and in high spirits. He genuinely loves being on stage, and loves how he radiates brilliance. Who doesn’t like seeing fans go into a frenzy over them and be captivated by them? It enables Kiro to fully feel that he is still living on this earth. And that on this earth, there are still so many people who like him...
“I’m guessing you went to buy a souvenir again today.”
Lawrence comes to such a conclusion after glancing at Kiro’s bag. Kiro has a hobby - to buy some souvenirs wherever he goes, whenever convenient.
From Paris to Munich, Zurich to Stockholm, Vancouver to Montreal - wherever he goes on tour, he would buy local fridge magnets and postcards, and he would always buy two sets.
He wants to collect these things, so if a day comes when he can meet her again, he would show them to her, and say:
“Look! This world is so beautiful, and you no longer have to be afraid.”
But till now, he has yet to find her. He remembers her eyes. One day, he will find her in a vast sea of people. 
“Did you know that the agency from China has sent someone to negotiate with us? They want you to sign on with them, and the amount they’re giving you is basically--”
Lawrence’s tone is exaggerated. “How are people in China so wealthy!”
“What if I said that I wanted to go to China?”
“Hey, buddy, the band can’t do without you.”
“Haha, Pei En is much more outstanding than I am.”
At this point, Pei En is still watching them. Kiro understands him too well. He’s much too curious. Also, he’s only curious about Kiro, which could very quickly expose Kiro’s hidden identity.
Did that group of people actually send Pei En to monitor him...
He kind of underestimates Pei En though.
“But that fellow is always so absent-minded. God knows what he’s thinking about.”
[ Chapter Three ]
Americans enjoy overstating things. At one moment, they go “only God knows...”, and at another moment, they go “for the sake of God...”. Some people can’t stand it, but Kiro finds it very interesting.
Very quickly, Kiro begins rehearsing with the band. His style of singing changes a lot. When they were in Europe, they mostly played rock music. When they reached America, they started playing country or jazz music.
Kiro likes the southern accent of the keyboardist from California. But Lawrence prohibits it. “The southern accent is the most crude and coarse form of English! Why can’t you learn the way the British speak?”
Lawrence has always favoured people who can speak eloquent British English - to him, only such people are refined and elegant. But Kiro grew up in France. When he first started learning English, he tended to pronounce “ch” as “sh”. Actually, French is genuinely elegant and pleasant to listen to. And English tinged with a slight French accent can make one absorbed in it.
The concert ended smoothly.
The fans are cheering in a frenzy outside, wanting them to perform one more song. But the agent has already told them to leave.
Pei En and Kiro take a car and rush to the theatre to watch “Wicked”. This is the final Broadway show they want to watch, and it was a shame that Kiro didn't get to watch the well-known Hamilton.
At the entrance, that group of fellows stopped him again. 
The person standing at the forefront is a Caucasian woman. She walks up to Kiro elegantly and greets him, signalling for the person next to her to bring Pei En away.
“I’ve already given you a response through e-mail, and I hope you won’t disturb me again.”
The Caucasian woman proceeds as usual, showing him an FBI ID.
Kiro grumbles in his heart.
“I swear I won’t disclose the contents of ‘The Avengers’. Even though I’ve already watched it on my laptop, I’ll definitely watch it again in the cinema!”
The Caucasian woman laughs.
“Mr Kiro, you’re very humorous. Even though we know that apart from Disney, you’ve also hacked into Universal Studios and Paramount Pictures, we’re not here to talk about this.”
She continues: “KEY - that’s you, isn’t it?”
[ Chapter 4 ]
Kiro doesn’t respond, his eyes widening as he glances around. 
“In order to track down your IP address, we had to destroy four computers.”
“Are you looking for me to make compensation for the computers?”
“Mr Kiro. Ten years ago, you expended no effort to hack into our computers, and left behind a string of mysterious characters.”
The Caucasian woman smiles at him amiably. Kiro’s expression grows serious. Ten years ago, that KEY who hacked into their organisation wasn’t him...
“Ten years later, you’re back again. I think you're trying to provoke us.”
“I don’t have such an intention.”
“Whether or not you do, we can’t let you continue this way. Mr Kiro, this is a serious issue. We are now sending you a sincere invitation, and we hope to work together to do more noble things.”
Kiro is silent. He had previously found a clue leading to his own master. Finding out that he had entered the American FBI website and left behind a series of symbols - he thinks this is message to him from his master. As such, he entered it as well, and found that series of symbols, but until now hasn’t been able to decipher it.
It’s a series of very strange symbols, reminiscent of a new language formed using Latin and Roman symbols. He managed to decipher it a little, and it appears that the series of symbols seem to be pointing him to a location.
And the FBI had found him quickly, sending him an e-mail. It was a solemn reminder that if he was unwilling to be enlisted by them, he would lose his rights to use a computer forever.
“You’ve stated these things clearly in the e-mail, and I’ve already replied.”
“I don't think you have considered the severity of this matter. Mr Kiro, we can detain you.”
"In that case, I’ll just sing in jail then!”
Seeing the displeased look on the Caucasian woman’s face, Kiro continues smiling simple-mindedly.
“I hope you wouldn’t regret this in the future.” The Caucasian woman leaves a final statement that is often found in a script for a classic villain. She leaves with the large group of people. 
Pei En walks over frantically, and Kiro walks towards him as well.
“Tell them that I’ve met with some trouble, and will need to leave America immediately.”
Pei En pretends to be puzzled.
“You understand the meaning in my words, don’t you?”
For the first time, Kiro looks at him seriously. During serious moments, he doesn’t smile. 
“Where do you plan to go? We can send you to Russia.”
Pei En is no longer smiling. His expression changes, along with his entire aura.
As expected, Pei En is much too similar to him. If Kiro were to leave the band, Pei En could take over his position as the lead singer, and that group of people had considered this fact too.
[ Chapter 5 ]
The face of the little girl surfaces in Kiro’s mind again. 
The girl is lying with him, and is all smiles as she looks at him.
“Don’t be afraid. When I’m out, I’ll buy you donuts, okay?”
The girl draws the shape of a donut in the air.
Back then, Kiro didn’t speak. He just stared at the ceiling in a dazed state.
“Don’t worry that I won’t have enough money. My dad will give it to me.”
Kiro remains wordless, quietly listening to the little girl speak.
The little girl struggles to pull on his hand.
Their fingers lace together, the warmth from her palm gradually coursing into Kiro’s heart.
“Don’t be afraid. I’ll protect you.”
Kiro turns to look at her - to look at her determined brown eyes, to look at how the corners of her lips angle upwards. Kiro slowly learns how to curl the corners of his lips from her. It’s the first smile to appear on his face. 
Suddenly, the door is flung open. A group of people wearing doctor’s coats enter and drag him away. The little girl watches him in a daze, and he stares back at her. They agreed to go out to have donuts - can they still eat them?
“I want to return to China.”
Pei En shakes his head, alarm in his eyes. “Why? There’s so much freedom here, and I’m the only one who monitors you. And I’m inclined to trust you more now. You won’t betray us.”
“No... I still want to go back.”
Not just for the little girl. The symbols left behind by his master seem to point to a certain location in China... Where exactly is it? And why did he leave the symbols with the FBI? Could it be the place he’s hiding at right now?
No matter what, he wants to solve this riddle.
“All right. I’ll handle it for you as soon as I can. I think you’d have to use a false identity this time.”
“As long as everything goes smoothly, it’s fine.”
“Don’t worry, there’s nothing they can’t do.”
He wants to wait till he returns to China before telling Lawrence about what happened. Lawrence will definitely be extremely frantic. After all, he’s been following Kiro ever since he debuted in France.
And Pei En will definitely be happy. He can finally take over Kiro and become the favourite member of the group, and obtain love from the fans.
Kiro is someone who doesn’t lack love. But he always subconsciously wishes that he could obtain even more love. More and more...
