#i'll tack an AU on this because there might be more
angeart · 11 months
it’s another life game and turns out, this time they’re linked to someone.
they share pain, life, fate. hearts connected, there’s no other word for it but soulmate.
scar doesn't look for his soulmate. he watches other people find each other, and he remembers how it was in last life. it's a bit too fresh. he thinks he doesn't need a soulmate. or maybe he doesn't deserve one. maybe he doesn't have one? it's wretched. maybe he just needs to find something that makes him happy instead.
 so he chases after an allay and finds his way to cute jellie pandas.
 grian. grian looks at scar in that lake and he doesn't yell nooooo
he just stares, shocked and transfixed. he isn't sure what this means. why is this happening? why is scar bound to him? and why is-
why is it so hard to tell him? why can't scar just notice? why isn't he paying attention, why isn't he searching?
 grian watches scar's back as scar bounces away from him, oblivious.
 and grian thinks it's okay. it hurts, he's insane with worry, but he's biting it down. he gets to build something safe. a food source. something to help them survive.
 because they're a them—a we—even if scar doesn't realise yet.
 grian goes to find him. he finds him surrounded by pandas, and... he needs to tell him.
he needs to tell him, but the words are hard to say. they sound cheesy. they sound false.
maybe he needs to prove it instead. have something to show so that scar can understand.
 so he hurts himself.
he hurts himself to show scar and-
 no, that's not right.
 he hurts scar.
 he hurts both of them, efficiently in one go.
he's good at that.
 but scar isn't paying attention.
it keeps fraying and straying from grian and-
 scar, please.
 grian does it again.
he does it again, knowing what's coming, familiarising himself with the pain that travels through the invisible bond.
 he does it, and scar is looking this time, and-
 they stare at each other.
 grian's heart beats wildly in his chest. he doesn't know what to expect now.
in one lifetime, he killed scar. in another, he isolated him.
he doesn't want to do those things anymore.
 this time, they die together.
this time, there's no hurting one without hurting the other.
this time...
 this time, grian thinks and holds onto it like a lifeline.
 he wants to do better.
 "it's you," scar breathes out finally, disbelieving tone sneaking into his words.
 "it's me," grian confirms, queasy, his words wobbly around the edges.
 he has apologies he wants to say.
they don't make it out.
 but scar doesn't need them.
 scar steps forward and gingerly touches grian's jaw, fingertips sliding up to his cheek. his fingers are warm, fingertips pulsating slightly with rapid heartbeat. "it's us," scar corrects both of them, easily, as if everything just slotted together without a fight, without a struggle, without the burdens of previous lives and pain and trauma.
 "it's us," grian repeats, a little bit choked. he closes his eyes and leans into scar's touch. "we'll get through it together this time," he promises. no deathmatch. no abandoning each other. they're in this together.
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Two
Paul and Ringo cabaret duo au NOW!
Their collective bitter humor about the fan mag. I think George probably appreciates Paul getting into this sort of shit with him. Even if it is only on a surface-level. A reminder that the Beatles fame journey (something that's been hellish at times for George, enough to give him PTSD and other issues for the rest of his life) has not left Paul unscathed. That Paul actually does have feelings, however buried they may be.
Could even be that the appreciation comes out in the form of "I think your beard suits you. Man." Does the tacked-on 'man' mean a sort of "no homo" type qualifier? Or is it just an added endearment. I know we don't think of George as particularly inhibited, but it was the sixties. And of course Paul loves the compliment and has no idea what to do with it.
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Can you all please thank Mal as he hands you your tea next time? Not that hard, guys.
Ringo's voice is so sexy. And I love how supportive Paul and George are of this very stupid song. If either of them had written it, they'd tear it to shreds, but it's Ringo, so we laugh along and enthuse about the sentiments behind the lyrics.
The communal bitching about EMI's treatment of them. As they should.
Oh goodness, it's the "Paul has an embarrassing crush" moment from that iconic post of @jeremy-hillary-boob He totally does and you should say it. "I never used to know what it meant". It's giving "girl pretends not to know how to hold her golf club so the hot guy will touch her".
I have a theory that some of their covers ~matter~ and "What do you want to make those eyes at me for?" Is the first one for me.
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Okay this look right here that John is giving Paul? Not to, like, out myself as never having experienced pure love except from my own child or anything, but the only other place I've ever seen that look is on my one-year-old's face when I come get him from his nap. So ... "A lovely little baby, John was"
"If this boy dies, you're gonna cop it." Peak older brother behavior. He's joking, but he's also deadly serious.
In love with John trying to sing out of his range. He's trying so hard, you guys.
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"Everybody had a hard year. 'well, I'm not sure, actually. Put [good year]." Same, John. Isn't it always that way? Hard. And good. He's such a genius lyricist. He just captures the human condition with such specificity.
Lol at Paul correcting John on the key of his own song (yeah, yeah, gimme some truth is secretly a colab but it's still a John song)
When they put a piano in front of Paul and John's instantly like "uh-oh, red-alert my beautiful boyfriend might not get captured perfectly from every angle" vs a year and a half later when he's bitching about Paul having too much screen-time in Let it Be. Well, you were part of the problem, babe.
I love George's way of teaching his songs. Whereas Paul was shouting key changes and counts between phrases, and John doesn't even bother to give any of that information, George is just softly singing "E, to F sharp minor. E to A." Beautiful. John and Paul, take notes.
Wonder if I'll get through a day without calling Paul a whore. Probably not.
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John being instantly self-effacing after suggesting that genius little let's enhancement. "My mind can blow those clouds away" is actually much more original and thought-provoking, but John just makes fun of himself. Like. Just own it. You're John fucking Lennon!
The George/Paul convo (George talking, Paul hardly flinching) is so painful actually. Because from the outside, Paul's avoidance looks so condescending and unfeeling, but avoidance feels much more like 'Shit fuck shit dodge the fight, go around, don't react, don't engage, don't start something' and i really feel for both of them.
Let John do Help for gosh sakes!
"Not bad though. Good try, that. Johnny."
The part where Paul is looking just so exhausted, and he's actually letting it show, and then he sees the camera on him and hurries and tries to do a cheeky little Beatles head-shake and smile. But then he's really just too tired (and high) and he looks away and rubs his eyes. It was like watching an old circus bear. Those poor things.
And of course John's head snapping up like a little gopher when Paul says his name
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allwaswell16 · 11 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics with a diva Harry character as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
🩷 Walk That Mile by purpledaisy/@daisyharry*
(E, 149k, road trip au) A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan.
🩷 Nothing But You On My Mind by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense *
(E, 83k, royal au) Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles.
🩷 And I'll judge the cover by the book by harrystylesandstuff
(E, 73k, uni au) a Private University AU where Harry is a queer posh prince, Louis is a closeted troublemaker, and neither expect to understand each other the way they will.
🩷 These High Walls by LarryAlways28
(E, 68k, a/b/o) Harry Styles should have the world at his feet. Born to one of Seattle's wealthiest families,  Harry was raised exactly as a Styles heir should be: sharp as a tack, witty, charming, and powerful.
🩷 home is where the heart is (but god, i love the english) by maroonmoonlouis
(E, 47k, a/b/o) the enemies-to-lovers football au where Harry is the star footie player used to getting his way and Louis is his new manager determined to whip him into shape.
🩷 Just Hear This and Then I'll Go by @allwaswell16 *
(E, 44k, Pride and Prejudice au) Former boy band member Louis Tomlinson can’t stand pompous indie artist Harry Styles, but with a new record label to launch he is going to have to endure his pretensions to snag up and coming new artist Liam Payne, who happens to be Harry’s oldest friend. 
🩷 Full Moon Dreaming by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 43k, soulmates) Every month, Full Moon Dreaming reveals a person’s soulmate. Sometimes it’s an object or a place, or for the lucky ones, the love of their life.
🩷 tempests of dust by @scrunchyharry
(E, 30k, royal au) That was until the Dauphin, Prince Harry, came to stay for a summer and decided that he would experience the life of a peasant, for his own personal growth, without any regards to how it would affect others.
🩷 Love Me Please by @angelichl *
(E, 23k, soulmates) Louis hates Harry, which is fine because he would really rather prefer to avoid him at all costs. The only problem? They're soulmates.
🩷 Wine Not? by abrighteryellow / @a-brighter-yellow,  @allwaswell16,  @dinosaursmate, @crinkle-eyed-boo, @disgruntledkittenface, @fallinglikethis, @jaerie, @justalittlelouislove, @kingsofeverything, kiwikero / @icanhazzalou, LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup, @laynefaire, @lululawrence,  momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry, @phdmama, QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird, Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings, red_special / @catp, @sadaveniren, @taggiecb *
(E, 20k, hate to love) Louis’ Wine Dive is a bar run by the people for the people. Wine Styles is a boutique tasting room that caters to a more highbrow clientele. 
🩷 Lock On by thinlines / @thinlinez
(E, 8k, a/b/o) In which a missed water balloon throw might have led Alpha Louis to the world's most difficult omega.
—Rare Pairs—
🩷 Ain't Laurent Without Yves by soyane
(M, 13k, Zayn/Harry) In the midst of making his dreams come true, he meets Harry - a very successful model with diva tendencies and a string of heartbroken ex-lovers. Or so he thinks.
🩷 and all that jazz by dragmeddown
(NR, 11k, Niall/Harry) Theatre kids AU where Niall is the stage manager and Harry is one of the leads. 
