#i’m listening to meg thee stallion while i write this
edens-pen · 2 years
writing this eddie munson fic and i’m in love with this reader
like i want to fuck her so bad, i want her to fuck me, i want US to do some fucking, like she’s so H O T
god i love black women, especially when they’re confident and a little bitchy 🥹
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rukia-writes · 3 years
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✨Bad boy! Porco x (fem) Goody two shoes! reader✨
✨Setting: modern au✨
✨Warnings: 18+, No minors 🔞✨
“Porco! Hey! its me can you open the door please?!”
after several loud knocks on Porco’s door (Name) was getting irritated with her supposed project partner who wasn’t opening the door possibly because of the loud rock music. Even though it was university dorm filled with college students, none of them said anything about the loud music.
A sigh of relief came over the straight laced college girl when the music turned off but the smell of cigarette smoke soon filled her nostrils when the door opened to see her project partner who had just blew smoke while opening the door and managed to make the smoke into an “O” shape. Holding her nose and coughing Porco leaned against the door, while eyeing from her head to her toe.
“What do you want, girl?”
Coughing a little bit (Name) tried to respond to Porco’s question about getting together for the project that was due soon but noticed that the only thing Porco had on was sweatpants, no shirt exposing some tattoos on his obliques, but mostly on his arms. Exciting as that was to see (Name) brushed it off even though she would sometimes look at his well toned muscles.
“We have a project done soon and you haven’t been returning my phone calls.”
“...Oh. That was you, I didn’t know who it was.”
“I left voicemails.”
“I don’t listen to any voicemails. Listen. Just chill, I’m doing my part. Don’t worry.”
Porco blew more smoke from his cigarette this time to the side, with one last cough (Name) managed to tell Porco another thing.
“Also, there is no smoking on campus. You do know that, right?”
“I know that princess.”
Porco huffed this time and made smoke leave both his nostrils, but that wasn’t what (Name) was now bashful about even though she played it off as though she was offended.
“I’m not your princess, Porco. From now on return my phone calls, please.”
“Whatever, I hear you. Do you want to come in and discuss the project?”
“Could you maybe open a window first?”
Porco only muttered a sure as blew cigarette smoke once more from his mouth as he opened the door for (Name) to come in his dorm room, as well as open the window so the cigarette smoke could air out his room. This was (Name)’s first time in Porco’s room and it was surprisingly clean, no trash, no clothes strung about. It impressed her to say the least. There were several rock band posters on his wall, offering (Name) a seat at his study desk (Name) gladly sat down while Porco put on a grey sweatshirt.
“So then, what all do you have done Porco-“
(Name) was interrupted by the speakers accidentally turning on and playing Meg thee Stallion’s “Body” with the same volume as the rock music that was playing, giving (Name) a scare while Porco calmly tried to find the remote control to his speakers. (Name) had heard of her music and was suprised Porco did as well. After turning the music off Porco merely pulled up a chair and sat beside (Name) while scratching his neck that had a very well done tattoo of a crown.
“Sorry about that. I’m a fan of Meg’s.”
“...I am too.”
“Oh yeah? What’s your favorite song?”
Porco smirked then leaned back in his chair waiting for (Name)’s answer to which she gave a few songs and Porco agreed that he liked those songs too. As the night went on the two had actually managed get pretty far into the project until it was late and (Name) decided to go to her own dorm. Not without telling Porco to answer her texts and phone calls, to which he seemed to agree. Even though he was looking elsewhere while (Name) was talking to him, sometimes it was the ceiling and sometimes it was her breasts. It just depended on what the bad boy wanted to look at. Regardless, the two managed to form a little bond.
However, Porco didn’t show up on presentation day but he did manage turn in his work to which the professor Erwin smith gave him half credit for, making (Name) do the presentation herself. Sure enough, the next time she would see him she was going to scold him. Although, this wouldn’t happen until later that day when she managed to catch Porco just as he was about to open the door to his dorm room.
“Caught you! Where have you been?”
“Ah, it’s you princess. What are you doing on this side of the dorms?”
“I came to tell you that our presentation was today and you missed it. Rather, you skipped it.”
The two were face to face now as (Name) scolded Porco about the project, not that he seemed phased by it as he would scratch his neck and look at (Name)’s breasts with a rather smug smirk on his face.
