#identity was inconvenient for shippers
the fact that it’s safer and more enjoyable to make content about aroace headcanons because it’s less of a threat to fandom because everyone knows it will never be canon than it is to make content about canon aroace characters because canon aroace characters are a threat to fandom because shipping is the most crucial part of fandom
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sgiandubh · 4 months
La transparence et l'obstacle/Transparency and the obstacle
And since Social Media seems to be the dish of the day...
Case in point:
OL S7 Part 1 promo ended sometime around July, right? Cut short by The Strikes and all that.
Never mind. The Chorus wrote the fanfic all by itself. FWIW. It has been a fascinating ride trying to make sense of all the manipulation, multiple webs of lies and thick curtain of smoke.
Meanwhile, what did we see?
S promoting his booze. But what else could he do? Honoring a pre-programmed contractual obligation in Kansas City immediately gave birth to an Endless Hullaballoo, where the most noisy voices were (as always) those who knew nothing at all. Legally, morally, culturally.
C promoting her outfits and make up. But what else could she do? Sometimes lending a hand to lifelong friends. Other times lurking like a ghost in the background of dinner pics that look like an Illuminati banquet, or something. #Silly fashion, nowadays - less is never more, when it comes to gourmet.
Out of the two, S is the louder, more colorful one. But when we draw a line on these last six months, do we know more about S or C's life than we ever did before?
Nope. Savant innuendo and trolling by particular bloggers do not count. Poorly crafted images of uxoriousness, either. It's been done before, with little long term success to the critical thinking crowd - those stupid Shippers, that inconvenient glitch in the matrix.
Her strange silence did not start yesterday, just because a thirsty, easy to bait & lure, amnesic crowd likes to believe so. It started way before the strikes and the promo, when she 'forgot' to congratulate S on his birthday and many bought into the ruse.
His OTT innuendo game did not start yesterday, just because his mommies and the listless fencers who 'worry' every single time lapped it like clotted cream. It started right after that botched paparazzi pic, when the fandom has been played about a dog being an Afghan and an Afghan being a dog, not unlike that silly Internet Dress Folly, not so long ago.
He is in full protective mode. She is just following the lead. Forget about windows and hotel rooms and pandas: that is mandatory white noise. Ultimately, their social media strategies are identical. And that, my friends, is important.
It is my strong belief that the more we are shown, the less we see.
On the 13th of August 1789, a long-forgotten French Jacobin (not Jacobite, quite the opposite of it!), Jean-Sylvain Bailly, who was then the mayor of Paris, uttered a prophetic phrase: 'la publicité est la sauvegarde du peuple'. Publicity is people's safeguard.
By 'publicity', Bailly meant transparency, not advertisement. A distinction S and C came to perfectly master, by now.
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pseudoincestuous · 1 year
feeling nostalgic, so I thought I’d share my story of how I came to be here, as an incest shipper. Up until now I have been too concerned with others finding out my identity to share my thoughts, but I think I am finally comfortable doing so.
The first incest ship I was into was pinecest back in 2017 (thanks to doublepines artwork) and I felt so guilty about it I deleted that blog. I still have the dummy e-mail address I used to create the account, though. That was my real first incest ship. I never would have gotten curious if it weren’t for anti-pinecest fans vaguing about the ship in the tags. I remember liking the taboo nature of the ship, and the portrayal of the forbidden love between the siblings as something that had some positive aspects (rather than the universally negative portrayals I had only ever seen in media at that point in my life.) After having that account for a short period, I deleted it out of shame and pretended it had never happened. 
Years later when I got into Jojo, I was enjoying part 4 and the fanart that came with it. I stumbled across some Josuhan ship art, and ended up feeling conflicted. At the time, I still saw ship art as something that can be immoral. Yet, I liked the bickering, frictional relationship between the characters, and imagining how it would transfer to a romantic context. 
Eventually I decided to make a separate twitter account for my problematic Jojo fanart indulgences, the Sarah_j0jo account which is now my main twitter account. (I stopped using twitter connected to my real name a long time ago.) I got into Josuhan even though it was an age gap ‘toxic’ ship, and then by proximity, because I figured if I was going to ship problematic things I might as well go whole hog on the matter, so I got into JotaJosu. To be truthful, I didn’t like it much when I first got into it, but the ship gradually grew on me. I found one of the most haunting fanfictions that I have read to date. The power imbalance between the older and jaded Jotaro and his young uncle Josuke felt like a very old story indeed, just put through the lens of fandom’s interpretation of the characters. 
Over time, I went back to using tumblr, but gradually I was becoming more comfortable with the idea of shipping “immoral” things. I became infatuated with Kusucest later in 2021, another frictional relationship, but this time between estranged siblings, both of whom were queercoded and one of whom was implied to have masochistic, incestuous feelings for the other on a purely physical level, the other implied asexual, forming a stark contrast. They captivated me, these two characters who were so different and yet blood related; so dependent on each other despite themselves, all their interactions coming in the form of violence of some kind, even when they had a positive outcome. 
I was fascinated by the fact that one was so thoroughly obsessed with the other, the other pretending they weren’t related whenever possible; this inconvenient, spiteful, competitive brother who so thoroughly messed up his worldview as a child by demonizing an integral part of him, his psychic powers. And yet, at the same time, the older idolizes the younger for what he is, and even loves him unconditionally. And the younger realizes that he is indebted to his brother (and by proxy his brother’s obsession with him). Despite everything, by the end of the story, Kusuo can’t seem to dislike him.
It’s a thoroughly dysfunctional relationship with plenty of themes to explore, and both of them grow over the course of the story, and there’s so many things about the characters that feel like contradictions and yet seem to work. I stayed quiet about shipping them because most of the fandom understandably wasn’t interested in imagining them together in a romantic or sexual context. The blog I ran was (or rather, still is) mostly focused on the characters and the story,  and the themes of friendship (all things that I still wholeheartedly love and appreciate about the show.)
It wasn’t until I got into Vijinx about a year later that I really decided, fuck it, this is fiction, and stopped seeing the matter as a two-sided issue. Instead, there’s people who are comfortable with it and people who aren’t (and it is a weird, uncomfortable hobby to have by definition.) I spent a very long time being uncomfortable with it, and yet drawn in nonetheless. But around early 2022 was the point at which I completely stopped seeing it as an issue of something that reflected any sort of real life morality, and embraced the idea that we as human beings will have dark thoughts and fantasies that don’t define us as people, no matter how much or how little we identify them as true.
Fast forward to this year, and everyone who follows my non-problematic tumblr accounts knows that I’m accepting of portrayals of complex characters and character relationships, both in canon and in fanon. I’ve attended therapy, spent invaluable time thinking about what it *really* means to be a good person, and read some really insightful books that made me rethink the shame I felt over ‘problematic’ shipping, more specifically incest shipping which I had by then realized I liked.
I figured out shipping was, for one, a harmless diversion and didn’t mean that I had any interest in doing anything that I wanted fictional characters to do. It’s a way to mentally put yourself in a difficult, undesirable or even dangerous situation without being harmed. I figured it was ultimately me trying to work through difficult questions and feelings, ones that weren’t actually directly related to incest at all, but instead reflected the ways in which people are alienated and ostracized from their true feelings and inner selves.
It’s about falling in love and feeling totally out of your depth and out of control because of who you fall in love with. It’s about the unspeakable taboo (what happens if other people find out how I feel?) and the way the entire world is against the feelings that seem inevitable to you, no matter how much you try to scrape them out of you. It’s all a potent metaphor for queerness and the feelings I’ve struggled with my entire life. Especially because there seems to be less and less stories in fandom these days that really dig into the psychological terror, the confusion, the guilt, the anxiety, cold fear and the repression that queer people go through (especially ex homophobic, and ex religious christian queer people) to accept their identities. 
On a deeper level, it’s about the shame itself; it really is. The shame I have been conditioned and taught to the point that I internalized it. The ways in which I am still discovering the power that unnecessary shame holds over me, deconstructing the ways it eats into my life as I take it into consideration with everything I do- scheduling my time, creating art, communicating with others, even simply using my own body as I eat or exercise or sleep. That shame is the root of so many psychological problems and so much miscommunication, not just in my life but in many people’s lives. It’s a much deeper shame than feeling; it’s the shame of being. 
