#idk where the line is HAHHA
c4ndyc41n · 1 year
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mel: (ingratiate) jayce: (fellatiate)
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when u almost die going down on your bf
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tadpolesonalgae · 8 months
HAHHA ohmygos sorry i feel like ive forced all my “Give More Demon Bf Being Cute” shit on u. but tysm…. if u ever get round to writing anything in that verse that’s even got one line of tenderness i’ll go batshit guaranteed
BUT ANYTHING U WRITE OK I EAT IT UP. that recent feysand one?? SOBBING AND CRYING. i can only imagine their pining snd teasing like “wow tell y/n” “no u” constantly. SO GOOD
but omg….. genuinely so excited to see where t&t will go! idk why i’m so obsessed over it but thank you anyway i think. azriel just seemed so worried and and and ohhhh like he genuinely wanted you by his side and UGH. it judt felt rlly raw and i cant word properly rn ok? i’m half awake
but 10/10 as per usual
— ur delusional friend
I thoroughly welcome all your “Give Me More Demon BF Being Cute” with open arms, don’t you worry!
I’m very happy to say that I’m still enjoying Teeth and Talons as much as I did in the beginning! However, I’ve got part 1 of a Nessian fic coming out today, then a slightly angsty Az x third-oldest-Archeron-sibling one, then part two for the Nessian fic, then a Tamlin one (???), and then also Act. III for Eat You Up soon after that.
I might switch up the order of things though and try to fit in another t&t chapter before all that because you’ve been so sweet in expressing your excitement!!!
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catcze · 2 years
DJXJD WAIT WAIT DO YOU MEAN THE ONE WHERE RECKLESS PALLAD SHOVED HER OUT OF THE WAY?? axjjxdj but yes i do kin her! xjjsjsjdj i mean,,you could if you’d like /j /lh- i think she rlly is too! anyways so i take it asia server is usually pretty chill? anyways i play na server but tbh im a lil nervous about doing co-op since ppl can be either a) plain rude or b) rlly nice + and they’ll carry you. AHDHXJJXSKS ESPECIALLY IF HE GIVES A SIREN EYE LOOK. ehehe fluffy halloween dreams,, ~Lycoris
HSKDNNSK I wasn’t playing yet during that event 😭 the new one I mean ! The one out rn ?? Idk if you’ve played it yet but Sucrose appears and she’s so :(( squishable!! And deffo 100– here are the adoption papers rn 📄📄 just sign on the dotted line /j
But yeah! It’s usually really chill on the Asia server. It’s very rare to find rude people here— I’ve been doing random co-op on the regular, and I think I’ve only ran into, like, one rude person? Most people are super down to carry you or to just have fun, tbh. And since not everyone you run into speaks English, most of the time we communicate with the character emojis or with jumping up and down HAHHA
AND OMGGG yeah 😭 BROOOO Albedo would 100% look so good in a siren eye look ?? Like ASHDJSK
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dear-happypills · 1 year
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                  0  __< | \  _O_ |__ [7____|_______
me: nothing ever makes any sense to me.
happypills: well, ... thats just simply not true..
me: why do you always have to take things so literally, ugh. cant you, just .... okay???  ..... like, please?
happypills:.... ummmm... okay whaut??
me: like, idk.. just listen to the things i say as poetry??
happypills: LOL.. try to be more poetic then. 
“nothing ever makes any sense to me”??? 
like cmon, wtf is that??? ohhhh boi.
me: okay, ok. fine. 
how about,
the universe stopped moving for me,... but everyone and everything keeps moving.
happypills: lollllll. i dont think you get poetry...
me: okay, you PILL, why dont you try?
happypills: okay. hmmm hm *clears throat .. I AM ROUND.
me: ......
wait, is that it???
happypills: it speaks volumes, i know.
me: nono. you cant shit on me for mine and give THAT>....
happypills: okay, ok. how about,
..   and. ...
me: yea,.. i think your neurochemistry is limited to the literal...
happypills: YO, my neurochemistry is the mothapilling physical world and experience.....   ... ..bitch.
me: WHOAhh. whoa.. okay. my bad. idk what that means, but like yo, what you just said sounded more poetic than, “i am round, and i am a pill”
happypills: oh truth bro. TRUTH.
me: -_-;
happypills:well fine, then,... ** leans back on chair and swings legs
...whats it like?
me: whats what like?
happypills: living in a froozzeeen space?
me: i said “stopped” not frozen.
happypills: oh, so now my poetic metaphors arent appreciated??
me: LOL. okay. haha yea. i mean, it is cold anyhow... when things stop moving... and everything is “frozen”...
but ... you know,
when they say that movement is life. like a flowing water. and a water cut off from the flow, is dead water.
i get it.
but did you know that in Antarctica, in caves of frozen glacier, there are microbials -- an entire ecosystem -- in the frozen water?? the glaciers, they grow around rocks, and from the sediments they pick up these organisms, idk, but.. yea... apparently there are like 
ALOT of them.  teeming with life...
So, you know... things happen here and there. 
even though its slow. but. even in frozen spaces, there is some form of life.
happypills: Huh,... microbials. LOL. sounds funny, hehehehe.
me:is that... thats.. what youre getting out of this?
happypills: nono. imagine all those generations of little microbials stuck in the ice and they get into conflicts within one another, like, “HEY. you! youre more micro than i am. get behind mehhh. its my turn at the air pocket!!” but pwahaha everyone is so slow that it takes another millenia to even cut the line.
me: yea.................... i dont think micro things think that deeply.
happypills: .......... , *crosses his arms and glares,  yo -- thats fucking offensive
thats like.
me: i dont think you understand what that means.
happypills: okay FINE. its at least specist though.
me: ohhhoho. oh wow. whered you learn that? a “specist”?? yea im fucking specist. humans have a united front.
happypills: LOLLLL...
me: ... hahahahhahahaha. yea. okay,
more like
... a deep fear of the unknown, and we will unite behind what we know.. front.
happypills: ohhh please. wont even matter.
once all those glaciers start melting. and pouring all those microbials into the ocean and around the woorld.
OHHhhh jeeez.
humanity is in for a ride.
me: oh shit..... 
actually though. hahha. my gawd. itll be like covid-3019. ice age edition.
happypills: lololol
me: hahahha.....
happypills: ... ... .. wait. wait. am i frozen too then????
me: whadya mean?
happypills: like, if things are stopped for you. and im with you all the time.
frozen too???
me: ehhhh, well...
not so bad
happypills: jerk. i cant believe this...
but, actually, you know what???
maybe ,... the universe will start moving for meh.. ...when youuu finally die???
oh boi.... OH BOI. imagine that... *stares out across the edge of the universe
... ill finally be able to MOVE.
and just... FEEL the spaceeee.
me: ... -_-;;  like, i know were all eager for me to pass, but jeez.
happypills: ohhh dont even worryyy. i got you
that time, ill take you with meh.
me: oh jeez. thanks. thats the kindest death threat ever.
happypills: LOLL. ah nahhh, i didnt mean it like that; im in nooooh rush.
i mean, cmonnnn. THIS view with you...
*both happypills and i stare out into space.
me: PWAHAHA.... yea... not so bad.
- happypills
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anotherworldash · 3 years
“Selfish Desire has No Moral Boundary” : Kuraneokuro dynamic exploration
This post is the long version of the authors' note of Selfish Desire has No Moral Boundary, a Kura-Neo-Kuro OT3 Fic.
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(link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/29108781 )
While we’re writing this KuraNeoKuro OT3 fic, we couldn’t help exploring both men’s selfish, predatory dynamic to Neon. Which is..so HOT!!!! Kurapika and Chrollo are so dominant while Neon’s so submissive ! Both guys treated her good a bit, then proceeded to fulfill their needs.
They care about her but they also have their own goals. Kurapika and Chrollo are so dominant while Neon’s so submissive ! They could tame the brat and play her like piano, while they’re entangled in her charm.
Now let’s get to the point which part of their dynamics we are exploring in the fic :
(To avoid confusion, nick Anotherworldash = Cb_w in AO3. This post is taken from our conversation during fic writing, so please read it as dialogue script.)
1. Her power dynamics with Chrollo and Kurapika is very submissive.
(Anotherworldash: Holy shit this is so kinky)
Legitnumbkid : Neon has daddy issues; so it makes sense why she's prone to having selfish men like Chrollo and Kurapika around her. Other women in hxh, we don't really know who are their parental figures are and they don't seem to be prone to attracting men that are bad for them.
Palm is a potential one but i think she's more of the "crazy dom-sub" energy
And it's not like Chrollo and Kurapika don’t give a fuck abt her... they do but they have their own goals.
She's like their prey and they are hunters ahhaha
Anotherworldash : Neon just cant put up a fight, but that's what makes it hotter!
Legitnumbkid : Yeah and the other women are kinda independent since they fight and all. But Neon... I think even in canon, her power dynamics with Chrollo or Kurapika is very submissive.
Anotherworldash : Trueeee
And it's even canon
They're targeting her from day one
Legitnumbkid : That's why I don't even blame her for being a bit selfish, detached and have a sick hobby... because the men around her treat her like an object. that's why she sees people like an object kekek
2. Neon is prone to men's “ingenuine” affections
 (Anotherworldash: Holy shit this is also so kinky)
Anotherworldash : Also she doesn't have this... friend role in her life. Even Palm has "colleague" like knuckle
Legitnumbkid : Yea... she's lonely... so even more prone to men's ingenuine affections.
Anotherworldash : Muahaha... poor neon but at the same time it's what makes her ships so hot.
Neon's only friend is probably kurapika who originally targeted her😂😂😂😂😂
Ikrrr so hot omg
Legitnumbkid : And even so... kurapika's not even her friend if he ends up marrying her (read marriage theory here: https://scentedmoviesaestheticempath.tumblr.com/post/638404921741475840/compiled-cbws-kuraneo-thoughts-theories)
the closest "friend" she can have is her employees; which is like... not even pure friends. I know in some fics they put that she has friends and all... but i doubt it. She lived life in a bubble.
Anotherworldash : Yeah that's why she immediately fall for chrollo trick
Probably in her life, no one ever asked her opinion about life
4 Both guys originally wanted to “take advantage of her” 
(Anotherworldash: When I thought this couldn’t get more kinky...)
Anotherworldash : I just love how this OT3 dynamic show that kurapika and chrollo are just the same type of man
They both wanted to take advantage of her
Also she trust stranger quite easily
Just so vulnerable. therefore kurapika is guilt ridden and chrollo wanted to keep her safe(even if it's for his benefit, like when he told other spiders not to touch the ambulance)
Also chrollo easily showed his vulnerable side to her by crying 😭😭😭(probably cause she’s a stranger or what but it’s there!)
Legitnumbkid: OMG YA. Technically it's becos Neon needs to live so he can use her powers but I feel like he genuinely likes her as a person.
Same for Kurapika. A lot of people REALLY overestimate kurapika's "hatred" for neon becos of her personality and hobby; when actually, he never once showed any animosity towards her.
Anotherworldash : They just instantly vibed HAHAHAHAH
Kurapika is just like any other men
When he sees the girl is pretty. He is having second thought 😂😂😂😭
Legitnumbkid : and neon feeling uncomfy... it shows that she does have feelings but she's just not that exposed
HAHAH. I love kurapika's hypocrisy
he acts like he is noble and shit.. went to think leorio is a sleaze during the hunter exam for wanting to touch a girl
5. We love the ‘Animals by Maroon 5′ Vibe
Anotherworldash : OT3 just reminds me of  : https://youtu.be/7BJ3ZXpserc
I love how the snakes are shown more than one
Legitnumbkid : YESSS those are chrollo and neon haha
Anotherworldash : Chrollo and kurapika wants to tell her "I'm the man here"
"And you are my woman so you are here to serve me"
Legitnumbkid : Even the original music video is so hot
It's like... so animalistic
Anotherworldash : Adam levine is observing through window when behati is sleeping, calculating. Just like kuraneo and kuroneo 😂😭. Even the pictures thing!
Legitnumbkid : I feel like... this is more appropriate to Chrollo tho. Idk why. He's like... stalking/hunting her in YorkNew City.
i bet my jenny money that chrollo jacked off to her pic ahhaha
So hotdamn. "You can't deny the beast inside" HAHHA
Anotherworldash : And his move is so violent... He legit knocked her out
Legitnumbkid : Fangirls be mad bruh but... he just knocked her out? before catching her? ya'all really want that?? HAHHA
Chrollo will steal her heart too
Anotherworldash : Chrollo said "Don't need consent when I'm the man 😬😙"
He legit say that... He stole her and touched her too
6. Their ‘Rivalry’ and their conversation when mentioning Neon 
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Kurapika is so mad Chrollo approached and did something to Neon that he forgot abt their ‘hostage exchange’ rule :( where he’s not supposed to harm Chrollo.
Chrollo has mentioned many times he’s not scared of the situation, but Kurapika was not that provoked... until Chrollo mentioned Neon. How awesome
7. Their Parallel to The Great Gatsby (We are fans of the Series!)
Legitnumbkid : Honestly the amount of people in the hxh fandom that hates her without analysing her character is such poor taste and a lack of observation. It’s also similar to how Daisy is so hated but people need to understand that …
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OMG SIS I was reading The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 (when Gatsby was talking to Nick) and LOOK AT THIS LINE:
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Anotherworldash : And the way Chrollo Grabs neon... Giving her the things she want then claiming her, is just Tom x Daisy  ~
Please refer to this post for more : https://anotherworldash.tumblr.com/post/641807577123012608
That’s the post. Hope you like this OT3 too!
