#i'm censoring his name so he doesn't show up in the tag
mangosteen · 7 months
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I'm obsessive over my Constantine Jr Au (which still needs a fic name for, I'm open to suggestions) because
this is a cranky danny. he's spent years fighting with no end in sight, with parents who he can't trust and his only companions never truly understanding what he's going through.
he vapes CBD for the pain he's constantly in. he drank alco/hol once to help him sleep, but his parents smelt it on his breath and, just like with their research, took that to believe EVERYTHING they'd ever suspected about danny to be true: that he drinks, he does dru/gs, he's in a gang. the only thing they've never suspected their son of--being a ghost--is the one thing he actually does.
then, right on the cusp of eighteen and freedom, he gets outed. AND transformed into a seven-year-old.
this is not a danny who is willing to play at being a child. and if anyone tries to, they're in for a foul time.
Danny was 17, transformed into a 7 year old and hides in Bludhaven, and is 8 when the police finally figure out that, hey, this weird kid who keeps altering us to crime scenes is usually right on the money about who the killer is, we should investigate that. Officer Grayson is on the case!
And discovers that he absolutely can't STAND this kid.
He thought he liked kids! Everyone thought he liked kids! but this kid...
This isn't called the Constantine Jr AU because Danny is a supernatural detective, or because Danny might be Constantine's kid. Its because Danny is an unrepentant little bas/tard and he makes it everyone's problem.
Danny vapes and blows bubblegum smoke in Grayson's face.
He takes out a flask and Grayson's grabs it, learning its full of orange juice. Danny then takes out a second flask, this one with vod/ka.
He wears a trenchcoat he found in the trash (the same trenchcoat Nightwing wears in DC vs Vampires, if you know you know) but the end and the sleeves are cut off for his hands and legs. the pockets are roughly around his knees.
Grayson is desperate to figure out more about this kid, but he doesn't go to batman because, time-line wise, this is right before red hood starts running around. Jason is dead/alive-in-hiding, Tim is Robin, and Dick is mad about it. (ages-- Bruce: ? Nightwing: 24 Jason: 19 Tim: 15 Danny: 8 Damien: 7-8)
he doesn't really bond with the kid until they're both kidnapped by a gang for hostages, and Danny's big kid emotions get a hold of him (he thought he could escape them bc he's an adult, he's gone through worse, but nope! child brain chemistry). Grayson is worried that he's hurt and in pain, but Danny confesses that he's always in pain. he has nerve damage all over his body, and the only thing he really trusts is CBD. He feels like shit for taking his juul away, but more importantly, because he's been treating Danny like a irritant and just a little kid.
they get rescued and Grayson tries to take him back to his home, but Danny reveals he's homeless, saying something like "I sleep where it suits me, just drop me off whereever."
Absolutely not, Grayson is taking kid back to his place for a bed, food, and a shower, in whatever order the kid wants.
Danny stays semi-perminantly at his apartment, but Nightwing tries not to push it, because this kid practically screams flight risk. unfortunately, the paparazzi have nothing better to do and snap a pick of Grayson and Danny getting dinner together, speculating that Dick's taken after Bruce
Danny doesn't care too much; I think his ghost form is the same, if glitchy, so his parents don't know about the deaging. Grayson is mildly panicking, but its not like he HASN'T been considering adopting the evil troglodyte. Even Bruce, Tim, and Alfred aren't the problem.
No, the problem is the Red Hood, a crime boss who just cut 8 people's heads off, seeing what looks like Nightwing pulling an innocent kid into the neverending fight against crime and Seeing Green.
Edit: Had to censor sh!t because ths wasn't showing up in the tags
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meguchi512 · 4 months
assigning behaviors I've noticed in people to pjsk characters:
tsukasa: writes his name EVERYWHERE. his desk at school has "tsukasa" "tsukasa" "tsukasa" "tsukasa" written all over it, his notebooks too and even his classmates' notebooks (from a classmate)
shizuku: says "oh, madonna!" instead of "oh god" (from my italian grandpa)
saki: tsukasa rides a bike and saki sits on the handlebar & every time they have to stop they fall off but they just get up and go on like nothing's happened (from an old friend)
mizuki: accidentally sends "penis shaped messages" and immediately points it out (me)
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ena: is so fucking done with mizuki's penis messages (my friends)
kanade: "uhh i think I'm forgetting something? oh well it probably wasn't important" hasn't drank water since yesterday (me again)
rui: extremely verbose, to the point where everyone around him thinks he's some sort of philosophical genius but in reality he's just saying dumb shit and articulating it intelligently (my italian grandpa again so sorry)
an: sends her friends "hot milfs in your area" messages pretending to be a bot because silly and immediately gets banned ( @robinoullea literally)
airi: wants to be supportive but types way too quickly ( @robinoullea trying to say "10/10")
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emu: says the most deranged things in roblox chats and manages to not get censored while her friend (nene) can't even go one sentence without "########" ( @harukaisu )
nene, trying to tell tsukasa to reset his roblox avatar because he got stuck: uhhh kill yourself (me) (I'M SO SORRY)
minori: tries to download a pin and accidentally sends it to a random person and dies of embarrassment (everyone. no one is safe from Pinterest's AWFUL interface)
ichika: goes into a store. gets an ingredient. goes back home. goes back. gets an ingredient. goes back home. repeat until she's got everything to make dinner when it's already 11pm (my forgetful mom)
mafuyu: has the most DERANGED dreams I'm not even kidding ( @robinoullea when he had that one dream where he sent me a tiktok meme of Richard Watterson saying the names of popular pornstars with them flashing on screen for a second each. I've cried real tears about this btw)
kohane: has a chicken farm in minecraft but she's so attached to them that she can't kill any of them for food so they just keep reproducing and in turn the server keeps getting laggier. eventually a creeper explodes right next to it and she throws herself off a mountain (me)
haruka: uses the default pfp which is also the pfp that shows when you get blocked by someone. she also turns her phone off often (which causes messages to not get sent until it's on) so minori always panics and sends her messages to make sure she's not blocked (classmate)
akito: makes gagging noises on purpose because it makes ena gag too and get VERY annoyed and he finds it funny (classmate)
toya: unintentionally causes a lot of fights in vbs regarding what the best way to make coffee is (my whole friend group) (except me i do it on purpose)
honami: whenever someone tags her in l/n's group chat she heroically says "who calls for my help?" ( @robinoullea )
shiho: doesn't have the heart to tell honami how funny it is when she does that (not me i always make sure to mention it)
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heatherra · 8 months
Hey. Serious post. Trigger warning for sexualization of minors.
