#if no one else does it I will
kaizokunoyume · 1 month
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don't mind my ugly sketch
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 1 year
I love Jegulily but they are unhinged for one reason, Severus Snape, like can you imagine?
Reg and Sev are probably really good friends
Lily and Sev are former best friends with an unrequited romance
James and Sev are arch enemies
Someone write a fic where Jegulily has Severus for dinner I AM BEGGING
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sleepingdayaway · 10 months
Gala Tea
Based on the game Coffee Talk. Which I highly recommend you check out, and I’m a sucker for cozy games. Also I’m no barista. I’m just a person that enjoys games-
Characters: Gala and Barista (you)
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Rain falls down outside on the street as you watch, the night owls that roam the night, from the safety of your warm building. The sound of your playlist echoes around the room, as well as the strong scent of coffee that lingers around. It wasn’t until the machine next to you that broke your trance, as you turned around to face your stock of ingredients. Everything appears to be in order and nothing is lacking for the night; the ringing of the bell from your door catches your attention.
A polite smile is placed on your lips and you turned around to face the person, “Welcome! Please have a sea-”
In front of you is one of your regulars. A werewolf with a large intimidating build that would surely scare many people at first glance. Multiple scars covers his arms as well as band-aids to cover some of them, with quite a few also marking his face. The exhausted look that is etched on his face, ages him quite well. After all, Gala isn’t necessarily very young, thanks to his werewolf life span.
The polite smile is replaced with a small genuine one, once your eyes laid on him. Gala takes a moment for the rain water to dry up a bit before walking over and taking a seat on one of the many chairs in front of you. The chair creaks for a moment under his weight, but it doesn’t budge after that as he leaned forward on the counter.
“Good evening, [Name].” A tired smile is shown as he greets you warmly. Ever so polite you greeted him back with a bit more enthusiasm. He glances around for a moment before speaking up. “Am I your first customer for the night?”
“Yes, you are Mr. Gala. Lucky you since that means you’ll have the fresher ingredients right away,”
Gala perks up at your words before shaking his head with small chuckles escaping his lips. “Now then you’re making me feel special with your words.” He replies as he leans a bit forward on the counter.
The aura of comfort that this small coffee shop gives to him is nothing to scoff at. Either after or before his shift does he try to make time to stop by and enjoy a drink here. Gala is thankful for finding this place that opens late at night during his working hours, that serves good coffee. Lyric-less music fills his ears as he enjoys this moment with you.
A hazy gleam covers his eyes as he stares at you, leaning forward with his head resting on his propped up hand. The soft yellow glow of the lights inside bounces off your figure. He notices you turning around to grab at familiar ingredients to create a certain drink that soothes him well.
That’s one of the small things he enjoyed about you. How you always have an accurate reading on what every regular that comes here feel like drinking on these nights. Gala always appreciates the challenges that you take on with their silly requests.
Never hesitating to lend an ear to whoever comes in. Whipping up a hot drink that will assist to whoever is willing to open up. The way that you somehow were able to bring people together with just coffee and a few conversations. People that he now considers close friends with, and even managing to bring him and Hyde even closer.
It’s with this feeling that he hopes that you also adore his company.
Without hesitation did you turned back and gave the man a teasing look, “Oh? Have you not felt special before? That’s a shame, I feel like you would have earlier since two of my drinks are named after you.”
Gala’s hazy stare was replaced with a shocked one when you looked back at him. He barks out a laugh with a pink tint to face, a bit embarrassed that he might’ve been caught staring, before responding, “I believe it’s only because those drinks were made specifically for me.”
You laughed softly while preparing the Blue Pea for a specific drink in mind. Grabbing the small cutting board with the ginger root and a knife; making sure that the root was cut properly. The milk also being prepped once the ginger has been cut.
The silence between the both of you was not tense. How could it, when you seemingly only radiate trust and a sense of peace. If Gala is going to be honest, it feels as if he could wear his heart on his sleeve around you.He wonders that if he presents it to you; would you handle it with the same warmth that fills the soul of many?
He is broken out of his thoughts when a familiar drink is placed in front of him. The beautiful color of blue that is matched with the art from the milk with bits of ginger in the mix.
Gala looks up at you and is a bit off guard when he notices the look in your eyes. A gaze that expresses everything at once and it feels like he’s seen it before. Locked in an eye contact that converses a silent longing did you finally speak out.
“One Gala Tea for you, on the house.”
Now he remembers where that look you gave him was from.
It’s the same one he catches himself making for you.
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dosesofart · 8 months
I love them.
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haahka · 1 year
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Käärijä Instastory 13.5.2023
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duin-i-guess · 2 months
Vylad's trip to the valley.
I think it would be really neat if there was a Stardew Valley mod that added Vylad to the game,
I mean we know he travels a lot, so whos to say he didn't visit Pelican Town at some point?
I think he'd be friends with Sam and Sebastian, because obviously.
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dankest-of-lies · 3 months
anyone else just realize Wheels' half brother/sister (born 1989/1990) could've very easily been a character on the next generation
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also can someone send me the og video this gif is from bc i can't find it 😭
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evil-giggling · 9 months
okay but IMAGINE
season 3 aziracrow, after everything has been said, after forgiveness has been asked and given, after all that's unsaid is spoken, something comes up, and they have to separate in order to efficiently complete a task so that they can save the earth from the second coming.
aziraphale hesitating, not because he thinks he can't protect himself, or won't be able to figure it out on his own, but because he never wants to be far from crowley ever again.
crowley cupping the back of aziraphale's head and gently pressing an assuring kiss on his forehead once his angel expresses his worries, and aziraphale softening and pulling crowley in a warm embrace, his face hidden in his neck, breathing him in. crowley whispering in aziraphale's ear, in the soft way that's reserved just for him, "i won't be long, angel. i won't let you miss me too much."
aziraphale letting out a sigh, as he responds honestly, "there isn't a moment i don't miss you when you're away from me, dearest."
..................... IM GONNA EXPLODE
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placid-styles · 4 months
i need someone to write a fic where mac gets revenge on dennis for the johnny thing
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kettyqw · 9 months
Does anyone of you watch Bungou stray dogs? Because I do
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For some reason, Fyodor and Nikolai remind me of Magolor and Marx a lot... I don't know why..
Also, these Marx and Magolor designs are not mine! They belong to Monosakura) I just love them so much!
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sunshine-colaa · 6 months
someone should make a dessert themed tadc oc just so they can ship them with caine and call it candycaine
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mxrkies · 7 months
We seriously need me more markhyuck stories on here. Cuz sometimes, I find markhyuck but with y/n, or nohyuck, or markren, etc. I want markhyuck, BY THEMSELVES. So if no one will do it, I will
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l0reenthusiast · 5 months
fuck it i'm gonna start gearsposting
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zeruzerudesu · 8 months
I have the power to draw GranBubs being intimate to each other and I'll use this power wisely
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stingray-blast · 8 months
waiter!!! waiter!!! aziraphale under the affect of laudanum please
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moralesmilesanhour · 8 months
Someone should make one of those relationship webs like in Diary of a Wimpy Kid but for the spiderverse cast
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