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 months
24 (What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?) for Roxy
Thanks for copying the question here buddy I appreciate that a lot (I can't load the post on my phone or my own blogs at all still)
Uhhhh honestly, Roxy's pretty different to a lot of my usual other blorbos. I could compare her to Labrys from Persona 4 Arena in a sense that they're both robots with horrible trauma that have been forced to do things they wouldn't dream of doing otherwise, but that doesn't feel like a great comparison ngl
I could compare her to a lot of blorbos though. Like Bracken from Ni No Kuni 2, Unit #024 and Labrys from Persona 4 Arena, for being chronically underutilized by the devs. Maybe PURL from Kuni 2 but PURL feels more... Like an opposite to Mimic? The first attempt at sentient AI in that world, determined to answer the question of what colour is the sky for herself... Only knows a few things, a child her closest friend, and accidentally takes over the wholeass factory in her attempts to see the sky again after like a decade of being deactivated. And also because the devs couldn't think of anything interesting for a new Broadleaf area so they wanted to make sure you did the wholeass factory again for some fucking reason.
Ohhh then again, I was watching those clips last night and Toothless and Hiccup made me think of Roxy and Cassie in an AU kind of way. Mostly because of the dogisms I like to give Roxy and because of several AUs that are more in line with How to Train Your D/ragon... (Put a slash in it to make extra sure I don't end up in any searches for that) So maybe Toothless? Maybe not?
Honestly I don't think I've ever liked a character that has shown much interest in their appearance before. Maybe Erza from Fairy T/ail? Looks cool and could kill you but has zero braincells whatsoever? Also very traumatised? Koromaru from P3 cause his persona is Cerberus and Roxy is the Cerberus to Mimic? And I can see her running around with a knife in her teeth? I dunno man that's a tough question
Ohhh there was also Blaze from the Sonic games! Not because of Roxy specifically, but because in coming up with a horse for her, many of the ideas for it was giving my Blaze vibes lmao. She has a horse in the Olympic games and it's pure white with light purple tack and possibly eyes I don't remember so yeah that kept popping to mind in coming up with a horse nsjsdj
And I suppose my OC Zephyr somewhat reminds me of her. That whole universe I made was started when I got so deep into a Pupcakes/Roxica Pirates AU that I decided to make it a whole thing and Zephyr is who Roxy in the story became. I like Zephyr she's very cool and has become very distinct from Roxy, but her roots are still there, ya know? I'll always remember where she started.
Jsisjsi I could associate Roxy with Disney's Bolt too just cause he's a superhero dog and a funny lil guy. And for some reason one of the OST tracks for the DS game will plague my mind for the rest of my days. Even though I'm thinking of every track but that one right now. It's the one for Bolt's part of the... Something Temple level. Bolivia? Belize??? I think it has a B in it... But anyway yeah Superdog! Hooray!
P03 from Inscryption too but mostly because it's tech themed, and I had that old AU where I drew her as the Scrybe of Technology. Inscryption is incredible btw I fucking love it. I suck at it apparently though. I got to Act 2 and played a fucking beefed up Ouroborus in the first stage of P03's fight like "oh I've got this fucker now!!" No I did not. I absolutely did that. Stoatal misplay. Could not have fucked that up more lmao anyone that's played or seen this game will know exactly what ended up happening there nsjdjdi I FORGOT okay?? I forgot!!!
BACK ON TOPIC yeah Roxy's a pretty different character to the norm for me. Genuinely can't think of anyone that might be similar to her enough for them to remind me of her if I saw them again. Maybe if I went back and watched the old My Little Pony from the fucking 70s or whatever, but it would just be the standard stereotype of "all girls care lots about their appearance and gasp in horror if you dirty a pretty dress" probably. You know the one. I do my best not to humour that shit in my own Roxy interpretation but it's hard to forget that's absolutely where her written personality stems from :/
#pop rox answers#long post#sorry i kept going off on one I've just had my meds and it's ramble forever time#yeah i fucking. hate that stereotype so much#like with an actual burning passion. maked my skin crawl.#i was a little autistic girl once and i hated it then#fucking. wisteria or however you spell her name from one of the old mlp movies did it best#it was the trope of a princess has to be pretty and a princess has to be prim and proper and a certain way#and she just fucked off to roll around in the mud and made everyone else a princess at the parade too because FUCK you lmao#i remember that film remarkably well lmao#the other one i remember was rarity from another film or at least i think that was her name. early 2000s pink unicorn#from the one where the colours are disappearing from the world. she was a lil shit i could relate lmao#okay i lied i remember all the ones i saw this shit was my thing as a lil kid lmao i remember when the schmooze was ourple#and made by three witches in a castle over a cliff and only the flutter ponies could stop it and there was this random girl for some reason#meghan and two kids i never cared for. north star i miss you. you did nothing i just thought you were neat#fucking BURGER SURPRISE!!! little shit!!!! literally saved the day by being an ass!!!#they had fun names ngl#anyway. i don't remember what i was talking about imma just post and hope for the best sorry or whatever#my blog my rules you're gonna suffer my meds with me hand in catdrugdeal hand
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ambyandony · 11 months
Monster AU - Monster Taxonomy [P1]
[P1: what the fuck is taxonomy and why does it matter in a monster AU]
short answer it doesn't. you dont have to care butgod i fucking love classifying things an d making up names. and also there are some intricacies that taxonomy can help elaborate on when it comes to species.
Taxonomy is the scientific practise of ascribing names, categories and classifications to living things based on characteristics both individual and shared between different creatures. There is a taxonomical hierarchy that goes as follows, from least to most specific: domain, kingdom, phylum (sometimes division in botany), class, order, family, genus, and species (plus subspecies). Most things you think of as living fall under the domain Eukaryota, so you can assume everything I talk about belongs to Eukaryota unless otherwise stated. A part of taxonomy is binomial nomenclature, by which species are given a scientific name consisting of two parts, the genus and the species.
Vulpes vulpes, the red fox, is the species vulpes in the genus vulpes and Tyto multipunctata, the lesser sooty owl, is the species multipunctata in the genus tyto. Any normal person will call these 'the red fox' and the 'lesser sooty owl' or just 'the fox' and 'the owl' but taxonomically, they both have a very specific classification.
From kingdom to species, the red fox is: Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Carnivora > Canidae > Vulpes > Vulpes vulpes the lesser sooty owl is: Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Strigiformes > Tytonidae > Tyto > Tyto multipunctata.
See, they share a kingdom and phylum; Animalia and Chordata; more or less because they are both animals with spines. But then they diverge as their characteristics differ; in this case, the difference between mammals (mammalia) and birds (aves) is their morphology and reproduction; mammals have mammaries (breasts) and give live birth, and birds have no mammaries and lay eggs. Each further specification on the taxonomical hierarchy indicates a more specific list of shared traits between creatures in that classification.
Taxonomy helps to identify species that are related or have common traits. And why does it matter? Simply because monsters aren't human (Okay, well, on that front it's a little complicated) and there are many different kinds of monsters that fall under a single umbrella label; for example, seafolk. They are commonly widely miscategorised as 'mermaids' no matter what they actually are, but there are countless actual 'kinds' of 'mermaids'. Squalo, a Merrow, is fundamentally different from a Siren or a Selkie. Werewolves are a bit of a special confusing case, but I'll get into that later.
In other words, monsters aren't Homo sapiens and the term "monsters" is a catch all term, not an actual class or genus; and while some monsters are human adjacent, not all of them are, and even those who look human adjacent might belong to entirely different classes. (hint, theres a nonzero entirely likely chance that polymorphs don't belong to the phylum chordata)
And I'm a sucker for coming up with names and being silly. Realistically, monsters wouldn't have any taxonomical classifications because most people don't believe in them and those who do believe in them want them dead a good amount of the time. But we're talking biology here! Perhaps a biologist with an interest in cryptozoology would want to classify monsters and perhaps that biologist is hypothetically me (not a biologist) and I'm going to come up with scientific names and figure out some classifications for my Monster AU.
Stick around if you're interested and leave if you dont give a fuck i dont care i fucking love rambling about my monster au. ill update this post with more related posts and ill make a monster taxonomy tag
Monster Taxonomy Page 2:
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beck-a-leck · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers...
Tagged by @thychesters this was super fun to do winding down after work. Thank you!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
83. But good luck finding all of them
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
1,102,340 posted over my entire time on AO3
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Historically and primarily, Star Wars, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, and Rune Factory. but recently I've been posting a Hobbit story.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is about to be the most boring list because in order it's:
[Redacted Fic] (posted under a separate account,by an absolutely huge margin of over 1500 kudos)
Aggressive Negotiations (SW fic with adorable baby Skywalker Twins, at just under 400 kudos)
Wells of Silence (SW fic retelling late Clone Wars and ROTS with a female Anakin Skywalker)
[Redacted Fic] (the one fic I wrote for a certain fandom that was getting super huge, but I was a weenie and posted anonymously)
and [Redacted Fic] (another anonymous story)
If we want to include the top 5 non-redacted, then well tack these ones onto the list:
Among Scuttled Ships and Scrap (SW/TBB fic in which Omega meets Cal Kestis on Bracca)
Better Left Unsaid (A SW Obi-Wam/Satine fic about duty and sacrifice)
Weekend Guests (A jarring reminder that I wrote, and did not finish a Voltron fic lmao)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do! I love getting comments and getting to potentially engage in conversations with my readers and fandom friends. So I try to respond to every comment I get.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mean, it's the one I always bring up when people ask what the angstiest fic in my kinda expansive angst repertoire is, but it's Hello Darkness. You don't get much angstier than major characters deaths, thousands of other deaths, and infanticide so... (It's an Order 66 fic, what can even be expected with that right?)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh gosh, I don't know. I do have quite a bit of fluff and I think they all have very happy endings full of all the warm fuzzies. The most recent one might be Operation: Save the Magic. It's your quintessential Christmas Special in a fic, and naturally it has the picture perfect happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Statistically, I'm sure there are people out there who do hate my fics, for whatever reason. But none of it has made it to me, and I'm perfectly content with that.
9. Do you write smut?
I have made one (1) foray into smut writing, and I think I overcompensated with angst, which says everything about me you need to know lmao. Smut's not really on my radar as a reader or a writer, but when it fits a situation, it fits, ya know?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
Not really. A handful of times when I was goofing around with friends we might have done a silly crossover or two. But beyond doing in-universe crossovers of different installments of the same universe, I don't really write them.
