#i'll have to unpack the whole thing about the bond
maenecoon · 1 month
so like
remember how i used to be a phayurain blog -
@alittlebitofrainbyyourside inspired me, a few months ago, to write something about vampires and biting.
soo i'm thinking about sire phayu who's fangs are aching. it flares up occasionally because of his improper vampire development phase (long story short, phayu was neglected as a fledgling and thus has some "defective" vampire traits).
when phayu's fangs ache, they ache like a bitch, bc of Vampire Urges, he needs to sink his teeth into something. hard. preferably repeatedly. he'd use to teeth on wood, but it's not the most comfortable thing to chew, not to mention it doesn't taste great (phayu, having the rare vampire phenomenon of having functioning taste buds).
enter fledgling rain, who is eager to help his sire. a bit too eager. when rain's teeth ache, phayu offers him his thigh/neck to fang warm, so it's only right that rain returns the favour. he offers himself as a chew toy, baring his pale neck and blinking up at phayu innocently. waiting for phayu to use him and bite him.
phayu who might be a bit hesitant initially because he's afraid of overwhelming and hurting rain. he's extra careful with the pain control, making sure rain feels as little as possible, making sure his bite stings as less as he can make them. making careful little bites in the fat of his shoulder.
and then rain who, very rudely, grabs phayu by the hair, pulling him away from his neck. phayu who overlooks the insubordination and is just about to apologise when rain whines because phayu isn't biting hard enough!
phayu is a bit confused, but honestly, he should've seen it coming bc rain is a pain slut and he knows. i think he's just so used to being Too Much for his other partners that he treats rain the same way by default - like he's glass. (honestly phayus fault for corrupting rain tho ngl)
anyways. phayu who starts to play down the numbing effects of his bites. waiting for rain to have one of his mouthy little rants before phayu bites him down hard. rain letting out a wobbly yelp of surprise. phayu deciding he loves the way rain sounds when he cries, so pretty and wrecked. having to bite him again and again and again.
next time he won't use his aching fangs as an excuse. next time he'll bite so hard that it draws up blood, blood warm from rain's previous feed (basically, phayu's own "blood", lmao). no longer showing any inhibition when digging his fangs into rain. in fact, using his sire control to further disable rain's pain control, making the sensation of the bite feel further heightened.
(i think it'd make rain cum on the spot. phayu continuing regardless, praising rain for taking his bites so well, praising rain for being so pretty when he cries, his voice so beautiful when he screams from pain and over sensitivity.)
just! biting! biting biting biting! clearly i am missing the og vampire boys a little bit :,))
tbh,, it was thinking about vampkimchay that had me thinking back to vampphayurain (love bites au) and how i just completely stopped writing them because i couldn't get past the courting stage. the story needed to continue with phayu trying to court rain. i thought smut was the hard part to write but i didn't consider ✨feelings✨ would be the scarier thing. let's not get into how that reflects on me personally LOL but anyways!
if you're still here, thanks for listening to my rambles. the first installment of this au is linked below. i've written five parts of vampphayurain being cute/horny/trying to navigate their relationship as sire and childe, so if that interests you then maybe you could check it out 🦇
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avaisnerdytoo · 3 days
Read Chapter Titles for Easy navigation:
There is a lot to unpack, I want to cover some character insights, some connections to philosophical concepts I found neat, and some implications I feel the show gives regarding future seasons!
I'll write a lot, so I recommend reading the chapter titles to see if something catches your eye, I understand why you may be less interested in reading a whole thing.
Let's jump in.
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This has the foundations to be one of my favorite episodes they have ever made. It is like a therapy session made an episode.
I feel this single-handedly pays for the lack of Morty we saw in other sections of the season.
I think even with most of it being a simulation, the episode still has a lot to say about other characters too. Even if it was all through Morty.
Nevertheless I won't drop the fact that this is an episode of Morty, where his mind, his feelings, and his unconscious are the narrators, which means that the way it speaks of Rick may not be quite accurate, but I'll get there*
Cause I do think the writers are still consistent with Rick for a good portion*
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Dr. Wong once pointed out that the whole Smith family uses rationality to avoid emotion (a fact I sometimes really identify with btw), and this is best shown here, where the layers of Morty's ability to resist the simulation and to place protective barriers over what he feels, is a lot stronger than we realize.
You coooould argue that's simply the way the hole works, but I personally interpreted it as more...
I think we are being told that Morty has also learned (if not mastered) the ability to build the same protective walls as the rest of the family, however his ability to defeat the simulation is also not to be understated, especially if only like 3 people have survived it in years.
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It is made clear that this representation of their relationship is not to be taken at face value, but I somewhat doubt the writers are interested in truly making Diane a part of the show. I hope I am proven wrong, but if I assume this is one of the very few instances of her we will see, then I am willing to take a leap and assume some of what we saw, could make sense within their relationship.
Diane was shown as fun, decisive, adventurous and challenging, to me, she showed a lot of Summer traits, which fits right in line with Rick's observations of her.
On the opposite end, I do think there is a big layer of Morty's own bias regarding how he'd assume someone capable of keeping up with Rick's style of character should be, and with the rest of the episode in mind, it is of no surprise he followed them across the main montage.
I feel Diane was an enabler to Rick, I doubt young Rick could be described as pathetic though, more like responsible. And Diane would probably be as well, but I do see a scenario where someone that grabs Rick's attention and respect has the resourcefulness of Summer and the courage to jump into action.
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MORTY IS ALONE ALONE, A-FREAKING-LONE + an observation for Evil Morty* Long Chapter*
We know this already of course, Morty is a kid neglected by his parents pretty much, not out of malice but out of immaturity and naivety. The bond between Summer and Morty is good, and has improved, but I do not think there is a world (nor there should be), where Summer should take care of Morty more than how a sister can. (In another dimension bro would be a strong candidate to get Fairly Odd Parents)
This evidently leaves Rick as the only figure in his life with any room to provide protection, love, advice and all the things adults should do.
Which is a very shitty deal... Because Rick is far from equipped at any of these.
His experience, even in the crazy sci-fi multiverse he lives in feels very real, I consider Morty as the most complex character, and he was designed from the start to be the closest thing we -as the audience - can have to a surrogate.
It hurts to see him so adrift, of realizing day by day that there are a lot of challenges he will have to conquer alone, we know he can, but it doesn't mean it is nice to have to do so. (I may be half projecting here though cause I big time identified with him here).
It is clear Morty is really holding back to the scary world out there, he wants Rick to protect him, he wants to be looked after, he wants what we all do, to be loved and heard. Acceptance is necessary for growth, and at this moment, it is clear Morty believes no one will be there for him. (Hopefully that is proven wrong but more of that below).
I think I may now understand what Evil Morty argued when he sympathized with Rick over achieving his goal of ending Rick Prime, and still feeling unsatisfied. (that's a theory*).
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+ the struggles of adapting to a changing family member or friend
+ will it have an impact on the next Season?
Long chapter
Actions speak louder than words, but words matter too, and when those necessary actions come sparingly, expecting anything from the person who's bringing you conflict becomes harder.
That's the best way I can describe how Morty feels about Rick, I'm sure he values that time in Season 2 when Rick sacrificed himself for him, but there are also hundreds of variations of that event where Rick belittled Morty, and that has pretty much been the pattern since then, there are objectively worse things Rick has done than good ones...
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It's unfortunate this is all Morty has, he clearly genuinely loves Rick, but I feel this episode, if followed upon through the Canon is a big eye opening for Morty.
This whole episode was a therapy session, like any process, it has to be explored through analysis, brought to the conscious mind, and peeled slowly across the stages of grief...
Actually, this episode was more like an Ayahuasca Trip, because it surfaced key aspects of Morty's psyche and feelings, but it only did that, unlike therapy which would keep exploring them to find how to coexist/diffuse.
There is soooo much left on the table, and the worst part is that I think this realization is incompatible with who Rick is becoming, which is reallyyyy unfortunate timing.
But completely understandable, and arguably real, on Morty's part, I feel they are being set up to be on distinct emotional paths which WILL require Rick to take more direct action.
If the idea that your closest family member can shatter the illusion of reality by saying that which you want to hear... Fuuuuck
If you ever watched Lucifer (the TV Show) there's a similar moment there that reminds me to this 🤔
not character exploration just a comment on the episode
As a small comment one of my favorite tropes explored in the episode is the whole looped, "Are we out of the hole yet?", because that is the very foundation of the paradox of simulation theory, they technically explored it back in Season one, but the weight of it felt more significant here.
If you're told you live in a simulation, and then given the option to escape, all Matrix style, you don't become Neo, you instead become eternally unaware of when you're in the real world, you aren't shown the truth, it shatters your perceptions completely.
It's not that kind of show of course, but imagine the weight of experiencing, in this case, growing up, going to college, possibly losing a family member (with the worrying lack of Jerry in those scenes), getting a job, forming a life that is ripped away...
I love the running gag at this point of this occurring... The Roy Game, The Vat Of Acid Episode, The Beth and Space Beth Lesbian Simulator (my fav), and now this.
Only this one is given that weight though, even Morty begins to wonder whether he was just outright born there...
I'm sorry I didn't post this when I typed it, I had more ideas and I wanted more photos but I maxed out what I could use and my perfectionism got the better of me.
Hope there is still something here for you all 🥺🥺🥺😖
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crappymixtape · 5 months
hi, i hope ur doing well, and that the new year has been kind to you! i remember i saw you come up on my fyp once and i in a mad dash read like half your steve masterlist in one go, and then every few months i'll have the urge to read through all your stuff again, which i do because it's always such a nice experience. my personal favourite is "nobody gets me, you do", because i really love the idea of finding your way back to this person you loved and trusted as a friend and then building something with them when you've come back together, though i also really like "come back to me" because i watched she's too that too many times. I was wondering if that was a series of blurbs/shorter fics you wrote, or if those fics are chapters in a story, or just two versions of a similar concept? and also i was wondering if u were planning on doing anymore (though obviously no worries if not!)? hope you have a nice day!
hi, sweets!! ♥️ 🙈 two weeks in and it's been okay so far, but i'm deffo wearing my seatbelt. really hoping to get more time this year to write 😩
i came up on your FYP?? ahhh, that's so cool! and omg stop it, being someone's comfort fics is like my dream 😭 tearing up over here. i'm so so glad you love reading my things, that's why i write, i just want to connect with people and give them something to escape in!
oh man, those two fics are a couple of my absolute favorites, here's a lil breakdown on both:
💥 NOBODY GETS ME, YOU DO • this is probably my biggest fic in my brain right now that would ideally be posted all in one post ( similarly to @upsidedownwithsteve's camp fics if you've read those! ), but i just haven't had the time to sit and write out the whole story arc and i don't want it to die down like something infinite did. but i love this too with the initial bond, thinking you need something else ( or something 'bigger' – some separation or distance ), and then the slow realization of what's been there all along. i also really love the friction between steve and tommy and really want to dig into / explore that more too. anyway, this'll come someday i hope <3
🦇 COME BACK TO ME • this one was SO FUN. it was a request from the very lovely @carinacassiopeiae – basically king steve making reader fall in love with him on a dare ( a la she's all that FOR SURE ), but wanted more drama and insertion of the upside down universe / higher stakes and that was incredibly fun to write ( dustin cameo and all! ). i really love digging into king steve and that era because it feels so much more complicated and intricate and REAL – makes steve feel human – and unpacking all of his trauma and why he hangs out with these people and how that translates into his other relationships. anyway i could write a LITERAL thesis on this 😵‍💫
okay, but SERIOUSLYYYY, thank you so much for writing this note 😩 i love when people ask me about my writing and want to know more about the process. would you read more from both of these?? or which one feels like you're connecting most with? i would love to expand these universes and give you more ♥️
hope you had a wonderful weekend, bb!!! appreciate you so much! xoxo
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socoolinmypajamas · 2 years
If Peleus (Achilles' dad) became a servant, he would be quite loved by every single greek hero and heroine.
>Chiron: Great friends. Chiron saved his life when they met and later teach his kid.
>Heracles, Dioscuri, Asclepius, Caenus: Fellow Argonauts, probably have fond memories of the guy.
>Jason and Medea: I'm guessing they will be very grateful for the whole "making the only kid who survived their marriage become king of Iolcus" thing.
>Atalante/Nyalter: She kicked Peleus' ass SO hard he bragged about it non-stop to his son to the point where he consider her a childhood hero so... Yeah, they on good terms.
