#if you couldn't tell this is about lore Olympus
0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
Demeter,*minding her own business*
The Olympians + her children: *run past her at full speed*
Demeter: WHAT THE- Guys what are you doing?!
Demeter,*confused*: Wha-
Demeter: I... huh?!
Zeus and Poseidon: No. Human. Disrespects. Our. Sister. On. THIS. BIG. Of a scale.
Hades: Not even I can ignore that type of disrespect.
Demeter,*still confused*: What... What are we talking about??
Artemis: NOBODY! Says that sort of shit about my Auntie!
Apollo: ... Imma start a new plague.
Athena,*throwing him his sword*: There. Sharpened it for you. Got my spear... Let's go.
Demeter: WAIT! What the hell is happening?!?!
Dionysus: Don't worry mom everything's fine!
Demeter: No it's not. Who are you killing?
Aphrodite,*looks to Hephestus*: .... No one?
Demeter: Guys.
Hermes: Look, we're just tired of people disrespecting you.
Demeter: But that doesn't- YOU TOO HESTIA?!??!
Hestia,*burning with the heat of a super volcano*: I'm not one for violence... But this is an exception.
Demeter: ... Welp. Their fucked.
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antiloreolympus · 8 days
What is LO Cooking?!
I heard Lore Olympus was ending soon, so I caught up, and wow, it somehow got worse. The main thing I'm stuck on is Hera being the fertility goddess.
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I don't know about y'all, but this is NOT the same person. But I assume this is for the reveal to be a 'surprise'.
((If you have to switch up a character's whole look and remove their only "unique" trait (mole) for a surprise, maybe don't do it.))
To continue, while this recent episode (273) depicts Zeus as awful for using Hera's powers. It also doesn't explain why Metis couldn't fight Kronos herself.
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I haven't read the fast pass, but I'm going to make an educated guess that Hera is going to solo Kronos easily like Persephone did.
If this is the case, wouldn't that mean Metis was powerful enough to stop Kronos on her own, and she simply chose not to? Not only that, but she and Hera could've teamed up him if they were this powerful on their own.
It's very odd how this story wants me to believe Zeus did this only out of greed and not necessity if even Metis can't handle Kronos.
Also, Metis not only didn't take Kronos out but kept the truth from Hera? The blame is instead shifted to Zeus as if Metis didn't have the responsibility of telling her daughter.
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If the story is willing to critique Demeter for lying to Persephone, why isn't Metis getting the same heat story wise?
This isn't me saying Zeus is justified using Hera's powers post-titanomachy as that is unacceptable (RIP Zeus Stans). Only in the context of defeating Kronos.
It just feels like another way for Metis to be seen as a "caring mom" as if she didn't sleep with Young Zeus, knowing two of her kids had a crush on him.
- - -
The potential reasons I have are between:
"RS didn't think this through and made Metis such a terrible mother that most of the aftermath could've been prevented if she had either fought Kronos on her own or taught Hera how to use her powers."
"Hera (and Metis to an extent) wouldn't have been able to use the full extent of their abilities without a man using them as a battery first."
Both of these are terrible, and I hate it here.
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justmenoworries · 20 days
Lore Olympus Episode 275 Spoilers
It's okay.
Just... okay.
Hera breaking Kronos' fingers and telling him he's a pathetic little bitch-baby was amazing and a long-time coming. Wish we'd see more of that battle but nope. RS couldn't possibly let anyone but her precious Smurf Boy and Persie have the spotlight for an extended amount of time.
Hades and Kronos just feels like a broken record at this point.
Kronos "Ur bad."
Hades : (
Hades "But wait... I'm not bad!"
Rinse and repeat.
With the exception that RS actually has to wrap shit up this time so Hades remembers he's one of the main characters and defeats Kronos on his side by doing the ajksdajsgj and turning him into a diamond.
Oh and he also completely forgives Kronos for trying to cannibalize him and his brothers, abusing and basically killing Rhea, abusing Hera and trying to do the same to Persie. Because once again a piece of media has to bang the shitty "You have to forgive your abuser to really heal uwu" drum. Which is bull by the way. Abusers deserve nothing from their victims and least of all forgiveness. You are never required to forgive a person who hurt you like that.
Is the whole Persephone Nymph thing RS trying to be smart? "Oh haha everyone complained about the Same Face Syndrome in my comic, now look, I'm doing it too!" How about actually fixing the problem instead of lampshading it Rachel?
Also, hurray for Persie once again not doing shit to solve problems she caused. Now she apparently doesn't even need to fix the whole mortal realm crisis.
Also, Persie, why the fuck didn't you try speaking with Erebus??? You were literally right there in the Underworld. Guess that would've been too much work.
Loving how everybody just flat-out forgot about Morpheus. She's presumably still around in the timey-wimey dimension Hades and Melinoe are but we don't see her. At all. After RS spend episodes hinting at there being an arc for Morpheus about insecurity.
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minthe-lover · 1 year
Chapter 233 Analysis
So don't worry I'm still alive. Life decided to just kick my ass and could actually get this done but doing it now!
So just to make this clear at the start, i don't inherently dislike stories of women using their sexuality to their advantage. Ie the sexy assassin type stories, I've said it before but I was a sex worker and that very much does effect the way I look at and analysis media.
Though stories like that often run a very thin line between just sexism and sexualization. I think the main way to tell the difference is the reason why the the person is using their sexuality is such a way. In lore olympus with hera.. it's a story about women using their sexuality as a form of power.. it's women being sexually abused to hopefully save themselves from more pain.
