#idk if i have any followers in la but if i do the event will be THREE WEEKS LONG and TOTALLY FREE
aurosoulart · 2 years
been running around like crazy this week getting everything set up for this BUT MY ART IS GOING TO BE IN A GALLERY OWNED BY THE DISNEY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!
this will be at an AR House showcase (in partnership with the Disney Family) in LA starting in November!!! I’m going to have art exhibits shown on both the Tilt Five and the Quest Pro 👀👀👀
I’ll share the exact dates and location SOON but right now I gotta work on some more stuff!!!!!
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gloryy-vs · 1 year
Neteyam x reader or Jake x reader with anxiety???
idk what to title it so i titled it as the medication i used to take idk 😭😭
characters: jake x na’vi reader
ratings: soft, concerned jake, soft jake, nice boy jake
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Antsy, restless, impatient, unsociable were only a few words used to describe you by your parents a fellow Na’vi. Ever since you were a teenager, large social events and stressful situations made you indescribably afraid. It was like an impending doom or weight constantly sat on your back and shoulders when around other people. Which made socializing very difficult.
You we’re continuing your rambling to Jake, trying to explain why you never wanted to go to community meals and hunts, as the stares and numbers of people usually scared you off after only a few minutes. Your mate Jake was in awe, realization slapping him in the face. No wonder when he first arrived you seem to avoid him at all times or just look indescribably restless, cracking your knocks or pulling at your fingers.
“Baby girl, anxiety. That restless feeling?” Jake wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
Your ears went flat, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean? Is that what that is?” Jake grimaced, nodding his head.
“It’s like you feel like you constantly have to do something or…like you’re worried, always looking behind your shoulder.” He explained, fingers caressing your shoulder gently.
It was still a lot to wrap your head around. Na’vi people didn’t really have s good explanation for this as they’re very sociable people who enjoy large families and get together. So to find the odd one out is very astounding.
“We can work it out together. Find better ways to cope, you don’t need to hide from everyone all the time.” Jake said, kissing your forehead.
He was a very comforting figure in your life, always looking for signs of your anxiousness. It even brought those habits to your attention. How you’d bounce your leg impatiently, crack your knuckles and absurd amount of times and play with your hands consistently. Like when it came time to finally go out to your first communal meal in a long time, he could tel you were hesitant about getting any closer to the group. Your breath was erratic, and fingers balled up tensely.
“You got it, baby. Just breathe, just breathe. I’m right here, you tell me when it’s enough. Okay?” He said, his hand resting on your lower back to guide you closer. Your feet moved on their own, instantly finding an empty spot towards the very back, but Jakes hand pushed you in the opposite direction, towards the center.
You whined softly, unwillingly following. He sat you both down, and the Na’vi on either side of you and Jake were surprised to see you out and about. As you squatted down on the log, your leg began to shake, distracting you with its quick movement. Jake was being handed two bowl of season fruits, one for him and one for you. His yellow eyes darted over to you, seeing your habits began again. Your face looked distressed. He placed his free hand on your knee, massaging it harshly to calm you down.
“I’m right here. You’re gonna be okay.” Jake said, his hand remaining on your leg to stop the shaking from starting again. He handed you your share of food, placing his in his lap while he wrapped another arm around you, pulling you closer so your leg pressed against his.
“Let’s eat. Keep your mind off it.” He said, taking a berry out of your bowl and plopping it in his mouth. Letting out a shaking breath, you nodded quickly.
Your hands grabbed at an apple like fruit, sinking your teeth into it while your eyes darted around the room to see if anyone was staring. Nobody seemed interested in you, which calmed your nerves more than anything. The only eyes you could tell were on you was your mates. He smiled softly, “See baby? Calm already.” He joked. He knew better than to assume your anxiety had magically gone away. Jake knew this would be a long process but he’d be there to help you each step.
You laughed, wiping your mouth from all the fruit juices. “Got a laugh out of me in a place like this.” You said pretty confidently.
“I know, it’s my specialty.” He said, ruffling and messing up your braided and beaded hair.
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chayannesegg · 4 months
ok i'm gonna layout the events post-sunny's totem pop because i was watching it back and the details of it actually confused me a little. when i saw it live, i assumed tallulah was calling leo a cheater for hitting sunny after the totem popped, but watching back blurred that a little for me and i'm wondering if other people have any thoughts on it?? it's now unclear to me who tallulah was calling a cheater since she seems to be like firmly cheering on leo the whole time and didn't really look at sunny at all. sunny and tallulah's relationship has been in a weird spot for a while ago (and this adds a whole 'nother layer to it even tho i think from her perspective tallulah could just be supporting her sister leo who is often left out and not really thinking about sunny at all) and i could write a whole essay about what i think is going on there. but like who is tallulah calling a cheater? leo for hitting after the fight ended? sunny for breaking leo's totem? why is what leo did okay then? did she see who started it? so many unanswered questions anyway this is long and unnecessary so i'll put it under a read more, i got half way through doing this before deciding it was pointless but i figured i might as well post it anyway so everyone has the play by play and can see what i mean lmao
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ok so the totem pops. sunny and leo both hit each other once immediately afterwards (still in the momentum of the fight) then sunny backs away and turn to leave. it's worth noting here that tallulah is on leo's "side" of the arena cheering. she moved basically immediately when leo enters the arena (unlike every other match where she stayed with the group in the centre/centre-left) and stays there the whole match. it could be her wanting a different angle but i'm not sure.
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leo follows sunny, swinging her stick, and hits her as sunny is leaving (note: sunny is unarmed here but she switched to the bread to eat like the same second leo hits her so i don't think leo wasn't purposefully hitting her unarmed but she could tell sunny was leaving) (also note: pepito's been on the floor since before the floor ended, poor baby does not like watching the sisters fight, also got told off by guard at the beginning for opening door like pepito wanted to follow pepito's sisters in 🥺🥺)
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leo then spams hits sunny back (~4 times) as she switches to a stick. ramon starts rushing forward. sunny starts hitting back (~3 times) and pops leo's totem. she then turns and leaves just as ramon comes between them. he switches to an enchanted axe briefly facing leo but quickly swaps back to stick, seeming to realize the fight's over for real now. leo starts victory dancing as sunny exits the room entirely. ramon exits quickly after (and stands to the side thereafter). cucurucho laughs and says good like the drama-loving asshole he is.
