#if it’s legal people can like what the wanna like in peace
pcrfectstorms · 2 years
i wish people would stop this trend of shitting on the ship they don’t like to prove their ships better. clearly i liked too many steddie and billy videos that it’s landed me on anti harringrove steddie tiktok and i’m not here for it. harringrove and steddie can be cute now stfu.
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azulock · 4 months
so I wanna requests the guys as dads, I remember at some point you said you wanted to do something like this and I really wanna see it
Time to rull up my sleeves, cause I did say I was gonna do one of those right? Back when I got annoyed that all I found was girl dad this girl dad that and I got tired of all the typical gendering going on in dad fics.
Ryusei Shidou
Girl dad in the most chaotic way possible. Tiaras coexist with bows and arrows as a princess fights off an invasion. Every doll and plushie has a tattoo made either with a sharpie or from a patch attached with hot glue. Every tea time is a mafia family meeting that always involves an assassination plot. And the barbies live very intense lives that inevitably delve into wrestling like storylines where each one has a gimmick, a long standing feud, and a clear thirst for blood.
Chaos may not be the best thing to keep an organized home, but it's good for mental development. And much like a kid, Shidou also thrives in creative chaos. He isn't the best at practical things, especially the ones involving routine and quiet time, but he has got his uses. Very good at wasting his daughter's energy until she drops straight into a deep sleep. His antics are also good at convincing her to eat pretty much anything. And of course, great at entertaining her so you can take a break.
Oliver Aiku
Boy dad but like he really doesn't care, he'd be giving the same extremely affectionate, and even a bit clingy, treatment to his kid no matter the gender - sugary sweet nicknames included. Probably heard people saying he coddles his son too much, treating him like a princess, but Oliver is good at playing deaf. Tho, that kid gonna have to fight for the right to have his feet touching the ground, cause dad wants to carry his offspring everywhere. Sure to raise a boy as clingy and openly affectionate as him.
Those reflexes honed for football are quite good at catching a kid before an ugly fall. And he's actually good at the general everyday stuff, surprisingly patient too. Takes a genuine interest in the things his son likes, so when the boy shows sudden interest in colorful nail polish, he'll show up to a match with badly painted soft purple nails. Likes sleeping on the floor with his boy, when asked why the floor and not the bed he brings up the old man excuse of "the floor is good for my back".
Reo Mikage
Girl dad and he was ready for a little princess, but what he got was more of a cave dwelling gremlin. He was expecting frilly dresses and tea time but he gets a little girl who likes bugs, playing in the mud and digging things from the ground. It hits him as a surprise but he adapts to that, and as much as he isn't very excited for the cleanup afterward, he is always eager to entertain his girl's odd interests. If buying dinosaur fossils weren't such a legal can of worms he'd buy one just to bury it for her to dig up.
If he wasn't convinced to go to therapy before, now is the moment to convince him. Just gotta say he should do it not to become like his dad and he's gonna be booking the appointment fast. Will be reading child pedagogy books and shit like that to make sure he can be a good and understanding dad. Really just trying to kill his family's trauma conga line at himself - wants his daughter to trust and count on him in the way he never could with his dad.
Michael Kaiser
Boy dad but to the gentlest, sweetest of souls, a little boy who seems to have absolutely nothing in common with his dad, aside from some physical traits. It at the same time shocks and scares him, because the world out there is not kind to sweet people. But while the boy is at home, Kaiser can keep him safe. It does frustrate him a little bit when he tries to get his son into football but the boy is more into art than sports, but he learns to move past that. Truth is, he wanted the boy to mirror his traits a bit more, so this is a humbling experience.
That poor rose tattoo of his does not see a day of peace after his son learned to color. Tho, Kaiser gets used to the shaky new roses drawn on his skin fair enough. And he actually considers getting a full tattoo of just lineart and not colors just to let the boy color in. He's not the most patient so he has a bit of a hard time getting used to the whole parenting thing, but he does try his best. Also, whenever he takes his son out somewhere he makes their clothes match in color scheme.
a word from out sponsors: @tinnaagine @loser-vxbez @kiurona @bentolover @bevernats @weirdbutpr3tty @ada7201 @vollereix @rinitosh @kum1ko-chan @romanticizemai @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @qichun @true-latverian-baklava @oliveraikusweatyshirt @fivenightsatwhoreville @geemyfirstluvstory @mariyumemi
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diagonal-queen · 2 months
Omg you're backkkk<3 I hope uni's going well for you!
Maybe the Hunting Dogs with a s/o who's kind of mean/petty?
Hunting Dogs with a mean S/O
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura (platonic), Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are the Hunting Dogs with a mean and petty S/O?
♡ cw: Swearing, u r a BULLY >:((, dw it's pretty chill though, non-graphic NSFW with Jouno, teensy bit of NSFW with Tachihara, mentions of violence, crime and torture
note: ahhh hello yes i'm back! uni's pretty great actually. i love being able to tell people i go to law school lmao, it makes me feel smarter than i am. uhh but i've been swamped and a bit busy, and i'm going back home for a week so i might not be super active over the next couple weeks, i'm so sorry my babies </3 but i'll still be lurking in case you wanna chat! as always, apologies for errors and i hope you enjoy x
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Mf you think he cares?? He hired Jouno and Tachihara because they committed crimes, and he's more than happy to keep Teruko around. Bro doesn't give a FUCK that you're mean
If you're dating Fukuchi you clearly do give a shit about the welfare of society and world peace, so your individual quirks are just that. Quirks
He will fully let you just be a dickhead sometimes, because...like, why not?
I feel like Fukuchi is obviously often a very intimidating individual who strikes fear and commands respect from everyone else. But you? You just walk all over him
In some ways for him it's probably kind of refreshing to have someone around him who doesn't idolise him at all, or look up to him as a superior. It gets exhausting, for sure. Sometimes he just wants to be humbled and that's so okay Fukuchi, you deserve it actually /mean-spirited and condescending
Don't get me wrong it's not like you're an abusive partner! You're still obviously nice to your partner and you love him, but you definitely don't go out of your way to sugarcoat things or try to avoid any necessary confrontations
And Fukuchi genuinely really respects that about you. He's pretty similar like that, though still definitely goofier than you
I mean he won't want you sitting around with an RBF when he's at formal events and whatnot, because that really wouldn't have the best impression, but he's usually very gung ho about letting you be yourself
You're lucky he loves you man...lmao
He loves it. Full stop.
You two are just sadist central over here. Like he'll be torturing a suspect and you're just watching. Bored. Not a care in the world
(Jouno, I don't think you're legally allowed to invite your partner to watch you do your job- much less one like this, but...eh...)
You two are always just talking shit about people to each other, and like when you're out in public on dates you're just whispering to each other and judging people T-T
Lowkey kinda gets turned on when you guys argue. He thinks it's hot when you get heated and angry. Usually it ends in rough "passionate hugging", and the pillowtalk is when you both actually resolve the issue (dumbasses)
He might even purposefully rile you up sometimes because mf is just THAT much of a horny degenerate. You guys can call him classy and gentlemanly all you want, but we all know he's secretly deranged
Like an angry, horny goblin with a knife...someone stop him
Tbh you should probably bully him a little bit every now and then. I think he needs to be taken down a peg sometimes
Hey, he's more likely to listen to you than Tecchou, isn't he? Besides, it's nothing genuinely malicious. Just couple's banter
Oh, you guys are fucking LEGENDS at the couple's banter. Though you never do it in public, because a lot of the times the things you both tell each other as jokes can come off as really cruel jabs
Nah your senses of humour are just not family-friendly (violent and malicious)
You guys have very strange ways of showing your love and affection. But, hey, it works for you and that's what's important :)
Ah yes, arguably the least meanie of all of the Hunting Dogs. Yeah uh he doesn't really like you at first
Tecchou doesn't understand being mean just for the sake of it. I mean like, for Teruko, she uses it in her career, and Jouno is sadistic and weird and also uses it in his career. You're just petty because you can be
But the more time you spend together the more he realises that you're really not that bad- you're really just more of the loveable asshole type
An acquired taste, yes, but this is Tecchou we're talking about! That's his thing!
He learns to appreciate the things about you that many others would probably consider flaws. He influences you for the better definitely...
...BUT you also kinda make him worse
He will adopt your 'deal with it bitch' attitude sometimes, but it doesn't hinder his relationships or work so it's fiiiiine
(Jouno isn't a huge fan of it though...but at the same time he kind of respects you)
Tecchou probably won't admit it but he really likes to listen to you rant and bitch about people you don't like. He just likes to listen to you be angry about trivial things, he finds it equal parts endearing and entertaining
If you're mean to someone who deserves it? Well I mean...who is he to stop you?
At the end of the day you're definitely emotionally self-sufficient, so that's one less part of you for him to fret over. All's well that ends well or some shit idk
Teruko (platonic):
You guys are literally the best of friends
She's the loud fiery kind of mean and you are the 'I will straight up meticulously ruin your life' kind of mean
You on some r/nuclearrevenge type shit and she fucking loves that for you
Like she's fully willing to plot and scheme with you and do whatever mean shit you suggest. You two are menaces and she should absolutely not be a military soldier
Teruko WILL smite your enemies. And by smite your enemies I mean she will actively do what she can to ruin the lives of people you don't like, with absolutely no remorse (pretty sure she actually commits crimes to do this)
She LIVES for your cruel one-liners and clever insults. Every time she hears one she absolutely hollers
Teruko enjoys it when you're mean to the other Hunting Dogs (except Fukuchi). They can handle a couple bitchy words so it's not a huge deal, but she's just extra amused by it
For the record you're not *mean* mean, you're just...humbling them (which let's be real they could use from time to time (Jouno, again, looking at you))
Nobody is surprised by your guys' friendship really
You're a dangerous pair. Please stop
Teruko kinda likes that you hold grudges so frequently because she'll never tire of hearing you shittalk the same exact people and events over and over again
She'll shittalk them too
Dia doesn't approve of this friendship
You guys know that scene in B99 where Jake says that he can't decide if he's scared of Amy or turned on by her and then decides that he's both? Yea, that's Tachihara with you
He is a good person at heart, and outside of his mafia gangster persona he's really not that mean, and as such he does not encourage mean behaviour. But like, when you do it? Mm...
