#id never . i hate when people whitewash characters.
raiiinydrawz · 1 month
sorry you've got art block !
perhaps you could draw noe with murr or vanitas? i hadn't seen any vnc art of yours, but i think he'd be cool in your style! (as long as you get noe's skintone right,,,i've seen a few artists on here make him so white before, and it always makes me cringe)
if you'd like something more specific, feel free to ask lol
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
First off i wanted to say i appreciate you always sharing your true opinion without muddying it up too much or trying to appease people. The honesty is very refreshing!
Okk anyway i keep seeing this take going around and wanted to know your thoughts on it (i have my own, but):
Leon in infinite darkness asks shen may out to dinner once and then later is looking forward to dinner with Claire. Do you see both of these incidents as platonic? The first one reads as flirting to me and the last one seems like an intentional ship tease from the writers (before uh, yknow, making the encounter end on a sour note... look, that one hug they share when leon saves her is ship tease 100% they know what theyre doing)
A lot of people seem to think he is just innocently wanting a meal and I kind of get that vibe with Claire I guess but... ... ... ANYWAY what are your thoughts. I think people are just simply afraid of whore leon
The way I look at it is that my goal first and foremost is to analyze the story text in a serious way -- and it's impossible to have a productive conversation about narrative, characterization, and use of literary tropes if I treat every single possible interpretation of the text as valid. There needs to be some uniformity to what I'm saying, or else there's no point in having the conversation.
That, and I also feel like there's no point in having this little community at all if we can't be honest with each other. Friendships aren't built on uwu. They're built on a sincere exchange of common interests and ideas.
So, I'm really grateful that we've all found each other. It's been so fucking awesome to meet so many people who are genuinely interested in a literary analysis of RE's story and want to brainstorm ideas and piece through things together as a team -- because this has never been my experience in RE fandom before, over the full 25 years that I've been here.
I love u all very much ❤
Ok, so as for your actual question --
I pretty much agree with your interpretation of what's going on there.
People really need to get the fuck over this weird, puritanical pearl-clutching they're doing and being scandalized by OG Leon being a slut canonically. OG Leon tries to fuck Hunnigan at one point, for god's sake.
Because, like. If you try to handwave away or whitewash the way that Leon is pure testosterone; he's a walking hard-on looking for a hole throws himself at people, you're erasing and overlooking a really big part of his character.
Leon is lonely and he fucking hates himself.
The way that this manifests/the way that he expresses this is different between Remake and OG, but that fact about him never goes away. Remake Leon puts up walls and self-isolates as though he's trying to protect everyone around him from the misfortune of having to know him, but OG Leon does the opposite. OG Leon is constantly giving more and more of himself away in the hopes that, eventually, there'll be nothing left.
So, there's a few different things going on there when he asks out Shen May and then Claire in ID.
With Shen May -- yes, he is actually asking her out. That is a legitimate offer for a date that he will go into with the intention of putting the moves on her and having it end in sex.
He does this not just because she's a hot girl -- though, of course he does think she's a hot girl -- he does it because he feels enough of a connection to her that, if she were to go out with him once, he could use that as a way to trick himself into thinking he's still worth other people's time -- even if for just a few hours. Again: he's really fucking lonely. No one person ever stays in his life long enough to form a meaningful relationship with him (platonic or otherwise), but if he can take a girl out to dinner -- hey, that's something, right?
And if he were to actually fuck her, he'd be able to lose himself in her wants and desires for long enough that he can forget how much he fucking hates himself. If he were to feel her hands on his body, he would actually feel wanted for a change. And if he were to make her come, he would feel needed -- and, if he were to make her come more than once, that would be even better. (Remember: Leon is "The Protector." He needs to be needed. He's probably the master of foreplay and will tease and touch and put his mouth on a partner for well over an hour before he actually fucks them.)
And, ever since being kidnapped by the CIA, the only way that Leon has ever been needed or wanted or useful in any way has been through physical means and the use of his body. That's why he defaults to sex as a coping mechanism before he gives up and just starts drinking. He might not have any value as a person, but as a physical body and an object -- well, that's a different story.
Leon objectifies himself, is what I'm saying.
With Claire, though, it's a little bit different.
Yes, it's ship bait -- but it's very mild ship bait, because the context for this one is way different.
Leon isn't being sincere with Claire when he says what he says. He knows that Claire didn't call him or meet up with him because she wants to go out with him or is looking for a booty call. He's not stupid (mostly).
Leon is being sarcastic and self-deprecating when he tells Claire that he was hoping she was going to want to get dinner with him. It's a sad joke to him, because, in his mind, the thought that Claire would be interested in him at all is actually ridiculous.
Because Claire knows him in ways that Shen May didn't. He can't charm his way into Claire's panties by pretending that he's something more than -- or that he's someone -- that he's not.
Claire doesn't need him -- Claire has never needed him, and Leon has absolutely no reason to believe she wants him, either.