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tallulah puts down her sign after sunny exits the room (she's just behind empanada here), but sunny doesn't read it since she's facing away the whole time. it's worth noting as far as i can tell (from audio and a brief frame with the maraca in it) that tallulah only moves towards the centre after the leo's totem breaks. pepito goes in towards leo. empanada comes and throws bread at sunny (it is empanada not tallulah i checked). sunny starts writing a sign
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after her sign's down, tallulah then rushes into and jumps excitedly at leo and throws bread at her. she then comes out and breaks her 'CHEATER' sign (which neither sunny nor leo read) before returning back to leo. em asks if sunny's okay and sunny finally finishes her sign she started typing when she first exited. she leaves it up about 5 secs (we never see it RIP)
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leo puts down a sign saying 'SLAAAAAAAY SOPORTA' and tallulah follows up also saying 'SOPORTAAA'. I'm not great at Spanish but soporta usually means like 'support' but i think (and i'm also not super familiar with mexican slang) this is also another way of saying like la queso which is drag slang for 'like it or not' (kinda idk how to translate it)?? i'm not sure tho. if someone knows better please tell me.
anyway so that's that. all the other eggs basically just watch the aftermath or aren't paying attention. ramon's intereference and pepito cheering for both but congratulating leo on her win after and empanada supporting sunny after all make sense to me as reactions. but tallulah confuses me a bit. it seems like she is pretty supporting leo during the fight and after. she doesn't act like she thinks leo did something BM afterwards (which i think she'd at least admonish her if she did even if she was still excited leo won). neither sunny nor leo sees the cheater sign and she breaks it fairly quickly. did she regret it? did she think sunny got to read it? did she not want leo to see it? it's such a small thing but that cheater sign baffles me.
there are so many intricacies to the sunny's relationships with tallulah and leo that i think were all made worse by this fight lmao. the little girl drama i live for it @.@ can't wait for qsmp to return so i can have more to do than analyze a 3 min fight for 2 hours
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
Hi Rumortracking  Anon! Re: Markus Anderson, idk if you’ve already seen this, but SMM subreddit has an extremely well-researched and enlightening post in 3 parts - “Deep Dive into Markus Anderson” and the early days of Soho House - that is loaded with links to articles, going as far back as c2008-9, detailing MA’s history - from its very inception in London - with Soho House.
MA’s job is to travel to prospective global venues, setting up new Soho House locations…not only the brick-and-mortar facilities, though, but also (and most importantly) the preliminary “special sauce” of identifying and coalescing the ~exclusive core Soho House membership groups in each city, who are then invited to join the SH clique. They consist of trendy up-and-coming 20/30-something “creatives” mixed with established, wealthy oldsters, and each group wants/needs something from the other…the reflected shine of youth/beauty/innovation v access/money/connections…and sex (lots of kinky, nonjudgmental, libertine sex). Markus is the magician who concocts this Soho witches’ brew of social interaction in each city/SH venue, and he evidently is uniquely talented at it. Like a shadowy, deviant society hostess, MA mixes and fixes people. His little black book, not to mention his private phone photo galleries, must be titillating! Also, from very early on, Soho has maintained a Soho House yacht, used for events like Cannes. 
Suspicious types like Weinstein, Epstein, and Maxwell have been involved in SH from the start, and MM’s first documented interaction w Soho House was in 2010 (a picture of her and Ninaki Priddy at one of the LA Sohos). Note: this was before Suits, before her relocation to Toronto, before Soho House Toronto. In other words, MM and MA most probably have known each other for a very long time, and it’s likely that MM has worked for/“at” various Soho Houses (allegedly…and in what capacity, who knows?). Scooby Doo (MA’s alleged ex-lover), Lainey, Messica, Edward Einninful (sp? the UK Vogue editor guy), Missan, ALL of the Yorks (PA, Fergie, Bea, Eugenie)…they all have long-standing ties to Soho House. Not to mention, the curious coincidence that MA was born in Peterborough, Ontario, CA less than a year after Pr Andrew attended school there for a semester…
As you read through these well-documented SMM posts/articles on MA, the linked articles about Soho House “culture” and “ethos” (lol) are equally as riveting. There’s a reason these posts are marked NSFW. Even pics of the Soho House dining room wallpaper are labelled NSFW iykwim. If you or anyone else are interested in falling down the Soho House rabbit hole, then brew some tea, pour a nice Chardonnay, pop some popcorn, and settle in for some juicy reading! 
(Hope this link works: 
I appreciate that SMM has such a loyal following but I’m not a fan. I know these are fighting words but SMM and Sussex Squad are different sides of the same coin. God help you if you disagree with the hive (which I have). It’s not fun.
And come on. Prince Andrew is Markus Anderson’s father just because the dates line up? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds, without any other proof? It’s as absurd as saying Kate is a falling-down-drunk alcoholic who drank her way to stomach cancer or that “abdominal surgery” is code for William having been physically violent towards Kate because of his anger and her 3 month convalescence is so she doesn’t have to be seen with bruises and broken bones. This, by the way, is exactly what Sussex Squad is saying about Kate’s health crisis.
SMM isn’t for me anymore. I’m not going to funk anyone’s fun but coincidences can exist without it being an evil conspiracy.
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no-passaran · 11 months
Hi! Don't feel obligated to answer, but I've been learning catalan & I'd love to read some novels originally written in catalan, but i'm having a bit of a hard time finding ones that aren't 'classics'. Any recs? (I usually like literary stuff, like, authors irritatingly showing their skill, i eat that shit up, but anything contemporary or psychological or fantasy or anything will absolutely do :,) )
Oop sorry, I hadn't seen the message until now.
You won't have difficulty about this because Catalan literature is very lively and there's lots of great books coming out very often. Catalan literature has been praised around the world for having such vitality and quality, considering that it's a relatively small language community.
Personally the first recommendation that came to mind is Manuel de Pedrolo but idk if you're considering that a classic? He's relatively recent but many 20th century authors have become classics. His Mecanoscrit del segon origen is definitely considered a classic even though it's only from 1974, but I don't think the other ones are usually. Anyway, I really like his sci-fi short stories book Trajecte final, and my dad has spent years obsessed with his theatre play Homes i no. Talking about theatre scrips, I have a really soft spot for La cançó de les balances by Josep Maria Carandell ❤️.
I'm not usually one to read many short stories books but I also recommend Albert Sánchez Piñol's Homenatge als caiguts (stories of about 2 pages long and usually funny, very entertaining to read).
For a completely different vibe of short stories, I also thought El Cafè de la Granota by Jesús Moncada was excellent, the characterization and events feel like hearing your grandparents telling stories of when they were young. I still haven't read his most famous novel Camí de sirga though, honestly I don't know what I'm waiting for lol.
