#if i wanted to answer questions on reddit
devastatinglygreen · 2 days
Can you tell the episode 5 spoilers you got?
i can but since i really want to respect that some people don't want to see them i'm going to link the reddit thread if that's alright. i'd put them under a cut but the cuts don't really work well on mobile i guess. there's just so many and the post would be huge tbh.
if you have any specific questions i can try and answer with spoiler warnings but i think a lot of what i saw is on that thread.
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I sent two long messy asks, describing my problem horribly. Trying to save you some time, hopefully you see this before to replying to them... I think the word I was looking for was "acts". I did some more digging around, saw someone in a reddit post use the word "Milestones" and it all clicked. Then I searched your blog and the only relevant word was "acts". I'm having trouble identifying the acts of my story. What I want is to identify the acts, and then break those down further in order to create an outline. The trouble might lie in not knowing exactly how the story will end (I have the climax and what the result is, but not the denouement or new status quo). It might also be because the story will be a series but uncertain exactly how it will be split up.
Sorry for the mess in your inbox, and I do hope I haven't wasted your time 🤧
I didn't see this before I answered your question. Hopefully I still got to the heart of your question.
If it helps, generally speaking you can divide your acts up like this:
Act I = Setup: exposition, inciting incident, 1st plot point Act II - Confrontation: rising action, midpoint, plot point two
Act III - Resolution: lead up to climax, climax, conclusion I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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bonearenaofmyskull · 5 months
I am still watching s3 so maybe I am a fool to ask this question but I don't wanna be a delulu when it comes to m/m ships, that too from 2013-15 but like was Will truly like truly jealous of Bedelia 🫠 I saw in Reddit that he was but then I saw other posts saying he's not and that he only wanted her to pay the price . So like is hannigraham one sided canon ? I am fine with that too . I am used to it after spn finale. 😭
I'm not on Reddit so I couldn't speak to what's being said there. I'm barely on here any more, frankly. I couldn't begin to respond to assertions that I'd only be imagining what their logic and evidence is, especially when my memory of all the details is growing dim.
But moreover these Hannigram questions from Reddit I keep hearing about are all dead horses that the meta writers who were around #BackInMyDay have beaten enough to prompt a social worker to climb out of them.
I'm happy to hear that Reddit has a living community of Hannibal fans who are actively debating their interpretations of the show, and that the show is growing new sets of fans to immerse themselves into these interpretations and debates. And if that's so, then if there are those who have taken up the mantle to argue against those things that I believe, then I'm sure there are those who can and have and will take up the mantle to argue for the things I believe as well.
If you want to become one of those people but feel like you need to do a lot of research to get to the point where you're ready, here are the blogs that were active writing meta in my day. Many of them are inactive or have moved on to other things, but I'm sure you can find a wealth of knowledge in their "hannibal meta" tags, or just by looking around their blogs for how they've tagged their own work:
Please understand I'm not sending you to their inboxes per se, but to the wealth of work that they've already produced. If they still want to field questions about Hannibal or Hannigram, I'm sure they can let you know, here or elsewhere. Please just be polite: I have gotten a great deal of very demanding and entitled messages of late, whether people are coming from Reddit or elsewhere, but that's not the social norm on Tumblr and never has been to my knowledge: much like AO3, people will make updates when the spirit moves them, not on demand.
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epic-sorcerer · 3 months
I just deleted the Reddit account after like months and months of trying to get away from it but it pulling me back
Btw if I suddenly bring up I’m back on Reddit please do me a favor and throw my phone inot the nearest ocean
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Continuous services cost money you fucking retard.
I don’t doubt it!
I made a mistake, I didn’t fully research what I was saying, and I got something wrong.
Luckily, kind people pointed out my mistake and corrected it! The problem isn’t that he’s charging money, it’s that he’s charging too much and the change is too sudden! I wouldn’t have known that unless people pointed out my mistake and corrected it. What doesn’t help is pointing out my mistake, correcting it sure, but not actually helping me understand what’s actually happening. Calling me a retard doesn’t help either.
