#i'm so scared to share this ahaha
unmellowyellowfellow · 2 months
hello everyone i just wanted to let y'all know the reason my writing content has slowed so much is because i've taken the step i've avoided for way too long, which is retaking all of my math courses. yes, all of them. yes, down to the bare basics.
i've been too scared to admit this because, quite frankly, i'm embarrassed. appalled at myself, really
i was homeschooled and unfortunately my education was halted at a young age (thanks mom (passed all of my english courses by age 12 so that's fine 🫶)) and i was too scared to pick up again because it made me feel stupid or too far gone to know any of it.
however since new years i've been forcing myself to do it anyway and it's been taking up all of my focus because if it doesn't, it won't happen.
so here's to yellow (hopefully) scoring their GED by next year!!!
i will continue to write here and post of course but mainly as of right now, i need to prioritize my education. love you <3
p.s. i am still editing and writing in my wip (of course) so i'll share some more of that soon !
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sehya · 3 months
✧˖°. ࣪𖤐 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫
✉ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴛʟᴇ ꜱᴀʏꜱ.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬): 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 × 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Loneliness has accompanied Lucifer for years. Year after another, his company was filled with inanimate objects with neither the ability to speak, move or feel. While he could manipulate the actions of the objects, it doesn’t change the fact that he has no real company to speak of.
So it felt strange when there was suddenly someone sitting on the same table set up for a tea party that he normally shares with just a group of rubber ducks.
The feeling was….phenomenal.
Lucifer doesn’t even know why you’re tolerating his ramblings. He wonders if it’s out of politeness, but he dismissed the idea halfway upon witnessing the way your eyes shine with interest, the way your eyebrows moved depending on what he’s talking about and the small smile hanging firmly on your delicate face. He has your full attention and for Lucifer, he feels happy being the sole focus of your attentiveness. Heck, he’d take your hums and nods over other people’s company.
“You know…” Lucifer smiled, cheek resting on his palm as he leaned against the table with eyes never leaving yours even for a second. “I have to thank you for helping me pack. It’d be a totally boring process without you.”
Your eyes softened, placing down the tea cup slowly before you reach out and held his hand, smiling. “Anything for you.”
Lucifer grin and giggled, completely enamoured with your kindness and understanding. It took so much from him to let go of his hesitations and apprehensions, too scared to enter yet another relationship after his heart suffered from the first. Now, however, he was glad he did.
You’re like the brightest of star that burned down his walls and willingly fell in his hands, melting his heart and mending it anew. Lucifer loves the fact that you don’t mind his too much chatter, and even more when you listened with such genuine interest.
“I mostly stayed here, so the things in my room isn’t as much as the things in here. I hope you don’t mind helping me out in unpacking, too. I mean…If that’s alright with you, ahaha. I don’t want to take up too much of your time just in case you have something to do.”
That's a lie.
If he could, Lucifer would like──no, he would love to have all the time you could possibly give him.
“Oh, right, before I forgot. Remember when you mentioned about the duckies that looks like us, wellllll…” Lucifer stood up, and without letting for of your hand, he summoned a box and placed it in front of you, opening it with an excited grin. “Ta-da!~ A personally made ones by the hands of the big boss of hell. Ah-hm, what do you think?”
Lucifer watched with a touch of nervousness despite the big grin on his face as your eyes widened, staring at the pair of rubber ducks that has obvious traits to you both.
Then he saw your face erupted in red. Your eyes were staring at his gift. “You…really made it?”
It was just a random comment.
Lucifer giggled, “I made it for you.”
“You made it for me.” You whispered, feeling extremely touched. “You mean…these are for me? I can keep them both?”
Lucifer saw your eyes brightened, picking up the rubber duck that looks like him with such gentleness, as though it’s made of porcelain that could easily break. His breath hitched when you turned to him, then back to the rubber duck, then back at him, then you smiled at him.
“Yes?” he answered hoarsely upon noticing your eyes goes lower. He somehow has an inkling what you’re going say.
“Can I kiss you?”
Lucifer grinned, he was right. Licking his lips in anticipation, he answered. “I, yeah, of course. You always can.”
With a smile, Lucifer felt your gentle hand on his face as you stood up to capture his lips in a gentle kiss before pulling away, smiling softly as you ask. “They look amazing, our little figurines. I'd like to hear their little quirks, I'm sure you did something like that back-flipping one that spits fire. Can you tell me about it?”
Lucifer was put in a daydream by your kiss, but upon hearing your words, his eyes lit up as held the hand on his cheek, squeezing it a bit. “Oh boy, how’d you know I did a little something? You’re in for a lot of talking, because trust me, these two have lotsss of amazing little quirks. Be ready to waste your time on listening to my chitter-chatter.”
The rise in the corner of your lips was enough to tell Lucifer you don’t mind and that you’ll spent however much time needed just to listen to everything he wants to say, and that, for Lucifer, is something he would forever be thankful for.
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✧˖°. ࣪𖤐 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫
✉ Hope you enjoyed ᥫ᭡
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ohnogodpls · 8 months
Hi again
I don't think I'm gonna prophesy anything with that, but id like to share a funny hc I have, maybe you'll like too
So we've seen how everyone (myself included) thought that Neuvillette and Zhongli might get along bc well. Dragons responsible for their people and stuff. But with Neuvillette's release it became abundantly clear that he really hates the seven and thinks he's better and that he has enough power to bring them to justice.
However. He's like 500 years old. He barely has any information on anything that happened before him. He spent all those years being Chief Justice and at this point, it doesn't seem like Fontaine had any big internal conflicts in the last 500 years.
And let's have a look at Zhongli. 6000 years old and counting, remembers history at least back to 3000 years ago, won the Archon war, outlived almost all of his friends and his dragon sovereign (well, azdaha is alive but far from sane). He's seen some shit and is still strong even without his gnosis.
So if they meet, I think it'd go something like Zhongli going on a lecture about Liyue at some point, Neuvillette snapping out of his politeness to promise judgement for his sins or something, and Zhongli just going "...anyway, about this tea tradition..." Bc Neuvillette doesn't scare him in the slightest and so he chooses to continue pleasantly spending his day rather than fighting, verbally or physically.
And then Zhonglis impression of Neuvillette is something like "Distinguished gentleman, a bit too passionate about things long forgotten, but that's just lack of experience", while Neuvillette has a whole angry rant about arrogant pseudo-dragons and the like.
