#idk if it's even relevant anymore
boredymcbored · 9 months
Dream Where
I went to her house (which was full of cousins and aunts n shit for some raisin) and she had a buzz cut for some reason(??) and we were just sitting on her couch watching a old ass TV talking about life. And having a really deep intimate revealing conversation. And somehow I ended up comforting her in her lap and teling her things will be alright. And we kissed and we meshed well. And then somehow she was in my lap and I lifting her up while fingering her. And we kinda got caught up kinda pulled it off... Then failed 😅. Then it kinda transitioned into a different weird dream but...
It's funny how I said I'd be less pressed but I have a dream then hangout and hope I see her then talk and make references knowing/wondering if she'd know them. Fuck.
I like her, like the music she sends me, the way she just turns her nerd on, the way we just talked through movies cause we just love talking to another-- bro lemme stop being gay.
... I like her. And I feel like a fool wishing I could be around her more. Cause I feel like such a stupid fucking puppy... Or Patrick lmao.
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Cause I got other shit. And love the other shit. And want time alone. But I also want way more time with her. Or just a little. And I already hinted at wanting more of that time. Maybe I should be more explicit? But I also don't want to see desperate and scare the hoes like I normally do. Maybe she doesn't want that time.
Idk I just thought shit would be easier after we said we liked each other!?!? Maybe she thought it was platonic. Maybe she meant it platonically. It literally wouldn't be the first time 😣😩.
See why I reblogged that other shit?? Crushes turn you into a fucking fool. And I don't want clown makeup again? Having these feelings as an adult are also embarrassing. I just want to be nonchalant or to just gaslight myself into acting like shit isn't a big deal.
Thank god nobody's reading my wild ass frenetic thoughts. They don't make sense to ME let alone others.
I just know I like her, and want more time together but don't want to be pressed and scare her away and def don't want to have misread this. Imagine that bullshit happening again.
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diorsbrando · 20 days
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y’all . . . . . .
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hermannsprecursors · 1 year
Has the Hetalia fandom conceptualized 2p Dreamtalia?
Like, hypothetically, everything would play out mostly the same. Same victims, the same chain of events, but differences in the dialogue, relationships, and how everyone, including Reve, probably, would act. I just think that it would be reaaaaal nifty. Like just imagine, Italy just thinking "Germany isn't being annoying? I must be in heaven". All of Russia's stabbing jokes suddenly becoming threats. America and Canada trying to punch everything. Japan trying to kill himself like several times probably. All of the fun DIFFERENCES in how the ARCANAS would look and act! It would be so silly!
... Yeah I acted on the concept. Still trying to figure things out but have some screenshot redraws I thought would be silly and hopefully get some concepts across.
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"Hermann your 2p designs aren't canon" well 2p isn't canon either!!! Let me die in peace with Germany's battle jacket and England having vitiligo and all the scar placements and--
Edit: Kyo saw it. Life has entered a weird new stage. This is very good. I think
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like I do feel bad to not be happy about something that a lot of people are happy about but almost every summer servant being lb6 AND the anniversary servant being a summer servant connected to lb6 is just. A lot. Like I’m glad that you like aesc and she works with her already existing narrative but putting a summer servant (bc she is, Morgan shows up in a swimsuit and her alignment changes to lawful summer in third ascension) uo as the anniversary servant is just. It feels really weird to me and i don’t like it. Even pan human history Morgan would’ve felt more suited to the slot than a summer unit.