>Astraea: Wrestling (affectionate)
>Circe: Wrestling (horny)
>Hektor: All the good endings Andromache, his wife, had in the myths, are thanks to Peleus. (Even is said ending is marrying Helenus, one of Hektor's siblings, but I'll explain that in a moment)
>Paris (and Apollo): Ok, this one has A LOT to unpack. Yeah, Paris and Apollo killed his son (and in some myths Apollo also killed his grandchild, Achilles' son Neoptolemus, but he was kind of a dipshit so who cares) BUT Peleus, if memory serves me right, was very kind with Helenus (one of Hektor and Paris' siblings who was also the twin brother of Cassandra of Troy, as well as Apollo's lover) who is well known as the oracle who betrayed the troyans which lead to Paris being murder by Philoctetes so... I guess they are even?
>Odysseus: Just guys being dads :)
>Leonidas I, Iskandar/Alexander: Just guys being kings :)
>Orion/Artemis: Orion and Peleus literally never interact before, so I can't see a reason for them to hate each other. Also, they are sort of related? (Orion dating Artemis, who is like... A cousin? to Achilles' mother Themis). Even if Peleus isn't that fond of Apollo, he will probably be in good terms with Artemis because of Atalante.
>Europa: Similar to Orion, also old people bonding over their kids pictures in their wallets.
>Gorgon Sisters: Again, they never interacted, but I can see Stheno taking a like on a guy who likes being kicked by a woman, Euryale being indifferent about him and the Medusas being like "as far as greek heroes go, this one is tolerable."
>Asterios: This would be like, when you put someone very young and someone very old to try to figure out how to use a computer or a smartphone, and they both suck but they have a fun time bonding with each other.
>Penthesilea: *clicks tongue* I'm sure Hektor would be a good reason for them to be in good terms when Penth's berserker status didn't make her prone to try to murder him everytime they met due to how strongly he is related to Achilles.
>Georgios (technically listed as a Greek Servant): Photograph and horses buddies.
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nikatyler · 1 year
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Time for a recap of the last twelve months! It's basically my tradition at this point. This year was a weird one. I'm not even gonna get into real life issues. It sure was something and I'm going into 2023 with no energy and zero expectations, lol. But with this mindset, I can only be pleasantly surprised, right? Or...the world will show me that when you think it can't get any worse, it will.
Anyway, simblr stuff! This is the year I started drifting away from tumblr. It makes me sad, but really, it just isn't the same as it was when I joined. The interaction is not what I wish to get so I'm simply moving to places where I feel like I'm actually heard and seen. Idk. I've tried a few times to "be the change I wanna see" but it's hard to change stuff around here. But oh well, to each their own. I'll probably stick around, even if I hang out more somewhere else and what you see are mostly queued posts. And, well, if twitter burns down, which I wouldn't be surprised if it did, you know I'll fully come back here. I love this hellsite. Genuinely. It makes me mad but I love it.
But I still love you guys. TS3 discord and a few other people who are not in that discord, I do seriously love you.
So, what was happening on this blog this year?
I was still posting my previous BC! Well, I was finishing it. Vi became a parent and hadn't become a cheating jerk yet. 😅
*this* is Vi's cheating jerk era. I still feel bad about how I resolved the whole thing, it was too rushed. I guess I was focusing more on the gameplay part and the NSB rules and less on whether their actions are logical? Prince shouldn't have come back to him, that's the hill I'll die on :D I know, I know, NSB rules and all, but he shouldn't have.
We're slowly moving onto Bloom's very short generation, as well as gen 3 of my lepacy. It's Ginevra's time to shine, but first, we spent a lot of time with the winners of Axel and August's BC.
Bambi and Candy are born, as well as the BC babies. Loads of baby cuteness in April on this blog. Oh and Ross flourishes in his babysitter era. Well, he's always been a babysitter to his descendants, but I feel like this is where he 100 % accepts it 😂
Gins' era truly starts now (why do I keep saying era in this recap lmao). I had a lot of fun playing in Twinbrook again and Ginevra and Lori were so great. <3
Alongside my lepacy (hi Elias & other gen 4 babies), I started posting the pink gen of NSB and also, my 100 Baby Challenge! I still can't believe I actually did that, and that I completed it in like two months only. Wow. What. I mean, yeah, I hyperfocused on it, but still. How did I do that.
Again, gen 3 of lepacy and gen 7 of NSB, not much to say here. As for playing, I mostly just played the baby challenge. Oh! And Maeve's BC, of course.
Ohh, and July was the month when I decided to dive into the wonderful sims community on twitter. Probably one of my best decisions this year as I made many great friends there...🥰🥰
Gen 3 ends and Sawyer is ready to take over Bridgeport but he has to wait for a bit. Pastel enters the blog and her bonding with Ross is seriously one of my most favourite things. I didn't think of this at first when I was playing, it only came to me later when I was posting the generation, but he definitely grew fond of her because she reminds him of Sunset so much ;-;
Good news: Bambi and Atsuko get married. Bad news: Ross and Caleb break up. *sigh* There's so much to unpack with their breakup storyline. Yes it makes sense that they'd hit a few bumps on the road, yes it makes sense that some of them would be bad, but...deep down, the breakup only happened because of my insecurities and lowkey being afraid of using a townie in my stories. At least I kinda got over that this fall (thank you twitter moots).
More good news: I'm finally posting the BC!!
I finished posting the 100BC and...yeah this was Maeve's month. October was also very vampiric, but I'll probably mention that in a separate recap (if I do a separate recap haha), as this one only focuses on my regular daily content (legacies and such)
In November, we saw the funniest twist to ever happen in my BCs. Sorry River :D Aaand we also have the winner of Maeve's BC! I can't wait for you all to see them again in the legacy. Next year, hopefully.
Sawyer's time to shine has come. Well, not really, his siblings are constantly stealing it. Don't be surprised if he one day, you know, steals their organs and sells them.
Oh, and it's also TS3!Ross's time to shine. Because of course it is. I knew I needed to use his TS3 self somewhere, and all things considered, this felt like a perfect time for that.
December was also the month I started posting videos on youtube. I'm sorry if I'm annoying about that, but I just enjoy it so much. Never thought I'd say that. So, if you haven't yet, feel free to check it out (and subscribe maybe? 🥺). I'm hoping to do some fun stuff next year.
What's in store for 2023? I'll probably talk about that later, but to put it simply, I think this blog will be stuck with NSB and lepacy.
Thanks for sticking around with my grumpy self. Here's to a better 2023.
Happy new year, everyone!
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 years
So...about The Owl House Season 3: Episode 1---"Thanks To Them"....
..So...I woke up to watching this special this fine morning and...my God, there is so much to unpack and digest from it that I don't think I'll be able to get through in just one musing post.
So for now, this squiggle meister is simply just going to focus on the one major element of this special that got me the most out of all the great that was featured in it.
In case some of you don't know, Hunter is pretty much my favourite character in the entire series (second to Willow, of course).
So obviously, if I'm gonna discuss this special, I just HAVE to talk about all that went down with him.
Firstly, to everyone who said that the Owl House leaks were fakes fabricated by Dana and the TOH team…well, ya'll must be feeling mighty silly right now because, it's one thing to be bamboozled once and another to be tricked twice.
Turns out, the leaks that were said to be fake…weren't fake at all. All the imagery that was shown in the leaks---from Hunter being possessed by Belos, to Luz rocking an Azura cosplay costume…it ALL happened in the episode so…there's that, I guess?
I mean it doesn't change how genuinely GOOD this episode was as whole but, still, there was that lil scare that happened in the fandom community.
That being said, yes, you did hear me right---Hunter got possessed by Belos in this episode!
Turns out all of us who theorized that would happened; myself included, were indeed right on the money. It happened folks and boy oh boy, was that a scene!
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(Side Note: I love how Hunter's trademark lil front hair curl returned even after he got rid of it at the start of the episode. I find that detail a lil funny given all the comics and memes that were made after he got rid of it XD)
Secondly, rest in peace Flapjack! You were the true MVP of this episode in my eyes. I'm really going to miss this brave little bird, man.
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Flapjack sacrificing himself to revive Hunter who died (albeit, temporarily because of Belos) was easily my favourite moment from this episode.
After everything that Hunter and Flapjack have been through together over the course of the second season and after all the times that we've seen Flapjack actively help and at times, even saved Hunter, it was so great that this little bird went out doing what he's always done---protecting his partner. Protecting Hunter.
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Ah man, at least he went out knowing that Hunter loved him and he in turn, loved Hunter. I just…ah man, I'll need a minute with this moment because them feels.
Really hitting my heartstrings, man! It's gonna be a tear-jerker revisiting all those old tender moments between Hunter and Flapback from previous episodes, especially those from Hollow Mind.
That being said, Flapjack's death and sacrifice did get me thinking more about palismen in the general and what they actually are.
I strongly believe there was more to be learnt from the way palismans are born from viewing this special. Like it was already established through previous episodes that palismen are infact living creatures---they do possess souls which can infact be used to prolong the life of others as we saw with Belos/Phillip using palismen to keep himself alive for so long.
In respect to that, this does make me curious about one thing:
Is Hunter no longer a Grimwalker and can now be considered fully human now as of Flapjack's sacrifice?
In the episode intro, when we caught a glimpse of Caleb, we saw that his eyes were brown.
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Hunter's eyes are red and as I just noticed, Flapjack's eyes are brown as well, like Caleb's. And after Flapjack revived Hunter, his eyes turned from red to brown.
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So now this pegs the question, did Hunter's eyes change colour to reflect him becoming fully human as his brown eyes now match that of his predecessor or…did it turn brown to symbolize a part of Flapjack becoming a part of Hunter moving forward as a representation of their friendship and strong bond which has transcended two lifetimes?
And herein lies another curious theory that I have.
Imagine if…Flapjack WAS Caleb? Like imagine if…palismen work like the Chirithy from Kingdom Hearts?
In Kingdom Hearts lore, when the original keyblade wielders of the first Keyblade War "died", they were given options for their afterlife---either they reincarnate or their hearts goes to sleep and their partner Chirithy bonds with their wielder to protect their sleeping heart; becoming a Dreameater Spirit in the process.
So putting my KH nerd hat on for a hot minute, imagine if…palismen work like the Chirithy and when their witch partner dies, a piece of their soul becomes a part of their palismen?
Like when a witch dies, they impart a piece of their souls in their palismen so they can keep living on without them? Or something like that.
Or perhaps...palismen have souls so that in the event of their partners dying, they can sacrifice themselves to revive them as a failsafe? Y'know something like that?
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I just like the concept of Caleb's soul taking refuge inside of Flapjack after he died due to their magical bond?
Like despite Belos/Phillip desecrating his body for so many years with the creation of Grimwalkers, I like the thought of Flapjack keeping the last piece of Caleb---his soul---safe within him for many years until he was finally able to "return" it to Caleb by reviving Hunter, making him whole again and giving him a second chance at life.
Perhaps... this was a sign of Flapjack finally fulfilling a last dying wish for a former friend?
Alright, really hear me out on this one:
What if…we've been wrong all along and Flapjack was never Caleb's palisman to begin with and was in fact, the former palisman of the witch who invited Caleb Wittebane to the Boiling Isles in the first place---Evelyn.
"...Goodbye Evelyn..."
I find it interesting that Belos said this line before killing Flapjack.
Makes me wonder if to Belos, Flapjack was synonymous with Evelyn because he was probably her palisman before?
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Maybe Flapjack was Evelyn's partner before she was killed by Belos and because Flapjack knew how important Caleb was to Evelyn as his former partner and creator, that factor also contributed to why he choose Hunter in the end?
We still don't know the full details about what truly happened between the Wittebane Brothers and the witch Evelyn (who is obviously going to turn out to be a Clawthorne ancestor of Eda. There's no doubt about it).
For all, we know, Phillip may have killed her too along with Caleb and that's when and why he became trapped on the Boiling Isles?
Perhaps…Evelyn got hurt trying to protect Caleb and then Caleb got killed in the crossfires of Phillip attempting to finish the job?
And even after escaping, Evelyn ended up succumbing to her injuries and died, leaving Flapjack with the duty of watching over/protecting Caleb in her place?
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As I said, what if…Evelyn was mortally wounded by Belos during their scuffle and although Flapjack was willing to give his life to save her, instead Eve made the little bird promise to save Caleb instead since Caleb was important to Eve.
But before Flapjack could get a chance to save Caleb, it was too late and Philip had already gotten to him---thus beginning his vicious cycle of Grimwalkers and his many, many attempts at trying to "save Caleb" since he failed so hard the first time.