That's it, have a nice day!
Ahaha this is cute :D
I mean in Zhongli's eyes Neuvillette is basically a teenager, considering his age as far as we know
So if he starts throwing emo tantrum about judgement, Zhongli will just quietly put his shield up and continue his tea, ignoring the water splashes
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what if mc is actual shrimp .. like a shrimp merfolk ? > <
I have actually thought about shrimp mer mc before...
Warning(s): some yandere behavior, size difference, some kind of stockholm syndrome near the end
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"Heyyyy, Shrimpy~! Wanna go for a swim with me~?" Floyd asked you one day.
"No, that's alright, I'm kinda busy today." You responded.
But he didn't care. He was already dragging you along with him.
He brought you to the pool that NRC definitely has, and shoved you into the water... and then, you disappeared. Your uniform was floating in the water, but you were gone.
"Fuuuuuck, Shrimpy disintegrated........" Floyd said to himself.
Then, he saw a small... something moving around in your uniform. He jumped into the pool and moved your clothes around to get it out, and... well, he was surprised with what he saw.
"Ehe... I guess I was right to call you Little Shrimpy, huh~?"
You see, you were a tiny shrimp mer. Thankfully, the potion you take that turns you human also makes you normal human sized.
You know for a fact that Floyd Leech knowing this information spells nothing but trouble for you.
"You're so... small!" Floyd happily said, lifting you up out of the water and into the air. "You're so tiny, and cute, and... defenseless~" He gave a wide, toothy grin. "I wonder what you'd-"
"If you try to eat me I will fucking bite my way out of you do not test me, Leech." You angrily said.
"I'd like to see you try that, but eh, it's not worth the pain..." Floyd rolled his eyes. "So, Shrimpy, is this why ya didn't wanna swim with me?"
"...yeah, i-it is..." You said, crossing your arms and looking away.
"Ahaha! Were you embaaaaaaarrassed~?" He playfully asked.
"No, I just... I was..." You paused. "...scared."
"Hah? Scared of what?" Floyd asked.
"Of... well, o-of you."
"Of me? Haha! There's no reason to be scared of me, Shrimpy! Morays don't eat shirmp! Octopi do, though. So if there's anyone in Octavinelle you should be afraid of, it's Azul!"
"No, that's not why!" You yelled. "You're so unpredictable, I... didn't know if I'd be safe around you..."
"...oh. Ok, yeah, I got it." Floyd said, before setting you back down into the water. He crawled out of the pool and his body (very messily) transitioned back into a more human form. "I'll... see you later, Shrimpy."
What a weird interaction.
When you saw Floyd in class the next day, he happily patted the seat next to him, inviting you to sit beside him.
During Trein's lecture, he kept sliding you drawings that you kept sliding back trying to say that you're trying to focus on the lecture.
He stayed close to you in the hallways, and made this weird growling/shrieking noise at anyone who got too close to the two of you...
He escorted you to the cafeteria, got food for you (crab with butter, yum), shared some of his food with you, yelled at people who tried to mess with you, it was so... strange.
"Sooo, (Y/N), didja feel... safe around me today?" Floyd asked, walking with you to the Hall of Mirrors.
"Wait. Did you do all this just because I said I felt scared of you yesterday?!" You asked.
"Well, yeah. Why did you think I was doing all this?"
"What the hell, Floyd?!" You yelled. "N-No, you-! You can't just-!" You couldn't form any words.
"Huuuuuuh? What's wrong, Shrimpy?" Floyd asked, a sad look on his face. "You don't hate me, right? I didn't do anything wrong! I did what you wanted from me! I-I was less unpredictable today, right?! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANTED, RIGHT?! YOU DON'T HATE ME, DO YOU?!"
You pushed him away from you and ran into the mirror that led to your dorm.
"But I did everything right..."
You awoke to a loud sound late into the night.
Something grabbed you by the hair and pulled you out of the bed.
"Hiya. I realized that no matter what I try, you're not gonna feel any less scared of me, so then I thought there's gotta be a way to make you forcefully feel less scared, ehe!"
You recognized that voice immediately.
"Just so you know, if you try to struggle, get away, yell for help, anything... I'll squeeze ya good. I'll break your ribs, legs, arms, whatever I need to in order to get you to comply. You don't wanna risk that, do you~?"
You knew he wasn't lying. He would do that to you and he wouldn't care.
Floyd dragged you back to his dorm, and began filling a sink with water.
You see, the thing about your body is that, even when under the effect of a potion, you'll revert to your true form when exposed to water. (Floyd will too, but that's not the point)
Floyd shoved your face into the water.
"If you see something pretty, keep it somewhere safe. Keep it close to you. Make sure you're the only one who can see it. That's what Jade says about his terrariums, at least." Floyd said, lifting the rest of your slowly-shrinking-back-to-normal-size body into the sink. "You're about terrarium sized. I got you one that's filled with water! Ehehe... I'll keep you inside of it... and slowly, slowly, slowly, you'll become dependent on me. And of course less scared of me!!"
You were scooped up out of the sink into a glass bowl filled with water, a few plants, and rocks.
"Ahahaha!! You look so cute like this!" Floyd happily said. "I'll take you back to my room, and we can start our whole little bonding experience! Oh, and don't even think about tying to escape. You know dehydration and drying out is deadly to us merfolk. So from now on, until I say otherwise, that bowl is your entire world."
You don't know how much time passes behind the glass.
Eventually, this life... gets to you. Something snaps within you.
And then you realize the only thing you can trust in this new life is the hand that gives you food, and the heterochromatic eyes that look at you from the other side of the glass.
What was his name again?
Come to think of it... what was your name...?
...oh well. It's not like that matters anymore.
"You seem so passionate about that one." Jade said, gesturing to the glass bowl filled with water, rocks, and plants. "I'm surprised you don't have more terrariums!"
"Oh. Nah, I'm not that into it." Floyd responded. "I'm not doing this for the same reason you do it. I'm doing it to make a certain someone feel less scared of me." He dipped his hand into the water of the bowl. When he lifted his hand out of the water, there was a tiny shrimp mer holding onto his hand. "Ta-da~! It's Shrimpy!!"
"That looks like (Y/N). Is... is that (Y/N)?" Jade asked. "How strange. Why did you do this?"