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Hera has no power in this situation, and it's not an empowering story because it's just about a women being forced to let herself be raped and lastly rs just doesn't give the time and energy to actually respect the sexual assault of hera. It shows terribly in this chapter.
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This episode starts.. alright. I don't fully mind hera being haunted by kronos, it's honestly sort of terrifying. The problem is that we aren't given enough time to actually sit and grow with this, Rs just can't spend the time she's given well enough to put it towards this event.
One of the first things we learn after the kronos fight is that he wants hera... it takes us another like 17 or so episodes to learn that kronos the main villain is fucking hunting hera. This is such a big and important event that just gets ignore and rushed in one chapter. We see her struggling with this, we even in like one panel how it is actively effecting her others relationships.. but we only get one panel. Like you can imagine a scene where hera gets uncharacteristically angry at echo and we aren't even a reason why till we get like a shot with kronos in a reflection with hera. There are ways this could've been set up and made it so much more impactful but then it's just ignored till it's needed.
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Also again rs just has so many great points to make interesting drama that she just ignores... like the whole missing ten years thing is barely brought up. Most people just continue as normal. This line is a fucking insult cause like.. besides one panel of them hugging WE HAVEN'T SEEN HERA WITH HER DAUGHTER. like holy shit all this time could have been spent so much better.
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Now I honestly don't think the child has been even mentioned since it was told to hera.. also having hera being the only one mentioning the child.. and when she is she's being literally raped... really makes persephone and hades look even worse. Also again.. this chapter didn't have a trigger warning.. and it really fucking should.
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now I don't fully dislike this plot point... like the idea of it.. same way I don't dislike the idea of persephone sexual assault. My problem with it isn't the fact that sexual assault happened.. it's how it's dealt with. We have this dramatic build up and while it's not explicitly stated it's pretty clear that hera was just fucking raped.
now instead of giving this really upsetting and serious plot point time to breath.. rs decides to immediately go to a cut away joke? about how haha persephone and hades are engaged and dumb drama with that. It's just such a tonal shock that just fundamentally doesn't work. Rs you literally couldn't done the exact same thing you did with persephone rape. Give a few quite panels of reflection and just... let a chapter go by without Perspehone and Hades.
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We barely even see heras own reaction to what happened to her.. the literal rape that just fucking happened is basically completely ignored for the rest of the chapter. We don't have a few panel of someone asking hera why she wasn't answering the phone. No one acknowledges what happened and instead it's time for dumb Hades and Persephone.
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This chapter, which is mainly about hera being sexually and emotionally abused... ends on the happy note where the main characters are going to get married. It's just... feels so disrespectful. Rs you could make this chapter like 80% better by just removing all the stuff with the marriage and instead just having a few panels of hera actually being effected by her rape.
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Now I've taked about how the whole rushing into marriage with Hades and Persephone is bad.. but it really shows the most in this chapter. A chapter that regardless if you are a fan or critic should objectively be focused solely on the rape of hera... instead is just made so much worse by adding this... It's been what.. an hour maybe two at most since hera was literally sexually assaulted and she's just completely fine and shows no effects of it.
Like it's so clear the bias towards hades and persephone that rs has.. literally every single story outside of theirs suffers because of them. Why are you making stories that and obviously more important then them getting married if you want the focus on them being married. Kronos should have just been fully defeated.. adding all this other shit just makes them look like terrible people and makes it clear that they don't actual care.
Despite season 3 not being finished yet... I'm pretty sure this is going to be by far the worse chapter.. just because rs decided that a rape should happen right before the main characters getting married.
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dross-the-fish · 7 months
I saw your LO post and something stuck out to me. Most people focus on Hades as a love interest but you made the case that Persephone isn't wife material and I wondered if you could elaborate on that.
I presume you're talking about this post.
I stand by what I said.
This pink teenager isn't wife material, no adult over the age of 25 should look twice at her. This is because this character is functionally a child.
She's technically the physical equivalent of 19 but feels alarmingly younger than that because of her background and upbringing. Hades is supposedly in his 40's and has a full time job and his own assets. At my age and current life stage I'm actually a lot closer to where he's at than I am where she is and I cannot fathom what her appeal would be to anyone outside of her age group.
What is the allure? Is it the way adding her as a household driver would skyrocket someone's car insurance? Is it the way they'd pretty much be guaranteed to have to finish raising her? Instead of coming home after busting your ass at work and having another grown-up to talk to, you'd have to go through the emotional labor of having to play parent/teacher to this child who probably doesn't know how to write a resume and has never had to experience the mental, physical and financial burden of running a household. If you were to date someone like Persephone you'd have to be ok with never getting any kind of mental, emotional, or financial reciprocity because she's not equipped to function in an adult relationship as an equal partner.
That's a HUGE thing and when you get to be my age you will care about these things a lot more than you care about the frivolous "dating" elements that tend to be the focus of younger people's relationships.
Persephone would be incapable of relating to a character like Hades in any meaningful way and while it's cute, I guess, that she's "nice", nice isn't enough of a foundation to build a long term relationship. Due to her lack of age and experience she's not capable of giving advice or even actual comfort if someone had to come to her with typical adult concerns. At best she'd maybe be able to give empty sympathy and, I'll tell you right now, empty sympathy gets old fast.
