#i'm having a headache
bunathebunny · 2 years
have i posted about the jasonette star tear idea i have???
the idea is that Jason is a merman and Marinette this girl who visits the sea every summer. you could say they are childhood friends and every time they meet, Jason gives her a mermaid's tears.
Marinette thought they are just colored glasses but she keeps them nevertheless because they were Jason's gifts to her. meanwhile, those were actually the tears Jason cried because of his crush that he wouldn't tell Marinette
so yeah every year Marinette got new rocks and every year Jason's vision got a bit worse. until one summer, Marinette came to where Jason and her usually meets but however long she waited, he did not come.
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khytal · 8 months
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liar, liar
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chungledown-bimothy · 5 months
the show's absolutely not avoiding percy's struggle with his identity. but my favorite representation of that, one of my favorite things about the books period, is people calling percy perseus.
perseus is The Hero, both past and present. the people who call him that are chiron, gods, monsters, etc. people whose primary/only interest in him is as this forbidden child who is going to save or doom olympus.
percy is the kid, the actual person who is being manipulated and traumatized at every turn. who literally carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and went through hell.
perseus is poseidon's son, percy is sally's. that seemingly small thing adds so much to any given scene, and i miss it.
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itislils2004 · 3 months
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I'll continue this later today or tomorrow or even never because this was exhausting I didn't know getting my ideas/information and stuff onto writing and trying to make it make sense would be this exhausting...
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Mystic Seller (Ōmeteōtl)
History repeating itself (The Five Suns)
Narinder (Lilith)
Cross/Sword symbol (Lilith's Sigil)
Leviathan Cross
Lucifer's Sigil
Further information about symbols and so if you're interested:
Cult of the Lamb (religious connections)
Symbols Index (no meaning explicitly given)
PS: For clarity's sake, there are many symbols in COTL that don't actually have a certain meaning. Many of which were simply marks to indicate who made something (primarily churches and so on). This is particularly directed to the symbols thrown around when ichor hits the ground, when you open a chest, when you construct something, and even would go as far as to say chemach's followers symbols.
That is to say, they still have a meaning, however up to interpretation.
EDIT: Here is the sheet I found for reference to the "meaningless" symbols that I mentioned earlier. For anyone curious. You can find some of these in cards too. I'll go into it next time.
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This is one of the few sheets of actually useful info I found during my small period of time in which I pulled an all nighter because it's actually frustrating to find anything about the symbols in COTL, because some are mere inspiration or aren't faithful to the original symbol. If you are truly interested in the meaning behind most drawings/symbols you find in this game I STRONGLY suggest you simply don't. Unless you know where to look.
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blood-heart22 · 2 years
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omaano · 2 months
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Echo with his tooka best buddy (and an extra) for @phantasm-echo 's DTIYS 🩵💙❤️
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blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
Baby I'm Home [Blank Scripts AU]
[Song: Baby I'm Home - ODETARI (feat. Kanii & 9lives)]
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excali8ur · 1 year
It's a shame Raph and April didn't spend more time hanging out in the show tbh. I figure their dynamic would be something like this
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tapakah0 · 11 months
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Ahhh I was given permission to post this sketch sooo~ *quacking*
@kiwi-smug-silvalina , *bows* ;~;
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herbarimoon · 6 months
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Alright, gn
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wizardnuke · 1 month
there are SO many different ways that migraines can show up and affect people i feel like i tell people this once a month at least. a mild headache that lasts for days is probably a migraine. a lack of headache but visual disturbances and suddenly horrible coordination is a migraine. random vomiting can be a migraine. if youre always thinking "damn i felt REALLY good yesterday why do i have a migraine today" that could have been a warning sign especially if you think that a lot on migraine days. a mild headache, like milder than actual non-migraine headaches, and terrible processing issues/brain fog is a migraine. it's not always about the headache itself, the headache is just one symptom of an overarching neurological disorder that fucks up your ability to function in a lot of different ways other than causing pain/nausea/etc
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essektheylyss · 4 months
I am now thinking about Essek as, essentially, Anna Ripley for the Ruby Vanguard, and it's genuinely horrific to imagine but it's not a real timeline so it's hilarious. It is so funny in concept. He's a glorified postdoc with no mandatory ethics trainings, no future, and nothing to lose. Also he just got handed the power of a thousand suns with absolutely no oversight and a mandate to "do your worst".
This has such extreme "horse loose in a hospital" energy. No one knows what Essek will do next, least of all Essek! He's never been in control of the power of a thousand suns before! He's as confused as you are!
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pollyna · 1 year
Husband reveals but in the most normal way ever: Mav forgets his lunch home twice, and Tom drops by because he can't have a starving husband, even less for such an important mission. The first time he's wearing civvies and the daggers are far away to not notice him at all, the second one Ice is still in full uniform when he strolls in the cafeteria, drops Mav's lunch on the table, kisses his lips and "I'm not your errand boy, next time you forgot your lunch it's on you" to which Mav smiles dopey "whatever you say, Iceman. Eat with me?". How could Tom say no?
All around them, nobody moves because the Commander of the fucking Pacific Fleet is sharing a sandwich with their captain. And they kissed.
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pitsazawr · 2 months
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my old sketches
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mawsmauls · 27 days
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Bleed dry a heart of bloody stone. This is all you were ever meant to be; still you mourn.
Com for Loreshark
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
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[image ID: zedaph, having put on a wandering trader robe over his skin and a specially modeled pumpkin to get a villager nose. he is leading two of his villagers on chickens behind him on leads. the caption rads "Doing a wander!" /end ID]
this one's a new zedaph headcanon. love this for him. have i mentioned i love zedaph.
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