#idk i cant word this but i love them both sooooo much its making my mind goCRAZY
eggflippo · 5 months
god i feel like sunny and slime were made for each other I'm so excited to see how their relationship will develop later on
i hope he does choose to take care of her in the end...
i know nothing will "replace" juana for him but ough. yknow
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jkpng · 21 days
could u pls explain what drew you to koobi. like they are lowkey underrated and i adore them and i wanna hear you yap about them
omg ur about to regret asking. i love koobi so much wtf i have a bunch of word vomit bc im very bad at articulating my thoughts
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okok first of all jungkook and hobi are both biases individually so whenever they’re in the same frame all my neurons set on fire. anyways ik jungkook has the golden maknae title (deserved) but i feel like its not widely recognized As Much the way hobi is also a golden ace like they’re both sooooo good at everything. and thats jungkooks Thing™️ but like. hoseok is SO fucking good at dancing and so good at rapping and so good at songwriting/producing and ALSO so good at singing and he (also jin) is such a morale booster and icebreaker and i feel like he warms up every room hes in. but also he takes his craft so seriously and his dance teacher side is so intense and respectable. and like ofc they’re all insanely talented and passionate but i feel like jungkook and hobi are kinda two sides of the same coin and idk im ENDEARED………and also their solo music i just . love nearly everything they put out like theyre batting 99.9% for me. (and their harmonizing drives me crazy) also i feel like i have weirdly a lot in common with jungkook and i wanna be him soooo bad while hobi is everything i am not but adore in other people 😭
+ tiktoks im submitting to the court as evidence (bc i cant add more than 1 vid to a post 🤬) cried. making the little one laugh. CRIED. CRIEDDDDD
BUT ANYWAYS the koobi of it all…………..i feel like out of all the dynamics in bts i understand why they’re underrated cuz like. for example namgi or vmin u could write fucking essays abt those pairs and the depth of their relationships. but for koobi i feel like its a lot quieter like idk if theres as much to Say abt their relationship but their closeness shows if ur paying attention yk. idk theres just this softness and warmth between them that rlly gets to me like everyone babies jk but i feel like hobi babies him in a really particular way where im like. wtf thats HIS BABY. but also his baby is gonna kill all the bugs for him. like idk the sheer number of clips where jungkook is hanging off hobi and cuddling him (and sniffing him 😭) is so touching to meeeee………like it just. gives the impression that hobi is such a safe space for him and it makes me wanna cry and throw up. and also how hobi said the maknae line follows him around. like little ducklings. like what the fuck they love and admire him so much and i love seeing hobi be adored like he DESERVESSSS
also 1) in bv4 when hobi is filming jungkook on the swing. 2) in soop1 when jungkook is playing lost stars on the guitar for hobi. 3) jungkook crying when hobi was going to leave. 4) jungkook scheduling around being able to send hobi off. cries so hard i start gagging like wtf. idk i just feel like theres so much love and admiration between them. and obv i dont Actually know but their dynamic just seems uncomplicated and safe like every time theyre around each other it just radiates WARMTH u know. idk. walking into the pacific ocean rn
anyways koobi compilation
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
hi!!!! :3 here are "some songs" ive been "listening to" that "i" think "you" should too!
spotify || youtube
notes on each below ^w^
Big Dipper - Death Grips: this song has such a good bounce to it, it makes me move no matter what, i cant help it. especially the chorus cuz ill start singing along and, well, then theres no stopping me. ill wiggle in my seat or like put some bounce in my step. which is all fun when im listening to music at home, but at work, where i mostly listen to music, i cant i have to skip the song. plus i love u songs that end with a good few minutes of noise just because, i never skip u i swear 🥺
classic j dies and goes to hell - glass beach: im fiiiinally getting around to glass beach and why didn't ANYONE say it was good? don't think ive heard the opinion that the first glass beach album is good yet. i wanted to listen to more bc of the hazel "Twinkle Park" version of the self titled song which is also very good but i put this one on this list bc it builds energy and emotion soooo well. it starts so somber but builds and builds till we're screaming about supporting each other and making a home for yourself despite despite despite.
DOGTOOTH - Tyler, The Creator: he creates once more! i always forget i had a kinda big tyler thing in high school until he releases new music. out of all his recent releases post-Flower Boy, Call Me didnt connect with me as much, but this single from the Call Me If You Get Lost "estate sale" of stuff that didnt make the album surprisingly did! it feels a little flowerboy-ish in the production but has the call me vibes of like "i can afford all these cars, buy my neighbors house, and ill still take my private plane to Switzerland for the day just cuz i was craving some nice chocolate" very braggadocio, very tyler, very good :)
Dumbass!! - Machine Girl: this song both sounds like and has similar effects as brainworms. it fuckin. got in there and made me quantifiably more insane than i was before. said brainworms make me wanna scream the lyrics and scuffle my feet and just like run into traffic and dance around the cars bc this song makes me believe i could and id be fine. i hope to fucking god they play this at the mg/100 gecs show. this song is also one of the few times ive looked up the lyrics for a machine girl song, usually content to just let the beats jar my head, and as soon as i did i couldnt get them out :) like some sort of... thought... eating... something or other idk theres probably a word for it (<-the worms are finally getting to her)
Fantastic Cat - Takako Minekawa: this song is sooooo cute, there is so much synth and whimsy to be had! unfortunately i don't know much about the artist bc this was one of the first songs i found after using Radiooooo (which u should be basically required to use if u like music and finding new music) set to Japan in the 90s, but she's part of the 'shibuya-kei' genre/subculture that was popular during that time, which sounds like an interesting topic to dive into :3 the whimsy contained in this song is almost too much tho. the melody is so sweet, that wind instrument is so silly, and the moog breakdown in the middle too is. well, its all quite fantastic.
HI 5 - Frost Children: i took too long making this post that this entry went from originally a cheeky indirect plug for their upcoming album bc i just really liked this single to just,, oh the album came out... but either way i wanted to talk about the song bc 2 me its just more proof of how exciting of a voice in hyperpop the frost children are. the bass on it is as crazy and slick as the one on the cover. this whole song just explodes with eccentricity i think ull really like it :) also check out the epic music video! its ai generated for those who'd like to know beforehand, but they use it to like. rotoscope real footage its preddy neat!
Introduce me to your family - Otoboke Beaver: i made a little post recently about Otoboke Beaver's influence on six impala's WFLYTD, and after revisiting their album, Itekoma Hits, after making that post i got this one stuck in my head for a while. the hook hooks (the main reason i had it in my head for so long), the bass is groovy, the guitars are sharp, the rage is channeled, its all here! they keep all the energy going and growing the whole time until you cant help but scream along.
こんがらがった! (Kongaragatta!/Tangled up!)- Necry Talkie: started reading the bocchi manga recently (im just past where the show ends as of now :3) and they have art at the beginning of each chapter with the kessoku band members that references visuals from like irl japanese bands and music videos which i thought was really cool! of course i had to find a collection of all the referenced songs, and what do ya know... this cute little number was in there! (if ur wondering it's the art for chapter 18 that references this song's music video :3) its such a dinky beat at first (said so so lovingly) but it evolves into a precise, energetic little jam.
One Million Dollars - 100 gecs: this fucking sonnng.. not everyones fav off 10k i know but it is for me :3 it just rattles me in such a specific way. it originated and is the only way to sate the need in my brain to hear what it was like for nic cage in that "not the bees!!!!" scene. i love it sm, but im absolutely biased from my hearing this at a gec show and falling for it right then and there. the live version and the album version are a bit different and i think the changes they made for the album make it a fuller song i just. loved the feeling of hearing this live so much. i would just search up the epic live version at terminal 5 where Laura fucking SHREDS on the guitar at the end over and over while i was waiting for the album. again, makes me very excitied to see them and machine girl soon :3
o (__*) - Hakushi Hasegawa: i dont know much about this artist but goddamn the few songs i have heard from them have made such an impression. u know a song is good when its not even dnb but uses the "yeah.. woo!" sample to keep everything going. and yeah with how crazy fucking banana bonkers jazzy and technical the drums and piano get at times it needs that tiny bit of stability at least. this song feels like the epitome of controlled chaos in the absolute best way possible.
PARTY GIRL - Angel Electronics: after rook's latest solo album came out i decided to go back and visit this collab project of hers with ash nerve i had missed at first and.... weeeeeeh ;w; this song makes me wanna cry every time. rook can obviously write some bangers but i love her more tender songs too. so many parts come together to make it just the sweetest thing. the part that stuck with me the most was the chorus, like it's sooo cute id just sing it to myself on loop bc it leads into itself so well. i wanna just keep talking about how fucking cute this song is but like George Costanza voice the love story between the party girl and the weird shy girl got to me okay?
Prime - Marnie Stern: kinda the reason im making this list hehe :3 this song was on char 'igottawin' mp3's most recent WILT (what im listening to) poast (hi char :3) and it was What Im was Listening To... too... (both of us bc of this epic animation) so here it is on MY knockoff WILT post too mwahaha hahaha! haha but seriously guys this song is quite good. it does so much with all the variations on just that one verse and i get sucked into the lyrics and the guitars. and by the fourth time im chanting this same unending verse the song is surprisingly over and i just wanna listen to it again. this one deserves a 10 hr extended version frfr
Wait and Bleed - Slipknot & 青春コンプレックス(Seishun Complex) - Kessoku Band: whats this? a double entry? ahaha yes! 😈 i would've put these songs here separately bc ive been getting into both slipknot (thank u char :3) and the actual kessoku band album, both of which are quite good on their own. but i only combine their entries here bc of this epic mashup of these two songs by the aforementioned rook blackdresses which makes me unable to sing either without thinking of the other song. like the first three chords of the bocchi theme start playing and my brain wants to scream the GOODBYEEEEEE from Wait and Bleed. the slipknot chorus melds with the kessoku band guitars soooo well. to me they are pieces from different puzzles entirely but they still fit together <3
wants mom to know she looks cool and doesn't plan on changing - leroy: i finally listened to the dariacore and accompanying berdlycore serieseses and ive loved diving into this little subculture of silly hyperpop meme mashups that fuck immensely. takes the silly to earnest and very good pipeline to a new level. plus having been a fan of dltzk and jane's other stuff its the one thing i never really got into but there are. so many dariacore related things i need to listen to now. i feel like theres lore i have to catch up on but im excitied :3 this is one of my faves off dariacore 2: electaria corebaloo (not what its called)
This has been... Post! thanks for your time. if u read this far i love u so much please never forget that. 'til summer music-heads! *curtsies and shows myself off-stage*
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kingzephy · 2 years
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I have to drag this to a text post cuz my reply is getting way too long and I wanna put these together!!
@slothfuljeremiah @nowhere302
A8 - Favorite song(s)?
Ohhhhh strap in I have a lot of songs to talk about. Gonna break this down by game. I decided against doing any of the karaoke tracks cuz that would be its own big list by itself!
0 - ‘Pledge of Demon’ (Kuze’s theme from the sewer tunnel fight) is sooooo good I think most people would say thats probably the best track from 0
I also absolutely ADORE ‘For Buddy’ (Nishikiama’s ‘For Who’s Sake’ remix from the Nishiki Majima fight) it has a completely different vibe from ‘For Who’s Sake’ and the significance of it is so good. It somehow makes ‘For Who’s Sake’ even sadder.
Honorable mention to ‘Receive You the Subtype’ remix (Majima’s mad dog style battle theme)! And the Telephone Club minigame tracks also slap
1/k1 - Is it cheating if I say ‘Receive You the Prototype’? Although I have to say, the k1 remix of ‘For Who’s Sake’ (Nishikiama’s theme from the final battle) is SO GOOD. So good...
