#i turned off rbs because im fucking tired
flipclock · 3 months
People who say "transandrodorks/babies" don't get it. They don't get that the people talking about anti-transmasculinity are not inherently tied to the same people who think trans fems are oppressors, that trans women shouldn't have words to define their own oppression or any other TERF talking point. As soon as I mention the current discourse around anti-transmasculinity existing someone brings up how trans fems are not our oppressors- which is obvious and not what I'm talking about. Trans mascs having words to talk about our own issues is NOT taking anything away from trans fems.
I don't align myself with the TERFs and transmisogynists who are using the anti-transmasculinity movement to further their own anti-transfem agenda. I also do not immediately associate trans fems talking about their oppression with the trans fems who are currently calling us "transandrobabies". I just wish that we would be given that same understanding.
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alright. so, i know ive already made a post about this on my main, but im stupid and went to the original tweet and just made myself angry again.
alright, so a couple days ago i rbed a screenshot of a certain story board artist's tweet about being the one to put tcest in the show.
i dont know why or how, but i found my way onto twitter and to the original tweet that this guy made.
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for context, sheldon here was a storyboard artist for Rise and the scene they are talking about here is this one from the Lair Games episode-
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i partially explain again why this is horrible and disgusting and partially why i dont believe or accept sheldon's... i dont even know what to call it. his response (the top post in the first screenshot)
part one
since i literally just rbed something about this, im just going to copy/paste my rb and add onto it a little.
" no but when i found out that some of the artists who originally worked on Rise were t-cesters and proshippers i was actually so fucking pissed off.
there are part of this community that are actually god damn disgusting, and im not afriad to say that tcest is fucking rancid and if you support it i dont want you near the content that i create.
first of all, it is literally incest. it says so right in the name. which, i really hope i dont have to explain why incest is bas in the ripe year of 2022. I don't care that they arent "blood-related". They were fucking raised as brothers, treated like brothers, and think of each other as brothers. No matter how hard you try to spin it, no matter how hard you argue that they arent technically related, you have to understand that they see and think of each other as brothers, which should be enough to make this incest.
this show was amazing when it came to family dynamics and brotherly love/trust/bonds. i can say with confidence that the brothers in Rise are much more brotherly/closer than any other previous versions. it's obvious to see that they love and care and want to protect one another. to turn platonic and love for one's family into something so gross and vile is taking all of the healthy emotional bonds between these characters and throwing it out the window.
i cant fuckung believe i have to say this every time i come back into the tmnt fandom, but-
sure, with the recent Rise movie we saw an adult leo, but heres the thing- that version of leo is fucking dead. he literally got fucking beamed out of existence.
the fact that every one of these brothers are under the age of 18 and i still see so much nsfw art is absolutely horrid.
finally, it's a kid's show. sure, many of us in the community are teens, later teens, and grown adults, but that does not change that this show was originally created to bring the tmnt franchise into yet another generation of kids. again, i sincerely hope that i dont need to explain why implying incest in kids shows (or really any TVs shows, for that matter) is morally wrong and vile.
literally yesterday me and some of my mutuals had to go through a lot of our content to re-tag a whole bunch of our posts tagged with "tcest dni" because tumblr's tagging system is actual shit. there shouldnt even be a tcest community, outside of it impeding on the rest of us Rise fans.
sorry this is such a long post but im so tired of seeing / hearing about tcest. its gross, disgusting, icky, etc etc. it is 6:30 am and i woke up and saw this and decided to fucking say something, because tcest has actively made my experience coming back into the tmnt community and fandom worse. "
and i still stand by that. seeing so much tcest- and from the artists on the rise crew, no less- is making my journy back into the tmnt fandom so, so much worse. it is actively hurting a lot of people- which brings me to one specific tweet from this thread.
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so, to start- i do not, i repeat- DO NOT condone or promote sending death threats to people or telling them to kill themselves.
second- it isnt. harmless. reminder, again, that this is a
you are talking about MINORS IN INCESTUAL RELATIONSHIPS. "harmless fiction" my ass.
part two
ok. so as you can see in the original screenshot, you can see that sheldon is passing this off as a joke. but i honestly cannot believe him when he says this.
why, i hear you asking. well,
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look at the time stamp. 2020, nearly three years ago now, when the Lair Games episode had just come out.
why didn't he say it was a joke three years ago, when he first posted the storyboard clip? because he isnt fucking joking. either that or he is just really so fucking dense that he doesn't realize that what he's doing is not funny in any way, shape or form.
which brings me to my next point.
even if it is all just a joke,
why the fuck are you joking about minors participating in fucking incest?
its fucking nasty even if it is a joke. i genuinely shouldnt need to say anymore on why this is fucking horrid.
well. ive taken up enough of your time- i appreciate you reading to the end and i apologize for making this so long. a quick, final word in case you got this far and are a tcester or support tcest-
kindly fuck off, do not interact with me, unfollow me, and block me :] i dont want your nasty ass incest anywhere fucking near me or this blog.
thanks ! :D
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russilton · 2 years
rb!george adjusting to merc accordingly i— 🥺🥺🥺 my god, i'm so Soft for found family dynamics, or just general kindness from a group of people after they know you've gone through a rough time. i could imagine how absolutely surprised george is after realizing how fucked up his past working environment is compared to this one. 100% feel like that man would cry like he did in hungary 2021 because he finally internalizes the fact that he's okay now, that he's in a good place.
also curious—you don't have to respond fully if it spoils the fic btw!—how would lewis ask george to join merc? and if it's announced, how would the entire grid react? :0 as always, fuckin love your writing!! :D also i am a sucker for perfect and open communication too so 🤝🤝🤝 - @ruszhou
Spoilers for Redbull George au! Big ones!
God George joining Merc may be one of my favourite parts of the second half of the story haha. Lewis approaches Toto about a seat for George somewhere around Russia. Redbull have nerfed the shit out of George’s car post summer break to keep him in line, and while he’s worked his ass off to outdrive those issues, to keep his head above water, they make the car fundamentally harder to drive. Around rolls Russia, max has the engine penalty, and George is having a really hard time keeping his car in contention.
He’s also exhausted. He isn’t sleeping much, every weekend is brutal reminders that if he doesn’t perform he’s fucked. He can’t look Lewis in the eye. After Monza something in him twists like a knife seeing Lewis crash. He throws up when the team joke to max he should have tried spinning his wheels. Going to sleep means the next day comes faster so he often ends up laid up in whatever expensive hotel the team is booked into staring at his phone, trying to figure out who he can talk to. He can’t talk to his family, after all they sacrificed to get him here. He can’t talk to Aleix, or any of his previously close friends all on Redbulls pay role. All he has is Lewis, what cruel irony. He doesn’t call.
This lack of sleep, combined with the surprise rain in Russia, his horribly under responsive car, slick tires and max just slightly tagging his back wheel into a turn as he overtakes him, and George’s car spins out and takes Max with it. George hits the wall harder, max gets off lightly even if the car isn’t able to finish the race. George’s head is still spinning when max is leaping out of his car to shout at George, vitriol and acid that george can barely parse over his ringing ears. George can’t even look at him he’s panicking so badly, adrenaline making his instinct to freeze rather than fight kick in. Max shoves his head violently before he storms off (at this point he doesn’t even know if george has a head injury or not, which is pretty horrifying) and george is so dizzy he can’t get up. Max is already on the back of a cart back to the garage when medical arrives, and once they get his collar guard off, george has to try and pull himself out the car and look fine because he knows Redbull will be furious if they think he was using the medic for sympathy. He grimaces and waves his arm to the cameras even as his shoulder screams. Nobody can tell behind the helmet.
Redbull put the blame for the incident entirely on George, they quote his drop in delivery (that they forced) and his withdrawn attitude as him reflecting on what he did (he’s actually trying to stave off a crippling migraine.) When he’s back in the redbull building it doesn’t get better, they verbally abuse him for damn near an hour before marko tells George he won’t be driving for Redbull next year. When george looks like he’s teetering on a panic attack they tell him that if he behaves from now to the end of the season they MIGHT give him a seat in the AT rather than pierre. But if he steps out of line again they’ll blacklist him from the sport entirely, making everything he and his family have worked for worthless. As he leaves, max shoves him so hard into a wall he’s surprised he doesn’t break his nose, hissing something about George deserving it for fucking with his championship. Nobody stops him .
That’s how Lewis finds George, tucked away behind a Redbull motor building, blood dripping out his nose, on the verge of a complete breakdown as he tries to stop the blood getting on his shirt. Lewis was just looking for him to tell him he didn’t think the crash was his fault, and now he’s found george looking bruised and beaten emotionally and physically. He hustles George into a quiet Merc building to get him out of camera view then leaves him sat on a sofa while he finds something to get the blood off his face.
