#idolomantises critical
djsherriff-responses · 3 months
Could you explain why idolomantises’s designs fall flat like vivs designs? Just wondering because I love hearing anything character design related lmfao
Oh me too! I could talk about character designs all day!
I think while having very different styles, idolomantises and viviziepop’s designs both suffer from characters who don’t communicate what the character is or reflect the given world building (sometimes they’d just don’t fit at all?)
Vivziepop overcompensates this by having characters with ridiculous amounts of details that usually muddys whatever the concept is, not helped by her preference for thin body types and colour scheme of “red, red and MORE RED”
idolomantises meanwhile just, goes with the most obvious and generic direction without considering any visual symbolism that one can do with more finer details, or if there is detail it doesn’t actually add anything
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Sera and the angels are a good starting point here in that Sera is the one with the most obvious Angel design with rings floating (I personally think the bird and cat look more Egyptian than anything else, though that’s not an actual design issue here)
Now I will say having Sera’s eyes being in her rings while her actual face is blank is clever but besides that? They’re all just wearing very thigh revealing dresses/robes with random golden bands , the ones on their thighs has got to be painful. Sera has the worst in that her skin and clothing are the same shade of white , so her skin just blends into her outfit
Which seems very conflicting with the fact that 1) Angels/Heaven’s views are so very anti sex that they place kissing and cuddling next to kink acts
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And 2) Sera is so awkward and inexperienced with sex as a concept that Lili , her wife, laughs at her for being awkward about kissing her (I also do not like Lili but I’m sticking with design criticisms for now)
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“Skin tight , flowy and thigh revealing robe with thigh bracelets” does not at all communicate that about Sera’s character or her environment. I don’t think you have to dress the angels as nuns to properly communicate their anti sex views, and a little fan service isn’t entirely wrong either . I think one could easily write out the conflicting thigh lore with an excuse that angels don’t see the naked body as sinful, and thus only a sinful pervert would think exposed thighs was sexual! But from what I’ve seen that isn’t the direction idolomantises is doing
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But taking inspiration from both classical paintings and modern fashion, there was more that can be done with Sera and other angels besides “put a chalk white character who is very awkward with sex in a chalk white robe that high lights her thighs!”
Giving the angels revealing designs also makes the contrast between heaven and hell weaker as both angels and demons end up having similar design elements wow that sounds kinda familiar
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Ignoring my own personal feelings about her, Lili’s a decent design in that you look at her and immediately go “ah yes, sexy demon lady”, she is straight to the point
maybe too straight to the point
See, Lili’s design isn’t an issue until you compare her to how idolomantises draws environments in hell and how he designs other demons
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You know , for someone who’s well know to be critical of Vivziepop, you’d think he realise how much he is also guilty of over using red
”well , demons are from hell what did you expect?”
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Idk, maybe some better values?
Oh, notice how the pink demon actually sticks out more than the main character?
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I unironically prefer Mara over Lili and it’s weird she (or least her pink design/palette) wasn’t (used for) the main character considering her pinkness and Sera’s white and gold palette make the lesbian flag
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Which is literally the logo of the comic these characters are from
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fortunelowtier · 3 months
One thing ive noticed about Viv stans is that some of them have this fucking bizarre hate boner for Idolomantises and i cannot for the life of me figure out why because from what i can tell all they've done is call Viv out on her bullshit and *dare* to criticize her designs. its gotten to a point where i will get anon asks on Tumblr and DM requests on Twitter within 12 hours of me making a viv critical post talking about how im "bullying an innocent indie animator" (which no, Hazbin isn't indie, not anymore at least) and then they bring up Mantis with ZERO prior prompt as if the mere act of criticizing Viv triggers fucking sleeper cell programming in their head and they associate it with Mantis and im just like ??? what prompted that???
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
HH gets criticized a lot for its writing and rightfully so but I don't think it gets enough of that for its character design
Like the sinners that are supposed to be based on animals... Don't look enough like animals to tell what they are?? Nifty is supposed to be a bug and I legitimately couldn't tell that. Angel Dust is supposed to be a spider... He don't have the right amount of limbs for that most of the time (giving him another set of legs that was always visible would have been a good enough), or the classic spider abdomen, or pedipalps on his head, ... Not enough of what we got screams spider. Alastor is supposed to be based on a deer with a Wendigo twist and can't tell that most of the time because his antlers are so small and barely pop out with his color palette.
And then you switch to the human designs and that's where you can see they all just gave up. Like Adam... doesn't look interesting at all, to the point some of the human background characters in HB are more memorable than him appearance wise (even tho he is supposed to be an important antagonist). There's no excuse for this lack of creativity : In the lore of the show, he is made from the dust of the word. He came from clay. He could look as wild as clay allows it and by God clay sculptures/pottery can look/get crazy.
This is all true and also the designs have definitely been criticized. Just ask @idolomantises what happens when you dare attempt to redesign them.
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cattytheartcat · 6 months
Ok ik this is old drama, but it seems rlly important now
'Bug Enthusiast or pest enthusiast?' A thread documenting some disturbing content from Pitaya, who could possibly be IdolMantis.
