#i wont blame you if you don't because I sure as hell would do the same
yappacadaver · 5 months
and it's like despite all the awful shit he's done and continues to do, like, i get it. he's employed like 24/7/365. he never got to live a life, despite spending a childhood clinging to the hope of having one someday. He knew companionship and love but lost it and can't ever get it back. His circumstances are so anomalous and gruesome that it completely isolates him from pretty much every other human being on the planet. he knows hell is real and he is basically guaranteed to go there if he can't break this demon curse thing.
like it doesn't make the kidnapping and spreading the curse around any better, but i do get it.
#like personally i don't blame him for the actual murders#and it's hard to blame him for hiring people without telling them because like lol.#anyone who's like 'oh he should just tell ppl about the demons' like what are you onnnnnn if you went to a job interview with a creepy old#guy and he started talking about demons and hauntings and shit you would think you're being pranked or that he's lost his damn mind#and fuck offffff with the 'ohhh not me im a quirky bean i'd love to take a job if the interview was like that' like sure. ok. maybe YOU wou#but what are the odds that milford in 1998 coming off the satanic panic has a thousand yous running around waiting to be hired#like i honestly dont have any suggestions for how he could have handled the hiring situation any better#now the actual JOB i have plenty of feedback#like yea he should be there to train your ass against the demons lol we got more hands-on guidance for the embalming (the non deadly part)#but like the whole 'raymond is evil cause he kills possessed ppl and hires people without telling them abt demons'#do you think that old man can run the whole mortuary by himself and also have time to teach classes#until he inevitably dies from either stress or the demons and is sent to hell (which he knows is real)?#it's my understanding that by having others around who can help him fight the demons he'll have the spare time to figure out how to#break out of the demon curse or break possession or literally any useful information that could treat the disease and not the symptoms#he is running out of time!!! he is only getting older and the demons are only getting more frequent and someday he won't be fit enough#to properly banish them!!! if you even care!!!!!!!!!#fucking tag essay lmao#mr delver i wont u...
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nem0-nee · 1 year
Well well well... if it isn't the consequence of my actions. Yeah...
Nem here forgot to answer her asks from last month and earlier, and she doesn't want to leave a flood of one-sentence responses (since it feels MAD illegal. Thanks high school </3)
If you sent me an emoji/a color for certain ask games... this is the cemetery for it /j
I dare not to tag the people who sent me the asks since I'm not brave enough ;v;
[Good luck if you're gonna look down there]
[Tell me how you feel about me on anon!]
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Ah, beloved anons?!?! You're gonna fire up my ego here (or what remains of it dfsdffs).
First anon, I'm hiding in your walls... I'm sending love and thanks because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
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It was all going great till I read the last sentence /j /j
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YOU FUCKING DONK- I mean hi bestie :))))))))))
DGYFDSIFS JOKES ASIDE- thank you bitch <333 You may be the reason why I have another crippling hyperfixation, but- yeah nvm I got nothing
I HATE YOU <333333 Wdym??? I'm not hard on myself?? I'm just committing to the grit that's all /j
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AHHH MONMON!?!?! I'll try to interact more whenever I'm not busy ;v; You're too sweet hdsbsjdfsfn THANK YOU <3333
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[Why do you follow me?]
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Dummy I'm so sorry.... I got no money... My only form of currency is corn chips and flies </33
I can send you corn chips if you're interested /j/j/j
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look at the birb, it's very Jas if I do say so myself
SDASHBA STOPPPPPPP- Jas i love how unhinged you are with these <33 LOVE THE FIRST THREE- Then we get to SAPPHIRE?!?!
I'm feeling nice, so I'll let you study me for 5 minutes tops >:))
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AWWWW- You're too sweet Basil?!!? I really appreciate it <333
But yes, we shall kill Rosie God together with Jas >:))
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[- You've reached the end of this chaos...congrats? -]
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quodekash · 9 months
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I think they should probably kiss right now. that would be nice please and thank you
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bro why he look so confused
is he having gay thoughts or smth and hes confused as to why it's soccer-ball-usb induced?
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I love this woman so much
my goddess
my queen
milf fr
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like yeah, sailom can't rly control kang's study habits outside of their tutoring sessions, but I wouldn't say he can't control him like... at all, ever.
he has top vibes tbh
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"um, excuse me bitch (respectful), sailom controls me very well, I am a submissive QUEEN"
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"do you want to go on a date with me?" "will you be my boyfriend?" "can I kiss you?" all of the above?
I know it wont be any of the above but I can dream
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he was fine with being the worst part of Sailom's life, and then suddenly discovered so many other things in his life that Sailom has to face every day, and the punishment he gets every month if he doesn't pay his debt, and Kang realises he's the least of Sailom's problems, and he suddenly wants to help him as much as he possibly can. previously, he was offering his money to Sailom but not as comfort or help, but because he recognised his privilege and power and used it to taunt Sailom and to remind him who is in charge. but then he saw two grown men assaulting him and nearly pressing a hot iron to his face, and Kang suddenly saw just how much power and privilege he has, in the sense that he can literally solve most of Sailom's problems (because they mostly boil down to money) without any change in his own status whatsoever
he went from wanting to be the worst part of Sailom's life, to wanting to fix the actual worst parts of his life, and I just love him so much can you blame me for loving him so much
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like. are they just taking a detour on the way home from school? or did they run away?
ive got my fingers crossed for an episode (perhaps two?) where they've run away and it's all happy and fluffy and they're away from the pain and the drama and its just me and you and you and me and we can be happy while we're here, we don't have to worry what anyone else thinks about us because we're together. and its probably at a beach.
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just give me a moment while I sob
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why am I crying.
can someone please explain to me why this is making me cry.
its so domestic. help.
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wait now I think im going down, maybe im going to hell
I have no sense of direction, I got lost on the way to wherever I was going and now im back in my body but HOLY FRICK ITS VERY LIKELY THAT I WILL DIE AGAIN
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oh look, a not-so-subtle ✨metaphor✨
I think it's about them studying? without wind, the windmills can't spin, and then can't produce energy. without Sailom, Kang wouldn't have the push he needs to study?
it's something like that
it also might not be about studying. it could be about kindness
if it weren't for Sailom's situation, Kang wouldn't have had the change of heart that caused him to be kinder (particularly towards Sailom but im also hoping that he's helping him develop deeper empathy for others who also aren't as fortunate as Kang)
idk its something like that
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he leaned closer and now I can't tell if he's genuinely asking the question, or if he's trying to flirt
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I think he should give him a good luck and goodbye kiss
I think they should kiss is what im saying
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I know they're not actually gonna kiss. I know he's just gonna like tell sailom about how his grandma wont let him tutor him if he fails his midterms BUT I DONT CARE, I FELT VICTORIOUS FOR A SECOND, AND THAT'S NOT A FEELING I GET OFTEN SO LET ME BASK IN THE GLORY FOR A MOMENT
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I mean maybe it's the exams hes thinking about. but he's mostly thinking about how, if he doesnt pass all his exams, he'll lose sailom, and he doesnt want that because a) sailom could get beat up to a pulp again, and b) he doesn't want to lose sailom as his tutor when tutoring is like the only time they get to see each other and hang out, and he's realised how much he likes sailom and that he desperately doesn't want to lose that friendship - or the potential for it to become something more
conclusion: gay.
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you can do it bby, you are incredible
I think he'd do a lot better if he had adhd meds
because he has adhd. it's canon I decided.
do you want some of my Vyvanse, kang?
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oh look at that, I ran out of screenshots
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modernchillthings · 2 years
Another HotD rant
I hate going on tiktok and seeing ppl complain about Emma and Matt's chemistry. Their dynamic has changed so therefore their interaction would feel different and new.
Idk why people expect Rhaenyra to be the same fiery teen she was back then when it's literally been 10 years. Older Rhae has gone through so much over the years like, she witnessed a death at her own wedding, shes a mother now and just recently lost her lover of 10 years, everyone in King's landing probably talk shit behind her back especially about her children. Plus Emma even said that Rhaenyra tried to conform to what society wants from her which is why she appears more subdued the past two eps until the end of ep 7 where she finds her fire again with Daemon by her side.
Basically, their interaction this ep wasn't meant to be passionate and full of lust but more mature even a bit hesitant because they haven't seen each other in so long along w the fact that they both lost someone they cared about. Additionally, you can see their fire spark again during their wedding scene and hopefully in the episodes to come.
Like I get it, when I first watched it, I wasnt feeling it either. But it was mostly cuz I couldn't see shit. However, after rewatching where I could actually see their facial expressions, I could feel their emotions.
I also have to add that, according to the behind the scenes thingy, ep 7 was the first ep they ever shot of the show so therefore the actors aren't used to each other, they haven't had time to be their characters yet. Plus, Milly and Matt's Daemyra had 5 episode of build-up whereas this is Emma and Matt's first time together.
Also, idk if it's a hot take or not, but while I do love Milly and Matt's chemistry and the whole reason why I like Daemyra in the first place, it just feels weird seeing her who looks so young with someone who is obviously older. Maybe people are more gravitated towards that but it just doesn't sit right with me that ppl would rather see an younger actress be paired up with a 40 year old-man. Like Emma is still 10 years younger than Matt and their characters would still have that age gap but it just wouldnt be physically visible. I like that their characters now don't seem to have the same power imbalance. They're both more mature, toxic as hell, but seemingly more equal now.
I do place the blame mostly on the director cuz those night scenes were ass. There are so many innovative ways to make night scenes where it's obviously night time but it isn't dark as hell. Of course ppl wont feel their chemistry bc no one can see anything!! Facial expressions are so important to an actor. It's such a disservice to both Matt and Emma's performances.
Next two eps will be directed by women so if I notice the difference then I know what the problem was for sure! I really do hope we get to see more of Daemyra next ep and their changed dynamic. I know we'll have another time skip (which is another thing!!!) so I'm kind of worried but looking forward to it nonetheless.
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Yo sorry to bother you about this but I’m genuinely kind of annoyed right now. I know "Rob can't act" is like a joke among the fandom but it actually kind of harmed my experience of watching Sunny. Maybe it's my fault for listening to random people's opinions but when I first joined Sunnyblr a year ago a lot of bigger blogs were really fond of pushing that narrative (I think bc a lot of people just really don't like him). It's just disappointing to see how the access point into this space includes a lot of people telling you that Rob can't act and you're an idiot if you like him or his work and it completely warped my perception of Sunny as a show and Mac as a character. I learned not to trust Rob and his choices when playing Mac and now I am very pissed off that I spent all that time not taking him as seriously. I think I've managed to filter out the unnecessary Rob hatred because I haven't seen it in a while but I didn't realize how ingrained it was in my head until the Liberty Bell podcast episode when they were talking about Rob's incredible performance, and then I watched Mythic Quest and that show changed my entire life. I don't mean to make a whole big deal out of what is mostly a joke in the fandom but like...it heavily affected my very first watch of Sunny and I am. so irritated
I actually have so many thoughts about this.
So the way I see it, a combination of several things happened all in conjunction with each other: Rob always calls himself the worst actor of the three, which to me just reads as him being insecure, but him saying that makes the idea stick in people's heads and makes them look for reasons he's a bad actor. Our brains are giant pattern machines, so when the brain gets new information like "I'm the worst actor" it looks for ways to process the new information, which means your brain is going, "hey, be on the look out for this guy being a bad actor" in a way it isn't doing for the other actors. I mean maybe this is definitely projecting, but it reminds me of when I first started writing "professionally" (I freelance) and I would worry that my work wasn't good, so I would tell clients "I know it's not that good", "I know someone else could've done better", "I know this part doesn't make sense", etc and it would just make them have no confidence in me and so they would agree and complain about my writing! But then my therapist told me to stop doing that, that it's not actually more honest or more humble or whatever to self-deprecate, and once I stopped saying that stuff I got way more compliments and way fewer complaints AND way more recommendations and way more clients as a result. Things I thought were "obvious flaws" it turns out people only noticed when I pointed to it and said "this is a flaw!". So I think there's some of that happening.
Another factor is that a lot of people didn't like how Mac was written in season 13. But instead of saying, "the writing team collectively decided to write Mac in a way we don't like this season", a lot of people placed the sole blame on Rob as the actor who portrays him. And I think part of that is that a lot of people were waiting a long time for Mac to come out (I wasn't a part of the tumblr fandom back then but I was a fan of the show and I. For real thought he was just never gonna come out lol I remember Glenn specifically really wanted Mac to stay in the closet because he thought it was funnier so I was like ok. Guess this character is just in the closet forever. Hero or Hate Crime? I remember watching as it aired and genuinely being so shocked Mac didn't go back in the closet at the end, especially after Goes to Hell which I also watched live and was convinced was the ultimate proof it was never gonna happen lol) and so they had a lot of expectations of how Mac would or wouldn't change after coming out because there had been so many years of build up and will-he-wont-he about the whole thing. Hell, I wasn’t really in the fandom like I said but I’m sure just like today there were people who specifically started watching after season 12 because they heard there was an out gay character. And then season 13 aired and every single character (probably because of the changes to long term writing staff) felt kind of… off. That’s the main criticism of season 13 I hear to this day, that all the characters feel wrong in it or feel like they just exist to parrot various political movements first and be character’s second. That’s not a Mac exclusive problem. BUT because Mac had the most obvious and easy to understand change (being openly gay) a lot of people latched onto that as “what made the season bad”, and latched onto Rob for “ruining the character”. Yes, both the people who complained he was “too gay” AND the people who complained he “wasn’t gay enough” did this. Suddenly, it wasn’t about the seasons’ overall writing, it was about the fact that Rob, a straight man, was doing a bad job playing a gay man. Which made it even easier for people on tumblr to justify complaining about his acting.
And that led to people going back through the seasons and criticizing his acting in other episodes too (like I talked about above, it’s that confirmation bias. Going into something actively looking for ways it’s bad makes it way easier to be overly critical). Which led to this narrative of, “Rob is and always has been a bad actor”.