Yes. This is about Scepterno. Of course it's about Scepterno. I am not going to censor his name, because everyone should know what is going on with him.
He has responded to my post about him, where I said he was actively talking about Alenoah nsfw. I am going to respond to that.
Let's talk!
"i have seen the Posts and im laughing very hard HAHAH not only is Noah a fictional character, he is canonically 19 in the show. and is around my age. even if he werent.... i dont care. cuz he's fake. i can do whatever i want to him because hes not real. yall need to go outside and find some real problems to talk about. this is just plain sad !!!"
This is a serious issue. You want to know why? Because it has been proven multiple times that fiction DOES in fact affect reality. This is a very serious issue. The Total Drama Fandom has a lot of kids in it. Total Drama is a show for children. Children can find your very public blog, see you talking on public about alenoah nsfw, and they will normalize it. You wanna know how I know this? Because I've experienced this myself! Children stumble upon things that they're not supposed to see! You are coming into a space that is filled with minors, because this is a TV show for CHILDREN, and you are talking about these minors characters in a way that is messed up. I am scared for the minors that will see your post.
"PLEASE. guys. please. grow up. im begging you to stop worrying about the imaginary rights of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. genuinely. for you own mental health. please find real issues to worry about in life. have fun. stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter. at all. youre going to make fandom an absolutely miserable place if all you do is scream and tantrum over what other people do with what are essentially TOYS"
I am worried about the the fucking children. About the VERY REAL children. And you know what? "Stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter." Then why even address it in the first place? If it doesn't matter, why make a long angry post about it? Fandom is supposed to be a fun place. Fandom is supposed to be where you go and talk about your favorite show and post little things that you think about the media. Me "screaming" and throwing a "tantrum" is because you are coming into this space and making it a nasty place to be. Minors are not safe with you in the space.
"you do not care about morality you care about getting attention and feeling more powerful by bringing others down."
Here's my take. People have immoral thoughts about things. That's part of being human. But when you act on said thoughts, and post about it on the internet on your very public blog where everyone can see when they look you up, and you don't even have it tagged or anywhere stated on your blog that you don't want minors following, that's the part that I am shaming. There is something wrong with you for you to post something like that, and not even try to hide it from minor's eyes. I care about the people in this fandom. I am trying to keep people safe from people like you.
And now, the tags.
"I draw [noah] short because size difference is sexy and noah has short king energy."
Height headcanons are fine. But the fact that you are brining size difference into this? A kink? Yes, you are an adult, I'm a fucking adult. We have things that we are into, but you bringing it into this space where children are, that's where the problem is. You are not tagging it, you are posting it on your very popular and public account, where I do not doubt for a second that minors follow you.
"I want you to really self reflect on why your so quick to see a gay man and call him a predator"
I am gay myself. I am not calling your a predator for you being gay. I NEVER FUCKING SAID THAT. I am calling you a creep for fucking talking about alenoah nsfw! I am calling you a creep for drawing nsfw of minors! I am calling you a creep for drawing incest art! Using this "It's because I'm gay" defense, it doesn't fucking make sense! No where have I ever said you're weird because you're gay. You are a fucking creep for talking about alenoah like that.
I am begging everyone to unfollow, block, and get this person off the platform. They are not welcomed here.
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transmascpetewentz · 10 months
Intro + Basic Stuff
It has been 5 days since a transandrophobe has been horrifyingly disrespectful of a gay trans man who died of AIDS on one of my posts or in my inbox.
It has been 3 days since a cis gay man has whined about his genital preference in my notes and/or inbox when I didn't ask.
If you're here because someone accused me of being a TERF, please know that I am not. Read this for more details.
I can't think of a name to use on this blog so just refer to me either by my URL or a silly nickname. My BYF as well as a few blinkies are under the cut.
my pronouns are he/him, but any are fine if you're clearly using them to show that you respect me. they/them is generally okay as long as you aren't using them to dehumanize me.
i prefer gendered terms (boy, girl, enby) over neutral terms, but i will block you if you use "girl" in a misgendering sense. malewife and similar terms are fine. also, this is highly unlikely to come up, but please don't call me "queen."
i'm USAmerican, and when i'm talking about issues, i'm likely talking about USAmerica unless i indicate otherwise.
i'm currently having brainrot about: fall out boy, american idiot, red white and royal blue, fallout new vegas, and velvet goldmine (the 1998 film).
i also post untagged discourse on this blog, specifically talking about transmasc issues, trans liberation, queer liberation, and how to be normal about transmascs if you aren't one.
i'm also looking into converting to judaism, and as such i might post about conversion and judaism in general. filter #judaism if you don't want to see it.
i'm part of a system, so it might not always be the same person answering asks. i probably won't post about it mostly because i want to stay out of syscourse.
all original posts are #wentz.txt, asks are #asks. if i ever have photos of myself on here, they'll be #wentz.jpg.
this blog runs on a queue, so just because i post doesn't mean i've been online recently.
this is my alternate account. i have a main blog that i'm ignoring due to harassment. if you have me blocked on my main and try to follow me here, i'm blocking you for your own sake.
cis women are welcome to follow but don't touch any of my posts making fun of cis gay men or i will bite you.