A very long time ago I dated someone who was my age but at a totally different phase of life and it was a huge mistake. I'd try to talk to her about my job or an apartment I was considering renting and she'd just give me this glazed look like I was speaking another language. The only things I could talk to her about were media or college so when I needed to talk to another grown-up about the very real things I was going through (feelings of inadequacy at my job, concern over financial stability, finding affordable housing) I had NO ONE, because she had never had to worry about any of those things and couldn't comprehend how serious these concerns were. I think the last straw was when I wanted to go do something and she had to ask her parents for money and permission first.
We were both 22 and I had already had a job and my own car for 3 years and the idea of asking my parents for money or permission to do anything seemed ludicrous.
To be clear I don't blame her for that, everyone grows at a different rate and some people get to certain stages later than others, but it did really highlight that this wasn't a person I should continue to date and not someone I could ever feel like I was on equal footing with because she still lived and behaved like a teenager. We were the same age, but sometimes I felt like I was taking on a role that should have been filled by her parents and nothing kills a romantic mood like feeling like the only adult in the room is you.
So yeah, someone like Persephone shouldn't even be trying to start serious relationships, she should be learning how to navigate through life with her peers, people who are also still learning crucial life lessons. But that's not what's going to happen. There's something incredibly gross about the fact that the one who's going to have to teach her how to be a functional adult is the 40 year old man who's eventually going to marry her.
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medievildead · 1 year
This is gonna be long and none of you have to read this. I just need to vomit out a happy rant about God of War.
Like I don't know how to describe my joy and I know I keep saying it I know I do but like. Having been a fan of this series since the very first release in the 2000s, loving the story and the depth of Kratos and seeing just how vast and big and huge the fanbase is now. The fanworks people make have made my heart so happy. These games always meant so much to me as a greek mythology kid and its up there with one of the first series me and my dad ever played together (he made me step out of the room during Those Scenes, don't worry)
I remember my dad and I first seeing the demo for the first ever God of War on a ps2 demo disc we got from back when GameStop was still EB Games in Canada. We both thought it was so cool. I watched him play the demo over and over again, until one day he could finally get the full game and we were even more hooked. We beat the game so many times together and watched the bonus content until the disc wouldn't work anymore. We tried our hand at every difficulty just to unlock every costume.
I remember when God of War II came out he was one of the first in line to get it that weekend. He even got the BradyGames player guide, which me and my brother read over and over and over again looking through the pages, all the lore hints and bonus content, all the characters and concept art until the pages ripped out. I still have the poster from that guidebook hanging in my bedroom. I still know where all the secrets are in that game like the back of my hand. When the game was beat and the final cutscene played my gad and I would always day how exited we were for the next installment.
I remember the day my dad got our PSP. He got the God of War bundle, the special red edition with the decal of Kratos on the back, the one that came with Chains of Olympus. I remember waking up early on the weekends to sit with him on the couch and watch him play. And if I ever missed anything because the screen was too small he would describe it to me happily. And when Ghost of Sparta came out I got to experience it all over again.
I remember when we first started seeing trailers for GoW iii and I got so exited. I remember my dad and I playing the demo with the chimera battle and being so, so so happy, saying we couldn't wait for the game to come out. I remember my dad refraining from buying the game on his own, waiting to stop somewhere on the way home from school just to buy it with me. And at this point I was finally old enough to figure out a game controller on my own, without my dad helping me at all, and the thrill of playing as Kratos on my own was a titular moment of me realizing I was growing up. Like not to be emo but playing God of War on my own during my adolescent years hit me more than puberty.
I can go on forever. I remember the day Ascension came out, and booking it to EB Games just to try out all the new features. I remember when I saw the novels for sale at a shop in the city, and not wasting another breath telling my dad I wanted them, and reading them more than I read my books for school reports. I remember almost crying because I didn't own a smartphone and couldn't play God of War: Betrayal and being so relieved to see footage was uploaded online and I was able to experience it that way. The only reason I knew what Soul Calibur even was is because Kratos was playable in Broken Destiny for the PSP. He was my main by the way
TL;DR this series was my childhood. It means so much to me. Every time my dad played he would select easy mode so he could read out the story to me. I hyperfixated on the story. And already being a mythos obsessed kid, GoW encouraged me to research mythos even further. And I was so happy when I would replay the games after learning more and more to understand reference after reference after reference. Teaching myself new glitches and exploits and finding new secrets in hidden areas after every playthrough. Rebuying the games every single time they were ported to a new system or I lost the disc. I own like 3 or 4 copies of each game at this point because I never want to not have them. It was like a new experience every time.
However. The games were always popular yeah. Highly rated. Fun to play. Kratos was a Playstation Icon. but large playerbase meant nothing in the long run for me.
I frequented gaming forums and Facebook in the early days and it was easy to tell most everybody playing these games hardly gave two shits about the story. There was nobody who really wanted to talk about lore. Nobody who really wanted to go in depth about characters. Nobody who really wanted to share ideas beyond the main focus. I remember going on deviantart and seeing people post fanwork on the occasion whenever a new game was released, but then never again. Silence. Interest lost as quickly as it came. Honestly I noticed even when the leaks for the Norse saga were published, the majority of people turned to look, were interested, started talking, but then looked away elsewhere when it wasn't the flavour of the month anymore.
I remember running God of War blogs back in 2012 to 2015 and nothing. Maybe three people interacted. Maybe three people bothered. But there were little to no fans. An audience yes but, fans? Fanartists? Writers? Headcanons? Any kind of fanmade media at all besides a few one off images online? I'd be lucky if I saw a shitpost that mentioned Kratos.