Incest just happens to be the perfect vehicle to examine that shame. There’s nothing quite so universally shamed and condemned as incest, for its connotations with abuse and the inherent ‘yuck’ factor that nature, nurture or perhaps both has installed in humanity. 
If incest is about shame, then maybe cannibalism is about codependency, vampirism is about sexuality and lyncanthropy is about repression. So many dark tropes have a metaphorical quality to them. 
Literary metaphors are sometimes a hard thing for someone who is naturally somewhat literal minded like me to accept. But most of the time, even when an author means a story to be completely literal, there’s a metaphorical reading that can be found within. 
I just wasn’t consciously aware that I was looking for that in these stories for a long, long time.
Many fanworks are created by victims of some kind of abuse looking to understand that abuse better through the artwork. Some people are aware of everything they are exploring through their art, some aren’t, and some, (probably most) like me, don’t fully realize what they are exploring until they really dive in and let themselves have fictional experiences through fandom that aren’t restricted or unilaterally positive. I honestly believe that in some way, on some level, every person who creates art with dark themes is trying to understand something that happened to them, or someone else close to them in their lives. It just isn’t always exactly what they are creating art about. And it isn’t always life ruining trauma, but it’s something no less real. And of course it is enjoyable. Exploring human relationships through fiction is enjoyable, creating art is enjoyable; controlling the narrative and the outcome of the story is enjoyable. Examining it is an important step in learning about ourselves and the world around us, and in the healing process for trauma that allows us to make these difficult questions and emotions and construct them into something. It’s an enjoyable process, because it’s cathartic. 
And this isn’t the end of the journey for me, either. I have more art to create; more of myself to accept, more difficult bits of reality to understand. But I’m no longer shying away from the darkness of it. Sometimes the only way out is through. If I can’t handle reality, then it follows that I would include bits of reality in my fantasies which reflect some truth which I have yet to fully see. Constructing a story, oddly enough, helps me do that. By constructing the story I extract the unconscious things which I observe and make them conscious, and draw conclusions about them. And of course, what I create isn’t reality itself, only a meditation on it from my own limited perspective, injected with enough fantasy to make it something I can comfortably embrace. 
Finally knowing and understanding all of this has brought me some peace. I hope it brings you peace as well. 
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cahillcahill48 · 2 years
replica birkin bag 29
Best Replica Hermes Birkin Bags For Sale You seen the outrageous prices and you likely left disappointed. I’ve been in an analogous situation many times. Thankfully, I’ve discovered that I am just as happy by buying replica handbags. You should undoubtedly try methods in this guide your self, however should you spent a lot of money on an item, it may be clever to contemplate skilled authentication. wikipedia handbags If the hardware in your bag appears to be too light, your bag might not be as genuine as you thought it to be. I by no means thought of buying one as I was afraid to harm my popularity. Fakes are sometimes a few centimeters off. 1)The authentic Birkin bag is printed with logo stamp of "HERMES PARIS MADE IN FRANCE" which should match the identical color as hardware of the bag. The logo makes use of beautiful and neat fonts and is not affected by leather texture. 1) The bag is obtainable in a wide selection of hides such as calf leather, lizard, and ostrich. Among the costliest was once saltwater crocodile pores and skin and luggage with smaller scales price more than those with bigger scales. Birkins made with unique skins also needs to have an “exotics card,” which attests to the origin and remedy of the animal, and permits the resulting product to be bought internationally. Just two days after he arrived in New Delhi part of his plan for a short however sweet visit Armstrong claimed the Games document on his final step up to the circle, launching his throw 21.02 metres. Jamaica's Dorian Scott gained silver with 20.19, while Australia's Dale Stevenson took bronze with 19.ninety nine. Please check in here to see our full selection of Hermès luggage and accessories. Our full inventory gallery the place you ought to purchase a number of the most wanted Hermès bags and equipment is just accessible by our current clientele. Bid reside through the auction and your bids shall be submitted real-time to the auctioneer. Because not like different sellers who're simply drop-shippers, we manufacture our personal replicas and guarantee that our replicas are one of the best out there anywhere. I got a black birkin for my spouse as a suprise but I notice there are some traces, kind of like rivers pattern on a map, operating from prime to bottom on the front and back leather-based of the bag. skel.io replica hermes birkin I have a forest green pebbly finish, gold hardware. Mette- I have a dark gray crocodile on order known as “Graphite”, will keep you posted. As to why we put on the bag open,it’s for easy entry. The cause Kelly bags aren't as popular is as a outcome of the buckle could be very inconvenient! However, it could be a better query whether the MetaBirkin designs constitute infringing by-product works as a result of they arguably “adapt, recast, or transform” the Birkin design into a new derivative work. So a quantity of leather swatches and prototypes later, right here it's. The best replica of 2014's most-coveted purse, the Prada Double Bag. Ch David is the co-founder and CEO of Legit Check By Ch. Each DFO Birkin is a luxury bag you'll be proud to put on for a number of years. The hottest design house this 12 months could additionally be nothing more than a style afterthought by subsequent Christmas. The luxurious handbag you treasure now might lose half of its value before you realize it. The classic type of the Birkin Bag was born in 1984, the design of the purse has had little adaptation over time because of desirability and love of the bag by customers throughout the globe. For the original piece, few adjustments have included launching new colours and patterns and the costs vary from anything between $12,000-$200,000 relying on exclusivity, design and demand. TheDasein Handbagfeatures a selection of Birkin-esque components. We satisfaction ourselves on providing 7 star mirror picture replica bags made from premium materials and workmanship... No wonky labels or stitching from us, it merely wouldn't cross our high quality inspection. Now your mates shall be envying you, so why wait, browse our pages now and order right now. We know that affordability is what makes replica purses, watches and sneakers so alluring in the first place and that is why you'll not discover a single overpriced item in our collection. We have a firm honest pricing coverage that benefits our prospects and ourselves alike and that's immediately proportional to the quality of our merchandise. The interior is lined with Nata chevre and has one zip pocket... This Himalaya Birkin is in Niloticus crocodile with palladium hardware and has tonal stitching, front flap, two straps with center toggle closure, clochette with lock and two keys, and double rolled handles. The interior is lined with Gris Perle chevre and has... Best Hermes Gray Birkin Golden Hardware 40cm Bags HJ21015, try this wonderful Hermes Handbags! Cheap Hermes Birkin Silver Hardware 40cm Bag HJ00288, try this superb Hermes Handbags! Imitation Hermes Red Birkin Golden Hardware 40cm Bags HJ00005, try this amazing Hermes Handbags! You may purchase these superb Hermes dupes irrespective of where in the world you are.