Also… how could you not love 'Funk Goes On'?? Get Fuuuunky
2/k2 - HUUUGE FAN of ‘A Scattered Moment’ (Ryuji’s theme that plays during the final battle of 2. Its absolutely amazing, not at all what I was expecting his theme to sound like but it *perfectly* encapsulates him and the desperation and pain and sadness of the final battle in 2. One of my favorite tracks just overall.
3 - ‘Fly’ (Mine’s theme) is. Really good! I think just about everyone would say this one, I can’t really think of anything else from 3 that I would note soundtrack wise
4 - ‘Receive and Bite You’!! Majima’s receive you remix in this game is really good. So much tension leading up to the Majima Saejima batting cage fight. It hypes me up Every Time and its just very Him
5 - I thiiink im gonna have to go with ‘So Much More’ (Haruka’s…. Theme? I guess) it was stuck in my head the whole time I was playing her stuff in 5. Her other songs are good too ofc but if I had to pick one it would be that one. I know, loophole. Whatever 5 is different
6 - I really really like ‘Theory of Beauty’ (Joongi’s theme). Idk it just gets me so pumped up every time. Songs to get naked and fight to the death in the underground bdsm fight ring underneath Stardust to. Iconic. 10/10
I also really love ‘Destiny’ (Someya’s theme) its similar to how I feel with ‘A Scattered Moment’. It encaptures him and his struggle so well.
7 - Big BIG fan of both Majima and Kiryu’s receive you remixes from 7, ‘Receive You the Hyperactive’/‘Receive and Turn You’, and ‘Rolling Eyes Fall Down the Dragon Wall’ of course. Both of them are just incredible.
I also really LOVE ‘Confrontation/Brutality’, (Sawashiro’s theme) it just perfectly captures what he’s about as a character so nicely, I love him a lot. Plus it slaps incredibly hard. I think overall 7 has my favorite tracks. All the battle themes are also very good
C9 - What was the most emotional scene in the series?
This is TOUGH. Theres sooo many gut wrenching emotional scenes and these games are really REALLY good at them sometimes. Im gonna have to say something from 0 probably, that game made me cry several times on my first playthrough. So many memorable emotional scenes, but I think im gonna go with the ending. Without spoiling too much I think anyone whos seen it knows exactly what im talking about. This or the scene in the empty lot after a certain characters death (you know the one)
Honorable mention to y3 and the thing w Rikiya. yeah
D1 - Who’s the most overrated character?
First off before I say this, I really dont think ANY of the characters in this game are overrated. I stewed on this for a while, I just cant think of anyone id call truly overrated. But. Listen. Okay I cant believe im gonna say this everyone knows I love him so dearly he is my everything- but it’s Majima? I guess? I really don’t wanna call him *overrated* per se thats not the right word because he deserves all the love he gets, but he is just. so. He's Inescapable. I almost feel bad for anyone who likes these games but doesnt like him because hes quite literally everywhere- and. hes not even in the games that much!!! I quite literally cant think of any other character I could possibly say here
And its not that hes overrated, hes a fantastic character and hes SO fun to think about and analyze I love him dearly more than anything but he just blows everyone else out of the water? No contest. Its amazing. Theres just no other character quite as beloved as him in this fandom. For better or worse.
E4 - Ramen or Takoyaki?
Literally go fuck yourself. Dont pit two bad bitches against each other like this. An impossible question. Id rather die than answer this for real
F3 - Who are you inviting to karaoke?
Majima! Duh!! No question, he’s just TOO much fun- no other character has even half as much of a blast as him at karaoke. Irl I would be WAY too shy to do something like that around anyone but I think doing karaoke w him would be SO much fun and it would make me laugh like. A Lot
A5 - Favorite final boss(es)?
Im gonna be boring and say Ryuji because I love him, and he deserved so much better and that fight is so devastating. But I also really enjoy the final battle in 7, not because its particularly tough or entertaining its just the story significance of it is really cool. I wont spoil anything about it but I enjoy it!
Also. Honorable mention to Nishiki of course. I have to say him as well Rook brings up a good point tho…. final battle w Majima in y5 also..
Feel free to ask some more!
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ccsthemovie2 · 3 years
(I think it's a word over 500, but:)
"Speaking of Tsukishiro, how's he doing?", Eriol asks. Frying pan to fire to volcano.
"He's good," Touya says quickly, before Sakura can say anything. Yukito is not even in the ballpark of "good". Yesterday he called Touya and begged him to bike over and said it was important and when Touya showed up he was asleep, and stayed fast asleep right through to the next morning. He keeps trying to make appointments with doctors, and then falling asleep before he can call, or, when Touya calls for him, before he can make it out the door. Privately, Touya isn't sure how much good a doctor can do for him, but anything has to be better than this, right?
"Really? I'm glad to hear it." Ugh, how much has Sakura told him. Not that she doesn't have a right to talk to her friends, but, come on, would it kill her to least keep it between her and Tomoyo and the funny looking cat.
He's good, that's an obvious lie. Ruby has said Yukito could barely stand upright at school. Every inch of Touya Kinomoto is packed full of magic. Sooner or later, Eriol figures, either Sakura will be powerful enough to sustain him, or Yue will have to get over himself and just eat already. Touya can't actually do anything with his magic, so it's not like Yue, even weak as he is, will have to face much of a struggle to take it. (Aside from competition with Ruby, of course. There's something to that, right, articles and studies about animals being healthier if they need a bit of careful planning to get their food? Yes, so this works out nicely.)
Or maybe- oh, that's probably it. Yue's on to him, isn't he? He's just being stubborn as usual, figuring sooner or later Clow will appear via Eriol and save him. He can imagine how surprised, overjoyed, grateful Yue would be, if Eriol showed up and saved his life. He can imagine Yue's head resting on his neck as clearly as if he had kept Yue well-fed with magic a thousand times in his lifetime. It would be nice, in the short run, but it wouldn't be right, no. Clow is dead, and Yue needs to learn to live with that. If he knows what's good for him, he will take responsibility for his own life, and if he doesn't...
Ahh, well, maybe it's Clow's old sentimentality, maybe Eriol is just warming up to Sakura's moon guardian all on his own, but he can't bring himself around to the idea of letting Yue just die. He'd save him, if it came down to it. But, he tells himself sternly, only as an absolute last resort. He's just worrying because he misses Yue and wants to get to know him better all at once in that past-and-future way- it's worth a visit, soon. Yes, a nice little visit, and Yue will never even have to know it happened. Just to check in.
(sorry the formatting got weird when i copypasted lol!)
hiiii thanks for the ask!!!
if we talk about this convo we need to back up and talk about how it got here. this should give you some idea of how badly this needs to be under a cut for length lol.
so it all starts with the bit about how someone falling and being caught is something that happens a lot in ccs. how with eriol, it's purposeful, and with fujitaka (and i misremembered it but since found out she fell *on* him and not *caught* by him, which lolol i hope he broke a bone, but also its fine the fic's already marked canon divergent, or maybe the story gets misremembered, whatever, in any case), it's an echo of clowriol's intentional artificial-trustbuild-dangersaves but without the magic or purpose to back it up (just like fujitaka himself!), but it's a situation he quickly makes favorable to him, because it may be a blank slate but it's made of the same material.
this whole convo was part of one of the very first chunks written, but everything was going to go in a very different direction at first. (there's a lot of Cut Content from this fic, some that i just didn't like, some that wasn't connectable with the rest of the fic after it took the shape it took but might pop up somewhere else one day idk). in this particular bit i cut the later half of the conversation because i really didn't like what i'd written, but then even though the direction of the story changed the conversation was still going so it had to bounce somewhere else, so it bounced to yukito. here we are answering your ask 2 paragraphs in!
yukito, iirc in the anime, did catch her from a fall, (in the manga, which made way more sense for why she had to change her clothes and rest so much, he saved her from drowning, again iirc because who can trust a memory) and at a point where eriol still has some investment in making yuekito/sakura (ewwwww) happen, he's going to try and draw on that symbolism to nudge her in that direction, right?
so all this said, SPEAKING of yuekito. how are they doing.
bad, obviously. touya's freaking out. i imagine that part of what's stopping yukito from seeing a doctor is yue, though- he knows it wont help, and i dont think yukito has, like, person insides that will stand up to medical tests, and yue would pick up on yukito like, not wanting to be outed to the doctor as a magic construct because he, like, doesnt actually have a real heart that pulses, just a repeating heartbeat sound. doesn't for real have blood etc to test, just records of blood type (for personality reasons).
and also touya's a very like keep-ur-problems-not-everybodys-business type so hes like imagining sakura venting her fears to this weirdo and getting pissed off. but that didnt actually happen, eriol knew all on his own lolol. touya you have to say something nice should happen to sakura to make up for wrongly suspecting her now
and this bit on eriol's end is all wrong information and inaccurate conclusions and i was really worried ppl would take it at face value but i hope nobody did. in ccs we get moments where eriol wants sakura to take power, or to learn that power can be taken- his final battle with her, for example, where the answer to his light and dark puzzle is to use kero and yue's power, except that's not something she would ever Want to do or would even Occur to her to try. the power is gifted to her by kero and yue (and syaoran!) because they love her.
same concept, here- the answer to the 'yue is dying' puzzle is to eat touya's power, and he can't imagine the real reason why he won't just do that, and when he thinks about it too long it goes right to his ego- yue looovvvvesss clow, and by extension me. he wants meeeeeee to save him. he wants to neck kissy MY magic soo sooooo bad. but yue isn't considering any of that at all. he's thinking about yukito and what touya means to yukito and why that would make yukito hesitate to reach out, and that no way in hell will he just ambush his other self's crush down a dark alley and take his magic, even to save both their lives. he's a lot more selfless than clow and eriol ever realize. maybe- this is just a half formed thought right now, i dont know if im like certain about it, but- maybe they feel his devotion to clow was a form of selfishness, that he Wanted Love as a thing he could hold and own, whereas pretty much everybody else who meets him goes like YOU SELFLESS MAN YOU CANT JUST DIE FOR PPL YOU CARE ABOUT YOU GOTTA TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOOOO
and there’s also that bit of teacherliness intrinsic to the three of them again: im doing this to teach him a lesson. im letting ruby do her thing without telling her what’s going on to help and encourage yue, etc.
anyway, that (in terms of fic weaving itself into canon) solidifies his decision to do uhmmmm a thing that creeps me out real bad in the anime (knocking yue out to have a moment with him, and oh, ding, there's another 'you fell but i caught you' moment!). eriol loves this manner of hanging out with people, you see it later in this fic, even:
It's important to say what's in your heart to the people you want to say it to, even if you have to make sure the other person never hears it. It's important for your own emotional freedom.
he loves to spend time with people exclusively on his terms, to the point where the other party never even knew he was there, because he knocked them out, or because he was just staring creepily at the outside of sakura's house while she did homework, etc etc etc.
tldr: it's all connected, aaaaaaaaa
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oikawa13 · 3 years
love in the time of köttbullar
Shouyou sets the bowl on the tiny table with a flourish and an itadakimasu! and this is when it hits Atsumu harder than a Skurup to the temple:He wants this. Shouyou, hip cocked against the miniature kitchen countertop, smiling shyly up at Atsumu through the amber fan of his lashes, beautiful god-boy-man somehow glowing gold even under the buzzy LED lighting. Though they’re standing in a 430,000 square foot warehouse in Tsurumachi, Atsumu’s looking at Shouyou, and he’s home.
Amid the Flärdfull and the Smörboll, Miya Atsumu falls a little more in love.
words: 3,378 | rating: T
i’ve never been inside an ikea so this fic quite literally changed me as a person. sometimes loving a person is as scary as saying that first i love you!!!! and sometimes... love is easy as saying i love you at an ikea ; ;
"Bokuto said I should bring you home. But I don’t know where you live. So I took you here.”
“To hell?”