When Lewis cups his face to gently wipe the blood off his nose and lip, he ends up murmering who did this to you? He sounds angry, and George is panicking again, thinking about what just happened, and he dives for Lewis to kiss him. It’s not graceful or loving, it’s desperate, George acting on instinct bc Lewis always made the pain go away before god please take it away now. Lewis holds him back, because Jesus george what’s going on with you? You’re not fuckin okay what happened? And George just, breaks, tells Lewis everything. About the second driver status, the testing, the abuse, and how he’s just lost his seat and might be kicked out of F1 entirely. Dams broken, he’s shuddering and sobbing into Lewis’ shoulder. Ugly, snotty, terrified crying as it all crashes over him.
Lewis ends up hugging him close as he processes everything, everything george is telling him is 10x worse than he guessed. No wonder george has turned into a stranger on and off track, it’s all beyond fucked up. He can’t do anything more than help calm george down and offer him somewhere to stay away from Redbull. Once George has cried it out he just laughs without any humor to it and tells Lewis he can’t, he has to go back, if he’s gone any longer it’ll be worse. Lewis has to let him leave even if it feels like letting someone walk off to be tortured.
It’s when Val finds him, still sat on a couch; still with slightly bloody hands and a damp spot on his shoulder that Lewis realises what he can do. He asks Val for his blessing to suggest george as a replacement to his seat (as mentioned last time, it’s already been decided that Val will be leaving Merc for 22, a mutual choice between Bottas and Toto). Val looks at him like he’s grown two heads, then at his hands, and connects the dots. He approves and doesn’t make Lewis elaborate. Solid man, Val is.
Lewis approaches Toto about it just after that debrief, and it takes two weeks for a preliminary agreement to be drawn up between Toto, himself, and James V. When George podiums in turkey, it’s agreed they want to approach him, and just before COTA Lewis invites George to dinner. George goes because he barely gets to escape his hotel rooms now. He thinks it’s just Lewis; he’s not prepared for Lewis to lead him into the lavish back seating area of a fancy restaurant and to be met with Toto, James V, Bono, Val and shov all waiting for them. Here george is in a slightly wrinkled shirt across from a whole table of serious looking men in smart buisness attire.
He’s on edge immediately of course, doesn’t even sit down, all their calm measured gazes feel like spotlights, and he defaults to angrily demanding to know what the fuck is going on. Are they trying to get him to give up engineering secrets? To blackmail him into shitting on his team? Are they gonna take advantage of him as well??? They let him hiss at them like the angry feral cat he is before Val just leans forward on his elbows and says “they don’t want secrets, they want you”
George falls into shocked silence. Toto confirms it and taps a stack of papers, telling George it was Lewis’ idea. Lewis is eyeing George for a reaction, and George is so overwhelmed, confused and… kinda scared. He just can’t trust them, so he asks Lewis what the fuckin’ catch is, and Lewis tells the group he just needs to speak to George and drags him outside and into a side alley where it’s quieter and they’re hidden from passers by.
Lewis, very politely, asks George what the fuck his problem is, and George blows up at him and accuses Lewis of either trying to get something out of him, or pity him so George will feel in debt to him. He’s working himself up and doing a lot of pointing at lewis and accusing him of trying to make George his bitch on track too, and lewis gets a little fed up and grabs George by his shirt collar and pins him to the wall so George shuts up for a second.
This is when lewis uses his communication skills to tell George to maybe consider that lewis fucking misses him. Fighting George made him feel like a kid again, that he can’t stand having George handicapped on the grid no matter how much it makes his job easier. He wants to battle with him again, he wants George in a car alongside him so he knows that no matter which of them wins it’ll be for the team. And George’s jaw is tense, eyes damp and glaring at Lewis with a vulnerability Lewis fucking hates because he knows Redbull put it there. The only thing George manages to spit back in a wobbly voice that sounds a little close to tears is that “you just want to get a leg up on redbull” and Lewis just growls and gets right up in his face to tell him “of course I fucking do, don’t you? I want to battle someone who actually matters”
That finally shuts George up, and Lewis can gently unfist his shirt and step back. George self worth is in the basement and it makes Lewis so angry and sad. He misses the George who taunted him so Lewis would bend him over a table. He misses the spark in his eye. He tells George just to hear them out, listen to the offer, he doesn’t have to decide today. Redbull are going to fuck him anyway, what does he have to lose. George finally nods and let’s Lewis take him back inside, listens quietly to Shov and James explaining the details of the offered contract. The only thing he asks is to valtteri, which is he really okay with this? Val nods and explains why he’s moving. It’s all very tense as George tries to guess if they’re going to screw him, and everyone else waits for George to explode.
At the end George takes the copy of the contract he’s handed, and leaves without much of another word. Val and James immediately start questioning if George even wants a seat at Merc, sure doesn’t seem like it, but Toto is staring intently at Lewis, who matches his gaze, steady and determined. Toto nods at him and tells the rest that George wants it, the question is if he’ll let himself have this.
COTA is right before a two week break, and none of them hear a fuckin peep from George. He’s radio silent on and offline, till 3am on the Wednesday before mexico where he calls Lewis. Lewis is barely awake, asking George what’s going on, but George just cuts him off and asks lewis if he can trust Mercedes’. Can he trust this contract. Tell him this isn’t a trap.
Lewis is awake immediately, telling George about all the details of his own contract, about how fair Merc are, how they want him, not just because of Red bull. George doesn’t reply, silent, and lewis just says “ even if you don’t know you can trust us, isn’t that a better option than red bull, who you KNOW you can’t”. Silence. Lewis asks if he’s okay. George hangs up, leaving Lewis groggy and confused.
But next morning he’s getting on a private plane in Monaco with Toto and Valtteri to fly to the race, And Toto holds up his phone to show Lewis the freshly emailed scans of George’s signed contract, just waiting for his and James signatures. Sent over that morning, time stamped just after George hung up on him.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
hi bloom, sorry you're getting dumb ass rbs and anon asks about your dni and shit.
not wanting women to interact with your fics ≠ hating femininity
i don't think your wording on your posts leaves much room for confusion about who you're asking not to interact; the assumption that you hate femininity or are trying to "gatekeep" your work from feminine/fem-aligned men is such an unbelievably huge reach.
anons please stop sending asks in bad faith about mlm writers' dni requests challenge (impossible difficulty)
ily and your fics, keep doing you - a feminine man :]
Thank you Eddieverse for this, and another word to the anon that sent in the “you can have rules that don’t show how much you hate femininity” ask, I’m a trans man, once again I’m having to explain this. I don’t hate feminine people, I don’t hate femininity, hell if we’re going that far, I wear makeup just about every day, I enjoy a lot of feminine things, I’ve literally been called a twink because people didn’t know I was trans and just assumed I was a feminine gay man. So please, think before you send an ask in, and I’m really considering to turn off anon requests for the time being because im fucking tired of the ones that are being assholes.
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ajxrn · 3 months
rant under the cut . doubt anyone will see it but who cares anymore.
I’m tired of not being interacted with.
I always have to start the conversation. My ask box is empty 24/7. Maybe once in a while someone else will start a convo with me. I constantly get notes and I look and its just the kosa post I made. I might turn rbs/notifs off or delete it at this point. Someone I thought was my friend fucked up our friendship and I realized they didn’t actually value me in the first place. I joined the discord right when everything fell apart and practically everyone left. Half of my friends aren’t online often. I’m active in the discord and try to fucking fix everything and keep it lively and fun for everyone and it feels like nobody else fucking cares as much as I do.
I’m just really lonely and I feel like nobody cares to speak with me yknow. I reblog or make ask games, and I don’t get asks any asks. I tag friends in posts and they don’t rb or just acknowledge them. People always liked and never reblogged my art so I gave up posting it. I don’t get tagged in stuff and that made me hate picrew/reblog chains so I don’t do them anymore. Im always initiating conversations. I vent too much and complain and I can be rude so maybe that puts people off from me.
I just feel like I have stressed myself by trying to put in so much effort just for others to…not? Even back then when I was an anon. I would send rambles and ask people about their day and be super friendly just for..barely any response.
The last time my friends seemed to care so much was when I made my suicide note post at like, what, 14? I was begged to stay. People said they loved me so much and I mattered a lot to them.
..And then the next day it went back to no interaction.
I have ONE fucking irl friend and I’m grateful to have her and she means the world to me but fuck I’m so lonely. I even just talk to my animals like people at this point. I try to send asks to friends and they never get answered or the replies are short. Nobody sees my posts despite the fact I have 44 followers. Which irritates me. And half of those people followed for art and I can’t even do that anymore.
i feel like everyone liked me better when I was in the Lu fandom and under the different name. I got way more interactions back then. People saw my art more even though it was bad. Friends sent asks and DMs. People responded to my tagging. I would reblog ask games and I’d GET asks. I would post something and it would get attention. But now it’s so empty.
I used to post a headcanon about a character and people would say they loved it. Now I do it and it goes unnoticed. I talk about shit I like now and nobody fucking cares. Nobody listens. It pisses me the fuck off. Oh but if I came back as old me and started talking about lu again I’d get SOO much fucking attention.