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There is still so much to learn!
And I know for the most part that all of what I'm theorizing right now on the spot probably sounds a little bit farfetched to become canon but nonetheless, for now they're just curious thoughts that I'm more than happy to share and still wanted to toss onto the table of possibility.
Either way, as I'll say once more, there is still so much more to be gaged from the backstory of Belos/Philip with his brother and that's why I loved this part of the special so much.
Hunter's part of the story with Belos isn't over and for that, I'm excited to learn what's next for the two of them.
I also really liked how this special reinforced that Belos/Phillip Wittebane is still meant to be the final big bad of The Owl House.
"...This is for the good of your souls. You'll thank me later..."
I wonder if he used that same line on his brother before killing him (by accident). But yeah, Big Boi Baddie Belos is still the penultimate villain of the series, it seems, which is super fantastic for me since admittedly, I genuinely love Belos as both a character and a villain.
He's just so fascinating to analyze and discuss and each new revelation regarding his backstory and his former motives, especially regarding his whole history and relationship with his brother just makes even more intriguing to me.
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What's even weirder to me is that I've been seeing some comments that paint KC a.k.a The Kid Collector as the key central "villain" of The Owl House.
Listen…just because the little god child took over an entire island of innocent civilians just so he could play with them does NOT make him the final boss of the game, dagnabbit.
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Nevermind that I also really, really love the Collector as a favourite character too. He is not the main big bad---at least not in the conventional sense and I'll explain why.
All things considered, I still wish to believe that KC is a very misunderstood being.
Just a cosmic star child with more knowledge and power than he can probably comprehend who was manipulated by a resentful old man hellbent on causing the genocide of an entire society of magical people all because he held one of them responsible for "taking his beloved brother away him".
Thus this makes me more worried for the fate of KC moving forward towards the second special because the writing on the wall is enough to kind of guess what's probably going to go down.
As established in this special, Belos is now able to possess other living things and basically steal their life force to keep him alive.
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Even prior to possessing Hunter, we saw him possess and consume other leaving creatures in the human world such as forest animals like the deer and rabbit.
We saw Belos almost consume Hunter fully if it weren't for him fighting back.
That being said, if Belos can possess living beings then what's stopping him from possessing the Kid Collector next?
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I feel like KC is in danger of becoming Belos' next target for possession---y'know as a little payback for taking him out in season two finale?
Belos almost destroyed the Boiling Isles by manipulating KC. Who's to say he won't try to do it again, only this time instead of manipulating the god child, he can simply take control of him and gain all of his godly abilities.
Now I know what you might be thinking that---that KC is way too powerful to be tricked or even overpowered by Belos that easily, right?
But I dunno…look at how easily Belos took over Hunter? Belos was able to possess Hunter by him simply touching a little tiny drop of his goop.
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What's to say he won't do the same to KC? Make him believe he's destroyed him only to be blindsided and hit with the goop?
I tell ya---I really feel like Belos may try to possess KC next and once he has the power of a God, he can literally do whatever he wants with his powers.
I mean…technically, the Day of Unity isn't over.
The Collector didn't really stop it. He just nudged the planets apart with a tiny boop. But they're still pretty much there in the sky above the isles.
So if Belos possesses KC, he can just as easily use him to jumpstart the draining spell once more.
But... then again, I doubt Belos would want to do that without killing himself in the process since Luz did brand him with a sigil so if he jumpstarts the draining spell then… he'll die along with the Boiling Isle citizens too?
Unless…that's also what Belos wants?
Like he decides to pull the sacrificial hero card.
Killing the entire Boiling Isles even at the expense of his own life (and probably KC's too if he takes over his body), all in the name of the "greater good" and his cause or what not?
I mean this is all just theory for now and I could be wrong in all of this. However; I was right on the money about Belos taking control of Hunter so... who knows? I guess we'll see how things shape up in the second episode special.
In conclusion...
This first special gave me a lot to process but overall, I really enjoyed it!
There was so much really good and great from it especially in regards to the terrific development it gave for characters such as Luz, Hunter and even Camila (surprisingly enough). I focused so much on Hunter that I forgot to say how much I loved how great of a supportive mom Camila was to Luz in this episode.
I am SO looking forward to seeing her side of things for the second part.
While I'm not expecting her to "la chancla" the Kid Collector or anything like that, I am expecting her to be a total badass momma all the same.
"Thanks to Them" was a fantastic start to the series' finale season of The Owl House and naturally, as to be expected, I cannot wait for the next one.
In the meantime, I'll probably share some more squiggly thoughts and musings from this first special because I don't think I'll be done gushing about it for some time (at least until The Dragon Prince returns next month).
~LMS (2022)
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The Reaper and The Death Angel Part 33
Series Masterlist
Part 32
Contains: Fluff, violence, timeline changes, even more canon divergence, follows the plot of 3x01 - 3x02 loosely.
5.6K Words
Comment if you want to be tagged. However, the issues with my tag lists persists, the most reliable way to get updates is to follow #the reaper and the death angel sorry for the inconvenience.
Even after it all, things keep getting worse.
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"Oh Juicy, I love you." Juice put the fresh bread on the table, ever since you have him that sourdough started all those months ago, he had been baking bread. He brought a new loaf to every dinner party and kept the Clubhouse well stocked, he and Bobby had developed a bit of a rivalry.
"Everyone hates hospital food, I know you're only here for another day, but I figure you're jonesing for something nice."
You nodded, "did you bring veggies? Everything here is boiled to death." He nodded and pulled a container of a mix of green.
"Sam said you really liked veggie toast in the morning." You dug into the homemade food, "is Jax here?"
You shook your head, "I sent him home, I love the guy but he's smothering me."
Juice gave you a sweet smile, "can you blame him? he almost lost his child and his old lady in the same day."
You shook your head "no I can't but it's just a lot. I'm only staying here another day so he doesn't have a heart attack. Since you're here, can you take me to see Sack?"
He went to get a nurse, and came back a few minutes later, "I don't need a wheelchair."
The nurse, Alex, who you had become fast friends with shook his head, "hospital policy."
"Hey Kip, you look like shit."
He smiled, "so do you."
You let out a chuckle, "blood loss will do that to you." You grabbed his hand, "has anyone been by to see you today?"
He nodded, "Chibs left about an hour ago. I'm kinda getting sick of them."
"Yeah, me too. I miss my alone time."
He groaned and rubbed his face, "I'm going to be here for another two weeks."
You nodded, "I know, you lost a chunk of your liver. I'll talk to Jax, make sure you don't lose your seat."
He squeezed your hand a little tighter, "it's no big deal. We almost died on Jax's old kitchen floor, I feel like that gives us some kind of near-death bond."
He laughed and clutched his side, "don't make me laugh too hard, it hurts." You sat with Kip for a little while longer before going back to your room, Jax was there waiting for you.
"I thought I told you to go home and unpack."
He smiled, "I'm mostly done anyway, how are you feeling?"
He helped you back onto the bed, "itching for a long walk."
He shook his head, "I'll see what I can do."
Jax came back five minutes later with a smirk, "I managed to charm the nurse, you've got ten minutes."
The smile you gave him made Jax feel warm, "well, don't just sit there making goo goo eyes at me, help me up." You grabbed both your hands and with a small pull you were on your feet.
"I don't know what everyone's going on about, I feel fine."
Jax kept his hand under your arm, "I can see that, are you sure you're not an alien?"
You batted his shoulder, "I don't know, maybe this whole relationship is a ploy to steal your genetic material and take it back to my home planet."
He screwed up his face through a giggle, "you are so unladylike."
You shook your head, "hey, if you want a lady, you picked the wrong woman."
He kissed you softly, "I love you so much."
You deepened the kiss, "I love you too."
You managed to get an extra lap of the hallway before he was shoving you back into bed, "any leads on Hayes?"
He shook his head, "nothing yet, Billy seems to think he's in Canada but we're still waiting on surveillance from the port to confirm."
"Makes sense that he'd head for the border, have you heard for the Irish yet?"
Jax swallowed, "it's not good. They think Hayes and Jimmy'o might have been working together to get rid of the Irish Kings, if they can't sort it out, it's bad news for everyone."
"Why does the Club have to do it?"
Jax shrugged, "a favour, Belfast offered to help before Clay could say no and now we're stuck."
You rubbed your head, "see, this is what happens when I'm off my feet. I'm not there to put out fires and it goes to shit."
Jax huffed, "I don't think this was anything you could solve."
He squeezed your hand, "I'm out of here tomorrow morning, I'll see if I can pull something out of somewhere."
"Let's break you out of here."
Sam came the first thing that morning, "thank God, I'm going crazy." An hour later, you were driving home. "How is everyone coping?"
He tilted his head, "everyone's really worried about Sack, he's been voted in but he'll lose his seat if he's not back on his bike by the end of the month."
You nodded, "that was sweet, Kip doesn't know, does he?"
Sam shook his head, "nah, we're going to surprise him when he gets out."
You smiled, "he'll be out soon enough, whether he's ready to ride is another thing."
Sam gave a solemn nod, "no one's going to take his seat away, he almost died trying to keep you and Abel safe." Before you could reply, you were pulling up to your home.
The dogs were on you the moment you opened the door, their little butts wagging with their tags, "hello you two, I missed you guys."
You could hear Abel crying in the background and Ima appeared looking tired, "he won't stop crying, I've tried everything." She handed him to you.
"Hey my sweet boy, why are you giving everyone so much trouble?" He cried for a little while longer but stopped when he realised you were home, "see it's not the end of the world, if you keep crying when people hold you, you're going to start offending people."
He cooed, and Ima turned to Sam, "I kinda want one."
You buried your face in Abel's shoulder to hide your smile, "yeah, so do I."
He pulled Ima into a hug, "maybe we should wait till things calm down a bit."
Ima nodded, "good idea, plus I need your crow before I go having your babies."
Sam smiled wide like a schoolboy, "should we call Happy then?"
Ima nodded and kissed Sam, "I'd like that."
Sam turned to you, "you like three meters away, we know you can hear us."
You did your best not to start jumping up and down, "I'm happy for you both, as much I as I would like to celebrate, I need a shower."
"Hey Darlin."
Jax got home later that day, "hello my love, how was work?"
He shrugged, "fine, we're no closer to Hayes."
You handed him Abel, "I missed the little guy."
Jax kissed his tiny cheek, "he missed you too, he wouldn't stop crying."
"It has been a long couple of days my love, but can I ask a favour?"
He nodded, "help me wash my hair?"
Jax smiled and walked you to the bathroom, "sure, you know how much I love your hair."
He made it passed shampooing before he started making comments, "you should let me do this more often."
You shook your head, "Jax, you've seen how much time I spend on my hair, something tells me this would turn into sex half the time and then my hair would be fizzy and not curly."
He leaned forward and kissed your neck, "are you saying I have no self-control?"
You nodded, "yep, not a wink."
He chuckled behind you, "if that were true, you'd never leave the bed."
"I don't think that's such a bad thing."
He continued doing your hair, you were yawning by the time he was done, "how are you feel?"
He sounded worried, "I'm not dizzy anymore, just really tired."
He helped you up, "nap then?"
You looked at the clock, "I can't, my hair's got to dry."
He laughed, "I fix everyone dinner then, I'm sure Abel wants to spend more time with you."
Dinner was simple, Jax could tell something was going on by the way that you were smiling at Sam and Ima, "what's going on?"
You shrugged, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Jax shook his head, "bullshit."
You and Ima giggled, "I'm getting Sam's crow."
Jax's smile split his face, his eyes wrinkling, "I'm really happy for both of you." You were smiling so hard your face hurt, Jax shook his head, stroking your hand lovingly, "God you're a dork."
You rolled your eyes, "I'm not a dork, I'm just happy." With dinner done, you were ready for bed.
"Shall we watch some TV? It's still early."
Jax nodded, "why not." You settled into bed, you in Jax's lap with your back pressed against his chest. You put on Friday The 13th two, Jax laughing each time you pointed out how stupid the campers were.
"These people have no situational awareness, no wonder they're being picked off."
Jax kissed the side of your face, "yeah, if that was you, the bad guy wouldn't stand a chance."
You laughed, "nope, because I have a gun."
Jax wrapped his arms around you, "I can totally see you being a final girl, running through the forest after whoever and not from them."
You turn around in his arms, laying your head on his chest. "I knew you'd get to Abel in time, I just had a feeling."
Jax's hand came up to rest over your crow, "you did?"
You nodded against him, "I did."
You lifted your head off his chest and pressed a kiss to his lips, "I love you Jackson."
