#i watched the mortal coil episode yesterday
lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
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yeah...... yeah
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
I was thinking about the live action Little Mermaid movie and a sudden realization hit me: it will be review bombed to death. There’s already so much BS coming from white supremacists about how Disney ruined the Little Mermaid by casting Halle Bailey as Ariel instead of a white woman (this is where I would like to remind you all that the original Little Mermaid story is actually based on a queer man’s unrequited feelings for his friend who fell in love with a woman, so if we want to actually talk about keeping the Little Mermaid close to the original source material then we need to make it gay).
Sources: [x]//[x]//[x]
I also want to bring up the fact that people have already review bombed Lightyear to death simply because Chris Evans did the voice for Buzz and not Tim Allen (a lot of it happened before people knew there a gay kiss). People also review bombed Turning Red because pads were not only spoken but were shown on screen. So imagine how bad it’s going to be when the white supremacist that worship a white washed Jesus (this is where I would also like to remind you all that white Jesus is based on Leonardo Da Vinci’s boyfriend). So I’m begging you to please give it a 5 star review even if you think it’s a charitable 3/5 to help counterbalance.
It’s also so important that this movie succeeds because it means that Disney will do more of it. The reason why is because Disney is money hungry and if they see that a casting a woman that was originally white was a bad idea, they’ll do it less. It’s important that more POC are in the spotlight for the future.
In addition to the reactions of seeing a black Ariel, I want to use my own life as an example:
In 2009, I was watching TV with my mom and a very well known fact about my mom is that she hates commercials. She gets upset if a commercial is on for 10 seconds. But one time in 2009 while I was fast forwarding, my mom made me stop and rewind to watch a trailer that peaked her interest. That trailer was for the Princess and the Frog. It was love at first sight and every time we would watch TV as a family, she always made us rewind to watch the trailer for the Princess and the Frog because Tiana was the first black princess ever. Tiana was the first princess that looked like my mom. 
Then you have yesterday when I showed my mom the trailer for the Little Mermaid, she was holding back tears with the largest smile when she saw Halle Bailey’s face. 
To use another example, in Moon Knight, when Layla became Taweret’s avatar/the Scarlet Scarab, this happened
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[ID: a tweet by Mohamed diab, director for Moon Knight, that reads “Since my daughter was 4, she wanted to straighten her hair. She never saw someone who looked like her in the media. Today this changes with LAYLA, the first Egyptian superhero. Proud to be a part of it!” underneath on the left is picture of Layla as Scarlet Scarab in episode 6 and on the right is a picture of his daughter.]
There’s reasons why I constantly bring up the fact that I’m a black woman. It’s important because I want to spread as much awareness about how isolating my childhood was and if it means that one less person has to grow up like me, I feel like I can leave this mortal coil with some peace. 
PLEASE don’t let this movie flop, I beg of you. 
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newswcanonprompts · 4 years
Skywalkers are immortal eldritch fucks (there’s so many ways this can go)
1. How does being half-force affect Anakin as a force ghost
Anakin... wasn't properly dead. just a bit too present, a bit too lively, and that if only someone pulled hard enough on the veil, he could be made to bleed again.
Anakin just keeps coming back to life, And so do Luke and Leia when they die.
"You've done it, you've killed Anakin fucking Skywalker. Wait, why is he standing behind you? Where's his body gone? Oh fuck, what is that expression? Oh no!"
This happens to Vader and terrifies the f*ck out of literally everyone
the man is the son of the Force, yes? how could he "become one with it" if he basically already was part of it? or at least, made of it?
It'd be either kinda horrifying or basically a regenerate-your-limbs get out of jail free card
Anakin turns up in Luke's temple one day, like "hey turns out I can't die"
Luke is just happy to have a Dad
imagine the backlash if that little factoid ever went public. "What do you mean Darth Vader can't die???"
"You mean he's alive right now????"
Obi-Wan realising he can't have a peaceful retirement in the afterlife because Anakin's apparently immortal now
Anakin starts trying to figure out how to make Obi wan immortal too
Ahsoka is so confused at everything
"You look a lot like the Hero with No Fear from the Clone Wars. Are you his grandson or something?" 
"Nope, I am him." 
"Freaking weird Jedi and their not aging."
 2. how terrifying it would have been if during the Dooku fight in AOTC his arm just regrew the moment it was cut off
3. them realizing this during the clone wars: CHECKMATE BITCHES
imagine the propaganda if there was a General who literally couldn't die
the Seperatists wouldn't know which way was up anymore
Anakin realised he had this sort of ability during the clone wars it would be hilarious to see him just throwing himself at things
he could protect his men better
Imagine how distressing it would be for a shiny to just see their general die and then come back seconds later
And Rex being like "Yep, the general does that."
just rubbing his eyes. and being completely done
Imagine the bitching sessions with Cody "At least yours resurrects! Mine just runs off without his kriffing lightsaber and armor all the time!"
clone boys have a heart attack whenever their general just decides to regrow limbs
rex faints the first time he sees anakin's arm grow back.
instead of the whole "my general keeps losing his lightsaber" it becomes "my general keeps losing his arm"
"My general keeps dying."
"Oh, how many have you been assigned to now?"
"No, no, he gets better again afterwards."
the 501st never tell the shinies that their general is immortal because the vets like to fuck around like that
it's kind of a right of passage for shinies to almost have a heart attack when the general comes back from the dead
Anakin is basically just the "if all else fails" option at that point because no matter what happens to him, he will be back at the temple annoying the hell out of everyone before dinner time
Anakin gets mortally wounded and is like "Well, I'll see you in five."
Droids: * shoot Anakin *
 * Anakin: * dies * 
Anakin, 5 minutes later in the middle of a crowd of droids: SURPRISE BITCHES!! * Murders them all *
Anakin dying to Dooku at the end of Attack of the Clones and then coming back and Dooku just being like "Fuck this shit I'm out."
him coming back and chasing dooku with his arm
Imagine the moment they find out Anakin can come back from the dead:
Ahsoka and Obi-Wan just sobbing their hearts out and then suddenly he's behind them like "Hey, bold of you to presume I'm mortal."
He pulls a Percy Jackson, and walks into his funeral.
mace windu utters a quiet "are you fucking kidding me"
next time anakin dies, his funeral includes a "welcome home anakin" banner
Mace stops letting the Yoda Lineage have funerals because they don't stay dead
They keep having funerals for Anakin just as an excuse to have a party
what if politicians don't know this. like the first time he dies during the war, and all the diplomats are there. Except Padme. She knows all and is just there to see the chaos.
They're usually private funerals, so they can keep inviting new people to screw with
"general skywalker just died"
"senator he's right here"
"i saw him die protecting me right before my eyes"
"senator do you need the healers?"
Obi-Wan, just watched Anakin go splat at the bottom of a ravine:
Anakin, popping back into the mortal coil just behind him: “Yeah? What's up?”
obi-wan finding out about a Anakins thing and keeping it a secret,
so one day anakin dies and the whole council is like, mourning
obi-wan is just rolling his eyes and saying “it’s fine he’ll be back”
everyone thinks obi-wans having a mental breakdown
but then anakin walks into his funeral with a cup of caf and sunglasses and flashes everyone a peace sign
All of Yoda’s lineage (except dooku) and padme know.
"can you guys not cover me in white next time? it's pretty boring"
"can i get, like, glitter? is that a thing? make it a thing"
Skywalkers can also breath in space.
They just don’t have to breathe. 
during the time it takes for him to resurrect, the force and anakin talked.
Bc that's the only time he could talk with a tangible parent.
he learns about palps that way
one time Anakin dies twice in one day
turns out the ability has a bit of a cooldown time so everyone's just panicking a bit because he should be back by now
then he appears like three days later
Obi-Wan's like "You bastard."
"Gotta keep you on your toes."