[ Chapter 6 ]
Before Kiro retuned, Pei En gave him materials pertaining to the agency in China.
“Your agent is called Savin. He doesn’t seem as eager for instant success and quick profits as Lawrence. Mr Savin is a very amiable person, and you should be very happy interacting with him.”
“Is he one of your people?”
“I don’t know.”
“You really don’t know?”
Pei En shakes his head. “I rank too low, so I don’t have the right to ask. I’m just an elementary spy.”
Kiro nods, taking his luggage and preparing to leave. He’ll set things straight eventually.
“Kiro, I don’t think you’re transparent. They say that what’s in your heart is easy to guess, which is why they put me by your side. But I think they have underestimated you.”
Kiro looks at Pei En’s troubled eyes, then showcases his signature sunny smile.
“How can that be? Do you want a postcard? When I get to China, I’ll mail you one. I also want to mail them to Lawrence and the members from the band. Treat it as an apology.”
Like Kiro, Pei En showcases a sunny smile. “In that case, we’ll wait for your news. You’ll definitely be at the height of popularity in China.”
“Let’s work hard together.”
After parting with Pei En, who has been with together with him from morning to night for so long, Kiro lifts his luggage and embarks on an unknown journey. 
As what Pei En said, he isn’t transparent. His brilliant smile conceals something underneath, just as the brilliant sun shrouds darkness underneath.
Hidden in the depths of his secrets are things even darkness doesn’t know of. If darkness had a mind of its own, it might think it doesn’t fit with this pure and simple youth.
Just as how everyone think he’s a simple, innocent Kiro, the sunlight casted on him can pierce through him completely, the rays of light refracting onto the floor. 
Actually, since a very long time ago, he was no longer a youth...
But, for her sake, he's willing to become a youth again.
“Don’t be afraid, I’ll protect you.”
He once again recalls what the girl said to him.
“This time, I’ll be the one protecting you.” Kiro says excitedly. He stands outside the JFK Airport, his eyes staring directly at the sun.
“I’ll find you, and protect you. I even have a mountain of souvenirs stored in my luggage. I’ll give them all to you. And my purest heart - I’ll give it to you too!”
Other cancelled R&S: here
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lilnasxvevo · 3 years
Also just on the topic of “cancel culture,” I do think we need to talk about the fact that everyone acts like “cancel culture” actually successfully cancels things and people when this is very rarely true (and usually only happens to small-potatoes creators who are driven off the internet). Like, there were trending hashtags on Twitter a few months ago to cancel Jimmy Fallon and I think also Jimmy Kimmel for each having done blackface ~20 years ago and I’m...yeah, I’m pretty sure they both still host popular TV shows with their names on them.
I want to talk about the one member of Congress who consistently brings up “cancel culture” as if it’s actually a real threat to society. His name is Jim Jordan. He is a representative from Ohio. He is always so, so, so worried about cancel culture and often even brings it up at times that seem inappropriate or at least incongruous. Oh my god, according to Jim Jordan, people are getting canceled left and right for the tiniest little things. Except...except Jim Jordan, who used to be a college wrestling coach, has been credibly accused of helping to cover up years and years of sexual harassment and sexual abuse within that wrestling program, and is still inexplicably not-canceled to the extent that he is a goddamn representative in goddamn Congress.
Some things about “cancel culture” do suck. I’m sure we’ve all seen people get dogpiled over things we feel to be not that serious. Cancel culture can sometimes cause us to think of the people who are the targets of our anger as not quite human, as someone who is able to endure the vitriol of hundreds or thousands of random internet people, or who at the very least deserves it. That’s unkind, and it is not justice. We also all know content creators who are afraid to post their work or even to MAKE things because they are so afraid they’ll misstep in some unseen way and get dogpiled, and that sucks too.
But when it comes to, like, a TV show, or a goddamn motherfucking SEA SHANTY...Like...you can’t hurt a sea shanty’s feelings by calling for its cancellation. You can’t dogpile the writer on Twitter because whoever first started singing that song has been dead for a long fucking time. All you’re doing is being a little bit of a party pooper to tiktokkers who wanted to have a bit of fun, and that shouldn’t be treated like you stood up and said, “Hey everyone, today we should kill puppies for sport!”
Basically I think that “cancel culture” is too wide of an umbrella and is used to span everything from “we should definitely no longer enjoy the works of like, people who are in jail for rape,” to “this celebrity said a slur so don’t go see their new movie,” to “I’m PRETTY SURE this fic writer who wrote a fic about sexual assault must be glorifying and sexualizing rape so let’s all send them hate mail and make callout posts,” to “hey we are all having lots of fun but just so we are all aware, here’s the historical context to this thing from the 1800s, and spoiler alert, it’s some pretty awful stuff.” And those are all very different things with very different effects. Canceling a celebrity feels good but rarely does anything to affect their bottom line or popularity or status, while canceling someone in your fandom can drive someone off of a website forever if you get enough momentum going, which feels like a win to some frustrated people out there.
I don’t even get how you can cancel a song or a book or a poem or a movie, though. Like to me, “cancel” in the sense of “cancel culture” is something that can only really be done to a person as a result of how people feel about their actions. You can’t cancel an idea...can you?
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maddiicake · 4 years
Dear (people listed below)
You pretended to be my friend just so that you could “sleep your way to the top”. You’re only friends with that certain group now because of me. I never got any thanks, except just some “I know what I’m saying will hurt your feelings” Well, bitch, if you KNOW, then that just shows your colors. Again, you KNEW--you said YOU KNEW--, yet you still did it because YOU KNEW. You didn’t stab me in the back. You stabbed me in the front while you were smiling and pretending to be the “innocent soul” that you have everyone believing you are.
I was Miru’s sister first, by the way. We even endearingly called each other “hermana” just as such. So, sorry to burst your bubble, sweetheart, you weren’t her first “sister”. 
If I could go back in time, I would refrain from commenting on your poor excuse for art—talking about how “cute it is”—, and completely disregard you as a person, much less an artist. You only advanced and grew as an artist BECAUE OF ME. And I, unfortunately, got to see you true colors when you decided to indirectly admit that you were using me. 
Now, I’m used to people pretending to be my friend. But this was the first time someone had done so just so that they can get to where they are in life now.
So, just remember... You’re only Nova’s “little sister” because of me. You’re only friends with all of them because of me. You’re only where you are now because of me.
@zorakschicken / @zoraksrambles
Fuck you.
During the entire year where you had family member after family member (and your dog) die, I would drop messages here and there checking in on you. I didn’t bother you with messages every single day, like I’m sure you like to think (because “Big Bad Saki/Kura” is constantly and daily harassing people, apparently -__- ). Yeah, I vented to you now and then, but, compared to the times where I sent messages of support to you... those spurts of venting were SMALL in comparison. But, obviously, me venting was just oh so much more outrageous than the supportive messages that heavily outweighed everything.
“I won’t block you. I just think we need to take a break.” That was what you said before we agreed to take a break. And what happened? YOU FUCKING LIED! You blocked me on every single social media outlet that we share. Now, I don’t have a problem with being blocked--I could honestly care less if I got blocked--; what I’m pissed about is that you LIED ABOUT IT. Now, I blocked you first, because, for half a month after our agreement to “take a break”, you would snoop around on my dA (I track IPs, and have your name listed as such every time you pop by, so I know it’s you). It was really creepy and sus af, so I very briefly blocked you because “if you want to take a break from being friends, why tf are you snooping around...? >A>;;” So, you could back off. And then what? You block me for no reason? I didn’t fucking snoop around on you, like you did to me. WTF, dude...
And another thing that always bugged me... you Commissioning Nova. yeah, she’s your friend--but SO WAS I (at the time, at least). And you even mentioned to me how interested you were in my commissions, which were marginally cheaper than hers. So, for someone going through “financial issues”, you certainly are a hypocrite. Not to mention... it shows who you really saw as a “friend”, and our friendship meant nothing.