Canto jo i la muntanya balla by Irene Solà has also been very popular in the past few years and she definitely shows off her literary prose. I found it very lovely and I recommend it for when you want something more experimental. It's a book where each chapter is narrated by someone or something different (a shepherd, the rain, a witch who was killed centuries ago, a deer, a dog...) and it's very well written, it has also won some international awards.
And listen for some reason I still haven't read them myself (I plan to change that soon) but the best contemporary author is probably Jaume Cabré. I've only heard the highest praise for his Les veus del Pamano, and other of his books like Jo confesso. I'm planning to finally read Les veus del Pamano this summer and I'm very excited for it.
Another one I've heard lots of praise for and which I'm excited to read (hopefully soon) is Les històries naturals by Joan Perucho. I wasn't going to include books I haven't read besides Cabré (because, let's face it, with a question like this one must include Jaume Cabré) but since you asked for literary fantasy I think you might like it. It's about a knight/botanist who looks for one of Jaume I's knights who is a vampire.
Others that I've had recommended but haven't had time to read yet: Junil a la terra dels bàrbars by Joan Lluís-Lluís, Nicolau by Antoni Veciana, Guilleries by Ferran Garcia, and lots of people have loved Eva Baltasar's Permagel, Boulder and Mamut though it doesn't seem like my style they seem interesting.
I don't know if any of my followers wants to share some more in the comments/reblogs, but I'd be interested to hear them too 👀
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Any predictions on what is going to happen in and after this arc?
I don't think I'm very good at predictions (╥﹏╥) I really can't guess what's Dostoyevsky's deal, but if else, that makes following the current manga events all the more exciting! Again, by the looks of it we're going to find out the backstory of a character that was first introduced in 2013, so reading the last chapter was a real “whoa” moment for me. As for the guesses I can take, it really doesn't go much further than:
Whatever is going on in the last chapter between Dostoyevsky and Bram is probably going to lead to Bram's demise as it was shown in chapter 102.
I think there's likely some connection between the scars (?) on Bram's face and the way medieval Dostoyevsky displayed an analogous one in the last chapter, because they're too similar to be put there randomly.
Something I haven't seen being brought up is the possibility of Dostoyevsky being able to time travel rather than be eternal, which even though doesn't feel like the most convincing explanation, I feel like it's too soon to fully exclude either?
Jokes aside, I don't think Akutagawa has any real chance to play a role in this, because it's evidently something that's happened in the past. And though the author looves time traveling shenanigans, that feels a bit of a stretch. Although the last attire we saw Akutagawa in did resemble a medieval aesthetic, so who knows if he doesn't have some other kind of connection to the events…
But I DO feel like the change in appearance must be telling of some new alliance. Likely something from Europe. We know the author is probably going to move the focus to European authors next, they already seemed to suggest so in an interview, and if God allows it it's finally going to be time for Agatha and the Order of the Clock Tower.
I. Idk. Have been growing an underlying suspicion that the 2-hours-later sskk scene is going to be a spinoff movie to come some time in the future. It's going to feature time traveling shenanigans (see the very limited timeframe skip) and Fukuchi coming back in a new weird form and sskk getting their rematch with him I have been saying they narratively deserve. Overall it's something that won't be covered by the manga à la Dead Apple, standalone and that can be skipped past. It does make sense marketing wise because it'll be years before the manga will have released enough content for another anime season, and given that the bsd franchise is comparatively very popular right now, I highly doubt they'll let the hype slowly die– that's also why I'm waiting for the announcement of a new Wan anime season any day now. I've said before it doesn't look like we're getting the cool sskk scene in the manga soon, and that it most likely solved the purpose of a teaser for the next arc for various reasons; the last chapter seemingly skipping past it seems now to confirm that. The very high quality of the animation of that scene in the anime might be a further hint in the movie direction, to be honest. (I'm only now realizing that if that's true, it means that we are not getting that scene in Harukawa's art style, and am suddenly hating everything and not want it to become true). That said, a Stormbringer movie seems likely too, so who knows.
Back to chapter 113. The jokes about Dazai not being included in the ada family picture are hilarious, and I do personally believe Dazai is more distant to the rest of the ada than other members; that said, I doubt it has anything to do with the panel itself, and as of now I don't think it's that deep ahah. In general, I find it very hard to believe that Dazai is the one that's going to be transferred to the pm: that feels to me a quite lazy direction to take storytelling wise. We already saw what it's like to have Dazai in the pm, no need to relapse to that. That's why, regretfully, I doubt Atsushi is going to be taken in either, because we already know what pm Atsushi is like (VERY very regretfully for me. Because I'd love more Atsushi screentime and because my brain quite automatically makes a jump from “Atsushi joins the pm” to “sskk canonly live together”. Also all the “sskk are Double Black 2.0” that has been tormenting sskk shippers since the start of time, might as well make them the New Double Black for real this time.). Tanizaki sounds like a good bet to be honest: because, on top of being the only ada member with a completely unexplored backstory, we already saw him interact with the pm a lot over the course of the whole manga, which can be taken as a slow build-up for the moment he ends up joining their ranks; from the pm perspective, since he showed to be a challenge for them in more than one occasion (he even intruded the boss' chambers once), it would make sense to try and get him on their side. And Tanizaki having already volunteered to join them in chapter 65. Honestly, everything seems to point in that direction right now.
I hope the following chapters also explain why taking the sword off Bram didn't kill him as previously established because as of now the seemingly plot hole is bothering me a lot.
That's all that comes to my mind right now, excited to see what the manga will be up to next!
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9w1ft · 1 year
I was looking through old jewelry stuff and found a necklace Karlie wore for about 6 months, from about Sept 2019-April 2020. It was a gold disk that was engraved with “I can and I will” on it. As our resident jewelry expert, any theories on what that may have been about?
hello hello
thank you for your inquiry 😌
so this necklace is something that i assume was bought along with two other pieces from the same brand because they appeared around the same time and she wore them often interchangeably, and frequently together. the necklace is by Zoe Chicco.
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in addition to this disc with the mantra “I Can and I Will” inscribed on it, the necklaces i associate it with are a strand of graduated gold disks and a ‘sunbeam medallion’ which she actually wore a ton on its own.