Now, some of you may be screaming at your screens, “nightcrawlerzincorporated, are you seriously gonna sit here and act like the only reason people dislike Rob is season 13 and his own self-deprecation?” No! Rob has done plenty of shit worthy of ridicule. He publically supported the racist All Lives Matter movement, is (or at least was, idk how he feels about it at this exact moment I’m not inside his head) pro-NFT, and less crucially but still a factor, he says annoying shit a lot. And I don’t think we could ever get along even in some fantasy scenario where we met. I’m not trying to convince anyone they have to like Rob and I’m not saying every criticism of him is just people looking for stuff to complain about. There’s some real shit there. Probably a lot more shit than I mentioned, even. But. None of that stuff actually has anything to do with his acting. I think after fandom opinion of him started souring, it was just emotionally cleaner for a lot of people to act like Rob had very little to do with the show they liked, actually, and his acting wasn’t even good and had nothing to do with how much they loved Mac (even though… yeah sorry if you love Mac it’s at least partially because you love Rob’s acting. You’re telling me all those great faces he pulls, his improv, his delivery, his hand gestures, and his chemistry with other actors all have NOTHING to do with liking Mac as a character?) 
I completely understand your frustration with having your opinion influenced by all that mess. That’s pretty much the whole reason I don’t interact with a show’s fandom until I’ve seen the entire thing at least once through myself, because fandom opinion really can influence how you see things, even if you try not to let it. I genuinely think a lot fewer people would think of him as a bad actor if it wasn’t such a Thing in the fandom.
And yeah, I think because Ian is. Y’know a character who was clearly planned to have this whole arc and tragic backstory from the very beginning, Rob just has a lot to work with as an actor. Whereas Mac’s narrative purpose has shifted dramatically over the course of Sunny and the more tragic elements of his character were added after the fact instead of always intended, which makes the way Rob plays him feel less consistent to people, because the character is just less consistently written. When Rob’s acting is allowed to fully shine with a well thought out character like Ian, pretty much everyone agrees he’s fantastic. Plus, the Mythic Quest fandom is a lot newer and smaller and so doesn’t have almost 20 years of expectations and opinions about how these characters “should” act like Sunny does. And I think that’s why Mythic Quest fans in general tend to disagree with the Sunny fandom opinion that he’s a bad actor. Because we all know that’s not true. You’re completely valid in seeing it as a whole thing because well. It is a whole thing. Look how many thoughts I have about it just off the top of my head lol.
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sharksa-shivers · 8 months
Want an idea of the beginning dynamic? Aitey lol
(Early af group chat stuff lol, Kristy still getting used to things…Max just drags her into one and then Sharky after a while lmao)
Kristy: Look, i'm fucking terrified of him okay???
Kristy: How in the hell are you not??? Did you see what happened earlier??? With that fish??? And you're still so set on him being harmless??? THAT WAS HORRIFYING TO WATCH HONESTLY…
Max: Lmao, i never said sharky couldnt be intimidating or scary or anything, he hella fucking can if he reallt wants to
Max: thing is that last bit tho, "wants to" would be your key phrase lol. Sharkys chill as fuck 99% of the time…Also he's a giant puss and would coward the fuck out of doing any of thay shit your so scared of. He memes but hed never get over it mentally if he actually hurt somebody like that lmao
Max: he harmlesssssssss uwu, you juwt don't wanna fuckin listen again
(~Mr. Darktide Rising~ has been added to the group chat. Welcome!!)
Sharky: Yo
Sharky: ….Oh we're on this shavinksta again? Ok.
Kristy: MAX, WHAT THE FUCJ???????
Max: lol, needa get over it, i ain't lettin ya worm out of friendship that easy
Max: Sharky, tell krista something fuckin cool, legit, like whatever
Kristy: God fucking damnit Max!!!!!!! AND IT'S KRISTY
Sharky: Erghhhhhh, hmmmm…
Sharky:(sends a picture of packaged gel pens)I got some new glitter gel pens, can't wait to use these bad boys on some art.
Sharky:(texts picture of a blue rock)Also got this cool aquamarine rock earlier too. It's my birthstone so that's pretty neat. (March, if you were wondering)
Sharky:(sends bunny gifs and stickers)Also bunnies.🐰Bunnies are cool.🐇 You like bunnies Kristy? Pretty sure everybody does… Kristy: anxiety overwhelming, can't do this, fuck…
(Kristy - Has left the chat)
Sharky: ……..Oh, ok.
Max: Man, don't feel bad, just gotta keep trying…
Sharky: I shouldn't fucking have to keep trying to get some basic fucking respect but whatever…
Sharky: Never mind, fucking hell…Gonna draw, maybe rest. Dunno, just…I need to calm down, fucking hell…
Sharky: Fucking hate myself more and more every damn day…And I never actually fucking do anything to earn that…I haven't ever hurt anybody but everyone fucking hurts me…Sick and tired of it…
Max: Dude, fuck, cmon!!!
Sharky: Nah, i can't like…Handle this right now, i need to lay down, really upset now…Just want alone time…
Sharky: I know you want to fix it and i appreciate it Max but you can't fix everything, you can't. You just can't…And some people are always going to fucking hate me for what i am and i can't change that either…
Sharky: Ffs…So fucking done…
Max: Plz, just wait a minute!!!
Sharky: Anyway, laters, peace…
(~Mr. Darktide Rising~ has left the group chat)
Max: like fuckin hell i wont at least try to fix everything
Max: ……..This ain't over and i ain't deletin shit…Ima keep dragging both of you together until you get along on basic terms, this is fuckin ridiculous as fuck ------------- Yeah, so this is more a starting point lol Kristy at first is ABSOLUTELY PETRIFIED of Sharky...And for all the usual reasons... At first Sharky tries to explain and befriend her and whatnot but Kristy is so scared and distrusting of everyone (Probably because she got...yknow, kidnapped and dragged halfway across the world or something, idk lol) She doesn't trust him at all and is constantly thinking the worst of him... So thusssssssssss Sharky starts getting more bitter and pissy and angry towards her because...Well, fuck it. He's tired of being nice to somebody that's constantly throwing shit at him...Which, i do not blame him. (Sharky does have his limits as does...Everyone...) And Max is just like...The awkward middle man that's trying to fix shit because Sharky's his best friend/brother and Kristy's like his new bestie and "wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll we're a team now so you two dumbasses are gonna have to get along to some capacity!!!!" And Max isn't wrong there with the last point either lol... Kristy warms up more to Sharky as she gets more comfortable being in the Campsite and being forced around Sharky and whatnot...It just takes time...And Sharky isn't going to reject somebody who wants to change their mind on him (because he's had to do that a ton of times in his life and...He always wants that circle of close people to get bigger so...) Yeah, yknow lol Also Max is bad at remembering people's names (with Kristy tho, cuz she's being urhhh so bitchy towards the Campsite people who had absolutely nothing to do with her kidnapping and everything, he starts saying the wrong names on purpose cuz it pisses her off lol, that's a beginning joke...) And also also, in case you're wondering: Sharky ate a fish alive in front of em, that's what Kristy was going off about in the beginning bit lol...
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thecrownedred · 14 days
White Rabbit's Crown
"The love of your life awaits you in the deepest part of the hell you never believed in."
I always observe. The thing about me is, when I do that, people tend to mistaken it for some cruel stupidity that the elites are exclusively allowed to do so, but it's not. I am not one to compare with. I am better than them. Come on.
Scaly face. Vertical green eyes disguised as british blue eyes, or hazelnut if they're mixed. Royals? No, fucking shape shifters. I'd like to call them that. Friendly fire?
I call that unexclusiving yourself, if that's a word. I'm an off-screen writer, that should be a word.
Love is nothing in their faces. It's like a splash of water you get when you're at a pool party trying to enjoy yourself with a shot of patron when some rubbish garbage decides to do cannon-ball beside you to impress your not-so-perfectly sober sisters. Completely brushes it off. Basically a one night stand. That's what they believe.
Man, what if the shitshow is hell itself? This family. Everybody against everybody. Geez, give this young man a break.
"Here is your breakfast, your highness. You'll have no events, ceremonies, or tea parties to attend today." Acting like I do exist now? Why would I even bother to come in the first place?
"Your sister is covering for you. The archery field is open for you if you want to stop by."
A full english breakfast. With no beans. Too much grease, I wont need it.
Still no real conversation with the helpers. Are they even real humans or what? Too bad the government made them earn these characteristics. It's not unique at all, like at least make one of them do some personal handshakes with you or add bugs to your already perfect maple pancakes. American style.
I push the tray away, just like I always do. Didn't even get any sleep because well my in-law is in 'search' for making my sister feel better after a suitor spilled some coffee on her high-tailored baby blue dress she had always dreamed of. I could bet my great-grandfather's preserved skull in the museum, she will be turning to me, taking two hours off of my reading day. I don't have problems with it, however, time is money. Money is time. And based on my study on my own family's history, no one from my bloodline is one to be blamed for. I know what I am capable of doing and I'm not afraid to do them to my in-laws because to be frank, I never approved at allㅡShit. My doings.
Thank God it's not the 18th century because I get to drive my own car anywhere I want.
But where the fuck did I put the keys?
Geez, and this coat is too fucking heavy, abusing the stamina of your body to hide a rotting body? I'm in a kidney-pain level of not fit, why does the universe keep pushing me to do this?
Secret garage. Cliche. Could've used what my grandfather gave to me last summer to hide them but unfortunately the mansion is in Switzerland.
I scrunch my nose as the familiar rotting smell entered my nose. Not sure If I'm glad I trimmed my nose hair this morning or not, was just testing a friend's product. But clearly,
"Fucking hell.."
The only product I need right now is two and a half gallons of bleach and probably a handmade italian meat grinder created just for your daily spaghetti meatballs. Probably should tell Mr. Finch, the family butler, if only he wasn't a snitch. He's kinda self-explanatory I guess.
I kneeled down, the smell, christ, been doing this for years yet can't stand a week-and-two-days-old corpse? Well, in my murdering spree 'career' which gets me nowhere, I had never left a body for this long period of time. Well now look at this brownish astonishing marinara sauce, completely homemade, fucking dead woman's blood combined with her melting inner fluids. How could I have forgotten?
No, how could I murder someone I loved? Jane Servemore. Her €23,000 dior lipstick she never brags about is still visible right underneath those broken skin tissues. Of course she can afford it, the daughter of the Jace and Mill Servemore, supposedly, the founder of the next Chanel. Maybe I should watch TV more, that way, I would not forget that I murdered a woman in a bunker over a 'simple' affair and that she is indeed missing, and I know where she is.
You know, Jane? You could've fixed my bloodline with just a runway show in Paris but you chose to fuck that designer knowing damn well I don't like sharing anything. This proves to me she never listens to what I say, and why should I when she screams for her life at the top of her lungs?
Good fucking evening. I'm finished. Took me half of the day to get rid of her guts, yuck. I should really punish myself for making me in the future go through shits he didn't want to go through.
At least a cold shower helps after a long day because now the warmth of the library is indeed getting into me. It gets you right in the mood, you know? A cup of tea, read a few pages of Patricia Cornwell's tenth book of the Kay Scarpetta series Black Notice, and no one to interrupt your reading. You know, this is the great side of being left abandoned by your late father aside from being inside the family that rules the country.
No one knows or dare to care who the fuck you are.
"Sorry to bother, do you have Ruth Rendell?"
My eyes never shot up at this pace before it actually hurt. Ruth Rendell? Psychotic woman, I see.
"Certainly, but all we got left is The Brimstone Wedding and A Dark-Adapted Eye. It is on the right corner rack right there."
Right, my direction. I read those things, not that I'm ashamed of it.
Medium brown hair, long eyelashes, dark but subtle lipstick, almost no makeup. She is indeed one to imply her efforts, half-tired eyes, probably comes from writing journals about how decomposing a dead body should start with removing their teeth and nails, if she's even a journalist and a feminist. Feminists love dark romance, don't they?
Also sleeve gloves? Is she an official? A witch, perhaps. Ha! That was a good one.
I need to look away. Appear natural.
The corner of my eyes reads that she is choosing the Brimstone Wedding one. A woman that likes to torture her own mentality, to cope, I suppose? That's brilliant.
I finally made eye contact with her as she sat down across my spot. Hazelnut brown eyes, she's a country's gift. A trophy. She might be as old as I am. A 27 year old writer? A journalist? Or judging by her hand placement on the book and her purse, public speaking, to be precise. Balanced it well. A news anchor? Is that why her face is so familiar?
"Would appreciate it if you give a bit more attention to your book, really." Shit.
"I apologize." I clear my throat because I am a loner rich nobleman, at least that's what my family made me become.
"Your voice is nice," There. I complimented her. It's probably too straightforward but she had already caught me checking her out already.
I breathe the air in, she enters. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle. Jane hated this, she said it smelt too musky. But I loved it, it matches her energy, not Jane. The universe brought me to her.
I could feel her eyes on me so I stared back, and I was right, she looked horrified, no, mortified. Great job, your highness or whatever. It was a moment of silence, her mouth parted as she was trying to build up a sentence to respond to my stupid compliment. Maybe I shouldn't have bitten anything. I'm starting to think that I should've eaten the full english breakfast today.
"Your voice isn't bad either," She pauses, fixing her position. Maybe not mortified, nervous? "Could be an F1 commentator, or the driver I must say from your looks."
Did she just call me fit? Impressive I must say for eating greasy things for breakfast and chips for lunch. Just like that she continued reading her Ruth Rendell, no expressions, so that's probably sarcasm. Not interested in me one bit. She called me loud too with that commentator thing. Quite arrogant, don't you think?
Anyways, I made my way through two pages in under five minutes while talking to a woman, how dare I do that yet still spend the whole day just to get rid of one person. The math never adds up. But hey, this book's quite better than comparing the shits you do with reading.