I remember writing fanfiction and posting fanart when I was twelve. I remember having action figures of Kratos decorating my shelf and playing with them till they broke and crying bc I was so upset. I loved enjoying these games. I was having so much fun on my own. I came to terms with an audience of none. Accepting that, despite the popularity of the series, to make fancontent for it, to entertain myself with the deeper lore of it was nothing but a niche.
Even with the release of 2018, as happy as I was for the new hopeful wave of fans, I was always a little upset when I saw people who played that installment as their introduction to God of War, go on to say they had no interest in giving the previous games a whirl because of the difference in gameplay and story.
At the end of it all it was still a niche.
So just... here we are today.
Here we are today and I can go into the God of War tag and be hit with a wave of the most gorgeous shit I've ever seen. Here we are today and I wake up to the most incredible drawings and paintings of the characters I grew up with in the most creative scenarios. The fanfictions that span chapters and rip deep into Kratos and his story. The headcanons that take inspiration from the most obscure lore bits from the series. The OCs that are inspired by this series' specific interpretation of mythology.
I can't put it into words. With the release of the Norse saga it's been... amazing. I just genuinley can't describe my joy. When I was playing the games themselves and the older games, the games I've been hyperfixated on my whole life were mentioned, that was one thing. But seeing other people comment on it. Discuss it. Be invested. Enjoy it enough to be inspired. Its like... So amazing.
I don't know what it is. Maybe its because of how the new games were more story driven than the previous installments. Maybe its because of the protrayal of the characters. Maybe its because of the popularity of norse mythology. I don't know and honestly I do not fucking care what the reason is. All I know is that I'm seeing people fall in love with something that means this much to me. Thank you Santa Monica for not forgetting about the story and games that made Kratos.
Seeing people who finished Ragnarok saying they were finally going to start playing the previous games. Or watching gameplay. Or reading up on the lore. Making fanart of the Greek saga. Fanfiction of it. Talking about it. Talking about the story. The deep, heartbreaking but important story that the games have always been telling and was always there that I have been invested in since childhood. I see fanart of Kratos and Calliope together, of Orkos, of Deimos, AUs and headcanons about them, and I want to cry happy tears.
I know you guys aren't making this content for me specifically. But I still have to say thank you. Thank you for making my heart happy. Thank you for reminding me of my most beloved memories every day with the stuff you make. You make my soul happy. Thank you for making stuff I can love and cherish and share with other fans, OTHER FANS, that I can talk to and listen to and discuss lore and art and ideas with about something so beloved to me and now beloved to others. I see people posting about it in depth and I am so happy to talk to or just hear people talk.
To ALL the fanartists, writers, and just fans in general who actually enjoy my or anyone else's GoW content, all of you on behalf of every long time God of War fan thank you so much for being a part of this community.
The feeling of knowing a series of media that's been so obsessively near and dear to me my entire life is becoming dear to others is indescribable. I know I'm being so emo about this but fr like... having people I can just. Talk to about GoW lore and nodding and agreeing and. Ahhhh.
I'll stop rambling now because I could go on forever but just like. Thank yall for being here. The stuff you guys make and share means more than you think.
Thank ya 💕💕🙏
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The Nanny has everything Lore Olympus wishes it had.
lovable background characters
employer-employee romance in which somehow there isn't too much of a power imbalance
a girlboss with great hair and fashion sense (i honestly can't stand her clothes but it's not meant to be ugly either, just flashy)
a bitchy, yet still loveable second female lead who actually has no chance with the guy she's trying to seduce but is convinced she's the first lead.
i know i know it's a reach but i was watching the best bits of The Nanny on youtube and there's the running gag of how Fran Fine can't admit to her real age (at some point a classmate of hers reveals her own but Fran protests that said classmate was held back multiple times so they're not the same age, even the FBI couldn't find her real age when doing a background check, at the beginning of the series she says ''yeah right what a loss to be lodged on the grounds i'll miss being er... twenty-fivee, and living at my parents house" with the butler snickering and saying "yeah right, twenty-five" -might be another age can't remember-) and the whole point is that... it works because we know that even if the male lead is older than her, she's a grown adult and also they might be closer in age than we know because we don't really know how old she is exactly. And that doesn't turn into a "bitter older woman doesn't want to age" like some in lore olympus do, because it's a running gag, it's not a drama subplot.
And C.C. is a much more gracefully written second female lead than Minthe, despite being the live-in friend and associate who's trying to seduce the male lead, because 1) she stays friends with him even when he doesn't show any reciprocated feelings 2) she's constantly ridiculized when trying to seduce him, but so is the main female lead, Fran, at least in the beginning 3) she has her own character arc beyond being a golddigging woman who doesn't want to age and 4) she has her own banter antagonist, Niles, who she has power over while simultaneously not (he's a butler but not hers, so she's higher in the hierarchy but has no direct power over her) and in summary she has her own friends, ennemies, family and character arc.
And we may not know a lot about what Maxwell (the male lead) does at work, but we constantly see him working over files, or discussing work with C.C., and we know what his work is precisely (producer of musicals) and we know he despises Lloyd Weber and there's a running gag of him wanting Cats to close down, etc. He has a life outside of the female lead, she has a life outside of him, they both have jobs, although she works for him, and neither hesitate to call out the other on their flaws, pre and during relationship.
In summary, if RS had written Lore Olympus as a goofy office/nanny&employer sitcom instead of some huge-stakes political thriller with twenty plot lines that she abandonned halfway through, it would have been way better.