Really his parent just wanted some more time with him, and who was he to refuse?
a cracky! anakin basically having annual dinners with The Force because of how often he dies in the clone wars
in this verse the clone wars was created so Anakin & his parent The Force can have family dinners
Mortis, but instead of All That Nonsense, it's just a nice episode of meet the parent
padme dies, and then at her funeral she comes back, but force sensitive.
force sensitive, immortal, padme amidala. The seppies are going DOWN
The Force wills Padme to die because The Force wants to meet their daughter in law
It does this for basically everyone Anakin cares about
sometimes anakin and padme just drop dead, and wake up a few hours later bc they had a family dinner to get to.
"I'm going to kill you" is suddenly the literal way for Anakin to say "I love you"
Anakin dies on Mandalore and Satine witnesses it and she's horrified and doesn't know what to tell Obi-Wan but then she sees Obi-Wan talking to Anakin and she's so confused
So if anakin kills you and you’re someone he cares about you come back to life immortal.
Death By Skywalker basically being a way of becoming immortal is gonna fuck with the war so much
when Palpatine tells Anakin to kill all the jedi he thinks Palpatine is telling him to invite all the jedi to his Force Family Dinner
One day the entire Jedi temple just dies all at once, and comes back a couple hours later, to the confusion of literally everyone (including the Jedi)
yoda is frequently killed to spend time with the force because after 900 years the two of them are tight as fuck
Anakin doesn’t have attachment issues in this bc hey, people die all the time! :)
He also ends up being worshipped as a demigod.
More Angsty version of this: young anakin kills palps bc he thinks he'll resurrect, but then the tangible form of the force appears and explains that he was the sith master.
Palpatine would probably actually try to get Anakin to kill him, because hey! Free immortality! Don't mind if i do!
5. Imagine if this was something he discovered as a little kid. Anakin going off to visit Qui-Gon in the force and Obi-Wan wondering what eldritch beast he has ended up with as a padawan
"Anakin what are you doing?"
"I'm making master Qui-Gon a friendship bracelet?"
"...master qui gon?"
"yeah! i gave one to my parent yesterday and master qui-gon said he wanted one too!"
"Your parent? when exactly was this yesterday?"
anakin being a convoy for dead masters and their old padawans like Weed Dad qui gon jinn and his Struggling Son obi wan
anakin has two parents
Parent and Mom
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laukrskegg · 3 years
Rewatch Star Trek series, listing my favourite episodes per seasons, along with movies, alien/species and characters.
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S1-"The Andorian Incident" "Dear Doctor"
(honourable mention) "Unexpected"
S2-"Dead Stop" (hm) "Carbon Creek" "Judgement"
S3-"Carpenter Street" S4-"Affliction" (hm) "Storm Front"
A/S- Andorian C- Hoshi Sato and Doctor Phlox (hm)Shran
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"The Cage"
A/S- Human C- Number One (hm)Christopher Pike
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S1-"Balance of Terror" "The City on the Edge of Forever"
(hm)"The Man Trap" "Miri" "The Conscience of the King" "Operation- Annihilate!"
S2-"A Piece of the Action" "Patterns of Force"
(hm)"Mirror, Mirror" "The Doomsday Machine" "Journey to Babel" "Friday's Child" "Bread and Circus"
S3- "For the World is Hallow and I Have Touched the Sky" "Whom Gods Destroy" "All Our Yesterdays"
(hm)"The Enterprise Incident" "The Tholian Web" "Wink of an Eye" "The Cloud Minders"
A/S- Romulan
C- Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy (hm)Spock and Kevin Riley
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S1-"Mudd's Passion"
(hm)"Yesteryear" "The Magicks of Megas-Tu"
S2-"Albatross" "The Counter-Clock Incident"
A/S- Skorr
C- Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott (hm)Spock and Bones
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"The Voyage Home" "The Undiscovered Country"
A/S- Chameloid
C- Bones and Scotty (hm)Spock, Sulu and Kirk
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S1- "The Last Outpost" "The Battle" "Datalore"
(hm)"The Netural Zone"
S2- "Elementary Dear, Data"
(hm)"A Matter of Honour" "The Measure a the Man" "Samaritan Snare" "Up the Long Ladder" "Manhunt"
S3-"Who Watches the Watchers" "The Offspring"
(hm)"Captain's Holiday" and "Ménage à Troi"
S4-"The Wounded" "Clues" (hm)"Devil's Due" "Qpid" "Half a Life"
S5- "Time's Arrow" (hm)"Darmok" "Unification"
S6-"Relics" "Chain of Command" "Timescape"
(hm)"Time's Arrow" "Schisms" "Frame of Mind"
S7-"Parallels" (hm)"Phantasms" "Thine Own Self"
A/S- Ferengi and Romulan
C- Doctor Pulaski and Data
(hm) Lwaxana Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed
and Troi(Starfleet-Uniformed)
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S1-"Progress" "Duet"
(hm)"Captive pursuit" "The Forsaken" "Dramatis Personae" "In the Hands of the Prophets"
S2-"Whispers" "The Wire" "Crossover"
(hm)"The Homecoming/The Circle/The Siege" "Rules of Acquisition" "Necessary Evil" "Profit and Loss" "Tribunal"
S3-"The House of Quark" "Civil Defense" "Visionary" "Explorers"
(hm)"Second Skin" "Destiny" "Prophet Motive" "Distant Voices" "Improbable Cause/The Die is Cast"
S4- "The Visitor" "Hard Time" "Body Parts" "Broken Link"
(hm)"Indiscretion" "Green Little Men" "Our Man Bashir" "Crossfire" "Bar Association" "Ascension" "The Muse"
S5- "The Assignment" "The Trials and Tribble-ations" "In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light" "Empok nor"
(hm)"Apocalypse Rising" "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places" "Things Past" "Doctor Bashir, I Presume" "In The Cards"
S6- Best season of entire Star Trek series.
S7- "Treachery, Faith and The Great River" "Field of Fire" "What You Leave Behind" (hm)"Shadows and Symbols" "Take me out to the Holosuite" "The Emperor's New Cloak" "Penumbra(part 1)" to "Extreme Measure(part 7)"
A/S- Bajoran, Cardassian, Romulan and Wormhole Alien
C- Kira Nerys, Miles O'Brien, Benjamin Sisko, Ezri Dax, Quark and Odo (hm)Garak, Julian Bashir(Generic Engineering), Damar, Weyoun, Brunt, Ziyal, Leeta, Rom, Nog, Morn, Jake Sisko and Keiko O'Brien
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S1-"Eye of the Needle" (hm)"Phage" "Emanations"
S2- "Projections" "Prototype" "Threshold" "Tuvix"
(hm)"Initiantions" "Maneuvers" "Resistance" "Alliances" "Dreadnought"
S3-"Future's End" "Before and After" "Distant Origin" (hm)"Basics" "Flashback" "Sacred Ground" "Macrocosm" "Fair Trade" "Unity"
S4-"Message in a Bottle" "Living Witness" (hm)"Scorpion" "Year of Hell" "Mortal Coil"
S5- "Latent Image" (hm)"In the Flesh" "Timeless" "Thirty Days" "Bride of Chaotica" "11:59" "Relativity"
S6- "Blink of an Eye" (hm)"Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy" "Riddles" "Dragon's Teeth" "Muse"
S7- "Shattered" "Author, Author" "Homestead" "Renaissance Man" (hm)"Critical Care" "Nightingale" "Endgame"
A/S- Kazon and Romulan
C- Kathryn Janeway, Tuvok, The Doctor and Neelix (hm)Harry Kim
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"Frist Contact"
A/S- Romulan and Reman C- Worf and Picard (hm)Data
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tomionekinkmeme · 6 years
Samhain 2k18 - In Dreams
A/N: Modern Muggle AU
Tick. Tock. Tick…. Tock….