"Because they said they were scared o' me. I assumed this'd be the best way to make sure they weren't!"
"Ah, I see. I suppose I understand your motive, but..." Jade paused, looking uncomfortable. "...never mind. I'll leave you and (Y/N) to your... um... whatever it is you're doing."
Floyd didn't mean to make you dependent on him like a pet, but he didn't care. After all, regardless of how it happened, he got what he wanted.
You weren't scared of him anymore.
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malarkgirlypop · 14 days
Easy Men Pranksters
How easy company men prank
Richard Winters:
I feel like he would do the most unnoticeable prank, like move an item one inch to the side. I'm sure he would think it was funny, he would've seen someone do it on facebook reels lmao. He tries it on Nix, who does not notice. But every time Nix walks into the room, Dick has a good chuckle to himself, knowing what he did.
Lewis Nixon:
He would throw a party and say he put out spiked punch. Turns out is wasn't spiked punch, just normal juice and fruit. He just wanted to weed out the fake bitches who pretend to get drunk. But that's not the true reason he did the prank. No way is he sharing his collection of alcohol, if you want to get drunk BYO.
Harry Welsh:
I think he would try to prank Lew and Dick. When they are hanging out without him, he calls the house and asks if the fridge is running. But jokes on him, he didn't turn off caller ID. "Harry, please stop calling the house. If you want to come over, just come over." Tries to pretend it wasn't him that called. He tried to convince Kitty to prank call the house so he doesn't look suspicious, but again forgot to turn off caller ID and it's his phone she has.
Ronald Speirs:
Leaves a horse head in the persons bed. Doesn't know the difference between a death threat and a prank.
"You should've seen his face."
"Speirs he had a heart attack."
"Yeah, ahaha, classic."
Please don't let this man prank.
Carwood Lipton:
The most harmless prankster. Like you don't get the prank. He has to explain it.
"Come over to the window and look at all these deer!"
"Got you!!"
"You've been punked son!"
"I'm confused."
"There were never deer!!"
Oh Lip no. That's so bad. BOOOOO ahahah.
George Luz:
Loves getting pranked more than pranking. But he always is trying to get people to prank him, so he never get tricked. 100% would sneak into your house and replace all of your family photos with just pictures of himself. He has especially gone to JCpenney to get those hilarious awkward family photos, but it's all just him duplicated. It's a family of Luz's!
Joe Toye:
He's a mean prankster. One of those guys who has fake bugs and insects and tricks you into looking at what's in his hands. Also will hide around the house in the dark just to scare you. You're so used to it, that when you come home you have to scope out each room, only to find he actually went out for a drink and you're home alone. You call him and tell him what you have just done for the past hour and he thinks it's the funniest thing he has ever heard. Will definitely brag about it to the boys.
Bill Guarnere:
Classic prankster. Cling wrap on the toilet, cling wrap in the door way, putting everything in jello, wrapping the room in tinfoil. Causes the most mayhem and the biggest clean ups. He spends more time on the prank than the reaction is worth. Spent a whole night putting post it notes on your car, only to find out it was the neighbours and now they are pissed.
Joe Liebgott:
100% buy you those fake lotto tickets and let you believe it for the longest time. He would get Web countless times with it. Every time the man falls for it and Lieb just finds it so funny. He let's Web call all of his family members every time he "wins". It happens so often that the family members on the phone know it's a prank and try to explain it to him.
David Webster:
None of his pranks have ever been successful. OR when he does pull pranks he accidentally gets himself. He does the cling wrap on the toilet, forgets about it, pees all over the ground. Fills a room with water cups, forgets about it and walks into said room and tips over all of the cups. Like this man just can't win. Poor guy.
Buck Compton:
The only prank he does in the warm bucket prank. He is convinced it will work every time. It never does. He literally does tests, he's so invested on getting it to work. It's basically become an experiment for him. He tries out different water temps, different vessels he puts the water in, how deep he puts the hand in the water. He has a little notebooks of each time he has tried the prank and the method he used.
Eugene Roe:
He's a cute prankster. He opens two boxes of cereal and switches the bags. So you think you are getting lucky charms, but instead you get frosted flakes. Gene thinks it is the funniest thing seeing sleepy Babe questioning every thing in existence as frosted flakes appear out of the lucky charms box. Babe still being half asleep just shrugs and tucks into his breakfast. Gene has to explain the prank to him later.
Babe Heffron:
Does the, "oh yeah I put premium air into the tires." To Gene. Gene is losing his mind, thinking babe paid $100 for air. Also has a bunch of fake items, like vomit and dog poo that he gets Gene with all the time. "Gene the cats puked all over the lap top!!" Poor Gene is stressed to the max with Babe lmao.
Don, Skip and Penk:
The trio is trioing. If there is one group that is forever pranking, it's these lot. Whether it's each other or their friends, they are always down for a cheeky prank. Fill a room with ball pit balls, foam, balloons. Breaks into your house and turn it into a full out haunted house. These boys are hard out, it's go big or go home. Nothing is off the table, they will invest life savings into a good prank. Watch your backs they are after you, they will punk you. They seriously talk about starting and producing their own punked series. 100% has a prank youtube channel that blows up.
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rachi-roo · 8 months
Hii! I saw your requests open and I wanted to ask could you perhaps write some tickle headcanons for Vash from Trigun? Any version is fine, I just need more tickle content of that silly lil guy--
(Love your blog btw! <3)
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Trigun: Vash - Tickle Head Canons!
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YES! YES! THANK YOU! I've wanted to write about this goobie woobie for so long! I've actually had some HCs written up for ages but never found silly Trigun fans to share them with! 😭 Bless your little socks anon!! Thank you for the opportunity to go HDBDIAOWKDBAI over my Vashy-Washy! XD Love you dust bunny!!!
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Being inhuman has its perks. Not many but a few. Immortality is pretty cool. But in Vashs case, hanging out with the humans has brought upon a strange, problem, when it comes to physical touch.
At first, Vash had never heard of tickling or being ticklish. Why would he when everyone has only ever wanted to kill him? Until he met Meryl and Millie. One drunken party had led to a cuddle pile where the two females decided to attack the defenceless male, leading to the discovery. He is, in fact, very ticklish.
He is ticklish absolutely everywhere. Luckily, his huge coat and armour protect him most of the time. You'll have to catch him out of uniform to make him squeal.