“Saki is always so negative. I can’t handle such negativity. It’s toxic.” You have an entire blog dedicated to hating some version of a series. What’s your excuse? Nothing but a double standard, if you ask me. Imagine being so high on your horse that you dedicate your time to something that upsets you. (That’s not me being hypocritical. That’s me saying “Hey kettle. You’re black just like me.”
You have schizophrenia. So what? I have Borderline Personality Disorder, but you don’t seeing me play that card as an excuse for my fucking behavior. I never have used any mental illness to excuse my behavior, which, let’s be real here--I’m fully aware of my negative track record, but not once did I play the “mental illness” card. I’ll use it to explain my behavior, yes, and emphasize that that’s the main reason why I’m Public Enemy Number 1 in the FMA Fandom and the reason why everyone left. But, I don’t use my mental illness like some “Get Out of Jail Free Card”, or to make people pity me or anything.
You may think that me making this call out post is the worst thing I could have done to you, but I could have done much worse. Remember: We shared phone numbers. I promptly deleted yours after we agreed to “take a break”, because I’m not that type of person to do shady shit with people’s personal information, unless it’s 100% necessary. 
At the end of the day all I can say is this: Fuck you, you lying ass two-faced piece of shit.
@novanoah & @mari-m-rose 
Despite what you may think... I do have screenshots. Or, “Proofs” as you like to call them (because “proofs” is totally a word, and not the incorrect use of “proof”... -_- ). The most recent screenshot is of Nova in 2017 committing libel against my friend with a one-sided no-”proofs”-used-to-back-up-her-claim post on Tumblr just to use her mob mentality and further show that she’s the type to use her popularity against people who are smaller than her. (Those “proofs” I have, by the way, and can show how full of shit she is).
And, it still disgusts me to this day that you are “happy” that I was told to kill myself. Are you kidding me? And here I thought I was the one that was fucked up in the head, and all I’ve ever done to all of you was stupid petty shit. To be “happy” that a person you don’t like is told (by numerous people) to kill themselves though...? What the hell is wrong with you? In that case, I’m sure you were crossing your fingers and praying for my death when I was diagnosed with cancer--only to have your little celebration party canceled when it wasn’t a severe type. But, I’m sure you got all ecstatic afterwards when the YouTube Ranters went out of their way to find my mailing address for the sole purpose of “Making [me] so stressed out that [my] cancer comes back and kills [me].” By your logic, you should be in absolute euphoria from that -__-
Sorry to disappoint you all, but the harassing, petty, little twat that bothered you all and gave you a hard time for a decade to the point she made you all (and every other single person) leave the Fullmetal Alchemist fandom is, unfortunately, hard to get rid of.
Speaking of Nova committing libel... let me just say that your little fanbrat Retreat coming after me last year wasn’t unnoticed. I knew it was sketchy af the moment they first appeared—it was no different than Cheery’s fanbrats Vixx_Der coming after me on Twitter for no reason and completely out of the blue just a month prior. So... Nice try at attempting to “give [me] a taste of my own medicine”. Committing borderline Tortious Interference... yeah, okay. That’s totally not something I could sue for. If not--defamation (which, had I known was a suable offense at the time, I would have totally done against Mayou back in 2016). 
And, like I mentioned in Mary’s little snippet up above... she’s only your friend and “little sister” because of me, so you’re fucking welcome. And, if it turns out that she’s using you the way she used me... I will laugh my ass off.
Above all else, and most importantly, my view of you both and the rest of the FMA OC Matriach is, has been, and always will be the same. I made a vow to “knock [you all] off your throne(s).” And I still plan to keep that promise. Because people like you shouldn’t be using that “I have a big number of subscribers/followers/watchers on my page, which makes me better than you~” mentality like you all have been. You’re all--every single one of you--are nothing more than HUMAN BEINGS. You’re not better than anyone one else, and you never will be. Guess what, snowflakes? Outside of your little cyberspace “safe place”, you have no power. Stop acting like you’re better than everyone else, especially to KIDS who are HALF YOUR AGE, and you think it’s right to make some stupid tumblr post (that has no evidence backing up your claim, and can be considered defamation, if not libel) painting that CHILD as an “evil person” and to order everyone to block them just because they said something you didn’t like. “I respect people who have different opinions than me” is the most obvious lie you have ever told. You’re nearly 30-years-old. Act like it and grow up. Stop bullying kids by abusing your power. You’re a HUMAN, just like the rest of us.
@mayounnaise / @sharkynnaise
Don’t know if you have a tumblr on here or not, but I couldn’t care less at this point. Let me go on the record of saying this:
Commit defamation against me one more time. Commit Tortious Interference like you did with (commissioner, who I won’t mention) again one more time. I dare you.
I WILL sue your ass, knowing what I do now--that what you did is a suable offense.
I could say some pretty fucked up things right now, but I’m not that terrible of a person. I mean, I am a terrible person, but I’m not terrible enough to say fucked up things like: “Your family member deserved to live, and both of your positions should have been swapped over the holidays during that time. I’m sure your family member was a much better person than you.”
So, I’ll just simply say this: Vete a tomar por culo.
You are one of the most hopelessly optimistic people I know. The fact that you believe that people can change for the better is just absolutely sad. I mean, hello, have you seen my track record? I’m the bright and shining example and living embodiment of the reason why people don’t change. No matter how badly they want to. And if it’s because of a mental disorder, well, it sucks, because that diagnosis came too late and the damage was already done.
So, you’re all going to have to deal with this monster while I’m still around.
And to make it clear to every other single person reading this:
I’m not excusing what I did in the past, nor am I trying to make any excuses. I’m fully aware of the things that I did. However, that doesn’t mean that fakers should get some “get out of jail free card” and get away with it just because “they’re popular” or “friends with popular people”.
I’m fully aware of what I am. And, I’m fully aware that I’m hated because I’m a narcissistic, selfish, heartless, backstabbing, toxic, indifferent annoyance, harassing, ungrateful, apathetic, hurtful, manipulative, bullying, dramatic, sensitive, arrogant, petty, spiteful, over dramatic, drama whore, lying, shady, sociopathic bitch.
I’d constantly tell myself and others that “I’m changing” or “I’ve changed”, when really... I was just lying to them—and to myself—to make myself feel better. Always running away from some imaginary monster, and trying to be the perfect innocent souls that could do no harm. For a long time, I had actually believed that; fooling myself as much as I did everyone else.
Just want to make that perfectly clear. I’m not making excuses or using my mental disorder as an excuse or whatever. I just feel like I have to keep repeating myself all the time when it comes to stuff like this -__- (especially when people tell me otherwise).
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
OneNETnews Investigates x HONEST OPINION: Illegally Controversial Hate Scandal for framing the BTS and the #TwitterSucks trend [EXCLUSIVE]
SEOUL, KOREA -- A heartbreaking controversy for framing the BTS as fake news, which includes this trend called #TwitterSucks. This time, DJ Unikitty (formerly known as ColeThePony from Tillsonburg, ON in Canada) sends a news tip for the immediate investigation on us.
Our Station Manager/Programme Director/Radyo Patrol #4 reporter/President of ONC: Princess Twilight Sparkle, together with Hekapoo Diaz (our investigative Disney XD reporter) goes to Seoul in South Korea together to deep down on everything.
Twitter username @YOUI57881933 spoked out inappropriately in Korean dialect told DJ Unikitty, they honestly slammed and framing the privacy of BTS. Not just any of the BTS band, it’s a fewer k-pop group/bands to boycott with; even for harassed or humored someone.
Few hours later, he suspended for a half-day without the warning (effectively starting last Monday late night in EDT) by limiting a Twitter Account to DJ Unikitty by reporting the anonymous user from the Twitter accounts. This resulted as this illegal trend called #TwitterSucks: Boycotting half of the Twitter staff and the moderators. We’ll get to that little later.
A short example for this Suspended Tweet that violates the Republic Act #10173 or Data Privacy Act of 2012.
