#if any transphobe is following me
chamiryokuroi · 3 months
pro tip just identify as a nonbinary gay man and call people transphobes if they accuse you of being a fetishistic fujoshi. works like a charm ppl do it all the time
Anon this is the worst take I have ever seen in my life, I am not going go be identifying as a gender I am not just because?? the fuck is wrong with you?? Gender identity should not be used as a “gotcha” or to get a “free out of jail” card!! Nonbinary and trans people already go through a lot and I am not going to use their struggles for my benefit!
This is wrong, transphobic, and I need you to tell me what part of my blog ever made you think I would be ok with this? So I can go and remove it ASAP because I would fucking never.
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artheresy · 3 months
An argument over whether or not Dan Heng is Dan Feng seems to have begun getting sparked again in certain parts of the Fandom and it does nothing but hurt my head to no end
Both sides cherrypicking or treating it like a strange situation, making false equivalents. "Yknow governments don't consider people who've lost their memories to be separate people" that's a flawed argument to use in favorite of DH = DF because it's not just he lost his memories. He literally grew up, experienced his own childhood, had a whole identity cultivated based on those experiences and that life and continues to live his own life. To treat the situation like it's just him getting a bit of amnesia is wild to me
But also I hate when people continue to insist he's running from Dan Feng and his past and how he's miserable and shouldn't ever confront the past and deal with it as if his and Blade's whole stories aren't centered around rebirth and karma, paying for your past life's karma. He needed to confront the past to ensure a freer future! He literally has!! And he will continue to do so because he realizes this, DH isn't dumb and he's grown since we first saw him. He understands
But yeah uh I'm so tired
This whole thing feels very Ship of Theseus. What makes the ship what it is, the physical aspects of its planks, its sailing history, or both?
For him, the question is what makes someone who they are? Is it the body that makes them up and any inherent genetic factors (like traits)? Is it their experiences, how they've grown up, and the identity they've developed in that time? Or is it both factors mixed together?
Personally in the case of Dan Heng, I think it's both! Yeah he has a lot of traits from Dan Feng. There's a lot inherently there. But we can't disregard his own experiences and the identity that has formed based on his history and what he's seen.
Again I can't stress this enough... It is a false equivalent to compare him to people who lose their memories or get amnesia, he didn't just lose those memories. He started life from the beginning, a whole different kind of life. And even then, the amnesia topic comes with its own debates. Isn't there a whole other thought experiment regarding someone put to trial who ends up with amnesia and what their verdict should be?
I guess in the end, it's all up to people's own philosophical beliefs after what constitutes a person. My personal belief that DH and DF will always be connect but the separation between them is also meaningful is something based on my own ideas of what consisitutes a person and their individual identity, similar situation with how I see Rukkhadevata and Nahida as connected but still not the same person exactly. At the end of the day again, it's personal beliefs
But what I can't stand and can't stand by, is someone acting all high and mighty like they're perfectly right and everyone else is wrong, especially when they're cherrypicking or not holding all their evidence to the same standard. According to some ppl, apparently it's better in the CN fandom where instead of treating it like "I'm right you're wrong" people have divided themselves into "DF and DH one person" and "DF and DH two people" groups and most importantly of all, they treat both like theories and just keep to their space and tag which they believe when it's relevant. Why can't we just do that? Why can't we follow in their footsteps instead of bringing up this argument every so often with the same tired flaws from both sides?
#Lore discussion in this community can be so tiring#I wish more people would be open to their viewpoint being challenged instead of believing they can never ever be wrong#And seeing people throw out wild accusations#Like someone saying people are transphobic if they believe dh is df like what?#I get it if you identity with dh and read it as a trans narrative personally even if I dont#Doesn't mean you can call people transphobic over it#I dunno I'm tired#Everything I see this topic I get mad#“He says you're my past in the ichor of two dragons!!”#He also says right after “But you won't follow me into my future” so your point is?#Additionally if we're being 100% real that animation feels like it's less about his rejection and eventual acceptance of DF specifically#It feels more so like his rejection of the role of Imbibitor Lunae given what I've talked about about the DF being there would never say#Any of those things how it's based on his biased view of him and is a projection of things he was told growing up likely#So I'm tired#One of the only good arguments I've ever seen to say DH is DF is in regards to how he clings to DF's old stuff#I have things to say about it personally#But it's a MILES better argument than some of the other ones I've seen and even then my arguments against it would still be an up for#Interpretation kind of thing like the initial argument rather than pointing out someone is looking at the full picture#Again I respect how people see it! Believe what you want to believe about it again it's all about our own perspectives#Just don't be a dick to people on either side if you don't agree with them#Dan heng#Dan feng#Hsr#Honkai star rail
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enden-k · 1 year
if you ever bullied or bully someone genuinely, to cause harm, to be mean and play with someones anxieties and insecurities fully aware of it; if youre racist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic or whatever, i tell you now to leave and never interact with me. seriously. go away. if it was not clear already (that no one wants such ppl in their spaces) : i dont want you around me or my followers.