The clock was mocking her, she was sure of it. Why call it the face of a clock afterall? If not to represent the laughing, taunting nature of father time.
Hermione Granger had been awake for 5 days straight, her body vibrating with energy in defense of mounting exhaustion. She did not suffer from insomnia or some other sleep disorder. Yet she haunted the house like a wraith, silently drifting from room to room, always moving. She was not cramming all day and night for exams or crying over a failed relationship. No, the reason why Hermione refused to close her eyes, to lie down in any position resembling horizontal, was that every night she went to bed, she died a horrific death.
Well, maybe not literally, but in dreams she witnessed the last hours of countless victims, a passenger seeing through their eyes as they met a grisly end. Every dream was so vivid, each victim and murder unique.
The nightmares began about a month ago or was that two?
The days now ran together in her dazed state, time a viscous liquid that she waded through so slowly, she often wondered if she was moving at all. She would fight the siren call of sleep for as long as she could, drinking coffee, energy drinks, exercising, but eventually she couldn’t help but to give in to it’s honeyed promises of peaceful slumber.
She could still remember the first dream like it was yesterday, it all started with a girl named Ginny.
Flashing white bulbs and neon colored signs competed for attention everywhere she looked. It was as if she were submerged under water, the lighting diffused with a soft glow. The evening held a dreamy quality to it, the wind whipping fiery red strands into her face that she pushed behind her ear. Sounds though sharp, were muffled and distorted, the noise putting her on edge. Various songs blared from worn out speakers as they passed, people all around were talking animatedly and laughing.
Her arm was entwined with a young man who had messy black hair. His green eyes crinkled when he smiled at her, the lights glittering off the round wire glasses that sat high on his nose. He was amused by something she’d said as he pulled her further into the crowd toward the ferris wheel. Oh no, she hated heights, Hermione wanted to yell at the mystery man, but she couldn’t speak. She could only watch in apprehension as her body walked up to the carney, handed tickets to the man and got into the rickety cab of death.
The ride wasn’t quite as terrifying as Hermione had anticipated, there was a sense of security she received from her companion, a warm feeling that flooded her gut. He had a muscled arm wrapped around her and she leaned into his warmth. The evening was a blur of faces, friends chatting, snacks eaten, rides enjoyed. She could lose herself in the nostalgia this outing at the carnival invoked, it felt more fun and carefree than she remembered experiencing in a long time. The girl’s boyfriend had stepped away to use the loo as she leaned against a nearby wall.
The restrooms were located quite far from the main carnival setup on the grounds. You had to practically walk back to the parking lot just to get there and it was poorly lit too. It looked like a scene right out of a horror movie, the young perky innocent girl, all alone in the dark, waiting for her murderer to come. She was looking down at her phone, the bright screen illuminating her face, when she heard a faint sound.
She moved toward it and Hermione felt her fight or flight instincts kick in. This woman didn’t seem to possess Hermione’s same sense of self preservation and walked around the dim corner to investigate. Suddenly strong hands gripped her from behind and pulled her into a tall firm body. Within seconds she felt the prick of a needle go into her neck. The girl struggled desperately to get free, but with each wild flail of the arms and kick of her legs, she could feel her body was shutting down. She cursed her bad luck as she slipped into unconsciousness.
She couldn’t see anything, a course strip of cloth biting into her face. She went to remove it, but couldn’t move her wrists, in fact, her whole body felt tied down to a hard cool surface. This can’t be good, Hermione chided, doesn’t this girl know you should never go alone to check out a strange noise? This setup so cliché, Hermione internally rolled her eyes, trying to remember her tv history and if that included too many episodes of cold case files or some halloween slasher marathon. She couldn’t recall, though at the moment, she had more pressing matters to be concerned over.
She knew how this would play out and would much rather wake up, before the final act was performed. Wake up, wake up, wake up, she chanted, as she heard the creak of a door. The girl was trying to spew obscenities, but her mouth was gagged, as a man chuckled and ran a hand through her hair, playing with a strand between his fingers.
“I’ve been patiently waiting for you, my little lamb. Tonight is a very important night.” he trailed off as he ran the same hand along her cheek and cupped her chin. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “You should feel very special, I’ve chosen you as my first and one never forgets his first time, as the saying goes.”
Tears were trailing down her eyes and her breathing was becoming erratic.
“Oh, sweet Ginerva or is it Ginny? You do seem to prefer being called Ginny, don’t you? Well, don’t you worry, you have nothing to fear. You were destined for greatness. I will make you famous, immortal even. Long after you’ve left this mortal coil, you will forever live on in the tales of this night. This story, our story will be on the tip of every tongue, burned into the hearts of anyone who hears it. Or maybe, and this is just me being entirely selfish, maybe I don’t want to share what we have with the world. What do you think?” He paused, then walked around the table, leaning down to her ear on the opposite side.
“Would you like to know a secret, my pet?” Here, he finally removed the object that kept her from speaking.
“I don’t give a shit about what you’ve got to say, you sick fuck! Let me go this instant. Harry will be looking for me, you idiot. I’m sure someone must’ve seen you with me and I don’t know if you’re aware, but I come from a long line of cops and my family will not stop until they find me.”
“Oh, sweet Ginny. Of course, I expect your family to find you!” He exclaimed, clapping his hands together.
“First they’ll find your two hands, then they’ll find your torso, that pretty little head of yours, the lovely lower half, and lastly your two legs and feet. Seven pieces to make you whole once more.”
“Untie me this instant! Give me a fair fight, you fucking coward!” She screamed.
“Such a filthy mouth,” he sighed, shoving the gag back between her lips, “I was hoping for a civil conversation, but I see now, that won’t be possible. I was going to serenade you with all the reasons why I chose you Ginerva, seven letters first name and last, seventh child, I could go on and on about why seven is the most powerful number and how you perfectly embody the number in walking, talking, human form, but the moods been ruined, hasn’t it? I suppose it was too much to ask for you to be excited about this journey we’ll share together. I get it, maybe I’d be less thrilled if I were in your place, but Ginny, can’t you at least appreciate that, in a sense, you’ll be living on forever. Forever Ginny!”
This man is clearly insane, Hermione deduced. I mean, where is he going with this monologue? It sounds to me, even he’s lost the plot. The room went silent and she couldn’t feel his presence hovering over her anymore. She wondered if he quietly slinked away, or was he just standing there unmoving, staring like a predator in wait. Each second that passed, felt like an hour, several hours, when out of nowhere there was a prick against her stomach, that was pushing with more pressure, and Jesus Christ, is this what it felt like to be stabbed? Ginny was now letting out muffled screams and sobs, as Hermione witnessed this terrible act. The pain that Hermione felt was numbed, but she knew it must’ve been agonizing as Ginny thrashed and cried against the assault.
Beep…! Beep…! Beep! Hermione jolted upright in bed, blinking, eyes madly darting around the room. She sighed, it really was just a dream. I knew that, she reaffirmed, dragging a hand down the side of her face.
Increasingly disturbed come morning as she awoke from each new and gruesome death scene, Hermione was determined to overcome these strange recurring night terrors. She had started to keep a dream journal after maybe the third or fourth night, with detailed recounts of everything she could remember. It was therapeutic writing it out and she felt a bit lighter with each swipe of the pen.
There had been a pretty blonde with wavy hair that giggled too much, named Violet or was that Lavender? She was sure it was some purple flower name. He had grabbed her from a dark alley as she was reapplying her lipstick, eyes glued to her compact, already wasted and barely standing. A little prick to the neck and Hermione was greeted with darkness once more. He was not fond of Lilac, he flayed part of her arms and legs, his sick manic laugh ringing in her ears along with the poor girls wails. Iris periodically passed out from the pain only to be waterboarded awake.
Then there was another blonde with straight hair and more of a plain face that went by Hannah. Hannah Abba, she’d actually created a last name for once. Hannah was terrified and begged continually to be spared. He who had no name, snickered at her naivety.