He kissed you back, his hands cradling your face, "I love you too."
Another yawn broke the peace, "come one Darlin, let's get you to bed."
You nodded and rested against his chest, "you can finish the movie if you like, I'm just going to lay here."
He laughed softly while rubbing your back, "sure Darlin."
You were asleep within ten minutes, Jax turning off the TV and laying down with you on top of him, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Good night y/n."
"Good morning Beloved."
Jax smiled, and pressed a kiss to your forehead, "good morning Darlin, how are you feeling?"
You nodded, "much better, I feel like I actually got a good night's sleep."
Abel's crying interrupted the quiet, "I''ll get him."
You shook your head, "I'll do it, I missed getting to see his sleepy little face." You went into the next room, the shelves being packed perfectly, you reminded yourself to thank Juice for trying so hard.
"Hey little guy." Abel babbled, flapping his fat little hands. Ima came around the corner with a bottle, "thank you." She sat down on the soft chair, "when are you seeing Happy?"
She smiled, "he's coming by this weekend."
"I'm really happy for both of you, you and Sam deserves good things."
Her face changed, "you really don't care that I work in porn?"
You were shocked, "nope, not even a little. You make Sam happy and I can see he makes you happy. Do you love him?"
She nodded, "then that's all the matters, how much does he tell you about the Club?"
She tilted her head, deep in thought "I'm sure as much as Jax tells you, I know about the guns and the Irish, I know that's why Abel almost was taken."
You nodded, "good, you deserve to know the truth before you commit."
She nodded, her eyes growing wet, you put Abel down and pulled her into a hug. "Sam loves you Ima, he doesn't care what you do for money he just wants you to be happy. If one day you chose to leave porn and try something else, he'll support you and so will I. And if anyone else has a problem with you, you'll see a side of Sam you didn't know existed."
She smiled softly, "thank you."
Everyone was down for breakfast a little while later, "when are you going back to work?" You shrugged, "I wanted to go back at the end of the week but Holt says I can't come back into the office for anything other than paperwork pick ups and drop offs until my stitches are out, I'm going in today to pick up some."
Sam nodded, "when is Pd letting you back in the house?"
Jax put his piece of toast down, "today."
You nodded, "have you figured out who you're going to rent it to?" Before Jax could respond, he got a phone call.
"That was Laroy, we've got a lead of Hayes."
You waved them off, "go, we can pick this up later." They left and you and Ima continued the meal, "where are you going to get the crow?"
She tilted her head, "thigh or arm, it's not like I need to hide it for work."
"Happy's really good, for someone so rough he's very good at it."
She nodded, "yeah, he's soft and squishy when you get to know him." Breakfast went on and it was time for her to go to work, you headed off to the lab, hoping Jax would call with more information soon.
"Hey professor."
He put a firm hand on your shoulder, "how are you feeling?"
You shrugged "fine, a little out of sorts but fine."
He nodded, "I've left your paperwork with you intern."
With another soft smile, he left you to chat with all your friends.
"You have a trend of almost dying, don't you."
You shook your head, "yes Jack, I do, I would be too powerful if the universe didn't do its best to keep me down."
He laughed, "you're hardcore."
You smiled, "I try."
Jax wasn't impressed with the guy the Niners brought, he was jumpy and offred less information than Billy had found in a handful of hours. Nevertheless, they went down to the docks. Only to end up in a car chase and firefight, Jax was desperate, the last few days hitting him like a ton of bricks.
"The guy you bought the boat from, he shot my old lady in the chest and almost kidnapped my eight month old son."
The man's eyes went wide, "Irish dude?"
Jax nodded, "yeah." The man's tune changed right away.
"Three days ago, he said he needed some quick cash. Met him down at the docks with the boat and some AKs." That conversation was as equally disappointed as the one this morning. Jax was feeling more and more lost without you, he pined every moment you were parted from him.
He knew he should have gone back to the garage but he wanted to hear your voice so he comprised and called you, "hey darlin, you're a sound for sore ears."
Your giggle made him smile, "hello my love, how did everything go this morning?"
"Nowhere. Are you at home?"
He sounded sad, "yes I'm at home with Abel and the dogs. You want to come and see Kip with me this afternoon?"
He felt himself relax, "sure, I'm betting he wants a break from us."
You laughed, "nonsense, you guys are great."
"Alright darlin, I'll come and pick you up." Jax was there half an hour later, he got off his bike and took your keys from their hanger, "you ready?"
You nodded, "you know I can drive right, why do you want to drive my car so much?"
He laughed and shook his head, "hey, a guy can't appreciate a nice cage?"
You grabbed his hand, holding it while he looked over your face, "you doing ok?"
He shrugged, "I just want all of this over with."
You pulled him into your arms, "I know, it's not like Hayes has left the planet, we'll find him."
The drive to the hospital was quiet, Jax seemed lost in thought, "I'm sure Kip will be happy to see you, I think he's still worried you'd be mad that he didn't do more."
He nodded, "yeah, I know nothing's going to happen to him, everyone wants him to get his full patch."
You pulled up at St Thomas and got out, going right to Kip's room, "how are you feeling?"
He shrugged, "the stomach ache won't go away but the doctor said that's normal."
You nodded, "yeah, it will pass after a while. Have they told you when you're getting out of here?"
He nodded, "still eight days."
Jax sat down on a chair next to him, "how about I get some food from the cafe and leave you two to talk?"
Jax smiled and handed you some bills, "thanks darlin."
You came back fifteen minutes later with some coffee and snack food, handing Jax a wrap and Kip and pie before sitting down with a serving of fries.
"Thanks y/n the food here makes me wish I died on that floor."
You laughed, "I know right, I was only here for three days and I thought I was going to starve to death."
Jax laughed, "it can't be that bad."
You shook your head, "well then, not fires for you." You passed the box to Kip and raised an eyebrow, taking a handful and smiling at Jax.
"You're terrible."
You smiled, "I know." You and Jax sat with Kip until Opie and Lyla showed up, "change in shifts?"
Ope nodded, "yeah, Hale's at the Clubhouse, he's got an update on Hayes and wants to talk to both of you."
You left soon after, Jax still insisting he drives. The compound was quiet when you got there, only a few people milling around. Abel was with Sam, and seemly confused that he somehow kept disappearing under the table.
"You are so easily entertained, you know he has no sense of object permanence, he thinks you're not there."
Sam laughed, "yes, that's why it's so funny."
You looked around, "where Gem?"
Clay's face fell, "her mother just passed, she with her father."
You put a hand on Jax, "I'm sorry."
He shrugged, "I didn't know her that well."
Hale came over after finishing his conversation with Bobby, "you got any updates?"
He shook his head, "we went to the marina but we didn't find anything, the FBI aren't really interested anymore, they seem to think he's already left the country."
Something had changed in the man, "you seem different."
He nodded, "I realise I can't be sheriff and be at your throats, as long as it doesn't happen inside Charming, and you don't put anyone here at risk, I won't bother you. But that won't stop me from arresting anyone that brings their problems here."
To say that was a shock was an understatement, "shit man, what happened?"
He swallowed, "my brother, I saw how many people came here to air their problems with him and it made it clear to me that the town trusts you more than us."
It was strange the way he said it, like Clay wasn't even there. But that didn't matter, he slapped Hale on the shoulder and gave him a warm but false smile, "I'm glad we could finally see eye to eye."
"I think I'll go see Gem tomorrow, does someone have the address?"
Clay nodded, "yeah, that might be a good idea."
Chibs ran to the office to get it, coming back soon after. "It's not too far to travel, I'm sure she'll be grateful to have you there."
You took the bit of paper from him, "thanks Chibby."
You stood around talking for a little while, then Jacob Hale turned up. "What the fuck do you want?"
He did his best to seem humble, "I read your statement in the Gazette. I think it would be good if we could hold a town meeting, I'd like to make a statement in apology."
You crossed your hands over your chest, "and say what you Nazi shit bag."
"Nothing much, I want to hear from the residents about why they're upset and what they want for the town so we can move forward. I came here to ask you if you wanted to speak because in your statement to Jerry, you said you had written multiple papers of Neo-Nazis."
You shrugged, "fine, but read them first, I'm not sparknotes. Also, pay for them, you can afford it."
Everyone was watching on, glaring at him. Sam was holding Abel, tapping his little back after feeding him. He went to thank you when someone drove through T-M and started shooting.
Jax drove on top of you, shoving you to the ground and laying on top of you while David pulled his gun and started firing, the van crashed into the far wall and everyone stood up. Jax could hear Abel whaling and when he looked over, Sam had me press to his body. Sam's arm had been grazed by a bullet but he didn't seem to have even felt it.
Jax ran to the van with Hale hot on his heels, ripping the man with the gun out of the passenger seat and climbing on top of his back, slamming his head into the ground over and over again. Jax had four inches and 40 pounds on Hale so it took him and some of the other Sons to manage it and even then it was hard.
After checking on everyone, it was clear that other than a few grazes and some shock, everyone was ok. You ran over to see Hale standing in front of Jax so he couldn't set himself upon the man again.
"Jackson, Abel is fine. Listen, he's not even crying anymore." Jax paused and couldn't hear his son screaming, Hale didn't seem impressed.
"Let me take him home, we won't stop for anything. I think it's clear that this was a serious situation, and everyone acted within the law." You pointed to the rifle that was in the front seat.
"That was a good shoot, and I have no problem making that statement so you can bring IAB to my home later and I'll back you up, ok?"
He clenched his jaw, "go, but if I see either of you in town tonight, he'll spend the night in lockup."
You nodded and dragged Jax away, Sam walking up to him and handing over Abel, "see, he's ok." Jax buried his face in Abel's tiny shoulder, "I'm going to take us home before you get arrested."
The ride home was silent, Jax was waiting for you to start yelling or for that horrible dream to come true, but you didn't. When it was time to get out of the car, you parked and got Abel, then gave him right to Jax.
"I'll put dinner on, you take some time to calm down then we can talk, ok?" Jax nodded and sat down on the couch, despite the way you were talking to him, he was waiting for you to kick him out.
Sam came home with Ima, he must have gone to get her after Chibs patched him up. "You guys good?"
Sam nodded, "Hale will be over later with IAB to take your statement." He sat down next to Jax and Ima went to help you cook.
"What's wrong?"
Jax shrugged, "you don't need to worry about my sister, she's seen a lot more violence than that."
Jax let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, "what do we do? Most of us are going to be inside soon and we can't run a Club from the inside while all this is happening."
Sam paused before responding, "we'll work it out. Hap's going to transfer and if Tig can swallow what happened between him and Kozik, he'll be voted in too. Things will work themselves out, we'll talk to Alvarez tomorrow." Jax nodded and relaxed at the sound of you and Ima giggling in the kitchen.
"We better go help with dinner or they won't feed us." Jax huffed and got up.
"Thanks man."
Hale showed up after dinner with two IAB officers, "hello, please come in and remove your shoes. I wouldn't be letting you in my house normally, letting alone Internal Investigation but it's for David so I'll bear it." You sat them down at the table with everyone else in tow.
"State your name for the record."
You did so then went into your statement, "taking into experience my just over ten years of combat experience both direct and indirect, I believe that deputy sheriff Hale acted in an appropriate manner to stop the threat."
Sam backed you up, mentioning that the shot he took was clear of civilians, "you say you have ten years of experience, why weren't you using your weapon?"
You glared at him, "my partner threw himself on top of me so I didn't get shot, I can't really get my gun out of its holster and fire it when I have a fully grown man laying on my back, can I now?"
They seemed happy with everyone's recounting of the events, then you were asking them to leave, "thank y/n"
You gave Hale a curt nod, and he left. You turned to Jax, "come on dearest, I need a long, hot shower."
When you woke up, Jax wasn't there. You threw on a robe and went looking, finding him in the home gym doing push-ups. You could see his arms shaking as we went down and there was a sheen of sweat down his back.
"Good morning beloved." Jax felt against the ground, unable to do anymore and got up, coming over to kiss you softly. "Something on your mind?"
He shrugged, "I don't know what happens now y/n, it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better."
You nodded, "I know."
He shook his head, "do you? What happened last night was just the tip of the iceberg."
You put a hand on his shoulder, "if you're trying to scare me you need to try harder. I don't mean to sound harsh, but you're the ignorant civilian in this partnership. Come back to me when you've rip a man's guts out with nothing but your bare hands and a hunk of broken glass, then we can talk."
Jax swallowed, he sometimes forgot that you had seen and done so much violence. "I'm going to drive to see Gemma, I've called so she waiting for me. Your grandad's not doing so well."
