#i’m crying idk how to make smoke pls politely look away
m-e-w-666 · 1 year
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Goncharov and Andrey The Kiss
(no smoke version under cut)
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mistersshelby · 5 years
the woman assassin | part two
part one | part two
hi!! thank you for reading part one, i hope you enjoy part two!! pls send me any feedback good or bad i like hearing from you! idk when part three will be up bc i’m kinda just fucking around with this but stay tunedddd. -S.
When they walk into his house, she tries to keep the look of awe off her face, taking in how large and grand his home is. She knew he was well off, everyone in Birmingham and even outside knew of the Shelbys… But this? 
A little boy turns a corner and starts running straight towards Tommy, yelling “Daddy!” over and over and for the first time Clara sees a smile stretch across Tommy’s face. He’s quite beautiful when he smiles.
Seconds after Tommy scoops the boy in his arms, a nanny rounds the corner with a baby girl in her arms who also reaches her outstretched hands towards Tommy. Clara has difficulty swallowing her jealousy as she watches him with his children, a hand reflexively coming to her now empty belly.
“Daddy, who’s that?” The boy asks as he looks over Tommy’s shoulder.
“Charles, Ruby, this is Miss Clara, she’ll be staying with us for a bit.” Tommy says, suddenly remembering Clara’s behind him. She warmly smiles and waves at them both.
Tommy, becoming serious again, hands the children back off to their nanny and waits until they’re out of the room to turn to Clara, “You are never to be alone with them, do you understand?” 
Clara stares at him, “Mister Shelby, I would never harm a child.” Tears burn at the back of her eyes as she thinks of her own child, killed before ever having the chance to live.
“I have no reason to believe that and I’ve put my children in danger with my work before. I won’t again and it’s not up for discussion.”
“When will I be here that you wouldn’t be?”
“Tomorrow when I go to discuss the conditions of our agreement with my family.”
“Shouldn’t I be there for that?”
“No. I will speak to you about it once the conditions have been set.”
She snorts, “Well that sounds very inclusive, thanks.”
Tommy stares at her before slipping his hand into his pocket and pulling out his cigarettes and lighting one, neglecting to offer one to Clara, “Mrs. Whitmore, you’ll do well to remember that I’m bringing you into my home generously when I could offer you up to the police who are very good friends of mine, probably for a hefty reward. I know you killed your husband and I know you’ve lied to me about your name and it would not take me long at all to discover what man you actually killed whose name is not Whitmore.”
Clara’s skin has paled significantly, but she doesn’t falter, “Are you threatening me?”
“I’m simply giving you a choice, Mrs. Whitmore. Either you do this my way and politely thank me for my hospitality or I go to the police, do I make myself clear?”
She glares at him, “Crystal, Mister Shelby.”
“Good,” He puts out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray, “I’ll show you to the guest room then.”
Clara has been staring at the ceiling of her temporary room for a while now, trying and failing not to think of her past, but with nothing else to do while Tommy’s away, traumatic memories play one after the other like a series of Hollywood films. Except there’s no happy ending.
She was almost drifting off to sleep when there was a loud bang from downstairs. Thinking it sounded like a gunshot, she shot up from bed and ran to the window. She didn’t see anyone outside, but there was another gunshot and now crying from the children Tommy had left in the house. 
She ran to the door of her bedroom, but it was locked from the outside. Swearing, she picked up a heavy metal vase and swung it at the doorknob until it broke and she could swing the door open. There were a couple more gunshots that sounded like they were coming from downstairs. She quickly glanced around the room for something she could use as a weapon and quickly grabbed the fire poker before heading in the direction of the children’s cries.
There was a lot of silence as she traveled to the children’s room and she wondered if she had imagined the whole thing. But the children were still crying, that much was true. Just as she was getting ready to put her guard down, bullets began penetrating the floor beneath her. One grazed her shoe and she tried to dampen the panic that threatened to suffocate her. The children were still crying which meant they were still alive, maybe injured. Where was the damn nanny?
When she went into the children’s room, the nanny was nowhere to be found. Just little Charles cradling Ruby to his chest in an attempt to calm her though his own face was stained with tears.
“Come, little one. I’m gonna get you both out of here.” Clara coaxed with her hand.
“Where’s daddy?” He asked miserably.
“He’ll be back soon.” She promised, “I’ll take you to him.”