First, I'd like to announce two things; first, don't FUCKING harass anyone involved, and DONT harass Idol himself despite his predatory behavior. I don't condone harassment, witch hunting nor death/suicide baiting. Second, this thread is for, specifically, this reblog chain with a mutual and myself because of some alarming anons talking about Idol and his dark past due to an accidental like/reblog.
This is going to become a thread, as there's a shit ass 10 image limit aughg-
Now, lets dive in. These are from a wayback machine archive, which I can provide links to at the end.
As you saw in the original reblog chain, IdolMantis seems to have had multiple names in the past. Raisinrat, UnicornMantis, Bugcore, Ackee, Pitaya, all these names seem to be connected to Idol himself. Now, Idol is STILL active to this day on Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter, however he posts for his two web comic series; Monsters and Girls and Bugtopia.
As the two comics aren't anything harmful, they do involve quite alot of implied sexual content with mainly lesbian couples, some of which are drawn to look more androgynous or masculine. If you are under 18 I advise NOT to search out these comics, just to be safe. Idk I don't feel like minors should really get involved in that stuff but someone can correct me if needed. I do not know Idol's gender identity nor sexuality, and it doesn't seem like he's tryna sexualize lesbianism, so I won't speak further on these comics as its not my place to dictate what's good or bad rep.
However its good to keep these 2 comics in mind as we see what he used to be involved with.
The full callout was made by a Tumblr user titled AckeeLoveMail, which seems to be deactivated by now. The blog is pretty much a "critical" blog, or a callout blog, dedicated to a person named Pitaya, who used to have a blog named Bugcore. Bugcore has been archived, but no other info or images were archived correctly.
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Remember, Idolomantises (IdolMantis) calls himself a "Bug Enthusiast" on Twitter. I don't know if these two pages are the same, though considering Idol's obsession with bugs... its an alarming possibility.
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[Lol remember how we could customize our blogs]
Anyway, there's two main links here; the Bugcore blog link, and "The Callout". That link takes us here;
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Notice how its said that he deletes posts and claims people just hate him for no reason.
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Also, the beginning of the callout sounds familiar....
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Lil offnote, but its said here that he identifies as non-binary. Currently he draws very sexual content of predominantly feminine identifying characters. Again I can't say much, but I do know that I've seen alot of people show concern on masculine ID'ing ppl consume or create content that sexualizes lesbian couples. Again, someone can correct me on that.
Anyway, second part of the callout.
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The evidence:
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This one is just... weird? Idk. Anyway bc of shitty image limit this is part 1 of... god knows how many posts.
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anemonequeen-moved · 4 years
That idolomantises fella who drew the cute cat furries is an ace discourser, queephobe, biphobe, lesbophobe, and Steven Universe critical blog. I checked them out expecting more cute furry art but most of their blog is just them bitching about stuff like that.
Ew gross
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"why do people keep comparing my comic and ocs to Hazbin hotel/helluva boss?"
Maybe because you blatantly admitted that your comics are inspired by Vivziepop's work?
Edit: I thought people would’ve read this in my tags but I obviously don’t support idolomantises getting harassed by vivziepop fans and Viv’s fanbase can be incredibly awful to people, I actually agree with a good chunk of idol’s criticism regarding Viv, her works and how she handles her studio and fanbase
Most of the posts I’m referencing too has been nuked so I don’t expect people to believe me when I say this, and you’re free to keep enjoying his comics so don’t ever let me stop you with that, but he often made posts of “I’m not gonna watch/engage with Viv stuff anymore!” Only to then to just keep engaging with her works not long after making those posts, and currently he’s complaining about people making comparisons between his comic and Viv’s demon shows
Even ignoring how idol and Viv’s fanbase act towards each other, Monsters and girls feature primarily demons being gay, Helluva Boss and Hazbin hotel feature primarily demons being gay. Both also have a lot of ship teasing and shipping related joke both in the source material and fanbase. Is it really that weird that his and vivziepop’s fanbases would cross over like that?
Not to mention some of the stuff he says about Viv is very hypocritical. I’m not gonna pull up examples, but it’d be really easy for someone to do some quick googling and find he’s just as guilty of the stuff he criticises Viv for
I will admit his criticism and opinions on Viv’s works was how I was first exposed to him which does make me have some bias towards his art that other people who don’t know or care wouldn’t have
But this dude called me “a mad hoe” over a vague post where I didn’t say anything about his actual comics on the post , just “a webtoon artist who really doesn’t like vivziepop”. I’m obviously gonna think he has some kind of hate boner for Viv if that seriously got under his skin (when like, I seriously doubt he is the only artist out of dozens on the webtoon app who doesn’t like Viv and her works). I’m not gonna hold back from pointing that out after that , especially when he’s trying to shame his own fans for pointing out “oh hey, you and Viv both draw gay demons!”
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djsherriff-responses · 3 months
I may explain specific designs if anyone wants more depth on this opinion but I think idolomantises designs has a lot of similar problems with Vivziepop's while looking different on the surface
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djsherriff-responses · 4 months
Honestly seeing idolomantises hazbin posts on my dashboard is making it really tempting to talk about idolomantises designs , especially their hazbin/helluva redesigns…….. mostly because I think they’re really bad
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