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Oh also, have I mentioned that Kurapika was dowsing Neon when she was literally having coffee with Chrollo? O.M.G.
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sxorpiomooon · 2 years
they have a really nice side profile. Idk why it looked like Chris Evans’ side profile. I feel like their hair is like parted at the side, so it gives a very mature energy.I saw if you know the hating game movie the male actors’ hair, its like that. I feel like they may have a beard, but i feel like its short or just be capable of growing one. They actually may look like Chris Evan’s in one way or the other. They may actually have and may have a very grim face, and they look tired always. They may have this really secure look to them, like in a way where they are comfortable with being alone. They may have lighter colored hair. And have very proportionate features. Like how I’m describing them won’t do them justice, and I feel like pictures as well. IDK why but the justice card came out and I immediately thought of that. They are the type who look really really good in person and once you get to know them in general. There’s something about their eyes the may be alluring. It may be really intense. I feel like they have amber eyes, like its mostly brown but there are like flecks of different colors. I feel like they have really broad shoulders and maybe really lean, and look really strong, but at the same time kinda lanky. Muscularly lanky built Feel like they may be really tall.
I saw someone putting on a belt.it reminds me of a business man /corporate vibes. Idk for me it means like always ready and at the same time really strict and uptight in a way. Reminds me of my childhood. Anyways, HAHHA they may be the type who likes to think outside the box, and actually make use of what’s in front of them to create what they want, and they aren’t afraid to go after what they want. They have this very fierce and lion energy to them. They seize what’s in front them and doesn’t not waste a minute. They are very good in working in teams and that’s what makes them like a really good leader/person. But, I feel like they are not the most romantic person or have not had many romantic encounters, they like to work a lot, but even if they like to work, they know when to let go and what isn’t right. They may go after what they want and sure work really hard, but if these it really sin’t working they go with the flow. There’s a very balanced energy to them. They can plan plan plan, but when they need to improvise they do it well. They can do really well under pressure. They may also multitask a lot.
Where you will meet:
I thought of Hong Kong all of a sudden, Kowloon.I went there once and People who live there walk so mf fast idu, anyways, or this maybe a city where its very fast paced, but its a very safe city, like asian countries some have very safe cities. There are a lot of shops and material stuff.
How you will meet them:
okay, I got really nice cards. I got THE LOVERS, ACE OF PENTACLES, THREE OF CUPS, and THE FOOL I feel like both of you might be introduced by mutuals, cos I got the three of cups here. I feel like either you or your fs may have wanted a love connection I guess and a new start at it, and you want security in love, so I feel like you never even saw the guy and you were like yeah sure sure, and also your fs, they just gave up and just went in head first fearless LMAOO I feel like they were in a bad relationship before, and now they feel like they can have that new start with you.
Zodiac signs:
THERE’S A LoT OF FIRE ENERGY. I’m feeling Leo or saggitarius. also very subtle earth.
They may be a businessman, or are in corporate or banking or law. Its a job involving good and clear communication skills, and skillful watching over something. This is a job where they have to remove all emotion, and just be blunt and ready with an answer, also requires a lot of multitasking.
Other info:
I started singing how deep is your love. But the line I first started singing was came to me on a summer day???
The guy from the hating game KEEPS POPPING IN MY HEAD you shud read the book, kinda reminds me of them in a way.
*the countries may just be significant places in your relationship.
Flowy hair, Greece, workaholic, toned, December, curly hair/wavy, beard, 18, hides their emotions, Africa, 36, X, colored hair, hardworking, dolphin, amber eyes, introvert, clean shaven, around nature ( may like to be around nature), 6 , F
Song message from them:
Earth Angel (Will you be mine?) by marvin berry
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taelme · 4 years
genre: friends-to-lovers!au, (fluff, angst, mutual pining lol might seem like slow burn) 
pairing/s : Mark / Reader, the dreamies all appear in this!! 
word count: 12k+ 
tw:  mild language, bullying :( but nothing too major im too weak to write that shit HAHHA 
a/n: this was a rly cute concept I always wanted to write,,, like a older brother figure best friend mark and it takes place in a church camp!! but you can just ignore that and pretend its a normal camp if you're not like religious I guess u know idk I hope u guys like this!! it was rly fun to write smth with all the dreamies :( gif creds to original poster
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Stepping into the hall of the camp, you took in a deep breath of the air through your thin mask, the only thing you could smell being the stale material of the mask mixed with the warmth of the air you breathed out. Your eyes wandering around the room before landing on the familiar head of light brown hair. Lugging your duffel bag and sleeping bag over to where the boy was, you greeted, “Hi,” tone sounding too tired for his liking.
Looking up from his phone, he shot you a displeased look, his nostrils flaring slightly with the deep breath he took in as a prelude to the sigh you knew he was about to give you. “Took you long enough. What’s with the mask?”
“Mom told me she wouldn’t let me leave the house without it, says I’ll spread my germs to you guys,” you drawled with evident disbelief.
Donghyuck’s heart shaped lips curve into a smirk, “Strange, that’s never stopped you before, though.”
You shrugged, running a hand through your hair absentmindedly, eyes simultaneously searching the room for where Mark was and it didn’t take Donghyuck very long to catch onto what you were doing. 
“Dunno, I mean, it’s Mark’s first time as a camp coordinator. I wouldn’t want him having to deal with a whole flu breakout here..” you trailed off  
Donghyuck cooed sarcastically at your statement, “how disgustingly thoughtful of you. So, basically, what you’re trying to say is that you’re doing this to make life easier for your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” you protested, earning an eye roll from Donghyuck- and a rather long one at that.
“I call bullshit!” You heard another voice pipe in and soon enough you could place a face to the voice when you saw Renjun take a seat next to Donghyuck, half-turning to Donghyuck to mutter, “I heard the word boyfriend and assumed she was denying her love for Mark again.”
You gasped, doing your best to look offended as you watched open-mouthed as Donghyuck shook hands with Renjun in approval, “Absolutely correct.”
You heard a shout of your name, turning your head to find the direction of the noise when you saw a navy blue sweater clad Mark, landyard round his neck, jogging towards you with a lazy smile on his face, his brown hair ruffled messily making him exude a certain boyish charm.
“Hey, I’ve been looking everywhere for-” his smile curved downwards into a frown upon noticing the mask you were wearing on your face. “You still sick?”
You nodded, “It’s weird, I feel like I’m fully recovered but felt like I should put this on just in case.”
Donghyuck and Renjun took that as a cue to proceed with their own individual conversation and leave you two to converse after Mark’s lack of an acknowledgment towards their presence.
Mark nodded slowly, his lips pressed into a thin line like how they did whenever he was thinking. He wouldn’t say, but he knew the mask would be gone before the day ended since you never liked the feeling of it covering your face; also because he was familiar with how much you loved your reactions to be unrestricted.
“Oh, right, I remembered what I was gonna ask you. D’you mind helping with bag checks later? There are really few girl helpers here now since most of them told me they’d be showing up later,” he shot you a pleading pout.
You whined in reluctance but nodded nonetheless. “Mark, you know how much I hate that,” you put on your best glare in the hopes it would dissuade him.
Jutting out his lower lip and batting his eyelashes profusely at you in response, you were prompted to continue, “It’s always so hard to be patient with them when they’re always rolling their eyes at me and giving me attitude for confiscating their phones.”
“That’s why I’d rather you do it, ‘cause if they had a problem with you, I know you’d just give them attitude too, also because I’d make sure no one gives you any trouble if I can help it.”
You scoffed at his snickering, trying your best to ignore the way his nose scrunch tempted you to reach your hands out and pinch his cheeks. The both of you walked over to the tables they had set up for bag checks, Mark following close beside you.
“You say it like you wouldn’t do that if it was another girl helper,” you accused him with a teasing lilt in your tone, seeing Mark shrug casually yet not making any move to deny your accusation.
“Well, just that if it was you half the work would already be done for me,” he winked, making you gasp, whacking him on the arm.
“Can’t believe my best friend is making things easier for himself at the expense of my emotional state.”
Mark rolled his eyes at your dramatic sigh, a soft smile never faltering as he spoke, “oh, shut up, you know I love you.”
You couldn’t help but hear that as nothing but platonic, hoping Mark couldn't hear the hitch in your breath, shrugging as nonchalantly as you could, “of course.”
You were friends with Mark ever since he transferred schools and moved into your neighbourhood, occupying the house just directly opposite yours. All it took was a single dinner invite to his family and the two of you shared an immediate bond over a friendly dance battle on the wii console. ( Till today you'd like to remember it as a victory for you since Mark's flailing limbs didn't help him very much in moving along to Lady Gaga ).
From then on, you never felt like him being 2 years older than you prevented you from getting closer - hell, you barely even believed it - with his constant presence near you, be it in school and out of school, cheering you on at your drama performances and vice versa at his band performances and basketball games. You weren’t sure when it started being an unspoken thing that if you were somewhere, there he would be as well.
But that was never awkward till you entered your teen years, Mark's changed physique gaining him more attention from girls, whereas your beauty grew more and more each day ( well at least it did to Mark ) and there was an unspoken knowledge that the both of you knew that your feelings for each other could start to wobble over the line separating platonic and romantic, but neither of you ever brought it up. You always just brushed off Mark's habits of buying you your favourite melon milk before school or saving you a seat at his table with his group of friends as all part of his duty as your 'older brother' best friend figure.
While you were busy fumbling around to setup a table for bag checks, Mark was fumbling as well in the pantry for his vitamin drink and preparing a thermos flask full of ginger tea for you to soothe your throat. Once he’d finished, he sounded the siren on the megaphone- after many minutes of ‘oh shit’s from pressing the wrong buttons on accident -signalling for everyone to gather as he strolled to the assembly hall, the corner of his lips quirking up ever so slightly at the sight of everyone already gathered and seated there upon his arrival.
“Sup- I mean uh…alright guys, thanks for being so fast in gathering," he began, silence ensuing in the hall other than the clean tapping of his shoes against the shiny wood floor, and hushed chatter from Donghyuck and Renjun, as he made his way towards where you sat in the circle, making as if wanting to seat himself next to you.
Not without an offended scoff, Renjun shifted his bum to the right to make space in between himself and you for Mark to sit down, the older boy holding the thermos flask in front of you with an expectant look.
"Ginger tea," he answered before you could even ask him what the flask contained, "make sure to finish it by lunchtime for your throat," he gave you a rather forced-looking close-lipped smile, unbeknownst to him that he was being watched by the entire service team, the only thing on his mind being to give you that and see to it that you fully recover.
"Thanks, Mark," you mumbled, grasping the flask tightly and lowering your head to avoid the stares you were receiving from the team, especially Donghyuck and Renjun who made their smugness a little too obvious.
He's just taking care of you as a little sister, you reminded yourself, desperately hoping your words would lessen the severity of the heat you felt on your cheeks.
Mark proceeded to run through the details of the camp programme, mentioning details of the day like wet games and whatnot. You would’ve remembered if you were actually paying any attention. The tip of his pink tongue would occasionally peek out to wet his lips as he spoke, his hand coming up to nudge his glasses up his nose bridge whenever he looked at his papers scattered on the floor.
You were starting to think it was a little ridiculous your heart rate could speed up watching him just sitting there, not doing anything particularly mind-blowing. Just sitting there being, well...Mark.
"Is that alright?" you snapped out of your trance when he glanced at you for approval of whatever he had been talking about for the past five minutes. You nodded mindlessly, shooting him a smile of reassurance.
"Yep, it's fine," you answered along with a few other murmurs from around the circle.
Mark sighed in relief, nodding as he stood up swiftly, clipping his pen to the string of the lanyard he’d slung across his chest.
"Campers are to be here in about fifteen minutes, everybody be on standby and mix around with your group till the time for the opening address I guess, I mean- yeah, just do that.” and just like that everyone slowly stood up in groups, dispersing around the hall. Mark held out a hand for you to take to help you off the ground just as you heard Donghyuck snort at something Renjun did, turning to you as his next target.
"Hey, Y/N. Try to get up without using your hands," your competitive nature got the better of you and you heaved yourself off the floor with just your legs, grinning proudly at Haechan, Mark’s hand withdrawing to his side quickly in the hopes no one saw what had just happened.
Mark winced as he felt Renjun slap him between the shoulder blades, his chuckle sounding all too obnoxious, "better luck next time, bro," as Mark flushed red, dismissing the blonde haired boy's teasing.
Mark huffed, not feeling bitter or anything, couldn’t help the endeared smile that appeared on his face at the way you cheered triumphantly at Donghyuck, who mussed up your hair as you simply grinned back at him, then at Mark. Mark’s breath almost hitched as you stared at him as if saying ‘did you see what I just did?’, and his smile stayed unwavering, shooting you a thumbs up because god, did he love you.