Come on, if you've watched The Nanny and read LO, don't tell me you wouldn't want Hermes and Minthe banter a la Niles and CC, or Leuce in the role of Sara (Maxwell's late wife), or even Persephone and Hades just... having a discussion other than sex talk.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Happy Holidays!
Saw your latest post and couldn't agree more. I first saw those panels of Ares chasing and tackling Persephone without context. He looked so menacing that I thought he became an antagonist, might as well since RS made him into such a creep, for a brief moment he was even more terrifying than Kronos. Also the attempted seduction after his reveal was so gross and tone deaf, considering the fact that Persephone still hadn't processed her trauma, or if it happened the reader didn't see it, we're meant to take Apollo's behavior as reprehensible yet Ares being a sleeze is comedic😬?
Thank you, I’ve been saying this forever! There’s such a weird double standard with certain characters which is so weird to me. No one treats Ares tricking Persephone into kissing him seriously even when she was still a minor and he was basically an adult, it’s just very very creepy how they met and I don’t know why but Rachel thought it was a good idea to make a whole joke about it. The first time we ever saw Ares he was crossing boundaries with Persephone and physically touching her while also giving her no personal space even though she was uncomfortable. I know he just wanted to make her upset but the story treats it as such a small thing and brushes off their whole interaction, just for Hades to show up and “save her” which was stupid because he also physically touched Persephone as well.
This is why a lot of people believe that what happened to Persephone in the story was only really made to push Hades and Persephone together more. Here we have multiple guys touching her all without her consent and there’s not even a shred of any sort of traumatic response or anything. She’s irritated yes, and angry about it but it’s all made out to be a joke you can tell because of those stupid fucking faces that she does. It all seems like weird playful banter even though Persephone obviously doesn’t look or feel comfortable with any of it. But then once again after that stressful experience she’s scooped up in the hands of Hades, and he immediately crosses into her personal space. This is like days after what happened to her everyone! Lore Olympus’s timeline is so incredibly short and it only feels long because every single episode is dragged out and full of flashbacks for no reason or real purpose.
Persephone was basically made for men it seems. She needs men to confide in, she tells men everything, she’s comfortable with men, and it’s so incredibly insane to me because there’s barely any men on Demeter’s land. It was filled with nymphs who were women so the fact that she barely even interacts with women is just… Out of character really considering her background. It seems like if we’re not talking about Apollo or if we don’t see him Persephone’s trauma is nonexistent. I know all survivors are different, trust me when I tell you that but this just seems way too unrealistic for me. There’s no way that after everything that happened to Persephone she’s okay with being touched and grabbed by anyone especially men. After days… That’s just insane.. It doesn’t even work like that so it just comes off very disingenuous.
But anyways, I agree with you that all the men should be held at the same standard. It’s obvious to see that Ares is very much obsessed with Persephone (which is a huge fucking eye roll, I know that some say that in the original myth Persephone was wanted by many but this feels so cringe, like incredibly annoying and self absorbed almost considering the circumstances of Lore Olympus) just like Apollo is also, bonus one!!! Hades. They’re all unhealthily obsessed with Persephone and they want her all to theirselves without regarding her emotions. They’re pretty much all the same character really, they’re all very predatory and the fact that people think they’re better is insane to me.
Sorry for this long rant I only intended it to be small, but then I started rambling so.. yeah. But thank you so much, Happy holidays to you too! I hope they’re going good for you!
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greekbros · 2 years
(My sad, silly and ultimately pointless thoughts of the PJO-calypse for the Greek/mythology/Hellenic tags: it's going to suck rotten eggs to have a bunch of coffeeshop AUs, artwork, posts and gods forbid basic posts of your gods and not knowing if it's fun creative things someone came up with or it's purely because of Percy Jackson.)
(it's going to be like how the Apollo tags are LITTERED with Lore Olympus hate posts of Apollo and you rarely see some good Apollo posts because guess wut somehow people get lazy and don't read up on the original myth so they chose to read LO to be a "bAsIc IdEa" and end up getting a completely wrong notion of Greek mythology)
(Percy Jackson isn't personally in my opinion a bad representation of Greek mythology, it takes a really fun concept and makes it into an interesting introspective....but the idea of the gods just randomly having children displacefully and having them gather around a camp sounds like you made the gods out to sex crazy sluts or something and in spite of my lack of worship for Athena, you guys can't seriously convince me she went around having a few kids like that's a GRIEVOUS misinterpretation of Athena like wut the hell)
(it's weird because I'm not INTO Percy Jackson's critiques of the gods but at the same time I can understand why someone loves this series and I respect that.)
(but here's my deal that made me feel like this is going to unhelpfully flood the tags...yes I understand blacklisting exists but let me remind you there's a massive difference between "Percy Jackson" and "Percy J@ckson" get Tumblr wouldn't tell the difference between them because of 1 key.)
(anyway here's a semi related story: I was a universal studios and I was wearing a Greek amphora mask while waiting in line and a girl walked up to me with such enthusiasm asking if I was into Percy Jackson. I politely told her no and told her I was into Greek mythology, not the Percy Jackson. The look of confusion, sadness and out right disappointment was way too silly for me to forget topped off with a sadden soulful "oh". We stayed silent for the rest of the wait. But she literally couldn't have expected me to say that. It's weird because it feels like I shut her down not being into PJO even though in a way it's relevantly the same topic...it just wasn't her thing. It was odd because if I was wearing ANYTHING else she wouldn't have talked to me ....so basically anything Greek/Greek mythology related is just something Percy Jackson related in her mind....which is fine I'm not judging her for that because for a time when I was her age everything Japanese was Naruto related in my middle school to high school brain...later in life iv learned to step away from that learn there's a massive difference between a pop culture inspired work and a cultural/historical context. )
(keep in mind I'm almost 30 at this point and she was probably like in her late teens and the difference of maturity is 100% a factor here.)