I saw friends talk to eachother in huge reblog chains. I saw people reblog their mutuals posts all the time. Constantly answering asks. Talking about dm conversations. Everyone I was friends with. It feels like being in a huge circle of people yet everyone forgot about you. Even when you cut people off they didn’t notice. And that really shows that you weren’t of value in the first place. They didn’t care. You meant nothing to them. There was always someone who mattered more.
I feel invisible and honestly unwanted. And that really fuels my whole abandonment issues. Its so nice knowing people will leave you because they always have someone who’s more important. Someone they favor. Someone more valued.
I could post a suicide note right now and suddenly people would care. People would want to talk to me. People would ‘like’ me.
that really shows that people don’t care until your gone.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Persiana Americana:
Cw: mentions of nightmares, food, alusion to ptsd. Non translated lyrics. Also the songs tecnically about vouyerism but its not explicit. So I Will say fuck to that meaning and use it for this. Its a good song though.
Song: Persiana Americana By Soda Stereo
Summary: Woods and Jerico Bond over a song. Feelings ensue.
->Pairing: Frank.Woods X Jerico.
♡Lovely Taglist: @tex-treasures @mercuryships @malewifehenrycooldown ( I cant tag your other blog :(((( ) @80sboyfriends
->Persiana Americana is the Word used in spanish to say Blinds. Thats where this idea came from.
-> A/n: Man I love this fics where I can put some of my culture in the fics. Specially during the 80s which is my fave time period aesthetically and culturaly. And I get to add my American f/os? Fuck yeah! We teachin these gringos latin culture.
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He really had to stop with this behavior.
Woods moved his hand away from the slats he had parted with his fingers, looking away from Jerico who was talking with lazar.
Frank was only making an inventory check in the storage room, that had a Window with a blind that he used to eavesdrop the conversation they were having.
Coincidentially, he was listening to a song Jeri had Recomended him, it was called "Persiana Americana" by Soda Stereo.
The explanation of the songs meaning was far away from what the song represented for him, for him it was about how he was too shy to talk to the girl he liked.
For him it was about how he couldnt get his shit togheter whenever she was around him, and how the years of hardship seemed to melt with a simple smile.
He really had it bad for her.
Woods finished up with his work and went to train with lazar, who was laying some blows on a poor punching bag that was ripping at the seams.
Then, as he started to punch the bag he remembered the conversation he heard, he felt jealous once again because Lazar had made Jerico laugh and smile, and the poor punching bag had to suffer the angry punches from Woods.
Meanwhile Jerico was resting on her bed, almost falling asleep while listening to music on her walkman, on her stomach were her cats, curled up, clearly comfily.
Her half lidded eyes looked up at the cracked ceiling, letting out a rather loud sigh, but her tired expression changed Into a (admitedly still tired) smile, she remembered a small comment Frank made on a mission once
" im a goddamn onion, Mason... "
That phrase made her laugh a little under her breath, Frank always managed to cheer her up, god,how he made her laugh.
They were Friends, and co-workers, and time seemed to just fly when she was around him.
He was...easy...to be around, and outside that tough exterior there was a kind loving Man that she just couldnt get enough of.
She Turned off her walkman and decided she could use a nap, as she snuggled under the blankets she wondered. How would it feel if Frank hugged her right now?.
Would he feel warm? Comfortable? Safe?.
She let her thoughts wander while she fell asleep. That tired smile never leaving her face as she did so.
Frank on the other hand, did fall asleep for a while. Catching some much needed Z's. But as luck would have it, tonight was one of those nights...
He jolt awake with a gasp, his breath shallow and rapid,his head feels as if it was spinning. Frantically he looks at his sorroundings. Another nightmare.
He sighs, both in annoyance in relief, he looks at the clock on his nightstand. Its 4:30.
He laid down back in bed hoping he'd be able to fall asleep. To no avail.
He found himself going for the kitchen, hoping some coffee might give him the energy he needed and that he was lacking for not having enough hours of rest on him.
Perhaps, that was a lucky night, seeing that jerico had been woken up by her cats scratching on the door.
She lets out a huff, getting out from the warm blankets and opening the door, going behind her cats to make sure they dont break anything.
As she stumbled into the kitchen she found none other than Frank, who was in the process of making himself some coffee.
They exchange an acknowledgement look and go on their bussiness as usual.
Jeri starts making herself some hot chocolate, eyeing Woods, she simply asked-- Do you want to talk about it?
--I dont know what youre talking about...-- Woods lied.
She just nodded and carried on making her drink. How adler and Hudson let her get all this sweet shit is beyond her.
She added the whipped cream, cocoa and chocolate sauce, stirring it and sitting on the table, wood sits infront of her, crossing his legs looking away with his coffee while Jeris cats tried to pry Open a tuna can.
--How adler let you bring in so much sweet food Is beyond me-- Frank commented.
Jeri chuckled-- Between you and me? He has a sweet tooth, but you didnt hear it from me
The Man started to laugh his ass off, the tension relieving from his body-- youve got to be shittin' me, russel FUCKING adler has a sweet tooth?
--Yeup-- she answered.
--i feel like you just told me some confidential information there. Sure you wont get in trouble?--He asked.
--Aw, do I matter to you Woods?
--Haha, maybe. I can appreciate a chick with good taste in rock music...-- he Answered.
Suddenly, vica jumps on the Mans lap, the usually moody black cat curling up in a ball-- Well thats New.. -- Frank added.
--They like you, yknow, and they know you need some support
--I dont need any support-- Woods lied again, though his hand started to scratch the cats head.
--Fine then, you leave me no choice-- jerico grabbed the radio, that was modified to catch frequencies from all over the worlds, and switched between stations until she found what song she was looking for.
By the intro alone he could recognize the song, the same song that has been stuck in his head. Since she showed it to him.
" Yo te prefiero
Fuera de foco
Yo te prefiero
Casi intocable "
Jericos started to sing it, standing up on the table and dancing, making a lot of noise as she did so.
--Hey! Quiet down youre going to get us neck deep in shit!-- Frank whispered shouted.
-- ¡Tus ropas caen lentamente
Soy un espía, un espectador
Y el ventilador desgarrándote
Sé que te excita pensar hasta dónde llegaré! --Jeri kept singing without a care in the world smiling as she offered her hand to her friend.
"Eh...fuck it" she helped him up, the cat jumping out of his lap as he did so, a bit grumpy.
He joins in her singing with terrible pronounciation but feeling it-- Es difícil de creer
Creo que nunca lo podré saber
Solo así yo te veré
A través de mi persiana americana!
Both started dancing on the table, praying it wouldnt break under their weight, finally he had a smile on his face. A genuine one.
How jerico always managed to make the best of him come out was a mystery, but looking into her eyes, singing with her, was more important than the answer to that question.
Still, he pulled her in for a hug and started laughing, she hugged back burying her face im his chest, joining in his laughter, looking up at him for a moment.
And then the world stopped, as if the world around them didnt exist. He leaned in, and so did she.
"Es una condena agradable
El instante previo
Es como un desgaste
Una necesidad
Más que un deseo
Estamos al borde de la cornisa
Casi a punto de caer
No sientes miedo
Sigues sonriendo
Sé que te excita pensar hasta dónde llegaré..."
And so they pressed their lips against eachother, leaning into the feeling, putting an end to the Fleeting glances, and the endless Yearning.
As they broke the kiss, the song had ended, and they just looked at eachother as if they were holding the world in their arms.
--I needed that-- he whispered with his forehead against hers.
--Im glad I could help you..--She replied-- come to sleep with me?
--I dont think I can sweetheart, im sorry--frank apologized-- you should try to rest though..dont let me Keep you up
--come with me, what do you have to loose? At least you'll be in bed with me, and not alone...-- Jeri pleaded.
Sighing he nodded, grabbing her hands and kissing her knuckles-- okay...lets try it.
Once in bed under the covers, he hugged her from behind, her back against his chest, he melts into the warmth and the scent of her hair makes him relax.
Feeling sleep creeping in, he kisses her cheek and mutters-- I love you...
He barely heard her reply --I love you too..-- before he falls asleep.
Next Day they both exchanged knowing glances and giggles, that day both got a bunch of questions asked, but they didnt care.
Frank was happy to be with the girl he has been crushing on for a bit, and Jeri was happy he wouldnt spy on her through the blinds. Oh Yeah she noticed, he wasnt subtle about it
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sleepii-moth · 4 years
got roasted in both waynes chat and scorpys discord for liking p!atd because apparently brendon urie is a bad person so yeah my day just went from midly okay to bad how are you guys tonight?