"Being evil is universal, including the ones who serve the law and the ones who break it. Is that what you're seeking?"
Damn. I just read that line a minute ago. She's most definitely a journalist. Or a fortune-teller?
"Everyone is evil, don't you think?" She closed her book, to debate with me? Nice, a political woman. Did she go through a divorce?
"No, if that's the case our country would be such a mess." Smart. Straightforward. Blunt. She doesn't think of others when she talks because apparently she addresses her false points better than the truth. Also, our country's like this because someone like her wouldn't know who I am. Good though, serves me peace, serves the country peace. Political, like her. Maybe we connect in some way.
"Well, everyone knows their boundaries as well as the others." I close my book too, if she wants to debate, I'll do it. "I bet if we stay the old-fashioned way, there'll just be drunken noblemen up your door threatening you to invent something new or else his butler will have you decapitated in some kind of way."
"Okay now, that is another case. If we're talking about our country right here, don't you think it's being ruled by some brainwashed elites creating their own beliefs? Terrible people." I smiled at that as I leaned back to the sofa, she has a way of talking.
Her phone rang which she then picked up, a woman of work. Workaholic? She even stands up and walks away to answer that call. A rare sighting in Hanover, honestly. What if she makes more money than I do? I might be the one doing the dishes if we were ever marriedㅡOkay no, too far.
It didn't take me long enough to realize how my eyes had followed her figure through the bookshelves. Is the phone call so important?
"For the love of God, I said tosca, not jade! How can we do the exhibition tomorrow if the light is not on the theme, Stefan?!" And she left, leaving her Ruth Rendell open on page 51. Huh, a gallerist? I got it all.. wrong. The first time I read someone wrong.
"Here's the hibiscus tea for your lovely wife, sir."
Geez, jumpscare. She ordered something? Hibiscus tea? Does this woman smoke?
"Ah, thank you very much. Is it paid for?" There's no way she leaves me here to pay for her drink which she hasn't drank because apparently, some work urgency. Ugh, her watch is still here too.
Fossil. She is a workaholic.
"No, do you perhaps want the bill?" Great. No, really. This is great. Moving on takes years or even decades for some people, I say they're weak for not being able to accept what they are and move on. Talking from someone who had just disposed of his ex-girlfriend's body into a meat grinder, it clearly wasn't easy.
I took the amusingly smaller watch in my pocket, but yet just the right size for her slender wrist. Not proud of what I'm doing. It doesn't mean that I'm a bad person, right? I did everything I could, and Jane Servemore chose to ignore that. I did not want to hurt her, it's a form of love, at least the one that I had always believed in.
And maybe this time, I'll give her the form of love she wants. Whatever you desire for, Ms. Gallerist.
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robotapotheosis · 1 year
Eternally frustrated some of us rightfully pointed out the "learn to live with the virus" tning did not mean actually trying to control the spread, and we were right.
We said they were going to keep forcing us to work, let us get reinfected over and over, act like the pandemic was behind us, and sacrifice the disabled elderly and poor. They said no! Learning to live with the virus meant improved air ventilation, sanitization measures, and mandatory masking periods! Surely no one will be sacrificed for the sake of the economy!
I don't think some or most of the doctors saying learning-to-live with the virus were lying about where things would go but i do think they were extraordinarily naive. And if they realized they were wrong i dont know if I've heard any of them say so.
Every day customers and coworkers come in coughing unmasked, on surfaces, or on product, sometimes into their hands before they touch products. Children sit in carts with wet hacking coughs and chewing on merchandise. My coworkers don't wash their hands. My bosses come in sick. I'm one of the few people who masks and wash my hands before/after getting on the salesfloor.
And you can't complain. You can't ask people to keep their distance, or not to come near you when they're sick, or to wear a mask, or whatever, because somehow asking people not to cough into the open air is now considered rude, despite covid, you know, potentially causing irreparable neurological damage to your body, especially with repeat infections. So its completely on you to keep Yourself Safe.
Covid tests dont fucking work. My infection would not appear on anything but the hospital tests. Other people have been reporting only saliva tests are reliable. The nose sticks are basically garbage, the saliva tests are expensive.
It's very likely i have POTS. I still need to see a doctor about it but I would not be surprised if that ended up on my chart. I've had the symptoms my entire life, and I'm going to keep having them. I don't know what will happen if I get covid again. I don't know if ill have another lucky roll and just feel a little weak for a month and a half afterwards or end up with CFS or a tube down my throat. I don't know.
I don't know how long we're all going to put up with this. I dont know why IM putting up with it. I'm basically repressing my self preservation instincts at all times. Because polite society has deemed it Mean and Invasive to ask people to stay the hell away from you if they are sick.
This country fucking treats homelesness like its a moral failing on part of the person but if you get fucking infected with this thing and it fucks up your body and you end up on the street because you dont have family or friends to fall back on, you still get blamed!
Its incredible. This is what learning to live with the virus has amounted to. Society failing everyone but especially the most vulnerable. For a while I was waiting for people to wake up to this. That we cant ignore our way out of this fucking pandemic. But the people who i wanted to wake up wont. The naive doctors and politicians who are supposed to be on our side but have ingested the same flavor of denial.
They will not do their jobs unless we make them, and we can't make them until we start talking fucking frankly and openly about this.
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bisluthq · 2 years
I do not think ATW will or should win a short film Oscar. As you rightly said it does not have the depth required to be an Oscar worthy short film and although it may get nominated for the attention the Academy wont vote for it. Taylor is going to have to work a lot harder to get the O in her EGOT.
Having said that I certainly don't blame her for putting it forward. Ironically Carolina is probably more worthy of a nomination because it is a great piece of music and summarises the source material perfectly. However it is way too subtle to really grab attention and the movie itself was panned by the critics so I doubt it will feature.
I am sure Taylor wants her EGOT and she will get it but just showing up won't get her an Oscar. She is going to have to either do a Bond theme (and her current style is wildly unsuited to that) or win for a blockbuster adaptation or original screenplay. Words are her superpower and that is what will get her where she wants to go.
As for a Tony that is a slam dunk. She has practically written a Broadway show in Reputation so its not that much of a stretch. I hope she avoids a karaoke musical though. I really hate those. Every one I have seen sucks even if the music is stuff I really like - e.g. We Will Rock You and Bat Out of Hell.
I actually love jukebox musicals lol and I think her songs would be so well suited to one! But if she writes an original one that’d be really cool too and I’d love for her to star in it.
I’m 100% sure she’s gonna win an Oscar, just not for this project, and it’d be mad rad if Carolina got a nom.
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levisgirll · 3 years
Hello! Can you please do a Levi headcanon/scenario where he hurts his crush's feelings and makes her cry but later regrets it and tries to apologise to her? Thanks!
𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 (𝙇𝙚𝙫𝙞 𝘼𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙁𝙚𝙢!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)
➡text: Hello there!! And omg of course I would be happy to write this out 🥺 the fact that to see levi apologize or own up to his mistakes is something that I would like to even write about- so thank you for this request! I hope you love it anon ♥ (incoming some fluff and you wont regret it!)
synopsis:  it was a long tiring day and with under pressure levi ackerman had, he accidently said something to y/n (his crush!) which hurt her feelings. levi feels terrible and to make it up for it, made y/n realize that levi and her might share the same feelings for each other.
fluff, angst, aot world, imagine fanfiction ♡ —
It was a long stressful day at the Survey crops headquarters building, and Captain Levi was assigned with many paper work to get done with.
The last expedition made Levi worry quite a lot for Y/N and her safety. Sure she was skilled, and a fast thinker but that still did not stop Levi from worrying about her. It was because he was the captain he had to worry about his squad....right?
But after Y/N getting hurt on the last expedition because she is kind of ‘reckless’ to what Levi thinks and used as an excuse, his heart sank and he then realized not only did he care about her too much, but he also developed feelings for her and with time it grew. Just her presence, the way she was, caring, friendly, confident, her natural beauty and a badass made him fall for her more.
But ever since on that day, he blamed himself for her getting injured because she was on his squad team.
The upcoming expedition was next month and he was becoming even more stressed and load with paperwork because it was a bigger mission this time they never had. Y/N obviously noticed that so after having a chat with Hanji she went by to his office and entered inside. They become more comfortable with each other so she was pleased to enter his office whenever she wanted to.
“Hi Levi, how are you?” she said with a bright smile, trying to light up the mood that was surrounding in his office.
“What do you think sherlock?” He spoke in a sarcastic tone and then let out a deep sigh. “O-Oh, Um I was wondering if you would like some help with the paperwork? I am free the whole day.” Her kind gestures always somehow warmed his heart, he liked the fact how in her free time she would always visit Levi and try her best to help him. But tonight was different, it was too much pressure loaded on him, he was not thinking straight.
He didn't respond to her offer and instead he got up from his seat behind the desk and gave her a piece of paper. “Read.” Was what he only said.
You took the paper from him and noticed....you were removed him Levi’s squad! “W-What....why.” You said so quietly but it had a very unhappy tone.
“You know why. You are too reckless, and I don't want that in my squad.” He lied and looked away, it was not because of your recklessness and never was because you were brave and perceptive. But in fact, it was because he wanted to keep you safe and away from harm because this time his squad was placed on the front and he moved you all the way on the back where it was safer. He does not want to lose you.
“I-I don't understand Levi...I though you trusted me-”
“Yea I don't trust you, and I clearly don't have time for you either.” You couldn't believe what he was saying to you, this behavior was out of nowhere and it made absolutely no sense! But, he was your source of motivation and inspiration and when he said that to you, it shattered your heart to pieces. You thought he had faith and trust in you and that's why he added you to his squad, you thought....you were important to him. Well, was important.
“Levi, please this makes no sense. At least explain to me why!” You yelled out, demanding an explanation for what the hell was evening going on.
“Don't argue with me.” He now gave you one of his hateful glares, and you know in a million years you would never be getting that from him, you were completely taken aback now. “Leave now! That’s an order L/N”.
You eyes were widen now, and your eyes were slowly starting to tear up. These words, completely damaged you and your feelings, he even called you by your last name which he never does. You never felt so hurt and your stomach sank which left you static and....heartbroken. Hearing this is a ego-killer for you. The paper you held slowly fell off from your hand, and you brought your hand up to cover your eyes and started to softly sob.
He noticed that quickly, and he wanted to come and comfort you but before he could do that you stormed off, slamming his door, y/n never wanting to see his face again.
Levi took a moment to process everything and then realized he had actually messed up everything. Both of you were so close and the bond and moments you both shared, Levi cherished that deeply. But, he ruined everything, shattered the bond, and now actually ironically losing you. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes tightly, “Fuck...The fuck is wrong with me?! Why am I so damn emotional.” And it was a fact, he was that when he bottled everything up and then let out his steam saying some bullshit.
It was days, and he didn’t even see or hear about Y/N. He did not get any sleep, staying up, overthinking his stupid mistake and regretting this all. His gilt, anger towards himself and grief started to grow by each day, hating himself how he hurt the person he had a crush on and someone he adored a lot which then lead to him thinking how to come to you with his true and deepest apology.
He tried to catch any chance to get you whenever you are alone and say apologize, but whenever he saw you, you would just jolt and try to run away and leave the place.
He then noticed from Hanji and the other scouts such as Armin and Mikasa that you were clearly avoiding Levi. He caught you by chance one evening as you were sitting down in the mass hall eating your sandwich alone so cutely and he just missed seeing that sight whenever you both had breaks and he would watch you eat cheerfully but....you were so down, that spirt was gone.
He was approaching you, and you then noticed that and felt your stomach sink, ‘Is he coming to me? Wait...he is, it’s only me here!’ You thought in your mind, panicking and not knowing what to do.
”Good evening.” He uttered, but you noticed there was some nervousness in that tone.
You did not look up at him and you left your sandwich that was half eaten on the plate, and got up. You lost your appetite, and you proceed to leave the mass hall, but you stopped in your steps when you heard Levi yell out. “No...d-don’t go. Please just stay for a bit.” The way he said it, was under such pain and he it sounded as if he was begging you. He really struggled doing this, but he would do it regardless if it was just to speak to you again for a bit.
He caught up to you, and took your wrist while his thumb was caressing your skin. You were still looking down, not wanting to see his face because you knew if you did now, you would tear up again.
“Can we talk please?” He said really quietly, and if the mass hall was not empty you wouldn't be able to grasp what he had said. Levi was clearly tensed and not sure if what he was doing is right, he never done this before, apologizing and talking about his feelings. But he would only, and only do this for the person he loved. Y/N.
“What do you want?” it came out more coldly then you expected and that made him hesitate. He remembered the image of your expression and you sobbing that day and it is still graved in his mind. He cant seem to get it out his head and he wanted to hear your forgiveness so it could go away.
“I fucked up, I know. But fuck, I...miss you.” He finally said, in a nervous and stuttering tone. He now moved his hand from your wrist to your soft and cold hands, and you could feel his warmth, warming your hand.
He brought up his other free hand and placed his palm on his forehead. Clearly this was hard for him and he felt such a jerk and an idiot cause all his words is now gone and he wasn’t sure how to say how apologetic he was and how you meant the world to him really.
But he know thought, How could he do this to someone who regularly checked on him, cared for him and also actually saw him as a normal person unlike the other scouts who thought he was heartless and just labeled as ‘strongest solider’. Y/N was the only who truly cared for his wellbeing and he admired that a lot. “Hey....I’m sorry. Everything I said wasn’t right. T-To be honest it was your bravery that made me fall for you...and care a lot more about you. So, please tell me What should I do to make it up for you?”
This caused you to finally look up to him and staring at his grey eyes, and after such a long time you were able to see his face clearly and close up which never fails to make your heart skip a beat. You stared at him for quite awhile, kind of surprised to what he said and the fact he was holding your hand meant a lot. But Levi took this as you still not wanting to talk to him, he wanted to say more and better things but he was quite bad formulating any more cause it him nervous and afraid to say something else to upset you further. He really did care about your feelings. “I won’t go....till I hear your answer. I waited long enough.”