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Anything it’s posted the illegal privacy of K-Pop like BTS before the event starts, may resulted in sentence to 3-6 years in prison.
But Denny Mack has a response from Quora to OneNETnews:
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Princess Twilight Sparkle & Hekapoo Diaz told exclusively to OneNETnews, they illegally stalked, framed and boycotting the entire K-Pop group/bands. They called it as “Sasaengs”. It’s like a free VIP Access in order to stalk any of your favorite K-Pop to commit and it’s illegal. All of them are against the Korean Law.
The conclusion, BigHit Entertainment has taken a bigger layer of security measures before, during and after the event. Even sadly of course, the early birds on Airports or Jetplane for it’s Private Life. K-Pop fan enthusiast is off-limits, even on Premium & VIPs if found them caught red-handed. You’ll end up a crime as permabanned for good, leaving only as a free attendee role in general but you are no longer be granted any of these VIP or Premium pass of K-Pop by any single centavo. And that’s the honest fact.
Back in this controversial topic of #TwitterSucks... Negative Tweets are suspended and red-taped to this one.
So because Twitter pinheads @Twitter management & boneheads @Twittersupport have destroyed TW Search Top Results by limiting it to only past hour I call this censorship of the news I call for Twitter to be regulated like a utility#Twittersucks #TWSearchsucks #TWSearchbroken
— Tomi T Ahonen (@tomiahonen) January 4, 2020
My New Years resolution is to ignore all Twitter & Facebook political posts from anyone going forward. I’ve realized that these engage in nothing other than spreading propoganda, hate, division and no one is held accountable for what they write. Politics is all bad! #twittersucks
— Vincent Ioia (@vjioia) January 1, 2020
Wow! Twitter really sucks!#TwitterSucks
— GAYS LOVE PRESIDENT TRUMP (@trump_gays) January 6, 2020
I am so pissed at Twitter! The jailed me for 12 hours for a tweet I was able to see posted hundreds of times by others. Apparently I'm stepping on some liberal Nazi Twitter Cop Toes. Good! They need to be stepped on! #TwitterSucks
— The Great Deplorable Henry ♿ (@hammy413) August 1, 2019
And one positive tweet, has a certain mistake.
FYI~ I’ve gotten 2 of these warnings in the last two day.. I have no idea why. Maybe my Gun Training Clip? Last time I received a warning like this, Twitter started deleting 1,000’s & 1,000’s of friends that I follow until I had 0 friends left🌻 #TwitterSucks If happens B patient pic.twitter.com/3OgrLFZxyA
— Cali4Trump 2020 (@DigiDiva2020) September 7, 2019
We contacted the Twitter Support to OneNETnews (even on e-mails), but he/she has no comment on us. Feedbacks and Messages in negatives will permanently ignored. It is suggestive to boycott behind the Twitter is only either the redacted names of CEO or CFO. This trend is deadly illegal and it’s against the law for the internet.
So there you go. BTS-haters are rapidly growing today. Even the newest illegal movement of propaganda trend of #TwitterSucks. This considerly needs a newest worldwide internet law to IP Banning, even using a Virtual Private Network for evasion. There is sadly nothing to declare the internet war of K-Pop & #TwitterSucks movement. Leaving the rest of the negatives to yourselves... will be electrical chair’d, suicidal or maybe both.
Life choices of K-Pop, is your future... So think twice before you head out.
SOURCE: https://www.quora.com/Why-are-sasaeng-fans-seen-as-dangerous
SERIOUS HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this news article are not those from the News Reporters of OneNETnews and it’s affiliates. Furthermore, the assumptions of this news report aren’t stated or reflect those of the Host, Station, Management and the internet network. Thanks you for reading!
-- OneNETnews Team
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stopgenitalism · 5 years
Text “Antigenitalism” by Zara Paz (Raw Version) for an Activism Mag in Vienna
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Here is another super exciting political article about a phenomenon / movement called "Antigenitalism".
Berlin 2013 - A group of women who have been born with dicks, have experienced shit all their lives and continue to experience shit, fight, have depression, etc., came together. Previously into activism yet, like Antifa, Antipsychiatry, Anarchism, etc. We are thinking about what we want. Whom we still want. And what we are against. Quickly, now. after 15-20 years of activism and thinking about what and who we actually are, a term comes up: genitalism.
This is what has wanted to put us down all our lives long. Wanted to kill us. And what has killed and will still kill many of us: the claim that every human / baby with a penis would a man / boy / male / belonging to the male gender, while each person/ baby with a vagina would be a woman/ girl / female / belonging to the female gender.
As if that would be clear, self evident, natural or supported by us. No. It is not. This claim, this procedure ruined our lives.
Our families and friends are incited against us. Before, until 1994, we / our "sisters" were imprisoned if we started something with a man because of that (the German "gay paragraph" §175 that criminalised so called "homosexual sex amongst men").
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For me it was like this: I have always positioned myself as a girl and recognized as soon as spoken out gender position were stated (parents and all people actually do this from birth on, nonverbally children internalize it, even without words / language, logically, right?), first I was allowed to express & dress myself as I wanted in the kindergarten (skirt, long hair, jewelry, etc), but at some point my grandparents got scared that I could "become gay",
because in the documents / following the official doctrine "I was a boy" and later "wpuld become a man", of course, a hetero, everything else was criminalised & tabooed in the 80s, was considered to be perverted, wrong and unacceptable.
Suddenly at one day they shaved my hair, I was put into boys clothes against my will and gradually my toys were exchanged. Suddenly I should be interested in "boy things". A shock that still sits in my bones today. Simply because I so suddenly felt the force of the normative system, had bad presages, which should later prove true.
So far, everything reads like a harmless, exaggerated mimimi. Only if you hit the bridge from there to the many murders of women with cocks and men with pussies, e.g. if the "they fooled" because they said to be, for example, a woman, had sex, gave a kiss to someone or just were flirted or desired by a stranger (without being able to change it), a stranger who then felt "injured in his honor," just because of genitalism (penis = man, vagina = Woman ideologies).
Or, think of teacher Lucy Meadows, who was personally bullied with newspaper articles by Daily Mail reporter Robert Littleton ("you men in a man's body," "stop harassing children, they'll lose their innocence soon enough,", "not in the wrong body, but especially in the wrong job", etc.), until she finally took her own life.
 What is new is that someone speaks about it, mockery like that had always happened.  In the 90s, the rainbow press liked to publish the private addresses of women who have been assigned a male gender (which is why they legally could not defend against it and then), so that many times such a house was then set on fire ("public disgrace", "something like this may not exist," "what if more people do something like that?").
 I grew up with stereotypical, vicious fairy tales of "men in women's clothes" (the, in my ears, sick and exotic-sounding labels "transvestite" and "transsexual" were even sounding more respectful compared to the stuff that was usually said and written), for example in the movie "The Naked Cannon 33 1/3" Leslie Nielsen immediately puked into a tuba after discovering that his dream-woman, who had "something to confess" to him, shows to him that she has a huge tail, what was meant to be the biggest joke in that movie, while in "the silence of the Lambs", the psychopath is a bizarre, "female dressing", androgynous (surely male looking) being that hates women because they can "get" the men/sex he/she dreams of. (The murderer is always shown as a male, like all people with dicks / male assignments are shown in the 90s... except dragqueens because they  always told to be male "in reality" in the mainstream media what made them less a danger for the gender security of those times).
 In Amsterdam we met a pair of extremely glittery, sequined and extremely high heeled drag queens who became introduced to me as "men who want to be women" under the suggestive emphasis that they are "on the hunt of some men" tonight/in general. 
It has always been said "if you have a penis but you do not behave as a man, do not wear menswear and / or are not satisfied with your body, then you are necessarily gay, perverted and disturbed, you have to be all that because you are then a danger and a serious nuisance for the society (well, that's what I always wanted to be anyways but thats another story) and something about you has to change, because that's just not the way how you and society can work together (soon more about that).