Lowkey he probably gets some of his mafia persona ideas from you 💀
His mafia coworkers have no questions about how you two get along, and they generally like you. The other Hunting Dogs have a few more questions
Tachihara isn't some shy, quiet introvert, but he is generally pretty chill and a nice person. They like to playfully tease him about how different the two of you are (though if it gets too far he knows he can count on you to rip them a new one with no issue)
Dw they still like you though! Especially Teruko
He has absolutely no problems with you for being cold and blunt. It's nothing he himself can't handle, and in some ways it actually makes talking to you easier
Again, I'll stress that you're not mean to him, you're just not the most lovey-dovey person out there. But you DO put effort in and that's what Tachihara cares about, even if it isn't in a stereotypical way
If anything else, you're certainly loyal!
Tachihara loves you for all of your different eccentricities, and he's also kinda turned on by them. Win-win? Win-win.
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen
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katesmemes · 3 months
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
"I don't think that blush is your shade."
"I'll probably just stay home."
"This is the first critical rager of the year."
"You know what your doctor said."
"You need socialization."
"Why don't you use my tanning bed?"
"You're in need, babe."
"I'm really sorry you got electrocuted."
"Are you hot for anyone?"
"[Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name]!"
"I don't know who that is."
"He doesn't play sports; he's cerebral."
"This party is gonna be clutch!"
"These things will turn your feet into hamburger helper."
"It's not haunted, just abandoned. Desecrated."
"Well, I heard [Name(s)] do witchcraft over there."
"I've never seen anybody there."
"I think it's really peaceful and quiet."
"I talk to him sometimes."
"I brought this for you."
"It's kinda morbid when I wear it so I wanted you to have it."
"That's really weird, [Name]."
"I just don't think anyone should be forgotten."
"Y'know, I wasn't gonna say anything, they were such a mess, but you look amazing now!"
"Oh my God, [Name], bag your face!"
"How do you know my name?"
"So what exactly happened to her?"
"I can never ever talk about it, for personal and legal reasons, and i also pinky swore, but I guess I can tell you. I trust you."
"I'd be screwed up if I were her, too."
"Hi, sorry, how do we know each other?"
"You're being so dramatic."
"This is not what I expected from you; you have so much potential."
"Lets find somewhere for you to sit for a bit, yeah?"
"I hate parties like this; I don't even know why I came."
"Your hair feels like easter grass."
"You know it's not nice to lead people on."
"I wish I was with you."
"It's okay; everyone does it."
"You should probably get going."
"Did you smash the mirror in the bathroom?"
"Do you know what happens to people who act out?"
"How about an apology?"
"I feel like I may want to apologize for what happened last night."
"Well, I'm glad you're okay."
"Oh, is there pizza left?"
"I think I'm gonna skip the movie."
"I'm just really tired from work."
"Do you know how hard that is on the groin muscles?"
"It doesn't even hurt anymore."
"Do you like this song?"
"We're better off up here in case anyone comes home."
"I haven't said this many words in a row in forever."
"I hate to say it, but you're either crazy, or just goddamned inconsiderate!"
"You're kind of absurd, aren't you?"
"I really don't get your fixation with that one."
"There are plenty of halfway-dece guys who would date you."
"I wanna help you, I really do, but I dunno how."
"It's a waste of time to try and fix a boy; it's better to just accept a guy's flaws."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"What happened to your neck?"
"You don't want to hold my hand?"
"This whole place gives me the creeps, okay?"
"I thought that was a really cool thing to say."
"Don't feel bad about what we did!"
"You saved me."
"Is that a rad new trend or something?"
"I don't play with dolls anymore."
"I'm sure there's some explanation."
"You know I'm usually pretty cool about things, right?"
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"You have no idea how scary this is."
"I actually feel like something's wrong."
"People are so afraid of death because they dunno when it's gonna happen to them."
"I'm not afraid of death anymore."
"I don't wanna die a virgin."
"I want to do it with someone I truly love."
"You're so supportive."
"I love our conversations."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude."
"How about I drive since you're not feeling so good?"
"Your boobs look great by the way."
"This is just too freaking much."
"It's your fault we're screwed."
"You act like you're happy for me, and you care about me, but you're not really happy for me."
"You couldn't let me have this one thing?"
"You knew I liked him and you went after him on purpose!"
"I swear, I would never do that to you!"
"Guys usually only want me for one thing."
"It just was never gonna work out between us."
"I don't have feelings for you like that."
"Do you know how uncool that is?!"
"Uh, you're not making any sense."
"Thank you for being nice to me when no one else was."
"You're the type of person who usually bullies me or looks right through me, but you didn't."
"You actually went out of your way to try to tell people I was part of your family."
"You really actually wanted me to be your sister..."
"You're a great person, [Name]."
"Listen, we're running out of time."
"Make love to me."
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luveline · 1 year
I was wondering, what do r and Steve’s schedules look like at the college in the zombie au? Do they get and free time? Wuv u
I feel the college would be on a 3/4 day swap bc there's a lot of people but also a lot of jobs to do! they’d ask for the same days off + they spend a lot of their free time like this (suggestive) !! steve zombie!au | fem!reader | 1k
Your needle pulls through the white fabric of Steve's shirt with ease. You tug until the two sides of the rip are touching and make another stitch, and another, enjoying the peaceful solace that is your room. Just outside the door you can hear Milly and Lupita playing go fish in the hallway. Milly sits in her doorway, Lupita opposite. 
Steve snores quietly in his sleep. You peek up from his ripped t-shirt. Like he can feel your eyes on him, he starts to wake, stretching and groaning under the sheets. You stick the needle through his shirt so you won't lose it and reach for his bicep.
"Hey," you say, rubbing his naked skin soothingly. 
He folds his arm to cover your hand with his. "Hey," he mumbles.
Breakfast in the town hall was put away hours ago, and dinner won't be for another three or four, but if you asked Maybelle, the woman in charge of The College's community meals, you're sure you can have whatever was left over. Or you could take something from the pantry (legally — you aren't a sneak). 
Steve doesn't look in any rush to get up and eat. He curls into himself and holds your hand to his chest. 
"What are you doing?" he asks without looking at you. 
"I'm sewing your shirt." 
"You didn't have to. I could've done it." 
"I know… You would've done a better job, too." 
Steve rolls flat onto his back, smiling at you already. You put his shirt and the needle and thread onto the nightstand and kneel beside his hip, smiling in turn. 
"That's not true," Steve says. "Don't underestimate my girl." 
You love when he says that, and maybe that's why he does it so often. My girl, emphasis on the my. You grin at him and slide your legs out so you can rest your head against his chest comfortably. You're only intending on stealing a quick moment there, but Steve wraps his arms around you easy, his nose in your hair. 
You hum happily. 
"What are we gonna do today?" you ask. 
You would've asked last night when he got back if he hadn't peeled off his clothes and slammed himself into bed beside you, hiding his face in your neck with an exhausted, "Are you okay? I'm so tired, I don't know if I can keep my eyes open." 
"Can we just stay here? I don't wanna deal with anyone who isn't you,” he says. 
"We're still gonna go to card club, right?" 
He rubs his nose left to right against your skin. "Yeah, we'll still go to card club. Henderson better behave, or I swear I'm coming home." 
"You're very mean to poor young Dustin," you murmur. 
"I'm mean to everybody. That's my thing." 
"That is not your thing,” you say fondly.
"Yeah, it is. You know it is." 
"No…" You move closer still and listen to his heart beating under your ear, eyes on your hand. You flatten your fingers over his pale shoulder and kiss at his chest absentmindedly. "No, you're lovely. You're my sweetheart." 
"I'm not," he says, with a laugh that gives away how flustered he's becoming. 
Huffing, you sit up to meet his eyes, uncharacteristically shy, a sweet, warm brown that you could fall into. You brush the sleep from his lashes. His hands creep to your hips. He takes your waist into his hands and squeezes upward aimlessly, a journey without a goal. 
"D'you miss me yesterday?" he asks. 
"Such love," he drawls. 
"You miss me?" 
"Like a hole in the head." He follows up his sarcasm with a sweeter tone. "How's the pantry? Started talking to the food yet?" 
"There was a really weird can of beans that looked like you." 
You know from his smile alone that he's going to kiss you, but you can't close your eyes in time. He kisses you, laughs, kisses you again. "A can of beans?" he asks. 
You kiss for slightly longer than what's acceptable. Every time he pulls away you follow, and every time you split for breath he's not far behind, his lips loving against your cheek, the stripe of skin just shy of your jaw, anywhere he can reach. His fingers slide behind your ear, huge hand a heat over your hair as he tips your head up. 
"No, Stevie, don't," you protest gently.
He kisses your neck, lips gentle as the brush of a butterfly's wing. "Just one." 
"No," you say, giggling at the ticklish feeling of his words and their vibrations. "Everybody knows what it is." 
"That's half the point." 
"What's the other half?" 
"I love," he murmurs, dragging his bottom lip up the column of your throat with a calculated sluggishness, "the sound you make when I do it." 
You make a sound somewhere between a laugh and a squeal, not the sound he’d been implying, and sit up. You’re delighted by his salacious teasing but still so new to his seductions. He follows you, and your heart skips a beat at his expression. 