“I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere, little lady.” A burly voice said behind her. Clara reacted immediately, spinning and swinging the fire poker blindly. The quickness of her attack knocked her assailant off guard and off balance which gave her time to knock the gun out of his hand. She kicked him to the floor for good measure before scooping up the gun and pointing it at his head. She could hear Charles whimpering quietly behind her as Ruby wailed.
“I don’t want to blow your brains off in front of the children,” Clara cocked the gun, “But I will if I have to. You have five seconds to get out of my sight.”
The man had his hands up and seemed to be shaking with fear, “Please—“
“I— I have a family.”
“Then you better start running home to them, two.” He scrambled to his feet, stumbling. “Three.” He looks over his shoulder at her still raised gun as he stumbles away, “Four.” The man practically falls down the stairs and Clara sighs, this is absolutely pathetic. “Five.” She hears the door downstairs swing open and shut. Walking over to the window of the children’s room, she sees him running away from the house, looking over his shoulder every now and then to see if she’s followed. She uncocks the gun and sticks it in her boot before turning to the children. “Come now, let’s go find your father.”
“We don’t know you. Daddy said not to go anywhere with strangers.”
Clara smiled and kneeled down so that she was eye level with the boy, “That’s very smart of your Daddy, you can’t trust anyone these days. But do you think your Daddy would let a stranger stay in your home? I’m no stranger, love. Promise. Wouldn’t dream of hurting you. I just want to take you to your Dad, okay?”
Charles seems to consider this for a moment, looking from Ruby to Clara a few times before nodding. “Splendid. Let’s go get a car.”
“You know how to drive? I didn’t know women could drive.” Charles says in wonder.
Clara chuckles, “Women can do anything a man can, sometimes we do it even better than them.”
When they pull up to Shelby Company Limited, Charles immediately jumps out with Ruby in his arms and inside. Clara takes a moment to pull herself together before entering after him.
“—Miss Clara saved us though, knocked the bastard on his arse and then chased him out with his own gun. Then she brought us here.”
“Did she now?” Tommy spoke, smiling casually at his son while everyone else looked to be in shock. Ruby was being held by a woman Clara assumed to be Lizzie. “I see you passed my test.”
Clara blinked at him, “Your what?”
“That man. I sent him there. Wanted to see if you’d save your own arse or if you’d rescue my children. If you’re a peaky blinder now, I need to know that you’re not a coward and you’d be willing to stick your neck out for the rest of the pack.”
“You put your children in danger to test me?” Clara was seething now. Lizzie didn’t look too pleased either, but apparently knew enough to stay quiet.
“They were never in any danger. But, you? I told the man to kill you if you didn’t protect the children.”
Clara scoffed, “That pathetic excuse of a man? He couldn’t have killed me if my hands were tied behind my back. And you’re insane for ever risking your children’s lives like that. The irresponsibility, the selfishness. I would do anything to have children as beautiful as yours,” She blinks away the tears in her eyes, “But you would rather use yours as pawns in whatever game you think you’re playing. You’re a disgrace.” Clara spits before storming out.
It’s a few moments and some angry swipes at her tears later before she hears someone follow her, “I don’t want to be a fuckin’ Peaky Blinder anymore, you can call the police on me, I won’t take part in endangerment of children.”
“I already told you they weren’t in any danger.”
She rounded on him, “You don’t know that! You don’t know what that man would’ve done when you weren’t there! He could’ve missed! He was shooting through the floors from downstairs, did you tell him to do that?”
Tommy swallowed, “You’re right. I made a mistake.”
“You—“ Clara stopped, “What?”
“You’re right,” Tommy leans against a wall and pulls out his cigarettes, offering them to Clara, “I’m selfish. I love my children, but… I don’t think things through all the time. Need someone to keep me in line.”
Clara slowly takes a smoke from him before he snaps his case shut, “Isn’t that what your wife is for?”
He shakes his head, “Lizzie isn’t my wife.”
She frowns, “But… your wedding ring?”
“My wife died. Grace. It was my fault. I was always putting her in danger, too.”
Clara took a long drag, “I’m sorry.”
Tommy nodded in acknowledgement, “I’m sorry about your child.”
Clara froze, “What are you talking about?”
“It’s quite obvious with the way you talk about children. Is that why you killed your husband? Did he kill your child?”
She drops her cigarette to the ground and stomps it out, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He shrugs, “Okay, I’ll find out eventually. Would you come back to the house now so we can discuss the conditions of your employment?”
“I just told you I don’t want to be a Peaky Blinder.”
“And I just told you that I need someone to keep me in line.”