“Don’t you ever get tired of the pining?” Renjun prodded at Mark as the both of them made their way to the water coolers, the blonde haired boy twirling his bottle in the air with each throw.
“What?” Mark felt as if he hadn’t processed whatever Renjun had just said to him.
Renjun shot him a tired look, “Don’t act dumb, Mark. You know what I’m talking about.” Renjun was who Mark had first confided in when he realised that he had feelings for you, obviously earning a long lecture from the younger boy, who was very much insistent that Mark should do something about the way he felt before it was too late.
“Of course I do,” Mark muttered with a defeated tone, the muted whirring of the water cooler matching his sentiments.
“Then? Why aren’t you doing anything about it?”
“Ever heard of fear, dude? She’s like...my best friend, I can’t just like drop a bomb like that on her, it’s too risky.”
Renjun rolled his eyes, “And hopelessly pining for her every day is a better option?”
Mark’s mouth opened in protest, holding his now filled water bottle up in protest, “It’s not hopele-“
“I heard Jaemin’s gonna ask her out.” Renjun lied, making Mark fall silent as his eyes widened, speaking for themselves. Though it arguably wasn’t the best method, Renjun knew that someone like Mark would need a push like this if he wanted Mark to take action.
Mark’s jealousy was slowly creeping in, making its authority evident in his tone as he countered with a scoff, “I’d like to see how that turns out.”
“Well, you’re not exactly ‘Johnny Bravo’ yourself, dude. You gotta up your game! C’mon, you’ve got so many chances to do that in the next 3 days, might as well use them to your advantage,” Renjun karate chopped the metal railing for emphasis as they walked up the stairs. Though he was convincing, Mark wasn’t sure if Renjun would be the angel or devil on his shoulders in this situation, but whatever it was that he was trying to do certainly was doing its job in getting Mark riled up.
Walking back into the assembly hall, Mark spotted you chatting with your group members excitedly, the mask you were wearing in the morning now no longer covering your face- which Mark would never outrightly admit he was happy about.
“Remember what I said, dude. Don’t miss your chance,” Renjun’s words lingered in Mark’s mind, meandering around every other thought that occupied his head and slowly tainting each one with possible thoughts of how he was going to tell you about how he felt. Campers were almost fully gathered in the assembly hall now, with bag checks finished and opening address not due for another ten minutes but as Mark saw you spot him across the room and start to make your way to him, he felt his heart start to race- no, sprint -in his chest, threatening to burst.
“Babe! The tea you made me was amazing, I feel even better now,” you grinned at him, his heart at a loss, not knowing it was possible to flutter so hard until he heard the pet name bubble so casually from your lips, accompanied by your heart stopping ( well, for Mark definitely ) smile. Your hands flew up to cup his face, squishing his cheeks together with a giggle, the sound itself making Mark panic, his fist clenching but his finger accidentally knocking the button on the megaphone that sounded the siren, making you shout in surprise, squishing his cheeks even harder before letting go quicker than you imagined you could.
Donghyuck and Renjun, who were watching the scene from afar were busy laughing at the fact that you had managed to fluster Mark into sounding the siren, attracting the attention from the entire hall.
“Sorry, false alarm,” he spoke into the mic, not sounding apologetic at all, more preoccupied with how to make his ears not give away how he felt. What he didn't notice was that his cheeks were already wildly pink, both from embarrassment and the blood rushing back into them after that pressure from your hands.
“Are you cold? your ears are really red,” you laughed, playing with his ears absentmindedly as your wrist rested just against his collarbone, making him shove you away quickly in a desperate attempt to put at least some distance between the both of you.
“Excuse me, facilitator, aren’t you supposed to be getting to know your group now instead of bothering the person in charge?” he told you as authoritatively as he could in his panicked state, raising an eyebrow at you to which you scoffed.
“Power has changed you, Mark Lee,” you shook your head in mock disappointment, “won’t even let your best friend talk to you now that you’re all up there,” you used your hand to gesture high above you before you coughed, wiping away fake tears from your cheeks before sticking your tongue out at him when you realised it wasn’t making him budge.
“Get,” he shooed you away before taking his place at the front of the assembly hall, fiddling with his phone before he sat there idling away, trying to stop his gaze from wandering over to where you were with your group, the sound of your loud laughter attracting his attention whether he liked it or not, but soon Mark settled for subtly scanning the room so he could let his gaze linger on your group a little while longer before he resumed scanning the room like it was part of his role.
You shrieked upon the feeling of cold water rushing over your head, down your face, wetting your neck and travelling down the rest of your body. Turning around rapidly, you heard the camera shutter go off with an all-too familiar voice ringing out a "Smile!" your eyes landed on the culprit which was none other than said cameraman, Mark Lee, carrying a camera in one hand and a - now empty - bucket in the other.
Letting the camera dangle from the toy story camera strap you gifted him hanging around his neck, his giggly giddy laugh echoing within the almost-empty underground carpark. Usually this would've been enough to cloud your judgement with sheer endearment for the boy, but you opted to whack him on the arm and kick his butt as punishment for getting you wet with foamy water.
"You're lucky you have that camera or I would've drowned you by now," you huffed, seeing him pucker his lips at you, shaking his butt from side to side in some sort of attempt to mock you, which you found unbearably cute instead.
“I know," he told you in a matter-of-fact tone, throwing the empty bucket aside before bringing his hand up to comb through his hair and wipe the sweat from his face with the hem of his t-shirt, which of course caused you to look away quicker than lightning. The hair that he had now pushed back messily on his head was recently dyed back to black from its previous stunt of blonde he thought would be fun to try. You had to say, as much as he was annoying you right now, how he looked in his hawaii print shorts and his white shirt was distracting you.
"Feels good to be an organizer, no getting wet and gross like you," he stuck his tongue out, making you roll your eyes in response, snatching the bucket back from where he threw it on the floor so you could hand it back to the logistics member running the particular station game you were at.
"Don't you have other people to take pictures of?" you sneered, his seagull eyebrows rising in disbelief that you sounded as if you didn't want him there so he turned around, making as if he were about to leave.
"Well sure if you don't want me here," you grabbed his shirt before he could walk any further, pulling it so he stumbled back next to you, slippers stomping noisily.
"No, wait. I’m kidding stay here don't leave me," you pleaded, flashing him your signature pout with your best attempt at sympathetic eyes, making his nose scrunch up in a smile as his hands unconsciously clenched.
"God, don't give me that face," one of the participants in your group waggled her eyebrows at you behind Mark's shoulder, making you flush and shoo her away with a flick of your hand.
"Good, isn't it? if I keep practising, you bet I can get my mom to checkout my shopping cart for Christmas in no time," you grinned, earning a good-natured shake of the head from Mark.
"It's shower time after this right?" you asked, the sludging and squeaking of your wet slippers irking you as you walked behind your group with Mark, who glanced at his watch before nodding at you.
Mark couldn’t help the giggle that escaped from his lips as he saw the way your arms would unconsciously raise as you tried to take your steps with minimal noise. “Yeah, you guys can hit the showers after this, especially you.”
You heard his stomach grumble, your gaze shooting up from the floor so you could frown at him.
“Please tell me you ate during lunch...” Mark was sheepish, laughing nervously as he shrugged, his hands fumbling around as he debated on whether to avoid the question or listen to the scolding he assumed you were about to give him.
"Well, I got a lot of reviews on the catering??" you sighed at his reply, making sure he knew how displeased you were at that fact.
"Mark,” your hands found their way to your hips, “you can't just keep forgetting things like this, I swear, no one else is gonna remind you to eat if I don't," you told him, recalling how Mark had been like this ever since high school when he started taking up more responsibilities in student council and being basketball captain and whatnot. You remembered the many lunch periods you would have to spend with him in the council room with him rushing a proposal or his homework.
"Well, at least I still have you right?" he offered with a hopeful smile, but your expression remained unwavering so he continued, "c'mon, it's my first time leading a camp; I want to do a good job."
You looked at him in understanding, resigning to the fact that Mark wouldn't back down so easily since he wanted to work hard. "Alright, fine. But I’m still gonna hound you about necessities whether you like it or not, mister," he seemed to have no objections to that, simply choosing to nod at you as if it was something he wanted.
"Wouldn't have it any other way," he picked up his megaphone and held it away from you, pushing the button- successfully, for once -to signal the siren for the facilitators to dismiss their groups for shower time.
After you were showered and in a fresh pair of clothing, you brought your things down to the canteen for dinner. It wasn't surprising that you already saw Mark waiting in the canteen, though he was looking rather rigid while talking to Jaemin, which you were curious about since you knew them to be quite comfortable with each other. Walking past them, you caught Jaemin’s eye, making him halt his conversation with Mark to wave at you with a smile, yet Mark seemed to be glaring at Jaemin the entire time.
Gathering your group of kids to get their food, you made your way to the drink dispenser, doing your best to carry multiple cups at once so you wouldn't have to make a second trip back.
"Here, lemme help you with that," Mark showed up in front of you, obstructing your path as he proceeded to take half the cups from you, earning more than a few unnoticed stares from the campers who absolutely adored the idea of you and Mark actually dating.
"Thanks," you murmured, the tip of your tongue peeking out from your lips in concentration so you wouldn't spill your drinks.
"How's the food?" he asked you.
"Haven't eaten it yet, but smells great," his eyes crinkled in a bright smile at your reply.
"Really? That's great," he sighed in relief.
After placing the drinks on your group's table he sat at one of the empty seats and spoke with you for a while as your campers slowly came back one by one. You missed the suspicious stares your campers were giving you at Mark's presence at the table. He had a hand resting on the back of your chair casually, an almost identical scene from when you had to make sure Mark ate while he buried himself in student council work.
The two of you shared food from one plate since Mark had helped take enough for the both of you, not getting a separate one for himself because he was lazy. You know, totally not because he just wanted an excuse for you to feed him while he pretended to be busy skimming through the agenda for the rest of the day.
"Do you have to leave soon for prep?" you asked him, seeing an look of realisation wash over his face, nodding at you when he glanced at the time.
Letting out a breathy sigh, he stood up, megaphone in one hand while picking up your now empty plastic plate and cutlery to help you dispose of it.
"See you later, dude," you waved sadly, and you couldn’t help but laugh as he let out his signature nose scrunch and giggle before his lips jut out in a pout, waving goodbye as he left.
Considering the fact that for the rest of the day you were busy with your group and Mark was busy making sure everything was in order, the both of you didn’t manage to find the time to stop and talk to each other when you even simply crossed paths in the hallways, settling for a playful poke in his side or a nod of the head from him as a greeting.
Thankfully, just as your back had started to hurt and your eyes started to feel heavy, it was time for the night debrief. You walked into the room, glad to see Mark had saved a space for you and was waving you over to come sit with him, beckoning you over while patting the empty space next to him.
"Hey," he greeted you with a smile, his nose scrunching when you knocked over the hood of his jacket to ruffle his hair.
"Glad that one day is almost done with," your words were slightly muffled as you yawned, seeing him shoot you a look of agreement and nod with a sigh.
"I know, right? Hope none of the committee make noise tonight, I’m really hoping I can sleep as soon as possible," he admitted, pressing his lips into a firm line as he glanced at the things he was supposed to discuss during the debrief.
You wanted to get something to munch on to keep you awake during the debrief, looking around the room as if scanning to see if any members of the service team were in possession of food, and it was as if Mark could read your mind when he took out a pack of cookies from his jacket pocket, passing it to you ever so subtly.
“Thanks, dude,” you heard Donghyuck’s voice interrupt when he reached over to take the packet from your hands, bursting it open and munching on one, much to the dismay of Mark, though he didn’t say anything, simply smiling and returning to his papers when you flicked Donghyuck on the forehead and reclaimed your cookies.
Debrief went by fairly quickly, with Mark running through the points he needed to take note of as quickly as he could. You were already feeling a little restless after finishing your cookies so you leant your head against Renjun’s shoulder since he was sitting closest to you in the circle, earning a soft chuckle from him, “Careful now, your boyfriend might get jealous,” he teased.
Harshly whispering back, “what boyfriend,” you huffed, rolling your eyes.
When debrief had ended, you were feeling really tired so after washing up and changing into your sleeping clothes you were happy to have found Mark already waiting for you outside the girls’ dorm to walk with you to the communal sleeping area.
“You’re not sleeping yet?” you asked, already yawning. Mark shook his head with a yawn himself, “still gotta finalise some stuff for tomorrow’s program.”
You frowned, waiting obediently as he had already helped the both of you take a mattress each and lay it at the side facing each other since there wasn’t much space left in the room.
Squatting next to your mattress and laying out your sleeping bag, you voiced out as softly but firmly as you could, “why couldn't they have told you earlier? It's not fair that you have to stay up doing work for them while they’re all happily asleep," you felt a tinge of annoyance at the unfairness of it all but Mark simply ruffled your hair good-naturedly, assuring you it was okay, all the while his face was heating up from his heart fluttering at your concern for him.
Once you were tucked into your sleeping bag you glanced up at Mark who was still sitting with one knee tucked under his chin, his face illuminated by the light from his phone. As if feeling your stare on him, he glanced from his phone to you, placing his phone down to give his attention to you.
“Go to sleep, you’ve got a long day tomorrow,” his voice was barely a murmur, fatigue laced in his tone.