Jax nodded, "we're heading to St Thomas to see if we can Id the guy who shot up the Clubhouse. Have you heard from Billy?"
You shook your head, "yes and no, he texted and said they had something but he's still waiting on confirmation."
"I hope you get somewhere, we could really use a win. I text when I'm there safe."
Jax smiled softly and kissed you, "I see you tonight?"
You nodded, "yeah, I love you."
"Love you too."
"THEY CUT OFF MY FINGERS, THEY CUT OFF MY FINGERS." While Chucky distracted the guards at the hospital door, the guys went inside. He struggled while they looked for tattoos, but they only found non-descript prison tats. Then Jax had an idea, pulling the man's lower lip down, he found the numbers three and twelve.
It was like a lightbulb appeared over Opie's head, "C, L, Calaveras?"
"They're in Lodi. We better go see T.O."
Bobby shook his head "they're a Mayan puppet club, what are they doing shooting up the Clubhouse?"
Sam thought for a moment, "not anymore, The Mayans dropped them when they started working with Zobelle."
Clay nodded, "it seems without their minders, they're moving up in the world."
"Hello Mr Maddock I'm y/n, Jax's partner."
He tilted his head, "your grandson, daddy."
A look of understanding came over his face, "I knew that. Where is he anyway?"
You walked inside and put your bag down, "busy with work but I'm sure he'll be around sooner or later. How are you feeling?" You started unpacking the groceries you have bought with the help of the nurse.
"Fine, please be careful, Rose doesn't like it when the kitchen is messy."
You nodded, "of course sir, I'll make sure it's perfect." You took Gemma aside while the nurse continued to unpack.
"How long does it take for him to forget?"
She looked sad, "not long, he asks about Rose a thousand times a day."
You nodded, "yeah, he's not the first person with dementia I've met. I'll keep him entertained, I'll take him for a walk out in the garden and talk about the roses. Often if you talk to people with dementia about things they enjoy, it helps keep them stable."
You went back into the lounge room and sat next to Nate, "I really like your garden, can you take me on a tour? I've never been able to keep my roses alive."
He got up shakily and gestured for you to walk outside with him, "I'll show you my trellises, are yours getting enough sun?"
"It wasn't us that killed Eddie, it was Stahl. She didn't want to take the heat for ending the ATF investigation so she put it on us."
Jimmy'o shook his head, "Jesus Christ, this shit just gets deeper."
Jax had a scowl on his face, "Cameron directed his vengeance at the wrong target, he almost took my son and put my old lady and one of our prospects in the hospital."
"We know he's got a fake passport, he's got to be back in Belfast."
Jimmy'o explained that he wasn't but it was hard to tell if he was being truthful. "I'll be heading home in a couple of days. Luke will take point from here. If there's any news about Cammy, I give you my word, you'll be the first to know."
Clay reluctantly took Jimmy's extended hand and they left. As they were getting onto their bikes, Jax brought up one of Bobby's ex-wives and her bounty hunter boyfriend. But Bobby was far behind on alimony and child support to so it took so doing to get him to agree. However, after a quick beaten and a kind word from Jax, she was on board.
With that sorted, they went to see T.O and the other Grim Bastards. "You guys have had a tough run, how can we help?"
Clay leaned in, "the drive-by was done but the Calaveras. We know The Mayans tossed them after what went done in Charming, we were wondering if you had any info."
"We've been seeing a lot of activity in town."
The vice president spoke next, "the Calaveras have been on a recruiting spree, it all adds up."
Chibs shook his head, "we're going to have to break it down, we can't have a rival club at our borders."
T.O nodded, "we can't them inside our, the dope and pussy game is hard enough without anyone else stepping on it."
Clay nodded, "agreed."
The V.P spoke again, "what's the move."
"Let's find out what Salazar is up to."
T.O seemed to be on board, "we need to locate a C.L someone high up, an officer maybe."
He nodded, "yeah, we'll find the right guy."
They met the bounty hunter outside a sex shop with the promise that if they bought this high-risk bounty in, he would help them find Hayes. It didn't take long for them to grab him and after a quick car chase and an indecent with a hybrid, he seemed ready to help.
"Hey, I want something on Hayes by the end of the day."
Jax just couldn't win, even after beating the shit out of Salazar, he wouldn't talk. So now he was sitting on his bike, ready to run Salazar over to get answers. It took two laps passed his buried head before he talked.
"We wanted to set up a bag and cut operation in Lodi because The Mayans keep taking our territory, we want to move H to push them out of the prison trade."
They walked away, "this has to be the deal Alvarez was going to cut with Zobelle."
Jax nodded, "if they're processing it in Lodi, it means they have to take it through Charming to get to Stockton."
Opie had another bright idea, "why don't we let Alvarez know, I'm sure we can find a way to loop the Bastards in."
"He hasn't asked about Rose once since you took him outside."
You smiled, "people with dementia are just like anyone else, I gave him something to occupy his mind and that helps keep it away from the fact that he is feeling confused."
"Will they do that in the home?"
You nodded, "I looked over the information, it's a really nice place with some of the best aged care doctors in the state. Rose picked very well." Just as you were about to add more, your phone ran, "it's Billy, I need to take it."
Billy was quick, "I got a lead on your guy, he's just been found dead with an IRA tag in his head in Ireland." You were racing out the door before he could hand up.
"Gemma, I need to go back to Charming and talk to Jax, they've found Hayes," You drove off with the promise to come back tomorrow, getting to the Clubhouse just as the day was winding down.
Jax seemed better, pulling you into a hug, "we found Hayes, he's in Canada."
You shook your head, "I don't know where you got your source from but they're wrong. Billy just sent me this." You pulled out your phone, opened the encrypted Avnil app and showed him the photo of Hayes.
"Jax, he's in Ireland."
Part 34
Please let me know what you think
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assassyart · 2 years
I’d love to read you unpack Ratchet’s writing from the movie, actually 👀
I'll unpack a little, just for you, as a treat. But this probably won't be the rant you were expecting.
To start, Ratchet from the movie is very clearly not our Ratchet. From the personality to the way he moves around, it's very innocent which is quite literally the last word I'd use to describe Ratchet. None of what this Ratchet does matters. He is not our canon Ratchet. This whole rant? Doesn't actually matter.
Movie Ratchet is supposed to be a generic, safe protagonist to sell tickets (lol). He's made to be likable, fluffy, cute, marketable, nerdy, and gullible. He's blinded by his role model and his dreams to become a hero that he ends up making mistakes. None of this was present in the 2002 game, because he is a different character in a different situation, but for this lil essay's sake, I will be treating these two as if they are supposed to be the same character.
Now, everyone's talked about how different Ratchet acts in terms of personality in this movie, so I'm not going to dabble on that. You know how bad the personality is by now. He's boring. So instead, I want to focus on the other characters (specifically Clank and Qwark) and how they're treated in comparison to Ratchet, mostly focusing on what the main series does right and what the movie failed at grasping. With that out of the way, let's start.
I've mentioned it before, but after 2002, it does feel like the writers of Ratchet & Clank have an issue with making Clank in the wrong. Even if Clank is proven to be incorrect, the narrative will try not to focus on it for too long or pretend that it's actually Ratchet that is wrong. The way the narrative treats Ratchet when he is wrong is very different from how the narrative treats Clank.
for example
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The movie is no different. The one and only concrete time where Clank was in the wrong for not trusting Ratchet and getting them caught in a death trap in 2002, they decided to change in the movie to make Ratchet the one in the wrong. Even though he already was portrayed as being in the wrong in 2002. He just cant win LOL
And that's when everything fell apart.
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If Ratchet isn't the one to be skeptical towards Qwark, then he won't be the one to start an argument with Clank. The conflict that kickstarts their friendship will not happen. This is the most important thing about the 2002 game and they just decided to remove it. I used to get really heated over this, but it's been awhile. I've cooled off. I'm a changed person.
But still, it's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact they saw the source material of the characters act in the exact scenario they wanted and chose to make them not only not act that way, but swap the roles. It's the typical bad technique of writing the characters to move the plot, instead of writing the characters based on what actions they'd realistically take. Ratchet & Clank are only here to move the predictable plot forward so they can get to the real star of the show.
Newsflash: this movie isn't about Ratchet & Clank and them bonding and working together against the odds despite being polar opposites. It was never about the wacky guns that attracted people to this series, nope. It's certainly not about making you feel like buying tickets to the Ratchet & Clank movie on opening night was money well spent.
No, this movie is about one thing: Captain Copernicus Leslie Qwark.
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Aha! I've tricked you! This rant was secretly about Captain Qwark all along! >:D
Listen, the writers really wanted people to like Captain Qwark but they didn't show this same energy towards Ratchet. Ratchet should want Qwark dead after he got an entire planet destroyed and tried to kill him this whole time, but he doesn't, which was one of the biggest things that stuck out like a sore thumb to fans. If there is one thing that is key to Ratchet's dynamic with Qwark, it's that it takes him a long ass time to forgive Qwark for everything he did. The Lombax holds a grudge. Qwark's redemption takes place over the course of several games and it's not until the end of Up Your Arsenal when Ratchet feels like he might be able to trust him again. You cannot rush Captain Qwark's arc and you have to be very careful with it, because if you mess up, you're potentially ruining every main character he touches: Ratchet, Clank, and Dr. Nefarious.
The only reason Qwark is able to get his redemption in UYA is due to him finally facing what he has created: Dr. Nefarious. He was the one that pushed Nefarious into villainy but instead of fighting him head on, he wanted to take the coward's route and hide. However, because he came back in the end, faced his demons, helped take down Dr. Nefarious, right the wrong he created...he was put on the path of trying to be a better hero and person. This is where his friendship with Ratchet and Clank really starts, where the Lombax is always there to hold him accountable and lead him back on the right path. Eventually, he became the hero Ratchet originally looked up to, and now Ratchet genuinely trusts and cares about him.
But the movie wanted all of that now. So it attempted to compact that in one movie and ignore every single other character in the process just so Qwark can have a failed one movie "redemption" that fell flat. It was one of the first things casual and super fans alike pointed out that felt off.
Side note: Qwark is somehow able to easily beat Ratchet in the movie? Weird! Clank gets a fight against Victor, a robot that is 5× his size, and wins, but Ratchet? He gets to hit a guy with a wrench at the end I guess idk lol
We aren't done with Qwark yet, because the movie did something slightly annoying when it comes to Qwark's "redemption". The only thing this movie hadn't screwed up yet was the Qwark vs Nefarious rivalry. I'll admit, their moments were some of my favorites when the movie first came out, because I love their interactions no matter what game it is. I was still eagerly awaiting Nefarious to turn into a robot, though (foreshadowing).
Short version: Nefarious viewed Ratchet as the weaker link when Qwark and Clank were in the picture. He underestimated Ratchet and viewed Qwark as the boss, because he had zero ties to Ratchet whatsoever. Ratchet was just some guy that was easy to manipulate. This mindset is meant to change the more Ratchet actually proves himself over time to be a great adversary, as he did in UYA and again in ACiT. The scar is the final straw where Nefarious angrily yells out Ratchet's name instead of Qwark's for the first time, showing that he is finally acknowledging Ratchet himself beyond his connection to Clank and Qwark and Azimuth to some extent.
Dr. Nefarious' greatest problem was that he always thought of Qwark as the real enemy, because Qwark was the one that bullied him and turned him into a robot. In fact, it's only until A Crack in Time when Nefarious finally puts Ratchet on his radar as a potential obstacle instead of just Qwark and Clank.
I could go on and on about Ratchet and Nefarious's dynamic because I really love it, but that's not what this is about.
And then, the funniest thing happened...
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the movie decided to make Ratchet be the one responsible for Nefarious turning into a robot.
The story punished Ratchet for not listening to Clank about Qwark and then made him be the one to pull the trigger on Nefarious's real debut as a threatening villain. They took both of the things Clank and Qwark did in the original series that might have potentially made their characters look bad and gave them to Ratchet. It's not like Ratchet doesn't make mistakes in the games that they could draw inspiration from, he does. A lot. Constantly.
But instead of writing him organically and closer to the games' version of him, they chose to write him as out of character as possible to make Qwark shine while simultaneously making him so damn boring that it's impossible for me to even hate him passionately since there is nothing there to hate.
The movie is bad. Everyone knows that by now. The best thing it gave us was Elaris I'd say, but besides that, does anyone really still care about this movie? I think it's time we move on, y'know?