(it's just shocked me because I felt to a very weird extent i offended her? At least that's how I felt and it makes me a little bit sad because "well shit she probably was looking for a friend who liked the same thing." situation. It's like asking someone "you like coke" and you respond "no I like Pepsi" and the reaction is met with awkwardness instead of mutual "oh ok then". It felt weird as hell and I can't fathom why)
(anyway I'm mentioning this because when Disney+ is going to release PJO and there's a good as chance most of the Hellenic blogs are going to have an influc of very confused fans. Mostly because there's a small chance of them actually want to expand further and learn about the original content but most likely the fans will stay with what makes them comfortable.)
(so. Just remember, if someone sends a very rude post talking about a god in a negative light and it mainly stems from PJO.... just ignore them. They'll learn later. If they decide to be a dick about it...block them....if you end up in a long on going argument with someone only to find out they're talking about Percy Jackson....call them an olive pit, block them and be on your marry way.)
(no one needs this level of stress in life)
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nysus-temple · 1 year
They probably defend it because they don't know the original myths. People defend even Lore Olympus so you can tell the bar is low 😅. Like if they want enjoy the media go ahead do what you like. However books like these and Circe are not faithful so don't take them seriously.
Circe at least tried to fill the gaps and yeah in some versions Odysseus accuses many of being traitors but overall in the book he looked okay. However Ariadne....not I don't think making her story tragic was needed. She of all the women in Greek mythology had the a somehow normal life
Pretty much, yeah. People usually don't look up for anything when saying something is "a good retelling" and call it a day. Its worse when actual scholars praise them, since you know it's because they don't want to gain a bad reputation by critizicing them 🥲
I don't remember the full Circe thingy since it was a long time ago and i couldn't keep reading after the... Assault thingy. But afer having someone jump at me saying "how can you like Odysseus? Have you not read Circe?" and i just stood there like 💀 The book itself isn't the worst thing to ever happen to humanity, but as you say, people need to know it's not a source.
And i loved Circe back in the folklore ! She's Medea's Cool Aunt™ and the literal daughter of Helios ! She's way cooler in the actual Odyssey than in thr book mainly because she's the ✨gIrlBosS sLaY✨ people want without her being abused. Why do women need to be abused in order to be strong? 😶
And the Ariadne thingy, yeah ! It's like wanting to make a retelling about Eros abusing Psyche. Why? Why should we? Don't we want women to be happy? I'm a woman myself and the least thing i want is figures like Ariadne who have such a good positive impact in modern fantasy based around folklore get turned into... An assault icon? Dunno how to call it but, yeah 😭
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the-indie-owl · 2 years
I just have to say I REALLY love your designs for the Gods and Goddesses of both Greek AND Roman Mythology if they appeared in SpongeBob SquarePants. And I'm really pumped to see what you have planned for the future ^^
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I just wanna say, First of All, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the Love that you really enjoy my own personal takes on the Greco-Roman Gods themselves it really means so much to Me within my Heart that I will keep going on drawing my versions of Neptune and Poseidon's own Families if they would appear in that Universe since I enjoy Greek Mythology a lot as well as any Media's takes on any God and Neptune/Poseidon is one of my Most Favorite Gods ever in all of Mythology. I will keep on trying to figure out which design will suit any Greek God and their Counterpart 💖
As well as figuring out on which Voice will suit on each of them for what I headcanon to what they will sound like if they appeared in the franchise (which I know that will never happened because Sea Gods are only allowed BUT let's just imagine it instead if they did include some Other Non-Water Deities ^^).
Second of All, I have been getting to know the SpongeBob fandom recently since June. Ever since I've cried so hard because of what was happening during the first months this year (lost my Uncle who was one of the Brothers of My Mother (RIP)), I've been through a lot of Pain, Stress, Toxic Fans, and Dramas, I couldn't take it anymore as I instantly quit on that and started a new life (which I am currently in right now as you can tell).
I have re-watched the show and got a chance to watch its Modern Episodes through Streaming (Mostly Amazon and Paramount+) since I haven't seen the Show in such a long time even after I stopped watching it since Season 9. But now that I am currently in it's fandom since it somehow just became one of my main and most favorite medias of all time since I've looked back into it, I even remembered all the good times that I had when I watched the show ever since childhood (Ah, the Nostalgia).
Plus, SpongeBob is a very Good Show that keeps Me calm and makes Me want to forget about the Bad Times that I've been through and even the Fandom around Me is so very Healthy! Not even one single Toxic Fan was bumped into Me! ^^
I of course have watched its Two Spin-Offs despite Stephen being unsure if he wanted to have one (I know that many people say that he didn't want one for his own creation but I heard that there was someone saying that He didn't know IF a Spinoff could work). Kamp Koral is cute (despite on how none of the backstory behind SpongeBob and his Friends were true in the first place) and even The Patrick Star Show is a bit Funny.