“Where were you, Porco?”
“Hm? Oh, I had something things to do princess.”
“Like what? And I’m not your princess.”
“I had some business with a few friends ..I also..”
At that moment Porco smirked and chuckled a bit and then slowly sticked his tongue out revealing that he had a golden tongue ring, the way Porco revealed it made the straight laced (Name) flustered beyond belief at the sight and even shriek a little bit when flicked his tongue a few times at her.
That was it for (Name) as she walked away flustered by passing other students on the way there. Porco on the other hand could help but chuckle as he closed the door behind him and decided to take a shower.
That night, tossed and turned all night thinking about Porco’s actions. Telling herself over and over that it wasn’t anything to be flustered about. Sadly, (Name) would continuously be flustered everytime the two would meet in class. Whenever Porco decided to come to class for that matter and even when (Name) seemed to get over it Porco only made the same gesture to her again in class.
Getting her heart rate up and exciting another body part of hers. Even if she denied it in her head over and over.
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masonscig · 3 years
about me tag game
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
tagged by: i was tagged by a bunch of people so thank u to @lilas, @veeples, @admdmrtn, @agentsunshine, @echohauville and @masonsfangs for thinking of me !!! and im using the edited version by meg @/lilas !!!
tagging: @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @bravomckenzie and whoever else wants to do this !!!
name/nickname: jade / please is there really a way to give me a nickname... most people make it longer when they try LMFAOOO
gender: she/her
star sign: I AM AN ARIES WOMAN [virgo ↑ sagittarius ☽]
height: 4′10...................... anyways
birthday: march 29th [the way im about to have my second birthday in quarantine im absolutely SICK]
lucky number: none bc i have the worst luck on the planet. i like even numbers tho
when did you create this blog: i made this sideblog in like... june i think ?
what do I post: all twc – i reblog twc art, edits, and fics [even though i’ve been really terrible at that lately since i’ve been active in another fandom atm]. i post commissions of my own, occasional headcanons, shitposts, fics every once in a blue moon.... tbh im boring on here :/ sowwy
last thing googled: jared hess’s filmography [nacho libre / gentleman broncos supremacy]
do I get asks: occasionally ! i usually get them from my friends and forget to answer them [i am SO sorry rip to chrisha and esme and kat and becky and alicia and baylee..... yall are the vips i don’t deserve u]. and i get some prompts i never finish.... i love funny anons pls send sum of those
why I chose my url: bc i wanted something relating to mason! and since he doesn’t have a canon last name i had to choose something that was close enough for me. i’m genuinely obsessed w my url like i was FLOORED when it wasn’t copped SKDFKSDJ i don’t think i’d ever change it
*my current projects/wips: i have.... many wips bc ill have an idea and a basic passage and i’ll jot it down and take forever to actually finish it – the attached series is on hiatus for now while i write for another fandom, but i’m working on that, a spiritual sequel to another mason fic i wrote before, another mason fic, a felix fic w my new detective, and some prompts i might get to eventually. i am the literal worst at finishing wips LMFAOOOO
favorite bands: hmm i don’t listen to too many bands, so i’ll include rap groups, and girl groups! foster the people, pivot gang, the internet, bad suns, & two door cinema club, chloe x halle, city girls, and wu-tang clan !
favorite solo artists: buckle up biddies! these are my favs at the moment + some are my favs of all time – rihanna, megan thee stallion, bree runway, smino, tei shi, sza, flo milli, ari lennox, tinashe, slayyyter, cordae, schoolboy q, vince staples ... ok ill stop here
song stuck in my head: unrequited love by thundercat GOD it’s so good but haunting i LOVE it
favorite song: kiss it better by rihanna will always be my favorite song of all time no contest
last movie: don verdean bc i wanted to finish watching all of jared hess’s films ! 
last show: jojo’s bizarre adventure part 5 [i am a mista and bucciarati simp first, human being second]
favorite food: i love food and eating omg so this one is hard as hell
*food I hate: h*t d*gs and chili idk how the hell yall eat that shit
*favorite color: i really love mustard yellow and any deep green color !