“Do you imagine yourself in a situation that warrants you to just walk away if you ask nicely enough?” His smooth deep baritone caressed as he cruelly cut off her air supply by shoving a thick cloth into her mouth and pinched her nose. He sighed as her face turned varying shades of pink and red.
“I’m doing you a favor, you know? You’re the human equivalent of stale white bread. No one cares about you, no one would remember you if you got hit by a car tomorrow. Not your so called friends, or peers. Not even that beta male boyfriend Neville. Sure, they may think fondly of you for a week, but after that, your memory will be gone with the ether. That’s how little your very existence impacts the world around you.”
As her skin tinged purple then blue, he released his hold on her nose. He pulled the cloth from her mouth as she took deep gulping gasps. She flinched when she felt him near once more, his breath upon her face.
“So you see, I’m saving you from a fate worse than death. To be forgotten, to have never been. No, the world will remember you, sweet Hannah as a tragic character, sure. A cautionary tale, maybe. But they won’t forget, no, they’ll always recall this very night, the night which you became a legend.”
He switched it up with a male victim another evening. Colin was tall, skinny and homely looking. When he smiled, his teeth looked about 2 sizes too big for his mouth. Colin was strangled with a plastic bag over his head. He who had no name was choking poor Colin over and over until finally he took pity on the poor sod by mounting him, and snapping his neck with a hard twist of the chin.
Hermione felt crazy, how could she be normal and create these grotesque visions. No well adjusted person fantasized about murder to the degree that she lived it every night. She researched the meaning behind dreams and the symbolism of the unconscious mind. Was there some hidden underlying issue that needed to be addressed?
“Honey, you look like death. You really shouldn’t stay up so late at night.”
“Thanks mother, I’ll try that in the future.”
We have retired F.B.I. Profiler “Mad Eye” Moody on the show today, “Mr. Moody, what would you say drives a serial killer such as the self proclaimed “Death Eater” or “Voldemort” that has eluded police capture for the past 6 years.”
“He’s been at large for 6 years, but he’s been inactive for the past 4, only recently re-emerging in the past 3 months.” Moody gruffly spit out.
“Mom, why do you watch this garbage?”
“The news? Honey, current events are important, you could stand to be more informed, you should sit down and watch with me.”
“The news is nothing more than depression inducing and fear mongering. I’ll pass.”
No, Hermione had much more important matters to ponder than brainlessly learning about what common household items give you cancer or which celebrities were having a baby.
All of her most recent dreams were about blondes, did she have some deep seated hatred for fair haired individuals. She couldn’t remember any particular trauma from her past that would result in her wishing for the death of blondes. Then again, the first victim she saw had vibrant red hair.
She consulted several sleep therapists in person and online, only to be disappointed with them spouting off the same information she had dug up herself already. In desperation, she even tried taking sleeping pills in hopes of blacking out, but those too failed to safeguard her from the haunting images.
Nothing helped and nothing changed. So she settled into her current cycle of staying awake for as many days as humanly possible, mind of over matter and all that, followed by crashing for a day, day and a half, repeat. At least then she was only faced with the horrors of her mind once a week, rather than Every. Single. Night.
Tick. Tock. Tick…. Tock….
Is it just me or did the clock just wink at me? Hermione blinked her eyes, staring harder at the enemy. She didn’t want to know the time, to know that it was god awful early in the morning and she should really be asleep right now, rather than standing in line for coffee like these other early bird bastards.
Hermione was tired, dead tired. What was that line from Fight Club? “This is how it is with insomnia. Everything is so far away, a copy of a copy of a copy.” That line epitomized her current state of being as she stumbled through her order, “No, it’s Hermione, H-e-r-m, ugh, just write G, it’s for Miss G. Thanks.” She muttered walking away to stand off to the side.
“I’ll have a coffee, black.”
Hermione whipped her head toward the sound, that voice. The pitch and tone of that man instantly gave her chills and her legs threatened to buckle beneath her. Luckily she was near a wall and was able to lean against it nonchalantly as her mind raced a million miles a minute. Could this be the man in her dreams, was that monster real? Was she even awake right now?
“Miss G, order up!”
Hermione took a deep breath and headed toward the counter. She raked her eyes over him, tall, dark, and handsome. His hair was artfully windswept, his gait confident, he smelled like money. Some understated cologne that lingered pleasantly in the air and made your eyes follow the source.
He held himself with an air of ease as if everything just came to him, yet the coldness he radiated made him seem unapproachable, untouchable even.
He noticed her instantly, leaning heavily against the wall as if she could melt into the shadows. Her eyes kept darting toward him, she was not as subtle as she imagined. It stirred the predator inside, she was so damn skittish, beyond normal attraction or nerves. She was dripping neurosis, with her twitching and constant subtle movements. Her hair was curly and wild, it seemed to reflect her agitation. She invoked the thrill of the hunt in him, which was odd to say the least. Intrigued he put on his friendly face.
She was staring off into the distance again, only realizing too late that her line of sight settled in his direction. He flashed her a grin with his dead eyes. She almost dropped her coffee.
“I’m so sorry!” She blurted out, blushing profusely. “You just look so familiar, I was trying to place you, but I can’t seem to figure out where I would’ve seen you before.” Or heard you, demon spawn.
“Tom, order up!”
He grabbed his coffee turning towards her, hand outstretched. “It’s ok, I get that more often than you’d think.” This time, the smile reached his eyes.
“I’m Tom.” He said tipping his coffee toward her in salute.
“I’m Hermione and really, I didn’t mean to stare. I don’t suppose you attend Hogwarts Uni and I’ve seen you around campus?” She blurted the first nonsense small talk she could think of.
“Oh no, dear!” He said with a hearty laugh. “I’ve been out of University for about 10 years now.” He invited her to join him.
“I shouldn’t, I couldn’t.” Hermione stammered, adjusting her messenger bag, wondering if he would chase her should she bolt for the door.
“Nonsense, come, sit”
“Um…ok.” She sat down gracelessly, bumping her bag into the table and knocking some of her books and papers from inside the bag onto the floor. Fuck, I’ll never get out of here now.
“I’m such a klutz lately, sorry. I feel like I can’t stop apologizing to you.” Please be annoyed and send me away.
“It’s fine, it’s early and you haven’t had any of your coffee yet. You have an excuse.” He offered charmingly. Tom bent down to help her gather her things. Hermione Granger displayed on one of her cover pages. “You mentioned you attend Hogwarts? And majoring in…” he looked down at the textbook Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience and a paperback Dreams and Nightmares: The Origin and Meaning of Dreams.
“I’m going to take a stab and say, psych major?”
Funny you should say “stab”, seems you have a propensity toward violence even in your everyday speech.
“It was a fair guess, but no. I’m a pre-med major, I have an academic interest in psychology, hence…”
She seemed friendly enough, but there was something in her eyes. He could see fear in them if he looked hard enough. She recognized him, which was absurd as he’d never seen this girl before. She held herself surprisingly steady, considering her instinct to flee, her body was facing the door and she held tension in her legs to jump up and run at a moment’s notice.
Fascinating. He wanted to splay his hand on her knee to hold her still, he wondered if she would faint if he touched her. Or would she fight him? Would he have to wrestle her to the ground and use his body weight to hold her down. He was getting excited just thinking about her underneath him.
“Is old Slughorn still teaching Chem?”
“So you did go to Hogwarts?” She countered, eyebrow raised. Liar, liar, pants on fire. What else are you lying about sweet prince?
“I did, but ages ago.”
They talked about some of his old professors that still taught, about some of her classes. The conversation flowed freely and Hermione found herself being lulled into a false sense of security the more she listened to his opinions and thoughts on current medical practices and some of the recent breakthroughs his research firm had made in cancer cell analysis.
Was she being paranoid in thinking this highly educated well to do man was a serial killer just because of the cadence of his voice. Of course she was being paranoid, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right about him.