“You should be sleeping too, you know. It’s not as if we go through different camps..”
Mark let out a soft huff of laughter, whispering back trying to reassure you, “I know, I will. Don’t worry about me and get some sleep, alright?”
Rolling over in your sleeping bag, you stared Mark down as hard as you could, “no. I refuse. For as long as you’re awake, I’m not gonna sleep,’ you huffed.
Mark knew that your claim was far- fetched, seeing as he could tell you were tired, with how your head would lull to the side ever so often and your breathing would even out before you would jolt awake suddenly, remembering your promise to stay awake.
But true enough, he wasn’t even 2 pages into his documents when he heard the light thud of your head hitting the mattress, your breaths slowing down and becoming deeper. Seeing as you didn’t bring a pillow to the camp, Mark figured he could do without his jacket since he probably wasn’t getting much sleep tonight anyway, folding his jacket carefully into a nice rectangle, one hand lifting your head gently to slide the jacket underneath so your head could rest gently on it.
“Goodnight,” he murmured, tugging your sleeping bag up to cover you more before he resumed browsing his documents.
The next morning, during the briefing in the morning, one of the members leading the service team had decided to add morning exercises to get everybody’s energy up, part of this including stretches.
You were a little hesitant to do the stretches since you realized your shirt would ride up a little when you had to do certain stretches, but you tried your best. Mark was a little late, walking in and not being able to help the laugh from slipping out of his mouth when he saw you struggling to do the stretches, but he couldn’t stay entertained when he saw one of the older guys from the service team checking you out while you were doing the stretches.
His best solution he could think of in the moment was to shed himself of his jacket and wordlessly walk over to tie it around your waist, successfully covering you adequately and making you a lot more comfortable, as evident in how you could freely stretch without fear of exposing too much you weren’t comfortable with.
Your cheeks flushed, not expecting Mark to swoop in with such a gesture that you obviously weren’t prepared for so early in the morning.
“Sleep well?” he asked, his voice still hoarse from sleep, joining the stretches smoothly and you had to keep your gaze focused forward so you wouldn’t lose concentration.
“Yeah, you?” he nodded.
“What’s for breakfast, organizer?” you grinned.
“Cereal, dummy. You were the one that bought it, remember?” your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape in realisation.
“Oh, right,” you laughed.
The rest of the day went by fairly fast, the highlight of it being that Donghyuck wouldn’t shut up about how flustered Mark was when he was caught off guard during your session you were giving, when he was too busy admiring you and not paying much attention to what you were saying. “He was totally drooling! Renjun can vouch for it,”

“Renjun is not a reliable source, if anything, Mark was just tired, and zoning out. That’s all.”
You could practically hear Donghyuck rolling his eyes at you. “Listen to me, I’m just saying. I’ve known Mark longer than you have, and if anything, the last time I saw him act like this was... basically never, because Mark’s never cared about someone other than his family as much before.”
“Yeah, you said it, family. That’s what he sees me as, hyuck.”
“Yeah, his wife!” you choked on your fruit punch, pushing your dinner further from you on the table since you were done with it. “I mean, everyone can see it, might as well make it clear to the both of you before I have to resort to bringing you both together myself.”
“I love you too, hyuck,” he made a face of dismay, mocking you as he repeated what you had said.
“Also, does Mark have beef with Jaemin? He’s been acting really weird around him,” you voiced out, having noticed it yesterday during lunch.
Donghyuck laughed a little too loud, shaking his head vigorously, “Mark’s just weird,” he continued, voice dropping to a mutter, “I don’t know why you like him, he’s an idiot. But you know, I’m not here to judge, you do you.”
“Get out,” laughing, you shoved him off his chair, and his high pitched giggle rang out like bubbles.
Mark couldn't help the way his eyes searched the room for you whenever he stepped in, landing on you and Donghyuck when he heard the younger boy's laughter ringing in the distance.
"I bet if Y/N usually wore stripes you'd be really good at where's waldo," Renjun snickered at Mark's resemblance to a lovestruck-puppy as he looked at you and Donghyuck every five seconds while he ate.
Mark's head shot up at the sound of Renjun's comment, glaring at the boy seated in front of him.
"Whatever," he murmured, cheeks hollowing because of the way he pursed his lips, chewing aggressively on the food in his mouth as he saw Jaemin approaching you and Donghyuck to join the conversation.
"He's totally not her type anyway," he justified to no one in particular, earning a rather intense eye roll from Renjun.
“Does saying that make you feel like you have a better chance than Jaemin? It's not as if u can just… telekinesisJaemin away from her, you might as well man up and do something about it yourself if you wanna guarantee that he won’t get in the middle of whatever you two have going on,” Renjun sighed, shrugging as if he hadn't just had an encouraging best friend moment, leaving Mark wondering how Renjun could still manage looking so innocent sipping his orange juice.
Mark didn’t even notice when you had left the canteen with one of the participants from Jeno and Chenle’s group that wasn’t feeling well, leading him up to the toilet as quickly as you could because he needed to throw up.
The boy had mentioned that he had a history of bad health, and he wasn’t feeling well enough to stand on his own, so you figured it would be best if you could follow him to the toilet to make sure he wouldn’t faint. After many minutes of retching and coughing, the boy was starting to feel a little better and you let him wash his mouth before moving to lead him out of the toilet, only to come face to face with some of Mark’s fellow committee members- who you didn’t remember the names of, but you weren’t very fond of them anyway.
“What are you doing with this kid? Did you know that we’ve had to spend the last 15 minutes looking for you while you were doing God knows what in the male toilet?” one girl with a sleek ponytail had snapped, her voice sharp and cutting.
You furrowed your eyebrows, confusion taking over you, “hey, you should go join the rest now, tell Jeno and Chenle I’ll join them later.”
Turning your gaze to the committee members after you had seen the boy disappear around the corner, you continued, “I’m sorry, I think you’ve gotten the wrong idea. He wasn’t feeling well and I saw that Jeno and Chenle were busy so I took him to the toilet myself, that’s all that happened...”
“You couldn’t have asked another male facilitator, could you? Or were you just so eager to bring him to the male toilets yourself. You know, it’s hard to believe what you’re telling us, Y/N. I mean, we don’t necessarily have the bestimpression of you,” another one of the group had spoken up, and a strange feeling bubbled within your chest. You barely even knew any of these people, yet they seemed to have so much to say to you.
“This is a church camp...” you murmured, flinching slightly at how quick they were to bite back at you with an answer.
“Yeah, a church camp where this situation would have required a male facilitator to follow the participant, not you. Wonder what Mark would think if he saw you in the male toilets with a participant, whom, you know, is younger than you,” the ponytail girl had hummed, making you scoff.
“Mark knows I wouldn’t do that,” you spoke up, trying to make your voice as firm as possible.
“Yeah, but does everyone else know?” you were at a loss, your fists clenching and unclenching as you tried to find the right words to say to them, however they seemed to have beaten you to it.
“What’s your aim, huh? Are you mad because they made us in charge and not you? Did you think that you would’ve been chosen as well just because you’re close to Mark?” one of the guys had added, folding his arms and taking a step closer to you, his height practically towering over you. “You know, he’s not even doing that great of a job, for that matter-”
“Don’t you dare talk about Mark like that,” you frowned, though their laughter only served to make you feel even smaller in their presence. “Oh? Are we not allowed to? I mean, it’s the truth after all. The dumbass doesn’t even know we’ve just been making him do all our work for us,” she shrugged nonchalantly, making your frown grow even deeper.
“Is that how you make him go to your beck and call too? hmm?”
“My relationship with Mark isn’t like that...” you started, though you couldn’t seem to know what to say after that, which of course, gave them the perfect opportunity to mock you once again.
“Really, now?” the ponytail girl had leaned closer to you, the sarcasm in her tone making your eyes roll. “Then what is it like? like you and that kid you fooled around with?”
You held yourself back, not wanting to tear up from their words but not being able to help your frustration.
“I did not fool around with him. He was sick and I brought him to the washroom,” your voice trembled with the sheer amount of anger you were feeling.
“Sure, whatever, Y/N. Just make sure it doesn’t happen again.” They left before you could say anything else, leaving you dumbfounded as you made your way back to the hall for the next session.
It was no surprise that Donghyuck found your behavior suspicious when you returned to the hall, and though you acted as per normal through the session, when Mark had dismissed everyone for an hour of free time before dinner, he’d taken the opportunity to sit you down and squeeze whatever gossip material he could get out of you.
“What happened during lunch? You left with Jisung, right?”
You nodded, picking up the crumbs of bread that had fallen on your pants and tossing them elsewhere, “yeah, he needed to puke and Jeno and Chenle were busy serving food.”
A silence fell between the both of you as Donghyuck continued to look at you expectantly, “Yeah, and?” he prompted with a ‘duh’ tone.
“What do you mean, ‘and’? that’s it.”
“Cut the bullshit, dude. Jeno and Chenle told me Jisung came back without you, said the committee were giving you shit.”
You sighed, finishing the last bite of your bread and gesturing to Donghyuck to hand you your water-bottle, taking your time to sip your water- and pluck up your courage -before you decided to continue, “they were just talking shit, as usual. No big deal.”
“What did they say to you?” he prodded again, making you shoot him a look.
“You’re not gonna stop till I tell you everything, aren’t you?” he nodded with a sickening smile, batting his eyes at you expectantly.
“I don’t know...you know, like....they started saying I brought Jisung into the cubicle with me on purpose or something-”
Donghyuck’s eyes widened, before his eyebrows furrowed in confusion “Huh? To do what?”
“I don’t know!” your tone was exasperated, glad that Donghyuck felt the situation was just as absurd as you thought it was. “Whatever it is it clearly wasn’t what I was really helping Jisung out with!” you huffed.
“They said it as if I was fooling around with him or something...then they were saying shit like, like I don’t know they make Mark do all their work for them? And they asked me if I manipulated him that way to get him to do things for me as well and when I said that wasn’t the kind of relationship I had with Mark they were like ‘oh so you do the same things with Mark that you did with Jisung’? and I don’t know hyuck it was just really horrible and I felt like shit and I wanted to cry because I was so embarrassed but it was like I couldn’t even talk!” you gasped, practically panting after telling Donghyuck what had happened at one go.
Donghyuck paused, letting a silence fall between you for a while before letting out a scoff, and a rather exaggerated one at that, “aren’t you pissed? I’m super pissed and it didn’t even happen to me!”
You pouted at the floor before frowning at Donghyuck exasperatedly, “you know that there’s nothing I can do about it now. And as a matter of fact there’s nothing I want to do about it now. It’s over, Jisung is okay, and that’s all that matters.”
“You know that’s not it, Y/N.” In all your time of knowing Donghyuck, you would have to say that this was the most serious you’ve ever seen him act ( well, aside from when he’s playing video games with Jeno or Renjun ).
“Well, what do you suppose I do about it, genius?” you shot back, downing a big gulp of water to soothe your still slightly hoarse throat.
“I think you should tell Mark,” he told you as if it was the best idea in the entire world, earning a violent shake of the head from yourself.
“No way in hell- I mean, heck, that Mark is gonna know about this. Hyuck, I’m serious,” you put a hand on his knee that was on the bench to steady yourself.
“Mark already has so much on his plate, I can’t afford to have him worrying about even more things, especially not if it concerns me.” You could see that Donghyuck was thinking hard about this, the pout on his lips seeming to deepen as he glanced elsewhere with his eyebrows slightly furrowed, his eyes squinting the more deep in thought he got.
“I know! What if it wasn’t about you! I can just tell him the committee were giving somebody shit-“
“Donghyuck, are you hearing yourself right now? You’d have to mention me eventually if you went with that plan. Scrap that plan, go with my plan. Which is to just not tell Mark at all,” you grinned at him, holding two thumbs up in an attempt to be more convincing, earning yourself a very slow and accentuated eye roll from Donghyuck.
“Hyuck, I mean it. I know you’re gonna wanna do something to get back at them but believe me when I say I reallydon’t want this to be made into a big deal.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. You have such little faith in me.”
You heard the sound of the megaphone’s siren signalling that it was dinnertime, so you said goodbye to Donghyuck and joined your own group to eat dinner.
Donghyuck, on the other hand, was busy gathering him and Mark’s group of friends to, if put in Donghyuck’s words- “spill the tea.”
Jaemin, Chenle, Renjun and Jeno were currently surrounding Donghyuck at one of the stone tables in the church that Donghyuck figured would make his announcement more professional, “okay, boys, first order of business. Let me tell you what happened to Y/N just now after she helped Jisung puke and whatever,” Jeno and Chenle shared what seemed to be a knowing look whereas Renjun and Jaemin just looked confused.
“Something happened?” Renjun spoke up, earning an equally confused sound from Jaemin, to which Donghyuck nodded gravely, proceeding to tell them exactly what you had told him prior to dinner time.
“I knew it!” Chenle shouted, standing up in his excitement before being shushed and shoved back into his seat by Jaemin and Renjun.
“I knew something was up when I was having touch time with Jisung just now, he said that the committee were saying things that ‘weren’t so nice’ to her but he couldn’t exactly remember what it was,” Jeno explained on Chenle’s behalf since the latter was too busy enjoying the fact that he was right about his suspicions against the committee.