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greenekjeldsen93 · 2 years
hermes pochette kelly 14
Sac Hermes Kelly Lakis À Vendre! A '9.8/10' bag is in excellent situation with slight marks or scratches and cannot be noticed beneath the daylight. Because in contrast to different sellers who're simply drop-shippers, we manufacture our own replicas and guarantee that our replicas are the most effective obtainable wherever. Hermes Kelly Cut Vert Verone Clutch Bag Swift Palladium. https://skel.io/replicas-hermes-bags/replica-kelly-pochette.html I’m nonetheless making an attempt to determine out who this would be an excellent funding for at any time. Please be mindful that this piece has led a earlier life, and should tell its story by way of minor imperfection. Purchasing this item continues its narrative, so that you can be assured that you’re making a POSITIVELY CONSCIOUS alternative for the planet. These three Kelly’s had been released from 2017 through 2018, taking their inspiration from archival sketches and scarf designs Hermès has employed within the years and decades previous. Crocodile Leather exterior with one prime deal with and a strap closure with a palladium silver turn lock. And within an all-black look, one essential piece is a superb mini skirt. I love love thisH&Mballoon skirt (and it’s under $20)! There’s a sense of caprice and a little bit of strangeness about it. A paperbag waist type coupled with a balloon-shaped silhouette, this skirt flares up and out. A spectacular bicolor mixture custom made for a VIP. Hermes Kelly Pochette Menthe Gold Hardware Clutch Cut Bag Z Stamp, 2021Spectacularly attractive and rare Menthe is probably one of the most coveted colors in all of Hermes history! Hermes 25cm Jaune Poussin Sellier Epsom Kelly Gold JewelBeyond exquisite! The property shall be provided by us as agent for the Donor, except the lot indicates otherwise. Grace Kelly who used this bag to conceal her pregnancy from the nosy paparazzi, since then the Kelly.. Even nonetheless, Birkin bags are an funding piece, and can price around $12,000 on the low-end and $200,000 on the high-end. So, you’d want at least an additional $10k mendacity around earlier than you'll be able to even think of buying your own Birkin bag. Sorry, one other buyer is about to purchase this bag, we apologize for this inconvenience. Clients are required to upload proof of identity paperwork in order to bid on this sale. Discover the collections curated by our luxurious specialists. Condition DetailsThe exterior is in distinctive condition with minimal signs of use. We offer 0% finance choices on hundreds of items to UK prospects through our associate finance provider Klarna. Item is in unworn or unused condition and there are no seen imperfections. Sign in with your e mail tackle to review your account particulars and orders. Hermes all the time has some scrumptious baggage that you may need to explore, and with this popular bag from iconic Kelly Bag Collection, you struck gold, for sure. Mightychic provides a guaranteed authentic exquisite jewel toned Hermes Kelly Pochette clutch bag featured in wealthy Bordeaux lisse crocodile. Mightychic provide a assured genuine Hermes Kelly Pochette bag featured in vibrant Rose Scheherazade alligator. This beautiful pink Hermes clutch is wealthy with Gold hardware. Guaranteed authentic Hermes Kelly Pochette Clutch bag Vert Anis very rare Lizard. The models had been mostly black-clad, with bowler caps and leather accents that seemed to nod at Seville Row tailoring and film noir types. It was in this assortment that they debuted a new instant success for the Kelly bag, the Kelly So Black. These baggage tend to be highly sought after, and fetch excessive prices in the secondary market as a end result of shortage. In the following decade, the Sac-à-Depêches flew under the radar to girls who had been in search of smaller purses to tote only their daily essentials. wikipedia handbags That was till the bag obtained its first silver display debut. The prototype of the Kelly bag, introduced around 1892, was a big bag used for holding a saddle, and was generally recognized as Haut à courroies because of its high handle. In 1923, Émile-Maurice Hermès and Ettore Bugatti designed a thoroughly simple and plain bag for Hermès's wife Julie. It was meant to suit right into a automotive door and to allow riders to carry their saddle. In the Nineteen Thirties, Hermès's son-in-law Robert Dumas redesigned it as a spacious journey bag referred to as Sac à dépêches. It was a pointy contrast to the dominant purses of the time, which were simple, small and flat, resembling envelopes. The purse gradually went on to turn into stiff and boxy. Each design includes a totally different materials, including thick leather, calfskin, and alligator pores and skin, and thus, will look in a special way whenever you set it down. The Birkin bag is bigger than the Kelly bag and is held over the forearm. Unlike the Kelly bag, the Birkin is rectangular with an upward slope on prime of the deal with. The two luggage do share a common function of the front metal clasp, however they are completely different in the type of closure and the look. While you might have the ability to afford a Hermès purse, it does not imply you know what to buy. After all, there are so many completely different styles of Hermès baggage all of which may be thought of investments. Hermès Kelly pochette within the new Blue du Nord shade, swift leather and gold hardware. Today, vintage Hermès scarves, usually adorned in rich colours and elaborate patterns, serve many features, simply as they did back then. Well-heeled ladies put on it on their heads, round their necks and, in a genius piece of cross-promotion, tied to the straps of their Hermès baggage. Kelly even once used one as a sling for her broken arm. A slightly much less well-liked type, theSo Kelly is Hermès’s version of a Kelly-styled bucket/hobo bag with the iconic Kelly Turlock closure. Introduced within the Fall/Winter 2008 assortment, the So Kelly is bigger than the standard bucket-styled bag, it can be worn on the shoulder or as a messenger bag. An straightforward casual day bag cum travel bag which would be roomy sufficient on your travels if you’re taking this on the plane with you, it’s super comfy to carry as a outcome of it lays flat against your body. Though the shoulder strap is completely removable, it really doesn’t make sense to hold it as a clutch with out the strap. Oh and if you have this, we suggest that you just hold it fastened at all times, or else it’ll look a tad awkward unfastened. TheSo Kellyis available in 2 sizes, in Togo, Clemence, Fjord, and Matte Niloticus Crocodile.
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Hey, @brbdaly​, maybe don’t reblog this post while you’re supporting a blacklist full of POCs managed by another white person?
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You, as a white person, have ignored, silenced, and talked over POCs in the Phantom of the Opera fandom for too long. You prize yourself on elevating marginalized identities but only listen to the POCs YOU deem worthy of listening to, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that you supported a list determining which marginalized identities are worth listening to. Rest is under cut as this is a long post.
This blacklist was originally created by phandombigotryarchive, who disproportionally targeted POCs who disagreed with her and her methods. She is no longer active in the fandom but is happy repeatedly posting pictures of Asian women in sexy poses over on her other main. It was later promoted by asianphancollective, whose explicit goal was to send targeted harassment against other Asian fans. Now, it’s managed entirely by trans-flint aka cefantomeenhabitnoir aka so many other shell accounts I’m not even going to name them all.
Trans-flint. A white person. Like you.
Yeah sorry, white people piling on POCs for woke points is about the farthest from anti-racist activism you can get.
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That’s fucking rich coming from someone who actively refused to listen to people discussing anti-Asian racism. @helloitskrispy​, an Asian person, reached out to you about the anti-Asian racism being perpetuated by phandombigotryarchive, asianphancollective, and trans-flint. Your response was that it was an intracommunity issue, and that Asian people should be listening to the Asians who supported phandombigotryarchive. AKA your two Asian friends.
White people stop using “I have a ___ friend” as an excuse challenge 2021.
Then you turned around and wrote/reblogged these immediately after ignoring Asian voices:
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You DO realize that we can talk about anti-Asian racism while addressing antiblackness, right? But then we’d have to look at the inconvenient truth that the people you supported throughout these callouts, phandombigotryarchive and trans-flint, are not Asian while accusing literal Asian people of orientalism. Phandombigotryarchive herself wrote that Pharoga shippers (people who ship Erik/the Phantom and the Daroga) have avoidance of confrontation “in their blood.”
Most Pharoga shippers are Asian.
You’d think it would stop there but. You reblogged this on February 28, 2021:
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Not a problem! Anti-racism resources are great to share! And then a day later, another Asian phan, @phannah--montana​, reblogged this same post.
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That earned her a callout post.
So, let me get this straight, it’s alright for a white person to reblog anti-racism resources but not a literal POC. Gotcha. How progressive.
You want to be seen as a champion of marginalized identities. You want to be seen as a good ally. The thing is, for a white person to be a good ally, you kind of have to listen to other POCs than just the voices you like to hear.
The hard truth of the matter is neither you nor phandombigotryarchive nor trans-flint nor asianphancollective ever cared about antiracism and antiblackness. You did not care if a blog actually campaigned for antiracism if they disagreed with you. You did not even care when several bad actors in the phandom were racist towards Lucy St. Louis. All you cared about was bullying a small fandom into silence so you could control things.
No more.
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clumsytornado · 2 years
Ml fandom racism
The racism towards Alya has been talked to death and people have stood up for her which is great!
But people think racism means only Alya as a character and that isn't right.
Nino and Max have both been forgotten by the fandom and it's just annoying to see that more people don't talk about them.
Nino, being the male lead's best friend is put aside for the white characters - Chloe, Luka, Felix. You think I'm probably exaggerating but Chloe (blonde bully) has more stans and Queen Bee is a more popular character than Carapace, even in fanarts and for what? Chloe has endangered peoples' lives and has a bad attitude towards everyone and sometimes there isn't any redemption. I have no problem with Chloe stans except some of them are hypocritical.
Fanarts usually have 4 main heroes - LB,CN,RR,QB and Carapace is just some forgotten guy and this is mostly all fanarts.
Then you have Luka, look personally I'm cool with him, he's just not interesting enough. But then you have more Lukadrien fanfics than Adrino and just what??? People have Luka replace Nino and Luka and Adrien prob haven't interacted like besides a few words. You really expect me to believe it is't racism????? Then you have Luka find out their identities and I just..
What do I even say about Felix? People in the fandom worship him and for what???
Marichat shippers are guilty of this too, they decide to replace Nino with Marinette in every instance they can find. I like Marichat but I've seen this happen so many times that it just feels forced at some point. Why won't Adrien go to his best friend? Why do people keep replacing Nino with Marinette for every small inconvenience?
And don't get me started with Nino salt!