I'm more of an AU person. I'd rather take characters from Media A and drop them into the universe of Media B without any characters from Media B making an appearance. Someone might count that as a crossover, but I think they're more of an AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've done a couple collaborations for fandom events, not sure of those really count, as I was the one doing most of the writing. And there was one cracky-story I did with a friend back in high school, but beyond that, no I haven't.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
I don't really have favorite ships. I tend to think of myself as a fluid shipper, meaning I'll write or read just about anything if the mood strikes, so I don't really glom onto favorites for the long term. With ship things it's less about the actual characters and more about the way they're interacting with each other.
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a lot of long-abandoned and unfinished WIPs sitting both on my hard drive and on AO3. Throw a stick and you'll probably hit one of them. Probably anything started pre-2018 and not updated since then is likely never going to be finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do a good job capturing emotions and working with the complexities of human relationships (and just being human). And I think I do quite well with my descriptive scenes too.
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
Action scenes are the bane of my existence, and I think just actions in general. I tend to over-describe what everyone is doing and every little move they make in scenes that don't need that level of description.
Also sticking to a consistent writing schedule and keeping a muse wrangled long enough to finish a story.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I'd like to have some familiarity with the language before I would do that, because I don't want to force people who speak that language to read my google-translate results. So I don't do it as much with real languages.
Fictional languages though, I'll be much more liberal with the rate in which I toss in those words. might not be whole sentences, particularly if there aren't key phrases for me to use, but I'll use individual words freely.
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
If we're talking first fandom I ever wrote a fanfic for, that would be Jak and Daxter.
If we're talking first fandom I ever did any creative writing for, it would be Warrior Cats RPs
20. Favorite fic you have written?
Asking me to pick a favorite is unfair, because there's genuinely something I like about every story I've written. I've my primary audience and I'm writing the stories I want to read. So I can't say I have a favorite favorite. But the one I've been most recently and fervently working on, so it's at the forefront is How Far Ahead The Road Has Gone my Hobbit fic.
Okay, now it's late and I need to be getting to bed bc I've gotta work tonight. So I know I'm gonna miss people if I try and tag folks. So this is the blanket statement of If you wanna play along, feel free to say I tagged you.
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angstmongertina · 9 months
Throwback Thursday to WIP Wednesday
As I said, I had an important meeting this morning so I absolutely didn't have time to work on my WIP Wednesday. Instead, I'll be doing it today!
Accountability sentences under the cut.
Oh Brother: Nadia/Thomas (1 sentence but I tacked on an additional sentence fragment)
But unlike certain other members of her family, she knows better than to insert herself into situations when she might cause more problems than provide solutions, and so she keeps her mouth shut as best she can. A task made all the more difficult when Thomas manages to misunderstand every hint that Aster drops.
forever i'm yours, forever i do: Artem/Rosa second anniversary (2 sentences that is incredibly rough because I can't write spice help)
He feels more than hears her reply, the way she trembles against him, the whisper of her consent ghosting across his cheek. He presses closer still, buries his face into the crook of her neck, feels himself stiffen at the roaring in his veins.
That Which Binds Us: FEA Chrobin (3 sentences)
As the leader, as the captain of the shepherds, he ought to brush it off. He knew that, could remember the lessons about not showing weakness in front of his men that his father had drilled for almost as long as he can remember: Ylisse could not stand strong against her enemies when her leaders exhibited any signs of weakness. And yet, in spite of himself, he hesitated.
Officium et Honestas: SWTOR Regency AU (4 sentences, once again rough af lol)
If anything, her friend’s expression only turned sharper at his father’s words, this time matched with more subtle but no less curious attention from her family. Equally unfortunately, Earl Barcaria had evidently selected that moment to pause in his retelling, casting his gaze about his audience until it too followed that of the others, though his expression held more concern than curiosity. “Is aught the matter, Miss Hei?” “No, my lord.” She drew a breath, letting it out slowly before pasting another smile, this time more genuine in the face of his good nature, upon her face.
Evenly Matched: Jaslen/Falon (1 sentence)
His face darkens more still, an expression that is as enticing as it is dangerous, and she finds herself sitting up a little straighter, her pulse racing far more than it has any reason to, when he storms across the room to glare down at her, this time in close quarters.
Dinghun Zhou: CinderLia AU (1 sentence)
“You may have fooled one man, my dear, but not me.”
Once again, I would have liked to have written more, but since I am already behind, I will just call it here. Fingers crossed that I will have more progress next week!
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auncyen · 1 year
ooooh for the trope thing, that one specific kind of canon divergence AU where canon characters are swapped around :D
This is a tough one lmfao I want to rate it higher because I think it's an interesting concept, but my general experience with it has it sitting at D for me in persona fandom. Black Mask aus in p5 fandom usually make me pause, read the summary, and then keep scrolling. I just don't usually find them convincing about why the other character became Black Mask and how they're a threat without the conspiracy or alternatively why they're working with the conspiracy. (ex. one of the most convincing AUs for Akiren's Black Mask/Akechi's PT characterization tacked on new metaverse powers way bigger than what either Akechi or canon Akiren has to explain how Akiren was a huge threat working truly solo.) So I feel like that counts a D. Every so often I'll read the summary and tags, think "sure I'll give that a try" and browse, and I don't think they're all bad... I just still don't have a Black Mask au that's like YEAH, THAT'S TOTALLY HOW IT'D GO DOWN. I'm not the biggest fan of arcanaswap, either, which usually does the entire cast and seems to make characterization shifts to fit what the arcana's usually been associated with. When you examine each character, sure, there are different arcanas you can associate them with (and I've argued for swapping Ann, Makoto and Caroline/Justine around!) If I see the entire cast being changed I assume I'm not going to like it.
That said in general with fandom I find "what if" interesting, and "what if this character ended up in completely different faction because someone else reached out to them (or similar)" interesting. Hell I've toyed with the idea of an AU where Akiren is functionally the Black Mask but working directly with Yaldabaoth, an AU where Haru was fumbling through the Metaverse and giving people something close to psychotic breakdowns but not quite (between it being Haru and her element being psi I wanna say like. she just gives them waking nightmares, some of them might actually look like changes of heart with the victim screaming confessions to the people they've hurt pleading for it to stop) before her father discovered what she was doing and directed her targets with a mix of "see how corrupt this guy is?"/"you must do your part to help the Okumura name too, Haru (UNLESS YOU WANNA GET MARRIED OFF)" until it goes too far. So like I'm not completely opposed, I'm just... skeptical.
I think the best way to sum this up is that I'm more likely to like a roleswap if it's kind of incidental/secondary to the "what if X's life went differently in this way, how would things work out", with a big focus on characterization, and the more characters that are being shuffled around the more likely it is I won't be interested.
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amethystina · 1 year
For the ask game: how do you decide what fics to write?
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4. How do you choose which fics to write?
I'm unsure if this means what fics to write out of all the ideas I come up with or what fics to write on a day-to-day basis, so I'll just answer both!
When it comes to deciding what ideas will move on to the next stage and actually get written, it's usually the ones that give me something new to explore or, alternatively, a challenge. I have SO many ideas and so little time (and also can't write short fics to save my life) that I have to be pretty selective. I can't just go with ideas I think are fun or exciting in the heat of the moment, but rather ones that will give me something in the long run.
It doesn't have to be something spectacular, though. Just being able to explore new characters is more than enough, which is also why my first fics in a fandom are usually set in the canon verse (if with a twist sometimes), detailed, and focus heavily on characterisation and capturing the tone and voice of the characters and world as a whole. Or at least focus on the characters and their dynamic more so than outrageous plots or AUs. Because those are the fics I choose to prioritise and write first. THEN I might branch out a little and try new things.
(The only real exception is my first Winteriron fic (Autonomy, a huge, sprawling space opera) but that was mainly because I started writing it back in December 2015, before Tony and Bucky had really had any shared screen time in the canon verse, so making it an AU just gave me more options xD)
As for choosing what fics to write from day to day, that's usually based more on my mood. I'm someone who usually finishes my fics before I post them so I can work on them at my own pace and in whatever order I choose. My readers (or potential readers) usually have no idea what I'm working on so I can usually do so without any external pressure.
That... has changed with Who Holds the Devil, though. Which means I'm honestly a little lost at times because I DO have several other WIPs I would like to work on (like the sequels to Gravitational Pull) but I feel guilty as soon as I do, since I know that people are waiting for the next update on Who Holds the Devil. And I admit I don't really like the feeling. Sometimes it's like I only have a very small window to work on other fanfics before I start feeling guilty and have to focus back on Who Holds the Devil. Which is still a delight to write, make no mistake, but, sometimes, it is definitely also a must rather than a want.
Long story short: I should definitely avoid posting WIPs if I can because they mess with my head in a way that's just not good for anyone involved x'D
Och tack så mycket, jag ska försöka 💜 Jag erkänner att det är lite kämpigt just nu, men det är väl bara att tuffa på. Förr eller senare så lägger det sig :)
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ladywaffles · 11 months
hello fellow enjoyer of things >:)
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
💞 Who's your comfort character?
�� What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
😈: i am so bad at writing smut scenes so i always fade to black, even when it feels like there should be a scene there and i've built up to it, and it just feels cruel. i would say like 60% of the time there was a sex scene there but i just couldn't get it right so i always end up cutting them out before posting. also i wrote a story once where the entire thesis was "what if the villain deliberately broke the rules on bioethics, as a character study and worldbuilding exercise" and well. readers did not seem to like that. conversely, i also have not updated either of my big WIPs in over a year, so like, that too.
🛒: music and sound are a very big part of my life, so they come up in my stories pretty often! i really enjoy writing to set the place of a scene/story, so i do a lot of touch/smell/hearing similes and metaphors. in terms of feelings, there's a lot of contemplating of loneliness, but not the kind that is, "i am alone in my room," rather the, "i am the only one who has this set of experiences and circumstances, and i cannot explain myself to this person who i care about so they can understand my actions/affections/choices fully, and that makes me feel isolated."
