#i've been trying to do timeline math here
iturbide · 2 years
Also, one more for the night, but also 3 Hopes most impressive thing is how they recontextualize so much in 3 Houses with one character. Monica is literally “What if Hubert gushed even more unhealthily about Edelgard.” In the Black Eagles route, it is revealed that Jeritza leading the class to Monica was no accident, it was a plan to save her. Monica has been a friend and ally of Edelgard’s for a while before the events of the game.
Okay so in all fairness, I've been really curious about Monica and her role in this whole thing so I'm fascinated to hear more about this (if somewhat confused about it because it kind of raises questions about Three Houses for me)
(spoilers for Monica below)
As something of an intro note, I found Monica's familiarity with Jeritza to be really jarring in the demo: my understanding from Three Houses had been that Jeritza was only put into position at Garreg Mach as the weapons instructor shortly before Edelgard's term, so he wouldn't have been there for Monica's at all and she therefore shouldn't be familiar with him. I don't think there's an actual, official timeline for the whole chain of events taking us through the fall of the House of Bartels to Jeritza entering Edelgard's service to his coming to Garreg Mach, so I'm really hazy on it...but if he actually was at Garreg Mach during Monica's term, and therefore familiar with her as a close friend of Edelgard's...well, given his general loyalty to the Black Eagles house and his physical strength and fitness compared to other plants like Solon, who is an archetypal mage, it makes him the most likely suspect for Monica's abduction -- meaning the Death Knight is potentially responsible for the likely death of one of Edelgard's friends in Three Houses.
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The idea that Monica and Edelgard were actually close also strikes me as really weird given that Edelgard has been so isolated for so long thanks to first the Insurrection of the Seven that took her to Faerghus, then Agarthan experiments that she was dragged into immediately upon her return. Her one true ally (Hubert, sworn into her service when she was very young) presents himself as being ostensibly on the Agarthan side with her; and even Jeritza, who swears his fealty to Edelgard, is entrenched in the Agarthan organization through his role as the Death Knight. Monica somehow being able to attach herself to Edelgard more obsessively than even Hubert without having any awareness of the Agarthans...really stretches my suspension of disbelief.
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Now I will admit that Kronya specifically taking Monica's form to torment and spite Edelgard is absolutely chilling and really paints the Agarthans (and Kronya especially) as deeply cruel beings. But there's one major continuity issue here: in Three Houses, people who remember Monica explicitly state that her personality has undergone a massive change when she returns with Flayn. They write it off as her means of coping with the kidnapping, but we know following the events of Chapter 9/10 that it's because she's actually been replaced by an Agarthan. So I guess herein lies the question: is Monica's personality and behavior demonstrably different in Three Hopes compared to Kronya's impersonation of her in Three Houses?
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muddyorbsblr · 6 months
feels like mine pt2
See my full list of works here!
Summary: On the worst day of his life, Tom receives an offer impossible to refuse: getting you back. Well, almost…
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: major character death; possibly a wonky timeline (the math wasn't and still isn't mathing in my pea brain); probably a wonky depiction of soulmates [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: sad meow meow hours
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Three days ago…
After a good dozen takes on the same sequence from a variety of angles, Tom finally had a moment to himself, giving his assistant a signal to retrieve his phone so that he could give you a call. You'd been apart for nearly a month at this point and he missed you terribly.
The only remote relief he'd get was hearing your voice as often as he possibly could. You'd tell him all about the plot of the book you were reviewing, or what details you could divulge on the shows you were working on. Considering that you often had ironclad NDAs for them these days, you'd usually tell him of the former as it was less of a minefield.
Once his assistant handed over his phone, however, his heart caught in his throat at the screen that greeted him. Over a dozen missed calls from an unknown number in the last few hours, preceded by a text message from you.
Tom, sweetie, I'm in the hospital. It's no big deal, just a little road accident, don't worry about me. I might not be able to answer your calls for a while, since they're taking me in for surgery in a few minutes. I love you. Always.
With trembling hands, Tom returned the call from the unknown number, his heart so heavy in his chest it was a struggle to even breathe right. The next words felt as if they passed through him in a blur; he could only pick up on bits and pieces from the other end.
Drunk driver. T-bone. Internal bleeding.
And the worst words of all. I'm deeply sorry for your loss.
He took the soonest possible flight back to London, everything around him seemed a blur until he finally got to the home you two shared, his and your mothers waiting for him inside. That was the moment he finally broke, dropping to his knees and breaking out into sobs, the horrible reality cruelly sinking in once he saw their completely distraught faces.
They took your body to be cremated that day, allowing him a few minutes to say goodbye before they began the process. Your mother advised him against looking into the body bag, insisting that he wouldn't want that as his last memory of you, that he should at least get to live on with his final memory of your face being that of the loving, beaming wife he knew and loved.
The next time that you came out, it was in an urn, weighing just about the same as a baby, and he cradled you as such. For the entire car ride back to your home until he settled you in his study.
"We didn't have enough time," he said through his tears, stroking the golden urn as if he was stroking your hair. "We should have had more time."
At that moment, a voice pierced the solemn silence of your home. "I'm sorry for your loss, Thomas."
When Tom turned to see who the unwelcome visitor was, he couldn't find any words to say except one. "Impossible."
"Quite possible, really," Loki shot back, stepping into the study with palms open in a sign to tell your husband that the god meant no harm. "Anything's possible in this multiverse, I'm slowly coming to find. And in that realm of possibility, I have something to offer you."
"All due respect, I want nothing that you can give," Tom declared sullenly. "You can't give me my wife back."
"And what if I said that I can? Well, in a way."
That suddenly got Tom's full attention, placing an arm in front of your urn as if he was still trying to protect you. As if that could really do anything against a god. "I'm listening," he said cautiously.
"I've recently learnt that in every universe, there is an iteration or an echo of me, and a corresponding iteration of Y/N. In this universe, Thomas, you are my echo. In every universe, Y/N's echo is destined to fall in love with mine, and in almost every universe, that love is reciprocated," the god began to explain, creating an illusion with a wave of his hand of your wedding day.
It was nearly enough to mesmerize Tom completely, almost losing himself in the memory. In happier times. "Hang on, what do you mean almost every universe?"
"Ah, yes. That part. Well, you see, Thomas…in the universes where my echo takes on your form, world-famous actor, hordes of adoring men and women and everyone in between at his feet, getting an entire crowd to fall silent with a finger to his lips--"
"I get it, I get it, can we keep it moving, please?"
"Right then. In the universes where my echo is…Tom Hiddleston, while it is a guarantee that Y/N will love Tom, it is not a guarantee that Tom will love Y/N. There are universes where Tom barely even knows of her existence. She's in the hordes, a part of her soul knowing that she's doing exactly what she was designed to do, but confused as to why she feels as if a part of her is missing somehow."
"That's--" Tom's words choked off in a sob at the back of his throat, a new type of sadness overcoming him as he imagined a world where he never even knew you. Never loved you. "That's miserable."
"It is," the god agreed. "My offer to you is that I can reach into one of these universes where her love for you is unreturned, and I can bring her to you. Fulfill what her heart yearns for, and in return, you have an echo of your wife. Have the time that was stolen from you so harshly. So unfairly."
Tom considered the offer carefully, only moments passing before he had his first question. "What of her universe? Her family?"
"In these worlds she doesn't have much of one. For the most part she's alone, and has learnt to fend for herself in lieu of a support system." Both their hearts broke for those iterations of you, the thought of you taking on the world without anyone by your side was nearly enough to bring both men to their knees. "If you were to accept, then it would be a simple enough spell with barely any ripple effect to nullify her existence and memories of her from the minds of those still around to remember her."
Every part of him wanted to jump at the offer. To accept it without thinking. Getting another chance to spend a life with you? There should have been no hesitation at all. Except…
"If she's anything like my Y/N, she'll be smart enough to ask questions. Why her life's different from what she knew before. Whose remains are in the urn in my study. What do I tell her then?"
"That is entirely up to you." Loki's answer was not in the least bit comforting. "You can conjure up a story that she will be inclined to believe, or you can tell her the truth. Alternatively, I can offer you an easier way out of this as well. Surrender your late wife's remains to me and I can keep her somewhere safe. That way you can live on with creating your new life with this echo of your Y/N without being as tethered to your past; after all, if you wish to start this life with her, then she deserves to have you love her to the fullest extent you can afford. She deserves not to be loved half-heartedly by someone still clinging to the ghosts of his past."
Much as he agreed completely with the sentiment, Tom found himself hesitating at the thought of simply surrendering your ashes to the god. He knew what the trade would mean, and that he in turn would have more time with a version of you; however, a part of him still protested.
For would this not be a dishonor to your memory? To simply let go of you and the time he'd gotten to know you and fall in love with you in exchange for something that might not even live up to his memory of you?
And on the other hand, he thought about the version of you that was doomed to live your life with an unrequited love. The knowledge that your souls were only partly intertwined in that world had him hurt for that iteration of you. You did deserve to be loved with the same magnitude that you gave love. And if he could give that to you, then the only way that he could do so was to accept that this wouldn't be a life wherein he picked up where you and he left off. He would be building something new entirely.
It was a near impossible choice. But ultimately he knew which way he would go.
Loki's offer meant more time with you. It meant having you again. Even if it was an echo of you. At its core, it was still you.
"What would you do?" he asked the god.
"If I lost my Y/N? I'd turn the multiverse inside out to have her again. Rearrange the Realms itself until she was by my side." He paced the room as he continued his answer. "Any version of her." A smirk tugged at the onyx-haired man's mouth before tilting up his chin, assuming an all-knowing stance. "But seeing as you are an echo of me, you already knew that this was the answer, didn't you? You simply needed to hear it outside of your own thoughts. Solidify your decision."
Tom could only nod, the depth of the situation still tremendously lost on him. All he knew was that if he did this, he would have you back.
He placed your urn on the desk, pushing it towards Loki. "What do I do now?"
The god held out his hand. "Firstly, your wife's ring. I'll need it when I find an echo of her that leads her life all alone. It will be her first tie to this universe. Your universe." Tom placed your wedding ring into his hand. "Secondly, you grieve. You've suffered a great loss, and what I am to do is not a replacement of your late wife, and should not be treated as such. Mourn your loss for the next day. Then after tomorrow night, go about your morning routinely, as if she were alive."
Tom nodded again. "How will I know that it worked?"
Loki only shrugged at the actor. "Have faith. Faith that you'll see your wife again the morning after next."