Saying catch isn't really right, though. He loves being tickled and won't try to avoid an attack if he sees it coming. Like an obedient pup, he'll lay there and take it. Despite his wriggling, he does his best not to get away or stop those scribbling fingers.
His laugh is wonderful. Bright, loud, full of life. And he's very chatty whilst being wrecked. Being his usual goofy self, he'll say the most random things between his laughter.
"H-Hehey! Ahaha! Gohod I could reheheally go for a snAHAHACK rigihight now! Aha! Hah... Aww, why you stop?"
Brat. Brat. Bratty brat brat. Big playful goob. If he wants tickles, he'll follow you around all day until he gets them. Even if it means tickling you first to get a response, he'll do it. He'll poke you. Scare you. Steal a snack. Even throw some playful cheesy flirting your way.
His favourite are reward tickles.
"Didn't I do a good job taking care of those bandits? Come oooon, you know what to do~" He'd say, sprawling happily over your lap.
Praise him. Tell him how cute he is. It's the only time you might be able to fluster him instead of the other way round. If you manage to accomplish this, he'll cover his ears, trying to hide how red they go.
Drunk Vash tickles? Yes. His gangly limbs are so uncoordinated that he'll just flop around like a wet noodle. Hiccuping and snorting happily. Wolfwood takes full advantage of this as he's usually on the receiving end of tickles~
His most sensitive areas are his knees, ribs, and underarms. He also loves it when you tickle his palm. Having only one real hand means the one he's got needs extra love. The teddybear song is a personal favourite of his. Since he's a big kid, really.
Basically, he loves being tickled. Any time. Any place. For any reason. Laughter is so important to him. How could he not crave the sensation?
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Run. Just run. This man is a menace. Ever heard of the tickle monster? This guy gives him nightmares. In the best possible way.
For whatever reason, you look down in the dumps, or maybe you just committed the unspeakable SIN of eating his last doughnut. Vash is gonna getcha~
He'll chase you round all day, laughing with you as he puts on his 'villain' voice, cooing and teasing as he makes grabby hands at you as you try to flee.
"I'm gonna getcha~!"
"Mwahaha! You think you can escape the claws of Vash the humanoid Typhoon!? Nae! You will suffer at my hand, Mortaaaal!"
"Wow, you're quick! What's got you so frantic, I wonder? Haha!"
Once he catches you, it's over. He'll use his mechanic arm to hold your wrists, allowing his free hand to do the work.
He's a skitterer. Spider fingers are his favourites since they make his victims giggle the most. Changing spots every couple of seconds to keep you wriggling.
The sharpshooter had also invented his own adorable little game! He calls it 'Don't shoot'.
The ler surprises the Lee, aiming finger guns at them and calling 'Hands up!' The Lee has to respond quick as they can with 'Don't shoot!' Whilst throwing theirs hands up. If they're quick enough, the ler, Vash, approaches with his finger guns, circling and teasing the victim with anticipation. Faking a prod or two. The victim has to not flinch or giggle or they get 'shot' or rather, bombarded with tickly pokes.
Vash, being Vash, always makes the sound effects as he's poking you. "Pew! Pew! Pew! Should have stayed still, bandit!" He also loves being on the receiving end of this game, always losing, curling up as soon as those fingers get too close.
He's so gentle as a ler. Teasy and bubbly as always. He'll pull you into a hug, wriggling his fingers into your sides, blowing raspberries on your neck. He's a big guy, holding you still isn't difficult.
"Ah, Mon précieux, what a lovely singing voice you posesse~"
"A snort!? For me!? Oh my gosh, do it again!"
"Huh? Don't say tickle? Why shouldn't I say tickle? Is tickle a bad word? Is ticklish a bad word, too? What about tickled? Oh gosh, I'm saying all these awful tickly words! Oh well, I've sinned now, might as well go all out~ Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
Once he's tired you out, he'll hold you close to him, chuckling quietly at how flustered you are as he pets your hair. He'll share a doughnut if he feels he's been particularly mean~ Lucky you!
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Vash, Vash, Vash. What a goobie woobie he is. My beloved sunflower 🥹 Making this a world build upon love and peace!!! 🤞 Marry me FUCK SAKE! XD
100% Switch!
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reikarimaaa · 4 months
hey girl i know its been a while hope your doing well i was thinking about 2d x plus sized y/n and i have a couple ideas like 2d and plus sized y/n spending a night in Kong studios (phase 1) doing a zombie/ horror marathon (cuz 2d and y/n love zombie and horror movies) and in this 2d and plus y/n aren't together yet but 2d what's to make a move but is to scared to. then the band interrupts them? idk if that sounds bad i was just thinking about some but text me if you like the idea.
(my features I'm 5,4 with medium length hair with drown hair blending to pink. I have blue eyes. I'm shy and sweet when you first get to know me then once I get comfortable, I'm funny, nice, energetic. I do have family trauma so if you yell at me I'm mentally me when I was little saying things I don't mean and all that stuff I am despite for affection ( any kind) my favorite color is blue and I love to sing ( I love all music) and I love drawing I use drawing as a form of coping with my feeling ( I can't say how I feel) I'm a quiet extrovert, in the overnight stay at kong i would wear a oversized black sweatshirt and black and red flannel booty shorts with long black socks with my hair up with a checkered clamp and small star earrings.lmk if you need more details and pls make then watch dawn of the dead or one of his favs <33)
Reika-ahaha thanks for the request! it’s been a (how long?) …few centuries. nowadays I use a new acc but I’ll check in once in a while!! and I don’t really use the name Harami nowadays, I use Reika as my indecisive ass finally found a set name. anyways enjoy.!
Things on here that might be triggering (?) :zombie moviez, uh idk man I’ll update this, though can’t promise!! also this might contradict my previous personal Gorillaz hcs, because they have changed and I’m too lazy to see my old ones again.
// 2-D x Plus Size!Y/N ! Movie Night Together //
As 2-D had started the movie , you were already tucked right in snugly on the couch , the two of you sharing the blanket. It wasn’t supposed to get too intimate , he had stated earlier, but here you were. Beside the man himself.
It was just the two of you in the house , Russ and Murdoc and Noodle out for a night out of their own. Russ , overheard 2-D about your plans together earlier in the day, had made some popcorn. And of course, the two of you dug in! The sweet and saltiness of said popcorn really contrasted against the gory and the horrifying film playing.