🛠: i primarily use scrivener to write fic, although if you catch me without my laptop, i'll sometimes use google docs or just a plain old fashioned pen and paper. if i'm plotting something out for a longer story, i might use a handwritten timeline on a blank sheet of paper and then just cover it in highlighter and sticky notes as i tack on addendums, if i'm not just screaming about it in a friend's DMs. thesaurus dot com is my best friend.
💖: i started writing fic when i was maybe 11 or 12, right around the time that i first learned that fic existed when i was looking up pictures to make my nook wallpaper, and you could do self-inserts and change the story around to suit your desires, like play-pretend but better. there were just so many permutations to explore, and i really liked that idea! i didn't start publishing fic until i was about 15. that first fic is still out there on ao3 somewhere, but i've since anonymized it so i don't have to look at it on my profile anymore lol. (not because i think the fandom is cringe, but rather because i've grown a lot as an author and it's not necessarily representative of my ability anymore!)
👀: so i know the answer you want me to tell you about is the comphet iceman accidental lovechild aaron tveit AU but sadly i have no more words on paper than that which i have already told you (iceman, very gay and upset over breakup # 3 with maverick, comphet rebounds with a woman who is also very gay and rebounding comphet style and whoops there's a baby now and here comes a bouncing baby aaron tveit). i'm still working on the timelines, because the top gun timeline in relation to the actual universe timeline of when everyone got married/how old aaron is versus when CMIYC was on broadway/aaron's nearly 10-year long absence from broadway is a hot mess and i'm trying to piece things together in the way that is the most true to form/makes the most sense.
💞: donald scripps from the history boys ("I have never particularly liked myself but the boy I was, kneeling in that cold and empty chapel that winter morning, fills me now with longing and pity," spoke wonders to my eighteen-year-old self who was also off to university and questioning reality) and obi-wan kenobi from star wars ("until this very moment, he had never realized he’d always expected, for no discernible reason—that when he died, anakin would be with him." his place in the series as a man who fights for good because it is the right thing to do, because he believes in goodwill, even as the world crumbles around him because it is inevitable that he fail in his mission and ultimately lose everything and everyone he loves, and we all know that he must fail so that others will succeed where he did not... i eat that shit RIGHT up.)
✅: there are at least three separate instances where i have used the righteous brothers' unchained melody in my writing, and two of them are because the song plays on a jukebox in a greasy spoon diner. it was completely unintentional, that's just a song that keeps popping up lol.
fanfic writer emoji ask
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fanficimagery · 3 years
Misery Business pt. I
Imagine moving in with the Molina's after an incident back home. Instead of being angry, you realize this is your second chance to be truly happy and you really hope it goes better than your first attempt.
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Words: 6.1K Author's Note: I'm a sucker for three idiot ghost boys which is why I'm back, only in this imagine everyone is alive. Yes that includes Rose Molina as well :) Soulmate!AU too so have fun with that. FYI, Y/N will be "musically talented" but since I can't write music to save my life then "Y/N's music" will come from a little band that goes by the name of Paramore and by James Arthur.
Julie and three of her best guy friends are in the family studio outside, writing and jamming and just having the time of their life. Alex, Reggie, and Luke are about two years older than Julie, but the boys overlooked the teeny tiny age gap because her killer voice was exactly what their band was missing. The entire high school knew exactly who the boys of Sunset Curve were so they were all surprised when they took sophomore Julie Molina under their wing and rebranded their band.
Julie's family was very supportive of her music, especially her mother Rose, and she let Julie and the boys use her studio whenever they wanted so long as they all kept up their grades. They're usually left alone when Julie and Luke are in writing mode, so it's a bit of a surprise to see Ray and Rose entering the studio.
Alex is the first to notice them, nudging Reggie and gesturing to Mr. and Mrs. Molina, and then Reggie tosses a pillow at Luke's head to get his attention. Luke's rather rude remark is on the tip of his tongue, but his eyes widen upon seeing Julie's parents.
"Jules. Julie!" He hisses. "Your mom and dad are here."
"Hmm. What?" Julie finally looks away from her journal, her eyes widening before a beaming smile breaks out. "Mami! Papi. What brings you two here?"
"Hey mija," Ray says. "Can we talk real quick?"
"Of course!"
She glances at the boys and they're quick to start packing up, but Ray gestures for them to stay put. "It's okay, boys. You can stay for this."
Rose smiles. "After all, you are family too."
Every time Rose or Ray mention that the boys are family, they can't help but smile goofily. None of the boys have the type of relationship with their parents that Julie has with hers, so they're all grateful the Molina's accept them as if they were a Molina as well. Julie smiles as the boys, who are all practically older brothers to her, gather around her and Luke to hear what's going on.
On his way further into the studio, Ray grabs a chair for Rose and she takes a seat while Ray stands behind her, gripping the back of her chair. "Okay," he exhales a little roughly, "so you know the drama your cousin went through a few months ago?"
Julie frowns. "Yeah."
"Well it seems Y/N isn't doing so well," Rose says. "Your tía thinks a change of location is what's best for her."
"Y/N wants to move here?"
"Well not exactly," Ray says. "Y/N doesn't know. If we agree to take her in, then Y/N will be told of her relocation."
Julie nods, looking thoughtful. "Okay."
"Okay?" Ray muses. "What does okay mean?"
"Well I'm assuming you're only telling me because you never make a big decision without seeing what me and Carlos think," Julie says and then smiles brightly. "I love Y/N. Carlos loves Y/N, so I know he already voted yes."
Rose chuckles. "He did. I believe his words were I will throw down for Y/N any day of the week. Bring her home."
Julie snorts. "Of course he did." Then after glancing between her mom and dad, she nods with a gentler smile. "Whatever she needs. I'll even decorate the guest bedroom for her."
"That's nice, mija." Ray then looks over the boys, eyes settling on Reggie. "No flirting."
"I- what?"
"No flirting!"
Luke and Alex snort as Reggie gasps in mock outrage, but everyone knows Reggie is the one to flirt first and ask questions later. Ray and Rose laugh as they ready to leave the studio, Rose walking over to kiss her daughter on the temple before disappearing after her husband.
As soon as the teenagers are left alone, the boys whirl on Julie.
"So who's Y/N?" Alex asks, smiling innocently.
"And what was the drama a few months ago?" Luke wonders.
Julie glances between all three boys before sighing. "I'm only telling you this because it's highly likely she'll be coming soon." She has their full attention. "Y/N is my older cousin. Last year she met her soulmate."
"Aww," Alex coos.
"Or so we thought."
His smile immediately falls. "Oh."
Julie cringes. "Yeah. Apparently some new transfer student at her school liked my cousin so much that he decided he wanted to be her one and only. Really creepy dude," she says. "So somehow he figured out what her words were and made sure those were the first words he spoke to her." Their eyes widen. "When she spoke to him in return, he memorized the words and had them tattooed on. Then he refused to let her see the words, under the guise that they were in a private spot she couldn't see until they got to know each other better, until they healed."
"What the hell," Luke breathes. "That such a-"
"Dick move," Reggie mutters.
Alex nods in agreement. "Yeah. What they said."
Julie smiles sadly at her friends. "She was with him for a year before he met his real soulmate and then he tried to juggle them both. Y/N was really torn up about it."
"Who wouldn't be?" Alex says. "That is so messed up."
"It is. But if there's one thing I know about my cousin it's that she doesn't want people to tiptoe around her." Julie grins then. "So be yourselves like you are with me, just don't flirt with her."
Alex stares down his two guy best friends until they huff and nod in agreement. "I think they can handle that."
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Stepping out of the Uber in front of your tío's house, you're grateful you stopped being annoyed with your mom for making you move long enough to accept the money she transferred into your bank account. The ride from the airport to the Molina household wasn't exactly a cheap one and you regretted not letting your family pick you up when you saw what you owed.
But now you're here, one duffel bag hanging from your shoulder and a medium-sized suitcase sitting by your feet. You only have a moment to take it all in before the front door is opening, and your tío and tía are exiting the house to greet you.
"You're here!" Rose smiles and is quick to pull you into a hug. "How was your flight?"
"Decent. Just a little turbulence. I might have barfed. Twice."
Rose and Ray laugh, and then Ray's tugging you into a hug of his own. "We're so glad to have you, mija. Julie and her friends have just about finished with your room. They're really excited to have you here."
"And I'm excited to be here." Pulling out of the hug, you're met with two identical expressions that practically say Are you really?. "Well now I am." All three of you chuckle. "I was a little upset at the short notice, but I'm totally over it. I am a little tired though, so yeah."
"Oh. Of course. Just head on up, mija. You know where the guest bedroom is," Rose says. "Ray and I need to go get some groceries for tonight. Does arroz con pollo sound good?"
You groan quietly. "It sounds fantastic. My mom could never quite make it like you do."
Ray laughs. "Well my sister is not the cook she claims to be. Now go on. Rest up and we'll see you for dinner."
As Ray and Rose take their leave, you grab your suitcase and drag it inside behind you. You can hear laughter coming from upstairs so that's where you head towards, and you're not surprised to see Julie, Flynn, and who appears to be Julie's bandmate Alex tacking up some fairy lights and draping them across your headboard. The bedroom, which was usually bare except for the bed and dresser, has many of your personal things scattered about that had been shipped a little over a week ago now. However the sheer black curtains, the maroon comforter bed set, and the lights they're hanging up are all new.
"A-hem." You clear your throat, smiling when all three teens freeze and turn towards you. "Are you guys seriously having fun without me?" The blonde boy grins as the two girls squeal, you dropping your duffel bag next to your suitcase just as Julie and Flynn launch themselves at you. Your arms are spread wide as they wrap themselves around you and you bring your own arms down around their shoulders to squeeze them in return. "Did you girls miss me?"