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blog rules:
no, i'm never sharing my age on here.
tag filtering: flashing, eyestrain, loud, violence cw, sexual assault cw, pedophilia cw, self harm cw, suicide cw, not worksafe, long post, anon hate, arguing with bigots, fascism cw.
please do not ask me about whether i am pro or anti ship, whether i support endogenic systems, or my views on intracommunity issues i'm not part of.
i'm autistic and as such might not understand if i'm making you uncomfortable. please either block me or DM me and tell me to stop doing something.
i won't reblog your callout post, reblog bait, guilt tripping, or donation post. an exception might be made for your donation post if we're mutuals.
if i don't block you, then i don't mind you following me. i don't softblock. please don't softblock me either, just block or else i'll refollow.
if i have reblogs enabled on a post, i'm fine with anyone reblogging it. if i have replies enabled, i'm fine with anyone replying.
if you're going to send anon hate, it has to be interesting, original, funny, and/or creative.
also, if you're going to send anon hate, please refrain from calling me slurs, sending me death threats, sexually harassing me, or misgendering me. also, please censor the name sh***a, or don't use the name at all in your ask.
i don't really have a dni, but i will block you if: you fetishize gay men or trans men, you support capitalism and/or cops, you glorify the actions of the ussr, you deny that transandrophobia exists, you think that feminine cis men are more oppressed than feminine trans men.
actually, i have to add a dni now: please dni if you falsely accuse gay men who died of aids of sexual assault. yes, someone like this tried to interact with me.
That should be it for now!
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swords-of-a-soilder · 5 months
I don't intent to go to war with anyone, but aweariness and I don't like being perspectived as a lair, in the end y'all can choose if I'm lying or not.
I will say this person was responding to my comments at the time so I genuinely believe they saw they were being called out and went and changed it
I know no one will be believe me on this because I was stupid enough not to take a screenshot but the person who made the original rumor has now changed it to the qsmp.co website.
Yes forever isn't listed as a member in the QSMP.co website
However that website isn't listed as a wiki, nor treated like one, it doesn't provide lore on the characters in fact for lore it tells you to go to their YouTube channel.
Clicking on forever if he was still on the QSMP.co site would take you to his twitch and twitter and given his last streams and current twitter fall out I wouldn't want anyone stumbling on that and getting a bad impression on my account so I understand it..
Is this an indication that QSMP admins are not on his side? Well I'd say it's as much an indicator as creators unfollowing him; so make that decision for yourself, I won't sway your judgment.
However one thing matters that's not what the post originally said, I'm all for changing your post as more information comes out but I feel this was done intentionally to cover up an attempt to spread misinformation Because of this comment.
yes I censored to protect their identity, but I do have uncensored version if push comes to shove.
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This is not what that person said, firstly the person who "defend" him claims to be a data scientist, who made an short easy about the matter.
They do not defend forever, quite frankly they don't talk highly of him at all, they simply say the issues isn't pedophile but a much bigger problem
Here is the thread, I recommend reading the whole thing no matter how tempting it is to stop the minute it goes against you belief.
Funny enough this user did not link to the thread and only showed the first page screenshot, then took it out of context.
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Despite saying there's a link for whoever wants it there is no link just a TLDR that HEAVILY mischaractizes Ms Lopes statements in what I assume to be an attempt to decredit her and make forever look a lot worst.
Is this thread PR? probably!
is it saying forever isn't a pedophile because woman mature faster than men? No
Stay informed this will probably change too at the rate they're going so I have a recording of it just in case, but I can't excalty censored that so that's a last ditch restore.
Since I'm making more post Sooner than expected today here is a collection of the argument on the other side of twitter, name and username censored because I don't trust you guys that much, but I have uncensored version if push comes to shove.
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You don't have to take Google's translation at face value that's why I left the portuguese version.
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The lighter censored is to indicate multiple people having a conversation.
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Bonus: do not be fooled some people are heavily upset by the thread and some even took to insulting the data scientist personal as well as forever.
Thankfully people below that have told them not to attack the scientist just doing their job.
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This is likely the last post I'll be making today no matter what anyone throws at me about this matter, please not I will now be deleting ask to avoid them taking up space in the situation tag.
Remember to take breaks, don't make the issues your entire life, take part in a hobbie watch a comfort show, eat your favorite foods.
Enjoy life 💕
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stearixx · 9 months
(If they won't, I will)
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"Mister Rose 3-piece suit (real(authentic?))"
(Found on Galarean Auction sites)
Description: "I am the relative of [person asked to keep them anonymous] who is a worker in Rose's house and a big fan of him. One day I asked [person asked to keep them anonymous] to bring me one or some of his belongings and that was what [they] did bring among other things. I was terrified, but tried to remain calm, so not to gain negative attention by my idol and speak up. So was until I heard that Mister Rose is sentenced to jail. Now I will try to raise money by selling the clothing to a individual that wants it. All the money, gathered from the purchase will be used to hire an advocate to try and #fre***se. If Mister Rose doesn't want to hire a lawyer himself then I will help him realise that's what is good for him. He just doesn't understand.
#fr***ose [due to copyright we can't show you the entire tag] #RosaSedaCredo #Galargate #EternaGate #Ro***ate [due to copyright we can't show you the entire tag] #M**ate [due to copyright we can't show you the entire tag]"
This and over 300 posts alike were deleted by Macro Cosmos™ since the trial of Rose, although this one was the one that actually made them do something. Fortunately or not the item was already purchased. What's more Rose himself was notified about the selling of his belongings, to which he responded. He confirms that the clothing is indeed authentical and did belong to him as well as other 57 items sold on the marketplace.
"I admire all the people who try to "save" me, although, I am sure there could be other ways that didn't involve stealing my possessions, don't you agree? Nevertheless, I said it once and I will say that again. I'm sure that I deserve it, so I myself am not willing to be "freed". Thank you for your concern."
The things that were being sold as memorabilia or merch included shirts/books signed by him, the books written by him, and for the "biggest fans" his biological material (hair) and possessions - one of the most expensive being his personal diary (100000 poke-dollars for an item - Mister Rose asked us directly not to include a picture of the item). Mister Rose told us that everyone who has his possessions or money earned from it is to keep it, however the person in possession of diary has to return it to the owner - the corporation (Macro Cosmos™) will pay back all the money spent on it and will arrange the meeting between the purchaser and the chairman himself as a way of additional compensation.