Nino salt is just because he's Alya's bf. The Nino is basically Alya part 2 and mirrors whatever Alya is saying. He's not even his own character! And the same thing happens in the show! Nino is reduced to only Alya's bf! And if roles were reversed you would be mad too.
Nino in the show has a personality, as shown in Horrificator, Anansi etc but the writers refuse to explore it. What's worse is that Thomas called Nino a main character but compared to Chloe gets even less screen and any screen he gets is basically Alya's bf. Look I like djwIFI BUT LET NINO BE HIS OWN CHARACTER.
It's been 4 seasons, where is it?
On that same note Nino doesn't have an instagram either??? Why not?
Hell the only centric episode till now was Rocketear and that was all over the place. Nino jealous since when? And people are upset about the Nino stalking Alya's place but then you have CN cause an akuma due to his jealousy in S1 and Marinette having Adrien's schedule and don't take this as salt on Marinette and Adrien. This was 1 episode of Nino, 1 episode and even that goes to show how much Nino thinks CN is annoying WHICH ISNT EVEN TRUE SINCE IN S2 OR 3 HE WAS TALKING ABOUT HOW HE ADMIRED LB N CN.
The writers simply wanted to isolate Adrien and used Nino to do it. You're telling me Nino who didn't reveal his identity for 3 seasons, is a worse secretkeeper?
Rocketear has it good moments, it did but it just destroyed Nino's character and used Nino as a plot device in the Ladynoir conflict.
And I've probably said more here
I just want more people to acknowledge Nino as a character, because he does have a personality. You can rewatch s1 and s2 and see Nino's characteristics, you can see his stubbornness in Horrificator and how he got akumatised because he wanted to give his best friend a bday party.
Hell this is the guy who unknowingly created Adrienette.
Just want the fandom and the show to start looking at Nino
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jyndor · 3 years
Okay but people who ship Zutara instead of Zukka this year are a little weird. I don't think Zutara is misogynistic, but Zukka has more and better content and queer creators. There's no reason to choose Zutara over Zukka when one has good queer representation, a solid basis, and one is known for being problematic, unless these people are kind of homophobic.
lol oh anon
1. no they aren’t
2. that is your opinion and also is not true (zutara has plenty of queer creators, myself included - I have personally written zutara fic and I am queer, please do not invalidate the queer creators just because it’s inconvenient for you) - zukka is supported by queer and straight people, and that’s fine - but you guys are actively harassing zutara shippers who are doing NOTHING to you. and if you think zutara, the ship fandom that invented ship weeks, isn’t one of the most famously creative, productive ship fandoms in fandom history, you’re just not educated on atla and fandom in general. maybe you’re new here, and that’s fine and hey welcome! but you gotta back your shit up with facts or you’re just making yourself look petty and immature.
3. there is one good reason to choose zutara over zukka, and that’s if you prefer the story that is unique to zutara and does not exist in zukka. if you prefer zukka, hey that’s awesome! I would love to see more intra-ship fandom positivity! guess what? for me, one of my top ships in atla is mai lee and always has been. it’s a story I love. zukka? it hits a lot of cool tropes but like it’s fanon.
4. I do not accept a ship as queer representation if it is not CANON. sorry I am too used to queerbaiting from creators to give ANY leeway on this. yes I headcanon many characters as queer, but if they’re expressly queer in the content, I don’t think they’re intended to be queer.
sokka is canonically with suki; zuko is canonically with mai. they’re not queer representation - and if you headcanon them as queer (I headcanon zuko as bi, for instance) that is awesome but NOT the same thing. it’s not like m/f ships are inherently homophobic, especially given how many zutara shippers are queer ourselves. oh my god this got me fucking mad aishadhahd
like go off about how I’m homophobic for not shipping a specific non-canon ship that happens to be a m/m ship, but I will turn that logic around and say that you MUST be misogynistic if you don’t ship m/f or f/f ships. like what the fuck? do not use other (assuming you are queer, which I never do with anons because anons forfeit the right to being trusted about that when they go anon) queer zukka shippers as a shield against actually learning about imperialism, colonialism and sexism. I’m telling you that no one who understands these things speaks as vaguely about them as you anons are doing, or would pick on poc and minors. so much for landback; you’re colonizing their asks. that is how I know you folks are regurgitating and weaponizing progressive talking points without understanding what the fuck you are talking about.
and of course we all know that historically marginalized groups HAVE been fetishized by their oppressors; since you’ve done your homework, you know that enslaved women were r*ped by the men who enslaved them, and that men were also abused. this is not just a misogynistic thing, although we do need to police the p*cahontas trope in fandom because of the high rates of sexual assault against indigenous women.
I don’t choose my ships based on a checklist of identities I want to see represented! that is so reductive and performative. I want better representation from creators, like give me fucking actual canon queer characters who get more than two minutes of canon queerness. give me black stories, indigenous stories, etc. and don’t do it for pats on the back; do it because those stories add value to our lives, they widen our perspectives, they give people representation to look to.
you know, most zutara fanworks have ALWAYS been thoughtful, even in the beginning. by s2, there was SO MUCH emphasis on redemption and reconciliation, and yes there are infamous shitty, racist fanfics but like... again, we have WORKED ON OURSELVES as a fandom to make sure that this space is safe for all people. if you knew anything about the history of zutara fandom, you might not be so quick to defend the harassment.
because that’s what you’re doing. you are making blanket statements with no real support for your claims, and you’re doing it to defend minors and poc, who are just minding their own business, getting harassed on tumblr.
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Headcanon 1: Since it looks like Evil Xisuma x NPC Grian/NPG/Rusty is quite common... I present to you...
Protective Dad mode Grian
Hear me out- hear me out-
Chaotic evil gremlin dad man finally puts the evil in Chaotic evil to use. His last name is Dreamslayer for God's sake.
Headcanon 2(inspired by the cryptic au headcanons): Grian, out of everyone, is basically the most cryptic like person outta everyone, like-
1. Looks like he has eternal youth and never aged at all
2. Literally sounds like a teen and irl I legit thought he was a young young adult
3. Very natural with his Elytra that it seems like second nature to him
4. I have seen him kill a Ghast mid-air in the nether while flying(in a vid of his) and he usually See's mob attacks as a minor inconvenience.
5. Usually picks something that flies or has wings to be his other identities(main examples are: Poultryman and his Phantom costume prank)
6. The ZIT team(Yes I'm still going with the cryptic au headcanons as inspiration) put up their main suspects as Mumbo, Xisuma, Wels and Joe. But they are still debating whether or not to put Cleo(since she's already kinda known) or Grian into the main sus list.
Headcanon 3: The Shipper team which consists of Stress, False and Cleo, have been trying to set up the other hermit's to eachother (might add more next time I post)
Also this account doubles as an ask blog so ask the boys away! I'll make an actual post of it just hold on!
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bootlegsymphony · 4 years
Being Hopeful [a *personal* Komahina writeup]
*major Danganronpa 2/2.5/3 spoilers ahead*
Someone told me to gather my thoughts into a post so here it is.
Note: Unless you’re up for a challenge to potentially reshape your opinions towards certain ships, if you think Komahina is by default a toxic ship in anyway shape or form, or if you firmly believe that Hinanami is “bestest Hinata ship OTP owo”, it’s not in your best interest to read this post. I’m not suggesting you are invalid or wrong, but you’re likely not the group of people I’m looking forward to having a constructive and evoking conversation with.
First off, I might have been recognized as an avid Komahina shipper, and my opinions towards Hinanami could be generally summarized as ambivalent/mixed/minorly favourable. I was able to acknowledge Hina/Nami’s relationship as of roughly equivalent significance in regard to DR2’s theme.
But it was impossible for me to consider the two relationships narratively equal, I was able to notice that Koma/Hina was a “meant to be” endgame relationship right of the bat, yet Hina/Nami reads as this transitory experience of an obscure puppy love, or “yeah that happened” that’s melancholic and beautiful. Evidently, the narrative strongly favoured Koma/Hina in terms of screentime, development, complexity, compatibility, and endgame potentials.
I wasn’t too confident about why Komahina screams an ultimate destination of a Hinata relationship to me, yet Hina/Nami never convey a remotely similar message. In many aspects, I didn’t ship Komahina in the past for the sake of “I want Komaeda to savour happiness” but placed more emphasis on “it would be wise for Hinata if he could ascertain that his future is with Komaeda”. However I couldn’t elucidate why I thought so.