If you are wondering on how I got the idea of Greek and Roman Gods being in the show, well, chances are, since we've all know that Neptune has been around in the show since when it was first started around the 90s. He's one of the very few first versions of the Roman God of the Seas as well as being the Counterpart of the Greek God of the Seas himself that we all know. But when I got to watch "Sponge On The Run", I immediately fell in love with their version/take on Poseidon (Neptune's Greek Counterpart). This made Me wonder if perhaps that the series itself somehow takes place in an Alternative Universe where if Gods existed in a Reality where if all Myths and Legends were real (Of course, we do see in Some Media of Gods living in the Modern Era that we are currently in living in our world like Percy Jackson or Lore Olympus).
Considering the fact that I love OCXCanon and have always done that throughout the years, I've put up a big twist behind my version on Salacia (The Roman Counterpart of Amphitrite and Neptune's Real Wife from Roman Mythology) into turning her a Wife of Poseidon as well as still being accurate to her Original version. Needless to say, she's little of an OC and is way more of a personal take on one of the Roman Goddesses.
We don't really get much Poseidon and Amphitrite versions like Hades and Persephone but even though Poseidon cheats on his wife, I bet Amphitrite doesn't care cuz she still loves her Husband (I wonder why she is never shown towards being angry at him).
Thirdly of all, this is going to surprise you one bit but my personal take on Greco-Roman Gods wasn't really the first time that I've used Gods in an AU story of a Certain Media. The First One that I did was a SMG4 AU of Mine and I even wrote a story about it on Wattpad (which had my own Arc that involved around Marine Cultures of Sea Life since Splatoon is another one of those Beach/Ocean themed Media of Video Games). I even had Greek Gods in my that Other AU of Mine (I haven't been in an SMG4 mood since and I'm still doubting about wanting to remake it like maybe change my own SMG4 AU Arc up a bit and maybe take out the Greek Gods away OR just only keep one of them like Zeus for instance just so that I would keep focusing on my true Take on Greco-Roman Mythology which is in My Own SpongeBob AU for now on).
So yeah, I would just probably have to remake my SMG4 AU just so that people wouldn't be confuse by my other AU which also has Greek Gods in it (Little Reminder that just because I have been using Gods in my AU stories doesn't mean I'm gonna keep using the Greek Gods in ALL of my AU stories because that would be very boring and overused a lot so I would just only use them only for a Single AU of Mine). I would just have to probably remove the Greek Gods for my SMG4 AU and keep them only for my SpongeBob AU since Neptune and Poseidon are around (which means I could perhaps re-write my own SMG4 Arc).
I have been recently thinking that maybe I could also add in the Other Water Deities from Other Mythologies as well as adding in Other Non-Water Gods with them. It would be like on how if SpongeBob SquarePants was like a Disney's Hercules 2.0. (Adding in Other Mythologies including both the Other Foreign Water Deities and The Non-Water Gods all together), quite similar to yours when you design what the Other Gods would look like if they were in Hercules ^^
I'm somehow unsure if Hillenburg himself was ever a Mythologist on Ancient Greece and Rome. Perhaps he was somehow fascinated in Poseidon and that's how his own personal take on Neptune was born (I dunno, just a little guess ;^^).
I know that the Show itself isn't all about Mythology but just only imagine if they ever did on personal takes on Other Gods (then Neptune and Poseidon wouldn't have to be the only ones). I've been a Greco-Roman Mythologist for a very long time ever since I got into Lore Olympus since 2018 and it has really made Me love Greek Mythology and all of its Personal Takes on it (either in Movies, Shows, Books, Video Games, ect.) I'll never hate on any adaptation of Greco-Roman Mythology, no matter on how the Gods are portrayed differently from their Mythical Names.
Anyways, I just wanna say, Thank You for your Kind Compliment, it really warms up my Heart. It's very nice to see on someone who loves my own versions on Greek and Roman Gods as separated people, as well as being accurate to what they would look like in the Franchise's Style! 💗
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maddness-time-bby · 11 months
This Should've Been in The (Web)Comic
So I just found out that apparently Rachel Smythe included bonus chapters at the end of each of the volumes for Lore Olympus. The bonus chapter for volume 2 apparently is about Apollo telling Hestia about the coat Hades gave Persephone/that she stayed the night at Hades's house, saying that Persephone was bragging about it to everyone, and that Hestia should be heavier handed in dealing with Persephone as she might of just broken one of TGOEM's rules. Afterwords it transitions to Persephone complaining to Hermes about how Hestia took her coat away and how she's starting to suspect that Artemis told Hestia even though she said that she wouldn't/hadn't told her. Hermes says that Artemis wouldn't do that, and that Hestia probably got it from a rumor mill. Persephone makes a weird squinty eyed expression(disbelief maybe? Idk what it is honestly) and it ends with the two of them drinking soda together.