"Just one, baby," he says.
You know that if you said, No, Steve, I really don't want you to kiss me, he'd never press it again. But you both know you like it, and his beggy, rough tone gives you goosebumps. You love how much he wants to love on you — you can live with the resulting hickey. 
"Okay," you say. You have to clear your throat for any sound to come out. "Okay. One." 
Steve steals another peel of laughter from you as he manhandles you into his lap. Something about his grip makes you think you might not make it to card club after all.
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soulrph · 2 years
i mentioned these in the tags of a post and sb saw it and asked for the list!! which was so abundantly lovely of them tbh bc like. i was gonna let these go. so thank you to the sweetheart of an angel who encouraged me to finish the list and post them!! these prompts are dialogue based and inspired by the humble yet endearingly cozy qualities of the blanket fort! i hope y'all enjoy them! and i hope everyone's staying hydrated and not clenching their jaws on this lovely day, too!
" what do you mean, you've never built a blanket fort before?! "
" sorry, you can't get in here without the right password. "
" where are all my blankets and pillows? "
" yeah, you can't wear that in this fort. no suits, jeans or shoes. only soft fluffy socks and pajamas. "
" wanna built a blanket fort with me? "
" if we got the fluffy bath towels out, we could probably expand the fort towards the bathroom. "
" if you collapse this blanket fort, i cannot legally be held responsible for my actions. "
" bring over those fairy lights, we can hang them on the inside of the blankets and make it way cozier! "
" i just think the world would be an infinitely happier, better place if we all lived in a blanket fort. "
" it's not every day you get to sleep in a house made of blankets, pillows and cushions, right? "
" hey, let's hook the blanket across the TV, that way we can have a movie marathon without leaving the fort! "
" see? it's a blanket fort fit for royalty! hence my pillow throne. bow down before me, peasant! "
" fine! you can come over; but bring every blanket, pillow and fluffy item you own. "
" oh my god, i used to make blanket forts ALL the time when i was a little kid! "
" i brought some snacks. figured it'd be a pretty sucky blanket fort without any! "
" i wonder how much you'd get if you rented out a blanket fort like this one? "
" wow... this must be exactly how michelangelo felt when he built his first blanket fort, too! "
" ingenious use of the sleeping bag, by the way! every good blanket fort needs a rug! "
" i'm having the week from hell. could we just crawl into the blanket fort for the night? "
" it's too stormy to do anything else today. i propose a movie marathon in our pajamas in the blanket fort! "
" i'm gonna go out and ask our neighbours if they have any spare blankets we could use. this blanket fort demands an extension! "
" if we insured this blanket fort, we could make a TON of cash the next time it collapses! "
" no, listen, if people can go live in vans and school buses, i can damn sure live the rest of my life in a blanket fort! "
" i made some hot cocoa. felt like a suitably fort friendly drink! "
" technically, demolishing the fort should be done via pillow fight. right? "
" aren't we a little old to be making blanket forts? "
" actually, much like lego, i think you'll find that blanket forts are ageless! "
" i thought i might find you in here. room for one more? "
" tragically, you never built a blanket kitchen. so i guess we're just gonna have to order in some take-out, right? "
" i'm not an unreasonable blanket fort mayor. i am not above bribery. entrance fee can be one kiss. "
" excuse you, we have a dress code. pajamas are in my closet, bottom drawer; fluffy socks are in the second one from the top. "
" judge me all you want, but this blanket fort has brought me more peace than anything else in my entire life. "
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Succession Preference: Baby Introducing Their First Date
Requested: 2nd preference: how would each sibling react to their baby sibling (reader) introduceing their first date (gn neutral if possible) - anon
A/N: This is just too cute to imagine!!! I love it!!! I hope you like it my love!!! Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Connor is so excited to meet them. Unfortunately for you, the whole family is over for dinner and insists on meeting your date before you go out. You were hoping to sneak out after drinks, but before dinner. Connor won't let you get away with that, though. He's eager to meet them. Really. Unlike the rest of your siblings, Connor fears no ill intentions. He truly wants to see the best in people, even the people trying to date his baby sibling. When they get there, they're immediately taken into the living room. You have no time to warn them at all. He doesn't intend for it to be an interrogation, but Connor asks them a lot of questions. Are they in school, what do they do for work, do they have any siblings, pets, what is their family like, what are their intentions with you, etc. This is just a first date. You like them, you want things to go well, but this is definitely not the type of deal where they should be meeting your family. This is not going well, not if they're with Connor the whole night. Your date just smiles and nods along. When your brother is satisfied, he winks at you before you go, telling you "they're a keeper". You thank him, getting the hell out of there before he asks anything else.
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Kendall doesn't like this at all. He goes to your father, asking if he's heard about this little date you've got planned for tonight. Of course he does. Why would Kendall care? No, no he has to put a stop to this. He thinks his father has lost his edge. He tries to bribe you with money and alcohol and shares in the company for you not to go. You try to remind him that you're an actual, legal adult. That you can see whoever you want when you want and he can't stop you. You also remind him that this is a first date, it could be nothing special. It definitely won't end in marriage. You don't know that, he warns. What are you talking about, Ken? You were never this way with Shiv and Rome. He wants to tell you it's because you're his baby. Shiv would date whoever she wanted and didn't care what anyone thought. Roman rarely dated and when he did it was never that serious. But you? You're his baby. He watched you grow up. He can't let you go that easily. He just can't. He doesn't care if this person is some supernatural genius or the next president or the bringer or world peace, he will not let you go with them. You're just a baby, his baby.
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Shiv accidentally and not so accidentally crashes your date while you're on it. You and your date go to a very local, very popular cafe that just so happens to be near Waystar. You didn't even think about if you would run into your family, you just picked it because it was a nice place. Shiv spots you laughing and smiling across from someone who most definitely is not a friend, at least not a friend she's ever seen. Hey kid, she says, dragging a chair over with her. Who's this? Wanna introduce me? If you could crawl under the table and hide, you would. Instead now you have to sit and smile as your sister quite literally interrogates them. What do they want with you, what are their intentions, do they respect that no is a complete sentence, do they know who your father is, etc. You want to die. They have this look in their eyes that screams help me, but you can't do anything. Every time you try to get her to go away and move on, she blatantly ignores the hints. When she's done, you swear it's taken forever, she leaves with her coffee and a wicked grin. Your sister doesn't like anyone wanting to date you. As far as she's concerned, you're too good for them. You'll always be too good for them. All of them.
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Roman doesn't like them at all. He doesn't even give them a chance. He makes fun of them, he points out their flaws, he picks on them. They come up to meet Logan just for a second before you go to dinner. You don't know that Roman is there until you come out of the bathroom and see your date being taunted by him. Immediately you defend them, hissing at your brother to stop it. You send them down to the lobby, needing to talk to your brother. What the fuck are you doing? You ask, ready to kill him. He was going to scare them off forever. You really liked them, you wanted things to go well. Them? You like them? Are they paying you? That earns a slap to his arm. What is wrong with you? He laughs. How much time do you have? You just roll your eyes. You'll have a big fight about it after, but for now you have to go downstairs because your date is waiting for you. Roman would never put this into words, but you dating means you're all grown up. He doesn't like that thought very much. What happened to the baby he used to rock to sleep and the toddler he held on his shoulders? Suddenly you wanted a partner? Nope, not on his watch.
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undercovergamer · 5 months
✨Klee’s Friendly “Monster”✨
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(Requested by an anonymous user)
It’s a busy day in Mondstadt, and none of the Knights have enough time to watch Klee. However, luckily for them, a certain oni just so happened to be in Mondstadt because ✨lazy writing✨, so not all hope was lost. Itto ends up babysitting and playing games with Klee, as per Kaeya’s recommendation.
‼️This fic is strictly familial, do not interpret otherwise /srs or I’ll eat your knees. /neg‼️
⚠️Also contains tickles so if ur not comfortable with that, do not read more than like… half, ok?⚠️
Anyway, I’m so sorry for the wait and enjoy this wholesome family fic 😛
I better not despawn again or istg :((
Word Count: ≈4157
It was a sunny day in Mondstadt. Master Jean needed someone to watch over Klee for the day while she took care of some important work. She’d asked Kaeya for help with this, but he had other plans this day. Of course he didn’t mind playing with Klee, but he was too busy to watch her properly. Hmm, what to do…
Jean sighed, trying to come up with solutions. “What should we do then? Maybe… maybe Lisa could watch her?” she suggested.
“I’m afraid she’s fully booked at the moment.” Kaeya replied with a slight smirk, making Jean narrow her eyes. “But, I do have another suggestion.”
“Go on.” It seemed as if everyone was busy, who could he possibly suggest?
“I’m sure you’ve heard about that new guy in town. Y’know, tall, white hair, red horns..?” Kaeya explained, hoping Jean knew about him already.
She looked at him in disbelief.
“You can’t be serious…” Surely he of all people was not the most responsible choice…?
“Of course I am. I’ve gotten to know him quite well, actually. He already gets along great with Klee.” Kaeya said confidently.
“I’d argue his grandmother is a better choice. I mean, if she can handle Itto, she could handle anyone.”
“Aw, come on. Give him a chance, he’s an adult! I’m sure they’ll be alright.”
Jean wasn’t too enthusiastic with this idea. Especially not since Itto had already caused trouble, despite being in Mondstadt for just over a week. Two days ago, he had refused to leave the Cat’s Tail after closing hours, arguing that the cats wanted him to stay. And a day before that, he and his gang were caught placing posters around the buildings and walls without legal permission. If it wasn’t for Kaeya taking a liking to him and his granny, he’d be in jail by now.
It took quite a while, but after some back-and-forth, Kaeya finally managed to convince Jean to let the oni babysit.