"No, Atsumu-san. To my apartment."
words: 1,990 | rating T
i wake up in the middle of the night thinking about this fic and then go on ao3 to reread it again its just so fdjgfhdjf good. i think about this shoyo a lot. theres something!!!! very dreamy going on here. this is the first part to a series btw, you can read them all if you want since theyre probably all around 1k :-)
lord i no longer believe in anything but the way he holds my name between his teeth
The miracle of the rabbit on the moon.
“We took this photo at their seventh birthday party. His father baked a cake. But someone ate all the jellybeans off the top before they could even sing the birthday song. That’s why Atsumu cried. He used to cry a lot. It stopped when the twins found out about volleyball, but before that Atsumu would cry over everything. Spilled milk. A skinned knee. The neighbor’s dog. He was the twin that was scared of paper straws. It's funny how things have changed.
“He looks happier now. Did you do that?”
words: 10,456 | rating: T
so, this goes just a liiiiitle past 10k so its up to you if you want to read it or not, i just thought i’d include it since its so! close! lol theres this part!!!!! they are holding hands underneath the table!!!!!!!!! atsumu are you drunk?!!! no!!!!! hes just so stupidly in love with shoyo. i cant stand them!!!!!!!!!!!
wait for it, wait for it
The notifications are up at 100+ again and Hana wants to check it quickly to make sure nothing's wrong, especially because she'd just cleared them before the media scrum. The fans, she figured, must be overjoyed with the win.Congratulations MSBY Nation!!! the first reply reads. #myspiker #atsuhinaBoth tags, she finds, are currently trending in Japan.
Five times #atsuhina trended on volleyball Twitter and one time it should have (but luckily didn't), as told by the MSBY Black Jackals' junior publicist
words: 6,043 | rating: T
this fic is SOOOOO much fun!!!!!! also i love hana, idk if i ever mentioned that before but yeah. this is like... hdjkdhgjfd so much ; ; <3
south of an early summer
Warmth, then, was being wanted back. Two weeks later, Atsumu holds that warmth in by Shouyou’s waist; he watches it, how it sleeps, and wonders what the heat will become next.
words: 2,602 | rating T | tw: atsumu being atsumu about (past) kg/hn for a split second
IF i wasnt an absolute fool and gave you all these recommendations to pick and choose from id just send you this and the walking emoji bc honestly!!!!!!!!! i may not know what the heck romantic means but i see this and maybe it is romantic! maybe its not the average romantic idk?!!!! but i do know theres something beautiful here. love ?? ; ;
truths in two’s
Shouyou leaves for Brazil in two hours.
words: 8,300 | rating: T
LDR.... but like, in probably one of the easiest 2 breathe/good feeling fic for ldr!!!! idk im a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ten reasons to break up with me: a love letter
1. It has to be you, ‘cause I won’t.
words: 4,197 | rating: T
pls....... i cant even THINK about this fic without crying okay!!!!!!!! insane. fuckign!!!! i love it so much, so much. it lives in my heart. this is the fic where i was like... i dont believe in love. yes i do. no<3 YES!!!!!!!! and cried and paced my room and finally FINALLY!!!!!! stopped feeling so hurt about hinata leaving for brazil again lmao!! like, i cant explain. this sounds crazy right???? anyway, i think... atsuhina can love each other so much it hurts when theyre apart but their love is so.... i mean......... they literally waited years to play together... so......... their love keeps them going..... GOODBYE!!!! i love listening to fka twigs cellophane & home with you and just..... being insane. 
just can’t help myself
Five times Hinata takes care of Atsumu, and one time Atsumu returns the favor.
words: 5,025 | rating: T
*think about atshn taking care of each other* *cries*
blue crush
And there’s a promise there, sewn into the easy curve of his lips: I’m not going anywhere, Atsumu-san. Glittering eyes that cut through the rain-blurry dark like a beacon when Shouyou turns back to look up at him. Even if you fuck up all of our dates.
Murphy’s Law as demonstrated by Miya Atsumu.
words: 2,297 | rating: T
atsumu trying very hard to have things perfect and romantic and even in the failures its still very lovely<3
If I’m Icarus, You Must be the Sun (Allow me Three Mistakes)
He wonders if Icarus felt like nothing was wrong with self-destructing, because he had reveled in the sun, if only for a little while.
Atsumu finds, loving Hinata is the same.
Atsumu's love over the years, and the mistakes that accompany it.
words: 4,620 | rating: T
i am...very weak to the whole icarus/sun thing with hinata and his ships. this one though......... i think about it A lot.
in your eyes, i see our future
“Yer’ a real sweetheart, Hinata Shouyou.”
Shouyou smiles brilliantly. “Only for you~”
He scoots over so Shouyou can sit next to him. He can smell the pineapple body wash Shouyou is so fond of the moment he sits down. Shouyou passes the tray over carefully before settling against the headboard comfortably.
“What’s the occasion?"
(Or, Atsumu just really wants to marry Shouyou.)
words: 9,769 | rating: T
fhdsjjkjfdsj goes crazy stupid over marriage!!!!! listen... i do not believe in marriage!!!!! but for atsuhina, oh you bet i do!!!! :-)
breathing a hello
There’s no significance to them ending up here except that both of their lives are held in the sway of volleyball. Everything else comes second.That’s the crux of it, really.
words: 2,826 | rating: T
gjhfsjkfd shhhhhhhhh. my heart is very soft when i think of them here, please..... just!!!! pls.
if you’re out there in the cold, i’ll cover you in moonlight
My [23M] best friend and ex-boyfriend [23M] is visiting me for a week, and my current boyfriend [24M] who agreed to all of this is suddenly withdrawing from me. Can I get some advice? Please? Anyone?
words: 8335 | rating: T | chapters: 3 | tw: past kg/hn 😳
this one is optional since you wanted one shots and theres 3 chapters here. my idea of romantic is...well, i especially love when one of them is acting hurtful/mean/difficult to the other bc their own personal issues but the other loves them anyway??? and then they work on that issue!!! just!!!!! ; ;
Love in the Time of Insomnia
And anyway Hinata was sprinting out faithfully after Atsumu, who had keys to the gym like a badass, and who was going to give his spikers a few more tosses after-hours without Meian knowing like the greatest, most generous badass the Jackals had ever seen. 
words: 2,457 | rating: G
running four kilometers just so atsumu can rest. this is what romantic means!!!! hdkshjfhdj
ode to what you’d have been
5 times it’s Kageyama’s fault and the 1 time Hinata realizes it has never been.
words: 3,628 | rating: G
loving someone including their flaws PART 2!!!!!! ok.... u might be like... um... this is romantic? hfdkhjfd LISTEN!!!! to me!!! there is nothing more romantic than being in love with someone and the ugly parts of them. going, i love you, all of you. and communication!!! and understanding!!! and feeling terrible and shitty and horrible but having the one you love accept you. and trying to help ease your mind, worries. *sobs real hard* also shout out 2 ‘okaaayy.... i hate sakusa now’
a shrine for a  boy
Despite his uncertainty about how to tell Atsumu of his move to São Paulo, Hinata takes action. Things do not go according to plan.
words: 2,447 | rating: G
hinatas time 2 be romantic and fail but its ok bc!!!!!!!!!! :-) they are just dummies in love<3
the greatest distance between you and longing is defeat
(In other words: Atsumu, let go. I’m here now.)
words: 3,310 | rating: G
um... *cries* post break up.... o_o!!!! god they really thought they could????? lmao!!!!!!
the tear in this (our gentle language)
“I’m going back to Brazil.”
He isn’t asking for permission. This isn’t a consultation. Hinata Shouyou informs his boyfriend at their after-practice practice. Miya Atsumu has a volleyball in each arm, trying to pick up a third. It drops and rolls away from him. The thud resounding in an empty gymnasium.
Shouyou had tried to envision Atsumu’s reaction many times. He never expected to be met with silence.
Alternatively: an exploration of Hinata Shouyou’s return to Brazil
words: 7,204 | rating: M
ldr CAN be romantic ok!!!!!!!! it takes a lot of communication, time, and love ; ;
evening sun
Atsumu looks at Shouyou and thinks, I want to know every inch of you.
words: 1,502 rating: M
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wickymicky · 4 years
you know, i used to say that Egoist or Hi High were my number one favorite kpop songs (it went back and forth, i think i was most vocal about Egoist being my number one but there were times when i felt like it was Hi High), but like... idk... like aside from So What, i feel like i’ve barely listened to Loona at all so far this year, and honestly it’s been like six or seven months, maybe eight or nine, since i regularly listened to Loona every day (again, aside from So What).... i’ve listened to Egoist, a song that i considered my favorite kpop song hands down for the majority of the time i’ve been into kpop, like ten times this year and that’s it... and some of those times were because i had the thought “oh jeez i havent listened to this song in a long time, i should do that... i’m betraying it...”
i wonder if i only kept saying/thinking that egoist is my favorite kpop song because i said it once and i had to stick to it... i think its pretty clear to any mutuals i have that my actual favorite kpop song is something like picky picky though, a song i actually post about all the time and listen to really frequently...
so yeah, there’s no easy way to say this, but it really feels like i’m hanging on to Loona out of a sense of loyalty more than anything else :( it’s hard to put into words but listening to Loona feels kinda different these days. knowing more about how they decided things on the fly and how rushed the selection of the final members was (and how little the members were told) kinda... like... doesn’t it change how you listen to a song like New or Egoist? it certainly gives a lot more context to Yves being really shy in those first loonatvs she was in... and Olivia’s experience with her debut was such a whirlwind, like, she was just kind of thrust into the group... i have soooo much respect for all the members for being able to handle it, and i think it’s a fuckin miracle that it worked and they ended up with twelve incredible members, all of whom are so talented and any group would be lucky to have them, but even still just... some of the fun is lost a little bit for me. and I can’t listen to Everyday I Love You, one of my favorite Loona songs, without thinking of how much Vivi’s potential has been wasted. it turned a song that i have fun while listening to into one that makes me frustrated or sad. 
for whatever reason, i feel less of that when listening to ot12 stuff, even if some members get shit for lines, tho tbh, and this is a really hot take and i’m sorry... but i’m really mostly just into their three title tracks (and Favorite i guess), i rarely listen to their bsides.. they don’t hit me the same way, i guess. anyway though it’s the predebut stuff that makes me frustrated or sad. i cant help but empathize and think of what they must be feeling in the predebut era... happiness and excitement sure, but also nervousness, anxiety, stress, etc... the one by one debut concept was novel and it ended up working out in a sense, but at what cost? it was able to work out because the yyxy members were brought in at the last minute, Hyeju literally with only like 24 hours before they were gonna reveal the next member, and with all the changes we know about like Vivi probably being intended to be in OEC and things like that, and trainees that BBC had who for whatever reason ended up being rejected also probably at the last minute in favor of the yyxy members who were brought on... sigh... idk
it feels like it’s getting harder and harder to be a fan of this group, too. as they get more popular and more recognition, the fandom is growing, and with that comes a lot more drama, none of which i particularly care about (aside from the stuff relating to the group itself, as i’ve been talking about). they got their first win, and i was happy at the time, but... i’m worried about their future. it’s not that i wish they didnt get their first win, it’s just... i hope this doesnt make BBC feel validated in overworking and over-controlling them, you know? i want to believe that a lot has changed for the better since after Butterfly, especially when Jaden Jeong left, but we just have no way of knowing that for sure. there’s evidence for both sides, so at the end of the day, all we can do is speculate, and that doesnt really help anything. 