“It looks like you have a bunch of people to do that for you.”
He shakes his head, “These people, I love them, but… I don’t listen to them. They don’t know what they’re doing. I built this company from the ground. They just came along for the ride. Why should they know better than me?”
“But you think I would know better than you? I don’t know anything about business or a company.”
“No, you don’t. But you’re not selfish. You seem to care about people, maybe too much. I just need someone to tell me when I’m unnecessarily hurting others.”
“Those are some big assumptions to make about someone you just met and volunteered to murder a man almost immediately upon meeting you.”
He shrugs, “You volunteered to murder a bad man. You saved my children. Seems pretty fair to me. You’re also the only woman I know who could beat me in a fight which means you could physically keep me in check.”
“You think I could beat you in a fight?” Clara asked, eyebrows raised.
He puts out his cigarette, “I don’t really want to find out, but yes, I do believe you could. Will you please come with me back to my house so we can discuss your employment?” He repeated again.
Clara sighed, “Fine.” Tommy pushed himself off the wall and guided her to his car, opening the passenger seat for her, “What about the children?”
Tommy shut the door behind her, “Lizzie has them.”
“You seem to trust her an awful lot and she’s the mother of your child, but you don’t marry her. Why?”
He starts the car, “Why did you kill your husband, Clara?” She swallows and stays silent as he pulls away from the building, “That’s what I thought.”
“Can I have my knife back now?” She asks absently when the car ride became too silent.
“It’s locked up in my bedroom. I’ll get it for you later.”
“Will I still be staying in your house?”
He nods, “Until you kill Sabini, then we’ll figure out somewhere else for you to stay.”
“Does Lizzie live with you?”
He shakes his head, “What is your fascination with Lizzie?”
“Just trying to figure out your relationship. I’m curious to see who the infamous Thomas Shelby spends his time with.”
He pulls up to his enormous mansion and it once again takes Clara’s breath away, “Lizzie and I fuck occasionally and it’s nothing more than that. She happened to give me a child who I’m very grateful for and so I take care of her. I give her a job, I give her a home, I give her protection. That’s all. Satisfied?”
Clara shrugs, “Yeah, sure.”
Tommy comes around to open the door for her and they go inside, Clara following Tommy into his office. “Alright, the terms of your employment are fairly simple. You fight or dispatch anyone I order you to. You protect anyone I order you to. If you have reason to not want to dispatch the target I give, I’m willing to hear, but you’ll have to be very convincing. If at any point you refuse to dispatch a target and we cannot come to an agreement, I am free to terminate your employment. Understand?”
“What do I get in return?”
“I won’t turn you into the police for the murder of your husband, in fact I will order the police to stop searching for your husband’s murderer as soon as you give me a name. You’ll have a place to live and anything else you may need and you’ll be paid more than fairly every time you do a job for me.” He pushes a piece of paper towards her, “Here’s the written contract, I paraphrased everything, but it’s all there. You’re welcome to read it over before you sign, I want it on my desk by tomorrow morning. If you decide not to sign, you’re free to leave.”
“And you’ll tell the cops about me?”
He shrugs, “Haven’t decided.”
Clara bites her lip, “As a peaky blinder do I get to come to the meetings? Have a say in them?”
“No. Those are family only.”
“That doesn’t really seem fair. How am I supposed to keep you in line if I’m not at the meetings?”
Tommy eyes her carefully for a few moments before sighing and taking back the contract. He scribbles something quickly at the bottom and hands it back to her.
“‘Allowed at all meetings for Shelby Company Limited, but only allowed to speak to question Thomas Shelby’s moral decisions.’” She reads and then looks back to Tommy. He doesn’t so much as arch an eyebrow. Clara sighs, “Fine, good enough I guess.”
“This is a very generous offer.” Tommy said, sounding a bit tiffed that she wasn’t being grateful.
Clara’s pen glides quickly across the bottom of the page, she omits her last name, “Yeah, thanks.” It doesn’t sound genuine.
“I’m gonna need that name, to tell the police.”
“That’s okay, if they take me you can just come bail me out.” Clara smirked and walked out of the room.
“It won’t be hard for me to go to the police and ask them about the man who was murdered whose wife disappeared after.” He called after her.
“Then what are you waiting for, Mister Shelby?”
He stared after her shaking his head and, despite himself, he smirked.
okay so i’m gonna tag anyone who replied or reblogged the first post, if you want your name removed pls let me know (:
@mariamermaid @gingertaurus @tommy-scum @lil-black-heart
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