“Ok, fine! But you will also be held responsible if they cause any trouble.” She said, still a bit anxious about the idea.
“He’s responsible when he wants to be. Please trust me on this.” Kaeya reassured with a confident smirk.
After their conversation, Kaeya went to look for Itto so he could tell him the news. He was already hanging out with Klee, who was showing off her cool witch outfit, so it didn’t take long to inform the two. Already besties, they happily agreed to the idea, so Kaeya decided to let them wreak a little havoc on their own for a while.
Eventually, the two sillies left the city to play in Windrise instead. Klee sat on Itto’s shoulders and used his horns to steer him in the right directions. Once they arrived, Klee helped him explore the area so he’d know where everything was before hanging out around a nearby fishing spot.
“This place is pretty chill. It’s so peaceful here!” Itto said, looking at the little fishies swimming around. He thought they were pretty cute.
“Yes! This place is the best!” Klee exclaimed, happily jumping up and down.
“Hahaha! You have good taste, lil’ dude! Er… dudette! What’cha wanna do now?” Itto had plenty of ideas already, but he wanted to know Klee’s thoughts first.
“Klee wants to show you how to go fish blasting! It’s lots of fun, and we get delicious fish at the same time!” Klee exclaimed, getting ready to throw some of her signature dodoco bombs.
“Ah, er- how about we play something… less explosive? You know, like Jean said, we can’t blow anything up…” He’d been told to keep her safe, after all.
“But-! Aw… ok…” Klee said sadly, looking down in disappointment. How can grown-ups be so cruel?
“Aww, why the long face? It’s ok! We could play tag instead! Or how about hide-and-seek? Whatever you want!” He tried to suggest some other fun activities to cheer her up.
“Ooh! Yes! Klee loves those games! Let’s play both!” It worked like a charm as she looked up at him with a beaming smile.
“Ooh, both? Like at once? … Oh! Then maybe we could add new rules and stuff, right?” Itto suggested with excitement, curious to see what they could come up with together.
Klee gasped. “Yay! We can make our own game!” she cheered. She loved making up games with her friends, so this idea was perfect!
“Yeah!! Exactly! So what do you wanna add? I think we could go with regular hide-and-seek rules, but the hider can run away and change spots ‘n’ stuff…” Itto was more than ready to cook up some rules, but he quickly realized he’d have the upper hand…
“How about this: You hide, and run, I guess, while I seek! It’s more fair that way since you’re tiny.” Itto said with a chuckle, feeling proud of his idea and giving Klee a playful pat on the head. Winning too easily would be boring for both sides, after all.
“Ooh! Okay! But Klee wants to play pretend, too! How about you play as a big, scary monster? It’ll be fun, teehee!” Klee suggested, feeling excited about her idea. She wanted to be a witch that could cast spells to protect herself from the “mighty beast” before her.
“Hmm, good idea, little witch! We could have different safe spots too, like that tree! So basically if you touch it, you’re safe and I can’t get you.” Itto explained, looking around to decide on some other areas too.
“Yes!! Let’s go find more safe spots!” Klee exclaimed, excited to expand their play area.
After lots of planning and walking around to mark safe spots and barriers, they put their heads together to imagine where exactly their play area was. Klee had two spells at her disposal: one to freeze the monster in place, and one to turn herself invisible. They last ten seconds each and give her more control over the game, making it more fun and exciting. The different safe spots were marked with little rock piles and sticks. How cute!
Once the planning had finished, the sillies went back to the lake to officially start their game.
“Alright! I’ll count to 20, right? Heh, I won’t go easy on you, so you’d better find a good hiding spot!” Itto said playfully, covering his eyes to start counting.
“Eeee! This is so much fun!” Klee cheered, jumping up and down with excitement. She could barely wait for the game to start!
“Hehe. You ready? One… two…” Itto started counting, and Klee quickly ran off to hide somewhere… The games had begun!
“18… 19… 20! Ready or not, here I come!” He called out, looking around himself just in case the little witch had hid nearby. “Where did you go…?” he said playfully, searching around the area.
He checked behind a tree… but no one was there.
He checked in some bushes… but no girl was found.
He checked behind a large rock…
“Aha! There you are!” …and found little Klee crouched down behind it!
“Eep! Oh no! Hehehe!” She quickly got up, making some dramatic motions with her hands before shouting “Freeze!”
“Ack- noo!” Itto dramatically acted as if he got frozen in place by her magic.
“Hehehe! Can’t catch me!” Klee taunted playfully, running away to hide somewhere else.
“J-Just you wait!” Itto stuttered, pretending to feel cold from the “spell.” After ten seconds had passed, he shook himself off and sprung back into action, searching once again.
He checked near some trees, looking behind them.
“Where could she be…?” he asked himself, but then.. he heard a giggle coming from some nearby bushes. He could’ve sworn he saw a little red hat sticking out! So, he got an idea.
“Oh noooo, where did she goooo~? Ah, she’s too good at hiding! I’ll never find her at this rate~!” he said, louder than necessary in a silly voice to make Klee laugh.
“Pfft- hehehehe!” she tried to hold it in, as to not reveal her brilliant hiding spot, but Itto was simply too funny. He grinned and moved closer to the bushes, hearing the giggles increase.
“Oh? Who put this giggly bush here? That’s so strange…” he said, pretending to inspect this mysterious bush. But then…
“BOO!!” Klee suddenly jumped up, scaring the mighty “beast” before her.
“AAH!!” Itto actually got spooked and stumbled backwards, making Klee laugh.
“Hehehehe! Are you okay, Mr. Monster?” Klee asked, giggling at the oni’s dramatic reaction.
Itto cleared his throat and composed himself, nodding at her question. “Hahaha… y-you little rascal! Just you wait ‘til I-”
“Wooosh! I’m invisible!” Klee interrupted, casting her little spell and giggling as Itto pretended to lose track of her. He seemed so confused, looking around dramatically.
“Wha-?! Huh?! Where did you go?“ he said, turning around to look elsewhere. “Little witch? Come back!” he called out, being a master actor.
“Hehehe!” Klee ran around him, poking his sides suddenly, which made him jump.
“EEP! Hey! Wh-?! Who did that?!” Itto exclaimed, turning around, but Klee wasn’t behind him anymore. She giggled and ran around him, poking and tickling him for the funny.
“Ack- pfft- h-hehehey!” Itto giggled, trying to shield himself while pretending not to see the little witch poking him relentlessly.
“Hehe! Tickle spell!” Klee said, poking and tickling every time Itto looked away from her.
“Th-Thahahat’s n-not a spehehell!” He said, trying to step away from the little attack without squirming too much. “Y-You m-mahahade thahat uhuhuhup!”
“Hehehe! The monster is ticklish! You’re funny!” Klee said, giggling at the revelation and giving him a playful hug.
Itto quickly composed himself after that adorable attack. “Eheh… y-you know you’re not invisible anymore, right?” he said, smiling playfully and looking directly at her.
“What..?” Klee looked confused, but then remembered the ten second rule. “Oops..!” Oh no, he could see her now!
“Heheh, imma getcha!” Itto said, getting ready to capture the mischievous little witch once and for all!
“Eek! Hehehe!” Klee playfully ran away, running towards a safe space.
“Ohohoho! No you don’t! Get back here!” Itto said playfully, making his voice a bit deeper to fit his role.
Klee ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, giggling with anticipation as she was about to reach the safe space in front of her. But then… she tripped, barely missing it, and fell to the ground with a thud causing her hat to fly off. Itto gasped, catching up and quickly crouching down beside her.
“Whoa! A-Are you alright there, kiddo?” Itto asked, carefully helping her stand back up. She looked up at him with big, teary eyes. Oh no…
“Aw… hey, are you hurt? You ok?” he asked softly, checking if she’d scraped a knee or something.
“Th- *hic* That was so scary!!” Klee sobbed, sniffling and covering her eyes.
“H-Hey, don’t cry… you’re ok! It’s ok! C’mere, lemme give you a big ol’ monster hug!” Itto said, grinning playfully to lighten the mood. Klee hugged Itto, getting herself lifted into the air in a playful bear- I mean- monster hug.
“Hey, you okay, little witch?” Itto asked, patting her head softly.
“Mhm… Klee just got scared…” she said, wiping her tears and smiling a little, hugging her not-so-scary monster friend.
“Aww… it’s okay, little one! Uncle Itto is here to cheer ya’ right up!” Itto crouched down to pick up Klee’s hat, gently placing it back on her head.
“Hehe! You’re the best!” Klee said, smiling and hugging him tight.
“So whaddya say? You wanna keep playing?” he asked in a playful tone.
“Hehe! Yes!” Klee said, smiling happily.
“Alright! One sec.” Itto said, clearing his throat. “Rawr! I got you now! Mwahahaha!” he said, getting back into his role instantly and playfully holding the little witch in his mighty monster hug.
“Eek! Oh no! Hehehe!” Klee started giggling, but hugged him back tightly anyway.
“What will you do now, hm? There’s no escape from the almighty Arataki ‘Playful Tickle Monster’ Itto!” He kept his speech dramatic to make their game more immersive and fun, sitting down to lean against a tree, with Klee in his lap.
“Hehehehe! Freeze!” She exclaimed, giggling lots and flailing to escape that playful trap.
“Heh, nope. Sorry, little witch, but your spells don’t work on me now!” Itto said smugly, pointing back at the tree he was leaning on.
“Oh no!” It was one of the safe spaces they’d marked! Klee had lost the game!
“Hahaha! Brace yourself, kiddo! Cus imma getcha!” He teased, playfully wiggling his fingers above her. “You alright with that?” Itto asked with a playful grin, making sure Klee was still having fun.