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ankhisms · 2 years
i thankfully have seen at least one other person also talk about this and id rather ppl not rb this bc i dont want weirdos arguing me and im about to pass out so this might be worded weird but it trult just makes me so mad to have witnessed people literally being harrassed to the point of being driven off this website and having their blogs deleted multiple times and being sent the most cruel and heartless messages all because they made donation posts and are in need of help and then to see people now suddenly able to give this website money to sponsor the dumbest fucking posts like youre telling me that people will be completely without compassion for people who are just trying to eat and get the help they need to survive and people will ignore donation posts or harrass the ppl whove made them but theyll spend over 10 dollars on sponsoring a post on this website. like u rlly couldnt have sent a few bucks to someone in need?? instead ur gonna spend it on having a fucking tumblr post show up on someones dash randomly?? again im very tired so forgive my weird wording but basically im saying that it is so unbelievable to me how cruel people are about mutual aid and donation posts and how ppl will turn around and throw around money they couldve given to people who need help and are asking for help on this site and instead spend that money on sponsored posts. anyway
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soonsluv · 2 years
i was gonna stay quiet and not say anything but. saw your last post and have to talk.
also. yes. everybody is horny rn. like everyone.
anyway. about your rb where you said you're versatile. same. but most of the time you want to bottom. same. and there's just something so intimate about a dom being a bottom and like literally being on the bottom. like maybe you're laying in bed all pretty and your sub sees you and they just needs to eat you out. when they just make you feel so good and they ask "is it good? am i doing good for you?" and your head is all fuzzy cause you're so turned on you just nod and mumble "mmh. keep going." because they know exactly what you need and how to give it to you.
this was very self indulgent because im pmsing and very very horny but also tired and don't want to do the work myself.
- ☕
right?? bc fucking someone w a strap on is hot, no doubt but the more skin contact there is, the hotter the whole situation becomes for me. i’m 100% a dom, whenever someone gets too dominant w me, i get turned off but something about bottoming is just so…😔 and i know that there’s nothing submissive about bottoming but w heteronormativity and all that shit, i still feel that drop of guilt when admitting that i like bottoming BUT moving on. and YES, sometimes i also feel like having a fuzzy mind, being fucked so good i can’t even hear shit anymore. being fingered, eaten out, fucked and all of that good shit. i totally agree bc a sub that knows what they’re doing sounds like heaven rn.
and god, that fucking vernon piece i reblogged was so hot, my soul hurts
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
tbh im tired of fuckin’ around with this topic. its simple, if you dont give a shit about fighting ableism and specifically wont put in the effort of listening to mentally disabled people with some basic respect and sympathy when we call you out no matter What in the goddamn fuck we are saying or how impactful You personally think it is bc your opinions come from an outside perspective, if you wont recognize able minded ppl have privilege and that you are part of a group with a ridiculous amount of power over us and in fact a history of VIOLENTLY ABUSIVE AND MURDEROUS OPPRESSION towards us, if you wont accept that the Inherent ignorance you have Ingrained by that privilege could be causing you to perpetuate behaviors that harm us without Realizing it because you and the rest of society are abled centric and benefit off of our oppression and this is deeply saturated within every system imaginable, if you wont sit the fuck down and Consider hearing our voices and caring about the suffering you have been causing us, enough to just Think about how you could try to unwork it in really simple ways, bc thats the LEAST you could be doing for us, then you are not an activist lmfao. you absolutely Cannot be a disability ally of Any kind, and you frankly dont even get to be a decent person. in my eyes when you desperately try to turn a ‘this is ableist!’ topic into a mock opportunity no matter how ~irrational~ it seems to you, you’re a whiny privileged piece of shit thats Seeking out reasons to belittle us so you can gloss over your responsibility, and blatantly parroting ‘i hate sjws theyre so wild for wanting me to respect minorities lol cringe’ rhetoric, and you prob would have gladly ignored forceful institutionalization if we were born 100 years earlier because idk apparently accommodating ppl like me inconveniences you enough to ignore me and laugh at the concept of my struggles now.
i really could not feel any more apathetic than when i hear one of you ppl say you think you’re being called ableist over something stupid. lmao a young disabled person is telling you that your language hurt them on tumblr dot com, which you can apparently even ignore and mock without social consequences, how terrible. we have a body count. we have people who spent their entire fucking lives in miserable abusive hospitals and care homes that let their spirits rot there because they were useless to them. we have forceful sterilization, we have disabled children left for dead, abused or murdered because parents were also ingrained with this ignorance and thought we’d be ‘better off’. and this still happens! so i couldnt care less about your annoyances and your mild discomforts and inconveniences, or how hard it is for you to interact with us and use some tact, frankly it makes me wanna laugh in ur spoiled bratty faces. bc you really dont get your privilege, and really dont get what weve gone through, and Still go through, when your worst complaint is being annoyed. when special interests and stimming and unworking ignorance is the struggle that you present us with. when you try to pass off ‘cringe’ as a real plight of any kind. Lmfao.
dont add some whiny fucking offended comment here, dont rb with screenshots of ‘ridiculous’ autism cringe mock fodder argument points you’ve seen to try and make some kind of ‘’’’’point’’’’ (the only point being that you’re ugly af inside and are attempting to demonize a minority as an excuse to get out of respecting them), shut the fuck Up and stop being such a baby abt ableism. you can handle hearing that you fucked up even when you (privileged majority) dont Think you have, and if you still wanna disagree the literal bottom of the fuckin’ barrel >LEAST< you can do is respond RESPECTFULLY about it. stop complaining and just rb this and think about how inhumane it is to look at how disabled people have been treated historically and then ignore us now when we Kindly try to educate you. stop perpetuating this evil ass behavior for the love of God, have some standards, normalize respecting mentally disabled people in topics of ableism even when you dont want to.
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rockettransman · 5 years
Rocketman Watch #4 Thoughts
i have so many MORE thoughts can you believe it wow here we go
(i wrote these as i watched it so they’re in order im p sure)
man, his intro monologue during group therapy is just as gripping as it was when I first watched it. And the transition to the bitch is back is so fuckin good. My palms are sweating.
There’s some commentary about forgiving and loving your inner/past child, but I don’t have the words for it at this moment. In the beginning he’s staring down, confused and scowling at his child self, but at the end, he embraces him in a way his father and loved ones never did.
Was he in therapy/rehab WHILE touring and doing music? Stomping into the room in his regalia would have me believe so. I know group therapy was a medium for storytelling. Was it just signaling the very beginning of his story, because we go through different stages through his actions and clothing changes?
Lmao I imagine it must take some pretty cool parents to allow their, like, six or seven year old child to be in this movie. He said bitch so many times.
Took me a hot second to realize the orchestra he’s conducting is playing Rocket Man. The violins are so pretty. Imagine being picked to be in the orchestra on set and getting smile up at the tiny little kid who played Elton. My heart would absolutely swell seeing a little kid being so fantastic at this really intense job.
Kit Connor did amazing in his role. He’s fifteen and he’s already done so much! Imagine growing up knowing you played Elton John as a kid. Getting to work alongside him and his husband and the dozens of incredible actors. Wowie. I’d never shut up about it.
I LOVE how 12 year old Elton is playing the piano SO HARD and is trying to rock out as hard as he can while playing classical music. The boy wanna ROCK dammit.
WOOOW SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD ELTON IS CUTE AS HEEELLLL. The hair, glasses, and front tooth gap fit Taron so well. Goddamn I hope I look like 17 year old Elton some day.
The choreography for this number is absolutely breathtaking. You have to get that many people all in sync! We followed Elton running through the crowd and AAHHH it was a lot! The athleticism! And they did it in the rain! Wow I’m blow away.
Elton is JAMMIN in the back of the stage. It’s really sweet to see his smile and enthusiasm and his brain thinking and working.
That guy in the back peed a LOT lmao
I was wondering where thank you for all of your loving came in.
Charlie Rowe plays Ray Williams, and he also plays LEO ROTH from Red Band Society!!! The first time I watched the movie, I KNEW him from somewhere, but I couldn’t place it and it was driving me nuts. Man. RBS was a big crutch during the worst lows of my ED. Had no idea he was English.
Love to see how shy Elton was as a teenager. It’s a hot ass mood. Also, those silk scarves? Ascots? idk but they’re a LOOK.
“One frothy coffee, no froth.”
The acquaintances-to-best-friends montage set to Border Song *chefs kiss*
Rock And Roll Madonna Is A Perfect Song Send Tweet
Lmao Elton is NOT phased at all when he gets accused of being gay. He’s just like. “Nah. I’m like. Not.” Not overly defensive and surprised, like I’m sure other people would be lmaooo
“You are a ssSSHHIIIITT HOT piano player—”
So delicate of Bernie the way he politely denied a kiss from him. It wasn’t weird or tense at all. Just a gentle “love you, but not that way. It’s okay” Some people may not be able to handle it that well even today.
Taron’s got nice thighs. That robe & underwear getup is a nice look.
Love love LOVE hearing him experiment with Your Song on the piano to find a melody that worked.
Honestly what the shit do these songs even mean. Bernie sometimes these words don’t make any sense. Don’t worry, they still slap. “See I’ve forgotten if they’re green or they’re blue” like what
Doug flirting with Bernie makes me snort every time. “Oh, really? That’s.. cool.”
Taron was right. The overalls do make his ass look massive.