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the mantra necklace was most frequently worn within the set of these three and at the time it felt very much like just, idk, a trendy layered look, and she wore them so often that honestly i did not keep track of the necklaces well. so i had to do a little bit of poking around.
so, for your perusal, here is an incomplete list of times she has worn at least one of the three pieces, based on an account that was documenting her looks at the time (link) and StarStyle (link):
she starts out wearing either the graduates discs or the sunbeam necklace, from september 2019
9/5/2019 in china for the world cup
9/8/2019 to the US open
9/18/2019 papped outside in nyc
9/21/2019 papped in rome (scooter was around)
10/10/2019 on her instagram outside in nyc
10/21/2019 papped outside in nyc
10/30/2019 papped outside in nyc
then the mantra necklace appeared and there was a period where she started wearing the three as a layered look more often, sometimes two together, and sometimes just the mantra necklace:
11/1/2019 promoing adidas on her insta
11/15/2019 papped outside in nyc
11/26/2019 at the elk in nyc
12/8/2019 papped outside in nyc
12/21/2019 yachting in st. barthelemy
1/27/2020 when karlie was in LA
2/18/2020 amex valentine’s day dinner
4/23/2020 instagram live w katie couric
4/28/2020 the today show
4/30/2020 met gala bts video
5/1/2020 exercising on instagram
5/1/2020 on wes gordon’s instagram
5/5/2020 the tonight show
5/17/2020 instagram from her nyc place
5/19/2020 klossy video about how falling on the runway can help your career
from this point forward she started wearing the necklaces separately instead of all three at once (not the mantra medallion though as far as i could tell) from mid 2020 up through mid 2021. for the sake of brevity i won’t list everything up, but you can check StarStyle from the above link.
as for what the mantra means, you know, this is just a loosely formed thing but… i will offer a quick thought
in retrospect, she wore the necklace along with the other two during a very specific time period, right? a little after taylor’s masters were bought by scooter, all the way up until she headed for LA a few months into quarantine. so if you think about late 2019-early 2020 as being this time where everyone thought karlie further betrayed taylor and where karlie went to places or events where scooter was and such… and how following this period of time scooter’s infidelity was eventually exposed and he divorced and a lot of his business dealings soured, and we got songs like mad woman, vigilante shit, and karma —songs that i do believe show that karlie stuck around scooter and got dirt on him for taylor— then, within that context, i think that the mantra “i can and i will” is pretty… badass 🙈 like, if the amulette de cartier was for dark seasons of life that require courage, this mantra feels much more something suitable for… playing offense 😏
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the-good-bad-truth · 1 year
As we all may have already heard:Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have broken up. Megan announced this by deleting all photos of Mgk(besides the events that she only got to go to because of him) and then going from following no one to following Harry styles, Timothee Chalamet(for unknown reasons) and Eminem for Obvious reasons.(only did to be petty). Then there is the post with Beyonce lemonade lyric and the poster of human trafficking. This all ended her with her deactivating her account. Anyways I’m going to try to keep this short and clear up some rumors or misinformation people are constantly spewing to defend her.
Rumor #1 : The engagement ring being hard to take off that shows he’s controlling and possessive
Fact: A quick search to the designer of the ring insta or website: Stephenwebsterjewelry, you will find these pictures and the designer himself describing the ring as “The two perfectly matched pear shaped gems are connected by a magnet buried in the setting connecting the D colour antique-cut Diamond and the untreated Colombian Emerald”
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So as you can see the ring is not made of thorns(sarcastic joke mgk made), but it is only magnetic and if it did hurt her to take it off it wasn’t the right finger measurements.
Rumor #2: The reason for her wearing the pink cast and having a concussion is because MGK physically abused her.
Fact: Since January 8th 2023 to about a week ago, Megan Denise Fox was in Bulgaria, filming a movie called subservience. She most likely had a fight/action scene since she will be playing and AI Robot maid who ends up reaping havoc on a father and family and hurt her wrist and got a concussion from there. She even posted a picture where she is laying in a hotel room, where at the time, Mgk was in LA and she had not come back for the grammy’s
Rumor#3: He threatened to unalive himself by putting a shotgun in his mouth because she was going to leave him/or not there for him
Fact: This was discussed in the documentary, now I don’t have the clip, but let me give you all some context, 1. He is a person who has suffers with substance and mental issues(depression,Paranoia, Anxitety). 2. His father(who he had a tough,rocky relationship only to have made up w/2 years or so b4) had recently just passed away from cancer and probably had a hard time processing his death especially since he had not reconnected w/ his mom. 3. Megan who was constantly saying or being portrayed as his healer and offering him support was away filming. 4. It was during quarantine so everybody in the world was struggling in some way.
Idk If this is just me but although yes it was traumatic for Megan being on the phone in this situation, I think with this context, we can see that he might have not been in the right mind especially to be playing an emotional abusive bf to her. Another thing I want to add that in his song Sid and Nancy(written after this incident) is based off a text MEGAN sent to him saying “if we can’t be together then we should go out murder/suicide). Does that seem like a girlfriend who wants you to heal? I don’t think so.
Write it in blood and we both sign Sid and Nancy, a murder suicide These are her words and mine Sid and Nancy, a murder suicide
Rumor #4: Mgk cheated on Megan with the female guitarist, Sophie lloyd
Fact: Sophie has a boyfriend and there is no reason or evidence that they were involved especially since Megan was on most of the tour anyway. He might have cheated with other girls but as far as we know he didn’t or there is no evidence but megan insinuating. 
To end this off, DO NOT send hate to Sophie, any of the band or MGK because this was a toxic relationship on BOTH ends and now that it is over there is nothing we can or will do but move on.
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idk what to say about me that you don't know. I like fluff, I'm romantic, I like fun and snarky banter back and forth. I'm not a very active person but I wouldn't mind the occasional stroll by the river. Hiking in nature is fine too. But I draw the line at roller skating/biking or anything like that because I can't keep balance for shit. I won't say no to something outside with the warm sunshine and I definitely want it ModernAU but other than that, surprise me. :3
thx im gonna have nightmares about big bird breaking into my house in the middle of the night now
also i'm sorry if this date idea is very me-coded but we're essentially the same person so maybe it'll work out LMAO
come bother me with some date requests since i somehow reached 500 followers la;dkjf
A Perfect Date | 500-Follower Event
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➼ if you live on the coast, levi would love to take you on strolls on docks around the sea. if you don't live on the coast, i can see him taking you on a hiking trail that leads to an open river. you'd feel the sea breeze gently blowing past you, leaving all of the hustle of regular life behind. ➼ it would primarily be isolated, so it's just the two of you. any people around you would be in the background, barely noticeable, if present at all. i kinda headcanon that levi's not a huge fan of big crowds, so somewhere open with just the two of you? absolute bliss to him. ➼ occasionally he'd lag a bit behind you, just so he can get a better look at you as he's walking by you. with how busy you both are, being able to spend uninterrupted time with you and just appreciating your existence means the world to him. ➼ although we constantly say that levi's love language is acts of service, i can see him scoring pretty high on the quality time dimension as well. these uninterrupted times that are dedicated to spending time with you is soso important to him in a way that words could never do justice in explaining it ➼ on your way home, he'd take the more scenic route, letting the windows roll down, with one hand on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel. he'd maybe have some light music playing in the background, but he wouldn't want it to be so loud that it distracts from this perfect moment with you.