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miscelunaaa · 7 months
every time I log in to this shit show of a site there's some new feature I don't fucking care about
is this what getting old feels like
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
would it be okay if u told me why u like aoki😭/gen😭😭😭😭BEEN TRYNA LIKE HIM FOR SO LONG I JUST CANTT but i love ur art so much so i still consume it otherwise lol
i liked tohru adachi in high school and tbh i think that alone is enough of an explanation for why i ended up liking aoki
#snap chats#haha see i told you last post's tags were relevant#anyway vLKVJEVLKAEJVLKJ IM CRYING ANON youre so funny. this is the funniest ask i coulda got thank you so much#i dont know why i like him either <- yes i do#fine lets get Real Talk about it#well first off all i thought he looked hot rolling out the elevator and i was playing the eng dub and i think his voice sounds hot there#and thats like. not athing that happens to me ever <- literally thought sawashiro was hot two frames into the game but anyway#i like politician characters. or characters that are in a position of power ESPECIALLY if they have to act like they dont suck balls#like i very much love the idea of the power of charisma and that type of thing not to mention the 'strategizing' as aoki puts it#that comes with politics. LIKE HE SUCKS DONT GET IT TWISTED HE SUCKS BUT //shrug emoji//#like its why i love the mine rggo stories i like seeing mine's thought process and how he uses his intelligence#smart's sexy to me idk what to tell you but moving on#its fun watching him lose his cool too ESP IN HIS FIGHT LMAO HE STOMPIN HIS FOOT LIKE A TODDLER SHUT UP#i also really love the arakawa family in general and thinking of aoki's relationship with each of them makes my brain explode#especially him and sawashiro that shit is painful to watch and i love it so much#i also thought him going from goth to republican was the funniest shit in the world like i howled at that AND i was distraught#aokis so interesting to me from the notion that he IS loved by his family but he has so much hatred for himself it eats him up#and as a result he cant be happy no matter what he does- how hes constantly seeking validation even if it's nothing meaningful#his lil. Dog-Eat-Dog world world belief to ichi also appealed to my edgy depressed high schooler brain. sorry.#his speech at the lockers also got to me. unfortunately. sorry everyone i empathized too hard it got too real it wasnt funny anymore#like as much as i complain bout the very end the ending is what solidified me liking aoki if not also cause of ichi's impact in those scene#plus... analyzing him and the environment around him is so much fun too....#idk reasons for why i like aoki also boil down to personal reasons. he still sucks tho so i cant be upset when people hate him LOL#i probably have more reasons or could elaborate more i love rambling but i mean. who really wants to read all that 💀💀#maybe for a character that WASNT the worst but. aoki is so LMAO#thank you for loving my art regardless :) im sorry i have to be attached to the worst guys ever
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moe-broey · 6 months
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Also something that's fucking me up actually. Nothing of huge note is said in Tana/Peony duo's bio, but the associated characters...... they're all either someone's brother or in Eirika's case, someone whose brother is extremely significant to her esp as her twin
And. That paralogue dialogue again.
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I am. So. I'm. This HAS to be intentional WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anatomical-puppet · 1 year
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is this anything
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dangofox · 10 months
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moodr1ng · 1 month
i had only loosely been paying attention to the drake vs kendrick shit n only looked up euphoria but i just listened to meet the grahams umm.. speechless
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hyunubear · 1 year
rant time!
kpop reaction content isn't exactly new (at least as far as I know) but it does seem to have kind of boomed in the last... two-three years I think. I remember there being only a handful of relevant kpop reaction content creators on youtube, some more popular that the others, but still there weren't a ton of them around. and I guess it makes sense because kpop itself has gotten much more popular and widely known outside of just [REDACTED] and among a wider age range I'd say.
but nowadays if you look up “X group - Y title track reaction” you will find tens, if not hundreds of reaction videos (especially if its a well known group) ranging from channels with hundreds of thousand subs to small account with a couple of hundred views on their reaction videos. and I just find that so weird.
like... especially for channels that do reactions as their main (and only) content, I find it extremely difficult to believe that after a certain point there is any authenticity behind these reactions. these big reaction channels are out there reacting to damn near every relevant kpop group's comebacks (and there are a LOT of them) and every single reaction is generally positive and often very enthusiastic.
aside from the fact that logically and statistically it's impossible for someone to like every title track being released, even if they're all objectively good (which they're not), because no one likes every genre and every style of music, there is basically no creativity involved in creating this type of content which makes it very dull both for the creator and the consumer after a while.
on top of that, this type of content has created a really toxic environment around expressing opinions and criticism toward kpop groups and kpop music. I just came across a video from one of these bigger (while also being newer) creators talking about how she's not happy with the content she's been making for the past year. she said that it's extremely overwhelming trying to keep up with every comeback when everyone expects you to react to their fave's CB and after a while sitting and reacting to music videos becomes repetitive especially when you're not even allowed to truly be yourself and express your opinions. she said she can't even talk about having a bias in a group because she would get tons of hate comments and dms about ppl bashing her for not having a different bias. I can't imagine how people would react to a reaction video creator saying she doesn't like a comeback or even a certain element in the song/mv.
I used to love kpop reaction videos back when I had just discovered them and they were not as big. like I genuinely get the appeal. seeing someone who's not a teenage girl (which is what stereotypically the general public thinks kpop stans are) is pretty validating. and back then there were like 'vocal coach reacts' or 'producer reacts' etc. seeing the reaction of "experts" analyzing different parts of a song/mv was really interesting for someone like me with zero knowledge of any of the technical stuff. and I also understand that they do contribute to promoting groups and comebacks to a certain degree. but it has just gone too far, in my opinion.
idk maybe I’ve just gotten old and lost the will to enjoy the small things that used to bring me joy but I genuinely don't enjoy reaction videos anymore. most of those older 'exerpts' (except for two I think) aren't active anymore (I'm guessing at least to some degree bc stans didn't want to hear that their fave was not that legendary of a vocalist or their fave song wasn't as layered and complex as they thought it was) and instead there are just random people reacting to kpop and some of them you can just tell that all their reactions are completely faked out. Youtubers are jumping on this trend bc it’s easy (in terms of not having any kind of real substance) and gets u good views if you’re a little charming and funny.