With that, the god disappeared, taking both your remains and your wedding ring with him. And Tom heeded the advice, crawling into the bed you shared with him, all the memories of the life you built together and the possibilities of the life you were yet to build overwhelming him. The weight of your lost future all but crushing his heart into a million pieces.
And he wept himself to sleep.
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On the second morning after Loki's offer, Tom rose from your shared bed and listened to the god's instructions from days before. He laced his shoes up, went on his usual morning run, changed into business casual attire as if he was scheduled for a Zoom call in a short while, and proceeded to start preparing a breakfast for two.
Once he had coffee brewing, he started preparing a lavish breakfast for you two to share, starting with a fruit platter. "Have faith," he whispered to himself, making the last second decision to make it a touch more decadent with a small bowl of Nutella to dip the fruit into.
If this truly was going to work, he would spoil you at every turn moving forward. Never another minute squandered, nor another craving denied.
"Have faith," he whispered again, putting on an apron to prevent any spills from ruining his white dress shirt and proceeding to slice up the fruit.
Then he heard the bedroom door open. And for the first time in days he felt the tiniest glimmer of hope.
He waited until you made your way down the stairs, fighting every urge to meet you halfway and take you into his arms. He knew you needed to acclimate into this life you'd been suddenly thrust into; Loki had done his part, now it was his turn to ease you into your new reality.
Your footsteps got closer and closer until finally they stopped just outside the kitchen area. That was the only time Tom allowed himself to turn around and look at you, relief flooding his system once he laid his eyes on you. In the silk navy blue nightgown, wearing your wedding ring.
He finally felt like he could breathe again.
"Good morning, sweetheart."
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A/N: *peeks from the corner* I promised I'd have a sequel for 'feels like mine' up, and here it issssss 🫡 This isn't 'sworn fealty' after all 🤣 (in all seriousness though I will be working on a sequel to that I just have 0 idea when)
And technically this isn't a sequel but more of a prequel to part 1…all I can promise you is that there is a part 3 and it's spicy 😳👀 Dunno when that'll be out tho because I'll be returning to the requests pile but we'll see where the vibe takes me
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemis @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified
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bixbythemartian · 1 year
This is About Oceangate
...kind of. Like, heads up for people who are sick of hearing about it or are too disturbed by this, just scoot on by, that's fine.
Like everybody else my age who had a middle school special interest in the Titanic that was further fueled by the James Cameron movie (and that sounds very specific, but I absolutely know I'm not alone), I've been following this story fuckin voraciously.
I think everybody I know IRL and online is fucking sick of me talking about it. I have been actively trying not to blog much about it here because I'm so obsessed with it that I'm annoyed with myself. I would like to not be this interested in it.
But a lot of the stuff I can think of to say has been said by a lot of people already, I don't want to add to an already noisy environment if I've got nothing new to say.
So, instead, I want to talk about what I haven't seen very many people talking about- something that's stood out to me about the way the media has been handling this story from the get-go. So, finally, I'm inflicting my days long media binge on you.
The media's handling of this was bad. Like, comprehensively fucked.
For the uninformed, a primer on the situation- feel free to skip down if you know all this, there's a bulleted list right after I get done with this part, look for that. But some of this is important to the terms I use, so I wanted to lay it out. (Also I just want to get a lot of this out of my system, please just let me have this.)
The Titan is a 'cyclops-class' submersible. As far as I can tell, 'cyclops-class' is unique to the people who made this submersible, it's not a widely recognized thing.
The Titan can carry up to five passengers. It was supposed to be rated to reach depths of up to 4000 meters below sea level.
The Titan is/was owned and operated by a company known as Oceangate. There's a lot of questions regarding the safety of the submersible, where the math came from on their depth rating, and- basically everything about the Titan is in question, at this point. There's a lot of questions, but that's not what I want to talk about.
Right now. Maybe later.
A submersible is distinct from a submarine in that it requires a surface support ship for many things- the Titan moved too slow to leave port under its own power and go to the site, it didn't have enough life support to do that kind of thing, etc. A submarine is self-supporting and can operate independently. Kind of pedantic, I know, but the Titan is a submersible, not a submarine.
The Titan had a planned expedition to the wreck of the Titanic on June 18, 2023- this past Sunday, at the time of writing. The expedition was supposed to last around 10 hours. It chartered a ship- the Polar Prince- to act as mother ship, the on the surface support that the Titan requires. (The Polar Prince is owned and operated by a different company than the Titan.)
1 hour and 45 minutes into the expedition, as the Titan was still making its way to the sea floor, the Polar Prince lost all contact with the submersible.
The Titanic wreck is at just under 4000 meters deep, right around 2.5 miles.
Now, my understanding is that the Titan was not fully at the ocean floor at the point contact was lost, but it's not clear how deep the Titan was at that time. We may not ever know this for certain.
When the Titan was reported as missing to the coast guard is kind of unclear, to me- I heard 6 hours after they lost contact, I heard 12 hours after they lost contact, I saw something that indicated they reported it missing immediately- I don't know for sure. When the coast guard report comes out, I'm hoping we'll get a more accurate timeline.
However, as soon as it was reported missing, a massive search and rescue operationg was started. Complicating the search efforts were the fact that the submersible seemed to have no type of emergency distress locator beacon (I'm not sure what the precise nautical terminology would be for this).
The search included visual searching of the surface, dropping buoys with microphones, and ROVs (unmanned remote operated vehicles, deep sea robots operated by crew on ships at the surface) searching the floor, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. Deep sea radar etc etc, every tool they had access to.
The search and rescue concluded on Thursday (June 22, 2023) around midday, when they definitively found pieces of the destroyed submersible's pressure vessel (the part of the submersible that held pressure and kept the people safe and alive) in a debris field, approximately 1600 feet away from the Titanic.
The destroyed pressure vessel and reports from the Navy on hearing sounds consistent with implosion at the time the Titan lost contact indicates that the submersible underwent what is being called a 'catastrophic implosion'.
It is now an investigation and recovery operation, while they try to figure out what exactly went wrong.
The five men in the sub are dead. In all likelihood, they died so quickly that their nervous system didn't have time to process what happened. What happened to their bodies during this was probably gory and kind of horrifying, but it's unlikely they experienced any awareness of this.
There were five extremely wealthy men on the submersible- they were not all billionaires, but those that weren't were worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If you want a rough sketch of their biographies, there's a link here. Other than them being pretty wealthy, who they are doesn't play that much into what I want to talk about, so I don't feel the need to go into it right now. (Again, as more information comes out, I may come back for another swing.)
So, my complaint. The number of times I saw a news interview with an expert that went like this is not small:
news host interviews deep ocean expert of some variety (who is not involved in rescue)
host asks expert what chances are that the dudes are alive and will be recovered alive
expert, being honest, says something like 'slim to none'
host responds with some amount of sincere-seeming disappointment, then after interview, pivots to the ongoing search for the definitely still alive people
There were news programs with clocks counting down how much theoretical oxygen was left. There were frequent updates to news stories with nothingburgers of additions, just to pad it out. It was, if they were alive at that moment, fucking ghoulish. That they were dead makes it even more horrible.
And I cannot emphasize enough how many experts said, to generalize and paraphrase here: "Unless they are found bobbing on the surface in the next n hours, they are dead. Even if they are alive right this minute, on the bottom of the ocean, there is no hope to rescue them in time."
This is not a failure of any of the rescue entities involved, by the way. The environment they were presumed to be in- 4000 meters under sea level- is so extreme that there are very few vehicles in the world with the capability of even getting to that depth. Like, 10 or less. As far as I know, none of them are designed to do any kind of deep sea rescue- which would have involved carefully scooping up or netting the Titan and hauling it up very slowly. There's no way to transfer personnel between ships at this depth, and the Titan had the largest passenger allowance at this depth, afaik. Like, the odds were incredibly, vanishingly small that these men would live.
The media, at large, never ever really allowed that to change the way they talked about this story or treated the participants in the story. At around 11 am or noon (central daylight time) on Thursday I saw them talking about how 'oxygen is critical'.
Oxygen was critical 24 hours prior. Even by the most generous of expectations, they were out of breathable air. Given how, to put it mildly, janky the submersible seemed to have been, there was absolutely no guarantee that they had even the 96 hours that Oceangate claimed.
Their likelihood of being rescued alive from the ocean floor was minimal on Monday. By Thursday, they were dead- again, unless they were found on the surface somewhere and had managed to carefully preserve their air somehow, they were already dead.
The media didn't really allow for the reality of the situation to be clear until Oceangate and the USCG came out and said 'yeah, they're dead'.
"Well, what's the problem with that?" you might ask. "The United States Coast Guard was the one who was saying it was a rescue up until that point."
Sure. That's their job. Their job is to treat it like an urgent rescue until it is certain that it is not. A significant amount of what they do is to rescue people from doing damnfool things in the water, and keeping hope alive until they find bodies, or evidence thereof. They were doing exactly what they should be doing.
(Whether they do this to this extent for everybody lost at sea is another conversation that's absolutely worth having, as well as their role in border patrol, but I have no bone to pick with the USCG in this particular instance. They did their all until they could do no more, that's the whole point of them, this is how they're supposed to operate.)
The media was not doing what they should be doing. There's an old quote somewhere that I think is just a journalism truism (everyone I've heard talk about it says their journalism professor said it)- if someone tells you it's raining, and someone else tells you it's not, your job isn't to report that, your job is to go outside and see if it's wet.
James Cameron- director of the aforementioned Titanic movie, as well as being a Titanic and deep sea submersible expert, knew they were dead on Monday.
He reached out to some people, he found out that the mother ship lost contact with the crew as well as their location at the same instant, and that the Navy heard a sound consistent with an implosion at around that time.
The information that the Navy heard the implosion was not classified information- they heard it via a listening system that was declassified in the 90s, I believe. Like, I knew about the system just kind of casually because I know random Navy stuff. (My dad was in the Navy, it's mostly osmosis.)
The people on the scene were informed as soon as the Navy knew. (When that was, I'm not sure, except it was before Monday. Probably they had someone go back and listen to it and weren't actively monitoring it, but it's hard to say.)
The deep ocean submersible community knew, well enough that James Cameron could call a buddy and find out. He was telling people on Monday to raise a glass to them.
The media could have had this information, if they did not have it. Either they didn't want to know, or did know, and didn't say it. And I can't say for certain they were suppressing information, but I do know that they frequently downplayed any evidence that these people were dead.