But due to some unexpected changes in my personal life, it was so effortless for me to reach an epiphany why Hinanami couldn’t quite be the same Hinata-OTP as Komahina. And now I’m kicking myself for not being able to be more adamant about it earlier.
In short, I had a brief taste of how “true bond” or “true connection” functions. It was an estranged, uncharted experience to me prior to that “sudden change”. And in retrospect it’s unimaginable how I survived that bitter life of pure bleakness without it. But since I was able to discern the characteristics of a “true bond”, Koma/Hina, while being excruciatingly complicated and bitter in canon timeline, had a great foundation for that nonetheless, while Hina/Nami was, fundamentally “deficient” in this specific department.
Hina/Nami, either the DR2 or DR3 iteration, doesn’t go beyond being a fine relationship. It’s not bad, as adolescent crushes are typically not bad. It’s functional and somewhat sweet if Hinata was just some normal shy boy who at some point met a nice caring pretty girl. But a great, monumental relationship doesn’t come from being just fine, and Hinata is much more messy than a such-and-such average joe as what a part of the fandom preferred to project him as.
But Hinata wasn’t an adequate rival and foil for Komaeda, that ridiculously multilayered character likely in all fictions for nothing.
For starter, Hinata committed Izuru Kamakura and countless war crimes, for fuck’s sake.
I had this pessimistic outlook that humans aren’t truly designated at birth to understand each other unless they are. Real life Nanami being the talented, worthy Ultimate Gamer she was, even if she could acknowledge and validate Hinata’s struggles as a talentless person, and brought him some temporary comfort and solace, she could not understand the full spectrum of complications the struggle itself entails. Being the kind and somewhat compassionate person she was, she’d try to understand Hinata if he ever decided to open up, but she’d likely just go “yeah talent doesn’t really matter you should just be confident in yourself” as long as she’s not some Ultimate Empath like Makoto (or Junko) all at the same time. To her, Hinata’s decision to Izuru-fy is unfavorable, but not particularly tangible.
It’s somewhat similar to a moderately affluent person not knowing what an impoverished/economically-challenged life entails, they could never understand why it’s necessary for anyone to opt for crimes and prostitution and shit, if you could just “yeah money doesn’t matter you should be happy” your way out of it. Why is it necessary to choose a life path of crimes and prostitution? Why is it necessary to Izuru-fy oneself? It’s the perpetual predicament of mutual understanding in humankind. No matter how sweet and wholesome on the surface that ship appeared, Nanami would hardly ever reach Hinata’s soul beyond skin-deep, if the talent/worth debate, the rigorous societal expectations, the everlasting emotional quagmire of being under-loved and under-appreciated...everything which gradually carved out Hinata’s pivotal character (that we know of) from his embryo, was a non-issue to Nanami at core.
If there was a portion of Hinata yearning for true connection in an intimate relationship (which I doubt he didn’t), his relationship with Nanami would eventually turn insufficient or dissatisfactory, despite feeling nice on the exterior.
Normally, people don’t realize they’re empty until they’re fulfilled.
But who else struggled immensely with the entanglement between talent and worth throughout their life? Who else once resolved to obliterate their own precious being in pursuit of an almost delusional ideal of hope as Hinata did, so that they could potentially speak to Hinata on the deepest, hidden stratum of his soul?
It always pains me to read Komaeda’s first FTE where he suggested Hinata’s ultimate talent could be “Ultimate Serenity” because Hinata granted him some inner peace “just by being there”. Knowing Komaeda’s mind it’s a nearly impossible feat to make him feel peaceful. Komaeda likely didn’t even consider that a legitimate talent, he inwardly viewed Hinata “being there” as inherently valuable but he couldn’t even tell. Yet Hinata failed to just, be there, be existent.
And, I always considered Komaeda sustaining himself being alive to be a monument on its own, yet 2-5 happened, for Hope, I believed.
I once had a mentally stimulating talk about how emotional and intellectual transparency lead to a solid foundation of “true love” among people with someone before. They even expressed, months ago, that if Hinata could just speak up about his problems with Nanami he wouldn’t have necessarily Izuru-fied himself.
Yet even being the aloof and reserved fucker he was, Hinata wouldn’t camouflage himself in front of Komaeda. Komaeda saw through him even if he was having a hard time deciding on how he should have felt himself. He voiced, various times throughout DR2, that “we have similar scents” “I thought you would understand me” “we’re both miserable bystanders” “I couldn’t see you as completely separate from me”. On the surface it seemed like Komaeda was being cryptic and dragging Hinata to his level, but given how we knew Hinata took even more drastic measures as escapism, were they even that different?
It was why exactly Komahina dynamic was so embittered and resentful in the canon timeline. It was not hatred, but involuntary intimacy. Hinata was emotionally stripped naked (sorry, not to evoke any erotic visualizations, just a convenient metaphor) when it’s not even Komaeda’s intention, and Komaeda’s always emotionally naked. It didn’t turn out well not because it was a fundamentally dysfunctional dynamic, but they simply met each other in the worst, most despairful and unluckiest timeline possible. With continuous manslaughters ongoing, it’s only palpable that baring your soul to someone as dangerous as Komaeda would be intimidating, but it still had that mesmerizingly entrancing aura, especially in Komaeda’s last FTE.
They had no choice of not knowing each other well.
Unless either of them died, which they both did. But an ultimate future was born and they were granted a second chance to finally reach the destination they deserved.
In a post-HPA scenario, Komahina was not only somewhat contextually implied as Hinata’s endgame, but it was deliberately set up as a generally hopeful relationship as well. Kodaka once suggested in an interview that post-HPA Hajizuru inherited Hinata’s emotions, so that he was able to sort out his considerably complex feelings for Komaeda as it left off; meanwhile with Izuru’s analytical skills and insights into human psychology, it would likely become not as cumbersome. With Hinata’s determination and persistence it would hopefully not only cure Komaeda’s terminal illnesses, but also “heal” Komaeda from his hope fetish and other cruddy coping mechanisms, with all the support and dedication Hinata could provide. Hinata, being emotionally identical to his past self, would likely occasionally experience insecurity and low self-esteem as well, and it could require Komaeda’s weird little method of presenting challenges/creating minor inconveniences for Hinata in order to help him build up self-agency and develop infallible self-assurance.
It’s kind of the Ultimate Love that survived all the trials and tribulations, and to think of that the Ultimate Tragedy gave birth to the Ultimate Love, huh, seems about right for our two Ultimate Lucks.
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thehollowprince · 4 years
Exact same thing happens with Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale and Derek Hale (to a slightly lesser extent). Stans swear they love them but proceed to ignore their flaws and ignore 90% of canon. They even give Stiles Scott's personality in most fic, give Peter Deaton's role while saying Deaton is an evil bastard, froze Derek in his season 1-2 development and made him even *more* of a brooding caricature. Like, sis, at that point, just make OCs lol
Yeah. I never understood that whole phenomenon.
You go into a fandom and see characters like Stiles, or Tony Stark, or Kylo Ren, or Snape and Draco or Peter and Derek or virtually any conventionally attractive white man in a show/movie/book/comic/etc. and they're all presented as these uwu soft boys with horrible backstories, often times drastically exaggerated or even outright fabricated, that are usesld as an excuse for every bad thing, or even mildly inconvenient, they do so that we as the audience know that its "not their fault".
But then you go an actually engage with the canon source material and they're nothing like how the fandom portrays them.
I am so lucky that I had actually watched Teen Wolf before I ventured into the fandom, because if it had been the other way around, I'd have been confused as to why Scott seemsd to be the center of the show and not Stiles, or why the grumpy looking muscle man was constantly putting the moves on a teenager.
Hell, even having watched the show first I was thrown off because you go into fandom and the characters are nothing like their canon counterparts. The worst was the fandom literally stripping everything about Scott that made him Scott and just draping it over Stiles in a totally unsubtle attempt to let everyone know who they thought should be the real protagonist of the show.
The "Stiles in Scott's clothes" trope that permeated the fandom was particularly obnoxious to me because these are the same fans (usually Sterek shippers) who go out of their way to let you know they the reason they didn't like Scott was because he was "so boring". They don't like how he always has to be the good guy in every situation and he should be darker and blah blah blah. But then these very same people turn around and give all of the attributes they just claimed to hate about Scott and bedazzle Stiles with him before singing his praises. The Stiles of canon is this loud, brash, sarcastic smartass who has an inability to shut his mouth even in the the direst of situations, but the Stiles of fanon is this uwu soft boy who speaks five languages and cooks for his poor dad while struggling with his own eating disorder while being unable to sleep because of his ADHD and always having to do all the research for everyone and juggling all of his advanced classes and struggling with his attraction to an older guy while dealing with "Scott's homophobia" and.... it just goes on and on and on.