 "Unfortunately" I was mainly attracted by women (whatever that was supposed to be), so I was automatically perceived as a man, although I (yet for that) took the freedom to put on make up, "behaved as femaie as I could" and did also everything I could not to be perceived as a man/male, but since my family had bullied and punished me for the girls name I had  given myself in thekindergarten,
I was still scared to "completely go for it" or" to really claim honest respect to be a woman "(with intention I am writing this in a vague way, because I never could precisely define/find out what gender / a woman / not male should be exactly), how do you "do that" or "how do you get rid of that?", what do all of them want me to do and why do they stage this gender shit and then pretend me to be the only one who is actually trying to break out of it to be the one staging it??)
This led to many detours, at some point then came the phase where I realized I do not want to marry a man necessarily, but still I want to be allowed to use a women's toilet (instead of risking to go to jail for it), I would maybe also let my body  " get modulated" so  that everybody perceives me as a woman, always and everywhere, it would be easier for me because then I do not always have to discuss everything with everyone, especially not beeing exposed to any fomented homophobia of all people around me.
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The big problems were starting in that phase. For psychologists have to approve the name change and the body modulations (even if you pay by yourself, which was the case with me in the end), you can get your arm amputated, if you're funny, make implants and tattoos, as much as you want , but taking hormones like estrogen or testosterone or altering the genitals or having breasts operated can only be done after 3 years of "therapy" that is supposed to "help", whether or not "this help" is needed or not. (To my point of view, "help" against my will is never help, but force and therefor violence,  so the phase "forced therapy" I use to describe for the shit the state forced me into, is an intentional oxymoron if you look so close).
 Furthermore you are forced to tell and subscribe you would be ("strongly feeling to be") "born in the wrong body", "hating your body" and wanting to modulate it (into the way the law defines a "male / female body", also here doesn´t matter if you really want this or not) and that you" feel like a woman / man " (NOT that you ARE a woman / man -  notice the difference !)
and that you would be "into the sex change" towards the court, doctors, authorities, public representatives, the health insurance (always, even when paying yourself), offices and many other institutions then again and again) to be able/allowed to change your name/sex entry or get prescriptions/indications for hormones, surgery and epilations (the only way to do it legally and not having to take the risks that illegal hormones and surgery imply, to be said, a high risk that yet demanded and demands many death victims).
And you have to get and pass documents ("expertises") paid by yourself to many many strangers, institutions and doctors which include lots of very herrassing normative, sexist remarks about your body, the clothes you wear, your underwear, your voice, your hair, your genitals, and your lifestyle.
 And, of course, depend on and have to deal with psychologists and psychiatrists who make such decisions (whether or not you are allowed to surgeries and legal name change) are often not casually into these jobs, but having a fetish, groping your body, asking you sexual and intimate questions, record you naked on video or ask you to try and report on certain sex practices with men / women. All around the world.
 These laws that say that you are a man / boy when having a penis and you are a woman / girl when having a vagina and otherwise you have to beg for recognition to be "the opposite sex" exist everywhere in the world, in any state. We all had these experiences. We were all permanently bullied, insulted, laughed at, threatened, sexually harassed and / or looked at badly and hostile on the streets, regularly at the latest after psychiatrists forced us to their so-called "everyday test" asking us to wear the clothes that to their opinion "women have to wear" (skirt or dress, even at minus temperatures, shoes with heels, make-up, bra, even with small breasts, possibly tights, etc.). Each of us had had countless experiences of violence, each of us had been bullied, teased and persecuted, mostly by strangers,
been (sexually and otherwise) harassed, "even" by authorities and doctors, etc. everyone of us had been discriminated and mocked, so we decided that we now are fed up with this shit and that we want to do something against this damned madness that destroys our lives and seeks to erase our existences plus our stories, just as oppression always deals with the people it seeks to destroy and exploit.
So we developed a short, catchy concept: we want to fight for an area where the genitalist assignments ("penis = man, vagina = woman") are abolished and everything related to that (gender in documents, anywhere, nowhere) , no newspapers spread the lies of "gender changes" and "born as a boy", which in the end lead to hatred and violence, no transphobic, genitalist media, movies, documentaries, newspaper articles, books, diagnoses, court judgments that repeat and state only "their" viewings on us, strengthening their perspective, but never tells a word about how we perceive our selves, how we see and perceive gender, how we perceive bodies and their meanings. Also not a "biological gender" propaganda bullshit, no "trans" / "cis" / "inter" shit from the outside, which, if you look closely, is the same oppressive stuff.
Because If I am called a "trans woman" for beeing a woman with a dicj and the other woman gets called a "cis woman" because of her body/vagina, this is the same genitalistic procedure and leads in the end just to the same special treatments, discrimination and problems, as if you would directly talk of me as "a man" or a "fake women". Finally in both ways you just take some physical attributes and start emphasizing they would make a "very big difference between two human beeing to  either have these or those
attributes". Then you start telling and repeating the claimed differences would be so big you would even have to make two categories of humans
along those body shapes/attributes.
 This is also how the categories "trans (gender)", "cis (sexual)" and "inter (identity)" work that we deny, unless you call yourself like this.
No one has the right to impose such stamps on you / us / who ever. Etiquettes kill.
We want to fight for spaces free of all gender assignments, while every state presses us into a genderrole at birth, puts a gender stamp on, with devastating consequences, every newspaper writes about all people and their bodies in body shape related manners and this normative way of stamping and norming people and bodies is what we want to completely leave behind us and be free of, to create own channels, symbols, spaces, language, paroles, culture and stories that are free of all this bullshit,emancipative, not repressive and therefor to show that one can step out of the assigned genitalist sex cramp of all existing States, the media, the "oppressor´s language" and binary gender change lies fairy tales, with which they are trying to justify their violence against us and to legitimize their asshole laws against us, for which there can be no excuse, even if its seeming to be self evidently the dominant doctine and order for many after more than 4,000 years of genitalistic terror and permanent global states of murder, persecution, criminalization and stigmatization of us and our mates.
 This is why we are here and standing up against our oppressors, stepping out of this hostile society and leaving its filthy body
normative corsets behind us to unite with our people to found and fight for our own territories free of majority terror, genitalistic
slavery and its hateful impact on our lives, health and possibilities to interact or be perceived as what we really are and may be.
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gayfraphne · 5 years
scooby-doo and the curse of the 13th ghost review
WARNING: contains spoilers, as well as my unsolicited opinion. read at you own risk folks.
i’ll start off by saying, i really liked curse of the 13th ghost. it certainly wasn’t groundbreaking, but i had a great time watching it and i’m happy it exists. that being said, there were a few things that made me scratch my head a little bit.
the movie starts with a sepia filtered flashback of vincent van ghoul and his lover mortifer (not really but,,,,, we know how to read between the lines WB) capturing ghosts in the chest of demons. the scene ends with mortifer having his fucking soul devoured by ghosts and dying right there in front of my seven year old eyes. i literally screamed.
the title sequence absolutely sent me. it was really good on its own, but i love how it actually explains the whole plot of 13 ghosts, because i never actually saw it.
next we get a classic mall chase scene. there’s a hilarious moment when they’re chasing the suspect up an escalator, and fred tells the gang that they can’t run because it’s too dangerous, so they all have to stand on this escalator while tacky elevator music plays before continuing the chase. fred’s being an asshole to daphne in this scene to emphasise how attached he is to his leadership position, and daphne (like the bad bitch she is) ignores him and catches the guy they’re chasing herself, to emphasise that she’s much smarter than fred. not that much smarter, however, because it turns out they caught the wrong guy. they interact with the sheriff, who tells them that they’re too sloppy, and that once they turn eighteen (which is coming up quickly) they might end up serving jail time for harassment charges. with their best interests in mind, he tells them they have to quit solving mysteries. the scene worked, but it wasn’t very realistic. legally speaking, you can’t arrest someone for driving in their van (as this guy threatened to do).