I know on CNN they ran a story about FADOSS- the FlyAway Deep Ocean Salvage System- that was shipped out to Newfoundland. It arrived Wednesday afternoon. Description in the alt text, link here.
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At the time this story was published, the people in the sub would have theoretically had less than 24 hours of breathable air. They hadn't even chartered a ship for the FADOSS, at this point. And the port in Newfoundland is hundreds of miles from the site. I'm not sure how many hours away but, like, hours away. I think I heard it's a 6 hour trip, but I'm not certain on that.
This system was referenced in the news as if it was going to be part of the rescue process. Very clearly, this was never going to happen. The quote, 'a process which can take a full day' is a mild understatement, here.
It could, theoretically, be done in 24 hours, but was much more likely to take longer, unless they had enough crew in Newfoundland to do round-the-clock welding.
The response to the question about recovering someone alive is a polite way of saying 'that's not what we do'. They were not part of the rescue operation and were never intended to be, as far as I can tell.
(If you're wondering what part the FADOSS is going to take in the recovery and investigation process, it's not. It's used to lift heavy objects off the floor, and the Titan broke into small enough pieces that the ROVs are believed capable of handling it. FADOSS is on its way back to wherever it is kept. I suspect it was brought out in the edge case that the submersible was found intact with dead crew, to retrieve the vessel whole, so that the families would have bodies to bury.)
Setting aside the 'oh they definitely blew up' news that seems to have been available the whole time, every single piece of evidence and expertise pointed to these people being dead, and yet the news persisted in sort of breathlessly (sorry) talking about the rescue efforts and how much time was left. They persisted in talking about how definitely still alive these people were until they could not do that anymore.
Other examples of this issue are the knocking thing. There were reports of some of the buoys picking up something that could be described as 'knocking'. Some said it was 'every thirty minutes' but we don't know how precise a measurement that was. As soon as they started talking about the knocking, I looked into it.
As it turns out, this is just a thing that happens. The sea is very noisy, and it's hard to determine the source of a sound. Some geological things sound manmade, vice versa. They had a lot of ships cooperating together to work the search area, it's possible that they were hearing noise from those, or something from an oil platform a jillion miles away, because noise travels far and is hard to pinpoint. They had this issue while searching for the sunken USS Thresher and it was one of the ships doing the searching. Given how many different moving parts there were in this search operation, it's hard to say what the knocking was. This is just a thing in the ocean, there's a lot of fuckin noise and experts can't always pinpoint it down in location or even what it might be.
This is why, even though they heard sounds that were consistent with implosion, at the time that the Titan lost total contact with the mother ship, it was still treated as if there was a live rescue operation. Because they couldn't be certain.
But the odds were extremely poor that these men were alive, and almost everybody involved knew that fairly early on. Again, the rescue operation had to go forward like they were looking for someone alive because that's how that works. The media, on the other hand, handled this in a very irresponsible way.
And, like, I know, news media is bad at being news is not some like hot new thing, I've just been building up frustration for days and so it had to come out somehow.
I'm not sure how much of this was just because they're very wealthy men- only one of whom I've ever heard of before- and how much of it was because it was a very bizarre and unique ongoing situation, how much of it was the intersection of that.
But pretty much everybody with enough knowledge to be worth talking to about this knew, like, Monday that even if they weren't dead right then, they were very unlikely to make it out alive, and watching the news wind a bunch of people up over the hopeful outcome was revolting.
Okay. We'll see if I can go 24 hours without talking about this. If you made it to the end of this absolute fucking novel, congratulations and/or I'm sorry.
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amazingmaeve · 2 years
miguel diaz x fem!reader
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summary — johnny and miguel are looking for girl students to join eagle fang and one place they go to look is at the skate park where Y/N loves to roller skate. when they approach she is a bit tense about joining karate since the school fight.
warnings — fluff, mentions of fighting, flirting (if that’s even a warning), swearing, unsafe skating
word count — 956
authors note — this is going to be set in season 4 episode 6 where they’re looking for girl fighters. also him and sam aren’t dating for the purpose of this timeline.
miguel diaz masterlist | cobra kai masterlist
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Johnny and Miguel made their way through the skatepark. They had just gotten back from the school as they were trying to find girls for the karate tournament. They needed this actually Johnny needed this.
If they couldn’t find girl(s) to join their dojo or else they would be in deep shit and not be in the tournament at all. Miguel didn’t want that, he wanted to compete as he was the all valley champion the year before. He also wanted it to get rid of Cobra Kai since they were getting bigger with Silver coming in.
Since Johnny and Daniel made that deal with Silver and Kreese that if Cobra Kai won they would have to shut down both of their dojos. Miguel didn’t want that for Johnny or for his training. He still had a lot of things to learn even though he was the champ.
At least that is what Johnny told him.
“Sensei I just don’t get why we are in a skatepark,” Miguel questioned as they walked around people who were skating and giving them weird looks.
Probably because they weren’t skating and just walking around. Probably thought they were weirdos.
“Skating is badass and people who do that are already used to pain so if I could find a girl that’s here and is willing to hear me out we could find our girl champ,” Johnny explained as he looked around to find any girls.
“What does skating have to do with karate? They’re not the same thing,” Miguel asks, putting his hands into the pocket of his jacket.
“They aren’t but these people they do tricks and like I said before they know what pain is, so that means karate won’t be anything different,” Johnny says.
“There’s not any fighting in skating Sensei,” Miguel says.
“There was back in my day, these people can be crazy sometimes and that is exactly what I need for the girl champ,” Johnny scoffs.
“Hey guys watch out,” Y/N shouts as she comes in skating behind him but before they could do anything she ran into Miguel knocking the both of them down. “Great,” She mutters as she was on top of the boy.
She steadied her hands as she got up and held her hand out for Miguel. He blushed when he realized who it was. She was in his math class and once had a crush on her when he wasn’t with Sam or Tory. He grabbed and got up as well.
“Sorry about that but you guys should know at a skate park you should be skating,” Y/N explains as she points to her feet where she was wearing roller blades.
Before Miguel could say anything Johnny butt in.
“Hey shouldn't you be wearing a helmet, elbow pads, all that kind of stuff,” Johnny asks as he holds the flyers for his dojo.
“I don’t need them. I've been doing this for years and if I get hurt I just get back into the game,” Y/N explains as she looks at the middle aged man. “Wait, who are you?,” She questions before looking at Miguel. “I know him, I don't know you.”
“Have you ever thought about trying out for karate not only would it make you more badass, you can actually learn how to defend yourself,” Johnny tries to sell with a smile on his face.
“I don’t know, I really don’t feel like getting my ass kicked by a bunch of dudes from my high school,” Y/N explained as she kept herself steady on the pavement.
“We need more badass chicks in this world and I am willing to teach you how to be that,” Johnny explains but still sees a tentative look on her face. “Okay it can also get you into shape like Miguel here come on Miguel take your shirt off and show her all the progress you made,” He says using his last attempt.
“What,” Y/N says in shock.
“I am not doing that, Sensei,” Miguel says at the same time as her.
“I mean it wouldn’t be a bad sight to look at,” Y/N teases looking at Miguel as he feels himself get more shy. “But don’t worry I don’t need you doing that,” She says and gives him a little smile.
“Are you willing to try your hand at karate then,” Johnny interrupts as he feels himself start to get more and more annoyed.
“And this I won’t have to do some weird fight to do this because right now I can’t do that,” Y/N questions.
“Of course not, he teaches you how to fight and defend yourself,” Miguel reassures her, giving her arm a squeeze as she gives him a tiny smile, her heart beating faster and faster.
“Who knows you might be this year's all valley champion and that’s something you’d like right,” Johnny asks.
“It does sound good and I would like to learn how to defend myself, there are some weirdos in this world,” Y/N says before looking at Johnny. “Sure, I’ll come by tomorrow but just take it easy on me,” She says.
“No promises,” Johnny grins as he gives her the flier. “Tomorrow at 4,” He says. She nods as she skates a way.
“See you in school tomorrow,” Miguel awkwardly shouts, making her turn around and give him a smile and two thumbs up.
“You could try hiding the fact that you like her,” Johnny mutters as he felt more confident on how they could win.
“Was I that obvious,” Miguel asks as he feels embarrassed.
“You want the truth or the lie.”
“Anyone in a 10 mile radius could see that you liked her.”
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skania · 1 year
Aqua, Akane and their relationship during his "Freedom" period
I know a lot of people dismiss Aqua's words to Akane in Chapter 97 because he wasn't shown being all smiles during their time together, but I think those people forget that Aqua has a very complex, very difficult, very painful rapport with happiness.
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He has lived his entire life, be it as Goro or as Aqua, feeling guilty. Goro quite literally felt guilty for existing: he couldn't forgive himself for living at the expense of his mother. This guilt is accompanied by a feeling of powerlessness: he beats himself up because he couldn't do more for Sarina, and as Aqua he blames himself because he couldn't save Ai.
He assigns no worth to his own life. He has panic attacks when he lets himself enjoy things. Even something as innocent as Ruby reminding him of Sarina makes him think that he is unforgivable because he doesn't deserve salvation.
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After living this way for so long, it's only natural that he still struggles with allowing himself to be happy during his "Freedom" period.
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To make matters worse, this newfound freedom was born from Aqua running away from the truth and from all his issues. Ichigo said so himself, there is no way Aqua didn't notice the loophole. Himekawa literally tells him what age he was when his dad died, some simple math would've automatically let Aqua realize that the timeline didn't add-up.
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But Aqua didn't want to realize it. He blinded himself to the truth because Himekawa gave him the escape he has been desperately yearning for since (at least) the TB arc.
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Since Aqua didn't actually solve any of his issues and traumas, it's to be expected that they keep weighting down on him throughout that year. After all, healing takes time.
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We see this weight very clearly in his dynamic with Kana, since his Ai-related trauma is the biggest factor in him completely avoiding her.
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We naturally also see it in his dynamic with Akane.
Three examples come to mind:
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Akane tells him that she enjoys being with him. We know for a fact that Aqua is reluctant to part ways with Akane, which means he enjoys being with her too. But he isn't used to letting himself enjoy things. So, how does Aqua react?
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His guilt flares up and he focuses on how undeserving he is of her, even trying to convince her (and himself) that their relationship is nothing but a lie.