it sucks to admit this to myself but i feel like i’m losing interest in this group because of all this. whenever i’ve watched loona content from the So What era, sometimes they do seem happy, but even then there’s this feeling that they’re stressed and tired. are they happy? again, we can only speculate, so it’s best not to, but i cant stop my idiot brain from assuming the worst and picking up on signals that might not even actually be there, it’s just confirmation bias. maybe i only feel like theyre not at 100% because i’m already worried theyre not at 100%, you know? hmmm. also, i just... don’t think i feel the same connection with this group that i used to. maybe i never really did, tbh. they were my first group, my introduction to kpop, and i genuinely love some of their stuff still, but i feel like as i’ve gotten sooooo much more understanding of this whole kpop industry and i can put loona’s discography in context with aaaaaallllllll the other kpop songs i’ve listened to.... i feel like a lot of their stuff hasn’t aged as well as i would want, for me. you know how sometimes you wonder how much of what you like is really stuff you like, and how much is only because other people like it so you subconsciously feel you have to too? well, at first i would have said i genuinely love all of it and i could explain why, but idk i think i was convincing myself of some of it... as ive found more stuff that i genuinely love, it becomes clearer what are my things and what arent, you know? when i only knew 30 kpop songs and had 5 super-favorites, it was easier to overestimate some things, but now that i know hundreds and have a really deep pool of super-favorites, some of that early stuff i found is overshadowed, i guess. maybe egoist isnt as special to me anymore cause like.. at the time, i hadnt heard many kpop songs like it, but now... i have. and some of them do what it does just as well................. if not better............... sigh, i feel like im punching my past self in the gut
if this hurts you to read cause you’re a huge orbit, trust me, i know what you mean, it hurts to admit this. it kinda sucks to realize that you’re slowly losing interest in something you once loved and was incredibly important to you. 
oh and by the way, when i talk about losing interest, i dont mean that i dont care about loona anymore lmao, i just mean theyre going from my number 1 or 2 or 3 spot down to like my number 5 or 6 or 7 spot haha, alongside other groups that i like a lot but don’t follow the same way i follow my ults. so like even if i continue feeling this way about them, theyre still one of my favorite groups lol. like i guess i would kinda place them around where i would place twice or another group like that in my top 10? anyway... i just had to get this all off my chest. it started out being a post just about egoist and kinda hi high too, but then i realized i had a lot more to say haha, sorry. hopefully this doesnt upset anyone, idk, i hope you understand where im coming from :(
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hyungwon-remade · 5 years
my ateez hi touch experience !!!
so a lil intro gkdjg basically what happened is vip ppl stayed in the concert hall n then after some waiting they took us through this side door n into some hallway and i thought we were gonna go and stand in line and wait for our turn or smth but we literally walked through the door n turned around a corner n they were RIGHT there n i was like bouncing bc i was so excited n nervous and i went around the corner looking like an idiot n first thing i see is jongho like In My Face and i started freaking out it was so scary kgjsdgj also disclaimer the descriptions for each member arent equally long bc the staff rushed me on a few members + i was too shocked to do anything sometimes i promise im trying not 2 sound biased (except 4 the one abt san. tht one is probably biased but i cant help it im in love and i talk a lot when its abt him.) i love them all i swear gkjdsgd
jongho: like i said he was first and idk how 2 describe him he looks so much? bigger? irl like taller n more broad than id expected HDJDJ but really handsome n i noticed immediately his skin looks really soft and he has v round cheeks hes. cute. i was really dazed so i forgot what i wanted to say to him which was compliment his vocals n i only used one hand i did that for all of them bc im dumb n didnt think hdkddj when i held his hand he went hi thank you! so i just said thank you i love you bdkdjjdk :( i FAILED i was gonna be cool and call him a vocal god but i got all shy .. but its okay at least he knows i love him
yeosang: first of all he looked so soft and adorable all night n kept doing cute things during the performances and i love him so much gkdfokh anyways hes so beautiful up close LITERALLY an angel and he had the sweetest shy smile and i still couldnt think properly so i just held his hand n said i love you so much bcjdkkd i cant remember if he said anything back or not i might not have heard it if he did kgsdjg i actually wanted to tell him that i think hes really amazing and precious but i rly couldnt get any words out other than i love you ksdjgs and i didnt have any time w him at all im sad bc hes one of my favs but hes th one i remember the least from the hi touch i feel like i didnt get to look at him at all :(
mingi: hes SO large but not intimidating at all like i didnt realize he had been towering over me until i moved on to wooyoung who was so much smaller kgjdsg anyway mingis so so warm and smiley and at this point my brain finally started working a bit again and like i swear as soon as u see mingi n his huge smile u just wanna give him the world and tell him hes the best person in the universe like theres smth abt him that just makes u want to give him so much love as soon as u see him so i said “youre so amazing i love you !!!!!!” n he smiled so big at me and said thank u i love u! also his hand was huge n i held it w my tiny hand fhdjkdj
wooyoung: idk if its just bc he was standing right next to mingi but he looks kinda small irl HDJDJDK obviously still taller than me but he looked tinier than i expected. and so beautiful aaaa i really had no idea what to say to him n i was nervous but i said thank you i love you :( it went so fast the security rushed me on quickly so i didnt get a lot of time w him and i feel bad djdkdjdk
seonghwa: godddd LITERALLY the prettiest person ive EVER seen you cant even imagine how gorgeous he is irl and the second he saw me he smiled really bright and was like “my princess!!!!” bc i was wearing my tiara n like my brain shut down it rly caught me off guard BDJDBDJ this is like my clearest memory from the whole concert i can still hear his voice in my head how he said it n his smile ggjdksgjo i was rly flustered ANYWAYS.. i was like stunned but then i was like yes thats me!!! DFFHDF??? and while security were telling me to move on i quickly said “i love u ur my prince!!” n he like held onto my hand a lil longer n was looking back at me while i was saying it even tho i was being rushed away gsdgsdk
san: okskskhmdff the love of my life literally i.....i stared at him for a sec when it was his turn like what the fuck thats the love of my life right in front of me ????? like what am i supposed to DO... and not to be het but hes literally soooooooo beautiful hdkdhddj his facial features look a lot more defined? irl.. idk how 2 say but he looks softer in pics and hes just sooooo handsome jdoddjdkdn its crazy and he smiled rly cutely at me when i came up to him n he held my hand skgjd n like FINALLY my brain was working again so from here on i started actually speaking korean to them like i WANTED to gdgkds i managed to say like half of what id planned to say i literally went autopilot i said it like w/o stuttering and i dont even know how bfkdh and he went like :O and leaned super close to me to hear what i was saying UDHDJDJCCJXJ i said “thank u so much for making me happy!!!” and n his eyes were sparkling n so loving when he realized what i said and he put his hand on his heart and said thank you and bowed at me (nearly headbutting me in the process bc he was so close jgsdgks) n seemed rly happy n touched like genuinely and then i was being rushed on by the staff so i quickly yelled i love you!! n he was like i love you too! dkdofkh i love him so much n he loves me back wow...what a time.. i miss him gksdogkg his hand was so soft and warm 🥺🥺
yunho: didnt get much time w him either i think the staff had their eyes on me bc id lingered at both seonghwa AND san (accidentally i SWEAR i didnt realize i was getting more time w them bc the staff didnt notice i was still there kjgsdg) i wanted to sing happy birthday 2 him but i completely forgot everything n it was going so fast :( so i panicked and i yelled happy birthday i love you !!! rly awkward and he looked SO happy but he clowned my yelling at him n said thank you back in a similar tone as i did KGJSDG he is sosososo cute irl literally just a big teddy bear i wanted to hug him so bad and he has the most sparkly loving eyes i swear also i think he was really happy to spend his birthday with us and im so happy i got to tell him happy birthday in person i feel super lucky :(
hongjoong: okay so like most precious person in my life.. he was last which made me emo bc it felt like he was like the one saying goodbye to me fhdjdh so i was abt to cry and he rly looked at me like i was the most important person in the world gjsdogk like its true what everyone said abt that seriously he loves atinys so much uhghhgh ... n he held my hand as soon as i came up to him (lol the staff said no hand holding n hongjoong said fuck your rules bitch) and he looked rly surprised when i started speaking korean his whole face went :O kjsdkg i asked him if we can be best friends bc ive always been calling him my best friend n i need 2 make sure we r on the same page u know? and he nodded n was like yes!! yes!! n he held onto my hand a lil while i was walking away :( im officially hongjoongs best friend u guys he said it himself...
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gabrielscovenant · 5 years
jet and infinite.
oh god here we go. 
Why I like them: i just think hes neat. i like him as a rival to sonic. he has annoying younger sibling vibes all the time and i love it.
Why I don’t: two words. babylon garden.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): oh god uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. him eating dirt at the end of the heroes story in riders. yeah.
Favorite season/movie: oh god uhhhhh ill just make this favorite game. i like him in both riders and zero gravity. free riders dont interact.
Favorite line: i literally couldnt think of anything except ‘NO WAY IM GONNA LOSE’ bc its been Ingrained into my brain.
Favorite outfit: u know that one sonic channel art of him just chilling at the beach w a hawaiian shirt or smth? Thats The One.
OTP: sonic/jet
Brotp: babylon rogues..... Sibling Energies.
Head Canon: oh god uhhhhhhhhhh i cant think of any
Unpopular opinion: listen............. idk whats popular or not but bring back the babylon rogues. make a new riders game. i want them BACK they deserve so MUCH.
A wish: jet dlc for tsr
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i cant think of any for this either
5 words to best describe them: jet bird jet bird bastard
My nickname for them: JET BIRD infinite:
Why I like them: he had sooooo much potential and i Will Never not think about it.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): oh god uh. that one bit in the forces comic where he almost beats the shit out of eggman. yeah. he shouldve gone through with it smh
Favorite season/movie: :pensive:
Favorite line: “What would you like your epitaph to read? How about “Here lies the blue buffoon”?”
Favorite outfit: i like him w/o the mask better
OTP: i dont like to ship him w anyone tbh but that one big/infinite comic.......... Good.......
Brotp: sega give me the forbidden shadow and infinite interaction where they act more like rivals to each other 
Head Canon: you KNOW what i wouldve written here.
Unpopular opinion: infinite is not a hatesink villain he just had shitty writing.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont ever forget he exists plea-
5 words to best describe them: feral at absolutely all times
My nickname for them: bastard. bastard son.
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dreamerology · 6 years
my biggest i love monsta x ever!!!!
no offence but if u had told me a year ago that these seven boys would have had this much of an impact on my life and not only that but i still love them as much now as i did on day one (maybe even more) i’d say u were lying. usually my interests come and go in phases and nothing has ever lasted as long as mx???? but i rly truly cannot imagine my life without them at this point. in fact, the 2-3 months at the very beginning of uni where i stopped having time for them and thought i was moving on were the worst of this year (ofc that wasn’t the only reason those months were hard, but feeling like i was falling out of love w mx hurt more than id care to admit). they’ve brought me so much happiness and connected me with so many amazing people and not 2 be cheesy but made me into a better person! like they just continue to have the biggest positive influence in my life and i got the opportunity to meet one of my best friends bc of them, i’ll forever be thankful for them
i know i havent been w mx since the beginnign but!!!! even just seeing shownu grow so much this year has made me sooooo happie!!!!!! i Love how u can just see he’s more comfortable now and seems a lot more at ease……..the fact that hes comfortable enough to host his own solo vlives and no offence but theres not a single thing i dont love abt that man! hes so fucking funny….like its sorta weird humor?? dad humor almost? BUT HES HONESTLY FUNNY WITHOUT EVEN TRYING hes just reached a point where he’s got no filter and will just say whatever and sometimes even the wording will make me laugh dkjfhkjsd the true underrated comedian of the group tbh. hes so selfless too bicht………….i still cant believe he split the money from his solo event w the other members My Heart :-((((((( and when hes on a solo schedule he’s always mentioning the others!!! nd doesnt let anyone forget abt them, they rly are one big family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO HIS SMILE is the cutest shit ive ever seen!!!!! like when he smiles rlllly big nd his eyes crinkle nd he :D and his big “ha ha ha” ,,,,music 2 my ears!!!!!!!! i wish he could be that happy forever. hes the biggest softest teddy bear i just wanna give him a giant hug???