After the "Rosa-abilia" gate (the source "Galar Daily" is an official media, thus we may use copyrighted tags or names once in our publications - if you are the member of Macro Cosmos™ and you don't like the term used, contact us, so we will censor it) the Macro Cosmos™ banned all the mentions of selling Mister Rose's possessions, the tags "#fr***ose" [due to copyright we can't show you the entire tag], "#MC***e"[due to copyright we can't show you the entire tag] "#Ro***ate" [due to copyright we can't show you the entire tag], "#Rosa***ilia" and other similar gates. The only one tag that the supporters of Mister Rose are allowed to use is "#RosaSedaCredo". Nobody knows the origins of the phrase, but, since it has originally nothing to do with Mister Rose, it can't be copyrighted.
(In the post poke-dollars are equivalent to USD)
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yelisas · 4 months
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My name is Yelisa (she/her) and I'm a 24 year old that ships pretty much exclusively with my own/my partner's ocs. The only canon characters I like are from BG3 (Laezel, Jaheira, Minthara, Gale, Wyll). I follow from my main account @re5.
If you like my art and want to commission me, please do not message me here about it. I have a website you can refer to for prices, examples, and contact info.
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DNI: Under 18, zoos, pedos, dubcon/noncon, hateful/bigoted, supporters of such and similar.
My ships often include age gaps between adults (20s for self x 30s-60s for ships) and human x anthro, humanoid monsters, or humanoid fantasy creatures
I don't care if a ship dynamic is unhealthy as long as it's between consenting adults. None of mine are like that (unless you count the enemies to lovers trope?) but I might interact with people who do have them. I don't understand or follow anything about ship drama but I block people who are weirdos, make me uncomfortable, or are otherwise obnoxious.
I sometimes give my sona or other women ocs visible body hair and I freely talk about menstrual cycle stuff when relevant so if it would disturb you to see that I would not advise following me
I may post cropped/censored NSFW art or reblog/post suggestive/NSFW art and writing. I will tag this with #saucy whenever it comes up. I do not tag artistic nudity.
This is a small titty support zone. My sona is flat-chested and I draw my F/F ships also flat-chested.
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Salem & Yelisa - Takes place in the Fallout: New Vegas setting. He's an experiment (Nightstalker/Human) from the Big MT and scavenges items and parts for sale with me.
The Lord & Yelisa - He doesn't have an actual name yet, but their story is heavily based on The Tiger's Bride by Angela Carter.
Alistar, Neph, Varhel, & Yelisa: A traveling DnD-inspired party. The guys are just best friends all dating the same woman and they do quests and stuff
Dietrich & Yelisa - An overthrown king with a now much smaller kingdom. He meets an alchemist who becomes his wife.
Rarely other OC ships may show up along with BG3 related things.
Fan art/writing, OC-related questions, tagging me in things and such is always welcome too!
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Tags from @sky-sogira
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*cracks knuckles*
Alright. Let's get into this. My faith may not be as strong as it once was, but my knowledge is unshakable.
Disclaimer: I am not a scholar, I am not a theologist, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I LOVE Sky.
Second disclaimer: I am not trying to preach to anyone, just put in my perspective as someone who grew up in Christianity.
So! The easy one. Lucifer was actually NOT really the devil's name first- Lucifer was the name of a minor Roman god. The god of the morning star, which shines very brightly. The name "Lucifer" MEANS "Bringer of light" and is the base for the names of the chemicals that make fireflies glow- Lucifern and Lucifrase? I probably spelled them wrong. When the Bible was being standardized, they took this name to show that Satan had once been both powerful and beloved, at least.... That's how my father told it. He was wrong about a LOT of things, so take that with a grain of salt. What IS certain fact is that Lucifer means "bringer of light" and WAS a Roman god of the morning star. This I am sure of.
Sky takes design elements from MANY sources, but the story is undoubtedly biblical. And that really shouldn't be a surprise, given that the bible is really freaking old and has quite a lot of stuff in it! Like.... A LOT of stuff and some of it doesn't make any sense at all. I mean, there was a law about if a thief got away before the sunrise, it was their stuff now or something? It's been a while since I read those particular verses, forgive my casualness but it's 7 am and I'm doing this off the top of my head while getting ready for the day.
Okay. Take a breath. You still with me? Good. Because I'm about to basically speedrun not only the bible, but my church's scripture as well- The Book of Morm-n.
I am censoring it because I have the name blacklisted after seeing so much hate and ignorance and straight-up MALICE on this website, so if you reblog this, PLEASE don't actually spell it out or I will not be able to view the post. Thank you.
So God (by whatever name you'd like) has his "chosen people". He helps and strengthens them and shows them miracles, yes? And as long as they listen to Him, they are blessed. Seems like a good deal to ME, but you know how it is with humans. Give them too much success and they get cocky. Turn their backs on God and start giving THEMSELVES the credit- Which.... Doesn't sit too well. Consequently, they lose His favor and his help until they humble themselves and realize it WAS thanks to Him they were able to get this far. Rinse and repeat for a few thousand years or so.
Basically, God is HAPPY to help out as long as you don't forget He IS helping. But humans are forgetful and they eventually fall away and need to learn they need His help. We call it the Pride Cycle in my church, and it IS a cycle. You see it over and over again.
Now, if we draw parallels and look at Megabird as "God" and perhaps Resh as "Satan", more things click.
Whatever happened in Eden was BIG. Like major ultimate, plain apocalyptic. And now the cycle of the spirits returning to Megabird can't continue because SOMEBODY had to mess it up with something more powerful than simple indifference. This wasn't just the ancestors turning their backs on Megabird, this was them PHYSICALLY UNABLE to return to the light because of the darkness.
And that's why Skykids were created. To do what they no longer could.
Now, then, if- As I believe- Resh is the king and Alef is the prince and they are not the same, then it also seems likely that Alef was the FIRST Skykid. Like an olive branch from Megabird- "I want you to come back. Please don't go further. There IS a way back, and I will give it to you."