You spoke, and after a long time hearing your voice this nearly made him tear up and that was because you were a big part of his life. “I can’t stay mad at you forever, so I forgive you. But, you hurted me and I cant forget that easily. But for now, Just....hold me.” You went near him and now placed both of your hands on his chest. He did not waste any second and pulled you in for a hug. It was probably his first time hugging you like this and he never knew it would make him have this fuzzy and sweet feeling like this. Of course, he would hold on to your waist, arm and shoulders sometimes during battle or when you needed some support to get up and move. But this was different, and he questioned himself how he never considered that.
Y/N and Levi both finally made up with each other, and he was really grateful for that and even the fact you forgave someone like Levi, he felt really lucky.
Of course, it will take some time for you to accept his apology, but he wont give up just yet and he really makes an effort everyday, you guys took it slow and he is more than willing to wait for you ♥
As, regret and remorse can lead a person to feel sorrow, this can cause a sense of sorrow for hurting someone such as Levi’s crush, and even though it was bad, this lead to him finally confessing and saying his true apology if it weren’t for this. Time is a healing process after all.
Once you finally sat down with Levi and talked back (after the countless times he tried to initiate a conversation or start something such as cleaning together but never got much a reaction from you) and had a small conversation with him asking how was his day. This melted his heart and he actually felt really happy inside that you finally started to speak to him. He missed your company, your sweet voice, and....that smile.
You surprised him further when you gave him tea (because he gave you so many things to somehow make you smile) and his eyes lit up, Levi never felt so happy in the last few weeks. Then he knew, that you. y/n, was his light and source of happiness. He drank the tea slowly cherishing it.
wow okay this was kind of emotional then I excepted it to be, but I honestly see a scenario like this happening where levi struggles and tries his best to own up his mistake and apologize and he would only be like this if it was to his crush and someone he loved cause this man gets nervous <3 so please y/n, give him some more hugs, he might not seem to ask for any but he is deeply inside craving for it. It’s his best comfort as it is coming from you! Anyways, please leave a like or a reblog if you enjoyed this and I hope you liked this anon 💖
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Coach (1)
Fandom: Dylan O'Brien
Pairing: AU Dylan x Fem!Reader
Mini series summary: Being a newly single mom of two kids wasn't exactly easy. And love wasn't exactly part of your agenda. So, should you avoid lusting over your son's baseball coach? Absolutely. But with a man like Dylan, could you really resist? Probably not.
Warnings: nothing major yet, small sexual innuendo, mentions of cheating and divorce
WC: 1.9k
A/N: a yes, to those who have been following me for a while may recognize this title, it's my old Dylan AU fic. Yes I decided to continue it. Updates will come periodically, because I write spontaneously and I cant guarantee quick updates. But I do promise I wont wait a whole year to update. And since I did some slight updates in the first 2 parts I decided to archive the old ones and repost them again. So yeah, if you've read them before great, give it another read, my writing is much better now I promise and if you're new welcome, I hope you like this mini series.
(You are here, part 2, part 3)
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Dylan stood by the side of the large field, near the home plate, occasionally yelling out suggestions and pointing out mistakes to the young boys. 
"Ezra! You have to watch the ball! C'mon! I know you can do better!" He called out to the blonde boy standing on the home plate with a bat in hand. Dylan then turned his attention to the dark haired boy with the baseball mitt and ball in hand.
"Roman! What's going on, buddy? You gotta focus, alright? You gotta work on that throw!" Dylan called out to the young boy, who half nodded and sighed heavily in response.
Not long after, Dylan signaled the young boys scattered throughout the large field to gather around. He spoke some encouraging words to the boys before allowing them to disperse and gather their equipment which meant practice was over.
Your son, however, stayed behind for a minute. There was an inaudible conversation happening between Dylan and your ten year-old, Roman. You watched from the bleachers as your son made some tired gestures at his coach followed by a small pat on the back from Dylan. You couldn't help but follow them with your eyes as they made their way to the bleachers, your eyes lingering a bit too long on the brown haired coach. An action that wasn't taken lightly by the female sitting beside you.
"You're staring at him again." Your best friend, Ezra's mother, Eliza -or just Liz, commented.
"I'm not." You muttered out quickly, tearing your eyes away from the handsome coach, your mouth hanging open for a couple of seconds. "I wasn't staring." You stated matter of factly and shrugged as you looked down at the small six year-old sitting on your lap, making sure she wasn't paying attention to the conversation.
"Really? The drool coming from your mouth says otherwise." Liz playfully ran her finger across your chin, pretending to wipe away at it. You slightly glared at her, an eye roll going her way.
"I'm not drooling. I wasn't even staring." You tried to defend yourself, making a small sassy gesture to her.
"Hey, I don't blame you. If I wasn't married," she took a pause as she eyed Dylan as he removed his baseball hat to run a hand through his messy chocolate locks, you couldn't help but stare as well. "I'd jump on his bones any day."
"Hey, there's young ears present." You said quietly to Liz as not to disturb the young girl in your arms.
Despite your attempt not to, you couldn't help but allow your eyes to fall once again on the field, following the handsome male that was the topic of your conversation. You had to hide the infatuated sigh that left your lips at the sight of your son's coach running around the field, talking to the kids and picking up equipment.
"Well he is handsome, I'll give him that.." You admitted quietly, "and he's really good with the kids."
Your friend smirked slightly at your words and wiggled her eyebrows at you.
"I bet that's not the only thing he's really good at." She eyed you suggestively and slightly nudged at you with her shoulder, "You should find out what other things he's good at."
Your mouth instantly fell open and your eyes widened at the insinuation.
"Eliza! Oh, my god. Don't say that." You slightly shook your head to brush off the embarrassment and hid your face on your hands to cover the crimson on your skin.
"Mommy you're warm!" Athena, your six year-old giggled as she grabbed your warm, sweaty hands. Even your daughter noticed the nervousness that crept up on you when it came to Dylan, even if it was just the topic of him. Truth was, you had been shamelessly crushing on your son's baseball coach ever since he joined the team a couple of months ago. 
Get it together, you should not be crushing on your son's baseball coach.
"I know baby, it's just hot out here." You tried to brush it off, but the knowing smirk on Liz's face wasn't exactly helping. "Thena, why don't you go get Roman and Ezra? They're over there." You pointed to the field where Roman and Ezra were talking —or more like just Ezra was, to the other kids on the team. She quickly nodded and bolted off the bleachers, somehow not tripping over the steps as she went down. You sighed heavily the moment the young girl was far enough and slightly turned your head in Liz's direction.
"You should totally ask him out." She said out of nowhere with a shrug and a smirk on her face. Your eyes widened for the hundredth time, and you instantly shook your head frantically, the idea alone giving you a headache.
"Ask Dylan out? No way. I.. No.. That's just.. No." Your cheeks slightly heat up at the preposition. But you quickly turned it down with a vigorous shake of your head, not even giving the idea a minute to sink into your brain. "No, he's Roman's coach. It's just wrong."
"Why? I mean, you're single, and as far as I know, he's very single. Soo," she dragged the 'o' as she wiggled her eyebrows and she nudged your shoulder, pushing you over a little in a high school girl manner, "Why not get ready to mingle with the hot coach?"
"First of all, I'm technically not single, not yet." You groaned with an eyeroll. As much as you and your husband —or ex-husband or whatever were no longer living together, the divorce process had been unnecessarily long and dreadful. So as much as you wanted to be legally single, you were still married to that piece of shit. 
"And second of all, if I were to date someone, which is a big if, I can't date Roman's coach out of all people. He already has enough as it is. It'll just confuse him and probably upset him more." You sighed heavily as you looked over to the side of the field, where all the boys were having a conversation about elementary boys' things. And there you saw your son, trying, and ultimately failing at joining said conversations. And with little Athena tugging at his side, all he got from the other kids was laughing and rejection.
Seeing your son's sad and hurt expression when the other boys laughed at him or even told him to go away broke your heart. You wanted him to be happy again. You wanted him to be the energetic and loving kid he was before your waste of a husband left. Ever since Ryan —your waste of a husband left, Roman hasn't been the same. 
For the past six or so months, he has been distant and seemingly unhappy. All he ever did was lock himself up in his room and play video games. He barely ever interacted with you and Athena anymore. He barely interacted with anyone, period. Once Ryan left, it was up to you to support your kids financially. Of course, their father still paid child support, but he sure as hell didn't pay your bills or everything you needed to spend on your children. Which meant you had to take him out of the fancy school he went to in order to still pay the monthly expenses of your home. And he just didn't quite fit in at school, especially now. 
So, you hoped that him joining the baseball team would change that, that it would help him open up again and that it would help him make new friends. But so far, it's worked just the opposite.
"So, I'm making dinner tonight. Do you want to come over with the kids and get drunk? Luke will watch over the kids." Liz spoke, interrupting your train of thought.
"That sounds a-mazing," you spoke in a song-like tune, a sigh of contentment leaving your lips. "But I can't. I told Roman I'd take him to that Italian place he likes."
"Tomorrow then. I'll have that Chardonnay you love so much waiting for you." She winked at you as you both stood up, ready to greet your children.
"Thank God for your alcohol stash." You joked, flinging your arms up in praise. 
You both laughed and smiled in your children's direction, but your smile dropped as your kids and Ezra approached you. Ezra was holding Athena's hand, while Roman walked behind them, with a certain heaviness on his step and an annoyed look on his face. And Athena had a small pout on her face.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Rome doesn't want to hold my hand!" Athena whined with a pout of her lower lip. She released Ezra's hand and exchanged it for your own. Ezra going to his own mom. While Roman simply stood there, with a hand stuffed into his pockets and the other messing with the strap of his bag, his gaze stuck on the ground.
"Roman, baby," you sighed softly, not wanting to give the poor kid a hard time. You understood he didn't exactly fit in, no matter how much he wanted to, and that upset him. You didn't want to add up to that. "Your sister just wanted you to hold her hand."
"She was embarrassing me.. I'm already the kid without a dad, I don't need to be the kid with an annoying  baby sister." He muttered, his gaze not once leaving the ground.
 His words were harsh, but lacked emotion. And it broke your heart. But as much as you wanted to tell him that it wasn't true, that he did have a dad, you'd be lying if you did. Ryan was already absent in your children's lives before the split, but at the same time he was there, and Roman felt as if he was. But now, his father really wasn't there, at all. And there was nothing you could do about it.
You sighed softly, gesturing your free hand out for him, "Roman, come here," a heavy sigh left the young boy's lips as he took a few steps closer, standing in front of you with his head hanging low and his eyes stuck to the ground. You used your hand to hold the side of his face, his eyes meeting with your own. "Baby, Thena just wanted to show you that she loves you. She didn't mean to embarrass you, right Thena?" You turned your attention to the small girl that hid behind your arm, her eyes glistening with tears.
The small girl sniffled and shook her head, "No.. I'm sorry Rome.. I won't do it ever again, I-I promise."
You exchanged looks between your children, your eyes finally landing on Roman as you waited for a response. You raised an eyebrow at him, your eyes speaking a silent 'and' to the boy. He eventually signed, almost too heavily, and nodded. 
"It's okay, I guess.. I don't really mind all that much." He half smiled, shrugging slightly.
Athena's expression quickly lightened, the small girl detached herself from your hand and hugged her older brother. And as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't mind the affection. He returned the hug and smiled, for a moment at least.
After a second or two, Roman slightly pushed Athena off him, signaling that that had been enough affection for a day. You breathed out softly, turning to look at Liz, who gave you a sympathetic smile in response. 
"Well my loves, off we go. Say goodbye to Auntie Liz and Ezra." Both your children did as you said. Athena hugging both of them, and Roman simply waving at them. Good enough.
And at last, you gave Liz a quick but tight hug, "I'll call you tomorrow." You said shortly before you grabbed a hold of your daughter's hand and your son's bag, and eventually parted ways.
Today was gonna be a long day.
《Here's an edited version of part 1. As always I hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm trying to get back into writing after a long year, hopefully this will help me get back on track. Let me know your thoughts. And let me know if you'd like to be added to my dylan/coach taglist which I do have》
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technowoah · 3 years
Revolutions Always Fall
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You should've learned from L'Manburg. The Butcher Gang was a mistake.
- I tried to put 2 requests in one here.
- its really long 🤧🤞🏽
13) "You made me lose all my faith and trust in you"
38) "They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.” 
47)“Are you satisfied now...?”
⚠︎ memtions of blood, voilence, fighting, swearing, Technoblade's execution episode. Angst.
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Dear Technoblade,
I wont make the same mistakes again
- an old friend. ♤
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Technoblade was always a threat, and you learned that from L'Manburg. You had befriended him when he joined Pogtopia and very quickly you two seemed to click. He saw the world through different eyes and that intrigued you. You wanted to be him, live life the way he does it for just a day.
He was a killing machine, he was smart tactical, but still had the thirst for blood that made him be so smart and tacitcal with how he kills.
You on the other hand were not a big fan of killing, but this war was an exception. This war made you practice, it made you angry, it lit a fire underneath you that you didnt know you had. Along with the other members of Pogtopia, Technoblade helped you fight, how to wield a sword, knife, gun, anything that you can get your hands on you turned it into a weapon, you Soon enough you had mastered weapons and you werent so passive.
You questioned yourself if this was living through Technoblade, the need to fight, hunt, to protect. You felt poweful. As you hold your own crafted swords in your hand you know what you can do. You could do so much damage with this sword, he gave you that sword. It wasn't special at all but you made it special, because in your eyes it was.
"You can do so much with a sword, people just don't know how to use it to its fullest potential. They dont know their full potential either. But now you do."
Thats what he said to you in between those stone walls called Pogtopia.