Stu had managed to have the tv to just the two of you , had the mood set , and even managed to drive Murdoc out of Kong for once. As the movie continued , which was Dawn of the Dead , the two of you had cleaned the popcorn clean , and soon , he and you had found yourself… snuggling.
If it isn’t textbook intimacy , what is?
As the movie started to get tense , you had yourself quite scared now. You were holding onto him as if your life would be ended by zombies if you even had the thought of letting go. 2-D, on the other hand , was utterly flustered. He loved you , he absolutely , utterly , positively loved you. But he’s never had the guts to admit it out loud.
It just seemed like the perfect time…
2-D was just about to , he really did, and maybe he could just confess a little. Starting off slow , with a hand over your shoulder. It was so him , you thought less of it. Until he leaned his head on your shoulder.
You almost knew , that he was letting his heart open for you to hear.
“…H-Hey, Y/N…?”
“What is it, Dee? Do you want to… tell me something…?”
He was just about to , almost.
“L-Listen, Y/N you might think I’m crazy,” he said, and he tugged on the collar of his shirt he was wearing. Nobody was really watching the movie anymore, no?. “…I-I just… I just wanted to say that I—“
As soon he just wanted to say what he wanted to say , a car pulled onto the garage.
Home already? He thought that the rest wouldn’t come home so soon, he barely just started!
The two of you looking back behind at the garage door , there comes in a shit-pissed drunk Murdoc , a sleeping Noodle nested in Russ’ arms , and an annoyed Russel.
Damn it , he thought , he was supposed to enjoy the whole night just with you!
After an argument started to boil against you and Murdoc (as he thought you were a hobo that 2-D brought home) , Russ advised that the night be cut a little short. And you seemed to agree; something must’ve happened , and it needs to be dealt with the band members themselves.
As 2-D had gotten you a cab home that he had pre-paid for , he tries to talk again , what he was trying to say to you earlier.
“S-So, about… about what I was going to say..”
yet you have a feeling that you already knew what he was about to say.
“It’s okay, Dee. I.. enjoyed spending time with you, a-and…”
“I love you back.”
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suchawrathfullamb · 3 days
Did you date the guy from your 15's? If you could share how that was, that would be so helpful, I'm currently in a situationship with a trans guy and it's all new to me. Tysm <3
Yes, no problem. I had a year long serious situationship with him ahaha. Different times, literal religious school, and like I said he wasn't fully okay with his self discoveries. I mean, when we met, he was living as a girl and was going out with a guy, etc. Then some things happened, he experienced losses, and I guess that sent him through a process of introspection and realizations. Then he gradually
transitioned, but I was the first girl he ever had feelings for and although I was very okay with everything, he was extremely scared of claiming a relationship with a girl, because at the time, we would be considered a lesbian couple, since only close friends knew about his transition and it wasn't extremely divergent, as a girl his style was pretty butch so it was just sort of the same for outsiders, and even though we weren't officially dating, everyone in our school made a big fucking deal about the "two girls who have a thing", and it was a bit overwhelming to him, I suppose. After we left that school he was more willing, and asked to be in an actual relationship with me but by then I was already over him (it was a year long and I was always getting hurt, I was extremely tired by the end). After that I only dated cis men, one had a shemale kink and a religious family and was literally terrified of it so much so that he bawled his eyes out when I found out, begging me not to leave him and I laughed so hard cause that was insane to me. Poor dude but I couldn't help it because that sounded insane, that was just another fucking kink to me??? And then my longest relationship was with a guy who used to date a trans woman and he hid it from me also because he thought I'd leave him and when I found out it was the exact same thing: bawled his eyes out. And there I was like ??? my dude???? little fellah?? Why is that s big deal?? Turns out she was also a sex worker, but then I was like okay and? Of course she was, trans women are marginalized, and in our country there are tons of trans women who become sex workers because they have no alternatives. So anyway, I guess my experience was normal for me but never normal for the other person, either if they were trans themselves or they had something to do with it, they had a hard time accepting it. Which is sad and I do hope I helped even if just a little, by showing that it was natural, by not shaming, showing support and always acting like it was okay and normal, because it is to me.
My advice is just that, sometimes they might not be completely confident yet, and that might affect the relationship like it did with me. But if not, if they are confident or simply okay with it, and your issue is fear of outsiders judging, unfortunately I can't help because I never needed to mind that, my family isn't religious, and even though my mother only likes gay man and is very transphobic and thinks lesbians are icky, I never gave a fuck about her opinion and I also always knew better than to share things with her. To spare myself the time and annoyance, mostly. But I had the luck to not be repressed and punished by those around me, just the occasional judgmental looks but those are fine by me, I don't really consider these types of people important either way.
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writing-whump · 8 days
Hii Sol
I fell in love with the idea of super feverish Isiah and care-givers Hex and Arnie. It's super excited and I really need to read sth like that. But there's one thing make me think about it. You're planning to write it later since Isiah will have so much pain with his heart soon. that's totally understandable and you have point. But don't you think it's more traumatic and painful for them? I mean Hector and Arnie will probably freak out when Isiah have that heart episode and not heal as quickly as usual. They'd be scared and anxious for a while even after he healed. I don't know how much time later you're planning to write feverish episodes but it's going to be hard for Wolfson brothers anyways.
Don't you consider postponing the heart episode fic a little furter? I don't know my little baby boy Arnie🥺🥺 (I know he's almost a grown up but it's the destiny of little ones in family. They're always a baby for their elders😂) can handle that such a stress!!! Ahaha I just wanted to share my concerns. And I'm already ok with all solutions of yours and ready to read what you wrote.
Thank u!
Hi nonny👋😊
So basically, let's postpone the heart breakdown fic and ease the boys into it by having them see Isaiah bit sick from something else, first?
It will be very traumatic for them indeed (not to mention the problem of them not finding out for a time and being quite upset about that too lol).
But yeah, you guys are giving me lot of encouragement to just go with whatever flow and spark comes up next ✨️ so maybe I'll play around with some more fics and asks first and see when the heart episode thing feels right to strike.
Tbh I love the idea with the feverish Isaiah with Hex and Arnie too and would love to write it sooner 🙈 and maybe it could give some hints and provide contrast to what's coming later with the more serious one.
Besides, Rip and Dylan should get enough space and a try too and I'm losing the spark for them by postponing for so long.🥲
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for reading!!