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To continue the comparison, it would be appropriate to compare Alef to Christ in this sense- The sense of being "firstborn", of being a PRINCE rather than a king.
And all the other Skykids ALSO fit this comparison because of the fact we lose our light and life so the spirits can go home.
But UNLIKE what is taught in Christianity, it is not a PERMANENT saving, evidenced by the fact that the spirits- and the Skykids- RETURN to the world. It is also possible that Alef was sent BEFORE the fall of Eden as a warning almost- Telling Resh all was not yet lost and he could STOP and be forgiven still.
But Satan's crime was pride and I believe it is the same with Resh. They want the power and the glory and the credit that rightly belongs to another- The being which MADE them. So of course he would not have stopped.
Of course, the Ark, Eden's name... There are other parallels to be made, and this is all just speculation from me based on what I think.
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
so i'm planing this fic and like i say it's tommy-centric but it really isn't. and i'm thinking of having the captain be like a funky dragon lad and has anxiety and worships lady ianite but i have no idea how i'd write that so like help?
hey now. as much as im a bitch about tommy-centric fics. no shame in writing one if that's what you like!! as long as it's properly tagged you don't have to skirt around it or shy away. if you're writing something tommy-centric, own it!!!
that said, i can absolutely give some tips! ofc, the most obvious answer would be to watch some mianite eps, but i'm aware they can get extremely long when they're lore-heavy, so here's some tips!
don't be afraid to make him curse a bit!! especially if you're basing him off of his mianite version. current-day cc!jordan doesn't swear on-screen for monetization purposes, but when you think about it, he swears a LOT if you just replace his censors with the actual curse words they represent. don't shy away from having him have the mouth of a sailor at times (pun fully intended, considering he was a pirate!!)
as much as he can have his serious, badass moments, he's also just a fucking nerd. he gets on tangents easily, and takes hypotheticals WAY too seriously. yknow when people say ranboo goes on stream and just shows symptoms? jordan is fucking full of symptoms. just all of them at once. he laughs at his own jokes so hard his ribs hurt, even though literally no one else was laughing. his puns are bad enough to deal psychic damage.
you're on a good track by acknowledging he's just a ball of anxiety sometimes!! he. cares a lot about how people see him and how he comes off. not in the self-centered sense, just in the overall socially anxious sense. he cares ESPECIALLY about how ianite sees him. he lives to make her proud
oh! on that note! jordan doesn't really say ianite's name to her face often. or in general. he calls her "my lady" in the absolutely fondest tone known to man <3
overall, jordan is just. loyal to ianite to dangerous degrees. overall, she's a fairly reasonable goddess. she wouldn't order him to just kill someone for the sake of it. but if she did, he would do it without hesitation. if ianite told jordan to jump off a bridge he would do it before she even finished her sentence. she's sometimes put-off by this, but it's something she ends up getting somewhat used to
if there's anything else you'd want me to expand on, i'd be more than glad to!!! i love rambling about these two. individually or together. they r my beloveds <3
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amoebab22 · 4 months
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Some censored (because god forbid we see titties on a website full of smut) WIPs of my OCs
The first two include Arden, my isekai'd Lavellan. Her appearance is based on a combination of two friends of mine. She has an aquiline nose (hard to show front on) and is like, 5'11" and very commanding and, due to a fucked up childhood, is charming and an excellent manipulator (good ol' fawn response) but also has this innate desire to protect and care for people, with a similar innate fear of ever being seen as weak herself.
Arden never considered herself a "music" person, though she'd been in choir for over a decade and sang well enough, until she ended up in Thedas and didn't have Spotify anymore. As a result, she sings and hums a lot, and it's helped her with her bow aim. She read tarot for friends back home, and loved learning about mythology and folklore, despite being non-religious
Back home she was an overworked attorney at a legal nonprofit, burnt out and wishing she could actually help people. She has a deep connection to animals, and it's only gotten stronger now that she's in Thedas.
She meets Solas shortly after he wakes up and saves him from some Blight wolves, then basically just bullies him into letting her help him get healthy after his "coma."
She's part of Arcana, my dragon age longfic.
The other one is Fenora (Fen), a ranger wood elf thembo whose parents died when they were young. To survive, they were forced to do some bad shit, and eventually had to flee into the wilderness from the Gate. They're maybe 200, but they really aren't sure. They're not even sure what their last name was anymore.
They spent most of the last centuries with animals and only sometimes talked and interacted with people. They're fairly direct but get flustered and upset when they can't say things the way they want. They're intelligence 8, meaning they're barely literate, and they're extremely embarrassed about it.
Somehow, their precious do-gooder personality grows on Astarion despite his best efforts, and they end up together. Fen is patient and kind, and likes to get Astarion out of his own head with really bad puns and other stupid jokes. They have no idea what to wear to events and they always let Astarion pick. They're a bad cook, which works out great because Astarion doesn't eat anyway. They get along really well with Gale, and see Jaheira as a mother figure. They've been known to do "extremely stupid" (per Astarion) altruistic things such as "running into a burning building full of gnolls to save a bunch of gnome orphans for a loaf of bread or something" (also per Astarion). Astarion loves and hates them for it, but always ends up tagging along "so they don't kill themselves. It would be a terrible waste of such a handsome person."
They knew initially that Astarion wasn't really interested in them like, romantically or long term, but their own issues from their past made the idea of anyone wanting to spend time with them openly appealing. They also thought Astarion seemed really lonely, and they hate seeing people feel lonely. They felt lonely for a long time, and try to help people avoid feeling like they felt.
They're part of my "Astarion and Fen" series of one shots, which begin with A Nice, Simple Plan.
I'm using Sketchbook Pro. My only training is compulsory art class in secondary school and "vibes" hence why I can't draw hair. Lol
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zukkaoru · 3 years
i wanna follow more people who post sk//8 but i don't want to follow ad*m stans you feel?