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Something very similar happens here:
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Akane tells Aqua that she wants to see him, and Aqua looks torn before admitting that he wants to see her too. It'd be easy to interpret his expression as Aqua feeling guilty because he is about to lie to Akane, specially since this page is followed by a page of Kana crying over him. But I believe it's the opposite.
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We see him that very chapter asking Akane about her schedule so they can see each other. This alone shows that Aqua does want to see Akane, and the fact that Akane later says that Aqua has been doing his best not to lie to her confirms Aqua is being truthful when he tells her that he wants to see her soon, too.
So, why does he make that sad face?
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I believe it's his guilt flaring up again. Knowing him, I bet that thoughts like these ran through his mind:
Does someone like me really deserve to live a normal relationship like this? Would Akane want to see me if she knew that I'm the reincarnation of Goro Amamiya? It it okay for me to want to see Akane even though I know Kana is hurting because I've been avoiding her?
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Still, it's important to notice that we can see the positive effect that time has had on Aqua. During that first example, Aqua tried to put up a wall between him and Akane by claiming that their relationship wasn't real; during the second, he hesitates but ultimately admits that he returns the feeling and wants to see her too.
This trend of Aqua becoming more open with time continues in the last example, which comes precisely from Chapter 97:
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Akane confirms that she is glad that she is dating him, that he makes her happy, and Aqua looks utterly caught off-guard, as if the thought of being able to make Akane happy was shocking to him.
His most telling reaction happens right after, though:
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Aqua's lips tremble. He looks near tears. Why?
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Because to him, who felt like he was underserving of salvation, being with Akane has felt remarkably close to it.
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I feel that this moment right here contextualizes all the examples I mentioned before: Akane does make him happy and he doesn't know what to do about it half the time, because he isn't sure if he deserves that happiness at all. But Akane makes him feel like he just might.
And the truth is that he doesn't want to give up on it—on her, because to him his relationship with Akane has become synonym to the happiness that has been eluding him all along.
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So I personally can't dismiss his words to her during Chapter 97, because to me they are actually meant to reveal the way Aqua has been feeling all along.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 7 months
I was thinking about... I think it was Lepidopterophobia? again, and you mentioned sorta inserting an OC into it so it got me thinking-- do you have any OCs to share with us? I'd be really curious to see them (although maybe I just missed them since I've only been here since march or so.)
also-- your uhhh. I think your math is a lil bit off in the pinned post. It's 9, not 10 I think. let's see: one, two,...,, ʰᵒʷ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ⁿᶦⁿᵉ ᵃᵍᵃᶦⁿˀ
I mostly just have one that I really care about. I made in the quarantine times. I was planning on writing her into the story from sometime after Rengoku died up until the end of the Taisho timeline in the manga and maybe even a little further. I got about 50,000 words in and then people were getting more into the things I’d post on the blog and were asking about requests so I started doing that and haven’t touched this project in probably two years. It would need a lot of editing if I tried to go back to it now. I had art for Kawa too somewhere since she’s a friend of this character, but I couldn’t find it. But here’s some old art for Natsumi who was the subject of the story. Not really going to go into the plot because it will probably never get finished at this point anyway.
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And I’m fighting for my life over here! I haven’t even put the Miroslava fic into the actual masterlist yet. It was amazing I even thought to try to update the count at all lol
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daydadahlias · 27 days
hi hii 🌸 weird questions for writers: 12, 17, 28 and 35 pls? ily
hii adi !! thank u for asking !! ily
12.  If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
Wow, this is like the most interesting and fun question ever. I definitely wouldn’t wish for more wishes because that’s cheating duh. I’m trying to think of what I really struggle with while writing. I think my first wish would be to always remember those super fantastic 2 a.m. ideas I have but never write down. It’s literally the worst thing ever to go to bed having a super great idea and then waking up going “wait, shit, what was that idea again?” I think my second wish would be to always know how to end a scene! There are so many scenes I have that I think fall a little flat in their transition to the next one because I’m just going “oh shit I need to cut this off so I can get to the next.” So I would wish that I always knew the perfect transition line to end a scene. And my final wish… hmm. OOO it would to never have any continuity errors in my writing lol!! I’m not great at math so figuring out timing for fics and the timeline is always really confusing for me and I’m TOTALLY sure about half my fics have some type of plot hole related to the timeline. So, my third wish would be to always have an understandable and cohesive timeline in a fic that has no inconsistencies or continuity errors <3
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
I SHOULDNT! I shouldn’t get into it, Adi, you’ll be here for DAYS. I am having literally the time of my life writing up all the little background details for this fic right now (this is my lil chaptered groupie fic im working on) and I think Most of them will make their way into the text somehow so I won't give, like, too many spoilers But there’s also plenty of stuff that won’t make it in there! Like, I had to make up this fake band for the fic (Lovelace) and to do that, I had to plan their albums/setlist for their tour (so I knew what tf i was talking about when writing). And to do that, I had to write a little bit of every single song they have!! So for the last week or so, I made a masterdoc and wrote a verse or two from every single one of their songs (which is 24 songs so I'm kind of giving 5sos a run for their money). Obviously, a few of these lyrics will find their way into the fic (like I've already included some in the first chapter) but definitely not all of them (because a couple songs are written really badly lmao) so it’s just a pretty cool little secret thing to have to help me write !!! and then there’s also a lot of backstory/history about the forming of the band (and some band dynamic stuff) that me and Ashley have talked about but I don’t know how much of that will or won’t appear in the fic yet <3 there's also the whole planning all the venues and the shows dates and what hotels they're staying at aaaa. I could never work in the industry it's way too much planning. but i think the coolest part of the process so far has been designing and writing the albums <3  
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Aw this is a cute one. Hmm i think the answer is Take Notes Calum tbh!! He was so much fun to write and, honestly, I’ve really struggled trying to write any characters like him moving forward. Like he’s just kind of Weird. He’s very manic pixie dream boyfriend coded. I had the most fun writing Take Notes because it was so silly while also kind of serious and in most of my other work I struggle to really reattain that balance. Like I feel as though I tip either one way or the other and TN was really the only fic that rode the line super well. And I think that was in large part due to the way I wrote Calum in that fic so!! I really enjoyed him and wish I could write him again!!
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Great question because there are a lot of writing “rules” i DO follow pretty closely so it’s hard to know exactly which ones I break. I’ve heard writers say to “avoid prologues” but I really love a prologue so that’s something. OO I will say !! a big rule of advice I got in high school creative writing was “don’t write a hobo in space story” (this is from a really good short story that talked about all the short stories you shouldn’t write lol) which is basically a story where two characters just hang out and talk and nothing really Happens except for them talking. And, honestly, i fucking love a hobo in space story. I love a scene where it’s just two dudes Talking. So i definitely do that sort of thing a lot even though i was told not to lol <3
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midnightkolrath · 7 months
Pondering about Dante's ages throughout the series
Because I've been up til 7 AM thinking about all of this a few times.
This isn't the first post I've seen out there about this, and there's ones that are pretty good with mathing out stuff....I'm just doing added thinking because that's just what I do, lmao.
Disclaimer: All of this stuff is based on what’s been stated in the games and other media that I’ve gathered, but regardless…none should be taken as hard fact unless Capcom decides to SPECIFICALLY state things directly in any sort of official media. What I list as “canon” are things I see line up appropriately based on the timeline DMC5 has set. That’s why “pretty much” and “likely” canon are used.
Childhood: 7/8 years old (7 pre-birthday before he got his half of the amulet, 8 the very moment of) [Pretty much canon]
Okay, now as far as I've seen, these ages are pretty much canon with how things add up. Question is, I've been trying to find the EXACT source where it was stated the twins were 8 when they got their amulets. I see it on the wiki but with a lack of citation, so...if anyone can pinpoint it anywhere for me, that'd be great. I'm assuming these ages are just what we know because of how the timeline adds up.
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DMC TAS Episode 8: Likely 10-11 years old [Guessed Estimate]
There's assumptions/implications (or downright even facts) that Dante was roaming around for some time completely alone after surviving the attempt on his life (which is tragic/sad to think about on its own), and based on how this episode shows "Tony" looking to be slightly older but not TOO old…so I assume he aged abit more, guessing to be around 10 years old. There's no exact estimate on how long he was there, before "disappearing"…but the episode also has Dante deny he's the same "Tony" being assumed, buuuut…there's layers, hah. Probably will go into it when I give this a deeper dive one day.
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DMC1 Novel: Likely 18 [Guessed estimate; I'd say its p much canon]
Non-canon in some places but canon in others (I'd say DMC5 and Before the Nightmare realigned a good bit of it nicely), this originally took place as a direct segment into DMC1 before DMC3 came into existence.
If we realign it, it'd mean the events of this would take place before DMC3 and segment into the DMC3 novel instead. Which is funky to think about, but hey Tony Redgrave era is pretty nuts on its own.
Dante's a mercenary during this, drinking and hanging out around a bar…so its very safe to assume he's 18 here. Not digging a rabbit hole on other drinking ages here because then it gets messy (lmao). We'll see how the anime treats this era, but its looking to be a parallel universe sooo....who knows.
DMC3: 18 (Manga), 19 (Game)
According to how Dante says its been around a year since he and Vergil last met (Which is the Manga; Even if its basically incomplete, with a planned 3rd volume that was going to be about Lady being cancelled), Dante is pretty much solidified to have been 19 around the time of the game. Pretty much aligns with how he's easily in his late teens around this point.
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DMC1: 23 (Early concept Sample script draft), 27/28 (Official(?)) [Non-canon (obviously for the draft); Pretty much Canon (For the final game version)]
According to Trish, its been around 20 years since the death of Eva (Well accurately the 'resurrection of mundus', but well…this is early DMC canon, I'll take that alignment). This misaligned easily with the sample script, but alights better with the assumed correct/final age, as Dante was around 7/8 when the tragedy occurred.
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With the sample script stating him as 23, its a scary idea on a what if that the twins would've lost their mother at a MUCH younger age…or if we do the math and keep the other ages the same…Dante being 23 would've meant DMC3 took place around 5 years prior…and Dante being 7/8 when losing his mom would've meant that the incident took place around 15-16 years ago, and not 20. Not so much AROUND 20 years, but this was the sample script based on the game originally being RE4 in concept, so its not really connected to the final product or main canon.
I included the sample script age here just because its interesting to think about the original RE4 version of DMC1 that pre-dated what would end up becoming the start of the franchise we all know and love today. Its important history in the way RE4 itself is pretty important as it was as revolutionary as DMC would end up becoming for action games. Think of this as bonus for fun addition, heh.