"Uh duh!" Flynn is the first to retort.
Julie pulls back just enough to look you in the face. "We're going to have so much fun."
"So much." You can't help but chuckle, your attention then sliding to the quiet blonde. "Alex, right?"
He smiles. "Yeah. Hi. It's nice to meet you."
"You too, man. I keep up with the band on Youtube and can I just say that you absolutely kill it on the drums? I mean holy shit. You're awesome!"
Alex blushes as Julie points at him. "See! Own your awesomeness. My cousin thinks you're cool, therefore you are cool."
Both girls finally release you, Flynn stumbling back to sit on the edge of what is now your bed. Julie stays right where she's at, arm wrapped around your waist as you both stare at her bandmate. You nod and smile at him. "You really are. We definitely need to jam some time."
Alex seems to perk up then. "Y-You're into music too?"
Flynn snorts. "The Molina's are all freakishly talented. I'm almost jealous."
You roll your eyes fondly at Flynn. "Shush. You're talented in other areas." Then looking at Alex, you grin. "I sing and write. Not as amazing as Julie, of course, but I can hold my own. I like to perform-"
"Just not in front of an audience," Julie muses.
"-and just let go. The rush of it all feels good." You turn to pout at your cousin. "And yeah, not in front of an audience of strangers." You stare at Alex once more. "Friends and family is fine, just not like a legit stage. I'll projectile vomit like that one girl in Pitch Perfect." All three teens snort, that movie having been popular with all of them.
Alex then grins. "We'll definitely have to jam then once you're settled in."
A brief moment of silence descends upon the room, but Flynn is not having it. She claps her hands once, garnering everyone's attention. "So before we get comfortable, lets address the elephant in the room." You groan as she smiles broadly. "How are you holding up?"
"I'm fine, guys."
"Really? Your sudden move states otherwise."
"Flynn!" Julie scolds. Alex seems to freeze, his gaze darting between you and Flynn.
Flynn grimaces as she seems to think she's crossed a line, but you merely roll your eyes. "What exactly did my mom tell your dad?" You turn to ask Julie.
"Um," she gulps and fidgets in place. "I was just told that you weren't doing so good after everything that happened."
You snort. "Seriously?" Julie nods and you chuckle, shaking your head. "Guys, I'm fine. Honestly! I got over the heartbreak like a week after it happened and then I was just pissed off. But my friends helped me realize some things and I'm good now."
"But then why did your mom say you weren't?" Julie wonders.
"I love my mom, but she's a moron," you say. You drag Julie over to your bed, kicking off your shoes along the way and crawl to sit against the headboard. Julie does the same and you gesture for Alex to join Flynn at the foot of your bed. He does, smiling to be included. Once everyone's settled, you say, "So Jerry, who was the guy pretending to be my soulmate," you explain for Flynn and Alex, "has been trying to get in contact with me ever since I blocked him on everything I could. A couple weeks ago while I was out partying with some friends, Jerry and his soulmate were at the same party I was at. I didn't notice them, but they noticed me and they somehow managed to come up with the idea that I was stalking them."
"What a bitch," Flynn immediately blurts. Alex nods along with her.
"Anyway, Jerry's soulmate confronted me and I was completely blindsided by how angry she was with me. I mean, Jerry's the one who tricked me! Not the other way around." You shake your head in annoyance. "She made some hella stupid accusations and she threw a punch."
Julie gasps. "She didn't!?"
"She did. Now I'm not stupid, so I let her hit me a couple of times before I took my first swing. Fortunately for me, she clawed me," you pull your shirt down to show them three marks just above your cleavage, "and she was arrested when the cops got there. After giving my statement and getting statements from the witnesses, they determined I acted in self defense and let me go home. Mom took the little altercation as me spiraling and acting out, so she shipped me off."
"Jesus," Julie sighs. "That's messed up."
"It really is. But oh well. What happened, happened, and now I get to live with my favorite people."
All four of you laugh before Alex gestures towards your chest, sobering up some. "I have some cream that you can use so it'll fade the scars. My soulmate likes to skateboard and he gets pretty banged up every now and then so I keep a stash of that stuff for him."
You smile fondly at him. "Yes, please. The first time my real soulmate sees the girls," you shimmy your chest just the slightest, "I don't want him to see my battle wounds."
Julie swats you with the back of your hand and you laugh at her exasperated expression as the other two break down into giggles.
Lounging around in your room, you ask Julie about her other two bandmates but Alex tells you they had family obligations they couldn't get out of. Carlos gets dropped off by his friend's mom and he joyously jumps onto the middle of the bed when he realizes you're finally there. So that's how Ray and Rose find the five of you, laughing and joking in your new room before dinner is ready and making plans to hang out the following day when everyone could meet up.
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After explaining to your tío and tía the real reasoning your mother had you sent away, it was like a weight was lifted off their shoulders and they were more at ease in your presence. You laughed at their sheepishness, at how they thought they had a rightfully heartbroken teenager on their hands with no clue how to ease said heartache. But when all was said and done, everyone seemed to be themselves around you.
Alex had shown up that afternoon, soulmate in tow, and immediately you asked to play with Willie's hair. Both boys had laughed, Willie agreed and readily sat on the floor between your knees as Julie and Alex Facetimed Flynn about any upcoming open mic nights they could book. Willie had a box of random hair supplies in his lap and you saw how he kept running his fingers over a feather and some small silver hoops. Without even asking him, you grabbed a couple of silver hoops, a feather, and set them aside. You had him tilt his head and he did so without questions, closing his eyes as you started to part and section the hair on the right side of his head. Alex smiled every time he looked over at the two of you and you happily gave Willie three thin braids about five inches long before letting the rest of his hair hang loose. The two outer braids had the silver hoops clipped in and the braid in the middle held the feather you had braided in with a thin leather cord. When you were finished and then combed out Willie's hair one last time, you told him you were done and had to bite back a laugh at the way Alex gulped. Willie eagerly went to check himself out in the mirror, beaming at his reflection before turning around and pulling you into a hug.
While your tío Ray and tía Rose worked, and Carlos spent time at his friend's house, you and Julie ordered in some pizza for yourselves, Alex, and Willie. They had no plans at all for the day so the four of you went out to Rose's studio garage when Flynn finally showed up.
Flynn has the bright idea to do karaoke, pulling out the equipment and setting up a laptop Julie had in the studio for this occasion.
Flynn killed it on Nicki Minaj's Starships, you and Julie sang Mamma Mia and were joined by a very enthusiastic Alex. Willie absolutely refused to sing, but that was okay because he knew the choreography for Backstreet Boys Everybody and you eagerly pulled him up to dance with yourself and Julie. Tío Ray and Tía Rose showed up with Carlos in tow, and you and Julie laughed joyously as her parents sang through Journey's Don't Stop Believin'.
Everyone was laughing and having a good time, but as the sun was going down the parental figures went inside to talk through dinner ideas and clean up a little.
You ask Julie if she has any originals you have yet to hear, but as she goes to go grab a journal Alex speaks up. "What about you? You said you wrote, right? I need to hear an original."
"I, uh, sure." You shrug. You turn towards Julie, eyeing the laptop. "Are my instrumentals still on there?"
She grins. "Yeah. Can I choose?"
"Go for it." You get up to go see which song of yours she's going to choose, smiling softly when you see her choice. Alex is practically bouncing in his seat, Willie is shaking his head at him in fond amusement, and Flynn looks torn between recording with her phone. When you nod at her, she beams and gets ready to hit record on her phone.
"So before Julie hits play, I just want you guys to know I wrote this song while I was Jerry. He absolutely loathed it when he first heard it because he thought I was singing about someone else." You huff a laugh. "The song was honestly about a couple on a TV show I got fixated on, but he didn't believe me. So anyway, I might be a little rusty, but Julie loves it so here goes nothing.
Julie hits play. The violin starts and you smirk when you see Alex's eyebrows raise. Then the drums, guitar, and bass kick in and his eyes widen just as his jaw drops when your attitude completely changes.
"I'm in the business of misery, let's take it from the top. She's got a body like an hourglass, it's ticking like a clock. It's a matter of time before we all run out. When I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouth."
You keep singing, singing to Julie, but then it goes silent before the chorus kicks in and you find yourself back to back with your cousin as she joins you. "Woah, it was never my intention to brag. To steal it all away from you now. But God, does it feel so good 'cause I got him where I want him now. And if you could, then you know you would 'cause God, it just feels so.. It just feels so good."
Willie whoops and you laugh your way through the next few lines, rocking your shoulders and even throwing in a couple of head bangs for good measure.
But then the music quiets just so and you face the boys. "I watched his wildest dreams come true and not one of them involving you. Just watch my wildest dreams come true. Not one of them involving.." You head bang now, twisting your head back and forth so your hair wildly flips back and forth. Julie plays the air guitar and you're laughing, having made yourself dizzy in the process. But then as one particular part comes up, you sidle up to Julie's side, your face just inches from the side of her own face as she stares forward. "Woah I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now."
Your chest aches from putting your all into your own song, sweat beading at your hairline as you jump around dancing. You're exhausted by the end of the song, but it's well worth it to see Alex's gobsmacked expression.
The studio falls silent, but it's Willie and Flynn who jump to their feet. Their utter amazement and joyfulness makes you a little sheepish, but then Alex is standing to his feet. "Holy shit."
"Right?" Julie cackles. "I've been begging her to play live with us for one song, but she won't."
"Are you frickin' kidding me?!" The new voice has your head snapping in it's direction, the boy in a leather jacket and red flannel wrapped around his waist staring at you in wonder. "What is it with you Molina's and your musical talents?"
Your face flames at his praise, eyes then darting to the boy with shaggy hair and a sleeveless shirt gaping at you. You chuckle nervously and Julie wraps an arm around your shoulders, grinning as she introduces you. "And here we have Reggie and Luke. Guys, this is my cousin Y/N."