fun fact wonho was the first member i knew abt nd was able to recognize nd such!! my friend who helped me get into mx talked abt him a lot so i grew to love him before i even knew the others!!! actually hes probably still the one i know the most abt bc of her? anyways! angels exist and wonho is living proof of that! his love for mbbs is on a whole other plane of existance???? ive never felt this loved nd appreciated as a fan before nd its all genuine!!!!!. wonho is a monbebebebe first and a monsta second. hes just so full of love….im convinced thats why hes so Large he needs to fit his heart in his body somehow...hes just got so much love to give!!!!!!! he is the most thoughtful and caring person??? like not even towards monbebes and his memebrs but like at the end of mxray when he made sure to buy all the staff and crew little gifts as well, my heart grew 3 sizes for him!!!!!! and im so soo soooooooooooooosososooo proud of him to have some of his songs on the albums this year and not only that but! from zero getting a stage on tv!!!!!! his song!!!! he did that!!!!!! his hard work paid off….i hope he continues to be able to produce more music this year! oh one last thing, i love how? childish he is??? idk if thats the right word but hes always teasing or changing or playing around w the other members and hes always being goofy and laughing and it just makes my heart!!!!! rly happy nd warm
what is there left 2 be said abt minhyuk that i havent already said yet jdfshkjdhf i just! Love Everything abt that boy :-((((((( i love his sunshiney positive personality that never fails to cheer me up, i love how caring he is and how he always makes sure to be there for his members and makes himself open for them, i love his uneven blink, i love how soft his voice is and how it sounds exactly how sunshine looks, i love his fingers go sorta crooked when he makes a peace sign, i love his laugh and how silly he is, i love his thoughtful and serious side, i love how smart he is, i love his toothy smile, i love when hes on stage and he looks so radiant and glowing and u can see how happy he is and how he was truly built to shine, i love his ears, i love how affectionate and loving he is, i love his one (1) dimple, i love how sometimes he just says the weirdest shit…...like i rly wanna understand what hes thinking sometimes, i love how cute he looks wearing hats or how soft he looks in giant sweaters, i love him sooooooo much my heart hurts
can u believe i didn’t used to love kihyun this much? past me was a whole fool! i’ll try to keep this one sorta short too since i’ve already written a love essay for him but! once again i rly do love him w my whole heart!!!!!! absolutely Everything he does is so endearing and i loooove how he cares so much….he rly went and made us our own season's greeting for free nd his photography is rly No Joke! hes so talented nd u can rly see how passionate he is abt it!!!!! it makes me so so happy seeing him talk abt it, like he just lights up its the best thing ive ever seen. i Love his smile!!!! when his face scrunches up and u can see the little dimples on his cheeks and see all his teeth and he laughs and throws his head back or hits whoever’s closest to him or just collapses thats Good Shit!!!!!!!! im so glad he’s happy enough to be able to smile like that!!!!!!! it makes my heart tingle thinking abt him being happy. he rly is the cutest, i love him nd all his beauty marks :D !! nd no offense but hes never had a bad hair colour/style nd thats the tea on that!
chae hyungwon 2018’s lord nd saviour????????? anyways its about Damn Time i write him a love essay :-((((( having both best friends being hyungwon biased ive secretly been converted 2 a whole chaebebe….their love rubbed off on me!!! i love it :D idk where to start...gosh hes seriously so hardworking????? im soooooo so soo so proud of him!!! icb he picked up djing as a hobby nd then made it to a big festival, is on mix and the city and has released not one but two (2) songs only months later!!!!!!!!! we love a talented man!!!!!!! nd his dancing bichksjdfhsdj hes so fluid nd smooth when he dances…...i always find myself watching him first in group practices like there something rly captivating abt him?? please let him show us more of his dancing its So Good. also hes got the nicest voice…...its so deep wtf...but like its So Calming 2 listen to? especially when hes sleepy nd its extra raspy? Good Shit! and when he sings!!!!!!!! bicshjkdfhksdhj hes got one of my fave vocal voices i rly wish he got the lines he deserves :((( hes! So! Cute! jfhsdjfhs he gets embarrassed so easily and always makes the goofiest faces but i love it….he covers his smile sometimes too :-((( i wish he wouldnt its So Bright nd cute nd warm just like he is!!!! hyungwon’s smile is the 8th wonder of the world thats just the facts folks!
mister jooheon……….the true example of the duality of man. i dont understand how he can go from his scaredy cat self to and Actual God,,,blows my mind. i’m pretty sure i’ve said this at least a hundred times but his stage presence is truly Unreal……..its on a whole other level…….ive never seen them live but if i ever do i fear for my life. nd i know once it’s over im only gonna know one (1) man and that man is lee jooheon. but at the same time hes rly The Cutest id trust him w my life???? his eyes are so warm!!!!!! And his Big Smile!!!!!!!!!!! his dimples? deeper than the marianas trench, i wanna build my home in them nd raise my family there. hes such a talented dude!!!! mx don’t have a single bad song thenks jooheon! also for the first couple months i’d alway forget he was one of the youngest? like hes very mature too nd seems very responsible djfhkjsdhfjsd idk how he was the only one 2 be able to keep it together during their first win 2 give the speech…..hes so strong. i love him so much :-( hes so cute nd gentle nd thoughtful...truly the biggest angel who deserves the world!!!!!!!!!!
i think if there's any member i would actually get along best w it would b changkyun. we’re both rly similar from what i can tell...like sorta quiet, but loud around those we’re comfortable with!!! first off hes so funny nd…..weird but like in a good way sdjfhksdjhf sometimes i rly just think he says the first thing that comes to his mind “actually we have a baby” ????? who let him \…..he always makes me laugh reading his fansign notes too omg that being said hes also one of the most serious members at times i feel like. hes just got this rly mature vibe nd he handles things rly well??? idk if that makes sense but Yeah. he’s just someone who’s not rly afraid 2 be themselves, i wish that were me??? ive got so much to learn from them. also icb he literally invented being cute???? he doesn't even have 2 try hes just adorable!!!!!! like his laugh nd smile? The Best!!!!! and when u can see his lil dimples yeahhhhh hes sooo super sweet and cheesy. i looooove how close hes gotten w the other members despite their rough start, they rly are a family nd im glad hes comfortable around them it rly warms my heart!!!!! whenever hes getting showered in love my heart !!!!!!! its what he deserves!
on that note, the one thing i think that has stayed with me more than anything is that one fansign note where ck was asked how he wants to be remembered in the future, when they only occasionally thought abt him and his answer was “that i gave you happiness” and not 2 b a sentimental shit but fuck! i cry every time i think abt that!!!!!!! bc i Know there’s gonna come a day where i don’t think abt them at all! there’s gonna be a day where i won’t think abt them until i see something that jogs my memory and jolts me back to this time and even tho this year has been rough i know i always will remember how much happiness they’ve brought me. i’ll remember how they were able to cheer me up when nothing else worked. i hope one day i’ll be able to feel the Pure Joy i felt when they got their first win….i’ve never felt anything like that before. i cant wait to be able to look back in nostalgia at all the happiness they’ve brought me.
anyways that got real sappy towards the end i gotta blast now bye!
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Okay well, that challenge was a fucking bust. LMAO. I should’ve numbered everything
I’m shook to have made it through the vote tonight. Like after being told the other day that Nicholas was going to go home, only to be blindsided and have fucking Rhone die, it was a shock that everyone stuck to their word for once. I’m starting to feel a little more awake in the game, too. Thankfully, I’ve got my hands typing away feverishly to everyone on the tribe as often as I can handle. I think that there are other people doing the same thing, but who knows for certain! I hear a lot that I’m the “only person who talks a lot of game with me”, so that’s an improvement from before already.
I’ve got to keep downplaying that I’m a big threat going forward. Nicholas left and said that he was gonna vote for me to win if I made it to the end, which I highly doubt is the case. I tried my hardest to attempt to clear the air with him and get him to at least consider other options on this tribe other than voting for me to go home. In that conversation, I tried to just make peace with him as a person but I dunno. I think that Nicholas doesn’t like me very much and according to everybody else, he had nothing but criticisms to say about me. He was my biggest adversary when I won my way back and I knew from the get-go he’d do whatever he could to fuck my life up. Now he’s gone and probably shit-talking me to Rhone so there’s another jury vote I’ve lost this far LMAO.
There’s no chance that I’ll win today’s immunity, unless of course everybody else fucks it up majorly. If I don’t win, I’d prefer Jack to win because I want to start to paint him as a bigger physical threat than myself so everyone can target him before me. As I said in my host chat, he and I have a final two agreement right now but the only way I can get there is if he’s dragging me along.
The plan for now is to just take out all the goats. So rip Lily, Toph (to an extent), Logan, and Madeline. I don’t want Ian, Kai, Jack, and Emily to think that they’re more important to take to the end than me because I’m trying to sell to everyone that I’m the perfect little goat to take to the end and beat because I’m an ugly returner with no fucking friends on the jury. I think that the jury is going to either hate or at least partially respect the game I played – so far, I’ve been really chaotic but I’ve calmed down a lot since the merge. Even though I played that idol on Ian, some people think it was a one-time use thing and others think it was a regular idol. I don’t need Jack on the jury finding out that it was a regular idol because he’ll NEVER respect the move I made with it and he was already super fucking critical of me for it to begin with.
Toph is so fucking messy, man. He voted for me after trying to get me to vote a certain way all afternoon. I understand why he likely did it, because he didn’t want to vote out Nicholas and Lily would be pissed if he wrote her name down. I think Lily needs to know that Toph was being really messy so she thinks about turning on him sooner than later. Honestly, if I can get all the other weaklings to turn on one another, that’d be perfect so I can ride it smoothly with the larger threats.
The way I see it, Emily and Kai are the two biggest threats in this game. Kai seems to be the one controlling everything, while Emily is the one who KNOWS everything; she’s voted correctly the entire game by my knowledge. She took out Rhone, turned on Nicholas, and yet nobody bats an eye at her. She hardly acknowledges me unless I acknowledge her first and everybody RAVES about how much they love her. Although my strategy of keeping the threats around is more realistic for my chances at just getting to the end, I know that I need to make some serious moves to still have the opportunity to win. If I can somehow take out and replace both Kai and Emily with myself, while coasting under the radar, I could potentially win. I dunno. I need to be smart and not emotional from this point on…
Relying on fact over emotion is really difficult for me. I am a really opinionated person and I often make plays based off of those opinions I form or hear from others. This is super dangerous to do because there is a risk that people don’t share your opinions. Objectively speaking, I can’t determine who the biggest threat to win is because we’re only at the final nine… but I can’t figure out who that biggest threat is without listening to the opinions of others! The whole setup of Survivor revolves around a big opinion everyone shares on who deserves to win. And there isn’t a whole lot you can do to change crazy people’s minds… we’re all crazy because we’re playing this game SOOOOO….. fuck!
I feel like none of my confessionals make any sense. I just want y’all to know that I need to get rid of Emily probably soonish because she’s a huge danger to me. I should be more selfish than I already am (if that’s even possible) and push that agenda onto everyone, but idk if everybody will take too kindly to me being a huge bitch to them about it.
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If I go home on this next vote expect fireworks on my last words in the game. Kai was the one that gave me the idol to use, Emily is the leak, Toph is just a pawn, Lily who even are you in this game? Jaiden good effing game, Madeline is irrelevant and Jack thinks he can control her, Logan says he has an idol, Jack says he has a super idol. Have fun yall.
