#idrk what to tag this as...
tibby-art · 5 months
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walk and talk
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infectedgirlsss · 5 months
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sluttiest man in arizona
👽 alt under the cut
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dogerbooger · 4 months
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It is in fact no longer the V of days, but I mean I got it done soooooo…also technically these aren’t ship posts so I can just do these whenever I feel like (and by extension, anyone can request at anytime)! So basically I just used this as an excuse to draw people together so you’re all good anon lmao
Besides that, you’re so right anon they are truly the duo of all time!!! It is quite silly seeing them mention each other when the other isn’t around lol
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geoffguy · 4 months
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Cluster bomb be upon ye
I’m always on the receiving end of them
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Original image
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leafy-lilac · 5 months
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British nerds your honour
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im-not-a-sheep-art · 2 months
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anyways yeah
sorry if some of the writing is hard to read uh
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zenixromeave · 1 year
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watching the sunset with a friend
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cattamouche · 9 months
> my own interpretation of modern scara. ☄. *. ⋆
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a/n: hello! I'm brand new here. writing on here has been something I've been wanting to do for a really long time so I finally created an account and put some thoughts together for my first post. it's not anything big, but it's something to get me started on here. hope u enjoy :')
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✧ I know everyone likes him with an emo/goth style, but I think the elegant/pretty type of clothes he wears in game would translate over to real life quite well. Obviously he wouldn't wear the same exact clothes, but he would stick with a more elegant style rather than an emo one.
✧ He would definitely be the type of guy that has an extremely small amount of friends. I imagine him being very picky with the people he hangs out with, and despite him presenting himself as nicely as possible, his dismissive and uninterested attitude and personality would push most people away. It would be a miracle if anyone was willing to befriend him after that horrid first impression, but as long as he still has those close friends, he doesn't care about making new ones. He has a quality over quantity type of mindset for pretty much all things.
✧ Would take a while to get him to open up to you, but once you do break down those walls he's very sweet and caring. Loves his friends but is not good at showing it at all, gets embarrassed at the thought of outwardly showing his affection or appreciation for someone without the addition of a stupid remark. It's just not something he's used to, so serious affection would only be reserved for a potential partner- if he ever even managed to get to that point with someone anyway. It's hard for him, cut him some slack.
✧ As a student, I think he would take uni/college very seriously. He acts dismissive and uninterested in academics but he does put in a lot of work. You'll be miserable working with him in group projects because he'd be overly critical of your work and tell you to change things constantly, he's a perfectionist so putting up with him would be exhausting. He can be insufferable but by god will you get an A on your project. There's no way he's handing in a pile of shit with his name on it.
✧ In terms of hobbies and talents, I honestly think anything would suit him. I can imagine Ei being the type of parent to sign him up for any instrument lesson from an early age, piano, violin, chello, you name it, he has experience with a lot. Likes to play video games in his free time as well. I can't see him as the type of guy that's glued to his screen 24/7 but he's definitely spent a decent amount of his time on games. And his perfectionism doesn't just end at his studies, it applies to his hobbies too. He's the type of person that puts in a lot of effort to get all the achievements for his favorite games. Had various different consoles growing up. Has a preference for handhelds because he can take them anywhere and play a little something whenever he's bored.
✧ He's organized to a T. Of course, he does have those occasional days where his mental health is exceptionally bad, so that's the only time you'll see him a mess, and he gets extremely embarrassed about it. He cares a lot about his image, so anyone seeing him at his lowest would have to take the state they saw him in to the grave.
✧ He's a cat person. No one's surprised. He wouldn't have his own pets past those 2 goldfish he won at a fair when he was young, but when he sees strays on the street he will go out of his way to go to the nearest store and buy them some canned food. If he sees them often enough on his route, he will start carrying around little treats for them knowing he'll see them out and about. What do you mean going that specific direction is only slowing him down. No he's not going out of his way to see his little friends, it's a shortcut. You don't know what you're talking about.
Overall, in my eyes, he would just be a guy with a bit of spice. Someone that just has trouble making friends and keeping his attitude in check.
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proxentauri · 9 months
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"Don't you hear it? Feel it in your bones? The whispers of our salvation?"
"What have you done, Zach?"
"You were too blind to see the truth, Casper. But you'll understand, soon enough."
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fleshdyke · 2 years
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perch has become undead
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thecatspasta · 7 months
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Guys. Guys if you join the server (jane and oscher femalevolent server) you can vote on whether not I draw arthur lesters tits at any given time
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coderzxd · 1 month
Don't know how to answer people when they ask you a question? Get quiet or stressed because you kind of don't want to answer but you also can't explain why, lest you start to answer? Getting called secretive because you Just Don't Respond??
Might I introduce you... To The Cards!!!!
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canonically47 · 5 months
i think the reason change is so scary to us is because we just realized it happens. because our parents and grandparents never told us how different their childhoods were. because only now do we realize the next generation grows differently. because we’ll have had nap time in kindergarten while they wanted to watch youtube. because we’ll have been scarred by FNAF and MLP videos while their brains will have rotted to youtube shorts. we finally see what the internet can be and how it damages our youth from birth and it terrifies us. it terrifies us because they’re not the same as us.
so we hate them. we hate gen alpha. we hate millenials and gen x. we hate everyone. we hate the birds that no longer sing for us in the morning. we hate the teachers that give us homework instead of early recess. we hate our friends who developed earlier than us and started talking about relationships and trends while we’re still stuck in our beds thinking back to when we watched our first matpat video.
so we hate the change. we hate that markiplier and dantdm and jacksepticeye are not a pinacle of gen alpha’s childhood. we hate that they’re younger than us and throwing it away. we hate that we’re all collectively glued to our phones and nobody can do anything about it.
my god, we hate it. we’ll finish high school and college one day. we’ll have to live our lives. how do we find a job? how will we find a house? in this economy, is it even possible? and when we want to create art but it doesn’t pay the bills, how badly will we lash out? how much will we scream at the children to not waste their youth? how much will we hate the seven-year-olds at sephora? we’ll wish to have what they do when they wish to have what we do.
and we’ll never go down a slide again, but neither will they, so it kills us inside. and we’ll never build with blocks again, but neither will they, so it kills us inside. and we’ll always see our differences and blame anyone but ourselves for them.
oh universe, why must we mature? why must we realize it now that our time is limited? why must we work and slave when all we want to do is have fun and create? why is life about pain and not endless joy? why does nobody but ourselves see it? why does nobody talk about it?
oh, universe, you have forsaken me. you have abandoned me. you are cruel and i am cold. i’m rotting now, if you even care.
the change is scary.
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guckies · 3 months
Before anyone gets carried away with mlp x qsmp, thought on?
Roier -> Princess Cadance and Cellbit -> Shinning armour
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queer-stuck · 5 months
can i get June × transfem Hal,?
i love them so much but theres hardly and trans hal art, let alone with june,,
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can a futch girl and a butch robot be in love? fuck yes
==> mod hal
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non-un-topo · 10 months
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