What good is he to her, really, when she already knows the truth? She knows that Leon's only real use is as a weapon -- that he's not good for literally anything outside of an active bioterrorism situation. She knows that he fucks up everything he ever tries to do in his personal life. So, why would she want him? Why would she ever want him?
She doesn't. That's why she's about to disappear from his life again for maybe another six years. Maybe more. Because he's not worth being around.
At least, that's what his brain tells him.
It's a really self-defeating mindset that turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Him talking about getting dinner with Claire is a joke, and the punchline is his own opinion of himself.
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heretherebedork · 6 months
Have to say I am utterly perplexed why everyone is up in arms about Ton. I think it is entirely consistent with his character that he couldn't be "the boyfriend" that Nick wanted. That is not him & would have been weird message, implying that all a man needs is to find the "right man". No Ton likes to fuck around, the end. I'm proud Nick stopped hurting himself & said 'thanks, but no thanks' no bitterness or hate either. Mew is a bitch and Ton is better of without him, but also, I get Mew POV he don't need to forgive shit, Ton was awful to him & barely showed remorse until Mew flexed that Ton sex tape & then he was sorry. We see the journey that Ton has been on, his friends haven't. To his friends, he fucked Top, got caught, turned up at hostel, told Mew he had top first & without him he would never had gotten Top. Screwd his friends little brother (SA friends brother, turns out to be lies), only truly showed remorse with Mew threatened him with his own Sx tape, gets kicked off the group project....and then weeks later turns up at new Year party to apologise. He was not a good friend. I don't think he's terrible guy, but him going to New York for a new life make sense. The whitewashing of his character & the upset at his ending just confuses the heck out of me.
Look, if the ending made you happy and you feel this way? Enjoy it.
There's no reason to ask me impossible questions or to stand up for an entire fanbase of people when you think the narrative of the show and the character choices were correct. Just... enjoy? If my two dozen posts over the post two weeks about him haven't convinced you of anything, nothing I say here can change that and that's okay!
I also want to be clear that, yes, Boston is an asshole but so is goddamn everyone else in the show so why is he only one condemned to be alone and to never change and to be told repeatedly that he doesn't deserve to be loved?
I loved the scenes between him Nick and I loved that their relationship ended with the understanding that some people simply aren't monogamous but other people need that. My only issue with that is the part where Nick tells him he's better alone rather than trying to find a relationship that fits him but that's okay.
Again. Again. If you enjoyed the narrative the show told us and you feel this way about Boston... why are you here? I don't want to debate people. I don't want to be in arguments or try to defend something I've made so many posts about I don't know what else to say.
Everyone in the show was an asshole, many of them refused to apologize or accept that they might be wrong or move on from being wronged. But only Boston, in the end, is told that he cannot change, that he cannot be loved and should not be loved, that he cannot be forgiven, that he is not allowed back in no matter if he apologizes and that no one will apologize to him.
I have nothing else to say. I can't argue with this because what you're saying is that you enjoyed the narrative of the show and agree with it. So... please, sincerely, enjoy it! Just... enjoy it.
Boston is an asshole. He was and he is. But so is everyone else. So id Mew, so is Ray, so is Sand, so is Cheum. I am not, and never have, tried to cover up that Boston has made mistake. I am only upset that the show decided he's the only one who gets punished.
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steelos · 5 years
You really a bully forreal you only post asks that either kiss your whitewashed ass or promote some shit you like. How are you helping this community by posting hate that hurts rps that are really trying? All your 'stay in the cut' ass does is judge but never release some shit for yourself. Shut the fuck up MIA/MBJ (yes ik that was you in Zone).
people really be using the word bully loosely. are you stupid or are you dumb!? how can i be mia/mbj/saweetie when my friends literally dragged her publicly on dash. why would i steal my own friend’s fc? bitch make it make sense cause you’re loud and WRONG and you can add me on wc ( id: Lexsaye ) if it’s a fucking issue. i can’t believe bitches out here asking me how i help this community like my TMZ template isn’t hot shit in these rp streets sdjkmkj and don’t say it isn’t when i see it being used in every single celebrity rp. so sweetie, the next time you attempt to drag me, make sure you have facts and not assumptions. i don’t ever wanna be confused with crazy girl @stivcs ever again because that’s insulting to my character –  i’m more upset over that than anything else you said in this anon. 
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astro-b-o-y-d · 6 years
Some goals this year for the Camp Camp fandom:
Stop tolerating pedophilic ships and the people who support them and stop reblogging from those supporters completely. Reblogging means you’re supporting them, so if you’re against that sort of behavior, then you need to put your love for their art style aside and STOP REBLOGGING FROM THEM. STOP SUPPORTING THEM. BE BETTER AT CHECKING BLOGS BEFORE YOU REBLOG.
Adding onto that first bullet point, be merciless with the block and blacklist options, but do not resort to death threats or harassment. That’s never okay.