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saintchaser · 1 year
JK Rowling is right about everything and I love that everyone except troons and other gender specials support her ♥️
You're so obviously a young woman who unfortunately suffer from being chronically online. Go outside and get some fresh air and step away from your computer. You are not male, you never will be. Nothing you do can ever change that. And I hope you know that the only ones who play along with your little fantasy are other gender specials and those who want to avoid the famous troon meltdowns. No one actually believes that you're male 😂 You're just an embarrasment to your family and I know they can't wait for you to grow up and grow out of your "hurr durr I am a boy 🤪🤪" phase.
okay so initially i wasn't going to answer this ask and i think you were the other terf anon that sent me the new book ask, but i caved in, because you (and the other one, if that person wasn't you) are just plain fucking stupid. your takes (when you have them, that is) are shit. moreover, the only thing you can say to defend that woman is going around and misgendering people 😭 what a loser move
first off, i wanted to ask you: do you follow me? are you this interested in my content? because this might just be the second time you're sending me this kind of asks, and i think i've clearly stated in my pinned post that i do not want any terfs and jkr supporters following me, so, kindly, piss off
second of all, i wanted to say that people on the genderqueer spectrum are not the only people that hate her, because they are not the only group of people that r*wling has said something against.
other kinds of queer people hate her, autistic people hate her, poc people hate her, jewish people hate her, disabled people hate her, and so on. she has actively fought against some of the aforementioned communities (indeed, the best-known being trans people, and she's had some real problems with trans women), gave into stereotypes and put said communities in a bad light. (for example, read more on the aids metaphor for lychantropy.)
gender diverse people have been targeted by jkr continuously. she has funded multiple anti-trans bills in the uk, and her twitter is a hellfire, to say the least. she's notoriously followed transphobes and, when one of the writers she liked reposted a tweet that she had tweeted about him with "trans women and women" she unfollowed and blocked him
this idol of yours has also used the robert galbraith pseudo. robert galbraith heath has been a huge fan of conversation therapy in the 70s, which is, to say the least... yeah.
also, by the way you referred to me as a "young woman", i assume that you are an adult woman / an adult man. imagine taking your precious time in which you could do something productive, like working or taking a bath or reading a book or something, to squabble with a teenager on the internet
and the fact that you're hiding behind clicking the anonymous on button shows what kind of person you are.
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designersheets · 1 month
i'm in a discord group that. unfortunately has a lot of casual transphobia (especially transmisogyny). mostly from the same people every time.
calling them out results in a conversation about it, but it always turns into a circular argument and we end up nowhere. so they never actually learn or change despite claiming they will. they don't even always actually apologize, they'll pull a "sorry you feel that way" or flip things around to being about themself instead and expect to receive apologies.
i've tried being gentle and i've tried being tough about it, doesn't seem to matter. i'm not the only one speaking up and it doesn't matter.
i'm just so tired. i consider some of them close friends but it gets harder to do so every time this shit happens. all i want is for them to actually acknowledge that it happens and stop fucking deflecting and talking in circles around it, and stop making every problem that they cause into an "i'm hurt that you called me out :( i think i'm in the right so i refuse to change" conversation. i want them to take it seriously and try to improve as people.
that can't be too much to ask, right? i just don't know what else to do at this point if they're not gonna take it seriously. i've led the horse to water so many times, but it never takes a drink.
the funniest part is that one of the people actually has been called out by the rest of them and consistently is! he gets clowned on all the time when he says stupid shit. and he's stopped saying as much of it! he's improving! i don't mind staying friends with him! why can't anyone else do it? why do they dish it out if they can't fucking take it themselves?