DMC TAS (Anime): Early/Mid-30s [Guessed Estimate] DMC2 Novel/DMC2: Mid-30s [Guessed Estimate]
This estimate requires some math and shit am I bad at it. But based on other factors its not a terrible guess. Its also a safe guess. DMC TAS is obviously awhile after DMC1 and DMC2 is awhile after DMC TAS.
DMC4: Around 40 (3142 graphics book) [Likely Canon]
If going by the fact that Nero is stated to be around the same age Dante was in DMC3, then that'd mean Nero is 19. If Dante's around 40 (Note: The specification is AROUND, not EXACTLY 40), then that would make him atleast 38/39 years old.
As an added fun fact, the 3142 graphics book is named as such because it used to be the timeline order for the games. Of course, DMC5 changed this and the order became 3124. Also confirmed as a change by Producer Matt Walker here.
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Of course, the full timeline order is like...
DMC1 Novel (Main events with a few adjustments/retcons) -> DMC3 Manga -> DMC3 -> DMC1 -> DMC TAS/DMC TAS Drama CDs -> DMC2 Novel -> DMC2 -> DMC4 Deadly Fortune novel (to a point; then it parallels to the game) -> DMC4 -> Visions of V (Prequel at first through V's PoV until it parallels the game) -> DMC5 Before the Nightmare (Prequel/Tease up to right before the game plot) -> DMC5
Probably missing a few things here, but eeeeuuuhhh pretty mush the gist.
...Got abit off topic there. Whoops.
DMC5: Early-40s [Guessed Estimate; Likely canon]
Before the Nightmare states DMC4 was 5 years earlier. In game confirms, due to Patty's age, that TAS was 10 years earlier, as Patty was 8 around the time the anime was occurring.
Based on calculations, 42 would be the mark as if Dante was 38 in 4, BTN’s statement would mark him as that. I don’t want to label it as the HARD canon (as I would like to see Capcom hard confirm these ages one day, even if the maths add up).
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This is just my general thoughts with stuff we know/can obviously assume. There's many other posts out there, like I said, with several others putting more precise info and here is a good read of someone's timeline calculations along with this here, this one as well aaand a more accurate timeline placement here (Along with other lore goodies for those looking).
Also note this was all written originally when I was sleep deprived at like 7 AM while I was trying to clean up/revise things at the moment, but I may still have abit of things kinda mixed. Hopefully I'm tossing this out comprehensible enough, hah.
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fortunatetragedy · 2 months
Forch, how do your guys know they are in a time loop in your story?
it's my favorite wax hello! <33333
so it's funny you should ask: until about 2/3 of the way through the novel they don't.
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behold! the back of my door! the prologue and hofer are both walking spoilers so i've tried to mitigate the damage a bit.
there aren't a ton of rules bc i am a lazy world-builder but the rules i've identified are as follows and i think are foreshadowed if not all-capsed in the prologue:
sullivan is a fixed point
if sullivan dies before stopping powell from summoning a god-spirit, the loop restarts
anyone who dies has their memory of the previous loop wiped
it's possible to recall the previous loop through physical contact with a fixed point
the first row of post-it notes shows a reset point, which corresponds to flashback chapters in book 1.
(there was a mini-reset in january 1873 but that had nothing to do with them trying to stop dr. powell lol.)
you can see how many times they had to redo each loop based on the number of post-it notes. and it's arranged so you can see how far they got on the timeline each time.
(tangential fun fact in the spirit of #thirsty thursday: i've done the math and by the time we join them in book 1, if you filter out all the time they were separated bc army red tape and royston needing assistance to write a letter, sullivan and royston were together for six years. royston, metaphysically, feels like they've been together for nine years or smth ridiculous like that bc he counts the year they were separated and sullivan doesn't. on paper it's eight months. i have not done the math on sullivan and hofer's friendship bc other than the four months sullivan was in the clink, they were not separated. those two dicks would feel like they've known each other for 25 years if they could remember anything LOL.)
bail out here if you don't want book 1 spoilers:
a couple things happen in this loop:
we learn hofer did something in a previous loop that has caused him to be permanently unable to recall previous loops even if he survives unless condition #3 is active.
royston gains the ability to retain his memory between loops whether he dies or not
we learn who's okay with abusing rules #2 and #4 to stack information for the next loop
sullivan establishes he has an 88% chance of dying and isn't exempt from the memory wiping rule even if he's a fixed point bc he's a human being and i'm a dick
once they figure out in the final 1874 iteration around p. 420 that royston will remember everything that happened, the "flashback" chapters become "flash forward" chapters, as they take place in the locked-in 1873 and haven't happened yet bc we're still down in hell with the boys on a saturday night.
so abstract: they don't lol
summary: well they don't at first but then they figure out the rules and turns out only royston knows they're in a time loop great we're fucked.
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tomatosoupgroup · 3 months
sorry for the late post. no excuse this time i just got distracted lmao
but!! screenshot saturday!
lets get right into it.
so if you follow my twitter, you may remember seeing this on your timeline:
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this, of course, is me working on ui elements for the rpg battles. they look pretty unfinished here.
well im proud to say that...
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(well, sorta.)
as you can see, the rpg ui as a whole is still clearly unfinished. because of this, this battle screen is completely non-functional.
none of the actual math for the battles has been implemented.
take a look at this
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although the equations haven't been implimented...
some of the equations have been written!
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i would love to explain these, but at the same time i really don't wanna
my brain hurts just looking at these fucking things UGHHHHH
so what else?
...oh yeah! i've also made a list of enemies...
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AND some new dialogue for the intro...
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(no peeking! at least for now. i'll give you a glimpse eventually...)
theres also this!
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i'm not exactly sure how to explain this, but i'll try my best! this is gonna be a guide for when i implement the save mechanic. it shows what data goes where.
i'd say that's it for now!!! pretty good screenshot saturday, if i do say so myself!
cya next week!
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galexystern · 1 year
butterfly wings
chapter three; fall 1984
pairing; steve harrington/eddie munson/reader aka steddie/reader, steve/reader, eddie/reader
rating; T
warnings; fluff, angst, au - canon divergence, fucked up the timeline a bit, smoking weed, shotgunning smoke
word count; 3.8k
desc; eddie gives you a nice surprise, steve gets to know you better, and all three of you share some smoke.
read on ao3 / series masterlist
Winter comes and goes. In fact, the whole rest of the school year comes and goes in a flash. The summer comes in hot and heavy, and you suffer in the sweltering bookstore. You swear that you'll get another job next summer if they don't add air conditioning. You beach it up with Nina and Mark. You and your friends take a road trip into Illinois and hit Chicago hard. You attend the annual Taste of Chicago and explore the State of Illinois Center. You even manage to find a gay bar—Jesse goes wild under your and Hailey's supervision and Vickie's awkward flirting somehow nags her a girl's number. She gets embarrassed every time any of you bring it up, but you can each tell she's proud too.
Junior year sneaks up on you and hits you like a freight train. It doesn't even slow down, just pushes you into the deep end as soon as it starts. You try out for the fall play and drag Jesse into auditioning too. Surprise—he loves it (he's an English nerd like you, so you knew he would). The difficulty dial turns up on all your classes except math, which has never been your strong suit. While you're stuck a year behind everyone else, you're pleasantly surprised to find Eddie in your class.
"Well hello there, stranger," he says as you take the desk next to his.
"Hi!" You exclaim, happy to have a friend in the class.
Eddie laughs at your enthusiasm. "That's the most excitement I've seen for a math class in a long time."
"Oh, yeah," you say sarcastically. "I'm all about math. I dream of it at night."
"And here I am, a fool for dreaming about you instead." He winks and you blush madly. You set up your notebook and pencil perfectly, just for something to do instead. You hear Eddie chuckle and then there's a loud handclap from Mrs. Dolip, making everyone jump.
"If she's gonna do that every day, I'm gonna have a heart attack," Eddie whispers to you under his breath.
"Don't worry," you whisper back, "I know CPR."
You can feel his eyes on you and you know you're still blushing, but you also smirk, all the while watching your teacher write the first lesson on the board.
A week later, while Mrs. Dolip is blabbing on about equations, Eddie speaks out of the side of his mouth. "Have you thought about my Hellfire offer at all?"
You wince and shake your head minutely.
"Okay, angel. No sweat." Your breath hitches at the pet name. "Just keep it in the back of your mind for me." You nod and he lounges back in his desk.
Another week later, Eddie stops paying attention to the worksheet you two are supposed to be finishing and props his head on his hand. "You know, D&D is a lot more fun than this."
You give him a look. "Anything would be more fun than this." The page is full of fractions that keep drifting away from your eyes.
"Fair," he muses, "but D&D would be as fun as doing the school plays. I know you enjoy those."
"I do, but there are things I enjoy more, you know."
"Like what?"
"Reading. Fleetwood Mac. Cats. Taking a walk by the Seine."
"Paris, huh?" You nod. "But what about an alternate world where magic exists and fairies are spiteful and dragons terrorize villages and wizards command the elements?"
"Sounds a little dark for my tastes."
"You're the one who said Fleetwood Mac." He gives a cheeky smile. You roll your eyes and get back to work.
A month after that, just when you've forgotten about D&D, Eddie says after class one day, "You could be a princess, you know. Or a bard. Or a really good thief who always takes what they need but must leave something they want."
He shrugs. "It's a curse. Balance is necessary."
You put your pile of books on your desk and turn to him. "Eddie, what are you doing?"
"A great question, milady." He beams. "I'm courting you."
"You're what?" You feel like you're choking on the words.
"To be my apprentice," he clarifies. "My successor."
"Oh." There's a faint sense of disappointment. "Well—"
"Before you say anything, just gimme some more time. I've got some tricks up my sleeve." He winks but there's a pleading in his voice. "Gimme a chance."
You study him, fingers adorned with silver rings constantly fidgeting at his sides, hair wavy and out of control, the same faded leather jacket he always wears shining in the florescent lights.
You sigh. "Okay."
He brightens considerably. "Really?"
"Yeah. Court me or whatever."
"That I can do, angel!" With that, he sprints out the door. You follow at a leisurely pace, not really sure what you're getting yourself into.
The next Steve-and-Nancy drama comes around, except this time, you're somehow in the middle of it. It was a crazy sequence of events that led up to it. It started at home.
"I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?" Nina had called from the foyer while putting on her shoes.