They go out of their way to create this fantastical character that doesn't at all resemble the canon Stiles in any capacity except for physical appearance, and even then that's suspect, because while Dylan O'Brien is six foot tall and decently built, the fanon version of Stiles is this perpetually smol child who wears skinny jeans and is dwarfed by Derek.
This just goes to further show that most of them view Stiles as some sort of self-insert character, which is made even weirder by the fact that so many of them are women (not all of them, but most of them). They twist canon so much to create these little scenarios for whatever fantasy they've concocted in their head that at some point the question has to be asked of not only whether or not they've actually watched the show, but if they don't enjoy anything about it that actually happens, then why are they so invested in it. It costs literally nothing to just create one's own original characters where they can say "hey, I picture this character as being played by Dylan O'Brien".
And this way, they can create their elaborate fantasies without going out of their way to twist canon and try to paint Stiles as a saint and Scott as a devil. The racist implications aside, this way they could stop erasing the character of Scott from his own narrative and maybe stop trying to smear Posey at every opportunity, or sending death threats, and all the other horrible stuff they've flung his way as if under the impression that if Tyler's doing well, then somehow that means Dylan isn't.
And that's just Teen Wolf!
How many shows or movies or comics have devolved into this giant fandom mess because of contradicting opinions regarding characters in canon and then the fanon versions that large parts of the fandom prefer? How many fandoms have devolved into a civil war because of a deliberate misappropriation of a character or characters?
I've watched as Tyler Lockwood was painted as a vicious animal in the TVD fandom so that they could prop up Klaus and make Klaroline more plausible. I've watched as Tony stans have bent over backwards to absolve Tony of every bad thing he's ever done, either intentionally or through negligence, while simultaneously condemning Steve as some kind of imperialist warlord because he wears a costume with the American flag on it. I've watched as Star Wars "fans" have stripped Finn of his entire identity - his backstory as a brainwashed child in the First Order, his exceptional Force-sensitivity, his relationships with Rey and Han - and give it all to Kylo Ren to create this Ben Solo persona.
This happens in every fandom in some form or another.
And I know someone must be reading this asking themselves what all this has to do with the original ask, and while I might have gotten a little sidetracked, the point is right there. So much of fandom discourse happens because there are those vocal members of said fandom that go out of their way to antagonize those who actually like the canon material, trying to push their fanon as what really happens, and it always devolves into this back and forth that generally ruins the enjoyment that most people get out of it.
It's a question that after all my years in fandom I still can't answer: if anyone dislikes a particular show or book or movie or whatever, to the point that they completely disregard canon, then what about it keeps them there? That's bordering on hate-watching and that sounds so sad.
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ketoproavis1-blog · 5 years
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localnorthvancouver · 6 years
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Piano movers in Vancouver can make your whole move easier
As your business grows, so does your need for more space. At some point, your office may need to redesign or relocate, which means moving your file room as well. Whether you're just reconfiguring storage or you've outgrown your current office and need to move, hiring professional office movers is critical. Professionals know the dynamics and details involved in a file room relocation. Coquitlam moving companies can provide your company with the expertise and assistance you need to not only run your files from point A to point B but also ensure they're moved quickly and securely.
After the basics are worked out the move is organized. Staff, customers, and suppliers are informed about the progress. Phones, files, and computers become inaccessible during the movement. Movers are aware of these risks to the business. The moving is done on weekends to avoid business being held up. They ensure that the move is made swiftly and also rearrange the office so that it can start functioning on the next business day.
A piano is a treasured possession in a household, setting the home apart and giving it a truly distinguished character. Even if your keyboard is not grand and beautiful, if it belonged to a family member, it may still have great sentimental value. Whatever the reason may be, people often become deeply attached to their pianos. They carry great significance, emotional or monetary, and for that reason, moving a keyboard is a science that takes careful planning and an expert operation.
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An office move can be a stressful experience. Not only does your office need to continue day-to-day operations during the movement, but you also have to ensure the secure chain-of-custody of your office's confidential records in the process. Since it's not feasible for most businesses to shut down for an office move, quickly and securely moving furniture, computers, equipment, records, and other materials are critical. After all, you still have clients to contact, projects to finish, and requests to fulfill.
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Moving a piano is easy as long as you prepare ahead of time. Just a little preparation can save you money and trouble when it comes time to move your keyboard. A piano is an investment and running it should be done carefully. When moving your piano you should hire professional moving companies in Burnaby bc, and you may want to consider a white glove moving company. Keyboards are sensitive pieces of equipment and running a piano yourself can lead to damage to your piano, damage to your house, or even injury. Piano movers have years of experience that lets them move a piano safely and efficiently.
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Planning can never happen soon enough when you're moving an office. Unfortunately, while companies have plans to move their furniture, equipment, and people, many of them forget the individual attention required to move their records. Believe it or not, running your records should take the majority of your planning time.
Your day-to-day operations have internal procedures in place to protect the identities of your company, your employees, and your clients. When you move an office, these procedures go out the window, especially when you have confidential records being removed from locked storage cabinets and file rooms. Find reliable moving companies in Burnaby for affordable costs.

We know how to move a piano and reassemble sheet music stands, protect mirrors and fragile old ivory keys and even take the legs off a grand piano. You can rest assured that we will secure the keyboard cover, the top of your grand piano and any other parts that might come open during the moving process. When we move your piano into your new home, we will do all the unwrapping and set it up for you just as it was. Unfortunately, we can't tune your piano after we move it, but we can do everything else.
Pricing the move is a significant concern. Estimates cannot be done over the phone or Internet. Moving companies need to see the entire furniture, inventory and other things to be moved. It is also advisable to show them the new premises and floor plans. This will help them to make a fair estimate. Some movers quote a binding price where the actual costs could be more or less than the amount agreed for.
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pashpops · 3 years
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B.coy are Boys (who have a) Crush On You! Sweet vocals, gentle demeanours, music never stepping above mid-tempo, lyrics always respectfully doting on the vague concept of "you", they're the non-threatening soft boy uwu group of your dreams! Just be a little wary of those twins…
Members: Haneul (maknae), Beau (leader (unofficial)), Seongjun, Changwook, Sangwook
Fandom name: Dearests
Stage Name: Haneul Birth Name: Heo Ha Neul Position: Vocalist, Maknae Birthday: 1999 Zodiac: Cancer Height: 170cm Weight: kg Blood Type: B Favourite Colour: Lavender, white Favourite Food: Milk chocolate Least Favourite Food: Dark chocolate Hobbies: Writing music, baking sweets
 Facts: - Has loved singing and songwriting since he was a child, he’s a born ballad singer with a sweet, light, high-pitched voice. - Very polite and gentle, to the point of being a pushover. - So much natural aegyo! Gets very embarrassed about doing aegyo on purpose though. - Very shy and not very talkative unless he’s alone with Beau, who’s been actively trying to make him feel more comfortable and loosen up a little.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Imposter syndrome galore! Auditioned with a group of friends and only after MUCH convincing, wasn’t expecting to get in, but the company liked him so much they debuted him pretty much immediately. Woefully, woefully underprepared for being an idol and is always close to tears from stress and anxiety. - Weak-willed and will go along with anything if pushed. He was bullied a lot in school, and still hasn’t really realised that a lot of his “friends” are people who either expected him to fail his auditions and be humiliated or want to leech off him now he actually passed them and became an idol. - Extremely A Virgin. - Not only Extremely A Virgin but also very shy and awkward about the subject of sex and romance in general, but not repulsed. Very, very curious, in fact, especially when it comes to Beau’s off-handedly flirtatious comments and experienced demeanour...