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leclerc-on-the-clace · 5 months
(Which was weird in my opinion because she was in it more than Charlotte was in the 24 hour video, however Charlotte got included more, I have thoughts on that but not the place to share)/// please share because I have thoughts too
In the original video Charlotte was explicitly stated as Charles gf, he called her his gf, he included a name card which again called her his gf and he included her in a bit where he was talking about being lucky with life and his family including his father and his future with kids. He then included a little cute segment that was just the two of them laughing together and looking at eachother. It was obviously very aesthetic but it looked more genuine and like someone was just filming them instead of them doing it for the cameras.
Alexandra on the other hand didn't even get named let alone have a name card. Charles at the start of that video named both Andrea and Joris as he was with them the entire time he was in LA, but Alex was also with them the entire time and he didn't say her name or even say "my gf" which immediately felt weird to me. She was slightly in the Monaco vlog and wasn't mentioned but that's because it was the back of her head and it was a new relationship so nobody expected her to be named and introduced but the LA one was almost a year into the relationship. Again there was a few aesthetic shots but in my opinion it looked very awkward and staged because they had to get everyone else out of the shot, they had to stand in a certain position and Antoine had to situate the cameras so it wasn't a genuine thing to me, it was giving co stars playing up the dynamic on red carpets to help promo the film rather than a couple just doing their own thing and someone happens to be filming it.
Originally I thought Charles not showing his gf on socials was due to her not wanting to be shown as people said she was shy or private however it didn't make sense to me that she was going to more races than any other wag eventhough she had 6 less races overall than all the others and was going to every sponsor event or pr event that Charles was going to (and now the video). If she didn't want to be posted why was she going to places full of big professional cameras or places where everyone would swarm Charles, he wouldn't be able to talk to her because he would be working or networking.
So I think it's been Charles who doesn't want to post her. There's been times case and point LA where you can see that she's moved out of the pics that Charles has posted and even when he's posted snippets of her it's either like she's a random woman in the back he couldn't crop or it's a shoulder with long brown hair on it. Any visible post including her he hasn't tagged her. Saw some people saying maybe she didn't want to be exposed to 13 million followers which is a valid thought but even then he could tag her private account, it doesn't do anything, her name and face has been on the f1 broadcast and she's been on multiple very large Instagram and Twitter accounts so him still not tagging her or posting a picture where she's actually visible is weird.
As for the video I think once again he didn't mention her and barely acknowledges her because he doesn't want to. Idk why but she clearly has no issue with being shown but he has an issue showing her any attention and honestly sometimes feels like he's just keeping her around to not be on his own and she's fine with it because she's getting crazy benefits off him. I mean he had no issue calling Nahmias darling in that video and had no issue proclaiming his love to and for that red banana toy but draws the line at naming his gf publicly.
I have other thoughts that are more mean but I don't want to be assassinated for saying it but if you want to move to dms with your thoughts and I'll share more, I'm more than happy to do it. (either with the original anon or with anyone else)
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gaybitchfx · 1 year
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I posted 2,768 times in 2022
That's 2,763 more posts than 2021!
2,699 posts created (98%)
69 posts reblogged (2%)
(69 hehe)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,146 of my posts in 2022
#kay★rants - 266 posts
#my baby boy - 242 posts
#best son - 230 posts
#fiction - 171 posts
#🐰anon❤︎ - 164 posts
#fluff - 148 posts
#anime - 139 posts
#side rant - 132 posts
#writers - 82 posts
#tokyo revengers - 78 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#oh entonces quieres ir allí perra? por eso eres la personificación literal de tener una maldita piedra en tu puto zapato perraaaa
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can you do Mikey x male reader,
Like reader always makes fun of Mikey because of his height and the way he acts, and then a few years later Mikey just fucks reader,
Top Mikey and bottom reader. Thank you 💖
A/n: Nah because I just got a that little funny feeling in my stomach when I read your request 👀 but I’ll def write that for you! Hope you enjoy!
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589 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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1) The most important thing here is no hate and to just have fun and enjoy whatever bizarre shit I write! You may have your own opinions, but please don’t comment anything negative. I want my page to be welcoming and comfortable for everyone!
2) I do NOT write the following; pedophilia, incest, r@pe, all the characters I write about have to at least be 18 and up or if they have a time skip! Unless I’m writing fluff and angst I will write about characters of any age!
3) I’m not writing anything nasty. If your request has something I don’t like I will tell you.
4) Everyone is welcomed besides people that sexualize mlm and nblm. I mostly write x Male Reader stuff since there aren’t as many things of x male readers in here! But the thing is I don’t write x female reader content because there’s tons of it and because I don’t feel comfortable writing that kind of stuff. All sexuality’s are accepted! As I said before I wanna make my page as comfortable to everyone as possible!
5) Have fun! I love each and everyone one of you as if you were my own children! I also allow vents and rants in my messages whenever you don’t have someone to talk to! I just really want to make my readers feel loved and appreciated more then anything! Every single one of you make me happy and I appreciate that!
6) I have a limit to how many people I write for:
1-2: Definitely can do it
2-3: Might take me some time but I’ll do it
3-4: Mmm I’ll see what I can do
5 and up: I will be flabbergasted and start crying
Masterlist of all my fanfics: 1/2, 2/2
Smut Prompts
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597 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Omega Mikey trying to court himbo alpha reader but readers dumb as hell and it takes Mikey practically screaming it at him
Any Mikey will do I'm not picky
Note: It’s the fact I started rubbing my hands together while chuckling and I’m finna do Kanto Mikey since Kanto Mikey is everything
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598 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Tumblr is fucking with me so idk if the req I was writing went through— but here it is again rhjwshbw
can I request a Mikey fucking male reader 😭 like male reader is shorter than Mikey are they are already in a relationship and Mikey suddenly felt possessive so decided to fuck his baby boy dumb 😣
A/n: Tumblr acts stupid all the time so half the time I don’t even know if I got a request or not 😭 So sometimes I think it’s better to just send me request via messages so I can actually get them.