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i’ve been #flopping st confessionals recently (well i don’t actually know but anyway) so here’s a tea filled confession
i think i have figured out what was in the hippothias bedroom: a legacy advantage. all i know is that the room was empty when kai got to it, but using that knowledge, i just have to figure out who got whatever was in there. and i think it was jordan. jordan and i talked a lot about how to get into that room pre-merge and i’m thinking he got there first. when i asked what was in the room, he told me it was empty and that someone got there first, but he didn’t send a quote. i didn’t push him on it because i didn’t feel it necessary or smart at the time. kai sent me a quote, though. and something was gone. so! using my brain, i’ve decided jordan got whatever was in there. and i think the only thing he’d not tell me about being there (because we were very close before merge hit) is a legacy advantage, just in case he didn’t want to will it to me. and i don’t think he did. i think he willed it to jack. (just remember this is all me thinking hypothetically and could all be COMPLETELY wrong, but it is also me trying to justify voting out jack.) since madeline and jack are close now, i think there’s a good chance that jack would will the legacy advantage to madeline. and i would MUCH rather have madeline have the advantage than logan or lily or toph or jaiden. i just need madeline to fight hard for jack to stay this round to the right people (toph) and then one of the dudes and dames can throw their vote to lily. make it look like a fight was put up to keep jack in, but in reality there wasn’t. if madeline fights to keep jack then he’ll likely will the advantage to her rather than the people who voted him out. the votes will ideally fall like this:
5 jack: ian, kai, jaiden, logan, lily
3 lily: jack, me, toph
1 madeline: madeline (bc she got a self vote while searching the island lmao)
again, this legacy advantage may be nonexistent but STILL! if it is real, i truly did that. i came up with this all on my own and shit!!! look at me making moves and being cracked as fucc!
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Everyone is lying to my fucking face and i am REALLY working hard to not be OTT right now!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emily u r not an OTT you are a CP stay calm BUT I CANT DUCKING STAY CALM
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i feel very sad. kai was like my best friend in this game and seeing him go was the last thing i wanted. i would’ve gone to rocks for him. and then joseph had to play that fucking idol. and he didn’t even understand that my voting confession was a vine reference “keep my name out of your mouth or i’ll fucking rip your face off BITCH” like i’m so funny. anyways this is one of the saddest tribals yet. i miss kai and i’m going to miss going on call and making fun of his accent and making fun of weird british words. just making fun of kai in general. i’m just so upset kai was fucking robbed i didn’t even know he was getting votes! i thought it was going to be me. and i’m still here. but kai is gone. i’m fighting so hard for this immunity. i’m avenging kai. this is absolute bullshit.
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I’m still convinced Jack has the legacy advantage even though I have no evidence to back that up
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We had to lose a soldier, but we will win this war. Kai is being avenged. They have awoken the tiger. I’m mad. Logan, Lily, and Jack will get voted out if I have ANYTHING to say about it.
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listen i know i have confessed like eight times already in the past hour but i am so upset. kai was fucking ROBBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Fuck the gay agenda.
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book-tease · 7 years
Spiralling + Thoughts...Spiralling Thoughts?
This post is long, it runs on and doesn't really make all that sense. I wrote this in word, and was just gonna save it to my computer but idk i kinda wanted to post it. im thirsty for attention, i know. But its really kinda sad and depressing. I wrote this about an hour ago? I was sitting in my room, with music quietly playing in the backround and i started thinking and my way to help me not be swallowed whole by my thoughts is to either write it all down or type it all out. so, i wrote this big chunk of text, well, in my teary eyed vision i did put spaces in between paragraphs but idk if the separations make all that sense. This was written while i was trying not to spiral so again, it runs on and doesn't make any sense whatsoever. it does include riverdale, weirdly enough. Basically me saying how betty this season hit wayy close to home in a way so its kinda messing with me, in both a good and bad way. Its unedited, i just copied and pastes all of this here. so theres sooooo many spelling mistakes. so fucking many. so i guess if you want, read it.
So, im gonna start off by saying im really bad at talking to people. I cant continue conversations with new peoplem can barely do it with people ive known most of my life. So while everyone else is meeting new poeple, going to football games and shit, im sitting at home, watcing youtube and being too scared to ask people to hang out. But, that means that i get attatched to tv shows, youtubers, etc. And i joing fandoms whithout personally talking to people? Like i dont usually dm people, i sometimes put stuff in their ask box, mostly anonymously. Like, if i have fandom friends, or just friends in genral, theyve come to me, seeked out a friendship with me and put up wiht me just giving up on conversation when im too nervous to say what i want to. So i cna’t really rant about what happened in riverdale, or youtube drama or soemthing, so to let out my frustration with a charatcer, i write a slew of incoherent thoights in a word doc ument or something. (literally what im doing rn)
I bottle up things a lot. It hurts me in ways that i cant really describe? Like ill just sleep all day, and feel like im failing evrything and just cry al day the next day. its a problem im trying to fix, but idk how to tell people what im feeling without seeming like im seeking attention (well, in a way i am, just not in a ‘EVERYTHING HAS TO BE ABOUT ME” type of way) or that im faking it. So, i bottle shit up. anyways, so when things hapen in tv shows that im attacthced to, i mix up feelings from just my problems and the how i feel about what happens in a tv show. 
When bughead broke up, i didnt cry that much when i was watching RIverdale, but more so afterwards. Riverdale genuinally helps me in  acouple ways. Its a source of entertainmemnt, so that, and a distraction from real life bullshit. it also kinda touches on issues i relate to and have strong feelings about.Like betty having a dark version of herself, and the digging her nails into her palms. ust betty in general i kinda relate to. But what i love about betty is that she has people to support her, has people who love her. Yea, her mom is super overbearing and her opinions on some thing kinda suck, but she loves her daughters. Me, i dont really have any friends to support me, and a lot of people online are like “i ahve no friends lol” and in rality they either have a nbunch of friends or have friends, just not that many. I have people who i talk to but arent relaly friends? like i dont talk to them about me or my issues or anything like that. i dont really talk to my brother, granted im scared of him  because of past tjings but.. My dad i just cant. I dont have a boyfriend or girlfriend, a best friend. I dont really ahve anyone like betty does? but its not really oter peoples faults.its kinda my fault because starting in 7th grade,  i slowly started to pull away from people. i stopped trying to amke friends, stopped talking to my already existing friends as much, distanced myself from everyone. I didnt really notice i was doing it either. When i finally realized it, it was like june this year, and i didnt know what to do. I dont know what to do.
and when the black hood started making betty distance ehrself from people, subtly but not really, it hits really close to home. Granted, i dont ahve a serial killer calling me telling me my friends are all sinners, but in a way im my own kind of black hood. It just, wehn betty had archie break up with jughead, it was kinda alot for me. WHile she technically still ahs archie and veronica, its kinda hanging by a thread. Riverdale season 2 hits a little too close to home, and it ahs made me cry a lot more than i care to admit. 
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imjohnnydora · 7 years
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what is this u may ask?? idk either!! so a couple of days ago i hit 700 followers (wth?!? ilysm?!?) and i wasnt in the mood to do anything Big but i still wanted to give u guys some love!! ♥ so i compiled a list of mutuals i’ve grown rly fond of!! (tho its supes risky bc any of u who know me know that my memory is the literal worst so if we’re friends and i left u out (SORRY) its 110% bc im an awful person not bc i dont love u and u should lmk so i can add u)
disclaimer: i narrowed this down to people i’ve spoken to on several occasions, spoken to recently, and/or have known a super long time. bc otherwise this would literally just be a list of all of my followers bc ur all my best friends ily ♥
**sidenote i included people (read: literally just emma) that only follow my sideblog @johnnydora bc i have no boundaries deal with it
!!! these are in alphabetical order btw
@alyxhathaway11 is more adorable than u could possibly imagine tbh. we havent actually rly spoken ever but i love you so much and u always leave the kindest comments on my poetry and i appreciate u a lot ♥
@dogworldchampion is my jACKET TWIN and like a nice person and my friend but jacket twin tops everything so idk wyd. anyway ur so fun to talk to and yell with and ily ♥
@elsaclack is honestly a goddess bye. pal idk i love u a lot and u write the best things and im still like 70% too scared to talk to u but ur rly sweet and fun so im working my up there. anyway the hearteyes emoji is me @ u thats all ♥
@eunoiaschaos is a poetry goddess who also yells with me about bones so like the best of both worlds tbh. and i do not talk to u as much as i should but i always see u and hope ur doin great pal ily ♥
@feyrhysandd is a Fairy Queen like literally im not kidding. ur the coolest and ive been Slacking on talking to u lately but honestly every conversation with u is incredible. ur incredible. ur art is incredible. ily ♥
@finnicko-loves-anniec is not rly a tumblr friend but a friend nonetheless. i’ve known u for an impossibly long time and neither of us has spontaneously combusted yet so thats a good sign. cant wait take over the world w/ u ♥
@ivegotthislove is the cUTEST LIL PATOOTIE wait potootest? idk how to make them rhyme now anyway we dont talk often but every time ur on my dash my gay heart skips a beat i see u and im proud of u ♥
@karlenalvthor is my bestest friend in this WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD and i love her more than words can describe. ur a treasure babe and idk where i’d be without u in my life ��
@minyardx is that Mutual Who’s Too Cool For Me. but pal ur the sweetest lil bean and i always smile every time i see u on my dash and im so happy i got the nerve to speak to u ♥
@mytholgie is a super duper sweetheart. im always smiling so fondly when ur on my dash and im v grateful for the times we’ve spoken bc ur so friendly and lovely and i should talk to u more oops ♥
@oblviqte is a gross bread hater but its ok bc i can see past our differences and love her anyway. u’ve got the warmest spirit and i know that if i send u an ask when im sad u’ll always cheer me up (even if u dont know that ur doing so) ♥
@ohmyperalta is rly sweet and cute. i loved yelling about potc with u and im v excited to yell with u about future things bc ur a good yelling partner and a good friend in general ♥
@roscoesantangelo is obsessed with loves jorma taccone but im not allowed to use the word obsessed. anyway ur a gem and i dont even mind that im bad at making u focus bc then i have more time to talk to u ♥
@santiagostyle is my pal my friend my love and also probably Satan but its ok bc i sold my soul to her it’s all good. talking to u every day has become a Constant in my life and i get so happy when i see notifs from u ♥
@scorpius-hyperions is also not rly a tumblr friend but she’s a cutie and we have a sc streak sooooo. ur honestly the brightest person i know babe like i love ur spirit u always make me so happy ♥
@sergeant-santiago is rLY FUN TO YELL WITH. and im lame bc i should yell with u more often tbh bc ur sweet and adorable and supportive and did i mention fun to yell with??? ♥
@softsawyer is a nerd who turned off her entire askbox to force me out of hiding or something like that but this is my post so. and anyway i admire u way too much but u actually? answer my messages? unbelievable ilysm babe ♥
@three-drink-amy is a relatively new friend but i have zero (0) chill so i love her already. anyway pal i love hearing bout ur fics and reading ur fics like they Kill me every time ur so great ♥
@theodorenctt is a babe and ive known her a long time but havent spoken to her in also a long time which is bad i should do that. but ur an angel and i think ur Too Cool To Be Real and i smile always when ur on my dash ♥
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r-o-se · 7 years
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BASICALLY 101 comments/thoughts/things on Produce 101 S2E2
1.      The kids are watching the last ep
2.      The first vote results, Bae Jinyoung first, Wang Minhyuk last. Poor kid. Stop naming kids Minhyuk theres 6 of them on the field already it’s like Michael in America lol
3.      Back to the evaluations
4.      Woojin goes up, Daniel is like ’He’s rly cute I hugged him already’ tbh everyone call him cute lol
5.      Does JB Baby, what a classic lol. Got a B and praised for his pronunciation
6.      Aaahahahah lmao he asked for water and has to choose between two judges. Chooses Cheetah and she looks blessed af
7.      Kid has problems with opening stickers lol
8.      YGk+ performance, everyone are shook about their legs
9.      Their performance isn’t that good though, poor dudes. One D, other three F
10.   Roll yet ANOTHER compilation of the hottest kids this season
11.   Yongbin aka the dude with a nose bridge straighter and higher than my will to live
12.   Dongsoo and Namhyung from S.How do an AMAZING self composed song, are cute and talented as fuck. Namhyung got an A and Dongsoo got a B. Cheetah loves them ME TOO ME TOO
13.   Compilation of rappers, the overall comment on teachers is ‘Cheetah is cute omg but Dunmill is scary’
14.   Editing: aw cheetah is cute now with longer hair
15.   Cheetah: does the snoop dogg dance yno the smoke weed everyday one
16.   ‘Boys are calmer’ no they are more desperate and scared of failure
17.   Jung Jungji prepared a SHITTON for EXO Growl, a bajillion vids of it. But sadly I guess his nerves got to him, he didn’t do well aaaaaaaaaaaand got an F. Stop fucking laughing at him. Most of the audience is dancing along though such an iconic song
18.   He looks dead inside but says “I’m glad because I made BoA laugh”
20.   Do Block B Very Good, MURDER IT IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE, AMAZING energy, everyone love it, first and only all company A rank
21.   Who am I fooling I actually watched their performance like 4 times before this on youtube just because of how much I love it the energy is so good