“I should get going, classes and all that.” Hermione was never good at a natural exit strategy.
Tom smiled warmly. “I’d love to see you again, allow me to take you to dinner tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? Tomorrow night?” She choked, catching herself from a look of horror and forcing a pleasant expression on her face. This is it, this is the moment that I’ll regret my life choices once I’m lying blindfolded and tied down on his table.
“I’d love to, but I’m just swamped with midterms coming up and I have this research paper due on Tuesday…”
“Give me your phone. We can exchange numbers and meet up the next time you have a few free hours. I’d love to pick your brain on stem cell theory, you’re more enthusiastic and knowledgeable than my current interns. It would be great having someone like you on board.”
Now this posed a unique opportunity. Getting close to him, she could find out if her suspicions were real or merely a fantastic coincidence. Surely if he was a murderer, he wouldn’t be dumb enough to piss where he eats, wait, what was that saying? Don’t take a piss in the yard? Don’t piss where you sleep?
“Hm…?” Shit, I didn’t hear what he was saying.
Tom’s hand was outstretched, her phone in his palm. He placed it in her own, playing with her fingers in a surprisingly intimate way. He stood and leaned toward her ear.
“I look forward to our next meeting, Hermione. I can’t wait to get to know you better.” he breathed, then swiftly walked away.
What the fuck was that?
Hermione slept like a baby. Sweet, sweet peaceful REM sleep, no night terrors, no lingering feelings of disgust and horror upon waking. I haven’t felt this good in what feels like forever, she mused.
A couple weeks passed and she fell back into routine easily, school, study, work, repeat. It seemed like the nightmares and sleep deprivation were a thing of the past. She didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, so she put the disturbing dreams behind her, locking them in a box within the deepest, darkest recesses of her mind.
“Hermione, can you pick up a prescription for your father tomorrow afternoon? I thought I’d be around, but Barbara filled the cancellation spot, so it looks like we’ll be in the office most of the day.”
“Of course mom, it’s no problem.”
Parts of Hannah Abbott were recently found buried in multiple shallow graves on the shore of the Thames by Reading. Seven graves, each containing a piece of her body. Police suspect this is another case of the self proclaimed “Death Eater” or “Voldemort” serial killer. He is known to stalk, torture, and kill his victims, disposing of their body, by cutting it up into 7 pieces.
Hermione stared at the tv, her eyes getting blurry and a high pitched ringing filling her head. Hannah Abbott, Hannah Abbo, Hannah Abba. Why did that name sound so familiar?
Hermione looked down at her phone.
Hey, it’s Tom. We met at the coffee shop. How did midterms go? What are you doing this weekend? Want to have dinner?
Her stomach dropped.
Hermione ran to her bedroom grabbing her dream journal and flipping open her laptop.
“Honey are you okay?” Her mother called from the living room.
“I’m fine Mom, I just felt a headache coming on. I think I’m going to lay down.”
She furiously typed Hannah Abbott into google and opened the first article with a picture of a plain faced blonde smiling back at the camera. She typed in “Voldemort” seeing thousands of articles pop up in the search, scrolling down the screen names like “Ginny” “Lavender” and even “Colin” jumping out at her. This serial killer had been active on and off over the past 6 years, with his victim count suspected to reach as low as 23, as high as 48. The room started to spin and she was hyperventilating, this was real, all her dreams really happened.
She passed out.
Now that she thought about it, the dreams stopped around the time she met Tom. She felt like an idiot for not making the connection sooner! This had to mean something. She felt fear, yes, of course, but she also felt purpose and duty. Hermione was meant to prove his guilt and somehow stop his murderous killing spree, she just knew it.
Hello, Tom. It’s good to hear from you. This weekend sounds great! I’m available Saturday night, just let me know when and where. I look forward to seeing you soon. :)
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bearmajors · 6 years
I was tagged by @thepavi​ !!! I love you Charlie thanks I’m actually going to do this meme this time
rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
I choose: 
Shock Treatment
Star Trek: DS9
Star Trek: Voyager
these answers are long so continue reading below the cut!
the first character you loved:
LET’S SEE HMMM the first time I watched this movie I really found Bert entertaining I think? that was so long ago it’s hard to remember... I wouldn’t say I loved him though
OH DEFINITELY KIRA the first character I really really really felt strongly towards was Kira !!! and that happened extremely fast.
okay this is actually really funny the first time I watched Voyager was in 2015 believe it or not and I half payed attention to the first three seasons before giving up. and during that time I really liked Tuvok a lot? I was sad he didn’t get much screentime. I liked Harry as well but it wasn’t until my forreal 2017 rewatch that I actually fell in love with him lol
the character you never expected to love so much:
SDJKLAJDFSAD WELL UH I’m sure it’s obvious but BRAD. tbh. he’s my husband I love him with my whole terrible gay heart.
well !..... I honestly never thought I’d become SO attached to another crew besides the original series so like my answer is... everyone? I never expected DS9 to become my favorite show of all time... this crew is my family to be honest ! ! !
HARRY KIM!!! he’s so perfect omfg he’s definitely the highlight of the whole show !
the character you relate to the most:
hmm I guess Brad but it’s weird comparing myself to him because I . love him so much
I’d have to say I relate a lot to Odo but I’m not proud to say that
this is really not looking good for me but. Neelix... BUT NOT. HIS. TERRIBLE QUALITIES I mean later in the show when he’s really caring towards Naomi!!! I felt those scenes were really really really sweet and I really can relate to that ! also the episode Mortal Coil was so relatable that I bawled my eyes out. but anyways yeah I don’t like Neelix but those scenes. wow.
the character you’d slap:
I’d slap Farley hands down. evil man who I hate
Gul Dukat omfg I love when Kira throws that cup at him he deserves it so bad. I just rewatched Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night yesterday and was screeching the entire time. the audacity of it all...
I want to slap the EMH. right now. please just shut up.
three favorite characters (in order of preference):
BRAD MAJORS !!!!!!!!!, Janet, Betty. but seriously I love everyone this is really hard.
SISKO, KIRA, ... EVERYONE ELSE... how am I supposed to pick just three when they’re all my family
Harry Kim, B’Elanna, Janeway
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
hmm honestly I have no answer for this one. the only characters I dislike are Farley and Janet’s dad and I never liked them to begin with so : )
this is impossible I love everyone. I could never stop loving them.
I seriously loved EMH during the first. two seasons maybe. and now I resent every second of screentime he has PLEASE LET OTHER CHARACTERS DO THINGS. YOU’RE SO PRETENTIOUS AND RUDE ALL THE TIME.
three otps:
my number one OTP of all time is me/Brad because we’re married irl. Brad/Janet is cute too even if they’re straight. Betty/Oliver is like. funny I don’t ship it though or anything it’s just. a canon thing that’s cute
in general I actually don’t ship things that much at all...? like Bashir/Garak is genuinely canon and I love fanart of that but other than that... I have no ships!
the USS Voyager was not made for good relationships. in my opinion.
THIS WAS SO FUN THANKS FOR TAGGING ME I don’t. know who to tag tbh if you saw this feel free to go ahead and say I tagged you, be sure to @ me in the post I wanna see your answers!!!
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dukereviewstv · 5 years
Duke Reviews TV: Smallville 1x13 Kinetic
Hi, Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV Where We Are Continuing Our Look At Smallville By Talking About Episode 13 Of Season 1, Kinetic...
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This Episode Sees Whitney, Falling Into A Bad Crowd After He Loses His Football Scholarship. Given Tattoos That Give Them The Ability To Walk Through Walls, They Put Chloe In The Hospital And Blackmail Lex. Will Whitney Be Able To Get Out Of This With The Help Of Clark And Lana?...
Let's Find Out As We Watch Kinetic...