A week ago before this movie I was sick and fuckin TIRED of crocodile rock but now I can’t get enough of it. The movie transformed a lot of old songs I was sick of for me.
Imagine being a kind of shy, nervous kid, terrified to go on stage, but two and a half minutes later the entire venue is LOSING IT because they love the jam YOU WROTE. how cool for Elton.
I want a best friend platonic cheek kiss :(
Hmmmmm I’m wondering if they used the studio recordings that went on the album for the movie or have different movie-specific recordings. Tiny Dancer sounds a teeny bit different in the movie version.
Goddamn I sure hope Taron got to keep that jacket.
“So you liked the song, then?” “Not as much as the singer” *Elton glances away in gay panic*
LMFAO John said some weird colorful words to Elton that barely made sense and he was like OH FUCK GOTTA KISS HIM GOTTA KISS HIM
I’ve talked so much about the sex scene I don’t need to go on about it here. Go search the rocketman tag on my blog for my extensive gay thoughts about it.
Now I know glasses come OFF during sex
oh oh oh I was wondering where Hercules fell in the movie. I love how the songs he’s writing or getting notoriety for is played over the transition scenes.
Elton’s hand on his hip, knowing smirk as John enters the studio. “Hello.”
Bernie is like “HELLO are we RECORDING or are y’all gonna FUCK in the CLOSET?”
*vibrating* Honky Cat Honky Cat Honky Cat Honky Cat
Damn, the flowy white button down with the red pants really is a LOOK
The gestures, staring up at each other, leaning into each other, hands on each other’s chests, damn it makes me feel some typa way. Maybe their love WAS good and fun and exciting while they rode the high of everything before it all went so so bad.
Elton searching John’s gaze while he’s talking and looking like he’s not really paying attention, just looking for a kiss on the couch.. GOD I remember the honeymoon phase of my relationships. So much fun.
His dad going “N-Not really my thing.” That was a metaphor for his SEXUALITY TOO, huh.
Damn. He went to his dad’s to come out to him and he never even got to get to that part. He was just like “....nice shoes....” and even after all this time, didn’t show any interest in his music. If he never was into what he did, how could he even talk about being gay? I’m sure during that scene there were a lot of metaphors to sexuality but I didn’t bother to think much about them.
The eyebrow quirk after his dad says “ah—no. Could you make it out to Arthur?” DAMN Elton was like .. “really. This is what’s happening? Okay. Awesome.”
“What do you have to do to get a fucking drink around here, eh?” *cuts to Elton drinking straight from a bottle*
“Elton—” “Elton!”
John saying “don’t you ever put your hands on me” when he was the one who yanked him from the phone booth AND directly after punching him... woof man. What a shitty dude.
Damn, just noticed John talking very quietly and closely to another man right before he goes on and plays Pinball Wizard. Was this the first sign of him having fun with other men when Elton was indisposed?
Pinball Wizard is absolutely intense and loud and fun, but it DOES carry the tone of “god im SO miserable” under it all. You knew Elton wasn’t having fun.
“It is next week.” Jeezus.
LMAO I just caught the “mom, you’re ON my GOWN” when he reluctantly complies to give the Anderson’s a tour.
Damn, flowy, loose dress shirts with the first few buttons undone is a LOOOOK.
How did they do the overdose scene, you think? Surely the pills Taron took had to be like. Empty. Or placebo affect drugs? Idk. He did take a big drink directly after stuffing his mouth with them. I don’t think he spit them out.
God, there is SOMETHING symbolic about how he meets his child self at the bottom of the pool. Rock bottom? Apologizing? Wishing he could be better? Telling him he’ll never be better?
OH I watched a behind the scenes cut about the pool scene, and none of it was CGI. Taron was weighted under his robe and a SCUBA diver was on standby to provide oxygen. The singing and bubbles coming out of his mouth and stuff underwater was all real.
Dying to know about the choreography around the second chorus, about the undressing and twirling and dressing and injection and handing off of the bat and stuff. That sequence was incredible.
Bennie and the Jets. Damn. It fucks. I listened to it almost the entire time on my run today. (Five miles; I felt like garbage the entire time but it was good anyway.) The scene is wild. He’s in the middle of a drug induced haze orgy. He SHOULD be having the time of his life but he’s so goddamn miserable. (Also, the juxtaposition between Chris Fleming’s Bennie and the Jets is so funny.)
Part of the problem was that John never understood Elton. But, Elton broke it off with John, not the other way around like he said it was. He wasn’t the victim in that regard. John did treat him like shit though.
Victim of Love plays right after that lmao
Renate and he aren’t even close when they do the duet to don’t let the sun go down on me. They’re separated in different rooms, mirroring literally how closed off their relationship was.
The shot with them waking up in different rooms.. damn
His shirt is so LOUD I’m going crazy
Watching Taron down that orange juice made me a little nauseous I gotta say
“Not really I’m gAy”
It’s CRAZY to watch Elton and his mom interact at the dinner scene. He gets accosted and accused of so much by his mom, claiming SHE’S the victim of his actions, making it all about HER and then he turns around and does and says the exact same shit to Bernie.
He yells “Oh, don’t be so dramatic!” at Bernie as he gets into a taxi. THE PROJECTION!! THE DEFLECTION!!!!
I know there’s only so much they can put in two hours, but I wish they showed more of Elton’s eating issues. He had bulimia for sixteen years before he got help. It’s Absolutely the Man With Anorexia in me, but seeing that even men deal with eating disorders quells the lonely aching something in me. I feel that much less alone, you know. Eating disorders aren’t a “woman’s disease.”
How do you think they did his hair? A wig adds more hair, not take it away. He didn’t get his hair cut for it did he?
Seeing Elton’s first love fall apart because John was such a selfish, heartless prick in reality makes me sad.
Elton hugs his inner child when he reconciled with everyone in his past. Goddamn. He found peace and forgiveness for himself, who he was, even after all that time.
When Elton asks him not to go, Bernie refuses, saying this is something he had to do on his own. Healing comes from within alone. No one can help you do it. People can guide you, but you have to work at it. It’s fucking lonely sometimes, but it’s so, so worth it.
I used to loathe I’m Still Standing since i heard it so much at work, but the movie changed my entire perspective on it. I love the slow build up as he exits the rehab center. You don’t get thrown into something so happy and fast paced and fun after a cathartic climax you need to drink in. And the pan to his hat with the rainbow stripe to his smile. I get chills every time. Elton feels so right and secure and happy in himself. At first I thought it was a bit cheesy, but accepting your sexuality, especially after all the hell he went through during his life, grappling with unresolved trauma and fear of abandonment, he absolutely should wear it loud and proud. It’s easy to think times are much easier now being gay, and it shouldn’t be such a big deal. Relative to 1975, it is easier. But it doesn’t mean it’s not such a rough personal thing to work through if you’ve been spit on and resented all your life. Being gay, coming out, and accepting and being comfortable with that fact must’ve been such a HUGE milestone in Elton’s recovery and self-esteem.
Love me again after I’m still standing is perfect. The credits make me tear up every time. Jeez. What a good movie. What a good movie. Hit me up if you wanna talk about Rocketman because I absolutely will with you.