22.   Taehyun’s freestyle krump was on POINT tru kid monster right there. His expressions are soooooo good
23.   Now the kids are writing their future wishes or something like that to a huge whiteboard
24.   Kim Dongbin from kiwi ent looks sooooo nervous save that kid
25.   He’s doing chewing gum and stopped in the middle for some x reason?
26.   He stopped bc one of the judges pulled out his in-ear in a weird way and he thought that meant he needs to stop
28.   Everyone are cheering for him  to continue THIS IS SO SWEET AAAHHHHHH EVEN JINWOO MOVED HIS HANDS AND CLAPPED
29.   And he finished his performance w a cute smile and………. got an F
30.   ’My level should be lower than F. I’m grateful for F’
31.   FNC Hwiseung comes out DOES SHINEE REPLAY GOT MY VOTE
33.   Judges don’t like either and say both feel rushed… Hwiseung got a D and Heeseok got an F… damn
34.   Starship Sewoon and Kwanghyun come in, everyone get hype. One of them hates dancing and individ. trainee Jaehwan went to the same school as Sewoon. They Maroon 5 Sugar, everyone loves it
35.   Sewoon plays guitar and composes, everyone STILL loves it and for a very good reason
36.   BoA: So do u wanna be an idol or a singer?
        Sewoon: CEO
37.   Starship gets a double B
38.   RYTHM TA COVER, amazing vocals, acrobatics, taekwondo (is this the K-Tiger trainee?) basically just a compilation of the coolest kids this season
39.   Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Jang Moonbok clip again
40.   He’s doing BTS Boy In Luv and…. It isn’t too good poor dude
41.   Seriously Mnet’s son bc his singing isn’t good yet the only reactions they are showing from crowd are the most positive ones
42.   He got an F
43.   Brand New come up, roll clip of the absolute snake team San E and Jint ent company lol kids are cute tho
44.   Do a song composed by Daehwi, choreo made by Woojin that sounds eerily like a GOT7 Hard Carry  
45.   Daehwi's vocals are good but his range isn’t too high rip. One of the kids did a bboy pose thing on one hand. Someone in the crowd dabbed
46.   Daehwi and Woojin got an A, Youngmin and Donghyun got B’s
47.   End of the evaluation, 7 A rank trainees, 17 B rank, 21 C rank, 25 D rank and 31 F rank. Last season there was like….. 20 something A rank holy shit
48.   Revealing the high pitched as hell song and the difficult ass choreo
49.   The best can go to M Countdown with it, A gets center and the ult center gets a solo part
50.   The one who has an A rank is basically a god and the one who gets the center position is literally the definition of ’what’s a god to a non-believer’
51.   They’re moving in now and get their ugly colour coded sweaters lol
52.   F rank trying to cope ’I actually rly like gray clothes… Still want pink tho’
53.   Why is korea so obsessed with ages lol
54.   Sungwoon took like an air humidifier and candles and an electric mat and whatnot lmaoooo
55.   Goblin parody ensue. Some trainee, Yoo Jinwon looks just like male Eun Tak (The female lead of goblin)
56.   Group practice is soooooo unbalanced holy SHIT
57.   The song is so high pitched they are all dying inside
58.   JINWOO IS TALKING my dude…. In F rank…. Depressing
59.   Daehwi is a sad boy bc the entire B team belted out the high notes like no joke
60.   Two dance black holes make slow mo eye contact if im not incorrect its the Cube F rank and one of the YGk+ F ones with a haircut idk how to describe.. like… its black…  sure is black
61.   Within 10 minutes A rank fucking aces the dance as a whole, sure its not perfect but it looks GREAT
62.   F is a… Mess sighs. At least that’s how they’re portrayed. In group shots at least half of the kids can do the dance just GREAT but sure obvs mnet isnt gonna show them
63.   Daehwi has problems with the high notes poor lil kid
64.   Namhyun, Sungwoo and Sungwoon have no problems hitting it though
65.   I fucking hate this system because rappers need to excel in vocals too which is fucking unfair and they just humiliated BNM Woojin who cant reach the notes and the trainer is NO FUCKING HELP and doesn’t guide him or anything just looks at him judgingly just fuck off dude seriously
66.   Sungwoo is just like Sejeong, got everyone shook during first evaluation, sings like an angel and CAN actually dance but has small problems while adapting to the choreo
67.   Now to the D group training KAHI MY MOTHER
68.   Baekho has problems concentrating to the dance and they only show him obviously thanks Mnet for nothing like he is not the type of person for p101 hes literally the furthest away from the p101 type why did pledis force them there Im so fucking angry dude
69.   Another poor black hole cutie is Cube Guanlin ugh im so sad about him DON’T CRY
70.   But others are helping him which makes me happy thank god for that
71.   C group get compared to chicks and vitamin C lol
72.   The C group vocal trainer is pretty af and everyone are in love including me
73.   ‘Age is just a number’ BOI
74.   Bae Jinyoung keeps looking at the ground SHY BOY but he also messed up his singing poor kiddo
75.   B team has the same vocal coach as A and I think D has the same dude
76.   Honestly I fucking hate that dude he’s so rude to rapper kids and doesn’t even help him and Mnet tries to play it off like ‘haha tsundere’ but no he’s just an asshole
77.   One of the rappers does adlibs lol
78.   But everyone else are just in pain I fucking hate this system so much
79.   Woojin is a small baby but sings like gold
81.   He picks out NU’EST right away ugh but MY DUDE REN DOES SO WELL
82.   RBW GUNHEE MY B O I HOLY HELL SINGS SO WELL WHYS HE IN D even the coach said he did the best out of the grades he coaches ( A B and D)
83.   That coach is so much nicer in D
84.   I take everything back he just fucking destroyed my baby Hyungseob I’m so fucking done with everything
85.   B team dance class que
86.   Kang Daniel feels a bit full of himself but tbh he is literally perfect at everything and has the dance clean already
87.   Kim Jaehwan has problems with dance this is like with Juna last season lol
89.   The dorm clips, everyone are practicing
90.   Aaaaaaaaand now they’re doing the reevaluation filming
91.   B grade Kim Sangbin danced really well and even sang well even though hes a rapper and then dabbed lmao hope lost
92.   MY LIL JUSTIN KIDDO IS UP but holy shit his singing is really bad I’m sad
93.   Everyone are saying they are anticipating Minhyun to move up by a rank but his clip is awful I’m so fucking sad dude I don’t have any words to express my absolute misery he looks so beaten up and other trainees are trying to console him I’m so fucking sad
94.   Now it’s Baekho’s turn, he doesn’t do too well either but it def isn’t THAT bad and mnet is just trying to make NU’EST look bad because they aren’t showing JR’s clip even though he was good enough to move up to B grade
95.   The dude with the best singing voice, Gunhee, his singing voice broke rip
96.   Moonbok’s clip wasn’t good and everyone are sad bc he practiced a lot
97.   Kwon Hyunbin from YGk+ does really shit and I feel soooooooooooo sorry because he isn’t doing good and people aren’t vvoting for him either but it just won’t come out right and im SO SORRY FOR HIM AAAAAAAGHHHHHH and like YGk+ is a modelling company so he wont debut and then theres this kid Ha Minho who I like too and his rank is like what 94 rn hes gonna fucking die. I hate this show why is it so addicting
98.   Calls to family ft. a lot of tears from everyone but Jisung’s sister has the same sense of humor as Jisung does its gr8 why isn’t he in top 11 vote for him jesus fuck
99.   Judges are gonna watch the reevaluation things now time to Get Sad Bois
100.  Daehwi and Samuel get praised and JAEHWAN MY LIL BOY FIXED HIS DANCE IM SO PROUD
101.  Oh no now theyre gonna watch Minhyuns catastrophe clip I want to fucking die
102. Kahi said that Min gets pressured when competing with other people I’m so fucking sad my boy is so stable and talented if anyone wants good NU’EST lives just fucking hit me up he is sooooo high quality stop bullying him @mnet  @pledis
103. Why do they only show bad clips I’m so sad and the trainers all laugh at them this just… it’s so ugly leave the kids alone they are under such immense pressure with such a difficult song and choreo
104. Finally they are showing the good trainees I’m so glad give them that ATTENTION and MY KID HYUNGSEOB IS THERE WITH A PEACE SIGN
105. And to end it now they’re getting the reevaluation grades and a bunch of kids are moving up I’m glad but they aren’t showing anyone’s new grades
And now, also good  screencaps that didn’t make it into the top 9, some funny, some depressing, Also I’m ready to stab anyone who came up with the goddamn food and bathroom break ration they’re doing by rank like what is this u cant dance u cant eat?? well hello there stalin 
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #13: “baaa louder.” - Zach
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So after that tribal I feem good and bad. On one end, I think it was the best case for me to use it for vote reveal and it showed Bryce/Zach up, Rhys is out and yeah. On the other, I regret voting Rhys out now because it will give Michael and Chloe an excuse to force rocks in F8 unless some serious minigames are done. SO I am going to ask Michael/Chloe to F3 maybe? Not sure yet but I think now if I ever do reach the end, I am gonma probably use this vote as a reason to win since I feel if I didnt make the decision to say anything, I would have possibly left. AND everyone got exposed? Miss me on that revote
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girl im going home
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so tribal happened and like. period. it was really sad + like i love rhys and seeing him go was upsetting, but like.. it's the game. no hard feelings! but i'm so frustrated with so many people. it's less of the game but more of how they acted, and thats why bryce and i snapped and leaked literally every little thing we know. like my issues were like... chris' main point was vilifying bryce & i for targeting him, but like, that happened AFTER loris slept. and??? they had a plan since i lost immunity to split on bryce/rhys. like yeah be mad at me for the shadiness of the mitch vote per se (albeit it not being super shady imo), but like... call that out initially. don't act like im in the wrong for the vote TONIGHT when the alliance was always so cliquey. then chloe got... idk. arrogant? like i snapped at her (wrongly so) but my annoyance with her is not deep, its just that she is like 'oh yalls voted me' but its like... ok. we thought you leaked. and even if you didnt (which she didnt), they legittttt WERE VOTING BRYCE ANYWAY LIKE . IT DOESNT MATTER. STOP VICTIMIZING YOURSELF. YOU WERE SHADY YOURSELF. but i cant be too mad because they didnt know about the 8 person alliance (supposedly) and i suppose with the info they DID have, they made a good decision. though still dumb i hate it but its my fault too who cares im perfect. jared is just so slimey. and stephen like??? saying 'i said to u dont fk me and you immediately snitch to bryce' BUT YOU HAD A PLAN TO BLINDSIDE ME AND MY ALLIES LIKEEEE STOP JUST SAY YOURE SNAKEY. LIKE IM OPENLY SNAKEY. ILL SAY IT. BUT DONT VILIFY ME???? HELLO?? like its the pot calling the kettle black.
i'm overdramatic just because im IN the mood to go off. or, was. i snapped (wrongly so) tonight. i want anyone who reads this to know its not personal and i love all of u dearly but . im frustrated and i want a good edgic rating LOL
loris frustrates me because he legit is a goat. he can deny that all he wants but there is a literal 0% chance i vote him at this rate to win. i dont know why. he just.. isnt playing for himself. whats NEW. jk... love u. IM JUST frustrated.
on good news, i got a super idol. period. aint telling anyone. like i love bryce but i dont want him to expect me to use it on him because . it wont be good for my game. im playing for myself and myself only. like... period. tho i hope him and i can manage to survive a bit but i dont think thats likely.
im not reviewing this i just am writing whats in my feelings so its more authentic LOL
anyway this game was super fun. despite being stressful and straining, the call was super enjoyable and this org has been one of my favs, and this night has made it sm better. so period. no regrets, just faggotry.
i'm a flop.