The Episode Starts At The Luthor Mansion Where Lex Is Doing An Interview With Chloe While Clark Films It But When Lex Gets A Phone Call From Lionel, Lex Makes An Abrupt Exit Leaving Chloe And Clark Waiting...
But While They Look Around The Mansion, 3 Burglars Appear To Go Through Lex's Vault And I Mean Through Lex's Vault Like They Literally Walk Through The Wall And Into Lex's Vault...
Honestly, Why Does Lex Not Have A Security System In Place Whenever He's Not In The Vault?, That's Just Stupid Especially For Lex Luthor...
Taking Whatever They Want From The Vault, They Eventually Find A Red Disk And Decide To Take It With Them, But In Leaving The Vault, They're Discovered By Clark And Chloe, Who Have Returned To The Library Of The Mansion To Discover Their Money Bags...
With The Crooks Grabbing Clark (Who's Unable To Due Anything Due To The Crooks Kryptonite Tattoos) He Tells Chloe To Run Which She Does But Unfortunately She Gets Caught By One Of The Crooks Who Tosses Her Out Of A Window...
Hanging On By A Thread...
The Crooks Leave With Their Loot So Clark Can Go Rescue Chloe But He Arrives Too Late As Chloe Falls To Her Death...
Yeah, She's Dead...From A Fall That High You Are Deader Than Dead And Any Chance To Save You Would Be No Less Than A Miracle...
The Next Day At The Hospital, We See That Chloe's Alive?!? HI, How Is She Alive After That Fall!?!
(Start At 0:24, End At 0:37)
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Broken Arm And Concussion, My Ass?!? Unless The Best Doctor In Metropolis Is God No Doctor On Earth Could Possibly Help Her, She Is Dead, Plain And Simple, She Has Kicked The Bucket, She's Shuffled Off The Mortal Coil, Run Down The Curtain And Joined The Fricken Choir Invisible! THIS SHOULD BE AN EX-PERSON!
With Clark Blaming Himself For What Happened To Chloe, Lex Tells Him Not To As He Explains That These Crooks Have Hit Places All Over The County, Getting In And Out Of Places Without Breaking A Single Lock, They Even Tried Breaking Into The Smallville Savings And Loan But The Alarm System Went Off...
Not Hearing About That Robbery, Lex Tells Clark That The Banks Don't Publicize When They've Been Robbed As It's Bad For Their Image...
Asking If The Police Can Trace The Stuff They Stole From Lex, He Tells Clark That Nothing Was Stolen, Despite Clark Knowing That They Had 2 Bags That Were Filled But Saying That All That Matters Now Is Finding Them And When Lex Does He Tells Clark That He'll Deal With It Accordingly...
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Running Into Whitney Outside Of Her Aunt's Shop, She Asks Whitney Why She Didn't Meet Him At The Hospital Only For Him To Tell Her That He Forgot...
Noticing Something Wrong In His Tone, Lana Asks Whitney If Something Is Wrong And If It Involves His Dad To Which Whitney Blows Her Off By Saying That He's Got To Do Inventory At His Dad's Store...
Karate Chopping Wood To Let Off Some Steam...
Jonathan And Martha Tell Clark The Same Thing Everyone Else Has Told Him And That Becoming An Adult Means Learning A Lot Of Hard Lessons One Being That You Can't Save Everyone No Matter Who You Are...
Telling Them About Feeling The Same Effect As The Meteor Rocks But He Just Didnt Know Where It Was Coming From, This Leads Them To Suggest That Clark Go Out And Discover What He Can Instead Of Feeling Sorry For Himself By Karate Chopping Wood...
Oh, I'm Sorry According To Martha Here, I Played The Wrong Song When Clark Was Karate Chopping Wood Instead It Should Apparently Be This...
Packing Up Inside The Talon, Aunt Nell Asks Lana About Her Sudden Interest In The Talon Which Leads Me To Show This Clip From The Last Episode...
(Start At 0:28, End At 1:00)
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But Nell Tells Lana That One Screen Can't Compete With A Multiplex And The Fact That Nell Wants To Be Able To Send Lana To Any College She Wishes...
However, Not Willing To Give Up So Easily, Lana Asks Who The New Owner Is So She Could Possibly Convince Them To Renovate, Telling Lana That It's Lex, Lana Realizes That She Might Have An Opportunity Since They're Friends...
Going To The Smallville Savings And Loan With Pete As The Criminals Tried To Hit There, Clark X-Rays The Vault To Discover An Arm Inside Of The Vault Door...
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Meanwhile At The Criminals HQ, Their Leader, Wade, Looks For News About The Robbery But Unfortunately, There's Nothing On Any News Channels About It To Which Another Member, Scott Believes That Lex Hasn't Reported It Because He Doesn't Miss It As Even Though They Took Stuff He's Still Rich To The Point He Even Compares Him With Scrooge McDuck Saying That He Probably Has A Pit Full Of Money That He Probably Swims In...
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Only Problem Is If They Had Stuck Around They Would Have Ended Up Dead As The Energy From The Tatoos Only Lasts For Short Periods And What's Worse They're Dying From It...
Believing They Need New Meat To Keep Their Dream Alive. They Eventually Figure Out Why Lex Didn't File A Report With The Police, Turns Out Lex Has Hacked Into Daddy Lionel's Computer, So, Paying Lex A Visit, They Want...
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From Lex And Mention That If He Tells Anyone About This, They'll Upload The Disc To The Internet. Handing Lex A Mobile Phone, They Leave...
Running Into Whitney At His Dad's Store, Clark Like Lana Knows That Something Is Wrong With Whitney Which Leads Whitney To Tell Clark That He Lost His Scholarship...
But While Talking With Whitney, Scott Interrupts Asking Whitney If Some Shoes They Sell Come In A Size 12. With Clark Noticing Scott's Tattoos He's Like (Like Biff Tannen) What're You Looking At, Butthead?...
Showing Scott Some Shoes, Whitney Runs Into Wade Who's An Avid Fan...
(Start At 1:45, End At 2:26)
Inviting Whitney To A Party Tonight After He Closes Up, He Shows Up To Which Wade Gives Him A Tour And Offers Him The Chance To Join Them Saying That Guys Like Them Have To Stick Together...
That's Evangeline Lilly, Wade Is Kissing After Taking A Shot, The Way I See This Is That This Is Hope Van Dyne In Her Rebellious Teenage Years Before She Became The Wasp Or Her And Ant-Man Are Involved In An Undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. Operation Involving These Guys...
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Well, A Guy Has To Try To At Least Get Marvel And DC To Work Together In Peace Instead Of Fighting Like Children Over Whose Films Are Better To Which Marvel Wins By A Infinity Gauntlet Snap...
Showing Whitney To A Back Room, He's Not Exactly Interested In Getting A Tattoo...
(Start At 1:03)
The Next Day, Chloe Is Awake At The Hospital (Don't See How Since...But I Digress) And Clark Goes To Visit Her Where She Notices All The Flowers She Got Including The Ones From Lex That Make Her Feel Like She Won The Kentucky Derby...
Asking If She Remembers Anything, Chloe Mentions The Tattoo Of An Octagon To Which Clark Tells Her To Sit Tight While He Does Some Digging...
Meanwhile At The Talon, Lana Tries To Convince Lex Not To Bulldoze The Talon Into A Parking Lot But Her Reasonings Aren't Good Enough To Change His Mind...
Talking To Whitney At His Dad's Store About Scott, He Tells Clark That He Doesn't Remember A Guy With Tattoo But When Clark Accidentally Hits Whitney's Tattoo, Clark Questions Him On It And Tells Him That If He's Involved With Them To Stay Away From Them...
But Unwilling To Take Advice From Clark, Since He Spends Most Of His Time Going After Lana, Whitney Tells Clark To Get Out...