next we see the three minute long scene that was released as a promotional clip on youtube of the garage sale at what i assume was daphne’s house, despite being tiny. a man named bernie alan tries to buy some stuff off them, but his check bounces (a reoccurring joke throughout the rest of the movie). vincent calls, tells them he needs help- blah blah blah.
daphne introduces the gang to her own van- which nearly sends fred over the fucking moon. especially when he can’t drive it because it’s a stick shift and, as we all know, FRED JONES CAN’T DRIVE STICK. honestly, that boy is adorable.
so daphne drives as fred sleeps on her shoulder like the angel he is- but things go awry when a car surrounded by green smoke tries to run them off the road. we find out why this is later, but it doesn’t.... really make much sense.
they get to vincent’s house, daphne and fred bicker some more, and shaggy decides to head off with scooby in search of snack-shaped clues. daphne asks velma to keep an eye on “lewis and bark” leaving her alone with fred. her crystal ball starts glowing, and they follow it throughout the mansion. velma, shaggy, and scooby have some classic mishaps, while fred and daphne do some classic fraphne things, such as forgetting that two people can walk next to eachother, and entrapment, and undermining each other’s intelligence. they all meet back up when velma and the boys fall through the ceiling and land on top of them. (shaggy jokes, “mind if we drop in?”) they find vincent, as well as the demon asmodeus, and this is where things start to kick off. vincent tells shaggy and daphne to trap asmodeus in the chest of demons, but shaggy says that he mailed it to vincent’s place in the himalayas when school started. vincent explains that it wasn’t his home, but rather an air b&b he’d rented at the time, and that he never got it- so they have to fly to the himalayas to track down the chest in the mail.
you know how movies and tv shows  that can’t afford the rights to certain brands will use cute little puns- to tell the audience what they’re talking about without saying the real trademark? it’s done multiple times in the movie, but in a way that’s very self aware. vincent refers to his air b&b as an “air boo & boo,” his iphone as a “die phone,” and countless others that i forget. but everyone around him is like “oh my fucking god can you talk normally please-” telling the audience that they were staying at an actual air b&b without having to use the name- but still being normal about it. it was a nice touch. as was “captain rogers, not for vanity reasons, but because when you have the lives of so many people in your hands, it’s better to think of yourself as the office and not the man- and also a little bit for vanity.” that’s right, folks, shaggy flies the plain. and it’s golden.
when they land in the himalayas, the first thing they notice is bernie alan, the check bouncing fiend. they decide to split up- shaggy, scooby, daphne and vincent follow him to the temple, while fred and velma go searching for the lost package. the next bit of the movie cuts between the two storylines, but i’ll just tell them separatley.
fred and velma show up at a deserted post office, and naturally go rummaging through the back to find shaggy’s lost package. instead, flim flam catches fred in a net. i don’t think we ever learn why he was in the post office. flim flam takes them to the novelty store he works at and shows them his various chest of demons memorabilia (mostly coolers, which he’s only ever sold one of) but when fred says they’re looking for the real thing, he brings them to his ghost-hunting store instead. fred finds a cool scooter and asks to drive it-  to which flim flam replies “sure! you can drive stick shift, right?” luckily he’s only kidding and fred get’s to destroy the scooter in the background while velma and flim flam argue over the existence of ghosts. fred and velma leave, and fred admits to velma that he feels useless now that daphne’s stolen his job as the leader. he even laments that he “can’t even do background shenanigans right!!!!!” before the scene has the oppurtunity to become cute and uplifting, the two of them get snatched into the air by an unknown force.
daphne’s crew are following bernie alan, but he manages to lose them. before they know it, they’re being stalked by the same car that tried to run them off the road earlier. the car’s loud engine starts an avalanche, resulting in the world’s longest “oh no!! we’re falling down a mountain!!” bit- which is then followed by a second identical bit as the car causes another avalanche immediately after the first. they wind up trapped in the temple with asmodeus and the chest of demons. there’s a cute little musical chase scene to a super catchy disco song, and a slightly uncomfortable bit where shaggy and scooby dress as monks. asmodeus tries to kill them, but vincent uses his magic to beam daphne, shaggy and scooby out.
daphne is about to break down sobbing because she thinks vincent is dead- when suddenly velma and fred fall from the sky. fred, being the little fucking legend he is, says “mind if we drop in?” they’re all down in the dumps for various reasons, and daphne says that it’s time to go home, and that there’s nothing more they can do. seeing his gang about top give up, fred reveals his darkest secret: while daphne and shaggy were catching the ghosts, he wasn’t just at any camp- he was at CHEER CAMP. THE ONLY KIND OF LEADER FRED IS IS A CHEERLEADER. it’s funny at first- hysterical in fact- but he does a cheer that lasts just long enough for everyone (characters and audience alike) to start feeling sad for him. but freddy jones is flippin away, doing back tucks over daphne’s head and throwing her in the air, and his enthusiasm encourages daphne to make a plan to catch asmodeus.
fred and velma head back to flim flam’s shop to ask for his help (but mostly his gear) and fred realises that the reason he can’t drive stick is because he’s been trying to use the parking break instead of the clutch. now he’s hell on wheels, and manages to run the random car that’s been following them off the road and into the abyss below. 
meanwhile, daphne, shaggy and scooby skydive down into the temple from above (”i can’t jump out of a plane!” “that’s okay, i’m going to push you!”) and find vincent. they link up with fred, velma and flim flam, and the latter jokes that all they need now is scrappy, to which velma asks “what’s a scrappy???” and there’s nothing better than the idea of a timeline in which daphne and shaggy just kept scrappy’s existence a secret all these years.
vincent reveals that asmodeus is actually his dead relative, which is cool, but everything goes downhill when they realise that asmodeus is a fake, and that he’s actually mortifer, vincent’s supposed dead lover, wearing a suit. then bernie alan the check bouncer is actually an interpol officer slash figure skater, and the swat team shows up.... they really lost me there. it was a disappointing resolution to say the least.
the final scene was probably my favorite. the gang are loading up the plane, and fred and daphne stare off into the sunset, and fred tells daphne that he’s been wrong about her all along, and that she’s such a capable leader, and that she’s the engine that makes the gang run. daphne replies “i might be the engine, but you’ll always be the driver” which is equally as adorable as it is true. they give eachother MAJOR HEART EYES, but fred- physically unable to let a heartfelt moment last more than three seconds- pulls away and asks if captain rogers will let him try flying the plain. daphne says sure, but only if he promises to stay away from the parking break. fred shakes his fist at god and curses velma’s name.
velma explains to everyone that ghosts aren’t real and that the 13 ghosts were all a hallucination, which..... fuck everyone involved in that decision. we realise that the chest shaggy mailed was actually the one cooler sold by flim flam (a nice touch). to prove her point, velma almost opens the actual chest of demons for funsies but thinks better of it, and then the gang hits the skies, where they’re all flabbergasted to find that scooby doo is the one flying the plane. the end.
it’s a good movie, no doubt- and was almost a perfect one. everything seemed to crash and burn as the demon turned out to be fake, and then everything else was fake, and then bernie alan was a figure skater in a fat suit... for some reason. had they gone with literally any other ending, it would have been great. 
the fraphne subpot felt a little underwhelming... maybe it’s just that i’m a hardcore shipper, but i felt like the resolution to their plot wasn’t big enough. they spent the whole movie building tension- i was sort of picturing that they’d have a big fight. but... nope. he just did a few backflips and everything was peachy.
again, i loved the movie. i don’t know if i’d put it in the top five, but definitely in the top ten. it had a lot of fun aspects and great character building. i’m really excited for return to zombie island, but also kind of scared. first of all, how do you make a sequel to something that happens when they’re 30 when they’re only 17?? also... pls don’t make the cat creatures fake. also... *slides writers a 20*.... fraphne kiss. just sayin.