After what he said to you had done so. Used the sword to your full potential, used anything to your full potential. You wanted to be more and more you became.
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"You ready?" Technoblade smirked.
"Hell yeah Im ready to kill that bastard." You smiled
"Woah-oh! You weren't saying this a couple months ago."
"Schlatt deserves it. That's not L'Manburg. This is L'Manburg." You stretched out your arms to the others who were gathering armor and polishing their weapons for the battle yet to come.
You smiled knowing this will all end soon, you wouldn't be in a cave anymore, you wouldn't have to hide the fact that you knew where Wilbur was and that he was planning the attack, Pogtopia will be no more and L'Manburg would be back.
"L'Manburg will be back." You said while taking a sword out of a chest.
"Sure." You heard him scoff beside you.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked slightly offended. Wasn't he fighting for the same thing?
"I dont know. Revolutions always fall." He turned his back to you and walked away leaving you to your own thoughts.
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You hated it. He was right, he was always right and you hated it. And everyone else did too, they knew he was right. It wasnt what the majority wanted, we wanted L'Manburg while he didn't want to be held by government in the first place. That's what he meant that day in Pogtopia.
L'Manburg, one defeated, was now growing once more. After the "end" of L'Manburg you couldn't forgive him. Your anger and the feeling of betrayal kept growing and growing everyday, every time you picked up that damned sword he gave you. It was the best sword you had, you had enchanted it multiple times. You had to use it, but the only thing was the memories that came with it.
Your anger only worsened as time went on, having to hear about Technoblade and how he was such a threat to L'Manburg only made you want to destroy him and the past you two had created. That would be the closure you needed, but someone was already three steps a head of you.
In spite of your anger you and Quackity had the most magnificent idea to make a gang to finally kill Technoblade for the sake of L'Manburg. The idea was to go confront him at his house and take him back to L'Manburg for an execution. You were on board with the idea 100%. This was better for L'Manburg and better for yourself, finally someone who got you.
Quackity and you planned tirelessly to try and get Technoblade's location and bring him back. The Butcher Gang was made from the cabinet of L'Manburg. During these long days you two grew closer, you two were so different in ways of thinking, but you two shared the same end goal which worked out in your favor. You two went through hell and back just to find out that the easiest way to get to Technoblade was sitting in L'Manburg right at that moment. Philza, some may say Technoblade's only friend at the moment. He was loyal to Technoblade and you dont blame him at all, but you needed to find out where his companion was.
It was all going well, the Butcher Gang had put Phil on house arrest and Tubbo had found a compass that led them straight to Technoblade's location. Everything was going well and according to plan, you didnt want to show it on your face as you saw Technoblade's house from the spot in the woods the Butcher Gang was hiding in, but you wanted this so badly. You didnt where he was going to be, he could've came and bestowed more destruction. It was like knowing he was there, but not knowing when he was going to strike.
The anxiety that came with not knowing where Technoblade was always with you, but now it wont be.
The Butcher Gang ended up taking Technoblade by force back into the city. You were proud that you were all able to get the blood hungry pig-man to come back with you all. He was behind bars with an anvil hanging high over his head. As Tubbo gave his speech your short lived happiness soon faded as a man appeared and smoke filled the area. You started to get attacked by what seemed like Dream and Punz while Tubbo continued to yell for Quackity to pull the lever to finally kill Technoblade.
"Pull the lever Big Q!"
"Kill him Quackity!" You yelled with him.
He did it. The anvil fell fast towards Technoblade's body, but as fast as the anvil landed on him his skin, bones, and blood regenerate and return to its normal state. Your eyes widened as the totem in his hand began to disintegrate into gold dust.
"DAMMIT!" You yelled in agony while Ranboo and Fundy continued to fend off Dream and Punz until they retreated.
Once they did you realized Technoblade was gone, you saw him in the distance running away from the scene, but you couldn't let this happen. You couldn't let the fear of Technoblade being out there doing God knows what forever. The fear of him boiled in your heart as you broke out into a sprint towards Technoblade.
As you ran into a more secluded area you heard footsteps behind you. You glances back to see Quackity following your lead with an axe in his hand. Slowing down a bit you both ran side by side.
"Let's get this son of a bitch!" Quackity huffed as you both came across a cave.
You both knew Technoblade was in there so you both prepared for the mental and physical pain you would both endure. This wasn't like the Butcher Gang where it was 5 against 1, it was 2 against 1 and you've seen Technoblade fight this fight before.
"You ready to kill this bastard?" He calmed his breathing down.
"Of course I am." You kept your eyes foward.
You walked deep into tha cave to see 6 chests and a sign that said "final control room", that bastard. Wanting to be quiet you tried to sneak up on Technoblade, but Quackity's anger got the best of him.
"What the fuck is this Technoblade?! What the hell are you doing here?" He asked gripping his sword too tight.
"It not what it looks like." Technoblade airly laughed. He had an enchanted pickaxe in his hand and an open chest with netherite armor.
"How the hell did that anvil not kill you?!" Quackity yelled.
Technoblade started laughing, he was laughing, he was taunting us. "Do you really think that death can stop me? That you could kill me that easily."
Your emotions tried to get the best of you as you tried not to let frustrated tears fall onto your cheeks.
"How did you do it? What... How did you even do that?"
"You think that can stop me Quackity?" Technoblade asked again.
"Just answer the fucking question!" You yelled before either of them could speak. It was silent for a while before Technoblade slowly spoke up.
"A totem. I used a totem of undying. I always have it on me." He smugly said.
He continued on. "You know what?! You know what? Ive got a lot to say, I was gonna say it at the trial, but we got a little bit interrupted. You know I tried convincing you guys that government was not the answer, the government was actually the cause of all your problems!"
You rolled your eyes as he continued his infamous speech.
"I tried to convince you guys by fighting alongside you as brothers and you cast me aside, you used me. I tried to use force, but you still formed a government! And when I went into hiding, when I retired, when I swore off violence, you hunted me down, you hurt my friends." Technoblade finished.
"Techno you dont understand what we're fighting for!" You started finally finding your voice. "I thought you were for us! You were always against us!"
"I was always for you! I needed you guys to understand!"
"We needed YOU to under-"
Technoblade interrupted you. "You dont understand me! You never did!"
"At least I fucking tried and you gave me so much shit for it! I wanted to be you Technoblade. I wanted to see life through your eyes, I was fascinated by how you walk, fight, your mind."
Your anger began to subside as you continued to speak. "But, you made me lose all my faith and trust in you."
Technoblade laughed again. "Same here! You guys left me! Betrayed me so-"
"So the feeling is mutual." You growled.
It was quite for a minute, but you could feel Quackity's sympathetic stare as you poured your feelings out to a man who dosen't even matter to you.
"They warned me about this." Your arms gestured to the area the three of you were in.
"About what?" Technoblade scoffed.
"About you." You stared at Technoblade. It wasn't a glare, it was more calm.
"Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy...Even Ranboo." You airly chuckled.
You had stopped talking trying to get yourself back together. Quackity caught that you weren't talking anymore so he spoke up.
"What we have up there is a country and what we need here is organization and power. And I dont care how long it fucking takes me or what I have to do to get you Techno. Im going to fucking kill you. Im going to kill you Technoblade." Quackity gripped his axe in his hand.
"I just have one question Quackity." Techno smirked.
"What do you have?" Quackity responded and you took the sword out of the sheath hanging on your hip.
"Do you think you two are enough to kill me? Even unarmed with iron armor?" Technoblade closed the chest that held netherite armor signaling he didn't need that. "Do you think you both could take me?"
"Oh we do." You spoke up. "We need this, Technoblade."
"You know what?" Quackity rose his axe and you followed suit. "Lets find out you son of a bitch!" He charged towards Technoblade and you followed close behind.
Technoblade started running out of the long cave, but you two followed. He threw potions on the ground as he turned around and fought us head on. You were able to get a couple of cuts and hits on him, but he was cutting you more with his pickaxe.
The thing about Quackity was that he thought he was invincible. He kept going full force towards Technoblade, hopefully he would focus on him so you could finally get a critical hit on him. Your heart rate kicked up as your face came too close to his pickaxe. And it kept going, each swing he took towards you became closer and closer until Quackity slashed his arm with his axe.
Technoblade whipped his head his way. "I have a pickaxe and I'll put it right through your teeth!"
Technoblade swung his axe and slashed Quackity's face, including his eye. He then turned his pickaxe to the flat side and swung it, hitting the side of his head. The blow to his head sent him flying against one of the walls of the cave, knocking him out.
He then turned to you and in a flash you could tatse the metal of his pickaxe as it swiped across your face blinding one of your eyes as well as Quackity's. He had hit you on the side of the head like he did with Quackity. Your body was aching as you fell to the ground, your mind slowly shutting down. You were loosing a lot of blood quickly, and so was Quackity. You two knew you were going to find the strength to get out of this cave and follow Technoblade's path out.
You laid on the cave's cold floor realizing that this was a mistake. You were too loyal, easily swayed, you were a follower. You never knew when to stop, from L'Manburg to Pogtopia to The Butcher Gang you seeked things you couldn't have. You couldn't have L'Manburg, neither Pogtopia, you couldn't kill Technoblade and ease your fears snd anxieties. You need to seek that some where else.
Your mind began to slip, and you fell into unconsciousness.
You should've learned. He was right. Revolutions always fall.
The Butcher Gang was a mistake.
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Dear Technoblade,
I remembered the day. It still pains me. The day you spawned those wither. I thought you were the traitor, but turns out I was wrong at the time. Im sorry for that.
I also remember when you left me for dead. But I made it out as you see.
But now I am resigning from L'Manburg. Im going my own way, my own path, and I don't want you on my path.
Think of this as closure, something I never got. As I am writing this I dont know why I am giving you closure, lifting a weight off of your shoulders, you dont deserve it.
I know people say that to you alot.
You really made a dent in this damned place.
I hate what you're doing. You get to live in solitude while we get to live in the debris you left here. I wanted to be like you.
I hate to say it, but I learned a lot from you. I hated what I learned, about myself, about you, about the current state of this horrible place.
I wont make the same mistakes again
Are you satisfied now?
- an old friend ♤
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
sunday, june 25, 2006at the end of it the only thing that we are promised in life is a hole in the ground. sometimes it gets you through the rough patches just to think that you could change someone. it makes you love them to think that they would change for you. but like i said before its more like the james bond series than anything else- different actors, same character. same shitty dialogue, same shitty songs for the same hearts. and anyone that says any different is a goddamned liar or worse, is just too much of an optim to pay anything mind. talking to you is like selling fire in hell. it can be done, but youre probably gonna have to tell a few white lies to make it happen. and anyone that changes only does it in front of your eyes and changes back when in the blackness of their own room. anyone can paint a gutter to make it look like gold. it only feels strange when the paint washes away. "love me with your head, not your heart". cigarettes on window sills. i love the way the smoke curls off of your lips. it makes me think we are in a period piece until the lexus hybrid drives by the front of your house. its efficient, just like you. went to the pride parade today just besides no one gives a compliment like a drunk gay man. when you are thinking about the first place where it all went wrong- please keep me in mind. you are ancient history- whichever side of this sentence you are on doesnt feel so great. you lob reassurance at me only im playing a different game. somtimes you just want to know that all is okay with the world and that you can sleep tight. only it never is when you need it to be. i keep talking and never say a thing. sleep easy. be well.i am still. i cant think of a single thing. it hits me like a wave. get me out of my mind."ransom notes keep falling at your mouthmid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut outsspeak no feeling no i don't believe youyou don't care a bit you don't care a bit"i am a sentimental pessimist, dont blieve the fucking smile ever.love,the hot mess.posted by xo @ 10:30 PM 9/2/2004 - 8:06 PM EST noone ever fell in love with anyone because of empty pockets or red splotched eyes. drove around for hours tonight just to keep myself from feeling anchored. weighed down. to keep my mind off thinking about what kids like me deserve. desperation isnt a strong enough word (but it will have to do). my wrists are only black and blue cause i don’t got the balls. nothing gets you ready to have every single word dissected and put under a microscope. i got ringing in my ears but none on my fingers. i got sunsets in the veins on my wrists. we’re not just falling in love anymore, we’re demanding it. im the latest bloomer (dried out my wet dreams and saved them for a rainy day). i can still see you standing on my front porch- slowed my own thoughts down to a single blade of grass. you couldnt catch my eye cause i was too busy rolling them. the buttons on one side of your coat that wouldnt snap on the other side. they were just for fashion not for function you told me. you were pretty for a boy. it made me laugh when i thought of it, im sorry i wasnt laughing at what you were saying. it makes me laugh still- when im driving around for hours at night. id love to swerve off and blame it on the fog, but ive been talking on these roads too much lately. theyd spill all my secrets. this city won’t let me go. im sure theyd lock me up somewhere if anyone saw me at 23 sneaking into cemetaries. taking pills to make me feel okay sleeping in the grass just above you. the sirens find me at the first light. my lips cracked and dried from the tears, i'll probably die a cliche. flash the lights to kissing boys. provocative. i promise you i wont ever have another afternoon like when we used to sneak out of school and drive the lakeshore. noone will ever sound as cool as you. we built cool. we made up style. we set the standard and theyre all just trying to live up to it. if theres nobody who thinks like us anymore. untouchable is unlovable. you always have me humming in my head just out of key. i bought an alarm clock
just so i could hit the snooze button. whats the point in getting out of bed anymore if you only get out to say you did. if you could love the biggest fraud or the best liar- then im your prince. i was made just for fashion not for function. - petey
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catzula · 3 years
(Don't) Let me be the judge of that
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a/n: enemies to lovers w Osamu. Nothing more to say.
genre: mostly fluff, enemies to lovers au, fem!reader
warnings: Osamu being an ass in the beginning, swearing, mentions of social anxiety, 5.6k
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《Synopsis: Osamu Miya is too judgemental for his own good, never accepting he's simply wrong. You're here to change that.》
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Osamu Miya had a habit of judging people. It would take him one look and a few seconds to decide whether he liked someone or not, the answer often being the latter. But the worst part was just how stubborn and maybe a bit self-centered Osamu was. He trusted himself a little too much, and it was impossible to change his opinion of someone after he had made up his mind, and if he didn't like someone, that was it, he would never grow to like them.