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OMG the new chapter!!!!!!!! out of this world! i know you said that you don't like writing action chapter's but you're SO good at them, i just wanted you to know that!
i love quentin's trait of being a medium. it adds so much heart to the fic, so much depth to characters and his. it makes so much sense that he is one!!! what made you decide to add that into the story??????
Thank you so much, Katie! I really appreciate it! I struggle with action so much so it's great to hear!
Quentin being a medium is so precious to me. I added it because upon writing the fic for the first time, my Nan had just passed. I loved her a lot, and she was the entire reason I got into the Zelda franchise. I used to play the games on her DS when I went over every weekend, and when she died, the franchise became EVEN more special to me.
I was obsessed with the idea that in BOTW, AOC, and TOTK, spirits were canon. I decided to incorporate it into my work, and it was a way of me self inserting myself into Quentin. His ability to comfort people about loss is my journey of growing with my grief.
This is probably a deeper answer than you asked for ahaha, but it's the truth! Loss is everywhere, and it's as beautiful as it is tragic, to love someone so much you miss them everyday. To have known someone while they were here. And Quentin is such a lovely character, it made sense he could provide that unique comfort to not only the living but the dead.
I'm always happy to share about any aspect of my fanfiction, and I'm comfortable talking about death and loss, so never feel too scared to ask about it! That's the entire reason it's there.
It's one of the themes I like to concentrate on sometimes, which I'm sure you've noticed!
Plus it's there for plot reasons...
Hope this answers your question! xx
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jayflrt · 30 days
hellooo, just wanted to drop by and say that i really adore your writings!!! hehe~ it's kinda become a daily routine of mine to read and reread a couple of your fics in this blog (and the other ones 👁️👁️) and i find it so amazing how you can write different genres so seamlessly and how your style is really distinct 🥹. ESPECIALLY WITH HOW YOU WRITE FLUFF AND ANGST, EVEN MY SCARED ASS LOVED READING YOUR DARKER FICS ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧
SO WKDOWJFIE TAKE MY HEART!!?!!???! (or not, that's too bloody lol, would u wanna take my super mario figurine collection instead?)
anyway ehehe, hope u have a great week ahead of you! take lots of rest too (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
(cont.) i---I just realized i forgot to turn on the anon HAHHDAJJDJS 😭 BUT REALLYYYY THANK U SO SO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR FICS WITH US (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*
omg thank you so much !!! 🥹🥹💖💖💖 stop i'm so honored you're on this blog (or my other blogs) daily like that's insane to me!!! also it makes me so happy to hear such sweet things about my writing! especially the different genres :'") it feels so good to be recognized for that! AHAHA honestly i'm such a wimp when it comes to reading angst fics but i love writing them myself 🤧 same goes for horror LOL my stomach will drop during jumpscares for movies but i love writing horror 🧎‍♀️
i will happily take your super mario collection 🙏 we can share actually so i don't feel too mean taking it
and thank you so much! i hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you too! stay hydrated and take care 🥰🌷 ALSO OMG ITS OKAY i don't mind if you send asks on or off anon!! whatever makes you feel comfortable :')
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meownotgood · 2 years
Episode 6 just made my Aki brainrot like a million times worse but yk what? I like it. Aki in the hotel checking the rooms? Aki when he was younger? Aki tryna use his sword but getting stopped? I'm on my knees fr 🛐
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And just imagine being on the mission with Aki! He can sense you're a little scared, so he tells you to make yourself comfortable in one of the rooms and asks Denji to look after you after he woke up. Then Aki continues looking for the devil, or a way out. He checks once, twice, easily ten times, but still nothing. With no other leads and nothing else to do, he decides to go back to the room where you are and lets Denji rest while he sits with you on the bed.
Aki pulls you close to him and strokes your back gently, trying to calm you down. He places soft kisses all over your face and holds you tight to him, muttering things like "We'll be ok, you're with me after all" to make you feel better. He even tries to distract you by asking you what you want him to make for dinner that day when you get home, his voice firm yet reassuring, as if telling you that there's nothing to worry about and that you all will make it out safe and sound.
And when you finally calm down, you refuse to leave Aki's side, even when he continues to look around the floor. He holds onto your hand tightly and kisses you after each round of walking the whole floor.
Afterall, you'll be alright if he's by your side
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I had this thought since the start of the episode and just wanted to share it with you! sorry if it's long ahaha I'm very passionate about aki ❤️
aaaah.... I'm the same way.... every time I get to see aki it just makes my brainrot go crazy honestly lolol. and he was so cute this episode...
if you were on the eternity devil mission with aki he would be so worried about you.... I think it's so endearing how he doesn't even rest, he just spends the whole time endlessly searching for the devil because he wants to help everyone get out. he wants to search for a way out of here but he can't stop thinking about you... he has to come and check up on you again and again just to make sure nothing happened.
ahhh and aki comforting you if you're scared. aki promising you he's gonna find a way out, and he'll protect you if there's a devil, so you don't have to worry. aki who tells you to just relax here until they find a way out because he doesn't want you to get hurt (but you insist on sticking to his side, anyway). aki who tells you to stand behind him at all times when you encounter the devil.... aki who cares more about your safety than his own.....
he's the sweetest, honestly. and I'm sure when he wakes up after denji is finished fighting the devil the first thing aki thinks about isn't his own injuries or condition, it's whether or not you're alright
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lady-lauren · 4 months
lauren hello! u can call me benz/bean/stink, and im a longtime fan of ur work on ao3!!! and haha i have been slowly climbing my way out of lurker status on both these websites/returning to tumblr 👉🏼👈🏼
but ya, i finally came across ur blog today and reading all the entries for your lil valentines op matchup had me giggling kicking my feet blushing heAD OVER HEELS!!!!!!!! everyone is just teeeew cute!!!
so ofc i had to get my shit into gear and send an ask while i could!!!
unsurprisingly, its a lot of rambling and gushing so ehe i highlighted the quickest answers for ur convenience ahaha ty and hope uve been having fun with all the matchmaking!!
im a queer nb femme and gender isnt a deciding factor for me! ill love on any of odas darlings 🥰
libra sun - scorp venus - sag mars - and a billion virgo placements lol
i find this all manifests as me being a huuuge flirt, a lil dangerously magnetic at times, but for better or for worse, i never get serious unless i know that we will be each others everything - im holding out for a mutual obsession typa love (but the earth placements in me needs that obsession to be on the dl for the both of us! pookie bear and i need to have lives and loves outside of just each other!)