*favorite animal: omg.... i love monkeys and dogs and cats... idk i love all animals tbh KSKDKKDFS
what I’m currently wearing: cotton shorts, a tank top, and my grandpa’s sweater [he passed last year and my grandma gifted a bunch of his old sweaters to me so it’s v comforting]
dream job: haha should i get existential here..... i genuinely don’t know what i’m supposed to be doing w my life SKJFDKSDJKJSD anyways !
dream trip: tokyo w my boyfriend !!!! we’ve been talking about it for years so i think it’d be the trip of a lifetime
*currently reading: i was trying to reread twilight but i got distracted LMAO [don’t worry i read my old copy from middle school i aint giving her any money]
*currently thinking about: finishing wips for an appreciation week i’m running, 
nationality: usa :/
*fun fact: during the first month or so i started dating my bf we were swimming at my house and i tripped over my sleeping dog and tore my knee up and i still have the scar to this day ! and we’re still dating almost 8 years later LMAOOO 
top three fictional universes: god im thinking more anime but i’d prob choose hxh or mha or any universe yuasa comes up with bc he writes women so well
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moonlightdreamzz · 4 years
Send Off :: Jung Jaehyun
Request: “Could you write a Jaehyun x black reader where it’s a rainy day before he has to leave for a while? We can literally do anything I just need it in my life. It doesn’t have to be super long either I’m sure you’re busy.”
A/N: I live for this content. YES! 🤩
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Whew, you hated rain. I mean how could anyone enjoy something that was so overly loud, made you uncomfortably wet, and was guaranteed to get you sick in some way, shape, or form.
You had made so many plans today. Frozen yogurt, a little pre-tour shopping extravaganza, and to end it all, a nice dinner; candlelit to be exact, where you and your boyfriend could relish in all the memories you had made this past year. Well—soon to be year. Although there was no real humor in such a sad case, you always jested and celebrated like it was your anniversary before he had to leave for awhile. Otherwise you would miss it.
So why today, out of all days, did the sky have to crack open? Seriously, you couldn’t believe the way the sky taunted you, laughing at the fact that it ruined your plans.
Everything was currently annoying you. Your coffee brown bonnet that shielded your protective hairstyle from getting frizzy too fast, seemed like it was creating isolation from you and your pillow. The plaid pajamas that you were gifted many Christmas’ ago? Made your legs itch to the extreme, so much so, that you slipped them off and threw them to the other side of the room. You wanted to go back to sleep in hopes that when you woke up, the sun would be shining, but you couldn’t stop tossing and turning.
“It’s going to be like this all day; dark and gloomy.” A raspy voice whispered, placing his large hand on your soft belly, giving it a smooth rub.
Jaehyun was always a mind reader when it came to you. In this moment, you probably weren’t all that difficult to read, but still, you were never less than impressed with his abilities.
“Are you serious?” Your body unconsciously curled up as if you were an child. This only made him want to hold you tighter, as he was now making sure your back was directly on his chest, and his breath could make your ear tingle.
“Unfortunately. Well, unfortunately for you should I say.”
“What do you mean?”
“I know you had plans for us today. Probably too many.” He chuckled, even though you could sense he still hadn’t even opened his eyes. You just knew his eyelids were still a pinkish color, resembling the boyish feeling he felt whenever you touched him, but actually meaning he had slept well.
“I just wanted to make sure you had fun.” Your voice began to quiet down as you continued, “We’re not going to be together on our one year anniversary, and this is going to be the longest we’ll be apart. I’m just...I’m not fucking with it, dawg.”
“Yes, dawg.” You breathed out, getting a light chuckle out of his chest.
“Well, dawg, maybe I can teach you a little something today. What do you think about that?” His hand moved from your stomach, to your “wonderous” legs. That’s what he always referred to them as. He would always play with them, gently slapping them just to see them bounce back at him. He loved to rub up and down your thigh as if he would be able to taste your supposed flavor.
Now his lips were pressing soft kisses down to your shoulder, starting from your earlobe. “Even without sunlight, you’re still glowing. And all mine too.” He groaned, clearly getting riled up. Unfortunately for him, you felt yourself dozing off. It didn’t take him long to figure this out, as he stopped all his rubbing and sweet nothings to call out your name. His favorite word.
Of course you weren’t hearing it, as your lack of slumber was finally hitting you at such a perfect moment.