Hey, at least next time don’t send the ask anonymously so I can at least tell that the asker has a backbone and isn’t hiding behind the mask of internet anonymity to call people names and be a general nuisance <3
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tsirkatin · 5 months
the way i am almost physically restraining myself from commenting on a reddit thread to explain that pride isn't some cutesy-wutesy fun little parade that happens for no reason
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scarletfasinera · 7 months
The way grown adults in their twenties still talk about how they didn't learn about x historical event or y horrific thing the US did back when they were in highschool as if it's any excuse for their willful ignorance is like actually so pathetic. It's four years of schooling that you had a decade ago of course you didn't learn every single thing in the world, no one does in any school in any country. You're not special. It's time to grow up and make the effort to learn things for yourself, You're Not In Highschool Anymore
#txt#like it's always “I didn't learn xyz in school” and “the US education system sucks” girl you're 25.#Literally stop talking about highschool.#If you're not going to make the effort at least own up to it instead of making excuses and getting defensive#Like all of these people spend so much time complaining about what the US didn't teach them when they were a CHILD#when they could be spending that time. Googling? Reading? Asking their peers questions?#This is the information age. There is literally no excuse#when most of these people are on the computer actively using the internet for hours upon hours every day#or their phone or tablet or whatever else#making post after post on social media. But literally only getting their news from Twitter or Tumblr? Insane.#Do some reading yourself.#Idk check out library books. Your library needs the foot traffic anyway.#Ask questions on Reddit. There's plenty of people who actually are totally interested in answering your questions in good faith.#Ask questions on TUMBLR even. I know there's plenty of people HERE who are willing to answer questions in good faith.#Your peers are a great respurce to utilize for learning about Literally Anything!#Not that everyone knows everything. But it's still awesome to ask your peers questions and discuss things with them!#Like it's actually a great way to learn new things! It's kind of ONE of the big reasons things are taught in whole classes of people!#I can't stress enough! OP makes a post it is ok to ask them a question about it or ask about further reading or ask for a source!#As long as you're asking in good faith because you want to learn! It's not a bad thing to do!#If OP gets really upset and nasty about the question—that's not cool BUT you can't really blame them.#If they are a victim of whatever their post is about it's very frustrating for them and moreso that they feel they have to TEACH people#about it. So give people some grace in that regard. Not everyone will have perfect responses 24/7.#For the most part people will be able to recognise and understand the genuine desire to learn about something and help and will be at LEAST#willing to point you in a direction. Even if it's just a Subreddit or another tumblr acc or something#Like I cannot stress enough. You can do something to change your “lack of education” about subjects by Educating Yourself#and Asking. Questions. And. Talking. To. Your. Peers. About. Things.#There's a hobbyist for everything. There's one autistic guy with a special interest out there that has all the answers to your questions#There is also like. News that isn't state-sponsered. But use critical thinking and look into sources.
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dulcewrites · 10 months
Yall I appreciate the support I do. I see your anons and thank you for reaching out. I hate complaining bc I know I have a lot of people that enjoy what I put out, and this is just poof. But like I said on that original post - along with the innappropriate anons, I also do not want to keep having discussions about ‘leaks’ or ships I do not care for.
If people want to think those things, that’s their pregative. I don’t agree with them but the beauty is, I don’t follow nor intact with those people so I don’t see it. Bringing it to my blog defeats the purpose of me staying away from that. I don’t need to be alerted every time someone says something bad about Aemond (or alys or Alicent). I don’t need to be alerted about helaemond or daemyra (two ships I do not like). I don’t want my blog being a bunch of anons about stuff I genuinely don’t care about. I hope y’all understand I don’t say this to be mean or bitchy, and I agree that it doesn’t make sense
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I wish the phrase “waste of space” wasn’t so overused because it’s honestly the perfect insult. The implications behind it. ‘We could’ve put a cushion on that chair instead of him’
#reading aita posts again & trying to resist the urge to comment ‘you’re a fucking waste of space and i hope she leaves you’#the guy who told his girlfriend that her (gorgeous and extremely skillful) crochet afghans are ‘useless’???? i hope she strangles him#with yarn. or crochets with his optic nerve#the way i’d leave anyone who had anything disparaging to say about my knitting in the fucking dust#there’s just no need for it. you can absolutely say ‘hey i noticed this patten is kind of holey; is that practical?’#and you can say something is not to your taste IF I ASK. if i didn’t ask you’re going to get ‘when did i ask’#constructive comments/questions are 100% welcome as is stuff like ‘honestly i don’t wear hats so i’d rather you didn’t make me one’#but call anything i do ‘useless’ and you’d better hope you have a fire extinguisher on hand#it’s not hard to get right. like. i had this flatmate who was an absolute grade A dick and even HE managed to not say anything stupid about#what i was making. the first thing he said about it was ‘are you knitting?’ (i guess he didn’t know the difference between knitting#and crochet which was fair) and then he said ‘oh cool my mum knits i think. what are you making?’ and then the second time he saw me#knitting he was like ‘oh cool you changed colour’ and i was like ‘yeah i finished the brim of the hat’ and he was like ‘cool’ lol#IT’S NOT HARD TO GET RIGHT!! i think some people on reddit just genuinely have no social skills whatsoever#like if you wouldn’t want someone to say something about your hobby; don’t say it about theirs. simple#tl;dr ‘aita?’ the answer is yes. and you are also a waste of space#personal
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jacqcrisis · 2 years
People in the banpitbulls subreddit are something else. The vast majority of dogs belonging to the various bully breeds we collectively call 'pit bulls' go through their entire lives without a problem but if you just listened to them, every single one if those dogs will murder a minimum of seven school buses full of orphans by the time they are five.