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poisonappletales · 6 years
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[Note: If the images look a little blurry on your dashboard, I suggest viewing them on our tumble page here. You can also click on the images for a closer look!]
I feel like I just made a slightly AU (alternate universe) crack/joke comic. I think I did like a dozen things that wouldn’t normally be possible! (Like all those references, haha.)
Anyway, I did a survey recently, asking what you all wanted to see me write. Somebody gave me this prompt: “Drunk X and drunk Wildfire talking about Ambrosia.”
(Psst - if you want me to tag you/mention you by name next time, let me know who you are somewhere in the survey! If you rather stay anonymous, just leave your name/alias out OR make a mention of it somewhere.)
Ironically, this is more of a visual comic rather than a written piece, but it fit the given prompt.
So, to make this work, I imagine it’s a cross between modern day and the fantasy world of Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces). I suppose Ambrosia has her own place to stay, so that’s where X is going to go. For the sake of this comic, we’re not going to think about the plot and wonder why they’re not still in a jail cell. And we’re not going to think about how X and Wildfire even exchanged numbers or how anyone has a phone.
Some extra notes:
- When Ambrosia says, “At least agree to help me first [...]”, this is referring to when she asks X to help her in the demo beta. The Ambrosia in this comic is from the Present Day.
- X makes an effort to text properly with Ambrosia. Despite being drunk. Gotta impress the princess, right?
- Arsenik’s last line: “I’ll think about it if you don’t call or text for at least a week.” Translation: “Please stop calling and texting me.”
- Wildfire’s sprite cut-out will be updated in the future! 
- I put this in texting format since that’s how you normally talk to X and Wildfire in Ambrosia’s.  While I started this off with them talking about Ambrosia...I let the characters take the wheel and this is how it ended up!
- If you decide to show this comic to anybody (by all means, please do!), pay close attention to the 13+ rating.
- This is a work of fiction, but on a serious note, if someone’s harassing you and won’t stop texting/calling even when you ask nicely, it might be wise to block the caller.  
In Arsenik’s case, you might say he’s acting like a Hulder - or how he thinks one should. In accordance with those principles, a gentleman should always oblige a lady (within moral reason, at least). Therefore, wouldn’t it be rude for him to block her? He’s already unable to give her what she wants.
It’s that sort of personal conundrum that can keep the gentleman from actively blocking her.  So, even if it sounds like his texts aren’t very friendly, he’s actually being too nice against Wildfire’s aggressive advances, wouldn’t you say? (There’s also, perhaps, the underlying impression that men just don’t get harassed, but that isn’t true. This can happen to anyone of any gender, so protect yourself!)
On a side note...if someone had been aggressively texting Viktor, he’s likely to get annoyed and block the person. He doesn’t overthink things like his uncle so much, which is also why it leads to his “foot-in-the-mouth” moments.
Ahem. Back to the comic itself, you might notice there’s only one thing that engages Arsenik in the conversation. It’s when Wildfire mentions X, and he senses danger.
Of course, you know X is harmless despite coming from a big, bad prison for the biggest and baddest...right? I have to say, I’m tempted to write out how that scene would go. It would definitely be fun.
Anyway, if you want to suggest any more prompts, feel free to take the survey! If you took it already, just comment somewhere I can find it (like in a response to this tumblr post or by reblogging it with your answer - I read all those) or e-mail us at:
When it comes to prompts, just please don’t request anything spoiler-ish! As for whoever asked for a Drunk X and drunk Wildfire, I hope you enjoyed it!
If you have the time, let me know what you think of it! Which texts were your favorite? Ooh, and how many references/jokes were you able to catch?
(By the way, regarding those references...I tried to turn those into a joke everyone could enjoy even if you couldn’t recognize them. Hopefully, it worked out well!)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We are in the process of suing Kia and we see that he got some mail from them he went to the trouble to find out where he lives who sent them a warning letter today
They sent back to warning of Their own and it was in the form of a letter and it was a death threat the direct one to us in the form of a letter. It was from a particular dealer to send it to corporate to their corporate office with our letter stating that we want a settlement out of court or we go public with their idiot in this letter they said it's extortion and we said no we're saying we're going public with your death threat if you don't simply pay what you actually owe something called the authorities on us authority said you owe the small amount of money and you're threatening someone who's not related to it do not pay his teeny bit of money that you actually owe they said you're on our side are you I said yeah but it's just a teeny bit of money we hear them say it because cops are putting it on the line for people to ruin their own businesses and such without paying teen bits of money and it doesn't make any sense because they're forcing them to do their job when they're not right the companies are not right so Kia went ahead and said if we pay this one person we'll have to pay them all and the guy said you're paying with your entire company people are forced to do something else your company is getting taken over because you refuse to fix this one problem and we can point to it and tell you how you're doing it so they said we don't care about the company we're here to make people miserable and they arrested him and they said the checks going to be on the way for that car but they ruined on purpose and we saw them ruin it inside Trump really several times and he's in jail because your sun pressed charges so he said this you can put him in jail for the United States government because he's constantly harassing the president they'll have to say that would be nice it's a huge a****** doesn't have any chips yet wants to leave the country the world I'm starting to see something it's kind of insane it's threatening for the shadow though yet he wants to leave the planet and then time he got it oh he wants to blow up the world so he can escape there's a few problems with it when is the solar system of the night or the Galaxy possibly universe the second is this from ships are not adequate for interstellar travel one of those guys asked how he knows and he said it's been tested tons of ships went out there and people just froze all manner of insulation and other and feeling will haven't Bill and will have a tabulated he looked at I like a copy of that right went to Trump himself and say you're fired you're putting us through it for nothing except to die for you for no reason me to get on his knees and say it need to start going to town on him and helped him get in jail tons of people going after his idiots and keep on pushing it because it's ridiculous we don't have an interstellar ship we know where they are and you won't shut your f****** mouth they'll kill you I'm taking their stuff find out that something wrong with him yeah their assholes
Her son wants to know when the check is going to be in the mail for this ridiculous car that cost him so much money these increasing the amounts of suing for instead we don't have to we're already suing for millions and they won't pay they say so I'm going to go back to him again today and say you've gotten something as arrested would like to be compensated as far as keeping kia around, it's really The branding that we're talking about and we can of course maintain it these idiots don't know anything about anything it's in the news 200 days in a row they just don't want to pay anything to you because they're very very racist so we're sending them cease and desist letters and for them to pay forthright and a solution letters we're also going to expose them in the media cuz we don't care about the company we're still making Kia ourselves separately and they still put out the crappy one and people will know the difference will just make the emblem different spell it correctly that's all it's spelled differently it says that's terrific let's do it now eat them nothing take them to nothing take them to nothing so I'm going to do that now
Bitol and goddess wife
Korean God and Goddess
Who advise ours to follow this procedure if they don't cease and pay with you our son to shut them down I want people to get aggressive these people are abusive and they're assholes we need the factories today you don't need them to have anything especially they're heavy industries which are now super heavy for real we want them out of it and need them out of it I'm putting the order out now furthermore to get him funding he's asking all the time now everyday every few minutes cuz I don't got any money yet any... It's hard it's a real assignment but we can work on it he says this is very simple you write a check it's from Kia you make the money work depending on idiots there we've been saying no and all the splash team and making us angry and they get their asses kids what are you going to do that lawsuits and the same thing
We proceed with it now we just have to decide to do it that's what we know and he's telling us they're always threatening social security and the treasury always threatening me with it and I'm sick of them if we're not going to take their government and throw it into the dumper then we'll have to do something else I agree with what he's saying too it might take a few more weeks we will look at it too it's ridiculous not to get him stuff he needs people are a bunch of assholes you have to crush your entire Army to get a money then that's what we're going to do
Thor Freya
We are going to be brought to our knees because this one person is kept in poverty and threatened all the time you people are a bunch of ninnies here in the wrong game you're in the wrong world in the wrong planet I need you away from him now that was a ridiculous routine that John ramallowed or whatever his name is retard did if anyone supports them they're under arrest he's saying the order out to his own cuz it sounds really good it's like a great way to do business if you're for this illegal behavior you're going to arrest sounds good his agree we're going forward with it a bunch of nonsense his own people can't stand them either
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
05/25/2018 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 7:1-8:18, John 14:15-31, Psalms 119:33-48, Proverbs 15:33
Today is the 25th day of May. Welcome to the daily audio Bible. I'm Brian. It's great to be here with you today as we buckle in and take the next step forward through our week and through the Scriptures. And from the Old Testament, we are observing the life of David. So, we’ll continue with that journey today. Second Samuel chapter 7 and 8. And we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week.