The last thing you felt was his head burying itself in your fluffy bonnet, taking a deep breath to intake your scent. He always tries to guess what grease or oil you used the previous night, and this morning his guess was argan oil. Before he came home, he remembers how excited you were about the so-called pure smell of the thick liquid, and he could now understand why. It wasn’t too long before he fell asleep as well. How could he not when your bodies were so close?
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The cycle repeated itself once more, except this time, you felt much more energetic. Although you didn’t mind your current position, if Jaehyun wanted to do backflips around the house right here and now, you’d probably agree.
The rain was still splattering on your newly installed roof, courtesy of your neighboor, but it wasn’t bringing you anger anymore. Jaehyun always was able to calm you down, and make thing that upset you seem childish and simple.
He was right. You two were very much so capable of staying in.
The black sheets that you two had purchased months ago were so warm, and the heat radiating off of his chizzled body was even better, but you two needed to eat. Your room was always going to be complicated, yet simple, and every morning you couldn’t help but to look at the splattered paintings hanging that represented different parts of your personality. Obviously it wasn’t morning anymore, but the routine didn’t change.
You pushed all of your braids that were too excited to be set free back into its overnight home, before you set off into your kitchen.
“Hey Siri.” You whispered, alerting her that you had a request. “Play Megan Thee Stallion.”
You grabbed all of the utensils you needed, while she shuffled through all of her magnificent works. Siri decided on Big Ole Freak, and you couldn’t be mad in the slightest. Your inner seducing manner was coming out slowly as you sung along, swaying your hips along to her sharp bars, but you were still beating the pancake mix perfectly.
Truthfully, by now you should’ve been able to sense his presence in a room. I mean—he always could for you. It didn’t matter where you were, the size, or how many people were there; his eyes would always find you.
And even now, his dimple smiled brighter than his teeth could while he watched you have the time of your life, singing to one of your favorite artists. When he would see you even remotely look in his direction, he would sneak back around the corner.
“Hey Siri.” He finally spoke up, clearly scaring the absolute shit out of you because you fell straight to ths ground; a habit you had formed long before he fell in love with you, or even saw you from the first time. “Play some Frank Ocean.”
Even while you sat on the freshly polished wooden floors of your kitchen, you shined brighter. You glowed more angelically. He always thought it was the cutest thing when your laugh caused you to throw you head back, and he could properly see the way your cheeks accentuated your face.
“How do we go from Meg, to Frank babe? It doesn’t go together.”
“Anything goes together if you says it does.” Mid sentence, his hand reached out to yours, pulling you up and straight into his uncovered chest. He quickly kissed your plump lips, and you could tell he was willing to forget about your trials of cooking breakfast if he could have you.
“Mhm—eat first.” You giggled, pulling away, but not even fighting when he pulled you back into his strong arms. His kisses were now making your entire face wet, but you didn’t mind for him.
“Breakfast at 12pm? I think I’d prefer to have you.”
“Nope. Nuh uh.” Your finger managed to break free, finding a place on his chest. “The rain may have ruined my plans, but you? No. You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“But that’s the thing...I am. I’m trying to give you what’s best for you. Plus, you may not want me now, but the minute I walk out that door tomorrow morning who’s going to cry? Me or you?” He taunted with a smirk.
If you could blush, you would. Regardless, your cheeks were tingling and as you always did when he used such bold word choice, you burried your face into his chest.
As if your head was more comfortable than his memory foam pillow, he rested his cheek onto of your bonnet.
“Argan oil.” He finally guessed out loud, prepared to mentally slap himself if he was wrong.
Your head lifted from his chest, with your mouth now in the shape of an O. “How did you know!”
“Because I’m a good listener.” He whispered gently. His eyes were buried deep into your soul; a place only he was invited to. A place he built from the ground up. His favorite place to be when he felt unsafe, or uncertain. Or even when he was happy and didn’t have a care in the world.
“Well, they do always say that good listeners should be rewarded.” You looked up onto your colored ceiling.
His laugh echoed through your home, making it even more comfortable and soothing than it already had been. “What do I owe you? Frozen yogurt? Stallion tickets? A new wig?”
“No Stallion tickets. Too expensive.”