Calling Lana On This, She Tells Clark That When She Asked What Was Going On, Whitney Told Her That He Went Out With Some New Friends Yesterday, Blowing Off Some Steam And When She Confronted Him On It He Got Mad At Lana The Same Way He Did At Clark, So, She Decided To Back Off...
This Leads Clark To Tell Her About Whitney's Scholarship (Even Though It's Not Really His Place To Tell Her, But When The Girl Of Dream's Boyfriend Goes Cuckoo, All Bets Are Off) Searching The Torch, Clark Finds Yearbook Pictures Of Whitney's New Friends...
(Start At 2:00, End At 2:39)
Telling Clark About What Happened With Lex, He Suggests That What Lex Said To Lana Wasn't More Of A Rejection But A Challenge To Give Him More Of A Business Reasoning Like He Wants And Less Of An Emotional One...
Closing Up His Dad's Store, Whitney Goes With Wade, Scott And Derek For A Little "Fun", And By Fun Wade Means Meeting Lex To Make The Exchange...
(Start At 1:10, End At 2:37)
Taking Whitney Back To Their Base, Whitney Tells The Others That He Didn't Join Them To Kill People, With Wade Believing Whitney Wants Out, Whitney Lies Telling Them That That's Not The Case He Just Doesn't Think That Lex Is An Idiot To Which Wade Tells Whitney Not To Worry About Lex As He Has The Fear Of God In Him...
Standing Up For Whitney, By Telling The Other Members That It Was Basically Just A Case Of The Jitters, Wade Tells Whitney To Not Screw Up Again Or Else...
Asking What Lex Was Doing With Those Guys, He Partially Tells Clark The Truth, By Saying That They Blackmailed Him For Money In Exchange For Confidential Luthorcorp Information...
(Start At 2:15, End At 2:36)
Yeah And You're My First One, Buddy, Congratulations...
Wondering What Lex's Next Move Is Going To Be, He Tells Clark Not To Worry Because They'll Soon Discover That No One Robs From Lex Luthor...
Asking About Whitney, Lex Tells Clark That It Depends On What Side He's On...
The Next Day At The Hospital, Pete Visits To Give Chloe Her Laptop Computer, Which Even Clark Knows Is A Bad Idea As Chloe Should Be Resting (Six Feet Under) But Tired Of Rest, She Asks Clark To Let Her Do This And To Not Cut Her Out...
Asking What She Has, She Comes Up With The Theory That The Meteor Rock Tattoos Are Speeding Up Their Metabolism Making Their Molecules Move At Hyper Speed, Causing Them To (In SpeedForce Terms) Vibrate Through The Wall...
Comparing It To An Ultimate Rush, Chloe Points Out That One Or Another It's Not Good For Them Either As Their Bodies Can't Handle The Stress For Long Which Explains Why They're Dying...
Confronting Lana At The Talon, Whitney Tells Her Everything As For The First Time In His Life, He's Scared...
(Start At 1:53, End At 2:29)
Taking Clark Into The Gang's Loft To Find It Empty, Clark Finds The Disc Using His X-Ray Vision, But Unfortunately Wade And His Crew Return Where Wade Is Like...
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So, Having His Boys Grab Whitney, Wade Tells Clark To Give Him Back The Disc To Which Clark Turns It Into Dust So, Wade Puts His Hand Into Clark's Chest To Cause Him Pain Even Though Again, It Should Kill Him...
I Mean If The Reverse Flash Can Phase His Hand Into Cisco Ramon To Kill Him, Then That Should Kill Clark In The Same Way It Killed Cisco...
But With Clark Surviving, They Leave Derek To Guard Him, Only For Lex To Use A Taser On Derek To Stun Him...
At Least He Didn't Do It The Selina Kyle Way...
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And All I Can Say About That Guy Is That He's Getting A Lot More Cowbell In Hell...
(Start At 2:15, End At 3:05)
Now....Life....Has Killed The Dream I Dreamed...
With Derek And Scott Arrested By The Cops, Lex Tells The Police That They Broke Into Lex's House And Both Whitney And Clark Figured It Out And Tried To Be Heroes. But Before Scott And Derek Pull Away In Their Police Car, Lex Tells Them That If They Keep His Secret, He'll Keep There's And If They Don't They'll Find Out That They're Not The Ones That Can Phase Through Walls...
Later That Evening, Chloe Is Released From The Hospital While Lana Gives Her New Proposal To Lex...
(Start At 1:25, End At 2:30)
And That's Kinetic And Despite My Complaints That 2 People Should Have Died In This Episode, It's An Okay Episode...
Yes, It Has It's Flaws And It Makes Feel Happy That I Don't Have Any Tattoos But While The Story Was Okay, The Characters Were Decently Written And The Episode Sees Lana And Lex Becoming Partners In The Talon So That Sees Progress In A Storyline So,I Guess I Say See It Just Don't Go Swearing On Your Tattoo That You'll Get A Good Episode...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
0 notes
Turns out, computers don’t like wine
Or at least Grenache. Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of my dad’s death. My plan was to stay home from work, get drunk, and engage in some catharsis - watch the Lion King, The Body (the Buffy episode), etc. However, before I could even manage to get properly tipsy, I spilled an entire glass of wine on my laptop. I can’t even blame it on being drunk. I’m just a klutz. Or it was the ghost of my father, who was a computer programmer, upset at me for being a Mac person. If so, that was a dick move, Dad. Not cool. Wine and computers don’t mix very well, and my laptop has now kicked the bucket, shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible. It is an ex-laptop.  So I find myself needing to purchase a new laptop, which is not really an expense that I am at all prepared for right now. If you can help out, I would greatly appreciate it. And if you have a line on a older Macbook that someone would be willing to sell me, please let me know. Thank you so much to anyone who is able to help out.  https://www.youcaring.com/jesilipp-768648
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Entry #372 - Turn It Around
I was about to begin today's entry by describing what I was thinking about writing about for the day, but thought better of it.  Too much negativity involved.  I really don't need that in my life right now (or ever, for that matter), so I am simply going to drop it from my  mind and not worry about it anymore. I don't need additional stress in my life.  I have plenty of that to go around already.
So my sleep schedule is fairly well ruined.  Yesterday, I only got somewhere around four or five hours of sleep (I vaguely remember writing about this in yesterday's entry) and, try as I might, could not stay awake very far into the evening. So I ended up going to bed at roughly 8:30 last night.  My body, instead of realizing I needed a bit of extra rest to make up for the previous evening's mishap, decided that eight hours of sleep was plenty and woke me up at around 4:30 AM today.  Try as I might, I could not fall back asleep and wait for my alarm.  After about a half hour of tossing and turning, I decided it would be a better use of my time if I just got up and went about my day  Which actually turned out to be a halfway decent idea, since I ended up going to the grocery store at 7 AM so I didn't have to be bothered by a bunch of people.  I didn't get a whole lot, but I did get enough to get me through the next couple of days.  And, upon returning home, I had not one, but TWO cups of coffee (which I'm certain I will regret throughout the day) and recorded the third episode of my video game podcast.  I know have three in reserve, and can safely put that project to the side for now so I can focus on other endeavors.  I'm probably not going to post these episodes for another week or two depending on how the artwork goes.  I still need to clean up the background noise and insert the intro and interstitial music, but other than that, I'm pretty well ready to go on submitting it to iTunes and Google Play.
I don't know what it is about produce from the Japanese market my mother and I visit, but it's just so much better than the grocery store across the street from me.  Cheaper, too.  I think it may have something to do with acquiring the food from more local sources.  Or maybe they just go for quality over quantity.  I don't know how much demand that market has for things like tangerines or green beans, but they are so much better from that market than the supermarket near me it isn't even funny.  Sure, the main reason we go to the Japanese market is for sushi, but I might talk to my mom about heading over there once a week just for produce.