Appreciate Neil. Seriously. They’re a comedy trio, not ‘Max and Nikki and that other kid’.
End the ‘lol funny captions1!!1!’ crap and actually write proper captions for the episodes. Some people actually NEED THEM TO WATCH THE EPISODES and your ‘’’’’’hilarious’’’’’’’’’ additions aren’t as funny as you think they are.
Stop whitewashing the characters of color. There’s a color picker tool in nearly every art program. Use it and quit being lazy with your coloring.
Appreciate Gwen. Seriously, appreciate her more.
Work on avoiding racist implications in your Dadvid AUs, or even in your AUs in general. Looking at you, people who think it’s smart to do a Coco/Camp Camp crossover and put two white men and an Indian child in a story that is based around a Mexican holiday.
Stop putting horns on your monster versions of Neil, it’s antisemitic as fuck.
Quit getting mad when people show appropriate discomfort towards Dolph or commenting some dumbass comment like ‘but Dolph is my BABY!111!11!’ on a post expressing hate for him. They kinda have a reason for disliking him and I shouldn’t have to fucking explain what that reason is.
Stop tolerating that ‘yaoi culture’ bullshit and stomp it out for good. A good portion of you only ship Da/n/v///id because ‘omg gays in luvvvv!!!!!11!’ and that’s fetishizing and dehumanizing to gay men. Obviously this doesn’t apply to actual gay men who ship it, though if you’re a white gay man, you still should be a little critical as to why you might ship it, especially considering a lot of people never actually write the characters in character so it can’t just be for their personalities or chemistry (they’re pretty, white, twink-looking men, just admit that’s why you like the ship).
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wengoku · 7 years
Why do you hate Reaper76? From what I can tell from others, the main issue is that it's abusive (even though most fan art is either set when they were best friends, or at a time when they've already made up), it has a lot of stereotypical kinky yaoi fan art (guess what, that happens with literally EVERY gay ship. You're precious Doomfist/Reaper pairing will get the same treatment) and that its a white guy with a Hispanic guy, because apparently mixing races is bad.
 anon, lemme tell you, that i used to be the BIGGEST r76 shipper. like if you look through my blog, the VERY first post on my blog is r76. ive even written some fics for them, though i dont share my ao3 atm. i starting shipping it around the same time i got the game, aka, july of last year. i was attracted to the ship mostly because of gabriel, i’ll admit-- i interpret him as afrolatinx and as a black person, i latched onto him the same way i’ve latched onto lucio and black widow.
i hate the ship because it took until about halloween for the racists in the fandom to drive me out. 
i loved the ship SO much that i’d check the ao3 for it every single night, and that was the literal downfall. i checked it every night and so i PERSONALLY watched as more and more racist, stereotyping fics appeared, over and over-- fics that fetishized gabrel and his race, fics that made gabriel larger and meaner and scarier than jack, fics that made gabriel out to BE an abuser towards jack, or fics where gabriel was a dog that existed just to make jack happy. fics where gabriel had no characterization other than being jacks happiness or misery-- fics that portrayed jack as immediately likeable (because hes white) and fics that portrayed gabriel as immediately intimidating (because hes brown). fics that waxed poetry about jacks pale skin and cornflower blue eyes, but only mentioned gabriels looks to point out his thick thighs or massive cock. fics where gabriel straight up kidnapped jack and raped him. im not making any of these up. these are all fics i saw in the tag that distressed me, over and over again, because i was just a black kid that wanted nice content of a ship with a character i could personally relate to. 
i looked on tumblr, and lo and behold, i saw the same thing! gabriel towering over jack (when theyre the same height), gabriel being scary, gabriel being accused and abused and demonized, “sexy thighs” gabriel and nothing else, meta (i used to love reading meta-- now i cant stand overwatch meta regarding the old soldiers at all) that sympathized with jack and portrayed gabriel as a jealous demon who deserved to die and is obsessed with jack. i followed blogs, and was immediately bombarded with white washed art, and then excusing of the whitewashing. 
i was fresh out of anime fandom-- overwatch is the first gaming fandom ive ever been in and also my first fandom where there’s so many poc. i think r76 was one of my (if not the first) interracial ships where one of the characters was darker skinned. i became more and more jaded, every single time i opened ao3 or went into the tag. i know it sound silly, because its not real, but there was a time when i genuinely broke down into tears because i couldnt stand how gabriel was treated. id seen the “kinky yaoi” dynamic with mlm ships before, and this was WHOLLY magnified. 
its not just because its “a white guy with a hispanic guy”. thats not my issue at all? i used to really love jack, too? i wrote aus and rped r76 with my friends? and its not just that mixing races is bad, because a black man and an afrolatinx man is an interracial ship too? completely ignoring all of my other interracial ships?