But...I must bring up Life of Pi. It tried its hardest to fix the problems I had with Ratchet's character in the movie.
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And I think it did, honestly. So hey, this rant has a happy ending. :) <3
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War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning
Hedges, Chris. War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. PublicAffairs Books, 2002.
This one isn't about the 18th century per se but it's about how we think about war. It touches a bit on how Thanatos and Eros get mixed up with each other in war and remembrance of war, which is something I'm interested in picking apart especially when it comes to the historiography of the AWI.
I first heard about this book through Brandon F's "shelfie" video, and as I'm about to delve into Georges Bataille and a bunch of "death drive" stuff shortly I figured it might be worth picking up. The title sounds kinda fucked up but it's meant in a self-aware way. Hedges talks about all the things that make war seductive and addictive to those who find themselves in one. What I find really interesting is that he doesn't make a distinction between the "total war" of WWI and later and the wars of ancient history like a lot of others do. He's seeking after a universal experience of war, as he ties things in with Shakespeare and ancient Greek classics, and I am honestly not sure if I buy that or not. But it's a riveting first-person account of what war looks like up close and how it clouds people's minds, drawing from his years as a war correspondent. He also is an advocate for some concept of Freud's "death drive" as he feels like he's seen real examples of it in people he's known and he's seen the seeds of it in himself.
What I also found real interesting and not a little worrying is that he and others saw the whole "Christo-fascist" movement coming from twenty years away (keep in mind this book was published in 2002). Also he talks about how people who cannot create a unified narrative of what happened in a war will not heal--and my mind went immediately to the last episode of Checkmate, Lincolnites! on the the historiography of the Civil War... oh yeah we're fucked, y'all.
I suspect Chris Hedges may have a slightly sex-negative bent in how he frames the intersection of Eros and Thanatos, and I'm going to have to stew on this one a bit to figure out where exactly I disagree with him. Wartime SA is bad, I think we can all agree on that. But I think there's a much wider gray spectrum when it comes to consenting relationships under the duress of war. Trauma-bonding is a thing. But some people really did marry their wartime sweethearts and go on to have long happy relationships. There's a whole continuum that encompasses both. Though I think you can at least argue that most people are not terribly aware of the power dynamics that influence these decisions even if they are consenting, so I'll give him that. And he makes some real good points about power dynamics in this book but geez there is so much to unpack when it comes to power dynamics so I'll have to revisit this later...
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rainypaperangel · 2 years
I need to rant about Cassandra from Tangled the Series
Let's get one thing out of the way; I love her! Got it? OK, let's move on! (spoilers for the whole show btw)
Content warnings: abuse, child neglect, toxic friends
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If you've watched Tangled the Series, you'll remember Cassandra, Rapunzel's Lady in Waiting, and the villain for season 3. She's a bit rough around the edges, she's goal-oriented, and she'd much, much rather be a knight than a Lady in Waiting. But, she fulfills her duties and takes care of Rapunzel.
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In season 2 and 3, we find out that Cassandra is Gothel's biological daughter (!), and this is where my rant begins. Because they. did. her. dirty.
Cassandra. Not Gothel...
When Cassandra finds out Gothel was her biological mother, she is rightfully angry - but she directs her anger at Rapunzel. ......... wut?
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I'll be honest, I have nothing new to add, so here goes; Cassandra was, throughout the show, obviously not happy with where she was. She knew she was capable of MORE, and she felt like the world held her back - which it did. She gave up opportunities in favor of helping Rapunzel, but she was also shown to be smart.
And that's the key word; she was smart.
Never once did Cassandra seem to forget about Rapunzel's situation; on the contrary, she was often a bit annoyed with how naïve she could be, which resulted in her being overly protective. She knew Rapunzel had been kept hidden and isolated, she knew she'd been imprisoned.
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When she got ahold of the moondrop after learning about her and Gothel's relation, Cassandra's rage is turned towards Rapunzel and the Kingdom of Corona (I love how Rapunzel is the Princess of Corona and was also forced to isolate...), and... why?
To me, it made no sense that she'd do this. Cassandra wasn't shown to have a bad life. She was raised by the captain of the guards, Rapunzel makes it clear that she loves her, even Eugene steps up and becomes a sort of low-key frienemie of her's... Cassandra's anger was so out of character it threw me off completely (still watched and loved the show!)...
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After watching the show almost 2 years ago, I talked with a friend about this. I no longer talk to this friend, because she was toxic AF, but I clearly remember her using this argument when I said Cassandra was deeply in the wrong: "Well, you just don't know how it feels when your mother loves someone else more than you!"
... there's a lot to unpack there, and I won't get into it. However, I still deeply believe my ex-friend was wrong.
Because Gothel didn't love Rapunzel more than Cassandra.
Gothel didn't love either of them.
And Cassandra was smart enough to have known, if not this, then that her biological mother didn't love Rapunzel.
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I like to put this into a modern perspective if I have to go that far: Imagine a woman kidnaps a little girl and keep her in her basement for 18 years. This woman has a daughter that, sure, she keeps her alive, but she also neglect her.
The daughter gets taken away for child neglect, and when she's 18, the girl in the basement gets rescued. The two of them meet, and the daughter starts attacking the girl and yelling at her because she "stole her mother's love".
I don't think any rational person would think of that as rational.
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So what is my problem? Well, my problem isn't Cassandra or that she became the villain by season 3 - my problem is that it was handled through victim blaming despite having a lot of potential.
How could this've worked? Let me se...
We keep everything the same - Gothel is still Cassandra's mother, she finds out the same way, but! She tells Rapunzel. She's crying, maybe even apologizing (even though she doesn't have anything to apologize for), and the two of them bond even more over their shared trauma caused by Gothel.
But then people find out. They start alienating Cassandra, seeing her as the daughter of the woman who kidnapped their princess. Even the king and queen demote her, her adopted father, the Captain, can't do anything.
Rapunzel tries to help her, but Cassandra's life falls apart. Not because of her, but because of her mother.
She's angry. She's spent her whole life serving and protecting, being there to take care of the Princess and doing everything in her might to prove herself as a good soldier.
And just like that, it all vanishes.
She becomes desperate. And this is where Zhan Tiri comes in.
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She shows up like a little girl, still, but tells Cassandra she knew Gothel and that the two of them learned about the powers of the sun drop together; and she knows how Cassandra can right her mother's wrongs.
Zhan Tiri starts gaslighting Cassandra when she won't have it at first, telling her her friends are being fake or doesn't completely trust her - basically sowing doubt like in the actual show.
In the end, she manage to convince Cassandra that the moondrop will have the power to make everyone forget Gothel is Cassandra's mother. This'll give Cassandra something to do in season 3 instead of just kinda walking around (now she has a lot of memories to erase), but the moondrop and Zhan Tiri will also have time to eat her away even further.
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Cassandra does wrong things. She hurts people. And when her friends tries to stop her, her mind's been twisted into believing that it's because they're afraid of her mother. Feeling lost and hopeless, we get the same conclusion with a few tweaks, specifically to her motivation and hatred towards Rapunzel.
Cassandra no longer hates Rapunzel or her friends; she hates Corona for turning on her, and she hates herself and her mother. But she is still, deep within, a hero driven by morals.
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Does this have any big conclusion? No? Purpose? Uh... I guess "@disneyanimation, please hire me, you won't regret it"? Other than that?
... nah, I just remembered my friend's half-assed excuse for Cassandra and got really mad...
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panlight · 2 years
What do you think about the Amazon coven? How the books versus the movies presented then, their actions, etc.? Do you think they were necessary for the story and how things went down? What do you think they do besides hunt and talk to each other in the Patanals?
I think the Amazons are one of the most egregious examples of SM's "suburban white lady" ideas of diversity and inclusion. Like, "oh, all these international vampires! I'll have them from all over the world [except Asia?] and all different colors!" and then just . . . having very stereotypical ideas about what Indigenous people from South America are like, or what Egyptian people or even Irish people are like. It shows up with the Quileute characters too. She said in an interview that she had always been fascinated by native cultures and the whole co-opting one and re-writing their history and legends to fit your own two-white-people-happily-ever-after totally fits that vibe. I'm not one of those people who thinks she disliked Jacob and made him "bad" so Edward would look better; I think she DOES like Jacob and was totally oblivious to her own negative biases and stereotypes she reinforced (animalistic natives, aggressive brown men with white women, etc) and thought making him kiss Bella and all that was making him a BETTER rival, more intense, ~fighting for love~ rather than being the sweet, gentle friend.
The way she wrote the Amazons as being wild and the least human of all and Bella being scared of them comes off pretty racist when they are also described as having darker skin (well, that "olive toned pallor" which is a whole other racist thing to unpack), whereas the Irish vampires aren't described that way, and even the Romanians, who she says are creepy and very old, are not described as "uncivilized." I think her intention was "yay! International, not-all-white vampires!" but she's showing a lot of her biases here and it's not . . . good. Amun is about as old as the Amazons but isn't described as being wild and fierce. Bella's not viscerally scared of him.
All that out of the way, I do like the idea of them in theory, but it obviously could/should have been handled better. I don't think they were really necessary though. Zafrina's gift doesn't really end up making a difference (it's all Bella's shield!!!!!) and Kate could have trained her alone. I guess Nessie and Zafrina's bond is kind of cute but since I just have an emotional wall about Nessie I didn't care about it.
I think the movies made a mistake leaving out Kachiri, since she was supposed to be helping Alice find Nahuel, and while it's always going to be a deus ex machina that Alice finds the person she can't see and returns with him just in time to save the day, it made a little more sense with Kachiri who knows the area and maybe could have crossed paths with Nahuel and Hulien or their scents in the past. Plus the three of the Amazons are so devoted to each other it felt unfair to leave one of them out.
I honestly don't think SM gave any thought to what they do all day to pass the time; I mean her vampire royalty (the Romanians and Volturi) literally have partially petrified from sitting on thrones doing absolutely nothing for so long, so she doesn't put a lot of effort into what these characters do when they are off screen. But I like to think the three of them are a throuple and have been happily in love for centuries. They explore nature, scare away and/or eat poachers and people coming to chop down the rainforest, etc, make each other laugh, sing, play with and style each other's hair, make clothes and jewelry, inspire local legends about beautiful, kind spirits and/or vengeful monsters. Just living their best unlives.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
for the ship or don't ship meme: chengxian or wangxian, your choice
since I don't feel like unpacking my currently rather convoluted wangxian feelings (in a word, yikes @ myself) I'll go with chengxian which is sort of complicated because...it falls very much into my relationship feelings category of "I don't want them to, like, fuck or get married or anything, but it's so intense and important both to them and to me that it really should qualify as a ship, basically, because the distinction is pretty fine at that point."
so ultimately I'm going to answer on the basis of "ship it" because that's closer to the feeling.
What made you ship it?
Probably it was when the opening narration told me that Jiang Cheng was Wei Wuxian's sworn brother and also killed him and the, like, five seconds of interaction at the cliff's edge that had me going "oh yep here we go."
As I said immediately after my first watch: came for the gay romance stayed for the fucked up sibling relationships.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
[drags hands down face] it's such a meeeeeesss you guys and I love that about it. It's no secret around here that fucked up sibling or sibling-esque relationships are catnip to me, and the dynamic between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian is so excruciatingly painful along so many axes that I just lose my entire mind about it. The inability to communicate! The crossed wires! The incompatible priorities struggling to coexist with the emotional bond that becomes increasingly harder to sustain! The frankly agonizing state of things after Wei Wuxian comes back!
god! thinking about Them again and now I wish I had a fic in progress I could channel all these feelings into
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
While on the one hand I understand and support the desire to have the whole "Jiang Cheng got caught by the Wens because he was luring them away from Wei Wuxian" thing coming out because boy if I don't have a thing for someone's self-sacrificial gestures they didn't want anyone to know about being exposed, probably against their will (don't look too closely at that one!), I also feel like...how to put this.
So much of the dysfunction between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian comes down to this...perception of obligation and duty and who is obligated to what and where that obligation intersects with love and the anxiety about evening scales and repaying debts - for Wei Wuxian, the sense both that he needs to and also that it's not about that, the uncertainty about where exactly he resides in the family architecture, and for Jiang Cheng the need to know that peoples' love isn't an obligation they're enduring but a choice they're making.
and bringing that cycle back to life with another turn of the Yunmeng Sibling Self-Sacrifice Wheel just feels like it would...rather than helping anyone move on or heal, just make things worse. And while I'm not averse to making things worse, there's also something poignant to me about that particular sacrifice remaining something silent, unspoken, and unknown. And the choice, on Jiang Cheng's part, to make it so.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Hello !