“And she just stood there and took all of that?” Jaemnin asked, concern laced in his tone, glancing at a pissed-looking Renjun mid-speech.
“Well, she did say she was so humiliated and I doubt she could’ve gotten anything else in with all of those psychos ganging up on her,” Donghyuck shrugged, “which is why I say we should do something about it! Avenge our dear sister whom Mark just so happens to be in love with!” Donghyuck pumped his fist in the air, earning a sound of agreement from Jeno and Chenle, but he felt opposition the moment he glanced at Renjun and Jaemin’s concerned expression.
“I don’t know, hyuck. I mean she did say she didn’t want it to be a big deal...” Jaemin started.
Chenle jumping in quickly to add, “Unless we just tell Mark?”
“But that’s exactly what she didn’t want us to do!” Jaemin shushed Chenle again, who simply shrugged in defeat, “well that’s the limit of my ideas, man,” Chenle shrugged.
“I think we should tell Mark,” Renjun piped up, to which Jaemin asked, “wait are you on our team or against us?”
“Nobody’s against anybody here!” Donghyuck sighed, desperately wanting to facepalm, thinking again to himself why he thought telling them would be a good idea.
“The only people we should be against are those stupid committee members.”
“Wait who are they again?” Jeno asked, earning a loud groan from Jaemin.
Eventually, their discussion drifted elsewhere after someone had mentioned the brownies being served for dessert, leaving Renjun to be the only one silently thinking of how to approach Mark to break the news to him before it was time for debrief since the group of them couldn’t decide on things for shit.
“Dude I need to talk to you,” Renjun closed the door to the empty committee room that Mark was currently in, since after the groups were done sharing they would have to be dismissed to go to sleep and it would already be time for debrief.
“Uh-huh,” Mark barely glanced away from his notes he’d taken in the day, earning a tired look from Renjun.
“Dude I’m serious, I need to talk to you it’s about Y/N.”
“Huh?” Mark finally tore his gaze from his papers, before shaking his head and returning his glare to them again, saying, “Renjun, I’m really sorry but can this wait? I really need to make sure  got everything down here, the priest is gonna be there at the debrief later and if I screw this up it’s gonna look really bad on me as the person in charge.”
Raising his hands in an action of surrender, “Ok, fine man, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
When you got to the room where the debrief was going to be held, you avoided the smug looks on the committee members’ faces as they whispered amongst themselves and pointed at you not-so-subtly as you made your way next to where Mark was seated.
“Hey,” you chirped, seeing his head tilt up to look at you, a smile on his face when he realized it was you.
“Hey,” he greeted.
You chose not to distract him since he seemed to be rather focused on his notes, making you feel a little upset at how he was over here stressing out about the agenda for the debrief while the other committee members were lounging on the table idling away.
Thankfully, Mark had started the debrief a little early today, with the reasoning that he understood everyone would like to go to sleep as soon as possible after the long day you had today. Running through the list of things to cover quickly, what was next was when Mark would routinely ask if any participants were not feeling well and he would proceed to check back with the groups on those participants whose sicknesses were already reported to him.
“Group 7?” Mark asked, and you knew this was Jisung’s group, so you were expecting Mark to ask about Jisung but Chenle and Jeno’s statement caught you off guard.
“Jisung was actually feeling really bad around lunchtime? Chenle and I were busy serving food so he was accompanied by Y/N instead, since it was pretty urgent and he’d puked up a lot according to him,” Chenle made a disgusted face at Jeno’s words.
“He’s still feeling a little queasy but we gave him some medicine before we sent him to bed. HIs mom says he has a really sensitive stomach but he claims after he puked he felt a little better. But thankfully since Y/N was there it really helped him- and us -loads.” Chenle nodded, flashing you an appreciative smile as Jeno awaited Mark’s reaction.
Mark’s expression darkened, turning to the committee members who were behind him to ask, “why was I not notified that we had a participant that threw up and was under medication?” the ponytail haired girl suddenly seemed as though she had a lot less to say compared to when she was outside the washroom with you earlier.
“Well, you know....uh, well, we assumed since Y/N was the one who was so eagerly helping Jisung, she would’ve told you about the situation,” she shrugged, her gaze pointed at you.
Mark turned to you momentarily before narrowing his eyes at the committee once again, “so you were aware that this was happening and none of you decided to double check if I was notified about this?”
One of the taller guy members sitting next to the ponytail haired girl had spoken up, “well since Y/N-”
“Whether or not she was involved is not the main concern here. Her responsibilities do not include doing the work that is meant to be done by the group of you.”
You looked at Donghyuck with a panicked expression, seeing his lips pressed together in an attempt not to laugh amidst the tense atmosphere that had fallen throughout the room.
“What the heck is going on?” you mouthed to Renjun since Donghyuck didn’t seem to be able to be of any help right now, seeing Renjun shrug, pointing at Mark before using both his index fingers to make angry eyebrows on his face.
Mark lowered his voice so he could direct his words more specifically to the committee members, “I don’t know what you take your responsibilities in this camp to be, but clearly you’re not taking them seriously enough, not with you thinking I’m actually stupid enough to not realize you’ve been asking me to do extra work since you’re all seemingly incapable of doing it, and to add on to that you think that even non committee should be taking care of and receiving blame for your faults?” Mark’s voice raised slightly before he remembered the presence of the priest in the room, which served to remind him to keep his calm a little.
Mark turned back around to face the rest of the team, “Any other issues you would like to raise? if not there’s no further things we need to discuss on the agenda, you guys are dismissed. Committee please stay behind.” Mark’s aura was a lot more intimidating than you’d seen him in a while, and you understood why since you knew this was his first time being in charge of a camp and he wanted to do a good job and prove himself, but it seemed like things weren’t going as planned.
You decided it was better to leave him to do his own thing now before he could get more triggered, leaving the room after giving him a gentle squeeze of his arm.
Renjun had met Mark downstairs in the canteen after most of the service team members had gone to sleep. He felt a little pity for the older boy, seeing how his eyes had dark circles under them, his hair was messy now probably after many times of frustratedly running his hands through it, and he looked absolutely ready to pass out.
“So...debrief, huh,” Renjun let out a low whistle.
“I know, it was a mess. I can’t believe I could let that happen-“
“Did they tell you what happened?”
Mark’s eyes narrowed at Renjun, taking a seat at the bench in the open air, enjoying the cool wind of the night time that served to comfort him just a little in the midst of him feeling like absolute shit. “You mean you’re telling me there’s more that happened?” Mark’s voice was tired, sounding as if nothing would surprise him any more than he already was.
“The committee, they basically attacked - well, verbally attacked -Y/N when they saw her coming out of the male toilets with Jisung.”
Mark frowned, already getting riled up at the thought of what kind of things they could have said to you.
“They were talking to her as if she’d brought Jisung to the toilet to do....things with him, and they sort of told her that you weren’t doing that great of a job as someone in charge and asked her if she manipulated you into being at her ‘beck and call’ too…and- I don’t know there was a lot of things. They sort of put her on the spot,” Mark fell silent, the only thing he could liken his emotions to was a washing machine with his anger just busily rolling around in his mind and heart.
“Okay before you get mad, or more mad actually, the rest of the gang and I were saying that we wanted to respect her decision of not wanting to make this a big deal-”
“Wait so the rest of the guys know what happened already? I’m the last one to know?”
Renjun sucked in a sharp breath, “well....yeah,”
Mark ran his fingers through his hair for what must’ve been the hundredth time that night, “What the hell...why didn’t she tell me?”
“I mean-” Mark stood up suddenly, shocking Renjun. Mark fiddled with his phone, quickly thumbing out a message to ask you where you were.
12:18am -huh, why? i was just about to go to the sleeping area-
Mark 12:18 am -wait for me at the door-
Mark pocketed his phone quickly, “sorry, man, I gotta go.”
“Okay, fine, just totally abandon your friend who just gave you important information. It’s fine with me,” Renjun threw his hands up in exaggerated offence.
Mark was anticipating some sort of dramatic confrontation to happen when he reached the door but when he actually saw you in front of him, he’d felt as though he’d lost all the words he wanted to say.
You were relatively quiet since you weren’t sure how Mark was feeling, but you let him do the usual and bring mattresses for the both of you to lay it on the stage.
Since you were already tired beyond belief from the events that happened during the day, you didn’t refuse this time to lay in your sleeping bag and get ready to sleep, hearing Mark mumble something next to you, making you turn your head to face him, a small hum escaping your lips.
“What happened this afternoon?” he asked you, his voice clear enough that you wouldn’t have mistaken him to be saying something else. Though at this time of the night, you were desperate to give him answers to his questions so you could go to sleep, simply choosing to tell him what you thought he was asking you.
“Jisung wasn’t feeling well, he said he felt like throwing up so I brought him to the toilet.”
You heard a silence from him, assuming he was finished with his questions, “I’m gonna sleep no-”
“I asked about you, not about Jisung.”
You were too tired to realize the annoyance in his tone, turning to face him, eyebrows furrowing, “me? Nothing happened to be I mean yeah sure seeing him puke kind of made me want to puke but-”
“God, why the f-“ he stopped himself, looking at you before letting out a shaky breath, “when will you just put yourself first for once,” he turned around in his sleeping bag so his back was facing you.
“Mark,” you whispered, hoping he would turn around.
“Mark,” you murmured again, “Mark. Turn around, what are you trying to say?” you reached out a hand to shake him gently on the shoulder, feeling him grip your hand tightly, peeling it off his shoulder.
“Go to sleep, Y/N.”
The next morning you weren’t surprised to have woken up and found that Mark wasn’t next to you, and you hated the looks of confusion Donghyuck was giving you as to why you weren’t talking to Mark that morning. Making your way downstairs with Jaemin to have breakfast, you chose not to bother Mark more since he obviously seemed annoyed with you for some reason.
“Are you feeling better?....you know, after yesterday?” Jaemin asked, concern laced in his tone.
You shrugged, “If I were being honest....I feel even worse. I thought it would be okay, you know, after it got brought up during the debrief but..” you shrugged, trailing off as you collected your breakfast from the servers, waiting for Jaemin to collect his drink. “But I don’t know, Mark said something to me last night and he sounded pretty annoyed at me and it just made me feel...like shit I guess,” you shrugged again.
Leading you to the table where Donghyuck and Chenle were sat at, you’d joined them for breakfast, Jaemin successfully cheering you up after you’d seen Mark come into the canteen and leave with Renjun shortly after, not even remembering to take his breakfast with him, yet something in you knew you couldn’t exactly tell him to eat his breakfast now.
“Dude what’s wrong with you? I thought you would’ve worked things out with her by now?” Renjun waved his hands frantically in front of a zoned-out Mark’s face.
“Why, are you, so awkward, with her?” Renjun said slowly, pausing between the sentence to break down each word for Mark with a sarcastic tone.
Mark made a disgruntled sound in response. “I just need to calm down first, okay? Everytime I see her I just think of what happened and why she didn’t wanna tell me. If I confronted her about it now what would I even say?” Mark frowned, “oh yeah I’m in love with you lol haha ttyl? It’s not that simple, Renjun.”
Renjun’s mouth dropped open, poorly stifling his laugh at whatever you could call what Mark just did.
“Mark... you know I love you but...but if she still loves you after that kind of confession, that’s how you know it’s real love.”
Mark whined, “shut up, Renjun.”
“Where is she anyway?” Mark did his best to sound nonchalant but it was hard to act nonchalant when you seemed to be completely fine at your table playing games with the guys and being so close to Jaemin, and no, Mark didn’t care if the game required you to cross hands with the person next to you because to Mark any contact with Jaemin was just automatically deemed unnecessary.
Mark saw you jump away from Jaemin and look and his direction, not even realizing why until Renjun took the megaphone out of his hand.
“What are you doing!” Renjun clicked a button on the megaphone to stop the siren, talking into it, “sorry guys false alarm.”
Shoving the megaphone back into Mark’s chest, a muffled grunt sounding from Mark, Renjun shook his head in disappoinment, “times like this I really need to remind myself why I’m your friend.”
Later on in that day, the committee had separated everyone into different groups to carry out the clean-up for the respective areas, and your assigned area was the carpark, which meant you were busy lugging around heavy buckets of water around the carpark in an attempt to clean it without slipping on the water and falling.
Your pants were rolled up to your knees and you were struggling to carry up a bucket to the second floor of the basement with Chenle because the more he laughed the more the water tended to spill over to your side of the bucket. Once you had set the bucket down, you thought you could finally take a break but you heard Jeno calling you over to where he was.
“Y/N, can you please go to the canteen to help shift the stuff upstairs?”
You hesitated, since your feet and slippers were already so wet, shifting the things upstairs in your condition now was just going to be a pain in the ass that you didn’t really want to deal with right now.
“Please, please please, I’m really busy right now, I’ll buy you a drink when we’re done or something,” he clasped his hands in front of him in a begging action.
Your eyes widened in interest, “I get to decide what drink it is?”
“Yeah sure of course!” You grinned in response, running ( or trying your best to with your wet slippers ) up the stairs to the canteen, looking around to see who you were supposed to help until you saw Mark, the instinctive urge to pick flight instead of fight taking over you.