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ncityzen · 3 years
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
How do you feel about other ships that could potentially threaten Knightfall? Theres the possibility of them pushing White Knight since they're the only characters at the moment who aren't paired up yet but some people are also suggesting that Silent Knight is also possible because both Jaune & Neo have lost a partner and think Jaune will help Neo with that but theres the other possibility that Rose Garden is just a red herring like Black Sun and they were preparing for Lancaster the whole time.
Sorry if this turns up in the ship main tags. I censor ship names in the body of text to stop that. Tumblr can be a bit silly sometimes, but I'm a Jaune/Cinder shipper and I only speak of Blake/Yang and Ruby/Oscar positively here.
Thanks for your ask anon, it's kind of a big topic and this post got very long but I hate using cuts because they're so annoying (for me as a reader). Hope you enjoy.
This is where I started writing and I was so salty:
Jaune/Neo is not remotely a canon possibility and it's absurd to consider it, I'm shocked it's taken seriously at all and Jaune/Cinder is treated like a crackship.
I get that Neo is sort of a cult favourite, but don't attribute narrative importance to her where there isn't any. It's fine if you ship it, but I'm discussing canon here!
If anything I think her most important arc is obviously in relation to Ruby (forgiveness arc in the Fallen Place?) and her fractured partnership with Cinder is a dark echo of Ruby and Weiss, as @branwyns has pointed out. So, in how she's been brought back, it's in service to Ruby's struggle.
I also don't know what position Jaune's going to be in, if he's going to be able to offer Neo anything when he's sort of in the middle of an identity crisis. If there is anything there, though, I don't see how it's suggestive of a romance, especially given that Neo's a minor side character. Jaune's a very important character, he's one of the two major male protagonists, his love interest has to be someone important.
I wouldn't call Blake/Sun a red herring as such.
I think it's a childhood romance alike to Jaune/Pyrrha, Ruby/Penny which doesn't survive, and toys with anime tropes. Like Jaune/Pyrrha isn't really fairytale True Love and everything is sad, Ruby/Penny doesn't really happen because the shoujo love interest has bigger things to do (also her Snow Maiden allusion is another post, but the Snow Maiden dies when she finally truly loves someone - Winter, platonic in this case), Blake/Sun ends up being a friendship because it doesn't have, again, intense fairytale True Love (and in a lot of ways I think Blake/Sun is similar to Jaune/Pyrrha, but whatever), and so on and so forth. Jaune/Weiss is also the aborted childhood romance. So on and so forth.
I think that Blake/Yang is probably the romantic key to understanding the rest of the ships, which is that it's a) intense and vulnerable, b) answers thematic questions in the series (Salem/Ozma, Raven/Tai so team STRQ), c) directly plays with the Beauty and the Beast intertextuality and d) also has all of that magical colour matching and union of opposites. Most importantly, I get the sense that the Beauty and the Beast it plays with in the context of the romance is the older, extant French textual source (Beaumont).
The Jaune and Ruby friendship is one of the things I really like in the show, and no, I don't think they're setting up for a romance on that front. Whilst him mercy-killing Penny can lead to some dramatic angst to fulfill criteria a), I think here it's more to suggest their ideological split as respective leaders. In terms of b), there might be more argument here, but then again I don't think Tai and Summer were all that romantically involved and there was sus stuff going on with Ruby's conception. (A baby born of utilitarian need who then becomes dearly loved/must draw on the memory of her mother to use her inherited power is very thematically ironic and interesting).
And on that front, Ruby and Oscar are a 50/50 Salem/Ozma split respectively, whereas pretty much structurally Jaune is a straight up Ozma and Cinder's a straight up Salem, which again, is why they pair better if you're addressing that.
In terms of c) they share no intertextuality. It might be argued on this front Ren and Nora don't, but in their case I'm pretty sure their intertextuality, like the childhood romances, is anime itself, and they're the one endgame romantic example (but involves a reconstruction of the trope with Nora's separation).
And if we're going Jungian, Jaune and Cinder are Ruby and Oscar's archetypical Shadows. That's more evidence for that pairing up.
Regarding the canonicity of Ruby and Oscar, well, a) there's now separation and intensity given the end of V8, with potential Cupid and Psyche elements b) I'm not even sure if I have to cover how they answer Salem/Ozma as fluffy happy children meeting again and fixing the mess, also I think Ruby getting a happy ending answers Summer's bad ending, c) intertextually, the Little Prince (one of Oscar's allusions) loved a rose. The RG's have way more on this than me but this alone is enough. Also d), which is a lesser point, red/green and silver/gold are match lol. No one else pairs with her silver like that.
So yeah, I think RG and Knightfall will probably happen in respect to one another, alike to their confrontations in V5 being very similar.
Now to address Jaune/Weiss. I have some complicated feelings about this topic because I have read meta which addresses the alchemical element of this pairing, but to be quite honest I don't really want to stir up drama in terms of how I disagree with that. More prominently I want to point out that two major Jaune/Weiss interactions both feature Cinder and it's very very suspicious to me. This could be a separate post and I have posted about it before to some degree, but I sort of think Jaune/Weiss might actually be the red herring.
Of course, a lot of people who aren't otherwise interested in their characters or only just a bit take this as totally endgame, and if you have a different opinion you're probably just a crazy shipper. Whilst I am crazy, I think that framing Jaune/Weiss as the only reasonable narrative answer misses a majority of the thematic concerns in the show.
Okay, I'll just put it in this post: Jaune fully realises his Semblance when he saves Weiss. It's a big moment, right? This should basically indicate to us that they'll end up together. Let me readdress my criteria: a) he saves her like he couldn't Pyrrha, so maybe fulfills vulnerability/intensity, b) Weiss is a Salem/Ozma split, Jaune's more of a straight up Ozma; Weiss is a STRQ Qrow, and Jaune's a Tai... c) no intertextuality, other than maybe Jaune being the Huntsman in her story. Blake has a few Beasts, so we can double up on the Huntsman front (Weiss is both Snow White and a Huntress, and she has her own knight). In terms of d), one of the lesser points, their colours don't go together.