Now I'm not showing any images of this bonus chapter, as I'm not sure if it falls under "distributing FP content for free", but you can find it if you just search up "Lore Olympus volume 2 bonus chapter" on youtube(which is how I found out about the bonus chapters in the first place). Now granted, Smythe says that while she was originally planning on including the contents of the bonus chapter in the OG webcomic, she mentions that she eventually cut it because she felt like the chapter would mess up with the pacing. While that is a vaild reason, the bonus chapter contains REALLY importaint information, as it gives multiple motives for:
Hestia looking so angry at Persephone/why she took away her coat
Persephone drifting away/beginning to not trust Artemis
Persephone drifting away/beginning to not trust Hermes
Like you can't just cut explaining your character's motivations out of the comic, and it makes Apollo a more threatening villain, showing that he won't hesitate to manipulate and isolate Persephone from her friends/support system. I'm so fucking done with this comic.
comments under the cut:
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(context: the Subreddit got in trouble with Webtoon for "distributing fastpass content for free"(we weren't, we where just talking about fp content and showing a panel or two to show what we where talking about) so a rule got added saying that we couldn't do that by the mods to avoid legal trouble(which basically meant that we couldn't show any images from the FP until it got released for free)
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monstrumpuella · 2 years
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justmenoworries · 1 year
Lore Olympus Episode 239 Spoilers
Okay, something positive first. Credit where it's due, the new designs shown in this episode slapped. I really liked Morpheus' new look, Persephone's Dream Realm dress and haircut and holy shit do I adore Erebos! (At least I think that at the end was supposed to be Erebos. It seems likely, since they show up in the flashback right after Persephone ate the pomegranate.)
Aaand, that's it for posititivy! Back to our usual program!
This whole episode seemed extremely rushed. Like, one episode prior we were making fun of Leuce for making the moves on Hades (yikes, btw) and now suddenly it's all "By the way, we found a way to explore the Dream Realm, we have no real idea how anything works or if it's dangerous or what the consequences would be if something were to go wrong, but we're just gonna send the Queen of the Underworld right in with no prep or practice runs whatsoever."
This all looks so poorly thought-out from Persephone's side.
Like, I'm glad we're finally doing something about Kronos and the child deity he's holding hostage, but this really needed some more build-up. Scenes of Morpheus training, Persephone consulting several specialists inculding Hecate on how they should utilize this, maybe even discussing failsafes for an emergency, like, oh, I don't know, Kronos noticing the fertility goddess he's been after is in his head and trying to take advantage of that by pulling a hostile takeover???
Quick question, why couldn't both Hades and Persephone go into the Dream Realm? When you're exploring unknown, possibly hostile territory, isn't it better to move in a group, so you can have each others' backs? It would also be an opportunity to show us that hxp are a power couple that work well together, instead of just having them tell us that's the case. But nah, that would take time away from the story once again drooling over how oh-so-special Persephone is.
God, Hecate's exposition dump was painful.
"As you know" is a widely mocked stock phrase for a reason. If the person you're talking to already knows what you're going to say, then why say it? You're basically admitting that you failed to convey the following information to the audience organically, so you're just gonna have a character talk to the camera for the next twenty minutes.
I'm also fairly certain this is the first time we've heard of this mysterious "interloper" who could be sabotaging/has sabotaged trips to the Dream Realm. Is that just their term for the child? That's kinda weird. If the child is reaching out through dreams, that's not them interloping, that's more them sending out a call for help, no?
Seeing Persephone have a positive memory of Demeter was sweet, but of course they immediately had to undercut it by switching to a memory of her and Hades doing it. And naturally that's the memory she has a hard time letting go of to move one, not the one with her loving mother whom she recently had a fight with. Makes total sense.
Gotta love how an ancient being like Kronos uses terms like "dumb fucking bitch" for insults. Did somebody just take an urban dictionary to Kronos's cell every view centuries, so he could stay up-to-date on the slang?
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Kork fluff plz?
Heyo anon! I'm gonna assume you mean headcanons- in that case; I've gotcha covered!
- Massive bookworm. He'll happily read anything he can get his hands on. He's seem most of the time reading books about culture and anthropology to help advance his talent, but he also adores thrillers, ghost stories, and well written fantasy books and also sappy historical romances but that's a secret shh (Especially mythology retellings. He would 100% be a Lore Olympus/Hades/Percy Jackson fan)
-Despite his love for horror and ghost, he absolutely hates blood and anything medical-like. The smells and sights of needles and hospitals make him anxious, and while he'll make sure to visit his friends in the hospital if they end up there, he tries to limit his stay.
- Likes the look and feel of knitted/crocheted projects, but cannot do either for the life of him. He always fumbles with the needles and misses a stitch. No matter how many videos and tutorials he watches the technique never sticks.
- Can play the piano! He couldn't tell you where he learned it- the memory is kinda foggy, but he knows the keys and can identify the songs Kaede plays fairly well. He himself knows a few simple songs, but thats about it. Sometimes he takes up Kaede's offer for lessons, but he prefers just to listen to her play.
- Doesn't have alot of stamina and hates running. He gets a tad embarrassed by how winded it makes him, but he tries. One time Kaito invited him out for a morning jog. At some point he fell so far behind when the astronaut went to look for him he was curled up on the grass, too exhausted to move.
- Likes most reptiles, but snakes are definitely his favorite. They hold symbolic meaning in certain cultures, and also he just likes the look of them. Has considered getting a pet snake in the past, but knows he'd probably be too busy to properly care for it, so he's happy in just admiring them when he can.
I hope these were good!
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jadeee · 3 years
Why do I feel like nicky and hades (LO) would be friends? (btw Hi🖐) -Sarah
hi, my love! 😭💕 how are you? {i miss talking to ya'll if you couldn't tell}
anyway, i had to google what 'LO' was bc idk but turns out it's lore olympus and i actually never finished. i have thought about redownloading webtoon to read 'everything is fine' but based off what i can remember i think you're onto smthn 👀 hades in lo seems v protective and a lowkey romantic which matches nicky's vibe imo.
p.s.: the only other thing i've read on webtoon was 'true beauty' and i never finished that either jsjkskjsjk hahaha
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