You decided there was no going back now since you did want that free drink after all, so you made your way over to where Mark was, seeing his eyes widen at the sight of you there instead of Jeno.
“What are you doing here? I called Jeno.”
“Oh, uh...he was busy with stuff so he told me to come up to help instead,” you told Mark, not missing the way he kept shifting his weight from foot to foot, bringing a hand up to grasp the back of his neck.
“Do you want me to leave? I can like call someone else to come here instead-”
“Yeah,” he breathed, your eyes widening in response. “Wait!, I mean, no! I mean, like- Jeno, no wait, you-” he stopped himself, taking a deep breath in and out, facing you with a serious expression.
“Don’t leave. Just help me shift this stuff upstairs.” He handed you two boxes stacked on top of each other. Not wanting to get in his way, you decided to turn to walk the other way up the stairs but you seemed to have turned too sharply, the smooth surface of the floor and the water on your slipper causing you to trip, landing roughly on the floor, boxes scattered elsewhere as the only thing you could focus on was the sharp pain that shot through your ankle.
Mark had immediately put down whatever he was holding, shocked sounds escaping him at an uncontrollable rate as he made his way to your side, asking you if you were okay, his eyes scanning your limbs rapidly to see if you had injured yourself.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, whatever’s in those boxes must be broken because of me-“
“Even now you’re still thinking of the boxes?” he gave you a displeased look.
“Huh?” you frowned.
“I mean, whatever was in the boxes was probably really important....”
He shot you a look, “so are you, you know....you’re like....” he looked away, “important...and stuff.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that threatened to bubble from your throat, “oh my God, please shut up and get me off the floor before you continue.”
“Are you hurt anywhere?” Mark asked, making you snort in reply.
“Yeah, my heart.”
“My leg, Mark. My ankle really hurts,” you pointed at your ankle, letting him hobble you over to the nearest bench you could find, awkwardly trying to point your gaze elsewhere when he knelt down in front of you and took off your slipper, “oh my-Mark don’t, that’s gross! Please, my feet are wet!”
“Shut up, can you just-“ he shot you a look, “let me do this, I know what I’m doing. This happened to the basketball guys all the time.”
You nodded slowly, still trying to avoid looking at him in fear that you’d get even more shy than you were now.
“That was like a metaphor, you know, in case you didn’t get it.”
“Mark, I didn’t take literature,” you added pointedly, earning an eye roll from him, choosing to press particularly hard on your ankle at that point.
“Sorry if I...you know, annoyed you last night or something,” you muttered, finally making eye contact with him when he looked up at you with an unreadable expression.
“No, I sort of was being a dick to you last night... I was just kind of...stressed I guess,” he shrugged, continuing to massage at your feet.
“Look, Mark. You obviously know about everything that happened yesterday afternoon right?” he looked up to nod at you, “and you can say that you weren’t the least bit worried?”
He let out a scoff, “What? Of course I was worried! I was so pissed off-”
“Mark that’s precisely why I didn’t want to tell you in the first place! I knew that you had a lot going on and a lot that you needed to take care of, and worrying about me was the last thing I wanted to add to your list of things to do,” you told him, seeing his ears start to tint red.
“Yeah but how do you think it feels for the girl I like to leave me out of things like this?” he asked you, a challenging tone laced in his voice.
“Wait, you like me?” you asked.
Mark’s eyes widened, “shit, wait...that was not how I planned to tell you.”
He let go of your leg, standing up and taking a seat next to you, turning his body to face you. “Okay, rewind. Pretend I didn’t say that,” you nodded at him, trying your best to stifle your laugh but you could feel yourself grinning widely at him.
“I like....wait, do you have a thing with Jaemin?” He narrowed his eyes at you, using his index finger and middle finger to cross each other.
You burst out laughing at that, especially because Mark’s sincere pout made it even funnier, “no, of course not. Who even told you that?”
Mark let out an annoyed groan, “not important, anyway. As I was saying, I didn’t wanna tell you because I didn’t want to impose anything on you, not with the whole possible Jaemin situation anyway. Also because...you know.....secret boy stuff.”
“Secret boy stuff?” you quirked an eyebrow at him.
“I was scared, okay?” he glanced up nervously at you before looking down at his interlocked fingers and continuing, “I thought...it’d be weird for us to keep being friends if you didn’t feel the same way, and I didn’t want things to just end like that, you know?”
You nodded slowly, “I get it, you and your secret boy stuff,” you smiled, reaching out a hand to pat him on the head.
“I guess I only realized how much I actually...oh my god this is so embarrassing to say but...I only realized how much I liked you when I heard what those committee members said to you. And I just, kind of, felt really horrible because of how I was just over here acting like I was having the hardest time when you were too.”
“You weren’t acting, Mark.”
He contemplated mentioning to you how he sometimes pretended to be busy with work so you would give him attention but decided against it, lest you stopped doing that.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better…I like you too, you know,” you told him, enjoying the way his eyes widened, his gaze immediately flitting elsewhere from being too shy to keep your gaze.
This time it was Mark’s turn to laugh, shaking his head as a soft smile found its way onto his features, “we’re kind of stupid, aren’t we?”
You looked at him, not being able to resist smiling at the sight of him, “very,” you nodded your head.
The last day of the camp brought the usual, photo taking, bag packing, you and Jeno bringing the leftover snacks from the camp home for yourselves. Everything seemed as if it was just like any other camp, but Mark was insistent on finding every opportunity to remind you he was dating you now.
“Here, let me carry your bag,” he offered as you were walking down the stairs to the front entrance of your church, saying goodbye to the campers that walked past the both of you to leave.
“Mark, just put it on the floor we’re not even leaving yet.”
Donghyuck snickered at your comment, holding out his bag in front of Mark, “I’ll gladly let you carry mine.”
“You guys need a lift? My mom’s sending me home,” Chenle jogged over to you guys, earning murmurs of ‘no’s and ‘its okay’s except for the ‘yes please’ that Renjun squeaked out, practically wobbling under the weight of his duffel bag.
“My mom can send you back, unless you’re coming over to my place?” Mark told you, or more like asked you.
You hummed, “I don’t know, I kind of feel like going home and taking a good shower, maybe I’ll come over after that?”
Mark grinned, nodding in approval.
“You guys haven’t gotten enough of each other yet? I’ve seen enough of Jaemin to last me 5 years,” Renjun shot you and Mark a disgusted look.
You were caught off guard when Mark slung his hand over your shoulder, pulling you closer rather abruptly, squishing your face against him “never,” he said confidently.
Gagging sounds resounded around the group, Donghyuck letting out a pained groan, “I kind of miss when they weren’t aware of each other’s feelings now,” he cringed, earning a high five from Renjun.
“I think it’s kind of cute,” Chenle piped up, earning a handshake from Mark, “thanks for the support, man.”
Jaemin burst out laughing, “Chenle’s opinion doesn’t count he thinks everything is cute.”
You saw Mark’s mom’s car drive into the church, nudging Mark gently, “hey, your mom is here.”
After saying goodbye to the guys you got into the car, not missing the knowing look Mark’s mom was giving Mark but choosing not to say anything about it.
“Y/N’s coming over later, mom, so you can cook more for dinner.”
“uh-huh, alright,” she smiled. She’d already heard from Donghyuck about what happened that very morning when she met him in the church so she wasn’t surprised in the least, especially when she heard from Donghyuck about how Mark was so shy he had to stop to giggle first before asking if he could hold your hand.
You were home sooner than you’d wanted to be, stepping out of the car and bidding Mark and his mom goodbye with a ( too breathless-sounding ) “see you later” and once you were gone, Mark let out a big sigh, fanning his face as he made eye contact with his mom in the rear-view mirror.
“Finally, huh.”
“Well, you know...I like her.... and stuff.”
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taexual · 4 years
Oh man so much has happened since my last comments and phew is it a RIDE. Ok so this lengthy commentary is for parts 14-16 since I dropped the ball and am late to the game. First of all, I love that their relationship is like evolving… but like back in time when they were comfortable around each other. I especially liked the scene where they get ice cream after dinner w/ his parents. “Neither of us is getting diabetes… absentmindedly extending his hand to wipe the chocolate from your lips and then sucking his thumb into his mouth.” JK does it so casually, it’s a true testament to how relaxed he is around her now. Secondly, the way you’ve built up this tension is so sexy. Like… everyone must’ve seen that some time in the future, their relationship would’ve upgraded from platonic to romantic. Since it was stopped prematurely, I feel like it’s starting to run its course again? Almost like the hands of time were paused and when re-started, continued its predestined path. One of my favorite parts is the scene in his room where she dares him to show her his “mysterious nightstand” haha and I half expected idk… condoms and dildos and sex toys or something, but come to find out he’s been keeping mementos of their friendship 🥺 they’ve lost so many years and that makes my heart hurt. Ok, and I HAVE to do it, I HAVE to talk about that kiss! “Truth or dare?... You can’t pick truth twice in a row… Fine, you dick… Dare, then. Kiss me.” I love that even tho he’s the one who’s asking for the kiss, he leaves it up to her to initiate it. You can really feel the years of pent up yearning in that kiss. Ch 14 was SUCH a turning point, and one of my fave chapters thus far!!! And the opening scene of ch 15 had me chortling!!! The way she confides in Inna is such classic, sleepover worthy content! I love how Inna is over the moon happy for her while she’s thinking their friendship is ruined haha “Sometimes you need to blow things up in order to build new ones” and “The only reason why your foundation is rocky is because you’ve been building a friendship when you should have been building a relationship” and “There’s no precedent for being in love. Every love is different.” Inna really shined as a beacon of wisdom in this scene and I cherish her!! Every girl needs an Inna!! Mc’s insecurities and doubts were portrayed really well with the dialogue and I can sympathize with her predicament. Jk hurt her before and walked away, who’s to say he won’t do it again? And this time her heart would be on the line. Ok, but when JK brought up “what happened on Sunday night” my heart was IN MY THROAT. I thought this is the moment they DTR?? At a company board meeting?? Thirdly, I looooove getting to see both their POVs. Like in the beginning of ch 16 where JK’s driving her home and is daydreaming about their kiss and how it could have progressed?? You can really tell it was important to him, he’s just a lil emotionally constipated atm haha and their banter!! It’s so lively and so them that you really get the feeling that they’ve known each other their whole lives! “We can both be in control… If we do, I hope it will be as epic as Harry versus Voldemort… I take it you’re Voldemort?” HAHHA this lil piece of dialogue had me cackling!! And the scene with Namjoon at the company bbq was a welcomed surprise! I really loved seeing her defend him against Namjoon’s judgy comments!! Especially since the Jeons aren’t around to hear it, you know she’s not just playing the part, she means what she says. But the end of ch 16 tho when Yoongi calls her looking for JK… the way he knows that JK wouldn’t have cared about the picture, unless she took someone as her plus one. The way he reacted to just the THOUGHT of her with someone else 🥺 what a way to end with a cliffhanger!! Loving how the plot is progressing so far and how the characters are developing!! ILYTSBTSI is such a fun read, I could totally see it as a movie/tv show!! I hope you’re well, I’m sorry this got to be so long, and I hope you accept all my love!❤️❤️
i’ve lived for over two decades and have been writing for more than 15 years in one way or another, and no one’s ever given me a review this deep and personal before. you couldn’t begin to count the times i’ve re-read your message, love 😭🥺 i can’t thank you enough for noticing every detail i’ve spent hours agonizing over, and for letting me know your thoughts on specific parts of the story that stood out to you!! the only way i could thank you properly, is if i mailed myself to you and spent the rest of my life hugging you every three seconds to express my love and appreciation ❤️ thank you a million times, my love, you have made every second of writing this story worth it. i love you to the moon and back, and i am so incredibly lucky that you chose to read my fic! ❤️❤️
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tinesleftnipple · 5 years
episode 11
spoiler warning guys
• shao fei wakes up and sees tang yi and calls his name in the sweetest voice oh ma ga how did i survive this episode
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the face of an emotional man
• tang yi leaves the room and zhao zi and the police girl enter. tang yi overhears their convo about how shao fei keeps getting into danger when he’s with tang yi
• chen wen hao’s henchman is waiting outside and takes tang yi to a teahouse (is this a thing? why do they all like tea? (or is it a father-son thing :0))
• so chen wen hao proposes a deal in which they don’t bother each other and they each drink their own tea to seal the deal
• now im thinking that tang yi shouldn’t have left his DNA lyin around you know what i mean...
• chen wen hao also mentioned that he used to be part of the group but boss tang went and got married and had children and hid them away. where are they now??
• at night in the hospital room LMAO ZHAO ZI SNORES LIKE THUNDER and fei fei wakes up and tries to get water. Enter tang yi!!! Cue romantic gazing ughh i love this scene it’s so intimate :’))
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• shao fei says to tang yi that a fortune teller once told him that his life is big and hard LMFAO and that only a big canon (?idk?) can do/kill him (HAHHA INTERNAL SCREAMING) and tang yi smiles and fei fei says you look better when youre smiling alskdjf WHAT IS THIS DIALOGUE
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yes please give us more romantic gazing yes thank you
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• the next day theres still snoring but now zhao zi is the one complaining LMAO I THOUGHT HE WAS SNORING AND COMPLAINING AT THE SAME TIME but when he gets up to take off shao fei’s covers, jack is there. 