So I'm just going to supply these screencaps:
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Jaune never mentions Weiss in particular. Not necessarily a huge deal: I'm contrasting this with Blake and Adam, and one of the things that really made me convinced Blake/Yang was a thing
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Adam, the sacrificial bull (I'm not sure if the Campbellian bull-leaping in V6 was intentional, but if it were, then it was a sacred marriage for Yang and Blake) is not the same as Cinder. I think the contrast is purposeful.
I think there might be some intentional foiling with Blake/Adam, where Adam is the straight up irredeemable enemy love interest and Cinder isn't - like, the way she responds to Emerald and Mercury leaving is not with possessive jealousy and murderous rage.
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Going back to the big daddy, Salem/Ozma, as above. Again, I view Jaune/Cinder as a regenerative answer to Salem/Ozma.
Anyway, Cinder targets Weiss. Earlier in that sequence, Jaune doesn't make specific mention of Pyrrha. Cinder only has reason in this sequence to target an apparent love interest because that's her narrative role to do (and what everybody expects).
It's probably easy to brush off Cinder being involved as just the baddie causing trouble but basically the entire thrust is Jaune and Cinder's interaction; Jaune and Weiss don't really have much to say to each other and it doesn't carry the same romantic relief Blake and Yang do! If anything, I think confronting Jaune's self-sacrifice, Cinder's worldview, and their respective spiritual evolution and subsequent fall is like, the whole point. There's nothing that really feeds into Weiss' character arc here, that's why I remain puzzled; it's a big deal for Jaune, because he learns how to be protective, and it's a big deal for Cinder, because she's had the whole, 'They matter!' thing thrown right in her face, and also she's using a sword like Rhodes so she's in a bit of a personal crisis.
The underestimated thing here is that conflict with his anima here leads to him realising his Semblance, which is the purpose of anima confrontation (spiritual evolution)... so in the background there's Jaune/Cinder stuff going on. Which is why, given what they did with Blake/Sun, Blake/Adam, Blake/Yang, I'm sensing something odd here.
The second sequence, which notably involves Jaune and Cinder's fight over Penny, of course has him kill Penny to stop Cinder hurting Weiss again. That should be indicative, again, of Jaune/Weiss. But I'd expect there to be something again here, but instead the focus is on Jaune and Cinder. I don't know how else to describe this, but all of the angst and pain of Penny is not a concern in Weiss' character. Weiss knows what's happened, though, and it's fair to say she'll be involved in helping establish what happened with the others, but how that goes remains to be seen and is a totally separate topic. But if we're leaning hard on Tai and Qrow there, well, Tai and Qrow clearly have something going on in the sense of a personal dispute.
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But the part I want to focus on is where Jaune is helping Weiss to safety which has, um, how shall we say
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someone looking verrrrrrrrrrrrry upset - borderline jealous? - and I get that Cinder doesn't like Weiss because Weiss represents all of the failings of Atlas, but wow, that's insanely clever to make your romantic rival also represent everything you hate and rebel against.
You could argue here if you're a naysayer this is about her fucking with Winter, but Cinder's made no indication here that this is about fucking with Winter. This seems personal.
It would probably be easy to say that this is just setting up Jaune/Weiss with unrequited feelings on Cinder's part for Jaune, and then some confrontation ala Adam, but Cinder's not abusive towards Jaune. Also, what would unrequited feelings narratively achieve? In the case of Blake/Sun, Sun's feelings lead to a type of selflessness which helps him mature, and in the Vacuo arc I think that will become relevant, especially if you-know-who's a Maiden. In the case of Jaune/Weiss, his unrequited feelings for her are meshed with the pressure he feels to fulfill a particular masculine ideal. (Which is more evidence against the ship).
Cinder and Jaune have never been in a relationship, there's no trust to break, the only hurt between them is as enemies, and even then when they actually fight they barely hurt each other. In some ways I think the writers are sort of aware that like, yes they need to be enemies but there are probably people who would be upset if they did actually meaningfully harm each other directly, beyond Pyrrha and Weiss who serve narrative roles.
Jaune only chips her mask. She breaks his sword. That's the real harm they do to one another, it's transformative.
So if Cinder's being set up for a redemption arc where Adam isn't, then I think it's probably fair to argue that Jaune/Cinder is being set up as a positive relationship.
Also on this front, Adam was not one of the lead antagonists, he didn't carry the same special narrative role Cinder does as Ruby's Shadow and the Fall Maiden. So to say that her story will play out exactly the same as his when it's been contrasted purposefully is just silly. I mean, he has that big manipulative reveal of his scars to Blake, and it's obvious to us he did that to her a lot.
Meanwhile Cinder's own past, what others know of it, is used against her by Salem and Watts to manipulate and hurt her. So yes she's a very naughty villainess, but she's not an Adam.
I would make the argument here that of the three pairings - Blake/Sun, Blake/Yang, Blake/Adam - Jaune's equivalent three - Jaune/Weiss, Jaune/Pyrrha, Jaune/Cinder - follow a similar, but slightly different pattern.
Firstabble, the anime trope romance which is reconstructed: Jaune/Pyrrha, Blake/Sun
Secondabble, the historical romance which was one-sided: Jaune/Weiss, Blake/Adam
Thirdabble, the endgame fairytale true love: Blake/Yang, Jaune/Cinder.
So yeah I think Jaune/Weiss is only endgame if they decide to be really boring, play into vomit 'nice guy waiting for girl' trope for some bizarre reason that the show has broadly rejected, and decide to break the entire thematic and mechanical thrust of the show.