“Hehehe! Yeah!” She exclaimed, playfully giggling as the tickly hand came closer.
“Alright then! Stop me whenever, ok?” He said before playfully tickling her tummy, keeping it gentle since she’s so tiny.
“Kitchy kitchy coo~” he said in a silly way.
“Eep! Hehehehehe!! That tickles!” Klee squeaked, giggling happily and playfully squirming. Itto wasn’t holding her or anything, so she could escape whenever she wanted to.
“Tickle tickle~” Itto said playfully, giggling along with her. She was so cute!
“Ehehehehehehe!! Eek!!” Klee squealed and pushed his hand away.
“Haha! You alright?” Itto stopped for a moment, being careful not to overwhelm the kid.
Klee panted a bit. “Hehehehe! This is so much fun!” She exclaimed.
“Really now? Guess you’re in for more tickles then!” Itto said, playfully tickling the little witch.
“Eeeeee! Hehehehehehehe!!” She had the sweetest little smile on her face, and she was having an absolute blast!
“Ehehehehe! Help! Help! It’s the tickle monster!” Klee squealed for dramatic effect, playfully trying to squirm away.
“Hahaha! You having fun, kiddo?” Itto stopped tickling again to let her catch her breath.
“Hehe… Yes! This is fun!” she said, happy to take a little break now.
“Hehe, alright! Just lemme know when you’re ready, m’kay?” Itto said, making a funny face at her.
“Hehehehehe!” She thought it was funny and gave him a hug again. “You’re the best!” she said, melting his heart. So cute!
“Aww, you two are getting along quite well, I see.” A familiar voice was heard, as a man walked towards them.
“(Gasp) Kaeya!” Klee smiled and sprang up from Itto’s lap, happily running towards him.
“Haha, hello there, little one!” Kaeya crouched down to hug her while smiling softly as she ran into him with open arms.
“Oh hey man! What’s up?” Itto asked, standing up to greet him as well.
“Ah, well, I just came check on you both. You should tell me where you’re going next time. Though, I figured I’d find you two somewhere around here.” Kaeya explained.
“Ohh, right. Haha! Sorry, I totally forgot!” Itto said sheepishly, chuckling a bit at his error.
“Kaeya! Please join our game! It’ll be lots of fun!!” Klee chimed in excitedly, tugging on his shirt.
“Oh? Well, what are the rules?” Kaeya asked.
“Hehehe! You have to protect me from the tickle monster!” Klee said, giggling and pointing over at Itto, who chuckled and made a “scary monster” pose, grinning at Kaeya with a playful expression.
“Ah. I see.” Kaeya had already guessed what the game was, and he didn’t need a detailed explanation. He simply chuckled and accepted Klee’s request. “Very well, then. I’ll keep you safe!” he said with dramatic effect.
“Yay!” Klee cheered, bouncing up and down.
“Aw yeah! Let’s get this thing started!” Itto chimed in, excited to have Kaeya join.
Soon enough, round two began as the little witch ran away, laughing happily.
“Eek! Hehehe! Help!” Klee giggled, running around the field.
“Grr! Imma getcha!” Itto said playfully, laughing and trying to avoid Kaeya as he playfully chased after her.
“Not to worry, little one. Cavalry Captain Kaeya is here to rescue you!” Kaeya replied, taking his role seriously and blocking Itto’s path once he caught up.
Itto was failing to maneouver around properly as the knight kept grabbing him and spinning him around, back to where he started every time he slipped past. It almost looked like they were dancing.
“C’mon, man! Get outta the way!” Itto protested, trying to act fierce despite the silly smile on his face.
“Nope. As Klee’s personal guard, it is my duty to protect her.” Kaeya replied with a smug look.
“Tch. Guess I’ll just have to capture you too then!” Itto said, trying to wrestle Kaeya instead. But, after a few seconds of their playful scuffle…
…Klee said the thing, causing Itto to freeze in place with Kaeya stuck in his arms. Oopsie. He had no choice but to follow the rules of the game.
“H-Hey! No fair!” Itto complained, arms wrapped tightly around Kaeya.
“Oh? Oh my.” Kaeya couldn’t help but laugh softly as Klee used his catchphrase like that. It was adorable.
“Oh no! Kaeya, I froze both of you by accident!” Klee said in shock, gasping with a dramatic look on her face. How could she have done this?
“Ah, how unfortunate. Haha, does that mean we’re stuck here?” Kaeya asked, unsure of what to do now.
“Yup! But only for ten seconds.” Itto said, as Klee started counting down from ten.
“… sooo, this isn’t awkward, right?” Itto asked Kaeya.
“Heh, no, not at all. I think it’s quite pleasant for friends to hug each other like this. Even if we’re frozen.” Kaeya replied with a chuckle.
“Oh, phew! I’m just glad you’re not uncomfortable or anything.”
“Hehe, I don’t mind this at all, actually.”
“Wooosh! You’re free!” Right as their conversation ended, Klee was done with the countdown and the two men were freed from their icy prison, except…
“Oh no! Kaeya!”
… Kaeya was still stuck in Itto’s hug, and Itto started tickling him.
“Pfft- ahahahahaha! Hehey! L-Lehet goho!” He wasn’t too surprised with this turn of events, but had nearly forgotten he was ticklish.
“Nah-uh, you’re my nearest target~ hahaha!” Itto replied with a grin, hugging the squirming man in place while tickling his waist.
“Ahahahahahaha! Kleehehehee! Hehehelp!” Surely one of her spells would do the trick…?
“Um… Klee can’t cast that freeze spell yet. Sorry! Hehehe!” Klee said, giggling at the scene. It was funny to see them both play like this, and certainly quite rare for two adults to act so silly.
“Ahahahah-AH- pfft..! H-Hey…!” Itto brushed over a rather sensitive rib area, making Kaeya yelp.
“What’s wrong, weak spot?” He tried finding it again, making the poor man laugh more.
“Tch-.. bh- bahahAHAHA! AhahahAHAHA!” Kaeya squirmed in failed attempts to escape, and he slowly made his way to the ground.
“Tickle tickle tickle…” Itto found it hilarious how much this man could squirm and laugh. Who would’ve thought Kaeya would be so ticklish?
“AH! Ahahahahaha!! Stop! StohOHOhop! I- I yield!” The knight felt a bit embarrassed to get overpowered so easily, but thankfully Itto listened to his plea and stopped tickling him.
“Hehehe! You’re so funny, Kaeya!” Klee said, laughing at the goofy tickle fight before her.
“Hahaha! Who would’ve thought someone as tough as you could be so ticklish, huh?” Itto teased, helping him sit up.
“Ha ha, v-very funny, Itto…” Kaeya replied, chuckling a little while he caught his breath.
“So, uh… do I win? I mean, I got both of you already, so…” Itto asked, a little confused on the rules.
“I guess so… but it was so much fun!” Klee said, smiling brightly at the two of them, hopping up and down.
“Heh, indeed it was.” Kaeya said, totally not planning his revenge already.
“Hehe! Let’s play more!” Klee cheered, running up to them.
“Yeah!” Itto said, still full of energy as always.
“Good idea, Klee. Hmm…” Kaeya already had an idea. “Hey, would you like to help me get some playful revenge?” He asked the little girl.
“Huh?!” Itto wasn’t having it.
“It’ll be funny, I bet.” Kaeya said with a smug glance at Itto.
“Ooh, hehehe! Yes! He’s ticklish too!” Klee said, smiling up at Itto, who now seemed rather nervous.
“Whuh? Me?? No way! That’s just sillEEHhehe! Hey!!”
“Oops. My hand slipped.” Kaeya teased. He definitely didn’t slide a tickly finger up Itto’s side or anything. And he totally didn’t do it on purpose to make the man yelp.
“Pfft, as if! I’m not ticklish, I was just surp-prihihised! Hehey! Hahahaha!”
“Tickle spell~! Hehehehe!” Klee unleashed her tickle attack upon his tum, making him laugh again.
“Hm?” Kaeya noticed her words, seeing an opportunity…
“Stahaha-! That’s not a thihing!” Itto protested, and he tried tickling her back. But before he could, he felt Kaeya grabbing his arms with his own, rendering him unable to move or defend himself.
“Not so fast. It’s our turn to win now.” Kaeya said, as he proceeded to join the little witch in an act of silly vengance. “Get him, Klee! Time to defeat this tickle monster.” he says with a playful tone.
“Wh- Huh? Wahahait!” How dare they do this? Two on one isn’t fair!
“Hehehe! The tickle monster is ticklish too! You’re funny!” Klee said, giggling as she tickled and poked his tum and ribs.
“Pfft- hngh…” Itto didn’t know what to do at this point. He held back his laughter due to embarrassment, but at the same time he didn’t want to escape and disappoint little Klee.
“Hmm… Itto, are you going to laugh? Or do I need to help her?” Kaeya asked, smirking deviously.
“Pfft- eheh- pffwahahahahaha!!” He had no choice but to give in after that threat, and he couldn’t squirm very far anyway with Kaeya holding him like this.
“Hehehe! Tickly tickly!” Klee said, smiling as she played him like a piano.
“Ahahahahahaha!! Nohohoho!” It wasn’t that bad actually, but he was being dramatic anyway for the fun of it.
“Great job, Klee! I’m sure he’ll surrender in no time.” Kaeya said, chuckling as he tried to prevent the oni’s squirms.
“Nohohohoho! Never!! Hahahaha!”
“Oh, come on. You’ll have to yield eventually… right? Otherwise I’ll have to join…” Oh, he’s just mean.
“Hehe! Klee will lend her spell to you too, Kaeya!” Klee said, giggling at the nervous expression on Itto’s face.
“Really? Why, thank you, little one.” Kaeya said, but once he let go to shift his grip, he didn’t have enough time to tickle before Itto tried to escape.