“But the other things—
“Would be great. You’re such an amazing boyfriend.” You cooed, pressing your own kisses to his face now. “I’m kidding.” You breathed out. “What would be really great was if you cleaned this up.” You pointed to the sad attempt of breakfast that laid on the table. “And I’ll be waiting for you.” You scooted past him, feeling his blush and intense smile even though you couldn’t see it.
“Oh do you drive me crazy, Y/N.” Was all he could say, slapping your behind with a clear echo, before promptly turning around and getting to work.
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Chapter 1- “It’s hot girl spring break, get the stick out of your ass”
Synopsis: covet
yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another)
When Karla, a college senior meets James Brookes, a no BS marketing exec infamous for getting his way, she quickly gets into a relationship with him. But what will she do when his very shady past comes to surface and how far will James go in order to get what he wants?
Songs for this chapter:
Savage Remix- Megan Thee Stallion ft Beyoncé
Excuse Me Miss- Jay Z ft Pharrell
Act Up- City Girls
March, 20th.
"Ok, what are you doing?" Taty's loud ass just had to walk in and interrupt the peace I was in enjoying in my hotel room.
"I'm reading" I wave my book in the air.
"Yes, I see you reading and you shouldn't be. Karla, we did not fly all the way from San Francisco to Miami for you to sit indoors with Audre Lorde" Taty walls towards me and grabs my book from my hands.
"Well you want me to relax right?" I ask her. "Yes with some Don Julio, in a club and maybe you go home with a man. It is Hot Girl Spring Break, get the stick of your ass" I now spot the bottle of Don Julio in her other hands.
"You're gonna make drink that?" I already know the answer
"Yes but by not here. Chanel found out this party they're having at this beach house and we're going. Her and Adrienne are already there" She passes me a black micro bikini. "And you're wearing THAT to the party so go get dressed. Now."
Taking the book from her hands, I put under my pillow and begrudgingly go into the bathroom to go change. It's been a while since I went a party so one in a beach house sounds like fun.
"Ok I'm ready. Let me just grab a sarong to wrap around my ass so it's not just hanging out the entire time" I walk out of the bathroom. Looking through my bag, I see something that wasn't originally in there.
I hold up the pack of condoms that magically appeared in my bag because I'm sure I didn't pack them.
"Did you put these in my bag?" I know she put them in there because it's such a Taty thing to do.
"Yeah, because I'm surprised you didn't bring any with you" She looks at me like I have two heads for asking that question.
"Look, I'm all for a hot girl spring break but I'm not looking to fuck a random dude. Getting drunk with my girls, that sounds like a good time"
"NOW...you are speaking my language. Well partially because I still don't get why you won't hook up with a random dude but enough chit chat. Let's go".
What sprung to mind when Taty said "beach house party" I was expecting a decent sized house and pool with a few kegs and red cups. The reality was literally something out of a Migos video.
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if all a sudden Offset or Quavo just popped out. Half of the girls here were influencers, making sure to get the perfect IG photo for their paid partnership with FashionNova with a City Girls or Meg Thee Stallion lyric as their caption. Speaking of taking pictures for the gram...
"Bitch...I need a picture with one of the pool floaties!" Chanel shouts from across the pool. Taty is all systems go to, phone at the ready to take the picture.
"Let see it!"
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Chanel is the dream IG model. I mean she could easily be a runway model. That's how pretty she is. She screams glamour and diamonds. An aesthetic she lives by.
"I'm surprised you got her out" She says to Taty.
"Can't I go a party without being dragged?" They act as if all I do is stay indoors. We haven't even been in Miami longer than a day and I get dragged for reading in the room.
"Yes you can but sometimes you need a little convincing"
Queen B, want no smoke with me. Then turned this motherfucker up 800 degrees. The opening bars of Savage Remix starts playing and I swear every chick in this party just lost their shit includes.
Bougie, he say the way that thang move is a movie. Adrienne joins us with a bottle of Hennessy in her hand ready for me to take a sip from. The familiar burn runs down my throat. The four of us start rapping the lyrics to each other.
"Hips tick tok when I dance, on that demon time, she might start an only fans" I start whining my hips and Chanel's loud ass starts hyping me up
"If you want to see some real ass, baby here's your chance" Chanel screams.