i hate r76 because very few people could bother to treat gabriel with even ONE shred of the respect they afforded to jack. i hate it because i was literally driven away by the blatant, overreaching racism. i hate it because of all the times gabriel was “the dark man” or “the latino” in fics because you’d NEVER call jack “the pale man” or “the caucasian”. i hate it because yall motherfuckers dont know how to act.   
can i say that every r76 shipper is bad? no, of course not. but until the r76 community puts itself together and addresses the racists and harmful stereotypes that it harbors, then yeah, i fucking hate it. and no, im not gonna say, “not all r76 shippers”. this is the last time im answering an ask like this and if you wanna try to change my mind or genuinely talk to me about it, then you better PM me or message me off anon. 
and btw? i know that doomfist/reaper might end up with some bad apples, but i have more faith in a ship that was born by a majority BLACK (because yes, the first shippers i saw including myself, are black, or mostly poc) fandom because i know that we’re less likely to apply harmful disgusting stereotypes to ourselves. so if youre feeling butthurt about “doomper” and people having fun, then maybe consider doing what ive had to do for months-- suck it up. 
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kienansidhe · 7 years
you don’t wish you were d.va
@the ppl who talk about how they wish they were d.va, or they wish they were a cute asian girl: no you don’t. no you fucking don’t.
you don’t wish you were constantly fetishized, as a girl AND a “gamer girl” AND an asian girl. you don’t wish you got messages from creepy men talking about how they’d fuck you. you don’t wish ppl looked at you and assumed you’d be submissive and sweet in bed. you don’t wish you were either the object of sexual fantasies or the object of condescending infantilization and nothing in between, never a person. 
you don’t wish you’d grown up in one of these two situations:
you don’t wish you grew up being either too “ugly” to get the jobs, the partners, the opportunities, everything, or never feeling like you deserved what you had because you worried you only got them because you were “pretty.” you don’t wish you grew up in a culture where plastic surgery confronted you at every turn, several times in every magazine, on the subway, online, on TV. you don’t wish you grew up in a world where you always had to be paler, have bigger eyes, have the right shape of bigger eyes, fix your nose, shave your jawbone into a nice tidy V shape, and even be tempted to have your legs broken so they could stick in metal extensions and give you longer legs like the beauty standards demanded. you don’t wish you grew up in a country where feminism was far behind, where women had to work harder than they do in the west for the same rights. you don’t wish your country was still occupied by another nation literally decades after the last war, and you don’t wish you felt like you had to be thankful to them for it, because of the dystopia just to your north with their atomic bombs. 
you don’t wish you grew up a diasporic asian, constantly feeling displaced and unwelcome. you don’t wish you’d decided not to learn your native language at four years old because between it being difficult and no one you knew speaking it and kids making fun of you when you used the wrong words, it just didn’t seem worth it. you don’t wish you heard people telling you and others like you that you didn’t belong, that you were naturally smarter so you didn’t deserve any help if you were struggling, had white weeaboos try to speak to you in every asian language even though you didn’t even speak your own native language let alone the other asian languages, “open your eyes” every time you took a group photo, “go home if you hate it so much here.” you don’t wish you’d experienced the despair of visiting your “home country” and realizing just how much divided you from the culture, just how much you’d never learned. 
you don’t wish you’d then gone to visit your “home country” as a teenager or a young adult, and found you couldn’t even talk to the people where you supposedly “belonged” according to a bunch of stupid people back in the country where you were born and made to feel like an outsider. you don’t wish you had to see asians in the “home country” welcome foreigners and then look at you funny because you were clearly not born there, what did you do wrong? you don’t wish the only feeling of welcome and wantedness in your “home country” was when they were trying to sell you something, because tourists always have money. and sometimes you’d let that happen, you’d let them fawn over you and then spend more money than you could afford to, because then at least you’d feel welcome for a little bit.
you don’t wish you’d been made to feel ashamed of your ethnicity and your skin and your eyes and your body your entire life, avoided looking in the mirror so you could pretend you were white as much as possible, watched your parents shit on all the other POC so they could “assimilate” and be accepted, and then suddenly discovered that korean media was in, that white people everywhere were listening to kpop, watching kdramas, obsessing over korean celebrities you’d closed your eyes to your whole life. you don’t wish the only character who looked anywhere close to you when you were growing up was chinese, not korean, but goddammit that was close enough when you were grasping at straws. you don’t wish you had to see film after film set in asian settings with asian culture and asian ideas get fucking whitewashed, again and again and again. 
you don’t wish the instant you finally got a korean character in media in the country where you lived, a bunch of white people jumped in and stole them from you. 
you don’t wish you were a cute asian girl. you don’t wish you were d.va. if you’re white kin and you id as d.va? fuck you. 
i know d.va’s supposed to be korean korean, not korean american, but as a korean american, knowing d.va was created by an american video game company? fuck. off. 