Or so everyone -including Osamu himself- thought until you entered his life.
You weren't surprised to feel the brown pair of eyes looking your way when your professor announced the project was in pairs. "Decide on your partners until the end of the hour and give me a list of the groups." He told the class and leaned back in his chair.
"Y/N!" You heard him before you saw him, a mop of bleached blond hair coming into your view right after. "Hi, Atsumu." You offered him a smile as you pocketed your phone, tilting your head when he frowned in response. "I already told you, Y/N, it's 'Tsumu to you!"
"Why?" You sighed annoyedly. Having had the conversation once before, you knew damn well he wouldn't stop until you did what he wanted, but you still chose to resist.
"Because," the boy whined, "it's a sign of our friendship. Only my friends and 'Samu call me that, and I want you to call me by my nickname, too." You chose not to talk about how he excluded his twin from his friends, knowing that would only lead to another argument. 
"Who even came up with this stupid name? It doesn't make any sense, it's only one syllable shorter, and it's even harder to say!" Atsumu's warm-brown eyes narrowed. "It's not stupid!" He protested, pouting until you gave up.
"Okay, okay, whatever. 'Tsumu-kun. There, happy?"
"Tsumu." The blond corrected with a grin.
"Kun." You added (to rile him up)
"Only Tsumu, goddammit! We're close enough."
"Are we, though? We only know each other for... what? A week?"
"A month!" Atsumu gasped as he corrected you. "And it doesn't matter how long we know each other, okay? It's a matter of how well we connect." His frown got deeper when you made a face, muttering something about him being cheesy, so he decided to switch strategies.
"But you always call me by my name when we're alone, Y/N-chan." Words spoken as flirtatiously as possible, Atsumu never missed the chance to tease you.
"A-atsumu, what the fuck, don't make it sound weird!" You exclaimed, already aware of the murmurs starting to spread around the room and the eyes turning on you both.
"There we go," Atsumu grinned when he heard his name falling from your lips, "wasn't that hard, was it?"
"You just had to be a little shit." You sighed, and his grin only spread wider. "I am a little shit, aren't I? Thank god I'm handsome. Anyway, I'm writing our names down." 
"It feels like we're getting married, seeing our names standing next to each other like this." He sighed, wiping the nonexistent tears from the corner of his eyes as he handed the paper to the person sitting behind you. You heard someone gasp at his words, and you never wanted to hit someone with a chair this much in your life.
"Shut the hell up!" You whisper-yelled, only feeling your anger growing when he sent you an innocent look. "What? I'm just saying-"
"I swear to god," You flared, "I'll tell everyone that one time you ran out of the library screaming when you saw a cockroach if you don't shut up." His grin disappeared as soon as you spoke the words, eyes widening and mouth shutting.
"You promised to never talk about it!" You had to admit that it did feel powerful to see him so panicked, face flushed, the sleazy look that was almost always in his eyes nonexistent and replaced with something similar to fear.
"It's up to you wether I talk about it or not." You shrugged.
"Woah, you look tired." You heard a familiar voice say as he plopped right next to you on the bench, holding a homemade bento in his hands, wrapped too neatly to be made by him.
"And whose fault is that?" You muttered, trying to conceal your murderous intent towards him. Even just thinking about your day gave you headaches. You groaned when he shrugged, focusing on unwrapping the bento box. "Yours, idiot!" 
"What did I d-" You winced when he spoke after taking a big spoon of rice and showing you everything that was in his mouth. 
"Your fans wont let me be! Ever since we started hanging out, it's almost like I'm being harassed."
"That's not necesarrily my fault." Atsumu shrugged, proceeding with another bite of his food. 
"It is, actually. I know you like to tease me, but if you keep saying shit like 'oh look our names together, feels like we're getting married' or that fucking 'you call me by my name when we're alone' you make it worse! You know how many people came up to me and asked if we were sleeping? One even asked me if we were engaged! We've known each other for two weeks, for god's sake!"
"A month." Atsumu corrected, shutting up when you sent him a look. "That's not even the worst part. Whenever I don't give an answer, or the answer they want to hear from me, people start to-" 
They started to get mean. Some even insulted you without batting an eye, speaking of how you weren't even pretty, that you had to be sleeping with Atsumu to be near him, and many fucking more.
"What?" He asked. "People started to what?" You knew he could sense how tense you were starting to get, but you always started to fight with him whenever he asked if people were bothering you, never answering his question, despite the answer being obvious. 
"Nothing, its just frustrating." You shrugged, taking a bite out of your meal to stop yourself from talking -or crying-. 
"Look, I can guess what's going on." Atsumu sighed, "and the only reason I can think of of you not telling me what's happening is that you don't want me to interfere, but you should tell them to piss off, already." He advised you the same stupid sentence he had been advising the past few days, ever since he noticed how his fans acted towards you. 
"Yeah, thanks for the advice, jackass. It would be easier if you stopped being so extra." You muttered into your cup full of coffee, feeling a tinge of guilt, putting the whole blame on him and not admitting you probably should tell people to mind their business already.
But you just weren't the type of person that was comfortable with talking to people you didn't know or know well enough, and you certainly weren't going to tell people to 'piss off' so comfortably.
You gulped when he sighed. "Okay, sorry, you're right, and I went overboard. But I gotta go to training now. It'll end around 5 p.m, so come to my place at 6?" He raised to his feet as he took one last sip of his drink when he finished his food.
"And if anyone asks you if we're married again, you have my permission to say yes." He grinned, patting your hair twice before you rolled your eyes, but couldn't stop a giggle from escaping your lips. "Oh, thank you, gracious lord." You cried out dramatically, scoffing when he pinched your cheek. "Exactly."
"I'm going into shower." Atsumu announced as Osamu shuffled through the fridge. 
"And?" The grey-haired twin asked from the fridge without pulling back, locating the eggs, and taking some out. "Do you want my help or something?
He expected an equally sarcastic comment from his brother, lifting his head as he closed the door of the fridge. "Cook for 3 today, a friend's coming over." He heard him say instead.
"A friend?" Osamu quirked his brow, ready to laugh given the punchline, but it never came.
"Yep." His twin answered instead, popping the p like some idiot middle schooler. "She's nice, you'll like her." He grinned, and Samu was already sure that wouldn't be the case. "Is this the girl ya can't stop talking about?"
Osamu couldn't say he wasn't interested since it was rare to see his brother drawn to anything but himself and volleyball, especially not to a girl. And judging by how Atsumu spoke about you, it was evident he had a particular liking to you.
The smug grin on Atsumu's face gave Osamu his answer, to which he grimaced. "don't wanna hear a fucking sound."
"She's coming over to study, you pervert! We have a project together."
"Yeah, whatever, I said what I said." Osamu shrugged, turning his back to Atsumu and started to chop the vegetables, unable to shake off the unlucky feeling pooling in his stomach.
"Oi, shit-head, does yer friend have any allergies or somethin'?" Osamu knocked on the bathroom door that had steam coming from the gap beneath it. He waited as Atsumu closed the water. "Eh, I'm not sure." 
"Yer not sure? How long do you even know her?"
"A month." Atsumu answered, turning the water back on. A month? It wasn't like Atsumu didn't get close to a girl he knew for such a short time, but Osamu had never, ever seen Atsumu bring a girl home.
"Hurry up, already, what the hell are you even doing in there?!" Osamu shouted, knocking on the bathroom door and holding back an urge to kick down the door when he heard the happy humms of his brothers.
"Oi, idiot, I'm telling you- goddammit." He clenched his teeth when he heard the doorbell. 
"Hurry up or you're not eating." Osamu knocked one last time before he rushed to the door to let you in. 
He opened the door without thinking of opening the lights as well, and since it was well after the sun had set, he couldn't see what you looked like, but he knew he wasn't expecting- well, you.
You were bent forward, trying to undo the messy knot your shoelaces had formed when the door opened. Sending a glance at the silhouette standing at the door, you turned your attention back to untying the mess your shoes were. 
"Hey, Atsumu." You muttered without taking another look, assuming it was Atsumu who had greeted you. You didn't see how Osamu's face soured, dark-grey eyes narrowing at your form with some hostility he couldn't help.
In your defense, the light wasn't on, and you hadn't taken a good look at the boy standing before you, so it wasn't exactly your fault for not realizing it was Osamu, right?
Strike one.
Osamu hated when people mixed him with Atsumu. Did they not see the bright platinum gray hair, clearly different from his twins piss colored one? Osamu hadn't dyed his hair for the sake of looking nice, and he certainly hadn't sat in the hairdresser for hours long just to get mixed up with his twin again.
You had noticed your mistake as soon as you stood up and looked at the tall figure staring at you, leaning on the door frame and his arms tied on his chest almost defensively. "O-oh," Osamu heard you mutter softly, not sure as to why your voice sent goosebumps down his arms. "You're not Atsumu."
The somewhat disappointed tone of your voice made him furrow his brows. The smile you had on your lips dropped as soon as you locked eyes with the grey ones, familiar yet strange, and Osamu could feel himself getting more irked by the second.
The truth was, you weren't exactly disappointed, mostly embarrassed and a little surprised, although the unsatisfied look his eyes held kept making you even more nervous. He waited as your eyes wandered over his face, over the scowl resting on his lips, looking so mean and hostile, you found yourself taking a defensive step away from him.
"I- uh," Osamu's scowl didn't move an inch when you forced a smile at him, and you checked the time on your phone to break the eye contact. "Atsumu told me to come by at 6, and... is he- is he home?"
"Yeah," The boy talked for the first time, and you noticed how his voice was deeper than his twin's. It was nicer, too, you thought. "He's in the shower, though he should be-"
"Y/N, you're here!" You heard the twin you were familiar with speak your name, standing in the entrance, hair still wet and dripping with excess water. 
"Don't get cocky, I'm here for the project." You rolled your eyes with fake annoyance, unsuccessful at hiding your smile. Osamu felt something in him shift as he watched the change in your demeanor, feeling- what, jealous? 
"You met 'Samu?" Atsumu approached you, not missing the tension hanging in the air. "Y/N, this is the inferior twin, 'Samu, as you can also tell. And 'Samu, this' Y/N." He introduced you, making you laugh awkwardly, but Osamu kept his glower. 
"Don't mind him, he can be an asshole sometimes." Atsumu whispered at you, which anyone even passing by outside the house could hear. "Look at who's talking." You told him with a snarky quirk of a brow, making Atsumu frown. "Mean."
The blond pulled you towards the living room, making you settle on the couch and plopping next to you. Osamu caught the glance you sent his way when he didn't sit, leaning against the wall that was across you, instead, and you found he still had that frown that seemed to be imprinted on his face.
Osamu's frown was deepening on his lips at how comfortable you looked next to Atsumu, the friendly banter you had the exact opposite of how uncomfortable you looked next to Osamu. Maybe it was the natural competitiveness that came with having a twin, but Osamu hated this feeling. Why couldn't you smile at him like that, too? Yeah, maybe he was acting like a dick, but wasn't Atsumu also?
"Go dry your hair, idiot, you'll get sick!" Osamu heard you tell his twin, watching you hit him with the nearest pillow. "Hm?" Atsumu turned to you with a grin, leaning towards you for easy access to his hair. "I thought ya could do it for me?"
Osamu watched you with interest as you glared at his twin with annoyance. "I hope you get sick." You narrowed your eyes at him. "If you keep this attitude around other people, I'll kick you."
"Alright, alright, I won't flirt with ya when other people are around." Atsumu grinned, and Osamu felt his appetite vanishing. "I'll just leave." He muttered to himself, closing the door behind him just after hearing your answer to his twin.
"Don't flirt with me, ever?" 
You had spoken it with such genuine annoyance that if you had listened closely, you could hear Osamu laughing from the other side of the door.
So, the meeting with his twin was anything but successful.
Osamu was very blunt with how much he hadn't liked you, his glare reminding you of the ones Atsumu had whenever his fans approached him, cold and cruel.
Grey was clearly the superior choice, though, that you found yourself thinking as you gazed at the blond. "What? Lost in my handsomeness?" Atsumu teased you when he noticed you weren't paying attention to the project. You had to hold yourself back physically before you said something along the lines of how his twin was hotter, but you knew he wouldn't talk to you ever again, so you shut your mouth and took the teasing. 
Luckily, Osamu was barging through the door before Atsumu could continue, bored-looking eyes finding you two where he had left you. "Dinner's ready." He told you and left the room.
"Food," Atsumu salivated, jumping on his feet the moment he heard his brother, ready to sprint to the kitchen. You shuffled awkwardly in your place when you felt his warm-brown gaze on you, expecting you to stand up, as well, and eat.
"I- uh," you muttered. "I'm not really hungry, and I ate before I came here." Lies. "Can't we just finish this project instead?"
Strike two.
Just as he started to think you weren't horrible, Osamu gasped from the other side of the wall when he heard you (the walls were thin), his teeth clenching in annoyance. Really? Did you prefer doing a fucking project over his food? The food he had cooked?
Osamu was never a forgiving person, but this- this was something he could never forgive, he decided on the spot.
"Oh, come on, stop bein' a baby." Atsumu told you, pulling you by your hand on your legs, he knew you well to understand you were hesitating to go there because of his brother. Or more as he was making you nervous and you would rather not eat than go in his presence. "Osamu's the best cook around, you'll see." He joked so you could relax a little, making you giggle nervously.
Osamu flinched at the words, eyes narrowing on you as you entered the kitchen. Did you doubt his abilities? 