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• every time this couple comes on i get really hungry i swear... but it turns out that the fortune teller was zhao zi’s grandma lol
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they look like an old couple
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• shao fei + tang yi went outside for a morning stroll. tang yi starts somewhat confessing saying how he’s now realized that he needs shao fei to be around, and he likes how their relationship has changed ogmomgomg
• then he says “meng shao fei, i hope you can keep on living, keep living for me-” AND THEN SHAO FEI KISSES HIM OMG BOI YOURE SO BRAVE GO FOR IT
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• tang yi is in a daze LOOOOOOL
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• shao fei screaming is me. he’s so happy awehhhhhhhkasdkfh and then the trailer line “im gonna chase you!”
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• im dead guys how do i wait another 24 hours... tmrw we might get the last button scene GAHHHHH although the episode might end right before judging by the pacing...
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youcancallmemeimei · 3 years
is that really you have a dog name Joe lmao, and what did Obama say bout that again?😂 anyways. I think you really got a good eyes for finding those paradox, because there is also a thing called "the grandfather paradox" or i just found out another one called "billiard-ball model", the grandfather one is almost identical to your theory hahaha I think there might be some physicsts flowing thru your DNAs?!, maybe time for a switch to a new profession?! hahaha anyways recent studies tell the time travel isn't as romantic or as dramatic as peeps wanted them to be lol the future would stay the same, and present is somewhat inevitable afterall. not so interesting afterall isn’t it? but anyways, what matters right? we live for the moments and die in the moments anyways. and interesting, about your smells, I don't think I ever smelled Her by Burberry but it makes sense that you smell like strawberry, it must be really sweet hahaha. Those two peeps that you follow I didn't know about them but well if you want to talk about why I'm here to listen hahaha but your biggest biggest inspiration sounds more mysterious hmm lmao. and those are really powerful quotes, and no doubt they touched your bouncin’ bunny heart, you must've felt them really deeply. and wow, that "wondering-wonder" pun line is like hitting the jackpot in the river of the scratch-offs, ain't it? I could almost picture you smiling in the moment you were digging that one out out of nowhere lmaoh cleverious, hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!
Hi sweetheart, sorry for taking so long to reply, i have finals this week and it's been crazy.
Yeah one of my doggies is calles Joe lmao
Do you think i have some physicists thingy flowing through my dna? hahaha maybe i'll take that into consideration and change my career, maybe designing video games is not my thing hahahahah
I can make time-traveling romantic, want to see? Even if the present cannot change and will forever be the same, if we get the chance to even time travel wouldn't you like to go to the place where you fell in love with someone?, even if that doesn't change anything, you get the change to feel it again, I time-travel all the time through words, photos, smell, touch, for example, i like to write something that makes me remember something that is happening at that moment, and the more i do it the more details i remember, sometimes, i even get to remember what i was wearing when i wrote X thing, or when i smell something, for example Chance by Chanel reminds me of one of the best Holidays i've ever had, i wore a blue dress the first time i wore that perfume and a headband with pearls on it, or La Vie Est Belle by Lancome reminds me when one of my best friends told me somethings and she was wearing beige i was wearing white, you can time-travel without the need to change something, but to feel it again.
did you get the chance to smell Her by Burberry? I mentioned two more in case you're interested hahaha
those girls i told you about inspired me to get my stuff together, and the biggest biggest inspiration inspires me everyday to do a lot of things, is who made me who i am, a long story and a lot of things to say about that biggest biggest inspiration.
Those quotes are wonderful isn't it? And yeah that pun made me cry laugh i saw the opportunity and i took it hahahaha
idk why but it always feels so good to reply, it makes me happy hahha
Have a lovely weekend and thank you for this (the questions and keeping up with me i guess) ! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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formidxble · 3 years
hello !! what are tips that you would give to new writers !! also a specific question, do you know those lil lines you have at the end of fics and stuff? what are they? where do i get them?
hmmm, i don’t think i’m the one to run to for these asks considering the fact that i’m a new writer myself! but in my experience, write what you want to write and don’t be pressured to conform to the trends in the community. it’s important you enjoy what you’re putting out and what you’re doing because it’ll help you in the long run, especially if you plan to start a blog on here hehe
line breaks? i crop a picture and use that HAHHA idk what other authors do, but that’s my way hehe
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la-anarchy · 6 years
1-92 😏😏
well fuck me anon lmao thanks guess ill get to it hahahah
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? - ugh yea fuck it i prob would
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? - nope i did not
3. Have you taken someones virginity? - I have
4. Is trust a big issue for you? - It is
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? -nope
6. What are you excited for? - country fest on july 5th
7. What happened tonight? - went to my friends and played with his baby daughter
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? - not if its not an every day thing
9. Is confidence cute? - of course
10. What is the last beverage you had? - whiskey and coke
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?- honestly not many
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? - lmao nah
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? - ummm im not sure really prob gym and drink
14. What are you going to spend money on next? - um gas
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? - lmao no (also havent kissed anyone in months)
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? - I mean i guess so probably
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? - my best friend kinda
18. The last time you felt broken? - about a week ago
19. Have you had sex today? - nope its been almost 10 months
20. Are you starting to realize anything? - oh yea
21. Are you in a good mood? - I am
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? - sure fuck it
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? - yes
24. What do you want right this second? - i could go for some cuddles or rough sex.. both ?
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? - i dont know honestly
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? - yes
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? - no i dont think so
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? - my friends baby
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? - always
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? - maybe not in the way they always want
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? - na hes a good friend now
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? - yea id say so
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? - no but i try to not drink it
34. Listening to? - king of the hill
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?- yes
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?- i have a good idea
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? - no
38. Who did you last call? - my best friend
39. Who was the last person you danced with? - my ex
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? - we broke up and it was like a good bye kiss 
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? - i really dont know lol
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? - yes
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? - probably
44. Do you tan in the nude? - sometimes
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? -like as in not kiss the person, no i wouldnt take it back
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? - nope
47. Who was the last person to call you? - my friend
48. Do you sing in the shower? - every time
49. Do you dance in the car? - hell yea
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? - yurp
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? - the Marine Corps ball52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? - nah
53. Is Christmas stressful? - hahha yea
54. Ever eat a pierogi? - yes?
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? - peach or blueberry56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? -actor, doctor, teach, Marine, cop
57. Do you believe in ghosts? - yea i think i do
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? - yea i used to a lot when i was a kid
59. Take a vitamin daily? - nope
60. Wear slippers? - only during the winter
61. Wear a bath robe? - i used to
62. What do you wear to bed? during the summer just boxers but in the winter pj pants and a Tee
63. First concert? - Brittany Spears lmao
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? - wal-mart or target
65. Nike or Adidas? - ariat lamo but i guess nike
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? - cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? - peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? - ummmm idk the name of it but i did like one of her old “country” songs
69. Ever take dance lessons? - not professional but i did take a few line dancing ones and my ex was a dance teacher and she tried to teach me some moves
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?- i wanna become a cop now that ive already become a Marine
71. Can you curl your tongue? - yes
72. Ever won a spelling bee? - once i was 5
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? - yes
74. What is your favorite book? - um i have a lot of favorites
75. Do you study better with or without music? - without
76. Regularly burn incense? - candles sometimes
77. Ever been in love? - yes
78. Who would you like to see in concert? - i really wanna see luke combs and upchurch haha
79. What was the last concert you saw? -ummmm i think it was FLGAL
80. Hot tea or cold tea? - cold
81. Tea or coffee? - coffee
82. Favorite type of cookie? - chocolate chip or peanut butter
83. Can you swim well? - yes
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? - yes
85. Are you patient? - sure haha
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? - DJ
87. Ever won a contest? - yes
88. Ever have plastic surgery? - no
89. Which are better black or green olives?- black
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? - all the sex
91. Best room for a fireplace? - family room, basement, or if you got a big ass bedroom
92. Do you want to get married? - very much so
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soonhoonsol · 3 years
hehe use this ask to answer the long rant that i will be sending soon hehe -seojun anon❣️
oooh boy rollercoaster :D
episode 14… i have my trusty little episode 14 recap next to me so i can be sure to get everything that i wanted to talk about hehe. first, i love how confident jugyeong got! like go girl! the way she didn’t wear makeup to school and then told everyone that her and suho were dating!! woohoo!! and poor joon woo *pout* don’t break up with her if you can’t even survive a couple days without her 🥺and stupid soojin. please… and to think that i actually liked her in the beginning. i’m really proud of sooah for standing up for jugyeong in the bathroom. and that sooah x jugyeong scene in the basketball court… we love a healthy friendship! and then the seojun and juyoung part where juyoung cries to seojun and seojun knows exactly how juyoung feels… like my poor team seojun heart.. 🥺 honestly i feel so bad for seojun, but i think what he wants to do is good? valid? like how he wants to confess to jugyeong in order to move on. the music room part where he was watching jugyeong sleep was heartbreaking. and then he tells her that she doesn’t look that different with and without makeup 🥺
okay imma respond to this in parts so i can focus on each paragraph... jugyeong’s confidence...i want that. her friendship with sooah? i want that too T~T joonwoo is too pure for his own good protect his poor soul... but the seojun and juyong scene ouch my poor heart :( seojun is just the nicest lil bean #hanseojunprotectionsquad is a go. and juyong :( i love his character development tho... gowoon give him a chance pls
my favorite part this episode was the jugyeong, sooah, and hyemin fight with those girl. like hyemin is so sweet and i hope these three can be best friends now. and the thing that taehoon says to suho that he’s being clingy and jugyeong won’t like that… i feel like that’s really wrong. like even jugyeong likes it. like in the beginning of a relationship, that’s normal and adorable. oh oh and i love the seojun and suho friendship at that place (what is it called omg) like please you can’t tell me that wasn’t cute? and seojun singing 🤩🥰
omg yes!! hyemin’s character development is great too; also lowkey happy she has speaking lines now. their fight mixed in with the cuts from the video game was hilarious tho i loved it <3 idk much about the clinginess part so idk whether to agree with taehoon or not but i was too focused on the taehoon x suho dynamic. they’re hilarious :D and the suho x seojun scene in the dojo (is that the one you’re thinking of?) where they fought and then went out for food... they’re the cutest. i’m so happy they put aside their differences.
(im sorry i literally keep jumping around with what happened this episode ahh) is it bad if i still feel a little bad for soojin because of what her dad does to her? but i’m still super glad that everyone found out that soojin betrayed jugyeong. like good! and then jugyeong tried to rekindle their friendship and i felt like soojin wanted to too, but she kept up her guard and got upset at jugyeong. and then she cried. i think there’s something more to how soojin is acting and why she’s acting that way. of course, i still hate her.
it’s okay! jump around as much as you want :) i feel bad for her too... soojin should leave her dad... he’s an abusive asshole who has no right being a doctor >:( but yeah i’m glad soojin got her retribution. she deserves it for acting the way she did, but the girl needs serious therapy.
that scene where jugyeong passes her written exam and hugs suho was absolutely adorable!! i definitelyyyyy did not screen record it because suho’s smile was absolutely adorable. i’m devastated oh my gosh 😭😭
omg pls send the video i wish to perish with you </3 eunwoo just has the prettiest smile ever? devastated
THE THE SEOJUN CAFE OR WHATEVER PART WAS DEVASTATING!! jugyeong, i understand but i also don’t. how could you not know seojun likes you 😭and then there’s the suho and jugyeong date at the beach and farm (right? i was a farm, rightt?) and please. my heart is torn because jugyeong is so happy with suho, but seojun 🥺that place where jugyeong was on that swing… i want to go there! like that seems like so much fun!! definitely adding that to the places where i want to visit in the future!! but of course, like all cliche dramas, there’s always a happy part right before the sad part. i really really sense a second season because how can you add the seojun x jugyeong relationship and the seojun idol part in only 2 episodes? like i’d really rather them make another season instead of cramming everything and making it super rushed. the 2 years later part really hurt and made my team seojun heart happy. but that preview… what is happening 😭😭what did you think about this episode? and what do you think will happen? -seojun anon❣️
jugyeong’s innocence is so endearing but i don’t blame her for her cluelessness. like if your friend asked you for relationship advice, the last person you’d think they like is yourself, especially if you’re in a relationship already. but yeah the suho x jugyeong date was so cute (i think it was a farm too) and im highkey shipping them now but seojun </3 UGHHH how can anyone be 100% team suho or team seojun like how T~T 
that swing looks awesome but absolutely terrifying though T~T idk how long kdramas usually run for but yep it seems like a second season is coming... especially since the webtoon hasn’t even ended so... :/
the 2 years later part... now i’m wondering if we’re at the stage where seojun and jugyeong are dating? since suho seems to appear again in the preview so i’m very confused T~T but i think we’re gonna get that scene where seojun kisses her on the staircase! if i remember correctly, at least. i guess suho will return to korea somewhere in the middle of the episode, or it could be a teaser into ep 16 since the producers have done that before (add in scenes from later episodes into the preview) so i can’t be truly sure :((
well this was fun! my brain is working too much right now HAHHA
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purpletine08 · 4 years
Favorite things (Part II)
(still.. note to self)
26. our favorite time of the day- easy, always love mornings :)
27. your favorite fabric- hmm, not particular but i guess neoprene
28. your favorite word- ‘puhon’
29. your favorite way to practice self-care- skin care, recently
30. your favorite place to rest- house in aklan
31. your favorite photo- i always go back to the only photo i have when i was a baby, and Papa was carrying me
32. your favorite beverage- coffee is love
33. your favorite blog- hahahaha. syempre mine. and the other one is…. hahaha
34. your favorite way to play- play what? i don’t know how to answer this question
35. your favorite piece of jewelry- a ring.. Puhon
36. your favorite work of art- as I said earlier, i love The Spolarium by Juan Luna, I always imagined a perfect date in front of the painting, He and I holding hands while being amazed with the beauty of heart and at the same time having the emotional connection with the country’s dark history… (Note to self: kilig responsibly)
37. your favorite dream- to make my family and God proud, to be in line with His Will
38. your favorite mistake- favorite mistake? ka daghan man ui
39. your favorite part of your body-hmmm, eyes siguro, idk. you tell me. haha
40. your favorite topic to read about- God’s sovereignty
41. your favorite gift- i really surprises. medyo traditional kasi ako, so i would prefer personlized with lettter (handwritten).