My eyes then spot someone looking at me. He's over in a private section of the party. There's a few girls around him but he seems to not be focused on them and rather his gaze is focused on me.
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"Karla, why that white dude staring at you like that. You know him or something" Taty has also noticed him staring at me.
"I don't know that man. He's probably Miami community dick anyway" I'm not entirely sold on what I said but a part of me wouldn't be surprised if he was.
"Community dick or not, he's fine. And I don't even like white men like that" Chanel gives her two cents
"Please say that louder with your racist ass. I'm sure he heard you the first time" I joke. Taty and Adrienne are now lounging on a chaise lounge and have swapped their bottles. My gaze returns back to the private section of the party and he's whispers into a waiter's ear but his gaze is still on me.
"Karla! You still need to drink some Don Julio. You've already drank some Henny" I'm sure Adrienne is already a bit tipsy. She's always been the one to get drunk the fastest but can wake up in the morning with no hangover. It's annoying
"Excuse me miss?" I snap out of my thoughts to see the same waiter with a Margarita.
"Sorry, I didn't order this"
"I know Miss. It's been paid for by Mr Brooks" he says.
"Girl, take it or I will" Taty says
"Hey it's my drink. I'll take it. Thank you"
"Karla, you should talk to him. Thank him up close and personal" Adrienne says with a wink. I know what that means and that's not happening.
"I'm sure he'd appreciate that" Of course Chanel is behind this.
"Alright! What do you want me to do? Suck his dick for buying me drink. Goddamn. You're right, I should say thank you to him. I'm going up there".
Jay Z 's Excuse Me Miss, one of my favourite tracks starts playing through the party
Excuse me, what's your name? I see some ladies tonight that should be hanging with Jay Z, Jay Z
As I walk to his section of the party, I realise how tall he is. Height wise around 6'1, 6'2, hair is slicked back. Ocean blue eyes. He's dressed pretty casual. White shirt, unbuttoned. White tank top and some shorts. Cartier Watch and a Corona in his hand. Got a little stubble on his face.
"H-Hi" Why is my voice sounding so nervous?
"James Brooks" 
Excuse me Miss, what's your name. Can you come, hang with me. Possibly can I take you home tonight
"Karla. Thanks for the drink, that was nice of you" I go to sit opposite him. Now that I'm closer, I see his eyes aren't totally blue. He has a small brown fleck in his right eye. I guess even things that appear to be perfect have their little cracks.
"Thought it would be a nice party favour" he smiles.
"Is this your party?" Would make a lot of sense. He definitely looks like someone who is balling.
"No, it's my client's. But my agency helped organise it so I thought I'd come by. Have some fun. Meet some new people" A smirk crosses his face when mentions the last part.
"Well you're certainly the people person aren't you? I ask.
He laughs. Why am I flirting with this random guy that bought me a cocktail. It must be the Hennessy.
"You live in Miami?"
"No, I'm from the bay. San Francisco. I'm just here with my girls for spring break"
"Nice. I wouldn't mind showing you around Miami. Take you to couple nice spots" I don't know why am immediately taking him up on his offer because I barely give a guy the time of the day but fuck it!
"Maybe you can" He reaches into his wallet and passes me a business card. "You really walk around with business cards. You're that guy?"
"I'm not. I just occasionally take one with him for...insurance" That goddamn smirk come back and it's kind of sexy.
"Insurance? Well I should get back to my friends. I'll see you around" As I walk away, I hear "Hopefully you will"
"What did he want?" Taty asks. "Nothing really, he was just being nice and gave me his number" I wave the card around before putting in my purse. Don't wanna lose that.
"So nice he gave you his number?" Her face now has the famous Taty "that's bullshit" expression, typically reserved for men.
"Karla, no one is that nice. You gonna call him?" Chanel asks
"Maybe. Don't see the harm in trying" I look back up to where he's sitting and he raises his bottle. In response I raise my glass in his direction.
"Well, at least he's fine" Adrienne chimes in
A/N- Hi, so a couple things. Jorja Smith is Karla, in case you didn't guess from the cover. Also they'll be different songs associated with each chapter because I listen to music when I write to sort of capture the environment the characters are in since I visualise the songs. (It's odd I know) Hence the reason why you'll see lyrics in italics
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