"Um," you'd uselessly shouted back while thinking. "We need Pop-Tarts and lemonade. Maybe also some Arnold Palmer's? And tampons please!"
"Check, check, and check," and then she was out the door.
About twenty minutes later, you heard a honk from outside—your sister's way of telling you she's back and to come help with the groceries. You slipped on some boots and grabbed the first heavy jacket you felt in your closet, since a chill had set in recently. You walked out the door, down the stairs, and to the car. Nina had the trunk open and you pulled out one of the bags. You started walking back to the building, not paying enough attention evidently, because you ran into someone halfway through the parking lot.
As if in slow motion, the bag broke open and things went flying. Nothing broke but it was almost worse what actually happened: a box hit the ground with abnormal force and sprang open, propelling tampons into the air. You looked at the person you bumped into through the spray and were mortified to find Steve Harrington staring back at you with a smirk.
Worse still, when the tampons had fallen back to the ground and rolled around on the pavement, Steve reached out and pinched the jacket you were wearing. "I wonder where I've seen this before," he teased.
You looked down and sure enough, you were wearing Steve's letterman jacket.
You just froze, staring at nothing with wide eyes, sure that this whole situation could not get worse. And yet, it did.
"Steve!" Nina said happily, joining the two of you. "Where have you been?"
"Hi, Nina. Just around. At school, practice," he answered cordially, still looking at you with mirth in his eyes.
"We've missed you. You have to come for dinner. What are you doing tonight?"
"Absolutely nothing," and you could hear the cheekiness oozing from the words. "I'd be honored to join."
"Great!" With that, she just walked away and disappeared into the building.
"Oh my god," you breathed, and Steve finally burst into laughter. "Oh my god," you repeated, moaning this time.
"Your face! It was priceless!" There were tears in his eyes. "That was the best thing I've seen in a long time."
That piqued your interest, but it could be examined later. You had to survive this mortification. "I'm so sorry," you said, "I'm so sorry!" You dropped the broken bag, scattering more items, as you rushed to pull off his jacket. "I forgot!"
Steve's hands darted out and stopped yours from moving. You looked up at him. He was smiling. "There's nothing to apologize for, beautiful. You don't have to take it off now. It's cold out here." He dragged it back over your shoulders and you had to hold in a shiver. "I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I made you strip out here."
Your eyes widened and he laughed again. In an effort to draw attention elsewhere, you dropped to the ground and started collecting the tampons and other stuff. Steve joined you. You tried to use the bag but it was useless. Without any other option, you took the tampons and shoved them in the pockets of the jacket, making him laugh again, louder this time. You laughed too, seeing the ridiculousness in it all. All you and Steve could do was laugh for a minute, just crouching in the middle of the parking lot.
As the giggles faded and breathing evened, you started picking up the other things. "Here," Steve said, and held out his shirt, making a kind of basket. You giggled again as you piled items into the makeshift pouch, until everything was off the ground. You two stood and both supported the weight of his shirt.
"I never imagined I would kind of understand what it's like to be pregnant," Steve joked, and it took a lot of effort not to become completely useless due to laughter.
You both got inside and helped put away the groceries. You were thankful Nina had already started cooking and didn't seem to notice how you'd carried the items inside. As soon as everything was away, Nina was directing you and Steve to help prepare and dinner got underway.
A few hours later, after you'd finished eating and cleaning up the table, you and Steve escaped to your room. "Here," you said sheepishly, handing him his letterman jacket. He took it with a grin and laid it on the back of your desk chair. You sat on your bed while he examined your room.
He looked at your collection of manatees. "Each one is from a new city we've moved to," you explained.
"There's so many." Steve sounded both awed and a little sad.
"Yeah, we've been a lot of places."
"Nina and I are army brats. Dad was moved from base to base a lot. It was cool to see the world, but making friends was always hard." You breathed deep. "They died a couple years ago. Car crash. Can you believe it? Dad was in the fucking military and a random accident is what officially takes them away?"
"I'm sorry." His voice was gentle and soft and kind.
You forced your voice to stop wobbling. "Anyway, Nina got custody. We've moved a couple times so she could find a good enough job to take care of us both. But her job at the hospital here is really nice. She likes it a lot. And it feels pretty stable."
"Where's the one for here?"
"We haven't been able to find one yet. We do have to get it local and for some reason, Hawkins just doesn't sell manatee merchandise." Steve looked back at you and matched your grin.
"What's your favorite one?"
You stood and moved to join him. You picked out a small, delicate manatee. "This one's from Hawaii. We weren't there for very long, but we found this at a tiny shop in Maui. Hand-carved and hand-painted."
"It's beautiful." But Steve was still staring at you.
"Thanks," you whispered, face heating. Realizing your position, you cleared your throat and stepped away. "So, um, how's Nancy?"
It was like being doused in cold water. Steve's expression hardened, though he carefully returned the manatee to its rightful place before stalking away. "It's fine."
"Sounds like it." You said it simply, but it broke through. Steve sighed and perched on the end of your bed. You sat next to him. "Wanna talk about it?"
"I don't even really know what's wrong," he started, sounding confused and lonely. "This past year was great. I thought we were past all the stuff from last year. But...it feels different. Feels like something's off."
"Have you asked her about it?" He shook his head. "Might be a good place to start. Communication is key."
His lip quirked up. "Maybe." There was silence for a few minutes. You were just about to touch his hand when he sprang up from the bed. "So what are you doing for Halloween?"
Shocked by the sudden topic change, you stammered, "Um, something with my friends? Like...horror movie night? Maybe?"
Steve nodded seriously. "Are you dressing up?"
"I'm not sure. I have an idea but there's not really anywhere to wear it."
He lit up. "Come to the party! Tina's party! Nancy and I will be there. And you can bring your friends."
"Are you sure?" Your brow furrowed.
"Totally! It'll be fun. Here," he grabbed a pen and scribbled something onto a piece of paper on your desk, "that's her address. Easy to get to from here!"
"Great!" He beamed. "Well, I gotta go! Those essays won't write themselves!" With that, he awkwardly dashed from the room, grabbing his jacket in the process.
"Bye, I guess," you said to the empty room, completely bewildered.
And that's how you're here, at Tina's Halloween party.
"Are you sure we're invited?" Vickie asks nervously.
"Duh!" Jesse replies, already dancing to the beat, "Steve invited us personally."
You shrug, feeling a little helpless. "He did."
"So let's have some fun!" Hailey yells. She grabs Jesse's hand and they plunge into the crowd, immediately heading for the dance floor. You look at Vickie, who looks right back at you.
"Drinks?" You offer.
"Drinks." She confirms.
So you two also head into the fray, in the opposite direction, eventually finding a communal punch bowl that must have six different kinds of alcohol in it for how pungent it smells. You and Vickie ladle some into cups and try it.
"That's nasty," Vickie coughs. You agree. You both keep drinking.
"Hey, you made it!" You hear Steve before he appears, dressed like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. He stops short when he sees you fully. "Whoa."
You look down self-consciously. "Does it look okay?"
"You look sick!" He exclaims. "Not sick like ill, but like super cool. Carrie is such a good choice. Who did the blood?"
"Jesse, Hailey, and I took turns," Vickie answers, and Steve grins.
"Looks awesome!"
"Thanks, Steve." You try not to blush. "Hi, Nancy," you add when you see the girl appear next to him.
She smiles—well, more like grimaces—in greeting before taking a cup and dipping it right into the punch bowl. You and Vickie exchange a side glance, but Steve just follows her lead. "Let's dance," she shouts to him. He gives her a thumbs-up and waves at you and Vickie before disappearing into the crowd.
"Something's not right there," Vickie says to you. You already knew that, but you didn't want to see it right in front of you either.
"I'm gonna get some air," you tell her. She nods and you weave through the people, finally finding the doors leading to the deck and backyard. When they slide open, the cool air is a relief on your hot skin, and you breathe deep in relief.
"Didn't expect to see you here, princess."
You jump at the voice and turn to see Eddie leaning against the side of the deck, surrounded by a cloud of smoke. "Jesus Christ," you choke out.
"I gotta stop scaring you, angel, or I'm gonna have to give you CPR. And I'm not certified." You half-smile, heart still racing. Seeming to sense that, Eddie motions to you. "Come sit down. Get your breath back."
You do as he recommends and sit in the chair next to him. Good thing it's metal, otherwise the fake blood you're wearing would soak in.
"You look great, by the way," Eddie appraises. "Superb fake blood placement. Very authentic."
You smile in thanks, still calming down. "What're you doing here?" You ask when you feel you can.
He holds up a metal lunchbox. "You don't know I'm the local dealer?"
You shake your head. It's news to you, but not altogether surprising. You tell him as much.
He chuckles. "I'm guessing you're not out here to buy?"
"No. Just to get some fresh air."
"Well, shit." He starts to wave away the smoke from his almost-spent joint. "Sorry, princess."
You wave a hand. "It's fine. Actually..." Eddie raises an eyebrow in interest. "I'd be down. To partake. If I can."
"Course you can," he says with a wicked grin. He pulls a fresh joint from behind his ear. "And for you, pretty lady, it's on the house." You go to grab it, but he brings it out of reach again. "But only if we can share."
You nod eagerly and Eddie claps his hands together. "Excellent." He drags a chair over and sits next to you. He hands you the joint and you put it between your lips. Expecting for him to hand you the lighter, you're startled when he leans forward instead, flicking on the flame and lighting it for you. As you inhale, the burning embers set his face aglow a little. He's very pretty.
You finally exhale, releasing the smoke into the air. "Well done, angel," he says, impressed. You shrug nonchalantly as he takes his drag. When he exhales, he creates little rings out of the smoke.
"Whoa! Can you teach me to do that?" You ask excitedly.
He laughs. "Of course."
A little while later, first joint gone and second started, you're just about getting the hang of smoke rings when the door slams open. You and Eddie both turn your heads quickly to see Steve in the doorway, breathing heavily.
"Steve?" You say hesitantly. He looks at you. He has devastation written all over his face. "What's wrong?"
"Can I get a hit?" He asks, ignoring your question.
Eddie hands the joint over without argument, clearly seeing what you're seeing. Steve takes a long drag before exhaling loudly, relaxing as he does. He collapses in the chair near you and Eddie.
"It's over."
"What's over?" You ask.
"Me and Nancy."
Eddie sucks in through his teeth. "That sucks, man."
"Steve, I'm so sorry."