So out of my own curiosity I was searching what the difference between a soulmate and a twin flame was and according to the internet, a twin flame “is an incredibly intense soul connection. A more apt description of a twin flame is a “mirror soul” or a person’s “other half.” while a soulmate “is a person you feel so connected to [that] the relationship runs smoothly because of the strong bond and are compatible [with].” And we all know Jimin and Taehyung call each other’s soulmates and I love their bond so much. So I was thinking, could Jikook be twin flames ? Of course this is all hypothetical and I’m not taking this seriously at all as every relationship in BTS is different and unique and don’t need any of those “extra labels” to justify the bonds of the members. But when I read the definition of a twin flame and looked up a few more articles and stuff it kinda made me think of Jikook because the chemistry and connection these 2 beautiful men have is out of this world I’ve honestly never seen anything like it in my own entourage and it’s beautiful. I also know some people have a “negative” image I guess of twin flames bc some portray it as toxic but not every twin flame is toxic, it’s stupid to generalise it imo. Anyways I’m sorry I wrote you a whole essay lol but it’s just a thought I had and I find your blog really safe and I feel comfortable talking here even if it’s anonymously <3 Have a nice day lovely !
What a beautiful mental image that gave me, anon. I mean, aside from the cute/funny:
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The "twin flame" theory was started by Clare Prophet in the 1970s, so it's some early "New Age theory" style stuff but it actually is also ... kinda true, for some people? I think it's as true as the soulmate idea, anyway. Here's more about it:
I think if it's possible for people to actually have a twin flame, that would go a long way to explaining the Jeon-Parks.
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I don't know a lot about twin flames, so of course I WENT TO STAN TWITTER because what else do you do when you need a secret to the universe? You go to the least likely place in search of the Oracle. It's like in the Matrix when the Oracle is in the projects, or when Yoda lives by a swamp someplace. ANYWAY I did find this rather interesting thread if you wanna look:
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I'll be damned, the Jeon-Park House Elves Oracle Seeking Committee was not wrong, I guess. There was a lot to unpack in there but it was really sweet. Jimin and Jungkook do have an extraordinary amount of symmetry, of symbiosis, even. They really are very "너는 나, 나는 너 (neoneun na, naneun neo)"
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It just seems to be their thing. Kinda like the matching moles and the pinky strength and the same IQ and and and. If twin flames exist, those two are probably the definition. Thanks, nice anon :)
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Bungou Stray Dogs Men as Househusbands pt.1 - Sakunosuke Oda
A/N: I’m sorry that this isn‘t a request, but this brain rot has been going on since forever and now I can’t resist it anymore. I totally blame @hanazou for this. There will also be a part two featuring Chuuya, but his part has a completely different feeling to it, that's why I'll post these separately. Besides of that, this is basically an “Way of the Househusband!AU”. Go watch the show or read the manga if you don’t know it, it’s absolutely hilarious! This is mainly focused on them as househusbands, but since you are their spouse, there’s also a bit of reader insert. Also, a lot of Oda as a dad to his orphans. And the whole thing is feat. Dazai. (^^)
Pairings: Oda x gn!reader
Genre: Crack, domestic fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: You, Oda and the orphans move in together. While you become the working spouse, your loving husband stays at home and becomes a full-time househusband.
pt. 2
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First things first - If you agree to marrying Sakunosuke Oda, you are also agreeing to become the parent of five children. Oda loves you and you are one of two main reasons he’s leaving the Mafia, the other being his life purpose. But if he’s leaving the Mafia, he’s keeping those kids in (if they want him to of course, but you can’t tell me they don’t, come on -)
So yeah, be ready.
He only cooks spicy curry at the beginning. The curry shop owner gave him the exact recipe of his favourite plate as a goodbye gift and that’s the only thing he is cooking for days on end. He has some basic cooking skills, but this is the only really elaborated dish he knows how to prepare as of now, so be ready to suffer from the spice. It will go on like that until all six of you you and the kids hold an intervention for him. The kids will paint nice banners like they were going to a demonstration saying "No more curry" that they hang up in the living room and he’ll be greeted by your sorrowful face when he comes back from buying groceries.
“What’s this?” – “Oh honey, I’m so sorry, its just…” – “WE CAN’T TAKE THE SPICE ANYMORE STOP COOKING CURRY ALREADY!” – “…I mean…yeah.”
Of course, he’ll be a bit embarrassed and disappointed. May scratch his neck and look to the side thoughtfully. But he’ll take your plead seriously.
This is also how you bond with the kids for the first time. Congratulations, huddling up against someone is always the best way to bond!
He works hard on his cooking skills after that and becomes quite the formidable cook. He takes suggestions from you and the kids and will try to learn how to cook anything you might fancy to eat. It’s really important to him that all of you are happy and cooking may be the most important job of a house spouse, so he takes it very seriously.
There will be curry Tuesday though. One day of spice hell. Enjoy.
Please picture Oda in his usual attire, wearing a beige “kiss the cook” apron over it and bunny slippers. You’re welcome.
He'll learn how to make anime and cartoon-themed bentos for the kids, so it's highly probable you'll get cutely designed bentos as well. Again, you may drop suggestions, he’ll absolutely take them into considerations. Octopus sausages, bunny apple slices, cute bear faces made out of rice, he’ll learn to do them all. He isn’t too sappy of a person, but if he’s feeling romantic while cooking, your rice could also have the shape of a heart. Either way, your co-workers will be very envious of your food and your husband.
Oda iss the master of negotiation at the food market. He’ll be completely stoic all the time, not aggressive or dismissive at all, but he’ll point out little flaws of the products in a way that most shop owner’s won’t be able to deny and that’s how he gets discounts. He doesn’t want to cheat anyone out of their money, but he does have seven mouths to feed.
He may not look like it, but if any of the kids tag along for his grocery shopping, it's really hard for him to deny them something if they beg for it. He may seem unnervingly calm all the time, but he’s a big softie, especially for those kids and for you, and if they hang at his sleeves long enough, they’ll get that ice-cream they want so badly. That doesn’t work on pricier items though, he can be a strict parent when really needed.
Oda is great at handling the finances. He’s well aware that he has to be thrifty with five kids. Still, there is one thing where he struggles to keep his control: books.
If you agree to it, the apartment will have an absolutely minimalistic interior, but! In your living room, there will be a shelf full of books, so big it covers a whole wall. That’s it, that’s Oda’s only weak spot when spending money.
It’s not only books for him though. He buys books for you when he sees something from your favourite author or genre. He buys books for the kids so they learn the joy of literature. Poems, bed time stories he wants them to grow up appreciating the possibilities of the written word.
You can bet that he’ll read them bed time stories. Only one book for all five of them though, so one kid gets to choose a story each day.
He’ll read to you as well if you want him to. His voice is incredibly calm and soothing, he’s a really good reader. There’s a high probability you’ll fall asleep while he reads to you. You can cuddle up in bed and rest your head on his shoulder or sit on his lap and hide your face in the crook of his neck, feeling the vibration of his voice in his chest.
Whenever he has some time to spare, he’ll retire to your shared bedroom to write. Mind you, that won’t happen often. It happens mainly on weekends, when the kids are with friends and/or you are at home. If you want to do him a favour, consider cooking on the weekends, he’ll be more than thankful for the opportunity to submerge in his beloved writing. But don’t worry, it won’t consume him – he’ll always put some time aside to spent with you, without the kids, as well ¬‿¬.
He's so polite with the neighbours. Will pay all his neighbours a short visit together with the kids to introduce himself and bring little gifts. Just imagine him standing there in the door frame, witih all five kids around his legs, smiling at their new neighbours angelically - what's not to love?
He really wants to maintain a good relationship to all of them. Basically, he’s the perfect neighbour – always polite, always up to a little chat, always ready to listen to neighbour A complain over neighbour B without snitching. He’s mainly concerned for the wellbeing the kids though. He wants them to feel part of the community and often arranges play dates with the neighbour kids. If it's possible at the neighbour’s house because five kids are a lot to handle already…and when they are all out of the apartment, it’s cleaning time.
Oda is an angel of patience and the ultimate multitasker. He isn’t left with much of a choice with five kids, but thankfully, calm lies in his nature. You may see him explaining Sakura her math homework while cutting vegetables for today’s lunch. Then, he’ll take a quick glance out of the window to see if they boys are still playing on the street where he can see them and then he’ll check on Sakura again. Isn’t he lovely?
His ability is unexpectedly helpful for all of this. If he’s in the living room to clean, his ability will alarm him if the food’s about to burn. If he’s around the kids, he’ll know in time if one is about to trip. If you come home from work so tired you fall asleep face first in your soup, he’ll be able to catch you. So useful.
He’s a very attentive and loving husband. His love is mainly expressed by keeping the house as clean as he can and putting a lot of effort into cooking. Your work is hard enough, he takes it upon himself to manage everything else. He’ll also try to have the kids well-behaved so they don’t demand too much from you after you come home from work. Though if you decide to pull yourself together and give them attention and love even when tired, he’ll be more than thankful. He knows it’s a lot to ask to be a parent, especially to not one, but FIVE kids that are not yours by blood. So if you actively seek to have a close bond to them, it will make him so incredibly happy because he knows it’s not the natural course of action for everyone.
Will give you head, shoulder and foot massages after an especially excruciating day of work. His hands are skillful and he knows where to touch to make you moan to release the tension from your muscles.
Likes to lie his head in your lap after both of you had a long day of work. Yes, you may be the provider, but keeping a house clean and five kids under control isn’t an easy job either! So, he’ll seek peace laying his head on your thighs and closing his eyes while you tussle his hair and tell him about your day. Don’t expect more than a mumbled “Mm” or “I see” from time to time, but be sure that he’s listening.
And the Port Mafia? You’re in luck - since he was the lowest-ranking member, The Mafia, by which I mean Mori isn’t bothered that he left. He refused to kill anyways, he’s to no use to them him.
Of course, Oda will try to be absolutely sure there is no hidden reason for Mori to hinder his leave beforehand, or to resent him for it. The last thing he wants is to endanger you or the kids by leaving his job as a criminal.
If he ever meets a member of the PM in public, he'll act as if he doesn't know them. He may give them a polite nod if they make eye contact, but that’s about it. It’s not that he resents them, but he really wants to start a new life here that isn’t connected to killing and cruelty at all. If they approach him he'll be very polite, but try to keep the conversation short, even if they seem to have no ulterior motive.
Of course, there’s one member of the Port Mafia that marks the exception, by which I mean to say that you’ll have Osamu Dazai over for tea regularly. No, he won’t announce himself at all. The first time he appears at your apartment, you’re just finishing to unpack. He’ll tand at your doorstep all of a sudden to tell Oda that Mori already knows where he moved to. Oda will just nod as an acknowledgement. He expected as much. And then he’ll give you a questioning look. If you nod, he’ll officially asking his friend to stay for dinner. You’ll be having curry.
From then on, he’ll just drop by whenever. You may come back home from time to time to find dinner ready, the kids in bed and your husband and Dazai drinking. If you join them, you will have some truly joyful evenings spend together. You’re Oda’s chosen one, so Dazai is a bit more inclined to let you get close than he is with others. You may make a new friend in the process.
It doesn’t take a lot of time for the kids to start calling him Uncle Dazai. He’ll actually be Uncle Dazai before they ever call Oda Dad or you Mom/Dad. It will take them mere weeks to call him uncle, but months, maybe years to call the two of you Dad/Mom. It will happen eventually though, and the day it happens, I assure you that you will see Oda spill tears of happiness. He’ll be looking away, wiping his face with one hand and smiling. He never thought he would want this, but now he knows he does.
Back to Dazai! He’s reserved with the kids at first. As we know, he doesn’t feel all to comfortable around “childish behaviour”. But kids are like cats, the feel drawn to the one that’s most cautious. By which I mean to say that they are all over him. Literally. Oda will leave for five minutes and when he’s back at the living room the kids will have tackled a slightly unnerved Dazai on the floor. Sakura wants him to see the drawings she made, Katsumi, Kousuke and Yuu want to play, Shinji wants to ask him what's under his bandages. He’ll have no choice but to oblige and it goes surprisingly well. Oda may abuse him as a baby-sitter when he visits from then on.
Then suddenly, Dazai stops visiting altogether. You are worried, but Oda, for some reason, isn’t. Even more, whenever you ask him about it, you may catch him smiling to himself in a satisfied, proud way. No, Dazai didn’t tell him anything. If Oda would know, it would endanger all of you. But he knows. He knows that Dazai finally made his choice to leave the Port Mafia and needs to lay low now. And that’s okay.