“This is so unfair!” the oni cried, failing to squirm away as Kaeya pushed him down.
“Sorry, buddy. I’m not quite done with my revenge just yet…” The captain said, before tickling his ribs.
“Ahahahahahaha!! Yohohou ahahahahahass! Hahahahaha!!” Itto laughed and squirmed, but he also tried to hold still so he doesn’t accidentally squirm into Klee.
Kaeya gasped. “Itto! Language!” he scolded, tickling harder and faster as a punishment. How dare he say such a word in front of a child? Unacceptable! Tsk tsk tsk.
“NahahAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto’s squirms and laughs involuntarily increased, but Klee had already moved back to a safer distance, laughing at his dramatic reactions. He’s so silly!
“Hehehe! What did he say?” Klee asked in a playful tone.
“Oh, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Kaeya replied, casually murdering the poor oni below him. It was no use though. Klee knew exactly what Itto had said and found it hilarious.
“STAHAHAHAHAP!! I’M SOHOHORREHEHEHEE!! Plehehehehehehease!!” Itto pleaded, curling up and laughing loudly as Kaeya kept tickling him mercilessly.
“Hmm… I dunno. Klee, what do you think?” Kaeya asked, easing up on the tickles to a more gentle and playful one to keep him giggling.
“Don’t be mean to him, Kaeya! He said he’s sorry. That means he’s friendly!” Klee said, moving closer to the two of them to pat Itto on the head.
“Whah..?” He seemed confused, covering his ribs with his arms to make Kaeya go away.
“Ah, I suppose you’re right. My apologies.” Kaeya said, chuckling as he released and stopped tickling Itto.
“Ehehe..! You meanie…” Itto said with a playful tone and smile, making Kaeya chuckle.
“This is fun! Let’s play more! Klee wants to be the tickle monster now! Hehehe!” Klee exclaimed, giggling at their banter.
“Oh dear. I suppose we’d better escape then, right?” Kaeya suggested.
“Ah, well… she never said I couldn’t also be a tickle monster, sooo…” Itto replied with a menacing grin.
Oh dear, someone’s in trouble.
“Hehe… ready, Klee?”
“Hehehe! Ready! Raaawr!”
“Ah- ahahahahahaha!”
Needless to say, the knight fell victom to their “vicious” attacks as the two sillies tickled him playfully. It didn’t last too long though, since neither party wanted the other to suffer. As the day went on, the three kept playing games together until it was time to head back to Mondstadt. They had a real fun time together that day, becoming best friends forever!
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I've looked through the gheist stuff, and apparently, their reasoning is that's what the characters would say. Also, they're used to being around people who aren't so 'sensitive' and that they've been around real marines and veterans. I'm white, so I have no right to decide anything, but I just thought I could offer more insight.
(prepare yourself, this is long, and this is by no means an attack to you, just me using this to voice my opinion)
Let me start out by saying: I absolutely agree...
And, sure, if we're addressing it from a (I wanna say 'realistic' but I don't like that word for the context of the game but also nothing else fits) realistic lense, then, sure, yeah, soldiers in general are absolute bastards (affectionately) and make racist/homophobic jokes often.
I've seen it irl and online, it's just a fact of the matter, their humor tends to be dark (I mean look at Ghost in game as an example, many soldiers have said his dialogue is realistic) and many more soldiers online make jokes like "oh if being called a fagg*t offends you, you wouldn't survive a day in basic training" or whatever.
It's also worth mentioning that different circles will view and 'engage' with certain topics in different ways. Things that 'fly' with a group of people will not fly with others (all ethical and legal concerns aside).
And just like, I believe, @/weebumochi said, if they wanna make those jokes and can make them 'freely' with their friend group without upsetting people? Great! They SHOULD do them with their friends!!
But that doesn't mean that some of the people that read that joke and felt upset at it (asians and not + mexicans at one point were involved) aren't also in the right to feel that way.
The moment they made that joke in a public blog they got themselves open to being crictised for it.
It also does not excuse gheistheist's behavior and the way they addressed the joke afterward, and how they addressed people's concerns over the joke, or any of their actions afterward including the dismissal of the joke and the mention of the Palestinian genocide.
Plus, just, in general, I am not (and everyone else are also not!) required to allow that mess to remain in my dash.
I don't want to be involved.
I don't want to see it.
I don't want to engage with it.
I don't even wanna think about it any longer.
I want my peace of mind and I'm getting that by blocking them.
(I'm not encouraging anyone to block them or unfollow them! I shared what I saw as the facts of the matter and what I've been told, what you do from there is your own decisions)
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twstedforyou · 4 months
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pommunist · 2 months
I really appreciate coming to your blog, to be honest for me its like a healing balm after even just skimming and scrolling others feelings on all of this. I feel like sometimes people are so unreasonable and it hurts to see people "taking sides" at all with this situation.
All Ive ever cared about with this issue is the facts. The fact that a lot of workers got screwed over and instead of buckling down and talking to people QStudios would rather it all just stop happening, make changes and not acknowledge what they did. Honestly they dont have to say anything that even takes blame for it! All anyone was asking for at first was a goddamn DM man. Like they didnt even care if they got fired they just wanted a message SAYING that. But somehow they "cant talk about it" otherwise they would be "complicate" as if they were expecting people to sue them before anyone was even suggesting that?
Everyone is acting like legality is so important as if the people who first stepped up about all of this were instigating lawsuits when thats only happening NOW because they refused to say anything! Its like...why did they have to be "careful with what they say for legal reasons" when no one was threating to sue them. Almost as if they KNEW what they were doing was considered illegal and DID have grounds for legal recourse. If not then why not make ANY statement? Why be so scared to say anything at the beginning? It just dosnt make any sense. I mean even the Union was like "we dont wanna sue you just talk to your workers" at first!
It just feels a bit like a lot of this is being blown out of proportion and considering in his last stream Q ONLY talked about himself getting doxed (not saying that Q is "over reacting" from getting doxed by the way, of course, but rather the community seems to want to use this as a reason to exempt him from any wrong doing), the Brazilians (which by the way the fact that it took ALL OF THIS SHIT for him to BARLY EVEN mention the xenophobia is just….wild ill say), and that hes not gonna be the CEO anymore and like….okay cool dude not what anyone wanted a stream from you about but like pop off I guess. It just feels like every stream hes done about this situation never clears up anything and gives vague promises that dont seem to be held or at the very least is giving us basically no info and just promises.
Amen to all of that anon ! Like everyone (including myself i’ll admit) is saying how it’s difficult to speak about these things because it could lead to legal consequences but also… You want to avoid a lawsuit ? You truly have a desire to make things right ? Then go talk to your workers. Give them the answers they’ve been waiting for. Listen to their experience, listen to their demands, listen to what they want from you. Release a statement with full excuses on the behalf of the whole company to them, thank them for what they did. Pay them the fair compensation you owe them for the months of labour they did for your project. Demand that your community and everyone else leave them be in peace, and condemn everyone who doesn’t.
Like sure, that may need you to admit that you did wrong which could be used against you in court but lets be for real. Lawsuits are stressful, can cost money and are time consuming, so who, especially young people without a lot of money and ressources to their disposal, is going to want to go through that whole legal process after getting everything they wanted and deserved from you ?
This isn’t talking about the Q vs the higher ups who refused to pay the admins and mistreated them btw thats a whole different legal affairs but still then, wouldn’t ex admins have be able to provide you screenshots of payments and conversations that you could then use in your favour in court ?
Also my blog where all I talk about is workers exploitation is like a healing balm to you anon ? You sure you’re okay ? /j ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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mediumsizedwildcat · 15 days
i know i'm like 10 years late but i started playing me2 & fandom never truly dies (i hope) i have shepard's sibling/garrus vakarian pre-mass effect thoughts
c-sec garrus, drugs, smoking, shotgunning(?), family drama, spacer shepards, m.i.a. father (shepard), f!commander shepard's brother (john)
they first meet due to john smoking at the one spot on the citadel where it's actually legal which is in view of a c-sec station. every day at the same time he bickers with an older officer who threatens to arrest him if he keeps doing this but until the officer's last day before retirement, nothing ever happens
on the officer's last day, john finishes his smoke and eggs the officer on until he gets arrested and brought into the station. he waves any complains, admitting to his fault in the situation, and the officer tells garrus, the newbie at this station, what the deal is. that human will smoke at the same place at the same time every day and every day people will complain and every day he'll bicker, knowing c-sec can't do shit. it's in garrus' hands now.
john returns the next day to the same place at the same time. he smokes, again. c-sec officer garrus vakarian introduces himself, effectively making a peace offering. john tells him his name -first name only, not many shepards around the citadel & he doesn't want garrus looking into his file
garrus drives him “home,” meaning to john's legal address, that day. john walks to where he actually lives once garrus is off again
they see each other every day for weeks. john begins to look forward to this. eventually, garrus eats his lunch there. he notices that john never lets any smoke get to the other people around the citadel, just as he uses an ashtray every time.
john gets a message from his mother, garrus joins him at the usual spot and mentions how his boss said to be kind to him today. john sighs, says, “it's bad then, huh? haven't gotten a message in years and now even the officers are being told to take it easy on me.”
john elaborates that he thought the message would be about his parents finally finding out that he's left med school. that c-sec knows means worse news. garrus asks if john wants him to stay as he opens the message
“you turians have good reflexes, right? better safe than sorry” john says as he sits on the stone railing; shock or surprise could make him fall. he doesn't intend to. he just likes the wind.
hannah shepard informs john that they know about his dropping out of med school and that his father is missing in action. john doesn't know what to make of it.