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See the full post
656 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Character(s): Eremite Daythunder
Type of reader: M!Reader
Category: Nsfw 😗✨
Warning(s): cuffing, table fucking, rough sex & crossdressing
Edited: ❌
Note: He’s just really hot okay? And ion know if that's his actual name but imma use it anyways
See the full post
765 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Mmm- I don’t like how I’m able to see my old posts 💀
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gogomeaty · 1 year
the hierophant + death + the tower!
Tarot questions
the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts?
I do belive in them but i never had any paranormal experience like happening to me. But i have a somewhat funny story from when I was in middle school.
This may sound crazy or not too much really now thinking about it but my middle school best friend used to "see" ghost and she always told me what they were doing, I knew their names and everything like if the 6 of them were real people I could only knew from her. It was like this for 3/4 years so my other friend who also knew about them and me became friends with the ghosts and now like i know it was probably all made up from her but i really have appreciation of the 6 of them jsjsksjsjka, specifically the little boy who "collected" pesetas for me and now whenever I see the pesetas it remind me of him.
Also the ghosts supposedly used to follow my other friend and me when we went home, we made plans for who would go with who and everything lmao. But what is funny is one time two of them went back home with me and I went to the kitchen but when i came back to my room everything was messed up and the window suddenly was open and it leave me very like "???" but then i remember about the ghosts and i was like "ah yeah" and continue with my day like if nothing happened jsjssjsks. I don't talk with said friend anymore and at this day i don't know what was all that but like i said I had appreciation for the ghosts so i like to think they were real....
probablemente eran amigos que se hizo por tanto trauma o qué se yo pero taba chiquillo y le creí x literalmente a veces las conversaciones solo trataban sobre ellos y lo que estaban haciendo mientras estábamos en clases, ya en prepa casi no los mencionaba así que no sé /shrugs
death: what are three things you want to do before you die?
☆ I know it is probably so corny and typical, but having a bf or gf in real life because I want to know what it feels to be in a relationship; a good and healthy relationship. Because I have had bfs before online and I don't have anything against online dating I like it and if the opportunity presents again i would not though of it too much but those relationships were not good at all so yeah.
A good and healthy relationship would be the first thing.
☆ Then it would be traveling to somewhere outside México and not USA, I want to go beyond that but I don't know exactly to where, probably Greece or Spain to meet the family I have there idk.
☆ And for the last thing would be doing all the thing I have never done before because of fear or shyness like cosplaying or singing like seriously in front of my family on a special event or something, i probably have more but i don't have anything in mind rn sorry jsjsk.
the tower: favorite colors to wear?
I wear black almost like 24/7 but i also love green (i only have one green outfit) and I want to have browns outfits but i haven't found anything ☹️
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
im not gonna say cahsr has been without... many many problems... but that article makes no sense. a route that only connected the bay and la and not the cities of the central valley might be cheaper in some sense, but it also is far less useful. like this isnt some side concern inserted into the project, connecting valley cities to the two coastal metros is also a significant part of the *point* of having a hsr. those are not insignificant cities, and hsr systems in europe generally make a point of connecting many smaller cities between the major metros, so its in line with how existing hsr systems work. as for palmdale ive heard conflicting stuff that palmdale is cheaper and faster to build from an engineering standpoint as well, so idk with that one. also palmdale has a rail connection to la, so if hsr gets there before the tunnels are built it will allow rail trips to la from hsr, and i suppose a possible connection to vegas is also relevant. theres prob more to point out as well but thats what stands out to me rn.
Yeah I don't disagree with a bunch of this, in fact my follow-up to the post adding more context digs into it; not that I expected you to see it or anything, it didn't go viral like that first post. The NYT piece has a perspective that it is pushing that is far from the whole.
Still I will defend it, its not as bad as this makes it out. "High Speed Rail" has the point of being, well, high speed. Its *not* a typical train line, meant to connect everyone to everywhere if they absolutely gotta go. Every stop you add to a train line increases trip duration; its even worse than normal with high speed rail, as you are travelling at higher speeds and so need more time to decelerate and accelerate. If you add enough stops to HSR it simply ceases to be that. You absolutely must cut out some viable stops to preserve travel times, its impossible otherwise.
Additionally, HSR between San Francisco and LA is not local travel, and has a goal of reducing emissions amoung other things - which means it wants to reduce airline flights. If its not in reach of flight times, people will just fly instead, and the line will fail.
Add on top, population density isn't travel. Los Angeles & San Francisco are travel hubs in a way Fresno just isn't - per capita they get visitors in numbers leagues above the inland strip. And it isn't just tourism, its business & events too. Quick speed between the two hubs of industry of the state has economic benefits beyond simple ridership numbers.
And speaking of wider benefits, its not just about where people live, its about where people should live. Way less people should live in Fresno, endless suburbia sucks. LA & San Francisco fucked over their urban planning, but you fix that with, amoung other things, infrastructure. HSR is a small but real way to promote dense, urban development and reduce the size of car sprawl, you want to overpriviledge the real cities in the state.
And as a final note, California's coast has people too, the original proposal would have had some stops:
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Its not crazy to say "this line serves some-but-less towns but has better construction costs and travel times". In particular, given the US tendency to literally fail to build anything ever and break along every conceivable metric, it makes sense to privilege cost reduction over literally anything else. California got nothing over this whole ordeal, what's optimal may not matter.
So I do think some of the pushback the NYT article got is overblown, HSR is about tradeoffs. I still agree with the core objection though, that America's doomed infrastructure projects have less to do with 'route choice' and everything to do with our complete inability to build anything in budget, govern any project, or overcome veto points strewn like candy in the system.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 11 months
Daryl Dixon Sneak Peek, Part 2
Idk if I ever mentioned this before but the rat in the walls reminds me of this old short story by Ian McEwan called “First Love, Last Rites,” in which a newly married couple keeps hearing a rat scratching in the walls and it’s meant to represent something they’re not sharing with one another but that is gnawing at the connection between them. The fact that it’s a “rat” is not idiomatic, a la “a snitch.” It’s just a pest that you can often hear but cannot see, that stays hidden just long enough that it’s easy to ignore until suddenly it’s in the soup.
Anyway I am literally just riffing here. I hope this is helpful or at least at all useful lol. Very interested in all thoughts on any of these matters!!
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Oh one more thing I just thought of, is that the search for Rick is historically a way of subverting Daryl’s failed search for Beth. This is ofc why he finds the harpy in the woods who ends up looking like Beth. He finds her, but it’s not what he thought. It’s all connected. So now, everyone thinks he’s of “looking for Rick” again but ofc this search for Rick is so much more complicated than what it seems. It’s a way for Daryl to complete the narrative he could not complete many years ago.