You thanked the boy as he placed your plate in front of you, steaming hot food, smelling so good that you wanted to bury your face in it, but the grey gaze hovering over you was making you so nervous that it made it impossible for you to take even a small bite.
"Do ya like it?" Atsumu asked you, noticing how you were nudging the food with your fork without eating. You flinched in your place, your friends' voice pulling you out of your thoughts and back to reality, to which you mustered a smile and nodded. "Yeah! Yeah, it's- it's delicious. Thank you." You turned back to Osamu, who scoffed at your words, causing you to frown. 
You could tell he didn't like you one bit, even though you weren't sure as to why, but you discarded the thought. He was free to like or dislike you, which, in this case, was the latter, though it stung a little since you thought he seemed nice when- well, when he didn't frown at you.
He seemed like the type you would either get along or hate mutually.
He had obviously chosen the latter, and both Atsumu and you could feel the almost hateful air coming from Osamu as he glanced at you with a disinterested, blank face. "Did ya have a bad day or something, 'Samu?" Atsumu broke the silence, and you felt like you could finally take a breath. "You look like someone kicked ya in the nuts."
"Fuck off, 'Tsumu." 
"Nah, you've been acting like a dick all day. What's with ya today?"
"I said fuck off!" Osamu warned his twin another time, this time successfully silencing the blonde. 
"Thank you," You broke the awful silence that followed Osamu's voice. "The food was delicious." You told him after you finished your food. You could still feel his gaze over you as you placed your plate in the sink and retreated to the living room. 
"Your brother didn't like me very much, did he?" Osamu heard you mutter to his brother after he had left, too, feeling a fracture of guilt in his chest as he caught the disappointment in your voice.
"It's just... 'Samu. Don't worry about it." Atsumu told you, closing the door behind you.
Osamu was hesitant to knock on the living room door.
It had been about two hours since you had gone in, and knowing his brother- he couldn't be sure as of what's to happening.
"Oi, 'Tsumu!" He barged in the room, discarding the thoughts before he gave up. 
"Shut up." Atsumu whispered, eyes lifting from his phone screen for a second and glancing at you. You, who was lying on the sofa and- sleeping?
"She fell asleep." Atsumu grinned at his brother's questioning gaze. "I'll carry her back to the car. Can you drive her home?"
Osamu didn't hold back his snicker when Atsumu's voice dropped volume as he asked the favor from his brother, still not able to admit to himself the defeat.
"Your hair is still wet, idiot," Osamu mumbled, his eyes wandering over your figure. "And I will not take care of you if you go out and get sick."
"What?" Atsumu grinned mockingly. "Are you gonna carry her then? Be a hero for the girl you've been acting like an ass all day? What the fuck was up with you today?"
"I don't like her." Osamu shrugged.
"She's not the kind of girl you think of her as." Atsumu quickly responded, already aware of what his twin had decided about you. Atsumu knew Osamu too well, his stubbornness even more, so he wasn't exactly surprised when he shrugged. 
"Let me be the judge of that, and I don't have to like her."
"Whatever, you do you. But you know, you don't have to dislike her just because she's my friend, too."
Osamu stood silent, eyes falling back on you. He knew Atsumu was partly right, but he had his reasons not to like you, right? Osamu pocketed his car keys, nodding at his twin and lifting you off the couch.
Atsumu grinned at the audible gulp his twin took when you shifted uncomfortably in Osamu's arms, snuggling your body closer to him, your hand fisting his shirt unconsciously. 
You woke up with Osamu hovering over you, and it took you a second or two to notice you were in a car and he was tying your seatbelt. He was so close, yet so careful not to touch you, his smell -a different perfume than his brother's- filling your newly awakened senses with him, him, him. Your eyes met his when he tied it and pulled back, a brow quirking up as his frown settled on his lips. 
"Did I wake you up?" He muttered as he retreated to his seat, running his fingers through his hair as he fixed his mirror, pushing back the few stray strands back from his face. Osamu turned back to you when you stood quiet, a sarcastic smile quirking his lips upwards, but it fell as soon as you talked.
"Wh- uh, where's Atsumu?"
Osamu clenched his teeth, not knowing why it angered it so much that his twin was the first thing that came to your mind as soon as you woke up.
"Home." Osamu gritted through his teeth. "I'm dropping you home, 'Tsumu gave me the address."
He glanced at you when you stood silent. "He doesn't have a license." Osamu couldn't help but add, a feeling stirring in him when you laughed at that. "So he failed the exam and you passed? That must've been a blow on his ego."
"Oh, you have no idea." Osamu found himself laughing with you.
Silence. He could feel your growing anxiety, and you could tell he was nervous as well, the taps of his fingers on the stirring wheel echoing in the car. His hair reflecting the colors coming from the road, yellow, red, and green, the features of his face illuminated, you thought he looked too handsome to be true.
"Why are you friends with him?" Osamu blurted out after a few seconds of silence, but the question didn't seem to surprise you. "Why is anyone friends with anyone?" You teased.
"Atsumu isn't exactly the type people wanna be friends with." 
"Hm," he heard you humm thoughtfully, not answering the question. "If we're asking questions, well, here's one. Why don't you like me?"
He could feel your light gaze on him as he kept his eyes on the road. It wasn't if he liked you or not, but you asked him why. He found himself wondering where that annoying meak girl he had met inside went. "And you don't like me."
"No," you answered honestly, which he found amusing. "You're mean."
"And 'Tsumu isn't?"
He turned to you when you shrugged. "Well, Atsumu is, too. But there is a difference, you know."
"And what is that?"
"He's a naturally mean person." You explained as if it made perfect sense. "He's just mean, he doesn't try to be meaner or nicer. You, on the other hand," you looked at him. "I don't think you're naturally mean, not as much as him, at least. I think you're purposefully being mean, and thats why I don't like you."
You met his eyes when Osamu turned his eyes from the road to you when the car stopped at the red light, grey eyes glistening with reds and yellows from the road. Your eyes followed the small smile that appeared on his lips, and you couldn't help yourself from thinking how soft they looked. How much more handsome he looked with a smile, even with one as cruel as he had now.
"I just don't like you." He told you with as much spite as possible, not sure why he was deliberately trying to hurt you. His brows furrowed when you laughed at his answer, instead.
"You certainly aren't the first." 
"What does that mean?" He asked without missing a beat, the tension now almost solidifying in the air. His heart was hammering in his chest, eyes watching your smiling lips as he waited for your next words, your chest heaving in sync with his, and you were so close, so close that if he leaned even just a little-
"You only met me today, Osamu-kun." He felt goosebumps climbing his back as he heard his name from your lips for the first time. "You know me for what, a few hours at most, and here you are telling me you just don't like me." The cynical tone of your voice made him send you a glare, his hands working over the gear when the red illuminating the car turned green.
"People like you do this a lot, you know. Judge people by one or two mistakes they do, not even anything major, but things you don't like, and deem them unworthy of your time. And how much I hate it when they boast about it, too. What, do you think you're so perfect? Don't you ever make any mistake?"
"People like me?" Osamu repeated, uncharasterically silent after all those words you had spat. "Yeah, shallow people." You answered, but you weren't looking at him anymore as you tapped the window instead. "We're here." 
You were silent as he stopped the car, pulling to the side, and watched you open the door. "You know," he finally spoke, rolling down his window before you were too far. "You say I judge people so quickly, but you did a full-blown analysis just now, and you say I'm the one to judge quick?"
"Tell me, Osamu." You bent forward a little, leveling your face with his. "If you can promise me that you didn't think, ah, I know this type of girl, even once tonight, I'll take it all back and apologize to you."
You smiled when he stood quiet. 
"Goodnight, Osamu. Thank you for the ride." You told him before walking back to your house.
"Ya know, with the amount of time you spend here, you may as well move in." Osamu told you gruffly, eyeing you from his side of the couch. Your eyes followed him as he took a bite out of his food, adam's apple bobbing up and down.  
"I'll move in as soon as you leave." You answered with a fake smile, turning your eyes away from his as soon as you realized you were staring, hoping he hadn't noticed, but he had. 
"Yer sure ya want me to leave?" He quirked a brow at you, making you grimace. "Never been more sure." 
It had been about a month since you met Osamu, and it was like this ever since. Osamu never missed the chance to take a jab at you, or he couldn't sleep. You never backed down from it either, the fights going back and forth until either Atsumu got bored and pulled you away or one of their friends called you out.
You didn't enjoy it like they thought you did. In fact, it was getting tiring and annoying, but you couldn't stop yourself from taking a jab at Osamu whenever he shot you a remark.
He looked at you when you sighed, brows quirking up in a silent question. "When's Atsumu gonna be here?"
Atsumu had told you to come to his place that day, telling you he would be there in a few minutes after you and he had something to do, but as always, he was late at least an hour, and you were now stuck with his brother. 
"I'll just go home and meet you up later." You had told the blonde, but he had insisted you stay. 
"Have you ever seen 'Tsumu come somewhere not at least two hours late? I bet he won't be here for at least an hour more." Osamu chuckled. "I'm hungry." He added right after, eyes finding yours.
"And? You need me to cook?" You snickered, not expecting him to stay silent, looking at you for a few more seconds and rolling his eyes as he turned around and went to the kitchen. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion at the antic. Surely Osamu wasn't- he wasn't asking you if you wanted something, was he?
"At least open a movie or something as we wait." Osamu muttered from the kitchen. 
"Do you have something on mind?" You asked, feeling weird at how soft he suddenly was acting. "No, pick one."
"Okay," you muttered to yourself, emphasizing the 'o'. You thought of opening a volleyball match, Atsumu always liked it when you did, and maybe he would- no, why were you even thinking of what he would like? He told you to open whatever, hadn't he?
Still, despite reasoning with yourself, you were jittery as you opened a random comedy show from Netflix. Trying to focus your thoughts on the show playing, you did your best not to think about the silver-haired boy inside, failing miserably by how your mind wandered to him and the odd way he was acting today.
"Say, ya never gave me an answer as to why yer friends with 'Tsumu." He entered the room, carrying a tray with two plates and forks inside. The crooked smile on his lips was making your heart beat twice as fast, even though you didn't want to admit it, and the way he focused on holding the tray on balance, the slight crease between his furrowed brows. Osamu Miya was too handsome for his own good.
"Thanks," you muttered half-heartedly as you took the plate from him, not even aware it was an olive branch he was sticking out. Osamu's face fell when you didn't spare him or his food another look. "You never gave me an answer of why you don't like me, so I guess we're even." You laughed, smile wavering when he didn't laugh along.
He sighed, eyes glancing at you and then back at his hands. It made you antsy, making you feel like something was wrong.
"You chose this to watch?" He turned back to the not answering you. He shifted in his place when you hummed, "I can change it i fyou want." The way he hadn't made fun of your choice of the movie yet, was too uncharacteristic of him.
"No, its okay." He answered instead, ending the conversation -if you could even call this one. You ate in silence, tv playing in the background, though neither of you cared of it, your gaze meeting now and then until you couldn't take it.
"What is wrong with you?" You couldn't help but blurt out, turning the TV off and facing him. You watched him as he quirked his brow up, looking at you questioningly even though he knew what you meant.
"What is wrong with me?" He repeated.
"Why are you being nice?"
He turned back to face the tv after a beat of silence, looking somewhat... shy? What the-
"Wh-what was that?" You asked when he mumbled something, the answer so silent that it was inaudible. "I said," Osamu repeated, eyes still focused on his plate. "You told me you didn't like me because I- uh, I was rude."
His voice was still uncharacteristically quiet, but this time you heard him loud and clear. That didn't mean you understood it, though.
"What do you mean?" He heard you ask, your voice laced with something resembling suspicion, you scoffed when he stood quiet, standing up to your legs and picking your plate off from the table. "If you're trying to tell me you want me to like you, I'm not buying it."
"You're not buying it?" He repeated, mirroring your movements and standing up, making you realize how much taller he was than you. The way he was looking at you- what was it, hurt? No, it couldn't be. Anger would be more like it. 
"Is there no way of winning with you?" He asked, following you to the kitchen and placing his plate a little too roughly on the counter. "You say you don't like me because I'm rude. I try to be nice and you fucking ask me what's wrong with me? What do you want me to do, disappear?"
Now, there was no denying that Osamu was, indeed, hurt, as his face soured when you stood quiet, staring at him blankly at his question. "So you hate me this much." He muttered to himself, running his fingers through his hair. 
"I don't know why you expected me to like someone who has been nothing but rude to me since the moment we met." You shrugged, but a part of you wanted to tell him it was a lie, and despite everything that you- well, you liked him. 
The glare he sent your way was enough to make you choke on the breath you took, taking a step forward to you, close enough for you to feel dizzy with his scent.
"Well, that concludes it, I guess. This was stupid, anyway." Osamu muttered, but he was so close- so close that you could almost feel the heat radiating from him, your eyes fixated on his lips, and if you just leaned forward- a few millimeters was all there was.
"What was- what was stupid?" You whispered, noticing his gaze was also wandering on your lips. Your heart suddenly started thundering in your chest, and you couldn't even ask yourself what's happening? What are you doing?
"This," Osamu breathed against your lips, his gaze so intense over you that it sent chills down your spine. He finally leaned forward, doing what you wanted but couldn't do, the word "apologizing," being the last thing you hear before you felt his lips on yours.
It was a soft kiss, nothing similar to how you thought Osamu would kiss -not that you had thought on it, or so you told yourself-, this kiss was deeper, irrational, amazing. 
"Do you always apologize to people by kissing them?" You asked when he pulled back, smirking at the way your chest heave, feeling a tinge of pride at how breathless he had left you.
"Hm?" He hummed, not wiping that damn smirk off of his face, it even grew wider when he noticed you pressing your fingers on your lips, still in shock, "I don't apologize to people." 
It was true. 
No one had ever seen Osamu Miya change his opinion about something, about someone. He would never admit he was wrong yet apologize.