“missing in action means they haven't found remains or dog tags yet.” john says, shakes his head. “so human, to assume missing in action. they have hope. but they're both soldiers, odds are he's dead.”
garrus doesn't like leaving him alone, offers to keep him company, and john accepts. after his shift, john's still there, waiting, smiling when he meets garrus' eyes.
they go to a bar john frequents. warned beforehand, garrus agreed but wasn't prepared. john buys a drink for garrus and something to smoke for himself. a all-races-friendly drug.
garrus watches, tells himself it's absolutely legal (unlikely), dances with john. sees john pull on the bud, then share the smoke from his mouth with someone else.
garrus leans over, says he wants to try, too. with a tilt of his head, john smiles, leans closer so garrus can hear him over the music. “are you sure? this is, like, advanced stuff. pretty intimate, too.”
a pang of jealousy at the intimate part, considering the people john already shared with. garrus sees him blow out in another direction, gently grabs his chin and turns his face, a talon pressing against john's cheek. “i'm sure. i wanna try.”
john's eyes narrow, a new interest sparks in them. he pulls on the bud, presses his thumb against garrus' chin, coaxes his mouth open. leans forward, presses his own open mouth against garrus', fills it with the vaporized drug
he pulls away, meets garrus' eyes, waits. garrus relaxes, sneaks his arm around john's waist, pulls him closer. john smirks, traces his jaw, pulls him onto the dance floor.
a bit after garrus asks for seconds. john obliges, gives him the last bit. garrus breathes it in, presses forward, steals a kiss. john giggles, reminds him they haven't even had a date yet.
the night moves on, garrus wakes up in john's bed. john sits at a window, cup of tea in hand, looks over to garrus, smiles. offers him coffee, reassures him nothing happened between them. he just doesn't know where garrus lives.
garrus asks if he's lying, considering where (and how -naked) he woke up. “you were high,” john reminds, “and i only know my limits, not yours. were i in your position, i hope whoever i'd be with would recognize my state of mind and do the same as i did -let me sleep it off. not take advantage.”
they don't date. garrus asks, john says he's not the type of guy one dates. he's a one night stand in the bathroom at the club. he's the one they regret. he's not the guy one dates.
garrus asks again. says he wants to try, that john's worth trying. john's heart is already in. he agrees. just no restaurant and garrus won't pay for him
their first date is grocery shopping (mostly for snacks) and watching movies at garrus' place. john pays for himself, they cook together, they fall asleep cuddling
they're official when john gets another message from his mother. she wants to call, to hear his voice, see him. garrus encourages him. john accepts the voice call.
he's hesitant. says med school wasn't for him, that they can have the money they've been sending back if they want to. she says they found his father, that he's in the hospital. she's not mad. she calls him “sweetheart” and “my baby.” asks to see him. john disagrees, says he's not alone, which is true. once again, garrus encourages him
his father joins the call just when john agrees to let it show him. both parents gasp, his hair too long, is that hair dye? leather clothes, makeup? at least he has some knowledge from med school, no?
his father says “i thought he would've dropped out after half a year” john glares at garrus, wishes he could say “i told you so” and instead tells his parents “that's what happened, glad to disappoint” and hangs up
they have their first fight. john leaves the apartment. when he comes back, they make up with sex. their first time with each other. a drug john took right before kicks in during it. garrus gets worried, then angry. a second fight. john tries to coax him back into bed, but garrus leaves.
they break up, as john had predicted after their first date. “this won't end well,” he had said. a self-fulfilling prophecy.
they meet again. they miss each other. they try again. garrus gets caught up in work, john does, too. they miss each other. they hurt each other. they break up, swear to never talk to the other again.
john gets a call from his mother to inform him of his father's passing. a few months later, a proud message about his sister joining the spectres. a message about his sister's death.
the citadel becomes too much. his sister is everywhere, every corner reminds him of the one relationship he had. john moves to omega, gets hired for the mechs of the mercenary bands.
commander shepard opens the door, aims her weapon at the hooded man. he retaliates by aiming his gun at her. she speaks. he presses her against the wall, checks her wrist for a tattoo they'd gotten as children. shows her that same tattoo in the same spot on his own wrist.
john hacks the mech suit, dons armor of his own, and follows his sister. they meet that brilliant sniper called “archangel” and he takes off his helmet.
“garrus! what are you doing here?” jane says. john turns away and pretends to look at his weapon. he wants to cry, wants to scream, wants to jump into garrus' arms and never let him go.
jane asks john to stay behind and have garrus' back. john nods his agreement, doesn't say a word, watches her leave with his team.
when the door to the battery opens behind garrus, he expects his commander. he turns, says “shepard,” and freezes.
“technically not wrong,” john answers, his throat dry. garrus stares. john clears his throat and looks away, “don't worry, i won't fuck this up. i'm clean and i know how important this is. just... how do you know jane?”
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quimichi · 2 days
Or get to know me whatever you want lol
Antonia, 18, cis female, she/her, german, medical assistant student, infp, pisces, hufflepuff
EYES: Green, blueish, grayish lol HEIGHT: 1,58m, 5'4(?) OTHER: natrually pale, lots of moles, no tattoos, natrual eye bags, fox eyes, small dimples, full lips, small mouth, long lashes, resting bitch face lol, high nose bridge, long brown hair with highlights, wavy/curly, super shiny, pretty skinny, average curves, long neck lol, no make up, long nails, small hands STYLE: comfy and oversize, but in summer i wear more dresses and skirts, more girly, bit also still girly with oversized clothes, it's grunge like but i honestly wear any style if I like it
FIRST IMPRESSION: people say i look younger than i am, I'm very polite and kind by nature but i seem like that 120% more at the beginning than later lol
POSITIVE TRAITS: I'm polite or at least try to be, I have this helping syndrome I always need to help, I'm very open minded and I like to try new things, there are specific patients who adore me so ig I'm really likable-, even the complicated ones like me?? that's a compliment ngl, my friends say im really funny
NEGATIVE TRAITS: always sleepy, sometimes really lazy, very sarcastic and i have a dark humor, small anger issues but i control them really really well, many things can annoy me easily tho, many people say I'm too quite but in reality I just give no fuck lol I'm actually really loud, like I'm both and both is depending on the situation not good--, i talk a lot and yeah-bad in class-ik when to shut up tho
LIKES: Wind, rain, the night, stars, music, video games, sleep, my cornflakes lol, watermelon and strawberries, my super soft bed, family and friends, snow, winter in general, fog cause pretty, horror movies, ducks and chickens, especially my plush duck, cacti oh and palm trees
DISLIKES: pushy people, no manners, disrespectful behavior, pineapples cause idk not my thing, strong smells, beards cause--no, alcohol, I'm strictly against that for a good reason
LOVE LANGUAGE: Quality time (giving & receiving)
DEAL BREAKERS: the basics lol, no addictions, no job, bad temper, bad behavior, bad hygiene and so on
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE...kind, respectful, honest and loyal, the basics...I have low standards
@ i have asthma @ look, ik I'm pretty, nothing wrong with confidence, but having random people telling me 4 times i look like a pinterest model made me so so happy @ I'm REALLY good at parking backwards lol @ i rarely go out, like i don't need to i love it at home but if i go out i also like it more peaceful @ i love parking lot dates, getting food and sitting in the car for hours talking, my fav @ its hard to scare me, or make me feel really disgusted. I can look at all things, even smell and i wouldn't be fazed by it at all. But touching is a no-- @ super scared of deep waters like--what if something is underneath me??? @ i love plants but plants don't love me @ i can draw really well-i think so at least @ hardcore dreamer @ I'm not really touchy. Like i don't need physical affection that much or at all. Cuddles aren't really my thing, they're ok sometimes--- @ no matter when and where, if i wanna sleep I'm out in 10 minutes or less @ I'm 18, in germany it's legal to drink beer with 16 and any other alcoholic drinks with 18. I never drank one sip and never will. Super scared of alcohol, i feel very uncomfortable with it around me. Drunk people scare me so much that i wanna distance myself. It can even get to a point where i will constantly distance myself from that person so much that our contact breaks, if they abuse alcohol.
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
HI can you do me a favor and help me figure out baizhu?? i love his character but i have never played genshin impact and watching through walkthroughs? yeah no thanks (i mean cmon 48 hour walkthrough JUST for inazuma??
like, his personality and lore? i mean, i'm doing my own research about him rn by reading through the wiki and ill also watch cutscenes later but i just need some insight!! u can 100% just use this to rant about him, i am desperate 💔 how does one write for him!! how do you write for him!? help 😭😭i love him sm i wanna write him AT LEAST a bit accurate to character
if you don't mind of course! feel free to ignore this! take it easy aph, have a great day!!💞💞
aph's baizhu analysis.
hi kaiser hello <333 that is SOOO valid tbh inazuma specifically is a headache for multiple reasons... i think i'm going to watch someone else play the fontaine archon quest (...i did this with baizhu's story quest too LMAO) because i have no genshin motivation, but there are a couple people who are wanting to hear my thoughts about lyney lynette & freminet. THAT'S NOT THE POINT THOUGH I WOULD BE SO DELIGHTED TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT BAIZHU i love him so much he is so dear to me... as a professional baizhu liker i would be glad to help you out. if you need me to, i can explain anything in more detail! just let me know <33
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first and foremost, baizhu is generally a very gentle, benevolent, and patient character. he's got sass to him, but generally is very kindly about everything he does. also my guy is so stubborn. god. he is so stubborn.