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gayspock · 3 years
dont rb, dont rply :/
having a little riot by myself and whatnot . lonely and miserable and crying and whatnot . having one of those existential crises and whatnot . you know how it is, like god... realising that this is it- you’re alive, this is the life you have, and you’re honest to god stuck with just amounting to this. you’re not anything. you’re really, really not anything. and i wish it was a tragic loss sometimes. do you know what i mean. i wish it was sad- and i wish it meant something that im a failure- but i know its not even worth that, man. ultimately the conclusion would be the same (i would be dead) but maybe it could be tragic to die at the very least; that there could be some poeticism there, something... and maybe im being a little wretched for yearning for something like that but i dont know. i cant find it in myself to even want anything else. i just wish it meant more than turning off a light switch. that it actually mattered. like i was something or could have been someone... were i someone real, where those sentiments of you matter and whatnot could ring true. i wish people loved me and i wish i had something to live for but instead it’s just so.... absent... and maybe that’s what hurts about the insistence people have with those sentiments: i sorely, sorely wish it was true, but they’re all so damn empty. no one cares and no one’s coming and i know that there is nothing here for me and i know that i havent got anything that’s beautiful to give or anything remotely of anything and i dont want to just exist, i dont want to exist at all, because im lonely and it hurts and i cant take it and i wish that mattered but it doesnt. it doesnt matter if im lonely or if im sad, it’s nothing, and i dont know im also tired of just... forcing myself to be alive, because other people are like “well you should be!” and i get it- i really get it- it’s a horrible thing to admit someone’s better off dead but  i just wish they would because i cant take it i cant take being told so, so often that it’s better for me to be like this, to be miserable, that its the right thing when i just cant handle it , but that doesnt matter, what matters is im alive full stop and thats it.do you know what i mean. like it- it really doesnt matter how i feel no matter the enormity of those feelings because theyre relative to me and im irrelevant and nothing more and certainly... this, like, empty sentiment and admission of “you should be alive. just because.” just hurts man i know thats sutpid but it does because like i said i get it i get why people insist it but im so... there’s a point where im just so so tired of swallowing it just to make people feel better because its just that, to me, its so empty because the idea of me being alive. the actual reality of it. i know no one wants anything to do with it and that i as a person am not actually relevant its just this projected idea of my existence somehow meaning something when its just...  and idk sometimes i wonder if that’s why im alive- because it genuinely does not matter if im dead or if im alive. that i know deep down there is no genuine need for me to kill myself, because it’s just that much of a fucking waste. why even bother. like there’s no difference and its all just fucking hollow, empty shite regardless and so why even try to make waves with it. why die and what’s the difference. because it doesnt even matter if you’tr sad half the time, like- it’s just nothing. i think ive cried every single day, on average, for more than half my lifetime and its not once meant a thing in the end. do you know what i mean. decades later im just still in the dark alone and praying it fucking ends and im sat here, trying to think- thinking about all the times  ive genuinely been on the brink of suicide, and it hasnt mattered. it wouldnt have mattered. i think about how i could have -should have - killed myself at those points & it would be no loss to those years ive spent in the interim. and i wonder, highkey, if there’s even a point with all the planning i kept running through this past summer... all the stupid, big ideas going through my head about how i couldnt be found, when its like what difference would it even make. im being stupid and its stupid to think about it all. i dont know. i dont know what im doing any more, man. im just fuckin going and i wish it would all just stop and i just. i hate today so much i hate it because im thinking about last year and the year before that and the years all before that and how lonely and miserable ive been every time how much ive just wanted out since forever and i keep thinking - future days like today how it’s all just a horrible blur and i dont know i feel so alone i wish i wasnt alone i wish i had some semblance of family of something but i always just end up like this and i fucking hate myself i fucking wish i could just go down in some big burning flame, sometimes, but there isnt even anything to burn because its empty its nothing its whatever . i could have been dead for months you know i think about that sometimes i could have killed myself in the summer and i could have made sure i was gone i could have dropped out and gotten rid of my stuff and maybe convinced people i’d ran away leave a trail to make it look like ive gone whilst my body was unrecoverable and then i’d be forgotten-forgotten and i don tknow! maybe im a little crazy but it would WORK you know because no one would actually come looking i know i could have spent these past few months exactly like that and it would have WORKED like people are like “no no no people would care if you died-!” no!! it would have WORKED babe i know it would have
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thekaijudude · 6 years
There's gotta be *some* stuff from rb you're positive about, right?
Of course there is, if you've even been reading what I've been posting since ep 1.
I mean I have both positive and negative stuff for every single ultra series. It's just that expectations don't always meet reality.
And sometimes the distance between those two can be so unreasonably huge it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Like, for a loooong time. (Zogu was a fucking waste of time ffs as an example)
So far, R/B has a decent story, nothing really out of the ordinary in terms of its complexity, no thanks to their financial situation unlike KR anyways for now.
But when it comes to fight scenes and design, that's where the quality has sort of dropped to around in between Orb and Geed's level.
Also I come to question more and more of the decisions that the directors make for the direction of the series and I've went on quite abit throughout all my reviews thus far.
Initially, R/B was more or less introduced during a not so favorable period in time for me imo, it essentially came after the MASSIVE disappointment that was Geed so there's that.
Otherwise, only a single DX figure was released which was an alarming devolution, an even more out of balance power scaling, end of fusion, current UHS figures still looks like shit etc
And I sorta knew R/B's gimmick was gonna go down the X path when I found out that elements were the main gimmick of the series and only 25 episodes, fantastic. Look how true that turned out to be.
In addition, I've said before that R/B is the series where the idea of gimmicks for the New Gen Era has finally gotten to me as they don't even make sense anymore and just exist for the sake of merchandising (as I've explained very recently)
So I sort of anticipated alot would go wrong with the series from the start more or less, I just didn't anticipate the magnitude of the degree of the fuck ups.
Many this was why I wasn't really thrilled at all every Saturday to tune in to the latest episode unlike in the past, sometimes I just forgot about them until days later or just feel that it's a chore to even watch them (especially for the recent November episodes)
Geed was a disappointment, only because the series failed royally to deliver the true 'Son of Belial' to us, a title that the series did not do justice to. But otherwise, it is an above average ultra series, it's just that the director simply bit off waaaay more than he could chew.
But R/B was a whole other level of disappointment. They teased Orb which was what mainly got people interested, which turned out nothing really significant happens (Orb wise), it either just goes by quickly, and even worse, unexplained. Other than that, it wasn't even based on any pre existing lore, and yet it still manages to disappoint, now that's something.
Everything else after Orb Dark was gone seems absolutely tiring to watch through. I was expecting more interesting stuff to pick up after Orb Dark, im still waiting for that.
And I realise one of the biggest issue of R/B is that alot of things happening in the series goes unexplained, even more than X I would say.
But as of now, the only positive info for the future with regards to R/B is that the ultras all originate from O-50 so I hope (and I don't even really feel comfortable using that word when we're talking about R/B anymore) TsuPro will do something with that information.
Even the movie doesn't seem all that interesting, unless Toregia turns out to be the next series ultra.
Other than that, I'm just simply waiting for the R/B saga to end and hope TsuPro makes some revolutionary changes to the ultra franchise for the next era (as I've shared before, the New Gen Heroes Era are starting to become toxic with R/B as I'm starting to see a downhill trend)
Which explains my lack of timely updates with R/B nowadays which had some people asking why.
Now you know folks.
Now you know.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Tender heart
Ok to rb
Cw:violence, underwater scene and food ment.
Tumblr media
Jerico yawned stretching on the bed,her foot hits someones legs and she quickly snaps around.
Luckily wamai hasnt woken up yet.
She sighed figuring she must of have Fallen asleep while talking to him.
She couldnt quite place it,bit when talking to the kenyan Man there was something about his voice that was just so comforting, and it felt like home.
She stood up out of bed, a familiar sensation of claws appeared on her shoulder signaling that sunshine was awake.
Jeri opens the blinds, the perks of working here is that she gets a beautiful view of the sea.
Hearing the bed rustling she smiles as the Man Turned to face her still asleep.
"Cute"she thinks to herself as she walks to her closet,trying to make the smallest ammount of noise possible as to not wake up the Man.
She takes her trusty turtle neck sweater and some other clothes and pair of combat boots to then sneak out the door and walk to the showers.
She took maybe an hour in the shower,figuring by now that ngugi would be awake and gone.
Nope,hes still asleep.
Jer found it both amusing and cute, she sat besides him softly stroking his curly hair.
--hey ngugi, wake up--she said softly,the Man grunts and opens his eyes.
Her hand retreats from his hair and she smiles.
--morning--his voice is deep and raspy, he sits up stretching and making his neck pop--what hour is it?
--Its like...six am , why?
The Man quickly jumps out of bed--Ive got to go quickly! Kali is going to kick my ass if I dont get there right now
Jerico stood up giggling at the sudden informalness of wamai, putting a hand on his shoulder--First you need a shower and some food,hurry your ass up and meet me at the cafeteria--the Man stutters an excuse- ah-ah no ifs and or buts, shower and food first
She pats his chest playfully and walks outside with her eagle flying behind her.
The kenyan Man looks away and chuckles to himself, she surely was interesting.
While jerico waited for ngugi she sat there on the cafeteria with a couple of books and some paperwork.
--¿en que estamos trabajando?--(what are we working on?) She smiled at the familiar accent.
--Nada boludeces del trabajo(nothing just some silly work things).
Flores chuckles,resting his head on his hand-- tenes una pinta de cansada (you look tired)
Jeri nodded stretching-- odio tener que levantarme temprano boludo--(I hate having to wake up early dude)
He nodds in agreement, And they talk for a bit, shed laugh at his jokes and he would at hers, with the ocasional flirting in between.
Wamai however did not find this amusing as the second he entered the cafeteria he heard jeris laughs,his blood seemed to boil as he noticed who was with her.
--Im sorry but this spot Is taken--he said slamming a hand on the table.
--Hey Man--santiago said--we just talkin' a Man cant talk with his friend?
Another stern look forced the Argentine Man to leave,not before winking at jerico and patting her arm--bueno me rajan, me voy preciosa--(aight,theyre throwing me out, goodbye beautiful) he said walking away.
She giggles turning to wamai--Jeez jealous much ngugi?
Wamai sighs--My apologies I.. I dont know what took over me
Jeri shakes her head with a soft smile-- its okay, it was rather cute, but go get your food come on
After eating breakfast both went to their responsabilities.
--Bueenas!--(hello!)she said walking to Zero who was happy to see her.
--Hey, youre here what took ya so long?
She shrugged pulling her fluffy jacket closer,it was a rather windy day.
--Come here--he opened his jacket and she hid under it.