"She called me 'bullshit'," he spits out. "Called our whole relationship 'bullshit'." His tone turns sad. "Said she doesn't love me anymore."
You feel terrible for him. "Steve, you're not bullshit."
"Apparently I am." He inhales from the joint again.
You pluck the joint away, take a quick drag, and hand it to Eddie. Placing a hand on Steve's, you order gently, "Steve, look at me." He swings his head to you sadly, eyes heavy. "You are not bullshit." He scoffs but you interrupt. "Steve." He shuts his mouth. "You are not. bullshit."
Steve gazes at you, then directs his attention to Eddie. "She's right, man," Eddie confirms. Steve looks back at you. You give him a small smile, which he eventually returns.
Temporarily resolved, you turn to Eddie and motion for the joint. You suck in greedily, inhaling quickly. You hold it in for a few seconds, and then release it—finally making a correct smoke ring.
"You did it!" Eddie yells.
"I did it!" You echo.
"Great job, beautiful," Steve commends, and you smile angelically at both of them. You give Steve the joint, who takes a drag and hands it to Eddie. "You guys ever shotgunned?" He asks once he's exhaled.
"Obviously," Eddie answers with contempt, but you're confused. "Like a beer?"
"No, smoke," Steve clarifies. You shake your head.
"You don't know how to shotgun, princess? Well, we gotta remedy that," Eddie continues.
Steve explains. "It's when you blow the smoke into another person's mouth."
You're having trouble trying to picture it, and Eddie senses it. "Here, Harrington and I will demonstrate." It feels like a challenge.
One that Steve is up for. "Let's do it, Munson."
They both stand and step in close to each other. They're about the same height—Steve's just the tiniest bit taller—but their mouths are pretty level. Eddie takes a drag, lets it sit, and then lines up his lips with Steve. He exhales the smoke directly into Steve's mouth, who inhales it deeply. They're centimeters from kissing. It makes you squirm a little.
"Nicely done, Harrington," Eddie says, impressed.
Steve does a little bow, making Eddie laugh unexpectedly. You try to hide a smile. Then they both look at you.
"Your turn, beautiful," Steve says.
"Okay." Your voice is a little small.
"You wanna do it?" Steve asks Eddie, but he shakes his head. "All yours, dude."
Steve sits back down and scoots closer to you. He looks deep into your eyes. "Okay, come close." You do so and your body heats up in the proximity. "I'm gonna do it. You just hold those pretty lips open, okay?" You nod, trembling a little. Steve takes a drag, holds it, and then leans in even closer. You can practically feel his mouth on yours. You're almost unprepared for the smoke as it comes billowing towards you, but you inhale as you're supposed to. Steve stays close for a few seconds, the eye contact too intense to break, until you accidentally puff out the smoke into his face. He leans back and coughs. 
"Sorry!" You exclaim.
"It's alright," Steve answers with a smile. "No harm done."
"You wanna try, angel?" You turn to Eddie and nod. Steve hands you the joint as Eddie comes close this time. You inhale, letting the smoke roll around in your mouth, and then lean in and blow it into Eddie's waiting lips. He inhales it greedily and there feels like electricity between you as he doesn't break his gaze. You can't seem to close your mouth. The moment only ends when Eddie turns his head up and releases the smoke into the night sky.
He looks back down at you. "Good girl," he murmurs, and you feel like you could die.
You collapse backwards, exhausted from the tension.
"How was that?" Steve asks.
"Great," you answer dreamily, and he smiles.
"We're honored we could pop your cherry, princess," Eddie adds cheekily.
You shiver—and then keep shivering.
"Oh, beautiful, you're cold," Steve points out. You don't feel cold; you actually feel hot, from being so close to both of them, and seeing them so close to each other. But there are goosebumps on your skin and you can feel your teeth start to chatter. "Let's get you inside."
All three of you stand and move towards the door. Eddie opens it and lets you and Steve step inside before following and shutting it behind him. You already feel better.
Vickie comes rushing up to you. "We gotta go. It's almost my curfew." She takes your hand and pulls.
You turn back to catch glimpses of those beautiful boys. "Thank you!" You call out, hoping they hear you.
chapter four
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fatherentropy · 1 year
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Because my tES roster has gotten large and complicated I thought I should make this and ramble a bit. And then tumblr ate my post so let's try to do this AGAIN but quicker because I started writing this at midnight and it's now 6 am SO!!
warning for child endangerment/death
Winter, Summer, Autumn and Spring are names given to girls kidnapped by this one man. There have been multiples of them but the last four are here. Winter was murdered before she could reclaim her name, Summer forgot hers and Spring...I just haven't named her. She's not that important outside Lily's story aah.
Lily is not coping well with anything going on in her life but is doing remarkably well for a girl who was orphaned at 11 and raised herself on the road. Largely because she's being personally supported by Sheogorath because she's his "Grand niece." Dedicated her life on Nirn to hunting Thalmor and Stormcloaks, blaming them for her parents' death.
Lulueith was raised by her mom in Valenwood but left to look for her dad after she passed from illness out of curiosity and nothing holding her where she grew up. She was disappointed because he's largely just a drunk content to drinking himself to death in peace. Just here to vibe now.
Part of Lulu's dad's angst is from Summer trying to kill him before abandoning him altogether. She was a very bad mom but she tried because she tries a lot of things seeing if it'll make her feel anything significant since growing up in constant fear has kind of fucked her brain up. She meant to destroy Tuveri's life specifically but her plan was foiled by Martin's kindness giving Tuveri the power to push her away. Fled Cyrodiil after Martin died because part of that seperation was Tuveri warning her that the next time he saw her he was going to kill her.
(I also drew Summer's line too dark but I think I'll keep this. I like it more than what I've been rolling with.)
Tuveri!! Is an Ashlander actually. His dad got sick and died and Tuveri was in the middle of making him a cairn when he got too close to the road and was pinched by the man and brought to Cyrodiil. Would have returned to Morrowind after escaping with the other two surviving girls but he kept dreaming of Cyrodiil and took that as a sign he had to stay. Thus him becoming HoK and then Sheogorath after that.
I have a lot of thoughts about Tuveri as Sheogorath but that's another rambly essay. To put it simply he's kind and caring to those who are "his" and malicious to those who aren't because that's typically the role they cast him and his in. Thus him targeting Ulfric and his scheme resulting in his son named both Martin (by Tuveri) and Yngve (by Ulfric).
Have a lot on Yngve's emotional state but not a lot of anything else just 'cause Todd willing I might plop him in the next game whenever tf that happens. (Y'know providing we don't go back the timeline/they don't add a super specific opening ala Fallout 4.)
detour to talk about Laury
He's named after the witch his parents managed to take down before they were murdered by the other three while trying to protect him. He was then raised by them to be Hermaeus' champion. Though large parts of that time is lost because his memory is swiss cheese between the alchemical shit he was forced to imbibe (Fun fact! Laury has taste only in one small part of his mouth) and depression.
There's math somewhere in the blank space of me trying to figure out Winter/Autumn's ages during Morrowind because I realized I could go the full nine yards and pull Laury into this weird mix above by doing this:
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Nerevarine as dad or grandad? I dunno yet but next time I try and play that game... yeehaw. That man is gonna have a bad time.
Also think it's very tragic of Winter's mom to look to Hermaeus for answers and become one of his biggest shill holes when he sponsored her daughter's kidnapper.
(technically still thinking about whether I should but I'll probably do it. You've heard rule of cool, have you heard of rule of sad?)
I have other ESO alts besides Yorick and Illya but I tend to delete them on a whim so! Hypothetically, Yorick is actually like 50ish% human so a(n indirect) descendant of his could be the man but that's a lot of centuries between. Do you know how many bretons you could fit in there? At what point does it stop mattering.
Illya is just a dragon priest that saw the writing on the wall and fucked off. Kept the mask and became a vampire because can you imagine dying? Couldn't be him. He is my Miraak expy and I love him even if I do nothing with him ever.
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I've been reading so much meta, it's a little hard to keep track of who said what, so sorry if you have discussed this. Anyway, I saw a theory that William and Louis are twins, but because William stoke the identity of someone who is two years older, he's been lying about his age. Do you have any thoughts on this?
This is a very silly theory that doesn't make any sense. Let's break this apart.
The fact that William stole the identity of someone two years older than him is based on his extracanonical age of 24 (for the bulk of the series). This is the only reason we actually know this. OG William would have been 26 in the bulk of the series if he survived. This is discernable through simple math: he was turning 13 when he died, and the main series takes place 13 years later.
However, Louis's extracanonical age is only 23. Therefore, if William was lying about his extracanonical age (somehow???), he could just as easily be OG William's age, or Mycroft's age, or--you get the picture.
William's extracanonical age, to me, feels indisputable. Yes, his profile in the series is lying, or at least cribbing a few facts from OG William's biography (like his age and birthday, which are not William's own). But because his age even on this profile doesn't match up to OG William's biography, and because his height and weight are a perfect match to Sherlock's down to the centimeter and pound, the fact that they are exactly the same age despite this causing some weird timeline funniness, feels very concrete.
Yet, again, Louis's extracanonical age is only 23, and he has no reason to lie about that, especially extracanonically.
But here is my biggest reason this is incredibly silly to think of this idea as "meta" or a "theory": It doesn't help understand the story at all. It might be sort of fun to think about or have as a headcanon or write fanfiction about, but nothing in the series is weird in a way that would be less weird if they were twins.
Nothing in the series, even pre-adoption, indicates that they might in any way be twins. They are close siblings close in age who look similar....but OG William was only a bit over a year younger than Albert, and they also looked quite similar. Sometimes, this is a thing that happens. Mycroft and Sherlock could be mistaken for each other when Sherlock pulls his hair back. They're obviously not twins. They're just siblings who look like each other.
While YuuMori has some elements of unreliable narration, and while that is one of my favorite tropes I think should be used so much more often it should be universal, an unreliable narrator only works when the narration itself stops making sense until you realize someone's view, explanation, and narration of the situation is off.
For instance, in William's narrative, Sherlock was a detective who wouldn't kill, but would arrest/kill/end him, the Lord of Crime. Because William thought that, and because that's the typical story, readers were generally willing to buy it. But Sherlock had said already that he liked William, never said he was going to kill anyone, and very early on said the reason he wasn't going to kill Hope was because he didn't want someone to hand him answers--William wasn't actually tempting him with something he wanted anyway. Ergo, we can determine that William's narrative was unreliable. It doesn't actually match the facts presented to us.