I actually got a bit burned out on sushi during our last trip there.  I got more than usual since it was my birthday, and ended up leaving half of it for the next day.  And let me tell you...that stuff did NOT hold up until the next day.  I'm not a sushi purist.  I like my California rolls.  But the avocado in there was brown the day after we bought it.  Not exactly my favorite item to consume.  I learned for sure that the next time we go there for sushi, I will do so sparingly at best.  Besides, sushi that good should be a special occasion thing, not an every two weeks kind of thing.
What I really should do is learn to make my own sushi.  It would probably be significantly cheaper to make, and I would have a pretty neat skill to show to my friends. I'm not expecting to become a master sushi chef.  I just want to be able to make my own California rolls.  Which reminds me...I always meant to watch that documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi but never got around to doing so.  I should search that out and give it a watch. Heck, there are a lot of documentaries and films that I've missed out on over the last thirty or so years.  Will I ever have time to watch them all?  Probably not.  But really, that doesn't bother me as much as it used to.  For some reason, a few years back, I had this mentality that I NEEDED to see certain movies or television shows before I died.  Not that I thought I was dying back then.  I just thought there were certain iconic films that one must witness before passing through this mortal coil.  I suppose now that I'm a little bit older and (hopefully) a little bit wiser, I realized that it really isn't that important to make sure I watch, say, the entire James Bond franchise of films or every Star Trek series ever created. I mean I wouldn't mind watching either, but it isn't as though my life would feel devoid of purpose if I didn't watch them.  There is far too much stuff to do in this world anyway, and we humans, while we do have a fairly long lifespan when compared with, say, a fly. Even so, we have a relatively short time on this planet (which has existed for billions of years and will continue to exist billions of years from now), and it would behoove us to take advantage of the ti me we do have here.  Which, when I start to think about it, makes me realize how much time I would consider I've wasted here.  I am not necessarily a very young man anymore.  Though I am not middle-aged, either, I still feel as though I have not really made any sort of mark in the world as of yet.  Not that I'm saying I WILL make a mark on the world.  But there are times when I feel I have a larger purpose in life than typing memos or fixing computers or whatever else I might consider possible jobs for me right now.  I feel as though I might be here on this earth to possibly reach out to others, be it through audio form or through physical form.  I've been realizing that one of my most core tenets is the desire to help others, and I believe it is time for me to act on that belief.  I'm not sure exactly how that will manifest itself, but I would imagine it would be a good idea for me to just go out and try something.
I'm going to end here, since I think it's a good spot to end.  Also, my left hand has been hurting all day and I kind of want to stop typing.  So I will.
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literateape · 7 years
Digital Tombstones and Dying Invisibly in Plain Sight
By Don Hall
By 2012, just eight years after the platform was launched, 30 million users with Facebook accounts had died. That number has only gone up since. Some estimates claim more than 10,000 users die each day.
Let that sink in for a second.
I don't know if this fact unnerves you but it sure as hell gives me a moment of pause.
There is a percentage of this 30 million plus whose family memorializes their dead on Facebook. They have access and can change the profile, take a lot of the outgoing feeds out of the picture and the thing becomes a digital tombstone. But that's a small portion. If you don't have access, you have to present a death certificate to Zuckerburg's cybernetic fiefdom and they'll grant the access, which most people in times of grieving aren't going to do. I mean, they're busy arranging a funeral and the fucking outrageous fees involved with legally putting their loved ones to rest.
My guess is that there are a solid chunk of these Facebook Ghouls who simply had no one to bother.
30 million plus. Dead. Still getting a News Feed and posts about cats and food and babies and politics. Still being sold bullshit that they didn't need in life and certainly have no use for now. Twenty-four hours a day.
This is new shit for civilization. Yes, we still have memories of our dead loved ones but a constantly available diary of our deceased friend or family member's life via bland statuses about their political beliefs, their concert experiences, their online arguments about bullshit? This seems a bit like keeping the wound of grief perpetually open. A photo album of stagnant moments is one thing and I suppose, as photography was becoming more prevalent, there may have been some older dude bemoaning the fact that these new-fangled pictures in books of our loved ones is just a way to keep our grief running like a trickling injury, but this Internet Graveyard seems somehow creepier.
Once in a while I get a comment on my old Blogspot blog as if I had just written an essay posted 11 years ago, yesterday. Most often, these comments are to tell me what an asshole I am. Those posts will still be up long after I croak (unless I die in the impending Armageddon of All Infrastructure and Energy or the Zombie Takeover of 2024), which means, at some point, someone will read a blog post of mine from years ago and call me an asshole after I'm long dead and buried. And isn't that just a little bit weird?
Not long after reading about the Facebook Mausoleum, I went to a poetry reading my wife was involved with and one of the poets read a poem he wrote inspired by Joyce Vincent.
"Joyce Carol Vincent (15 October 1965 – c. December 2003) was a British woman whose death went unnoticed for more than two years as her corpse lay undiscovered in her London bedsit. She died in her bedsit around December 2003 with neither family, friends, co-workers, nor neighbours taking notice. Her remains were discovered on January 25, 2006, with the cause of death believed to be either an asthma attack or complications from a recent peptic ulcer.  Her television was still on when they found her remains next to a stack of Christmas presents in the process of being wrapped." Source
Connect the dots, friends.
The image of Vincent, her dead body slowly decomposing in front of the non-stop advertising, news, stories, reality TV cascading over her inert meat cage is unsettling. It makes me wonder if we aren't all just a little bit dead as we connect with the world via screens while at the same time understanding and believing in these screens as unique tools for human advancement. If you're a Luddite who believes getting out among other humans is somehow superior to social media on an iPad, you've forgotten what it's like to go to Navy Pier in the summer or to have to wait in line to piss at a Cubs game.
In the documentary about Vincent (which I rented on Amazon the night I heard the poem and my wife and I watched that night) holds no answers to the obvious questions. Her family (she was the youngest of four daughters and all of them plus her mother were still alive at the time) refused to be a part of the doc and the many friends and ex-boyfriends only had tales of how wonderful she was. No one could explain how she simply disappeared from the daily discourse of life for two years and that no one bothered to check up on her. She wasn't homeless. She was only 38 years old. She was lovely and engaged in the world. She died from an asthma attack (they think) in the midst of wrapping Christmas presents (for who?) watching the television and sat there, decaying, for two years before the landlord hired someone to break the door down because her rent was really fucking late.
I wrote a blog post (that made it into my first book) that posited the idea that each of us is really not that important in the Grand Scheme. That finding those people whom we find important and doing a Venn diagram of who in that list also find us important gives a clear picture of the people who would come over to our home and find us dead if we expired on the floor wrapping Christmas presents. Then my wife wanted me to give her a list of all of my passwords to all of my accounts in part so if I die, she can cancel those automatic renewed payments and social media accounts that would remain active if I got hit by a lightning bolt or randomly shot in my Prius driving around in Rogers Park.
I have in my Friends List a small number of people who have shuffled off the mortal coil and yet still have active Faceborg accounts (including the lovely Ken Manthey). When I go to invite people to events I'm producing, I see them and wonder why I don't un-Friend them. But that seems sort of shitty to remove them for the act of dying, yes?  
As these pieces of unrelated, but completely similar information have been banging around in my skull, I find myself looking at people: in the gym, at the Mariano's, at work, on the street. Which of them will die and leave their Facebook profile as a digital doppelgänger of their lives? Who among them will die and, being practically invisible in life, no one fucking notices? I also find myself checking in randomly with people I know but haven't heard from in a while just to make sure they aren't rotting in front of multiple episodes of The Bachelorette or Game of Thrones.
I believe that if I died like Joyce Vincent, I would be found relatively soon after. I hope. But I'd love for my Facebook profile to remain active. In fact, I kind of want to pay someone to keep posting angry statuses for a few years after my death as a sort of metaphysical joke or a Houdini calling out from beyond the grave thing.
Not sure who would find it funny but I'd be dead so I probably wouldn't care.
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