Let me quickly fit Jaune/Cinder into that earlier ship paradigm: a) very very intense and vulnerable, b) they are literally just straight up Salem and Ozma in reverse, they're even framed the same way, and also Raven/Tai, not explaining anymore but that's the same as Blake/Yang too, c) intertextually, Jaune's been set up as somebody's Prince Charming, and the bloke who cheated into a fucking Huntsman academy and was ostensibly a shit one being the real and best Huntsman/Prince for Cinder's story is endlessly, endlessly amusing. There's also all of the Rhodopis stuff (alike to Blake and Yang's allusion background) I have gone on about ad nauseam and then Jaune's own Joan of Arc influence involves crowns and a saint whom she hears from breaking out from the belly of Satan to free herself, so like, please do not get me started. Then, d), which is the lesser point and why I'm including it but not making a big fuss, Jaune and Cinder's colours oddly match, but it depends how hard you lean on her pin being indicative of her future colours (purple and blue), given that she's transitioned into black. But the orange and blue eyes do match so you can't take this away from me.
I also think that, like Blake/Yang was a pleasant surprise, Jaune/Cinder has the potential to be a pleasant and interesting twist. It's just the most interesting story you could tell, and I think we're due for something transcendentally happy, since that's the direction the show is going in. To be honest, I think that this is the long way around to Salem's happy ending. It's fitting to me that analogues of her in the story also fulfill that in some way.
So yeah I actually think the reason Jaune/Cinder has a chance is sort of exactly because people underestimate it and don't expect it. It makes perfect sense, though. It's very very very clever and I like it a lot.
I mean, where are we right now in the story? Cinder has recommitted to trying to be clever and smart and manipulative, even turning it on her own master. Jaune's mercy-killed Penny, the healer with bloody hands. There are some peope who think Cinder's redemption arc has been rejected, some who think Jaune won't have any angst or pain. I think there's something interesting to do with their respective characters from here. If they redeem Cinder, it almost definitely has to involve him. Everybody before him, Rhodes, Salem, Emerald, Mercury, Watts, only ever wanted something from her or of her. Staying quiet and doing as she's told, and enduring imprisonment. Imprisoning her again under the guise of a false freedom. Safety, food, love, shelter. Watts, his own motive and ends (no idea how people think him interacting with her was the point of no return for her morality). All of these failed attempts should indicate she can't be redeemed, right?
After all, how many tried to climb the tower to free the maiden?
But all of them only wanted something from her: her hand, the riches, the glory. There was just one knight who didn't care about any of that, and only did it because it was the right thing, and then they fell in love.
Which pairing am I talking about? (:
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just-antithings · 3 years
You've unlocked the hellish memory that was J*hn B*yega doing a bizarre turn against reylo shippers. The antis crow that it's proof we're racists and harassers, but here's the breakdown. Before tros, John would happily support Kylo and Ad@m Driv3r and like reylo art. After...he made a gross joke on Instagram. "It's not about who kisses her, it's about who lays the pipe" and when some people told him it was gross he went to Twitter to subtweet the entire reylo fandom with a picture of Rey stabbing Kylo and captioned it "Disney romance". A lot of us love/ed John and his character and he'd previously shown support so it felt like betrayal and so made comments expressing that, and some racists took advantage of it all to add to the chaos *cough the fandom menace coughcough*. There was a collage of racist comments going around(without context, I question how many of them were even directed at him and that situation) but if you looked up the handles nearly all of them were either associated with TFM or had some variation of antireylo in their bio. Then he went off the deep end, making an elaborate video of him laughing and "stepping on the racist haters" showing a montage of comments he got with the names unblurred. The ones I could see were to the tune of "I'm sad/disappointed he would say this." And guess what? Those people got harassed. Some of them were teenagers. At least one may have attempted suicide. (Censoring actor names so it doesn't show in their tags, don't want to stir shit again)
yeah at this point I’m sick of hearing about him
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Who is the famous dude who was in your 4th grade class? Spill
ok so the LAST time i complained about a famous person who went to my school on tumblr (this was waaay back in high school) I got anons telling me to kill myself months later and i didnt even tag the dang post so i'm gonna censor his name but. it's ty//*r a//var*z (hopefully that is readable enough while also being unsearchable. im not a tiktok person i dont know how to censor words on the internet)
anyway i am mostly sure that we were in the same class in 4th and 5th grade but all i really remember about him from grade four is that he made a lot of fart and poop jokes that i was really annoyed by but that's pretty much par for the course with 4th grade boys (also i thiiiink we kept going to the same school until he transferred out at some point in hs? but i don't think we were in any classes together after 5th grade, unless i've forgotten something)
but like. my main memories of him from 5th grade are as follows: one time he brought in his macbook for a school project (which, an 11-year-old??? with a laptop???? in 2009?????? unreal privilege imo) and his desktop background was the playboy logo, which, even at that age i knew was Pretty Fucked Up For a Kid
oh also a thing you need to know about me in elementary school was that i had a reputation for being into bunnies and was... kind of bullied for it, which is weird but whatever. (like, i was definitely a weird kid. there were other things to bully me for! and yet, this is why i was targeted. i was as confused by it then as i am now). that being said, one time we had the following conversation —
him: you like bunnies, right? me, extremely wary: ....yeah, why? him: i like bunnies too! my computer background is a bunny :) me: tyler, you do know what... type of bunny that is, right? him: yup :) i like bunnies :)
anyway i recently looked at his wikipedia page and apparently he's gay which has caused me to reflect on this particular incident and be... honestly kind of concerned for him? or at least for the kid that he was. but that doesn't change the fact that he was that type of class clown prick who was constantly mouthing off at the teachers and purposefully annoying me just to get a rise out of me (as many boys like him did; i was, admittedly, easy to get a rise out of) that made me hate him with all the fiery passion that a tiny child could muster (which is a lot)
all of this to say, i have not spoken to this dude in over a decade since he was a prepubescent little dickhead, and we are both now 24 years old. please do not take this as any reflection on his current character. a lot of kids were obnoxious in elementary school. he could very well have grown up to be a very charming and pleasant young man. beyond the recent glance at his wikipedia page, i have made absolutely no effort to keep up with his personal or professional life (he just keeps popping up in shows i watch and it THROWS ME OFF EVERY TIME) so i genuinely have no idea. i hope he's doing well, i guess
this did not stop me from feeling an immense satisfaction when his character got his heart torn out on What We Do in the Shadows
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