Nothing at all in this series indicates anything about William or Louis's apparent birth being about a year apart is off, or unexplainable, or inexplicable, or just seems odd. In fact, it's never remarked on in canon at all. They have no real strangeness about them or their story that would make more sense if they were twins.
This is a theory that's trying to solve something that doesn't need to be solved. It's very much being pulled out of thin air.
And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with doing that. Please, I write original fiction: that's most of what I do. But it's ridiculous and inaccurate to call that meta or theory or analysis.
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
Hello! Again, really glad you're back we missed you but thankfully you feel better and that's all that matters. The party on Saturday was really fun and then really embarrassing so I've been trying to erase some parts from my memory😅 (I really need supervision when I drink). Anyways, here's a bunch of theories and little things I can't stop thinking about and I wanted to share. Here's a new list!
Theory: Lucifer will change a canon event and for some reason I think one of them will be Asmodeus dying
The reson Bella ran away from Kincaid is because she felt Arthur, who maybe has magic powers over animals like snow white or something and that's why he loves animals so much (a little ridiculous but then I imagined him cosplaying as Snow White and he would be so cutee😍)
One of the indirect consequences of Other Max is that Max starts trying to time travel and getting obsessed with warlock math earlier?
Theory: Okay not much of a theory but I'm pretty sure everyone will find out about Other Max for sure- and what a clustefuck that could be
Theory:Lucifer did all those things before in Other Max's timeline (like help Kincaid get born and save Selena) and now Other Max is trying to make these canon events happen without his help
Is Lucifer only one or does multiple versions of him exist like there are David and Other David and how does he work in the time travel concept
Why did Other Max visit David when Max wasn't there?
Theory: Other Max doesn't talk to Max because he misses himself and the way he was when he was with David like he told David in IALS
Who stopped David from leaving Max in Other Max's timeline? Did someone stop him? Or did Max run around trying to find him in the mundane world?
If there was no Other Max in Other Max's timeline, how did they explain the demon attacks?
I think that everything is the same in both timeliness up until Max meets Mallory and David takes over the institute, that's when Other Max started visiting their reality and when the two timelines started to get different, right? Or where there differences from before that?
Okay this one hurts to think about, it's more like an observation, but remember how Rafael used to tease Mavid when they were little and were very in love but pretended not to be? That should have been Lance with Arthur and Kincaid. But it's not. And wow that kinda hurts a lot so I'll leave it to that.
Okay, I'll just say it, the shadowhunters are in the wrong and Lexi is in the wrong period. And it's not just because it's Lance and we love Lance. No matter who it was, it's a kid, their nephew for the love of God. Are you telling me that Lexi will fight Max? Or David? Because that's really really fucked up. I'm with the sealies on this one, sorry not sorry
Max doesn't talk to Rafael after finding out about the wards, yeah I'm okay, definitely not crying over that in the bathroom
Lexi being jelous of Madeleine kinda warms my heart because I really love siblings and their dynamics and that's why the Rafe/Max drama hurts like hell and I need more Lexi/David content and honestly I need Lexi to be like "I prefer to let Idris get destroyed than to hurt Lance and fight against David and Max" and that's probably not gonna happen but here's to hopeless dreaming
The demons are waiting for Lance oh why do I get the feeling that that's not going to end well?
Okay, super important question. What's Leviathan's relationship with Other Max? I recall him telling Max once that their relationship doesn't start for a very long time and now I'm scared. Is Leviathan only one or are they two like we have two Maxs?
Okay I'm done for now, LBAF V has the most interesting and complicated plots I've seen like ever and I love it can't wait to read more! Don't forget to take care of yourself and not push yourself too much, lovee you🌷🩷
Oh, Vicky. Thank you so much for this. I had a rather difficult day (my physio said the recovery time for my injury is 2-4 weeks and I'm having a hard time accepting that because I don't like being ill sigh). But in good news, this means I won't go out of the house (because my lower mobility is restricted) so no physical meetings or events for October yaaaaaay.
So, yes. Really. Thank you for this. It made me smile for the first time today. I'm glad the party went well. Also, if you're embarrassing yourself a lil bit at a party, then it means you aren't having a good time (sounds like something Max would say hehe)
Now. Moving onto your theories and questions. I'll try answer what I can. Do bear with me if I ramble a lil bit.
Assmodaddy coming back is CURSED. Although I feel this would impact Magnus (and David??) poorly.
I love this. Arthur does have a very intimate connection to animals! And i looooove the Snow White cosplay (we know he loves Disney!!!) Also you know how snow white sings (she has a weird way of singing hehe I can see arthur imitating that flawlessly) PS - WHY IS THIS ARTHUR????? i literally imagine him talking like this sweet boy
Yep. That's correct.
Reminder they already found out once hehe and yes they might find out again (Except this time it could get more complicated hehe)
Why would Lucifer make sure Kincaid is born? 👀 (Since Kincaid is gonna kill Lance??)
This is a very good question (might get spoiler-y here). I consider Lucifer - and all angels and princes of hell and god(???) - to be omnipotent creatures who exist beyond time. This is why someone mentions Asmodeus (or Belial) isn't 'dead dead'. He can't be dead - like any demon. He is simply in the pandemonium and will return in like 5000 years or something. This is also why Leviathan knew about Other Max before Other Max came to the second timeline. Because he knows what happened in the previous timeline. So, there isn't an Other Lucifer or Other Leviathan or Other Raziel. They exist in their own dimension that isn't affected by time and space and reality. BUT (This is where we get spoilery) - not all angels and demons are aware of every dimension and what's going on. That's too much knowledge. No one is aware of what's happening in every single timeline - except for Lucifer. It's his 'superpower' of sorts. He can see everything (this is what i explored in FMF with the whole camera thingy). This is also why Nico can see the future (because it's a power he inherited from Lucifer. Okay. Enough for now.
I didn't get this question. You mean why was he 'stalking' David? Because he wanted to...see David? Other Max's visits to david have nothing to do with Max. He's just there to see and help David That's all. Unless I misunderstood the question.
Aw :( (yall know more later)
You'll find out about this. We'll learn about Other David and you are not ready for that shit.
You see, in the Other Timeline, there were no demon attacks. Because the demon attacks were because of the time travel thingy. So, that whole thing didn't happen.
I think that's right. The differences only start when Other Max starts visiting - and that changes the two timelines completely (as evidenced by the response question 10)
I too will take the side of the seelies and their army (never side with shadowhunters!!)
LBAF V should be called Lightwood Brothers All Fighting (or something)
Lexi really said "i can forgive madeleine for being a revenge-seeking maniac but i will not forgive her for trying to steal my brother" (kidding!!!!)
It never ends well, bebe.
Only one Leviathan like I said. What Leviathan was referring to is actually the present timeline and the clusterfuck waiting to happen. There is a scene with Leviathan and David in LBAF 4 that gives a lot of context:
“Why are you helping me?” David asked, feeling suddenly nervous. “What do you want?”
“I want you to do what you were born to do,” Leviathan whispered.
“Destroy the nephilim?” David swallowed.
“Love Max,” Leviathan replied. “The rest will fall into place.”
What Leviathan wants, more than anything, is chaos. Literally. And Other Max is doing just that. He is fucking up the timeline supremely and it's just going to get worse and worse. And all for David oof. Leviathan knows that and he is enjoying that. He sees Other Max as a weapon of (self-)destruction of sorts. But. I gotta say he is secretly scared of Other Max because we know he is unhinged.
Okay. I have rambled enough.
Thanks again. i looooooove you.
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futureworkplace · 3 months
Progress Update #3
What's Been Happening
It's been another month where I accidentally went radio silent on this account. It was both intentional and unintentional. The main reason being I didn't have anything to update, and didn't really do anything new since then. However, since then, I have been teaching myself how to code in Python for the game engine I'm using, Ren'Py. I wouldn't call myself an expert now, but I can at least code in general. To do this, I took Harvard's free online course (thanks to the direction of a tutor I talked to), CS50: Introduction to Programming in Python to obtain this knowledge and apply it. In the past week, I even made some test programs to measure my capabilities with programming. Despite my overall radio silence and time away from production, I think it was worth it to spend all this time learning how to code with Python.
What's Next?
More development in general. Story trees are my main priority right now. Now that I've taught myself how to code and have proven in practice that I can make a game, finishing the story tree is something I must do ASAP. Then I can continue developing the game after that. After that, the game art is something that needs to be done.
Hiccups, Hurdles and AHA! Moments
I had one very annoying hiccup happen while I was creating test programs. That was just getting the bars for Energy, Stress, Task and Focus to show up on the screen. It took me two whole days before I figured out how to fix the code. It was a very small AHA! moment with the semantic errors on my end.
An AHA! moment I had is figuring out a pretty solid way to implement math for the individual bars I mentioned earlier in conjunction with the player's inputs and customized stats. I have to iterate on it further, but I have direction with it now.
Where I am on my Timeline
I am definitely at least 3 weeks to a whole month behind. I am at least in the production phase, but I should have been here much earlier than I am right now. It's crunch time now.
If I had known how to code and knew where to acquire this knowledge I have now, this wouldn't have been an issue. But as I always say, lessons for the future.
Some Visual Documentation
I would post a video of my programs in work, but this is my second time doing this update because Tumblr crapped out and didn't post my update when I did that. I would really like to post a video, but I don't want to do a third try of this update. Here are some pictures of my test programs and small additions I made to the story tree.
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dirtyjvconfessions · 3 months
For previous anon, here is a rough timeline of events:
Around 1997 or 1998 Jhonen gets an offer from Nick to develop a show for them. The pilot is completed in 1999 and the show gets greenlit. First episode airs in 2001, and the show is cancelled in 2002.
So doing some math that would make JVs age at the time: 23/24, 25, 27 and 28 respectively. Given that Ressel went after teenage girls I don't think it matters and Jhonen would never have actually been a "target" of his. But I do think him being young and having no experience in animation before Zim is why the network (and Steve) had a condescending attitude towards Jhonen and felt like they needed to babysit him (this is backed up by Eric Trueheart's book of Zim scripts, which is a great resource to look at if you're curious about production lore). Anyway if you have any more production lore questions I can try to answer them. I've looked into this stuff a lot because it's all so fascinating
I have questions about Ressel you probably couldn't answer, but this is all very good information nonetheless. And feel free to spill more because I haven't read Eric Trueheart's book yet!
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