TL;DR : everything is fake and authenticity is dead. kdjfdjf I'm mostly joking but in the end, as per usual with my rants of this kind, I don't have a specific point or a solution. I'm just starting a conversation. so if any of you have something to add or just want to chat about this send me an ask!! (plz don't reply in the comments because I want this to be on my dash so everyone else can read too.)
#I believe the only technical reactors that arent new are PD and reacttorhek#iirc Dre used to be the biggest reacting channel but idk if hes not active anymore or just not relevant#there are a few ‘dancer reacts’ that are new and i didnt find any of their reactions that fun to watch. they didnt anything to the convo.#idk how new ben (birb) is but i used to like his reactions back when he would pause a lot and make longer comments. new hes making very-#short reactions and barely rewinds/pauses for comments.#i dont watch reacttorhek anymore at first bc they werent doing reactions to my faves anymore so there wasn’t anything for me to watch#but then I discovered that they have a doc where they’ve made a list of groups/songs they wouldn’t be reacting to#i think the explanation was that the producer has to choose songs that are complex enough and are worth their artists reacting to#which made sense but seeing the songs/groups they are reacting to (granted i dont stan any of them) it seems like they’re actually mostly-#-reacting to the most popular groups and not necessarily the groups/cbs that deserves the attention#like it makes sense for them to be picky bc they’re a huge team and cant be mass producing tons of videos like some of these solo reactors#but it seems like instead of picking actually musically complex and interesting songs from lesser known/underrated groups theyre just-#-picking groups that will bring the most views.#i just scrolled thru their channel and nearly all the videos were reactions of popular 4th gen gps#essentially the only reactor i still enjoy watching to some degree is PD#But i still cant get over the fact that none of these reactors ever have anything other than praise to say abt evey song they react to#even I dont like EVERY song my bias group releases#so even when i watch a reaction of a song/mv i DO LIKE i dont know if the person is being genuine abt liking it#okay i think I’m done 🤔#niki screaming into the void#long post
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orcelito · 1 month
Oh tho. Despite being at a concert at a bar with easy opportunity to have drinks. I looked at the menu as if I was gonna order anything, then thought to myself, "You don't drink anymore, hon" and went "Oh, right" then just got water.
So???? Given how matter of fact that thought was, maybe I really am fully sober from alcohol now. Interesting thought.
#speculation nation#cant say im fully sober all the time completely bc i may or may not have done a weed or two in recent weeks#but that's neither here nor there#well ok it is in fact here. in this conversation. bc it's relevant.#i just dont want to drink alcohol anymore. period. even when i was having a breakdown i didnt want to drink.#and even when i was at a concert venue having the time of my life. i didnt want to drink.#the thought of alcohol just does not appeal to me anymore. not with the connotations it has now.#but in lieu of that. i gave a little edible or two a try. since i already knew i fucking hated smoking weed#still wont do that. but a little recreational dabbling in a social setting... yea ok ive done a little#not interested in doing this kind of thing alone tho. or even regularly.#but for special occasions. in a social setting. since i dont drink alcohol anymore. this is a Way To Go.#alcohol ment/#drugs ment/#i think ill b posting about the drinking thing less now. bc this felt pretty conclusive to me.#ive been wavering on it for 2 and a half months now. unsure whether it was just the trauma and grief of it all.#i mean. it is. that's precisely why i am so suddenly no longer drinking.#but time is going by and ive had several opportunities to drink. times i wouldve taken in the past.#but my heart solidly told me No. i didnt want that.#and ykno what even with 0 alcohol i had the time of my fucking life at that concert.#26 going on 27 and suddenly completely sober because my dad died from alcoholism.#one of those things where. well. drinking isnt good for you anyways.#so if i dont wanna do it. well thats actually better for me in the end. so might as well lean into it.#idk whether this will be an actual longterm thing. but i suppose i'll find out!#for now at least. i have no interest in drinking. and so it shall remain in the near future.
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werewolfpdfs · 1 year
i know i just said moash doesn’t want to be good but ACKSHUALLY!!! moash does want to be good but not necessarily morally good i don’t think. he wants to be good for what he is supposed to do. he wants to be useful. he wants to help the singers like kaladin helped bridge four. and like going back to the structure and control thing moash wants to be good and useful to odium because in return it doesn’t hurt and in return he doesn’t have to decide what to do anymore. moash has so little agency throughout the entire narrative and it’s like. how does it not PAIN you all to read this. radical liberator killed a king but he doesn’t get freedom out of the deal. he can’t feel free anymore. at the same time he is resisting being controlled he is seeking it out! he is so so chained.
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wereh0gz · 3 months
Guys would you still love me if I started shipping one of my ocs with a canon character
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anothermonikan · 4 months
Me: Literally just trying to draw anything, anything at all
The irreversible impact these two fuckers had on my art:
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telemiel · 5 months
i am genuinely incapable of interacting with or existing around other people without fucking everything up and i'm so tired
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