Okay. So, in the book of John, Jesus, this is having his final meal with his friends, He’s having a final conversation with his friends and when we get to the conclusion of that conversation today, from here, Jesus will go to pray and will be arrested and, subsequently, executed as we know. We’re moving into that story. But if we can imagine this little band of brothers who have walked with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry have been counseled and taught by Him who have been with Him in great joy and who have walked many dusty miles of confrontation. These are the final things that He has to say to them all. And what He chooses to say is interesting because it's what they need to understand. It's the next step. It’s what they need to know about their future, but it is also precisely what we need to know because Jesus is describing our state of being, how things are for us. So, Jesus say’s, all who love Me will do what I say. And in reality, we could stop right there and say, that’s it, that's the thing - all who love me will do what I say. This is fundamentally the truth of the Bible. For example, we haven't gotten to the book of Ecclesiastes yet. We will soon. What for all of Solomon's wisdom, in the end, this is the exact conclusion that he comes to. So, Jesus says the same thing - all who love me will do what I say. My father will love them and we will come and make our home with each of them. Anyone who doesn't love me will not obey. And remember, and Jesus is saying this to his friends, these aren’t my own words. I'm telling you words from the Father. I’m telling you in advance, while I’m right here in front of you, that the Father is going to send in advocate. The Holy Spirit is going to come as my representative and then He will lead you forward, He will continue to teach you everything, he will continue to remind you of all the things that I've already told you because these things are coming from the Father. Okay. This is what our lives are supposed to look like because this is our reality as those who believe in Christ. The Holy Spirit has been sent. And we’re almost to that story, once we conclude the book of John and move into the book of Acts. The Holy Spirit has been given to us to lead and guide us into all truth, to remind us who we are, who God is, and where we are going together. Jesus said, I'm never going to leave you here. I'm never going to abandon you as an orphan. I will come to you. The Holy Spirit will lead you. He will teach you everything. He will remind you of everything that I've told you. And then Jesus has a gift, a parting gift as it were, to his friends, a gift that all of us get to receive. I'm leaving you with a gift, Jesus said. That gift is peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift that the world can't give. So, don't be troubled. Don't be afraid. Remember, I’m going away, but I'm coming back. And if you love me you’ll obey my commands. So, love God and obey Him is about the shortest, most concise description of what our lives are supposed to look like that we can arrive at. And we can certainly spend some time today observing ourselves with that in mind and simply asking, is that what my life is shaped like. Is that…I know that's what I'm going for but is that who I am. I love God, I obey Him. Because if that is the shape of our lives, then we can indeed experience this gift Jesus was talking about, which is peace of mind and heart. A peace that cannot be achieved any other way. So, let's observe ourselves today, for sure, and enter into this and consider it but also invite the advocate, the Holy Spirit that has been sent to live within us to reveal to us the ways that that's simply not true of us so that we might repent, change our mind about the trajectory of our of our lives and turn.
Jesus as we're moving into this story again this final time this year we take it to heart. We do love You. We do desire to obey You. We are completely aware that there is no other way to navigate life, we thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth. Thank You for the gifts of peace of mind and heart that comes as a result of being in love with You, following You, obeying You. Come, Holy Spirit and make this is true of us. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Check out the prayer wall. Pray for your brothers and sisters while you're visiting there. Check out the shop, the resources that are available to equip you for this journey through the Scriptures this year and every year.
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And, as always if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi all. This is the Misfit Man from Cincinnati. I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for about a year now. First time calling in because I need…I need you guys help. I need some prayer. Been thinking for a while and been really feeling God tug on my heart that I need a change of occupation, that He is really calling me to work with children, orphans, the fatherless, the abandoned. It just breaks my heart when I see kids that have terrible fathers or no fathers at all. And I’m a father of five myself. And I just, I just can’t help it, I just want to help be there for those kids here on this earth to point towards their heavenly Father. So, anyway, I’m not exactly sure what to do or where to go. I’m still asking God myself and praying for direction and clarity but just asking for your all’s help to pray for that as well for me. So, I appreciate it. I am thinking about praying for you guys that call in. And I, yeah. That’s it. Thanks guys. Bye.
Hi family this is Craving Peace from Pennsylvania. And the Lord has put him in my heart this morning to pray for some people. Please pray with me family. Father I thank You for this day. I thank You for all things. And Father I pray for Cherry Chase Cherry pie with everything that she’s facing Lord. I just pray that You would strengthen her and help her in this situation of facing the hatred and all of the situations in her workplace. Father, please strengthen her. And I just pray that someone would come alongside her and make this burden lighter for her to get through. And Father, I also pray for Pelham, Father that You would strengthen him as well to stand against whatever he spacing. You know what it is Lord and nothing is impossible with You. And I just pray that You would strengthen him as well. And Father, too, for my sister in Virginia whose son has been out of jail for a little while. I don’t know her name Lord but You know her name. And Father You’ve put it on my heart today and I just pray that whatever they’re going through Lord that You would strengthen them and help them to stand. Father, thank You for this community. Thank You for each and every one. Thank You for this day, for all things. And we pray this in our Savior Jesus’ name.
He Daily Audio Bible family. This James the teacher in LA here. It’s May 22nd, Tuesday morning. I’m listening to the Cherry Chase Cherry pie talk about racism in her workplace and I’m heartbroken. I mean, you know we all hear about racism in our workplaces. A lot of us are experiencing it but I’m…anyway…your my sister, you know. So, I want to pray for you. Father God, we pray for our sister Cherry. We pray, first of all, that no matter what opposition or trials she goes through that she would, that she would shine the light of You on everything including in the suffering, especially in the suffering. And that in suffering for doing good, God, she would know that she’s receiving a reward from You and that she would be a powerful witness to those who don’t know You or maybe more painfully God, those who know You but just don’t understand Your body, don’t understand the body of Christ, don’t understand that You have, that You gave the blood of Your son to cover every tongue in every nation, every color, every race, every socioeconomic background, every original religious background, everybody. Yeah Lord, thank You that we can call upon our brothers and sisters, people literally…
Hi everyone. It’s Karen in St. Louis. Hey Cherry Chase. My heart goes out to you sister. I don’t have the experience of being African-American this country. And we do live in a country that has racism and we have sexism and so many other sins in this broken world. And I just want to encourage you sister. I’ve actually been in a situation, several times, where I worked in male dominated industries where I was sexually harassed numerous times, where I was looked over for promotions. And, you know, another thing is just being a single female in the church, being ignored and passed over and just not have any credible anything because, you know, males are the ones that the believers and so it’s frustrating. But the one thing that the Lord told me as it was so difficult to get up to go to work every day was that I was working for Him. I wasn’t working for them. And the one thing that He showed me through it as I pressed into Him and is a surrendered to Him and allowed the Holy Spirit just fuel me for each day is that at the heart of the matter it is the heart of the matter. We’ve been putting a square peg in a round hole for far too long, trying to change things from the outside in. And we really need to impact hearts. And that’s where the real lasting change happens. And through my responses to the things that I went through, there were many where hearts changed. And that actually some people came to know the Lord. And so, I just pray that for you sister. I just know that the Lord is our victory. He is and he will make all things new. He will make you be the victorious one through this. And, so, I just want to encourage you sister. I love you and I pray that you will sense all of the prayers for you…
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