as for other personality traits: i love being the hypeman for my friends, i feel fulfilled when i can support them in their ups and downs, im a ride or die and live to validate my friends experiences!!!! fairly rational and level headed, but ahaha also a delusional and self sabotaging mess, but hey thats what makes life fun
love languages def quality time and physical touch - i love cuddling, fiddling with their hands and hair, doing fun things together! (i do also value solo time tho - vvv important)
i love love looooove singing and dancing - it could be at a club, a karaoke room, the car, my friends couch, anywhere! i love it love it love it - and aside from that, a second hobby ill share with u is that i enjoy photography! i love taking snaps of small things that make me smile, polaroids of my friends during their big moments, film photos of loved ones and the softness they exude when they feel safe and cared for
ehe that was a lot so ill leave it at there ehehehe
im def open to any hotter takes u may have 🤭 but otherwise ya! thats my entry, and even if u dont end up getting thru them all, how fun it iset urself get excited about a potential cutie!! and to share what you think makes you You!
aside from that, i look forward to being a nonlurking fan of what u create share curate here on tumblr!!!
with gratitude, happy early love day!
ur longwinded fan, benz aka bean aka stink 💕✨
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First, welcome out of lurker status, I'm glad you came to join in my little fun 🥰
and, most importantly, I'm here to give you your mutual obsession love: Buggy.
Let me preface this with: I fucking love Buggy (I would die protecting him) and I have been WAITING for the perfect match up for him, and darlin' you're it.
Buggy would fall into your orbit immediately. The moment you first throw out your magnetic flirting, the man is toast– he's buttered up with obsession and you will be his absolute everything. He will look at you like you hung the fucking moon in the sky and that you make the birds sing and that you make his heart keep beating in his chest.
It's wonderful that you're a hype man, because believe it or not, that's really what Buggy needs. He is constantly failing upwards and it scares him. He doesn't think he deserves any notoriety–he doesn't think he deserves love at all. You would be the light he looks to for encouragement. If he can have you, maybe he does deserve to have it all, right?
He is also going to need your rational outlook because while you have a little delulu, he has a lotta delulu. He, too, is a self-sabotaging mess, but I am a firm believer that sometimes two messes can come together and somehow keep each other sane and whole.
Physical touch is also Buggy's love language. He will always want to be holding hands, fiddling with your fingers, and for the love of all things holy PLEASE play with his hair. He would let you braid it, string it into pig tails to fit in his hat, or even just let you rake your fingers through it at night in bed. He loves that shit. Put flowers in it, too.
Buggy likes to be the center of attention, but even more so he would love to watch you be the center of attention. He would love to watch you do karaoke, dance, and have a wonderful time. And, even better, as a little attention whore himself, he would love to the subject of your photography. He will literally get into any pose you ask him, (especially if he's naked). And if you show him photos you take candidly, of him being warm and soft and just enjoying life, he might literally burst into pieces of happiness.
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wondernus · 2 years
Hi! I loooooved work husband so much and I was wondering if you can right something similar but with wonwoo? Thanks so much!
I sure can!! knowing me I'll probably end up writing a long fic instead of a small imagine, but I just wanted to share my stream of consciousness/headcanons for a work husband!wonwoo fic:
it takes place during a corporate retreat
wonwoo's not really your work husband. both of you are only friends so it's platonic. it's not exactly like established work husband but more of the two of you have the closest relationship with each other.
i'm still thinking of jobs but I'm leaning more towards something in the publishing industry? maybe the two of you are cover artists or talent scouts for the company.
you've been gone for a few days because of a work trip so you'll be going to the retreat on your own
wonwoo's new intern somehow makes a mistake but is too scared of him to tell him so wonwoo oversleeps and misses all of the carpool cars by the time he arrives at the office. but nobody contacts him bc they're too scared of him bc he looks scary. you're the only one who's friendly with him so they contact you and you're like oh I can pick him up
but then you run into some sort of problem that makes the two of you stranded in the middle of nowhere
but surprise (or no surprise bc I love writing cliches) there's a place for the two of you to stay during the night
throwing in another cliche right here -> forced proximity trope. maybe it's some wacky cabin where it's couples only or there are only rooms with single beds left.
maybe we'll go with the wacky cabin so the two of you fake being married (so literally "work" "husband") or that you're going to elope but somehow found the cabin
the owners are like aww we're licensed we can literally marry you on the spot bc the two of you are eloping either way. for owner personalities i'm thinking very linda belcher-esque especially during the airbnb episode.
and you're like ahaha we have a specific spot we want to elope at tysm but they make you two prove your love through some games and activities with them
it's p awkward at first bc the two of you just wanna work in your rooms bc corporate job many things to do!! but the two of you are pulled into the activities and it's kind of awkward at first, but the two of you end up liking doing them together.
i'm thinking couple's yoga. i'm thinking couple's diy. i'm thinking couple's painting classes. (this sounds cute and all but I just wanna know how much the owners are making bc these activities sound expensive. maybe it'll be like some famous chain couple's resort at this point but the two of you have never heard of it. idk!!)
maybe you're doing a scavenger hunt and you get hurt or something (another cliche) (but it's ok wonwoo deserves all of the cliches) so he carries you back.
maybe the owners were like no we don't believe you're in love the whole time and when they see wonwoo taking care of you they're like ok they're in love they can stay.
you don't know what overcomes you but you kiss him on the cheek to tell him thanks and he's grinning. a blushing mess. he's so cute.
maybe at night the two of you go stargazing bc you're city folk so you don't get to see stars at night bc of light pollution. he's actually able to see where the two of you are and he's shook bc he can literally see the retreat location from where he's at oopsie. there's a part of him that wants to stay here with you so he struggles to decide whether or not he should tell you because he wants to spend more time with you.
but he tells you bc we like writing green flags here ok. but you tell him that your ankle hurts a lot wink wink and that you can't even drive wink wink and he's like wow guess we have to stay here instead of walking a few minutes to our retreat site wink wink oh the pain guess we can't go to the retreat that both of us so desperately want to attend wink wink
my mind blanked at this point but I'm putting this in the imagines tags just to throw it out there. if anybody is interested, I will turn this into a full fic.