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demonanata · 6 years
Type Moon/Fate
jon i love you for this
Character I first fell in love with: my first experience with this series was Fate/Zero, and the first character i think i started liking was Waver? love that man. eternally proud of him
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: SHIROU OH MY GOD, you have no idea. I hated him when i first watched UBW, the fact im practically in love with him now is so weird and i would never have thought i id fall so hard for him
Character everyone loves but I don’t: Id say Jeanne? shes not bad, but like. you can only care about so many saberfaces, and ive chosen arturia and mordred
Character I love but everyone else hates: I dont think shirou counts much at this point? most people dont hate him as much as they used to, and if they do its not for old memes. i guess i dont really love the most hated characters in the series at this point
Character I used to love but don’t any longer: Gilgamesh. i used to really like him, but a combination of the Fate Route, the fact hes whitewashed, and in general less tolerance for shitty muder-boys has kinda deadened him to me.
Character I would kiss: Shirou…
Character I want to slap: is there any other answer than shinji?
A pairing I love: Shirou x Issei
A pairing I hate: Gilsaber
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serene-serein · 7 years
Save Yourself, Don’t Watch Death Note
I documented my thoughts while watching the new Death Note movie so...here you go.
1. Music is nice 2. Tf is this opening scene 3. ....the quiz ?????? 4. edgy hair and all 5. Typical misunderstood girl 6. THE CIG?????? 7. what's with the dramatic wind???? did no one else see the book?? (1:37:26) 8. random hard rain???? 9. Bullies wtf 10. the girl 11. light WTF (1:36:34) 12. he sounds like an 8 year old 13. he acts like an 8 year old 14. Mia lied cuz she a ho 15. Light shut up UR SO EDGY!!! (1:35:21) 16. HIS MOM??? SHOULDNT BE DEAD?? 17. okay principal is a dick but tbh it's an edgy movie what did I expect 18. he still likes her why 19. detention?????? 20. he looks so gross 21. HE ACTS GROSS WTH (1:34:12) 22. the book looks gross 23. EW CREEPY TONGUE LICK 24. why r u reading it out loud 25. the book has been used?? why?? what?? 26. also there should be lines 27. RYUK??? BBY?????? he didn't try to scare him  in reality unmmmm what 28. "Hello?" @ monster (1:32:55) 29. RYUK LOOKS COOL DUDE 30. screaming omg I'm dead kill me 31. THE SCREAMING (1:32:14) 32. u fuckin child 33. APPLE! 34. cool voice 35. more screaming 36. AND THEN HES FINE????????? 37. "I'm asleep" stereotype 38. I love Ryuk babe 39. but what'd they do to him 40. LIGHT'S FACEEEEE IM DED (1:30:47) 41. bullies aren't like that um 42. so now Ryuk is the bad guy? 43. "I don't have a pen" 44. why does Ryuk have a pen 45. WHY IS LIGHT LISTENING 46. um wtf 47. DECAPITATION??????? 48. "Watch" IM 49. HIS FACE (1:29:02) 50. decapitated by a ladder 51. GORE IS OFF THE CHARTS 52. and then Ryuk is like "k now here lemme accept it" 53. WHAT (1:28:15) 54. apparently his dad is a drunk and they live in a trailer 55.  Light is apathetic towards the bully dying and so is the dad 56. "death of someone? meh. cheating? OH DEAR GAWD" 57. edgy kid and so disrespectful (1:26:53) 58. ......what is this family ??? 59. Light is so disrespectful and the dad doesn't even care 60. edgy music 61. A P P L E 62. what, u gonna kill ur daddy? 63. "Don't trust Rie-uk" NOT HOW U SAY IT 64. monster in the closet ;) (1:25:06) 65. let's play with the creature in the closet! 66. human hand 67. fast eating 68. screaming again 69. "Ree-you-k" a so much better 70. casually talking (1:24:13) 71. what is this... 72. "UR FINGERS R HUGE" WHAAAAT [funny line tho cuz that’d be me] 73. "No shark attacks while someone's on the toilet" admittedly funny 74. they act as if this is a casual occurrence 75. IGNORES RULES AND WARNINGS AND DECIDES TO KILL OKAY YEAH SURE (1:22:45) 76. "Gotta get mummy's killer" oh give me a break 77. Of course he's gorging himself 78. *from earlier* light didn't care about the bully dying for more than two seconds 79. that's..such an improbable way to die (1:21:10) 80. bad hiding 81. Light is so bad at hiding 82. "Ur ma was a hippie" oh okay that explains his name 83. UM LIGHT WTF UR SO BAD AT ACTING 84. EVERYONE IS BAD AT ACTING KMS 85. fuckin Ryuk 86. I like his face tho is cool (1:19:43) 87. openly uses book in school 88. "Kenny was a sociopath... i wish id seen it" 89. Mia is a bitch 90. they're awkward 91. she's so weird 92. BAD ACTING ABOUT IT 93. "Can't tell you" "k bye" "U WANNA KNOW?" (1:17:54) 94. she doesn't see Ryuk 95. "Ur poetry sucks" funny 96. HIS FUCKING FACE WHEN SHE SEEs IT 97. "I have a death god" and she S M I L E S and then just stays cuz it's so normal 98. "Lemme kill someone to prove to you" (1:16:27) 99. same school thing okay that's fine 100. why wouldn't the police just shoot