^ additionally, he is well-trusted by children because of his soft demeanor. they generally aren't scared of check-ups performed by him.
regarding his stubborness, baizhu tests his own medication on himself. he will also poison himself to gain a better understanding of what poison he's working with. he's stubborn with things like his own health and the way he tests medications.
now, this may be more of a headcanon, but... about baizhu's supposed cowardice. yeah. i don't think that's true. do you know the distinction between being harmless and being peaceful? one who is harmless can cause no damage. one who is peaceful can cause damage, but chooses not to. i believe baizhu is peaceful, not harmless. to me, his supposed cowardice is... not genuine. i don't see it, but this opinion may vary depending on who you ask i think.
he is a good-hearted person canonically...
bro also, canonically, has shady business practices. i personally write these business practices in a very particular way; that being, baizhu overcharges people who he knows can afford to be overcharged. he overcharges the wealthy.
^ similarly, baizhu may sometimes charge nothing at all. he does this when he knows someone can't afford what they need. he generally does his best to make healthcare accessible. he's so real for that.
this is a little headcanon-y, but baizhu cannot stand people claiming to heal illness through piety and faith. he fucking hates that.
^ that headcanon is based off of the fact that he has legal dealings with yanfei about people selling fake medication and whatnot.
i don't know if you know baizhu's entire backstory yet, but the general idea is that changsheng is something akin to an adeptus and has been making contracts with people to keep herself alive for (presumably) a few centuries.
her power enables her hosts to use what baizhu refers to as a "secret art" to heal folks ailed by anything from injuries to poisonings... but of course, there is a drawback. the user of this art transfers whatever their patient is suffering from onto their own body. this is why baizhu is disabled and chronically ill; he has taken on probably every condition known to man fr but we love him for being so kind.
changsheng can only make contracts with pure of heart people. people who aren't genuinely, truly good literally are not viable for her contract. she will die without a host (presumably because her power is slowly draining and she can no longer sustain herself without the support of another being's life force).
^ going off of that, this is part of the reason why baizhu seeks immortality (and do be sure to remember that his pursuit is not a secret. literally all of liyue knows AJSKSHAKFHF... but do also keep in mind that changsheng's contract is a secret so he doesn't tell people about that part). he doesn't want her to die, but he also doesn't want another person to take up her contract and continue the cycle. i also like to think that he doesn't want to leave qiqi alone but that's just me being insane over dad!baizhu he's so fatherly in my brain please hear me out on this one /lh
to stop qiqi from fulfilling orders, if i recall correctly, someone would have to hug her and tell her they love her the most. baizhu does this, but the effect is greatly diminished when he says it. the only reason baizhu sounds insincere when he tells qiqi "i love you the most" is because he believes every life has equal value. he loves her, but not the most, because he is enamored with life in general. this detail about his character is often the topic of angst in fic, but it's important to remember that baizhu is not incapable of love because of it. he is just... not someone who would put ultimate value on one life, because again, he believes all life has equal value.
yes, he does use qiqi for his own ends and research about immortality HOWEVER. however. he is not neglectful or abusive in any way towards her. he treats her well.
because she is a character closely related to baizhu, here's a little detail for the silly snake: changsheng canonically has no filter. she says whatever the fuck comes into her little brain. she's silly. i adore her. she is not bad though! her intentions are generally good.
baizhu doesn't like taking things from people for free. he has difficulty accepting gifts... which often come from the general population of liyue.
generally, what i find to be helpful when learning to write a new (playable) character is reading their voicelines and lore. reading voicelines can help you figure out any particular speech patterns or diction that characters are inclined towards using!
i promise i am not trying to advertise my fics LMAO but if you need a reference, and you want to see how i write him personally, please let me know! i have a few pieces in which i feel like i wrote him well.
i love when people ask me to help with characterization ausskgkgng so if there's anything else i can do please don't hesitate to say so <3
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kenobster · 3 months
Hey just wanna say i (as an individual who ships obikin) thank u for putting encouraging words about obikin even if u see them as besties. It’s really discouraging to see so many other shippers sh*tting on obikin people just for shipping obiwan and anakin. Yes ik it’s a controversial ship if u look at it closely but i just do it for fun (and love the chemistry between them). I dont shit on other ships (unless it’s really REALLY problematic) and like cant they just leave us alone in peace?? Same with reylo like yes it’s another controversial ship but again if u dont think and/or look too hard then just have fun with it.
I dont mind codywan im not a huge fan but i see why they ship it, just aint feeling it like obikin does. Same for the rest of other ships (except for dinluke i will die for it as well)
Sorry for the ramble (^^;) long story short that campaign speech u put for the silly ship poll was well put!
Hi anon, I am incredibly glad to hear that I could reassure you after all the mean things that antishippers have been saying about your ship. Ship and let ship is a crucial rule in this house of mine, in which Obikin and Codywan are both very welcome. :D
However, I do invite you to examine some of your own beliefs about this subject. Specifically, I'm curious what compelled you to say "I don't shit on other ships (unless it's really REALLY problematic)." While that's the part that most stood out to me, there is other concerning verbiage in your ask (i.e. the frequent use of the word "controversial" and "if u don't think and/or look too hard" which both felt like similar apologetic statements you use when shipping something you feel others will judge you for).
First, I want to highlight what you said about why you ship Obikin — "i just do it for fun (and love the chemistry between them)." To me, that communicates that you don't see any harm in someone enjoying a ship purely because it is appealing to them. Additionally, you say, "can't they just leave us alone in peace??" which suggests frustration that other people don't share your opinion.
Is it possible that the "really REALLY problematic" ships are enjoyed by people for reasons similar to yours? Is it possible that they, too, would like others to leave them alone and let them enjoy a harmless hobby in peace? What makes it acceptable to shit on their ships and not yours? Who gets to decide which ship is an Obikin-level ship and which is a "really REALLY problematic" ship? You? Me? Can you be certain that our definitions agree?
The first thing you should consider is what makes you feel like a ship is "really REALLY problematic." I think you'll find that most of it is a Squick factor — a gross-level factor. Maybe Obikin is "hot" to you, but it does gross other people out. Similarly, perhaps some ships, especially ones with components that might not make much sense in real life, are "hot" to others but gross you out.
For example, I'd like you to picture Chancellor Palpatine kissing AOTC Anakin on the mouth. Make sure your imagination includes Anakin's young boyish features and his barely-legal Padawan braid. 😉 Now imagine them having sex. In case you're having a hard time picturing this, here's some pictures of them to help you out! 😊
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If you're like most people I know, I bet you're super grossed out right now. You might even consider Palpakin to be much more problematic than Obikin. But I chose Palpakin as a comparison for a reason! Because, when it comes down to it, how are these two ships any different in scale? Anakin views both Obi-Wan and Palpatine as a father figure. Both have mentored Anakin since he was 9 years old. There is a significant age gap and power imbalance in both ships. I've even read both Obikin and Palpakin fics that feature sexual activities with Anakin while he's still a minor.
It seems the only difference is that one tends to gross out the average person more than the other. Is being grossed out a reason to shit on someone's harmless hobby? For example, I'm extremely grossed out by sushi. Is that a reason to ban sushi worldwide? Obikin might gross me out, but I don't come after you or your fellow shippers. Palpakin might gross you out, but that's not an excuse to come after me. And maybe other ships gross both of us out, but I will not join you in going after them.
In other words, ALL fandommers, as you so aptly put, "just want to be left alone" and "enjoy the chemistry" of their ship without "thinking about it too hard." So until you agree that NO ship is problematic, you are inviting the same criticism upon ships that YOU like. Because anti-shippers aren't just coming for the "really REALLY problematic" ships; they're coming for every single one of them.
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my-chaos-radio · 2 months
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Release: February 15, 1990
Now when I'm down on the microphone stand
I give you all the dope lyrics and
Introducing the band
To make you understand
How this is planned, I demand
A microphone to rock the home boys
with an instrumental to make noise
Yo, I rock the home girls too
I'll explain the name of the crew, yo
This beat is, this beat is
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is Technotronic
And Eric's got lyrics for ya
I saw ya posse
But now it's me who's bossing
So I give the orders around here
You don't wanna get sacked so be
A good party goer, get the floor ready
And yourself ready, huh, I rock steady
Like a rock and I won't stop
Till it's at the top and the suckers drop to hop to it
Yo, they couldn't do it, to get more to the point they blew it
But not like ya blowing the speaker
They can't go on because they're weaker
I seek a strong posse
I insist for this the proxy
People prove that legal beats can equal feats that I produce
and Techno produced it
so tight why you can't be a loose fit
So step right up for your sizes
You don't want some surprises
This beat is, this beat is
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is, this beat is
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is Technotronic
There's the dance floor, get on it
And Eric's got lyrics for ya
Dance floor your must watch
You don't wanna make noise so hush, shh
Listen, no hissing and booing
I mean who in the world is fresher?
I test the MC in my spare time
but right now I'm
making the song I'm on the right track
There's a dope beat and this is the rap
That was a warning. I'm getting warming
Now we're all in,
Move the nation,
I put grace in,
put balls in,
side the glide and ride
So lowly I confide in you to
Let all the beats just move you
No you know what you gotta do
Now when I'm down on the microphone stand
I give you all the dope lyrics and
Introducing the band
To make you understand
How this is planned, I demand
A microphone to rock the home boys
with an instrumental to make noise
Yo, I rock the home girls too
I'll explain the name of the crew, hah
This beat is, this beat is
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is, this beat is
This beat is Technotronic
This beat is Technotronic
There's the dance floor, get on it
You know what I'm saying, peace.
Rock a little something like this.
Put the party going
Get the floor ready
and yourself ready
Huh, I rocky steady
Just like a rock that I won't stop
'Cause it's at the top
And the people stop and hop to it
Yo, I mean who is the feeling to has to show
and prove and move and you've been waiting,
for a interpretation,
our views congregation,
and outwards facing,
my minds racing,
check the pacing
I'm the ace in
I don't need your face in
my direction. Get the the dance hall section.
Eric Martin / Jo Bogaert
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