But here he was, standing before you -just as breathless as you were- apologizing. 
"Maybe you should apologize more." You told him with a sly smile, to which he happily complied.
"I wanted to make peace." He told you, sitting on the couch right beside you, refusing to look at you, though. "I've been trying to act nice for a while now, but you seem to- you don't like that."
"A while?" You repeat. "You were never nice to me!"
"I was trying." His brows furrowed at your protest. "But you always had something snarky to say, and I couldn't just stay silent, could I now?"
"But- what? You were always the one who started them!" 
"Was I?" He asked, giving you the time to think, watching your face in disbelief fall into a look of 'fuck, he's right.'
It was you who started the fights, despite thinking it was him all this time. Upon recognizing that, you started to see the times he actually was nice to you, which you had always discarded or turned a blind eye.
Biting your lip guiltily, your turned to him. "I might... owe you an apology." You muttered, very aware of how his eyes glinted, gaze falling back on your lips. "Well," he told you, smiling. "I can't disagree."
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creepypocky · 3 years
Hello dear! May I have a romantic and Nsfw creepypasta match-up please? Feel free to ignore this if they are closed but if you do choose to do this then thank you so much! I hope you have a great day/night!
Zodiac sign: Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Personality Type: ENTP
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight (For now might be bi but i'm going with straight)
I'm 5'4 and I have a very tiny body frame so i'm extremely petite and pretty small. I'm not very curvy and I literally have the body of a cereal box...lol but its fine because I have nice hips and thighs. I have thick brown hair that goes down to my back and it gets tangled pretty easily but its kinda fluffy. I have brown eyes and tiny freckles all over my face and body. I also have a very strong grunge style, like Flannels, band t-shirts, combat boots, leather jackets etc. But i'd also always enjoy a nice oversized sweatshirt or hoodie with a pair of skinny, ripped jeans and some converses or something along those lines.
For my personality.....this is where things get interesting. At first people find me very intimidating due to my resting bitch face and cold exterior but I promise i'm not like that ALL the time. When you get to know me, i'm a big extrovert, goofy and about everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm or some dry humored joke. I'm also that one friend in a group where they literally will do the stupidest shit ever like for an example one time it was super dark outside and my other friend was there, while I was trying to climb a tree and I failed and fell out of the tree, and landed on my back. I got straight up after that somehow it didn't hurt.....like at all? But yeah i'm super reckless and sometimes people have to save me from myself if you get what I mean. I also have a very strong "I don't give a fuck" attitude and I will not hesitate to stick up for myself or my friends....like i'm the type of person where if someone glares at me, i'll glare right back. I can have bad anxiety and I can be very self destructive. This is where my feisty, stubborn, hardheaded side comes in. If I want something then i'll fight for it even if it hurts me and i'll get into a bad cycle of putting myself down and trying to do better even if I did great the first time but I always push myself too far and other people have to stop me because I usually can't see it when its happening. I also cover my emotions up and I have a lot of trouble talking about whats bothering me or what problems i'm having emotionally so I put up a wall and I act tough, or happy and sometimes i'll be the exact opposite but I try to hide it.
Weird things about me: I've grown up in the south all my life so sometimes when I talk a few words they'll come out sounding WAYYY more country and southern then I wanted, I don't have an accent but sometimes my words just come out that way. I also love the smell of cigarette smoke....let me explain. When I was a kid my parents smoked a lot and I was used to smelling it and now it reminds me of home and is sort of comforting.
Things I like: I love swimming (I was on a swim team for about 9 years), I love horror movies, I like rain and the sounds of thunderstorms because its calming to me, I also love the smell of rain, I like cloudy days, cooking, listening to 80's and 90's rock but mainly 90's because 90's is the best, My favorite bands are Bush, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkoln Park, Pearl jam but i'm pretty open to anything. Things I dislike: Spiders.......I will scream if I see a spider.
So for the nsfw part.....I'm very shy and i'd like it if someone guided me. But i'm 100% a Bottom and I love praise and maybe a tiny bit of degradation. I also have a big ownership kink like if someone tells me that i'm their's....then I might die. Also if they told me that they "Needed" me I would also die on the spot...in a good way. I'm also a sucker for marking like lovebites and hickies? Yes please. But please tease me and edge me because I prefer not having control so someone else being in control is just...lovely. Also pet names! Like Sunshine, Babygirl, Doll....AHHhh I might melt. Things I don't like are impact play or the whole "Daddy kink" It kinda just makes me cringe
I also don't think I really have a type but.....I do tend to love people who are brooding, and intimidating on the outside but a big teddy bear on the inside because that's how I am sometimes. I hate people who are fake or just passive aggressive because they are super annoying to deal with and honestly if you have something to say then just say it to my face rather than behind my back.
Hello :)
|| I enjoyed reading through this. I'll definitely work on it now. ||
I match you with ~ Jeff The Killer!
First off, he really likes your size and style, he has a think for small girls that can still be tough and that’s something he loves showing off when you get together lmfao, he’s like, “Yeah, my girls strong. Fuck you gonna do about it?”
Now, Jeff is a really unstable, violent guy. A lot of people (even me) don’t even see him ever being interested in being in a relationship, so when the creeps saw Jeff with his arm around you, they were immediately baffled by it.
The truth is, though, this man totally wants to have someone by his side, someone that accepts him even though he’s a killer. Someone that’s open to his feelings and is willing to look past all of the horrible shit he’s done.
You’re like that to him, it took him a very long time to get used to how he felt for you at first. At first he thought his brain was just being stupid, but Jeff isn’t dumb. He knows what these feelings feel like, and he recognized them almost immediately after that.
Jeff is really insane, and he constantly leans on you for support and depends on you to keep him leveled at times. It can get pressuring, but despite it all he always makes sure to not blame you if he ends up doing something dumb because he knows it’s not your fault.
He finds your clothing style pretty hot, he really loves badass kind of outfits with leather and band names, because as I said, he loves to show off that his girl is “cool” or something.
He thinks your resting bitch-face and cold exterior is really badass too, being around you always gives him so much confidence and its a great change from the usual fake confidence he has around everyone that he keeps up as a defense mechanism when in reality he was always pretty insecure.
I honestly think Jeff is an extrovert too, like he loves being around people and interacting with them (When they’re not normal people and don’t think he’s hideous, that is). I canon this mostly because when hes alone, then he’s also alone with his thoughts and his thoughts always end up wandering to his insecurities and what he hates about himself, but you often catch him during these times and you reassure him that everything will be okay and that you still love him.
He totally relates to being the friend that says stupidest shit, you two will often just go up to one of the creeps and just start spouting random shit. He honestly fucking loves being goofy with you, and you two are always creating awesome memories together when you prank the other creeps and sometimes each other and he honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
When you do stupid shit that gets you in trouble or puts you in danger, he’s always quick to get to you and make sure you’re okay, he would probably panic a lot though. Like, “What the fuck, dumbass?” “How the HELL did you do that???“ as he’s frantically trying to solve the situation. Will most definitely sit there and laugh at you for a good 5-10 minutes once the whole thing is dealt with though.
You being able to stick up for your friends is one of the great qualities about you that he absolutely adores, especially since before he became a killer he would always get bullied and nobody would ever stick up for him, so one day when you defend him against a bunch of assholes it just warms his heart up and makes him feel so loved, but he most likely wont admit that.
He’d let it slip eventually though.
When you’re feeling self-destructive, he is 100% there for you. Although he’s not really the best at giving advice, he’ll still sit there with you and let you talk your heart out and will listen to every single word because he wants to show that same contribution towards you that you’ve shown him. He’ll constantly reassure you that not everything is your fault and that you’re strong, and he’ll make little promises to you.
If it was a person in particular making you feel that way though, he’d definitely make sure to pay a visit to the motherfucker.
He admires your determination to fight for the things you want, but to an extent. He hates it when you overwork yourself or push beyond your limits to the point where it destroys you, and he wants you to know that you’re not alone and you can ask for help, you don’t have to destroy yourself. He’s more than willing to stay right there, by your side.
He understands hiding your true emotions, because well, he’s had to do it a lot around the other creeps and around his family when they were still alive. So he won’t ever push you to talk about somehting if you don’t want to, but he doesn’t want you to pretend to be okay either. He’s more than willing to just lay with you and do whatever you want if it would make you feel better.
He honestly likes how you have a southern accent at times, when he’s feeling upset or like his sanity is draining, your accent really soothes him so sometimes he’ll ask you to lay it on thick because he could honestly listen to you talk to him and listen to your accent all day if he wanted to.
It’s good that you like cigarette smoke because I canon this man smokes very often.
When it storms at night, he’ll always hold you close to him with a blanket and just listen to the storm sounds with you because it soothes him too. This man is really pent up from feeling driven to constantly murder and just sitting with you listening to the rain and thunder is one of the main things that level him.
He’s really not the best.... at cooking.... but, this means you can cook often for him since he won’t for himself. B)
He will just put you in a car and drive for hours to no destination and blast that 80s and 90s music just to see that smile on your face.
This man will 100000000000% destroy any spider within a 10 mile radius of you.
He understands not liking people who are fake because there were a lot of people who talked shit about him when he went to school, and when he has a problem with someone he will always say it to their face and make them understand that they’re a piece of shit to him.
You like being dominated and guided? Good, because this man is at least 95% a top. He thinks it’s adorable that you’re shy and will most definitely be willing to guide you through the whole thing and tell you exactly what to do for him.
Jeff is really possessive tbh, so when he’s fucking you he will constantly say shit like,
“Fucking mine”
“You’re nobody elses“
“You belong to me, only”
This man will definitely bite you everywhere, he lives to just throw you down onto the bed and start biting everywhere on your body and making sure to leave marks just so you know exactly who owns you.
Don’t worry honey, he will spend hours just filling you with his cock and telling you that you cant cum unless you beg more, or he’ll just pull out right when you’re about to cum on him and just slap your folds with his fingers as a way to make fun of you.
He’ll call you things like, “baby” “dollface” “darling” when he’s feeling passionate but oh boy if he’s feeling angry or he’s punishing you? Be prepared to be degraded all night.
There we go <3
Sorry if this is too long lmfao, I just think that Jeff is a really misunderstood piece of shit. I hope you’re having a great day and taking care of yourself, and I hope you enjoyed this matchup. :)
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barryallenis · 3 years
How long is Jess's igtv interview and what were some of your major takeaways from it? I am bit skeptical to watch, so I thought if I got an inkling of what you thought of it, maybe I will watch. I guess after 707, I have mixed feelings about her and Eric now. I know she cowrote it with a writer who wrote for Sleepy Hollow, which was a very problematic show behind the scenes, but I am still curious about the thought process into this. I've seen two different takes about them regarding the KF/police story arc. Tptb don't want to lose their white audience and forced them to center this story around KF to seem more like an anti meta arc despite the actress who plays her or since the tptb give showrunners like the All American one (a black woman) creative freedom, this is just Eric's own creative freedom that he mistakenly thought wouldn't be so tone deaf.
Hi there! Sorry, I only just got the chance to watch it myself actually! It’s ~30min.
To preface, I’m really not all that familiar with the individual writers and their specific work as I know others in the fandom are. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that but, kind of as you said, I think it’s hard to make the distinctions between what story/narrative/creative decisions were made by whom. Of course writers hold responsibility, as does the showrunner ... but so do department heads, producers, executive producers, network executives, and the general environment of the entertainment industry. We as viewers don’t get a peak enough behind the curtain, in my opinion, to point super specific blame. And sometimes I think trying to pinpoint that person to blame gets us stuck in the weeds. Personally, I think it’s more powerful to push back on the problematic things we see than it is to try to find out who’s specific idea it was. Because, for one, it’s usually not on one person. And if it is, or if that one person keeps presenting ideas that we as viewers on a large scale say we dislike, it kind of becomes in the shows best interest to internally do something about it. Not saying it always happens, but I don’t see how trying to pinpoint a person to blame is any more helpful ya know? We just don’t, and likely wont ever know enough to make those assessments. All we can do it comment on the content we see, and listen to people like Jess talk about their personal experience and take from that what we can!    
I know some may disagree with me on this, and I totally respect their perspective, because I’m absolutely sure there are writers that tend to play more into problematic tropes or narratives than others. And I want those people out too. I think we just sometimes have to be careful with how much we presume to know about decisions being made all the time, is all.
All that being said, I would definitely say it’s worth the watch! Though I’m a total geek for the writing process and writing rooms, so I’m a sucker for these kinds of interviews in general. She doesn’t go into anything specific about show content though; nothing much about specific storylines or episodes. She mentioned 7x07 briefly but I think(?) this was filmed before it aired so, again, in a very vague way. So if that’s more what you’re looking for, just FYI, that’s not really touched upon.
However, I think she gives good insight around the general mindset of writers rooms, in general, and specifically on The Flash. I also think hearing it from her perspective as a black female writer and the first black female writer the show had (which again, truly astounding it took them 6 years to reach that feat) was really invaluable. She talks about her trajectory to in the industry and how she ultimately got hired. And she also gave her perspectives around diversity and its place within money driven Hollywood and how she personally tries to keep things in perspective working within the fucked up hell hole that is the entertainment industry (my words not hers lol). She mentioned a quote she refers too and I really liked and stuck with me, “change is a dial and not a light switch”. And I dunno (another preface: I say this as a white women) I found her mindset encouragingly optimistic. She know’s they’re not pleasing everyone at each episode, and she knows they’re still executing problematic stuff within the show, behind, and in front of the camera. But she mentions how they, and specifically Eric, are aware of these things, and are actively working to change things for the better ... but that they also couldn’t just rewrite and reproduce a 6 year old show, nor could they totally remove themselves from the Hollywood industry that fed all the worst parts of it.
I’m getting on a tangent here, a lot of this was my own interpretation, so I encourage you to watch the interview, if you get the chance, to take your own points from it!
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