him 101. Hit by a truck and that's not how it....I'm..what 102. "I killed him" BITCH RUN 103. he's a sociopath. simple 104. she doesn't care (1:14:55) 105. okay so he has an easy excuse. mommy issues 106. "Think I'm crazy?" "No, not crazy enough. we could change the world" 107. sneaking into the house together what 108. why am I spending time watching this 109. STOP KISSING PLS 110. "YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO ASK" Oh okay so no consent? sure fine totally (1:13:40) 111. and they have sex okay sure 112. HIS FACE IS WHAT 113. creepy relationship 114. kissing while killing 115. Asian guy killed 116. laughing at it 117. THEY made up the name? oh hell no (1:12:08) 118. OH MY GOD "killer in Japanese so they'll look on the wrong continent" 119. laughing at it all 120. riots for him????? I can't even tbh 121. Kira is suddenly a good guy for everyone okay sure whatever u ass 122. HEY IS IT L HEY HEY 123. "Tokyo nightclub" YOU ASSES (1:10:00) 124. hey it's my boy L yo 125. he looks stupid snooping around the scene 126. bad acting 127. L is cool ig 128. I'm so confused what is this 129. very very bad acting 130. ....THE SINGING!!!!! 131. and somehow L falls asleep to it (1:07:48) 132. obvious green screen 133. Light is so obvious 134. "Is there a complaint department if I don't like one of Kira's choices" I like the dad he's funny 135. dad ig looks similar in a whitewashed way 136. all the papers on the ground and "eat shit" cuz that's normal 137. the screen wasn't even in a phone call okay 138. Watari never showed his face (1:04:57) 139. why is his dad so rude 140. no voice changer 141. he's so messy what 142. candy obsession 143. thanks for the true to anime sitting that's good 144. HOW DO YOU KNOW SEATTLE? 145. oh first kill? (1:03:49) 146. and now she's manipulative 147. "It's not like that" How do you know?? 148. not bad representation of L 149. you can't tell his age go away 150. ice cream pfft 151. "REST YOUR GLUTES" Funny 152. how did the police miss that (1:01:14) 153. why would you trust Light's dad then 154. speaking with Kira okay that's actually realistic 155. L never, and I mean NEVER, showed his face publicly 156. does light have nothing better to do 157. "He's a coward" Oh yeah do it 158. Ryuk I love you (59:17) 159. Ryuk laughing ily 160. okay so you got it light that sure okay fine 161. "THEN, James, ID BE DEAD" I love him 162. funny scene 163. why is Light sneaking downstairs You're so Obvious 164. SO OBVIOUS WTH 165. ...how is his dad so...oblivious 166. irony 167. ...more obviousness wth (56:53) 168. "A particularly bright kid" no he obviously isn't 169. stalker is obvious 170. and she's the manipulater okay 171. "Care-a" 172. SASSY LIGHT WOOT 173. she's a bitch 174. she's going to write in it isn't she 175. probably took it 176. she's a bitch okay (54:39) 177. *from earlier* why'd they change the if you touch the note thing 178. oh so the heart attack thing is back 179. agent franks is being controlled 180. L is shocked sureeeeeeeee not how he is tbh 181. what's this pop music I like it 182. inappropriate timing tho 183. and they walk off the building I'm screaming okay whatever 184. in Japan? what 185. screaming about the death note in school 186. OBVIOUSLY IT WAS HER 187. Ryuk is so sassy 188. okay so Ryuk’s killing them? Jesus that's not how it works 189. you can't kill a god of death idiot 190. what's with the name thing (51:37) 191. she's so demented 192. his dad already what is going on 193. she's insane and wanting to kill his dad.... 194. SHES TRYING TO GET HIM TO KILL HIS DAD?!?! 195. Mia what the actual fuck 196. L isn't bad 197. his dad is ready to die? (49:22) 198. is he going to kill his dad cuz I feel like he is 199. what's with L's old phone? 200. okay so he's figured out who Kira is 201. what's with the sleeping? 202. I love how Ryuk is in the book Light is reading 203. casual approaching 204. HIS SITTING L I like you 205. confronting him... 206. LIGHT IS SASSY 207. why is Ryuk like this I wonder (46:53) 208. cool lighting tho 209. giving himself away 210. face shown 211. why are they fighting 212. "I dont even carry a gun, it's distracting" best line 213. L is actually cool 214. light is fucking insane 215. no one notices the fighting 216. ew here SHE is again 217. push her into the mud she's ugly 218. "I'm a cheerleader. nothing mattered before you" best excuse 219. "I love you" I'm.. (44:16) 220. ew ew ew ew ew they're so gross 221. you need his full name um 222. not going to kill Watari 223. only 1 name able to be burned okay 224. creepy monk orphan 225. CREEPY MONK ORPHANAGE 226. why is Watari listening 227. Mia go away pls 228. L doesn't think this is weird with Watari? (41:18) 229. the tattoo is cool behind L’s ear but why is it there 230. I like L actually 231. he freaks out? unlike his character  232. top hat 233. casual L 234. so obvious um 235. girl isn't even gone and now they're talking 236. unlike L's character (39:21) 237. she's still there 238. Police brutality UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 239. CHOKE HOLD?! 240. THREATENING TO KILL L!!! 241. UM LIGHT WHAT THE FUCK 242. WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK 243. AND HIS FUCKING FATHER???? (38:18) 244. pfft Ryuk 245. "Is there anything I need to know" he would 100% support Kira 246. L in the background 247. completely calm after this ???? 