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Everything seems so messy tonight. Rhys has approached me about me, him, Michael, Bryce nd Zach workin together but like... they seemed so actively against me sooooo idk what's going on there it feels like a trap. They suggested doing Chris which does kinda sound real but that could be part of the trap idk im very nervous. I just kinda said I would go along with the plan but I don't really intend to do that. I don't think Chris is the move for me this round, Rhys doesn't speak to me which is why I'm also nervous the alliance came from nowhere. To my knowledge the votes are gonna be split 3-3-3 in case of an idol, which I hope gets flushed. Idols make me nervy. Hell I didn't even know Jared had an idol that fucking snake, but it's fine cause he played it on me.
(((((aj note --- this confessional above is obviously from last round but its 2am and i want to go to sleep so idk))))))))
Last night was an absolute mess and I feel I missed a lot of what went on so I need to watch the post tribal live stream to see if I can try to make more sense of what went down. So far I gathered Jared is a snake, we been knew and Bryce is a leaker. However the leaking shit got pinned on me YET AGAIN. WHY THE FUCK DO THESE BITCH ASS HOES KEEP PINNING SHIT ON ME. FUCK U BRYCE
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I just, everything's a mess. All the alliances i doubt are going to work, Jared isnt long for this game, me or Stephen may follow him out, and the rest will likely see some combo of Loris/Michael/Chloe in the end. I dont know, suddenly feeling hopeless about all of this and like, pretty unhappy at the moment. I knew it would be hard but like I literally am struggle to have clear thoughts and with this and outside life factors I'm just feeling lost at the moment.
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hi i'm less mad so ignore my above confessional LOL. thank u for tuning in.
except u loris. baaa louder.
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Whew hunny last night exposed a lot of fake ass bitches but we really been knew they’re fake. I’m feeling confident about the next few rounds because I think people see myself and Chloe as numbers and people they need to bring on board to make plans work. Part of my strategy this game is to sit back and let the bigger players come in and try and make the big moves everyone wants to feel like they’re making a difference and everyone wants to build their resume by making big moves and as long as I can maintain my threat level I think I’ll be safe and I can have a bit of Influence in the game as people scramble for my vote.
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WELL! That was an interesting tribal!
Shortly before tribal, it came out that a secret group of 5 was made to blindside Chris. (Zach/Bryce/Rhys/Michael/Chloe)
I obviously didn't want that to happen, and neither did Chris or Jared. Bryce leaked it to Jared, and Jared told me and Chris. I made the INDEPENDENT decision to confront Zach about this, because I'm not asking for permission to make moves sorry. The only issue is that Zach immediately went to Bryce, even though I asked him not to fuck me. Bryce went to Jared and Chris, and they went back to me. WELP! That just hurts my strategic relationship with Zach even more than the vote already would have.
Chloe and Michael were doing what they could to keep the votes off Chloe, luckily, my move with Zach ensured that they failed! WOO!
I don't want to make the same mistake as Matt though. I may have a decent majority now, but I don't want to burn my bridges with Zach and Bryce. I stayed out of the drama last night (mostly) and I'm gonna keep talking game with them. I might not be able to fully repair things totally but I'm confident I can do better than the other 5.
I'm gonna go over my relationships with the remaining castaways since there's finally a small enough number for me to feel like doing that:
Chris: My closest ally, we tell each other basically everything. I'm worried about going to Final Tribal with him though. He's played well in every facet of the game and literally won "Who do you want to see win" in Touchy Subjects. If I don't get a chance to take him out at the end, I think I can mount a strong argument against him. but I'd only feel comfortable making that move if I was already immune and definitely going to Final Tribal.
Jared: My second(?) closest ally, though I now know he has kept a TONNNN of secrets from me and on top of that he's a threat to win. Luckily, with all the info coming out from last round, I don't think I'll need to worry about Jared being at Final Tribal.
Loris: With Rhys gone, Loris has officially taken the title of "person I kinda wanna maybe side with but he's talked about voting me out so we're not cool". I kinda wanna weaken Bryce and Zach (or maybe vote them both out) before taking a shot against him, I just hope he doesn't realize I know he's after me until it's too late.
Michael: I really don't know where I stand with Michael LMAO! He voted with us last round but never informed us about the plan to get Chris out. He said he was "going to" but I don't believe that for a second. In fact, I think if Chris hadn't revealed what Bryce had leaked there's a chance he may have gone through with it.
Chloe: I kinda love Chloe. I wish I never accidentally turned the majority alliance against her. She's fun to hang around with AND someone I think I could beat in the end. It's like a win-win. Except I don't think she wants me anywhere near the end.
Zach: Out of the 3 people out of the loop at the last vote my relationship with Zach was the strongest. That having been said, neither of us were really sharing much information with each other after Mitch left and I feel like there's really not much further we can go together. Him and Bryce are both good options to be targeted at this vote.
Bryce: While I've personally known it for quite some time, for Bryce to outright say he didn't want to me in an alliance with me is kind of the most red a red flag can be. If I have it my way, Bryce will be the next person voted out. Granted, I'm saying all of this before immunity results and real strategic talks can begin, so my mind might change, but it's not likely.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPS6OykNvh0 its so sad im going home tldr: im gone chris can say 1000 words but if they all mean nothing whats the point. jared ruined  my trust in people forever. chloe is a goat hypocrite who aggravates me. stephen is alright not good not bad. rhys is my king and im so sad hes gone i legit love that man. zach is fake. michael is annoying. loris is being a goat but who cares. omg me taking 0 blame for anything bad that happened to me? more likely than u think!!
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hi! so. I think I can win this game. my intentions for a while have been to get out someone I don’t see working with personally, rhys, and then attempt a flip on jared/stephen. i also very much have wanted to turn on Chris because I believe me and him are playing similarly in that we have positioned ourself well into the middle, and going to the end with someone who’s basically played the same game but more well-polished is not a good idea! i wanted to get myself this immunity so that I could talk to people about flipping without risk of being ratted and then voted out, which was almost what happened to chloe last round. im also starting to become aware of how me never attending tribal is making me fall under the radar in a way?? everyone is fighting each other and arguably making situations worse for themselves by giving an answer straight away, for example, bryce declaring his f2 with Jared in the call. though people can still slander me while I’m not there, what they say cannot be dwelled on for too long because I’m not there, putting me in a more favourable position than some of the other people here? I think? that someone said that I was playing the middle last tribal council and well.. they’re right so oops.
my ideal path to the end would be stephen and jared leaving the next rounds, and then Chris, although the order does not concern me right now. then I would be at final 5 with Bryce zach chloe and michael and then whoever isn’t immune out of bryce and zach can be voted out. perry. and then I’m gonna have to pray to god I win final immunity OR Michael or Chloe do but like that doesn’t feel likely to me. AND THEN I WIN!!!
ALSO. im in the final 7. I just need to survive one more round and then I’m guaranteed final 5... because no way in hell im playing that legacy on someone  else.. I am not letting THAT happen again.
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Me nd Michael been talking, nd we’ve wanted to make a move for a bit now but crazy shit keeps happening. We needed to take down Rhys and break up the Rhys/Bryce/Zach trio so Bryce nd Zach are more useable. Now we planning on flipping on Jared/Chris/Stephen. My current target would be Jared because as much as I trust him and adore him I think he’s definitely running this bitch. Then Loris decides he also wants to flip nd he tells Michael that he wanted to exclude me but JOKES ON U LORIS I WAS ALREADY PLANNING ON FLIPPING U DUMB FUCK. Which was kinda obvious he was planning on excluding me cause Zach and Michael both messaged me about it and I knew Loris was involved in the flipping but he hadn’t messaged me about it sooooo. Don’t test me Loris I’ll make u be voted next.
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So tonight the plan me chloe and loris are sailing to the majority alliance that voted together last time is that the votes will be spilt. And they will be but we won’t be joining we will be switching to Jared and eliminating the biggest threat in the game at this point. From there I’m thinking of flipping to take out zach or Bryce and continuing on the game switching to control the power in the game.
Part of the beauty of this move to blindside Jared is that a lot of the blame for the flip is shared amongst both Chloe and Loris paired with Bryce and Zach being bigger threats means that my name will most likely still be out of peoples mouth I just have some major damage control to do to stop Stephen/Chris teaming up with Zach/Bryce and creating a 4-3.
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A lot has happened.
Bryce and I's F2 imploded because of me, and even though we reconciled today I don't think I can truly work with him again. Best I can do is try to secure his jury vote.
I have deals with Stephen Chris Michael and Chloe, Loris will hopefully fall by the wayside next round.
The plan this time was to get Michael onside in PMs and gauge his interest for voting out Zach, reinforcing the "this is our shield strategy." He did the work from there. Yeet!
Jared is voted out 5-2-1. He becomes the fifth member of our jury.
Watch Jared’s exit interview take place below:
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012797420 · 5 years
ok hey there? lmfao
its been 2 months,??????? ok?????
so where do i begin, well firstly my relationship with my mom has gotten better and more communicative, still taking baby steps but progress! am i rite! i told her everything shes made me feel since i was young to now because she never gave me the open space to do so growing up bc it was always she was the best parent bc shes better than my dad yadda yadda, so i finally was like Listen... ur both terrible parents and thats literally ok! terrible is a strong word but u know what i mean. but yeah so she actually listened to what i had to say and was receptive so it was cool!!! all i want is a healthy relationship with all of my family and the crazy thing is that once i communicated that to my mom the energy shift just within my entire family and how we communicate has been wild! i talk to my dad more, my grandma has been OFFERING to assist me financially instead of me even having to ask to borrow money, i talked to my step grandma on the phone the other day for the first time in a year and it was so sweet she really is like a best friend who i can go forever without talking to and then pick up where we left off, its cute and nice. idk man im just excited to like have family again, ive always had family but i always felt isolated and like i wasnt truly cared for, and it totally had to do with me doing it to myself for sure but it was because i really believed i wasnt worthy or capable of being loved by them (for many many reasons the biggest being fat lmao) but now that i opened my heart up to recieve it,, its coming to me. its so wild!!! i just really am so excited to see where this all goes honestly.
i still am adjusting to being in a new place, it usually takes me a hot minute to get back into my self care routines and im not beating myself up over it. ill get to it when i get to it. which will be this weekend. for sure. i literally say this every weekend because im off work but then i just wanna do nothing when i have sooooo much i need to do. my old apartment complex never filed my 60 day notice so i got a letter saying i was gonna be evicted for not paying 2 months rent LOL jokes. i still havent dealt with that because im like.... yall can figure it out its ur job... sdjjxjx but yeah! i cant wait to get all my debt paid off, so i really need to apply to some jobs this weekend and i wanna work at whole foods so bad bc they pay really well and i miss being paid well we all deserve it literally just for being human!!! im figuring shit out man and it feels good to just know im getting there one step at a time. maybe ill clean my car out this weekend thats what’ll really make me feel better overall. i also have so many boxes to unpack still but my room here is so small i literally dont have anymore room to unpack MORE shit. i cant find my tarot deck so thats major... need her... gah
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