Stage Name: Beau Birth Name: Byun Kwang Jun Position: Main Vocalist, Dancer Birthday: 1997 Zodiac: Taurus Height: 165cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Teal Favourite Food: Beef carpaccio Least Favourite Food: None Hobbies: Singing, dancing, painting, cooking
 Facts: - B.coy’s power vocalist with a smooth and romantic voice that suits both pop and ballads. - Very charismatic and flirtatious, he’s the best at giving fanservice, always happy to smile or wink or throw a heart for fans, and is always doing skinship with the other members. - B.coy’s de facto leader, despite being second-youngest, as he is very driven and they don’t have an official leader. - A logical thinker with a great memory who tears through books and actively enjoys dense theory. - Great with his hands, often taking apart and putting back together old or damaged electronics. - An accomplished painter, completed his college degree with an emphasis on fine arts and had sold quite a few of his paintings (mostly hypercolour landscapes and pop art-inspired portraits) before becoming an idol. - A fantastic cook, he considers food an artform and has a handwritten recipe book that he’s always adding to.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Honestly expected to debut as a soloist, but he’s grown to like being in a group as a very extraverted and very cuddly person. He still has the ambition to go solo, though, and he’s already done some solo OSTs for dramas which went over fairly well, but the company is more focused on promoting Seongjun. - Always has to be doing something otherwise he falls into depression. Has a lot of self-loathing deep down despite being a genuinely good person. - Not as experienced as he pretends to be around the boys, he had a girlfriend in high school which never went further than kissing and dry humping, and a few hookups with a roommate he had in college that never went further than mutual masturbation and giving him a blowjob one time. - Very aware of Haneul’s interest in him, probably more than Haneul himself is. He’s flattered, and flirts with him just as much as he does with everyone else because that’s just in his nature, but he’s also worried about breaking Haneul’s fragile heart and thinks he deserves someone as innocent as himself as his first love. (Is that it, though…? Or is Beau unable to handle the feelings stirring in his own heart?)
Stage Name: Seongjun Birth Name: Kim Seong Jun Position: Vocalist, Visual Birthday: 1994 Zodiac: Virgo Height: 182cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Navy blue Favourite Food: Tuna Least Favourite Food: Grape flavoured sweets Hobbies: Working out, watching baseball
 Facts: - Was street-cast while working as a waiter, hadn’t really thought about becoming an idol and was surprised as anyone when he became popular overnight for his kdrama actor-like looks. - Works out for at least 1 or 2 hours every day, even if they have practice all day long. - He’s the oldest member, so he often is treated as the leader but he’s too laid-back to actually lead. - Because he’s tall and fit with a small face and pale skin, he’s popular as a model.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Doesn’t really care much about being an idol and puts in pretty much the bare minimum effort. Likes that he gets attention from girls, but B.coy’s fanbase skews very young, and as an actor, most of the attention he gets from women is from aunties and grandmas, so they’re not the type of girls he particularly wants attention from. - Very mild-mannered, doesn’t often get angry or upset or really show many strong feelings at all. - Doesn’t really have much of a personality at all, and because of this and his generic good looks, he’s super popular with shippers, who can project any personality they want onto him. - However, in real life… is there something going on with Dain of Basier de Filles?
Stage Name: Changwook Birth Name: Bang Chang Wook Position: Rapper, Dancer Birthday: 1996 Zodiac: Leo Height: 177cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Cyan Favourite Food: Banana milk Least Favourite Food: Black coffee Hobbies: Playing sport, playing video games, playing pranks
 Facts: - The older of B.coy’s Twin Princes by 2 minutes. - Very high energy and talkative. - Loves skinship and is always cuddling with his brother or Beau. He likes bear hugs best! Either giving or receiving, and the tighter the better. - When the Bang Bros are dressed identically, the way to tell them apart is that Changwook has a very slightly thinner face and a smaller top lip. - #1 most used word: “noona!!!”
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - The only children of a very large family when they were born, so a bit spoiled and used to being the centre of attention at all times. - Very affectionate to the point it can get smothering, and gets hurt easily and starts sulking if his affection is ignored or worse, rejected. - Even though he’s a lot to deal with at times, he’s actually surprisingly mature when he needs to be. - The body of the Bang Bros, though that’s not saying much as they’re both pretty lanky.
Stage Name: Sangwook Birth Name: Bang Sang Wook Position: Rapper, Dancer Birthday: 1996 Zodiac: Leo Height: 177cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Wine red Favourite Food: Tiramisu Least Favourite Food: Hardboiled eggs Hobbies: Playing pranks, clothes shopping
 Facts: - The younger of the Twin Princes by 2 minutes, but he insists they’re exactly the same age. - Loves skinship and is always cuddling with his brother or Beau. He likes cheek kisses best! - When the Bang Bros are dressed identically, the way to tell them apart is that Sangwook has a very slightly rounder face and a fuller top lip. They’re super identical to the point that even their mother confuses them sometimes, which is why they part their hair and have piercings on opposite sides. - When they’re not dressed identically, it’s usually easy to tell them apart because Sangwook is very interested in fashion and always wearing trendy styles while Changwook doesn’t care much about that. - Like Changwook, he’s very high energy and chatty, but he’s more likely of the two to be sitting down.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - The only children of a very large family when they were born, so a bit spoiled and used to being the centre of attention at all times. - SO MELODRAMATIC. While Changwook is prone to fits of overdramatising for attention as well, nothing Sangwook says can be taken seriously, as he’ll turn even the slightest inconvenience into a life-threatening situation which he needs to be rescued from and then fussed over until he feels better. - While still very affectionate by regular standards, he’s a little more self-absorbed than Changwook and would rather be complimented than give compliments. - Usually the one who comes up with prank ideas, even though he and Changwook almost always execute them together. - The brain of the Bang Bros, though that’s not saying much, as they’re both pretty dumb.
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robertsiciliano1 · 5 years
Youra Sheethed: My Dalliance Scambaiting a Nigerian Con
I put an ad on Craigslist to sell a refrigerator that I no longer need. Within a few minutes I’m happy to report Micheal responded to buy it!
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SCAMMER: Hi am Micheal I like to ask if this item is till available for sale and what the present condition it.
ME: Still for sale, someone is interested tho, its like new, 5 months.
SCAMMER: Thanks for the  information Joshua I am interested in buying and closing this deal before anybody else  the easiest mode of payment for me is by sending you a cashier check directly from my bank account to you overnight via USPS , Kindly send me your full name and address to send the check out if you are interested . I also promise to handle the shipping myself once you have the cash at hand
ME: Awesome! Thank you Michael! Please send the check to:
Youra Sheethed
15 Deerfield St #15145
Boston MA 02215
Sincerely with love respect hugs and kisses
Youra Sheethed
SCAMMER: The check will be mailed ASAP,please note that the amount on the check will be shipping and handling charges inclusive so you will have more than $640on the check from which you will deduct $640for the payment , will counting on you make the rest available to my shipper because I have other things he will be picking up for Me , I will notify you once the check is sent.kindly confirm the name.YouraSheethed
ME: Yup, that is correct. Youra Sheethed. It has been a pleasure to do business with such a professional person as yourself.
Few days later…….
SCAMMER: The Usps man just confirmed to me the check has delivered now and The amount i wrote is $2340,As our agreement that i have promised that iwont cause you any financial problem regarding the shipment, The extra fee payment on the check is to cover the shippers fee pick up for your item and they have other items they are picking up for me , So that can cover all fee..
SCAMMER: Have you received/deposited the check already??
Hey, it’s me Robert, so the SCAMMER didn’t get an immediate reply from me because I was on an airplane. In the course of an hour, probably in a panic, Scammer then sent another 8 messages and called another 12 times every, 2 minutes.
ME when I got off the plane: You seem to have ants in your pants. You should have that checked. They can bite you know. Especially the red ones. One time that happened to me. I was VERY ITCHY. Are you itchy?
SCAMMER: Excuse me ?
ME: Ants in your pants. You called and texted like 20 times. Maybe it’s me but that tells me you have ants in your pants.
SCAMMER: The USPS confirmed to me check already delivered,so I wanted to be sure you’re in procession of it..i apologize for the inconvenience and would like to proceed
ME: I deposited it. It’s a lot of money!!!!! Thank you for the big tip. Youra said she will use the extra money for her hemorrhoid surgery. She’s very itchy.
Hey, it’s me Robert, so the SCAMMER didn’t respond to this message at all, I think maybe he caught on??!! So I messaged him 2 days later….
ME: When are the movers coming?
ME: Why? I thought we were friends? I like you. We have lots in common. We both are itchy!
SCAMMER: Oloriburuku!