Yes, it is a dog with a high prey drive that needs an experienced owner and plenty of exercise and mental stimulation in order to properly keep it. Yes, they should be leashed, properly socialized, trained well, and under supervision around children and smaller animals AS ALL DOGS SHOULD as every dog has the capacity to do a lot of harm. Yes, the five or six different bully breeds are responsible for more attacks than any single other breed. Yes, pibble advocates can be annoying, insensitive, and get a lot of the nitty gritty wrong.
But no, not every pit bull type dog is a ticking time bomb monster whose planning to eat you, your family, your other dog, and your house. In fact, statistically, most of them will not be a problem. Stop having a panic attack or a rage induced aneurysm every time you see someone posting a picture of their bully being cute.
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eikaronswelt said: I haven't read the comics but I keep thinking it would have been amazing to make both Desire and Despair fat. Like two sides of the same coin.
omg that would have been so cool!! the actor who plays desire does a great job, i love the annie lennox vibes they bring to desire. but since the show decided to tone down despair (apparently, according to those who know the comics) and make her basically just look like a fat woman in ordinary clothes with unwashed hair, it would’ve been great if her twin could’ve been purring and nonbinary and gorgeous while fat. 
instead, the only other fat character the show gives us is a serial killer who  murders children (and the way he’s portrayed, seems like he may sexually assault them first?)--a sort of big man-child whose fatness emphasizes his stunted development as he hunts down kids to be his ‘friends.’ it’s so gross that he’s the other fat representation this show offers. 
given how much thought they put into all the aspects of the tv adaptation, i honestly don’t know if it’s more depressing to believe that they deeply considered what despair should look like in this modern version and thought ‘yep, fatness’...or if they just looked at the comics version of despair, chose what to adapt to make her work onscreen, and didn’t think at all about the fact that she’s fat, because to them it’s common knowledge that fat equals misery. either one depresses me. and i loved the series otherwise.
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So I have my personal tastes in media and as such have avoided those shows such as "the boys" or that amazon cartoon. Anywho I just like to avoid and not judge but Instagrams All Knowing Algorithm just sneezed and showed me a clip of like the blonde dude beating up a blind kid who did absolutely nothing wrong and even complimented him calling him an inspiration and I am just struck with the question of WHY?? Why do people watch this ? What is the point of meaningless violence? why do people enjoy this? And even worse knowing the internet Why do people idolize this behavior? Maybe I'm just TOO autistic or TOO tired to read the sticky notes covering the walls of humanity but I am truly confused.
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crypticpine · 9 months
Hey, so if you don't want to use Reddit, where do you go if you need to know if you're the A-hole?
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demo-ness · 1 year
i am glad r/pugs is still up it’s the only one i regularly look at (i only look at posts pushed to my notifications on my phone. it has learned to only push r/pugs)
but r/pathfinder going down has hurt me dearly
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cinastre · 1 year
playtest & scheduling, and secret & heart for any character you'd like!
thanks!! for the character ones im gonna answer for leynah!
Playtest: What class (or subclass) do you want to try out?
i think ive played every class at least once but i really want to play more wizard stuff!! and multiclassing. let me play weird builds
Scheduling: Do you prefer to play in long campaigns, oneshots, or something in between?
oooh im gonna have to say mid-length campaigns! oneshots are fun and all but i really like the idea of telling a longer story with more chances to develop characters/relationships/etc and really live in the world! i dont have any experience with playing long campaigns so i cant speak to those
Secret: Is there anything that you know about your character but your character doesn't know? What is it? How did you come up with this secret?
there are a few things i know that she doesnt! i know her dad was actually a very important figure before his betrayal and that she had three other parents when she was born. i also know that the fire at the edges of her being is dragon fire! i came up with them cause a) i think the Traitor is a very interesting character type to explore b) her mom and dad are really hot and i think they should be poly and c) fire being a symbol/source of life and dragons as wardens of it is really cool, and i think her inheriting some but not really knowing about it cause shes isolated is very neat
Heart: What drives your character? Do they have a theme, question, mission, etc. that they're holding onto? How did you pick it for them?
leynah is driven by her desire to be a part of the world she was kept away from and to make her dad proud of her. shes not sure why they had to live so alone but she wants to be successful enough for them to be welcomed into it. the question that led to her creation was what happens to the kids of the Heroes and really important people in times of strife
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spirirsstuff · 1 year
this trivia is so fucking easy give me the hard questions i usually get
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