248. did they not look into the girl 249. why is Watari singing 250. Light is so obvious 251. THE TOPHATTT 252. Watari is probs going to die (35:41) 253. CREEPY ORPHANAGE 254. ghostly panting???????????? [subtitles] 255. Ryuk can't..I'm ...what 256. this is actually a cult tho 257. secret tunnel okay yes 258. what's with the weird music (34:12) 259. why is L so strung out 260. awkwardly morose 261. homecoming awkwardness 262. TOP HAT 263. middle fingers wouldn't be allowed 264. rat 265. I bet Watari is going to die. Light will probably be too late to/forget to burn the page 266. what happened to the monks? why did they leave the papers? plot hole 267. top hat 268. frosted tips like [ex’s name] 269. "Normal people scare me" the worst thing yet (31:32) 270. called it. Watari is dead 271. I don't get what the page 272. ohh to burn his name 273. she's fucking creepy and weird 274. and Light doesn't really care 275. top hat (29:21) 276. and then hugging 277. she's insane..... 278. "I saved you again" I'm screaming 279. ....what the actually hell is wrong with her. LIGHT FUCKING DUMP HER 280. I absolutely hate her 281. why is she able to write in it 282. ...and of course she killed him 283. she's insane, like actually completely insane (27:35) 284. What's with all the rules thing 285. I ACTUALLY HATE HER WHAT THE HELL 286. Ryuk wouldn't let this happen he isn't a bad guy 287. L is now even more insane and going to kill Light 288. inappropriate music 289. Light's ugly running (26:19) 290. why didn't he burn his own page 291. why didn't he put her in there towards the end so she couldn't see it 292. Plot holes 293. WRITE HER FING NAME (24:50) 294. did he leave the book 295. L is coming for you bitch also he can't drive so 296. inappropriate music and close ups 297. L is cool lol look @ his awesome running 298. ohhhh he's cool (23:22) 299. parkour 300. Light's running is like not pressing the correct buttons on a quick time 301. L's running is awesome 302. nice lighting tbh 303. KILL HIM KILL HIM (21:50) 304. "Lord Kira" kill me 305. is this supposed to be a romantic scene when she wrote his name in the book? 306. he's carrying a gun like literally what 307. he should kill her (20:30) 308. KILL HER KILL HER 309. inappropriate music 310. "Lets run away together" 311. she's insane and still smiling 312. he probs wrote her name (19:28) 313. probs pushes him out 314. oh look @ Ryuk 315. OH YESSSSSS HE KILLED HER OH YES 316. his reasoning 317. "You said you loved me I thought you wouldn't take it" you moron (18:17) 318. why would you take it back 319. did she already burn his page? 320. why is Ryuk involved 321. shouldn't they both die? they're both in it 322. THE MUSIC IS BACK WHAT 323. the book why would you catch it 324. THE MUSIC IS SO INAPPROPRIATE IM SCREAMING (16:51) 325. oh there they go! bye bye b 326. I love Ryuk's smile 327. the slowmo 328. everyone's faces 329. the flowers exploding 330. is Light alive???? 331. is she??? 332. I'm confused tbh (16:02) 333. she's dead 334. L is still alive yay! 335. free death note page 336. omfg it burned no 337. Light is alive probs 🙄 338. who took the random book? (14:45) 339. more killings 340. apparently everyone hates L?? that's not how he was treated 341. Who is this guy that picked up the book 342. why would you give back the book (13:42) 343. such an obvious place to leave it 344. the phone screen isn't on a call 345. is he going to wake up 346. yes 347. oh and he keeps the book you weirdo 348. she was insane why is he sorry 349. his dad is ugly and gross go away (12:10) 350. WAIT PLOT HOLE he was supposed to be in a coma but his dad knocked. his dad wouldn’t know he’s awake? 351. Dad somehow doesn't care it was Light 352. L what are you doing 353. is his dad going to join in... oh no 354. why would you need to write all this down idek man 355. what is L doing..oh nvm wait why did he act surprised by this (9:07) 356. so now L is thrown off course? oh going to write Light's name? 357. do it son, pls do it he's ugly 358. inappropriate music 359. Ryuk laughing (7:30)
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Entertainment & Politics
Earlier this evening, I was among the millions of people who sat down to watch the 2017 Golden Globes. I sat in my living room and watched my favorite entertainers receive awards for their craft. One of the highlights of the night was when Meryl Streep won the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award, an award that she deeply deserved.