--Dont mention it
At one point jerico herself had to train, under her sweater was a sports top.
Now maybe it was the fact that she didnt sleep that well, maybe the fact that she had her mind in the clouds,but she was getting her ass handed to her in hand to hand combat.
This came with the sassy remarks of kali as jeri called it a day and was putting her sweater and blazer back on.
--If thats how her father trained her, I cant imagine how himself must be, a miracle he didnt die on the Battlefield
Jers hearing was somewhat supernatural, because for starters she wasnt one-hundred percent human.
She grunted trying to Keep her composture picking up her bag with sunshine perched on her shoulder.
Another sassy remark came as she Walked past jaimini--all those medals her father has? They are worthless,how did he let his daughter go into the military?, she inst built for this.
She Turned around walking to kali--the fuck you said to me?
Wamai who was running on the threadmill approached both women.
The other operators, specially smoke and mute took a look at what was happening.
--Im just saying that you and your father arent military material--jamini said-- you got your ass handed to you,If this is how the von-terras fight then its a miracle you made it this F--
She didnt finish because jerico punched her right on the nose, smoke and mute jump in keeping her from kicking kalis ass.
Wamai holds back his boss who looks at jerico in surprise.
--talking shit about me? I dont mind, but dont you ever, EVER talk about my father like that,Next time I wont be too kind,sushine nos vamos (we're leaving)
The eagle flied behind her owner, she should probably get her bloody knuckles checked,but that didnt matter at the moment.
Harry would totally hear about that fight one way or another, but that wasnt important right now.
She sat there in her Office looking at the painting of her dad and her when she was young.
How old was she?,she cant recall the exact number but she does remember that painting.
She smiled as the sunrays hit the painting.
--i hope im not interrupting anything-- Zero said.
--Not at all Sam, what happened?
The Man sat infront of her--Harry got Word of what happened during training, hes letting this one pass because you were justified, he'll talk with kali and he recomended you take the Next two days off
--And you came all this way for that?
Fisher stood up and Walked over to her giving her a quick hug.
She hugged back--Thanks..I really needed it
--And another thing, youre Burning up
Jer nodds lifting her hands from her desk in order to not literally set it ablaze.
The only three people that knew about jericos "identity" were Harry,Sam and ash.
She did as she was told and at night she went for a swim in the beach.
The water sizzled as she entered all the rage dissipated in the water as she quietly sings to herself.
She felt a pair of arms hugging her from behind--may I join you?
She chuckled and softly elbowed wamai on the stomach --Yeah you May
Both talk quietly,trying to avoid the topic of todays fight, even then they were still Friends.
--Hey wanna see something cool?--She asked
--follow me!-- she dived under the water and he did the same, they were far off the shore, walking on the sand.
Wamai was puzzled at the fact that she wasnt holding her breath but rather...breathing underwater.
Its the same thing that always catched his attention, she seemed to be super human almost
Hes about to say something but then a soft glow catched his attention what ngugi saw he couldnt Belive.
Massive fishes of every color,they glowed Giant octopi casually swiming above them.
And a song, he couldnt hear the words,but It came from the sea, he felt the beat in his whole body, as if the Ocean was speaking to him
Jerico let him walk around the fish for a bit, finding the cuteness of his Curiosity endearing.
But eventually they had to leave.
They Swim back to the shore.
--Wasnt that cool?
--How did you knew about that? How come i never saw any of that while diving?
Jer giggled putting a hand on his shoulder--Sometimes things dont want to be seen
She offered her hand and he took it walking close to her with her head on his shoulder..
They arrived to the dormitories--And...wamai one thing..
--Nor kali, or anyone can know about what you saw, got it?
He nodded, and softly stopped jerico from leaving, taking her hand--Thanks for showing me that...its nothing like I ever seen..
He took some steps forward, and so did she.
He leaned in and she did the same.
Jerico cups his cheeks and kisses him, he kissed back tilting his head, leaning a bit.
They press their foreheads togheter.
--Ill see you later then?
He nodds kissing her again--sweet dreams jerico
--Sweet dreams ngugi
When she got to her room she collapsed on the bed sighing like a fool in love.
Sunshine curled besides her,looking at her owner with a smug smile.
Jer rolled her eyes softly passing out minutes after.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Cw:violence angst but a nice ending.
Ok to rb
A/n :I let my frustration out on this one, it happends after the first New cómics where fuse is kidnapped And maggie tries to convince him to go back to salvo, he then scapes with lifeline and bloodhound.
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--Do you mind explaining me how this happened?--Jerico said pointing at the now destroyed Kings cannion.
--Well,remember Maggie?-- fuse said putting at arm protectively around jeris neck pulling her closer-- yeah well shes out for vengance
--yikes-- octane says concentrated on his game.
Jer sighed pressing a kiss to fuses temple-- well ive got to go and check it out
--There might still be some balanced rocks 'round It--horizon added, fixing newt-- ye be carefull dearie
Jerico laughs and shakes her head-- y'all are babying me too much, ill be just fine-- she kisses Walter and walks to the dropships platform.
High heeled quick steps are heard as loba walks to jeri-- youre forgetting something
She rolls her eyes looking at loba-- you too?
She nodds, and jer playfully groans kissing her.
--Look at you two! So adorable-- wattson coos as lifeline raises a brow.
-- well it looks like old fuse here doesnt like it-- ajay added with a playfull smirk
Jer shakes her head saying her goodbyes and dropping into the destroyed Kings cannyon.
She wrote soundly on her iPad,looking at the damage done by maggies temper trantrum-- banners mostly destroyed, infrastracture of bunker Severly damaged...--she muttered under her breath.
**theres Someone watching**
A voice whispers to jerico as she turns around, knife to the throat of her assailant.
--Jesus christ hound! You scared me!
Bloodhound puts their hands up-- ah im sorry my dear-- they said-- fuse sent me to watch over you...
Jer sighs putting her dagger back in her pocket-- you need to stop sneaking up on me
Hound shrugs-- the gods Will tell me when its my time to go
--And to valhalla youll go if you Keep scaring me like that
They takes her arm and they walk togheter as she keeps doing her work.
--After what happened with maggie,hows fuse holding up?
The tracker pet their raven looking away-- well he seems to be shook, maggie had a bad Effect on him,even now hes still a bit quieter than usual
Jer nodded putting her iPad on her backpack.
Bloodhound tilts their head-- what is it that youre thinking?-- they asked.
--Maggie wont stop until she gets fuse back to salvo..--she trailed off looking at the Mark in her hand.
--You cannot intervene with fate, you know that fully well-- they said,putting a hand on her shoulder-- it is not our place to make that desicion for him, we'll Keep him safe.. one way or another...
Jer shook her head--hound I have to ask you a favor, hand this to crypto--she said handing them her bag-- he'll know what to do,I myself have a bitch to hunt down...
Before they can say anything jerico sprints, knocking over some rocks so they cant follow.
Hound is left there-- May the all father help us all--they whisper walking back to the dropship.
The transmition tower was still intact somehow, with savage Winds she climbs it, her hand presses against one of the cables.
Even bloodhound can feel the waves coming from it as they sit to Sharpen their Knife.
Its like a constant drumming , a war cry.
--Come on...you bitch show yourself-- she whispers to herself eyes tightly shut.
There, the signal is faint, but strong enough for her to follow.
What Will she do when they meet face to face? Shes not sure yet.
Jerico feels the blowing of air of a snout, she turns around and there she was-- oro, you followed me all the way here?-- the dragon grunts unfolding her wings letting jeri Sit on the mount-- its hunting season oro,lets go
The creature takes flight, following the energy signal.
--And you let her go?!-- fuse asked slamming his hands agains the table.
Bloodhound shrugged-- I know better than to get in her way, fitzroy, besides theres nothing I,or any of Us could have said to stop her
Wraith perked up-- I can try and find her, if you want to go after her, the voices should help
Crypto shrugged-- or I could just check her phone tracker
The woman scowls--yeah that can help too
Loba puts a hand on fuses shoulder-- im equally concerned with jerico, but even then, shes a forced to be reckoned with, what Will you say to her when you see her
Fuse just sighed uncrossing his arms-- whatever it takes to Keep her out of this Mess, maggie is vicious and im afraid that jerico May not stand a chance
Meanwhile, jerico grew closer and closer to maggies hideout.
--Okay oro-- she said-- its time for a dive
The dragon nodded flying high up to the clouds,falling rapidly into the water.
With a splash they dive in, swiming under the hideout into a underwater cave.
Jeris adrenaline levels rise, with a firm grip in the reigns she signals oro to come up to the surface.
Oro peeks her head out breathing the humid air.
--there we go girl,stay here--jer climbs up the walls to the underground entrance.
The Doors Open infront of her, somehow they knew she was here.
Walking aimlessly she gets to where maggie was, the energy feels tingly in her fingertips.
The door opens up.
--wally?!--jer exclained-- the fuck youre doing here?