42. your favorite way to feel loved- yung kinakamusta ka kahit everyday naman kayong magkausap at magkachat (Note to self: Kilig responsibly)
43. your favorite way to move your body- ambot. hahaha
44. your favorite song to relax to- hmmm, since HS, i listen to “Put your records On” by Corrine Bailey Rae
45. your favorite song to dance to like no one’s watching- Macarena! hahha
46. your favorite voice- mine. hahaha. i love deep bass like George Ezra
47. your favorite holiday scent- i love the smell of Vanilla
48. your favorite scent in general- i lean toward strong scents, medyo manly hehe
49. your favorite thing to read when you need a pick-me-up or pep talk- i like to read fun and memorable conversations sa messenger and smile while remembering those moments
50. your favorite place to hang out, where you can genuinely be yourself- CBF, owl
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thefloralfox · 6 years
Writing Tag
Oops, forgot to do this :3 Tagged by @n3rdlif343va~
1) How many WIPs do you currently have?
Ummm, that I’m posting? Just one with four or so planned out. If we’re talking about original works, then around fifteen or so? Probably more hahha
2) Do you, or would you, write fanfiction?
Yeah hahha I’m currently working on my first fanfic and have other fics planned out. I’m not sure I’m as skilled at it as I may be in my original work, but it’s all for fun so it’s all good XD
3) Do you prefer paper or electronic books?
Paper FTW!
4) When did you start writing?
Oh, wow. ..maybe when I was nine or ten? That’s fourteen or fifteen years ago, so it’s been a while
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
No, not anymore. I used to, but life happened and now I also don’t have my coffee maker hahha
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
I like to write in my living room when everyone’s gone; it’s quiet and nobody distracts me or complains about my music XD
7) Favourite childhood book?
Childhood book, eh? Not sure. I liked Dr. Seuss’ One Fish, Two Fish when I was really little, Jerry Spinelli’s Stargirl when I was in middle school and Louis Maistros’ The Sound of Building Coffins in high school. Good reads, yo.
8) Writing for fun or publication?
For fun hahha I shared my first fanfic less than a month ago and I still get nervous thinking about updating it; IDK if I could ever publish my original works but there’s still plenty of time to work on that!
9) Pen and paper or computer?
I use pen and paper to plan and for notes, then type on my compy
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
I took one in high school; it was either that or boring lit where you have to read between lines that may or may not even be intentional and guess at what the author may or may not have wanted you to glean. Gag me with a spoon XP
11) What inspires you to write?
My mind is constantly coming up with ideas; those ideas come from real life experiences, feelings I have, visuals I like, struggles I’ve seen and so on. I’ve always been a creative person, so it kind of just pours out XD Good music and weather get me in writing moods, too!
Thanks for the tag, Nerd! Anyone who reads this and wants to do it can join, too; just say I tagged y’all hahha
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tfwlawyers · 7 years
so a while ago someone asked me what my hcs on phoenix’s (lack of canon) parents/guardians was and I gave some boring answer but recently I’ve changed it !! a lot !! here’s 2.5k of hc under the cut !!
spoilers being that I don’t think he actually had parents
more spoilers, I specifically hc he was a child in foster care who was never adopted and had to leave for independent living once he became a legal adult (and if my wording on any of this is off, plEase do message me about it!! I’ve been doing some research/have a bit of personal experience with this on my own but yeh; also localization-based so)
my hc for phoenix’s parents used to be that they were just pretty okay people who supported him well enough but they were never /that close of a family, they moved somewhere else after high school and he stayed behind for college and then the rest of his life basically - they were fairly average people who just. didn’t quite care enough to keep in touch with their son and vice-versa for phoenix
and I love when people give him loving parent(s) hcs (like him having two moms being so popular on the kink meme a few years back) and it’s sweet and hell yeah for aus, but it just? doesn’t make sense to me in canon; there’s no mention of his parents anywhere aside from a passing comment about his mother (and if I remember right it’s because someone brought up I want to ssaaayy morgan? maybe? as a sort of ‘[someone’s] mother’ comment and phoenix being phoenix just went ‘my mom?’ like Babe), no one was there to help him during his disbarment/trucy’s adoption except for a handful of friends, no one showed up for him during college when he was on trial for murder, so ??
there’s just that single brief passing mention of a biological mother and he has no issues with calling yanni ‘dad’ for that bit in 1-4 / ema ‘what are you, my mom’ in 1-5 and obviously great-grandad ryuunosuke, but that’s all I can think of regarding canon mentions of any sort of family? which, wow what a lot to work with
so. yeah. maybe his biological parents died or couldn’t support him but regardless, he wound up in a home and was never adopted and just booted out once he turned 18 (or whatever the respective age for that state/district is, I do base most of my hcs off weird localization so heyo LA)
like. here’s all we know about phoenix’s childhood (and if I’m forgetting anything, hmu):
-what happened at the class trial (and a lot of homes do have their children attend public schools)
-he’s an only child
-it was raining during his elementary school graduation
-dahlia/his murder trial in college
-he fuckgh tipped cows once goddamit phoenix
like that’s…. it, that’s all we know about him/his past prior to college, so this hc does make the most amount of sense to me considering canon + just his character overall?
it explains his fear of abandonment/hatred of being alone and maybe why all the kids turned on him so easily in the class trial (if he was the ‘weird’ one without parents then imho it’d be even easier for those kids to believe someone ‘out of the norm’ could steal money, like if they were already so willing to turn on him based on the simple fact that he wasn’t in gym that day mmMMM add that in and you’ve got even more to it), why he clings so fiercely to people and will do anything to protect them (eating glass for dahlia, changing his entire career for edgeworth, running across burning bridges and kicking down doors for maya, etc), why he adopted trucy so damn quickly when he honestly had no real reason to other than being /phoenix and not wanting her to wind up lost in the same system he did
it explains his immaturity in college before mia rolled in, if he never had a lot of individual attention/guidance growing up it honestly does make sense he’d be a bit more immature than other 20-somethings (mia is 100% his mom but like. adding in this hc, mia is his mom, one of the first people who wanted to genuinely help and guide him when he never really had that before)
it explains his quiet jealousy/self deprecation of wealth/appreciation for finer things but why he still spends his money on things like taking maya and later pearl out to lunch so often (off-track but phoenix wright wants to be domestic ok he wants to be So domestic, he wants a big open home with comfortable furniture and nice dishes and a loving family and uGH HE’S GONNA HAVE IT ALL… SOMEDAY……), why he acts like such a big brother/paternal figure to maya and pearl right off the bat even at just 24-25 years old
it explains why he wants to help people so much and is willing to sometimes do it for free if they really have nothing, he’ll gripe about it later for sure but he does occasionally view his job as an attorney and helping those with no one on their side a bit more highly than a paycheck (also tangent but I never really understood the hc about phoenix hating ~charity?? it’s such a popular one and if there’s anything in canon that supports that plS message me because I genuinely just don’t get that one, in 1-4 he thinks something along the lines of ‘wonder if I can get edgeworth to pay this month’s rent, too’ after edgeworth posts bail for maya, like Yeah it’s played more of a joke than anything else but idk I? never really got that he’s too prideful to ask for help, financial or otherwise - he’s never been the greatest with money between sometimes letting clients off the hook/only taking a handful of cases per year and that’s a flaw on its own, but disliking any sort of financial assistance so vehemently I never understood for him? ANYWAY TANGENT SORRY)
it explains why he kind of just did whatever the hell he wanted with his life (I’m a third year in college right now which was the same year phoenix was when he switched his major from art to law and if I changed my major rn my parents would be sO pissed with me lmao ((another hc that the reason phoenix is so poor is that he’s still paying off fuckin 7+ years of student loans ,bye)) 
so. yeah. phoenix who hit the respective age limit for foster care and wound up entirely on his own, lost and clutching vague ideals like a family through theater (getting to that, hang on), then to dahlia’s love and then the desire to save/see edgeworth again (phoenix has pretty big issues with motivation too, especially when he’s alone (why he gets all mope-y whenever maya’s gone djfld) so if something more tangible shows up he’s more likely to see it through; he’s extremely single-minded and he clings a lot to people who are important to him, like he was willing to swallow poisoned glass for dahlia and change his entire goddamn life for edgeworth So these leaps make sense to me here too considering the shift from something less concrete to /more)
and I’ve fully embraced takumi’s idea about him wanting to pursue shakespearean acting in college rather than any sort of visual arts (‘I’m in the art department!!!’ college phoenix says, 'WHAT KIND OF ART’ I yell at my DS), and when I factor this new hc into his college life it makes a lot of sense there too?
his wanting to be an actor was never his Dream or anything, he dropped it in a heartbeat for law and he explicitly says he never once regretted the change in 3-5, but? I have a fair amount of theater friends and they all agree that being in a theater company is like having a family and that’s something he would have really wanted; he always liked language and the drama and tragedy and comedy and romance of shakespeare’s works too (hc the only other thing he bothered taking with him besides clothes and a bit of money when he left was a dog-eared volume of shakespeare’s best), but those being the only reasons he kinda just decided 'why not, I’ll go into acting’ - there wasn’t anything deeper beyond that, he just. didn’t have anything else /planned for his future, no matter what he chose it didn’t really matter so why not pick something he had an interest in and where he’d be guaranteed to be around other people?? 
my mom never went to college and she says a large part of that was because her family didn’t support her so she never felt she could amount to anything in school (she wanted to go into theater herself, interestingly enough), so kinda just? phoenix never having that attention and support from a parent/guardian/anyone (again, leading back to his lack of maturity in 3-1), he just picked something he thought he might enjoy in acting and the second he saw that newspaper article about ~demon prosecutor edgeworth he started hunting down some law books on the side too
because acting never meant /that much to him, not over saving someone (especially /this someone hahHA)
I always had the impression that miles and larry were some of phoenix’s first real friends, so if you think about miles being his first friend/first person to stand up for him in the class trial when !! kid with no parents that no one liked !! it makes it all the more aaAAAAAAAGHH and his determination to save edgeworth /back even !!! more !!!!!
plus phoenix later learning that miles only has a single father himself and finding a bit of comfort in that is really sweet to me too? miles doesn’t have the most conventional family either but he loves gregory and gregory loves him and they’re doing just fine on their own; gregory meeting phoenix a few times and being so happy that miles has friends/phoenix always being genuinely interested whenever miles brings gregory up is. pure
((another random bit soRRY LMAO I DON’T POST MY OWN META A LOT, BEAR WITH ME - my hc for miles’s biological mother is that they kind of just dropped him off with gregory as a baby and bowed out, they were never a part of his life and never really wanted to be but miles never felt he missed out on anything growing up either; gregory is like the Ultimate Single Father, he loves talking/thinking about miles in his flashback case but if I remember right he never brings up a partner or anything, so just ?? single dad gregory… ye boy….))
oK so that’s over, I’m almost done with this post I swear  
takumi put a lot of himself in phoenix and I always found it interesting that we never really got any information about his childhood/guardians beyond the class trial and random bits and pieces of memories, especially considering the fact that phoenix is one of our main leads (and would have stayed our only main lead in trilogy if capcom hadn’t wanted him back for AJ); for ema and lana we got a passing comment about how their parents died in a car crash and it was never gone into further detail than that but it was still /something, for phoenix we don’t even have that
aa deals a lot with broken families (fey and edgeworth and skye and von karma and gramarye and sahdmadhi and khura'in), intentionally or not, so? having one of its main protagonists be a man who never once actually /had a blood family of his own but works to mend/help others (like… ignoring… how trucy and apollo still don’t know… and that’s something I honestly can’t fault phoenix for entirely as he waited to ask thalassa what she wanted to do as their biological mother and she asked to keep her relation to them private for a little while longer, like it still drives me up the wall that it’s gone on this long and as trucy is his /daughter he should at least be able to tell them they’re //siblings if not necessarily reveal who their mother is until thalassa is ready lmmao, but I blame the writers for that more than anything else at this point) is something I really really love, and along the way he crafts his own family and clings to them so tightly and mMM YEAH 
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