It takes Dazai two years to come back, which will be just as sudden as him leaving. You’ll be astounded to see him a changed man at first sight. Oda will scold him for not sending any notice and then everything is normal again. And after some more years, he’ll start bringing along a scrawny kid with white hair.
A/N: Wow, this is the first post I put a "keep reading" link in because it's so long! That's kind of a milestone for me. 。゚(TヮT)゚。
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for reading!
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
The Daugthers of Saturn
A Wolfpack saga
Vol I. Titan
Sam Uley x Female! reader
Summary: Saturn's fate depends solely on its daughters
Warnings: none(?
A/N: So, as you all know i'm new in this twilight thing but i looooove the wolfpack so much and my mind works so fast so here it is a whole saga about our favorite boys! Please if you see something you don't like tell me and i'll change it. As always, english not my mother language so pls let me know if something's wrong. Enjoy!
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Caelus spun rapidly on its axis and Saturn quickly followed suit. They were thousands of milles away from each other, but their rotations didn't slow down. You were at the center of the universe. The other planets hid to watch the fight between father and son and you wondered what you were doing there, in the middle of space floating above a constellation that murmured beneath your feet.
Then the two enemy planets rotated more strongly and from their movement emerged two men. Caelus stood imposingly in front of Saturn who, imitating his father, slowly walked towards him. Your heart raced, watching the two unknown men slowly approach you.
The space between the three of you closed. The constellation beneath your feet disintegrated and in return you stood on a golden stone that Saturn created for you. He attacked Caelus, his father, and squeezed your arm tightly.
His eyes were gray like granite and his hand on your arm was warm, like a welcoming embrace. You didn't understand what was happening, nor how you managed to be in that place, to breathe and be in front of two planets that had become men.
Caelus recovered from the attack and Saturn pulled you towards to the aquarius nebula where his territory began. Caelus vociferated in rage and Saturn grabbed you by the cheeks pinning his grayish gaze on yours.
"You are my daughter. The first, but not the only one. You must find the rest. My fate depends on it."
He said. His voice was soft, like the voice of an understanding father. You stood in your place watching Saturn's sparkling eyes. Then Caelus ran like a panther towards you and Saturn made you fall from the nebula, floating in the void.
You awoke to the tapping on the car window where your sister was trying to get your attention. Apparently you had already arrived at your new home and there was a lot of unpacking to do. You woke up, your muscles aching from sleeping so uncomfortably in the car and all the miles you had to travel from your old home. You stretched your arms, sighed and got out of the car being the last one to do so.
The rest of your siblings were already pulling box after box out of the moving truck. Your father was standing in the doorway watching them work and your mother was inside giving indications on how she wanted everything arranged. You shook your head, putting on your jacket before heading out.
La Push had a terrible weather. Humid, rainy, cloudy. The rest of the family talked to your father about the disadvantages it would bring to the pack, but he just used his Alpha voice and said that those had been old Hasen's wishes.
Grandpa Hasen was the elder leader of the sons of Caelus, the tribe to which you belonged. He had been the alpha in his time and had been the son, grandson and great-grandson of alphas. Now it was your father's turn and in the future it would be yours.
The sons of Caelus were a pack of wolves ruled by the planets. They talked, but they only talked to old Hasen and he communicated the message as best as he could.
Hasen didn't speak, neither did he open his eyes and the little he moved was for the council meetings that were held in an extraordinary way. Two weeks ago old Hasen awoke from a dream and, after years of not opening his eyes even to help himself to walk, he did so to say that the whole pack had to move to La Push, Washington.
Your father didn't understand why, but he didn't object the decision. If Hasen had had a vision then that meant that the creator father spoke to him in his dreams and laid out the path for them to follow. The rest of the sons of Caelus were unsure about establishing their home in La Push cause, as it had been for hundreds of years, the Quileutes and the sons of Caelus hated each other.
You stepped out of the car feeling the breeze hit your body but your own warm held back the cold. You shook your head trying to dismiss the dark dream you had just had. It was impossible for Saturn to have communicated with you. Your creator father was his enemy and the sons of Caelus abhorred Saturn since the creation of the tribe. You denied, telling yourself that you had spent too much time listening stories.
Rosé, your sister, was waiting for you on the porch carrying a heavy box in her arms. She raised her eyebrows when she saw your sleepy face and hair in a tousled bun. Her bright smile made you blush.
"Sleeping beauty, were you waiting for the prince's kiss to wake you up?"
"Not really. I didn't know we had already arrived."
"Fifteen minutes ago. The others are inside helping to unpack. I thought it was good to let you rest a little longer."
"Thanks, R."
You decided to start helping carry the last of the boxes inside meeting your father's stern gaze. He was a good alpha, but as a father he left a lot to be desired. You didn't have an enviable relationship nor did they have a perfect one, but he was your father, the alpha of the pack and you respected him.
"Take that to my office" he told you in a growl. You nodded making the tousled bun move and your hair fall unruly to the sides. Your father looked at you reproachfully again "Do as I told you and for the love of our father, pull your hair back."
Rosé was right behind you. You were both about to do as your father had told you when the scent of other wolves stopped you all from your actions. Your father pulled you close to him putting you and your sister behind his back and your twenty brothers protected the rest of your sisters in the same way. The strangers approached revealing none other than the new generation of Quileute wolves commanded by Joshua Uley's son.
They crept closer. Your brothers formed a barrier between them and your father. Still, the Quileutes came close enough and looked disdainfully at the vastness of your home.
"Get inside now," said your father. You and Rosé didn't move but were curious about the arrival of the wolves. Your father gritted his teeth "I said get inside the house."
You two did as he asked standing on the threshold and leave the boxes aside. From that place you could see the one who appeared to be the alpha climb the porch steps being stopped by your brothers. Your father gave them the order to let him pass and their faces met.
"Son of Caelus."
"Quileute" your father replied looking him up and down. The boy had no shirt on, only a pair of shorts. The boy half smiled
"We could smell you all from our side of the beach."
"Your side of the beach" ironized your father "I didn't know we were limited to just walking in the woods near our place."
"Well now you know" said the boy. You moved closer, quietly stepping out until you were behind your father's back "You're not welcome here."
"Who says so?"
"The treaty you signed years ago"
"That treaty died along with Ephraim Black. There is no shared territory, this place belongs to us as much as it does to you and this house is mine and my pack, so I don't want to see you around here, boy, was I clear enough?"
"Why are you here?"
"Our creator father brought us."
"Caelus spoke to you? After all these years?" asked the boy. Your father's face turned red with anger.
"That's none of your concern, quileute. Get off my property, now."
Your father turned around to enter the house bumping into you. He squeezed your arm feeling anger rise up to his ears when he saw that you hadn't tied your hair back. He pulled you to the side and you were facing the quileute's alpha as he held you so you wouldn't fall.
Your eyes met. A bond tightened and images flashed through your minds of the two of you together, happy and embracing somewhere on that beach. Your heart pounded and the quileute's arms around your waist became soft.
But then reality hit you like a bucket of cold water.
You imprinted on a quileute.
The worst enemy of your own pack.
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Through the Looking Glass Ruins. No preamble. Let's do this.
Oh, hey, I finally figured out how to do the "keep reading" thing! Neat!
So that's how they're explaining Willow not being in this, huh? Pixies must be a nasty piece of work.
Incidentally, I really hope we get a Willow-centered episode this season.
"What's the point of being good at this if I can't do anything good with it?" Helluva line
Gus lying on the floor groaning in frustration is a mood
Fuck yeah Gus has a Bad Girl Coven shirt
I don't know how King was talked into recording that "leave a message" bit, but I'm into it.
Hi Willow. Bye Willow.
Loving Luz's permutations of "Gus"
Okay but the whole library card bit implies Luz does this all the damn time.
I'd ask why not get her own, but then I remember who she lives with.
I must admit, it's somewhat jarring to see Gus so filled with self-doubt.
Braxus! (Not worried about his fate so I can just enjoy his presence)
So Construction = earthbending. I knew it!
I also knew that Warden Wrath and Braxus were related! Turns out Wrath is a single dad.
Yes, Gus, those are their tracks.
Mattholomule (God, I hate writing his name) simping over Bria, aka how some people are about Felicia Day. (No problem with her, for the record, I'm just being a smartass)
Gus is actually invited to the adventure rather than offering to come along? That's a refreshing change of pace.
How long was Luz holding her breath?!
It seems the call to adventure won't take no for an answer, Gus.
I know Gus crushing on Bria puts a damper on the Ace Gus headcanon, but consider: Ace Biromantic Gus!
Eda making headlines with her human market, we love to see it
Planet of Humans "Too implausible" lmao
Ah, there's hair down Amity! So good!
"Finally! I can learn how to summon the Dark Lord!"
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Luz is yearning
Do Ed and Em just...go around like that?
"Nah, looks like you've got that covered." So everyone just knows, cool cool.
Ooh, they/them date for Ed!
In this episode: blushing, and lots of it!
Also Luz is such a bi disaster it's great.
The twins definitely know what's up. Then again, Luz and Amity are not in the least bit subtle.
¡Más español!
Amity breaking the rules to help her gf? Now that's character development!
(Although it seems to me they could've just tried asking Malphas about that diary, but whatever)
"You have to do everything I say" I'm sure this won't come back to bite them.
Man, Matt really is quite little. Even Gus is taller than him now.
(Not sure if he figured out it was a fire glyph or if he was just guessing)
I say the buffing properties of illusion magic are underappreciated.
Ooh, what if the Galderstones were made by illusionists? That might help explain why illusions aren't boosted by them!
Forbidden Stacks really going hard, huh?
More blushing, always nice
So that's how Amity has her own secret room in the library.
Potential future date in the human realm is a powerful motivator, I see.
That "Don't tread on me" snake never said anything about poking.
Make the butterfly boi lookout, sure.
Beginning to think Bria is not as...nice as she puts on...
Grave robbing is a perfectly wholesome activity for teenagers, right?
Yup, I was right about Bria.
"Who's that Pokémon?!"
"Deadwardian Era" I love this show's wordplay
Y'know, considering all these ancient books have their own separate area, they are not kept in the best condition.
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This is still cute as hell.
So much for the being quiet part...
Of course Malphas talks like an old hippie. Why did I expect any different?
That whole exchange...I just...😭
The "doing stupid things," the dawning comprehension on Amity's face, Luz vowing in Spanish to make things right...so much to unpack here!
Also, I'm still waiting for Amity's turn to have a proper cry this season. That doesn't count.
"It's a faaaaake!" Callback to the Pokémon bit and a Star Trek DS9 reference? I am a master wordsmith!
(Disclaimer: I haven't really watched any Star Trek. Everything I know about it is through osmosis)
Strange, Gus seems less than thrilled by being hugged by a frazzled old man.
Illusionists guarding the Galderstones makes perfect sense, but unfortunately it does require that that fact not be widely known.
Call me crazy, but I think Bria was bullshitting when talking about "changing things for the better."
Wait, are they making Matt less of a shithead? I think I'm okay with this.
Oh, Angmar, a shame you have to hang with such a crowd.
Regardless of that development, I maintain that Angmar>Alador in the contest of butterfly bois.
Come on, Gavin, you can't seriously be falling for this. (Everything about this is hilarious. Big mustaches, man)
"I'm not dumb enough to fall for these tricks!" Give it a moment.
Yeah, it's an obvious reference, but it's a good one, dammit!
Damn, Gus, going ham with all that. And the whole graveyard, to boot!
That's the thing about illusions, you can get super fucked up with them. Look what they got away with for a TV-Y7 rating!
Welp, Gustholomule just got some fuel.
Aw, sibling bonding moment.
"Is that so bad? You weren't happy before."
New hair color!
Luz is into it!
Ed and Em are us.
Time for lore!
Ah, conveniently timed wind blowing through Luz's hair, I see.
"Don't worry. You have a way of sneaking into people's hearts." This is some Kingdom Hearts bullshit and I am here for it!
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I think I spent all my freakout energy last night, so no all caps for the kiss.
Luz's turn for dawning comprehension!
Amity's whole reaction to what she just did is 100000/10
The way Luz just sinks to the ground
So yeah, that was something, huh? Gus adventure and Lumity development! What more could you ask for?
(Maybe a few things, but we can talk about that elsewhere)
Anyway, I'll be doing this again next week! Probably sleep deprived as usual.
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