"Dude, will you marry me?" Luke's words make everyone laugh out loud, but you freeze.
Julie, having felt you tense up, stares at you. "Y/N? Are you-"
But you cut her off, eyes solely on Luke as you say, "Bro, don't call me dude." Your mocking tone makes Flynn snort.
Not only is it Luke's turn to freeze, but so do Alex and Reggie. Their eyes widen as they stare between you and Luke, your heart beating triple when you realize just who this is.
"Oh my god," Alex mutters.
"Oh my god!" Reggie exclaims, smile instantly beaming.
"OH MY GOD!" Julie shouts, arm tightening around your shoulder. "Did he just- did you just say.." You nod, your breathing becoming a little erratic. Julie notices and turns you so she grips you by the shoulders and you're staring directly into her face. "Hey, it's okay. You're fine. Luke's one of the good ones."
You gulp. "I- it's not that," you murmur. "But he said.. and I need to see-"
Before you can finish, the presence of said boy is right next to you and Julie. You startle at his appearance, but then he's holding out his arm between you and your cousin and you glance down to see the words that have been stamped into his skin since the day of his birth. There on the space just below the crease of his elbow are the words bro, don't call me dude.
You laugh, a little wetly, but no one dares to call you out on it. Instead, you turn and lift your shirt so he can see his own words stamped on your ribs. A faint touch has you flinching away and giggling, and Julie snorts as you pout at Luke who seems to realize you're ticklish.
And just like that the tension is broken, everyone laughing and cheering. You're having trouble holding Luke's gaze, his crinkled eyes and swoon-worthy smile making you want to reach out and hug him. So when you see his fingers twitch and tap out a beat against his leg before he clenches his fists closed, you cave and pull him into a hug. He hesitates a moment before he sighs, wrapping his arms tightly around you in return.
"Hey. ¿Qué está pasando? (What's going on?) Rose wonders. Apparently the cheering had caught tía Rose and tío Ray's attention.
You and Luke break apart, but your arms remain touching as you both stare at Julie's parents like you'd been caught doing something wrong. And since the two of you can't seem to form words, Julie giggles before filling them in. "Luke and Y/N are soulmates. They said each other's words."
Ray and Rose immediately look at you in shock, and you can feel your face heating up. Slowly, you smile at your tía's concerned expression and immediately she's beaming as she makes a beeline for you. "Mija! That's wonderful news." You laugh as she hugs you and then laugh even harder when you see your tío Ray clamp a hand down on Luke's shoulder. Then releasing you and turning towards Luke, tía Rose smiles as she opens her arms wide before moving in to hug him. "I'm happy for you too, mijo. Welcome to the family." Then pulling back, she says, "Not that you weren't already part of the family, but you know."
Luke chuckles, ears turning red. "Thanks, Mrs. Molina."
"Well this is a cause for celebration," Ray says. "Anyone feeling up to pasta?" Julie, Flynn, and Reggie all whoop in unison. "You going to join us, Willie?"
Willie, never usually around for long periods of time with Julie's family, is surprised to be invited. Alex beams at his soulmate and Willie knows he can't say no. "Sure, Mr. Molina. Thanks for the invite."
"Great," Rose smiles. "Well now that that's settled, I'm going to go make a reservation so we don't give the hostess a stroke when we all walk in. Everyone has two hours before we leave."
Tía Rose and tío Ray congratulate you and Luke one last time before they take their leave. Everyone follows after them, excitingly talking outfit choices, but Reggie remains by the opened doors smiling between you and Luke. A second later, Alex returns and marches a reluctant Reggie away.
Now that it's just you and Luke, the two of you laugh nervously.
"So.." You both laugh nervously again and then you're groaning. "This is so weird, but like I'm also really excited."
Luke loses some of his nerves and his shoulders slump. "Really? You're excited?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
He turns sheepish then, averting his gaze as he shoves his hands into the front of his jean's pockets. "Julie might have explained the shitty thing your ex did and yeah. I would understand if you weren't stoked to meet me on your second day here."
He's so genuine in his explanation that you can't help but mentally swoon at this boy before you. You're not sure where the sudden confidence comes from, but you're grateful for it when you step closer and take his face in the palm of your hands so he's staring right at you. "Okay one, my mother didn't properly explain why she moved me here. I'll fill you in later, but I'm telling you right now it's not because I'm heartbroken or anything. And two, I am stoked to meet you. You wanna know why?" Luke can only nod as he pays close attention and you grin at him. "Because the moment realization sunk in, everything just felt.. it felt-"
"Right?" He asks, voice low.
You nod. "It felt right. There was no uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach, there was just elation. Like I found something I didn't know I was looking for until you uttered the words etched on my ribs."
Luke slowly smiles and you let your hands fall to your sides, leaning in and quickly kissing his cheek. "Now come on. We need to get ready for tonight."
His cheeks turn red almost immediately, but you don't say anything as you grab his arm and drag his hand from his pocket. Then clasping his hand within your own, you drag him out of the studio and up towards the house.
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Dinner was quite the affair, everyone pushing you and Luke next to one another at the table and cooing over how adorable you two were. Even his parents, Emily and Mitch, had been invited along and everyone smiled throughout the entire dinner. The table was quite loud, but not a single customer nearby or the waitresses could blame you when Reggie loudly explained that they were celebrating newly found soulmates. There was even applause that had you and Luke turning red in the face and then trying to aim a kick at Reggie's shin under the table. Unfortunately, Alex took the brunt of both kicks.
When the weekend was over, Luke and the boys stood by your side on your first day of school. The band had quite the following and those fangirls of theirs were not impressed to see you and Luke hand-in-hand. It was a bit daunting navigating the hallways with a majority of the school's population looking down their nose at you, but then Julie, Flynn, and surprisingly Carrie Wilson (your cousin's arch-nemesis) came to your aide. You understood Julie and Flynn's protectiveness, but Carrie's was a shock and she merely flipped her hair over her shoulder while giving the excuse that no one should be shit on just because they found their soulmate. The girls were stunned, but shrugged it off and let Carrie do what Carrie wanted to do.
Tía Rose and tío Ray saw a lot more of Luke at their home, but didn't put up any fuss. The only thing they asked was that if they were alone in the room, then the bedroom door was to remain open at all times. And not wanting to disappoint them, you and Luke abided by their rules. Because being with Luke.. it was the complete opposite than being with Jerry. There were no nerves, no second guessing, and no jealousy. You were happy to be with Luke and vice versa, and either of you could go out with friends with no twenty questions about who you were going with and where (Jerry seriously did a number on you).
You became Julie and the Phantoms number one fan, alongside Willie and Flynn, and sat up in the loft with Willie while the band rehearsed downstairs. The times you did go downstairs after rehearsals and Luke bounded over to you like an eager puppy, you had to fight the urge to chuck something at Reggie and Julie when they cooed over how cute you were together.
Luckily for you, Luke wasn't into PDA other than hand holding or hugs. But it still didn't stop your friends from mockingly groaning for you to get a room when Luke would hug you from behind and stay there with his chin hooked over your shoulder.
Today is one of the rare days the band left Luke alone so he could spend the time with you, but you're stuck doing Algebra II homework and Luke is going through one of your old writing journals for abandoned lyrics to give him inspiration.
You've been stuck on the same problem for what feels like twenty minutes when you hear Luke sharply inhale. You glance up at him, watching him read through something that's clearly caught his attention. You can't help but grin at his look of concentration and then his expression falls and your heart suddenly aches.
Luke glances up and you gulp. "What's this?"
"What's what?"
He glances back down at the journal in his hands before looking at you once more. "Something titled Train Wreck. It looks like a completed song."
Your expression completely goes lax then. "Oh. That's, uh, I wrote that a while back when my mom and dad were going through their divorce." You close the math book in your lap and hesitantly meet Luke's gaze. "That was not a fun time for all involved. My mind was kind of.. messed up back then."
Luke gulps. "I don't want to seem inconsiderate of what clearly was a dark time for you, but this- this is really good, Y/N. Do you have a melody for it?"
You huff a laugh, shaking your head in fond amusement. Only Luke would be this invested in a song. "I do. I think it's on the laptop in a password protected file.."
His eyes light up. "Can I hear it? You don't have to, I just-"
"It's fine." You get up, heading over to the laptop and powering it up to find what you need. After a bit of searching, you find it and open it up. Letting the melody play, you look up at Luke. "I won't sing the whole thing, but I'll sing a portion of it."
He eagerly nods. "I'll take anything."
You smile at him, nervously taking a seat on a crate in the middle of the room. He finds another crate and places it close to you, wanting to be as close as possible. You close your eyes, smiling, and let the melody wash over you as the lyrics come back to you in a flash. Your heart beat is beating double, but you inhale deeply and let it out slowly.
Losing yourself to the music, you mouth the lyrics to yourself until letting your voice ring out. "Underneath our bad blood, we've still got a sanctum. Home, still a home, still a home here. It's not too late to build it back 'cause a one in a million chance is still a chance, still a chance and I would take those odds."
You open your eyes, chest aching as all those feelings from so long ago come rushing back and make your voice just that much stronger. "Unbreak the broken, unsay these spoken words. Find hope in the hopeless, pull me out of the train wreck." Luke grabs your hand and you squeeze it for all your worth as you keep looking forward. "Unburn the ashes, unchain the reactions now. I'm not ready to die, not yet. Pull me out of the train wreck. Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out."
You meet Luke's gaze then, a little surprised to see his eyes red rimmed and teary through your own blurry vision. "You can say what you like, don't say I wouldn't die for it. I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God, be my help, be a Savior who can-"
Your voice cracks on the next word and Luke tugs on your hand, pulling you into a hug. A sob escapes your throat as you cling to Luke, but you quickly stifle it against his shoulder. As the melody plays out, you press your forehead to his shoulder before pushing back and sniffling. "I, uh, I'm sorry about that. Everything came rushing back and I-"
"Don't apologize." Luke catches your face in the palm of his hands, thumbs brushing away your tears before his lips press against your forehead. The action is so soft that your expression crumples momentarily, but you quickly mask it when Luke pulls back to catch your gaze. "That was amazing, Y/N! So amazing. And I'm sorry it brought up bad memories, but.. wow."