During her speech, she goes to mention an incident that happened last year in which President-Elect Donald Trump imitated a disabled reporter. She talks about how the incident “stunned” her because “it wasn’t in a movie, it was real life”. She goes on to argue that privileged and powerful people do not have the right to abuse those underprivileged and less powerful. And I agree to the highest degree possible.
However, this struck a chord to some people. As I scrolled through my Facebook feed, I kept seeing posts about Meryl’s speech from platforms like Huffington Post, the New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, etc. and because I adored her speech so much, I “liked” each post. As my thumb pushed the “like” button, I could not help but notice the “angry” reactions to the post and I thought, “who could be angry at this post?”. So I read through the comments and stumbled across one comment in particular. In this comment, I read statements like, “Meryl should stick to acting and stay out of politics”, “Hollywood is not a place for politics”, “I work my ass off every day and barely make enough to get by, and here comes this woman who makes millions, trying to tell me how to live my life”, and “I don’t need a celebrity to tell me what to think”. This comment angered me so much and I am going to explain exactly why in the easiest way possible.
First off, politics exists everywhere, whether you like it or not. Politics and Hollywood have a rich history. The government has been using films as propaganda for decades and vice versa. Films have always been an outlet for organizations to express their views on political platforms. Think back to when films portrayed Native Americans as “savages” and “enemies” to the cowboys. Or when white actors covered themselves in black make-up to portray an African-American character. Think about Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator. All of these films have influenced society to think negatively about a certain subject or a group of people. Now think about the present. We have films like The Hunger Games, The Ides of March, V for Vendetta, and 1984 that give us a glimpse of how the government has manipulated us to believe a certain way. Similarly, actors and actresses have used their fame to express their opinions about political issues, especially in this recent election. Leonardo DiCaprio expressed his views on climate change and the Presidential election during his Oscars acceptance speech. Robert De Niro expressed his views on Donald Trump. And now, Meryl Streep has expressed how she feels about the election season. Celebrities like these are the reason why we NEED them to participate in society. They are educated people who have seen more of the world than the trolls that spread hate throughout the internet. They are exceptional people who work for organizations such as UNEP, Stand Up to Cancer, and FilmAid International. These are extraordinary people who care about extremely diverse communities and who use their fame to bring awareness to the public yet, they are criticized for expressing their views? I am pretty sure freedom of speech was written for occurrences like this....
Second, most of Hollywood work their asses off to get where they are now. You think their jobs were handed to them when they were fifteen years old? NO. Many actors and actresses were taunted for wanting to go into the entertainment industry. Many of them gave up everything they had to get to this point in life. Every one of them has struggled to make end’s meat. Many of them make sacrifices in order to film a 2-hour segment. Many of them have families that they have to provide for. No actor/actress has had it “easy”. But it’s hard work and dedication that got them to that stage or to that film. Ms. Streep mentions this in her speech as well saying that “Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners” and that is what makes Hollywood so diverse and so unique.
Lastly, if the commentator that I mentioned above doesn’t need a celebrity to tell them what to think, then why did they elect a CELEBRITY to become the next celebrity (yes, they were a Trump supporter, don’t ask me how I found that out) (it was fairly easy to find out, by the way, just way too easy). Seriously, it is so ironic and hilarious that half of the United States attack celebrities for expressing their views, when the same half voted for a celebrity based on how he expressed his views. Can someone say, “hypocrites”?
Bottom line, I firmly believe that Hollywood has the right to express their views on whatever they wish. I may not agree with the positions that some celebrities take, but I certainly am not going to say they don’t have the right to. Art is a freedom of speech. Art is political. That will never change, nor should it change. I am proud of the Entertainers who used tonight as an outlet to express their views on politics, because no one would have listened to them otherwise. And to those who were offended by tonight’s speeches, better cover your ears and wipe those tears, because the Oscars is our next opportunity.
Here is a fantastic article that talks about Whitewashing in the Entertainment Industry that I believe is important for everyone to read. I hope that when I get the chance to work in this industry, I can help diversify films and tv. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/03/16/the-history-of-hollywood-propaganda-for-white-supremacy-at-home-and-us-militarism-abroad/ 
Here are more impressive ways that Hollywood has influenced the government http://www.nylon.com/articles/hollywood-influence-on-politics
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