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asheanon · 1 year
Ahaha so, uh... 🥴 I didn't share this thing here, but I'm going to answer some questions from it here because, once again, I hate fighting with text limitations from another side of the internet!
I am tagging you for this, though, @vinjaryou, so you get the notification and whatnot. I hope you don't mind. 🙏
From: Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Here we go with more ship posting... 🤠 (Meaning I'm sorry to everyone except the MVPs who don't mind. Hahaha!)
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
Not really. Or so I think, anyway. 🤔 They could be more prone to arguments if Sal wasn't so non-confrontational. She also values information over ego, so it's less of an argument and more of a deliberation if she ever gets involved in something. The less proper communication-friendly it is, the more likely it is to be dropped. It's not worth wasting her breath over!
Kuja is similar in the sense that some arguments just aren't worth his time as well, though. He's "too good" for that. Something really has to feel like it's on the line for it to be worth arguing over, otherwise, he'll just let whatever "idiot" is trying to argue with him "die mad." It's not quite like Sal's approach of leaving them be with whatever beliefs they may have; he likes to make a much firmer point of insulting them because he really is all the ego Sal lacks. Sal = information. Kuja = ego. Haha!
There are less serious matters where they both can be open to a more facetious argument, though. They're both just playful enough to get a kick out of being contrary with one another over some of the little things out there! It's with silly little things, such as fashion sense, puzzles, food, etc.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
More private, 110%. They had private beginnings that were kept as much of a secret as possible from the others for various reasons, plus, Sal is definitely not a PDA type. Even when things are more comfortable/less secretive between everyone, she's very... uncertain of it.
I've described Sal as being very control-oriented out of fear for a great majority of things. "Fire, which fears its own heat. Despite how beautifully it burns" as Kuja himself more eloquently worded it! And that very much applies here too. There's something she's scared of and that uncertainty puts a damper on something like PDA.
As for Kuja, he has some sense of decorum; meaning he doesn't mind maintaining some privacy, though, there are times later on where he would like showing off a little more. He is very vain, after all; to have a lady like Sal to feed into that vanity (and be a little possessive with, I won't lie) appeals to him too.
That being said, however, I will say that it's actually a sign of growth to see Sal become more confident and open to it over time. 🤍
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
They both do the best they can, despite having their individual shortcomings. 💕
For Sal, the more proper medical know-how that she's picked up from years of what is most easily summarized as "lab work" comes into play here. She'll care for Kuja much like a nurse or a doctor. While it has its softness, it also has this respectful distance to it. She isn't the type to cuddle and dote on someone in this situation. I'll bring it up over and over: she's warm, but distant. Just like a star. And that aforementioned "fear" has a lot to do with that too.
As for Kuja, he has some knowledge of his own (it's basically "magic vs. science," if you will. Technically just two different types of medical science, really!) but he's definitely more of the doter/lover when it comes to a problem. If he's emotionally invested, that is! I'd actually say he's had a lot of moments where he's just clueless as to what to do in these situations.
Though both of them are more prone to keeping problems such as these hidden from one another, Kuja opens up to Sal way more easily than she does to him later down the road. Sal is the epitome of being closed off and prone to hiding any form of suffering she has from anyone. It's very rare that she allows that sort of weakness to be seen, if she can help it.
Once again, I'll bring up character development, though: those walls of theirs do gradually start to fall with time. There is a period where both of them aren't entirely sure of themselves and their actions at times like these, but they eventually start meeting face to face in all those layers of vulnerability. It's very endearing. 💙
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
You have more of your classically romantic flirt with Kuja while Sal is simply sincere, but unintentionally mystique all in the same.
It's needless to be said, but as a professional flirt by default, Kuja is definitely the better flirt. It's a regular part of his character even outside of whatever is going on between him and Sal, haha! He flirts with intention and it's very clear that he's doing it (and he's very successful with it, more often than not.) To make it more sensual is effortless for him just as well.
By comparison, Sal is the worse flirt, hands down. Again, she's merely genuine with an air of mystery; when she decides to throw in a playful remark or gesture on occasion, some may interpret it as flirtatious, however, despite it not being her intention. She'll often take on a more analytical demeanor to help subdue amorous undertones in most social situations, but... man, when she chooses to drop those walls of hers and that sincerity intertwines with the more intimate, it's really something to behold in its own right (at least, in my own incredibly biased opinion! Haha!) She'll never leave you feeling like her love is fake. Let's just put it that way. 🌌
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richtofens-hips · 1 year
I know this isnt CODZ related however
I wanted to share some character designs I've been making for a game I cannot even play because MY TABLET DOESNT HAVE ENOUGH STORAGE FOR IT
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Her name is Aive! I actually edited her outfit AGAIN after this because I didnt like something (wanted to show her Vision somewhere- and if people do actually look at this in that fandom shes a Pyro user)
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My adorable faerie ❤ I named her after a flower, a Gerbera Daisy because it symbolizes cheerfulness, love, and innocence (at least that's what pinterest said) so her name is Gerbera! And she is an Anemo user hehehehe- her and Aive get along very well indeed
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Presenting Carmia! A forgotten Yaksha! (Ew the hand but whatever I just sketched her ass out) I'm still figuring out what her Vision will be and her horrible horrible backstory I'm gonna come up with (so far, Aive's is the worse) and she is a Fatui Harbringer! Her backstory is gonna be difficult but I love making things difficult
Ahaha brainrot
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Hehe idek I just thought WOLF and now she has a wolf mask
Close up of eye ig
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I was genuinely so scared of drawing Wanderer for the first time I drew him in this weird cartoon/chibi way bc I have issues and i love him sm that if i drew him horribly I'm a horrible wife
I refuse to show the other drawing of him I made bc I'm genuinely worried it looks like crap and Tighnari was surprisingly easy to draw just his hair and face
Wanderer on the other hand was giving me a panic attack with his eyes- his clothes were pretty easy except for those damn shorts of his loved his hair tho just wanna bury my face in it and sniff
Wth is wrong with me
I wanna nibble him
And yes I made Gerbera specifically for him bc I love him so much
it would be so hard to choose between Wanderer and Tighnari ToT
(I'd probably choose Wanderer bc boy I rlly just wanna give him sm love and affection and support bc he really needs that and I just wanna love him to death)
Ehe! Oho, TrAvElLeR I must bid you adieu!
*insert French venti here*
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