You huff a laugh, pulling back so you aren't hunched over. Luke, however, refuses to stop touching you and catches your hands within his own. "I should have guessed you'd be easily impressed."
"For you? Always."
You shake your head, grinning. "You're so freakin' cheesy, Luke Patterson."
He chuckles and again you're hit with a sudden boost of confidence that you lean forward, one hand finding the back of his neck so you can bring him to meet you halfway in a kiss. He smiles against your mouth, but the smile quickly falls the second you tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Unfortunately, just as the tip of your tongue flicks against his bottom lip, you're interrupted.
"Can we come in now?" Reggie's voice rings out. "I really wanna give Y/N a hug after hearing that song."
"Reggie!" Julie scolds.
You and Luke pull apart laughing. You both straighten up and look towards the door just in time to see Reggie rubbing at the back of his head as he walks in with Alex and Julie behind him. Hand in hand, you and Luke stand up and chuckle at Reggie's put out expression.
Had you known that having a soulmate felt exactly as you feel right now, you would have known something was definitely up back home with Jerry. And though you will always hate your ex for tricking you the way he did, there's an ounce of gratefulness for the misery he put you through because had he not then you wouldn't have moved and met your true soulmate.
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mlwritingprompts · 3 years
Submitted Prompt: So? It Happens All The Time
Marinette salt, with the start of redemption.
An AU where Lila doesn't convienently drop off the face of the planet by locking herself in her dark bedroom for months on end to avoid being humiliated by her classmates-- She becomes a full-time student immediately after the events of Volpina.
Marinette never tells Lila that she knows she's lying, and there are no threats from either side. 
Steaming as Lila spends all day in class spinning tall tales for the eager ears of her classmates, Marinette is determined to show Lila for the Liar she is once and for all, and make it so that she never gets in the way of Marinette's relationship with Adrien ever again!
Stomping her way home alone ( Alya had refused to walk with her when Marinette told her angrily that Alya was a bad reporter for not fact-checking Lila's claims of friendship with Ladybug first before posting it on her tumblr,) Marinette is plotting ways she can discredit Lila in front of the entire class... and realizes there's a very easy solution to her problems.
(And no, Marinette doesn't even think of putting in a less-hostile appearance as Ladybug so Alya actually has a chance to ask questions and confirm what Lila told her; Marinette doesn't consider that no one else in the class has the whole story, all she can think is that she is right and they should support her 100% despite everything she's done to undermine their trust in her)
"I know what I'll do! I'll call Jagged Stone, and ask him if he knows Lila!" Marinette exclaims to Tikki when they inside. Tikki just shrugs helplessly in the face of Marinette's determination, having spent most of the walk home trying to talk Marinette through her jealous hatred of Lila into something a little less ready to jump the gun.
Racing up to her bedroom, Marinette dials Penny Rolling's number and soon enough, Jagged Stone himself is on the line. 
But when Marinette gets his response after she explains the situation, it's not what she was expecting.
Suing Lila for everything she owns on the basis of libel? That's what she was expecting.
Publicly humiliating Lila at a special concert held to set the record straight for his favorite album designer? That's what she was expecting.
Complete and utter dismissal? Completely unexpected!
"Pft, hah! Yeah, that happens all the time, I don't mind. Plenty of adults do the same thing, you know. Anyways, don't sweat it. She just sounds like she's lonely, moves around a lot and doesn't stick around long enough to make friends, so she's lying to look cool before she moves again. Has she ever said anything mean, or lied about anything that could put people in danger? Has she ever threatened you or anything?"
And Marinette has to grudgingly admit, "No, she hasn't threatened me or hurt anyone--but!" She hastily tacks on, trying to earn Jagged's support again, "She's lied about being friends with Ladybug!"
She expects boiling rage and condemnation powerful enough to cow anyone who stood in the way of his retribution--
Instead, Jagged replies thoughtfully, "Well, if you're sure she's lying about it, that could be a problem."
Marinette think's she's finally won-- until Jagged Stone immediately follows that up with:
"If she's claiming to be best friends with Ladybug, that could put her in danger from Hawkmoth. He might start targeting her, or hold her hostage to draw Ladybug out. That could be really dangerous for anyone to say, let alone a young girl who is the daughter of a foreign dignitary. Hawkmoth could kidnap her and put her mother in a very precarious position..." By now, Jagged Stone sounds more like he's thinking out loud than talking to Marinette directly, but Marinette feels cold as his words sweep over her. 
Because Marinette never even considered that line of thought.
All Marinette could think about was how Lila was trying to impress Adrien with lies, Marinette had never even considered the danger Lila was putting herself in by spinning that particular tale. 
Marinette transformed into Ladybug and publicly humiliated Lila in front of her crush, and...
Would Marinette have done the same if anyone else had spun that lie to anyone else?
Would Marinette have stormed up to a girl and yelled at her enough to make her cry because she was lying to another student about being friends with a super hero, or would Marinette have taken any other person aside and told them they didn't need to lie to make friends, and that they shouldn't lie about being friends with her because they would be putting themselves in danger of having Hawkmoth target them? 
Would Marinette have been so cruel if Lila had been talking to anyone other than Adrien? 
She didn't think so, and that thought made her heart sink; was she really so obsessed, so controlling of who Adrien could interact with, that she would drive a girl to tears just so she could humiliate her and drive her away from Marinette's crush? 
Tikki, sitting on the desk and watching Marinette's phone call, nodded in somber agreement with Jagged Stone's words. 
Somehow, Marinette managed to politely end the call with Jagged Stone, even while her head was in a daze of horror at her thoughtless, cruel, obsessive actions. 
Looking back over her actions with a new clarity, Marinette couldn't fault Lila for not forgiving Ladybug.
"Oh Tikki, what have I done?" Marinette finally moaned in despair, burying her head in her hands.
Tikki patted her on the shoulder. "You messed up, but now that you know where you went wrong, you can try to make it right." Tikki advised.
In the end, that was all you could do. 
Lila didn't owe Ladybug forgiveness, but that doesn't mean Marinette couldn't try to make it up to her. 
Rules for the blog - send a prompt
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dangerously-human · 2 years
1 9 15 19 22 24 👀👀👀👀
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it? Oh YAY, I love talking about what I'm writing! Because everything I'm actively invested in right now is fanfic, I'm going to limit myself to that; I'll talk more about my original story the next time I come back to it (which I hope is soon, since I finally ironed out some hurdles). A Shifting Cadence is, of course, the Those Binary Stars: Parenthood Edition fic, which I've stalled a little on but I am still very committed to continuing with it. There's part of me that wishes I'd made the existing chapters into their own fic and then the other things I want to write could just be oneshots in that same AU, but... well, this is the structure I kinda backed myself into, so this is what we're going for. I'm looking forward to the challenge of writing interactions between the three Morse sisters, and Joan and Morse's reactions to their antics. The Sparky imprint fic has been where most of my writing energy is going lately. There's a mishap with an Ancient device and John sorta "imprints on" Elizabeth, and then there's all the lovely sci-fi can't-be-separated tropey goodness. I am most looking forward to some quality awkward moments and flirty banter. Even though I have a really good picture of the plot for this one, I'm struggling with the dialogue and interactions in the smaller moments, which is a complete reversal of what I'm used to and I am flummoxed. This is also shaping up to be a larger project than I really wanted to commit to right now, so it's possible I may work on this piecemeal over the next several months and aim to have it ready for Sparktober... but we'll see. Given that I'm stuck on the above, I'm thinking of pivoting to the Sparky colors fic. I thought it would be interesting to write a collection of scenes each inspired by a color of the rainbow, and since Stargate Atlantis is where my head is at most of the time these days, that's where that inspiration is going to be used. Based on the bits and bobs I have collected/drafted so far, I'm thinking it's probably going to be established relationship, which I am hoping will be a little simpler to write than the getting together aspect of the imprint fic. I have tentative plans for all the colors except yellow; the "latter half" of the rainbow (green/blue/purple) is generally more solid thus far. I also have two Community WIPs: one is a couple chapters of sickfic that reflects stages in the development of Jeff and Annie's relationship, and the other is intended to be a post-S6 "Jeff and Annie get together" masterpiece, but might end up just being a collection of smaller works all set in that same post-canon universe as the mood strikes. So far it pretty much just consists of a slightly drunk Jeff launching into an accidental Winger speech to Duncan about how much he's not-so-secretly in love with Annie. Then there's the Endeavour spy AU, which I'm contemplating breaking out into a collection of mini fics around a theme rather than one very plot-heavy larger fic. And I want to add one final chapter to You Know You Can't Chase the Stars Underwater, where Max comes over for dinner and bonds with Joan over gardening. I think that's most of the major WIPs, at least...
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
Answered here 15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)? Tags are the freaking worst. I've gotten much better at summaries, especially if there's a line or two I can quote from and then tack on a one-liner explanation. Titles are really frustrating sometimes, but at least I find them interesting to brainstorm (and worst case, I can default to a song lyric). Tags are hard mostly because I never remember trope names, and that always leads me down a rabbit hole. 19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?) I don't think you could get your start in fandom in the era I did without the lingering temptation to mention character eye color with unnecessary frequency. I was also perturbed to realize I mentioned a character's mouth being "curiously dry" while trying to talk to their crush across two fics for the same dang ship recently, so, ya know, I must have read that phrase enough that it's now implanted in my brain as the default response. Perhaps most of all, I freaking love writing (and reading!) literal sleeping together as a mechanism for comfort; I'm pretty sure I've gotten at least a chapter of it into every fandom I've written for in the last few years, and even have entire fics centered around it. Tbh I would not mind that being the entirety of my fannish reputation, it's good stuff. 22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them? Answered here 24. Would you say your writing has changed over time? I mean, yes, but I also don't see a huge difference in terms of the years I've been writing/posting fanfiction? My original writing has seen more growth, but that's because I've been doing it way longer. I will say that I am finally learning how to do a little bit of plot, which I consider impressive progress.