Maggie interrupts him-- well ya little loverboy here came to hand himself in,as long as you Keep breathin'
--babe...let me explain-- fuse said walking towards her holding her hands-- shes vicious..you Wont stand a chance and I dont want anything happenin to ya
--But the answer isnt handing yourself in!--jeri added grabbing him by the collar.
Hes about to answer when maggie breaks both up-- say your goodbyes, hes coming with me
Jers body heats up, fists clenched.
Fuse tries to stop her but to no avail -- you think you can just come in here, blow up this place and take my love away?! Youre severly mistaken !
--nice catch wally-- maggie said slightly amused-- kitties got claws, now lissen here--
--No!--Jerico said -- you listen here you bitch, youre not taking him because of your petty revenge!, youre staying here with the rest of your crew, and ill crush you with my own bare hands!, you dont get to walk here like you own the place, like you own me or him!
The walls of the cave start to crack, dust starts to fall--this mountain bends to my will! Youll learn how it feels to be squashed under someones command...
A rock falls onto maggie and her lackeys, jeri walks towards her lifting her face up by the chin,violently-- see how it is down there?, right below us theres some gigantic eels hungry for food, I can feel their energy and they are starving...maybe youll do a nice dinner...or maybe youll give them a bad tummy ache,you rotten sack of shit
--Jerico enough!-- fuse pushes her away with an angry expression.
She huffs looking away.
He turns to maggie, and sighs-- it doesnt have to come to this...drop this and make peace, I cant Keep her down for much longer
The woman scowls and spits at his feet-- ya bloody traitor! Ill have your other arm!, you shouldnt have left salvó! Ill have your and your girlfriends head on a pyke!
Jeri growls making a bigger rock fall ontop of the one maggies under-- you shut up!
Walter sighs looking away-- then this is it...jerico we are leaving...
--what?!-- she says following fuse-- and let her live?!
He looks at her sternly, and as they exit the cave the door to it collapsed.
Back at the dropship fuse entered leaving jerico to cool off on the shore.
--And whats up with those two?--octane asked wraith, fuse and jerico havent talked to eachother in days.
--hes still mad at her, and jerico is too pridefull-- wraith answered in a hushed whisper.
Its midnight now, jerico tosses around her bed,unable to fall asleep.
She then feels a pair of strong arms around her pulling her closer to someones chest.
--Cant sleep babe?--fuse whispered against her ear.
Jeri turns around and hugs him tightly, he strokes her hair and she nodds.
Fuse sighs-- look babe what happened with maggie...I understand...youre mad,and I am tired of her shit...but going lonewolf was dangerous, I... just dont want to loose you--his voice breaks.
Jer sniffes hugging him tightly-- I dont want her to take you away from me wally!--She breaks down crying-- I cant loose you
He hugs her tightly crying with her--you wont,I promise you wont.
Their broken sobs are barely audible, he puts his head on the crook of her neck, sniffing trying to recompose himself--but...I think that ass kicking of yours May help her re-think things.. May I add..ya looked bloody hot while doing it,maybe I need to get ya mad more often
Jeri laughs kissing him-- oh shut up!
He kisses her again, both playfully fighting and wrestling around the bed, finally tiring themselves out falling to the bed.
-- im never leaving ya-- he whispered kissing her.
She nodds kissing back-- yout better Keep that promise up
Both chuckle.
--Night sweetheart
--night wally
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
A Match Made In...Hell?
Ok to rb
Cw:mentions of beer, intoxiaction And injury mentions.
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The morning went off without a fuss, however the feeling of forgetting something was eating jerico up.
--donde esta?!(where is it?!)donde carajo esta?!(where the fuck is it?!)--Jer threw clothes around-- vica!--her black cat perks up-- you havent seen the jacket scarlett gave me right? The one with the red feathers?--The cat shakes their head and she sits on the floor knees against her chest.
" I cant Belive I lost It! Im such an idiot!"she thinks.
A sudden knock however distracted her from her thoughts, she tried to ignore it but the knocking grew louder and louder.
She opened the door with a slam--what do you wa-shes cut midsentence when she sees Hellboy holding her feather jacket.
--You forgot this at the showers coming here was giving me allergies -- ey!
Jeri hugs him tightly hiding her face on the crook of his neck he blushes--thank you so much...!
--eh...youre welcome?--his hand softly presses against her waist.
She grabs the coat and sighs looking away,ashamed-- Sorry its just that...this was the last gift one of my sisters gave me before I left, I cant lose it, it means a lot to me you know?thank you
--ah,Its nothing really--he said shrugging noticing the cloth bags she had in her hands--were you going somewhere?
She nodded--i was going to buy some stuff to make pancakes, why?
Red perks up --pancakes?Man I love those...
--I can make some for you--she said.
--No no you dont have to---
--nonesense,take It as a thank you gift form me! Anyway I should leave before the store closes, thank you again red--she kissed his cheek and Walked away.
Hellboys hand presses against the cheek she kissed and smiles Sliding down the wall to the floor with a huge dorky smile on his face and lets out a lovestruck sigh.
The intercome however interrupted his loving thoughts.
--Agent Hellboy!go to the training area inmediatly!--he sighed.
-- what a Fucking asshole...-he stood up stomping down the corridor with anger.
But what a nice surprise when he came back after a shower, and found a fresh Plate of pancakes on his bed with a note
One of his cats sit on his lap as he eats.
God, his mind wasnt able to stop thinking of her,what was wrong with him?.
But the way she made him feel had no way of describing it.
She was just like him,he still however couldnt figure out how she got that coat,what was the brand,he had seen it before somewhere.
Nevertheless, that small act of kindness, had warmed up his heart.
--youve got to be kidding me!--he growled as the emergency alarm sounded off--i cant have nice shit!
Hes about to board the van when somebody stops him by the tail,he freezes and he turns around with dark red cheeks.
Jeri smiles playfully with his gun in her hand, how could he forget it?! --forgetting something red?--She said.
--Dont you ever yank me by my tail again--he snatched his gun off her hands,trying to play off the sudden blush
She stopped him again tugging at his tail, and yanking him closer-- what?what are you going to do huh? Im not scared of you
Tired,annoyed and with that warm feeling in his chest, he grabs her waist and pulls her closer-- dont try me
She starts to laugh and slaps his chest, he chuckles a bit--hey be carefull okay?
--Yeah dont worry about me--he said.
Krauss Walked by ruinning the moment--zhats vhy I am here,hurry up you two,we got things to do.
They said their goodbyes and off he went.
Jerico was on her own, in an old library of sorts.
Something flies around her suddenly with a current of air sweeping besides her.
--Another one of me...--a dragon sits infront of her, behind him his hoard of books--yet no so alike,the stench of demons dont suit you
--my family is quite the thing,didnt realize their magic would cling too me so much
--Well they do seem to miss you, but tell me what are you doing here?
--i was sent here because people know you are here, you need to leave this place
The dragon deep in thought looked around his hoard--if my Next to kin says so, then ill leave, ill show you to the exit.
As both Walked, the dragon seemed to notice something off,his eyes see through her chest, her beating heart radiated a soft Pink aura,he chuckled and nuzzled his companion--who is it then?
--ah dont lie to me young one,I know a heart in love when I see one
She chuckled shaking her head-- hes a demon, a very nice one...though I can see the fear in his eyes when our gazes cross, hes scared of being alone, scared of people fearing him, I wish I could do something about it
As both stand in the dead of the night outside the old tattered library the dragon hovers over the ground batting his wings--well you can.
--by loving him,young one,till we meet again
The clouds hid the dragons body perfectly, as he left,uncertainty fills jericos chest sighing,cluthing the locket of her necklace tighter.
Reds mission wasnt complicated yet he had come scratched up, but all went smooth.
Of course he celebrated by having one too Many.
He slumped and tripped towards jeris quarters, thinking it was abes he knocked three times and stood there trying to not fall ass first to the ground.
The smell of cheap beer was obvious as soon as she opened the door.
--Can...can I come in?--He asked.
Normally shed shut the door on his face,but slightly curious and amused she let him in.
Hellboy fell on the bed as she closed the door and went to sit with him
--ive...ive got something to tell ya--he slurred.
With a playfull smile she raised her brows arms crossed-- oh yeah?
--yeah Man but dont tell jerico I told you this,I think shes really...really hot,not not because shes a literall dragon, shes so pretty Man...so beautiful, when she talks all I want to do is shut her up with a kiss, have..have you seen her training?, I wish shed kick my ass.. Of course though shed never be with a freak like me...-- he yawned-- but if I had one chance...id take it.., do you think she likes me?
Jerico was taken back,but nodded--she told me she thinks youre so hot too-- she sits more comfortably-- she says your sassy remarks towards krauss makes her laugh, she told me she finds your voice very relaxing, and that shed love to brush your hair
Hellboy Is impressed for a moment-- Man...i should tell her how I feel...maybe tomorrow when im less....drunk...
He then blacked out and fell asleep.
Jeri chuckled brushing a stray lock of hair off his face.
--Night..., red
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