(And ofc because Daryl is Daryl he can never admit to himself who/what he is actually searching for—love. Beth. Her. The one who got away.)
(He hopes that if he can find and save Rick, then this feeling will go away.)
OH, also, I read in a couple places that people are speculating the device Daryl is talking into is not a radio, but a handheld recorder. Some are speculating that this will be used as a thematic device, to help break down Daryl's psyche a little, allow him vulnerability, as he's such a stoic character.
I like this idea a little bit. I am interested in the kinds of things he will say when he thinks no one can hear.
It's also this very interesting callback to Beth, who writes in a journal. It's a recorded journal. Hmm.
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That's it for my immense ramble for the evening. Hope you all are sleeping soundly
@galadrieljones, you know the old saying be careful what you wish for, well you might feel some regret when I ramble on and on because you asked for thoughts on your speculations, haha. I just want to start by saying how much I enjoyed everything that you've talked about yesterday and all the research you did was outstanding, as usual.
I'm definitely thinking that we're not seeing the previews or the two previews, the short one and the longer one in the correct sequence of events in the storyline. I think that the second one, the longer one where it starts with him getting off of the boat is probably several episodes into Daryl's s1 storyline.
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I do tend to want to think that Daryl did in fact start his journey towards Paris from the Mediterranean coastline port of Marseille. Most of that is in telling his story I don't think they would take the time to have Daryl land closer to Paris or on the Atlantic coast then have him journey down and around and back up to Paris. Keeping in mind that we're only talking about six episodes and anywhere between 40 to 50 minutes of actually air story time per episode. The other thing is they have to keep it simple and not get overly complicated in lesser important details.
The GA needs to be able to follow what's happening or will be able to piece together what's happening easily. The spin-offs and especially Daryl's and Rick/ Michonne's needs to hold on to their faithful fans, bring back old fans and create new ones. The plot line not being too overly complicated in order to understand what's going on will be very important.
As always there will be things that the writers will put in that in the scheme of things only a few will pick up on and poke and pick apart. We're part of that that very small group. There will be a lot of things that the majority of the viewers will never notice that we will be jumping out of our seats when we see it or hear it in the dialogue. I believe the writers, Gimple and a few of the long-term producers enjoy leaving these types of hints, clues and plot details that only a special few will pick up on and enjoy the genius of it all.
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For the good of the overall TWDU franchise they need to increase their numbers of viewers and that means that they have a good overall story with lots of Walkers/zombies that has twist and turns and major shockers. That will keep the viewers happy and coming back for more. I think it's safe to believe that the things that they announce or allowed to be leaked are simply the things they want in the off-season for people to talk about, to keep the buzz going, but the things that will make viewers sit up in their seat and OMG!!! what did I just see, I've got to rewatch this! are not going to be leaked or previewed unless it's part of the plan to bring people in.
An example of this is knowing that Carol will be in s2 is making a lot of viewers very happy. It's not the shocker. The shocker will be something coming from left field (left=Beth) that no one, or at least the majority of the viewers are expecting. A shocker that will be talked about for days and week and people will tune in in order to see what comes next.
I warned you long ramble.
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I definitely like the thought that Daryl would be keeping a verbal journal of his thoughts. I so agree with you that it would give a great opportunity to get into his mindset. It also opens up Daryl speaking, not just us watching him, but us being able to listen to him without having to create other characters that need to have some kind of deeper storyline in order to be believable that Daryl would be opening up to them with his inner thoughts.
Daryl's line of, "I went out looking for something," instead of," I went out looking for someone," suddenly struck me as making perfect sense if his search at this point is for information. He hasn't found the information, yet. His first mission is to locate the information. And if we are correct in that he finds either recordings or video information in that building where he appears to have an epiphany that in fact Beth lived past Grady, than that will send him on his next mission of finding her.
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In the original teaser, we see Daryl wash up on a straight beach. There’s no indication of where he is, as far as I can tell. There are beaches on the Opal Coast or northern coast of France but it wouldn’t make sense for him to then somehow end up in the Mediterranean. Ofc there are also lovely beaches on the southern coast of France. But how the heck would he have just ended up floating around in there? That’s a lot of information.
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I think you’re right that his ultimate destination must be Paris, since that’s where we know of the majority of filming taking place, not to mention all the Paris clues in WB. I agree too that things need to stay somewhat simple. For him to end up in Marseille that is just mysterious enough to get us talking.
BUT it’s also somewhat bizarre. Why would he be in the Mediterranean Ocean?
Just enough intrigue. As far as the GA is concerned if they even saw the sneak peak they probably wouldn’t know where Marseille was. I’m not trying to denigrate them lol but even I wasn’t positive of where it was located and would have looked it up if you hadn’t already.
So to them it’s just, “oooh fancy France!” But there’s a deeper story implied here.
That's one of the examples of what I was talking about. The writers, Gimple knows that the average viewer does not care, nor would they take the time to even find out where it is, but we jumped on it and had great fun with it.
Here is a French comm on YouTube wondering why he “took the long way,” when he could have docked in Normandy or Brittany. I scanned a lot of comments to find one person asking this question. Most are just stoked the show even exists.
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I have some ideas about Carol and Daryl being taken but I need to do some research. It has to do with some subtle hints that were left in the s10&11 and all the things in Fear this season showing us the East Coast has brought certain ideas back to my mind of how I was toying around with how Daryl getting to France and now with including Carol how my original thought could be reworked to make sense. Only speculation but I'm looking for speculation that would make sense. I'll try to pull it together and kind of present it to you guys maybe late tonight or tomorrow.
Looking forward to it!
Also an interesting discovery from the comments: the bridge Daryl crosses in the trailer is called the Pont-du-Gard and is a day’s trek on foot from Marseille. I looked it up and it is indeed on the way to Paris.
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Not very far lol but perhaps a clue he is heading that way
This is not part of what I'll be researching and my theory I'll be putting out to you guys later. I just want to say if he originally landed by ship or plane around the Canary Islands/Dog Islands which is closer to Spain rather than go upward he takes another ship or other transportation around Spain and ends up in the coastal town.
Another thing is if this is in a later episode we don't know where he has been before that. Where he is when he meets the nun and her group. I feel that he very purposeful in the preview where he's going. This isn't random, he has a destination in mind. If he and Carol both knew that they want to find the lab or working place of the scientists then they would both know where they could ultimately find each other.