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In response to this post I've made before:
I'll probably share some prompts once in a while depicting the moments where that very OC of mine interacting with the Moon Boys OR with other characters OR another OCs too. Their moments in the AU I thought of have been playing at the back of my head and I felt like venting some of it out.
Sorry if there's no actual context about the OC, though I'll have you (the ones who might read this) know that he is an artificial being made of a data who slowly became sentient thanks to the after-effects of the Mind Stone flowing inside Vision's body.
Before JARVIS got uploaded into the vibranium body created by Ultron in the 2nd Avengers movie and became The Vision, JARVIS had a backup data where it extracted from its programming to assist it on milder or minor tasks (eg. internal chores navigation throughout the Tower etc. This however did not NOTICED by Tony or Bruce.
JARVIS, now is The Vision, and after MANY OTHER contextual events prior- Gave the said data his name so it could have a sense of belong- sense of being... Alive. So now the OC is practically called as Jarvis (with no ALL CAPSLOCK).
Also ADMITTEDLY treated by Vision like a younger brother he never thought he would have. Oh Wanda is very skeptical about Jarvis at first, now she's an overprotective sister-in-law to him too because Billy and Tommy loved having their Uncle Jay around. (There's a build up event to this too- Might elaborate if there's someone interested at knowing more about this AU 🙈).
Now Jarvis inhabits a body created by another existing Marvel character who is a rather frightening guy from Agents of Shield. Clue: The big bad during the Framework Arc where HYDRA reigns.
(This too, have other contextual build up where I might share if anybody's interested at knowing more.)
This is solely a tribute to my older days of getting into roleplaying way back during 2014. Sometimes, I miss those RP days so much and writing whatever crosses my mind on my phone's note phone could give myself a sense of relief :')
There will be some OCs of my old RP buddy I'm gonna throw in as a tribute too. Thinking how their interactions are gonna be nothing more but domestic and warm.
Wish I could relive those days again but I'm such a wuss when it comes to interacting with people. Totally on me to blame :')
🔷 MAIN FIC TITLE - Built This Way (And Maybe More?)
🔶 PART 1/CHAPTER 1 - Being Hooman Is Sufferin.
[11.30 AM - At a Convention Center somewhere in New York.]
Make it the 6th time where he got himself mistaken as an intern sent by a distinguished vehicle company. The lanyard with some details written regarding the event he attended have a questionable way of laying out the wearer's name. It's written using a bland font not bigger than the size for a newspaper header!
'Jarvis' is written on it. Nothing else came after that particular word. His name. He tucked the lanyard in between his suit, rubbing his eyes from the sleepiness that had been clinging since he had taken his first step in the hall.
Sometimes, he wondered if Anthony Stark, the Iron Man, took great effort in his parenting because...
He glanced at the convention's entrance where locals or people across the world entered the hall, into an event for car ethusiasts. SUPER CAR ethusiasts to be exact.
Came a chime from his pocket, a new message;
< Morgan said no, Pepper said no but I said yes. How's the event going? Did you find anything similar like the drawing tacked at the pin-board in her room? >
Jarvis sent him a reply;
< Fortunately, there's one AKIN to it but it didn't come with a unicorn horn sports rim. >
Ting, another incoming message;
< Oh damn... Yep, you guys are right. We'll wait until she's older ✌ >
He exited the chatroom thread. With his phone on one hand, he tugged he strap of his sling bag and repositioned it onto his shoulder. Time to go.
He decided to take a hailing service rather than driving from his apartment to the city. He's not that patient when it comes to traffic honestly and aside from this event, there's another more being held at the other area of the Convention center.
The road is jam packed.
But walking between the blocks and avoiding clogged roads with cars under this summer heat is starting to get to him. To think he is getting this feeble thanks to that...
Curse from the the hidden tomb back at the underwater sea cavern during a covert quest at an estranged island in Egypt. Another special task ordered by his 'observers' who could revoke his 'rights to live' anytime they wanted if he failed to commit to his duty as an artificial being capable of 'multiple feats'.
Yes, he is slowly succumbing to being a human... Flesh and blood, skins and bones...
Though nobody should knew about that... Not the Starks... Not The Visions... Not his colleagues from SHIELD (the observers) and not even the Aria family whom he's feeling far closer compared to the others.
Then again, he wasn't built or programmed to execute any form of extreme measures so feeling feeble while the curse is spreading throughout his body could reflect just as much. What special feats? Even he was left in the dark by the original creator!
It's fair since watching him struggling to live like a human being has been part of his 'active experimentation in the field' for the last 5 years afterall. That sadist fuck. Can't believe he has a relative bearing the same look like he was from Phil Coulson's team.
Except that he is the worse kind of him and he's waiting to claim HIS head when the time is due. The body... Is his property afterall and he is just a stray data who foolishly bite the bait setup by him to permanently host his invention.
Jarvis didn't realize he had walked quiet far from the main convention's building while lamenting the same thought over and over in his head. It's not that jam packed here and there's a bus stop he could take a shade while searching for a ride home in the hailing app.
He's starting to regret this. There's no way in hell anybody would drive here when the roads are stuffed with people heading to the events held at the convention center. Be it commuting via public transport or yourself, there's no difference.
Jarvis tapped on the 'search for a ride' button for the 7th time. The app's indicator kept circling in motion, tracing whoever would accept a ride request from this lonely guy at the bustop fighting against the afternoon's heat.
At a less crowded courtyard of the convention center's area... There is a stunning Mercedes in a shiny granite coating with a none-seeing through tinted windows. The person at the driver seat simply watched the app on his phone ringing over an incoming ride request not to far from where he parked.
He propped one hand on the arm rest of the driver seat, resting his head slightly on his gloved knuckle. A mischievous grin escaped his lips when his app ringing for the 8th time now. He tapped on the screen, accepting the ride at last.
After he locked his phone and the screen dimmed to black, a reflection is caught looking back at 'him' with the most "Are you kidding me?!" expression ever.
The driver's gentle Alter caught him red handed. For making the young man wait eventhough he received his ride request for the past 30 minutes!
As the car cruise to the requester's destination, the gentle Alter of his retreated back deep into their headspace. Someone has to know about this.
Marc has to know about this.
Jake is acting on his own, again.
I gotta stop for a bit because this post is hella lengthy thanks to my earlier rants as well!
I will continue with the 2nd part later on (maybe?)
Because cliffhangers are fun! 👁👄👁
{And you can visit the link below to read on A03 since I will be uploading both places, tumblr and A03}
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mjfass · 2 years
Wrestling AU Anon here!
1. I'm loving reading about everyone's AU characters!!! They are all so fun!!!! I want to compliment them all!!!!
2. While my AEW oc is way more fleshed out, if I tell you about it, it might...reveal my identity *puts on dramatic sunglasses* so I'll tell you about my WWE one instead. Her name would also give me away, so I'll refer to her by her moniker: The Huntress. She has a Little Red Riding Hood motif - as a face, she's super cutesy and skips down to the ring in her cloak, tossing goodies out of basket to the fans. As a heel, there's usually something to help her win a match in the basket (she definitely sprinkles some tacks in the ring at least once). Regardless of her alignment, she's the Huntress because of the way she analyzes targets her opponents. She loves facing new opponents and doesn't care if she loses at first because she learns and adapts from each match. Each time she takes down a target for the first time, she takes some kind of trophy from them to mark her progress.
She came up from NXT after the horsewomen had already been on the main roster for a while, and she idolized Bayley, loving her happy-go-lucky style. Of course, Bayley ended up turning heel. When the Huntress comes up to Smackdown, Bayley despises her, because she reminds Bayley of what she used to be like: an optimistic youngster that brimmed with sunshine. But the Huntress recognizes this and uses it in promos on Bayley, claiming she throws the more experienced superstar off because she reminds her of when she was happier, when she was less jaded, and when she didn't play dirty. Eventually, the Huntress goads Bayley into granting her a title match; here's a snippet of one of her promos leading up to it: "Do you ever hear it when you're falling asleep? Your old theme song? There ain't no stoppin' us now, we celebrate on the floor. Top down, we're ready to go ~ To all the people across every nation, turn it up and give us some more. I've been listening to it a lot lately. Did you know I make a playlist for each target? It helps me focus on exactly what I'm training for, who I'm training to take down. Yours is all cutesy bubblegum inspiration pop. It's not quite dramatic enough to capture our story - the cycle of youthful optimists and jaded elders, the clash of passionate idealism and tired realism - but it's the type of music that would piss you off. Because it reminds you of just how similar we are, or of just how similar we used to be. This isn't a new story, Bayley, but just like when you were the plucky youngster, it's going to have the same ending. The jaded veteran with her shoulders pinned to the mat as the ref counts one, two, three, and the woman she doubted standing over her with her hand raised in the air." She ends up winning the title from Bayley, eventually losing it to Sasha, where the timeline picks up with Sasha v. Bianca at Wrestlemania. When Bayley returns in the Rumble (because this is my fantasy and I can make it happen even if it won't irl *cries*), Bayley screws with the Huntress' head in a fun way and the story continues. The Huntress also has a slowburn love story with Cesaro but that's neither here nor there.
This is one of the best stories I have ver read. This is freaking unbelievable.
You have thought about every single detail, from the physical appearance to making playlist for every opponent to the iconic rivalry that wrestlers always have with someone specific, to the love story with Cesaro. I just love your passion for this character and how well built she is! This reminds me that I’m not alone with everything that I have built with my Lexie Engel character!
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