Hey, it’s me Robert, so I didn’t know what Oloriburiku was, so I googled it. And the Urban Dictionary provided this definition: “Oloriburiku; Direct translation to bastard head meaning someone stupid or crazy with mad thoughts don’t use it around Nigerian parent unless u want to die”
Apparently I’m not selling a refrigerator to Micheal. But at least I have a nice big fat check!
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Robert Siciliano personal security and identity theft expert and speaker is the author of Identity Theft Privacy: Security Protection and Fraud Prevention: Your Guide to Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft and Computer Fraud. See him knock’em dead in this Security Awareness Training video.
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darkshrimpemotions · 7 years
How Fanservice Ruined Adalind Schade
I've been thinking about Grimm pretty much non-stop since the finale...especially about those few little things I'm still very unsatisfied with. And of all those things, the one that, surprisingly, galls me the most is the Adalind arc.
I know the Nadalind shippers are happy about the way things ended...but what about the fans who were more invested in Adalind as a character than in the ships she's a part of?
All of the other extremely problematic stuff aside--and goddamn was there a lot of it--I will always feel as though Adalind's character was done a massive disservice by the writers. Just on a basic writing and plotting level it was atrocious.
They had this actress they never intended to keep around beyond a single scene, but she was so much fun to watch that they kept bringing her back. But...they had no idea what to do with her. She could have been an amazing villain or had an incredible redemption story. Or even both! But they never took the time to do either.
Instead, they kept her on the fringes and tied all her personal growth with motherhood until the male lead found himself without a love interest. At which point her entire personality was just wiped clean and replaced with this unrecognizable, featureless cardboard cutout who never makes mistakes, has little to no agency, and is unconditionally supportive of whatever Nick wants and needs.
There's a reason she gets called podperson!Adalind.
Basically, they took all of the characteristics that were criticized in Juliette by her loud minority of haters--she was too impulsive, she was too independent, she was always “causing problems” for Nick by having inconvenient emotions, wanting things that conflicted with his interests, and demanding basic respect and honesty--and turned Adalind into her perfect polar opposite.
Post season 4′s finale, Adalind is extremely cautious, always primarily concerned with how her actions will affect Nick. She is completely dependent on Nick. She never causes problems for Nick or demands anything from Nick or feels anything that would be inconvenient for Nick. She doesn’t seem to want or need any honesty from him. Even her concern for her children comes back to preserving Nick’s happiness, since one of those children is also his. The one inconvenient thing she does do is done under coercion and coupled with a declaration of her love for Nick. And as soon as she can be, she’s right back to serving Nick’s interests with her every word and action.
Not only is it creepy and terrifying that this--dependence, isolation, and complete submergence of one character’s identity to the wants and needs of the other--is what some fans consider the “perfect relationship,” as opposed to one in which both partners are individual human beings with their own wants and needs to choose to be together out of love, not necessity. It’s also completely unrealistic that this would ever be the fate of the Adalind Schade we see in seasons 1-4.
That Adalind Schade is, frankly, a terrible person. She’s selfish, ruthless, conniving, deceitful, unpredictably violent and extremely vindictive. She does everything with an eye to how it will benefit her, what will position her to have the most power, the most chips to bargain with. And while that may not make her one of the good guys, it made her absolutely fascinating to watch...especially after she had Diana and we got to see how that personality was shaped and tempered somewhat by having someone to care for.
Diana’s birth wasn’t the first time we saw Adalind vulnerable--the ending of Lovesick comes to mind--but it was the first time we saw someone offer her kindness with no strings attached. Meisner didn’t want or need anything from Adalind. He rescued her from the royals because it was his duty to do so, and while to some that might seem cold and distant, to Adalind it must have seemed refreshing. He had no expectations of her, made no demands. He just helped her. And we got to see that Adalind, for all her own coldness, did also have a softer side. That perhaps much of her way of interacting with the world came of feeling constantly embattled and unsafe. This was reaffirmed in her interactions with Kelly, with whom Adalind was surprisingly unguarded at first. 
Of course, once she got back to Portland--with a new baby in tow that she had bonded with, despite her initial intentions to sell it--we saw that Adalind hadn’t changed completely just because she experienced kindness once and became a mom. She was still willing to use and manipulate others--in this case, Sean--to get them to protect her...and now, to protect her child as well. Recall that Diana later confirmed Sean to be her father (in that creepy Diana way she had of knowing everything), but Adalind at that point had no way of knowing if the father of her child was Sean or his late brother, Eric. But Eric, being dead, was not in a position to be useful to her, so she went straight to Sean with the definitive statement that Diana was his daughter, in the hopes that he would protect her from both his friends and the royals.
We all remember how the rest of that season played out. Team Grimm decided unilaterally that a manipulative, vindictively homicidal rapist was not a fit mother for the “prophecy child” and sent Diana away with Kelly where she would be safe. So Adalind allied herself with the royals--who she believed had taken Diana--and raped Nick as part of a bargain to steal his powers in return for a chance to be reunited with her daughter. An act she later gloated over to Juliette, whose guise she used to accomplish said rape, after her actions had also led to Juliette’s life exploding irreparably.
Like I said before: terrible. Selfish. Ruthless. Shockingly violent at times, horrifyingly sneaky at others. In other words, nothing at all like the woman we see in seasons 5-6. Which is half my problem with the way she’s characterized in those two seasons (the other half being that it was all in service of a gross, poorly-written romantic arc): it just made no goddamn sense.
Terrible, selfish, ruthless people do not become warm and nurturing overnight just because someone drops a(nother) kid in their lap and shows them a little bit of kindness. Horrible people become horrible parents. Selfish people become selfish parents. Ruthless people do not suddenly thaw out because their enemies start being kind to them. If anything, they use that kindness as leverage to get what they want and destroy their enemies at the same time. Children and kindness are not some magical cure-all for deep-seated personal flaws.
Now, could Adalind have been redeemed for her past actions to some extent? I’m not saying it’s impossible. You can’t undo the past, there are some things you can never make up for, and no one is obligated to forgive your sins no matter how much you change. But, if the writers had put in the time and effort, they could possibly have written a believable, even moving, redemption arc for Adalind Schade. But they didn’t. They didn’t even try.
They just tossed her into an extremely isolated co-parenting situation with one of her victims--a situation she largely manipulated him into, by the way--and created a romance out of thin air, based on nothing but rape-culture notions of aggression as romantic tension and the indiscriminate enthusiasm of a small minority of fans who’d been shrieking for them to do it since season one.
The result is that Adalind Schade is dead.
Not canonically, I suppose, on the surface where those fans (and apparently the writers) lived. The actress who played her was still walking around and saying lines printed next to her name in the script for two seasons.
But Adalind herself--the character who was so polarizing, who was interesting and uncomfortable and horrifying to watch by turns, who somehow made you hate her and want to root for her at the same time--died at the end of season four, around the same time as Juliette Silverton. And while Juliette was resurrected in season 5 as an emotionless automaton as well, we eventually got to see her true resurrection, redemption, and reintegration into Team Grimm before the series was over.
For Adalind Schade, there was no true resurrection. There was no real redemption, because the character Claire Coffee played in seasons 5-6 was not Adalind or anyone Adalind would ever be likely to become. There was no closure for her story at all. She just...disappeared. Neither absolved of her sins or punished for them, never made to take responsibility for her mistakes or allowed to revel in the destruction wrought by her choices. Never allowed to fulfill her potential as a downright villain or a sympathetic antagonist. Just, gone.
The saddest thing is that many of her supposed fans don’t even realize it. They were so happy that their ship had sailed that they didn’t even care that one of the characters essential to that ship had become an empty husk.
But for the rest of us, the handling of Adalind’s character is a huge mark against the writers and a gaping hole in the fabric of their story. There is a lack of closure for Adalind fans, for Silverhardt fans, and for fans with no stake in either who just wanted to see a tightly-woven story reach a satisfying ending. While other aspects of the show were pulled off well, there will always be four seasons of build-up that never paid off around Adalind, her relationship to the other characters, and her effect on the overall plot of the story.
And not only is that a damn shame, it’s ostensibly what got the show cancelled with a truncated half-length end season: once Adalind Schade was replaced by a pod person and Nadalind became canon, the show’s ratings dropped and never quite recovered. By catering to the demands of the loudest portion of their fandom at the expense of writing a story that made any narrative sense, the Grimm writers let the rest of us down, and betrayed their own creation in the process.
I can only hope it’s a lesson learned, and one they all take into all their future endeavors.
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