Even if they're not on the same time but I find each other later they know that they're going to be somewhere in the area of paris. Maybe for once they do plan out a system of clues of symbols that they can leave on walls or places along that way they would only recognize would be left by each other. I'm totally just rambling putting down thoughts as they occurred to me.
@galadrieljones, you are the queen of quick research so I have an assignment for you if you choose to accept it. Mission Impossible reference. Would you check out where the equivalent of the CDC would be in France.
Lol I love it
I will see what I can find!!!!
Okay so a couple results. First, in France, Sante Publique is the c for public health, and that is in Paris. However, unlike the CDC, the Sante Publique does not have any laboratories, and it is definitely not a Level 4 Biohazard research facility. The CDC seems unique in this respect. Sante Publique France seems more just like, a bureucratic c which publishes research, holds discussions and conferences, makes decisions on public policy based on health-related issues, etc.
There is also a Sante Publique Quebec in Canada. There are three Level 4 Biohazard research facilities in France. Two are military, one is a private research company that focuses on infectious diseases. Two are in the suburbs of Paris, and one is in Lyon, which is like 275 miles south west of Paris, in the direction if Marseille. Level 4 labs are “used to study infectious agents or toxins that pose a high risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections and life-threatening disease for which no vaccine or therapy is available.”
So like, per Jenner’s example of “weaponized small pox.” There is one in Galveston, TX and several more in the US as well, beyond the CDC. So like it’s not totally a 1:1 comparison but if there was major virus research happening in france most likely it was happening near Paris. In the US, these facilities tend to be in weird, almost rural places, like Manhattan, KS and Hamilton, MT, I would imagine to keep bad things away rom population cs, but ofc we have the space for that.
I love how you included Manhattan as a rural location, haha.
Thanks for this information Tarah. I can always count on you for amazing research duty. The site in Lyon, France is interesting, don't you think. 80 miles from Marseille to the Pont-du-Gard and from there 146 to Lyon. That's regular roadways. It could definitely be a possibility of where he was going. The place we will be seeing is fictional. That there is a Level 4 laboratory in Lyon is a reasonable location with shown that Daryl pasted the Pont-du-Gard on his way to that building.that could be used within the story.
Lol. Didn’t even think of that Manhattan, KS is some ways outside Topeka
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trzee · 2 years
okay I had pretty much just flat out left the fandom after hearing the news because honestly I was already feeling fatigue from being here. I didn't want to stick in the dire chances that there are snapchats recover something we don't know about and the investigation is underway in court behind-the-scenes now its not worth any worries to continue to on as normal like this. I made a mental health choice just to bounce and I'm better for it I feel a million pounds lighter, more free to do whatever without being judged by fandom friends and in my head dream doesn't have to be a flat out groomer for me to want to take this as an opportunity to cut it all off. I feel like more people need to understand that unless you are still deeply tied to this man its not worth the fuss at a certain point and not every single one of us is just pinning tall tales on a man while he's down we shouldn't be pressured to have unwavering loyalty to a man we don't know and will never fully know when interests and the intensity of it is so everchanging.
idk I'm just not a fan of how some of the people sticking treat everyone that left as shallow and never truly caring for dream or just being too immature to understand "they have always just been men" and he hasn't been proven of a legal crime etc etc- every fandom is a fandom even when its about following real people and no one should feel guilted into staying esp if their gut tells them its better for them to not. I've heard fandom veterans call others that have been around for a while leaving things like cowards, pussies, and weakest links even before this. I left on my on accords, I'm doing new things I enjoy now that I'm away from fandom ride-or-die mentality, and I'm not going to be crawling back like some big voices think everyone is going to do after the dust settles. fandoms plateau one way or another c'est la vie.
this has just become a vent of my own thought process of the events oop but I was just frustrated by how black-and-white this fandom is time and time again and this time took the cake and doesn't seem like its ever getting better- never getting this sucked into a singular fandom online again learned my lesson this time fr
more power to u, brother! o7 i think everyone's opinion is valid and no one should be judging anyone's. ultimately it's a complicated situation and people are going to have different takes and approaches, so do what your heart desires and do it without thinking about what other people are going to say about that because at the end of the day this is just a fandom and your mental health should always be ur first priority.
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a-la-elodie · 29 days
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Elodie's Very Casual & Last Minute House Art Party 🗓️ May 10th, FRIDAY
If you thought my Namesday Art Party was last minute... Hold my spear! Earlier this year, YoshiP smiled upon me and I won a house in the housing lottery! Months later, I finally finished decorating it and I wish to show off all my hard work! :D
Come on down and check out my cozy corner "Haus D'Bun" at Mist (W30, P58) on Hyperion! I am so incredibly unprepared for this art party so feel free to come gpose, chat, doodle, write, etc.
DC: Primal / Hyperion 📍 La Noscea | Mist [WARD 30, PLOT 58] "Haus D'Bun"
THEME: "Spring Time Casual" Throw together a last minute, spring-themed glam & come hang in my yard!
🕐 SCHEDULE 8:00PM CST ~ Art Party Begins, show up dressed up 10:00PM CST ~ Art Party Ends 10:15pm CST ~ Idk, if we have any stragglers, let's go to Bozja!
I arrived at the plot of "Hooters Du Monde," where are we to mingle at this Art Party? The party will be outside, but feel free to explore the inside of my house! If anything, I did work hard on decorating it, so I encourage you to poke in for a few minutes to explore & check out my cozy little corner of Eorzea.
I can't draw, is it okay for me to still attend? Of course! I'm using "art party" as a blanket term to come meet up in the game and vibe. You're welcome to art, chat, gpose, etc., but it's not required! I'm going to try my best to doodle, but I'll mostly be preoccupied trying to be a good hostess and hand out party favors.
Do I have to follow the Art Party's "Spring Time Casual" Theme? No pressure, after all, it's last minute!
Can we talk spoilers about the MSQ in the chat? While I'm fine with spoilers, I just ask folks to be mindful of any possible sprouts around & refrain from talking huge spoilers in the (SAY) chat. Try to keep major spoilers in a (PARTY) chat or a (TELL).
I want to bring beef because I have a chip on my shoulder! Damn, I'm sorry, but please no bully. :( But seriously, all I ask that everyone keeps it PG-13 and be respectful/excellent to one another.
The Art Party is over & I'm a straggler... What raid we queuing? If folks aren't too tired, the plan is to queue into Zadnor in Bozja and watch me land on my face in Dalriada.
What's the hashtag for the event?! ElodieHausAP
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