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purple-lunar-knight · 11 months
ew u don't like radical feminists?? u know it's the most popular form of feminism globally right? so basically u dislike most feminists that exist in the world... weirdo
i say this in the most sweet and caring way possible: eat shit and jump of a bridge
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stargoyle · 25 days
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[[vent in tags]]
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nerdyqueerr · 1 month
Was blocking a blog and saw they rbed some dumbass terf post abt the sancticity and anti-patriarchy victory of womens sports whatever whatever point is there were a few lines about rugby in it and. It was so instantaneously obvious that the poster didnt know shit abt rugby it was truly hilarious. And also keep rugbys name out of your mouth if anyone on my rugby team met you they would kick your ass
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hazmatazz · 10 months
You're not trans you're a loser with no personality
sorry followers I promise I'm only answering one of these but can we sit and laugh at how fucking stupid this is. like these anons typically only work on a person's following and not the actual person answering but this anon is targeting specifically me (someone who doesn't care)
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krispiecake · 1 year
uk moots idk if youve seen the rishi sunak school guidelines shit but. like it was already so bad like its been getting worse and worse for years now and somehow it just. like i dont think ive heard someone say something so obviously VILE about the equality act.. ever. i know its not all official yet like it was a proposed speech but i do not see this being scrapped not with the people in control rn. this is gonna kill lgbt kids especially trans kids and i feel so fucking helpless again.
#in fucking pride month too. i feel stupid and helpless.#i want to be a teacher too. i wanna make school safe for kids like me and the idea of having to follow#these fucking human rights abuses of guidelines makes me feel physically nauseous#how am i ever meant to work in education? how am i meant to be a teacher if my basic rights are encouraged to be ignored.#am i meant to put up with misgendering and disrespect every day until it kills me? until something even worse happens?#how are you meant to protect vulnerable kids when your told to hand them over to potential abuse violence homelessness or even death#conversion therapy is still legal here too.#they keep saying theyre banning it but its been 5ys since they said that and still NOTHING.#not only does it mean outing kids to their families#but it also means that they will not be protected from transphobic abuse and harassment from teachers or students.#teachers dont have to and are told not to respect any name pronoun or gender changes#if the parents dont approve#and even then teachers and other students alike will not have to respect them anyway ‘if they dont want to#you know. the shit that has been proven to fucking kill trans youth.#they wanna gut lgbt sex ed too. like probably all of it. the stuff thats been put forward from stonewall (our main lgbt charity here)#i just. i feel so fucking small.#rishi sunak and every single tory needs their head beat in with a cricket bat i literally do not fucking care.#transphobia tw#homophobia tw
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hellhoundlair · 2 years
i hope some of you know that you come across as cryptoterfs.
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Dude, you're in idiot. The club q shooter is trying to say he's nonbinary in order to avoid hate crime charges. The people around him have stated that he's gone on multiple homophobic and transphobic rants and that they wouldn't feel safe having a gay person around him. Not that this matters to you, since catholics can't read. But you're an idiot
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received first hate mail! all they did was call me an idiot! on anon! and say that Catholics don't know how to read! which is hilarious! considering the reason that we have so many influential philosophical works is because of Catholics and our annoying habit of reading and writing!
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bleedingovereden · 1 year
//had a Mental Illness Moment and didn't finish the essay lmao whoops maybe tomorrow
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boneless-mika · 1 year
Every commentary/video essay youtuber I follow has at least a little thing that annoys me
Like how Noah Samsen uses “woke” incorrectly or how D’Angelo Wallace has a tendency not to comment on certain things that are fucked up like someone saying it’s okay to bully someone for being autistic because at that point he’s just made me experience somebody saying that with no contradiction or anything which bothers me and hbomberguy once implied no adult should own legos which was very upsetting to me even though I don’t own legos because I didn’t lose all my interests when I ‘became an adult’
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dallasurr · 2 years
i haven’t been posting as much lately or making anything because life is kind of hell right now and i’m just trying to drown it out with mindless video games (have been playing raft, the wandering village, and coral island nonstop for days)
hurricane ian left us without power for 2 weeks and internet for 3, i haven’t been able to go back to work because of how bad the internet has been, i’m kind of just down and depressed in general with everything. i am probably going to have to move sooner than planned so that’s just more stress and i really need to go through all of my shit and get rid of most of it before we move so it’s less expensive since it’s across the country but i have no motivation lmao.
lots of positive things are happening too — new kitten we found in a parking lot and took in is an angel, my job has been awesome about the issues from the hurricane, i’m def gonna be able to afford to move, testosterone has been really amazing to me, etc it just fucking sucks to keep living through major life events and this hurricane was fucking devastating to my hometown and many places that shaped my childhood. i hate florida as much as the next guy but nobody deserves to have their homes, businesses and entire lives just swept away like this. seeing all of the destruction around has been very humbling to say the least but more than that it just makes me want to get the fuck away from all of this more.
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ilicythings · 1 year
I think I've successfully transitioned to a femboy
I'll be honest, when I started I thought the destination was boy, but skirts are really fucking fun and so are bikinis
so trans femboy (NOT trans femme boy)
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